MITRA Report Paper
MITRA Report Paper
MITRA Report Paper
MITRA was created on 2010 by MITRA Food Beverages. Under the slogan “direct from
the farm to the pot,” MITRA Food & Beverages Sdn Bhd wanted to make Goat milk a
popular and approachable drink for everyone - with a high quality but reasonably priced
Over the course of a year, MITRA Food & Beverages Sdn Bhd has become one of the
good brand in markets. The brand is well-represented in Malaysia.
Compared to other Goat milk brand, MITRA Food & Beverages Sdn Bhd has always had
a strong focus on innovation, given its continuous launch of both Goat milk and ready-to-
drink (RTD) products. Products target the mass market and are generally positioned in
the middle of the price spectrum for goat milk. Due to its size, MITRA Food & Beverages
Sdn Bhd is also a dominant player in goat milk expertise in Malaysia. The company
employs professionals in goat farm, tasting, buying, and blending as well as Research &
Development teams.
Like most branded goat milk, MITRA goat milk are a milk that selected from 2 different
goat, from well-known Barbados and Saline. High milk producing make can increase
production in order to attract customer.
The main objective of this advertisement plan is that MITRA Food & Beverages Sdn Bhd
is introducing a new product in its brand name and is targeted at people who like strong
milk taste. Our new marketing focus, made explicit in this plan, renews our vision and
strategic focus on adding value to our target market segments, the upper class and
upper middle class.
MITRA Goat milk focuses on providing its target audience a differentiated brand keeping
in mind the tastes and preferences of the market segment. Our marketing challenge is to
position our product and service offerings as the high-quality. To pull buyers to a store or
to push the distribution channel to stock and sell, there are five general categories of
promotion :
• Advertising
• Personal selling
• Sales promotion
• Public relation and publicity
• Direct selling
MITRA Food & Beverages Sdn Bhd have decided to use Advertising and Personal
Selling as primary tool to introduce MITRA Goat Milk to the market.
MITRA Food & Beverages Sdn Bhd create ads with a variety of objectives from getting
people to sample a product or to persuading them to buy the product. MITRA Food
& Beverages Sdn Bhd have listed the purpose for its ads.
To prompt action
A less direct form of advertising, this category includes those ads that draw a link
in the consumer minds between the product and their needs as a consumer.
To modify attitudes
One of the more challenging objectives facing MITRA Food & Beverages Sdn
Bhd is to modify attitudes toward goat milk. This is often appropriate when a
firm’s product has received a bad reputation for one reason or another or if a
firm’s is attempting to recapture customers that lost to a competitor.
To reinforce attitudes
Advertisement work because they make an effective appeal to some need or desire in
the people who view, read or listen to them. The advertising appeal is an attempt
to draw a connection between the product and the audience. There are two main
types of appeals; logical and emotional. Logical appeals aim for the buyer’s head,
while emotional appeals aim for the buyer’s heart. Appeals can be either positive
or negative. The most common appeals are based on price or value; quality; star
identification; ego; fear and/or anger; the five sense sex, love and social
acceptance and novelty.
Testimonials; In the MITRA’s testimonial ad, a typical user of the product presents the
message. Since ordinary people are used (as opposed to models or patient) the
message is usually perceived as being believable.
Product comparison; a final stage strategy compares one products against another in
the same category. To be successful, the attribute singled out must be important to
consumers. Some of the comparison campaign are legal in law.
The main weakness that appears to be is the communication problem that might act as
the barrier because the cow milk is absorbed so much in the mind of the
consumers that they will not be interested in the new product MITRA Goat Milk by
MITRA Food & Beverages Sdn Bhd. Most of the loyal customers of Cow Milk will
still prefer using the Cow milk because it has a sense of trust and commitment in
terms of taste.
The Goat Milk business flourishes a lot in the world, thus there are so many competitors
of MITRA in the market such as HI Goat, HPA and many more in the list. Sporting
the products leads to capturing the same idea by its competitors and then
advertising the concept to the people that leads to the division of the advantage in
the market.
MITRA itself is a strong brand that promotes the product. Since the name is on the top of
the list, it has a strong dominance in the market and gains the maximum share holding
overall. The brand name plays an important role in attracting and promoting the product
and places a sense of commitment and trust on which the consumers rely upon. MITRA
also has gained great amount of money and profits throughout its run and still continues
to grab. So, it does not need to worry about the income stability and revenues from the
Targeting all level of people allows MITRA to increase its market share by more than
35% as compared to the current 39%. It has opportunities such as capturing the people
of country side who are addicted to drinking Goat Milk. Having specialized staff and
technical expertise grooms the opportunities to be explored in the field of goat milk
Advertising Objectives
The guidelines and clear objectives will effectively improve the sales of the new product.
The main aim of launching this new product is to gain greater market share than all the
current competitors present to the MITRA Food & Beverages Sdn Bhd. The MITRA Goat
Milk redefines the image of MITRA Food & Beverages Sdn Bhd along with its traditional
taste, but the new transformation of the product gives a kick-of-fantasy to the
The AIDA model is the basis of developing the advertising objective, but in this case
when we are launching the new product, the HIERARCHY OF EFFECTS model suits
the best in the advertising plan.
The target audience is the main object to be captured for promoting the MITRA Goat
Milk. It may range from low class people to one of the elite class. Then next matter is
creating the awareness of the product. Launching the Goat Milk in the name of MITRA
Food & Beverages Sdn Bhd is itself a backing because it attracts the current as well as
the potential customers towards the name. Advertising the product is to develop the
interest in the audience so that they feel a sense of attraction to the product. It may
depend upon the perception of each consumer and may be leading on the need.
When interest is created, then the next step in the model is develop the kind of
preference liking amongst different brands and products available in the market. Most of
the consumers glue themselves to the same brand and product since start because of its
already performance and exotic taste that they will always find. After the preference, trial
has to be implemented in order to give a try to the new launched product. And finally
after the trial, there will be some of the loyal customers that will stay on with the tried
product because in short they were moved by its taste and were satisfied along
Targeting the Audience
Targeting the audience includes the study of demographics, personality descriptors, and
lifestyle traits. The target audience for the advertisement is the Goat Milk lovers who
consume goat milk in reasonable amount and like to try different in milk. So with the
introduction of MITRA Goat Milk, it has to be targeted towards these people who will like
to give it a try. In general terms, the target audiences are all family members especially
the upper class to be specific.
The feature analysis helps the marketer analyze its product to its competitor’s product.
Creating the list of MITRA Goat Milk to other products of competitors will help in
comparing its features in terms of price, quality; style, availability and etc. price is a bit
higher than its competitors because of its unique blend of taste, quality is genuine with
an added style for value and will be available at larger scale.
MITRA Food & Beverages Sdn Bhd has created a brand personality for MITRA Goat
Milk as the finest goat milk collected from the farm of Peninsular Malaysia and has the
quality no other goat milk has. The place Peninsular Malaysia sports the uniqueness of
the brand.
The positioning of the product is also very much in contrast. When one hears the name
MITRA Goat Milk, it will remind them of freshness and purity. The milk melts down
smoothly in the mouth that it takes you in the indulgence theme and makes you feel very
much airy.
Here, the tactics and strategies are identified and the persons responsible for carrying
out these responsibilities and implementing tactics. All the above strategies and tactics
are revised and the best suitable option is selected and used for implementation.
Here, the MITRA Food & Beverages Sdn Bhd has to be real cautious because even a
slight mistake will scrap the whole campaign. Everything has to be up to the mark and
full concentration is focused on how to implement the campaign successfully. Hundreds
and thousands of decisions need to be taken by the board of directors before the
implementation eventually takes place.
The key decisions that were taken in the implementation of MITRA Goat Milk
advertisement were outstanding and technical. The advertising budget, target vehicle,
locations and boundaries, geographical boundaries and etc. the entire decision laid the
foundation of its success or failure in the market.
The basic aim of Evaluation is to see that has advertisement achieved its objective or
not? There are variety of researches and techniques available to evaluate the
effectiveness. This can be before, during and after the execution of the advertising plan.
First with the use of Survey Research, we were able to find out that the sale of MITRA
Goat Milk has grown gradually within a month. It means that the product has been liked
by most of the people who gave it a try and were impressed by it. Questionnaires were
filled by the respondents in order to attract their views and thoughts.
Pantry checks were also done. This check provides much of the information as the diary
method but requires little from the consumer. We sent researchers to homes and asked
the families of the goat milk brand they use. It was to amaze that almost 60% of the
homes were using MITRA Goat Milk brand.
Determining the total appropriation allocated to advertising is not neither an easy task,
nor it is done in the end of an advertising plan. The amount could be arbitrary bases on
the market.
Although the appropriation and budgeting process relies on numerical information, the
process is more art than science. It is often based on educated guesses, tradition, or the
financial condition of the company.
We used the OBJECTIVE TASK METHOD for creation of the budget. Objectives of
each activity were studied, and this determined the cost of accomplishing each objective.
The results are only as good as the stated objectives and the amount assigned to each
Summary Report
Advertisement Budget 2008-11 RM 150,000.00
Around 25% of the budget was utilized on brochures. This is because print media has
advantages such as greater range of market coverage as we can reach local or regional
markets, especially the interest groups, etc. secondly print media offers geographic
flexibility. We can choose some markets and not the others. It means that we can
choose what our preference is all about.
Using the 20% of the budget on out sales promotion is also into account that through
this, we can reach mass audience at the same time all over. The frequency of the ad
been viewed is large as compared to ads shown in the TV.
The creative platform is a guide to those developing the advertisement. It ensures that
everyone working with the same understanding of the message strategy. Most of the
creative platforms combine the basic advertising decisions-problems, objectives and
target markets- with the critical elements of the sales strategy including selling premise
and detail about how the idea will be executed.
Creating the new name MITRA was one of the tasks of the creative group. Creating a
name that has a kind of brand attracting power that goes along with the image of the
Providing facts about the product is also very much necessary. Nutrients values and
ingredients are identified and displayed on the box of the tea. Cooperation with
Government agencies such MARDI and USM is to make such kind of work possible.
This doesn’t seem as easy as it looks to us. It requires great form of technical skills,
bright mind and processing techniques. These expertises have the ability to visualize
imagination as well as excellent writing skills. They are open to new experiences and
probably work on conceptual thinking.
• Brochures
Outdoor advertising could be done in malls, plaza-pillar branding, and walls of major
shopping galleries, Bus branding, billboards, streamers, greenbelts of the city.
• Mobile/Vehicle branding
• Internet Marketing
Continuous schedule - Advertising of this product will run throughout the year, when
demand and seasonal factors are unimportant.
The reach and frequency are needed to be determined carefully. Reaching large
audience through the advertisement is very important as it covers much of your time and
budget. If the frequency rate if the advertisement is good, then more and more people
are interacted to the ad, thus creating a place in their mind.
MITRA uses a range of sales promotion activities to promote the company and its
products to its distributors. As the new product is being launched, so in order to capture
more people, sales promotions need to be done. Places such as Tesco supermarket,
Carrefour and MIHAS fairs / Exhibition can be used as the locations where sales
promotions can take place. Using such ; Buy one pack, get another one free.
Promoting MITRA directly at family marts and shopping places provides personal selling
advantage. Personal Seller come in contact with the customer and interaction takes
place right on. Company also gives incentives for personal selling as shown in below
Placing your new product on the point-of-purchase counter helps in greater frequency of
the time the customers will have a look at this new product and would entice them for it.
It is one of the major attracting powers of this strategy.
Looking at the overall plan, one thing is clear that no matter what it takes, the audience
need to be targeted very smartly and in a way that make them feel that the product has
something in it that others do not. This acts as a competitive advantage for the company.
Capturing the maximum share in the market leads to more and more identifications of
opportunities and these profitable opportunities need to be grasped eventually at all
levels of competition.
The firm may operate with an annual advertising plan and the campaign must be so
strong that it delivers the message straight forwardly and hitting the aperture at the right
place with maximum media share.