Mac Alloy Bars Method Statement

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Method Statement for Macalloy Bar

Installation works

1.0 Standard Work Method of Macalloy Bars Installation

(Bonded System)

The general standard work method for Macalloy bars would be

sequenced as follows:
Duct Installation, Concrete placement, Bar Placement, stressing and
locking the Bar at desired Force.

1.1 Mac Bar Installation

1.1.1 Set up of components

• Lay duct into position and connect ducts with duct couplings(if
lengths beyond 6 m)
• Set up bar chairs and profile according to the location given on
• Tape all duct joints
• All ducts should be placed in the location and profile as shown by
Shop Drawing.
• Alternatively empty ducts are installed in location and after
concreting and hardened, Bars are pushed into HDPE duct prior
to stressing operation.

1.1.2 Set up of stressing MACalloy BAR anchorage components

• Set up shuttering formwork at end of girder and stressing recess

on shuttering formwork at end of girder.
• Install anchorage bearing plate to stressing recess formwork.
• Provision and fix anchorage bursting reinforcement if necessary (
spiral )

Method Statement for Macalloy Bar
Installation works
• Support and fix the anchorage bearing plate into position using
• Seal all connections of components with tape.
• Mac alloy bars can be inserted after concreting .
• Keep some dummy bars in sheathing & move them to & fro
during concreting .

1.2 Concreting

The following general procedures are recommended for placement of


1.2.1 Pouring concrete shall be done when the mild steel

reinforcement is fixed as per drawing .

1.2.2 Should construction joints be needed during the pour, joints shall
be at the location
shown on the drawing.

1.2.3 After concreting is complete the concrete should be cured as

appropriate until the
strength has attained as specified prior to stressing operation.

1.3 Stressing

1.3.1 General

The tensioning operation shall not begin until tests of concrete

cylinders/cubes cured under job site Conditions indicate that the
concrete in the members has attained the minimum compressive
strength specified for stressing in the project contract documents.

1.3.1 Take off side shuttering formwork at the end of pier/girder/pier cap-
and stressing recess formwork prior to stressing operation

1.3.2 Clean up locking area prior to stressing operation

1.3.3 Place locking head into each BAR.

Method Statement for Macalloy Bar
Installation works
1.3.4 Commence stressing when concrete strength has attained the
specified strength by
Concrete testing sample as specified

1.3.6 The stressing equipment consists of multi BAR stressing hydraulic

unit for BAR size as specified, hydraulic power packs and ancillary
components (including lock plate, stressing head and nut etc,.),
hydraulic pump unit with pressure gauge

1.3.7 Stressing shall be carried out according to the following


a) Installation of the Jacking Unit:

The fixing of the jacking unit to the stressable BAR end shall be carried
out in the
Following manner:

• The jacking unit with the wedge-seating device is installed

over the BAR bundle so that the wedge–seating device is in
complete contact with the surface of the anchor plate

• The jacking unit is suspended from a jacking frame by

means of a chain hoist. The jacking unit is aligned with the
axis of the BAR to be stressed

• The stressing head is fed onto the back of the BAR bundle
about flush with the back of the piston of the jacking unit.

• After being treated with a lubricant for better release after

stressing, over the ends of the BARs and the stressing
plate bolted to the stressing head.

• Finally the stressing nut is screwed on the stressing head

until it is in full contact with the piston’s surface and the
pressure hoses are connected with the jacking unit and the
pump. After assuring that the pressure hoses are intact
and the jacking unit is properly aligned with the BAR axis
and the wedge seating device in contact with the surface
of the bearing plate and all stressing wedges are properly
installed and the stressing nut fully engaged on the

Method Statement for Macalloy Bar
Installation works
stressing head, the actual stressing operation can

b) Stressing of the BAR:

The stressing of each BAR is performed along the following steps:

• The stressing operation is undertaken by the experiences

technicians in the presence
of the Engineer’s representative.

• A stressing record form is prepared for each BAR to be stressed

on which all steps
and occurrences of the procedure are recorded. The stressing record
sheet is filled out by the pre-stressing technician in charge of the
operation. A copy is submitted to the Contractor and the Engineer. The
stressing records shall also contain the following information:

• Project name’ number, part of the project and BAR identification


• Type of jacking unit and identification number.

• Type of pump and pressure gauge with their ID number

• BAR size and design jacking load with corresponding design

pressure according to the calibration chart.

• Design BAR extension and tolerance variation of ±7%

• Date of stressing

• Signature of the responsible pre-stressing technician and the

Consultant’s representative.

• The stressing sequence shall be observed as indicated on the

post-tensioning shop drawings.

• If stressing at both BAR ends is specified. The stressing should be

done from one end of BAR at a time and topple up at the other
end of BAR, stressing records shall be taken at both ends.

Method Statement for Macalloy Bar
Installation works
• First step: the BAR is stressed to a pressure of 25% of total pre-
stress force. The BAR load is determined with help of the
calibration chart and the piston stroke is measured. The
Readings are records. Alternatively a color mark can be made on
the protruding BARs and the BAR extension measured to this
mark at each step.

• Next step: the pressure is increased in step of 100 bar (160 bar,
260 bar, 360 bar, etc.)up to the required design jacking load
resp. pressure of X-bar: At each step the corresponding BAR
load (acc. To the calibration chart) and the piston stroke or BAR,
color mark is measured and properly recorded.

• The measured elongation (being the sum of the differences of

the piston strokes of the individual pre- stressing steps between
60 bar and the design pressure X bar) is adjusted by the ratio,
design pressure / (design pressure – 60 bar) and corrected by the
wedge draw – in at the fixed BAR end and the stressing head as
well as the extension with-in the jacking unit of about 6 mm. The
BAR elongation so determined is compared with the design
extension. They shall coincide with in a tolerance of ±7%
according to the project specifications.

• When conformity of the design elongation with the measured

one is ascertained, the BAR force can be anchored. The lever of
the valve at the pump is pushed from forward to return, and the
safety return valve at the jack is gently opened. This
simultaneously actives the wedge-seating device. The BAR load
is uniformly transferred from the jack to anchor head with even
draw-in of all the anchor wedges.

• If one piston stroke is not sufficient to stress the BAR to its full
design jacking load, re-gripping is required, whereby the
following procedure has to be observed.

• The BAR is stressed in steps as previously described.

• Before the full piston stroke (design stroke, -20 mm) is used, the
stressing procedure is interrupted and the corresponding
pressure, BAR force and the piston stroke are measured and

Method Statement for Macalloy Bar
Installation works

• The BAR is anchored as previously explained.

• The piston stroke is fully retracted by activating the return

pressure of the pump.

• The stressing head and nut is pushed back to be again in contact

with the retracted piston.

• Move the lever of the valve at the pump to forward and increase
the pressure until it reaches the same value as before re-
gripping. At this point, the piston stroke is measured and

• Subsequently the standard stressing procedure is followed again.

• Upon successfully completed stressing of the BAR, the jacking

unit can be removed and installed on the next BAR.

• The BAR can now be made for grouting. Between stressing and
grouting of a BAR not more than two week’s time shall elapse.

1.4 Grouting

• Grouting should be performed as soon as the stressing operation

is complete

• Grout vents are provided at anchorages for each BAR.

• The anchorage pockets should be capped with concrete or

suitable capping material prior to grouting operation

• After the anchorage has been capped the BAR shall be water
flushed through the grout hole which projects from the top of the

• As soon as flushing is completed the grout operation shall start.

Method Statement for Macalloy Bar
Installation works
• Grout mix shall have the mix proportion of water/cement ratio as
specified by the weight. The additive admixture is mixed with
cement in proportion as recommended by additive manufacture.

• Typical proportions of grout mix are as follow.

Water cement ratio = 0.40 by weight.- Sika Intraplast N 200

( 200 gm per bag of cement by weight) , Fosroc Cebex-100 ( 1
pac per bag of cement) or Vitacrete AG3 additive is mixed to
Portland Cement Type I of weight 50 kilograms, Tap water (w) 20
litres is added to the grouting cement ( with additive ).

• Grout samples shall be collected and tests to be carried for

compressive strength at 7 days and 28 days and the results
should satisfy 17 N/mm2 and 27 N/mm2 respectively.

• After completion of grouting the projected portion of grout vent

shall be cut flat to the slab level by means of abrasive disc.

2.0 Safety Procedures

This section is not intended as health and safety guidelines which

would address all considerations typically required to maintain safe
construction. This section is only intended to advice on common safety
issues during post-tensioning construction.

2.1 General

Job site safety is one of the most important factors. It is important to

be acquainted with, and follow all applicant government safety
regulations including all applicable standards, state and local
regulations and all job site regulations. This is for the safety and well
being of all field personnel.

It is important to follow stressing procedures, including stressing

sequence as defined on the
approved installation drawings. This is important to prevent damage to
shoring, to the structure, to you, and to you co-workers. The following
safety requirements would be enforced during the stressing

Method Statement for Macalloy Bar
Installation works

2.1.1 A warning sign, “Stressing Operations in Progress” shall be put

up at locations where
stressing operations would be carried out.

2.1.2 BAR bundle protruding from the bearing plate must be encased
in a plastic or sheet
metal pipe to prevent injury by the sharp edges of the BARs.

2.1.3 During the process of BAR cutting, only abrasive disc cutters may
be used, and goggles must be worn during the process.

2.1.4 Only intact and tight pressure hoses shall be used.

2.1.5 Never allow anyone to be in the immediate vicinity of the

stressing equipment during
Stressing to avoid injury in event the BAR or concrete should fail.

2.1.6 The pump and jack should be securely tied to a solid object when
working at an elevated level.

2.1.7 Never use stressing equipment or accessories that are not

complete as supplied from the manufacturer or post-tensioning

2.1.8 Do not stand on top of the slab directly above or near the
stressing or fixed-end anchorage location. Also, take precaution that no
one is standing behind the jack or along
the line of the BAR while stressing is taking place.

2.1.9 Remember that stressing a BAR involves a high force transfer at

both ends of the
BAR and the areas at each end of the BAR require the same

2.1.10 Stressing should take place on a proper working platform, as

required by the regulation agency. Do not reach over the slab to stress
BARs. This area should be clean and free of debris.

2.1.11 Keep hands out of jack while stressing operation is taking place
and while retracting.

Method Statement for Macalloy Bar
Installation works
2.1.12 Stand clear of equipment, hoses or electric cords while stressing
is taking place; always
use the remote switch and not the toggle switch located on the pump
unit. If a BAR should fail or a blowout occur, or the jack grippers fail;
the jack, pump, hoses and electrical cords can be thrown off the
structure. If this occurs anyone standing close the hoses or cords may
be dragged off the structure with the equipment.

2.1.13 If de-tensioning is necessary; it should only be done by qualified

personnel using the
proper equipment such as:

• On a jack with removable nose-pieces, jack feet attached to the

jack cylinders can be used if they sit firmly against solid concrete
that is perpendicular to the jack.

• A de-tensioning stool or stressing chair that sits firmly against

solid concrete and is perpendicular to the jack.

• A special de-tensioning nose-piece that sits firmly against the


2.1.14 If a jack gets “hung up” or should the anchor wedges fail,
CIRCUMSTANCES use a second jack on the back of the one that is
“hung up” (piggy backing). In this situation, special equipment or
procedures must be used such as:

• A troubleshooting anchor can be used with most types of jacks.

• A de-tensioning stool or chair can be used if it sits firmly against

solid concrete and is perpendicular to the jack.

• If accessible, the anchor at the far end may be de-tensioned.

• Before any of these procedures are used, it is recommended that

the post-tensioning system installer be contacted and the
situation discussed before any action is taken.

2.1.15 If the concrete is visibly honeycombed or cracked, DO NOT

STRESS until it has been properly repaired and inspected.

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Method Statement for Macalloy Bar
Installation works

2.2 DON’Ts of Stressing

2.2.1 DON’T stress any BAR which contains concrete slurry inside the
anchor cavity.
Concrete slurry in the anchor cavity will prevent proper seating of the

2.2.2 DON’T use the jack when it is not positioned properly on the face
of the anchor.

2.2.3 DON’T overstress BARs in order to achieve proper elongation.

2.2.4 DON’T allow obstruction in the path of the jack extension.

2.2.5 DON’T use extension cords longer than 100 ft. (30 m), 2 wire
cords or cords less than 12 gauge.

2.2.6 DON’T continue stressing if you suspect that something is not

working properly.

2.2.7 DON’T detension with loose plates, spacing shims or by ‘piggy

backing’ of jacks.

2.2.8 DON’T stand in the immediate vicinity of the jack, or between the
jack and pump during stressing or detensioning.

2.2.9 DON’T permit other workman in the immediate area of the jack,
or pump, or along the BAR during stressing application.

2.2.10 DON’T hammer or beat on the jack or jack cylinders.

2.2.11 DON’T activate equipment if you are not sure; ask someone who

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Method Statement for Macalloy Bar
Installation works

3.0 Quality Measures

The following measures would be adhered to, on site and specifically to

the post tensioning
works, in addition to the QA/QC polices of the Organization:

Inspection Before, During and After Stressing BARs

• Is the stressing anchor cavity free of concrete slurry, dirt and


• Is a consistent reference dimension used for the elongation

datum mark on the BAR?

• The accuracy of the datum mark is critical to achieving accurate

elongation measurements and special care should be taken
when marking the BAR tails. The same device should be used
throughout the entire project.

• Did you use a hand seating tool?

• Is the stressing equipment well maintained and are current

calibration charts available?

• Is the stressing operator experienced and careful with the

equipment and consistent from BAR to BAR?

• Are the measured elongations in agreement with the calculated

values shown on the approved installation drawings?

• Are measured elongations properly records?

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Method Statement for Macalloy Bar
Installation works

• Have the measured elongations been approved?

• After the measured elongations have been approved, have the

BAR tails been cut of at the proper depth?
• Are pocket surfaces sufficiently clean to allow good grout bond
during and after patching?

4.0 Site Documentation

The following records would be maintained on site and later analyzed

and referred to where

9.1 Inspection Check List before concrete

The Inspection check list would serve as a guideline and an integral

part of the quality control measures as stated in Section 3.

9.2 Stressing Record Form

The stressing record form would be used during the process of

9.3 Grouting Record Form

The grouting record form would be used during the process of

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Method Statement for Macalloy Bar
Installation works

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