Iso 12643-4-2010
Iso 12643-4-2010
Iso 12643-4-2010
STANDARD 12643-4
First edition
Partie 4: Systèmes et équipement de façonnage
Reference number
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
© ISO 2010
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
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Contents Page
Foreword .............................................................................................................................................................v
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references............................................................................................................................1
3 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................2
4 Equipment covered by this part of ISO 12643 ....................................................................................2
4.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................2
4.2 Machines used primarily in a converting operation ..........................................................................2
4.3 Machines used in both printing and converting processes .............................................................2
5 Machinery for the production of corrugated board ...........................................................................3
5.1 All machines ..........................................................................................................................................3
5.2 Unwinding stations ...............................................................................................................................4
5.3 Splicers...................................................................................................................................................6
5.4 Preheater ................................................................................................................................................7
5.5 Single facer ............................................................................................................................................9
5.6 Inclined belt conveyor.........................................................................................................................14
5.7 Bridge ...................................................................................................................................................14
5.8 Braking and web aligning section .....................................................................................................15
5.9 Gluing machine....................................................................................................................................15
5.10 Heating and pulling section................................................................................................................16
5.11 Rotary shear unit .................................................................................................................................18
5.12 Pulling unit ...........................................................................................................................................18
5.13 Slitter-scorer units...............................................................................................................................19
5.14 Web diverter .........................................................................................................................................20
5.15 Sheeters................................................................................................................................................20
5.16 Stacker devices ...................................................................................................................................21
6 Folding box gluer machines...............................................................................................................25
6.1 Entire machine .....................................................................................................................................25
6.2 Feeder ...................................................................................................................................................25
6.3 Folding section ....................................................................................................................................25
6.4 Gluing section......................................................................................................................................27
6.5 Folding belt ..........................................................................................................................................27
6.6 Pressing section ..................................................................................................................................28
7 Pre-feeders ...........................................................................................................................................29
7.1 Pre-feeder with pile carrier plate........................................................................................................29
7.2 Pre-feeder with pile turner ..................................................................................................................30
8 In-line machines ..................................................................................................................................32
8.1 Entire machine .....................................................................................................................................32
8.2 Feeding unit .........................................................................................................................................33
8.3 Printing unit .........................................................................................................................................35
8.4 Slitter-scorer unit, rotary die-cutter...................................................................................................36
8.5 Folding unit (folding box gluer) .........................................................................................................36
8.6 Taping unit ...........................................................................................................................................37
8.7 Stitching unit........................................................................................................................................37
9 Automatic flatbed die-cutting machines ...........................................................................................38
9.1 Entire machine .....................................................................................................................................38
9.2 Feeder ...................................................................................................................................................39
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
11.4 In-running nips.....................................................................................................................................42
11.5 In-running nips between glue rollers.................................................................................................42
11.6 Tube cutting and sawing section .......................................................................................................42
11.7 Tube transfer ........................................................................................................................................42
12 Machinery for the production of envelopes......................................................................................42
12.1 Printing unit guarding .........................................................................................................................42
12.2 Longitudinal and cross-scoring section ...........................................................................................43
12.3 Form cutting section ...........................................................................................................................43
12.4 Driven guide rollers .............................................................................................................................43
12.5 Window cutting section ......................................................................................................................43
12.6 Window material conveying section with unwinding unit...............................................................43
12.7 Scraper gluing unit ..............................................................................................................................44
12.8 Separating cutting section..................................................................................................................44
12.9 Bottom flap folding section ................................................................................................................44
12.10 Transport rolls......................................................................................................................................45
12.11 Staggering wheel .................................................................................................................................45
12.12 Roller gluing unit .................................................................................................................................45
12.13 Hot air dryers........................................................................................................................................47
12.14 Separation roller before aligner section............................................................................................47
12.15 Aligner section .....................................................................................................................................47
12.16 Seal flap folding section .....................................................................................................................47
12.17 Separating disc delivery .....................................................................................................................48
12.18 Starting the machine with interlocking guards open.......................................................................48
13 Instruction handbook ..........................................................................................................................48
13.1 Corrugated board machinery .............................................................................................................48
13.2 Machines for the production of envelopes .......................................................................................49
Bibliography ......................................................................................................................................................51
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 12643-4 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 130, Graphic technology.
It is the intent of ISO/TC 130 that this first edition of ISO 12643-4 become applicable to new equipment
manufactured from 2011-01-01.
ISO 12643 consists of the following parts, under the general title Graphic technology — Safety requirements
for graphic technology equipment and systems:
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
The purpose of this part of ISO 12643 is to reduce the risk of injury to operating personnel working on
converting equipment.
This part of ISO 12643 provides requirements for the design and construction of converting equipment used in
the package printing, converting and graphic technology industries. It covers equipment not addressed by the
other parts of ISO 12643. It is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 12643-1 and provides additional
requirements that are specific to converting equipment.
During the development of this part of ISO 12643, existing relevant standards of other countries were taken
into consideration. An effort has been made to take into consideration the requirements of many countries,
recognizing that national standards or laws may dictate national requirements. Cases where a national
requirement was known to differ from this part of ISO 12643 have been noted.
This part of ISO 12643 was developed to harmonize the following US and European safety standards:
ANSI/PMMI B155.1, Safety Requirements for Packaging Machinery and Packaging-Related Converting
EN 1010-4, Safety of machinery — Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper
converting machines — Part 4: Bookbinding, paper converting and finishing machines
EN 1010-5, Safety of machinery — Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper
converting machines — Part 5: Machines for the production of corrugated board and machines for the
conversion of flat and corrugated board
1 Scope
This part of ISO 12643 provides safety requirements for the design and construction of converting equipment
used in the package printing, converting and graphic technology industries. It is applicable to converting
equipment not covered by other parts of ISO 12643. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the general
requirements given in ISO 12643-1.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 12643-1, Graphic technology — Safety requirements for graphic technology equipment and systems —
Part 1: General requirements
ISO 13732-1, Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Methods for the assessment of human responses to
contact with surfaces — Part 1: Hot surfaces
ISO 13849-1, Safety of machinery — Safety-related parts of control systems — Part 1: General principles for
ISO 13855, Safety of machinery — Positioning of protective equipment with respect to the approach speeds of
parts of the human body
ISO 13857, Safety of machinery — Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and
lower limbs
ISO 14119, Safety of machinery — Interlocking devices associated with guards — Principles for design and
ISO 14122-3, Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 3: Stairs, stepladders
and guard-rails
IEC 62061, Safety of machinery — Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable
electronic control systems
EN 619, Continuous handling equipment and systems — Safety and EMC requirements for equipment for
mechanical handling of unit loads
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
4.1 General
This part of ISO 12643 covers a variety of equipment used in printing plants and converting operations. Those
used primarily in a converting operation are listed in 4.2, while those that may be used in a printing operation
covered in other parts of ISO 12643 are listed in 4.3.
⎯ in-line machines;
tube-winding machines;
box-making machines;
⎯ finishing/window equipment;
⎯ laminating machines/laminators;
⎯ pre-feeding/stack-turning machines.
⎯ label printing machines (see also ISO 12643-1 and ISO 12643-2);
5.1.1 General
1 unwind 6 heating section 11 web diverter
2 single facer 7 pulling section 12 sheeter
3 bridge 8 rotary shears 13 upstacker
4 preheater 9 pulling unit 14 downstacker
5 gluing machine 10 slitter-scorer unit
Emergency stop devices shall be provided on each motion control station. Emergency stop devices shall be
no more than 15 m apart.
Emergency stop devices shall stop the motion of the entire machine.
EXCEPTION — The glue rollers of the gluing unit may continue running if the danger points on the
gluing unit are safeguarded by guards.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
⎯ stop/safe actuators shall be marked such that they clearly indicate the section to which they apply;
⎯ signal processing shall comply with PLr d of ISO 13849-1 or SIL 2 of IEC 62061.
Where the machine is configured into control zones, they shall be as follows (see Figure 2):
a) one control zone for each single-facer group (unwind of liner with preheater, single facer, unwind of
corrugated web);
b) one control zone for the liner unwind before heating up to stacker device.
1 first control zone for first single-facer group
2 second control zone for second single-facer group
3 third control zone for liner unwind up to stacker device
Access stairs and walkways
Figure 2 — Control zones
Steam pipes that can be accessed from any working level shall be insulated up to a height of 2,70 m from the
working level for protection against burning.
Accessible areas between system components shall be guarded by means of fixed or interlocking guards in
accordance with ISO 12643-1 if a hazard point can be reached, e.g. the area between a gluing machine and a
heating and pulling section.
Corrugating machines shall have an audible warning system that complies with ISO 12643-1.
5.2.1 General
Means shall be provided to ensure that reel cores, which might be stuck to a reel cone, can be safely
removed, e.g. using an automatic reel core ejector that pushes the core away from the cone.
The area where automatic reel loading takes place shall be safeguarded in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
See Figure 3 for an illustration of the positioning of electro-sensitive protective devices (ESPDs) for this
equipment in аccordance with the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
Dimensions in millimetres
2 photoelectric beam of the ESPD
3 additional ESPD
4 material reel
The hold-to-run speeds for inserting the chucking cones and moving the lifting arms may be increased to
15 m/min maximum if the hold-to-run buttons are located at a minimum distance of 850 mm from the lifting
The blowers for the braking systems on unwinding stations shall have at least the degree of protection IP 23,
as specified in IEC 60529. Accumulation of inflammable dust in the brakes shall be prevented.
NOTE The accumulation of inflammable dust in the brakes can be reduced if the louvres provided in the ventilator
housing open to the bottom while the lifting arms are in operating position.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
5.3 Splicers
On splicers, any hazard points between the dancer roller carriage and guide rollers, and between the dancer
roller and fixed parts of the machine shall be avoided by design measures or be safeguarded (see Figure 4).
⎯ a minimum distance of 25 mm if the hazard points are at a height greater than 2,20 m;
⎯ a minimum distance of 120 mm if the hazard points are at a height less than or equal to 2,20 m.
Safeguarding may also be achieved by the use of guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1 or safety devices
with approach reaction (e.g. trip devices, pressure-sensitive mats, electro-sensitive devices).
The movement of the dancer roller into position for web threading shall be safeguarded.
Where hold-to-run control is used for safeguarding, the hold-to-run speed shall not exceed 15 m/min.
The in-running nips on the dancer roll carriage wheels shall be safeguarded by fixed guards that meet the
requirements of ISO 12643-1.
1 paper web
2 guide rollers
3 dancer roller
4 gluing unit
Figure 4 — Splicer
5.3.3 Splicers
On splicers, hazard points between the movable suction bar and fixed machine parts shall be prevented by
safety measures or be safeguarded (see Figure 4). Safeguarding can be achieved by one or more of the
following measures:
⎯ providing a minimum distance of 25 mm for danger points above 2,20 m and of 120 mm for heights less
than or equal to 2,20 m;
⎯ a hold-to-run control meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1, if it is possible to observe the hazard
points and hazard zones form the point of operation of the hold-to-run control;
⎯ limiting the force of the movable glue bar to 300 N and the travel speed of the carriage to 15 m/min.
The control panel for operating the glue bar shall be provided with an emergency stop button.
5.3.4 Knife
The cutting edge of the knife shall be safeguarded in the rest position.
Where pneumatic or hydraulic control systems are used for starting the cutting cycle, a safety-rated check
valve shall be supplied to ensure that the knife remains in the safe position in case of leakage or hose
Where the machine frame of the splicer is lower than 2 m at the sides (as measured from the floor), frame
edges shall be provided with black-yellow padding for protection against impacts.
If preparation of the movable suction bar cannot be accomplished from floor level, safe access shall be
A red warning light shall flash for 2 s prior to the initiation of the automatic splicing operation and during the
entire period of automatic motion. The integration of the status lights into the control system may be
single-channel, e.g. via an electronic control system.
5.4 Preheater
The in-running nips between the wrap roller and the preheating cylinder, and between the wrap roller and
fixed machine parts or guide rollers (see Figure 5), shall be safeguarded by one or more of the following
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
1 preheating cylinder
2 paper web
3 wrap roller
4 guide roller
The in-running nips between the preheating cylinder and any cross beam shall be safeguarded by maintaining
a minimum distance of 300 mm.
The drives for the wrap roller shall be safeguarded by fixed guards completely enclosing the drives.
Rotating wrap arms (see Figure 6, item 2) shall be designed such that any openings in the wrap arms do not
create a shearing hazard.
The distance (see Figure 6, d) between the preheating cylinder and the rotating arm shall be 6 mm or less or
30 mm or more.
The hazard point between the rotating arms and the machine side frame shall be safeguarded (see Figure 6,
items 2 and 4) by one or both of the following measures:
⎯ a hold-to-run control of at least PLr c of ISO 13849-1 or SIL 1 of IEC 62061 as specified in ISO 13849-1;
⎯ a minimum distance of 120 mm and designing the rotating arm or machine side in such a way that parts
of the body are deflected by the arm when rotating at its maximum circumferential speed of 5 m/min.
1 wrap roller
2 rotating arm
3 preheating cylinder
4 machine frame
As the temperature of preheating cylinders may be higher than 65 °C, warning signs indicating the hot
surfaces shall be fitted to both sides of the preheater. Operators working near the preheater shall wear
appropriate personal protection equipment to protect against burns.
5.4.5 Walkways
If walkways with fall-off protection are located near preheaters, the distance between the fall-off protection and
movable parts of the preheater shall be at least 120 mm.
On single facers where the web is fed through a webbing slot, if it is impossible to apply the safety distances
specified in ISO 13857 (as required by ISO 12643-1), a safety distance of 300 mm shall be observed for gaps
with a width of more than 20 mm and less than or equal to 40 mm.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
The in-running nips between the corrugating rollers and fixed machine parts shall be safeguarded by fixed
guards. The hazard point between the corrugating roller and the cross beam with scrapers is considered to be
safeguarded if the clearance between the corrugating roller and the cross beam is at least 25 mm and the
clearance between the scrapers is no more than 60 mm (see Figure 7).
Dimensions in millimetres
upper corrugating roller
lower corrugating roller
4 cross beam
5 feeding of paper web
Where corrugating rollers are removed for changing, means of transport shall be provided that allow easy and
safe changing of rollers.
When noise enclosures are used, they shall be designed in such a way that loading and unloading of the
corrugating rollers is not impeded.
Any hazard points that can be accessed after removal of, or during changing of, corrugating rollers shall be
safeguarded in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
Where corrugating rollers are mounted on an indexing turret, any movement of the turret shall be under
hold-to-run control with displacement limited to a maximum of 75 mm or with a maximum operating speed of
5 m/min.
5.5.4 In-running nip between pressure roller or pressing belt and corrugating roller
The in-running nip between the pressure roller or pressing belt and the corrugating roller (see Figure 8) shall
be safeguarded by fixed guards.
The crushing point created by the lowering of the pressure roller contacting the corrugating roller shall be
safeguarded by a guard in accordance with ISO 12643-1 or by using a horizontal safety distance of 1 000 mm
from the hazard point (see Figure 8).
On the delivery side of the single-faced corrugated web (inclined belt conveyor side), a containment device
shall be provided to eliminate the risk of injury in the case of belt breakage.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 pressure roller 5 pressing belt
2 corrugating rollers 6 in-running nip
3 corrugated web 7 in-running nip on pressing belt
4 liner
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
5.5.6 Walkway
The walkway on the inclined belt conveyor side (see Figure 9, item 7) shall have fall-off protection towards the
corrugating rollers. Cross beams provided for fall-off protection shall be at a height of 1,10 m (see Figure 9,
item 6). Intermediate rails or toe boards are not required.
In-running nips between glue rollers or between glue rollers and corrugating rollers that are accessible when
the gluing unit is lowered shall be safeguarded by fixed guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
Where lowering and raising the gluing unit is an automatic operation, the gluing unit shall not create any
hazard points; otherwise, this movement shall only be carried out under hold-to-run control at a maximum
speed of 5 m/min.
Where maintenance or cleaning operations are carried out with the interlocking guard covering the gluing unit
in an open position (see Figure 10), the glue rollers (applicator, scraper roll) shall only be allowed to rotate at a
maximum circumferential speed of 6 m/min. Glue rollers shall rotate in the same direction with no possibility of
access to an in-running nip between corrugating roller and glue roller.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 single facer 5 bridge
2 corrugated web 6 fall-off protection
3 lower belt 7 walkway
4 upper belt
1 corrugating roller
2 glue applicator
3 scraper roller
4 in-running nip
Figure 10 — Gluing unit
5.5.8 Hazard points between movable gluing unit and fixed machine part
The hazard points between the movable gluing unit and fixed machine parts (machine frame) shall be
safeguarded by one of the following measures:
⎯ a hold-to-run control with at least PLr c of ISO 13849-1 or SIL 1 of IEC 62061;
⎯ interlocking guards;
The cover of the gluing unit shall be designed to safeguard against gravity falls in accordance with
ISO 12643-1.
The in-running nips between pulleys and fixed machine parts shall be safeguarded by one or both of the
following measures:
a) fixed nip bars designed in suitable sections and extending across the entire working width;
b) a minimum distance of 120 mm between pulleys or rollers and fixed machine parts.
If fixed nip bars are used, the clearance between the bar and the respective machine part shall not exceed
6 mm.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
When disengaging the steam couplings, the hazardous escape of pressurized steam shall be safeguarded by
the following measures:
⎯ coupling systems with relief valves on the ingoing and outgoing sides of the coupling; or
⎯ devices that ensure that the steam supply is cut off and steam is allowed to escape into the work area
Protection shall be provided to ensure that steam escaping unexpectedly during set-up is directed away from
Single facers shall be provided with signs warning of a burn risk from steam or hot parts.
Drives and drive shafts shall be safeguarded by fixed guards that contain a movable guard or gate as part of
the fixed guard. The movable guard or gate shall be interlocked in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
Single facers should be positioned inside noise enclosures. The doors of the enclosure shall close
automatically. The enclosure shall be provided with signs pointing out the need to wear ear protection while
inside the enclosure. The web feed and take-off openings provided in the noise enclosure shall be designed to
minimize the escape of noise into the workroom.
Noise enclosures shall be designed such as to allow easy access for make-ready and inspection.
The in-running nip between the upper belt and the lower belt shall be safeguarded by off-setting the two
pulleys in such a way that the minimum clearance between the two rollers is 120 mm (see Figure 9).
There shall be no fixed parts in this area and the belt tension shall be sufficiently low to minimize the risk of
drawing in.
Hazard points on the inclined belt conveyor that can be accessed from the bridge or the walkway shall be
safeguarded by fixed guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
5.7 Bridge
The in-running nips on belts shall be safeguarded by fixed guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
The in-running nips between drive rollers and guide rollers of the transport belts and fixed parts of the bridge
shall be safeguarded by fixed guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
5.7.2 Slots
The slots provided in the surface of the accessible part of a bridge shall not be wider than 50 mm. This
requirement does not apply to the walkways alongside the bridge.
Fall-off protection shall be provided on both sides of the bridge in accordance with ISO 14122-3.
Access stairs shall be provided for each section of the bridge. The maximum pitch angle specified in
ISO 14122-3 is 45°. However, the pitch angle may be increased to a maximum of 60° if justified by the results
of the risk analysis specified in ISO 12643-1. Access stairs shall be designed in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
Where access stairs connect to a walkway directly (i.e. without a platform), fall-off protection (i.e. a gate) that
closes automatically shall be provided.
The passage height underneath the bridge shall be a minimum of 2,10 m. Where this height requirement
cannot be met for design reasons, the parts below this height shall be provided with black-yellow padding for
protection against impacts.
The in-running nips between rollers and between rollers and fixed parts shall be safeguarded by the following
Steps and handles meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1 shall be provided to ensure safe threading of the
web and easy access to the gluing units for cleaning.
The hazard points between the glue rollers (see Figure 11, item 3), glue duct (see Figure 11, item 2) and fixed
machine parts that are accessible when the glue rollers are moved or removed, or when the glue duct is
swung down, shall be safeguarded by one of the following measures:
⎯ a hold-to-run control with at least PLr c of ISO 13849-1 or SIL 1 of IEC 62061;
An emergency stop device shall be provided within reach of the operator observing the operation.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
The automatic movement of the spring-loaded pressing device (see Figure 11, item 4) applying pressure to
the glue shall be safeguarded by one or both of the following measures:
⎯ allowing the pressing device to deflect at least 25 mm with a maximum spring force of 150 N.
The in-running nip existing on the in-feed into the heating section between the upper belt (see Figure 11,
item 5) or the guide roller (see Figure 11, item 8) and the heating plates (see Figure 11, item 7) shall be
safeguarded by guards with a safety distance of 850 mm. The safety distance shall be measured from the
point at which the distance between the upper belt or guide roller and the heating plate is 50 mm. Trapping
hazards on the guide roller of the upper belt (see Figure 11, item 6) shall be eliminated by providing a fixed
The hazard points between the lower transport rollers or heating plate and the upper weighting device
(see Figure 11, item 9) shall be safeguarded by interlocking guards that meet the requirements of
ISO 12643-1. Guard openings and safety distances shall be in accordance with ISO 13857.
The hazard point (see Figure 11, item 10) between the upper belt (see Figure 11, item 11) and lower belt (see
Figure 11, item 12) at the transition point between the heating and pulling section shall be safeguarded by
interlocking guards.
Safety labels shall be placed at any position where it is reasonably foreseeable that personnel may come into
contact with the heating plates when guards are open.
Where access to the area beneath the pressure device is required, one or more of the following measures
shall be taken to prevent the pressure device from falling due to gravity:
⎯ check valves for hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders that are automatically overridden in the operating
For inspections, a manually operated mechanical device shall be used to secure the pressure device in a safe position,
e.g. locking pins or safety supports.
The crushing hazards caused by mechanical devices lifting the corrugated web off the heating plates
(see Figure 11, item 15) shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards.
Where vacuum transport belts are used, the vacuum fan and exhaust pipes and hoses shall be in accordance
with ISO 12643-1 with regard to explosion protection.
In the area of the heating section, a threading device shall be provided for threading the paper web in order to
eliminate the risk of burning.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 gluing machine 7 heating plates 13 pulling section
2 glue duct 8 guide roller 14 belt guide roller
3 glue rollers 9 weighting device 15 lift-off device
4 pressing device 10 hazard point between upper and lower belt 16 rotary shears
5 upper belt 11 upper belt 17 knife shaft
6 belt guide roller 12 lower belt
a Heating and pulling section.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
A rotary cutter for cutting the running corrugated web when changing the format and for removing waste
material shall be provided.
5.11.2 Knife
The knife driving shaft (see Figure 11, item 17) shall be safeguarded on all sides by fixed and interlocking
guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
Where there is a risk of personnel being injured by the knife not yet having come to a standstill, guard locking
is required. Unlocking of the guard shall only be possible when the knife has come to a standstill.
On rotary shears where there is a risk of a non-powered movement of the knife, the guard shall also be
interlocked with the operation of a braking mechanism to ensure that the knife is held stationary while the
guard is open.
NOTE Risk of non-powered movement of the knife can exist, for example, after the clearing of a material blockage.
The hazard points on the waste separator shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards meeting the
requirements of ISO 12643-1. Access from the bottom shall be prevented by guards.
NOTE Means to remove waste can include movable collection bins or conveyor belts.
Where collecting bins are also used for guarding purposes, they shall be interlocked with the hazardous
movement of the waste separator.
The crushing point between the upper and lower discharging rollers when moving the upper discharging roller
into position shall be safeguarded.
NOTE Safeguarding can be achieved, for example, by one or both of the following measures:
The hazard points in the area below the table (web area) (see Figure 12, item 2) shall be safeguarded by fixed
guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
5.13.1 Guards
The hazard points on the slitter-scorer blade shall be safeguarded by means of fixed guards in accordance
with ISO 12643-1. Interlocking gates shall be provided on the in-running and out-running sides to allow safe
access for make-ready purposes.
Below the feeding and delivery tables, access shall be prevented by fixed guards in accordance with
ISO 12643-1.
The automatic positioning of the slitter-scorer blade and the extractor hood shall only be permitted with the
interlocking guards in the closed position.
5.13.3 Hoses
Suction hoses for the removal of waste shall be in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
1 upper pulling roller
2 corrugated web
3 lower pulling roller
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
Individual slitting/scoring units shall be allowed to travel under hold-to-run control only at a maximum speed of
5 m/min in accordance with ISO 12643-1. Hold-to-run control shall comply with at least PLr c of ISO 13849-1
or SIL 1 of IEC 62061. In-running nips between travel wheels and rails shall be safeguarded by fixed guards
(deflectors). The distance between fixed guards and rails shall be 15 mm maximum.
With the units moved apart, blades shall only be allowed to be moved under hold-to-run control in accordance
with ISO 12643-1. Hold-to-run control shall comply with at least PLr c of ISO 13849-1 or SIL 1 of IEC 62061.
The hazard points between the web diverters and fixed parts shall be safeguarded by guards in accordance
with ISO 12643-1 (see Figure 13). Access from the bottom shall be prevented by fixed guards in accordance
with ISO 12643-1.
5.15 Sheeters
The in-running nips on the hold-down rolls shall be safeguarded by fixed guards in accordance with
ISO 12643-1.
Below the transport tables, access to the machine shall be prevented by fixed guards in accordance with
ISO 12643-1 on all sides.
1 fixed web guides
2 movable web diverters
3 corrugated web
4 point of rotation of web diverters
The hazard points on the rotary knives shall be safeguarded on all sides by interlocking guards in accordance
with ISO 12643-1. Where there is a risk of the operator being endangered during knife shaft stopping, the
provision of guard locking is required. The opening of the guard shall only be possible when the knife has
come to a standstill.
5.15.4 Noise
The risks generated by airborne noise emitted from major sources of noise such as transport systems
(consisting of pulling and pressure rollers on the discharge side) and cutting systems (consisting of pairs of
knife shafts) shall be reduced in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
NOTE Airborne noise can be reduced, for example, by partly or entirely enclosing the major sources of noise with
sound-absorbing material such as to provide a complete housing for the sheeter.
If an enclosure is used, openings in the enclosure required for feeding the web and for delivering the blanks
shall be provided with silencing elements.
The in-running nips on the belts of the conveying system feeding the stacker shall be safeguarded by fixed
5.16.2 Whole-body access
Where whole-body access to conveyor belts feeding the stacker devices is required during production runs,
the following measures are required.
a) Before a person can access the belt, the speed of the belt shall be reduced to 1,5 m/s (90 m/min)
maximum. During this time, the control system shall prevent unintended speed increase. After the person
has left the belt, the person shall actuate an enabling device that will return the belt to operating speed.
The enabling device shall not be within the reach of the person on the belt, and shall be located in a
position that ensures the operator of the device has a clear view of the belt.
NOTE Means of reducing the speed and preventing unintended speed increase include, for example, opening a
gate interlocked with the speed limit control or use of an ESPD.
b) A visual warning signal (light) shall flash for at least 5 s before the automatic start of the reduced speed
and for the complete duration of the reduced-speed state.
c) On both sides of the conveyor belt, railings in accordance with ISO 12643-1 shall be provided. There shall
also be an intermediate rail 200 mm above conveying level. A toe board is not required.
d) Movable fall-off protection shall be provided across the conveyor belt at a maximum height of 500 mm
and at a distance of at least 1 600 mm from the stacker front. The fall-off protection shall be interlocked
with the movement of the conveyor belt and of the stacking device and shall have a black/yellow marking
(see Figure 14).
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
Dimension in millimetres
1 movable fall-off protection 4 side transport
2 conveyor belt 5 handrail
3 movable backstop 6 catwalk
The requirements on stacking devices shall meet those specified in ISO 12643-1.
On automatic downstackers (auto-pilers), additional measures shall be taken to ensure that the ascending
movement of the pile carrier may only be started if there is no person present on the carrier (see Figure 15).
⎯ providing parallel safety photoelectric beams with a maximum distance between individual beams of
300 mm and positioned horizontally at a height of 150 mm above the pile carrier plate with the carrier
plate in its lowest position; or
The requirements for safeguarding the hazard zone beneath the pile carrier plate shall comply with
ISO 12643-1.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 conveyor belt
2 pile carrier (roller conveyor)
3 chain
4 photoelectric beam
Figure 15 — Downstacker
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
For maintenance and inspection operations, downstackers and upstackers shall each be provided with an
adequately rated mechanical device as a stable means of preventing lowering, on downstackers, of the carrier
plate or, on upstackers, of the final conveyor belt. Application of that mechanical device shall occur if the pile
carrier plate has been lowered down to a maximum distance of 100 mm above the mechanical device.
An interlocking gate shall be provided as the means of access to the hazardous area.
Instructions for securing the plate with mechanical devices to prevent falls due to gravity shall be provided in
the instruction handbook. For reference on instructions to be given in the instruction handbook, see 13.1.8.
On stackers adjusting to varying pile heights (upstackers), the hazard point between the descending conveyor
belt and roller conveyor or floor shall be safeguarded (see Figure 16). Access to the conveyor belt in motion
shall be prevented by fence-type enclosures on the sides and, on the front, by blinds of sufficient strength and
durability to prevent access to the hazardous area.
Where there is a requirement for corrugated sheets to be taken from the conveyor belt feeding the upstacker,
the fixed guards provided alongside the conveyor belt can be replaced by the following measures:
⎯ ensuring that the minimum height between the lower edge of the feeding conveyor belt and the floor is
always 500 mm;
⎯ providing a warning on the free sides that passage is not permitted (see ISO 12643-1 for information on
warning signs);
providing a chain curtain below the feeding conveyor belt to prevent passage below;
preventing access to both sides of the area below the feeding belt by providing blinds at the beginning
and at the end of the free area on the feeding conveyor belt across the entire width of the feeding belt.
1 feeding conveyor belt
2 blinds
3 movable side lays
4 roller conveyor
Figure 16 — Upstacker
On accessible roller conveyors of stacking devices, the hazard points created by the automatic movement of
side lays and fixed machine parts shall be safeguarded by applying the minimum distance of 500 mm. Where
the minimum distance cannot be applied, adequate guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1 shall be provided.
Folding box gluer machines shall have an audible warning system that complies with ISO 12643-1.
Trapping points on power-driven shafts shall be safeguarded by one or more of the following measures:
⎯ telescopic fixed guards which automatically adapt themselves to the size of the format and are not
allowed to rotate with the shaft;
Where automatic format setting is a power-driven operation, hazard points shall be safeguarded by one or
both of the following measures:
⎯ a hold-to-run control in accordance with ISO 12643-1; the control system of the hold-to-run device shall
comply with at least PLr c of ISO 13849-1 or SIL 1 of IEC 62061;
6.2 Feeder
The in-running nips between the belt and the guide, tension and drive rollers shall be safeguarded by means
of fixed guards designed so as not to create an additional hazard
The in-running nips between upper and lower roller tracks or folding belt (see Figure 18) shall be safeguarded
by the following measures:
⎯ a deflection of the first roller in the roller track of at least 25 mm under a maximum contact force of 70 N;
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
⎯ a distance of 100 mm between the first roller (see Figure 18, item 3) and the first following roller (see
Figure 18, item 5);
⎯ for the following rollers in the roller track, a fixed guard on both outer sides with safety distances in
accordance with ISO 13857; such guards shall have no sharp edges.
The hazard points created by the movement of the roller track shall be safeguarded by hold-to-run control in
accordance with ISO 12643-1, or by other means that ensures an equivalent level of protection.
1 fixed guard
2 belt
1 upper roller track
2 lower roller track
3 first roller
4 folding belt
5 following rollers
The hazard points caused by folding hooks (see Figure 19) shall be safeguarded by interlocking guards, or the
use of ESPDs that are placed in accordance with ISO 13855.
folded blank
folding hook
The in-running nips between the glue applicator and the blank shall be safeguarded by the use of a fixed
guard in accordance with ISO 12643-1, or the use of other adequate measures.
Where hotmelt glue is used, a temperature control device and a separate temperature monitoring device are
required. --``,`,,`,`,`,`````,,``,,,`,,`,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
The in-running nips between folding belt and pulleys shall be safeguarded by fixed guards (see Figure 17).
The in-running nips between folding belt and hold-down rolls shall be safeguarded by one or more of the
following measures:
⎯ hold-down rolls that allow a minimum deflection of 25 mm under a maximum contact force of 70 N;
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
6.6.1 Pulleys
The hazard point between upper and lower pulleys of the pressing belt on the feeding side shall be
safeguarded by both of the following measures:
⎯ limiting the pressing force of the pulleys on the feeding side to 500 N;
NOTE This can be done, for example, by arranging the pulleys for the upper and lower pressing belts such that one
is not directly below the other and the clearance between the pulleys is at least 120 mm.
In-running nips between pressure rollers and pressing belt shall be safeguarded by one or both of the
following measures:
⎯ a deflection of the pressure rollers of at least 120 mm under a maximum contact force of 100 N.
Dimensions in millimetres
1 pressure rollers
2 upper pressing belt
3 lower pressing belt
4 pulleys
5 guide rollers
7 Pre-feeders
7.1.1 General
The feeder area shall be designed in compliance with the requirements for feeding units as set forth in
ISO 12643-1.
The hazard zone on the feeding side of the feeder area shall be safeguarded with ESPDs (or equivalent
protection) to prevent whole-body access in accordance with ISO 12643-1. ESPDs shall be located across the
feeding roller conveyor or at floor level.
For safeguarding the feeder area on the sides, fixed guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1 shall be provided.
Such guards shall be equipped with an interlocking gate to allow access for fault clearing.
The aperture for ejection of empty pallets shall comply with ISO 13857.
The hazardous movements on the feeding and transfer bridge shall be safeguarded by one or both of the
following measures:
The hazard points between the pushers at the end of the feeding and transfer bridge shall be safeguarded by
guards or by a minimum distance of 120 mm.
The hazard points between the pushers and the stack in the hopper of the subsequent in-line machine shall
be safeguarded, e.g. by limiting the force to 300 N.
Where in-running nips on transport belts can be accessed, nips shall be guarded in accordance with
ISO 12643-1.
Where a hazard exists, automatic format setting operations may be performed at speeds up to and including
0,5 m/min without additional safety measures. However, if there is a crushing hazard for the head or trunk of
the body, format setting shall be permitted only with a hold-to-run control. The location of the hold-to-run
control shall allow the operator to clearly see the hazard points.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
If additional safety measures are needed in the area of the format setting device, personnel shall be protected
from motion of the device(s) by one or more of the following measures:
b) separate stop device that is not included in the emergency stop circuit of the printing press;
Hazard points created when moving the pre-feeder into or out of the in-line machinery shall be guarded.
These hazard points are considered to be adequately safeguarded if one of the following conditions exists:
a) the machine travel is possible only under hold-to-run control with a maximum speed of 5 m/min; there is
an audible continuous warning signal for the duration of machine travel; and hazard points and hazard
zones can be observed from the location of the hold-to-run button;
The pile turner pre-feeder area in the hazard zone on the feeding side of the feeder area shall be safeguarded
with ESPDs (or equivalent protection) to prevent whole-body access in accordance with ISO 12643-1. Safety
devices shall be located across the feeding roller conveyor or at floor level.
Guarding sides of pile turner area
For safeguarding the pile turner area on the sides, fixed guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1 shall be
provided. Such guards shall be equipped with an interlocking gate to allow access for fault clearing.
The aperture for ejection of empty pallets shall comply with ISO 13857.
The hazardous movements on the feeding and transfer bridge shall be safeguarded by one of the following
a) hold-to-run control with a maximum speed of 5 m/min in accordance with ISO 12643-1;
NOTE Examples of hazardous movements include lifting, lowering and telescoping movements.
Where in-running nips on transport belts can be accessed, nips shall be guarded in accordance with
ISO 12643-1.
The hazard points between the pushers at the end of the feeding and transfer bridge shall be safeguarded by
guards or by a minimum distance of 120 mm.
The hazard points between the pushers and the stack in the hopper of the subsequent in-line machine shall
be safeguarded, e.g. by limiting the force to 300 N.
Where a hazard exists, automatic format setting operations may be performed at speeds up to and including
0,5 m/min without additional safety measures. However, if risk assessment shows that there is an
unacceptable level of risk, format setting shall be permitted only with a hold-to-run control. The location of the
hold-to-run control shall allow the operator to clearly see the hazard points.
If additional safety measures are needed in the area of the format setting device, personnel shall be protected
from motion of the device(s) by one or more of the following measures:
b) a separate stop device that is not included in the emergency stop circuit of the printing press;
Hazard points created when moving the pre-feeder into or out of the in-line machinery shall be guarded.
These hazard points are considered to be adequately safeguarded if one of the following conditions exists:
a) the machine travel is possible only under hold-to-run control with a maximum speed of 5 m/min; there is
an audible continuous warning signal for the duration of machine travel; and hazard points and hazard
zones can be observed from the location of the hold-to-run button;
Typical examples of moving pre-feeders are given in Figures 21 and 22.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
8 In-line machines
8.1 Entire machine
In-line machines shall have an audible warning system that complies with ISO 12643-1.
When moving the units together, hazard points are created between machine side frames that are deemed to
be safeguarded if all of the following conditions are met.
⎯ Movement of the units is possible only under hold-to-run control with a maximum speed of 5 m/min.
⎯ The hold-to-run control is located in such a position that the hazard point cannot be reached by hand,
even with fingers spread apart.
⎯ A warning device gives a continuous audible warning signal for the duration of the closing travel of the
machine units.
⎯ In the passageways between the individual units, stop/safe devices are provided if the passageways
cannot be observed from the location from which the actuator starts the travel movement. All travel
movements shall be stopped when the stop/safe device is actuated. Stop/safe devices can be
automatically locking actuators or trip wires. The distance between two adjacent actuators shall not be
more than 1,5 m. The safety requirements of ISO 13850 shall be met. Signal processing shall comply
with ISO 12643-1.
For reference on instructions relating to residual risk to be given in the instruction handbook, see 13.1.9.
Separation of the units shall occur only after all hazardous movement has stopped.
After separating the units, continuous operation of the rotary tools shall not be possible.
NOTE Examples of such rotary tools include knives, blades, dies, etc.
The in-running nips between the travel wheels and floor or runway shall be safeguarded, e.g. by providing foot
guards fixed such that there is a distance of no more than 15 mm between the runway and the lower edge of
the guard.
Slide-in rollers
The in-running nips between slide-in rollers (feeder shafts, friction rollers) and fixed machine parts shall be
safeguarded by deflecting guarding sections designed in such a way that the deflecting plane is at right angles
to the surface of the rotating parts and the distance is as small as possible and does not exceed 4 mm.
The hazard points between the suction plates/slide-in bars and fixed parts shall be safeguarded by one or
both of the following measures:
The hazard points between side aligning devices (side pushers) (see Figure 23, item 3) and fixed machine
parts shall be safeguarded by guards or by a minimum distance of 120 mm.
The hazard points between side aligning devices (side pushers) (Figure 23, item 3) and the blank pile (see
Figure 23, item 2) in the hopper shall be safeguarded. Safeguarding can be achieved by limiting the force to
300 N.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
1 feeding unit 6 ink roller 11 stitching unit
2 blank pile 7 slitting and scoring unit 12 counter-ejector and squaring unit
3 side alignment 8 rotary die-cutter 13 delivery
4 feed rollers 9 waste discharge conveyor belt
5 printing unit 10 folding unit
The side lays of the hopper create danger points when travelling against fixed machine parts.
⎯ limiting the travel speed to a maximum of 0,5 m/min, and an emergency stop control located on the
delivery side.
The in-running nips at the feed rollers (see Figure 23, item 4) shall be safeguarded by one or both of the
following measures:
⎯ fixed guards;
⎯ residual-pile monitoring in accordance with ISO 12643-1 where guards need to be provided outside the
side lays in order to prevent access to the in-running nip for any format used.
As an exception to the requirements of ISO 13857, if feed openings in fixed guards are 30 mm or less, a
safety distance of at least 200 mm is allowed. Otherwise, a safety distance of 850 mm is required.
In-running nips on the transport rollers shall be safeguarded by fixed guards as shown in Figure 17.
All hazardous movement shall stop before the units are separated.
When the units are separated, a printing unit shall only be allowed to be moved under hold-to-run control in
accordance with ISO 12643-1. The hold-to-run speed is limited to 5 m/min. The control system of the
hold-to-run device shall comply with ISO 12643-1.
A foot pedal can be used for the hold-to-run operation to allow the operator to use both hands when mounting
printing plates. General
The changing of printing plates shall be done with the help of appropriate means for lifting or handling the
plates to ensure easy and safe loading and unloading.
Automatic printing plate changes
If the changing of printing plates is done by automatic operation, the changing of printing plates may be done
without printing units being separated during the plate change.
If the cylinder is rotated by automatic means when mounting the plate to the cylinder, hazard points between
the cylinder and fixed machine parts (machine frame) shall be safeguarded by one or more of the following
c) safety devices with approach reaction (e.g. trip devices, pressure-sensitive mats).
If the changing of printing plates is done by semi-automatic operation (i.e. an operator must assist when
mounting the plate to the cylinder, and the cylinder is not rotated by automatic means), the hazard points
between the cylinder and fixed machine parts (machine frame) shall be safeguarded by one or more of the
following measures:
b) the use of hold-to-run control with at least PLr d of ISO 13849-1 or SIL 2 of IEC 62061;
c) the use of a foot pedal (designed as a hold-to-run control with at least PLr d of ISO 13849-1 or SIL 2 of
IEC 62061), if the operator needs to use both hands when mounting printing plates. Movement shall be
limited to a maximum speed of 5 m/min or maximum distance of 75 mm.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
Actuation of an emergency stop control need not cause stopping of the ink roller if continuing movement is
required for operational reasons and if all in-running nips on the ink roller are safeguarded by interlocking
guards, possibly in combination with fixed guards, in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
When the printing units are in the open position and where rollers such as ink rollers (see Figure 23, item 6)
need to continue to be driven for operational reasons, the hazard points shall be safeguarded by interlocking
Where ink rollers need to keep running, there shall be a clearance between the ink roller and the printing
cylinder (with printing plate attached) that is sufficient to avoid frictional contact between ink roller and printing
Automatic format setting shall be possible only when the units are closed.
When units are in the open position, tool setting shall be possible only under hold-to-run control in accordance
with ISO 12643-1, with a maximum speed limitation of 5 m/min. The control system of the hold-to-run device
shall comply with ISO 12643-1.
The hazard points on the tools provided for breaking out trimmings shall be safeguarded, e.g. by providing a
Hazard points on waste discharge conveyor belts (see Figure 23, item 9) shall be safeguarded by fixed guards
in accordance with EN 619.
Falling down onto waste discharge conveyor belts, for example from floor level, shall be prevented by fall-off
protection in accordance with the requirements for working platforms, access stairs, passageways and raised
workplaces set forth in ISO 12643-1.
8.4.4 Noise
The risks generated by airborne noise emitted from major sources of noise shall be reduced in accordance
with ISO 12643-1.
This can be achieved, for example, by partly or entirely enclosing the major sources of noise with sound-
absorbing material; openings in the enclosure required for processes such as feeding the web and for
delivering the blanks shall be provided with silencing elements.
In order to minimize hazards generated by vibration, shock-absorbing elements shall be provided between
machines and the floor.
8.5.1 Blanks
The area where the blanks are transported shall be safeguarded by a combination of fixed and interlocking
guards, or by ESPDs.
In-running nips on glue rollers and between glue rollers and the glue duct shall be safeguarded in accordance
with ISO 12643-1.
The hazardous area between the two folding arms shall be safeguarded by the use of fence-type enclosures
with interlocking access gates in accordance with ISO 12643-1. When interlocking gates are in an open
position, folding arms shall be allowed to move only under hold-to-run control in accordance with ISO 12643-1
if all hazard points and hazard zones can be observed. The control system of the hold-to-run device shall
comply with ISO 12643-1.
Power-driven shafts shall be safeguarded by fixed guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
The machine shall be designed such that changing and threading of the adhesive tape shall take place
outside hazard zones.
The hazard points between the upper and the lower tool shall be safeguarded by a combination of fixed and
interlocking guards or by other measures safeguarding hazard zones in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
Travel of the stitching unit shall be safeguarded by one of the following measures:
⎯ safeguarding the hazard zone in accordance with ISO 12643-1 in the case of automatic travel.
The machine shall be designed such that changing and threading of the stitching material shall take place
outside hazard zones.
Power-driven shafts shall be safeguarded by fixed guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
9.1.1 Tool
The movable part of the tool (for example lower part of the die-cutting unit or breaking tool) shall not be
allowed to change its position while a guard is open for example, by a non-powered movement or gravity
falling. This is achieved on pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders by controlled safety-rated check valves.
Automatic die-cutting devices, in which the form locking between drive worm and flywheel drive is
disconnected in case of material jams, shall be provided with adequate safety provisions.
⎯ brakes;
Failure of the flywheel coupling shall not result in hazardous movements. This can be avoided by automatic
mechanical locking of the gripper bars in compliance with PLr c of ISO 13849-1 or SIL 1of IEC 62061.
NOTE 2 An example of this is the use of a gripper chain lock to prevent movement of the gripper chain due to a
mechanical failure of a flywheel or other component within the drive system that could result in unexpected movement of
the gripper chain.
1 feeder
2 punching section
3 breaking section
4 blank separating section, delivery
5 trimming of gripper edge, delivery
9.2 Feeder
When the residual-pile monitoring device is actuated, the hazardous movement of the feeder shall be stopped.
Crushing hazards existing between the moving front or side lays and fixed machine parts shall be
safeguarded by guards.
As an exception to the requirements of ISO 13857, if feed openings in fixed guards are 30 mm or less, a
safety distance of at least 200 mm is allowed. Otherwise, a safety distance of 850 mm is required.
9.3.1 Hazard points between sheet feeding grippers and feeding table
The hazard points between sheet feeding grippers and feeding table shall be safeguarded by guards meeting
the requirements of ISO 12643-1. The safety distance in relation to the width of the feeding aperture shall
comply with ISO 13857.
The hazard points between upper and lower die shall be safeguarded by a combination of fixed and
interlocking guards meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
For die changing, interlocking guards shall be interlocked with the hazardous movement.
a) the die-cutting tool (formes and chases) shall be capable of being moved in and out of the die-cutting
section by means of hinged supporting arms;
b) the supporting arms shall be designed so that they allow the tool to be lifted and put down by means of
hoists, fork trucks or any special device;
c) fittings shall be provided that secure the tool against gravity falls during removal.
Powered movement in and out of the die-cutting section shall be possible only under hold-to-run control in
accordance with ISO 12643-1.
When preparing die-cutting tools, one or both of the following provisions are required:
⎯ a device on the supporting arms for turning the upper and the lower tool with no great effort;
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
When the area below the stripping section cannot be observed from positions from which hazardous
movements can be started, the requirements for other safeguarding measures defined in ISO 12643-1 shall
be met.
The in-running nips on the waste discharge conveyor belts shall be safeguarded by fixed guards. Hazard
points inside the machine shall not be accessible from the conveyor belt. Safeguarding can be achieved by
providing guards in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
Waste exhaust fans, hoses and pipes shall meet the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
The hazard points shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards or ESPDs. Where access to the
hazard zone is required, area safeguarding using fence-type enclosures or ESPDs in accordance with
ISO 12643-1 shall be provided.
Hazard points on the delivery shall be safeguarded in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
The hazard points shall be safeguarded by guards interlocked with the hazardous movement. The waste
collecting bin can be part of this guarding device. Where the bin is removed for emptying and hazard points
can be accessed, the bin shall be interlocked with the hazardous movement.
Roller press die-cutters shall meet the guarding requirements of ISO 12643-1. A trip bar shall be provided at
the entrance to and exit from the point of operation to guard against access to the nip created between the
roller and the die.
Reels of the ply material shall be safely supported for unwinding. For overhung (cantilevered) ply reels, this
requirement is met when mechanical devices (e.g. split pins) prevent the reel from falling.
On unwinds using insertable unwinding shafts, the shaft bearings shall be designed so that in-running nips are
avoided. Otherwise, safeguarding is required by interlocking guards.
The in-running nip between winding belt and winding mandrel (see Figure 25, item 2, and Figure 26, item 2),
shall be safeguarded by fixed and interlocking guards.
1 winding mandrel 4 winding belt
2 in-running nip 5 tube
3 belt drive shaft (drive drum)
Figure 25 — Winding belt in-running nip on tube winding machine (view of drive drums)
1 winding mandrel
2 in-running nip
3 belt drive shaft (drive drum)
4 winding belt
Figure 26 — Winding belt in-running nip on tube winding machine (view of winding mandrel)
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
For machines that require that the paper be held and pressed onto the winding mandrel with two hands, while
the guard is in the open position for threading the ply, the production speed shall be limited to 5 m/min. If the
guard does not close within 60 s, the machine shall stop. An additional emergency stop device shall be
provided in the vicinity that can be actuated by some part of the body other than the hand (e.g. knee or belly).
Actuation of the emergency stop device shall immediately release the winding belt tension and thus eliminate
the in-running nip.
Guards protecting in-running nips shall be suitable for all winding parameters, including tube diameter,
winding diameter, winding angle, ply widths, number of plies, width of winding belt, etc.
NOTE Safeguarding of this type of in-running nip can be achieved by providing adjustable-type guards.
The in-running nips between glue rollers shall be safeguarded by guards or other means in accordance with
ISO 12643-1.
The hazard points on the tube cutting and sawing section shall be safeguarded by interlocking guards. Such
guards may be designed as tunnel-type guards and shall have minimum safety distances of 850 mm on the
feeding and the delivery sides.
11.7 Tube transfer
The hazard zone existing during tube transfer between transport elements and fixed machine parts shall be
NOTE Safeguarding of this hazard zone can be achieved by providing tunnel-type guards.
The in-running nips of the printing unit shall be safeguarded by an interlocking guard meeting the
requirements of ISO 12643-1.
After opening the interlocking guard, the printing cylinder or impression cylinder shall only be allowed to
continue running if all the following requirements are met.
a) The in-running nip between the printing cylinder and impression shall be safeguarded by a fixed guard
meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
b) The openings provided on both sides of the guard for introducing the gauge to measure the distance
between the impression cylinder and the printing cylinder shall have a maximum width of 33 mm and a
maximum height of 20 mm.
NOTE 1 The guard opening is required when introducing a gauge while the machine is at a standstill in order to set the
distance precisely between the printing cylinder and the impression cylinder.
c) A warning sign shall be provided inside the interlocking guard near the hazard.
NOTE 2 Rollers/cylinders need to continue running after the interlocking guard has been opened in order to prevent the
ink from drying on the rollers.
The in-running nips and cutting points in the cross-scoring section shall be safeguarded by interlocking guards
meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
The rotary knives for longitudinal scoring shall be safeguarded in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
The hazard zones of the knife shall be safeguarded by interlocking guards meeting the requirements of
ISO 12643-1. Feed and delivery apertures shall be designed to maintain the safety distances defined in
ISO 13857.
In-running nips of guide rollers shall be protected by fixed guards meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
On guide rollers where the paper guide rails reach from the feeding point to the delivery point, the height of
the aperture on the in-running side shall not exceed 10 mm, and the safety distance shall be at least 15 mm.
For troubleshooting, it shall be possible to remove the paper guide rails without dismantling the guard.
On the delivery side, the guard shall reach down to at least half the height of the guide roller without creating
new in-running nips between the guard and the guide roller.
NOTE This requirement allows for the removal of paper if the format size changes or the web breaks.
The hazard zone of the knife in the window cutting section shall be protected by an interlocking guard meeting
the requirements of ISO 12643-1. Apertures on the feeding and the delivery sides shall be designed to comply
with the safety distances specified in ISO 13857.
In-running nips shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
When designing feed and delivery openings for the material, a safety distance in accordance with ISO 13857
shall be maintained.
The in-running nip between the unwinding shaft and the shaft bearing shall be safeguarded by an interlocking
guard meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
The unwinding roller shall be designed as a smooth-surface roller so that there is no risk of trapping or
The cutting and crushing zones of the splicer knife shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards
meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
The in-running nips between the rollers of the gluing unit shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards
meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
Gluing units that can be lifted shall be secured safely in the lifted position by a self-locking device. The lifting
means shall be interlocked with the machine drive.
12.8.1 Knives
The hazard zones of the knives shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards meeting the requirements
of ISO 12643-1.
The segment roller shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards meeting the requirements of
ISO 12643-1.
The feeding aperture shall be designed to comply with the safety distances defined in ISO 13857. Where the
delivery aperture on the segment roller cannot be designed to comply with the safety distances specified in
ISO 13857 due to the provision of subsequent machine parts required for reliable paper transport, the opening
shall be as small as possible and the safety distance shall be as great as technically feasible.
The in-running nip between the bottom flap folding rollers shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards
meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
The feeding aperture shall be designed to comply with the safety distances defined in ISO 13857. Where the
feeding aperture cannot be designed to comply with the safety distances of ISO 13857, the aperture shall be
as small as possible and the safety distance shall be as great as technically feasible.
The delivery aperture shall be designed to comply with the safety distances defined in ISO 13857.
In-running nips of the transport rolls shall be safeguarded by fixed guards meeting the requirements of
ISO 12643-1.
Where the diameter of the transport rolls is 40 mm or less, the in-running nip is adequately safeguarded if the
rolls can be separated at least 25 mm by a force of 70 N.
12.11.1 Guarding staggering wheel hazards
The hazard zones between the staggering wheel and parts of the machine shall be safeguarded by fixed
guards meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
Where gaps are provided between individual staggering wheels, the outer surfaces of the staggering wheels
shall be smooth.
NOTE Staggering wheels are used for staggering (separating) the envelopes.
12.11.2 Guarding in-running nips between paper guide supports and staggering wheel
In-running nips between the paper guide supports and the staggering wheel shall be avoided by providing a
minimum distance of 25 mm. Where this is not possible, a trip bar as defined in ISO 12643-1 shall be
positioned so that the bar is tripped as soon as a finger is drawn in between the paper guide supports and the
staggering wheel.
The in-running nip between the dosing roller and ductor roller (see Figure 27) shall be safeguarded by fixed or
interlocking guards meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
Where scrapers are used instead of dosing rollers, the drawing-in hazard between the scraper and ductor
roller may be eliminated by arranging the scraper so that it is close to 90° to the ductor roller surface and the
scraper is never more than 4 mm from the ductor roller, even when the scraper is disengaged (see Figure 27
and Figure 28) shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
The feeding aperture shall be designed to comply with the safety distances specified in ISO 13857. Where the
feeding aperture cannot be designed to comply with the safety distances of ISO 13857, the aperture shall be
as small as possible and the safety distance shall be as great as technically feasible.
NOTE Direct access to the in-running nip is prevented by the staggering wheel located directly in front of the unit.
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
1 dosing roller
2 ductor roller
3 applicator
4 in-running nip
1 scraper
2 ductor roller
3 applicator
4 in-running nip
Opening an interlocking guard or actuation of an emergency stop device shall not lead to stopping of the
dosing roller and the ductor roller if all the hazard zones are safeguarded.
NOTE The dosing roller and ductor roller are required to continue running in order to prevent drying out of the glue.
In-running nips of belts shall be safeguard by fixed or interlocking guards meeting the requirements of
ISO 12643-1.
On power-operated tilting nozzles, the crushing zones shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards
meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
Where access to hot machine parts is possible, the surface temperature of the hot machine parts shall not
exceed the limit values as specified in ISO 13732-1. If the surface temperature of the hot machine parts
exceeds the limit values specified in ISO 13732-1, contact with the hot machine parts shall be prevented by
NOTE Means of safeguarding against contact with heated parts include the use of insulation or distance guarding.
The in-running nip shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards meeting the requirements of
ISO 12643-1.
The feeding aperture shall be designed to comply with the safety distances specified in ISO 13857. Where the
feeding aperture cannot be designed to comply with the safety distances of ISO 13857, the aperture shall be
as small as possible and the safety distance shall be as great as technically feasible.
NOTE Direct access to the feeding aperture is generally prevented by preceding parts.
The in-running nips shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards meeting the requirements of
ISO 12643-1.
The hazard zone between the two seal flap folding rollers shall be safeguarded by fixed or interlocking guards
meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1.
The feeding aperture shall be designed to comply with the safety distances specified in ISO 13857. Where the
feeding aperture cannot be designed to comply with the safety distances of ISO 13857, the aperture shall be
as small as possible and the safety distance shall be as great as technically feasible.
NOTE Direct access to the feeding aperture is generally prevented by following machine elements (transport rolls).
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
The in-running nip between the separating disc and the roller located in front of the disc shall be safeguarded
by one of the following measures.
a) Fixed side guides shall cover the in-running nips so as to prevent access by the fingers. In addition, fixed
guards shall be provided on the two outer separating discs in order to prevent unintentional access to the
discs from the sides.
NOTE 1 The layout of the separating discs generally prevents any unintentional access to in-running nips.
b) An interlocking guard meeting the requirements of ISO 12643-1 shall cover the separating disc with a
delivery opening of the maximum width required for processing the largest format size. The height of the
delivery opening shall not exceed 220 mm. The safety distance between the delivery opening and the
separating disc shall be at least 550 mm.
The hazard zone between the separating discs and the delivery table shall be safeguarded.
Starting the machine with the interlocking guards in the open position and with a hold-to-run speed greater
than 10 m/min shall be permitted only by means of a two-hand control, and only if all the following provisions
are met:
⎯ the guards in all zones not readily visible to the operator from the operating position shall be closed;
⎯ the hold-to-run speed shall be the slowest speed possible under procedural requirements.
Envelope machines shall be provided with an audible warning system in accordance with ISO 12643-1.
Noise reduction measures shall be provided on the machine, particularly on the folding sections, in
accordance with ISO 12643-1.
13 Instruction handbook
The instruction handbook shall give detailed descriptions for threading the paper web on splicers and the
heating section.
Where guards or barriers preventing contact with hot machine parts cannot be provided for functional reasons,
the instruction handbook shall describe the residual risk.
The instruction handbook shall specify that ear protection shall be used when entering the noise enclosure of
a machine.
The instruction handbook shall specify that only single-piece tubes are allowed to be used for material reels in
the reel stands.
Where conveyor belts of the stacking devices can be walked on, warning of the residual risk of tripping shall
be provided in the instruction handbook.
A warning about the possibility of hot surfaces shall be contained in the instruction handbook.
13.1.7 Instruction for use of personal protection equipment when changing knives
The proper use of personal protection equipment when changing knives shall be described in the instruction
The instruction handbook shall describe methods of applying the mechanical device during maintenance
operations as a stable means to ensure that the lowering of the pile carrier plate is prevented. It shall also
indicate that application of the device shall occur if the pile carrier plate has been lowered down to a maximum
distance of 100 mm above the mechanical device.
The instruction handbook shall state that, before moving the units together, the operator shall make sure that
there is no person present between the units.
The instruction handbook shall state that, when changing printing plates, the gap between the ink roller and
the cylinder shall be adequate, as determined by risk assessment, so as not to create a drawing-in hazard.
The audible warning device shall be described in the instruction handbook. It shall indicate that, when the
audible warning sounds, no manual intervention on or in the machine is allowed to take place.
13.2.1 General
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
The instruction handbook shall contain a warning about residual risks between staggering wheels in the
vicinity of paper guides if operator intervention is required when starting the machine.
The instruction handbook shall indicate that the dosing and ductor rollers will continue to run after emergency
stopping. It shall contain an instruction that, for inspection and repair, the main switch shall be disconnected
and shall be secured against resetting.
[1] ISO 12643-2, Graphic technology — Safety requirements for graphic technology equipment and
systems — Part 2: Prepress and press equipment and systems
[2] ISO 12643-3, Graphic technology — Safety requirements for graphic technology equipment and
systems — Part 3: Binding and finishing equipment and systems
[3] ISO 12643-5, Graphic technology — Safety requirements for graphic technology equipment and
systems — Part 5: Stand-alone platen presses
ISO 12643-4:2010(E)
ICS 37.100.10
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