PES318 SYLLABUS Spring 2011
PES318 SYLLABUS Spring 2011
PES318 SYLLABUS Spring 2011
Faculty of Humanities
Department of English, Translation and Education
1 Course Description
Basic swimming strokes, diving, and swimming competitions.
4. Required Material
- Handouts
- Swimming suit
- Goggles
7. Course Schedule
Date Day % Time Important Dates Assignment
Feb. 17-18 Th – F 4:00 Registration Period
Feb. 22 T 7:30a.m. Classes begin
Mar. 14 M 1:00 – 2:00 Practice – 4 strokes drills
Mar. 21 M 1:00 – 2:00 Practice – 4 strokes drills
Mar. 28 M 1:00 – 2:00 Practice – 4 strokes drills
Apr. 4 M 1:00 – 2:00 Practice – 4 strokes drills
May 23 M 1:00 – 2:00 Practice – 4 strokes drills
8. Recommended Readings: : Official website of the International Swimming Federation
9. Course Policies
There are no make-ups for missed tests or for the final examination. Failure to sit for a
scheduled test and/or final exam will result in an F on the test/exam. A student may be
excused in exceptional cases and upon the discretion of the English, Translation, and
Education Department, and only if the student presents a valid documented excuse (from
the SAO in case of illness) to the chairperson of the department within 72 hours of the
scheduled exam date.
While understanding that we all are busy with school, work, and family, your decision to
register for this course is an indication that you have made it a high priority. Thus,
extensions of assignment due dates are given only in extreme situations (death of a close
family member, hospitalization, etc.) and require documentation on your part. Otherwise,
due dates are fixed and non-negotiable. All assignments should be submitted on or before
the assigned due date. Assignments past the due date will not be accepted for full credit.
Examples of unreasonable extensions for an assignment include frequent computer
malfunctions, outside class-work, or job responsibilities that inhibit meeting the required
deadlines. If you anticipate missing a deadline on an assignment, you should send an e-
mail to your instructor before the deadline. Unexcused assignments submitted after the
due date may be returned ungraded or assigned a lower evaluation. Whether an
extension is allowed will be at the instructor's discretion.
Assignments: All work must be typewritten (unless otherwise specified) and submitted in a
professional manner. The instructor reserves the right to return, for resubmission, any
work that is not neat, legibly, and professionally submitted
Mobile phones should be turned off and out of sight (i.e. not face-up on the desk but
preferably inside purses, backpacks, briefcases, etc. or face down on the desk). Phones
may not be answered.
Students must attend class with the required material (i.e. original textbook, notebook,
pens, etc.).
Once in class, students are expected to remain in class for the entire period.
Special needs: Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation due to a
disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss those specific needs.
Students must check their NDU email daily as this is the means used by the instructor to
communicate. Students will receive notice via NDU email when the instructor posts
announcements on the course's Blackboard.
Office Hours: All instructors at NDU are available for office hours during the week. Please
note the office hour that your instructor has dedicated to this course to make an
appointment. Just dropping by may not ensure that the professor has set aside time to
assist you. Office hours may be used ideally to ask for guidance on an assignment or to
ask questions concerning a subject that you were not clear on during class time.
System of Grades
The University uses the following system of grades. This system consists of letter grades
with their corresponding numerical ranges (i.e. percentage equivalent, and the 4.0 point
Grade Description Quality Point Value Percentage Equivalent
A+ Outstanding 4.0 97-100
A Excellent 4.0 93 - 96
A- Very Good 3.7 89 - 92
B+ Good 3.3 85 - 88
B Good 3.0 80 - 84
B- Good 2.7 77 - 79
C+ Satisfactory 2.3 73 - 76
C Satisfactory 2.0 70 - 72
C- Passing 1.7 66 - 69
D+ Passing 1.3 63 - 65
D Lowest Passing 1.0 60 - 62
F Failure 0.0 0 - 59
UW Unofficial Withdrawal 0.0
The grade “UW” is assigned by the instructor when a
registered student has never attended a class or has
ceased attending and has not submitted an official course
withdrawal request to the Office of the Registrar. This grade
is computed as an F grade in the grade-point average.