Work Life Balance Quiz and Tips Worksheet
Work Life Balance Quiz and Tips Worksheet
Work Life Balance Quiz and Tips Worksheet
Balancing work and life is an on-going challenge. Your goals and struggles are constantly changing, so your
approach to juggling it all needs to be just as dynamic. Innovative thinking and vision has helped you succeed—let
your drive and creativity positively impact your personal life as well. Our health can suffer from stress, being
overwhelmed and not taking care of ourselves. How is your work-life balance?
2. I often feel I don’t have any time for myself -- or for my family and friends.
3. No matter what I do, it seems that often every minute of every day is always scheduled for something.
4. Sometimes I feel as though I've lost sight of who I am and why I chose this job/career.
5. I can’t remember the last time I was able to find the time to take a day off to do something fun -- something
just for me.
7. I can’t even remember the last time I used all my allotted vacation and personal days.
8. It sometimes feels as though I never even have a chance to catch my breath before I have to move on to the
next project/crisis.
9. I can’t remember the last time I read -- and finished -- a book that I was reading purely for pleasure.
12. I can’t remember the last time I went to the movies or visited a museum or attended some other cultural
13. I do what I do because so many people (children, partners, parents) depend on me for support.
14. I’ve missed many of my family’s important events because of work-related time pressures and responsibilities.
Scoring: Give yourself 1 point for each “true” response. Note that each “true” response is a sign that you probably
need to make changes in your life -- and the higher the number, the more critical it is for you to make changes in
your lifestyle. Remember, no matter what your score, start slowing implementing Tips for Getting Your Work/Life
in balance that relate to you.
If you scored…
0-2 Your life is in pretty good balance; just be sure to do what you can to guard that balance.
3-5 Your work/life balance is teetering on the edge; now is the time to make changes before the problems
overwhelm you.
5+ Your life is out of balance; you need to take immediate action to make changes in your work and your life
before things start crashing around you. Work-Life Balance Action Plan
Many people today are too busy making a living that they don’t have time to make a life. You cannot expect to continue
down the same path and get the authentic changes you really want in your life. Where you go in life is up to you. Your
work/life balance should be by choice not by chance. To help you get started. Answer these questions.
I need to: