P&M Nsic/Msme Open Domestic Tender (ODT) 1/12/M/L/033

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No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
Item Category Firm Category Tender Category Vendor Code
P&M NSIC/MSME Open Domestic Tender (ODT) 1/12/M/L/033

Tel: 91 –033-40273210, Mob: 09874374511, Email: onlypepower@yahoo.com 
Sub: Procurement of various types of Trans switch Unit, ACBs and VCBs
Ref. :(i) This office open domestic tender no. CCL/SM/VSS/ACB-VCB-TSU/092/2017-18, tender Sr
No 130 dated 11.12.2017 advertisement no 27 /2017-18 opened on 08.01.2018, Tender id:
(ii) Your online offer no APP/TENDER-ODVCB/011 Dt. 02-01-2018, through the portal of
www.coalindiatenders.gov.in, against the subject tender and subsequent clarification/shortfalls
(iii)Your Bid No-259957
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above, you are requested to supply of Trans switch Unit, ACBs and VCBsin
accordance with the following terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions of supply
enclosed as per Annexure A and technical specification as per Annexure B,
item code Item Description/Scope of Supply UoM Quantit Basic Price Freight Installation and GST Total Landed Extended
No y in (per Nos) commissioning @18% Landed Value after value landed
of Nos (in Rs.) charges value availing in Rs
NIT exclusive of Tax Credit
20929000000 Manufacture & supply of
VCB, 11 KV, 1250 A, CTR
- 400 - 200 / 5-5 A, PTR -
11 KV / 110 V, Outdoor
2 porcelain clad pad type for Nos 1.00 234500.00 17700.00 11800.00 47520.00 311520.00 264000.00 311520.00
use on the primary side of
Power transformers with
Dy-11 Vector Group.

20921000000 Manufacture & supply of

VCB, 11 KV, 800 A, CTR -
400 - 200 / 5-5 A, PTR - 11
KV / 110 V, Outdoor
3 porcelain clad pad type for Nos 1.00 234500.00 17700.00 11800.00 47520.00 311520.00 264000.00
use on the primary side of 311520.00
Power transformers with
Dy-11 Vector Group.

20997000000 Manufacture & supply of

VCB, 3.3 KV, 400 A, CTR –
300-150 / 5-5 A, PTR – 3.3 Nos 3.00 204500.00 17700.00 11800.00 42120.00 276120.00 234000.00 828360.00
KV / 110 V, Indoor.

TOTAL IN RS. 1451400

Rs. 1451400.00+ Inspection fee @1%(Rs 14514.00+
Total landed cost including CMPDIL inspection fee for item no 02,03 & 16 of the NIT of M/s. APE Power
18% GST on inspection fee Rs 2612.522 =Rs.
Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata
2. Total Order ValueRs. 14, 68,526.52(Fourteen lakhs sixty eight thousands five hundred twenty six
and paise fifty two only.)
3. Price :- FOR Destination & FIRM
4. Place of Supply: - The Material is to be supplied from Jalan Industrial Complex , Jangalpur, Gate
No-3, NH-6, Po-AndulMowri, Howrah-711414 
5. GSTIN: M/s APE Power Pvt. Ltd, for West Bengal Depot, GST Registration No
6. Goods & Services Tax:IGST (@18%) will be payable extra as applicable.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
In case of any increase in taxes and duties after expiry of the scheduled delivery period, the
increase will be to supplier’s account and in case there is any decrease, the same shall be
passed on to CCL.
While Supply and raising invoice, you shall comply with all provisions of the Goods &
Services Tax Act 2017.
7. Packing & Forwarding Charges: Nil. If it becomes applicable later on, the same will be borne by
the firm.
8. Freight:Extra as indicated above @ Rs 17700.00 for item no 02, 03& 16, the safe arrival of the
consignment as consignee end is firm’s responsibility.
9. Installation and Commissioning Charges: - Will be paid extra @ Rs 11800.00for item no 02, 03
& 16 as tabulated above.
10. Delivery: -Withinsix (06) months from the date of the supply order. Dispatches are to be made to
the consignee directly from the manufacturer’s works.
11. Mode of Dispatch & Delivery: The stores should be properly packed according to
material/quantity mentioned in the supply order and challan for dispatch by road “Freight Paid” on
door delivery basis. The necessary road permit (if needed) shall be furnished by the consignee after
receipt of intimation from your side. The safe delivery of the consignment at destination will be
your responsibility.
12. Transportation: It is incumbent on the supplier to transport the contracted materials/supplies
through registered common carriers only and documentation should be done as per provision of the
carriage by Road Act, 2007. Any transportation of goods through unregistered common carries is
13. Liquidated Damages: Please refer clause 20 of General Terms & Conditions (Annexure A).
14. Force Majeure: Please refer clause 21 of General Terms & Conditions (Annexure A).
15. Payment Terms: -
a. 80% value of each equipment and the accessories and 100% Taxes along with 100% transportation
& Insurance charges will be paid within 21 days after delivery of the equipment and receipt and
acceptance of performance bank guarantee. The equipment should be accompanied with relevant
dispatch documents like Challan, Maker’s Test Cum Inspection Certificate Warranty Certificate,
Pre dispatch inspection certificate wherever applicable etc.
b. Balance 20% payment shall be made within 21 days of successful completion of erection testing,
commissioning and final acceptance of the equipment (along with accessories) at site upon
presentation of a certificate from the GM(E&M) CCL or his authorized representative to the effect
that the equipment has been erected and commissioned to their entire satisfaction.
NO OTHER PAYMENT TERMS WILL BE ACCEPTED. No payment will be made for supply of incomplete
16. Security Deposit: -You are required todepositSecurityMoney of Rs. 1,46,853.00 which is
equivalentto 10%ofthe valueof the awarded contract (landed value) without having any
ceiling,in the form of DemandDraft or irrevocableBank Guarantee issued by any scheduled
Bank in the prescribed format (as given in the NIT at Annexure-E),within15 days from the
date of receiptof SupplyOrder.The Bank GuaranteesubmittedtowardsSecurityMoneyshall
bevalidforaminimum periodof3(three) monthsbeyondthe
stipulateddeliveryperiod.Failureto depositthe required SecurityMoneywithinthe specified
periodshall entail cancellationofSupplyOrderand thecaseshall beprocessedtoorderelsewhere
and thefirm’sperformanceistobekept recordedforfuture dealingwith them.
TheSecurityDepositshallberefunded within 30daysofsatisfactoryexecutionofthe supply
order/contract.For unsatisfactoryperformanceand/or contractualfailure,the
S e c u r i t y Depositshall b e forfeited.In
caseofextensionofthedeliveryperiodthevalidityofBankGuarantee submitted towards
Security Depositshallbesuitably
Security Money may be converted into performance bank guarantee (PBG) (wherever PBG is
required as per the contract). However, in such case the amount of PBG should not be less than 10%
(ten percent) of the landed value of the order.
The Bank Guarantees (BG) issued by issuing bank on behalf of the supplier/s in favour of “Central
Coalfields Limited” shall be in paper form (Stamp Paper) as well as issued under “Structured
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
Financial Messaging System”. The message will be sent to the beneficiary bank through SFMS. The
details of beneficiary Bank of issue of BG through SFMS Platform are furnished below:-
Particulars of Beneficiary Name Central Coalfields Ltd
Hqrs/ Area Hqrs
Department Materials Management
Bank A/C No. 10106155123
Customer ID 80288731402
Particulars of Beneficiary Bank Name of Bank State Bank of India
Branch & Address SME Branch, Doranda, Ranchi- 834002
SFMS/ IFSC Code SBIN0009620
Original copy of the Bank Guarantee issued by the issuing Bank shall be sent by the Issuing Bank to the
Procurement Entity, Central Coalfields Limited

17. Guarantee/Warranty: 
Twelve (12) Months from the date of commissioning or 18 Months from the date of supply &
acceptance of complete equipment at consignee end, whichever is earlier. The supplier shall be
responsible for any defects that may develop under the condition provided by the contract/supply
order and under proper use, arise from faulty materials, design or poor workmanship and shall
remedy such defects at his own cost when called upon to do so. In event of any defect in materials,
design & workmanship, found during the aforesaid period , the defective part shall be replaced
within 30 days of intimation received from the consignee without any extra cost to CCL.
18. Performance Bank Guarantee: You will be required to deposit Performance Guarantee equivalent
to 10% of the value of the awarded contract i.e. PBG amount of Rs. 1, 46,853.00issuedbyany
scheduledBank inthe prescribedformat(asgiven i n the NITatAnnexure-F) valid for 21Months
from the date of receipt and acceptance of the material or 15 months from the date of commissioning
whichever is earlier for 10% value of the material including taxes and duties etc to the FOR
Destination price of the materials on order must be submitted before execution of supplies or along
with supply bills. No payment shall be released without submission of the performance bank
“The PBG will be released after successful completion of Performance guarantee period/criteria. On
completion of Performance guarantee period/criteria, the firm should submit a written request to the
supply order signing authority for release of PBG”
The Bank Guarantees (BG) issued by issuing bank on behalf of the supplier/s in favour of “Central
Coalfields Limited” shall be in paper form (Stamp Paper) as well as issued under “Structured
Financial Messaging System”. The message will be sent to the beneficiary bank through SFMS. The
details of beneficiary Bank of issue of BG through SFMS Platform are furnished below:-
Particulars of Beneficiary Name Central Coalfields Ltd
Hqrs/ Area Hqrs
Department Materials Management
Bank A/C No. 10106155123
Customer ID 80288731402
Particulars of Beneficiary Bank Name of Bank State Bank of India
Branch & Address SME Branch, Doranda, Ranchi-
SFMS/ IFSC Code SBIN0009620
Original copy of the Bank Guarantee issued by the issuing Bank shall be sent by the Issuing Bank to
the Procurement Entity, Central Coalfields Limited
19. Identification Mark:
A stamp of manufacturer’s trade marking etc should be on each item as per technical specification and
as per relevant IS standards
20. Inspection:
A. Pre-dispatch inspection will be carried out by M/S CMPDIL, as per their methodology. In brief the
scope and condition of the inspection will be as follows:
a) Checking and approval of test procedures/quality assurance plans.
b) Verification of records and documentation of vendor works inspection.
c) Verification of documents and test certificate of bought out items and cross checks.
d) Provide the facilities for carrying out all tests as required in specifications of vendors works else these
will be carried out at independent test house if considered so necessary by CMPDIL/CCL’S
NOMINATED AGENCY at vendors cost.
e) Final testing and checking as per specifications.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
f) CMPDIL/CCL’S NOMINATED AGENCY will have full and free access to the place of the supplier /
manufacturer during process of manufacturing and during inspection activities.
g) Inspection fee @ 1% of the FOR Destination price plus Service Tax as applicable is to be paid to
CMPDIL/CCL’S NOMINATED AGENCY in advance by e-payment mode along with inspection call
letter, which will be reimbursed by CCL along with consignment billing.
h) Pre-Dispatch inspection by CMPDIL/CCL’S NOMINATED AGENCY shall be applicable, except in
case of supplies by OEM’s and direct import by CCL.
i) Minimum 15 days clear notice shall be given by the manufacturer/suppliers to CMPDIL (CCL’S
NOMINATED AGENCY) for arranging inspection within valid delivery period as per contract.
In the event of rejection / non-readiness of materials during the first visit of inspector/s of
CMPDIL/CCL’S NOMINATED AGENCY, the manufacturers/suppliers shall pay to CMPDIL/CCL’S
NOMINATED AGENCY all charges including actual travel and hotel expenses along with inspection
fee for the second visit
NB: The Manufacturer/ Firm, intending to submit the Pre-Dispatch Inspection (PDI) Fees
online through SB collect has to follow the following steps :-
i. Visit CMPDI site (www.cmpdi.co.in).
ii. Click on the link of State Bank Collect to pay Inspection Fee.
iii. Click the acceptance of terms & conditions and then click the proceed button.
iv. Next page will open. Here you select the state as Jharkhand and then select the type of institution as
PSU-Public Sector Undertaking, then press go button.
v. Next page will open requesting to you select PSU name, here you select cmpdi Ltd. & then press
the submit button.
vi. Next page will open, requesting to select the payment category. Here you select “INSPECTION
vii. Automatically, you will be transferred to next page requesting to you to provide details of
payment. Here you are required to fill the data as requested in each row including the remarks.
viii. After filling all the required data, press the submit button, you will be transferred to next page,
which will request to verify the details and confirm the details. Press confirm button if entry made
are correct otherwise press cancel. If you press Confirm then you will be transferred to next page
where payment option will appear.
ix. On this page, you will find the various modes of e-payment of different banks i. e. net-banking,
debit card, credit card etc.
x. At this page you are requested to make the payment by selecting the appropriate mode of payments
offered by different banks as per your choice.
xi. After making the payment please take out the prints of e-receipt which should subsequently be
submitted to us as a proof of payment made to CMPDI along with inspection call letter.
xii. The inspection call is required to be submitted online on the email id:gmenm.cmpdi@coalindia.in
with a copy to paresh.saxena@coalindia.inin the following manner.
a. A Covering letter on your letter head giving the details of inspection.
b. Inspection Call duly stamped and signed, addressed to GM(E&M) CMPDI in the required format on
your letter head.
c. Copy of e-money receipt for the PDI Fee deposited online.
d. Copy of the respective complete supplied order against which inspections call is raised.
All the above four documents are to be submitted in separate PDF files.
xiii. Simultaneously, a copy of e-money receipt for the PDI Fee deposited online must be mailed on
the email id: hqfinance@yahoo.com, with a copy to sandeep.aru@coalindia.in
Note: The facility for submission of PDI Fee on State Bank Collect will be available from 1st to 28th of
every month.
The General Manager (E&M),
CMPDIL Ltd., Gondwana Place, Kanke Road,
(Ph 0651-2230876, Fax 0651-2230127)
(TO BE TYPED IN Company’s Letter Head)
Name of Subsidiary Company of CIL Inspection Call Ref. No. & Date:
Manufacturers’ Name with Address & Tel/Mobile phone P.O.No./R.C.No./Amendment /etc.:Date:
Contact Person Details : Status of supply order :Running Order / New Order:
-Tel./Mobile Phone No.:-email id : (Please tick the appropriate one)
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
Place of Inspection Brief Description of Material:
Qty. of Offered Material : Value of Offered Material:
Basic Value:
Consignment Value:
Date of readiness of Material: (Including of all Taxes)
Proposed date of Inspection :
Inspection Fee @ 1% of Consignment value (Inclusive of Details of e- receipt payment generated after paying the
GST, Packing & Forwarding charges, Insurance, Freight etc. inspection Fee on SB collect :
after deduction of TDS if applicable) Rs…………….GST 1. e-receipt no.:…………….
@18% or as applicable on the date of submission of PDI 2. 2. Date:………………………..
Fee Rs……………… 3. 3. Amount in Rs………………
Total :
Note: 1. Inspection fee and service tax charges is being sent on email id:gmenm.cmpdi@coalindia.in with a copy to
2. Copy of Purchase Order to be enclosed with inspection call.
Signature with seal. 
B. Final Inspection-Final inspectionofmaterialsshall be carriedout atthe consignee’send bythe GM
(E&M) or authorized representativesofGeneral Manager of technical/user department.
21. The Paying Authority & Consignee will be as under :-
Sl.No Consignee Details Address of Paying Authority
1. Depot Officer, CCL, Central Stores, Barkakana, At The General Manager (Finance-HQ), CCL,
& PO- Barkakana (NTS) Dist. Ramgarh-829103 Ranchi
22. SUBMISSION OF BILLS:For claiming payment, Bills / GST-Tax Invoice (wherever applicable) in
triplicate should be submitted to the Paying Authority for arranging payment except in case of
direct import by CCL. The following documents/certificate should also be submitted to the paying
authority along will the Bill / GST Tax invoice:
i. Self-Authenticated Copy of Consignment Note.
ii. Self-Authenticated Copy of Guarantee / Warranty Certificate (if applicable).
iii. Any other document specified in the supply order.
iv. Lowest Price Certificate should be given on the body of each and every Bill, certifying that the price
charged for the materials are not higher than the price applicable to other Govt. Deptt., Undertakings
including DGS&D.
v. Relevant documents as per provisions of GST rule, wherever applicable.
Input Tax Credit on admissible inputs and capital goods will be availed by CCL, for which Pre-
receipted and stamped GST compliant Invoice showing the amount of GST (CGST &
SGST/UTGST)/IGST at applicable rates separately is required to be submitted. The GST compliant
Invoice must contain all the following information as required under GST rule & subsequent
amendments if any:
For e.g.
a) GSTN no. of the Supplier.
b) Address of the concerned GSTN.
c) Name of the consignee.
d) Description of goods supplied.
e) HSN codes
f) Time and date of removal.
g) Mode of Transport.
h) Vehicle Registration number.
i) Rate of GST.
j) Quantity and value of goods, and GST payable thereon.
In addition to the above the following documents are to be submitted as per terms of the supply order
to the consignee.
a. In case of indigenously manufactured goods.
i. One copy of the bill / GST compliant Invoice as the case may be.
ii. Challan.
iii. Packing list in original giving details of bill of materials.
iv. Consignment note / RR/ PWB in original.
v. Warranty / Guarantee certificate and fitment certificate (wherever applicable) in original.
vi. Manufacturers test certificate in original (wherever applicable) as per supply order terms.
vii. DGMS / BIS / Pre dispatch inspection certificates / any other document, if required as per the
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
viii. As
per provision of section 171 of GST Act 2017.an undertaking that “Any extra benefit of input
tax credit to the supplier in future shall be passed on to the recipient.
ix. Any other document specified in the supply order.
While supply and raising invoice, you shall comply with all provisions of the Goods & Services
Tax Act 2017.
a) The Tax Invoice raised by the supplier against the services rendered on or after appointed day
must be in compliance of relevant GST Acts, rules & notifications made there under and
should bear the GSTIN 20AAACC7476RHZT of CCL in case of supply to Areas/units of
CCL within the state of Jharkhand.
b) The CGST& SGST , or IGST and GST (Compensation to state tax), as applicable , shall be
paid extra against submission of proper Tax invoice, as referred above, by the supplier so that
CCL could be able to avail Input tax credit of such CGST& SGST , or IGST and GST
(Compensation to State Cess) reflected in the invoice.
c) If CCL fails to claim Input Tax Credit (ITC) on eligible Inputs and Capital Goods or the ITC
claimed is disallowed due to failure on the part of supplier of goods and services in
incorporating the tax invoice issued to CCL in its relevant returns under GST, payment of
CGST& SGST , or IGST and GST (Compensation to State) Cess shown in tax invoice to the
tax authorities, issue of proper tax invoice or any other reason whatsoever, the applicable taxes
&cess paid based on such Tax invoice including Interest and penalties, if any , as per GST
Act, shall be recovered from the current bills or any other dues of the supplier.
d) The amount of CGST& SGST, or IGST and GST Cess, as indicated in the Tax Invoice shall be
paid only when they appear in GSTR 2A of CCL and the supplier has filed the valid return in
accordance with the provisions of the GST Act and the rules made there under.
e) Where any differential amount is payable to the service provider on account of revision in price
or escalation etc or any other reason in relation to service provided before the appointed date,
the Tax Invoice or debit note thereof shall be issued by the service provider in compliance of
provisions / rules under GST.
f) Similarly, where any differential amount is recoverable from the service provider on account of
E Way
downward revision in price or due to any other reason in relation to service provided before the
appointed date, the credit note thereof shall be issued by the service provider in compliance of
provisions/ rules under GST.
g) In the event of any additional tax liability accruing on the supplier of services due to
classification issue or for any other reason, the liability of CCL shall be restricted to the
amount of GST charged on the original tax invoice issued by the supplier.
h) Subsequent amendment(s) by Government(s) in CGST/SGST/IGST/UTGST and GST
compensation to states Acts and rules shall become applicable.
i) E-way Bill: The e-way bill required in connection with supply of goods or services, if any,
shall be arranged by the supplier/vendor. However, the e-way bill will be arranged by CIL/
Subsidiary if the supplier/ vendor is unregistered one or if provisions of the relevant Act and
rules made there under specifically states that the e-way bill is required to be issued by
recipient of goods.
j) In the event of recovery of any claim towards LD charges, Penalty, fee, fine or any other
charges from the supplier/ vendor, the same will be recovered along with the applicable GST
and the amount shall be adjusted with the payment to be made to the supplier/vendor against
their bill/ invoice or any other dues. Further Earnest Money/ Performance Security forfeited
will be inclusive of GST.
k) TDS: The TDS, if applicable, shall be made at applicable rate from the payment made or
credited to the supplier against tax invoice issued in relation to supply of services on or after
the appointed day.
l) In reference to relevant tax clause of bid document regarding payment / recovery on account of
any new increase / decrease in tax, the provisions under GST
(CGST/SGST/IGST/UTGST/GST Compensation Cess Act and Rules and subsequent revisions
by Government) shall become applicable in the contract.
m) The bidder / contractor shall submit an undertaking that any extra benefit of Input Tax Credit
in future shall also be passed on to CCL.
In order to enable the purchaser to avail ITC as per applicable Indian laws, the supplier shall furnish all the
necessary documents to the consignee / paying authority as required, failing which the equivalent deduction
will be made from the supplier’s bills. In case of successful bidder(s), if at the time of supply, it is found
that GST Invoice (Credit available to CCL on this account) is less than the „ ITC Amount declared in the
Price Bid, the differential amount between the two shall be deducted from the Supplier’s bills while making
payment to them. If the evaluation of the supplier has been made considering the concessional rate of
customs duty applicable for import from certain countries under trade agreements / treaties with Govt. of
India, all the required documentation for availing concessional customs duty and subsequent customs
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
clearance etc. will be provided by the supplier failing which the equivalent deduction will be made from
their bills.
23. Price Certificate: You have to submit a price certificate in all the invoices in the following format:-
“Itiscertifiedthat t h e pricecha rge dinthis invoicedoes not exceedt h e lowestprice atwhichwe
selloroffertosellthestoresofidentical descriptiontoanyotherorganizationduringtheperiodof
24. Price fall Clause: It will be a condition of the order that all through the currency the prices, at which
the successful tenderers shall supply the stores, shall not exceed the lowest price charged by them to
any other agency including DGS&D. In the event of Price going down, the supplier shall promptly
pass on such information to enable this Company to amend the ordered rate.
25. Jurisdiction: -Any dispute arising out of or in respect of the contract will be subject to the
jurisdiction of Ranchi Court, Jharkhand India.
26. The supply order is concluded with this issuance. However, a copy of supply order should be returned
duly stamped and signed within 15 days from the date of supply order as a token of acknowledgement
and acceptance of the same. However, if we do not receive the signed copy of the said supply order, it
will be presumed that you have accepted the supply order as per terms & conditions stipulated above.
All other terms and conditions shall be as per NIT.
Yours faithfully,

(Vijay Shankar Singh) (S P Narayan)

Sr. Manager (MM-P) CM (MM-Pur)
Annexure-A: - General Terms & Conditions of supply of stores, Annexure-B:-Technical Specification.
.Copy forwarded to:-
1. The HOD(MM-Pur)/ GM(E&M)/, CCL , Ranchi
2. GM (MM-S&IC), CCL, Ranchi- : In reference to Ind. Regn. No. as mentioned below-
Sl.No. Indent Reg No. Item Description Qty Area
1. Indent Registration Procurement of various types TSU, VCB Different Different
number: - 092 Dated & ACB Areas of
17.11.2017 CCL
3. The Depot Officer, Central Stores, Barkakana,CCL
4. The General Manager (Fin- HQ), Darbhanga House, CCL Ranchi
5. The required fundof Rs. 62,.21 lakhs ( Sixty Two lakhs Twenty one thousands only) has been provided /
certified vide reference noAWARD/FINAL/TCR VALUE/
CB/18-19/CAPITAL/NEW/03//000001 dated 05.07.2018
CB/18-19/CAPITAL/NEW/14//000001 dated 05.07.2018
CB/18-19/CAPITAL/NEW/08//000001 dated 05.07.2018
CB/18-19/CAPITAL/NEW/13//000002 dated 05.07.2018
CB/18-19/CAPITAL/NEW/16//000001 dated 05.07.2018
CB/18-19/CAPITAL/NEW/05//000003 dated 05.07.2018
CB/18-19/CAPITAL/NEW/13//000003 dated 05.07.2018
CB/18-19/CAPITAL/NEW/17//000001 dated 05.07.2018
CB/18-19/CAPITAL/NEW/15//000001 dated 05.07.2018
CB/18-19/CAPITAL/NEW/05//000004 dated 05.07.2018
CB/18-19/CAPITAL/NEW/07//000001 dated 05.07.2018
CB/18-19/CAPITAL/NEW/07//000002 dated 05.07.2018
From head P&M) (E&M)
6. The TS to D (T) (P&P) / Secy. to D (T) (O), CCL, Ranchi.
7. The FM (P) / FM (O) / Dy. Chief Finance Manager (Hq), CCL, Ranchi.
8. General Manager (MM), SECL/WCL/BCCL/NCL/ECL/MCL/NECL.
9. Progress Cell (M.I.S.) Cell / Master File / Guard File.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018

(Vijay Shankar Singh) (S P Narayan)

Sr. Manager (MM-P) CM (MM-Pur)
1. In the interpretation of the contact and the general and special conditions governing it, unless the context otherwise
requires :
(i) “Contract” means the invitation to tender, instructions to tenderers, acceptance of tender, particulars and the
general and special conditions specified in the acceptance of tender and includes a repeat order which has been
accepted and acted upon by the contractor.
(ii) The term “Supplier” shall mean the person, firm or company with whom the contract is placed and shall be
deemed to include the supplier in successors (approved by the purchaser), representatives, heirs, executors,
administrators and permitted assignees as the case may be.
(iii) “Contract Price” shall mean the sum accepted or the sum calculated in accordance with the price and/or terms
accepted by or on behalf of the purchaser.
(iv) The Chairman, means the Chairman of Coal India Limited. The Chairman-cum-Managing Director means
Chairman-cum-Managing Director of any of the Subsidiary Companies of Coal India Limited, presently Central
Coalfields Limited, Eastern Coalfields Limited, Western Coalfields Limited, Bharat Coking Coal Limited and
Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited, South Eastern Coalfields Limited, Northern Coalfields Limited,
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited and North Eastern Coalfields.
(v) The terms “Drawing” shall mean the drawing the plans specified in or annexed the schedule or specifications.
(vi) The terms “Purchase Executive” shall mean the purchaser or purchaser named in the schedule to Tender, his or
their successors or assignees.
(vii) The term the “Inspector” shall mean any person nominated by or on behalf of the purchaser to inspect supplies,
Stores or work under the contract or his duly authorized agent.
(viii) The term “Progress Officer” shall mean any person nominated by or on behalf of the purchaser to visit supplier’s
works to ascertain the position of deliveries of stores purchased.
(ix) The term “Materials” shall mean anything used in the manufacture or fabrication of the stores.
(x) The term “Particulars” shall mean the following :
(a) Specifications;
(b) Drawing;
(c) Sealed pattern denoting a pattern sealed and signed by the Inspector.
(d) Certified or sealed sample denoting a copy of the sealed pattern or sample sealed by the purchaser
for guidance of the Inspector.
(e) Trade pattern denoting a standard of the ISI or other standardizing authority or Coal India Ltd.
and/or any of its subsidiary companies or a general standard of the industry and obtainable in the
open market.
(f) Proprietary make denoting the product of an individual manufacturers.
(g) Any other details governing the construction, manufacturer and/or supply as existing in the contract.
(xi) “Stores” means the goods specified in the supply order or schedule which the contractor has agreed to supply
under contract.
(xii) The term “Test” shall mean such test or tests as are prescribed by the specification or considered necessary by
the Inspector or any agency acting under direction of the Inspector.
(xiii) The term “Site” shall mean the place or places named in the “supply order” or such other place or places at
which any work has to be carried out as may be approved by the purchaser.
(xiv) Works denoting the persons shall include any company or association or body of individuals whether
incorporated or not.
(xv) “Writing” shall include any manuscript, typewritten or printed statement under or over signature or seal as the
case may be.
(xvi) “Unit” and “Quality” means the unit and quantity specified in the schedule.
(xvii) “Supply Order” or “Purchase Order” means an order for supply of stores and includes an order for

2. The delivery of stores shall be deemed to take place on delivery of the stores in accordance with the terms of the contract
after approval of stores by the Inspector, to :
(i) The consignee at his premises, or
(ii) where-so provided the interim consignee at his premises, or
(iii) a carrier or other persons named in the contract an interim consignee for the purpose of transmission to
the consignee.
(iv) The consignee at the destination station in case of contracts stipulated for delivery stores at destination
3. Words in the singular include the plural and vice-versa.
4. Words denoting the masculine gender shall be taken to include the feminine gender and work persons, shall include any
company or association or body of individuals whether incorporated or not.
5. Terms and expressions not herein defined shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Indian Sale of Goods Act,
1930 or the Indian Contract, 1872 or the General Clauses Act, 1897 and as amended in respect of all the Acts, as the case
may be.
6. (a) Parties
The parties to the contract are the supplier and the purchaser named in the schedule or any other specifically
mentioned in the contract.

(b) Address to which communication are to be sent

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For all purposes of the contract, including arbitration there under, the address of the supplier mentioned in the tender
shall be the address to which all communications addressed to the supplier shall be sent, unless the supplier has notified a
change by a separate letter containing no other communication and sent by registered post acknowledgement due to the
head of the office placing the supply order. The supplier shall be solely responsible for the consequence of an omission to
notify a change of address in the manner aforesaid.

Any communication or notice on behalf of the purchaser in relation to the contract may be issued to the supplier by
Purchase Executive and all such communications and notices may be served on the supplier either by registered post or
under certificate of posting or by ordinary post or by hand delivery at the option of such executive.

7. (i) The price quoted shall be either FOR place or Railway Station of dispatch, FOR Destination, Delivery free to the
consignee, FOB or CIF as specified in the invitation to tender. All offers from countries other than Purchaser’s country
shall quote on FOB and CIF basis.
(ii) In all cases the prices quoted must be net per unit shown in the enquiry and must include all packing and delivery
where applicable. Refunds on account of returnable packages (if any) are to be separately specified. The price should
show separately the Foreign Exchange Element and the Rupee Element for stores to be imported. Sales Tax shall be
shown separately and whether it is State Sales Tax or Central Sales Tax. If no mention is made about Sales Tax, it will be
assumed to be included in the price quoted.

The prices should be included of excise, or excise duty should be separately mentioned. In case where price is quoted
inclusive of excise duty, the rate of quantum of the same should be separately indicated. In case of contracts providing
for free delivery to the consignee octroi charges shall be included where leviable.
(iii) The price must be stated separately for each item on unit basis.
(iv) When quotations are made for units other than those specified in the enquiry, the relationships should be stated.
(v) The prices quoted must be firm and the offers made must remain open for at least four months from the date of
submitting quotations unless otherwise specified.
(vi) Tender must invariably be submitted along with illustrated literature giving complete and detailed specification,
particulars etc. of the main unit and of the standard accessories to be supplied with the stores.
(vii) The tenderers must clearly specify their recommended spare parts that will be supplied along with the main unit and
item wise prices of the spare parts, also what are fast moving; medium moving; slow moving and insurance spares and
the period up to which they are likely to last.
(viii) Printed terms and conditions of the tendering firms shall not be considered as forming part of their tender. In case
the terms and conditions of contract applicable to this invitation to tender are not acceptable to the tendering firms, they
should clearly specify deviations there from in their tender.
(ix) Typed quotations should be submitted. Those containing erasures and over-writings are liable to be rejected. Any
corrections made in the tenders must be initiated by the tenderers, failing which their tenders will not be considered.
(x) Insurance arrangement will be made as per instructions being issued from time to time by the Materials Management
Division of Coal India Limited and/or its subsidiary companies.
8. (i) Samples of each item, if considered necessary, should be submitted simultaneously by the contractor for inspection by
Inspector/Inspectors unless the articles under tender are of considerable bulk, in which case separate arrangement will be
made for inspection of the articles offered while considering the quotations.
(ii) All samples required for inspection or test shall be supplied by the successful Tenderers free of cost.
(iii) All samples must be clearly labeled with the tenderer’s name, this offer enquiry Number and the last date of opening
of tender.
9. (a)Subletting and Assignment
The supplier shall not save with the previous consent in writing of the purchaser, sublet, transfer or assign the contract or
any part thereof or interest therein or benefit or advantage thereof in any manner whatsoever. Provided nevertheless that
any such consent shall not relieve the supplier from any obligation, duty or responsibility under the contract.
(b)Change in a Firm
(i) Where the supplier is a partnership firm, a new partner shall not be introduced in the firm except with the
previous consent in writing of the purchaser (which may be granted only as an exception) of a written
undertaking by the new partner to perform the contract and accept all liabilities incurred by the firm under the
contract prior to the date of such undertaking.
(ii) On the death or retirement of any partner of the supplier firm before complete performance of the contract the
purchaser may at his option cancel the contract in such case the supplier shall have no claim whatsoever to
compensation against the purchaser.
(iii) If the contract is not determined as provided in the sub-clause (ii) above notwithstanding the retirement of a
partner from the firm, he shall continue to be liable under the contract for acts of the firm until a copy of the
public notice given by him under Section 32 of the Partnership Act has been sent by him to the purchaser by
registered post acknowledgement due.
10. (a) Consequence of Breach
Should the supplier or a partner in the supplier firm commit breach of either of the conditions (a) or (b)(i) of this sub-
clause, it shall be lawful of the purchaser to cancel the contract and purchase or authorize the purchaser of the stores at
the risk and cost of the supplier and in that event the provisions of clause 20 shall as far as applicable shall apply.
(b) The decision of Coal India Ltd. and/or its subsidiary companies as to any matter or
thing concerning or arising out of this sub-clause or any question whether the supplier or any partner of the supplier firm
has committed a breach of any of the conditions in this sub-clause contained shall be final and binding on the supplier.
11. Use of raw materials secured with Government assistance.
(i) Where any raw material for the execution of the contract is procured with the assistance of Coal India Limited
and/or its subsidiary companies by purchase or under arrangement made or permit, licence, quota certificate or
release order issued by or on behalf of or under authority or by any officer empowered in that behalf by law, or is
issued from government stock and where advance payments are made to the supplier to enable him to purchase
such raw materials for the execution of the contract, the supplier,
(a) shall hold such material as trustee of Coal India Limited and/or its subsidiary companies,
(b) Shall use such material economically and solely for the purpose of the contract.
(c) shall not dispose of the same without the previous permission in writing of the purchaser; and
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(d) shall tender due account of such material and return to the purchaser at such place as the purchaser may
direct all surplus or unserviceable material that may be left after the completion of the contract or its
termination for any reason whatsoever. On returning such material, the supplier shall be entitled to such
price thereof as the purchaser may fix having regarding the condition of such material.
(ii) Where the contract is terminated due to any default on the part of the supplier, the supplier shall pay all transport
charges incurred for returning any material up to such destination as may be determined by Coal India Limited
and/or its subsidiary companies whose decision shall be final.
(iii) If the supplier commits breach of any of the conditions in this clause specified, he shall, without prejudice to any
other liability, penal or otherwise, be liable to account to Coal India Limited and/or its subsidiary companies all
moneys, advantages of profits accruing from or which in the usual course would have accrued to him by reasons
of such breach.
(iv) Where the stores manufactured or fabricated by the supplier out of the materials arranged or procured by or on
behalf of Coal India Limited and/or its subsidiary companies are rejected the supplier shall, without prejudice to
any other right or remedy of the Government, pay to the government on demand the cost price or market value of
all such materials whichever is greater.
12. The tenderers in case of imported items, shall clearly mention in the quotation that in the event of the supply order being
placed with them, they shall arrange for supply within a reasonable period of all necessary maintenance tools and spares
parts that may be required from time to time during the normal life of the machines, on a continuous basis and at a price
not in excess of the landed cost at their premises plus a stated percentage differential (such a differential should be
indicated) and proper servicing of the main unit supplied by them as and when required. In case there is a Rate Contract
with the DGS&D supply be made at the RC rates.
13. The tenderers shall give a warranty of satisfactory performance of the unit offered by them for a period of 12 months
from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of receipt and acceptance by Coal India Limited and/or its
Subsidiary Companies. The supplier shall be responsible for any defects that they develop under the conditions provided
for by the contract and under proper use, arising from faulty materials, design or workmanship and shall remedy such
defects at his own cost when called upon to do so. If it becomes necessary for the supplier to replace on renew any
defective portion of the goods, such replacement or renewal should be made by the supplier without any extra cost to
Coal India Limited and/or its subsidiary company.
14. For orders placed directly on overseas suppliers, the tenderers should separately indicated whether their prices quoted
include any commission for the manufacturer’s agents in India and the amount of remuneration for the agent included in
the quoted price. Price shall include,  
(i) the service that will be rendered by them as manufacturer’s agent;  
(ii) b) the name and address of agents, if any, in India; and
(iii) c) the agency commission or remuneration or freight in case FOR prices are accepted will be paid in Rupees in
15. On acceptance of the tender, a formal acceptance of tender or supply order will invariably be issued. Advance intimation
in writing of acceptance of the tender will be given whenever considered necessary by the said authority. In case an
advance intimation has been given, the formal acceptance of tender of supply order shall follow in due course, but
immediate action towards execution of supply order shall be taken on receipt of the advance intimation.
(i) Earnest Money Clause should be stipulated in the tender. The value of Earnest Money to be deposited by the
tenderer should be 2% of the value of the estimated cost tendered for or Rs.10, 00,000/-, whichever is lower.
EMD. Should be in the form of Demand Draft and must accompany the quotation i.e. Cover-I of the bid. For
unsuccessful tenderer EMD shall be refunded immediately after finalization of the tender with the approval of the
HOD of MM deptt. or Head of Area. EMD shall be forfeited if any tenderer withdraw their offer before finalization
of the tender or fails to submit order acceptance within 15 days from the date of order.
(ii) Security Deposit clause should be stipulated in the tender. Two weeks’ time (15 days) shall be given in the order
to the successful tenderer to furnish the security deposit. In case the firm fails to deposit the security money, the
order shall be cancelled and the case shall be processed to order elsewhere and the firm’s performance is to be
kept recorded for future dealings with them.
The value of Security Money to be deposited by the successful tenderer in the form of Bank Draft shall be 10% of
the value of the awarded contract without having any ceiling. Security Money will be refunded to the firm within
30 days of satisfactory execution of the contract with the approval of the HOD of MM deptt./Head of the Area. For
unsatisfactory performance and/or contractual failure, the security money shall be forfeited.
(iii) For procurement value less than Rs.1, 00,000/-, no earnest money/security deposit will be required.
(iv) If any State/Central Govt. Organization/PSU & valid DGS&D/NSIC registered (for the tendered items) firm can
produce documentary evidence issued by Govt. Authorities for according exemption towards submission of
EMD/SD, they may be considered for exemption from submission of EMD/Security Deposit.
17. Inspection and Rejection
Generally the stores shall be of the best quality and workmanship and comply with the contract or supply order in all
respect. The stores supplied shall be in accordance with specification unless any deviation is authorized and specified in
the contract or supply order or any amendment thereto.
(i) Facilities for Test and Examination
The supplier shall, at his own expenses, afford to the Inspector all reasonable facilities and such accommodation as
may be necessary for satisfying itself, that the stores are being and/or have been manufactured in accordance with
particulars. The Inspector shall have full and free access at any time during the execution of the contract to the
suppliers work for the purpose aforesaid, and he may require the supplier to make arrangements for inspection of
the stores or any part thereof or any material at his premises or at any other places specified by the Inspector and if
the supplier has been permitted to employ the services of the sub-supplier, he shall in his contract with the sub-
supplier reserve to the Inspector a similar right.
(ii) Cost of Test
The supplier shall provide without any extra charge, all materials, tools, labour and assistance of every kind which
the inspector may demand from him for any test, and examination, other than special or independent test, which he
shall require to be made on the supplier’s premises and the supplier shall bear and pay all costs attendant thereon. If
the supplier fails to comply with the conditions aforesaid, the Inspector shall in consultation with the purchaser, be
entitled to remove for test and examinations all or any of the stores manufactured by the supplier to any premises
other than his (suppliers) and in all such cases the supplier bear the cost of transport and/or carrying out such tests
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elsewhere. A certificate in writing of the Inspector that the supplier has failed to provide the facilities and the means,
for test and examination shall be final.
(iii) Delivery of Stores for Test
The supplier shall also provide and deliver the test free of charge, at such place other than his premises as the
Inspector may specify, such materials or stores as he may require.
(iv) Liability for Costs of Laboratory Test
In the event of rejection of stores or any part thereof by the Inspector in consequence of the sample thereof, which
removed to the laboratory or other place of test, being found on test to be not in conformity with the contract or in
the event of the failure of the supplier for any reason to deliver the stores passed on test within the stipulated
period, the supplier shall, on demand pay to the purchaser all costs incurred in the Inspection and/or test cost of the
test shall be assessed at the rate charged by the laboratory to provide persons for similar work.
(v) Method of Testing
The Inspector shall have the right to put all the stores or materials forming part of the same or any part thereof to
such tests as he may think fit and proper. The supplier shall not be entitled to object on any ground whatsoever to
the method of testing adopted by the Inspector.
(vi) Stores Expended in Test
Unless otherwise provided for in the contract, all stores/materials expended in test will be to supplier’s account.
(vii) Inspector Final Authority and to Certify Performance
(i) The Inspector shall have the power :
Before any stores or part thereof are submitted for inspection to certify that they can not be in accordance
with the contract owing to the adoption of any unsatisfactory method or manufacturer;
(ii) (ii) To reject any stores submitted as not being in accordance with the particulars.
(iii) (iii)To reject the whole of the installment tendered for inspection, if after inspections of such portion
thereof as he may in his discretion think fit, he satisfied that the same is unsatisfactory ; and
(iv) (iv) To mark the rejected stores with a rejection mark so that they may be easily identified if re-submitted.
(viii) Consequence of Rejection
If on the stores being rejected by the Inspector or consignee at the destination, the supplier fails to make
satisfactory supplies within the stipulated period of delivery, the purchaser shall be at liberty to :
(a) Allow the supplier to re-submit the stores, in replacement of those rejected, within a specified time, the supplier
bearing the cost of freight, if any, on such replacement without being entitled to any extra payment on that account
; or
(b) Purchase or authorize the purchase of quantity of the stores rejected or so others of a similar description (when
stores exactly complying with particulars opinion of the purchase executive which shall be final, readily available)
without notice to the supplier’s liability as regards the supply of any further installment due under the contract ; or
(c) Cancel the contract and purchase or authorize the purchase of the stores or others of a similar description (when
stores exactly complying with particulars are not in a opinion of the purchaser, which shall be final, readily available)
at the risk and cost of the supplier. In the event of action being taken under sub-clause(ii) above or this sub-clause
in the provisions of clause 20 shall apply as far as applicable.
(ix) Inspectors’ Decision as to Rejection Final
The Inspector’s decision as regards the rejection shall be final and binding on the supplier.
(x) Where under a contract, the price payable is fixed on FOR station of dispatch basis, the supplier shall, if the stores
are rejected at destination by the consignee, be liable in addition to other liabilities to reimburse to the purchaser the
freight paid by the purchaser.
(xi) Notification of Result of Inspection
Unless otherwise provided in the specification or schedule, the examination of the stores will be made as soon as
practicable after the same have been submitted for inspection and the result of the examination will be notified to
the supplier.
(xii) Marking of Stores
The supplier shall, if so required, at his own expense mark or permit the Inspector to mark all the approved stores
with a recognized Government or purchaser’s mark. The stores which cannot be so marked shall, if so required by
the Inspector, be packed in suitable package or cases each of which shall be sealed and marked with such mark.
(xiii) Removal of Rejection
(a) Any stores submitted for inspection at a place other than the premises of the supplier and rejected shall be
removed by the supplier subject as hereinafter provided within 14 days of the date of receipt of intimation of such
rejection. If it is proved that letter containing such intimation is addressed and posted to him at the address
mentioned in the schedule, it will be deemed to have been served on the supplier at the time when such letter
would in the course of ordinary post reach the supplier. It shall be competent for the Inspector to call upon the
supplier to remove what he considers to be dangerous, infected or perishable stores within 48 hours of the receipt
of such intimation.
(b) Such rejected stores shall under all circumstances lie at the risk of the supplier from the moment of such rejection
and if such stores are not removed by the supplier within the period aforementioned, the Inspector/Purchaser may
either return the same to the supplier at his risk and cost a public tariff rate by such mode of transport as the
purchaser or Inspector may select, or dispose of such stores at the supplier’s risk on his account and retain in such
portion of the proceeds as may be necessary to cover any expense incurred in connection with such disposal. The
purchaser shall also be entitled to recover handling and storage charges for the period during which the rejected
stores are not removed.
(xiv) Inspection Notes
On the stores being found acceptable by the Inspector, he shall furnish the supplier with necessary copies of
Inspection notes duly completed, for being attached to the supplier’s bill in support thereof.
18. Packing and Transport
(i) It shall be the responsibility of the successful tenderers to arrange for the stores being sufficiently and properly
packed for transport by Rail, Road or Sea as the case may be so as to their being free from loss or injury on arrival
at destination. The packing of the stores shall be done at the expense of the successful tenderer.
(ii) The successful tenderer is responsible for obtaining a clear receipt from the transport authorities specifying the
goods dispatched. He will not book any consignment on a “said to contain” basis. If he does so, he does it on his
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own responsibility. Coal India Limited and/or its subsidiary company shall pay for only such stores as are actually
received by them in accordance with the contract.
(iii) All packing cases, containers, packing and other similar materials shall be supplied free by the successful tenderer
and shall not be returned unless otherwise specified in the contract/supply order.
(iv) Packages must be so marked that identification is made easy. Packages will be stamped with identification marks
both outside the packages as well as on the contents inside.
Packages containing articles liable to be broken by rough handling like glass or machinery made of cast iron will be
marked with cautionary works like ‘Fragile’, ‘Handle with care’. Weight of each packages will be marked on the
(v) A complete list of contents in each package called the packing list will be prepared and one copy will be packed in
the package itself and another copy will be forwarded to the consignee, in advance
19. Delivery :
The time for and the date of delivery of the stores stipulated in the ‘Purchase Order’ shall be deemed to be of the essence
of the contract and delivery of the stores must be completed by the date specified.
20. In the event of failure to delivery or dispatch the stores within the stipulated date/period in accordance with the samples
and/or specifications mentioned in the supply order and in the event of breach of any of the terms and conditions
mentioned in the supply order, Coal India Ltd. and its Subsidiary Companies should have the right :
(i) To recover from the successful tenderer as agreed liquidated damages, a sum not less than 0.5%(half percent) of
the price of any stores which the successful tenderer has not been able to supply as aforesaid for each week or part
of a week during which the delivery of such stores may be in arrears limited to10%. Where felt necessary the limit of
10% can be increased to 15% at the discretion of Head of the Materials Management Division.
(ii) To purchase elsewhere, after due notice to the successful tenderer on the account and at the risk of the defaulting
supplier the stores not supplied or others of a similar description without canceling the supply order in respect of the
consignment not yet due for supply or –
(iii) To cancel the supply order or a portion thereof, and if so desired to purchase the stores at the risk and cost of the
defaulting supplier and also –
(iv) To extend the period of delivery with or without penalty as may be considered fit and proper, the penalty, if
imposed shall not be more than the agreed Liquidated Damages referred to in clause (a) above.
(v) To forfeit the security deposit full or in part.
(vi) Whenever under this contract a sum of money is recoverable from any payable by the supplier, Coal India Limited
and its subsidiary companies shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating, in part or in whole by deducting
any sum or any other contract should this sum be not sufficient to cover the full amount recoverable, the successful
tenderer shall pay Coal India Limited and its subsidiary companies on demand the remaining balance. The supplier
shall not be entitled to any gain on any such purchase.
21. If the execution of the contract/supply order is delayed beyond the period stipulated in the contract/supply order as a
result of outbreak of hostilities, declaration of an embargo or blockade, or fire, flood, acts of nature or any other
contingency beyond the supplier’s control due to act of God then Coal India Limited or its subsidiary companies any allow
such additional time by extending the delivery period, as it considers to be justified by the circumstances of the case and
its decision shall be final. If and when additional time is granted by the Coal India Limited and its subsidiary companies,
the contract/supply order shall be read and understood as if it had contained from its inception the delivery date as
22. The supplier shall allow reasonable facilities and free access to his works and records to the Inspector, Progress Officer or
such other Officer nominated for the purpose. Inspector of stores, i.e. supplies made by the successful tenderer against
the supply order mentioned at (15) above, shall be carried out by the Inspector/Consignee at the colliery site/stores or by
the Inspecting Wing (inclusive of all its branch offices) of the DGS&D, New Delhi or any other agency as may be specified
in the supply order. Where necessary, inspection may be carried out at the supplier’s premises. 
23. Coal India Ltd. and/or its subsidiary companies do not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves to itself
the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered and the tenderer shall supply
the same at the rate quoted.  
24. The supplier shall at all times indemnify Coal India Limited and its subsidiary companies against all claims which may be
made in respect of the supplies for infringement of any right protected by patent, Registration of Design or Trade Mark,
provided that in the event of any claim in respect of alleged breach of Letter Patent, Registered Design or Trade Mark
being made against Coal India Ltd. and/or its subsidiary companies, the said authority shall notify the supplier of the same
and the supplier shall be at liberty at his own expense to settle any dispute or to conduct any litigation that may rise there
25. Carrying Vessels for Imported Items
In case of machinery imported from abroad, it is preferable that shipment should be affected in Indian Vessels, wherever
possible. Supplies will however not be delayed on this account.

26. Freight
The stores shall be dispatched at public tariff rates in the case of FOR station of dispatch contract and the stores shall be
booked at full wagon rates whenever available and by the most economical route or by the most economical tariff
available at the time of dispatch as the case may be. Failure to do so will render the supplier liable for any avoidable
expenditure causes to the purchaser. Where alternative routes exist, Coal India Limited/and or its subsidiary companies
shall, if called upon also to do indicate the most economical route available or name the authority whose advice in the
matter should be taken and acted upon. If any advice of any such authority is sought, his decision or advice in the matter
shall be final and binding on the supplier.
27. Passing of Property
Property in the stores shall not pass to the purchaser unless and until the stores have been delivered to the consignee or
interim consignee as the case may be in terms of the contract.
28. Laws Governing the Contract
(i) This contract shall be governed by the Laws of India for the time being in force.
(ii) Irrespective of the place of delivery, the place of performance of place of payment under the contract, the contract
shall be deemed to have been made at the place from which the acceptance of tender or supply order has been
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(iii) Jurisdiction of Courts
(iv) The courts of the place from the acceptance of tender has been issued shall alone have jurisdiction to decide any
dispute arising out of or in respect of the contract.
(v) Marking of Stores
(vi) The marking of the stores must comply with the requirements of the law relating to Merchandise Marks for the time
being inforce in India.
29. Corrupt Practices
(i) The supplier shall not offer or give or agree to give to any person in the employment of the purchaser or working
under the orders of Coal India Ltd. and/or its subsidiary companies any gift or consideration of any kind as an
inducement or reward for going or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act relating to the
obtaining or execution of the contract or any other contract with the purchaser or for showing or forbearing to show
favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the contract or any other contract with the purchaser. Any breach of
the aforesaid condition by the supplier or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf(whether with or without
the knowledge of the supplier) or the Commission of any offence by the supplier or by any one employed by him or
acting on behalf under Chapter IX of the India Penal Code, 1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 and any
amendments thereto or any other Act enacted for the prevention of corruption by Public Servants shall entitle Coal
India Limited and or its subsidiary companies to cancel the contract and all or any other contract with the supplier
and to recover from the supplier the amount of any loss arising from such cancellation in accordance with the
provisions of Clause 20.
(ii) Any dispute or difference in respect of either the interpretation effect or application of the above condition or of the
amount recoverable, the re-under by the purchaser from the supplier shall be decided by Coal India Limited and its
subsidiary companies whose decision thereon shall be final and binding on the supplier.
30. Insolvency and Breach of Contract
(i) Coal India Limited and/or its subsidiary companies may at any time by notice in writing, summarily determine the
contract without compensation to the supplier in any of the following event, that is to say
If the supplier being an individual or if a firm any partner thereof, shall at any time be adjusted insolvent or shall
have a receiving order or order for administration of his estate made against him or shall take any proceeding for
composition under any Insolvency Act for the time being in force or make any conveyance or assignment of his
effects or enter into any arrangements or composition with his creditors or suspend payment or if the firm be
dissolved under the Partnership Act.
(ii) If the supplier being a company is would up voluntarily by the order of a court or a Receiver, Liquidator Manager on
behalf of the Debenture-Holders is appointed or circumstances shall have arisen which entitles the court or
Debenture-Holders to appoint a Receiver, Liquidator or Manager.
(iii) If the supplier commits any breach of the contract not herein specifically provided For, Provided always that such
determination shall not prejudice any right of action or remedy which shall have accrued or shall accrue thereafter to
the purchaser and provided also the supplier shall be liable to pay to the purchaser for any extra expenditure he is
thereby put to and the supplier shall under no circumstances be entitled to any gain on repurchase.
31. Terms of Payment
(i) For all stores, 100% payment should be made on receipt of the consignment at site and acceptance by the
consignee as per actual payment term stipulated in the contract. The number and date of Railway receipt, Bill of
Lading, Air Way Bill or Consignment Note under which the goods charged for in the bill are dispatched by Railway,
Ship, Air or Road respectively, and the number and date of the letter with which such Railway Receipt, Bill of Lading,
Air Way Bill or Consignment Note is forwarded to the consignee should be quoted on the bill. In the case of stores
dispatched by post, the postal receipt should be attached in original to the bill and its number and date quoted
(ii) Payment against the supply orders placed either by the Subsidiary company or by CIL shall be arranged by the
Subsidiary Companies, if not specified otherwise. Wherever order is placed by CIL on any foreign supplier involving
requirement of more than one Subsidiary Co., payment shall be arranged by CIL normally through Letter of Credit.
(iii) Payment for Agency Commission, if any, involved, may be considered in case of necessity, subject to compliance of
the Government of India Guidelines issued from time to time. The name of the Indian Agent with their full address
and the quantum of Agency Commission, if any, payable, shall have to be mentioned in the supply order itself.
(iv) Payment from CIL may also be considered, if felt necessary, by the CIL management, even though order is placed
against the requirement of one subsidiary company by CIL.
(v) Specific payment term may be formulated in accordance with the provisions laid down (as applicable) at Chapter-IX
of the Purchase Manual.
32. Progress Reports
(i) The supplier shall from time to time render such reports concerning the progress of the contract and/or supply of the
stores in such form as may be required.
(ii) The submission, receipt and acceptance of such reports shall not prejudice the right of the purchaser under the
contract, nor shall operate as an estonnel against the purchaser merely by reason of the fact that he has not taken
notice of or objected to any information contained in such report.
33. All disputes arising out of the contract shall be under the jurisdiction of Ranchi court only and as per “Law of the land”.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018

Annexure B
Tender Inviting Authority:HOD(MM-PUR)
Name of Work: Procurement of various types of TSU,ACBs and VCBs
NIT No: CCL/SM/VSS/ACB-VCB-TSU/092/2017-18
on Eligibility
Bidde Value *
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S. (To be
Item Eligi of
N Description of selected Bidder's
Cod bilit Specification Parameter * Mea Star Speci
o Item * from End value * Make
e* y sure t ficati
* drop Val and Overall
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down ue Model
us e wise
box in
each cell)
1250 A, CTR - 2.1 SCOPE : Manufacture & supply of VCB, 11 POWE D
400 - 200 / 5-5 KV, 1250 A, CTR - 400 - 200 / 5-5 A, PTR - 11 AGREE R PVT
D or AGR
2 item2 A, PTR - 11 KV / 0 KV / 110 V, Outdoor porcelain clad pad type for NA
110 V, Outdoor use on the primary side of Power transformers EED
porcelain clad with Dy-11 Vector Group.
pad type.
1 1 TRUE
STANDARDS: The 11 KV vacuum circuit breaker
shall conform to latest revisions with
amendments of standards as under unless
specified otherwise.
(i) IEC62271/100 : High Voltage Switchgear &
Control gears.
(ii) IS: 13118/IS-3427 : Circuit Breaker/ metal AGREE
D or AGR
enclosed Switchgear and control gear. NA
(iii) IS: 3156 : Voltage transformers. EED
(iv) IS: 2705 : Current Transformers.
(v) IS: 3231 : Electrical Relays for power system.
(vi) IS: 1248 : Meters and Instruments.
(vii) IS:14697-1999 : Specification for AC static
transformer operated watt hour and VAR hour
meters class 0.2 & 0.5 S.
PARAMETERS: The VCB unit should confirm to D or AGR
IS 13118 /IEC 62271-100 (amended upto date) DISAGR EE
and following technical parameters contain EED
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
(i) Type: Vacuum porcelain clad.
(ii) Service: Outdoor.
(iii) Nominal systemvoltage: 11 kV.
(iv) Highest system voltage: 12 kV.
(v) Phase: 3.
(vi) Frequency: 50 C/S.
(vii) Neutral Earthing : Neutral solidly grounded.
(viii) Rated Continuous Current : 1250 Ampere. AGREE
(ix) Short time current : 26.3kA for 3 Sec. D or AGR
(x) Rated Breaking Capacity :- DISAGR EE
(a) Symmetrical : 26.3 kA. EED
(b) Asymmetrical : As per the relevant standard.
(xi) Insulation level :-
(a) Impulse withstand : 75 kVp.
(b) One minute power frequency voltage : 28
(c) Power frequency withstand voltage on
auxiliary circuit : 2 kVrms/1min.
(xii) Operating Mechanism: Motor Operating
Spring Closing Mechanism.
(xiii) C.T. Ratio: 400 - 200 / 5-5 A.
(xiv) P.T Ratio: 11 kV/110 V.
(xv) Tripping and auxiliary supply : Shunt trip AGREE
D or AGR
through 110 V DC. NA
(xvi) Operating Sequence: O-0.3 sec-CO-3 min- EED
(xvii) The minimum degree of protection : IP55
(in accordance with IEC 60529) For outdoor
2.3 LOCATION: The requirement is for mine
area of Jharkhand. The climate is topical with hot
summer. The temperature during summer (March
to June) goes as high as 50 ºC. The minimum
temperature during summer is around 25 ºC. The AGREE
D or AGR
winter (November to February) is cold and NA
minimum temperature is recorded as 5ºC.The EED
rainy season is generally from June to October.
The annual average total rainfall is 1350 mm.The
average monthly rainfall during monsoon period
is 300 mm.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
2.4.1 General : The circuit breakers shall be
structure mounted open type with vacuum as
interrupting media incorporating separate
interrupters of 1250 A rating for each phase
mounted on single frame. The mechanism box
shall be centrally mounted in front of the middle
pole. Breaker with mechanism box mounted by
the side of one of the extreme poles is not
acceptable. The mechanism box shall have firm
supports from bottom. This is necessary to
minimize vibration of mechanism box, which in
turn may disturb various settings. The cantilever
type support for mechanism box is not
acceptable. The supporting structure shall be
fitted with a bracket for supporting the three oil
filled 11KV single phase current transformers and
3 nos. 11KV (1 Phase)PTs. The support bracket
shall be provided opposite the circuit breaker
poles and shall ensure adequate clearance
between the breaker poles and the CTs as well
as between the CTs and PTs. All the structures AGREE
shall be hot dip galvanized with 3 dips. D or AGR
There shall be a common drive mechanism DISAGR EE
actuating the interrupters, which must work in EED
synchronism. These breakers shall be provided
with suitable local control while provision shall be
made for remote control. The circuit breakers
shall be fitted with spring mechanism. The
inherent design of these circuit breakers shall be
such that they shall satisfactorily perform all test
duties and interrupt out-of-phase current and
produce very low over voltage (<2.0p.u.) on all
switching circuits, capacitive and inductive to
IEC:56, IS:13118 and other associated standards
mentioned in the clause of this specification. The
design of the circuit breakers shall be such that
inspection and replacement of contracts, coils,
vacuum bottles and any worn or damaged
components can be carried out quickly and this
ease. The contract gaps shall be adjustable to
allow for wear. The mechanism and the
connected interrupters shall satisfy the
mechanical endurance M2 requirements of IEC:
56, IS: 13118 and all additional requirements
specified herein.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
2.4.2 Porcelain Insulator:External parts of the circuit
breakers, which are under continuous electrical stress,
shall be of hollow porcelain. The creepage and
flashover distance of the insulators shall be
dimensioned and the type and profile designed in
accordance with IEC: 815 or IS: 13134 and shall be
suitable for the worst environmental conditions
specified in this specification. The creepage distance
across the interrupting chambers shall suite the
outdoor service conditions mentioned in the relevant
standards for heavily polluted atmosphere and shall
be not less than 320 mm. Internal surfaces of hollow
insulators shall also be glazed. The insulators shall
comply with IS: 5621 and tested in accordance with
IEC: 233. All porcelain whether, used on the
interrupting chamber or on the support insulator shall
have the following properties: Higher strength,
homogeneity, uniform glaze, free from cavities and
other flaws and high quality uniform finish porcelain
components and shall withstand the maximum
expected static and dynamic loads to which the circuit AGREE
breakers may be subjected during their service life. An D or AGR
inert gas shall be filled in the porcelain bushing to DISAGR EE
prevent condensation of moisture and resulting EED
flashover on the surface of the vacuum interrupter and
insulating rod housed inside.
2.4.3 12 auxiliary contacts (6NO+ 6NC) shall be
2.4.4 Indication: A mechanically operated circuit
breaker position indicator of non-corroding material
shall be provided in a location visible from the
operating side of the breaker without the necessity to
open the mechanism door. The word „OFF in white
letter on green background shall be used to indicate
that the breaker is in the opening position and the
word „ON in white letters on a red background to
indicate that the breaker is in the closed position. The
drive for the device shall be Positive in both directions
and provision shall be made for local and remote
electrical indication. Indication of spring charging
condition shall be provided as mentioned in this
specification. Mechanical counters to record the
number of closing operations shall be provided for
each circuit breaker mechanism.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
2.5.1 The circuit breaker shall be designed for
remote control from the control room and in addition
there shall be provision for manual operation of circuit
breakers during maintenance and for local tripping
and closing by the normal means.
2.5.2 The circuit breakers shall have operation control
and mechanical “open” and “closed” indicator, in
addition to facilities for remote electrical indication. An
operation counter shall also be provided in the
common operating mechanism. The mechanical
indicator and operation counter shall be located in a
position where it shall be visible to a man standing on
the ground level with the mechanism housing doors
are in closed position. In addition to mechanical
indications, the electrical On/Off indication is also to
be provided.
2.5.3 The operating mechanism shall be of the spring
charging type, by electric control under normal
operation. The mechanism shall be trip free
electrically and mechanically. The mechanism shall
also be capable of performing satisfactorily, the re-
closing duty cycles. All working parts in the
mechanism shall be of corrosion resistant material AGREE
and all bearings which require greasing shall be D or AGR
equipped with pressured grease fittings. No DISAGR EE
part/component shall be of non-metallic materials so EED
mechanical strength of the mechanism shall be
ensured. The mechanism shall be strong, quick in
action and shall be removable without disturbing the
other parts of the circuit breaker. The mechanism and
breaker shall be such that the failure of any spring will
not prevent tripping and will not cause tripping or
closing. The operating Mechanism should be motor
operated spring charged type. It should not be chain
operated or clutch bearing operated. The motor for
spring charging shall be suitable to perform
satisfactorily for input supply voltage of 230V AC 50
Hz with a variation of plus 10 and minus 20 percent.
The A.C. Motor should have overload protection.
Provision should also be made for mounting of
Mechanism Box at an adequate height and gear ratios
shall be so chosen that one man should be able to
charge the spring, without any additional efforts. The
operating mechanism shall be capable to perform
10000 trouble free mechanical operations.
2.5.4 Suitable anti-pumping features shall be
incorporated in the Circuit Breaker. There shall be no
objectionable rebound and the operating mechanism
shall not require any critical adjustment.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
transformers, three per circuit breaker, shall be of
outdoor, single phase oil immersed dead tank type
and shall comply with IEC:185 and IS:2705, suitable
for operation in hot and humid atmospheric conditions
described in service condition. They shall be mounted
on the bracket. The CT tank should be Hot Dip
galvanized as per relevant IS to prevent corrosion of
all exposed metal parts.
2.6.1 Basic technical requirement : The CTs shall
conform to the following ratings and other particulars
of the circuit breakers:
Technical Requirements :-
(1) Rated voltage : 12 KV.
(2) Insulation level : -
(a) Impulse withstand voltage: 75 kVp.
(b) One minute power frequency with voltage on.
(i) Primary winding: 28 KV rms. AGREE
D or AGR
(ii) Secondary winding: 3 KV rms. NA
(3) Frequency: 50 Hz. EED
(4) Rated continuous thermal current: 120% of rated
primary current.
(5) Short time thermal rating and its duration: 25KA for
3 sec.
(6) Transformation ratio of CTs: -
(i) Category-B00-200/5-5A: Core-I Core-II.
(a) Rated output: 15VA 15VA.
(b) Class of accuracy: 5P 0.5.
(c) Accuracy limit factor: 20.
(d) Purpose: Protection Metering.
(e) Max. of Instrument security factor : 10.
(7) Type:Single phase, outdoor, Dead tank, oil filled &
hermetically sealed.
2.6.2 Tests and inspection: The CTs shall be tested in
accordance with the requirements of the type tests
and routine tests as per the latest issues IEC: 185 or
IS: 2705.
transformer shall be 3 phase with current limiting
resistance and fuses on HV and LV side. One of
the secondary terminals of the VTs, shall be
solidly earthed. Three numbers single phase
voltage transformer of this rated output will be
required for each circuit breaker. Voltage
transformers shall be fixed type and shall be
suitable for single phasing.
Technical Parameters of 11kV Outdoor PTs.
(1) Type : Oil immersed, Single Phase, Outdoor
(2) Reference Standard: IS: 3156/IEC 186.
(3) Rated Voltage: 11 kV.
(4) Rated Frequency: 50 Hz. AGREE
(5) Rated Primary voltage : 11 KV/√3. D or AGR
(6) Rated Secondary voltage: 110/√3V-110/√3V. DISAGR EE
(7) No of Windings : 2. EED
(8) Winding Details :-
(a) Purpose of Winding : Core I- Metering, Core
II – Protection.
(b) PT Ratio : 11 KV/√3 /
110/√3V-110/√3V : Core-I Core-II.
(c) VA Burden 50 VA 50 VA.
(d) Class of accuracy 0.5 3P.
(9) Rated Voltage Factor : 1.2 Cont.
1.5 for 30Sec.
(10) Power frequency withstand voltage : 28 kV
(11) Impulse withstand voltage : 75 kV (peak).
All Type and Routine Tests of VTs shall be as
per relevant IS and /or IEC.
2.8.1 The electrical controls, relays, instruments, D or AGR
meters, annunciation scheme shall be provided in DISAGR EE
a sheet steel enclosure conforming to IEC: 298 or EED
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
IS: 3427 mounted on support base on the floor.
The panel shall be free standing, dust, moisture
and rodent and vermin proof suitable for outdoor
installation. The panel shall have a high degree
of protection for outdoor installation with relevant
standard. Each panel shall comprise of rigid
welded structure frame enclosed completely by
metal sheet of thickness not less than 2mm. The
sheets shall be cold rolled with smooth finish
leveled and free from flaws. The structural frame
and all load bearing members of the enclosure
shall have minimum thickness of 2.5mm. The
control & relay panel board shall consist of panel,
vertical independent, structure mounted with
equipment mounted & wiring access on front and
having double door protection (inside door to be
glass covered) to prevent water entry inside the
panel. Doors shall have handles with built in
locking facility. All door panels and removable
covers shall be gasketed all round with neoprene
bonded gasket. Ventilating louvers shall be
provided to limit the temperature rise as provided
in IEC: 694 and 298 or IS: 12729 and 3427. They
shall be provided with filters encased in fine wire
screens for non-ferrous metal or stainless steel
unaffected by moisture and rain water. A 230V
AC heater with auto temperature control shall be
provided in the cabinet to prevent moisture
2.8.2 The circuit breaker shall be fitted with
numerical relay having shunt trip coil for
operation on 3 over current & one earth fault
element. The numerical relay to be provided with
11 KV Outdoor VCB , should be designed so as
to operate/trip on earth fault as well as on over
current faults but should not operate on
unbalanced load conditions during single
phase(which can be achieved through residual
voltage control or otherwise). The circuit breaker
shall have suitable arrangement for power supply
of relays and breaker operation through shunt trip
coil using power pack. The power pack should be
suitable for tripping operations and future remote
communication as well as breaker testing during
long time power failure. The output voltage may
be as per manufacturer’s design. The charging of
Power pack shall be through 230 V A.C supply
available at Sub-station.
The numerical relay shall have following
features:- AGREE
(a) Self Diagnosis. D or AGR
(b) Minimum last five abnormal events recording DISAGR EE
(over current & earth fault) including fault level EED
and phase along with date & time.
(c) On-line display of current.
(d) Communicate with open Protocol having RS-
485 port.
(e) The relay should contain four shots, three
phase, programmable& auto reclose control
(f) Relay should have Three-phase thermal
protection for feeders, cables and distribution
transformers and Three phase transformer inrush
(g) Relay should have Phase discontinuity
protection & Circuit breaker failure protection.
The relay shall be numerical type mounted in
flush pattern on the panel board. The relay
should be rated 110 V AC as well as DC & 5
Amp. CT Secondary. The relay should conform to
latest IS/IEC specifications.
Relay TTB shall have trip bypass arrangement.
All the relays shall be provided with test blocks in
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
panel so designed that the relays may be tested
at site .The relays should have provision of
testing either through test block or test plug easily
accessible by injecting the voltage / current /
frequency (as applicable) from external testing
instrument / source without first disconnecting /
reenergizing the primary electrical circuit
protected by the relays. Facilities for isolating and
tripping circuit during such testing shall also be
2.8.3 The protection should include master trip
relay, TCS relay and auxiliary relay for
Transformer faults.
2.8.4 The protection provided should be suitable
for restricted earthed neutral system.
instrument shall be of switch board type, back
connected suitable for flush mounting and
provided with dust and vermin proof cases for
tropical use and finished in suitable colour. All
instrument shall have practical laboratory means
of adjustment of accuracy. The limits of errors for
ammeters/voltmeter shall be permissible for class
1.5 instruments as per IS:1248. The ammeters AGREE
D or AGR
and voltmeters shall be suitable scaled to NA
indicate the current for all ratings of EED
current/voltage transformers. A phase selector
switch with four/six positions shall be used to
measure the current/voltage of each phase. The
meter shall be located at eye level facilitate
observation of readings correctly. Any alarm
scheme shall have both audio-visual
annunciations in redundancy of each other and
appropriate accept and rest push buttons shall be
part of alarm scheme.
2.10 WIRING :All wiring shall be of switch board
type consisting of copper conductor of 2.5 sq.mm
cross section insulated with polyvinyl chloride
insulation suitable for 660V service and in
accordance with relevant IS:732. Polyvinyl
chloride used shall have excellent resistance
against burning , moisture, oil and vermin and
shall be finished with clear colour . Rubber
insulated wiring shall not be acceptable. Bidders
shall furnish the details of method being adopted
by them for joint/connections. All instruments and AGREE
D or AGR
panel wiring shall be of heat resisting and self NA
extinguishing type in compliance with IS. Plastic EED
or porcelain cleats of the limited compression
type shall be used for holding wiring runs. The
following colour schemes of the wiring shall be
used as per IS:375.
(a) AC three phase circuits:
(i) No.1 phase : Red
No.2 phase : Yellow
No.3 phase : Blue
(ii) Neutral conductor : Black
(iii) Connection to earth : Green.
Two Nos. test terminal blocks shall be provided
one for testing of relays and other for testing
meters. They shall be of switch board type back
connected for front of panel mounting. The test
blocks shall provide complete isolation of meters, AGREE
instruments etc. and the arrangement shall be D or AGR
such that testing power could be connected at DISAGR EE
the test block from any external source or may be EED
taken from the instrument transformers.
Indicating lamps shall be provided on the control
board to indicate the following:
a. Visual indication of ON and OFF position of
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
circuit breaker.
b. Trip Circuit healthy
c. Spring charging/Ready to Close
d. Fault/Warning
Each lamp body shall be moulded insulation and
shall be able to withstand a high voltage test of
appropriate value. All lamps shall have low power
consumption. An engraved label indicating the
purpose of the lamp shall be provided with each
Ferrules engraved/printed with the same
numbers, of symbols as indicated in the
connections and wiring diagram shall be provided
on the terminal ends of all wires for identification
of circuits for inspection and maintenance.
2.14. HT TVM:
Three phase 4 wire A.C Static H.T Trivector
meter of accuracy class 0.5S for measurement of
energy as per specification shall be provided on
2.15. OVERALL DIMENSIONS: The overall
dimensions should be kept to minimum to
facilitate minimum electrical clearance and
accessibility for maintenance purposes as per
IS/IEC Rule. The Schematic single line diagram
showing general arrangement of the switch gear
and its panel shall be supplied with material.
2.16 DRAWING: The complete set of wiring
diagram for the entire switch gear shall be
provided in duplicate with the supply for
convenience of installation of the switches at site. AGREE
Schematic diagram of instruments panel, CTs, D or AGR
PT, Control circuit and protective circuit for the DISAGR EE
incoming and outgoing switchgear shall also be EED
2.17 The bidders are requested to supply
Operating/maintenance manual with spares parts
catalogue in duplicate of their product with each
2.18 TEMPERATURE RISE: The maximum
temperature rise of various parts of the circuit
breakers when tested under rated condition shall
not exceed the specified values at a peak
ambient temperature of 50 deg. C.
2.19. TEST REPORT: VCB must be type tested
at CPRI /Any other Govt. test laboratory/houses
within five year from the date of bid opening.
They should have undergone the type tests
indicated below as per relevant IS/IEC and
ensure service safety and reliability of the
apparatus in all installations.
2.19.1 Type tests:-
(i) Temperature rise test
(ii) Di-electric test AGREE
D or AGR
(iii) Short circuit test duties NA
(iv) Short time current test EED
(v) Mechanical endurance test (M2 Class)
(vi) Capacitor Switching tests (C2 class)
2.19.2 Routine tests:-
(i) Power frequency voltage with stand test
(ii) Insulation test on auxiliary and control circuits
(iii) Measurement of main circuit resistance
(iv) Mechanical and electrical operation test.
The bidder shall submit copy of routine test
of VCB along with supply.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
2.20 Documents to be uploaded along with
the offer
(i) Notarized copy(ies) of past supply order(s) for
the tendered item(s)/ tendered item of higher
capacity/size/version in accordance with proven-
ness criteria of NIT.
(ii) Notarized copy (ies) of satisfactory
performance report of minimum one year from AGREE
the date of commissioning for the uploaded D or AGR
supply order(s) in support of proven-ness DISAGR EE
(iii) Detailed technical specification of the offered EED
(iv) Notarized copy of type test report from
CPRI/Any other Govt. test laboratory/houses for
tendered/offered model, which should not be
more than five years older than date of opening
of tender.


800 A, CTR - 3.1. SCOPE: Manufacture & supply of VCB, 11 POWE ED
400 - 200 / 5-5 KV, 800 A, CTR - 400 - 200 / 5-5 A, PTR - 11 KV AGREE R PVT
3 item3 A, PTR - 11 KV / 0 / 110 V, Outdoor porcelain clad pad type for use NA
110 V, Outdoor on the primary side of Power transformers with EED
porcelain clad Dy-11 Vector Group.
pad type
1 1 TRUE
STANDARDS:The 11 KV vacuum circuit breaker
shall conform to latest revisions with
amendments of standards as under unless
specified otherwise.
(i) IEC62271/100 : High Voltage Switchgear &
Control gears.
(ii) IS: 13118/IS-3427 : Circuit Breaker/ metal AGREE
D or AGR
enclosed Switchgear and control gear. NA
(iii) IS: 3156 : Voltage transformers. EED
(iv) IS: 2705 : Current Transformers.
(v) IS: 3231 : Electrical Relays for power system.
(vi) IS: 1248 : Meters and Instruments.
(vii) IS:14697-1999 : Specification for AC static
transformer operated watt hour and VAR hour
meters class 0.2 & 0.5 S.
PARAMETERS: The VCB unit should confirm to
IS 13118 /IEC 62271-100 (amended upto date)
and following technical parameters contain
(i) Type: Vacuum porcelain clad.
(ii) Service: Outdoor.
(iii) Nominal systemvoltage: 11 kV.
(iv) Highest system voltage: 12 kV.
(v) Phase: 3.
(vi) Frequency: 50 C/S. AGREE
(vii) Neutral Earthing : Neutral solidly grounded. D or AGR
(viii) Rated Continuous Current: 800 Ampere. DISAGR EE
(ix) Short time current: 26.3kA for 3 Sec. EED
(x) Rated Breaking Capacity :-
(a) Symmetrical: 26.3 kA.
(b) Asymmetrical: As per the relevant standard.
(xi) Insulation level :-
(a) Impulse withstand: 75 kVp.
(b) One minute power frequency voltage: 28
(c) Power frequency withstand voltage on
auxiliary circuit : 2 kVrms/1min.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
(xii) Operating Mechanism: Motor Operating
Spring Closing Mechanism.
(xiii) C.T. Ratio: 400 - 200 / 5-5 A .
(xiv) P.T Ratio : 11 kV/110 V.
(xv) Tripping and auxiliary supply : Shunt trip AGREE
D or AGR
through 110 V DC. NA
(xvi) Operating Sequence: O-0.3 sec-CO-3 min- EED
(xvii) The minimum degree of protection :
IP55(in accordance with IEC 60529) For outdoor
3.3 LOCATION: The requirement is for mine
area of Jharkhand. The climate is topical with hot
summer. The temperature during summer (March
to June) goes as high as 50 ºC. The minimum
temperature during summer is around 25 ºC. The AGREE
D or AGR
winter (November to February) is cold and NA
minimum temperature is recorded as 5ºC.The EED
rainy season is generally from June to October.
The annual average total rainfall is 1350mm.The
average monthly rainfall during monsoon period
is 300 mm.
3.4.1 General : The circuit breakers shall be
structure mounted open type with vacuum as
interrupting media incorporating separate
interrupters of 800 A rating for each phase
mounted on single frame. The mechanism box
shall be centrally mounted in front of the middle
pole. Breaker with mechanism box mounted by
the side of one of the extreme poles is not
acceptable. The mechanism box shall have firm
supports from bottom. This is necessary to
minimize vibration of mechanism box, which in
turn may disturb various settings. The cantilever
type support for mechanism box is not
acceptable. The supporting structure shall be
fitted with a bracket for supporting the three oil
filled 11KV single phase current transformers and
3 nos. 11KV(1 Phase)PTs. The support bracket
shall be provided opposite the circuit breaker
poles and shall ensure adequate clearance
between the breaker poles and the CTs as well
as between the CTs and PTs. All the structures AGREE
shall be hot dip galvanized with 3 dips. There D or AGR
shall be a common drive mechanism actuating DISAGR EE
the interrupters, which must work in EED
synchronism. These breakers shall be provided
with suitable local control while provision shall be
made for remote control. The circuit breakers
shall be fitted with spring mechanism. The
inherent design of these circuit breakers shall be
such that they shall satisfactorily perform all test
duties and interrupt out of-phase current and
produce very low over voltage (<2.0p.u.) on all
switching circuits, capacitive and inductive to
IEC:56, IS:13118 and other associated standards
mentioned in the clause of this specification. The
design of the circuit breakers shall be such that
inspection and replacement of contracts, coils,
vacuum bottles and any worn or damaged
components can be carried out quickly and this
ease. The contract gaps shall be adjustable to
allow for wear. The mechanism and the
connected interrupters shall satisfy the
mechanical endurance M2 requirements of IEC:
56, IS: 13118 and all additional requirements
specified herein.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
3.4.2 Porcelain Insulator: External parts of the
circuit breakers, which are under continuous
electrical stress, shall be of hollow porcelain. The
creepage and flashover distance of the insulators
shall be dimensioned and the type and profile
designed in accordance with IEC:815 or IS:
13134 and shall be suitable for the worst
environmental conditions specified in this
specification. The creepage distance across the
interrupting chambers shall suite the outdoor
service conditions mentioned in the relevant
standards for heavily polluted atmosphere and
shall be not less than 320 mm. Internal surfaces
of hollow insulators shall also be glazed. The
insulators shall comply with IS: 5621 and tested
in accordance with IEC:233. All porcelain
whether, used on the interrupting chamber or on
the support insulator shall have the following
properties: Higher strength, homogeneity,
uniform glaze, free from cavities and other flaws
and high quality uniform finish porcelain
components and shall withstand the maximum
expected static and dynamic loads to which the AGREE
circuit breakers may be subjected during their D or AGR
service life. An inert gas shall be filled in the DISAGR EE
porcelain bushing to prevent condensation of EED
moisture and resulting flashover on the surface of
the vacuum interrupter and insulating rod housed
3.4.3 12 auxiliary contacts (6NO+ 6NC) shall be
3.4.4 Indication: A mechanically operated circuit
breaker position indicator of non corroding
material shall be provided in a location visible
from the operating side of the breaker without the
necessity to open the mechanism door. The word
„OFF in white letter on green background shall
be used to indicate that the breaker is in the
opening position and the word „ON in white
letters on a red background to indicate that the
breaker is in the closed position. The drive for the
device shall be Positive in both directions and
provision shall be made for local and remote
electrical indication. Indication of spring charging
condition shall be provided as mentioned in this
specification. Mechanical counters to record the
number of closing operations shall be provided
for each circuit breaker mechanism.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
3.5.1 The circuit breaker shall be designed for
remote control from the control room and in
addition there shall be provision for manual
operation of circuit breakers during maintenance
and for local tripping and closing by the normal
3.5.2 The circuit breakers shall have operation
control and mechanical “open” and “closed”
indicator, in addition to facilities for remote
electrical indication. An operation counter shall
also be provided in the common operating
mechanism. The mechanical indicator and
operation counter shall be located in a position
where it shall be visible to a man standing on the
ground level with the mechanism housing doors
are in closed position. In addition to mechanical
indications, the electrical On/Off indication is also
to be provided.
3.5.3 The operating mechanism shall be of the
spring charging type, by electric control under
normal operation. The mechanism shall be trip
free electrically and mechanically. The
mechanism shall also be capable of performing
satisfactorily, the re-closing duty cycles. All
working parts in the mechanism shall be of
corrosion resistant material and all bearings AGREE
D or AGR
which require greasing shall be equipped with NA
pressured grease fittings. No part/component EED
shall be of non metallic materials so mechanical
strength of the mechanism shall be ensured. The
mechanism shall be strong, quick in action and
shall be removable without disturbing the other
parts of the circuit breaker. The mechanism and
breaker shall be such that the failure of any
spring will not prevent tripping and will not cause
tripping or closing. The operating Mechanism
should be motor operated spring charged type. It
should not be chain operated or clutch bearing
operated. The motor for spring charging shall be
suitable to perform satisfactorily for input supply
voltage of 230V AC 50 Hz with a variation of plus
10 and minus 20 percent. The A.C. Motor should
have overload protection. Provision should also
be made for mounting of Mechanism Box at an
adequate height and gear ratios shall be so
chosen that one man should be able to charge
the spring, without any additional efforts. The
operating mechanism shall be capable to perform
10000 trouble free mechanical operations.
3.5.4 Suitable anti-pumping features shall be
incorporated in the Circuit Breaker. There shall
be no objectionable rebound and the operating
mechanism shall not require any critical
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
transformers, three per circuit breaker, shall be of
outdoor, single phase oil immersed dead tank
type and shall comply with IEC:185 and IS:2705,
suitable for operation in hot and humid
atmospheric conditions described in service
condition. They shall be mounted on the bracket.
The CT tank should be Hot Dip galvanized as per
relevant IS to prevent corrosion of all exposed
metal parts.
3.6.1 Basic technical requirement : The CTs
shall conform to the following ratings and other
particulars of the circuit breakers:
Technical Requirements :-
(1) Rated voltage : 12 KV.
(2) Insulation level : -
(a) Impulse withstand voltage : 75 kVp.
(b) One minute power frequency with voltage on.
(i) Primary winding: 28 KV rms. AGREE
(ii) Secondary winding: 3 KV rms. D or AGR
(3) Frequency: 50 Hz. DISAGR EE
(4) Rated continuous thermal current: 120% of EED
rated primary current.
(5) Short time thermal rating and its duration:
25KA for 3 sec.
(6) Transformation ratio of CTs: -
(i)Category-B400-200/5-5A:Core-I Core-II.
(a) Rated output: 15VA 15VA.
(b) Class of accuracy: 5P
(c) Accuracy limit factor: 20.
(d) Purpose: Protection
(e) Max. of Instrument security factor : 10.
(7) Type : Single phase, outdoor, Dead tank,
oil filled & hermetically sealed.
3.6.2 Tests and inspection: The CTs shall be
tested in accordance with the requirements of the
type tests and routine tests as per the latest
issues IEC: 185 or IS: 2705.
transformer shall be 3 phase with current limiting
resistance and fuses on HV and LV side. One of
the secondary terminals of the VTs, shall be
solidly earthed. Three numbers single phase
voltage transformer of this rated output will be
required for each circuit breaker. Voltage
transformers shall be fixed type and shall be
suitable for single phasing.
Technical Parameters of 11kV Outdoor PTs.
(1) Type: Oil immersed, Single Phase, Outdoor
(2) Reference Standard: IS: 3156/IEC 186.
(3) Rated Voltage: 11 kV.
(4) Rated Frequency: 50 Hz.
(5) Rated Primary voltage: 11 KV/√3. AGREE
D or AGR
(6) Rated Secondary voltage: 110/√3V-110/√3V. NA
(7) No of Windings : 2. EED
(8) Winding Details :-
(a) Purpose of Winding : Core I- Metering, Core
II – Protection.
(b) PT Ratio:11 KV/√3 /
110/√3V-110/√3VCore-I Core-II.
(c) VA Burden 50 VA 50 VA.
(d) Class of accuracy 0.5
(9) Rated Voltage Factor : 1.2 Cont.
1.5 for 30Sec.
(10) Power frequency withstand voltage: 28 kV
(11) Impulse withstand voltage : 75 kV (peak).
All Type and Routine Tests of VTs shall be as
per relevant IS and /or IEC.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
3.8.1 The electrical controls, relays, instruments,
meters etc. shall be provided in a sheet steel
enclosure conforming to IEC: 298 or IS: 3427
mounted on support base on the floor. The panel shall
be free standing, dust, moisture and rodent and
vermin proof suitable for outdoor installation. The
panel shall have a high degree of protection for
outdoor installation with relevant standard. Each panel
shall comprise of rigid welded structure frame
enclosed completely by metal sheet of thickness not
less than 2mm. The sheets shall be cold rolled with
smooth finish leveled and free from flaws. The
structural frame and all load bearing members of the
enclosure shall have minimum thickness of 2.5mm.
The control & relay panel board shall consist of panel,
vertical independent, structure mounted with
equipment mounted & wiring access on front and
having double door protection (inside door to be glass
covered) to prevent water entry inside the panel.
Doors shall have handles with built in locking facility.
All door panels and removable covers shall be
gasketed all round with neoprene bonded gasket. AGREE
Ventilating louvers shall be provided to limit the D or AGR
temperature rise as provided in IEC: 694 and 298 or DISAGR EE
IS: 12729 and 3427. They shall be provided with filters EED
encased in fine wire screens for non-ferrous metal or
stainless steel unaffected by moisture and rain water.
A 230V AC heater with auto temperature control shall
be provided in the cabinet to prevent moisture
3.8.2 The circuit breaker shall be fitted with numerical
relay having shunt trip coil for operation on 3 over
current & one earth fault element. The numerical relay
to be provided with 11 KV Outdoor VCB, should be
designed so as to operate/trip on earth fault as well as
on over current faults but should not operate on
unbalanced load conditions during single phase
(which can be achieved through residual voltage
control or otherwise). The circuit breaker shall have
suitable arrangement for power supply of relays and
breaker operation through shunt trip coil using power
pack. The power pack should be suitable for tripping
operations and future remote communication as well
as breaker testing during long time power failure. The
output voltage may be as per manufacturer’s design.
The charging of Power pack shall be through 230 V
A.C supply available at Sub-station.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
The numerical relay shall have following features:-
(a) Self Diagnosis
(b) Minimum last five abnormal events recording (over
current & earth fault) including fault level and phase
along with date & time.
(c) On-line display of current.
(d) Communicate with open Protocol having RS-485
(e) The relay should contain four shots, three phase,
programmable& auto reclose control feature.
(f) Relay should have Three-phase thermal protection
for feeders, cables and distribution transformers and
Three phase transformer inrush detector
(g) Relay should have Phase discontinuity protection
& Circuit breaker failure protection.
The relay shall be numerical type mounted in flush AGREE
pattern on the panel board. The relay should be rated D or AGR
110 V AC as well as DC & 5 Amp. CT Secondary. The DISAGR EE
relay should conform to latest IS/IEC specifications. EED
Relay TTB shall have trip bypass arrangement.
All the relays shall be provided with test blocks in
panel so designed that the relays may be tested at
site .The relays should have provision of testing either
through test block or test plug easily accessible by
injecting the voltage / current / frequency (as
applicable) from external testing instrument / source
without first disconnecting / reenergizing the primary
electrical circuit protected by the relays. Facilities for
isolating and tripping circuit during such testing shall
also be provided.
3.8.3 The protection should include master trip relay,
TCS relay and auxiliary relay for Transformer faults.
3.8.4 The protection provided should be suitable for
restricted earthed neutral system.
METERS/INSTRUMENT: All indicating instrument
shall be of switch board type, back connected suitable
for flush mounting and provided with dust and vermin
proof cases for tropical use and finished in suitable
colour. All instrument shall have practical laboratory
means of adjustment of accuracy. The limits of errors
for ammeters/voltmeter shall be permissible for class
1.5 instruments as per IS:1248. The ammeters and
voltmeters shall be suitable scaled to indicate the
current for all ratings of current/voltage transformers.
A phase selector switch with four/six positions shall be
used to measure the current/voltage of each phase.
The meter shall be located at eye level facilitate
observation of readings correctly. Any alarm scheme
shall have both audio-visual annunciations in
redundancy of each other and appropriate accept and
rest push buttons shall be part of alarm scheme. AGREE
3.10 WIRING:All wiring shall be of switch board type D or AGR
consisting of copper conductor of 2.5 sq.mm cross DISAGR EE
section insulated with polyvinyl chloride insulation EED
suitable for 660V service and in accordance with
relevant IS: 732. Polyvinyl chloride used shall have
excellent resistance against burning, moisture, oil and
vermin and shall be finished with clear colour . Rubber
insulated wiring shall not be acceptable. Bidders shall
furnish the details of method being adopted by them
for joint/connections. All instruments and panel wiring
shall be of heat resisting and self-extinguishing type in
compliance with IS. Plastic or porcelain cleats of the
limited compression type shall be used for holding
wiring runs. The following colour schemes of the
wiring shall be used as per IS: 375.
(a) AC three phase circuits:
(i)No.1phaseRed No.2 phase : Yellow
(ii) Neutral conductor : Black
(iii) Connection to earth : Green.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
Two Nos. test terminal blocks shall be provided
one for testing of relays and other for testing
meters. They shall be of switch board type back
connected for front of panel mounting. The test
blocks shall provide complete isolation of meters,
instruments etc. and the arrangement shall be
such that testing power could be connected at
the test block from any external source or may be
taken from the instrument transformers.
Indicating lamps shall be provided on the control
board to indicate the following:
a. Visual indication of ON and OFF position of
circuit breaker.
b. Trip Circuit healthy
c. Spring charging/Ready to Close AGREE
D or AGR
d. Fault/Warning NA
Each lamp body shall be moulded insulation and EED
shall be able to withstand a high voltage test of
appropriate value. All lamps shall have low power
consumption. An engraved label indicating the
purpose of the lamp shall be provided with each
Ferrules engraved/printed with the same
numbers, of symbols as indicated in the
connections and wiring diagram shall be provided
on the terminal ends of all wires for identification
of circuits for inspection and maintenance.
3.14. HT TVM:
Three phase 4 wire A.C Static H.T Trivector
meter of accuracy class 0.5S for measurement of
energy as per specification shall be provided on
3.15. OVERALL DIMENSIONS: The overall
dimensions should be kept to minimum to
facilitate minimum electrical clearance and
accessibility for maintenance purposes as per
IS/IEC Rule. The Schematic single line diagram
showing general arrangement of the switch gear
and its panel shall be supplied with material.3.16
DRAWING: The complete set of wiring diagram
for the entire switch gear shall be provided in
duplicate with the supply for convenience of
installation of the switches at site. Schematic AGREE
D or AGR
diagram of instruments panel, CTs, PT, Control NA
circuit and protective circuit for the incoming and EED
outgoing switchgear shall also be provided.
3.17 The bidders are requested to supply
Operating/maintenance manual with spares parts
catalogue in duplicate of their product with each
3.18 TEMPERATURE RISE: The maximum
temperature rise of various parts of the circuit
breakers when tested under rated condition shall
not exceed the specified values at a peak
ambient temperature of 50 deg. C.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
3.19. TEST REPORT: VCB must be type tested
at CPRI /Any other Govt. test laboratory/houses
within five year from the date of bid opening .
They should have undergone the type tests
indicated below as per relevant IS/IEC and
ensure service safety and reliability of the
apparatus in all installations.
3.19.1 Type tests:-
(i) Temperature rise test
(ii) Di-electric test AGREE
D or AGR
(iii) Short circuit test duties NA
(iv) Short time current test EED
(v) Mechanical endurance test (M2 Class)
(vi) Capacitor Switching tests (C2 class)
3.19.2 Routine tests:-
(i) Power frequency voltage with stand test
(ii) Insulation test on auxiliary and control circuits
(iii) Measurement of main circuit resistance
(iv) Mechanical and electrical operation test.
The bidder shall submit copy of routine test
of VCB along with supply.
3.20 Documents to be uploaded alongwith the
offer :-
(i) Notarized copy(ies) of past supply order(s) for
the tendered item(s)/ tendered item of higher
capacity/size/version in accordance with proven-
ness criteria of NIT.
(ii) Notarized copy (ies) of satisfactory
performance report of minimum one year from AGREE
D or AGR
the date of commissioning for the uploaded NA
supply order(s) in support of proven-ness EED
(iii) Detailed technical specification of the offered
(iv) Notarized copy of type test report from
CPRI/Any other Govt. test laboratory/houses for
tendered/offered model, which should not be
more than five years older than date of opening
of tender.
A, CTR – 300- 16.1 SCOPE: Manufacture & supply of VCB, 3.3 AGREE POWER ED
item D or AGR
16 150 / 5-5 A, PTR 0 KV, 400 A, CTR – 300-150 / 5-5 A, PTR – 3.3 KV NA
– 3.3 KV / 110 V, / 110 V, Indoor. EED LTD
STANDARDS:The 3.3 KV vacuum circuit breaker
shall conform to latest revisions with
amendments of standards as under unless
specified otherwise.
(i) IEC62271/100: High Voltage Switchgear &
Control gears.
(ii) IS: 13118/IS-3427: Circuit Breaker/ metal AGREE
D or AGR
enclosed Switchgear and control gear. NA
(iii) IS: 3156: Voltage transformers. EED
(iv) IS: 2705: Current Transformers.
(v) IS: 3231: Electrical Relays for power system.
(vi) IS: 1248: Meters and Instruments.
(vii) IS: 14697-1999: Specification for AC static
transformer operated watt hour and VAR hour
meters class 0.2 & 0.5 S.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
PARAMETERS: The VCB unit should confirm to
IS 13118 /IEC 62271-100(amended uptodate )
and following technical parameters contain (i)
Type : Vacuum.
(ii) Service: Indoor.
(iii) Nominal systemvoltage: 3.3 kV.
(iv) Highest system voltage: 3.6 kV.
(v) Phase: 3.
(vi) Frequency: 50 C/S. AGREE
(vii) Neutral Earthing : Neutral solidly grounded. D or AGR
(viii) Rated Continuous Current: 400 Ampere. DISAGR EE
(ix) Short time current: 20 kA for 3 Sec. EED
(x) Rated Breaking Capacity :-
(a) Symmetrical: 20 kA.
(b) Asymmetrical: As per the relevant standard.
(xi) Insulation level :-
(a) Impulse withstand: 40 kVp.
(b) One minute power frequency voltage : 10
(c) Power frequency withstand voltage on
auxiliary circuit : 2 kVrms/1min.
(xii) Operating Mechanism: Motor Operating
Spring Closing Mechanism.
(xiii) C.T. Ratio: 300-150 / 5-5 A.
(xiv) P.T Ratio: 3.3 kV/110V. AGREE
(xv) Tripping and auxiliary supply : Shunt trip D or AGR
through 110 V DC. DISAGR EE
(xvi) Operating Sequence: O-0.3 sec-CO-3 min- EED
(xvii) The minimum degree of protection : IP54
(in accordance with IEC 60529).
The requirement is for mine area of Jharkhand.
The climate is topical with hot summer. The
temperature during summer (March to June)
goes as high as 50 ºC. The minimum AGREE
temperature during summer is around 25 ºC. The D or AGR
winter (November to February) is cold and DISAGR EE
minimum temperature is recorded as 5ºC.The EED
rainy season is generally from June to October.
The annual average total rainfall is 1350 mm.The
average monthly rainfall during monsoon period
is 300 mm.
16.4.1 General:The required 3.3KV Vacuum
Circuit Breaker is suitable for Indoor installation..
For indoor circuit breakers only floor mounted
and horizontal draw out and horizontal isolation
type breakers are accepted. The circuit breakers along with CT, PT,
Control & relay Panels shall be suitable for indoor
installations with vacuum as interrupting media
incorporating separate interrupters of 400A rating
for each phase mounted on single frame.. These
shall be a common drive mechanism actuating AGREE
D or AGR
the interrupters, which must work in synchronism. NA
These breakers shall be provided with suitable EED
local control while provision shall be made for
remote control. The entire circuit breaker with its
operating mechanism shall be mounted on a
horizontal draw out type chassis/ trolley inserted
into a floor standing sheet steel enclosure
suitable for withstanding electromagnetic/ electro-
dynamic forces of both symmetrical and
asymmetrical faults. It shall have plug-in off load
type isolating main and auxiliary contacts with all
necessary safety features, door limit switch etc.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018 The vacuum circuit breaker panels shall
be enclosed in sheet steel independent floor
mounting cubicle made of minimum 2.5 mm thick
CRCA Sheet for outer walls and minimum 2.0
mm thick for partition/ inside walls suitable for
coupling with identical units on either sides to
form switchboard. The circuit breaker panel shall
be such that when the withdrawable part is being
removed the metal shutters can be opened with a
lever, for an example to inspect the mating
contracts or locked with a padlock. The upper
portion (access to the Bus bar) and the lower
portion (access to the termination compartment)
can be unscrewed with the metal shutters closed.
This makes it possible to work in the Bus bar
compartment with the termination compartment
fully partitioned off, and vice versa. The breaker
shall be provided with three distinct positions AGREE
namely service, Test and Isolate. D or AGR
NA AGREE TRUE The circuit breakers shall be fitted with DISAGR EE
spring mechanism type. The inherent design of EED
these circuit breakers shall be such that they
shall satisfactorily perform all test duties and
interrupt out-of-phase current and produce very
low over voltage (<2.0 p.u) on all switching
circuits, capacitive and inductive to IEC:62271 –
100 and other associated standards mentioned in
the clause of this specification. The design of the circuit breaker shall be
such that inspection and replacement of
contracts, coils, vacuum bottles and any worn or
damaged components can be carried out quickly
and with ease. The contact gaps shall be
adjustable to allow for wear. The mechanism and the connected
interrupters shall satisfy the mechanical
endurance requirements of IEC: 62271 – 100 and
all additional requirements specified herein.
16.4.2 Indication:A mechanically operated circuit
breaker position indicator of non-corroding
material shall be provided in a location visible
from the operating side of the breaker without the
necessity to open the mechanism door. The word
„OFF in white letter on green background shall
be used to indicate that the breaker is in the
opening position and the word „ON in white AGREE
D or AGR
letters on a red background to indicate that the NA
breaker is in the closed position. The drive for the EED
device shall be Positive in both directions and
provision shall be made for local and remote
electrical indication. Indication of spring charging
condition shall be provided as mentioned in this
specification. Mechanical counters to record the
number of closing operations shall be provided
for each circuit breaker mechanism.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
16.5.1 The circuit breaker shall be designed for
remote control from the control room and in
addition there shall be provision for manual
operation of circuit breakers during maintenance
and for local tripping and closing by the normal
16.5.2 The circuit breakers shall have operation
control and mechanical “open” and “closed”
indicator, in addition to facilities for remote
electrical indication. An operation counter shall
also be provided in the common operating
mechanism. The mechanical indicator and
operation counter shall be located in a position
where it shall be visible to a man standing on the
ground level with the mechanism housing doors AGREE
D or AGR
are in closed position. In addition to mechanical NA
indications, the electrical On/Off indication is also EED
to be provided.
16.5.3 The circuit breaker shall be equipped with
hand operated spring charging closing
mechanism to operate all three phases
simultaneously. It shall be electrically &
mechanically trip free under various conditions.
Operation counter and mechanically ON-OFF
indicator shall be provided. The operating
mechanism shall be capable to perform 10000
trouble free mechanical operations.
16.5.4 Suitable anti-pumping features shall be
incorporated in the Circuit Breaker. There shall
be no objectionable rebound and the operating
mechanism shall not require any critical
Current transformers, three per circuit breaker,
shall be of single phase, resin cast and shall
comply with IEC: 185 and IS: 2705, suitable for
operation in hot and humid atmospheric
conditions described in service condition. They
shall be mounted inside the panel.
16.6.1 Basic technical requirement : The CTs
shall conform to the following ratings and other
particulars of the circuit breakers:
Technical Requirements
(1) Rated voltage : 3.6 kV.
(2)Insulation level : -
(a) Impulse withstand voltage: 40 kVp.
(b) One minute power frequency with voltage on.
(i) Primary winding: 10 KV rms.
(ii) Secondary winding: 3 KV rms.
(3) Frequency: 50 Hz. AGREE
D or AGR
(4) Rated continuous thermal current: 120% of NA
rated primary current. EED
(5) Short time thermal rating and its duration: 20
kA for 3 sec.
(6) Transformation ratio of CTs: -
(i) Category-B300-150/5-5ACore-I
(a) Rated output: 15VA
(b) Class of accuracy: 5P
(c) Accuracy limit factor: 20.
(d) Purpose: Protection
(e) Max. of Instrument security factor : 10.
15.10.2Tests and inspection: The CTs shall be
tested in accordance with the requirements of the
type tests and routine tests as per the latest
issues IEC: 185 or IS: 2705.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
16.7 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER : The voltage
transformers to be supplied under this
specification shall be of single phase or three
Polycrate or Resin Cast type, complying with
IEC:186 and IS:3156 suitable for operation in hot
and humid atmospheric conditions described in
this document for all the indicating instruments
and measuring meters in the primary 3.3 KV
Technical Parameters of 3.3 kV PTs
(1) Type: 1-Phase or 3- phase resin cast or Poly-
crate type.
(2) Reference Standard: IS: 3156/IEC 186.
(3) Rated Voltage: 3.3 kV.
(4) Rated Frequency: 50 Hz.
(5) Rated Primary voltage: 3.3 KV/√3. AGREE
D or AGR
(6) Rated Secondary voltage: 110/√3V-110/√3V. NA
(7) No of Windings : 2. EED
(8) Winding Details :-
(a) Purpose of Winding : Core I- Metering, Core
II – Protection.
(b) PT Ratio: 3.3 kV/√3 /
110/√3V-110/√3V Core-I Core-II.
(c) VA Burden 50 VA 50 VA.
(d) Class of accuracy 0.5
(9) Rated Voltage Factor: 1.2 Cont.
1.5 for 30 Sec.
(10) Power frequency withstand voltage: 10 kV
(11) Impulse withstand voltage: 40 kV (peak).
All Type and Routine Tests of VTs shall be as
per relevant IS and /or IEC.
PROTECTION : Combined IDMT & high set
instantaneous relay consisting of two overload
units(Range50-200%),one earth fault(Range10-
40%)and one high set instantaneous units(Range
i) Type : Very Inverse/Inverse Definite AGREE
D or AGR
minimum Time (Two O/C &One E/F). NA
ii) Range i) : 400 to 1600 %continuously EED
adjustable for short circuit protection.
ii) : 50 to 200% for overload.
iii) : 10 to 40% for Earth fault.
Protections relay to be operated through CBT
with adjustable setting for earthed leakage
current. Earth leakage relay should have setting
range of 750 to 2500 mA.
instrument shall be of switch board type, back
connected suitable for flush mounting and
provided with dust and vermin proof cases for
tropical use and finished in suitable colour. All
instrument shall have practical laboratory means
of adjustment of accuracy. The limits of errors for AGREE
D or AGR
ammeters/voltmeter shall be permissible for class NA
1.5 instruments as per IS: 1248. The ammeters EED
and voltmeters shall be suitable scaled to
indicate the current for all ratings of
current/voltage transformers. A phase selector
switch with four/six positions shall be used to
measure the current/voltage of each phase. The
meter shall be located at eye level facilitate
observation of readings correctly.
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
16.10 WIRING:All wiring shall be of switch board
type consisting of copper conductor of 2.5 sq.mm
cross section insulated with polyvinyl chloride
insulation suitable for 660V service and in
accordance with relevant IS:732. Polyvinyl
chloride used shall have excellent resistance
against burning, moisture, oil and vermin and
shall be finished with clear colour . Rubber
insulated wiring shall not be acceptable. Bidders
shall furnish the details of method being adopted
by them for joint/connections. AGREE
All instruments and panel wiring shall be of heat D or AGR
resisting and self-extinguishing type in DISAGR EE
compliance with IS. Plastic or porcelain cleats of EED
the limited compression type shall be used for
holding wiring runs. The following colour
schemes of the wiring shall be used as per IS:
a) AC three phase circuits:
i) No.1 phase : Red
No.2 phase : Yellow
No.3 phase : Blue
ii) Neutral conductor : Black
iii) Connection to earth : Green
Two Nos. test terminal blocks shall be provided
one for testing of relays and other for testing
meters. They shall be of switch board type back
connected for front of panel mounting. The test
blocks shall provide complete isolation of meters,
instruments etc. and the arrangement shall be
such that testing power could be connected at
the test block from any external source or may be
taken from the instrument transformers.
16.12 TERMINALS: Cable entry boxes of suitable
sizes on both incoming and outgoing side. AGREE
Indicating lamps shall be provided on the control DISAGR EE
board to indicate the following: EED
a. Visual indication of ON and OFF position of
circuit breaker.
b. Trip Circuit healthy
c. Spring charging/Ready to Close
d. Fault/Warning
Each lamp body shall be moulded insulation and
shall be able to withstand a high voltage test of
appropriate value. All lamps shall have low power
consumption. An engraved label indicating the
purpose of the lamp shall be provided with each
16.14 FERRULES: Ferrules engraved/printed
with the same numbers, of symbols as indicated
in the connections and wiring diagram shall be
provided on the terminal ends of all wires for
identification of circuits for inspection and
16.15 HTTVM :Three phase 4 wire A.C Static
H.T Trivector meter of accuracy class 0.5S for AGREE
D or AGR
measurement of energy as per specification shall NA
be provided on VCB . EED
16.16 OVERALL DIMENSIONS: The overall
dimensions should be kept to minimum to
facilitate minimum electrical clearance and
accessibility for maintenance purposes as per
IS/IEC Rule. The Schematic single line diagram
showing general arrangement of the switch gear
and its panel shall be supplied with material.
16.17 . DRAWING: The complete set of wiring
diagram for the entire switch gear shall be AGREE
D or AGR
provided in duplicate with the supply for NA
convenience of installation of the switches at site. EED
Schematic diagram of instruments panel, CTs,
No. 092:05:1:01:18 - 042 Dated: 05.07.2018
PT, Control circuit and protective circuit for the
incoming and outgoing switchgear shall also be
16.18 The bidders are requested to supply
Operating/maintenance manual with spares parts
catalogue in duplicate of their product with each
16.19 TEMPERATURE RISE: The maximum
temperature rise of various parts of the circuit
breakers when tested under rated condition shall
not exceed the specified values at a peak
ambient temperature of 50 deg. C.

16.20 TEST REPORT: VCB must be type tested

at CPRI / Any other Govt. test laboratory/houses
within five year from the date of bid opening.
They should have undergone the type tests
indicated below as Any other Govt. test
laboratory/houses per relevant IS/IEC and ensure
service safety and reliability of the apparatus in
all installations.
16.20.1 Type tests:
_ Temperature rise test AGREE
_ Di-electric test D or AGR
_ Short circuit test duties DISAGR EE
_ Short time current test EED
_ Mechanical endurance test (M2 Class)
_ Capacitor Switching tests (C2 class)
16.20.2 Routine tests:
_ Power frequency voltage with stand test
_ Insulation test on auxiliary and control circuits
_ Measurement of main circuit resistance
_ Mechanical and electrical operation test
The bidder shall submit copy of routine test of
VCB along with supply.

16.21 Documents to be uploaded along with

the offer :-
(i) Notarized copy (ies) of past supply order(s) for
the tendered item(s)/ tendered item of higher
capacity/size/version in accordance with proven-
ness criteria of NIT.
(ii) Notarized copy (ies) of satisfactory
performance report of minimum one year from AGREE
D or AGR
the date of commissioning for the uploaded NA
supply order(s) in support of proven-ness EED
(iii) Detailed technical specification of the offered
(iv) Notarized copy of type test report from
CPRI/Any other Govt. test laboratory/houses for
tendered/offered model, which should not be
more than five years older than date of opening
of tender.

(Vijay Shankar Singh) (S P Narayan)

Sr. Manager (MM-P) CM (MM-Pur)

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