TOK Essay Checklist
TOK Essay Checklist
TOK Essay Checklist
In order to help you produce the best possible TOK essay, here is a checklist for you to run through before
you hand the essay in so that you can iron out any silly mistakes / obvious omissions yourself so that your
teachers can focus on the more important / more complicated issues when they are giving you feedback.
Criterion A: Understanding Knowledge Issues (10 marks)
Am I certain that my essay answer the question as it is set? Have I been really careful to pick
out all the key words in the question and understand their implications, even if they are not
‘TOK’ words?
Have I included the BLURS / TOK concepts such as truth, belief, certainty and knowledge or
references to the AOKs or to the WOKs?
Have I considered whether my answer to the question in the AOK of Maths will be different to
the answer I would get if I considered the same question in the AOK of the Arts? Will the
answer be different if I consider reason to if I consider emotion?
Have I examined how those perspectives may differ from my own and, most importantly, what
factors (e.g. their religion, culture, the age in which they live, etc) have caused these other
people to have the perspective that they do?
Have I shown awareness of the factors (e.g. my age, gender, personality, social class, race,
personal history) that bias and influence my own perspective?
Have I used good examples from a variety of different sources such as academic articles,
newspapers, my own experience and thought experiments?
Have I got about 4 -6 obviously different main arguments or ideas that are developed in depth?
Have I considered the counterclaims against my position, an evaluation of how strong these
arguments against me are and a response to them that either attacks back or reaches a
compromise between their position and mine?
Have I considered the assumptions that underpin my argument and without which it would not
be valid?
Does my essay have a logical introduction, main body and conclusion structure?
Have I got a clear ‘topic sentence’ at the start or end (or both) of each paragraph to make the
subject of that paragraph obvious to reader and to make it clear how that paragraph links back
to / answers the question?
Have I identified all my sources clearly by using footnotes within my essay and a bibliography at
the back?