A Brief Overview of The Classical Linear Regression Model (CLRM)
A Brief Overview of The Classical Linear Regression Model (CLRM)
A Brief Overview of The Classical Linear Regression Model (CLRM)
• Denote the dependent variable by y and the independent variable(s) by x1, x2,
... , xk where there are k independent variables.
• Note that there can be many x variables, but we will limit ourselves to the
case where there is only one x variable to start with. In our set-up, there is
only one y variable.
‘Introductory Econometrics for Finance’ © Chris Brooks 2013 3
Regression is different from Correlation
• For simplicity, say k=1. This is the situation where y depends on only one x
• Suppose that we have the following data on the excess returns on a fund
manager’s portfolio (“fund XXX”) together with the excess returns on a
market index:
Year, t Excess return Excess return on market index
= rXXX,t – rft = rmt - rft
1 17.8 13.7
2 39.0 23.2
3 12.8 6.9
4 24.2 16.8
5 17.2 12.3
• We have some intuition that the beta on this fund is positive, and we
therefore want to find whether there appears to be a relationship between
x and y given the data that we have. The first stage would be to form a
scatter plot of the two variables.
Excess return on fund XXX
0 5 10 15 20 25
Excess return on market portfolio
‘Introductory Econometrics for Finance’ © Chris Brooks 2013 7
Finding a Line of Best Fit
‘Introductory Econometrics for Finance’ © Chris Brooks 2013 10
Ordinary Least Squares
• The most common method used to fit a line to the data is known as
OLS (ordinary least squares).
• What we actually do is take each distance and square it (i.e. take the
area of each of the squares in the diagram) and minimise the total sum
of the squares (hence least squares).
û i
xi x
• But what was ût ? It was the difference between the actual point and
the line, yt - ŷt .
• So minimising ( y − ˆ
y )
t t is equivalent to minimising
u 2
yˆ t = −1.74 + 1.64 x t
• Question: If an analyst tells you that she expects the market to yield a return
20% higher than the risk-free rate next year, what would you expect the return
on fund XXX to be?
• Solution: We can say that the expected value of y = “-1.74 + 1.64 * value of x”,
so plug x = 20 into the equation to get the expected value for y:
yˆ i = −1.74 + 1.64 20 = 31.06
‘Introductory Econometrics for Finance’ © Chris Brooks 2013 14
Accuracy of Intercept Estimate
0 x
• Linear in the parameters means that the parameters are not multiplied
together, divided, squared or cubed etc.
Yt = e X t eut ln Yt = + ln X t + ut
• Then let yt=ln Yt and xt=ln Xt
yt = + xt + ut
‘Introductory Econometrics for Finance’ © Chris Brooks 2013 18
Linear and Non-linear Models
• Additional Assumption
5. ut is normally distributed
• Remember!
Variance and covariance are mathematical terms frequently used in
statistics and probability theory. Variance refers to the spread of a
data set around its mean value, while a covariance refers to the
measure of the directional relationship between two random
• Be careful!
Stochastic = random
Non-stochastic = Non random = deterministic = fixed
Instructor’s note 23
Properties of the OLS Estimator
• We can use the information in the sample to make inferences about the
• We will always have two hypotheses that go together, the null hypothesis
(denoted H0) and the alternative hypothesis (denoted H1).
• The null hypothesis is the statement or the statistical hypothesis that is actually
being tested. The alternative hypothesis represents the remaining outcomes of
• For example, suppose given the regression results above, we are interested in
the hypothesis that the true value of is in fact 0.5. We would use the notation
H0 : = 0.5
H1 : 0.5
This would be known as a two sided test.
• There are two ways to conduct a hypothesis test: via the test of
significance approach or via the confidence interval approach.
95% non-rejection
region 5% rejection region
7. Finally perform the test. If the test statistic lies in the rejection
region then reject the null hypothesis (H0), else do not reject H0.
• You should all be familiar with the normal distribution and its
characteristic “bell” shape.
• We can scale a normal variate to have zero mean and unit variance by
subtracting its mean and dividing by its standard deviation.
normal distribution
-2.086 +2.086
‘Introductory Econometrics for Finance’ © Chris Brooks 2013 37
Performing the Test
• If we reject the null hypothesis at the 5% level, we say that the result
of the test is statistically significant.
• The probability of a type I error is just , the significance level or size of test we
chose. To see this, recall what we said significance at the 5% level meant: it is only
5% likely that a result as or more extreme as this could have occurred purely by
• Note that there is no chance for a free lunch here! What happens if we reduce the size
of the test (e.g. from a 5% test to a 1% test)? We reduce the chances of making a type
I error ... but we also reduce the probability that we will reject the null hypothesis at
all, so we increase the probability of a type II error: less likely
to falsely reject
Reduce size → more strict → reject null
of test criterion for hypothesis more likely to
rejection less often incorrectly not
• So there is always a trade off between type I and type II errors when choosing a
significance level. The only way we can reduce the chances of both is to increase
the sample size.
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The Exact Significance Level or p-value
• If the test statistic is large in absolute value, the p-value will be small, and
vice versa. The p-value gives the plausibility of the null hypothesis.
• Now we write
yt = 1 + 2 x2t + 3 x3t + ... + k xkt + ut , t=1,2,...,T
• Where is x1? It is the constant term. In fact the constant term is usually
represented by a column of ones of length T:
x1 =
• We used the t-test to test single hypotheses, i.e. hypotheses involving only
one coefficient. But what if we want to test more than one coefficient
• The unrestricted regression is the one in which the coefficients are freely
determined by the data, as we have done before.
• The restricted regression is the one in which the coefficients are restricted,
i.e. the restrictions are imposed on some s.
We cannot test using this framework hypotheses which are not linear
or which are multiplicative, e.g.
H0: 2 3 = 2 or H0: 2 2 = 1
cannot be tested.
• Any hypothesis which could be tested with a t-test could have been
tested using an F-test, but not the other way around.
Instructor’s note 51
Data Mining
• If data mining occurs, the true significance level will be greater than
the nominal significance level.
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Goodness of Fit Statistics
• We would like some measure of how well our regression model actually fits
the data.
• We have goodness of fit statistics to test this: i.e. how well the sample
regression function (srf) fits the data.
• The most common goodness of fit statistic is known as R2. One way to define
R2 is to say that it is the square of the correlation coefficient between y
and y$ .
xt xt
T −1
R 2 =1− (1 − R 2 )
T − k
• So if we add an extra regressor, k increases and unless R2 increases by
a more than offsetting amount, R 2 will actually fall.
• Hedonic models are used to value real assets, especially housing, and view the
asset as representing a bundle of characteristics.
• Des Rosiers and Thérialt (1996) consider the effect of various amenities on rental
values for buildings and apartments 5 sub-markets in the Quebec area of Canada.
• The rental value in Canadian Dollars per month (the dependent variable) is a
function of 9 to 14 variables (depending on the area under consideration). The
paper employs 1990 data, and for the Quebec City region, there are 13,378
observations, and the 12 explanatory variables are:
LnAGE - log of the apparent age of the property
NBROOMS - number of bedrooms
AREABYRM - area per room (in square metres)
ELEVATOR - a dummy variable = 1 if the building has an elevator; 0 otherwise
BASEMENT - a dummy variable = 1 if the unit is located in a basement; 0
‘Introductory Econometrics for Finance’ © Chris Brooks 2013 57
Hedonic House Pricing Models:
Variable Definitions
We can now proceed to
estimate the regression.
There are several ways to do
this, but the easiest is to
select Quick and then
Estimate Equation
In the ‘Equation Specification’
window, you insert the list of
variables to be used, with the
dependent variable (y) first, and
including a constant (c), so type
rspot c rfutures In the ‘Estimation settings’ box, the default
estimation method is OLS and the default
sample is the whole sample, 69
The parameter estimates for the
intercept ( ˆα) and slope (βˆ) are
0.0006 and 1.007 respectively.
Name the regression results
Now estimate a
regression for the
levels of the series
rather than the
spot c futures
The intercept
estimate ( ˆα) in this
regression is 5.49
and the slope
estimate (βˆ) is 0.99
Compare the results!
Multiple regression in EViews using
an APT-style model
The final two of these calculate excess returns for the stock and for
the index
• The regression F-statistic takes a value 11.76.
Remember that this tests the null hypothesis that all of
the slope parameters are jointly zero.
• The p-value of zero attached to the test statistic shows
that this null hypothesis should be rejected.
• However, there are a number of parameter estimates
that are not significantly different from zero specifically
those on the DPROD, DCREDIT and DSPREAD variables
Clicking on the ‘Options’ tab gives a number of ways to conduct the
For example, ‘Forwards’ will start with the list of required regressors
(the intercept only in this case) and will sequentially add to them,
while ‘Backwards’ will start by including all of the variables and will
sequentially delete variables from the regression.
The end