Avizo Users Guide

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Avizo 8

Avizo User’s Guide

Copyright Information

c Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB), Germany

All rights reserved.

Trademark Information:
c We are constantly improving the performance of our products-all specifications are subject to change without notice.
FEI, the FEI logo, Amira, Avizo, and Open Inventor are trademarks of FEI Company or its affiliates. All other trademarks
belong to their respective owners.
Avizo is being jointly developed by Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB) and FEI, SAS.
FEI, SAS is a source licensee of Open Inventor from Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Avizo Earth and the XLVolume extension include user protection under license for Landmark U.S. Patent Numbers 6,765,570.
This manual has been prepared for FEI licensees solely for use in connection with software supplied by FEI and is furnished
under a written license agreement. This material may not be used, reproduced or disclosed, in whole or in part, except as
permitted in the license agreement or by prior written authorization of FEI. Users are cautioned that FEI reserves the right to
make changes without notice to the specifications and materials contained herein and shall not be responsible for any damages
(including consequential) caused by reliance on the materials presented, including but not limited to typographical, arithmetic
or listing errors.

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Features overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Data import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.2 Viewing, navigation, interactivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.3 Visualization of 3D Image Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.4 Image processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.5 Model reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.6 Visualization of 3D models and numerical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.7 General Data Processing and Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.8 Matlab integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.9 High Performance Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.10 Automation, Customization, Extensibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Editions and Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.1 Editions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.2 Packs available in all editions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3.3 Optional packs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3.4 License keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.4 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.4.1 Graphics Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.4.2 Firewall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4.3 Microsoft Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4.4 Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.4.5 Mac OS X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.5 Avizo License Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.5.1 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.5.2 About Avizo licensing management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.5.3 License manager actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.5.4 Licensing troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.5.5 Contacting the license administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.6 Data Import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.7 First steps in Avizo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1.8 Contact and Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2 What’s New in Avizo 8 35

3 Getting Started 37
3.1 Start the program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.2 Loading Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.3 Invoking Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.4 Visualizing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.5 Interaction with the Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

4 Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo 47

4.1 How to load image data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.1.1 The Avizo File Browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.1.2 Reading 3D Image Data from Multiple 2D Slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.1.3 Setting the Bounding Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.1.4 The Stacked Slices file format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.1.5 Working with Large Disk Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.1.6 Working with out-of-core data files (LDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.2 Visualizing 3D Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.2.1 Orthogonal Slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.2.2 Simple Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.2.3 Resampling the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.2.4 Displaying an Isosurface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.2.5 Cropping the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.2.6 Volume Rendering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.3 Segmentation of 3D Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.3.1 Interactive Image Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.3.2 Volume Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.3.3 Threshold Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.3.4 Refining Threshold Segmentation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.3.5 More hints about segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

5 Model Extraction and Simulation Pre-Processing with Avizo 73

5.1 Surface Reconstruction from 3D Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.1.1 Extracting Surfaces from Segmentation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.1.2 Simplifying the Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.2 Creating a Tetrahedral Grid from a Triangular Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.2.1 Editing the Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.2.2 Generation of a Tetrahedral Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

6 Visualization and Analysis of 3D Models and Numerical Data with Avizo 81

6.1 Avizo features for surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.2 Supported grids in Avizo XMesh Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.3 Avizo XMesh Pack features for 3D grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.3.1 Grid visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.3.2 Grid conversion, transformation and generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.3.3 Grid quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.4 Scalar fields visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6.5 Vector fields visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.6 Time dependent data visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
6.7 Compute modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

6.7.1 Basic computational tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
6.7.2 Tensor data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

7 Animations, Movies and Presentations in Avizo 89

7.1 Creating animated demonstrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.1.1 Creating a project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
7.1.2 Animating an Ortho Slice module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
7.1.3 Activating a module in the viewer window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
7.1.4 Using a camera rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
7.1.5 Removing one or more events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.1.6 Overlaying the inside surfaces with outer surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.1.7 Using clipping to add the outer surface gradually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
7.1.8 More comments on clipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.1.9 Breaks and function keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.1.10 Loops and Goto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7.1.11 Storing and replaying the animation sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.2 Creating movie files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
7.2.1 Attaching Movie Maker to a Camera-Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
7.2.2 Creating a movie from an animated demonstration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

8 Using MATLAB Scripts 107

9 Deconvolution 109
9.1 General remarks about image deconvolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
9.2 Data acquisition and sampling rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
9.3 Standard Deconvolution Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
9.4 Blind Deconvolution Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
9.5 Bead Extraction Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
9.6 Performance issues and multi-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

10 Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up 131

10.1 Interface Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

10.1.1 File Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
10.1.2 Edit Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
10.1.3 Project Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
10.1.4 View Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
10.1.5 Window Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
10.1.6 Help Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
10.1.7 Standard Toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
10.1.8 Main Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
10.1.9 Properties Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
10.1.10 Progress Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
10.1.11 Viewer Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
10.1.12 Console Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
10.1.13 Online Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
10.1.14 File Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
10.1.15 Job Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
10.1.16 Preferences Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
10.1.17 Snapshot Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
10.1.18 System Information Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
10.1.19 Object Popup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
10.1.20 Create Object Popup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
10.2 Data Types and General Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
10.2.1 Class Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
10.2.2 Scalar Field and Vector Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
10.2.3 Coordinates and Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
10.2.4 Surface Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
10.2.5 Vertex Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
10.2.6 Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
10.2.7 Data parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
10.2.8 Shadowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
10.3 Avizo Start-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

10.3.1 Command Line Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
10.3.2 Environment Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
10.3.3 User-defined start-up script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
10.4 Template Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
10.4.1 Template Projects Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

11 Scripting 197
11.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
11.2 Introduction to Tcl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
11.2.1 Tcl Lists, Commands, Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
11.2.2 Tcl Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
11.2.3 Tcl Command Substitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
11.2.4 Tcl Control Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
11.2.5 User-Defined Tcl Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
11.2.6 List and String Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
11.3 Avizo Script Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
11.3.1 Predefined Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
11.3.2 Object commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
11.3.3 Global Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
11.4 Avizo Script Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
11.5 Configuring Popup Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
11.6 Registering pick callbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
11.7 File readers in Tcl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

12 Units in Avizo 227

12.1 Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
12.2 How to associate a coordinates unit to a spatial data object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
12.3 How to modify the coordinates unit used for displaying information . . . . . . . . . . 229
12.4 Available options linked with units management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
12.4.1 Activate/deactivate units management in Avizo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
12.4.2 Automatically determine or manually set the working coordinates unit . . . . 230

12.4.3 Lock the display coordinates unit on the working one . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
12.4.4 Activate/deactivate the units editor dialog when loading spatial data objects . 231
12.5 Avizo components working with the units management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
12.5.1 Data types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
12.5.2 Files formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
12.5.3 Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

13 Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide 235

13.1 Getting started with Avizo Fire Edition- Manipulating 3D images . . . . . . . . . . . 236
13.1.1 Quick Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
13.1.2 Manage combined 3D and 2D views with Ortho Views . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
13.1.3 Intensity Range Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
13.2 Getting started with Image Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition . . . . . . . 247
13.2.1 Processing images with Avizo Fire Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
13.2.2 Interpretation as 3D image or 2D image stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
13.2.3 Getting more help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
13.2.4 Binarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
13.2.5 More about binary images in Avizo Fire Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
13.2.6 More hints about binarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
13.2.7 Separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
13.2.8 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
13.2.9 Interactive selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
13.2.10 Filtering based on measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
13.2.11 Classifying measures with sieves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
13.2.12 Label images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
13.2.13 Processing data on disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
13.2.14 Scripting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
13.2.15 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
13.3 Example 2: Measuring a Catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
13.3.1 Object Detection and Masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
13.3.2 More about Region of Interest and Masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

13.3.3 Using Distance Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
13.3.4 More about Distance Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
13.3.5 Measurement Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
13.4 Example 3: Separating, Measuring and Reconstructing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
13.4.1 Principle of the Watershed Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
13.4.2 Prior Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
13.4.3 Separation using Watershed step by step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
13.4.4 Separation Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
13.4.5 Filtering Individual Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
13.4.6 Geometry Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
13.5 Example 4: Further Image Analysis - Distribution of Pore Diameters in Foam . . . . 284
13.5.1 First step: pore detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
13.5.2 Second step: pore post-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
13.5.3 Third step: custom measure group definition to determine the distribution of
pore diameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
13.5.4 Fourth step: custom measure definition to compute the sphericity of pore . . . 291
13.6 Example 5: Further Image Analysis - Average Thickness of Material in Foam . . . . . 293
13.6.1 Porosity Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
13.6.2 Detection of the Separation Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
13.6.3 Distance Map of the Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
13.6.4 Calculation of the Material Average Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
13.7 Example 6: Advanced Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
13.7.1 Segmenting sand pack with watershed tool in the Segmentation Editor . . . . 300
13.7.2 Segmenting multiphase using the Watershed Segmentation wizard . . . . . . 304
13.8 More about Image Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
13.8.1 Choosing image filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
13.9 Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
13.9.1 Getting started with spatial data registration using the Transform Editor . . . . 320
13.9.2 Data fusion, comparing and merging data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
13.9.3 Registration with landmarks, warping surfaces and image . . . . . . . . . . . 341
13.9.4 Registration of 3D image data sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350

13.9.5 Registration of 2D image and 3D image data sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
13.9.6 Alignment of 2D images stacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
13.9.7 Alignment and pre-processing of FIB/SEM images stacks using the FIB Stack
Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
13.9.8 Registration of 3D surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
13.9.9 Registration of 3D image and surface, nominal-actual analysis . . . . . . . . 406
13.10 Advanced Surface and Grid Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
13.10.1 Getting started: a workflow from 3D images to surfaces and grids . . . . . . . 412
13.10.2 Adjusting segmentation for geometry extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
13.10.3 Generating surfaces with controlled smoothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
13.10.4 Using the Simplification Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
13.10.5 Using the Surface Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
13.10.6 Remeshing and exporting surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
13.10.7 Generating tetrahedral grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
13.10.8 Assigning boundary conditions and exporting data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
13.11 More about label measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
13.11.1 The Measures Group Selection dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
13.11.2 User measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
13.11.3 Configurable native measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
13.11.4 About project backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
13.11.5 Scripting tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435

14 Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide 437

14.1 Getting Started with Avizo Wind Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
14.1.1 User interface short overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
14.1.2 Reading data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
14.1.3 Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
14.1.4 Units and legends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
14.1.5 Saving your project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
14.1.6 Tip: Template projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
14.1.7 Time animation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446

14.2 Avizo Wind Edition Models Information and Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
14.2.1 Properties and parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
14.2.2 Colormaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
14.2.3 Viewing the grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
14.2.4 Viewing the boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
14.3 Avizo Wind Edition Scalar Fields Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
14.3.1 Scalar field profile on a cross section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
14.3.2 Scalar field isolines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
14.3.3 Legend and captions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
14.3.4 Isosurfaces of pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
14.4 Avizo Wind Edition Vector Fields Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
14.4.1 Particles animation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
14.4.2 Illuminated streamlines (ISL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
14.4.3 Line integral convolution (LIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
14.4.4 Vectors in a plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
14.4.5 Stream ribbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
14.4.6 Find the 3D critical points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
14.5 Avizo Wind Edition Statistical and Arithmetic Computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
14.5.1 Surface and volume integrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
14.5.2 Arithmetic computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
14.6 Avizo Wind Edition Vorticity Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
14.6.1 Vorticity-related variables computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
14.6.2 Vortex core lines identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
14.6.3 Vortical flow visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
14.7 Avizo Wind Edition Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
14.7.1 3D measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
14.7.2 Histograms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
14.7.3 Data probing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488

15 Avizo Green Edition User’s Guide 493

16 Avizo Earth Edition User’s Guide 495

17 Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide 497

17.1 Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
17.1.1 Theoretical elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
17.1.2 Step 1 - Activate Avizo units management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
17.1.3 Step 2 - Load the data set and select the length unit for voxel size . . . . . . . 504
17.1.4 Step 3 - Set the voxel size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
17.1.5 Step 4 - Create a label field from the data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
17.1.6 Step 5 - Remove non-percolating void space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
17.1.7 Step 6 - Selection of a sub-region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
17.1.8 Step 7 - Absolute permeability experiment simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
17.1.9 Step 8 - Absolute permeability tensor calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
17.1.10 Step 9 - Permeability validation with Kozeny-Carman equation . . . . . . . . 522
17.2 Getting started with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
17.2.1 Theoretical elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
17.2.2 Step 1 - Load the data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
17.2.3 Step 2 - Set the voxel size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
17.2.4 Step 3 - Create a label field from the data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
17.2.5 Step 4 - Remove non-percolating void space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
17.2.6 Step 5 - Selection of a sub-region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
17.2.7 Step 6 - Molecular diffusivity experiment simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
17.2.8 Step 7 - Molecular diffusivity tensor calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
17.2.9 Step 8 - Molecular diffusivity computation validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
17.3 Getting started with Avizo XLab Electro Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
17.3.1 Theoretical elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
17.3.2 Step 1 - Load the data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
17.3.3 Step 2 - Set the voxel size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
17.3.4 Step 3 - Create a label field from the data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
17.3.5 Step 4 - Remove non-percolating void space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
17.3.6 Step 5 - Selection of a sub-region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546

17.3.7 Step 6 - Formation factor experiment simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
17.3.8 Step 7 - Effective formation factor calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
17.3.9 Step 8 - Formation factor computation validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
17.4 Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
17.4.1 Theoretical elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
17.4.2 Step 1 - Load the data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
17.4.3 Step 2 - Set the voxel size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
17.4.4 Step 3 - Create a label field from the data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
17.4.5 Step 4 - Remove isolated conducting materials parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
17.4.6 Step 5 - Selection of a sub-region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
17.4.7 Step 6 - Thermal conductivity experiment simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
17.4.8 Step 7 - Effective thermal conductivity calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
17.4.9 Step 8 - Thermal conductivity computation validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565

18 Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide 573

18.1 Getting started with Avizo XSkeleton Pack: the Auto Skeleton module . . . . . . . . 574
18.2 Displaying and exporting skeletonization results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
18.2.1 Visualizing skeleton thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
18.2.2 Exporting the spatial graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
18.2.3 Spatial graph statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
18.2.4 Using Line Set objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
18.2.5 Intermediate data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
18.3 Skeletonization step-by-step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
18.4 Skeletonization with large data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
18.4.1 Preparation for using Large Disk Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
18.4.2 Using Large Disk Data for skeletonization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596

19 Avizo XScreen Pack User’s Guide 599

20 Avizo XTeam Pack User’s Guide 601

20.1 Avizo XTeam Pack enables collaboration via shared Avizo sessions . . . . . . . . . . 601

21 Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide 603
21.1 Introduction to Avizo XPand Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
21.1.1 Overview of Avizo XPand Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
21.1.2 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
21.1.3 Structure of the Avizo File Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
21.1.4 Quick Start Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608
21.1.5 Compiling and Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
21.1.6 Maintaining Existing Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612
21.2 The Development Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
21.2.1 Starting the Development Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
21.2.2 Setting Up the Local Avizo Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
21.2.3 Adding a New Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
21.2.4 Adding a New Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
21.2.5 Adding an Ordinary Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
21.2.6 Adding a Compute Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
21.2.7 Adding a Read Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
21.2.8 Adding a Write Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
21.2.9 Creating the Build System Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
21.2.10 The Package File Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
21.3 File I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
21.3.1 On file formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
21.3.2 Read Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
21.3.3 Write Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
21.3.4 Use the AmiraMesh API to read and write files in Avizo format . . . . . . . . 638
21.4 Writing Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
21.4.1 A Compute Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
21.4.2 A Display Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
21.4.3 A Module With Plot Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658
21.4.4 A Compute Module on GPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663
21.5 Data Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685

21.5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
21.5.2 Data on Regular Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688
21.5.3 Unstructured Tetrahedral Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694
21.5.4 Unstructured Hexahedral Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697
21.5.5 Unstructured Mixed Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
21.5.6 Data Defined on Unstructured Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
21.5.7 Other Issues Related to Data Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
21.6 Documentation of Modules in Avizo XPand Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
21.6.1 The documentation file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
21.6.2 Generating the documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
21.7 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
21.7.1 Time-Dependent Data And Animations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706
21.7.2 Important Global Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
21.7.3 Save-Project Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710
21.7.4 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712

22 Avizo XMolecular Pack User’s Guide 715

Chapter 1


Avizo is a 3D data visualization, analysis and modeling system. It allows you to explore and analyze
data sets from various areas, including:

• Scientific visualization, physics, chemistry, astrophysics, archaeology, and others

• Material sciences, non-destructive testing, tomographic imaging and microscopy
• Computer-aided Engineering, computational fluid dynamics, numerical simulation
• Oil and gas, mining, Earth science
• Climate, oceanography, environment

Examples from these disciplines are illustrated by several demo scripts contained in the online version
of the user’s guide.
3D data can be quickly explored, analyzed, compared, and quantified. 3D objects can be represented
as image volumes or geometrical surfaces and grids suitable for numerical simulations, notably as
triangular surface and volumetric tetrahedral grids. Avizo provides methods to generate such grids
from voxel data representing an image volume, and it includes a general-purpose interactive 3D viewer.
Section 1.1 (Overview) provides a short overview of the fundamentals of Avizo, i.e. its object-oriented
design and the concept of data objects and modules.
Section 1.2 (Features) summarizes key features of Avizo, for example direct volume rendering, image
processing, and surface simplification.
Section 1.3 (Packs and Editions) briefly describes optional packs and editions available for Avizo and
what they can be used for.
Section 1.4 (System Requirements) provides system specific information.
Section 1.5 (Avizo License Manager) details for entering and managing Avizo license passwords.
Section 1.6 (Data Import) provides some general hints on how to import data sets into Avizo.
Section 1.7 (First steps) provides hints about tutorials included in this guide.
Section 1.8 (Contact and Support) provides contact information for your technical support, license
administrator, or sales representative.

1.1 Overview
Avizo is a modular and object-oriented software system. Its basic system components are modules and
data objects. Modules are used to visualize data objects or to perform some computational operations
on them. The components are represented by little icons in the Project View. Icons are connected
by lines indicating processing dependencies between the components, i.e., which modules are to be
applied to which data objects. Alternatively, modules and data objects can be displayed in a Project
Tree View. Modules from data objects of specific types are created automatically from file input data
when reading or as output of module computations. Modules matching an existing data object are
created as instances of particular module types via a context-sensitive popup menu. Projects can be
created with a minimal amount of user interaction. Parameters of data objects and modules can be
modified in Avizo’s interaction area.
For some data objects such as surfaces or colormaps there exist special-purpose interactive editors that
allow the user to modify the objects. All Avizo components can be controlled via a Tcl command
interface. Commands can be read from a script file or issued manually in a separate console window.
The biggest part of the screen is occupied by a 3D graphics window. Additional 3D views can be
created if necessary. Avizo is based on the latest release of Open Inventor by FEI, SAS. In addition,
several modules apply direct OpenGL rendering to achieve special rendering effects or to maximize
performance. In total, there are more than 270 data object and module types. They allow the system
to be used for a broad range of applications. Scripting can be used for customization and automation.
User-defined extensions are facilitated by the Avizo developer version.

1.2 Features overview

Avizo provides a large number of data types and modules allowing you to visualize, analyze and model
various kinds of 3D data. The Avizo framework is ideal to integrate the data from multiple sources
into a single environment.
This section summarizes the main features of Avizo software suite. For more complete information
you may browse indexes for data types, file formats and modules in the Reference Guide. This is
accessible from the home page of the online help browser.

Section 1.3 describes the Avizo optional editions and packs.

2 Chapter 1: Introduction
1.2.1 Data import
Avizo can load directly different types of data, including:

• 2D and 3D image and volume data

• Geometric models such as point sets, line sets, surfaces, grids
• Numerical simulation data
• Time series and animations

A large number of file formats are supported in Avizo Standard Edition or through specific optional
readers. For an introduction to data import, see section 4.1. For more details, see section 1.6.

1.2.2 Viewing, navigation, interactivity

All visualization techniques can be arbitrarily combined to produce a single scene. Moreover, multiple
data sets can be visualized simultaneously, either in several viewer windows or in a common one. Thus
you can display single or multiple data sets in a single or multiple viewer windows, and navigate freely
around or through those objects. Views can be synchronized to facilitate comparisons.
A built-in spatial transform editor makes it easy to register data sets with respect to each other or to
deal with different coordinate systems. Automatic alignment and registration of image or geometric
data is also possible.
Direct interaction with the 3D scene allows you to quickly control regions of interest, slices, probes
and more.
Combinations of data sets, representation and processing features can be defined with minimal user
interaction for simple or complex tasks. See section 1.1.

1.2.3 Visualization of 3D Image Data Slicing and Clipping

You can quickly explore 3D images looking at single or multiple orthographic or oblique sections.
Data sets can be superimposed on slices, displayed as height fields, or with isolines contouring. You
can cut away parts of your data to uncover hidden regions. Curved or cylinder slices are also available. Volume Rendering

One of the most intuitive and most powerful techniques for visualizing 3D image data is direct volume
rendering. Light emission and light absorption parameters are assigned to each point of the volume.
Simulating the transmission of light through the volume makes it possible to display your data from any
view direction without constructing intermediate polygonal models. By exploiting modern graphics
hardware, Avizo is able to perform direct volume rendering in real time, even on very large data when

Features overview 3
using the Avizo XLVolume Pack. Thus volume rendering can instantly highlight relevant features
of your data. Volume rendered images can be combined with any type of polygonal display. This
improves the usefulness of this technique significantly. Moreover, multiple data sets can be volume
rendered simultaneously – a unique feature of Avizo. Transfer functions with different characteristics
required for direct volume rendering can be either generated automatically or edited interactively using
an intuitive colormap editor. Avizo volume rendering can use the latest techniques for high quality
visualization effects such as lighting or shadows. Isosurfaces

Isosurfaces are most commonly used for analyzing arbitrary scalar fields sampled on discrete grids.
Applied to 3D images, the method provides a very quick, yet sometimes sufficient method for recon-
structing polygonal surface models. Beside standard algorithms, Avizo provides an improved method,
which generates significantly fewer triangles with very little computational overhead. In this way, large
3D data sets can be displayed interactively even on smaller desktop graphics computers. Large Volume Data

With the Avizo XLVolume Pack, even very large data sets that cannot be fully loaded in memory can
be manipulated at interactive speed. Multi-resolution techniques can manage and visualize extremely
large amounts of volume data of up to hundreds of gigabytes. You can then, for instance, quickly select
a region of interest and extract down-sampled or partial data for further processing.

1.2.4 Image processing Alignment of image slices

The image Align Slices enables you to build a consistent stack of images with manual or automatic
tools, if, for instance, physical cross-sections have been shifted during image acquisition. Image filters

Image features can be enhanced by applying a wide range of filters for controlling contrast, smoothing,
noise reduction and feature enhancement. See Chapter 13 Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide. Image segmentation

Segmentation means assigning labels to image voxels that identify and separate objects in a 3D image.
Avizo offers a large set of segmentation tools, ranging from purely manual to fully automatic: brush
(painting), lasso (contouring), magic wand (region growing), thresholding, intelligent scissors, contour
fitting (snakes), contour interpolation and extrapolation, wrapping, smoothing and de-noising filters,
morphological filters for erosion, dilation, opening and closing operations, connected component anal-
ysis, images correlation, objects separation and filtering, etc. See section 4.3 for a tutorial about image

4 Chapter 1: Introduction
segmentation with Avizo Standard Edition. See also Chapter 13 Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide about
automatic and advanced segmentation. Image quantification and analysis

Avizo provides tools for probing image data, extracting profiles, value or correlation histogram. It
can extract information from segmented images such as area, volumes, intensity statistics. Avizo Fire
Edition provides an extensive set of tools for image quantification and analysis.

1.2.5 Model reconstruction Surface generation
Once the interesting features in a 3D image volume have been segmented, Avizo is able to create
a corresponding polygonal surface model. The surface may have non-manifold topology if there are
locations where three or more regions join. Even in this case the polygonal surface model is guaranteed
to be topologically correct, i.e. free of self-intersections. Fractional weights that are automatically
generated during segmentation allow the system to produce optionally smooth boundary interfaces.
This way realistic high-quality models can be obtained, even if the underlying image data are of low
resolution or contain severe noise artifacts. Making use of innovative acceleration techniques, surface
reconstruction can be performed very quickly. Moreover, the algorithm is robust and fail-safe. Surface Simplification, Editing, Remeshing

Surface simplification is another prominent feature of Avizo. It can be used to reduce the number of tri-
angles in an arbitrary surface model according to a user-defined value. Thus, models of finite-element
grids, suitable for being processed on low-end machines, can be generated. The underlying simplifi-
cation algorithm is one of the most elaborate available. It is able to preserve topological correctness,
i.e., self-intersections commonly produced by other methods are avoided. In addition, the quality of
the resulting mesh, according to measures common in finite element analysis, can be controlled. For
example, triangles with long edges or triangles with bad aspect ratio can be suppressed.
A surface editor is also available for smoothing or refining surface in whole or part, cutting and copy-
ing parts of surfaces, defining boundary conditions for further numerical simulation, checking and
modifying surface triangles.
Surface Path Set can be created interactively - for instance as geodesic contours, edited and used to cut
surface patches. Surface path can also be obtained by intersecting surfaces,
Avizo Fire Edition and Avizo Wind Edition also provide a powerful Remesh Surface module that can
be used for producing high quality surfaces. Generation of Tetrahedral Grids

Avizo allows you not only to generate surface models from your data but also to create true volumetric

Features overview 5
tetrahedral grids suitable for advanced 3D finite-element simulations. These grids are constructed
using a flexible advancing-front algorithm. Again, special care is taken to obtain meshes of high
quality, i.e., tetrahedra with bad aspect ratio are avoided. Several different file formats are supported,
so that the grid can be exported to many standard simulation packages. Point Clouds/Scattered Data

Avizo can also reconstruct surfaces from scattered points (see Delaunay Triangulation and Point Wrap
Triangulation modules). Skeletonization

A set of tools is included for reconstructing and analyzing a dendritic, porous or fracture network from
3D image data.

1.2.6 Visualization of 3D models and numerical data Point sets, line sets

Avizo can visualize arbitrary functional data given on 3D Point Cluster sets or Line Sets. Polygonal models

A number of drawing styles and coloring schemes help to yield meaningful and informative visualiza-
tions of polygonal models, whether generated from image data or imported from CAD or simulation
package. Surface and 3D grid meshes can be colored or textured in order to visualize a second inde-
pendent data set.
Another Avizo feature comprises the realistic view-dependent way of rendering semi-transparent sur-
faces. By correlating transparency with local orientation of the surface relative to the viewing direction,
complex spatial structures can be understood much more easily. Numerical data post-processing

Avizo allows you to analyze numerical data coming from measurements or simulations. Avizo Stan-
dard Edition supports polygonal surfaces such as triangular meshes, 3D lattices with uniform, recti-
linear of curvilinear coordinates, and 3D tetrahedral or hexahedral grids. Most general purpose image
visualization techniques and analysis tools can be applied, such as: slice extraction, computation of
isolines or isosurfaces, data probing and histograms. In addition, scalar quantities can be visualized
with pseudo-colors on the grid itself.
Beside visualization, data representations such as isosurfaces, grid cuts or contour lines can be ex-
tracted as first class data objects.

6 Chapter 1: Introduction
Displacement vectors can be visualized on grids or applied as grid deformation that can be animated.
Avizo Wind Edition provides extensive additional support for numerical data import/export, visualiza-
tion and analysis. Flow Visualization

Avizo provides many advanced tools for vector fields and flow visualization. Vector arrows can be
drawn on a slice, within a volume, or upon a surface. The flow structure may be better revealed by
representations such as fast Line Integral Convolution on slices or arbitrary surfaces, illuminated and
animated streamlines, stream ribbons, stream surfaces, particle animations, synthetic Vector Probe...
All of these stream visualization techniques are highly interactive. While seed point distributions can
be automatically calculated, you can also select and interactively manipulate seed points and structures,
thus supporting the investigation the flow field and highlighting of different features. Avizo can also
support six-component complex vector fields and phase visualization, e.g. electromagnetic fields.
Avizo Wind Edition provides extensive support for flow and CFD post-processing. Tensor Data

Avizo has support for iconic visualization of tensor field, extraction of eigenvalues, computation of
rate of strain tensor, gradient tensor.
Avizo Wind Edition can compute many secondary variables from simulation results including various

1.2.7 General Data Processing and Data Analysis 3D registration of multiple data sets

Multiple data sets can be combined to compare images of different objects, or images of an object
recorded at different times or with different imaging modalities such as X-ray CT and MRI. In ad-
dition, fusion of multi-modal data by arbitrary arithmetic operations can be performed to increase
the amount of information and accuracy in the models. Avizo allows manual registration through
interactive manipulators, automatic rigid or non-rigid registration through landmarks, and automatic
registration using iterative optimization algorithms (see Register Images module).
Surfaces can also be registered using rigid or non-rigid transformations, based on landmarks sets warp-
ing, alignment of centers or principal axes, or distance minimization algorithms. Operating on 3D data

Many utilities are available for data processing. Here are some important ones. Resampling can reduce
or enlarge the resolution of a 3D image or data sets defined on regular grids, and different sampling
kernels are supported. Data can be cropped or regions of interest can be defined. Data can be converted

Features overview 7
to any supported primitive type, from byte to 64-bits floating point numbers. Multi-component data
such as multi-channel images or vector data can be composed or decomposed. Standard 3D field op-
erators such as scalar field gradient or vector field curl are available. Surface curvatures and distances
between surfaces can also be computed, as scalar or vector information. The powerful Arithmetic
module allows the user to perform calculations on data sets with user-defined expression, and can be
used to interpolate data between regular grids and polyhedral grids. Data sets can also be created from
arithmetic expressions. Measurements, quantification

You can query the exact values of your data sets at arbitrary locations specified interactively by a
mouse click, or along user-defined lines and spline curves. Probe points can serve to set interactively
isosurfaces. You can plot or export the data for further processing with spreadsheet or plotting appli-
cations, with probing, measuring, counting, and other statistical modules quantify densities, distances,
areas, volumes, mean value and standard deviation, ...
Histograms of values can be computed and plotted, possibly restricted to a region of interest.
The Avizo Fire Edition provides an extensive set of intensity and geometrical measurements on image
or label data, either for individual labeled particles or as statistics.

1.2.8 Matlab integration

You can integrate complex calculus using Matlab software from The Mathworks, Inc. by means of
the Calculus MATLAB module. This module provides connection to your Matlab server from your
Avizo session, and executes Matlab computations directly on your Avizo data. It is also possible to
import and export Matlab matrices to and from Avizo, and export Avizo surfaces to Matlab surfaces.
See section 8.

1.2.9 High Performance Visualization

Avizo makes extensive use of graphics hardware for optimal performance and rendering quality on
your system. Moreover, the Avizo XScreen Pack allows combining multiple graphics engines for
advanced displays and high-performance requirements.

1.2.10 Automation, Customization, Extensibility

Tcl scripting
All Avizo components can be controlled via a Tcl command language interface. Tcl scripts are used
for saving your work session. Tcl scripts also allow the advanced user to automate or customize tasks
with Avizo for routine workflows, without the need for C++ programming. Custom Avizo modules
with user interface can even be created as Tcl scripts. Avizo module behaviour and 3D interaction can

8 Chapter 1: Introduction
be customized by using Tcl. Avizo can also be used for batch processing.
See Chapter 11, including a short introduction to the Tcl scripting language.
C++ programming
With the Avizo XScreen Pack, Avizo can also be extended by programmers. The Avizo XPand Pack
permits creation of new custom components for Avizo such as file readers and writers, computation
modules, and even new visualization modules, using the C++ programming language. New modules
and new data classes can be defined as subclasses of existing ones. In order to simplify the creation of
new custom extensions, a development wizard is included.
See the Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide for detailed information.
Template projects
Template projects can be used to ease repetitive tasks on a set of similar data. A template project
consists of a backup of an original project that can be replicated on another data of same type. See
Chapter 10.4.1.

1.3 Editions and Extensions

Some features of Avizo are grouped for convenience into so called Packs. These Packs are used to
define specific subsets such as the ”XTeam Pack”. Avizo Standard Edition contains default packs
always available and some extension packs available as options requiring a specific license.
Editions are customized versions of Avizo including optional packs. Each edition has a specific user
interface adapted to the specific market it targets. The Avizo license mechanism unlocks features based
on edition names. For instance, when a valid license of Avizo Wind Edition and Avizo Fire Edition are
available at the same time, it is possible to use Avizo Fire Edition tools from within Avizo Wind Edition
and vice-versa. Extensions can be added to an Avizo installation at any time. For each extension a
separate license may be required.

1.3.1 Editions
Currently, the following editions are available for Avizo 8.
Note: see section 1.4 System Requirements about system requirements and hardware platform avail-

Avizo Standard Edition. The application for scientific visualization.

Avizo is a versatile and flexible application framework providing powerful 3D visualization capabili-

Editions and Extensions 9

ties helping understand more efficiently the meaning of scientific data. Researchers, scientists, Avizo
delivers you advanced visualization techniques which allow you to gain detailed insight into your 3D

Avizo Earth Edition. The application for Geosciences visualization.

Avizo Earth Edition is the software suite for interactive exploration, visualization, analysis, compar-
ison, and presentation of geosciences data. This 3D visualization framework is the ideal solution,
allowing you to import, manage, interact with, and visualize geosciences data from multiple sources
within a single environment.

Avizo Fire Edition. The application for Material Sciences. For in-
dustrial tomography, crystallography, material microstructure evolution, modality inspection for
nano-structure, non-destructive investigation and surface analysis, Avizo Fire Edition delivers the
whole feature-set allowing Material Scientists to see the invisible, and understand and present their

Avizo Green Edition. The application for Climate and Earth Sciences
Research offers a set of features dedicated to the visualization and analysis of climate, oceanogra-
phy, environmental or earth-mapped data. It includes a dedicated ”Earth Visualization” module, a set
of advanced geographical projections, and a high-level support of the NetCDF CF-1.0 metadata for-
mat (”Climate Forecast”). It delivers a unique set of features for researchers who study and analyze
climatology datasets.

10 Chapter 1: Introduction
Avizo Wind Edition. The application for CFD/FEA engineering visual-
ization. Avizo Wind Edition is a high-end extensible software for advanced post-processing of sim-
ulation data, ranging from flow to thermal, and stress data. It brings an extensive array of advanced
visualization and analysis tools to CFD and multi-physics, mechanical and thermal engineering, man-
ufacturing simulation and micro-structural prediction, non linear structural and geotechnical problems.

1.3.2 Packs available in all editions

XMesh for visualization of FEA and CFD data.
XMicroscopy for importing microscopy file formats.
XMolecular for handling molecular visualization.

1.3.3 Optional packs

Currently, the following extensions are available for Avizo 8:

XPand allows creating new custom components - such as modules for

visualizing or processing data, file readers or file writers - using the C++ programming language. New
modules and new data classes can be defined as subclasses of existing ones. In order to simplify the
creation of new custom extensions, XPand includes a development wizard.

XScreen is designed to enable the use of Avizo’s advanced data visualization

and analysis features on arbitrary tiled screens or immersive VR configurations. It has built-in support
either for efficient multi- threaded rendering on multipipe systems, or distributed rendering on a
cluster system. Tracking capabilities allows real immersive experience as well as interaction with the

Editions and Extensions 11

visualization. XScreen also allows efficient remote collaboration when combined with XTeam.

XTeam allows for efficient collaboration through its XTeam capability,

allowing multiple session to be inter connected through collaboration process.

XLVolume manages and visualizes very large amounts of volume data, up

to hundreds of Gigabytes. The multi-resolution technique used in this extension allows interactive
visualization and navigation through huge amount of data. You will need this extension to visualize
data which size is bigger than 8GB.

XSkeleton combines specific micro-detailed image mosaics management

with advanced automatic and semi-automatic tools for reconstruction of a 3D porous, fracturation,
vascular or dendritic networks from volume data.

XMolecular combines Avizo’s strong capabilities for 3D data visualization

with specific tools for molecular visualization and data analysis such as molecular surfaces, molecular
interfaces or configuration density computation.

12 Chapter 1: Introduction
XReadIGES, XReadSTEP, XReadCATIA5. The Catia 5, IGES and
STEP readers allows visualization of data coming from the CAD area. Coupled with XScreen, they
provide the means to visualize CAD models in immersive visualization or collaborative environment.

XLab Hydro is an extension of Avizo Fire Edition that can calculate

absolute permeability of porous media, from a 3D image of a sample, for instance, scanned with
CT, FIB/SEM, MRI, etc. Avizo XLab Hydro Pack directly computes material properties from the
segmented 3D image. The Stokes equations are solved using a finite volume method, with no need
to extract a 3D mesh (for Finite Element simulation) or a geometric skeleton (for Pore Network

XLab Diffusion is an extension of Avizo Fire Edition that can calculate

the molecular diffusivity of a porous media, from a 3D image of a sample, for instance, scanned with
CT, FIB/SEM, MRI, etc. Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack directly computes material properties from the
segmented 3D image. The Fick’s second law is solved using a finite volume method.

XLab Electro is an extension of Avizo Fire Edition that can calculate

the formation factor and electrical conductivity of a porous media, from a 3D image of a sample, for
instance, scanned with CT, FIB/SEM, MRI, etc. Avizo XLab Electro Pack directly computes material
properties from the segmented 3D image. The Ohm’s equation is solved using a finite volume method.

Editions and Extensions 13

XLab Thermo is an extension of Avizo Fire Edition that can calculate
the thermal conductivity of a material, from a 3D image of a sample, for instance, scanned with
CT, FIB/SEM, MRI, etc. Avizo XLab Thermo Pack directly computes material properties from the
segmented 3D image and manages several conductive phases. The Fourier’s law is solved using a
finite volume method.

1.3.4 License keywords

The following table shows the license keyword associated with each of the Avizo extensions:

Avizo extension License keyword

XPand AvizoXPand
XScreen AvizoXScreen
XTeam AvizoXTeam
XLVolume AvizoXLVolume
XSkeleton AvizoXSkeleton
XReadCATIAfive AvizoXReadCATIA5
XLabHydro AvizoXLabHydro
XLabHydroGPU AvizoXLabHydroGPU
XLabDiffusion AvizoXLabDiffusion
XLabElectro AvizoXLabElectro
XLabThermo AvizoXLabThermo

For additional information about Avizo and its extensions, please refer to the Avizo web site,

1.4 System Requirements

Avizo runs on:

14 Chapter 1: Introduction
• Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Linux x86 64 (64-bit). Supported 64-bit architecture is Intel64/AMD64 architecture. Supported
Linux distribution is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
• Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.8 (64-bit)

Some of the editions and optional packs presented in section 1.3.1 Editions and section 1.3.3 Optional
packs are limited to some platforms:

• Avizo Wind Edition: support of Abaqus reader (.odb format) and STAR-CCM reader are
available only on Microsoft Windows and Linux, not on Mac OS X;
• XScreen is supported only on Microsoft Windows and Linux, not Mac OS X;
• XReadIGES, XReadSTEP, XReadCATIA5 are supported only on Microsoft Windows, not on
Linux or Mac OS X;
• XLab Hydro, XLab Diffusion, XLab Electro, XLab Thermo are supported only on Microsoft
Windows 64-bit, not on Microsoft Windows 32-bit, Linux or Mac OS X.

Visit http://www.vsg3d.com to get more information about supported platforms.

Avizo requires a display resolution of at least 1024x768 and at least 15 bits of color depth. We
strongly recommend using at least 1280x1024 with 24-bit color depth. System requirements should
match the Open Inventor ones especially the minimum OpenGL version which should be 2.1 at least.
See below for more details about graphics cards.

Apart from 3D graphics hardware, probably the most important system parameter is main memory.
You should have at least 2 GB, preferably 4 GB or more.
The speed of the processor of course is also an important parameter. However it is less critical than
the graphics system and the main memory size. For the PC versions, we recommend at least a 2 GHz
processor. Recent multi-core CPUs are perfectly adapted for running Avizo. Most CPU demanding
algorithms in Avizo are now taking advantage of multi-core systems.

1.4.1 Graphics Cards

Avizo relies on hardware-accelerated OpenGL 3D graphics. On supported platforms, Avizo should
run on any graphics system that supports a complete implementation of OpenGL. However, certain
features may not be available depending on the OpenGL version and extensions supported. Due to the
constant evolution of the hardware, it is not possible to provide you with an up-to-date list of graphics
cards supported by Avizo. Avizo should run with any version of the graphics driver. However, driver
bugs are not unusual and we recommend using the most recent certified version of the driver.
Moreover, some algorithms are GPU-accelerated. In order to use them, you must have a CUDA-
enabled GPU. All compatible GPUs are listed here: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus. The

System Requirements 15
Avizo menu Help/System information provides some information about your system including which
GPU is in your computer.
To have more information about CUDA, you can visit the CUDA faq:

1.4.2 Firewall
An internet access is necessary to activate Avizo. It may happens that your firewall prevents the
connection to the license server.
For more information, please refer to section licensing troubleshooting (firewall problem).

1.4.3 Microsoft Windows

Avizo runs on Intel or AMD-based systems with Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8, 32-bit and 64-bit.
Graphics Hardware: You should use a graphics board with OpenGL support and texture mapping
capabilities. Some visualization techniques may also require 3D texturing and programmable shaders,
available on recent graphics boards.
In order to add custom extensions to Avizo with Avizo XPand Pack you will need Microsoft Visual
Studio 2010 (VC++ 2010) and its Service Pack 1.
Note: The compiler you need depends on the version of Avizo you have. You can obtain the version
information by typing app uname into the Avizo console.
In order to use the Calculus MATLAB module, that establishes a connection to MATLAB (The Math-
Works, Inc.), some installation steps most be followed. The module establishes a connection with
the MATLAB computational registered during installation. If you did not register during installation,
on the Windows command line you can enter the command: matlab /regserver. In addition,
or MATLAB INSTALLATION PATH/bin/win64 in your PATH environment variable to allow
Avizo to find MATLAB libraries.

1.4.4 Linux
Avizo is only available for Intel64/AMD64 systems.
The official Linux distribution for Avizo is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 64-bit. Nevertheless, Avizo is
likely to work on some other 64-bit Linux distributions if required version of system libraries can be
found, but technical support of those platforms will be limited. Here is a non exhaustive list of these
64-bit Linux distributions:

• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x, the official Linux distribution which Avizo has been fully tested

16 Chapter 1: Introduction
• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x, using some of the additional libraries from the
$AVIZO ROOT/lib/compat-LinuxAMD64 directory.
• CentOS 5 and Scientific Linux 5.
• Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.04, using some of the additional libraries from the
$AVIZO ROOT/lib/compat-LinuxAMD64 directory.
• OpenSUSE 12.3, using some of the additional libraries from the $AVIZO ROOT/lib/compat-
LinuxAMD64 directory.

The folder $AVIZO ROOT/lib/compat-LinuxAMD64 contains the most commonly missing depen-
dencies (libjpeg.so.62, libgfortran.so.1, libXm.so.4, libstdc++.so.6). If your
Linux distribution misses one of those files or has different versions installed, copy that file into the
$AVIZO ROOT/lib/arch-LinuxAMD64-Optimize directory. You can also install them using the soft-
ware manager/tool of your linux distribution. For instance, you can install some of them on Ubuntu
distribution using the following command:
sudo apt-get install libjpeg62 libstdc++6 libmotif4
Graphics Hardware: Avizo works with the current 3D graphics drivers from nVidia and ATI under

• After a standard installation of Linux, hardware acceleration is not necessarily activated,

although X-Windows and Avizo may work fine. To enable OpenGL hardware acceleration
specific drivers may have to be installed. This can drastically increase rendering performance.
Sometimes it is necessary to disable the stencil buffers (by starting Avizo with the option
-no stencils) to get acceleration.

• On some distributions, some parts of the user interface, the segmentation editor for example,
may not display correctly. This is a known Qt issue. You can work around this by disabling the
composite option in the extension section of your Xorg.conf configuration file:

Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "disable"
• To work properly on Linux systems where SELinux is enabled, Avizo requires the modification
of the security context of some Avizo shared object files so they can be relocated in memory.
The user (maybe root) that installs Avizo has to run the following command from a shell console
in order to set the right security context :
chcon -v -t texrel shlib t "${AVIZO ROOT}"/lib/arch-Linux*-*/lib*.so

In order to add custom extensions to Avizo with Avizo XPand Pack you will need gcc 4.1.x on RHEL

System Requirements 17
Notes: Use gcc --version to find out the version of the GNU compiler.
In order to use the Calculus MATLAB module, that establishes a connection to MATLAB (The
MathWorks, Inc.), some installation steps most be followed. The LD LIBRARY PATH environment
variable should be set to MATLAB INSTALLATION PATH/bin/glnx86 on Linux 32-bit and
MATLAB INSTALLATION PATH/bin/glnxa64 on Linux 64-bit. The PATH environment
variable should be also set to MATLAB INSTALLATION PATH/bin.
If after doing this you still have trouble starting Calculus MATLAB, it might be be-
cause the GNU Standard C++ Library (libstdc++) installed on your platform is older
than the one required by MATLAB. You can check MATLAB’s embeded libstdc++
version in MATLAB INSTALLATION PATH/sys/os/glnx86 on Linux 32-bit and
MATLAB INSTALLATION PATH/sys/os/glnxa64 on Linux 64-bit. If needed, add this

1.4.5 Mac OS X
The Mac OS X version of Avizo has been developed on Mac OS X 10.7 and tested on Mac OS X 10.7
and 10.8 running on an Intel CPU. This version might not work properly on other Mac OS X releases
or non-Intel CPU Apple platforms.
In order to add custom extensions to Avizo with Avizo XPand Pack you will need gcc 4.2.x provided
by the standard Xcode development environment.
Graphics Hardware: Avizo works with the current Mac 3D graphics drivers from nVidia and ATI.
In order to use the Calculus MATLAB module, which establishes a connection to MATLAB
(The MathWorks, Inc.), some installation steps most be followed. The LD LIBRARY PATH
environment variable should be set to MATLAB INSTALLATION PATH/bin/maci64 (for in-
stance add LD LIBRARY PATH set to "/Application/MATLAB R2013a/bin/maci64" in
In order to run CUDA enabled modules, Mac OS X requires the most recent CUDA driver for Mac (at
least 5.0.xx) to be installed. It can be found at the following URL: http://www.nvidia.com/object/mac-
driver-archive.html and must be installed manually. If this driver is not installed, modules of Avizo
using GPU compute capabilities will not be able to run properly. Moreover, compilation of Avizo
XPand Pack modules using the CUDA API (even the examples) will fail.

1.5 Avizo License Manager

1.5.1 Contents
• About Avizo licensing management
• Node-locked versus floating licenses
• Time-limited versus perpetual licenses

18 Chapter 1: Introduction
• License manager actions
• Local activation mode
• FNP license server(s) mode
• Actions independent of activation mode (local or server)
• Licensing troubleshooting
• Offline activation
• Firewall problem
• Licensing events log
• License lookup log
• Contacting the license administrator

1.5.2 About Avizo licensing management

The FEI software license you have acquired defines your rights to use Avizo and some of its modules
(extensions), with a specific level of functionality, for a certain version, on designated equipment, for a
specific number of simultaneous users. The license may additionally be restricted to a specific period
of time or to specific use cases.
Your FEI software license is protected by a license key. Each time the Avizo application is launched,
it checks for a valid license key. If a valid license key is found, the application runs. Otherwise, you
are requested to get a valid license key.
Avizo has separate license keys for all Avizo Editions and Extensions. Node-locked versus floating licenses

There are two main types of licenses: node-locked licenses and floating licenses.
Node-locked licensing allows the software to run on a single identified computer only.
If you have purchased Avizofloating licenses, one or several concurrent users can run Avizo sessions at
the same time from their computers located on your local network. The number of concurrent users is
given by the number of Avizo tokens purchased. In this case you will have to install FlexNet Publisher
license server manager on a local server. Then, on each end user’s computer, you will need to specify
the location of this local licensing server (see FNP license server(s) mode). Time-limited versus perpetual licenses

Licenses can be time-limited or perpetual. Time-limited licenses are valid until a given date, which is
shown in the product splash screen at start-up or in the About dialog (accessible via the Help > About
menu). After this date, Avizo will stop working. This is usually the case for trial licenses, Beta, or for
renewable rented licenses (yearly subscriptions).

Avizo License Manager 19

1.5.3 License manager actions
When you launch Avizo for the first time, a dialog appears, indicating that no valid license has been
found on your computer. You have the choice of activating or evaluating the product (see figure 1.1).
Choose the Activate option, to open the Activation Wizard. Two modes of configuration (see figure
1.2) are available:

• Use local activation codes: to activate one or several node-locked licenses,

• Use FNP license server(s): to specify a license server (or redundant license servers) to activate
one or several Avizo (editions and/or extensions) licenses.

Figure 1.1: License Manager - No valid license found

Figure 1.2: License Manager - Configuration Wizard

Other actions may be available depending on the configuration mode.

20 Chapter 1: Introduction Local activation mode

When you work in local activation mode, Avizo allows you to manage your licenses. Different actions
are available on depending on the status of your licenses.

Note: An internet connection is required for all following actions.

Activate a node-locked license

When you purchase one or more Avizo (editions and/or extensions) licenses, you should receive an
email from vsg@flexnetoperations.com containing a set of activation codes for each purchased prod-
uct or option.
Launch Avizo and select Activate. On the first page of the Activation Wizard, you must select Use
local activation codes and click on Next. In the Activate Local Licenses page, simply copy and paste
your activation codes into the provided text field and press Activate.
A connection to the online activation server will start immediately.
When activation is complete, the product is ready to be used, and the license manager displays infor-
mation related to the activation.
An activation code is a string similar to the following:
#License: Avizo (Avizo- 1 year time-limited node-locked application license (including main-
tenance service) - Multiple platforms support) - Expiration date: 12/13/2014:
BL5F-7773-A9F1-F79B Avizo 8.1

Figure 1.3: License Manager - Node-Locked Activation Wizard

Avizo License Manager 21

Add new node-locked license after activation

Once Avizo is activated, you can add other node-locked license to activate new extensions or editions.
To do so, select Help > License Manager and click on the Activate Additional Extensions or
Editions button (see figure 1.4).
The license manager wizard is opened and displays the page Activate New Local Licenses (see figure
1.3). Simply copy and paste your activation codes into the provided text field and press Activate.

Figure 1.4: License Manager Dialog

Transferring all node-locked licenses to a new computer

After activating a node-locked license on a computer, you may wish to move it to a new one. To do
so, you first need to de-activate the first license by returning the associated activation code and then
activate it again on the new computer.
To do so, open the Help > License Manager (see figure 1.4) and click on the Deactivate Product

22 Chapter 1: Introduction
button (see figure 1.5). The all licenses are returned to the server and can be activated on any other

Figure 1.5: License Manager - Deactivation Dialog

Upgrading to a new Avizo version

When a new version of Avizo is released, and if the activation process has been used for a previous
version, after installing and launching the new Avizo version, a dialog is displayed. It offers several
choices, including an Upgrade option.

Figure 1.6: License Manager - Upgrade Dialog

If the licensed modules are under maintenance, they will be immediately available for use after the
upgrade process.

Avizo License Manager 23

Note: The previous version can still be used on the same computer even after upgrading to the new

Re-activating a license

When you use a renewable license (through a subscription agreement), Avizo will stop working when
the license expiration date is reached.
When you launch a new session of Avizo, the license will be ignored and you will get the no license
found dialog (see Figure 1.1).
You must re-enter your activation codes which will be reactivated after pressing on Activate.
As soon as you have renewed your subscription, you can re-activate your node-locked license to allow
Avizo to run again for a new period of time. FNP license server(s) mode

Avizo floating (or concurrent) licenses are handled by FlexNet Publisher tool. In order to manage
Avizo floating licenses, you need to:

1. Install FlexNet Publisher license server manager on a local server of your LAN,
2. Activate your Avizo licenses on this license server,
3. Configure each Avizo instance on local computers to use this license server.

FNP license server manager installation and management

For explanations about how installing a FlexNet license server and managing floating licenses
(activation, upgrade, re-activation, return), please refer to:

Configure Avizo to use licenses from FNP license server

At Avizo startup, select the Activate option and then Use FNP license server on the first page of the
Activation Wizard.
You will need to specify the name of the main FNP license server and you can specify a port number
with a separator ”:” (¡ServerName¿:¡PortNumber¿).
It is provided by your license administrator. You can also specify two additional servers if you have

24 Chapter 1: Introduction
redundant servers.
A connection to the FNP license server will start immediately. When done, the product is ready to be

Figure 1.7: License Manager - FNP License Server Configuration

Note: It is possible to test the connection to the specified server(s) using the Test buttons. Actions independent of activation mode (local or server)


You can change your configuration mode at any time.

To do so in local activation mode, select Help > License Manager (see Figure 1.4) and click on the
Reconfigure Licensing button.
The reconfiguration wizard is opened and you can configure your activation like in the configuration
wizard (see local activation or server activation).

Activate Demo Avizo licenses

The Demo licenses are node-locked and time-limited.

Avizo License Manager 25

Launch Avizo and select the Evaluate option. On the Activate Demo Licenses page, simply copy and
paste your activation codes into the provided text field and press Activate.
A connection to the online activation server will start immediately. When activation is complete, the
product is ready to be used.

Figure 1.8: License Manager - Demo Activation Wizard

Activate Beta Avizo licenses

The Beta licenses are only node-locked and time-limited.

When you launch for the first time a Beta version or if your Beta licenses are expired, the Activation
Wizard is opened at the Activate Beta Licenses page. Simply copy and paste your activation codes into
the provided text field and press Activate.
A connection to the online activation server will start immediately. When done, the product is ready
to be used.
Show available extensions

When Avizo is running, you can see the activated licenses on your computer.
Select Help > Show Available Extensions.
Note: One activation code can activate several licenses.

26 Chapter 1: Introduction
Figure 1.9: License Manager - Beta Activation Wizard

Figure 1.10: License Manager - Available Extensions

1.5.4 Licensing troubleshooting Offline activation

If you do not have any Internet connection, you can activate, upgrade, reactivate and return your
licenses offline by following the instructions of the documentation placed here:
AVIZO ROOT/share/license/FLEXnet/Offline_Activation_User_Guide.pdf

Avizo License Manager 27 Firewall problem

If you have an internet connection but encounter the error ”Unable to connect to server https” when
trying to activate a license, it probably comes from your firewall configuration.
You need to configure your firewall to allow the connection to the online activation server:

• Server: vsg3d.flexnetoperations.com
• IP:
• Port: 443 (https) Licensing events log

If an error occurs during Avizo activation, you can find more details in the licensing events log.
However, most likely you will need to send it to the technical support team for analysis (Help >
Online Support menu).

The log file is saved in the user application data directory:

• Windows path: C:\Users\<your login name>\AppData\Roaming\FEI \licensingAvizo.log

• Linux and Mac OS X path: /home/<your login name>/.config/FEI/licensingAvizo.log

This log file details all activation actions and licensing information only when an error occurs. License lookup log

If the VSG LICENSE DEBUG environment variable is set to a file name, licensing debug output is
written to the specified file when Avizo is launched. You can open and read this debug file yourself.
However, most likely you will need to send it to the technical support team for analysis (Help >
Online Support menu).
Below are instructions for setting this environment variable on Windows and on Linux and Mac OS X

Note: For using a license debug filename as indicated below, you need sufficient privileges to write
into the Avizo installation directory. Otherwise, set VSG LICENSE DEBUG to a path where you
can write files. For example, /home/<your login name>/debug.txt, or C:\Temp\debug.txt.

You can set the environment variable via the Control Panel for Windows or you can set it in a
command prompt on all platforms.

28 Chapter 1: Introduction
Windows - Control Panel

1. You can get to the Control Panel via the Windows Start menu.
2. In the Control Panel, select the System application.
3. Click on the Advanced tab.
4. Press the Environment variables button.
5. In either the User or System variables, press the New button.
6. For the Variable name enter VSG LICENSE DEBUG.
7. For the Variable value enter debug.txt (without the quotes).
8. Close the dialogs by clicking on OK.
9. Run Avizo from the Start menu. When the License Manager dialog is displayed, dismiss it.
10. Then look for a file named debug.txt in the top level of the Avizo installation directory. Send the
file to tech support for analysis.

Windows - Command Prompt

1. On Windows you can get to a command prompt via the Windows Start menu as follows:
Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
2. In the command prompt window, type:
set VSG LICENSE DEBUG=debug.txt
3. Change the current directory to where your Avizo executable is. For example:
cd C:\Program Files\Avizo8\bin\arch-Win64VC10-Optimize
4. Run Avizo as follows:
5. When the License Manager dialog comes up, dismiss it.
6. Look for the file debug.txt in the current directory. Send the file to tech support for analysis.

Linux and Mac OS X - Terminal

1. On Linux and Mac OS X systems, the exact command to use for setting environment variables
depends on the kind of shell you are using. Here are examples for a few commonly used shells.
Bash shell:
export VSG LICENSE DEBUG=debug.txt
C shell:
setenv VSG LICENSE DEBUG debug.txt
2. In the window in which you set the environment variable, change to the Avizo installation di-
rectory. For example:

Avizo License Manager 29

cd /opt/Avizo8
3. Run Avizo as follows:

4. When the License Manager dialog is displayed, dismiss it.

5. Look for the file debug.txt in the current directory. Send the file to tech support for analysis.

1.5.5 Contacting the license administrator

You can contact the license administrator using this address: vsglicense@fei.com
You can find more information here: Section 1.8 (Contact and Support).

1.6 Data Import

Usually, one of the first things Avizo users want to know is how to import their own data into the
system. This section contains some advice intended to ease this task.
In the simplest case, your data is already present in a standard file format supported by Avizo. To
import such files, simply use the File Load menu. A list of all supported formats can be found in the
index section of the user’s guide. Usually, the system recognizes the format of a file automatically
by analyzing the file header or the filename suffix. If a supported format is detected, the file browser
indicates the format name.
Often, 3D image volumes are stored slice by slice using standard 2D image formats such as TIFF
or JPEG. In case of medical images, slices are commonly stored in ACR-NEMA or DICOM format.
If you select multiple 2D slices simultaneously in the file browser, all slices will automatically be
combined into a single 3D data set. Simultaneous selection is most easily achieved by first clicking
the first slice and then shift-clicking the last one.
If your data is not already present in a standard file format supported by Avizo you will have to write
your own converter or export filter. For many data objects such as 3D images, regular fields, or tetra-
hedral grids Avizo’s native Avizo format is most appropriate. Using this format you can even represent
point sets or line segments for which there is hardly any other standard format. The Avizo format
documentation explains the file syntax in detail and contains examples of how to encode different data
objects. One important Avizo data type, triangular non-manifold surfaces, cannot be represented in a
Avizo file but has its own file format called HxSurface format.
Alternatively, with Avizo XPand Pack a C++ programmer can extend Avizo in order to integrate a
custom reader or writer.
Finally, in case of images or regular fields with uniform coordinates you may also read binary raw
data. Note that for raw data the dimensions and the bounding box of the data volume must be entered
manually in a dialog box which pops up after you have selected the file in the file browser.

30 Chapter 1: Introduction
1.7 First steps in Avizo
For a quick introduction to Avizo, you can visit http://www.vsg3d.com/webcasts, and watch introduc-
tory videos such as Avizo Getting Started, Introduction to Avizo, or Avizo Fire Edition Getting Started
in addition to the tutorials below.
The step-by-step tutorials in this user’s guide are largely independent of each other, so after reading
the Getting Started section it is possible to skip around and just follow those tutorials which inerest
you. If you go through all the tutorials you will get a good survey of Avizo’s basic features. The same
applies to each Avizo edition. A minimum set of recommended tutorials are shown in bold in the list
In all tutorials the steps to be performed by the user are marked by a dot. If you only want to get a
quick idea how to work with Avizo you may skip the explanations between successive steps and just
follow the instructions. But in order to get a deeper understanding you should refer to the text.

• Avizo All Editions

• Getting started - the basics of Avizo, useful for all editions
• Reading images - how to read images
• Visualizing 3D images - slices, isosurfaces, volume rendering
• Image segmentation - segmentation of 3D image data
• Surface reconstruction - surface reconstruction from 3D images
• Grid generation - creating a tetrahedral grid from a triangular surface
• Vector fields - streamlines and other techniques
• The Animation Producer - creating animations using the Animation Producer
• Large data - how to work with out-of-core data files (LDA)
• Creating movie files - how to use the Movie Maker module
• Using MATLAB - how to use the Calculus MATLAB module
• Skeletonization - how to analyse the network or tree-like structures in 3D image data
• Molecular Visualization - how to visualize and analyse molecular data
Note: If you want to visualize your own data, please first refer to Section 1.6. This section
contains some general hints on how to import data sets into Avizo.

• Avizo Fire Edition

• Getting started - the basics for 3D image viewing
• Getting started with Image Processing and Analysis - the basics for 3D image processing
• Distribution of distance between 2 phases - measuring a catalyst
• Separation, Measures and Reconstruction - advanced pore reconstruction
• Granulometry - distribution of pore diameters

First steps in Avizo 31

• Pore Thickness Computation - average thickness of pores
• Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion - registration of surfaces and images
• More about label measures - selecting the measures to perform on labels and creating
your own measures

• Avizo Wind Edition

• Getting started- the basics to visualize and analyze numerical simulations data
• Visualizing a CFD model - model information and display on a YF-17 Cobra aircraft
• Scalar field visualization - scalar field display on a YF-17 Cobra aircraft
• Vector field visualization - vector field display on a wing airplane
• Statistical and arithmetic - statistical and arithmetic computations on a YF-17 Cobra air-
• Vorticity study - vorticity identification on a wing airplane
• Measurement tools - measurements on a YF-17 Cobra aircraft

• Avizo Green Edition

• Getting Started- the basics to visualize earth-mapped data
• 2D Scalar Data - visualization of 2D scalar data on climatology data sets
• 2D Vector Data - visualization of 2D vector data on climatology data sets
• 3D Scalar Data - visualization of 3D scalar data on climatology data sets
• Avizo Earth Edition
• Getting started- the basics to visualize seismic and geophysics data

You can visit the Avizo User’s Forum at www.avizo3d.net to get and share information with the Avizo
Avizo technical support can be contacted using the Online Support item in Avizo Help menu or using
the contact information in Section 1.8 (Contact and Support). FEI technical support is dedicated to
customers having purchased or renewed a maintenance contract. To speed up the management of your
questions please don’t forget to supply us with the license number or license file of your FEI product,
the platform where you use it and depending on your issue a log file (VSG LICENSE DEBUG export,
Help/SystemInformation for Avizo, IvReport for OpenInventor), images and a small sample project.
If you are evaluating Avizo, do not hesitate to contact your support application engineer or sales rep-
resentative to assist you finding how Avizo can help you.
FEI also provides trainings and consulting services.

32 Chapter 1: Introduction
1.8 Contact and Support
For purchasing an Avizo license and for support, visit our web sites or contact one of the following

For technical support:


For requesting license keys:


For contacting your sales representative:


FEI web site:


Phone numbers and addresses:

License key requests:

Phone: +33 556 13 37 78

Fax: +33 556 13 02 10
Email: vsglicense@fei.com

FEI Visualization Sciences Group

3, Impasse Rudolf Diesel, Bat A - BP 50227
F-33708 Merignac Cedex
Phone: +33 (0) 556 13 37 77
Fax: +33 (0) 556 13 02 10
Email: vsginfo@fei.com

Hotline requests
Phone: +33 556 13 37 71
Fax: +33 556 13 02 10
Email: vsghotline@fei.com

Contact and Support 33

34 Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2

What’s New in Avizo 8

Avizo 8 is a major evolution of the Avizo product family including new extensions, enhancements of
the user interface for ease of use and simplified workflows, new and enhanced features, and perfor-
mance improvements.
For complete information about new features, enhancements and solved issues in this release
please review the Release Notes and What’s New documents included in Avizo package directory
<install_dir>/share/doc/ also available at http://www.vsg3d.com/avizo-release-notes.
36 Chapter 2: What’s New in Avizo 8
Chapter 3

Getting Started

In this section you will learn how to

1. start the program.

2. load a demo data set into the system
3. invoke editors for editing the data
4. connect visualization modules to the data
5. interact with the 3D viewer.

The following text has the form of a short step-by-step tutorial. Each step builds on the steps described
before. We recommend that you read the text online and carry out the instructions directly on the
computer. Instructions are indicated by a dot so you can execute them quickly without reading the
explanations between the instructions.

3.1 Start the program

• On a Windows system, according to the edition you want to start:
• Run Avizo from the start menu for the Avizo Standard Edition for Scientific Visualization,
• Run Avizo Earth from the start menu for the Avizo Earth Edition for Geosciences and Oil
& Gas,
• Run Avizo Wind from the start menu for the Avizo Wind Edition for CFD and Simulation
• Run Avizo Fire from the start menu for the Avizo Fire Edition for Materials Science,
• Run Avizo Green from the start menu for the Avizo Green Edition for Environment and
• On a Unix system, enter the following command from the Avizo installation directory in a shell
according to the edition you want to start:
• bin/start for the Avizo Standard Edition for Scientific Visualization,
• bin/AvizoEarth for the Avizo Earth Edition for Geosciences and Oil & Gas,
• bin/AvizoWind for the Avizo Wind Edition for CFD and Simulation post-processing
• bin/AvizoGreen for the Avizo Green Edition for Environment and Climate.
If there are no such commands, the software has not been properly installed.

Note: You may link the start script into a directory contained in your binary path, e.g. /usr/bin:
• ln -s $INSTALLDIR/Avizo8/bin/start
• ln -s $INSTALLDIR/Avizo8/bin/AvizoEarth
• ln -s $INSTALLDIR/Avizo8/bin/AvizoWind
• ln -s $INSTALLDIR/Avizo8/bin/AvizoGreen

• On a Mac OS X system, according to the edition you want to start:

• Run Avizo Standard Edition for Scientific Visualization, by double clicking on the Avizo
Standard-edition icon in the Application folder
• Run Avizo Earth Edition for Geosciences and Oil & Gas, by double clicking on the Avizo
Earth-edition icon in the Application folder
• Run Avizo Wind Edition for CFD and Simulation post-processing, by double clicking on
the Avizo Wind-edition icon in the Application folder
• Run Avizo Green Edition for Environment and Climate, by double clicking on the Avizo
Green-edition icon in the Application folder

When Avizo is running, a window like the one shown in Figure 3.1 appears on the screen. The user
interface is divided into four major regions. The 3D viewer window displays visualization results, e.g.,
slices or isosurfaces. The Project View will contain small icons representing data objects and modules.
The Properties Area displays interface elements (ports) associated with Avizo objects. Finally, the
lower left pane is shared by the console and Avizo’s integrated hypertext help browser. Click on the
Console or Help tab to select which window you want to view. The console prints system messages
and lets you enter Avizo commands. You can use the help browser to read the user’s guide online.
You can also activate the help browser by pressing F1, selecting User’s Guide from the Help menu of
Avizo’s main window, or by typing help in the console window.

38 Chapter 3: Getting Started

Figure 3.1: The Avizo user interface consists of five major parts: the 3D viewer (1), the Project View (2), the Properties Area
(3), the console window (4), and the help browser (5). The help browser, the viewer and the console can also be displayed in
separate windows.

3.2 Loading Data

Usually, the first thing you will do after starting Avizo is to load a data set. Let’s see how this can be

• Choose Open Data... from the File menu.

After selecting this menu item, the file dialog appears (see Figure 3.2). By default the dialog displays
the contents of the directory defined in the environment variable AVIZO DATADIR. If no such variable
exists the contents of Avizo’s demo data directory are displayed. You can quickly switch to other
directories, e.g., to the current working directory, using the directory list located in the upper part of
the dialog window.
At the top of the Project View is an Open Data button which is a shortcut to the File/Open Data dialog.
You may use it for opening data files in the tutorials that follow. However, the tutorials will instruct
you to use the File/Open Data command.
Avizo is able to determine many file formats automatically, either by analyzing the file header or the
file name suffix. The format of a particular file will be printed in the file dialog right beside the file
Now, we would like to load a scalar field from one of the demo data directories contained in the Avizo

• Change to the directory data/tutorials, select the file motor.am and press OK.

Loading Data 39
Figure 3.2: Data sets can be loaded into Avizo using the file browser. In most cases, the file format can be determined
automatically. This is done by either analyzing the file header or the file name suffix.

The data will be loaded into the system. Depending on its size this may take a few seconds. The file is
stored in Avizo’s native Avizo format. The file motor.am contains 3D image data of an engine. The
data represents a series of parallel 2D image slices across a 3D volume. Once it has been loaded, the
data set appears as a green icon in the Project View. In the following we call this data set ”motor data

• Click on the green data icon with the left mouse button to select it.

This causes some information about the data record to be displayed in the Properties Area (Figure 3.3).
In our case we can read off the dimensions of the data set, the primitive data type, the coordinate type,
as well as the voxel size. To deselect the icon, click on an empty area in the Project View window. You
may also pick the icon with the left mouse button and drag it around in the Project View.
Clicking on an object typically causes additional buttons to be displayed in the button area at the top of
the Project View. These buttons are convenience buttons allowing easy one-click access to the modules
most frequently used by the selected object. The tutorials, however, will have you to access modules
via the menu interface to help familiarize you with the organization of modules within Avizo.

3.3 Invoking Editors

After selecting an object, in addition to the textual information, some buttons appear in the Properties
Area, to the far right of the data object’s name. These buttons represent editors which can be used
to interactively manipulate the data object in some way. For example, all data objects provide a data
parameter editor. This editor can be used to edit arbitrary attributes associated with the data set, e.g.

40 Chapter 3: Getting Started

Figure 3.3: Data objects are represented by green icons in the Project View. Once an icon has been selected information about
the data set such as its size or its coordinate type is displayed in the Properties Area.

Invoking Editors 41
Figure 3.4: In order to attach a module to a data set, click on the green icon using the right mouse button. A popup menu
appears containing all modules which can be used to process this particular type of data.

filename, original size, or bounding box. Another example is the Transform Editor which can be used
to translate or rotate the data in world coordinates. However, at this point we don’t want to go into
details. We just want to learn how to create and delete an editor:

• Invoke one of the editors by clicking on an editor icon.

• Close the editor by clicking again on the editor icon.

Further information about particular editors is provided in the user’s reference manual.

3.4 Visualizing Data

Data objects like the engine data can be visualized by attaching display modules to them. Each icon in
the Project View provides a popup menu from which matching modules, i.e., modules that can operate
on this specific kind of data, can be selected. To activate the popup menu

• click with the right mouse button on the green data icon. Choose the entry called Bounding Box.

After you release the mouse button, a new Bounding Box module is created and is automatically
connected to the data object. The Bounding Box object is represented by a yellow icon in the Project

42 Chapter 3: Getting Started

Figure 3.5: Visualization results are displayed in the 3D viewer window. Parameters or ports of a module are displayed in the
Properties Area after you select the module.

View and the connection is indicated by a blue line connecting the icons. At the same time, the graphics
output generated by the BoundingBox module becomes visible in the 3D viewer. Since the output is
not very interesting, in this case we will connect a second display module to the data set:

• Choose the entry called Ortho Slice from the popup menu of the engine data set.

Now a 2D slice through the engine is shown in the viewer window. Initially, a slice oriented perpen-
dicular to the z-direction and centered inside the image volume is displayed. Slices are numbered 0, 1,
2, and so on. The slice number as well as the orientation are parameters of the Ortho Slice module. In
order to change these parameters, you must select the module. As for the green data icon, this is done
by clicking on the Ortho Slice icon with the left mouse button. By the way, in contrast to the Bounding
Box, the Ortho Slice icon is orange, indicating that this module can be used for clipping.

• Select the Ortho Slice module.

Now you should see various buttons and sliders in the Properties Area, ordered in rows. Each row
represents a port allowing you to adjust one particular control parameter. Usually, the name of a port
is printed at the beginning of a row. For example, the port labeled Slice Number allows you to change
the slice number via a slider.

• Select different slices using the Slice Number port.

By default, Ortho Slice displays slices with xy orientation, i.e., perpendicular to the z-direction. How-
ever, the module can also extract slices from the image volume perpendicular to x- and y-direction.

Visualizing Data 43
3.5 Interaction with the Viewer
The 3D viewer lets you look at the model from different positions. If you click on the Trackball button
in the viewer toolbar, moving the mouse inside the viewer window with the left mouse button pressed
lets you rotate the object. If you click on the Translate or the Zoom buttons, you can translate or zoom
the object. (For zoom, move the mouse up and down.)
Alternatively, with the middle mouse button pressed you can translate the object. For zooming press
both the left and the middle mouse buttons at the same time and move the mouse up or down.
Notice that the mouse cursor has the shape of a little hand inside the viewer window. This indicates that
the viewer is in viewing mode. By pressing the ESC key you can switch the viewer into interaction
mode. In this mode, interaction with the geometry displayed in the viewer is possible by mouse
operations. For example, when using Ortho Slice you can change the slice number by clicking on the
slice and dragging it.

• Select different buttons of the Orientation port of the Ortho Slice module.
• Rotate the object in a more general position.
• Disable the adjust view toggle in the Options port.
• Change the orientation using the Orientation port again.
• Choose different slices using the Slice Number port or directly in the viewer with the interaction
mode described above.

Each display module has a viewer toggle by which you can switch off the display without removing
the module. This button is just to the right of the colored bar where the module name is shown as
illustrated below.

• Deactivate and activate the display of the Ortho Slice or Bounding Box module using the viewer

If you want to remove a module permanently, select it and choose Remove Object from the Project
View menu. Choose Remove All from the same menu to remove all modules.

• Remove the Bounding Box module by selecting its icon and choosing Remove Object from the
Project View menu.
• Remove all remaining modules by choosing Remove All Objects from the same menu.

Now the Project View should be empty again. You may continue with the next tutorial.

44 Chapter 3: Getting Started

Figure 3.6: The Ortho Slice module is able to extract arbitrary orthogonal slices from a regular 3D scalar field or image volume.

Interaction with the Viewer 45

46 Chapter 3: Getting Started
Chapter 4

Images and Volumes Visualization

and Processing in Avizo

Avizo provides extensive support for importing, visualizing, processing 2D and 3D images. For an
overview of related features, please refer to Features overview section. The tutorials in this chapter
introduce the following topics:

• Reading images - how to read images

• Visualizing 3D images - slices, isosurfaces, volume rendering
• Image segmentation - segmentation of 3D image data

4.1 How to load image data

Loading image data is one of the most basic operations in Avizo. Other than with 2D images, there
are not many standardized file formats containing 3D images. This tutorial guides you by means of
examples on how to load the different kinds of 3D images into Avizo. In particular this tutorial covers
the following topics:

1. Using the File/Open Data... browser and setting the file format.
2. Reading 3D image data from multiple 2D slices.
3. Setting the bounding box or voxel size of 3D images.
4. The Stacked Slices file format.
5. Working with Large Disk Data.
Figure 4.1: The Format option of the file browser

4.1.1 The Avizo File Browser

Image data is loaded in Avizo with the File/Open Data... dialog. All file formats supported by Avizo
are recognized automatically either by a data header or by the file name suffix. What follows is only
of concern in these cases:

• The automatic file format detection fails.

• 3D image data is stored in several 2D files.
• The data is larger than the available main memory.

Setting the file format

In most cases the format of a file is determined automatically, either by checking the file header or
by comparing the file name suffix with a list of known suffixes. In the load dialog the file format is
displayed in a separate column in detail view.


• Files containing the string Avizo in the first line are considered Avizo files.
• Files with the suffix .stl are considered STL files.

If automatic file format detection fails, e.g. because some non-standard suffix has been used, the format
may be set manually using the File/Open Data As... dialog.

48 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

Figure 4.2: Loading multiple 2D images

4.1.2 Reading 3D Image Data from Multiple 2D Slices

A common way to store 3D image data is to write a separate 2D image file for each slice. The 2D
images may be written in TIFF, BMP, JPEG, or any other supported image file format. In order to load
such data in Avizo, all 2D slices must be selected simultaneously in the file browser. This can be done
by clicking the first file and shift clicking the last one.

• Open the File/Open Data... dialog.

• Browse to the $AVIZO ROOT/data/teddybear/ directory.
• Select the first file teddybear000.jpg
• Shift-click the last file (teddybear061.jpg).
• Click Load.

4.1.3 Setting the Bounding Box

When loading a series of bitmap images, usually the physical dimensions of the images are not known
to Avizo. Therefore an Image Read Parameters dialog appears that prompts you for entering the phys-
ical extent of the Bounding Box. Alternatively, the size of a single voxel can be set. In Avizo the
bounding box of an object is the smallest rectangular, axis-aligned volume in 3D space that encom-
passes the object. Note that in Avizo the bounding box of a uniform data set extends from the center of
the first voxel to the center of the last one. For example, if you have 256 voxels and you know the voxel
size to be 1 mm, the bounding box should be set to 0 - 255 (or to some shifted range).

• Enter 1 in the first,second and third text field of the Voxel Size port.

How to load image data 49

Figure 4.3: The definition of the bounding box in Avizo. Different gray shades depict the intensity values defined on the regular
grid (white lines). The black square depicts the extent of one voxel. The outer frame depicts the extent of the bounding box.

• Click OK.

This method will always create a data set with uniform coordinates, i.e., uniform slice distance. In
case of variable slice distances, the StackedSlices format should be used.

4.1.4 The Stacked Slices file format

Especially with histological serial sections it often happens that slices are lost during preparation. To
handle such cases, Avizo provides a special data type corresponding to a file format, called Stacked
Slices. This file format allows a stack of individual image files to be read with optional z- values
for each slice. The slice distance is not required to be constant. The images must be one-channel or
RGBA images in an image format supported by Avizo (e.g. TIFF). The reader operates on an ASCII
description file, which can be written with any editor. Here is an example of a description file:

# Avizo Stacked Slices

# Directory where image files reside
pathname C:/data/pictures
# Pixel size in x- and y-direction
pixelsize 0.1 0.1
# Image list with z-positions
picture1.tif 10.0
picture7.tif 30.0
picture13.tif 60.0
colstars.jpg 330.0

50 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

Some remarks on the syntax:

• # Avizo Stacked Slices is an optional header that allows Avizo to automatically deter-
mine the file format.
• pathname is optional and can be included if the pictures are not in the same directory as the
description file. A space separates the tag ”pathname” from the actual pathname.
• On Windows systems, pathname should still be specified with / and not.
• pixelsize is optional, too. The statement specifies the pixel size in x- and y-directions. The
bounding box of the resulting 3D image is set from 0 to pixelsize*(number of pixels-1).
• picture1.tif 10.0 is the name of the slice and its z-value, separated by a space character.
• end indicates the end of the description file.
• Comments are indicated by a hash-mark character (#).

4.1.5 Working with Large Disk Data

Sometimes image data are so large that they do not fit into the main memory of the computer. Since
the Avizo visualization modules rely on the fact that data are in physical memory, this would mean
that such data cannot be displayed in Avizo. To overcome this, a special purpose module is provided
that leaves most of the data on disk and retrieves only a user-specified subvolume. This subvolume can
then be visualized with the standard visualization modules in Avizo.

• Use the File/Open Data As... dialog and go to $AVIZO ROOT/data/grain/

• Select the grain.am and press the Open button.
• Select Avizo as Large Disk Data as format and confirm your choice with OK.

The data will be displayed in the Project View as a regular green data icon. The info line indicates that
it belongs to the data class HxRawAsExternalData.

• Right mouse click, attach a Bounding Box module.

• Right mouse click, attach an Extract Subvolume module.
• Select the Extract Subvolume module in the Project View and enter 224, 161, and 59 into the
BoxSize text fields.
• Check Subsample and enter 2 2 2 into the Subsample fields and press the Apply button.

This retrieves a down-sampled version of the data. Disconnect the grain.view data icon from
the Extract Subvolume module by selecting NO SOURCE in the Master port of grain.view, and
use it as an overview (e.g. with Ortho Slice). Selecting NO SOURCE in the DATA port of Extract
Subvolume doesn’t disconnect grain.view from Extract Subvolume

• Selecting the Extract Subvolume module in the Project View and deselect the subsample check

How to load image data 51

• Use the dragger box in the viewer to resize the subvolume.
• Press the Apply button.
• Attach an Isosurface module to the grain.view2 (set threshold set to 100).
• Press Apply

Otherwise the Isosurface is not displayed.

Tip: To browse the data, check the auto-refresh check box for the Extract Subvolume and Isosurface
modules. Now each time the blue subvolume dragger is repositioned, the visualization is updated

Figure 4.4: The usage of Avizo as Large Disk Data. For instantaneous update, the auto-refresh check boxes of the Extract
Subvolume and Isosurface modules have been checked

Loading Avizo, StackedSlices, and Raw ”as Large Disk Data” is a convenient and fast way of exploring
data that exceed the size of system memory. However, especially with StackedSlices, it is not always

52 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

Figure 4.5: The Input dialog of the Convert To Large Data Format module.

the most efficient way of doing this. Avizo can store the image data in a special format that facilitates
the random retrieval of data from disk.

• Choose from the File menu Convert To Large Data Format

• Click Browse from the Input port.
• Click Add, go to /Avizo-8.1/data/grain/ and select grain.am, then click OK.
• Click Browse from the Output port.
• Go to C:/tmp/ and enter a filename of your choice.
• Press the Apply button.

Although you will most likely not notice any difference with the small image data used in this tutorial,
this method for retrieving large data significantly accelerates the Apply operation.

4.1.6 Working with out-of-core data files (LDA)

The out-of-core management tools allow you load and visualize data sets larger than the amount of
RAM installed on your system, as well as convert these data sets into LDA (Large Data Access) files.
These LDA files can be used to visualize very large data (hundreds of gigabytes), such as seismic
or microscopy data, using a limited amount of memory. It is possible to convert original data of the
following types: Avizo, RawData, and StackedSlices (stacks of SGI, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG,
JPEG2000, PGX, PNM, and RAS raster files). LDA data allows subvolume extraction to display parts
of the volume, or multi-resolution access to have a full subsampled view or accurate refined local
Note: in standard, Avizo can support up to 8GB size LDA data. Above 8GB, you will need the Avizo
XLVolume pack.
In particular, the following topics will be discussed in this tutorial:

How to load image data 53

Figure 4.6: Avizo Preferences, LDA settings

1. Adjusting the size threshold to allow conversion

2. Loading the out-of-core data
3. Raw data parameters
4. Out-of-core conversion
5. Displaying an ortho slice, a slice, and a 3D volume

Please follow the instructions below. Each step builds on the step before. Tune the Size Threshold to Allow Conversion

In the Edit menu, select the Preferences item. This opens the AvizoPreferences dialog. Please select
the LDA tab (see Figure 4.6). Using the slider or text field, set the threshold to 10MB. When you load
a file of file size greater than this threshold, the out-of-core data dialog will be displayed.
Note: To see the images as laid out in this tutorial, you should also use the Layout tab of the
Edit/Preferences menu, and toggle on show viewer in top-level window. Load the Out-of-core Data

Please open the file grain.raw using the File/Open Data... menu (see Figure 4.7). The file is located in
$AVIZO ROOT/data/tutorials/outofcore/ in the Avizo install directory. Its size is 16MB,
above the defined threshold.
The Out-Of-Core data dialog is displayed. Three loading options are displayed (see Figure 4.8):

54 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

Figure 4.7: Open the out-of-core data file

• Convert to LDA: convert the file to an LDA file, and then load it.
• PRO: This builds a multiresolution file allowing full interactive view or local full resolu-
tion viewing.
• CON: This can be time consuming, with an initial pass and then the true conversion pass.
• Read from disk: read data blocks from disk, allowing almost continuous disk access.
• PRO: No need to generate an extra file.
• CON: Continuous access to disk. Slow with data sets larger than 4GB.
• Read in memory: load full data into memory and then access to memory only.
• PRO: Adapted for average sized data.
• CON: Requires as much RAM as your data set size. Usually not applicable for data sets
greater than 500MB or 1GB.

Please select ”Convert to LDA”. Then, on the next dialog (Destination file), specify the LDA destina-
tion file. grain.lda for instance (see Figure 4.9).
Note: An .lda file can be loaded then, without any conversion required.
Another option allows you to perform conversion in batch mode so you can run other processes while
the conversion is done in the background.

How to load image data 55

Figure 4.8: Out-of-Core data dialog

Figure 4.9: Choose LDA destination file

56 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

Figure 4.10: Raw data parameters panel Raw Data Parameters

As the input data is raw, please fill in the raw data parameters dialog with information as on the
following figure (see Figure 4.10):
Data type is byte, dimension 256*256*256. Out-of-core Conversion

During conversion, the out-of-core conversion progress is showed in the progress bar (see Figure 4.11).
This process is done in two steps. First of all, an initial step, and then the conversion step at about
4MB/s (on a P4 2.6GHz, no SATA disk). You can cancel the process if you wish.

Figure 4.11: Out-of-core conversion progress dialog

How to load image data 57

The converted file is now in the Project View ready to be used and connected to other modules. Display an Ortho Slice, a Slice, and a 3D Volume

Right-click on the data icon in the Project View. In the Display submenu choose the Ortho Slice
module. Repeat these steps for a Slice and a Volume Rendering. You can also display the bounding
box of the full volume.

Figure 4.12: Project display (viewer and Project View)

In order to view this scene with the same settings, after converting grain.raw into grain.lda (lda
file required, with the right name) please load the project grain.hx (in the same directory
$AVIZO ROOT/data/tutorials/outofcore).

58 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

4.2 Visualizing 3D Images
This section provides a step-by-step introduction to the visualization of regular scalar fields, e.g.,
3D image data. Avizo is able to visualize more complex data sets, such as scalar fields defined on
curvilinear or tetrahedral grids. Nevertheless, in this section we consider the simplest case, namely
scalar fields with regular structure. Each step builds on the step before. In particular, the following
topics will be discussed:

1. orthogonal slices
2. simple threshold segmentation
3. resampling the data
4. displaying an isosurface
5. cropping the data
6. volume rendering

We start by loading the data you already know from Section 3 (Getting Started): a 3D image data set
of a part of a 256 x 256 x 128 CT scan of an engine block.

• Load the file motor.am located in subdirectory data/tutorials.

4.2.1 Orthogonal Slices

The fastest and in many cases most ”standard” way of visualizing 3D image data is by extracting
orthogonal slices from the 3D data set. Avizo allows you to display multiple slices with different
orientations simultaneously within a single viewer.

• Connect a Bounding Box module to the data (use right mouse on motor.am).
• Connect an Ortho Slice module to the data.
• Connect a second and third Ortho Slice module to the data.
• Select Ortho Slice 2 and press xz in the Orientation port.
• Similarly, for Ortho Slice 3 choose yz orientation.
• Rotate the object in the viewer to a more general position.
• Change the slice numbers of the three Ortho Slice modules in the respective ports or directly in
the viewer as described in section Getting Started.

In addition to the Ortho Slice module, which allows you to extract slices orthogonal to the coordinate
axes, Avizo also provides a module for slicing in arbitrary orientations. This more general module
is called Slice. You might want to try it by selecting it from the Display submenu of the engine data
popup menu.

Visualizing 3D Images 59
Figure 4.13: Engine data set visualized using three orthogonal slices.

4.2.2 Simple Data Analysis

The values of the Data indow port of the Ortho Slice module determine which scalar values are mapped
to black or white, respectively. If you choose a range of e.g., 30...100, any value smaller or equal to
30 will become black, and all pixels with an associated value of more then 100 will become white.
Try modifying the range. This port provides a simple way of determining a threshold, which later can
be used for segmentation, e.g. to separate background pixels from other structures. This can be most
easily done by making the minimum and maximum values coincide.

• Remove two of the Ortho Slice modules.

• Select the remaining Ortho Slice module.
• Make sure that the Mapping Type is set to Colormap.
• Change the minimum and maximum values of the Colormap port until these values are the same
and a suitable segmentation result is obtained. For this data a value of 85 for the min and max

60 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

should be a good threshold value.

Figure 4.14: By adjusting the data window of the Ortho Slice module a suitable value for threshold segmentation can be found.
Intensity values smaller than the min value will be mapped to black, intensity values bigger than the max value will be mapped
to white.

A more powerful way of quantitatively examining intensity values of a data set is to use a data probing
module Point Probe or Line Probe. However, we will not discuss these modules in this introductory

4.2.3 Resampling the Data

Now we are going to compute and display an Isosurface. Before doing so, we will resample the
data. The resampling process will produce a data set with a coarser resolution. Although this is
not necessary for the isosurface tool to work, it decreases computation time and improves rendering
performance. In addition, you will get acquainted with another type of module. The Resample module
is a computational module. Computational modules are represented by red icons. Typically you must

Visualizing 3D Images 61
press the green Apply button at the bottom of the Properties Area to start the computation. After you
press this button they produce a new data object containing the result.

• Connect a Resample module to the data and select it.

• Enter values for a coarser resolution, e.g., x=64, y=64, z=64.
• Press the Apply button.

A new green data icon representing the output of the resample computation named motor.Resampled
is created. You can treat this new data set like the original engine data. In the popup menu of the
resampled engine you will find exactly the same attachable modules and you can save and load it like
the original data.
You may want to compare the resampled data set with the original one using the Ortho Slice module.
You can simply pick the blue line indicating the data connection and drag it to a different data source.
Whenever the mouse pointer is over a valid source, the connection line appears highlighted in lighter

4.2.4 Displaying an Isosurface

For 3D image data sets, isosurfaces are useful for providing an impression of the 3D shape of an object.
An isosurface encloses all parts of a volume that are brighter than some user-defined threshold.

• Turn off the viewer toggle of the Ortho Slice module.

• Connect an Isosurface module to the resampled data record and select it.
• Adjust the threshold port to 85 or a similar value.
• Press the Apply button.

4.2.5 Cropping the Data

Cropping the data is useful if you are interested in only a part of the field. A crop editor is provided
for this purpose. Its use is described below:

• Remove the resampled data motor.Resampled.

• Activate the display of the Ortho Slice module.
• Select the motor.am data icon.
• Click on the Crop Editor button in the Properties Area.

A new window pops up. There are two ways to crop the data set. You can either type the desired
ranges of x, y, and z coordinates into the crop editor’s window or put the viewer into interaction mode
and adjust the crop box using the green handles directly in the viewer window.

62 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

Figure 4.15: Engine data set visualized in 3D using an isosurface.

• Put the viewer into interaction mode.

• With the left mouse button, pick one of the green handles attached to the crop volume. Drag and
transform the volume until the part of the data you are interested in is included.
• Press OK in the crop editor’s dialog window.

The new dimensions of the data set are given in the Properties Area. If you want to work with this
cropped data record in later sessions you should save it by choosing Save Data As ... from the File
As you already might have noticed, the crop editor also allows you to rescale the bounding box of the
data set. By changing the bounding box alone, no voxels will be cropped. You may also use the crop
editor to enlarge the data set, e.g., by entering negative values for the Min index fields. In this case the

Visualizing 3D Images 63
Figure 4.16: The crop editor works on uniform scalar fields. It allows you to crop a data set, to enlarge it by replicating boundary
voxels, or to modify its coordinates, i.e. to scale or shift its bounding box.

first slice of the data set will be duplicated as many times as necessary. Also, the bounding box will be
updated automatically.

4.2.6 Volume Rendering

Volume Rendering is a visualization technique that gives a 3D impression of the whole data set without
segmentation. The underlying model is based on the emission and absorption of light that pertains to
every voxel of the view volume. The algorithm simulates the casting of light rays through the volume
from pre-set sources. It determines how much light reaches each voxel on the ray and is emitted or
absorbed by the voxel. Then it computes what can be seen from the current viewing point as implied
by the current placement of the volume relative to the viewing plane, simulating the casting of sight
rays through the volume from the viewing point.

• Remove all objects in the Project View other than the motor.am data record.
• Select the data icon and read off the range of data values printed on the first info line (0...255).
• Connect a Volume Rendering module to the data.
• Set the range in the Colormap port of the Volume Rendering to 74..255.
• Select the Volume Rendering Settings and change the lighting to none.

64 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

By default, emission-absorption volume rendering is shown. The amount of light being emitted and
absorbed by a voxel is taken from the color and alpha values of the colormap connected to the Volume
Rendering module. In our example the colormap is less opaque for smaller values. You may try to set
the lower bound of the colormap to 40 or 180 in order to get a better feeling for the influence of the
transfer function.

Figure 4.17: The Volume Rendering module can be used to generate volume renderings based on an emission-absorption model.

• Make sure Volume Rendering Settings is selected.

• Set lighting to diffuse with specular

4.3 Segmentation of 3D Images

By following this step-by-step tutorial you will learn how to create a segmentation of a 3D image.
A segmentation assigns to each pixel of the image a label describing to which region or material the

Segmentation of 3D Images 65
Figure 4.18: Lighting computation are applied to the volume rendering, resulting in an easier to understand representation.

pixel belongs, e.g., material 1 or material 2. The segmentation is stored in a separate data object called
a Label Field. A segmentation is the prerequisite for surface model generation or accurate quantifi-
cation such as volume measurement. The segmentation process can be automatic, semi-automatic or
interactive depending on the input images and desired results. This tutorial introduces each approach.
This tutorial comprises the following steps:

1. Creation of an empty LabelField.

2. Interactive editing of the labels in the Image Segmentation Editor.
3. Measuring the volume of the segmented structures.
4. An alternative segmentation method: Threshold segmentation.
5. Further hints about segmentation.

66 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

4.3.1 Interactive Image Segmentation
• Load the motor.am data file from the directory data/tutorials.
• Right click on the green icon and choose Edit New Label Field from the Image Segmentation

A new green icon appears, the Label Field that will hold the segmentation results. Simultaneously, the
image segmentation editor is displayed in the 3D viewer pane.
By default, the segmentation editor operates in 4-viewer mode. In this mode, three 2D viewers with
different orientations and an additional 3D viewer are displayed.
The tools of the segmentation editor are displayed where the Project View and Properties Area are
normally displayed. You can click on the tabs at the top of this region to switch between the two
displays. For this tutorial, you’ll want to display the segmentation tools.

• Use the mouse to expand the viewer so that you have more room to maneuver in.
• In the upper right view, use the slider on the bottom to scroll through the slices. Go to slice 30.
You see six ”white” structures.
• If necessary, click on the second button under the label Zoom and Data Window to zoom out the
data so that you have a view of the entire slice.
• Click on the second button under the label Tools, the brush.
• Mark the one of the structures with the mouse. Hold down the control button to unselect wrongly
selected pixels if necessary.
• When done, select the entry Inside in the Materials list. Then click the + button under the
Selection label.

The previously selected pixels are now assigned to the material Inside. You can right click on the entry
Inside in the Materials list and choose a different draw style (for example, dotted).

• Click into the material list and choose New Material from the right button menu.
• Mark a second structure using the brush, select the new material in the Materials list and assign
the pixels to that structure.
• Go to slice 31 and practice by segmenting the two same structures.

Hint: If you prefer to work with one larger view rather than four smaller views, click on the Lay-
out1 button in the viewer toolbar. To cycle through each of the four views, press the Layout1 button
repeatedly. To return to 4-viewer mode, press the Layout4 button.
If a structure does not change a lot from slice to slice, you can use interpolation.

• Go to slice 30 and mark the top right structure using the brush. Go to slice 35 and mark the same
• Choose from the menu bar: Selection/Interpolate.

Segmentation of 3D Images 67
Figure 4.19: Image segmentation editor after selecting and assigning pixels for two structures in one slice

68 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

• Scroll through the data set. You should see that the in between slices 30 to 35 are selected too.
• In order to assign the selected pixels in all slices to the Inside material, select the Inside material
in the list, then click the + button.

• Repeat the procedure between slice 35 and 45.

• Repeat the procedure for one of the left structure.


• It is highly recommended to frequently save the segmentation results while working. In order
to do so, select the label field in the Avizo main window and choose Save or Save As... from the
Avizo File menu.
• The brush is only the most basic segmentation tool. The segmentation editor provides many
more functions that are described on its reference page.
• There are many useful key bindings, including SPACE and BACKSPACE to change the slice
number or ”d” to toggle the draw style.
• Of course you can give the materials more meaningful names or colors using the context menu
(right mouse button in the list).

At this point you may want to close the editor by pressing the Close button. Save the label field. In the
next tutorial you will learn how to create a 3D surface model from the segmentation results.

4.3.2 Volume Measurement

Once a structure is segmented, you can easily measure its volume:

• Right click on the LabelField’s green icon. Choose Measure/Materials Statistics.

• Press the Apply button. A new icon appears.
• Select this icon and press the Show button.

The units in the volume column depend on the units you have specified the voxel size.

4.3.3 Threshold Segmentation

We now describe an alternative way of segmentation, which can require less manual interaction, but
only works for images with good quality. It can be necessary to first pre-process image for filter-
ing noise and unwanted image features. Registration and fusion of several data sets using different
acquisition modalities are also sometimes used to help automating segmentation.
In favorable cases a satisfying segmentation can be achieved automatically based solely on the gray
values of the image data set. Some post-processing may also be applied later on for improving the
segmentation result, e.g. smoothing, removing holes or bubbles, separating particles (with Avizo Fire

Segmentation of 3D Images 69
The first step is to separate the object from the background. This is done by segmenting the volume
into exterior and interior regions on the basis of the voxel values.

• Load the motor.am data record from the directory data/tutorials.

• Attach a Multi-Thresholding module to the data icon and select it.
• Type 85 into the text field of port Exterior-Inside. You may also determine some other threshold
that separates exterior and interior as described in the tutorial on Image Data Visualization.
• Press the Apply button.

By this procedure each voxel having a value lower than the threshold is assigned to Exterior and each
voxel whose value is greater than or equal to the threshold is assigned to Interior. This may, however,
cause artifacts that are not part of the object but which have voxel values above the threshold to be
assigned to the interior. This can be suppressed by setting the remove couch option which assures that
only the biggest coherent area will be labeled as the interior and all other voxels are assigned to the
After you press the Apply button, a new data object is computed and its icon appears in the Project
View. The data object is denoted motor.labels. It is of type Label Field, represents a cubic grid with
the same dimensions as motor.am, and contains an interior or exterior label for each voxel according
to the segmentation result.

4.3.4 Refining Threshold Segmentation Results

You can visualize and manually modify a Label Field by using Avizo’s image segmentation editor. A
more detailed description of this tool is contained in the User’s Reference guide. Here, we use the
image segmentation editor to smooth the data in order to get a nicer looking surface of the object.

• Select the motor.labels icon and click on the Segmentation Editor icon in the green title bar in
the Properties Area.

In response the image segmentation editor is popped up.

• In the lower right view, use the slider on the bottom to select slice 206.
• Choose a magnification ratio suitable by pressing the zoom-up button in the Zoom and Data
region of the editor.

The image segmentation editor shows the image data to be segmented (motor.am) as well as brownish
contours representing the borders between interior and exterior regions as contained in the motor.labels
data object. As you can see, the borders are not so smooth and there is a little island in the lower center,
bordered by brownish contours. This is what we want to improve now.

• Choose Remove Islands... from the editor’s Segmentation menu. In response, a little dialog
window appears.

70 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

Figure 4.20: Data from CT scan is segmented using Avizo’s image segmentation editor.

• In the dialog window select the all slices mode. Then press Remove in order to apply the filter
in all slices. Note how the segmentation results become less noisy.
• To further clean up the image, choose Smooth Labels... from the editor’s Segmentation menu.
Another dialog box appears.
• Select the 3D volume mode and press the Apply button in order to execute the smoothing opera-
• To examine the results of the filter operations, browse through the label field slice by slice. In
addition to the slice slider you may also use the cursor-up and cursor-down keys for this.
• Click on the cross button to close the image segmentation editor.

4.3.5 More hints about segmentation

Avizo includes different tools that can create a label field:

• Image Segmentation/Multi-Thresholding. This module automatically creates a label field by

thresholding. See also Selection/Threshold menu in Segmentation Editor.
• Image Segmentation/Edit New Label Field. The segmentation editor provides automatic, semi-
automatic and interactive tools.

Segmentation of 3D Images 71
• Compute/Connected Components. This module searches for connected regions.
• Image Segmentation/Correlation Histogram. This module can create a label field from correlated
regions in 2 images sets, typically after registration.
• Image Segmentation/Interactive Thresholding and other tools from Avizo Fire Edition. This
extension offers advanced tools for quantification including object separation and labelling. See
Chapter 13 Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide.

Prior to segmentation, think about improving image quality and reducing noise in dataset with:

• Volume Edit module

• Avizo Fire Edition, providing further filters and tools.

Here are some hints about the Segmentation Editor.

• Combine different tools. Remember to toggle 2D / 3D as appropriate.

• Adjust the Segmentation/Data Window settings.
• Use Segmentation filters Smooth labels / Fill holes / Remove islands.
• Use Selection/Invert (’I’ key) and combine selections into materials (replace/add/subtract).
• Use interpolate between slices (menu Selection/Interpolate).
• Use of 4 viewers can aid segmentation process.
• You can remove ’erroneous’ parts from the selection view in all viewers - including the 3D
• Remember to lock materials to prevent erroneous transfer of previously selected materials.
• Locked material can be used as a mask - useful for 3D operations to prevent selection in areas
you don’t want to add to your material. This process can also be used so that the magic wand
tool only works between specified slices.
• If you want to select a number of materials hold down the shift key and select the material you
want from the material list. If you have the Show in 3D check box selected then you will also
get a 3D selection.
• If you want to copy the same selection to a neighbouring slice, hold the shift key and press the
up / down arrow.
• The Segmentation Editor has other useful keyboard shortcuts.

72 Chapter 4: Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo

Chapter 5

Model Extraction and Simulation

Pre-Processing with Avizo

Avizo allows the user to create geometric models derived from various types of data: surfaces from
points sets, surfaces from 3D images, tetraedral grid from surfaces, center line spatial graphs from 3D
images. For an overview of related features, please refer to Features overview section. The tutorials in
this chapter introduce the following topics:

• Surface reconstruction - surface reconstruction from 3D images

• Grid generation - creating a tetrahedral grid from a triangular surface

5.1 Surface Reconstruction from 3D Images

By following this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to generate a triangular surface grid for an
object embedded in a voxel data set. A surface grid allows for producing a 3D view of the object’s
surface and can be used for numerical simulations.
The generation process consists of these steps:

1. Extracting surfaces from segmentation results

2. Simplifying the surface

As a prerequisite for the following steps, you need a label field, which holds the result of a previous
image segmentation. You can either use the label field which you created in the previous tutorial or
load the provided motor.labels.am data set from the data/tutorials directory.
5.1.1 Extracting Surfaces from Segmentation Results
Now we let Avizo construct a triangular surface of the segmented object.

• Connect a Generate Surface module to the motor.labels.am data.

• Press the Apply button.

The option add border ensures that the created surface be closed. A new data object motor.labels.surf
(or motor.surf.am depending from your starting point) is generated. Again, it is represented by a green
icon in the Project View.

5.1.2 Simplifying the Surface

Usually the number of triangles created by the Generate Surface module is far too large for subsequent
operations. Thus, the number of triangles must be reduced in a surface simplification step. In Avizo a
Surface Simplification Editor is provided for this purpose.

Figure 5.1: Surface representation of engine as triangular grid

74 Chapter 5: Model Extraction and Simulation Pre-Processing with Avizo

• Select the surface motor.labels.surf. Since the Simplifier is modifying directly the surface data,
you may want to duplicate your initial surface before proceeding so you can start again if you
do not reach expected result.
• Click on the Simplification Editor icon in the Properties Area.
• You can set the desired number of faces in the Simplify port, or preferred method, you can
assign a maximum and minimum size for the triangles. Try 0.02 for max distance and 0.01 for
min one. You can estimate this size by looking for instance at the bounding box min and max
value of the data. Giving a to small number of faces or a to large max distance may result in an
over-simplified surface with self intersecting faces.
• Testing for intersections can be necessary, particularly if you are simplifying a multi-material
surface or a complex surface. In order to activate this, you can check the intersection tests
strategies toggle in the Options port and set your intersection tests strategy in the Intersections
• Push the Simplify now button in the Action port.

The number of triangles is reduced from over 1.2 millions to 49K. The progress bar tells you how
much of the simplification task has already been done.
To examine the simplified surface, attach a Surface View module to the motor.labels.surf data object.
The Surface View module maintains an internal buffer and displays all triangles stored in this buffer. By
default the buffer shows all triangles forming the boundary to the exterior. If you change the selection
at the Materials port, the newly selected triangles are highlighted, i.e., they are displayed using a red
wireframe representation. The Add and Remove buttons cause the highlighted triangles to be added to
or removed from the buffer, respectively. You may easily visualize a subset of all triangles using a 3D
selection box or by drawing contours in the 3D viewer. Press the Clear button of the Buffer port to see
the display shown in Figure 5.1.

5.2 Creating a Tetrahedral Grid from a Triangular Surface

By following this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn how to generate a volumetric tetrahedral grid
from a triangular surface as created in the previous tutorial. A tetrahedral grid is the basis for producing
various views of inner parts of the object, e.g., cuts through it, and is frequently used for numerical
The generation process consists of these steps:

1. Simplifying the surface (see an Simplifying the Surface section)

2. Editing the surface
3. Generating a tetrahedral grid

As a prerequisite for the following steps, you need a triangular surface, which is usually the result of
a previous surface reconstruction. Load the supplied motor.labels.surf data set from the data/tutorials

Creating a Tetrahedral Grid from a Triangular Surface 75


5.2.1 Editing the Surface

As a second step of preparation for tetrahedral grid generation, invoke the Surface Editor.

• Select the surface motor.labels.surf.

• Leave the Surface Simplification Editor (Simplifier) by again clicking on the Simplification
Editor icon.
• Enter the Surface Editor by clicking on the Surface Editor button in the Properties Area.

Automatically, a Surface View module will be attached to the motor.labels.surf surface. For details
about that module see its description.
When the Surface Editor is invoked, the Surface menu is added to Avizo’s menu bar and a new toolbar
is placed just below Avizo’s viewer toolbar. The Surface/Tests menu contains 8 specific tests which are
useful for preparing a tetrahedral grid generation. Each of the tests creates a buffer of triangles which
can be cycled through using the back and forward buttons.

• Select Intersection test from the Surface/Tests menu. The total number of intersecting triangles is
printed in the viewer window. Intersections shouldn’t occur too often if toggle fast was switched
off during surface simplification. In case they occur, the first of the intersecting triangles and its
neighbors are shown in the viewer window.
• You can manually repair intersections using four basic operations: Edge Flip, Edge Collapse,
Edge Bisection, and Vertex Translation. See the description of the Surface Editor for details.
• After repairing, invoke the intersection test again by selecting it from the Surface/Tests menu or
by pressing the Compute button.
• When the intersection test has been successfully passed, select the Orientation test from the
Surface/Tests menu. After surface simplification, the orientation of a small number of triangles
may be inconsistent, resulting in a partial overlap of the materials bounded by the triangles. In
case of such incorrect orientations, which should occur quite rarely, there is an automatic repair.
If this fails, the detected triangles will be shown, and you can use the above mentioned manual
operations for repair.
Note: There are two prerequisites for the orientation test: the surface must be free of intersec-
tions, and the outer triangles of the surface must be assigned to material Exterior. If the surface
does not contain such a material or if the assignment to Exterior is not correct, the test will
falsely report orientation errors.

A successful pass of the intersection and orientation test is mandatory for tetrahedral grid generation.
These tests are automatically performed at the beginning of grid generation. So you can directly enter
the Generate Tetra Grid module (see below) and try to create a grid. If one of the tests fails, an error
message will be issued in the console window. You can then go back to the Surface Editor and start

76 Chapter 5: Model Extraction and Simulation Pre-Processing with Avizo


• Select Aspect ratio from the Surface/Tests menu. This computes the ratio of the radii of the
circumcircle and the incircle for each triangle. The triangle with the worst (i.e. largest) value is
shown first, and the actual value is printed in the viewer window. The largest aspect ratio should
be below 20 (better below 10). Fortunately there is an automatic tool for improving the aspect
ratio included in the Surface Editor.
• Select Flip edges from the Surface/Edit menu. A small dialog window appears. In the Radius
ratio area, set the value of the ”Try to flip an edge if ratio is worse than” field to 10. Select mode
operate on whole surface. Press button Flip. All triangles with an aspect ratio larger than 10 will
be inspected. If the aspect ratio can be improved via an edge flip, this will be done automatically.
The console window will tell you the total number of bad triangles and how many of them could
be repaired. Press the Close button to leave the Flip edges tool.
• Select again Aspect ratio from the Surface/Tests menu. Only a small number of triangles with
large aspect ratio should remain after applying the Flip edges tool.
• Select Dihedral angle from the Surface/Tests menu. For each pair of adjacent triangles, the
angle between them at their common edge will be computed. The triangle pair including the
worst (i.e. smallest) angle is shown and the actual value is printed in the viewer. The smallest
dihedral angle should be larger than 5 degrees (better larger than 10).
• For a manual repair of a small dihedral angle proceed as follows: select the third points of both
triangles (i.e. the points opposite to the common edge) and move them away from each other.
For moving vertices you must enter Translate Vertex mode by clicking on the first icon from the
right on the top of the viewer window or by pressing the "t" key. If the viewer is in viewing
mode, switch it into interaction mode by pressing the ESC key or by clicking on the arrow icon
(the first icon from the top) on the right of the viewer window. Click on the vertex to be moved.
At the picked vertex a point dragger will be shown. Pick and translate the dragger for moving
the vertex.
• In some cases an edge flip might also improve the situation. Enter Edge Flip mode by clicking
on the third icon from the right on the top of the viewer window or by pressing the "f" key.
Switch the viewer into interaction mode. Click on the edge to be flipped.
• Select Tetra quality from the Surface/Tests menu. For each surface triangle the aspect ratio of
the tetrahedron which would probably be created for that triangle will be calculated. The aspect
ratio for a tetrahedron is defined as the ratio of the radii of the circumsphere and the inscribed
sphere. The triangle with the worst (i.e. largest) value is shown and the actual value is printed
in the viewer. The largest tetrahedral aspect ratio should be below 50 (better below 25). If
all small dihedral angles have already been repaired, the tetra quality test will mainly detect
configurations where the normal distance between two triangles is small compared to their edge
lengths. Again, the vertex translation and the edge flip operation are best suited for a manual
repair of large tetrahedron aspect ratios.
• Leave the Surface Editor by again clicking on the Surface Editor button in the Properties Area.

Creating a Tetrahedral Grid from a Triangular Surface 77

Hint: In order to see the entire surface again, select the SurfaceView icon, then press its Show/Hide
button, then press the ViewAll button in the viewer toolbar.

5.2.2 Generation of a Tetrahedral Grid

The last step is the generation of a volumetric tetrahedral grid from the surface. This means that the
volume enclosed by the surface is filled with tetrahedra.
Because the computation of the tetrahedral grid may be time consuming it can be performed as a batch
job. You can then continue working with Avizo while the job is running. However, for demonstration
purposes we want to compute the grid right inside Avizo.

• Connect a Generate Tetra Grid module to the motor.labels.surf surface by choosing Compute
Generate Tetra Grid from the popup menu over the motor.labels.surf icon. You can also choose
to start by loading the motor.simplified surface from the tutorial directory.
• Leave toggle improve grid switched on and toggle save grid switched off at the Options port.
The improve grid option will invoke an automatic post-processing of the generated grid, which
improves tetrahedral quality by some iterations that move inner vertices and flip inner edges and
faces. See the description of the Grid Editor for details.
If toggle save grid is selected, an additional port Grid appears, where you can enter a filename.
The resulting tetrahedral grid will be stored automatically under that name. If you want to run
grid generation as a batch job, you must select the save grid option.
• Press the Meshsize button of the Action port. An editor window will appear. It allows you to
define a desired mesh size, i.e., mean length of the inner edges to be created, for each region.
For this you must enter the bundle of that region, and select parameter MeshSize. Then you can
change the value in the text field at the lower border of the editor. There are some predefined
region names in Avizo for which a default mesh size will be automatically set. Make sure that
the default values are suitable for your application. If you are not sure about a suitable value,
set the desired mesh size to 0. In this case the mean edge length of the surface triangles will be
• Press the Run now button at port Action. A pop-up dialog appears asking you whether you really
want to start the grid generation. Click Continue in order to proceed.

Once grid generation is running, the progress bar informs you about the number of tetrahedra which
already have been created. In some situations grid generation may fail, for example, if the input surface
intersects itself. Then an error message will occur at the Console Window. In this case go back to the
Surface Editor to interactively fix any intersections.
After the tetrahedral grid has been successfully created, a new icon called motor.labels.grid will be
put in the Project View. You can select this icon in order to see how many tetrahedra the created grid
contains. If grid generation takes too long, you may also load the pre-computed grid motor.tetragrid.am
from the data/tutorials directory.
As the very last step you may want to have a look at the fruits of your work:

78 Chapter 5: Model Extraction and Simulation Pre-Processing with Avizo

• Attach a Tetra Grid View module to the motor.labels.grid.
• Select the Tetra Grid View icon
• Set the Materials port to Material 3
• Press Remove button of the Buffer port.

Figure 5.2: Volumetric representation of engine as tetrahedral grid

The Tetra Grid View module maintains an internal buffer and displays all tetrahedra stored in this
buffer. By default the buffer is empty, but all tetrahedra are highlighted, i.e., they are displayed using
a red wireframe representation. The Add to button causes the highlighted tetrahedra to be added to
the buffer. You may easily visualize a subset of all tetrahedra using a 3D selection box or by drawing
contours in the 3D viewer.
Similar to the Surface Editor, there is a Grid Editor which can be invoked by selecting the green icon of
the tetrahedral grid and clicking on the pencil icon (first from the right in the title bar) in the Properties

Creating a Tetrahedral Grid from a Triangular Surface 79

Area. The editor aims to select tetrahedra with respect to different quality of measures, e.g., aspect
ratio, dihedral angles at tetrahedron edges, solid angles at tetrahedron vertices, and edge length. The
editor contains several modifiers that can be applied for improving mesh quality.

80 Chapter 5: Model Extraction and Simulation Pre-Processing with Avizo

Chapter 6

Visualization and Analysis of 3D

Models and Numerical Data with

The Avizo suite provides advanced support for:

• 3D mesh generation for numerical simulation applications such as flow, stress, or thermal anal-
• Export of surfaces or 3D meshes to numerical solvers,
• Post-processing of result data coming from solvers,
• Powerful visualization and analysis of scalar, vector, and tensor fields, coming from either sim-
ulation or measurements.

Avizo enables workflows such as:

• Exploration, analysis and comparison of data coming from simulation or measurements,

• Modeling from 3D images for Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD), Computer Aided Design (CAD), Rapid Prototyping,
• High quality presentation and communication, from movie generation to remote collaboration,
immersive displays or virtual reality (XTeam Pack, XScreen pack).

Avizo Wind Edition is the software suite including standard feature set and all extensions required
for visualizing, post-processing, analyzing, and presenting results from CAE and CFD simulations.
For extended support for numerical data - import/export, analysis, and visualization - please refer to
chapter 14 Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide.
Avizo Standard Edition provides a first level of support summarized in the following sections:

• Features for surfaces

• Supported grids
• Features for 3D grids
• Scalar fields visualization
• Vector fields visualization
• Time dependent data visualization
• Basic compute modules and tensors

For convenience, in Avizo Standard Edition, the Avizo XMesh Pack gathers modules providing basic
support for visualization of FEA and CFD data. For a complete overview of features that can com-
plement analysis and presentation of numerical data, please refer to Features overview section and
Chapter 14 Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide.
The recommended tutorials for post-processing using Avizo Wind Edition can be found in Chapter 14
Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide.
The online version of this chapter contains tutorials for the following topics using Avizo Standard

• Air flow around an airfoil - streamlines and other techniques,

• Study of a helicopter combustion chamber - scalar and vector visualization, probing, volume
• Flow around a square cylinder - time dependent data post-processing.

6.1 Avizo features for surfaces

Avizo supports visualization of triangular surfaces with attached numerical data (Surface View). Sur-
faces can be directly imported (see File Formats in the Reference Guide), or generated from 3D image
labels (Generate Surface) or point clusters (Delaunay Triangulation and Point Wrap Triangulation).
It is possible to simplify, smooth and edit surfaces, compute surface curvature and surface distances,
align and warp surfaces, export surfaces and much more.
Avizo XMesh Pack provides additional features such as surface registration (Align Surfaces), quality
control (Triangle Quality), processing and visualization of vector data over surfaces (Displace Vertex,
Magnitude, Vectors Slice, Stream LIC Surface, Line Streaks), data interpolation (Interpolate) and 3D
grid generation (Generate Tetra Grid).

82 Chapter 6: Visualization and Analysis of 3D Models and Numerical Data with Avizo
6.2 Supported grids in Avizo XMesh Pack
Avizo supports a wide range of 3D meshes. Display and compute modules may be dedicated to a
specific kind of grid. This is specified in the module help.
In Avizo Standard Edition you can work on:

• Regular grids,
• Unstructured tetrahedral grids,
• Unstructured hexahedral grids.

Avizo Wind Edition adds support for

• Unstructured models grids (abritrary sets of tetrahedron, hexahedron, wedge and pyramid ele-

Note: If an Avizo Wind Edition license is detected at run-time, whenever loading files with format
AVS, Fluent, Ideas, Tecplot, or any format supported in Avizo Wind Edition (see File Formats index
for a complete list), an unstructured model grid is created automatically that can be connected to Avizo
Wind Edition modules. This is true even if the file contains only tetrahedra, or only hexahedra or if the
mesh is a regular grid.
Regular grids include four types of grids:

• Uniform grids, the simplest form of regular grids because all grid cells are axis-aligned and of
equal size;
• Stacked grids, that are composed of a stack of uniform 2D slices with variable slice distance;
• Rectilinear grids, where the grid cells are aligned to the axes, with distance between cells that
may vary in each direction;
• Curvilinear grids, each node of which has its position stored as a 3D vector and is numbered one
after another.

For more details, please refer to section for regular coordinate types.
Section 21.5.3 for tetrahedral grids and section 21.5.4 for hexahedral grids contain information on
these grid properties and on their coordinates or data storage systems.

6.3 Avizo XMesh Pack features for 3D grids

6.3.1 Grid visualization
Several display modules exist for the visualization of a grid and of its components, such as the mesh,
the faces, the boundaries or the nodes. It is also possible to visualize only a part of the grid, depending
on the region of interest chosen or on one (or several) material(s) chosen among the different materials

Supported grids in Avizo XMesh Pack 83

the set under study is made of. To that end, the modules Tetra Grid View for tetrahedral grids and Hexa
Grid View for hexahedral grids provide the user with various powerful display features.
Boundary faces of a tetrahedral grid can be displayed with the previously mentioned modules or with
Grid Boundary and the boundary conditions can be displayed with Boundary Conditions.
Cross sections are available for tetrahedral grids using Grid Cut.

6.3.2 Grid conversion, transformation and generation

The compute modules Lattice To Hexa Grid, Tetra Grid To Hexa Grid and Hexa Grid To Tetra Grid
convert a grid of one type to another type. Conversion of data might be performed at the same time.
Several tools for grid generation and transformation exist for tetrahedral grids, such as Generate Tetra
Grid (generation of a tetrahedral grid from a 3D triangulated surface), Merge Tetra (combination of
grids) and Align Surfaces (to align triangulated surfaces). You will find an example of grid generation
in the tutorial section 5.2 Creating a Tetrahedral Grid from a Triangular Surface.

6.3.3 Grid quality

The quality of a mesh is critical for the accuracy of the computation that are done on the grid. Therefore
quality measurement tools such as Tetra Quality for tetrahedral grids and Hexa Quality for hexahedral
grids are very useful. Triangulated surfaces can be tested with Triangle Quality.

Figure 6.1: Motor grid representation colored with respect to the diameter ratio of the tetrahedral cells.

84 Chapter 6: Visualization and Analysis of 3D Models and Numerical Data with Avizo
6.4 Scalar fields visualization

The volumetric visualization tools discussed in section 6.3 can also be used to visualize scalar fields
on the whole volume since most of these modules have a pseudo-coloring functionality.

Figure 6.2: Density used as colorfield for the pseudo-coloring of the hexahedral grid of a helicopter combustion chamber

Field Cut for tetrahedral grids has the same pseudo-coloring capability for visualizing cross sections
of a 3D scalar field.
Isosurfaces (e.g. Isosurface for tetrahedra) are powerful display tools to aid in the understanding of
physical phenomena and they are available for every kind of grid supported by Avizo XMesh Pack.

Scalar fields visualization 85

6.5 Vector fields visualization

The most intuitive way to display a vector field is to plot the vectors as arrows. With the Vectors Slice
module, you can plot vector fields defined on any grid type supported by Avizo XMesh Pack on a plane
cut of the domain.
A volumetric representation is available for vector fields defined on tetrahedral grids with the Tetra
Vectors module.
The Particle Plot module represents vector fields (for all kind of grids supported by Avizo XMesh
Pack) by particles (cones) pointing in the direction of the local flow. The particle plot can also be
animated to show the flow motion.
Drawing the pathlines of particles is a good way to represent and understand the behavior of a flow,
for example for turbulent flows with many recirculations. To do so, you can use the Stream Ribbons
module or the Illuminated Streamlines module. The choice of the seed points can be done in different
ways, for example using the Seed Surface module.
Finally, the Stream LIC Surface module visualizes a vector field defined on an arbitrary 3D triangular
surface using a line integral convolution (LIC) algorithm which generates a surface texture that reveals
the directional structure of the vector field. A similar 2D algorithm is implemented by the Stream LIC
Slice module.
Please refer to tutorial Air flow around an airfoil, especially for Line Integral Convolution and Illumi-
nated Streamlines techniques applications. This tutorial is available in the online documentation.

Figure 6.3: Stream LIC Slice display of the air velocity vector field behind an airfoil.

86 Chapter 6: Visualization and Analysis of 3D Models and Numerical Data with Avizo
6.6 Time dependent data visualization
The visualization features previously mentioned can be efficiently combined with the Time Series
Control module from Avizo. After loading data via the Open Time Series Data... option in File menu,
one can connect display or compute modules to the data and use Time Series Control to obtain and
play an animation sequence of, e.g., a flow behavior in time.
This technique is especially appropriate for the Particle Pathlines display module. Combined with the
Time Series Control, it represents a vector field by a set of particles that move in time according to the
vector direction and velocity.
Please refer to the Flow around a square cylinder tutorial for suggestions on other Avizo XMesh
Pack modules to use for time dependent data visualization. This tutorial is available in the online

6.7 Compute modules

Avizo XMesh Pack contains some computational tools, that can be useful in the field of flow and stress
analysis for example.

6.7.1 Basic computational tools

Coloring a 3D vector field representation or a flow cross section such as a Stream LIC Slice with
respect to the magnitude of the vectors is a very common representation in physics, very often used for
the velocity vector field. To compute the magnitude, the Magnitude module can be used on any type
of grid supported by Avizo XMesh Pack.
Divergence is an operator used in many physics equations. The Divergence module computes the
divergence of vector fields defined on uniform grids. The same is true for the gradient of scalar fields
or Jacobian matrix of vector fields and can be calculated with the Gradient module, on regular grids.
The Lambda 2 module returns a scalar field that is of interest for the CFD study of turbulent flows as
the points where λ2 is negative mark a vortex core.

6.7.2 Tensor data

Tensor generation is possible on a regular grid:

• Gradient, as presented before, computes the Jacobian matrix of a vector field;

• Rate Of Strain Tensor computes the rate of strain tensor for a displacement vector field.

Avizo XMesh Pack provides some computational and visualization support for symmetric second order

Time dependent data visualization 87

The Extract Eigenvalues module computes the eigenvalues of a symmetric second order tensor. Eigen-
vector To Color creates a color representation of the eigenvectors.
Finally, Tensor View displays symmetric second order tensors using tensor glyphs.

88 Chapter 6: Visualization and Analysis of 3D Models and Numerical Data with Avizo
Chapter 7

Animations, Movies and Presentations

in Avizo

The tutorials in this chapter introduce the following topics:

• The Animation Producer - creating animations using the Animation Producer

• Creating movie files - how to use the Movie Maker module

7.1 Creating animated demonstrations

In this tutorial you will learn how to use the Animation Producer module for creating an animated
sequence of operations within Avizo. In our example, we will visualize a polygon model using effects
such as transparency, camera rotation, and clipping to make the visualization more meaningful and
The tutorial covers the following topics:

• creating an initial project for the demo

• animating an Ortho Slice module
• activating additional modules during the demo
• using a camera rotation or path
• removing events that are already defined
• overlaying the inside surfaces with outer surface
• using clipping to add the outer surface gradually
• advanced clipping issues
• inserting breaks and defining demo segments
• using function keys for jumping between demo segments
• defining partial loops within the demo sequence
• storing and replaying a demo sequence

Once you have learned how to define an animated demo sequence, you can further learn how to record
the demonstration into a movie file in Section 7.2.

7.1.1 Creating a project

First, we need an Avizo project that contains all the data and modules for the visualization and ani-
mation we want to do. In our example, we pick the engine scan data set motor. Start by loading
data/tutorials/motor.am from the AVIZO ROOT directory. By right-clicking on the green data icon
and selecting from the data set’s popup menu, attach a Bounding Box module as well as an Ortho Slice
module to the data. Use the mouse to navigate around the model in the 3D viewer.

7.1.2 Animating an Ortho Slice module

Let us move the Ortho Slice plane up and down to show what the data looks like. Note that the Ortho
Slice module has a port called Slice Number. If you change the value of that slider, you see the plane
move in the viewer.
Now let us animate this slider using the Animation Producer module as our first exercise. From the
toolbar, click on the Animation Producer button.
A new widget becomes visible hosting the Animation Producer user interface.
Like the other widgets, also this widget is dockable and you can place it at a convenient position
within the Avizo user interface. After activating the Animation Producer by clicking on the related
button in the toolbar, all ports of the currently available modules that can be animated are extended by
an additional button representing a stopwatch .
Before we start animating the Ortho Slice’ slice position, let’s first have a quick look at some GUI
elements of the Animation Producer widget (shown below in figure: event and keyframe in timeline).
As you can see, the user interface is divided into a left and a right panel. On the left panel you can
control the timeline that is displayed on the right panel. The timeline has a main time slider. The name
of the current animation can be changed by writing directly into the current animation name field. For
example, we can name it ”MotorAnimation”.
We can now animate the Ortho Slice’ slice position. We do this by clicking on the stopwatch button of
the Slice Number port in order to schedule the start event:
Clicking on the stopwatch button creates a new keyframe in the Animation Producer timeline and the
event is listed in the left panel of the user interface. If you hold the mouse cursor above the small

90 Chapter 7: Animations, Movies and Presentations in Avizo

Figure 7.1: Data motor.am with a Bounding Box and an Ortho Slice

Figure 7.2: Animation Producer user interface

Creating animated demonstrations 91

Figure 7.3: extended ports in the module’s properties

Figure 7.4: extended Slice Number port

orange diamond symbol in the timeline panel, this will activate a small input field where you can
adjust the time and the accompanying value for the port that it is associated with. In order to adjust the
schedule you can simply drag the diamond icon to the desired position on the timeline.
With this operation we have defined the beginning of the animation of the slice position. Next we want
to define the time where the animation should end. To do this we drag the master time slider to the
desired time on the timeline, e.g., to 00:04.000, which means 4 seconds. As a next step, we set the
slice position of the Ortho Slice module by either setting the Slice Number port in the properties of the
module or by positioning the slice interactively in the viewer window. Using either method, set the
value of the Slice Number port should be set to 127. After you click the stopwatch button again, the
keyframe is created in the timeline:
You can test your first animation by positioning the master time slider back to 00:00, either by click-
ing on the Jump To Start button or by entering the desired time into the Current Time control

. Finally, start the animation by clicking on the Play Forward button or by

pressing [F4]. To stop the animation click on the Stop button or press [F3].
Note: The animation time is not a real physical time. The time that has been specified is the time that
Avizo will try to respect if possible. If an animated property needs a specific amount of time to be
processed (computation, viewer redraw, etc...), Avizo will not skip it and will wait until the animation
step has finished before continuing. This implies that, for instance, an animation with a time range of

92 Chapter 7: Animations, Movies and Presentations in Avizo

Figure 7.5: event and keyframe in timeline

Figure 7.6: start event keyframe and end stop event keyframe in timeline

30 seconds won’t run for last exactly 30 seconds but will run 30 seconds or longer.
As an exercise, adjust the master time slider to the time 00:12, set the position of the Slice Number of
the Ortho Slice to the value 0, and click the stopwatch button again. This will create another keyframe
in the timeline. Restart the animation again as described above. The slice should first move from slice
number 64 up to 127 during 4 seconds and then decrease down to the value 0 within the next 8 seconds.
Note: As described above you can edit the time and the value of single keyframes by hovering the
mouse cursor above the keyframe icon and by clicking in its user interface after it has been become
visible (hover dialog box). Alternatively you can modify the time of the keyframe by dragging it on the
timeline. In order to change the value of the associated port, you can position the master time slider
on the time of the keyframe and then adjust the value of the port by using the user interface in the

Creating animated demonstrations 93

properties area of the module. In order to shift all keyframes of a port forwards or backwards on the
timeline, position the mouse cursor between two subsequent keyframes. You will notice a connecting
bar in dark gray and that all keyframes of this sequence are selected (indicated by orange colored

Figure 7.7: shifting subsequent keyframes

You can now shift all selected keyframes forwards or backwards by dragging the dark gray bar.

7.1.3 Activating a module in the viewer window

Next, let us add a visualization of the internal structure in the data set after we have moved the Ortho
Slice. Load the data set data/tutorials/motor.labels.surf in addition to the current project. Attach a
Surface View module to it. Click on the yellow Surface View module to see its user interface. Select
Material3 and All in the Materials port and press the Remove button in the buffer port. This will
visualize the inside surfaces of the model.
If you want to switch the surface visualization on and off manually, you would use the viewer toggle
(orange rectangle) of the Surface View module. If you want to include this action in your animation
sequence, you need to do the following:

• Click on the Surface View module to select it.

• Adjust the master time slider of the Animation Producer to, e.g., 00:12.
• Click on the top most stopwatch icon in the properties area of the Surface View module.
• Select Visibility in Viewer 0 from the drop-down menu.

To test the newly added event, set the master time slider of the Animation Producer back to the be-
ginning by using one of the methods described above. As you have may noticed, another event has
been automatically added at time 00:00 to consider the surface model as invisible by default. Start the
animation. As before, the slice moves back and forth. When the master time slider reaches 00:12, the
surface model is switched on.
Note: You can change the time when the Surface View becomes visible by simply dragging the appro-
priate keyframe diamond on the timeline.

94 Chapter 7: Animations, Movies and Presentations in Avizo

Figure 7.8: Viewer and Network when you visualize Ortho Slice and Surface View modules

Figure 7.9: Surface View stopwatch and toggle buttons

7.1.4 Using a camera rotation

To look at the 3D model from all sides, let’s add a camera rotation to our demo sequence. From the
Project >Create Object... menu, select Animations And Scripts / Camera Orbit. Try the rotation by
playing the time slider in the Camera Orbit module. If you do not like the axis of rotation, reset the
time slider to 0, navigate to a good starting view in the viewer window, and click on recompute in the
Camera Orbit module. Note that the values of the Camera Orbit time slider range from 0 to 360.
Once you are satisfied with the camera rotation, add it to the timeline:

Creating animated demonstrations 95

• Set the master time slider to the time where the camera rotation should begin, e.g., 00:10.
• Select Camera Orbit module.
• Click on the stopwatch button next to the Time port of the Camera Orbit module and click on
Time: Value.
• Set the master time slider to the time where the camera rotation should end, e.g., 00:14.
• Adjust the Time port of the Camera Orbit module to its maximum (360).
• Click on the stopwatch button of the Time port again.

Now play the demo to see the result. After moving the slice and switching on the surface model, the
view is rotated so that the surface can be seen from all sides.

7.1.5 Removing one or more events

You can remove events by hovering the mouse cursor over the desired keyframe. When the keyframe
user interface becomes visible, you can click on the trashcan to remove the keyframe.
To remove all keyframes that are associated with a module’s port, you can click on the trashcan that
is located in the same line as the port name on the left panel.

7.1.6 Overlaying the inside surfaces with outer surface

Now we want to show the outer surface overlaid over the inside model.

• Attach a second Surface View module to the motor.labels.surf data set. Since Exterior and All
are selected as the default materials, this brings up the exterior surface.
• Click on the second SurfaceView module. It should be called SurfaceView 2.
• Select transparent from the Draw Style port.
• It will be helpful to show the inside surfaces underneath the exterior surface, so jump to time
step 00:14 or later in the Animation Producer module.
• Adjust the grade of transparency using the BaseTrans slider in SurfaceView 2.
• Smooth out the outer surface by clicking on more options in the Draw Style port and selecting
Vertex normals.

Like we did with the inside surfaces model, we can switch on the outer surface model at some point in
the animation sequence:

• Set the master time slider to the time where our surface should become visible, e.g., 00:14.
• Click on the top most stopwatch icon in the properties area of the SurfaceView 2 module.
• Select Visibility in Viewer 0 from the drop-down menu.

Again, check out the results by playing the animation sequence.

96 Chapter 7: Animations, Movies and Presentations in Avizo

Figure 7.10: Viewer and Network with an Ortho Slice and two Surface Views

7.1.7 Using clipping to add the outer surface gradually

Instead of just switching the outer surface on at one point, we can make it appear gradually over the
inside surfaces from top to bottom. In order to do so, we use the Ortho Slice plane to clip the outer
model, and then move the Ortho Slice plane down.

• Move the master time slider to the time that you selected to make the Surface View2 module
visible (e.g., 00:14).
• Click on the Surface View2 module.
• Click on the top most stopwatch icon in the properties area of the Surface View2 module.
• Select Clip using Ortho Slice from the drop-down list.
• Move the mouse cursor over the newly created keyframe in the timeline and wait until the user
interface for this keyframe has become visibile.

Creating animated demonstrations 97

• In the keyframe’s user interface select the radiobox on to enable clipping using Ortho Slice.

Figure 7.11: selecting Clip using Ortho Slice and enabling the clipping in the timeline

In order to make the outer surface visible, we finally must animate the Ortho Slice towards the bottom
of the scene:

• Set the master time slider to the position where you have set the keyframe to make Surface View2
visible e.g. 00:14.
• Select the Ortho Slice module in the Project View.
• Click on the small stopwatch icon of the port Slice Number to set a new keyframe in the timeline.
• Move the master time slider to the time where you want the animation to be finished, e.g., 00:22.
• Move the Slice Number value to the value 127.
• Click again on the small stopwatch icon of the Slice Number port.

Start the animation either from the beginning or from 00:14 and watch the result.
As a last step, you might want to rotate the view again while the outer surface is appearing. You can
simply reuse the old camera rotation during a second time range:

• Set the master time slider to the time where you started to make the outer surface visible, e.g.,
• Select the Camera-Orbit module.
• Click on the stopwatch icon of the port Time. This will insert a new keyframe to the timeline.
• Move the master time slider to the time where you want the camera rotation to be finished e.g.
• Set the time value of the port Time to 0.
• Click again in the stopwatch icon of the Time port.

98 Chapter 7: Animations, Movies and Presentations in Avizo

Start the animation either from the beginning or from 00:14 and watch the result.

7.1.8 More comments on clipping

Clipping can sometimes be a little bit more complicated than in our example, because clipping can be
applied to a plane in two different orientations. This means that you can either clip away everything
above the plane, or below the plane. Unfortunately it is not always obvious which of the two cases you
are in.
However, you can simply invert the orientation of the clipping in Animation Producer. In our example,
you would simply set the master time slider to a time prior to the actual clipping. Next you need to
select the module that will do the clipping, the Ortho Slice module in our case. Now click on the
topmost stopwatch icon in the Ortho Slice properties area and select Invert clipping orientation from
the drop-down list.

Figure 7.12: How simply invert the orientation of the clipping in Animation Producer

You do not need to use an Ortho Slice module to do clipping. As you may have observed, the Ortho
Slice might occlude parts of what you want to show. In that case, it is better to create an empty Clipping
Plane module by selecting Other / Clipping Plane from the Project >Create Object... menu. Attach
the module to the data set you want to clip (e.g., to motor.labels.surf in our example), and then use the
Clipping Plane for clipping just as you used the Ortho Slice before.

7.1.9 Breaks and function keys

The animation sequence that we have created in this tutorial automatically runs through the complete
time range that we defined, one minute by default. Sometimes it may be desirable to split the animation
into several segments, so that the animation will stop at designated points and can be continued when
the user desires.
To take this into account, you can insert breaks in the Animation Producer timeline. Let us insert one
such break right after the inside model appears:

• Set the master time slider to the time when the Surface View appears, e.g., 00:12.
• In the left panel of the Animation Producer click on the + Add special event button.

Creating animated demonstrations 99

• Select Add Break from the drop-down list. A new keyframe is created on top of the timeline
indicating the Break.

Figure 7.13: Add break in a Animation Producer

This way the animation will stop at time 00:12, which is right when the model is switched on. When
you play the animation from the start, you will notice that after the inner structure is switched on, the
animation will stop.
Let us insert a second break at time step 00:14, which is right before the outer surface is starting to
show. Proceed as above, using a trigger time of 00:14 instead of 00:12.
If you run the animation from the very beginning, it will stop after the inside surfaces are displayed.
Click on the Play Forward button or press [F4] to continue the animation.
Try this by pressing the function key [F4]. The demo continues.
Likewise, the animation will stop just before showing the outer surface. Again, you can continue the
demo by pressing [F4]. In general, at any point while the animation is running, you can press the [F3]
key to stop it manually. Pressing [F4] will continue from the point where the animation stopped.
If you have defined breaks as we did above, there are two additional function keys that in a sense allow
you to navigate through the animation segments: pressing [F9] will jump back to the previous break
or to the very beginning of the animation, and [F10] will jump to the next break, or to the very end of
the animation.
Note: If you use [F9/F10], it will just jump, and you need to press [F4] to start playing it from the new
time step.
Please note that you can disable the breaks by checking the skip break toggle in the More Options
panel of the Animation Producer module. You may even disable the definition of function keys by
checking the No toggle in the Activate Function Keys port:

100 Chapter 7: Animations, Movies and Presentations in Avizo

Figure 7.14: Disabling Breaks and Function Keys

7.1.10 Loops and Goto

One more feature that might be required for certain kinds of animation is the definition of loops. If
you just want the whole demo to run in a loop, you can do this easily using the built-in features of the
Animation Producer module:
You can toggle the appropriate button Play Once, Play Loop, or Play Swing located right
between the main VCR button like Play, and the main time control:

Figure 7.15: Loop options: Play Once, Play Loop, or Play Swing

Now if you play the animation, it will play from beginning to end once (Play Once), start over from
the beginning (Play Loop), or play forwards, backwards, and so on (Play Swing).
However, you may want to define some part of the demo to run in a loop, and then stop the loop
and continue with the animation upon key press. You can easily do this with the Goto feature of the
Animation Producer module:

• In the Animation Producer module adjust the main time control to the time 00:11:950.

Creating animated demonstrations 101

• Click on the + Add special event button.
• Select Add Goto from the drop-down list. A new keyframe is created on top of the timeline.
• Move the mouse cursor right over the new created keyframe icon and a user interface for this
Goto will appear.
• In the Time To Jump To field enter the time where you want to go from here, e.g. 00:04:000 in
this case.

Figure 7.16: Goto, jump to user-specified time

When you run the animation sequence now, it will loop in the segment between time 00:04 and 00:12,
only showing the Ortho Slice move up, jump down, move up again and so on... You can stop this by
clicking on the stop button of the Animation Producer control panel or by pressing [F3]. To continue
after the loop, you need to jump to the next segment by pressing [F10], and then start playing again by
pressing [F4].

7.1.11 Storing and replaying the animation sequence

As you may have noticed by now, storing an animation sequence once you have defined it is quite easy:
simply save the whole Avizo project by selecting File/Save Project from the menu. The Animation
Producer module will saved along with the project, and so will be the animation sequence you have
When you load the project back into Avizo, the state of the project will be the same as it was when you
saved it. This means that you should be careful to reset the Animation Producer master time slider to
00:00 before saving the project if you want the demo to start from the beginning.

102 Chapter 7: Animations, Movies and Presentations in Avizo

After loading the project, you can start the demo by clicking on the play button of the Animation
Producer module, or by pressing [F4]. If you want to run the demo automatically right after the project
is loaded, you can use the auto start feature that you find when you check Activate Auto Start in the
More Options panel.

Figure 7.17: Enable auto start mode

Just activate the Activate Auto Start functionality by checking the Yes radio button and save the project.
When you load it again, the demo will start running automatically.

7.2 Creating movie files

In this tutorial you will learn how to record a self-created animated sequence into a movie file using
the Movie Maker module.
In our first example we will just use a camera path to animate the scene, whereas in our second example
we will rely on the animated demonstration created in Section 7.1.

7.2.1 Attaching Movie Maker to a Camera-Path

If you have created a visualization of your data and want to create a movie showing this visualization
from all sides or from certain interesting viewpoints, you can create an appropriate camera path and
record a movie by following the camera along that path.

Creating movie files 103

Let us create a simple example. Load the motor.am data set from the tutorial subdirectory and attach
an Isosurface module to it. Choose an isosurface threshold of 70 and press the Apply button.

Figure 7.18: Visualize motor.am with an Isosurface

The easiest way to create a simple camera path is to use the Camera Orbit module. From the Project
>Create Object... menu, select Animations And Scripts / Camera Orbit and press the play button of the
newly created module. You can watch the scene rotate in the viewer while the time slider is playing.
To record an animated scene into a movie file, you need to attach a Movie Maker module to a module
that possesses a time slider port. The movie is recorded by going through the individual time steps and
taking snapshots of the viewer along the way.
In our example, the Camera Orbit module has a time slider, so we can attach a Movie Maker module
to it by right-clicking on the Camera Orbit icon in the Project View and selecting Movie Maker from
the popup menu.
In the Movie Maker module, first click on the Browse button in the Filename port and enter a movie file
name like C:/tmp/test.mpg. The .mpg suffix suggests that the movie file format will be MPEG,
which is a widely accepted standard format for digital movies achieving a good compression ratio.
Next, adjust the parameters of the Movie Maker module to your liking, e.g., change the number of
frames, the image size, or the compression quality. Please refer to the Movie Maker documentation for
In our example, let us choose 180 frames and leave all other parameters untouched. Since the Camera

104 Chapter 7: Animations, Movies and Presentations in Avizo

Figure 7.19: Attach a Movie Maker to Camera Orbit

Figure 7.20: Parameters of Movie Maker module

Orbit module does a full rotation of 360 degrees, each of the 180 frames will represent a rotation of
two degrees with respect to the previous frame. Press the Apply button to start recording.
Wait for some time while the Movie Maker module drives the Camera Orbit module and accumulates
the snapshots. Please note that the speed during the recording process is different than the play-
back speed of the movie. Now view the resulting movie file test.mpg with a movie player of your
choice (e.g., Windows Media Player or a similar tool). Experiment with the recording parameters until
you get the desired result (e.g., control the file size and image quality by changing the Compression
quality value, choose different image sizes to see up to which image size your computer is capable of
smoothly displaying the movie, and change the number of frames to control the speed of the rotation).

Creating movie files 105

7.2.2 Creating a movie from an animated demonstration
Now we try to record a movie of a more complex animated scene. To this end, we load one of the
projects that we have created in in Section 7.1 (Creating animated demonstrations).
As you might remember, the basic idea of the Animation Producer module was that you define a set
of events to be executed on a certain time line. Check this out by clicking the play button of the
Animation Producer module. You should see a nicely animated demonstration.
To create a movie from an animation defined with the Animation Producer, simply click on the
Movie Creation button of the Animation Producer panel. The following panel will appear:

Figure 7.21: Movie creation parameters of the Animation Producer module

The Animation Producer module internally uses a Movie Maker module to create movies. This mod-
ule is already pre-configured to create a movie that respects the animation settings (duration, frame
rate, filename...) that are defined by the Animation Producer module. However, you can adjust these
parameters if needed. Just click on the Create Movie button to generate the movie.

106 Chapter 7: Animations, Movies and Presentations in Avizo

Chapter 8

Using MATLAB Scripts

In this tutorial you will learn how to integrate complex calculus into Avizo using MATLAB (The
MathWorks, Inc) by the means of the Calculus MATLAB module.
In order to use the Calculus MATLAB module, MATLAB must be correctly installed on your com-
puter. In addition, in order to allow this module to establish a connection with the MATLAB compu-
tational engine, you may need to register the MATLAB engine (on Windows), and to set environment
variables for including MATLAB libraries or programs in search paths, depending on your system.
See the documentation of the Calculus MATLAB module for installation details and limitations.
This tutorial, available in the online documentation, covers the following topics through various exam-

• Loading and executing a MATLAB script.

• Passing various data types from Avizo to MATLAB and exporting them back.
• Using the field structures.
• Controlling the script variables with time sliders.
• Calling user MATLAB functions from a script.
108 Chapter 8: Using MATLAB Scripts
Chapter 9


Avizo XMicroscopy Pack’s deconvolution modules provide powerful algorithms for improving the
quality of microscopic images recorded by 3D widefield and confocal microscopes. Two different
methods are supported, namely a so-called non-blind and a blind deconvolution method, both based
on iterative maximum-likelihood image restoration. In the first case a measured or computed point
spread function (PSF) is required. In the second case the PSF is estimated along with the data itself.
The deconvolution documentation is organized as follows:

• General remarks about image deconvolution

• Data acquisition and sampling rates
• Standard deconvolution tutorial
• Blind deconvolution tutorial
• Bead extraction tutorial
• Performance issues and multi-processing

The following modules are provided:

• Extract Point Spread Function - obtain a PSF from a bead measurement

• Convolution - convolve two 3D images
• Correct Z Drop - corrects attenuation in z-direction
• Correct Background And Flat-Field - background and flatfield correction
• Deconvolution - the actual deconvolution front-end
• Fourier Transform - computes FFT and power spectrum
• Generate Point Spread Function - calculates a theoretical PSF

• Confocal data set
• Widefield data set

9.1 General remarks about image deconvolution

Deconvolution is a technique for removing out-of-focus light in a series of images recorded via optical
sectioning microscopy. Intended to investigate 3D biological objects, optical sectioning microscopy
works by creating multiple images (optical sections) of a fluorescing object, each with a different
focus plane. However, besides the in-focus structures, the images usually also contain out-of-focus
light from other parts of the object, causing haze and severe axial blur. This is even the case for a
confocal laser scanning microscope, where most of the out-of-focus light is removed from the image
by a pinhole system. Mathematically, the image produced by any microscopic system can be described
as the convolution of the ideal unblurred image of the specimen and the microscope’s so-called point
spread function (PSF), i.e., the image of an ideal point light source. With the inverse of this process,
called deconvolution, a deblurred image of the specimen can be obtained, provided the point spread
function is known, or at least can be estimated.
The Avizo deconvolution modules mainly provide two variants of a powerful iterative maximum-
likelihood image restoration algorithm, namely a non-blind one and a blind one. The difference be-
tween them is that in the first case a measured or computed point spread function is used, while in the
second case the PSF is estimated along with the data itself. Maximum-likelihood image restoration can
be considered as the de-facto standard for deconvolution of 3D optical sections. Although computa-
tionally quite expensive, the method is able to significantly enhance image quality. At the same time it
is very robust and insensitive with respect to noise artifacts. However, it should be noted that, although
rejecting most of the out-of-focus light, by no means all of it is rejected. Therefore, some noticeable
haze remains in the images. Also, the images retain a substantial axial smearing in z-direction, which
cannot be removed by any deconvolution algorithm.
At first sight, one may wonder why both a non-blind and a blind deconvolution algorithm are pro-
vided; blind deconvolution seems to be more general because the PSF is calculated automatically. One
answer is that blind deconvolution is computationally even more expensive than non-blind iterative
maximum-likelihood image restoration. The other answer is that in a blind deconvolution algorithm a
meaningful estimate of the PSF can only be computed if severe constraints are imposed. For example,
a trivial solution of the blind deconvolution problem would be an image which is identical to the input
image and a PSF with the shape of an ideal delta peak. Obviously, this solution isn’t useful at all.
Therefore, if for example confocal data is to be deconvolved, the algorithm fits the actual PSF in such
a way that it looks like a possible measured PSF of a confocal microscope. More precisely, the fit is
constrained to be in agreement with the experimental parameters (the refractive index of the medium,
the numerical aperture of the objective, and the voxel sizes). Sometimes this can lead to wrong results,
for example when the confocal pinhole aperture of the microscope wasn’t stopped down sufficiently
during confocal image acquisition, in which case the microscope actually didn’t behave like a true
confocal microscope. As a matter of fact you should try which approach provides the best results for
your own image data, blind deconvolution or non-blind deconvolution with either a measured or an

110 Chapter 9: Deconvolution

automatically computed PSF.

9.2 Data acquisition and sampling rates

In order to obtain best quality when deconvolving microscopic images some fundamental guidelines
should be obeyed during image aquisition. Good results may be obtained even if some of these guide-
lines are not followed exactly, but in general the chances to get satisfactory results improve if they are.
Below we discuss the most important recommendations.

Adjusting the Scanned Image Volume

The region of interest should be centered in the middle of the image volume, as the optics of the
microscope has usually the least aberrations in this region and it helps to avoid possible boundary
artifacts, which can arise during the deconvolution procedure. Especially for widefield data it is
important to record a sufficiently large (preferably empty) region below and above the actual sample.
Ideally, this region should be as large as the sample itself. For example, if the sample covers 100
micrometers in the z-direction, the scanned image volume should range from 50 micrometers below
the sample to 50 micrometers above it.

Choosing the Right Sampling Rate

The sampling rate is determined by the pixel sizes in the x and y directions as well as the distance
between two subsequent optical sections, both measured in micrometers. Generally speaking, image
deconvolution works best if the data is apparently oversampled, i.e., if the pixel or optical section
spacing is smaller than required. The maximal required sampling distance (Nyquist sampling) to
avoid ambiguities in the data can be obtained from considerations in Fourier-space yielding
dxy = ,
4 NA
where λ denotes the wavelength and NA is the numerical aperture of the microscope. Similar consid-
erations yield for the maximal distance between adjacent image planes:
dz = ,
2 n (1 − cos(α))

where n denotes the refractive index of the object medium and α the aperture half angle as determined
by NA = n sin(α).
For a confocal microscope, both the in-plane sampling distance and the axial sampling distance need
to be in theory approximately 2 times smaller. However, this requirement is far too strict for most
practical cases and even in the widefield case, approximately fullfilling the above requirements is
often sufficient.

Data acquisition and sampling rates 111

The total number of optical sections is obtained by dividing the height of the image volume by the sam-
pling distance dz . It should be mentioned that deconvolution also works if the sampling distances are
not matched rigorously, but matching them improves the chances to get good results. In general, over-
sampling the object is less harmful than undersampling it, with one exception: In the case of confocal
data, the sampling distance dxy should not be much smaller than indicated, if the blind deconvolution
algorithm or the non-blind deconvolution algorithm together with a theoretically computed confocal
PSF are used. Otherwise the unconstrained Maximum Likelihood algorithm and the predominant noise
in the data might lead to unsatisfactory results.

Black Level and Saturation

Before grabbing images from the microscope’s camera, the light level should be adjusted in such a
way that saturated pixels, either black or white ones, are avoided. Saturated pixels are pixels which
are clamped to either black or white because their actual intensity values are outside the range of
representable intensities. In any case, saturation means a loss of information and thus prevents proper
post-processing or deconvolution. At the same time, a high background level should be avoided be-
cause it decreases the dynamic range of the imaging system and the deconvolution works worse. This
means that empty regions not showing any fluorescence should appear almost black. A background
level close to zero is especially important when bead measurements are performed in order to extract an
experimental point spread function. Details are discussed is a separate tutorial about bead extraction.

9.3 Standard Deconvolution Tutorial

This tutorial explains how 3D image data sets can be deconvolved in Avizo. It is asumed that the
reader is already familiar with the basic concepts of Avizo itself. If this is not the case, it is strongly
recommended to work through the standard Avizo tutorials first. In this section the following topics
are covered:

1. Prerequisites for deconvolution

2. Resampling a measured PSF
3. Deconvolving an image data set
4. Calculating a theoretical PSF

As an example we are going to use a confocal test data set (polytrichum.am) provided with the Avizo
deconvolution modules. The data file is located in the directory Avizo-8/data/deconv.

• Load the data set polytrichum.am.

• Visualize it, for example, using a Image Ortho Projections module.

The data set shows four chloroplasts in a spore of the moss polytrichum commune.

112 Chapter 9: Deconvolution

Prerequisites for Deconvolution
Besides the image data itself, for the standard non-blind deconvolution algorithm a so-called point
spread function (PSF) is also required. The PSF is the image of a single point source, or as a close
approximation, the image of a single fluorescing sub-resolution sphere. PSF images can either be
computed from theory (see below) or they can be obtained from measurements. In the latter case tiny
so-called beads are recorded under the same conditions as the actual object. This means that the same
objective lens, the same dye and wavelength, and the same immersion medium are used. Typically, the
images of multiple beads are averaged to obtain an estimate of a single PSF. Avizo provides a module
called Extract Point Spread Function facilitating this process. The use of this module is discussed in a
separate tutorial about bead extraction. At this point let us simply load a measured PSF from a file.

• Load the data set polytrichum-psf.am.

• Use the Image Ortho Projections module to visualize it.

The PSF appears as a bright spot located in the middle of the image volume (Figure 9.1). It is important
that the PSF is exactly centered. Otherwise, the deconvolved data set will be shifted with respect to
the original image. Also, it is important that the PSF fades out to black at the boundaries. If this is not
the case, the black level of the PSF image needs to be adjusted using the Arithmetic module. Finally,
neither the PSF nor the image to be deconvolved should exhibit intensity attenuation artifacts, i.e.,
image slices with decreased average intensity due to excessive light absorption in other slices. If such
artifacts are present, they can be removed using the Correct Z Drop module.

Resampling a Measured PSF

Next, select both, the PSF and the image data. You’ll notice that the voxel sizes of both objects
are not the same. It is recommended to adjust different voxel sizes of PSF and image data prior to
deconvolution using the Resample module. The deconvolution module itself also accounts for different
voxel sizes, but it does so by using point sampling with trilinear interpolation. This is OK as long as
the voxel size of the PSF is larger than that of the image data. However, in our case the voxel size of the
PSF is smaller than that of the image data, i.e., the resolution of the PSF higher. Using the Resample
module provides slightly more accurate results here, since all samples will be filtered correctly using
a Lanczos kernel.

• Connect a Resample module to polytrichum-psf.am.

• Connect the Reference port of the Resample module to the image data set polytrichum.am
• In the Mode port of the Resample module, choose voxel size (see Figure 9.2).
• Resample the PSF by pressing the Apply button.

The voxel size option means that the PSF will be resampled on a grid with exactly the same voxel
size as the image data set, which is connected to the Reference port. While the original PSF had a
resolution of 12 x 12 x 30 voxels, the resampled one only has 12 x 12 x 16 voxels. However, the extent

Standard Deconvolution Tutorial 113

Figure 9.1: Maximum intensity projection of polytrichum-psf.am

of a single voxel in z-direction is bigger now.

Deconvolving an Image Data Set

After a suitable PSF has been obtained we are ready for deconvolving the image data set. This can be
done by attaching a Deconvolution module to the image data.

• Connect a Deconvolution module to polytrichum.am.

• Connect the Kernel port of the Deconvolution module to the resampled PSF polytrichum-

Once the deconvolution module is connected to its two input objects, some additional parameters need
to be adjusted (for a detailed discussion of these parameters see also the Deconvolution reference
documentation of the Deconvolution module itself). Figure 9.3 shows these settings:
Border width: For deconvolution the image data has to be enlarged by a guardband region. Otherwise
boundary artifacts can occur, i.e., information from one side of the data can be passed to the other.
There is no need to make the border bigger than the size of the PSF. However, if the data set is dark at

114 Chapter 9: Deconvolution

Figure 9.2: Maximum intensity projection of polytrichum-psf.am

the boundaries, a smaller border width is sufficient. In our case, let us choose the border values 0, 0,
and 8 in the x, y, and z direction.
Iterations: The number of iterations of the deconvolution algorithm. Let us choose a value of 20 here.
Initial estimate: Specifies the initial estimate of the deconvolution algorithm. If const is chosen a
constant image is used initially. This is the most robust choice, yielding good results even if the input
data is very noisy. We keep this option here.
Overrelaxation: Overrelaxation is a technique to speed up the convergence of the iterative deconvo-
lution process. In most cases the best compromise between speed and quality is fixed overrelaxation.
Therefore we keep this choice also.
Method: Selects between standard (non-blind) and blind deconvolution. Let us specify the standard
option here.
The actual deconvolution process is started by pressing the Apply button. Please press this button now.
The deconvolution should take about 10 seconds on a modern computer. During the deconvolution
the progress bar informs you about the status of the operation. Also, after every iteration a message
is printed in the Avizo console window indicating the amount of change of the data. If the change
seems to be small enough, you can terminate the deconvolution procedure by pressing the Stop button.
However, note that the stop button is evaluated only once between two consecutive iterations.
When deconvolution is finished, a new data set called polytrichum.deconv appears in the Project View.
You might take a look at the deconvolved data by moving the Image Ortho Projections connection line
from polytrichum.am to polytrichum.deconv.

Standard Deconvolution Tutorial 115

Figure 9.3: Deconvolution module attached to polytrichum.am.

Calculating a Theoretical PSF

Sometimes bead measurements are difficult to perform, so that an experimental PSF cannot easily be
obtained. In such cases a theoretical PSF can be used instead. Avizo provides the module Generate
Point Spread Function, allowing you to calculate theoretical PSFs. The module can be created by
selecting Images And Fields / Generate Point Spread Function from the Project >Create Object...
menu of the Avizo main window.
Once the module is created again some parameters have to be entered. The resolution and the voxel
size can be most easily specified by connecting the Data port of the PSGGen module to the image data
set to be convolved. In our case, please connect this port to polytrichum.am.
In order to generate a PSF, you also need to know the numerical aperture of the microscope objective,
the wavelength of the emitted light (to be entered in micrometers!), and the refractive index of the
immersion medium. In our test example these values are NA=1.4, lambda=0.58, and n=1.516 (oil
medium). Also, change the microscopic mode from widefield to confocal.
After you press the Apply button, the computed PSF appears as an icon labelled PSF in the Project
View. You can compare the theoretical PSF with the measured one using the Ortho Slice module.
You’ll notice that the measured PSF appears to be slightly wider. This is a common observation in
many experiments.
Once you have computed a theoretical PSF, you can perform non-blind deconvolution as described
above. However, for convenience the Deconvolution module is also able to compute a theoretical
PSF by itself. You can check this by disconnecting the Kernel port of the Deconvolution module.
If no input is present at this port, additional input fields are shown, allowing you to enter the same
parameters (numerical aperture, wavelength, refractive index, and microscopic mode) as in PSFGen.
After these parameters have been entered, the deconvolution process again can be started by pressing

116 Chapter 9: Deconvolution

Figure 9.4: The Generate Point Spread Function module calculates theoretical PSFs.

the Apply button.

Note that any previous result connected to the Deconvolution module will be overwritten when starting
the deconvolution process again. Therefore, be sure to disconnect a previous result if you want to
compare deconvolution with different input PSFs.

9.4 Blind Deconvolution Tutorial

This tutorial explains how blind deconvolution can be perfomed in Avizo. At the same time it describes
how deconvolution jobs can be processed using the Avizo job queue. Like in the previous tutorial,
it is assumed that the reader is already familiar with the basic concepts of Avizo itself. If not, we
recommend to work through the standard Avizo tutorials first.

A Blind Deconvolution Example

Let us start by loading a raw image data set first.

• Load the file alphalobe.am from the directory data/deconv.

• Visualize the data set by attaching a Image Ortho Projections module to it.

The data set has been recorded using a standard fluorescence microscope under so-called widefield
conditions. It shows a neuron from the alpha-lobe of the honeybee brain. Compared to the confocal
data set used in the standard deconvolution tutorial, alphalobe.am is much bigger. It has a resolution
of 248 x 248 x 256 voxels with a uniform voxel size of 1 micrometer. In the xy-plane of the projection
view the structure of the neuron can be clearly identified. However, the contrast of the image is quite
poor because there is a significant amount of out-of-focus light or haze present. With Avizo’s blind
deconvolution algorithm we can enhance the image data without needing to know an explicit PSF in

• Attach a Deconvolution module to alphalobe.am.

Blind Deconvolution Tutorial 117

• Adjust the parameters like shown in Figure 9.5.

Figure 9.5: Parameters for blind deconvolution.

The individual parameters have the following meaning:

Border width: As for standard non-blind deconvolution, the image data has to be enlarged by a guard-
band region. Otherwise boundary artifacts can occur, i.e., information from one side of the data can
be passed to the other. In our case we only provide a small guardband region of 8 voxels in x- and
y-direction. In z-direction we do not provide any border because there are sufficiently many empty
slices below and above the actual neuron. The resulting size of the data arrays on which the compu-
tations are performed then is 256 x 256 x 256. Because 256 is a power of two (28 ), the Fast Fourier
Transforms, the computationally most expensive part of the deconvolution algorithm, can be executed
somewhat faster.
Iterations: We choose a value of 25 here. Depending on the data, usually at least 10 iterations are
required. With overrelaxation being enabled (see below), results usally don’t improve much after 40
Initial estimate: Specifies the initial estimate of the deconvolution algorithm. Since there is not much
noise present in the original alphalobe images it is safe to chose input data here. This causes the
algorithm to converge even faster.
Overrelaxation: Overrelaxation is a technique to speed up the convergence of the iterative deconvolu-
tion process. We enable overrelaxation by chosing the fixed toggle.
Regularization: We chose none here in order to do no regularization.
Method: We chose blind here in order to select the blind deconvolution algorithm.

118 Chapter 9: Deconvolution

PSF Parameters: For alphalobe.am the numerical aperture is 0.5, the wavelength is 0.58 micrometers,
and the refractive index is 1(air). These parameters are required in order to apply certain constraints
to the estimated point spread function. They are also used in order to compute an initial PSF. The
convergence is sensitive to the initial parameters. If a data set would be connected to the Kernel port of
the deconvolution module, this data set would be used as the inital PSF with the given PSF parameters
still acting as constraints. For example, you could provide a measured PSF and let it be fitted to the
actual data by the deconvolution algorithm.
Microscopic mode: alphalobe.am is a widefield data set, so select this option here.

Submitting a Deconvolution Job

After all parameters have been entered, the deconvolution process can be started. This computation
can take some time. Especially, if you want to deconvolve multiple data sets at once it is inconvenient
to do this in an interactive session. Therefore multiple deconvolution jobs can be submitted to the
Avizo job queue and then, for example, processed overnight. This works as follows:

• Press the Batch Job button of the Action port. A dialog as shown in Figure 9.6 pops up.
• In the dialog choose a file name under which you want to save the deconvolved data set, e.g.
• Modify the text field, so that check point files are written after every 5 iterations.

Figure 9.6: Dialog for submitting a deconvolution job.

Check point files are used to store intermediate results. With the above settings the deconvolved
data is written into a file after every 5 iterations. Check point files are named like the final
result, but a consecutive number is inserted just before the file name suffix. For example, if
the result file name is C:/Temp/alphalobe-deconv.am, the check point files are named
C:/Temp/alphalobe-deconv-0005.am, C:/Temp/alphalobe-deconv-0010.am and
so on. Now we are ready to actually submit the batch job.

• Press the Submit button of the deconvolution dialog. After a few seconds the Avizo batch job
dialog appears, compare Figure 9.7.
• Select the deconvolution job and press the Start button.

Blind Deconvolution Tutorial 119

Figure 9.7: The Avizo job dialog showing a pending deconvolution job.

You now have to wait about 20 minutes until the deconvolution job is finished. Once the job queue
has been started, you can quit Avizo. The batch jobs will be continued automatically. If Avizo is
still running when the deconvolution job exits then the result will be loaded automatically in Avizo.
Otherwise you have to restart Avizo and load the deconvolved data set manually.

9.5 Bead Extraction Tutorial

Non-blind deconvolution is a powerful and robust method for enhancing the quality of 3D microscopic
images. However, the method requires that the image of the point spread function (PSF) responsible
for image blurring is provided. As stated in the standard deconvolution tutorial, the PSF can either
be calculated theoretically or it can be obtained from a bead measurement. Avizo provides a special-
purpose module called Extract Point Spread Function which facilitates the extraction of PSF images
from one or multiple bead mesurements. In this tutorial the use of the module shall be explained. The
following topics are covered:

120 Chapter 9: Deconvolution

1. Bead measurements
2. Projection Settings View and Projection Settings View Cursor
3. Resampling and averaging the beads

Bead Measurements
The PSF is the image of a single point source recorded under the same conditions as the actual spec-
imen. It can be approximated by the image of a fluorescing sub-resolution microsphere, a so-called
bead. Performing good bead measurements requires some practice and expertise. In order to obtain
good results the following hints should be obeyed:

1. Use appropriate beads. It is important that the bead size be smaller than approximately 1/2
full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the PSF. Good sources for obtaining beads suitable
for PSF measurements are Molecular Probes (http://www.probes.com/) or Polysciences
2. The beads must be solid. Besides solid beads, there are also beads with the shape of a spherical
shell, allowing to check the focus plane of a mircoscope. Such beads cannot be used as a source
for PSF generation in the current version of Avizo.
3. Don’t record clusters of multiple beads. Sometimes multiple beads may glue together, appearing
as a single big bright spot. Computing a PSF from such a spot obviously leads to wrong results.
4. Note that beads are not resistant to a variety of embedding media. In particular beads will be
destroyed in xylene-based embedding media such as Permount (Fisher Scientific) and methyl
salicylate (frequently used to clear up the tissue). As a substitute you might use immersion oil
instead, which has a refractive index similar to methyl salicylate, for example.
5. Sample and beads should always be imaged as close to the coverslip as possible. When it is not
possible to attach the sample to the coverslip, the beads should also be imaged in a comparable
depth, embedded in the same mounting medium. Imaging the beads with better quality than
the sample will yield a slightly blurred deconvolution result. However, when the PSF used for
deconvolution is too wide, artifacts can arise during deconvolution.
The objective lense should always be selected according to the mounting medium, i.e. if the
sample is attached to the slide and embedded in a buffer of refractive index close to water, a
severe loss of image quality can be expected when using an oil-immersion objective without a
correction collar. Deconvolution of properly imaged data will allways be supperior to deconvo-
lution of data suffering from aberrations.
6. Problems occur if the mounting medium remains liquid. In that case the sample distribution
may not be permanent. If your specimen is to be embedded in water, you can try to immerse
the beads in an agarose gel of moderate concentration instead. Attaching the small beads to the
coverslip (for example by letting them dry) is often also sufficient for immobilization.

An example of an image data set containing multiple beads is provided in the file beads.am in the
directory Avizo-8/data/deconv.

Bead Extraction Tutorial 121

• Load the data set beads.am.
• Visualize the data using a Image Ortho Projections module.

Projection View and Projection Settings View Cursor

The bead data set contains five different beads which can be clearly seen in the three orthogonal planes
of the Image Ortho Projections module. In order to obtain a single PSF we first want to select several
”good” beads. These beads are then resampled and averaged, thus yielding the final PSF. A bead can
be considered as ”good” if it is clearly visible and if it is not superimposed by other beads (even when
Selecting ”good” beads is an interactive process. It is most easily accomplished using the Projection
Cursor module. This module allows you to select a point in 3D space by clicking on one of the three
planes of the Image Ortho Projections module. The third coordinate is automatically set by looking
for the voxel with the highest intensity. Points selected with the Cursor module can be stored in a
Landmarks data object.

Figure 9.8: Individual beads can be interactively identified using a Projection Cursor module.

122 Chapter 9: Deconvolution

• Attach a Projection Cursor module to the Image Ortho Projections module.
• Click on any bead on one of the three planes.
• Store the current cursor position in a Landmarks object by pressing the Add button.
• Select and add some other beads too.

The landmarks need not to be located exactly at the center of a bead. The exact center positions can
be fitted automatically later on.
You can remove incorrect bead positions from the landmark set by invoking the landmark set editor.
In order to activate the editor, select the landmark set object and press Landmark Editor button. If you
want to add additional bead positions to an existing landmark set object, make sure that the master port
of the landmark set object is connected to the Cursor module. Otherwise, a new landmark set object
will be created.

Resampling and Averaging the Beads

Now we are ready to extract and average the individual beads. This is done by means of the Extract
Point Spread Function module.

• Connect a Extract Point Spread Function module to the Landmarks object.

• Make sure that the Data port of Extract Point Spread Function is connected to the bead data set
beads.am. If the landmarks are still connected to the beads via the Projection Cursor and Image
Ortho Projections modules, the connection is established automatically.

The Extract Point Spread Function module provides two buttons called Adjust centers and Estimate
size, which should be invoked in a preprocessing step before the beads are actually extracted.
The first button (Adjust centers) modifies the landmark positions so that they are precisely located in
the center of gravity of the individual beads.
The second button (Estimate size) computes an estimate for the number of voxels of the PSF image
to be generated. This button is only active if no PSF image is connected as a result to BeadExtract.
If there is a result object, the resolution and voxel sizes of the result are used and the port becomes
Any of the actions of the two preprocessing buttons can be undone using the Undo button. This can be
necessary for example if two beads are too close so that no correct center position could be computed.
In general, overlaps between neighboring beads should be avoided. Small overlaps might be tolerated
because during resampling intensities are weighted according to the influence of surrounding beads.

• Perform the preprocessing steps Adjust centers and Estimate size.

• Compute a resampled and averaged PSF by pressing the Apply button.

Bead Extraction Tutorial 123

Figure 9.9: The Extract Point Spread Function module resamples and averages multiple beads.

The data type of the resulting PSF will be float, irrespective of the data type of the input image. The
individual beads will be weighted on a per-voxel basis and added to the result. No normalization
will be performed afterwards. You may investigate the resulting PSF image using any of the standard
visualization modules. In Figure 9.10 a volume rendering of the resulting PSF is shown.
In some cases you may want to average multiple beads recorded in different input data sets. This can
be easily achieved by creating a Landmarks object for each input data set. For the first input data set
extract the beads as described above. For the other input data set also use the Extract Point Spread
Function module. However, make sure that the PSF obtained from the first input data set is connected
as a result object to BeadExtract before pressing the Apply button. In order to use an existing PSF as
a result object connect the Master port of the PSF to Extract Point Spread Function (once this is done
the Resolution and Voxel size ports of Extract Point Spread Function become insensitive, see above).
If an existing result is used new beads simply will be added into the existing data set. Therefore data
sets should be scaled in intensity according to their quality prior to bead extraction and summation to
obtain a suitable weighting of the individual extracted beads in the final result.

124 Chapter 9: Deconvolution

Figure 9.10: The final PSF visualized using a Volume Render module.

9.6 Performance issues and multi-processing

Iterative maximum-likelihood deconvolution essentially is the most powerful and most robust tech-
nique for the restoration of 3D optical sections. However, it is also computationally very demanding.
It can take several minutes (sometime even hours) to process large 3D data sets. This is not due an
improper implementation, but due to the algorithm itself. Both the blind and the non-blind variant of
the method rely heavily on fast Fourier-transforms in order to efficiently compute convolutions. If you
want to improve performance, try to adjust the size of your data volumes so that the number of voxels
plus the border width is a power of two. Sometimes it is worth it to enlarge the border width a little bit
in order to get a power of two. Although the algorithm works with data of any size, powers of two can
be transformed somewhat faster.
Another issue is memory consumption. Internally, several copies of the data set need to be allocated
by the deconvolution algorithm. These copies should all fit into memory at the same time (a specific

Performance issues and multi-processing 125

variant of the algorithm suitable for working under low memory conditions will be provided in a later
version). Besides the input data itself, the following number of working arrays are required by the
different methods:

• 3 working arrays for the non-blind algorithm with no or with fixed overrelaxation
• 5 working arrays for the non-blind algorithm with optimized overrelaxation
• 5 working arrays for the blind algorithm

The number of voxels of a working array is the product of the number of voxels of the input data
set plus the border with along each spatial dimension. The primitive data type of a working array is
a 4-byte floating point number. For example, if the number of voxels of the input data set plus the
border width is 256 x 256 x 256 (as for the alphalobe.am data set in the blind deconvolution tutorial),
each working array will be about 64 MB, irrespective of the primitive data type of the input data set.
Therefore at least 192 MB (3x4x256x256x256 bytes) are required for non-blind deconvolution with
fixed overrelaxation, and 320 MB (5x4x256x256x256 bytes) for blind deconvolution. Keep this in
mind when configuring the computer on which to perform deconvolution! However, also note that for
most platforms it usually doesn’t make sense to have more than 1.5 GB of main memory. For more
memory a 64-bit operating system is required.
Finally, it should be mentioned that the deconvolution algorithm can make use of a multi-processor
CPU board. Although you do not get twice the performance on a dual-processor PC, a speed-up of
almost 1.5 can be achieved. By default, Avizo uses as many processors as there are on the com-
puter. If for some reason you want to use less processors you can set the environment variable
AVIZO DECONV NUM THREADS to the number of processors you actually want to use simultane-

Example 1: Confocal Data

The original data set is provided under Avizo-8/data/deconv/polytrichum.am. The images below were
created using the Image Ortho Projections module.
The properties of the data set are as follows:

• Numerical aperture 1.4

• Wavelength of the emitted light 0.58 micrometers
• Refractive index 1.516 (oil)

Example 2: Widefield Data

The original data set is provided under Avizo-8/data/deconv/alphalobe.am. The images below were
created using the Image Ortho Projections module.

126 Chapter 9: Deconvolution

Figure 9.11: polytrichum.am before deconvolution.

The properties of the data set are as follows:

• Numerical aperture 0.5

• Wavelength of the emitted light 0.58 micrometers
• Refractive index 1.33 (water)

Performance issues and multi-processing 127

Figure 9.12: polytrichum.am after deconvolution.

128 Chapter 9: Deconvolution

Figure 9.13: XY-maximum intensity projection of alphalobe.am before deconvolution.

Performance issues and multi-processing 129

Figure 9.14: XY-maximum intensity projection of alphalobe.am after deconvolution.

130 Chapter 9: Deconvolution

Chapter 10

Interface Components, General

Concepts, Start-Up

This chapter contains a description of Avizo interface components, data types, general concepts and
start-up options. No in-depth knowledge of Avizo is required to understand the following sections, but
it is a good idea to have a look at one of the tutorials contained in Chapter 1.7 (First steps in Avizo),
particularly the very first one described in Section 3 (Getting Started).

10.1 Interface Components

In this section the following interface components are described:

• File Menu, Edit Menu, Project Menu, View Menu, Window Menu, Help Menu
• Standard Toolbar
• Main Panel, Properties Area, Progress Bar, Viewer Window, Console Window, Online Help
• File Dialog, Job Dialog, Preferences Dialog, Snapshot Dialog, System Information
• Object Popup, Create Object Popup

10.1.1 File Menu

The file menu lets you load and save data objects as well as Avizo Project scripts. In addition, it gives
you access to recent files and projects and allows you to quit the program. In the following text, all
menu entries are discussed separately. Open Data

The Open Data button activates Avizo’s file dialog and lets you import data sets stored in a file. Most
file formats supported by Avizo will be recognized automatically via the file header or the file name
extension. If you try to load a file for which the format couldn’t be detected automatically, an additional
dialog pops up asking you to select the format manually.
A list of all supported file formats is contained in the reference manual. Hints on how to import your
own data sets are given in Section 1.6.
If you select multiple files in the file dialog, all of them will be loaded, provided all of them are stored
in the same format. 2D images stored in separate files usually will be combined into a single 3D data
object. On the other hand, there are some file formats for which multiple data objects will be created.
Finally, you can also import and execute Avizo project scripts using the Open button. Open Data As

The format of input data can be forced using Open Data As. A format selection dialog will be opened,
allowing you to choose between all of the supported Avizo file formats. All selected files will be
treated as being in the specified format. Open Time Series Data

This button also activates the file dialog, but in contrast to the ordinary Open option it is assumed that
all selected files represent different time steps of a single data object. When loading such a time series
an instance of a Time Series Control module is created. This module provides a time slider allowing
you to adjust the current time step. Whenever a new time step is selected the corresponding data file
is read, and data objects associated with a previous time step are replaced. The module also provides
a cache so that the data files only need to be read once provided the cache is large enough. Open Time Series Data As

This menu entry works the same way as Open Time Series Data except that the format of the input
data can be forced (same as Open Data As). A format selection dialog will be opened, allowing you
to choose between all supported Avizo file formats. All selected files will be treated as being in the
specified format. Save Data

The Save Data button allows you to save a single modified data object again using the same filename
previously chosen under Save Data As. The button will only be active if the data object to be saved is
selected and if this data object has already been saved using Save Data As. A common application of
the Save button is to store intermediate results during manual segmentation in Avizo’s segmentation

132 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up Save Data As

This button lets you write a data object into a file. To do so you must first select the data object (click
on the corresponding green data icon). Then choose Save Data As to activate Avizo’s file dialog. The
file dialog presents a list of all formats suitable for saving that data object. Choose the one you like
and press OK. Note that you must specify the complete file name including the suffix. Avizo will not
automatically add a suffix to the file name. However, it will update the suffix whenever you select a
new format from the file format list. Also, Avizo will ask you before it overwrites an existing file.
Some file formats create multiple files for a single data object. For example, each slice of a 3D image
data set might be saved as a separate raster file. In this case, you can add to the file name a sequence of
hashmarks (for instance <filename>####.jpg). This sequence will be replaced by consecutive
numbers formatted with leading zeros.
If no file format has been registered at all for a certain type of data object, the Save Data As button will
be disabled. It will also be disabled if more than one data object is selected in the Project View. Convert To Large Data Format

When selecting this menu entry, a Convert To Large Data Format object will be instantiated and added
to the Project View. This module allows you to convert large image data to LDA file format. New Project

This button does a Remove all objects so that you can start building a new project in the Project View.
It also sets the new project name to ”Untitled.hx”. Open Project

The Open Project button activates Avizo’s file dialog and lets you load a project stored in a file. Project
files show up in the dialog as being in the format ”Avizo Project”. A Remove all objects will be done
before the new project is loaded so that effectively the new project replaces the old project in the
Project View. Currently only files with extension .hx can be opened. Save Project

This button allows you to save the complete project of icons and connections shown in the Project
View. If the project has not been previously saved, you will need to specify the name of an Avizo
Project script in the file dialog. When executed, the project script restores all data objects and modules
as well as the current object transformations and the camera settings. The feature is useful for resuming
work from a point where you left off previously.
Note that usually all data objects must have been stored in a file in order to be able to save the project.
If this is not the case, a dialog is shown listing all the data objects that still need to be saved. In

Interface Components 133

the dialog you can specify that all required data objects should be saved automatically in a separate
Instead of the option Avizo Project you can also choose Avizo Project and data files (pack & go) from
the file dialog’s format menu. In this case all data objects currently loaded will be saved in a separate
directory. More options affecting the export of project scripts can be adjusted in the Preferences Dialog. Save Project As

This button works like the Save Project button except that in this case you will always need to specify
the name of an Avizo Project script in the file dialog. Save Project As Template

This button allows you to save the current Project View as a template project. A template project
consists of a backup of an original project that can be replicated on different data of the same type. See
Section 10.4.1 Template Projects Description. Recent Files

This button can be used to load recently used files. When choosing this menu entry a submenu appears
listing the five most recent files. If multiple 2D images have been loaded this is indicated with the
name of the first file followed by an ellipsis (...). The number of files displayed in the most recent files
list can be modified in the General tab of the Preferences Dialog. Recent Projects

This button can be used to load recently used project scripts. When choosing this menu entry a sub-
menu appears listing the five most recent project scripts. The number of projects displayed in the most
recent projects list can be modified in the General tab of the Preferences Dialog. Quit

This button terminates Avizo and prompts you to save the current project configuration if there are
unsaved changes.

10.1.2 Edit Menu

The Edit menu provides access to the standard cut/copy/paste/delete commands, as well as to Avizo’s
dialogs: Preferences Dialog, Job Dialog and an extended version of the Parameter Editor.

134 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up Cut

In the Console, this command cuts selected text and copies it to the clipboard. In the Project View, this
command removes the selected objects. Copy

In the Console, this command copies the selected text to the clipboard. In the Project View, this
command copies the selected objects. Paste

In the Console, this command pastes the text in the clipboard to the current text insertion point. In the
Project View, this command creates cut or copied objects. Delete

In the Console, this command deletes the selected text. In the Project View, this command deletes the
selected objects. Select All

In the Console, this command selects all the text. In the Project View, this command selects all objects. Preferences

This option opens the AvizoPreferences Dialog. This last allows you to adjust certain global settings
of Avizo like the Project View options, the user interface layout, how project scripts are exported,
segmentation, rendering and performances options... Dialogs

This menu item comprises the dialogs Database and Jobs.

The Database button activates an extended version of the Data Parameter Editor, allowing you to
manipulate Avizo’s global parameter database. Among others, the parameter database contains a set of
predefined materials (to be used for image segmentation and surface reconstruction) and of predefined
boundary ids (to be used for surface editing and FEM pre-processing). For example, for each material
and for each boundary id a default color can be defined in the database.
Modification, insertion, and removal of parameters is performed in the same way as in the ordinary
parameter editor. In addition, the extended parameter dialog provides a menu bar allowing you to load,

Interface Components 135

import, save, or search the global parameter database. Avizo’s default database is stored in the file
share/materials/database avizo.hm located in the directory where Avizo was installed.
Use the Database menu option Set default file to specify that a different database file be used instead.
This change is permanent, i.e., it takes effect also if Avizo is restarted. To switch back to the system
default, use the Database menu option Use system default file.
This button brings up Avizo’s Job Dialog which is used to control the execution of batch jobs running
in the background. For example, tetrahedral grids can be generated in a batch job (see module Generate
Tetra Grid). However, for most users the batch queue will be of minor interest.

10.1.3 Project Menu

The Project menu provides control over the visibility of object icons and lets you delete or duplicate
objects. Depending on how many icons are selected in the Project View, some menu options might be
Note: in ”Tree View” mode, the Project menu is identical except that the Show Object, Show All
Objects, and Hide Object items are not available. Graph View

This toggle allows you to select the Graph View as current Project View. Tree View

This toggle allows you to select the Tree View as current Project View. Hide Object

The Hide Object button hides all currently selected objects. The object’s icons are removed from the
Project View but the objects themselves are retained. You get the same effect by pressing the Ctrl-H
key. Hidden objects can be made visible again using Show Object or Show All Objects. This option
will be unavailable if the current Project View is the Tree View. Remove Object

The Remove Object button deletes all selected objects and removes the corresponding icons from the
Project View. You can get the same effect by pressing the Delete key. If you want to reuse a data
object later on, be sure to save it in a file before deleting it. If a data object has been modified but
has not yet been saved to a file, it is marked by a little asterisk in the object icon. In the Preferences
Dialog you can choose whether a warning dialog should be printed if you try to delete unsaved data
objects which cannot be recomputed by an up-stream compute module. If you delete a data object, all

136 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

connected modules will be deleted as well. However, if you delete a module connected data objects
(e.g., the results of a compute module) will be retained. Duplicate Object

The Duplicate Object button creates copies of all selected data objects. For each copy a new data icon
is put in the Project View. The name of a duplicated data object differs from the original one by one
or more appended digits. The duplicate option is not available if you have selected icons that do not
represent data objects (e.g., display or compute modules). Rename Object

This button allows you to change the name of a selected object. In Graph View, a small dialog box
will be popped up when the button is pressed. In Tree View, you can directly edit the object item in the
view. If no object is selected or if multiple objects are selected the button is disabled. Note that two
objects in Avizo can’t have the same name. Therefore, the name entered in the dialog may be modified
by appending digits to it, if necessary. You can also rename an object by pressing the F2 key when it
is selected or by double clicking on the item in Tree View mode. Create Object...

This button allows you to display the Create Object popup in order to create modules or data objects
that cannot be accessed via the popup menu of any other object. Please refer to the Create Object
popup documentation for more details. Show Object

The Show button allows you to make hidden objects visible, so that their icons are displayed in the
Project View. Among the hidden objects there are usually some colormaps which are loaded at start-
up. This option will be unavailable if there are no hidden objects or if the current Project View is the
Tree View. Show All Objects

The Show All button makes all currently hidden objects visible, so that their icons are displayed in the
Project View. This option will be unavailable if there are no hidden objects or if the current Project
View is the Tree View. Remove All Objects

The Remove All Objects button deletes all currently visible icons and the associated objects from the
Project View. A pre-loaded colormap that is currently visible is also deleted, but all hidden objects are

Interface Components 137

retained. If you select the option check if data objects need to be saved in the Preferences dialog, a
warning dialog is popped up if there are data objects which have not yet been saved to a file. Make All Display Modules Pickable

This button makes all display modules in the Project View pickable. A display module is pickable if
the associated 3D object can be picked. Make All Display Modules Unpickable

This button makes all display modules in the Project View unpickable. So, the associated 3D object of
all the display modules in the Project View can’t be picked. Duplicate Mode

This mode is applicable when multiple modules of the same type will be attached to a single data
object. If the toggle is on, the port values of the first module will be used to initialize the port values
of subsequently attached modules. This can be convenient if you want the modules to have the same
initial port values.
Example: Attach an Ortho Slice to your data object and set the Mapping type to ”Colormap” and the
colormap range to 0-3. If you attach another Ortho Slice to the same data object, its Mapping type will
be ”Colormap” and its colormap range will be 0-3. Auto adjust range of colormaps

This option specifies the default behavior of colormap ports. If this option is checked, the auto adjust
range option of colormap ports will be on.
Note: For some modules, the auto adjust range option of their colormap ports is always checked by
default, independently of the global value.

10.1.4 View Menu

The View menu provides control over several Viewer options which affect the display independent of
the Viewer input. Layout

The Layout button lets you select between one, two, or four 3D viewers. All viewers will be placed
inside a common window using a default layout. If you want to create an additional viewer in a separate
window, choose Extra Viewer. You may create even more viewers using the Tcl command viewer
<n> show. Starting from n=4, viewers will be placed in separate windows.

138 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up Background

The Background button opens the background dialog, allowing you to switch between the different
background styles uniform, gradient, and checkerboard. In addition, the dialog allows you to adjust
the two colors used by these styles.
In order to change the background color via the command interface, use the viewer commands
viewer <n> setBackgroundColor and viewer <n> setBackgroundColor2. The
command interface also allows you to place an arbitrary raster image into the viewer background
(see Section Viewer command options). Transparency

The Transparency button controls the way of calculating pixel values with respect to object transparen-
cies during the rendering process.

• Screen Door: Transparent surfaces are approximated using a stipple pattern.

• Add: Additive alpha blending.
• Add Delayed: Additive alpha blending with two rendering passes. Opaque objects come first
and transparent objects come second.
• Add Sorted: Like Add Delayed, but transparent objects are sorted by distances of bounding box
centers from the camera and are rendered in back-to-front order.
• Blend: Multiplicative alpha blending.
• Blend Delayed: Multiplicative alpha blending with two rendering passes. Opaque objects come
first and transparent objects come second.
• Blend Sorted: Like Blend Delayed, but transparent objects are sorted by distances of bounding
box centers from the camera and are rendered in back-to-front order.
• Sorted Layers: Uses a fragment-level depth sorting technique, which gives better results for
complex transparent objects. Multi-Texture, Texture Environment Combine, Depth texture, and
Shadow OpenGL extensions must be supported by your graphics board. If the graphics board
does not support these extensions, behaves as if Blend Sorted was set.
• Sorted Layers Delayed: Like Sorted Layers, but rendering all transparent objects after opaque

Note: Antialiasing is not supported by Sorted Layers and Sorted Layers Delayed mode. Lights

The Lights menu lets you activate different light settings for the 3D viewer. By default, the viewer
uses a single headlight, i.e., a directional light pointing in almost the same direction as the camera
is looking. The headlight can be switched on or off in each viewer via the viewer’s popup menu.
Alternatively, the headlight can be switched on or off for all viewers using the headlight toggle in

Interface Components 139

this Lights menu. This standard light settings can be restored using the Standard button. More light
settings can be defined by creating an appropriate file in $AVIZO ROOT/share/lights.
At any time, additional lights can be created via the Create light option. Except for the viewer’s
default headlight, all lights are represented by little blue icons in the Project View, just like ordinary
data objects or modules. In order to make all hidden light icons visible, use the Show all icons option.
Hide all icons hides the icons of all light objects. For more information about lights, please refer to
the Reference Section of this manual. Fog

The Fog button introduces a fog effect into the displayed scene and controls how opacity increases
with the distance from the camera. The fog effect will only be seen on a uniform background. More
fine tuning is provided by the fogRange Viewer command.

• None: No fog effect (default).

• Haze: Linear increase in opacity with distance.
• Fog: Exponential increase in opacity with distance.
• Smoke: Exponential squared increase in opacity with distance. Antialiasing

The Antialiasing... button opens a dialog with which the antialiasing quality values of all active viewers
can be modified. Antialising is the process of smoothing jagged edges on graphic images by using
intermediate shades.
The dialog provides several different interface components: a checkable group box, a quality slider,
and three buttons.
The checkable group box allows you to turn antialising on or off for all viewers. The slider and
corresponding text field let you set antialiasing quality with a value ranging from 0 to 1, 1 being the
best. The buttons are used to apply, save or reset changes and to quit the dialog. A detailed description
of the interface components is given below.
Antialiasing group box: The group box is composed of a slider and a checkbox. When checked,
antialiasing is applied with the quality value given. Otherwise, antialiasing is disabled.
Quality slider: The antialiasing quality slider presents the quality range. If the slider value changes,
the corresponding antialiasing is applied. This slider is accompanied by a text edit field to view the
exact value of the current antialiasing and to set its numerical value. The component values are always
in the range of 0 to 1.
Antialiasing can be done in two different ways. If full-scene antialiasing is supported via the
ARB multisample and ARB pixel format OpenGL extensions, it is used for rendering. Note that
the number of samples used in the antialiasing computation depends on your graphics hardware and

140 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

on your video driver. NVidia graphics hardware can support number of samples * 2 levels of qual-
ity (assuming the NV multisample filter hint OpenGL extension is available). If it is not supported,
smoothing and multipass antialiasing will be used instead.
Buttons: The three buttons named OK, Save and Cancel are for closing the dialog and applying the
changes to the antialiasing (OK), saving the status and the quality in preferences (Save) and closing
the dialog without applying the changes (Cancel).
Note: Antialiasing is not supported by Sorted Layers and Sorted Layers Delayed transparency modes. Enable Shadows

This toggle allows you to activate/deactivate the shadowing for display modules. For more information
about shadow casting, please refer to the Shadowing documentation. Axis

The Axis button creates an Local Axes module named ”Global Axes” which immediately displays a
coordinate frame in the viewer window. This button is a toggle, so clicking on it again deletes the
”Global Axes” module and removes the coordinate frame from the viewer window. The axes will be
centered at the origin of the world coordinate system. You may also create local axes by selecting the
appropriate entry from a data object’s popup menu. Measuring

The Measuring button creates an instance of a Measurement module that lets you measure distances
and angles on objects within the viewer.
Note: Depending on the Avizo edition, the created Measurement module won’t be the same. Frame Counter

The Frame Counter toggle lets you switch on a frames-per-second counter that will be displayed in the
first viewer (viewer 0).

10.1.5 Window Menu

The Window menu allows you to manage the visibility of some interface components like the Console
or the Help panels. These panels are, in fact, dock windows which can be docked in any part of the
Avizo main window. Hide Panels

This toggle allows you to show/hide all the panels of Avizo except the viewers.

Interface Components 141 Main Panel

This toggle allows you to show/hide the Main panel of Avizo i.e. the one containing the Project View
(Graph View or Tree View) and some other specific tabs like the Segmentation Editor (when activated). Properties

This toggle allows you to show/hide the Properties panel of Avizo. Console

This toggle allows you to show/hide the Console panel of Avizo. Colormap

This toggle allows you to show/hide the Colormap Editor panel of Avizo. Animation Producer

This toggle allows you to show/hide the Animation Producer panel of Avizo. Help

This toggle allows you to show/hide the Help panel of Avizo. Toolbars

In addition of these panels, you can also manage the visibility of some Avizo toolbars via the Toolbars
submenu. For the moment, only the Standard Toolbar can be shown/hidden.

10.1.6 Help Menu

The Help menu gives you access to documentation like the Avizo’s User’s Guide or Programmer’s
Guide but also to other information like the License Manager, the News or the System Information
dialog. User’s Guide

This button shows the Help dialog on the Avizo documentation home page. You will have access to
the entire Avizo documentation.

142 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up Examples

This button shows the Help dialog on the Avizo documentation demos page. You will have access to
the Avizo provided Examples. Programmer’s Guide

This button shows the Help dialog on the Avizo documentation Programmer’s Guide page. You will
have access to the programmer’s documentation which is useful if you have an Avizo XPand Pack
license. Programmer’s Reference

This button launches the AvizoProgrammer’s Reference document

($AVIZO ROOT/share/devref/Avizo.chm) which gives you information about Avizo classes
and allows you to navigate into the Avizo class list, hierarchy and members. This documentation is
useful if you have an Avizo XPand Pack license. License Manager

This button launches the AvizoLicense Manager which displays the status of your Avizo licenses. System Information

This button launches the AvizoSystem Information Dialog which displays some information about
your system. This information allows you and the Avizo support team to better analyze software
problems. Online Support

This button launches an external web browser on the Technical Support contacts web page of Avizo. Show Last News

This button launches a dialog containing the latest web news on Avizo. Web news are provided to
inform you about Avizo releases, beta-testing program... About

This button launches a dialog containing Avizo build and copyrights information.

Interface Components 143

10.1.7 Standard Toolbar
This toolbar provides quick access to some important actions in Avizo (also accessible from the menus
in Avizo) like opening/saving data or a Project, opening the Preferences Dialog or showing/hiding
Avizo panels.
The following actions have a shortcut in the Standard Toolbar:

• Open Data, Save Data

• New Project, Open Project, Save Project
• Preferences
• Hide Panels, Main Panel, Properties, Console, Colormap, Animation Producer, Help

10.1.8 Main Panel

The Main Panel of Avizo contains the Project View (Graph View or Tree View) and some other specific
tabs like the Segmentation Editor (when activated). By default, the Main Panel is displayed on top of
the Properties Area but you can easily move it where you want in the Avizo main window since the
Main Panel is a dock widget.
The Project View represents data objects and modules currently in use as well as connections indicating
dependencies between objects and modules. You can easily switch between 2 different views:

• the Graph View where objects are represented with icons and dependencies between objects are
indicated with connection lines,
• the Tree View where objects are arranged in a tree in which objects are displayed underneath
those objects on which they depend.

To change the current Project View, you can click on the Graph View or Tree View buttons in the Project
Note: Other than when attention is being specifically called to highlight the differences between the
Project Graph View and the Project Tree View, Project View will be used throughout the Avizo doc-
umentation to refer generically to the pane of the Avizo main window containing the collection of
objects and modules that define the visualization project. Project Graph View

The Project Graph View is displayed if Graph View is selected. This selection is made by clicking on
the using the Graph View button in the Project Menu.
Once a data object has been loaded or a module has been created, it will be represented by an icon
in the Project Graph View. Some objects, especially initially loaded colormaps, may not be visible
here. Such hidden objects are listed in the Project > Show Object menu of the Avizo main window.

144 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

Selecting an object from this menu causes the corresponding icon to be made visible in the Project
Graph View.
Icon colors are used to indicate different types of objects. Data objects are shown in green and are the
only objects which can be saved to disk using File > Save Data or File > Save Data As menu entries.
Computational modules are shown in red, visualization modules are yellow, and visualization modules
of slicing type are orange. These modules, Ortho Slice for example, may be used to clip the graphical
output of any other module.
Connections between data objects and processing modules, shown as blue lines, represent the flow of
data. For display modules, these connections show the data used to generate the display. You may
connect or disconnect objects by picking and dragging a blue line between object icons.
As you might expect, not all types of processing modules are applicable to all kinds of data objects.
If you click on a data object icon with the right mouse button, a menu pops up that shows all types of
modules that can be connected to that object (alternatively, you can click on the small white triangle on
the right side of the icon with the left, right, or middle button or press [Ctrl]+[Space]). For more
details about this menu, please refer to the Object Popup documentation. Selecting one of the modules
will automatically create an instance of that module type and connect it to the data object. A new icon
and a connecting line will appear in response. This way you can set up a more or less complex project
that represents the computational steps required to carry out a specific visualization task and is used to
trigger them. Note that modules used will appear as shortcut (or macro) buttons in the upper part of
the window.
If you look closer at an object’s icon you will notice two small squares on its left, one white and one
orange. If you click on the white square with the left (or right, or middle) mouse button, a menu pops
up that shows all connection ports of that object.
If the white square has a ”-” or a ”+” inside, you can click it with the left (or right, or middle) mouse
button to hide (”collapse”) or unhide (”expand”) the objects connected to that object. The collapse
feature is helpful if there are too many objects in the Project Graph View to easily view them all at
once. The hidden objects will be visible in the Project > Show Object menu.
The orange square controls the object’s visibility in the viewers. It shows the current viewer layout
(1 viewer, 2 viewers, etc.). Click inside the region of the square corresponding to a specific viewer
to toggle the visibility of the object in that viewer. The region turns gray when the module is set to
invisible. If you are using more than 4 viewers, each additional viewer will have its own orange square
on the object’s icon. You can also control an object’s visibility by clicking on its visibility toggle in
the Properties Area.
As mentioned above, for most objects the required connections are established automatically on cre-
ation. However, in order to set up optional connections you must use the connection popup menu. For
example, you may attach an optional scalar field to an Isosurface module’s Colorfield port in order to
color the surface using the values in the Colorfield.
Once you have selected an entry from the connection popup menu of the object icon, you can choose
a new input object for that port. In order to do so, click on the input object’s icon in the Project Graph

Interface Components 145

Figure 10.1: The Project Graph View contains data objects and module icons.

View. The blue connection line will become lighter blue if the connection port can be connected to
the chosen object. Reasons for not being able to connect an input to a port can include the following:
incompatible data type (use Convert Image Type to change), incompatible dimensionality of the input
(use Channel Works to change), incompatible grid type of the data (for example, use Arithmetic to
sample a regular grid), or simply that the connection does not make sense, for example, connecting a
display module for surfaces to a volume data set.
In order to disconnect an input object, click on the icon of the module the port belongs to. Data objects
possess a special connection port called Master. This port refers to a computational module or editor
the data object is attached to. It indicates that the computational module or editor controls the data
object, i.e., that it may modify its contents.
Each object has an associated control panel containing buttons and sliders for setting or changing ad-
ditional parameters of the object. The control panel becomes visible once the object has been selected,
i.e. by clicking on its icon with the left mouse button. In order to select multiple objects, you can shift-
click the corresponding icons or select them by using the rectangular selection tool (press and hold

146 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

down the left mouse button over the Project Graph View background, then sweep out a rectangle).
Clicking on the icon of a selected object deselects it again. Clicking somewhere on the background of
the Project Graph View causes all selected objects to be deselected. One or more selected icons may
be dragged around in the Project Graph View by clicking on them and moving the mouse pointer while
holding down the mouse button.
At the right of the Project View banner are the Project View Select Mode , Project View Pan Mode
, Reorder Project View and the Switch To Project Tree View buttons. In Project View Select
Mode, the mouse is used for selecting, positioning, connecting, and disconnecting objects in the Project
Graph View. In Project View Pan Mode, moving the mouse pans the Project Graph View workspace.
In case your current Project is not well organized, i.e. contains a lot of objects and you are not able to
easily find an object icon among others or visualize dependencies between objects, you can click on
the Reorder Project View button. In this case, the Project Graph View will be reorganized with object
icons reordered according to the following rule: data objects are on the left, compute objects in the
middle and visualization modules on the right. The last button switches the Project View to Project
Tree View.
At the top of the Project Graph View is a region containing shortcut (or macro) buttons. The Open Data
button is a shortcut to the File > Open Data menu item. Up to 4 additional buttons are automatically
displayed depending on the currently selected object(s). They provide easy access to the modules that
are most commonly used and/or that have been recently used with the currently selected object.
The trashcan at the bottom right of the Project Graph View provides a convenient shortcut for
removing an object. Drag the object to the trashcan. When the cursor turns into an ”X”, release the
mouse button and the object will be removed from the Project View. If you remove a data object, all
modules downstream from that module will be deleted as well. Alternatively, you can use the Remove
Object item from the Project menu, or you can use the [Delete] key to remove selected object(s). Project Tree View

The Project Tree View is displayed if Tree View is selected. This selection is made by clicking on the
using the Tree View button in the Project Menu.
Once a data object has been loaded or a module has been created, it will be represented by a new entry
in the tree view.
Each object has an associated control panel containing buttons and sliders for setting or changing
additional parameters of the object. The control panel becomes visible in the Properties Area once
the object has been selected, i.e., by clicking on its icon with the left mouse button. In order to select
multiple objects, you can shift-click the corresponding icons. Clicking on the icon of a selected object
deselects it again. Clicking somewhere off of the tree view, e.g., beyond the bottom of the tree view,
causes all selected objects to be deselected.
At the top of the Project Tree View is a region containing shortcut (or macro) buttons. The Open Data
button is a shortcut to the File > Open Data menu item. Up to 4 additional buttons are automatically

Interface Components 147

Figure 10.2: The Project Tree View contains data objects and module icons organized in a tree view.

displayed depending on the currently selected object(s). They provide easy access to the modules that
are most commonly used and/or that have been recently used with the currently selected object.
The tree view display has 5 columns:
Column 1: Contains the actual tree view.

• Organization: The tree is organized into folders containing different kinds of objects: Data,
Display, Compute, etc. Most of the folders are predefined and cannot be modified. A few,
however, such as the Data folder, can have more folders added beneath.
Currently, there are 3 ”templates” that control the organization of the tree view: a default
template for most Avizo users, a ”geoscience” template in the Avizo Earth Edition that includes
predefined folders for 3D surveys, horizons, faults, etc and a ”CFD/CAE” template in the Avizo
Wind Edition where the terminology Models replace the one of Data.

• Connections: If you click on a data object icon with the right mouse button, a menu pops up

148 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

that shows all types of modules that can be connected to that object (alternatively, you can press
[Ctrl]+[Space]). For more details about this menu, please refer to the Object Popup doc-
umentation. Selecting one of the modules will automatically create an instance of that module
type and connect it to the data object. A new item in the tree view will appear in response. In
this way you can set up a more or less complex project that represents the computational steps
required to carry out a specific visualization task and is used to trigger them. Note that modules
used will appear as shortcut (also known as ”macro”) buttons in the upper part of the window.
For most objects the required connections are automatically established on creation. The con-
nection is shown in the connected object’s input port in its control panel in the Properties Area.
For example, when you attach a Ortho Slice to my data.am, in the ”Data” port of the Ortho
Slice control panel, you will see ”my data.am” in the pulldown list. If other objects in the Project
Tree View can be connected to the Ortho Slice, they will be in the list as well. To switch the
connection, simply select a different item from the list. The tree view (and possibly the viewer
display) will be updated accordingly. Selecting ”NO SOURCE” from the list disconnects the
module from any object.
Reasons for not being able to connect an input to a port can include the following: incompatible
data type (use Convert Image Type to change), incompatible dimensionality of the input (use
Channel Works to change), incompatible grid type of the data (for example, use Arithmetic to
sample on a regular grid), or simply that the connection does not make sense, for example,
connecting a display module for surfaces to a volume data set.
Data objects possess a special connection port called Master. This port refers to the computa-
tional module or editor the data object is attached to. It indicates that the computational module
or editor controls the data object, i.e., that it may modify its contents.

• Expand/Collapse: You can click on the + and - icons to expand or collapse portions of the tree.

• Drag-and-Drop: You can use drag-and-drop to move items in the tree view. For example, to
connect an existing visualization module to a different data set, you can drag and drop it from
its current location onto a compatible data set. Drag-and-drop does not work for disconnecting
objects. You must use the connection ports for this.

• Viewer Toggle: The check boxes control the visibility of the object in the currently active
viewer. If there are multiple viewers, e.g., a 4-viewer layout, you can select a viewer, set the
object’s visibility in that viewer, then repeat as often as necessary to set the desired visibility
options for each viewer. However, it will probably be more convenient to control the visibility
in individual viewers by using the viewer toggle button in the object’s control panel in the
Properties Area. The viewer toggle button is the orange square just to the right of the module
name in its control panel. The button is divided into regions corresponding to the current viewer
layout. Click on the region to toggle visibility of the object on/off in the corresponding viewer.
If there are more than 4 viewers, each additional viewer will have it own toggle button.

Interface Components 149

• Adding a Folder: At the right of the Project Tree View banner are the New Folder and the
Switch To Project Graph View buttons. The New Folder button is used for adding a new folder
directly below the currently selected folder. You can also add a folder by right clicking on an
existing folder and selecting New Folder from the context menu. At some positions in the tree,
it may not be possible to add a new folder. The last button switches the Project View to Project
Graph View.
• Removing an Object: To remove one or more objects from the Project Tree View, first select
the object(s) to be removed. You can then use the Remove Object item from the Project context
menu, or you can press the [Delete] key to remove selected object(s). If you remove a data
object, all modules downstream from that module will be deleted as well.

• Hovering: Hovering the mouse over an item in the tree view displays information about that
item, usually its type, e.g., HxUniformScalarField3.

Column 2: Shows, for certain objects, the current value of a port of interest. Currently, the slice
number is shown for slice modules (Ortho Slice, Inline, etc.) and the time scale factor is shown for the
Seismic Settings module.
Column 3: Shows the current colormap, if any, associated with the module or object. You can right
click on it to show the standard colormap context menu. Or you can left click on it to bring up the
Colormap Editor.
Column 4: Displays the icon of the editor, if any, currently operating on the object. For example, the
Crop Editor, the Parameter Editor, etc.
Column 5: Displays a color-coded marker indicating the kind of object or module, as follows:

• Red: computational modules

• Orange: visualization modules of slicing type. These modules may be used to clip the graphical
output of any other module.
• Yellow: visualization modules
• Green: data objects. These are the only objects which can be saved to disk using File > Save.
• Blue: script objects
• Purple: settings modules, e.g., Seismic Settings, XScreen Settings, etc.

10.1.9 Properties Area

The Properties Area is the place where the user interface of selected objects is displayed. Typically,
the interface consists of buttons and sliders arranged in Ports. They can be thought of as ports because
the user can pass information to a module through them.
Once an object has been selected, its input controls will be displayed in the Properties Area. By
default, the Properties Area is displayed under the AvizoMain Panel but you can easily move it where
you want in the Avizo main window since the Properties Area panel is a dock widget. You can also

150 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

quickly show/hide the Properties Area panel by clicking on the Properties button in the Standard
Toolbar or in the Window Menu.

Figure 10.3: The Properties Area contains the input controls for objects in the Project View. This example shows the ”control
panel” for the Arithmetic module.

Each object has a specific set of controllable parameters or options. These are described in detail for
each module in the modules index section of the reference manual. Objects (modules, data...) also
provide a question mark button which lets you access the documentation of that object directly.
The Apply button is active (green) for modules that require you to explicitly initiate their action. Typi-
cally this is the case for modules whose action may take a significant amount of time, such as some of
the compute modules.
Check the auto-refresh check box to automatically force an apply for any change in the project.
An object’s name is displayed at the top of its control panel along with various control buttons. All
data objects and display modules have one or more orange viewer buttons for each 3D viewer. These
buttons control whether any graphical output of an object is displayed in a particular viewer or not. For
example, if you have two viewers and two Isosurface modules you may want to display one Isosurface
in each viewer.
Display modules of slicing type (orange ones like Ortho Slice) provide a clip button. Clicking this
button will cause the graphical output of any other module to be clipped by that slice. Clipping does
not affect modules with hidden geometry or modules that are created after the clip button has been

Interface Components 151

Data objects provide a number of additional editor buttons. Editors are used in order to modify the
contents of a data object interactively. For example, you can perform manual segmentation of 3D
image data by editing Label Fields using the Segmentation Editor. Some editors display their controls
in the Properties Area like all other objects, while others use a separate dialog window that allows you
to perform object manipulations.
As already mentioned, specific input controls of an object or a module are organized into Ports. Each
port has a pin button on its left. If a port is pinned it will still be visible even when the object is
deselected. The ports are composed of widgets that can be used to set the parameters pertaining to
various operations, e.g., a value is entered by a slider, a state is set by radio buttons, a binary choice is
presented as a toggle button. The control elements have a uniform layout and are divided into several
basic types. A description of the basic port types is contained in the ports index section of the User’s
Reference Manual.
Ports whose labels are displayed in italic are special: they are input connection ports. They are used
for connecting data objects and modules into a project that represents the computational steps required
to carry out a specific visualization task. Each connection port contains the list of objects to which it
can be possibly connected, plus a ”NO SOURCE” item, which means not to connect to anything.
In Graph View mode, display of these connection ports can be toggled on and off via the Layout tab of
the Edit / Preferences menu. They are displayed by default to help beginners understanding the Project
View architecture.
In Tree View mode, these connection ports are always displayed because this is the only mechanism in
this mode for defining projects. When an object is completely disconnected from all others, it will be
moved in the tree to an appropriate folder. For example, to Display for a display module, to Compute
for a compute module, and so on.
If the shadowing effect is switched on in the Rendering tab of the Edit / Preferences menu, some
visualization modules will show the ”Shadow” button. Clicking the button will change the following

• Cast Shadow: the object will cast shadows

• Receive Shadow: the object will only receive shadows
• Cast & Receive Shadow: the object will cast and receive shadows
• No Shadow: no shadows will be visualized

Figure 10.4: Some visualization module will show the ”Shadow” button in the Properties Area.

152 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

Only display modules have pickable toggles. When the pickable button of a display module is off, the
user can’t pick it in the viewer.

Figure 10.5: Display modules have ”Pickable” toggles.

10.1.10 Progress Bar

The Progress Bar is located in the lower part of the Avizo main window It is used when computational
operations have been started to indicate the percentage of computation which is complete and provide
information on what task is currently being performed.
It provides a Stop button which, when red, allows you to interrupt the current action. This button is
grayed out when there is no current action or when the current action cannot be interrupted.
You can refer to the Progress bar command options for the set of Tcl commands available for the
Progress Bar.

10.1.11 Viewer Window

The 3D viewer plays a central role in Avizo. Here all geometric objects are shown in 3D space. The
3D viewer offers powerful and fast interaction techniques. It can be regarded as a virtual camera which
can be moved to an arbitrary position within the 3D scene. The left mouse button is used to change the
view direction by means of a virtual trackball. The middle mouse button is used for panning, while the
left and the middle mouse button pressed together allow you to zoom in and out on objects.
The following controls can be used:

• hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to rotate the camera around its current
focal point (the focal point can be changed by doing a seek operation), hold down the left mouse
button + [SHIFT] to constrain this rotation around the X or Y axis, and the left mouse button
+ [CTRL] for the Z axis.

Figure 10.6: Default state of the Progress Bar: ”Ready” is displayed and the Stop button is disabled.

Interface Components 153

Figure 10.7: State of the Progress Bar during a resampling operation (Resample module): current computational action is
”Resampling” and the Stop button is red and enabled.

• Hold down the middle mouse button to pan.

• Hold down the left + middle mouse buttons to zoom / dolly, or [CTRL] + the middle mouse
button, or [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + the left mouse button

• Click the right mouse button to open the popup menu (see Viewer popup description for more

• Press the [S] key, then click on an object with the left mouse button to ”seek” to that position.

• Press the [P] key, then click the left mouse button to pick a 3D Object in the viewer. The
corresponding module will be selected.

• Press the [Space] key to view the entire 3D scene.

• Press the [ESC] key to switch between ”interaction” mode and ”trackball” mode.

The virtual trackball controlled by the left mouse button allows for free rotation of the camera.
Some viewer gadgets may be displayed in one of the corners of the display:

• camera trackball: used for constrained rotation of the camera about the screen-aligned X, Y, or
Z axes. Click on the vertical wheel (it becomes red when you select it) and move the mouse
up/down (while the left mouse button is pressed) to rotate about the X axis. Click on the hori-
zontal wheel (it becomes green when you select it) and move the mouse left/right (while the left
mouse button is pressed) to rotate about the Y axis. Click on the third wheel (it becomes blue)
and move the mouse up/down (while the left mouse button is pressed) to rotate about the Z axis.
• 3D compass: indicates the current camera viewing direction. It is an indicator only; you cannot
use it to control the viewing direction.

The Edit > Preferences > Layout dialog can be used to control the visibility, auto-hide option, and
position of the trackball and the compass. Refer to the Viewer gadgets section for more details.
Sometimes you need to manipulate objects directly in the 3D viewer. For example, this technique,
called 3D interaction, is used by the Transform Editor. You can swith on this editor with the transform
editor button in the properties of a data object. The editor provides special draggers that can be picked

154 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

Figure 10.8: Avizo’s viewer window provides a virtual trackball for easy navigation, as well as optional viewer gadgets: camera
trackball (lower right) for constrained rotation and 3D compass (lower left) for camera viewing direction indication.

and translated or rotated in order to specify the transformation of a data object. Before you can interact
with these draggers, you must switch the viewer into interaction mode. This is done by clicking on
the arrow button in the upper left corner. If the viewer is in interaction mode, the mouse cursor will be
an arrow instead of a hand symbol. You can use the [ESC] key in order to quickly switch between
interaction mode and viewing mode. If the viewer is in interaction mode, use the [Alt] key to
temporarily switch to viewing mode.
More than one viewer can be active at a time. Standard screen layouts with one, two, or four viewers
can be selected via the View menu. Additional viewers can be created using the Tcl command viewer
<n> show, where <n> is an integer number between 0 and 15. While viewers 0 to 3 will be placed
in a common panel window, viewers 4 to 15 will create their own top-level window. For more specific
control, the viewer provides an extensive command set, which is documented in Section
Viewer command options.

Interface Components 155 Viewer toolbar description

The toolbar of the main viewer window provides several buttons and controls, allowing you for exam-
ple to switch between viewing mode and interaction mode, to choose certain orientations, or to take
snapshots. The precise meaning of these controls is described below.

Switches the viewer into interaction mode. You can also use the [ESC] key to toggle between viewing
mode and interaction mode.

Switches the viewer into viewing mode. You can also use the [ESC] key to toggle between interaction
mode and viewing mode. The left mouse button is used to change the view direction by means of a
virtual trackball.

Same as Trackball except that the left mouse button is used for panning (translation).

Same as Trackball except that in this mode vertical motion of the left mouse button controls zooming.

Rotates the camera around the current view direction. By default, a clockwise rotation of one degree is
performed. If the [SHIFT] key is pressed while clicking, a 90 degree rotation is done. If the [CTRL]
key is pressed, the rotation will be counterclockwise.

Pressing the seek button and then clicking on an arbitrary object in the scene causes the object to be
moved into the center of the viewer window. Moreover, the camera will be oriented parallel to the
normal direction at the selected point. Seek mode may also be activated by pressing the [S] key in
the viewer window.
Important note: When using front face culling mode on an object, Seek will work on the hidden faces
unless you move the camera ”through” front hidden faces. This limitation will be solved in the future
Avizo releases.

Resets the camera to the home position.

156 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

Set Home:

Sets the current position as the new home position.


Toggles between a perspective and an orthographic camera. By default, a perspective camera is used.
You may want to use an orthographic camera in order to measure distances or to exactly align objects
in 3D space.
Note: Only one of these buttons will be visible at a time, the button indicating the currently active
camera type.

Pressing the pick button and then clicking on an arbitrary object in the scene causes the corresponding
module to be selected. Picking mode may also be activated by pressing the [P] key in the viewer
View All:

Repositions the camera so that all objects become visible. The orientation of the camera will not be
YZ-, XY- and XZ-Views:

Adjusts the camera according to the specified viewing direction. The viewing direction is parallel
to the coordinate axis perpendicular to the specified coordinate plane. The opposite view direction is
used if the [SHIFT] key is pressed.
Note: In the some Editions, these buttons will be replaced by the geographic view orientation buttons.
Geographic View Orientation:

Adjusts the camera according to the specified viewing direction: from top, from bottom, from west,
from east, from south, from north.
Note: In the some Editions, these buttons replace the XYZ view buttons.

Allows you to enable or disable stereo viewing, as well as specify various stereo viewing parameters
via the Stereo Preferences dialog.

Interface Components 157

Pressing this button creates an instance of a Measurement module that lets you measure distances and
angles on objects within the viewer. Clicking on the down arrow will display a menu of measuring
tools to choose from: 3D Length, 3D Angle, 3D Annotation, 3D Box, 3D Circle. Only one of these
buttons will be visible on the toolbar at a time, the button of the measuring tool most recently accessed
from the viewer toolbar.
Note: Depending on the Avizo edition, the created Measurement module won’t be the same.
Display unit:

The button specifies the current selected display unit.

Clicking on the down arrow of this button will display a menu of all possible display units.
Note: This button is visible only if unit management is activated and display units are modifiable i. e.
”Lock display units on working units” is unchecked on preference options.

Takes a snapshot of the current rendering area and saves it to a file. The filename as well as the desired
output format must be entered through the Snapshot dialog. Snapshots may also be taken using the
viewer command snapshot.

Offers the possibility to enhance the scale on the Z axis by a given factor.
The default value is 10.0 and can be specified by the user in the toolbar of the viewer. Note: This
buttons is visible in some Editions.

Selects the viewer layout: a single view, two viewers side-by-side, two viewers stacked, or four

Selects fullscreen mode. In this mode, the viewer occupies the entire screen and no other windows
will be visible. To exit fullscreen mode, click the right mouse button and uncheck Fullscreen in the
popup menu.
Link objects visibility:

Links the visibility of objects between all viewers. When checked, it means that changing the visibility
(viewer mask) of an object in one viewer will change it in all viewers.
In addition to these buttons, the Avizo viewers provide an extensive set of Tcl commands, which are

158 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

listed in Section Viewer command options. Viewer popup description

All viewers include a popup menu that allows you to configure various options. A right mouse button
click opens this popup menu. The following menu options are available:
Contains a sub-menu with items which are respectively shortcuts to Home, Set Home, View All and
Seek icons.
Switches between viewing mode and interaction mode (see Interact and Trackball icons for more
details). Same as pressing the [ESC] key.
Shortcut to the Fullscreen icon.
Activate and deactivate the headlight (see Lights section for more details).
Contains the following menu items:

• Auto clip planes: Adjusts the camera near and far plane at each camera move.
• Stereo: Shortcut to the Stereo icon.
• Spin animation: When spin animation is enabled, if the mouse is moving while you release it,
the trackball will continue to spin afterwards. By default, spin animation is disabled.
• Rotation axes: Displays rotation axes at the center of the viewer.

Show trackball:
Show/hide the camera trackball (see Viewer gadgets section for more details).
Show compass:
Show/hide the compass (see Viewer gadgets section for more details).
Link camera to:
This menu option creates a camera link from the current viewer to the one you select (by clicking it
after you select the menu option); pressing the [ESC] key before selecting a viewer aborts the link
operation. When the cameras of two viewers are linked, they view both scenes from the same 3D point
and looking in the same direction. The section Unlink camera below explains how to remove a camera
Unlink camera:
This menu option removes a camera link between two viewers by selecting the viewer to unlink.
Show objects in extra viewer:
This menu option allows showing objects from the current viewer in the extra viewer using the same

Interface Components 159

viewer masks.
Object visibility in viewer:
This sub-menu controls the object visibility in the viewer.
The following options are available:

• Hide All: Hide all objects for the viewer.

• Show All: Show all objects for the viewer.
• Link to all viewers: Link the visibility of objects between all viewers. When checked, it means
that changing the visibility (viewer mask) of an object in one viewer will change it in all viewers.
• Same as viewer 0, Same as viewer1,...,Same as extra viewer: Copy the object visibilities of the
viewer i.

This menu option briefly displays the viewer identifier in the viewer.
Identify all viewers:
This menu option causes each viewer to briefly display its viewer identifier.

10.1.12 Console Window

The Console window is a command shell allowing to access Avizo’s advanced control features. It
serves two purposes. First, it gives you some feedback on what is currently going on. Such feedback
messages include warnings, error indications and notes on problems as well as information on results.
Second, it provides a command line interface where Avizo commands can be entered.
By default, the Console window is hidden but you can easily display it by clicking on the Console
button in the Standard Toolbar or in the Window Menu. In this case, the Console will be displayed
under the viewer but you can easily move it where you want into the Avizo main window since the
Console window is a dock widget.

Figure 10.9: Avizo’s Console window displays info messages and lets you enter Tcl commands.

Avizo’s Console commands are based on the Tcl script language (Tool Command Language). Exam-

160 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

ples are:

load C:/MyData/something.am
viewer 0 setSize 200 200
viewer 0 snapshot C:/snapshot.tif

The Avizo scripting syntax and the specific commands are described in the Chapter 11 (Scripting). To
execute a single Console command just type in its name and arguments and press Enter. If you select
an object and then press the [TAB] key on the empty command line, then the name of the object will
be automatically inserted.
You can also type the beginning of a command word and type the [TAB] key to complete the word.
This only works if the beginning is unique. Pressing [TAB] a second time will show the possible
completions. Often, this saves a lot of typing. Commands provided by data objects and modules
are documented in the reference section of the users guide. Pressing the [F1] key for such a com-
mand without any arguments pops up the help text for this command. This is also true for commands
provided by the ports of an object.
Additionally the Console window provides a command history mechanism. Use up arrow and down
arrow to scroll up and down in the history list.
To execute a file containing many Tcl commands use source <filename> or load the script
file via Avizo’s file dialog from the file menu. Avizo Project files are usually identified by
the extension .hx. For advanced script examples take a look at Avizo’s demo files located in
$AVIZO ROOT/share/demo.

10.1.13 Online Help

Avizo user’s documentation is available online. You can access it via the User’s Guide entry of the
main window’s Help menu. The user’s guide contains some introductory chapters, as well as a refer-
ence section containing documentation for specific

• modules,
• data types,
• editors,
• file formats,
• and other components.

You can access the documentation of any such object via a separate index page accessible from the
home page of the online help browser. Avizo modules also provide a question mark button in the
Properties Area. Pressing this button directly pops up the help browser for the particular module.
By default, the help browser is displayed in its own top-level window, but you can easily integrate it
where you want into the Avizo main window since the help browser is a dock widget.

Interface Components 161

Going through the online documents is similar to text handling within any other hypertext browser. In
fact, the documentation is stored in HTML format and can be read with a standard web browser as
well. Use the Backward and Forward buttons to scroll in the document history and Home to move to
the first page.
Searching the online documentation
The online help browser provides a very simple interface for a content and full text search. If you
want to search through the complete documentation, enter the desired text into the text field. Pressing
CTRL-SHIFT-F moves the focus to this text field and marks all text in this field for quick access. The
search will be performed upon pressing the Enter key.
The search is done by using the complete search phrase. For example, suppose you are looking for
information about the Surface Editor the output shows the page title where the phrase is contained and
a small text surrounding the search phrase.
Searching in a help document is done by entering text in the Find pane. You can open it by clicking
on the Show find pane icon or by pressing CTRL-F. This function searches the content and looks
for the occurrence of the complete phrase you type into the text edit field. Pressing Enter, F3 or
clicking on next will mark the searched phrase in the text. Another click/keypress takes you to the next
occurrence of this phrase. You can search backwards by pressing SHIFT-F3 or clicking on prev to find
the previous occurrence of the phrase. If the search reaches the beginning or end of the document, it
starts over continuing in the same search direction. Checking the Highlight all check box highlights
the searched phrase with a yellow background wherever it is found in the text. Highlighting, if enabled,
is maintained when clicking on links. The Find pane can be closed by clicking the red X on the pane
or by unchecking the Show find pane icon.
All searches are case insensitive!

Running demo scripts

In the demo section of the on-line manual you can easily start any demonstration just by clicking on
the marked text. The script will be loaded and executed immediately. You may interrupt running demo
scripts by using the stop button in the lower right of the Avizo main window.

Makes the help dialog appear and loads the home page of the online help.
help getZoomFactor
Returns the zoom factor of the browser.
help setZoomFactor <ZoomFactor>
Sets the zoom factor of the browser.
help load file.html
Load the specified hypertext document in the file browser. Note that only a subset of HTML is

162 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

Figure 10.10: Avizo’s help window.

Interface Components 163

Figure 10.11: The Find pane.


help reload
Reload the current document.

10.1.14 File Dialog

The File Dialog is the user interface component for importing and exporting data into and out of
Avizo. It is used in several places in Avizo, most prominently by the Open Data, Save Data As, and
Save Project items of the main window’s File Menu.
Most file formats supported by Avizo will be recognized automatically, either by analyzing the file
header or by looking at the file name extension. A list of all supported file formats is contained in the
reference section of this manual. You may manually set the format of a file by means of the dialog’s
popup menu (see below).
Platform considerations
The dialog uses native dialogs under Microsoft Windows operating systems while it uses specific
dialogs under Linux and Mac OS X. Those specific dialogs may differ from the system native dialogs.
On Mac OS X, to open a folder, choose an item in the ”Look in” combo box. If the desired folder
does not appear in the list (/Volumes for ex.), type the path directly in the ”File name” field and press

Figure 10.12: The Avizo File dialog on Mac OS X.

164 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

10.1.15 Job Dialog
Certain time-consuming operations in Avizo can be performed in batch mode. For this purpose Avizo
provides a job queue, where jobs like generation of a tetrahedral grid can be submitted. You can inspect
the current status of the job queue, start and delete jobs from the queue by selecting Dialogs > Jobs
from Avizo’s Edit Menu. This will bring up the Job Dialog.
In the upper part of the Job Dialog the current list of jobs of a user is shown. For each job a short
description is displayed, as well as the time when the job has been submitted and the current state of
the job. A job may be waiting for execution, running, finished, or it may have been killed.
Note that Avizo uses network interface to communicate with batch job, which may be blocked by your

The job directory

For each job a temporary directory is created containing any required input data, scripts, state
information, and log files. On Unix systems this directory is created at the location speci-
fied by the environment variable TMPDIR. If no such variable exists, /tmp is used. On Win-
dows systems the default temporary directory is used. Typically this will be C:/TEMP or

Controlling the job queue

A job’s state may be manipulated using the action buttons shown above the job list. In order to start
the job queue select the first job waiting for execution and then press the Start button. Note that only
one job can be executed at a time. In order to kill a running job, select it in the job list and press the
Kill button. You may delete a job from the job queue using the Delete button. When deleting a job the
temporary job directory will be removed as well.

Information about a job

Once you have selected a job in the job queue, more detailed information about it will be displayed
in the lower part of the dialog window, notably the state of the job, the temporary job directory, the
submit time, the time when the job has been started, the run time, and the name of the command to be
executed. Any console output of a running job will be redirected to a log file located in the temporary
job directory. Once such a log file exists and has non-zero size you may inspect it by pushing the View
output button.

network issues

Job success and failure notifications require that Avizo open a TCP/IP port. Depending on your net-
work configuration it is possible that you will not be able to receive these notifications. In these cases
contact your system administrator or change your firewall settings if you have sufficient permissions.

Interface Components 165

Figure 10.13: The Job Dialog lets you start, stop, examine, and delete batch jobs.

166 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

job submit cmd info [tmpdir]
Submits a new job to the job queue. cmd specifies the command to be executed. info specifies
the info string displayed in the Job Dialog. tmpdir specifies the temporary job directory. If this
argument is omitted a temporary job directory is created by Avizo itself. In any case, the directory
will be automatically deleted when the job is removed from the job queue. Example: job submit
"clock.exe" "Test job"

job run
Starts the first job in job queue pending for execution. When a job is finished, execution of the next
job in the queue starts automatically, thus all jobs in the queue will be executed consecutively by
job run.

10.1.16 Preferences Dialog

The Preferences Dialog allows you to adjust certain global settings of Avizo. The preferences are
stored in a permanent fashion on a per-user basis. The dialog contains a tab bar with several tabs.
The first tab, General, is dedicated to general preferences like Project View customization and saving
options, web news activation/deactivation, the number of recent files or projects displayed, etc.
The second tab, Layout, affects the layout of the user interface.
The third, On Exit, controls what conditions Avizo checks in the projects when it exits.
The Molecules tab allows you to specify options for handling molecular data.
The LDA tab allows you to specify options for out-of-core data.
The Segmentation tab allows you to specify options for the Segmentation Editor.
In the Rendering tab you can set the rendering options.
You can specify the number of CPU threads for compute modules in the Performance tab.
The automatic computation of calibration can be activated from the Range Calibration tab. Note that
this last tab will be only available if you have a Avizo Fire Edition license except if you launch Avizo
in its Avizo Standard Edition.
In the Units tab, you can view the options related to units management and customize the way you will
use units in Avizo. The General Tab

Project modules and data objects

2-pass firing algorithm
If set, a slightly more complex firing algorithm is used which ensures that down-stream modules

Interface Components 167

connected to an up-stream object via multiple paths are only fired once if the up-stream object changes.
The default is on.
Auto-select new objects
If set, a new object selected from the popup menu of its parent object is shown automatically in the
Properties Area. The default is on.
Deselect previously selected objects
This option can only be set if auto-selection is turned on. If set, all objects are deselected before
selecting the new object. Otherwise the new object will be appended at the end of the Properties Area.
The default is on.
Draw viewer toggles on icons
If set, small viewer mask toggles are drawn on the icons of data objects and display modules. This
allows you to show or hide a module in a viewer without selecting it first. The default is on.
Draw compute indicator
If set, a small red rectangle is drawn inside the icon of a module to indicate that the module is currently
working. The default is on.
Save Project
Include unused data objects
If set, all data objects including hidden colormaps are stored in project scripts. When executing such
a script all existing objects are removed first. If not set only visible data objects and objects which are
referenced by others are stored in a project script. When executing the script hidden data objects are
not removed. The default is off.
Include window sizes and positions
If set, window sizes and positions are stored in project scripts. Be careful using this option if you want
to send your script to a machine with a different screen resolution. The default is off.
Overwrite existing files in auto-save
If set, no overwrite check is performed for data objects which need to be saved automatically in order
to create a project script. Otherwise a unique file name will be chosen. Details about the auto-save
feature are described in Section The default is on.
Web News
Do not show news
Web News will not be displayed at Avizo start-up if checked. The default is off.
Preferences and Settings
The first button allows you to restore default preferences and/or default layout and/or to clear the recent
documents lists. The second and third buttons allow you to load or save predefined sets of preferences.
Maximum number of recent documents
Set here the number of available recent files and projects.

168 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up The Layout Tab

These items allow you to configure the layout of the Avizo windows.
Save window layout on exit
The window layout is saved when Avizo is closed. The default is on.
Show viewer in top-level window
The main Viewer window will be displayed in a top-level window. This gives you additional flexibility
in managing the ”real-estate” of your graphics display. For example, on a dual-head display it can
be interesting to display the Viewer window on one display and the rest of the Avizo interface on the
other. The default is off.
Show ”DoIt” buttons
Some modules have a button, usually labeled ”DoIt”, to initiate the action of the module. By con-
venience, these ports are not displayed in the Properties Area. This last provides green Apply button
which is used to initiate the action of all selected objects. If this box is checked, the ”DoIt” button will
be displayed in the Properties Area. The green Apply button will still be available for use as well.
Show projection buttons
This option gives you the possibility to view or not the projection buttons displayed in the module
header in the Properties Area. The default is off.
Tools buttons style
This options allows you to change the way tools buttons are displayed in the Standard Toolbar. There
are 5 different choices:

• Tool button icon only: only the tool button icon is displayed
• Tool button text only: only the tool button text is displayed
• Tool button text beside icon: the tool button text is displayed beside its icon
• Tool button text under icon: the tool button text is displayed under its icon
• Tool button follow style: the tool button is styled according to the style of your platform

The default tools buttons style is Tool button text under icon for Mac and Tool button text beside icon
for other platforms.
Finally, you have the choice to Restore current layout, and Save current layout.
Viewer gadgets
There are two viewer gadgets, a camera trackball and a compass.
The camera trackball, used for constrained rotation of the camera about the screen-aligned X, Y, or Z
axes, is described in Section 10.1.11.
The 3D compass indicates the direction from which the camera is viewing the scene. See Section
10.1.11 for more details on the compass.

Interface Components 169

Click on the tab of the gadget whose attributes you wish to control, then set its attributes as described
Show the camera trackball / Show the compass
This toggle controls the visibility of the trackball/compass. The default is off.
Auto-hide the camera trackball / Auto-hide the compass
When this box is checked, the trackball/compass is only displayed while the mouse is within the
trackball/compass display area. It is hidden as soon as the mouse moves outside the trackball/compass
display area. The default is on for the trackball and off for the compass. This item is not active if the
Show the trackball/compass item is off.
Camera trackball position / Compass position
This menu allows you to specify which corner of the viewer window to display the trackball/compass
in. The default is Lower right for the trackball, and Lower left for the compass. This item is not active
if the Show the trackball/compass item is off.
Project View
These preferences allow you to customize some options linked to the Project View.
Group by display/compute/data in tree view
This option allows the user to change the way objects are organised in the Tree View. By default,
objects are organized according to their dependencies/connections to other objects. For example, a
Bounding Box module will be displayed under the data object it is connected to. By checking this
option, objects will be organized by type. With the previous example, the Bounding Box module will
be displayed under the Display category.
Show connection ports in the Properties Area
If you check this box, an object’s/module’s connection ports are shown at the top of its control panel
in the Properties Area. Changes to the connections made in the Project View are reflected in the
connection ports in the Properties Area, and vice versa. If the current Project View is the Tree View,
this box is always checked. The reason for that is because in Tree View using the connection ports in
the Properties Area is the only convenient way to manage the connections between data objects and
Show port interconnection in Project Graph View
When checked, the interconnection between objects and ports will be displayed as white lines con-
necting objects in the Graph View. The default is off.
Show colormaps connected to objects
When checked, Colormap objects will be automatically shown in the Graph View when objects are
connected to these lasts. By default, Colormap objects are always hidden in Graph View. The default
is off.
Show histogram in background
When checked, the data’s histogram is displayed in the colormap editor’s background and in the back-
ground of some ports (if Avizo isn’t launched in Standard edition). The default is off.

170 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up The On Exit Tab

These options allow you to control what conditions are checked for in the projects when Avizo exits. The Molecules Tab

Color Schemes
These check boxes allow you to chose alternate color schemes: CPK for atoms, and RasMol for amino
Selection Info
These items control how much information is printed into the console when parts of a molecule are
selected. Activate Molecule name if the name of the molecule should be printed. Activate Group name
if the name of the selected group should be printed. If you activate Group attributes, all attributes of
the selected group are printed. If Explicit attributes is activated, the printed attributes are restricted to
those explicitly named in the corresponding text field.
Atom Expressions
ID case sensitive
Specifies if atom identifiers are case sensitive or not. The LDA Tab

Out-of-core threshold
Specifies the size above which data sets will be treated as out-of-core data.
Specifies the type of data compression. It enables to generate smaller lda files, however it could be a
little bit slower at the loading stage because of the decompression process.
Specifies the algorithm of data sampling. Available options are :

• Sharp to use decimation algorithm (one voxel out of two).

• Average to use weighted average algorithm : voxels of tile of resolution N+1 are built from the
average of the 6 neighbors from resolution N and the current voxel value weighted by n.

Tile Size
Sets the size of the tiles to be compressed.
Rendering Quality
Main Memory Amount
Sets the maximum allowed main memory in MB (megabytes) for all the out-of-core and in memory

Interface Components 171

data sets. Increasing this value enables the use of higher resolutions when loading very large files.
Video Memory Amount
Sets the maximum allowed texture memory in MB (megabytes) for all the out-of-core and in memory
data sets. Increasing this value allows visualization at higher resolutions for very large files.
Loading Priority
Specifies whether Avizo should load slices before volumes when running out of memory (Tcl
command thePrefDialog setLDAGeometryPriority and thePrefDialog enableLDAGeometryPriority).
Move the slider on the left to increase the resolution of the slices (it will decrease the volume render-
ing resolution) and move the the slider on the right to increase the resolution of the volume rendering
(it will decrease the slice rendering resolution)).
Viewpoint Refinement
If set, refinement depends on the viewpoint.
View Culling
If set, refinement takes place only in the view frustum. Note that View Culling setting is ignored with
XScreen immersive configurations because of incompatibilities.
Move Low Resolution
If set, ortho slices and slices are computed in half resolution when moving.
Loading policy
Sets loading behavior. If No Interaction is selected, the asynchronous loading thread will only load
when the user does not interact with the scene. If Always is selected, loading occurs as long as there is
something to load. If Never is selected, no loading occurs. The default is No Interaction. The Segmentation Tab

3D Draw Style
This option lets you choose the material draw style used in the 3D viewer.
Selection Draw Style
This option lets you choose the draw style used to highlight the voxels selection.
Labels Draw Style
This option lets you choose the default draw style used to render a material in the material list. Note
that you can also individually change the draw style for a particular material in the Segmentation
See the Segmentation Editor documentation for more details. The Rendering Tab


172 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

Use high precision framebuffer
This option enables high quality frame buffers, yielding better volume rendering quality with highly
transparent colormaps.
This is useful in the case of multiple overlapped volumes (or if volume raycasting is explicitly dis-
abled). If volumes do not overlap, or if there is only one volume displayed at a time, there is no benefit
to enable this mode. But this is incompatible with some other rendering features, such as antialiasing
or shadowing, so it is disabled by default.
Simplified rendering during interaction
This option activates a set of rendering techniques to speed the interactions. This options has some
effect only with a small set of display modules (e.g. Isosurface).
If enabled, shadows will be generated. You can select also the default behaviour, the intensity and
the quality of the shadows. If this option is enabled, some visualization modules show the ”Shadow”
button, through which you can directly specify the object behaviour.
Legacy Surface Rendering
By default, Avizo uses features giving the best performance on modern graphics cards. Disabling this
option allows the user to fall back on the old rendering mode if rendering problem appears in the
default mode.
The two options can be used to optimize the rendering performance of surface objects in legacy mode
according to your system requirements. The Performance Tab

Here you can decide to specify the maximum number of threads for compute modules or to let Avizo
automatically choose the number of threads. The Range Calibration Tab

Note that this tab will be only available if you have an Avizo Fire Edition license. Even with an Avizo
Fire Edition license, it will be unavailable if you launch Avizo in its Avizo Standard Edition.
Calibration at load
When enabled, automatic computation of calibration on data loaded and generated by Avizo is acti-
vated. Then you can choose to impose the number of regions that must be found or to let the calibration
algorithm detect it automatically.
See the Range Calibration Editor documentation for more details.

Interface Components 173 The Units Tab

Units Management
Select None to deactivate the units management or Spatial information to activate it and use coordinates
and angle units information.
Show units dialog when loading data
This checkbox activates the units editor dialog when loading spatial data objects.
Automatically determine working units
When this checkbox is set Avizo automatically determines the working coordinates unit.
Lock display units on working units
Setting this checkbox ensures that the units displayed in the interface components are the same as the
ones used internally by Avizo.
Tcl commands
Use the Working units and Display units radio buttons to configure Tcl commands to interpret values
in working or in display units.
See the description of available options linked with units management, the Units chapter and the Units
Editor documentation for more details.

10.1.17 Snapshot Dialog

The Snapshot Dialog provides the user interface of the viewer’s snapshot facility. You get the dialog
by clicking on the camera icon in the Viewer window toolbar.

• Output: Specifies the output device. With to file the grabbed image is saved to a file, with to
printer the image is sent directly to the printer, and with to clipboard it is sent to the clipboard.
In the to printer mode you first must select and configure a printer by pressing the Configure
printer button. In addition, you may enter an arbitrary text string which is printed as an
annotation text below the snapshot image.

• Offscreen: Lets you grab images larger than the actual screen size. When this option is
checked, the output dimensions can be specified in the width and height text fields up to a
maximum of 2048 x 2048 pixels.

• Render tiles: Use this option to render snapshots of virtually unlimited resolution (e.g. for
high quality printouts). In this mode the scene is divided into n x m tiles where n and m can be
entered into the adjacent text fields. Then the camera position is set such that each tile fills the
current viewer and a snapshot is taken. Finally the tiles are internally merged to a single image
and sent to the device specified in the Output port.

174 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

Figure 10.14: The Snapshot Dialog allows you to save or print the contents of a Viewer window.

• Filename: Lets you specify the filename if the to file option is set. The Browse button allows
you to browse to a desired location within the filesystem.

• Format: The format option lets you select the file format to be produced for file output.
The following formats are supported: TIFF (.tif,.tiff), SGI (.rgb,.sgi,.bw), JPG
(.jpg,.jpeg), PPM (.pgm,.ppm), BMP (.bmp), PNG (.png), DCM (.dcm), Encapsu-
lated PostScript (.eps), JPEG2000 (.jp2) and PDF (.pdf). In addition, this port offers three
radio buttons to choose between grayscale, rgb, and rgb alpha type of raster images. If rgb al-
pha option is set, images are produced such that the viewer background is assigned to the alpha
channel. This option is not available for file formats that do not support an alpha channel.

Interface Components 175

snapshot [options] [filename] [filename2 (for stereo mode only)]

• -stereo
If this option is used, the stereo mode image is created. In this case filename2 file can be used
to specify where the second image of the stereo image is stored.
• -alpha
If this option is used, the snapshot image is created with a transparent background.
• -tiled nx ny
If this option is used tiled rendering is used with nx number of tiles in the horizontal direction,
and ny number of tiles in the vertical direction.
• -offscreen [witdh height]
If this option is used offscreen rendering is used where width and height are width and height
of rendered image.

10.1.18 System Information Dialog

The system information dialog provides diagnostics information allowing the user or the Avizo support
team to better analyze software problems. The dialog contains a tab bar with two pages. The first page
lists information about the current CPU. The second page lists information about the current OpenGL
graphics driver.
In the lower left part of the dialog you will find a button Save Report. With this button all information
can be written into a text file. In case of a support call, you may be asked to send this text file to the
hotline. The CPU Tab

This page displays information about the system on which you are running Avizo. This information
can be useful when reporting problems to technical support. The OpenGL Tab

This page displays information about the current OpenGL graphics driver. In particular, a list of
available OpenGL extensions is printed. This list allows it to check if certain rendering techniques like
direct volume rendering via 3D textures are supported on a particular hardware platform or not.

10.1.19 Object Popup

This popup menu lets you attach modules to a specific object. This popup menu contains:

176 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

• An explorer used to browse the different categories of modules and data objects.
• A preview panel displaying information about the selected module or data object.
• A search field used to search an item within the categories tree.
• An options button used to perform specific actions on the object (rename, remove...).
• A save button (only on data objects) used to save (or save as) the data object.

Figure 10.15: The popup menu on motor.am.

To create an object like a Bounding Box, select the Annotate category and, then, double-click (or press
[Enter]) on the Bounding Box item.
For a quicker access, it is also possible to use the search field and start to enter the ”Bounding Box”
string. A search will be done on the categories tree to find the modules and data objects which name
begin with the entered string and the search results are automatically displayed within a completion
popup. You can instantiate the requested object by clicking on the associated completion result. Explorer

This component is used to browse the categories of modules which can be attached to the object. The
categories tree is represented using cascading panels allowing you to navigate through the categories,
visualizing the modules hierarchy.

Interface Components 177

Figure 10.16: The categories explorer on an image.

Once a category is selected (items with a folder icon), the next panel is automatically updated with
the category contents (note that a horizontal scrollbar can be displayed when the sub-categories level
exceeds three). Specific categories are listed before the other:

• Favorites: lists the modules which have been set as favorites (using the star button within the
preview panel). This category contains default favorites modules at the first start of Avizo.
• Recents: lists the modules which have recently been created on the object. By default, this
category is empty but its contents are saved from one Avizo execution to another, allowing you
to retrieve the modules created during the last session.
• Editors: lists the editors which can be attached on the object. Note that this category is not
displayed when no editor is available.
• Templates: lists the template modules which can be attached on the object. Note that this cate-
gory is not displayed when no template module is available.

Once an object item is selected, the preview panel is displayed on the right, displaying information
about the selected object. To create the selected object, double-click (or press [Enter]) on the item,
or click on the button within the preview panel. Preview Panel

This component is displayed when an object item is selected within the categories explorer. It provides
information about the selected object such as a short description, the object’s type and its former

178 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

Figure 10.17: The preview panel for Bounding Box module.

Thanks to the preview panel, it is possible to:

• Create the object by clicking on the button.

• Display the entire object’s documentation within the AvizoHelp dialog by clicking on the
• Set/unset the object as favorite by clicking on the star button. Search Field

This component is used to search a specific object without navigating through the categories explorer.
When entering a search string, the objects which name contains the entered string will be displayed
within a completion popup, allowing you to quickly create an object. Note that, when the search
string exceeds 3 characters, an item is displayed at the end of the list of completion results to search
the entered string within the Avizo documentation (the results will be displayed within the AvizoHelp

Interface Components 179

Figure 10.18: The completion results for the ”comp” string on motor.am.

Once the completion popup is displayed, you can create the requested object by double-clicking on it
or pressing [Enter] after selecting it.
By default, the search is performed on:

• The name of the objects.

• The former name(s) of the objects.
• The name of the categories within the explorer.
• The name of the editors.

It is possible to filter the completion results by selecting the search filters via a menu displayed when
clicking on the search field arrow button.

180 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

Figure 10.19: The search filters menu. Options Button

When clicking on the object’s icon, a menu is shown providing different actions on the object:

• Hide Object: to hide the object from the Project View (only in Graph View mode).
• Remove Object: to delete the object.
• Duplicate Object: to create a copy of an object and add it to the Project View.
• Rename Object...: to rename the object (will pop up a renaming dialog).

Interface Components 181

Figure 10.20: The Options button menu. Save Button

When clicking on the save button arrow icon, a menu is shown to save (or save as) the data object.

Figure 10.21: The Save button menu.

182 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

10.1.20 Create Object Popup

The Create Object popup menu lets you create modules or data objects that cannot be accessed via the
popup menu of any other object. The Create Object popup menu contains:

• An explorer used to browse the different categories of modules and data objects.
• A preview panel displaying information about the selected module or data object.
• A search field used to search an item within the categories tree.

Figure 10.22: The Create Object popup menu.

This popup menu looks and works like the popup menu of objects within the Project View. For more
details about the popup menu components, please refer to the Object Popup documentation.
To create an object like a Caption, select the Annotations category and, then, double-click (or press
[Enter]) on the Caption item.
For a quicker access, it is also possible to use the search field and start to enter the ”Caption” string.
A search will be done on the categories tree to find the modules and data objects which name contains
the entered string and the search results are automatically displayed within a completion popup. You
can instantiate the requested object by clicking on the associated completion result.
The icon of a newly created object usually will not be connected to any other object in the Project
View. In order to establish connections later on, use the popup menu over the small white square on
the left side of the object’s icon.
You can also put in links to scripts in the Create Object popup menu. Details are defined in Section
11.5 (Configuring popup menus).

Interface Components 183

10.2 Data Types and General Concepts
This section contains some general comments on how data objects are organized, classified and man-
aged in Avizo. In particular, the following topics are discussed:

• Avizo Class Structure

• Scalar and Vector Fields
• Coordinates and Grids
• Surface Data
• Vertex Set
• Transformations
• Data parameters
• Shadowing

10.2.1 Class Structure

In this section we discuss the object-oriented design of Avizo in a little more detail. You already know
that data objects, e.g., gray level image data or vector field sets, appear as separate icons in the Project
View. You also know that there are certain display modules which can be used to visualize the data
objects. While some modules can be connected to many different data objects, e.g., the Bounding
Box module, others cannot, e.g., the Ortho Slice module. The latter can only be connected to voxel
data or to scalar distributions on voxel grids. The reason is that internally both are represented as a
scalar field with uniform Cartesian coordinates. Consequently, the same visualization methods can be
applied to both. On the other hand, for example a volumetric tetrahedral grid model of the object of
interest usually looks completely different. But since it is also a 3D data object, the same Bounding
Box module can be connected to it.
In summary, there are Avizo data objects that might be conceived of different type, but with respect
to mathematical structure, applicability of viewing and other processing modules, as well as program-
ming interface design have many common properties. Obeying principles of object-oriented design,
the data types of Avizo are organized in class hierarchies where common properties are attributed to
’higher up’ classes and inherited to ’derived’ classes, as sub-classes of a class are commonly referred
to. Conceptually each object occurring in Avizo is an instance of a class and each of its predecessors
in the hierarchy that the class belongs to. The classes and their hierarchies are defined within Avizo.
As the user you normally deal with instances of classes only. For instance, there is a class called
”HxObject” with sub-classes ”HxData” and ”HxModule”. ”HxData” comprises the types of data as-
sociated with data objects used for modeling the objects of interest, e.g., volumetric tetrahedral grids
or surfaces. ”HxModule” comprises data types that have been assigned to display and other process-
ing modules, again in accordance with principles of object-oriented design. This is why Avizo’s data
objects and processing modules are commonly referred to as ”objects”.
There are also classes in Avizo that are not derived from ”HxObject” and constitute other data types,

184 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

and there are several independent class hierarchies. e.g., there is a class called ”HxPort” from which
all classes supporting the operation and display of interface control elements are derived (see section
Properties Area and the List of Ports in the index section of the User’s Guide).
A single class hierarchy is usually figured as an upside-down tree, i.e. with the root at the top. Thus
the data class tree is the one to which the information as to which processing module is applicable
to which data object is hooked. Its classes reflect the mathematical structure of the object models
supported by Avizo. For example, scalar fields and vector fields are such structures and derived from
a common ”field” class which represents a mapping R3 → Rn . Deriving a sub-class from this base
class requires a value to be specified for n.
At the same time fields defined on Cartesian grids are distinguished from fields defined on tetrahedral
grids, i.e., this distinction is part of the classification scheme that gives rise to branches in the data
class subtree. In the next section of this chapter you will learn more about the data class hierarchy. In
the second section we discuss how some data types frequently used for various visualization tasks fit
into it.
Internally, all class names begin with a prefix Hx. However, you don’t have to remember these names
unless you want to use the command shell to create objects. For example, a bounding box is usually
created by choosing the Bounding Box item from the pop-up menu of a data object that is to be visual-
ized, but you may also create it by typing create HxBoundingBox in the command window.

10.2.2 Scalar Field and Vector Fields

The most important fields in Avizo are three-dimensional ones. These fields are defined on a certain
domain ⊆ R3 . A field can be evaluated at any point inside its domain. If the field is defined on a
discrete grid, this usually involves some kind of interpolation. Scalar Fields

A 3D scalar field is a mapping R3 → R. The base class of all 3D scalar fields in Avizo is HxS-
calarField3. Various sub-classes represent different ways of defining a scalar field. There are a num-
ber of visualization methods for them, for example pseudo-coloring on cutting planes, iso-surfacing,
or volume rendering. However, many visualization modules in Avizo rely on a special field represen-
tation. Therefore, they can only operate on sub-classes of a general scalar field. Whenever a given
geometry is to be pseudo-colored, any kind of scalar field can be used (cf. Color Wash, Tetra Grid
View, Isosurface).
The class HxTetraScalarField3 represents a field which is defined on a tetrahedral grid. On each grid
vertex a scalar value, e.g., a temperature, is defined. Values associated to points inside a tetrahedron
are obtained from the four vertex values by linear interpolation. This class does not provide a copy of
the grid itself, instead a reference to the grid is provided. This is indicated in the Project View by a line
which connects the grid icon and the field icon. As a consequence, a field defined on a tetrahedral grid
cannot be loaded into the system if the grid itself is not already present.

Data Types and General Concepts 185

The class HxRegScalarField3 represents a field which is defined on a regular Cartesian grid. Such a
grid is organized as a three-dimensional array of nodes. In the most simple case these nodes are axis-
aligned and have equal spacings. The coordinates of such a uniform grid can be obtained from a simple
bounding box containing the origin vector and increments for all directions. Stacked coordinates are
another example. Here the spacing in z-direction between subsequent slices may be different. In any
case scalar values inside a hexahedral grid cell are obtained from the eight vertex values using trilinear
interpolation. While the Ortho Slice module can only be used to visualize scalar fields with uniform
or stacked coordinates, other modules like Slice or Isosurface work for all scalar fields with regular
Yet another example of a scalar field is the class HxAnnaScalarField3. It represents an analytically
defined scalar field. To create such a field, select Images And Fields / Analytic Scalar Field from
the Project >Create Object... menu of Avizo’s main window. You have to specify a mathematical
expression which is used to evaluate the field at each requested position. Up to three other fields can
be connected to the object. These can be combined to a new scalar field, even if they are defined on
different grids. Vector Fields

As for scalar fields Avizo provides a number of vector field classes, these are derived from the base
classes HxVectorField3 and HxComplexVectorField3. While ordinary vector fields return a three-
component vector at each position, complex vector fields return a six-component vector. Complex
vector fields are used for encoding stationary electromagnetic wave pattern as required by some appli-
cations. Usually complex vector fields are visualized by projecting them into the space of reals using
different phase offsets. The Vectors Slice module even allows you to animate the phase offset. In this
way a nice impression of the oscillating wave pattern is obtained.

10.2.3 Coordinates and Grids

Avizo, in its Avizo Standard Edition, currently supports two important grid types, namely grids with
hexahedral structure (regular grids), and unstructured tetrahedral grids. In Avizo Wind Edition, un-
structured mixed grids are supported. For more information about unstructured grids in Avizo Wind
Edition, please refer to the Chapter 14 Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide or to the Unstructured Model
documentation. Other types of grids like block-structured grids will be added in future releases of
Avizo. Regular Grids

A regular grid consists of a three-dimensional array of nodes. Each node may be addressed by an index
triple (i,j,k). Regular grids are further distinguished according to the kind of coordinates being used.
The most simple case comprises uniform coordinates, where all cells are assumed to be rectangular and
axis-aligned. Moreover, the grid spacing is constant along each axis. A grid with stacked coordinates
may be imagined as a stack of uniform 2D slices. However, the distance between neighboring slices

186 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

in z-direction may vary. In case of rectilinear coordinates the cells are still aligned to the axes, but the
grid spacing may vary from cell to cell. Finally, in case of curvilinear coordinates each node of the grid
may have arbitrary coordinates. Grids with curvilinear coordinates are often used in fluid dynamics
because they have a simple structure but still allow for accurate modeling of complex shapes like rotor
blades or airfoils. Tetrahedral Grids

The Tetra Grid class represents a volumetric grid composed of many tetrahedrons. Such grids can
generally be used to perform finite-element simulations, e.g., E-field simulations.
A considerable amount of information is maintained in a Tetra Grid. For each vertex a 3D coordinate
vector is stored. For each tetrahedron the indices of its four vertices are stored as well as a number
indicating the segment the tetrahedron belongs to as obtained by a segmentation procedure. Beside
this fundamental information a number of additional variables are stored in order for the grid being
displayed quickly. In particular all triangles or faces are stored separately together with six face indices
for each tetrahedron. In addition for each face pointers to the two tetrahedrons it belongs to are stored.
This way the neighborhood information can be obtained efficiently.
When simulating E-fields using the finite-element method, the edges of a grid need to be stored explic-
itly, because vector or Whitney elements are used. These elements and its corresponding coefficients
are defined on a per-edge basis. When a grid is selected information on the number of its vertices,
edges, faces, and tetrahedrons is displayed.

10.2.4 Surface Data

Avizo provides a special-purpose data class for representing triangular surfaces, called Surface. This
class is documented in more detail in the index section of the user’s guide. For the moment, we only
mention that the class maintains connectivity information and that it may represent manifold as well
as non-manifold topologies.
The surface class provides a rich set of Tcl commands. It is a good example of an Avizo data class that
does not simply store information, but allows the user to query and manipulate the data by means of
special-purpose methods and interfaces.

10.2.5 Vertex Set

Another example of data abstraction and inheritance is the Vertex Set class. Many data objects in
Avizo are derived from this class, e.g., landmark sets, molecules, surfaces, or tetrahedral grids. All
these objects provide a list of points with x-, y-, and z-coordinates. Other modules which require a list
of points as input only need to access the Vertex Set base class, but don’t need to know the actual type
of the data object.
One such example of a generic module operating on Vertex Set objects is the Vertex View module.
This module allows you to visualize vertex positions by drawing dots or little spheres at each point.

Data Types and General Concepts 187

10.2.6 Transformations
Data objects in Avizo can be modified using an arbitrary affine transformation. For example, this
makes it possible to align two different data objects so that they roughly match each other. Internally,
affine transformations are represented by a 4x4 transformation matrix. In particular, a uniform scalar
field remains a uniform scalar field, even if it is rotated or sheared. Display modules like Ortho Slice
still can exploit the simple structure of the uniform field. The possible transformation is automatically
applied to any geometry shown in the 3D viewer.
In order to interactively manipulate the transformation matrix use the Transform Editor (documentation
is contained in the index section of the user’s guide).
Be careful when saving transformed data sets! Most file formats do not allow to store affine transfor-
mations. In this case you have to apply the current transformation to the data. This can be done using
the applyTransform Tcl command. In case of vertex set objects the transformation is applied to all
vertices. Old coordinates are replaced by new ones, and the transformation matrix is reset to identity
afterwards. After a transformation has been applied to a data set, it cannot easily be unset.
If a transformation is applied to uniform fields, e.g., to 3D image data, the coordinate structure is
not changed, i.e., the field remains a uniform one. Instead, the data values are resampled, i.e., the
transformed field is evaluated at every vertex of the final regular grid. The bounding box of the resulting
grid is modified so that it completely encloses the transformed original box.

10.2.7 Data parameters

For any data object an arbitrary number of additional parameters or attributes may be defined. Data
parameters can be interactively added, deleted, or edited using the Data Parameter Editor. Parameters
are useful for example to store certain parameters of a simulation or of an experiment. In this way the
history of a data object can be followed.
There are certain parameters which are interpreted by several Avizo modules. The meaning of these
parameters is summarized in the following list:

• Colormap name
This specifies the name of the default colormap used to visualize the data. Some modules auto-
matically search the Project View for this colormap and for example use it for pseudocoloring.

• DataWindow minVal maxVal

This indicates the preferred data range used for visualizing the data. The Ortho Slice module
automatically maps values below minVal to black and values above maxVal to white.

• LoadCmd cmd
This parameter is usually set by import filters when a data object is read. It is used when saving
the current project into a file and it allows the object to be restored automatically. Internal use

188 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

Note that there are many file formats which do not allow to store parameters. Therefore, information
might get lost when you save the data set in such a format. If in doubt, use the Avizo specific Avizo

10.2.8 Shadowing
Real time shadow casting is enabled through the Rendering tab of the Preferences Dialog (accessible
via the Preferences button in the Standard Toolbar or the Edit > Preferences menu entry).
Once enabled, most of display modules can cast or receive shadows.
Different modes are available, and switching from one to another is possible by clicking on the shadow
icon of a display module

No Shadows: the displayed shape neither cast or receive shadows

Cast Shadows: the displayed shape only cast shadows

Receive shadows: the displayed shape only receive shadows

Cast & Receive shadows: the displayed shape both cast and receive shadows

At least the Multi-Texture and Texture Environment Combine OpenGL extensions
R must be supported
by your graphics board. Otherwise no shadows will be computed. These extensions are now standard
in OpenGL 1.3R and later.
The Shadow and Depth Texture OpenGL extensions
R (standard in OpenGL 1.4)
R are used if they are
available and generally improve performance.
Some aliasing artifacts can appear if you zoom in very close to the scene. You can then increase the
quality in the Preferences Dialog.
Transparent objects are treated as follows, depending on the transparency type:

• Screen door: fully compatible

• Add, Blend: transparent objects cast a shadow and are shadowed but the shadow intensity doesn’t

Data Types and General Concepts 189

depend on the transparency value (the same shadow is displayed for full transparent shapes and
opaque shapes).
• All other modes: incompatible with shadowing.

Shadowing may impact performance and is only fully supported by some display modules/modes
(such as Volume Rendering). Setting the environment variable AVIZO FORCE SHADOW MAP, en-
ables to activate a less restrictive shadowing mode (i.e. more modules supports it but not the Volume

10.3 Avizo Start-Up

This section describes some options available for Avizo start-up:

• Command Line Options

• Environment Variables
• Avizo start-up script

10.3.1 Command Line Options

This section describes the command line options understood by Avizo. In general, on Unix systems
Avizo is started via the start script located in the subdirectory bin. Usually, this script will be
linked to /usr/local/bin/Avizo or something similar. Alternatively, the user may define an
alias Avizo pointing to bin/start.
On Windows systems Avizo is usually started via the start menu or via a desktop
icon. Nevertheless, the Avizo executable may also be invoked directly by calling
bin/arch-Win64VC9-Optimize/Avizomain.exe. In this case, the same command line op-
tions as on a Unix system are understood.
The syntax of Avizo is as follows:
Avizo [options] [files ...]
Data files specified in the command line will be loaded automatically. In addition to data files, script
files can also be specified. These scripts will be executed when the program starts.
The following options are supported:

• -help
Prints a short summary of command line options.
• -version
Prints the version string of Avizo.
• -no stencils
Tells Avizo not to ask for a stencil buffer in its 3D graphics windows. This option can be set to

190 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

exploit hardware acceleration on some low-end PC graphics boards.
• -no overlays
Tells Avizo not to use overlay planes in its 3D graphics windows. Use this option if you experi-
ence problems when redirecting Avizo on a remote display.
• -no gui
Starts up Avizo without opening any windows. This option is useful for executing a script in
batch mode.
• -logfile filename
Causes any messages printed in the console window also to be written into the specified log file.
Useful especially in conjunction with the -no gui option.
• -depth number
This option is only supported on Linux systems. It specifies the preferred depth of the depth
buffer. The default on Linux systems is 16 bits.
• -style={windows | motif | cde} This option sets the display style of Avizo’s Qt user
• -debug This options applies to the developer version only. It causes local packages to be
executed in debug version. By default, optimized code will be used.
• -cmd command [-host hostname] [-port port]
Send Tcl command to a running Avizo application. Optionally the host name and the port
number can be specified. You must type app -listen in the console window of Avizo before
commands can be received.
• -clusterdaemon
Start as VR daemon, on a cluster slave node (Avizo XScreen Pack). This may be replaced by a
service. See Section 19.
• -tclcmd command
Executes the Tcl command in the starting application.
• -edition {StandardEdition | FireEdition | WindEdition |
EarthEdition | GreenEdition}
Launches Avizo in a specific edition. Note that the Avizo Fire Edition is available only under

10.3.2 Environment Variables

In order to execute Avizo no special environment settings are required. On Unix systems some envi-
ronment variables like the shared library path or the AVIZO ROOT directory are set automatically by
the Avizo start script. Other environment variables may be set by the user in order to control certain
features. These variables are listed below. On Unix systems environment variables can be set using
the shell commands setenv (csh or tcsh) or export (sh, bash, or ksh). On Windows environment
variables can be defined in the system properties dialog (Microsoft Windows).

Avizo Start-Up 191

A data directory path. This directory will be used as the default directory of the file dialog.
Note that for quick access to several directories, one can use operating system - for instance
by adding directories to the list of Favorites places in the file dialog or by using a directory
containing shortcuts or links to other directories.
Specifies the amount of texture memory in megabytes. If this variable is not set some heuristics
are applied to determine the amount of texture memory available on a system. However, these
heuristics may not always yield a correct value. In such cases the performance of the Volume
Rendering module might be improved using this variable.
On high-end graphics systems, a multi-sample visual is used by default. In this way, efficient
scene anti-aliasing is achieved. If you want to disable this feature, set the environment vari-
able AVIZO MULTISAMPLE to 0. Note that on other systems, especially on PCs, anti-aliasing
cannot be controlled by the application but has to be activated directly in the graphics driver.
By default, Avizo issues warning messages to the console when your Avizo license is about
to expire. This allows you to take timely action so that your use of Avizo is not interrupted
unexpectedly when the license expires. To disable these messages, set this variable to 1.
If this variable is set, Avizo will not use overlay planes in its 3D graphics windows. The same
effect can be obtained by means of the -no overlays command line option. Turn off overlays
if you experience problems with redirecting Avizo on a remote display, or if your X server does
not support overlay visuals.
If this variable is set, Avizo will not display a splash screen while it is initializing.
Specifies the location of the local Avizo directory containing user-defined modules. IO routines
or modules defined in this directory replace the ones defined in the main Avizo directory. This
environment variable overwrites the local Avizo directory set in the development wizard (see
Avizo programmer’s guide for details).
Unix systems only. If this variable is set a small font will be used in all ports being displayed in
the Properties Area even if the screen resolution is 1280x1024 or bigger. By default, the small
font will be used only in case of smaller resolutions.
Unix systems only. Set this variable to 0 if you want to suppress the use of the X shared memory
extension in Avizo’s image segmentation editor.
Spacemouse support is available by default if Avizo finds a connected device (see
http://www.3dconnexion.com). If the driver is installed a message is printed in the console

192 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

window. With the spacemouse you can navigate in the 3D viewer window. Two modes are sup-
ported, a rotate mode and a fly mode. You can switch between the two modes by pressing the
spacemouse buttons 1 or 2. Further configuration options might be available in the Avizo.init
3Dconnexion Spacemouse limitations:

• Spacemouse support is not available on Mac OS X.

• Spacemouse is recognized by Avizo/AvizoClue applications.
• Six degrees of freedom motion is not fully supported yet.
• Spacemouse can only control the first viewer.
• It is not possible to translate the camera or move up and down in rotate mode.
• It is not possible to rotate around the object or move up and down in fly mode.
• By default, button 1 is used to open the ”menu” and it must be reconfigured to ”Button 1”
function. Press this button to set rotate mode.
• By default, button 2 is not set to ”Button 2” function. Press this button to set fly mode.


If this variable is set the 3D viewer will be opened in OpenGL raw stereo mode by default. In
this way some screen flicker can be avoided which otherwise occurs when switching from mono
to stereo mode. Currently the variable is supported on Unix systems only.
This variables specifies in which directory temporary data should be stored. If not set, such data
will be created under /tmp. Among others, this variable is interpreted by Avizo’s job queue.

10.3.3 User-defined start-up script

Avizo may be customized in certain ways by providing a user-defined start-up script. The default start-
up script, called Avizo.init, is located in the subdirectory share/resources/Avizo of the
Avizo installation directory. This script is read each time the program is started. Among other things,
the start-up script is responsible for registering file formats, modules, and editors and for loading the
default colormaps.
If a file called Avizo.init is found in the current working directory, this file is read instead of the
default start-up script. If no such file is found, on Unix systems it is checked if there exists a start-up
script called .Avizo in the user’s home directory. Below an example of a user-defined start-up script
is shown:

# Execute the default start-up script

source $AVIZO ROOT/share/resources/Avizo/Avizo.init 0

# Set up a uniform black background

Avizo Start-Up 193

viewer 0 setBackgroundMode 0
viewer 0 setBackgroundColor black

# Choose non-default font size for the help browser

help setFontSize 12

# Restore camera setting by hitting [F3] key

proc onKeyF3 { } {
viewer setCameraOrientation 1 0 0 3.14159
viewer setCameraPosition 0 0 -2.50585
viewer setCameraFocalDistance 2.50585

In this example, first the system’s default start-up script is executed. This ensures that all Avizo objects
are registered properly. Then some special settings are made. Finally, a hot-key procedure is defined
for the function key [F3]. You can define such a procedure for any other function key as well. In
addition, procedures like onKeyShiftF3 or onKeyCtrlF3 can be defined. These procedures are
executed when a function key is pressed with the [SHIFT] or the [CTRL] modifier key being pressed

10.4 Template Projects

This section describes the usage of Template Projects

10.4.1 Template Projects Description

Template projects can be used to ease repetitive tasks on sets of similar data. A template project is a
copy of an original project that can be re-applied on other data of the same type. How to save a template project

To create a template project choose Save Project As Template from the File menu. An input selection
dialog appears and lists all the possible template inputs (all the current data objects). A template
input stands for a data set that must be supplied when the template is executed. For each selected
template input you can change the label. This label should be general and meaningful since it will be
displayed during template execution. The default label is the original data object name. Note: Unused
data objects are filtered by default, but you can include them in the template project by selecting the
Include unused data option.
If the template contains exactly one input, a dialog will ask if you wish to associate the template with
data of this type. If you click OK, then the template will be available in the right-click menu (Templates
submenu) for all data objects of the same data type.

194 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

Figure 10.23: The template project save dialog.

Figure 10.24: Data Type association is possible if template has only one input.

Finally, a file dialog will appear to name the output file. The file name is also the name of the template,
i.e. the name that will appear in the Templates menu. Built-in template projects are stored in the folder
share/templates, but you may not have sufficient privileges to create new files in that directory.
You can save custom templates in any directory. They will be automatically reloaded on each Avizo
start-up. How to use a template project

Built-in template projects and known custom user template projects are loaded automatically on Avizo
start-up. Loading a template does not mean instantiating the template project. Template projects are
only created on user demand, for example using the Project >Create Object... menu. One exception: if
user loads a template file via the Open Data dialog, the template resource is loaded, and then executed.

Template Projects 195

If the template is associated with a data type you can create an instance using the right-click menu for
a data object of that type. In this case the template will be immediately created using the selected data
For other templates, you can create an instance from the Templates submenu of the Project >Create
Object... menu. The template may also appear in the macro buttons list. If this case, the following
dialog appears on template execution:

Figure 10.25: The template project run dialog.

Each template input is shown with its template input name and a combo box to select the data set to be
used for that input. The candidates listed in each combo box are filtered according to their data type.
You can disable this filter and display all data present in the Project View by unselecting the Check
input type option. If there are no appropriate data objects, the combo box will be empty. You can
always select the ”<load file...>” item to display a file open dialog and choose a data file.
A special treatment for colormaps: by default, color maps that are already in the Project View are
re-used as is. This means, for instance, that objects in the template project may be affected by range
changes. You can also choose not to share color maps with existing objects by selecting the Indepen-
dant color maps option.

196 Chapter 10: Interface Components, General Concepts, Start-Up

Chapter 11


11.1 Introduction
This chapter is intended for advanced Avizo users only. If you do not know what scripting is, it is very
likely that you will not need the features described in this chapter.
Beside the interactive control via the graphical user interface, most of the Avizo functionality can also
be accessed using specific commands. This allows you to automate certain processes and to create
scripts for managing routine tasks or for presenting demos. Avizo’s scripting commands are based
on Tcl, the Tool Command Language. This means you can write command scripts using Tcl with
Avizo-specific extensions.
Avizo commands can be typed into the Avizo console window, as described in Section 10.1.12. Com-
mands typed directly into the console window will be executed immediately. Alternatively, commands
can be written into a text file, which can then be executed as a whole.
This chapter is organized as follows:
Section 11.2 (Introduction to Tcl) gives a short introduction to the Tcl scripting language. This section
is not very Avizo specific.
Section 11.3 (Avizo Script Interface) explains Avizo-specific commands and concepts related to script-
ing. This includes a reference of global commands.
Section 11.4 (Avizo Script Files) explains the different ways of writing and executing script files in-
cluding references to script objects, resource files, and function-key bound Tcl procedures.
Section 11.5 (Configuring Popup Menus) describes how the popup menu of an object can be configured
using script commands, and how new entries causing a script to be executed can be created.
Section 11.6 (Registering pick callbacks) describes how script callbacks can be attached to objects or
viewers and be invoked on user pick events.
Section 11.7 (File readers in Tcl) describes how to register a custom file reader implemented in Tcl.
The section Data Type: Script Module in the User’s Reference Guide describes how to use Tcl scripts
for defining custom modules that have their own graphical user interface and can be used like the
built-in Avizo objects.

11.2 Introduction to Tcl

This chapter gives a brief introduction to the Tcl scripting language. If you are familiar with Tcl you
can skip this section. However, please notice that instead of the puts command, you should use echo
for output to the Avizo console.
This chapter is not intended to cover all details of the language. For a complete documentation or
reference manual of the Tcl language, refer to a text book like Tcl and the Tk Toolkit by John K.
Ousterhout, the creator of Tcl. Like many other books about Tcl, this also covers the Tk GUI toolkit.
Note that Tk is not used in Avizo.
Alternatively you can easily find Tcl documentation and reference manuals on the internet e.g., at
http://www.scriptics.com, or looking up keywords like Tcl tutorial or Tcl documentation
with a search engine.
When you type Tcl commands into the Avizo console, they will be executed as soon as the return key
is pressed. Use the completion and history functions provided by the Avizo console, as described in
Section 10.1.12 (console window).

11.2.1 Tcl Lists, Commands, Comments

First, please note that Tcl is case sensitive: set and Set are not the same.
A Tcl command is a space-separated list of words. The first word represents the command name,
all further words are treated as arguments to that command. As an example, try the Avizo-specific
command echo, which will print all its arguments to the Avizo console. Try typing

echo Hello World

This will output the string Hello World. Note that Tcl commands can be separated by a semi-colon
(;) or a newline character. If you want to execute two successive echo commands, you can do it this

echo Hello World ; echo Hello World2

or like this:

echo Hello World

echo Hello World2

198 Chapter 11: Scripting

Instead of a command, you can also place a comment in Tcl code. A comment starts with a hash
character (#) and is ended by the next line break:

# this is a comment
echo Hello World

11.2.2 Tcl Variables

In Tcl, variables can be used. A variable represents a certain state or value. Using Tcl code, the value
of the placeholder can be queried, defined, and modified. To define a variable use the command

set name value


set i 1
set myVar foobar

Note that in Tcl internally all variables are of string type. Since the set command requires exactly one
argument as the variable value, you have to quote values that contain spaces:

set Output "Hello World"


set Output {Hello World}

In order to substitute the value of a variable with name varname, a $ sign has to be put in front of
that name. The expression $varname will be replaced by the value of the variable. After the above

echo $Output

would print

Hello World

in the console window, and

echo "$i.) $Output"

would yield the output 1.) Hello World. Note that variable substitution is performed for strings quoted
in ", while it is not done for strings enclosed in braces {}. Even newline characters are allowed in a {
} enclosed string. Note however that it is not possible to type in multi-line commands into the Avizo

Introduction to Tcl 199

11.2.3 Tcl Command Substitution
To do mathematical computations in Tcl, you can use the command expr which will evaluate its
arguments and return the value of the expression. Examples are:

expr 5 / ( 7 + 3)
expr $i + 1

In order to use the result of a command like expr for further commands, an important Tcl mechanism
has to be used: command substitution, denoted by brackets []. Any list enclosed in brackets [] will
be executed as a separate command first, and the [...] construct will be replaced with the result of
the command. This is similar to the ‘...‘ construct in Unix command shells. For example, in order to
increase the value of the variable i by one you can use:

set i [expr $i + 1]

Of course, command expressions can be arbitrarily nested. The order of execution is always from the
innermost bracket pair to the outermost one:

echo [expr 5 * [expr 7 + [expr 3+3]]]

11.2.4 Tcl Control Structures

Further important language elements are if-else constructs, for loops and while loops. These
constructs typically are multi-line constructs and therefore can not be typed conveniently into the Avizo
console. If you want to try the examples shown below, write them into a file like C:\test.txt by
using a text editor of your choice, and execute the file by typing

source C:\test.txt

We start with the if-then mechanism. It is used to execute some code conditionally, only if a certain
expression evaluates to ”true” (meaning a value different from 0):

set a 7
set b 8
if {$a < $b} {
echo "$a is smaller than $b"
} elseif {$a == $b} {
echo "$a equals $b"
} else {
echo "$a is greater than $b"

200 Chapter 11: Scripting

The elseif and else parts are optional. Multiple elseif parts can be used, but only a single if
and else part.
Another important construct is the conditional loop. Like the if command, it is based on checking a
conditional expression. In contrast to if, the conditional code is executed multiple times, as long as
the expression evaluates to true:

for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {set i [expr $i*2]} {

echo $i

In fact this code is identical to:

set i 1
while {$i < $100} {
echo $i
set $i [expr $i * 2]

Both loops would produce the output 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.

If you want to execute a loop for all elements of a list, there is another very convenient command for

foreach x {1 2 4 8 16 32 64} {
echo $x

This will generate the same output as the previous example. Note that the expression enclosed in
braces is a space-separated list of words.

11.2.5 User-Defined Tcl Procedures

A new function or procedure is defined in Tcl using the proc command. Proc takes two arguments:
a list of argument names and the Tcl code to be executed. Once a procedure is defined, it can be used
just like any other Tcl command:

proc computeAverageA {a b} {
return [expr ($a+$b)/2.0]
proc computeAverageB {a b c} {
return [expr ($a+$b+$c)/3.0]

Introduction to Tcl 201

echo "average of 2 and 3: [computeAverageA 2 3]"
echo "average of 2,3,4: [computeAverageB 2 3 4]"

As you can see in the example, the argument list defines the names for local variables that can be used
in the body of the procedure (e.g. $a). The return command is used to define the result of the
procedure. This result is the value that is used in the command bracket substitution [].
If you want to define a procedure with a flexible number of arguments, you must use the special
argument name args. If the argument list contains just this word, the newly defined command will
accept an arbitrary number of arguments, and these arguments are passed as a list called args:

proc computeAverage args {

set result 0
foreach x $args {
set result [expr $result + $x]
return [expr $result / [llength $args]]

In this example, the llength command returns the number of elements contained in the args list.
Note that the variable result defined in the procedure has local scope, meaning that it will not be
known outside the body of the procedure. Also, the value of globally defined variables is not known
within a procedure unless that global variable is declared using the keyword global:

set x 3
proc printX {} {
global x
echo "the value of x is $x"

There is much more to be said about procedures, e.g., concerning argument passing, evaluation of
commands in the context outside of the procedure, and so on. Please refer to a Tcl reference book for
these advanced topics.

11.2.6 List and String Manipulation

Finally, at the end of this brief Tcl introduction, we come back to the concept of lists. Basically
everything in Tcl is constructed using lists, so it is very important to know the most important list
manipulation commands as well as to understand some subtle details.
Here is an example of how to take an input list of numbers and construct an output list in which each
element is twice as big as the corresponding element in the input list:

202 Chapter 11: Scripting

set input [list 1 2 3 4 5]
set output [list]
foreach element $input {
lappend output [expr $element * 2]

You can think of lists as simple strings in which the list elements are separated by spaces. This means
that you can achieve the same result as in the previous example without using the list commands:

set input "1 2 3 4 5"

set output ""
foreach element $input {
append output "[expr $element * 2] "

The append command is similar to lappend, but it just adds a string at the end of an existing string. List
manipulation becomes much more involved when you start nesting lists. Nested lists are represented
using nested pairs of braces, e.g.

set input {1 2 {3 4 5 {6 7} 8 } 9}
foreach x $input {
echo $x

The result of this command will be

3 4 5 {6 7} 8

Please note that Tcl will automatically quote strings that are not single words when constructing a list.
Here is an example:

set i [list 1 2 3]
lappend i "4 5 6"
echo $i

will yield the output

1 2 3 {4 5 6}

Introduction to Tcl 203

You can use the lindex command to access a single element of a list. lindex takes two arguments: the
list and the index number of the desired element, starting with 0:

set i [list a b c d e]
echo [lindex $i 2]

will yield the result c.

11.3 Avizo Script Interface

Although the Tcl language is not intrinsically object oriented, the Avizo script interface is. There is
one command for each object in the Avizo Project View. In addition there are several global commands
associated with global objects in Avizo such as the viewer or the Avizomain window.
A command associated with an object in the Project View (e.g., an ”Ortho Slice” module or an ”Iso-
surface” module) only exists while the object exists. These commands are identical to the name of
the object as displayed in the Project View. Typically the script interface of a specific object contains
many different functions. The general syntax for an Avizo object-related command is

<object-name> <command-word> <optional-arguments> ...

For example, if an object called ”Global Axes” exists (choose View/Axis from the Avizo menu) then
you can use commands like

"Global Axes" deselect

"Global Axes" select
"Global Axes" setIconPosition 100 100

Remember to use the completion and history functions provided by the Avizo console, as described in
Section 10.1.12 (console window) to save typing.
If you have already used Avizo you have noticed that the parameters and the behavior of an Avizo
module are controlled via its ports. The ports provide a user interface to change their values when the
module is selected. All ports can also be controlled via the command interface. The general syntax for
that is

<object-name> <port-name> <port-command> <optional-arguments> ...

For example for the ”Global Axes” you can type

"Global Axes" options setValue 1 1

"Global Axes" thickness setValue 1.5
"Global Axes" fire

204 Chapter 11: Scripting

When you type in these commands you will notice that the values in the user interface change immedi-
ately. However the module’s compute method is not called until explicitly firing the module using the
fire command. This allows you to first set values for multiple ports without a recomputation after
each command. However, note that some modules automatically reset some of their ports for example
when a new input object is connected. In such cases you may need to call fire after setting the value
of every single port.
Usually the name of a port is identical to the text label displayed in the graphical user interface, except
that white spaces are removed and command names start with a lower case letter. To find out the names
of all ports of a specific module use the command

<object-name> allPorts

Almost all ports provide a setValue and a getValue command. The number of parameters and
the syntax, of course, depend on the ports.
Commands of the type <object-name> <port-name> setValue ... make up more than
90% of a typical Avizo script. However, besides the port commands, many Avizo objects provide
additional specific commands. The command interface for a particular module is described in the
User’s Reference Guide. You can quickly find the corresponding page by clicking the ? button in the
Properties Area when the module has been selected.
As a quick help, entering an object’s name without further options will display all commands available
for that object. Note that this will also show undocumented, unreleased, and experimental commands.
In order to get more information about a particular module or port command, you can type it into the
console window without any arguments and then press the F1 key. This opens the help browser with a
command description.
Avizo objects are part of a class hierarchy. Similar to the C++ programming interface, also script
commands are inherited by derived classes from its base classes. This means that a particular object
like the axis object will beside its own specific commands also provide all the commands available in
its base classes. Links to the base class commands are given in a module’s documentation.

11.3.1 Predefined Variables

There exist some variables in Avizo Tcl, which are predefined and have a special meaning. These are

• AVIZO ROOT: Avizo installation directory.

• AVIZO LOCAL: Personal Avizo development directory (Avizo XPand Pack only).
• SCRIPTFILE: Tcl script file currently executed.
• SCRIPTDIR: Directory in which currently executed script resides.
• hideNewModules: If set to 1, icons of newly created modules will initially be hidden. Be
careful to set this variable only when strictly necessary and restore it immediately after, in order
to avoid to keep hiding accidentally created modules, for instance in case of script interruption.

Avizo Script Interface 205

11.3.2 Object commands
The basic command interface of Avizo modules and data objects is described in the data type chapter
of the reference part of the user’s guide in the Object section. The basic syntax of object commands is

<object> <command> <arguments> ...

where <object> refers to the name of the object and <command> denotes the command to be
executed. Each module or data object may define its own set of commands in addition to the commands
defined by its base classes. The commands described in the Object section are provided by all modules
and data objects.
In the following section Global commands are described.

11.3.3 Global Commands

This section lists Avizo-specific global Tcl commands. Some of these commands are associated with
certain global objects in Avizo, such as the console window, the main window, or the viewer window.
Other commands are such as load or echo are not. These commands are described in one common
subsection. In summary, the following command sections are provided:

• viewer command options (viewer)

• main window command options (theMain)
• console command options (theMsg)
• common commands for top-level windows
• progress bar command options (workArea)
• application command options (app)
• other global commands Viewer command options

Commands to a viewer can be entered in the console window. The syntax is

viewer [<number>] command,
where <number> specifies the viewer being addressed. The value 0 refers to the main viewer and
may be omitted for convenience.

viewer [<number>] snapshot [-offscreen [<width> <height>]]
[-stereo] [-alpha] [-tiled <nx> <ny>] <filename> [filename2]
This command takes a snapshot of the current scene and saves it under the specific filename.

206 Chapter 11: Scripting

The image format will be automatically determined by the extension of the file name. The list
of available formats includes: TIFF (.tif,.tiff), SGI-RGB (.rgb,.sgi,.bw), JPEG
(.jpg,.jpeg), PNM (.pgm,.ppm), BMP (.bmp), PNG (.png), and Encapsulated PostScript
(.eps). If the viewer number is not given, the snapshot is taken from all viewers, if you have
selected the 2 or 4 viewer layout from the View menu.
If the -offscreen option is specified, offscreen rendering with a maximum size of 2048x2048
is used. In this case the viewer number is required even if viewer 0 is addressed. If the width and
height is not specified explicitly, the size of the image is the current size of the viewer.
Caution: If you have more than one transparent object visible in the viewer and you want to use
offscreen rendering set the transparency mode to Blend Delayed and check to see if all objects are
rendered properly prior to taking a snapshot.
If -stereo option is used, the stereo mode image is created. In this case filename2 file can be
used to specify where the second image of the stereo image is stored.
If -alpha option is used, the snapshot image is created with transparent background.
If -tiled nx ny option is used, tiled rendering is used with nx number of tiles in horizontal
direction, and ny number of tiles in vertical direction.

viewer [<number>] setPosition <x> <y>

(in top-level mode only) Sets the position of the viewer window relative to the upper left corner
of the screen. If more than one viewer is shown in the same window the position of the toplevel
window is set.

viewer [<number>] getPosition

Returns the position of the viewer window. If more than one viewer is shown in the same window
the position of the toplevel window is returned.

viewer [<number>] setSize <width> <height>

(in top-level mode only) Sets the size of the viewer window. Width and height specify the size of the
actual graphics area. The window size might be a little bit larger because of the viewer decoration
and the window frame.
Caution: A warning message is printed in the console when a viewer is not resized with the re-
quested size. When setting a new size to a viewer, it can happen that the new viewer size is not the
requested one. This case can happen when:

• the viewer is in top level and the given size is too small (ex: (10, 10))
• the viewer is not in top level and the main window can’t be resized to a smaller size (Example:
a widget is blocking the main window resize like the unified title and tool bar on Mac or a
dock widget with a minimal width).

viewer [<number>] getSize

Returns the size of the viewer window without decoration and window frame.

Avizo Script Interface 207

viewer [<number>] setCamera <camera-string>
Restores all camera settings. The camera string should be the output of a getCamera command.
viewer [<number>] getCamera
This command returns the current camera settings, i.e., position, orientation, focal distance, type,
and height angle (for perspective cameras) or height (for orthographic cameras). The values are
returned as Avizo commands, which can be executed in order to restore the camera settings. The
complete command string may also be passed to setCamera at once.
viewer [<number>] setCameraPosition <x> <y> <z>
Defines the position of the camera in world coordinates.
viewer [<number>] setCameraPosition <x> <y> <z>
Returns the position of the camera in world coordinates.
viewer [<number>] setCameraOrientation <x> <y> <z> <a>
Defines the orientation of the camera. By default, the camera looks in negative z-direction with the
y-axis pointing upwards. Any other orientation may be specified as a rotation relative to the default
direction. The rotation is specified by a rotation axis x y z followed by a rotation angle a (in radians).
viewer [<number>] getCameraOrientation
Returns the current orientation of the camera in the same format used by
viewer [<number>] setCameraFocalDistance <value>
Defines the camera’s focal distance. The focal distance is used to compute the center around which
the scene is rotated in interactive viewing mode.
viewer [<number>] getCameraFocalDistance
Returns the current focal distance of the camera.
viewer [<number>] setCameraHeightAngle <degrees>
Sets the height angle of a perspective camera in degrees. Making the angle smaller makes the field
of view smaller, effectively ”zooming in”, as with a telephoto lens. Unless you specifically want
to change the camera field of view, it is normally better to move the camera closer to an object
(sometimes called ”dolly in”) to make the object appear larger. The command has no effect if the
current camera is an orthographic one.
viewer [<number>] getCameraHeightAngle
Returns the height angle of a perspective camera.
viewer [<number>] setCameraHeight <height>
Sets the height of the view volume of an orthographic camera. The command has no effect if the
camera is an perspective one.
viewer [<number>] getCameraHeight
Returns the height of an orthographic camera.

208 Chapter 11: Scripting

viewer [<number>] setCameraType <perspective|orthographic>
Sets the camera type.

viewer [<number>] getCameraType

Returns the camera type.

viewer [<number>] setTransparencyType <type>

This command defines the strategy used for rendering transparent objects. The argument type may
be a number between 0 and 8, corresponding to the entries Screen Door, Add, Add Delay, Add
Sorted, Blend, Blend Delay, Blend Sorted, Sorted Layers and Sorted Layers Delayed as described
for the View menu.
Most accurate results are obtained using mode 8. Default is mode 6. In the default mode, some
objects may not be recognized correctly as being transparent. In this case you may switch them
off and on again in order to force them to be rendered last. Also, if lines are to be rendered on a
transparent background problems may occur. In this case, you may use transparency mode 4 and
ensure the correct rendering order manually.

viewer [<number>] getTransparencyType

This command returns the current transparency type as a number in the range 0...6. The meaning of
this number is the same as in setTransparencyType.

viewer [<number>] setSortedLayersNumPasses <value>

Sets the number of rendering passes used when transparency type is Sorted Layers or Sorted Layers
Delayed. Use more passes for more correct transparency. Usually four passes (which is the default
value) gives good results.

viewer [<number>] getSortedLayersNumPasses

Returns the number of rendering passes used when transparency type is Sorted Layers or Sorted
Layers Delayed.

viewer [<number>] setBackgroundColor <r> <g> <b>

This command sets the color of the background to a specific value. The color may be specified
either as a triple of integer RGB values in the range 0...255, as a triple of rational RGB values in the
range 0.0...1.0, or simply as plain text, e.g., white, where the list of allowed color names is defined
in /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt.

viewer [<number>] getBackgroundColor

Returns the primary background color as an RGB triple with values between 0 and 1.

viewer [<number>] setBackgroundColor2 <r> <g> <b>

Sets the secondary background color which is used by non-uniform background modes.

viewer [<number>] getBackgroundColor2

Returns the secondary background color as an RGB triple with values between 0 and 1.

Avizo Script Interface 209

viewer setBackgroundMode <mode>
Allows you to specify different background patterns. If mode is set to 0 a uniform background will
be displayed. Mode 1 denotes a gradient background. Mode 2 causes a checkerboard pattern to be
displayed. This might help to understand the shape of transparent objects. Finally, mode 3 draws
an image previously defined with setBackgroundImage on the background.
viewer getBackgroundMode
Returns the current background mode.
viewer setBackgroundImage <imagefile> [<imagefile2>] [-stereo]
This command allows you to place an arbitrary raster image into the center of the viewer’s back-
ground. The image must not be larger than the viewer window itself. Otherwise it will be clipped.
The format of the image file will be detected automatically by looking at the file name extension.
All formats mention for the snapshot command are supported except of Encapsulated PostScript.
If a second image file is specified, this file will be used as the right eye image in case of active stereo
rendering. If the options -stereo is specified and only one image file is given, it it assumed that
this file contains a left eye view and a right eye view composited side by side. These views then
will be separated automatically.
viewer getBackgroundImage
This command returns the file name of the last background image file defined with
setBackgroundImage. If a pair of stereo images was specified, two file names are returned. If
the option -stereo was used in setBackgroundImage, this option will be returned too.
viewer [<number>] setAutoRedraw <state>
If state is 0, the auto redraw mode is switched off. In this case the image displayed in the viewer
window will not be updated, unless a redraw command is sent. If state is 1, the auto redraw mode
is switched on again. In a script it might be useful to disable the auto redraw mode temporarily.
viewer [<number>] isAutoRedraw
Returns true is auto redraw mode is on.
viewer [<number>] redraw
This command forces the current scene to be redrawn. An explicit redraw is only necessary if the
auto redraw mode has been disabled.
viewer [<number>] rotate <degrees> [x|y|z|m|u|v]
Rotates the camera around an axis. The axis to be taken is specified by the second argument. The
following choices are available:

• x: the x-axis (1,0,0)

• y: the y-axis (0,1,0
• z: the z-axis (0,0,1)
• m: the most vertical axis of x, y, or z

210 Chapter 11: Scripting

• u: the viewer’s up direction
• v: the view direction

The last option does the same as the rotate button of the user interface. In most cases the m option
is most adequate. For backward-compatibility the default is u.
viewer [<number>] setDecoration <state>
viewer [<number>] saveScene [-b] [-r] [-z] <filename>
Saves all of the geometry displayed in a viewer in Open Inventor 3D graphics format. Warning:
Since many Avizo modules use custom Open Inventor nodes, the scene usually can not be displayed
correctly in external programs like ivview. The following options are available:

-b : The Open Inventor file is saved in binary format.

-r : The geometry displayed in a viewer but also additional properties are saved in the Open
Inventor file.
-z : The Open Inventor file is be saved in compressed format (zip compression is used).

viewer [<number>] viewAll

Resets the camera so that the whole scene becomes visible. This method is called automatically for
the first object being displayed in a viewer.
viewer [<number>] show
This command opens the specified viewer and ensures that the viewer window is displayed on top
of all other windows on the screen.
viewer [<number>] hide
This command closes the specified viewer.
viewer [<number>] isVisible
This command indicates if the specified viewer is visible.
viewer [<number>] fogRange <min> <max>
Sets a range of attenuation for the fog affect that can be introduced into a viewer scene by the View
menu. The default range is [0, 1]. Values within this range correspond to distances of scene points
from the camera, such that points nearest to the camera have value zero and those farthest away
have value one. Restricting the range of attenuation means that attenuation will start at points where
the specified minimum is attained and reach its maximum at points where the specified maximum
is attained. Maximum attenuation by fog is equivalent to invisibility, thus all points beyond that
maximum will appear as background.
viewer [<number>] setVideoFormat pal|ntsc
Sets the size of the viewer window according to PAL 601 or NTSC 601 resolution, i.e., 720x576
pixels or 720x486 pixels. The current setting of the decoration is taken into account.

Avizo Script Interface 211

viewer [<number>] setVideoFrame <state>
If state is 1, a frame is displayed in the overlay plane of the viewer. This frame depicts the area
where images recorded to video are safely shown on video players. Sets the viewing state: 0
switches the frame off. Note: Objects displayed in the overlay planes are not saved to file with the
snapshot command (see above).
viewer [<number>] getViewerSpinAnimation
Return 1 if viewer spin animation is turned on, otherwise return 0.
viewer [<number>] setViewerSpinAnimation <state>
If state is 1, a viewer spin animation is turned on. Otherwise, passing 0 as state will turn off viewer
spin animation. Note: State of the viewer spin animation is saved as preference, so it will remains
same upon restartin Avizo.
viewer [<number>] setViewing <state>
Sets the viewing state: 0 switches the viewer to interaction mode, 1 switches it to viewing mode.
viewer [<number>] getViewing
Indicates the viewing state: 0 for interaction mode and 1 for viewing mode.
viewer [<number>] linkViewers [<ID>...]
This command is used for linking viewers. Command work exactly the same as appropriate gui
viewer [<number>] unlinkViewers [<ID>...] [all]
This command is used to unlink linked viewers. Main window command options

The command theMain allows you to access and control the Avizo main window. Besides the spe-
cific command options listed below also all sub-commands listed in Section (Common com-
mands for top-level windows) can be used.

theMain snapshot filename
Creates and saves a snapshot image of the main window. The format of the image file is determined
from the file name extension. Any standard image file format supported by Avizo can be used, e.g.,
.jpg, .tif, .png, or .bmp.
theMain setViewerTogglesOnIcons {0|1}
Enables or disables the display of the orange viewer toggles on object icons in the Avizo Project
theMain ignoreShow [0|1]
Enables or disables the special purpose no show flag. If this flag is set, subsequent mainWindow

212 Chapter 11: Scripting

show commands are ignored. This can be useful to run standard Avizo scripts in a Avizo XScreen
Pack environment. Calling the command without an argument just returns the current value of the
theMain showConsole [0|1]
Enables or disables display of console window in Avizo. Console command options

The command theMsg allows you to access and control the Avizo console window. Besides the
specific command options listed below also all sub-commands listed in Section (Common
commands for top-level windows) can be used.

theMsg error <message> [<btn0-text>] [<btn1-text>]
Pops up an error dialog with the specified message. The dialog can be configured with up to three
different buttons. The command blocks until the user presses a button. The id of the pressed button
is returned.
theMsg warning <message> [<btn0-text>] [<btn1-text>]
Pops up a warning dialog with the specified message. The dialog can be configured with up to three
different buttons. The command blocks until the user presses a button. The id of the pressed button
is returned.
theMsg question <message> [<btn0-text>] [<btn1-text>]
Pops up a question dialog with the specified message. The dialog can be configured with up to
three different buttons. The command blocks until the user presses a button. The id of the pressed
button is returned.
theMsg overwrite <filename>
Pops up a dialog asking the user if it is ok to overwrite the specified file. If the user clicks Ok, 1 is
returned, otherwise 0. Common commands for top-level windows

These commands are available for all Avizo objects which open a separate top-level window. In par-
ticular, these are the Avizo main window (theMain), the console window (theMsg), and the viewer
window (viewer 0). For example, you can set or get the position of these windows using the corre-
sponding global command followed by setPosition or getPosition.

Avizo Script Interface 213

Returns the position and size of the window including the window frame. In total four numbers are
returned. The first two numbers indicate the position of the upper left corner of the window frame
relative to the upper left corner of the desktop. The last two numbers indicate the window size in
Returns the position and size of the window without the window frame. In total four numbers are
returned. The first two numbers indicate the position of the upper left corner of the window relative
to the upper left corner of the desktop. The last two numbers indicate the window size in pixels.
Returns the position of the upper left corner of the window including the window frame. This is the
same as the first two numbers returned by getFrameGeometry.
Returns the position and size of the window including the window frame in relative coordinates.
The size of the desktop is (1,1). The position and size of the window is specified by fractional
numbers between 0 and 1.
Returns the size of the window without the window frame. This is the same as the last two numbers
returned by getGeoemtry.
Hides the window.
setCaption <text>
Sets the window title displayed in the window frame.
setFrameGeometry <x y width height>
Sets the position and size of the window including the window frame. Four numbers need to be
specified, the x- and y-positions, the window width and the window height.
setGeometry <x y width height>
Sets the position and size of the window without the window frame. Four numbers need to be
specified, the x- and y-positions, the window width and the window height.
setPosition <x y>
Sets the position of the upper left corner of the window frame.
setRelativeGeometry <x y width height>
Sets the position and size of the window including the window frame in relative coordinates. The
size of the desktop is (1,1). The position and size of the window is specified by fractional numbers
between 0 and 1.

214 Chapter 11: Scripting

setSize <width height>
Sets the size of the window without the window frame.
Makes the window visible in normal state. Also raises the window.
Makes the window visible in iconified state.
Makes the window visible in maximized state. Progress bar command options

The command workArea allows you to access the progress bar located in the lower part of the Avizo
main window. You can print messages or check if the stop button was pressed.

workArea setProgressInfo <text>
Sets an info text to be displayed in the progress bar. The text can be used to describe the status
during some computation.
workArea setProgressValue <value>
Sets the value of the progress bar. The argument must be a floating point number between 0 and 1.
For example, a value of 0.8 indicates that 80% of the current task has been done.
workArea startWorking [<message>]
Activates the stop button. After calling this command the Avizo stop button becomes active. In
your script you can check if the stop button was hit by calling workArea wasInterrupted.
When the stop button is active you can’t interact with any other widget unless you call workArea
stopWorking in your script. Therefore you must not enter this command directly in the console
window, but you should only use it in a script file or in a Tcl procedure.
workArea stopWorking
Deactivates the stop button. Call this command when the compute task started with workArea
startWorking is done or if the user pressed the stop button. This command also restores the
progress info text which was shown before calling startWorking.
workArea wasInterrupted
Checks if the user pressed the stop button. You should only use this command between workArea
startWorking and workArea stopWorking. If there are multiple nested compute tasks
and the user presses the stop button, all subsequent calls to wasInterrupted return true until
the first level is reached.

Avizo Script Interface 215 Application command options
The app command provides several options not related to a particular object or component in Avizo,
but related to Avizo itself.

app version
Returns the current Avizo version.
app uname
Returns simplified name of operating system.
app arch
Returns Avizo architecture string, e.g., arch-Win32VC8-Optimize, arch-LinuxAMD64-Optimize...
app hostid
Returns host id needed to create an Avizo license key.
app listen [port]
Opens a socket to which Tcl commands can be sent. The TCP/IP port can be specified optionally.
WARNING: This can create security holes. Do not use this unless behind a firewall and if you know
what you are doing.
app close
Closes the Avizo Tcl port.
app port
Returns port number of Avizo Tcl port. Returns -1 if socket has not been opened.
app send <command> [<host> [<port>]]
Sends a Tcl command to a listening Avizo. If no host or port are specified, the Avizo instance will
send the command to itself.
app opengl
Retrieve information about the used OpenGL driver including version number and supported exten-
sions. This is useful information to send to the hotline if reporting rendering problems.
app cluster
Returns the current node status which can be ”master” or ”slave” if some cluster mode is active or
simply ”single” if is not the case. Other global commands

addTimeout msec procedure [arg]
Schedules a Tcl procedure for being called after msec milliseconds. If arg is specified, it will

216 Chapter 11: Scripting

be passed to the procedure. The specified procedure will be called only once. If necessary, you
can schedule it again in the time-out procedure. Example: addTimeout 10000 echo {10
seconds are over.}

all [-selected | -visible | -hidden] [type]

Returns a list of all Avizo objects currently in the Project View. If type is specified, only objects
with that C++ class type (or derived objects) are returned. Search can be limited to selected, visible,
or hidden objects, respectively. Example: all -hidden HxColormap.

aminfo [-a outfile|-b outfile] Avizo-File

If used with only a file name as argument, this command will open the file which has to be in Avizo
format and print header information. If used with the -a or -b option, the outputfile specified as
argument outfile will be written in ASCII (-a) or binary (-b) format, respectively. Thus, aminfo can
be used to convert binary Avizo into ASCII and vice versa.

Clears console window.

create class name [instance name]

Creates an instance of an Avizo object like a module or data object. Returns the instance name.
Note that data objects are normally not created this way but by loading them from a file. Example:
create HxOrthoSlice MySlice.

dso options
Controls loading of dynamic libraries (”dynamic shared objects”). The following options are pro-

• addPath path ...: Adds a path to the list of directories to be searched when loading a
dynamic library.
• verbose {0|1}: Switches on and off debug information related to dynamic libraries.
• open <package>: Trys to load the specified dynamic library. It is enough to specify the
package name, e.g., hxfield. This name will be automatically converted into the platform
dependent name, e.g., libhxfield.so on Linux or hxfield.dll on Windows.
• unloadPackage <package>: Unloads (if possible) the specified dynamic library.
• execute <package> <function>: Executes the function defined in the specified dy-
namic library.

echo args
Prints its arguments to the Avizo console. Use this rather than the native Tcl command puts which
prints to stdout.

help arguments
Without arguments this opens the Avizo help browser.

Avizo Script Interface 217

httpd [port]
Start a built-in httpd server. The http server will deliver any document requested. If a requested
document ends with .hx, Avizo will instead of delivering it execute the file as a Tcl script. This
can be used to control Avizo from a web browser. WARNING: This command can create security
holes. Do not use this unless behind a firewall and if you know what you are doing.
limit {datasize | stacksize | coredumpsize} size
Change process limits. Available on Unix platforms only. Use ”unlimited” as size for no limit. The
size has to be specified in bytes. Alternatively you can use for example 1000k for 1000 kilobytes or
1m for one megabyte.
load [fileformat] options files
Load data from one or more files. Optionally a file format can be specified to override Avizo’s
automatic file format recognition. The file format is specified by the same label which is displayed
in the file format combo box in the Avizo file dialog. The list of all file formats supported by Avizo
can be obtained using the global command fileFormats. Remote files can be read by using FTP or
HTTP protocol.
Additional options are:

• -browse: Open Data window is shown.

• -avizoscript: open Avizo script files.
• -avizo: Avizo’s native general-purpose file format. It is used to load many different data
objects like fields defined on regular or tetrahedral grids, segmentation results, colormaps, or
vertex sets such as landmarks.
• -dataOnly: prevents importer from creating display modules, useful in hx files.

Options for raw data:

load -raw FileName Endianess IndexOrder
DataType nDataVar dimX dimY dimZ
xMin xMax yMin yMax zMin zMax
Options for DICOM data:
-nodialog: option prevent the Dicom dialog box from being shown.
Prints out some memory statistics.
Immediately quits Avizo.
remove {objectname — -all — -selected}
Removes objects from Project View.

• objectname: the specified Avizo object.

• -all: all objects.

218 Chapter 11: Scripting

• -selected: selected objects.

removeTimeout procedure [arg]

Unschedules a Tcl procedure previously scheduled with addTimeout.
rename objectname newname
Changes instance name of an object. Identical to objectname setLabel newname, except that it
returns 1 if successful, and nothing if unsuccessful.
sleep sec
Wait for sec seconds. Avizo will not process events in that time.
source filename
Loads and executes Tcl commands from the specified file. If the script file contains the extension
.hx the load command may be used as well.
system command
Execute an external program. Do not use this unless you know what you are doing.
Saves current project. If the project is not previously saved, then the project will be saved in the
Avizo root dir as Untitled.hx.
saveProjectAs [-forceAutoSave | -packAndGo] arg
A copy of the current project will be saved as arg in Avizo root dir.(e.g. saveProjectAs
myProject). When using a path, a full path needs to be specified and a .hx extensions needs to
be added on the project name (e.g. saveProjectAs c:/work/myProject.hx). Optionally
a forceAutoSave parameter can be specified to force auto saving of modified data without displaying
a warning dialog. If parameter packAndGo is specified, in the same folder where the project file
is saved, a new folder will be created and it will contain all data necessary for loading the saved
project. Note : If a file exists it will not be overwritten.
theObjectPool setSelectionOrder {first object} {second object}...
This command reorders the selection so that it matches the given object order. Selected objects not
contained inside this list will be moved at the end of the selection (their relative order will not be
changed though).
thePreferences [save | load] filename
This command saves or loads preferences to/from file specified as filename.
theProperties [show | hide]
This command shows or hides the Properties panel in Avizo.
theProjectView [show | hide]
This command shows or hides the Project View panel in Avizo.
Show all file formats which can be used in Avizo.

Avizo Script Interface 219

11.4 Avizo Script Files
It is worth noticing that an Avizo project is simply a Tcl script that will regenerate the current Avizo
state. Therefore it is often efficient to interactively create an Avizo project, save it with ”Save Project”,
and use this as a starting point for scripting.
The simplest way to execute Tcl commands in Avizo is to type them into the Avizo console window.
This, however, is not practical for multi-line constructs, like loops or procedures. In this case, it
is recommended to write the Tcl code into a file and execute the file with the command source
filename. You can also use the source command inside a file in order to include the contents of a file
into another file.
Alternatively one can also use the command load filename or the Open Project... menu entry from
the File menu and the file browser. Then, however, in order to let Avizo recognize the file format,
either the file name must end with .hx, or the file contents must start with the header line

# Avizo Script

There are some Tcl files that are loaded automatically when Avizo starts. At startup, the program
looks for a file called .Avizo in the current directory or in the home directory (see Section 10.3.3
(Start-up script) for details). If no such user-defined start-up script is found, the default initialization
script Avizo.init is loaded from the directory $AVIZO LOCAL/share/resources/Avizo
or $AVIZO ROOT/share/resources/Avizo. This script then reads in all files ending with .rc
from the share/resources subdirectory. The .rc files are needed to register modules and data
types. Therefore one can customize the startup behavior of Avizo by simply adding a new .rc file to
that directory or by modifying the Avizo.init file.
Another way of executing Tcl code is to define procedures that are associated with function keys. If
predefined procedures with the names onKeyF2, onKeyF3, ..., onKeyShiftF2, ...,
onKeyCtrlF2, ..., onKeyCtrlShiftF2, ... exist, these procedures will be automat-
ically called when the respective key is pressed in the Avizo main window, console window, or
viewer window. To define these procedures, write them into a file and source it or write them
into Avizo.init or in one of the .rc files. An example is

proc onKeyF2 { } {
echo "Key F2 was hit"
viewer 0 viewAll

Some of these functions can be reserved for Avizo specific actions. For example, [F1] is always
reserved for help and [F2] is reserved for object renaming when pressed in the Project View or the
Tree View.

220 Chapter 11: Scripting

Finally, Tcl scripts can also be represented in the GUI and be combined with a user interface. In Avizo
this is called a Script Module.

11.5 Configuring Popup Menus

In Avizo all of the modules that can be attached to a data object are listed in the object’s popup menu
which is activated by clicking on the object’s icon with the right mouse button. For some applications it
makes sense to customize new modules using Tcl commands after they have been created. Sometimes
it also makes sense to add new entries to an object’s popup menu, causing a particular script to be
executed. This sections describes how to achieve these goals by modifying Avizo resource files or
creating new ones.
Avizo resource files are located in the directory $AVIZO ROOT/share/resources, where
$AVIZO ROOT denotes the directory where Avizo has been installed. Resource files are just ordi-
nary script files, although they are identified by the suffix .rc. When Avizo is started all resource files
in the resources directory are read. In a resource file, modules, editors, and IO routines are registered
using special Tcl commands. Registering a module means to specify its name as it should appear in
the popup menu, the type of objects it can be attached to, the name of the shared library or DLL the
module is defined in, and so on. For example, the Multi-Thresholding module is registered by the
following command in the file hxlattice.rc:

module -name "Multi-Thresholding" \

-check { ![$PRIMARY hasInterface HxLabelLattice3] &&
([$PRIMARY primType]<3 ||
[$PRIMARY primType]==7 ||
[$PRIMARY primType]==8) } \
-primary "HxUniformScalarField3 HxStackedScalarField3" \
-category "{Image Segmentation}" \
-class "HxLabelVoxel" \
-dso "libhxlattice.so"

The different options of this command have the following meaning:

• The option -name specifies the name or label of the module as it will be printed in the popup
• The option -primary says that this module can be attached to data objects of type
HxUniformScalarField3 or HxStackedScalarField3. This means that Multi-
Thresholding will be included in the popup menu of such objects only.
• With -check an additional Tcl expression is specified which is evaluated at run-time just be-
fore the menu is popped up. If the expression fails, the module is removed from the menu.
In the case of the Multi-Thresholding module, it is checked if the input object provides a
HxLabelLattice3 interface, i.e., if the input itself is a label field. Although a label field

Configuring Popup Menus 221

can be regarded as a 3D image, it makes no sense to perform a threshold segmentation on
it. Therefore Multi-Thresholding is only provided for raw 3D images, but not for label fields.
There is also a check on the primitive data type of the input (signed/unsigned integer, float,
signed/unsigned short...). Here, the Multi-Thresholding module does not support float or double
label fields input.
• The option -category says that Multi-Thresholding should appear in the Image Segmentation
submenu of the main popup menu. If a module should appear not in a submenu but in the popup
menu itself, the category Main must be used.
• The option -class specifies the internal class name of the module. The internal class name of
an object can be retrieved using the command getTypeId. It is this class name which has to
be used for the -primary option described above, not the object’s label defined by -name.
• Finally, the option -package specifies in which package (shared library or DLL) the module
is defined in.

Besides these standard options, additional Tcl commands to be executed after the module has been
created can be specified using the additional option -proc. For example, imagine you are working in
a medical project where you have to identify stereotactic markers in CT images of the head. Then it
might be a good idea to add a customized version of the Multi-Thresholding module to the popup menu,
which already defines appropriate material names and thresholds. This could be done by adding the
following command either in a new resource file in $AVIZO ROOT/share/resources or directly
in hxlattice.rc:

module -name "Stereotaxy" \

-primary "HxUniformScalarField3 HxStackedScalarField3" \
-check { ![$PRIMARY hasInterface HxLabelLattice3] } \
-category "{Image Segmentation}" \
-class "HxLabelVoxel" \
-package "hxlattice" \
-proc { $this regions setValue "Exterior Bone Markers";
$this fire;
$this boundary01 setValue 150;
$this boundary12 setvalue 300 }

The variable $this used in the Tcl code above refers to the newly created module, i.e., to the Multi-
Thresholding module. Note that the commands are executed before the module is connected to the
source object for which the popup menu was invoked. Some modules do some special initialization
when they are connected to a new input object. These initializations may overwrite values set using Tcl
commands defined by a custom -proc option. In such a case you can explicitly connect the module
to the input object via the command sequence

$this data connect $PRIMARY;

$this fire;

222 Chapter 11: Scripting

Here the Tcl variable $PRIMARY refers to the input object. The same variable is also used in Tcl
expressions defined by a -check option, as described above.
Besides creating custom popup menu entries based on existing modules, it is also possible to define
completely new entries which do nothing but execute Tcl commands. For example, we could add a new
submenu Edit to the popup menu of every Avizo object and put in the Hide, Remove, and Duplicate
commands here which are normally contained in the Edit menu of the Avizo main window. This can
be achieved in the following way:

module -name "Remove" \

-primary "HxObject" \
-proc { remove $PRIMARY } \
-category "Edit"

module -name "Hide" \

-primary "HxObject" \
-proc { $PRIMARY hideIcon } \
-category "Edit"

module -name "Duplicate" \

-primary "HxData" \
-proc { $PRIMARY duplicate } \
-category "Edit"

Of course, it is also possible to execute an ordinary Avizo script or even an Avizo script object with a
-proc command.

11.6 Registering pick callbacks

A pick callback is a Tcl procedure attached to a module or a viewer. When a pick event occurs on
this target, the callback is invoked. Such a callback can be registered by using the Tcl command
setPickCallback on modules and viewers:

<module> setPickCallback <proc> [ <EventType> ]

viewer <n> setPickCallback <proc> [ <EventType> ]

Only one callback can be attached to a given module or viewer. In order to detach the callback, just
call the register command with no parameter:

<module> setPickCallback
viewer <n> setPickCallback

Registering pick callbacks 223

The optional argument <EventType> refers to the kind of event that will invoke the callback. Other
events will be ignored. This argument can take the following values:

• MouseButtonPress, MouseButtonRelease (any mouse button),

• VRButtonPress, VRButtonRelease (any 3D button),
• MouseButton1Press, MouseButton1Release, etc. (a specific mouse button),
• VRButton0Press, VRButton0Release, etc. (a specific 3D button).

The default value is MouseButton1Press.

The actual callback procedure <proc> is expected to take one argument, which is to be interpreted
as an associative array and which encodes all the picking information. The following elements are
defined in the argument array:

• object, the name of Avizo object the picked geometry belongs to,
• x, the x coordinate of picked point,
• y, the y coordinate of picked point,
• z, the z coordinate of picked point,
• idx, the index of picked element,
• stateBefore, the modifier state just before event occurs,
• stateAfter, the modifier state just after event occurs.

The procedure should return 0 if the picking event was not handled, in which case other callback
procedures could be invoked. Here is an example:

proc pickCallback arg {

array set a $arg
echo "$a(object) : picked element $a(idx)"
return 1

Note that any module is free to add specific information to this argument array. All elements can be
displayed with:

proc pickCallback arg {

echo "arg = { $arg }"
return 1

Thus, some Avizo modules append additional data:

• Vertex View: idx is the picked point index.

224 Chapter 11: Scripting

• Point Cluster View: idx is the picked point index.
• Line Set View: idx is the picked line index, pt0 and pt1 the two points of the picked segment.
• Surface View: idx is the picked triangle index.
• Hexa/Tetra Grid View: idx is the picked triangle index, tetra0 and tetra1 the adjacent tetrahedra.
• Grid Boundary: idx is the picked triangle index, originalIdx the index in the grid, tetra0 and
tetra1 the adjacent tetrahedra.

11.7 File readers in Tcl

This section describes how to register a custom file reader implemented in Tcl.
First the Tcl reader function must be declared in the global scope. It must accept a list as input
parameters which will contain the list of files to load. The reader is expected to return the number of
files successfully read.

proc myReaderInTcl {args} { echo "myReaderInTcl $args" ; ... ;

return 1}

Then, the Tcl reader function must be registered into the wanted file format declaration with the fol-
lowing template:

dataFile -name "MyFormat" ... -package hxcore -load hxReadByTcl

-loadArgs "-cmd myReaderInTcl"

You indicates the custom Tcl reader function with ’-loadArgs’. The arguments ’-package hxcore -load
hxReadByTcl’ must be filed as is, without change. This sets the internal wrapper that will call the Tcl
You can declare your custom reader in a Tcl script, or include it in a resource file to be loaded when
the application starts up.

File readers in Tcl 225

226 Chapter 11: Scripting
Chapter 12

Units in Avizo

This chapter contains a description of how Avizo can be configured to work with spatial data objects
with associated coordinates unit information.
This chapter is organized as follows:

• Presentation:
this section describes globally the units management in the entire product.

• How to associate a coordinates unit with a spatial data object:

this section describes how you can set a coordinates unit to any spatial data object.

• How to modify the coordinates unit used for displaying information:

this section describes how you can change the coordinates unit which is displayed in the Avizo
user interface (ports values, info tags...) and 3D viewers (measuring tools...).

• Available options linked with units management:

this section describes all the different preferences and options you will be able to modify in
order to customize the units management.

• Avizo components working with the units management:

this section describes all the Avizo components for which the units management has been im-

12.1 Presentation
When activating the units management in Avizo, you will be able to:
• associate a coordinates unit with each spatial data object, retrieving it directly from the data
files (depends on readers and file formats) or setting it manually with a Units Editor.

• store coordinates values of all loaded spatial data object with the same coordinates unit (eg.
meters). The coordinates unit storage in Avizo and used internally is called working units.
Working units could be specified by the user or automatically determined (see Automatically
determine or manually set the working coordinates unit).

• display values related to coordinates information in the Avizo user interface (such as bounding
box, length...) in the coordinates unit you want.
The units used to display values in the Avizo user interface are called display units.

To know how to activate/deactivate the units management in Avizo, you can refer to the following
section: Activate/desactivate units management in Avizo.

12.2 How to associate a coordinates unit to a spatial data object

When the units management is activated in Avizo, a coordinates unit will be assigned to each spatial
data object.
This can be done in 2 different ways:

• by the reader used to load the data

• or by a specific Units Editor

In the most possible cases, Avizo readers will try to extract the coordinates unit directly from the
information stored in the data file. This is the case for instance with Avizo or MCAD readers (like
If the coordinates unit can’t be determined by the reader (the information is missing or not supported
by the file format), it will be specified via the Units Editor. This editor is launched at data loading but
is also accessible after the data has been registered into the Project View, in the same way as the other
Once a coordinates unit has been assigned to the spatial data object, its coordinates values can possibly
be converted. This will happen if the specified coordinates unit for this data is not the same than the
one used internally by Avizo to store coordinates values for all spatial data objects (i.e. named working
units). In this case, the coordinates values will be converted from the specified coordinates unit to the
working one.
Manually setting a coordinates unit to a spatial data object (via the editor) will mark the object as
modified. Indeed, this implies that the original file format of the data does not support coordinates
unit information. After associating it a coordinates unit, the data has to be saved in a file format
that can support this information. For convenience, you can easily save data in the Avizo file format

228 Chapter 12: Units in Avizo

which saves the coordinates unit in the Parameters section and can be used to store many different data
The information about coordinates unit associated to a spatial data is accessible in several places:

• in the Units Editor, where you can see and modify the original coordinates unit of a spatial data
(i.e. the one specified ad data loading) after that the data has been loaded
• in the Parameter Editor on the spatial data where the coordinates unit of the spatial data is
specified under a Units bundle. In fact, under this bundle are displayed 2 informations:
• the current (working) coordinates unit of the spatial data stored in the Coordinates param-
eter (the one in which are currently stored the coordinates in memory),
• the original coordinates unit of the spatial data stored in the OriginalCoordinates param-
eter (the one specified via the Units Editor at data loading or edited furtherly).

12.3 How to modify the coordinates unit used for displaying in-
Even if the coordinates unit used to internally store spatial data objects coordinates (i.e. named working
unit) is fixed, values related to coordinates information that are displayed in the product user interface
can be expressed in any coordinates unit.
For example, you can load a spatial data object with coordinates stored in meters (i.e. working unit),
connect it a Bounding Box module and freely modify the coordinates unit used to display the coordi-
nates (i.e. named display unit) of the corners in the info tags of this module (by selecting millimeters
for instance).
In this case, the displayed coordinates values will be converted from the working unit (in which are
internally stored coordinates values) to the display unit (in which are displayed these values in the
Avizo user interface).
To specify what coordinates unit is used for displaying coordinates values in the user interface:

• Launch the Preferences dialog (menu Edit > Preferences...)

• Select the Units tab
• Select the Display units tab
• In the Spatial information section, select the display unit you want for coordinates information

A quickest way to modify this display unit is accessible on the main viewer toolbar between Measure
button and snapshot button (see Viewer toolbar description).
Display unit button is enable if the option ”Lock display units on working units” is unchecked.
With this button, you can select the display unit you want for coordinates information not only for the
active viewer but for all unit displayed in Avizo.

How to modify the coordinates unit used for displaying information 229
12.4 Available options linked with units management
Several options linked with units management are available and allow you to customize the way you
are using units in the product.
These options are the following:

• Activate/deactivate the units management in Avizo

• Activate/deactivate the units editor dialog when loading spatial data objects
• Automatically determine or manually set the working coordinates unit
• Lock the display coordinates unit on the working one

All these options can be modified via the Avizo Preferences dialog.
To access the preferences linked with units management:

• Launch the Preferences dialog (menu Edit > Preferences...)

• Select the Units tab

12.4.1 Activate/deactivate units management in Avizo

In order to be compatible with older versions of Avizo, you are not forced to use/set units information
in spatial data objects so it’s possible to deactivate the units management in the entire product. In this
case, spatial data objects won’t contain any unit information and no conversion linked with units will
be performed: Avizo will work as in its previous versions, in the same way you are used to.
To activate/deactivate the units management in the entire product:

• In the Units management section, select None to deactivate the units management or Spatial
information to activate it and use coordinates and angle units information

12.4.2 Automatically determine or manually set the working coordinates unit

When the units management is activated, some units conversions could occur if you are loading data
whose coordinates unit is different from the working unit, used by Avizo to internally store coordinates
To limit as much as possible these conversions, we recommand you let Avizo automatically determine
the working coordinates unit.
In this case, when spatial data is loaded, the working coordinates unit will be automatically set to the
data one.
As you have understood, this behavior prevents the conversion of the coordinates unit of the first loaded
spatial data object but conversions will still occur if the following loaded spatial data don’t have the

230 Chapter 12: Units in Avizo

same coordinates unit. By contrast, no conversion will be done if you load only data with the same
coordinates unit (i.e. equal to the current working unit).
Of course, you are free to activate/deactivate this behavior. If you deactivate it, you can specify yourself
the working coordinates unit in which Avizo will store coordinates values. In this case, pay particular
attention to units conversion especially when loading data.
If spatial data has been already loaded, you won’t be able to select another working coordinates unit:
selecting a custom working coordinates unit is possible only when the Project View does not contain
any spatial data.
To automatically determine the working coordinates unit:

• Select the Options tab

• Toggle on/off the Automatically determine working units checkbox

To specify a custom working unit:

• Select the Working units tab

• In the Spatial information section, select the working unit you want for coordinates or angle

12.4.3 Lock the display coordinates unit on the working one

In some cases, it could be interesting to always display information related to coordinates values in the
Avizo user interface in the same unit as the one used internally to store these coordinates values.
This behavior ensures that values that are displayed in the interface components are the same as the
ones manipulated internally by Avizo.
To lock the display coordinates unit on the working one:

• Select the Options tab

• Toggle on/off the Lock display units on working units checkbox

12.4.4 Activate/deactivate the units editor dialog when loading spatial data ob-
As explained before, when the units management is activated, some readers can launch a specific
dialog used to specify the coordinates unit of the loaded spatial data.
This dialog will be launched only if the reader has failed to automatically retrieve the coordinates unit
from the information stored in the data file.
Note that you have the option to prevent the dialog from being displayed. In this case, the loaded

Available options linked with units management 231

spatial data object will be assumed to have the default coordinates unit specified in preferences.
Even if you choose to not automatically display this dialog when data are loading, you still have the
possiblity to specify the coordinates unit thanks to the units editor available when selecting the spatial
data object in the Project View.
To activate the units editor dialog when loading spatial data objects:

• Select the Options tab

• Go to When the coordinates unit is unknown at data loading groupbox
• Toggle on the Show Units Editor dialog checkbox

To deactivate the units editor dialog when loading spatial data objects:

• Select the Options tab

• Go to When the coordinates unit is unknown at data loading groupbox
• Select your preferred coordinates unit in Use XXX as default coordinates unit
• Check the associated checkbox if it is not toggle on.

12.5 Avizo components working with the units management

Units management is not yet available for all the components of Avizo. The components (data types,
files formats, modules) for which the units management has been implemented are listed here.

12.5.1 Data types

When units management is activated in the product, it is possible to assign a coordinates unit and
potentially make units conversion on coordinates values for all data objects for which the type is listed
For all other data types, coordinates values can’t be converted so these are always stored internally
using original values. In this case, the coordinates unit is set to the working coordinates unit.

232 Chapter 12: Units in Avizo

Data type Description
Hexa Grid Unstructured finite-element hexahedral grid and associated fields
. HexaField3
. HexaScalarField3
. HexaVectorField3
. HexaComplexScalarField3
. HexaComplexVectorField3

Tetra Grid Unstructured finite-element tetrahedral grid and associated fields

. TetraField3
. TetraScalarField3
. TetraVectorField3
. TetraComplexScalarField3
. TetraComplexVectorField3

Lattice, LabelLattice3 Regular 3D data array and associated fields

. RegField3
. RegScalarField3
. RegVectorField3
. RegSym2TensorField3
. RegComplexScalarField3
. RegComplexVectorField3
. RegColorField3

Surface Surface data and associated fields

. SurfaceField
. SurfaceScalarField
. SurfaceVectorField
. SurfaceComplexScalarField
. SurfaceComplexVectorField

Iv Data Open Inventor scene graph

Data fields (Hexa*Field, Tetra*Field, Reg*Field and Surface*Field) have a coordinates unit but they
are assumed to always be the same as the one specified on the associated data (HexaGrid, TetraGrid,
Lattice, Surface). Consequently, it’s not possible to explicitly specify the coordinates unit of such field
data thanks to the Units Editor. However, setting or modifying the coordinates unit of a data field will
automatically update the coordinates unit of all attached fields.

Avizo components working with the units management 233

12.5.2 Files formats
Some file formats can provide information about the coordinates unit of stored data. The following
table lists all the file formats for which Avizo readers and writers have been updated to be able to
retrieve/save coordinates unit information when reading/writing a file:
File format Coordinates unit retrieved by reader Coordinates unit saved by writer
Avizo Y Y
Surface Y Y
For all other file formats, Avizo readers and writers currently don’t retrieve/save any coordinates unit
information when reading/writing a file.
However, for all file formats which generate data which type supports the units management (refer to
the Data Types section), it’s possible to associate a coordinates unit to loaded data via the Units Editor.
Refer to the How to associate a coordinates unit with a spatial data object section for more information
about how to set and save a coordinates unit information.

12.5.3 Modules
The following modules have been modified to support units management in case it has been activated:
Module Units management support
Local Axes axis tick values and labels
Bounding Box coordinates of the lower left front and upper right back corners of the box
ROI Box minimum and maximum port values
Spline Probe point coordinates, length value and plot window
Line Probe point coordinates, length value and plot window
Measurement length and angle values
Scalebars axis tick values and labels

234 Chapter 12: Units in Avizo

Chapter 13

Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Avizo Fire Edition is the software suite for visualizing and analyzing advanced qualitative and quan-
titative information on 2D and 3D industrial and scientific images, in areas such as Materials Science,
Non-Destructive Testing and Industrial Inspection, or Geosciences and Oil & Gas.
Avizo Fire Edition extends Avizo Standard Edition with advanced image manipulation, processing,
segmentation and quantification capabilities including:

• Intensity range calibration, combined 2D/3D view, snapping three-dimensional measurements

for easy, accurate and fast 3D image examination.
• Advanced image filtering, segmentation, and quantification. Avizo Fire Edition provides addi-
tional tools for advanced tasks such as automated segmentation, object separation, individual or
statistics measurements.
• Advanced image filtering and denoising taking advantage of graphics processors.
• Advanced remeshing of surfaces extracted from images for high quality surface export and in-
tegrated pre-processing for numerical simulation.
• Support of physical properties for Avizo XLab Pack extension for image-based numerical sim-
• Workflow assistants such as Porosities Analysis Wizard, Image Registration Wizard and FIB
Stack Wizard.
• Extensive supports for Tcl scripting and support for C++ programming (Avizo XPand Pack).
Avizo Fire Edition provides a customizable and extensible framework for prototyping and im-
plementing routine workflows for 2D/3D image inspection, analysis and characterization. It
includes an extensive toolbox for advanced visualization, image processing, segmentation, reg-
istration, fusion and quantification, geometric pre-processing for Finite Element Modeling or
Pore Network Modeling, and integration of image-based numerical simulation.
Avizo Fire Edition is used in a wide range of applications in: electronics and semiconductors, com-
posite materials, metallic foams, metallurgy, nanotechnology, powder, films, fibers, food and seeds,
building materials, minerals, core sample analysis and digital rock processing, material characteriza-
tion, performance/process, nanometric measurements, surface analysis, corrosion, fatigue, etc.

• Getting started with Avizo Fire Edition- Manipulating 3D images

• Getting started with Image Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition
• Example 2: Measuring a Catalyst
• Example 3: Separating, Measuring and Reconstructing
• Example 4: Distribution of Pore Diameters in Foam
• Example 5: Average Thickness of Material in Foam
• Example 6: Advanced Segmentation
• More about Image Filtering
• Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion
• Advanced Surface and Grid Generation
• More about label measures

13.1 Getting started with Avizo Fire Edition- Manipulating 3D

In this tutorial you will learn the basics to efficiently visualize and examine 3D images with Avizo Fire

• Quick start for viewing 3D images.

• Manage combined 3D and 2D slice views with Ortho Views.
• Understand intensity range calibration for 3D image.

You may use this tutorial as a quick start for visualizing and manipulating 3D images with Avizo Fire
Edition. However to take full advantage of this tutorial you should be familiar with the basic concepts
of Avizo. In particular you should be able to load files, to interact with the 3D viewer, and to connect
modules to data modules. All these issues are discussed in Avizo chapter 3 - Getting started. To
complement this tutorial, you may also review section 4.2 (Visualizing 3D images) of Avizo Standard
Edition about basic 3D image visualization techniques.

13.1.1 Quick Start

Here is how to examine simply 3D image data with one 3D view and 3 orthogonal slices in 2D views.
We start by loading the data that was used in the tutorial Section 3 (Getting Started): a 3D image data
set of a part of a CT scan of an engine block (see Figure 13.2).

236 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

• Load the file motor.am in subdirectory data/tutorials of the Avizo installation direc-
• Click with the right mouse button on the green data icon appeared in the Project View. In the
object pop-up, choose the category entry called Templates, then double-click on the entry Ortho
Views Template (or click on Create), see Figure 13.1. You can also use the search field and type
the first letters of Ortho Views Template, then selecting the module in the list will automatically
create it in the Project View.

Figure 13.1: Ortho Views Template menu

Figure 13.2: CT scan 3D image displayed with Ortho Views Template

You can now try some interaction. You can refer to Section 3 (Getting Started) in 3D navigation with
viewer windows.

• In the 2D viewers, you can zoom by dragging the mouse with the left button pressed, or pan the
view with the middle mouse button. For this the mouse cursor shape should be a 2-sided arrow
or 4-sided arrow, otherwise press the [ESC] key or use a toolbar button to switch to viewer
navigation mode.

Getting started with Avizo Fire Edition- Manipulating 3D images 237

• In the 3D viewer, you can rotate the view. For this the mouse cursor shape should be a 2-sided
arrow or 4-sided arrow, otherwise press [ESC] key or use a toolbar button to switch to viewer
navigation mode.
• In the Properties panel of the Ortho Views module, you can drag the sliders controlling the slice
• You can alternatively pick crosshair lines in the 2D views to move the corresponding slices. For
this you may need to switch to pick interaction mode by pressing the [ESC] key or pressing
viewer toolbar button Interact.

A few explanations before going to the next tutorial steps.

The so called Template menu you have used creates in the Project View a set of display modules
(representations) attached to the data:

1. an Ortho Views managing the display of three orthogonal slices in a 4-viewers window layout.
The next section describes it in more details.
2. a Range Calibration Contours overlay module displaying over the orthogonal slices a set of
contours corresponding to intensity levels defined by intensity range calibration, a concept ex-
plained later in this chapter.
3. a Volume Rendering module displaying the 3D image in the top-left viewer window.
4. an Isosurface Rendering module, initially invisible in the viewer windows.

When a module is selected in the Project View (by clicking on the module icon in the Project View),
its control parameters - called ports - are shown in the Properties panel. To select multiple modules,
hold down the shift key while clicking.
Tip: You can refer to chapter 10.4.1 (Template Projects) for learning how to create template projects.

13.1.2 Manage combined 3D and 2D views with Ortho Views

The Ortho Views module extends slice visualization in Avizo. With the Ortho Views module, three
different axial views are simultaneously displayed, each in their own axially locked viewer.
When Ortho Views is created, the viewer panel is switched to a four-viewer layout. All three orthog-
onal views are displayed in the first, top-left viewer. And the initial behavior is for top-right viewer to
display the XY view, bottom-right the XZ view and bottom-left the YZ view.
The displayed slices are synchronized so when a slice index is changed, the change will be reflected in
all appropriate viewers.
There are four ways you can try to change the slice index for a displayed slice:

• Drag the slider in the properties port.

• Drag a slice directly in the 3D viewer.

238 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

• Drag a slice-indicator line (crosshair) in the 2D viewers. If you drag the green line, the green-
outlined slice will change.
• In any of the four viewers, click the middle mouse button while pressing the Ctrl key: this will
move the slices to the corresponding picked location.

A slice can be used to clip the representations in the 3D view:

• In the Properties panel, click on the clip button (the little cube split by a blue line, see Figure
13.3) of the Slice Number Z ports of the Ortho View (if the slider is not visible in Properties
panel, select the Ortho Views module in the Project View). You will then see a cut in the 3D
volume rendering representations (see Figure 13.4).
• Move the Z slice by any means explained above and see the updated 3D view.
• Rotate the 3D view (see above about navigation). The clipped side is always facing the camera.
Note that this is as specific feature of Ortho Views, in contrast with the standard behavior for
clipping planes in other slice modules in Avizo.

Visibility of slices in the 2D and 3D viewers can be controlled in the standard way with Avizo by
clicking on the orange square buttons in the icon in Project View, or beside the module title in the
Properties panel. See chapter 10.1.8 about Main panel and Project Views.

Figure 13.3: Visibility buttons and clip button in Ortho Views module

• You can hide slices, calibration contours, and crosshair, and show volume rendering, as shown
in Figure 13.5. You will need to use visibility buttons of Ortho Views, Bkg Properties, Range
Calibration Contours and Volume Rendering modules as shown in Figure 13.6.

Going further: here are some more hints for using Ortho Views, see the related reference help for
more details.

• To quit Ortho Views mode, you can simply delete the Ortho Views module. You can also click
on the viewer toolbar button to set the active viewer (with white frame) as Single Viewer. Ortho

Getting started with Avizo Fire Edition- Manipulating 3D images 239

Figure 13.4: Ortho View clipping

Figure 13.5: Visibility control with Ortho Views

Figure 13.6: Visibility buttons in module icons

Views is then still active: click again on Single viewer button to cycle through the different

240 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

viewers, and press the Four viewer button to restore the Ortho Views layout.
• Overlay representations can be combined with images slices, as illustrated by the Range Cali-
bration Contours of the Ortho Views Template described earlier in this chapter. You can also
control the display ordering of overlays by the Layer order port of the Bkg Properties module
associated to Ortho Views.
• Avizo has the capability to combine flexibly multiple data and representations in one or multi-
ple viewers. This is also true with Ortho Views: any 3D representations can be made visible,
clipped, or moved to the background of the slice in 2D views (as illustrated below).
• Ortho Views can also be attached to surfaces data, see Figure 13.7.

Figure 13.7: Extracted surface displayed with Ortho Views

Note: There can only be one Ortho View in use in the Project, so you can’t attach a second Ortho
View from a data object menu. It is however possible to change data visualized by Ortho View by
changing the connection from one image to another. For this you can either drag the connection line in
the Project Graph View, drag the Ortho Views icon to another data item, or change the data connection
port in the Properties panel.

13.1.3 Intensity Range Calibration

The intensity values encoded in grayscale images usually represent some key attribute about the ob-
jects. For example, in X-ray CT images the intensity values are linked to mass density. Avizo’s range
calibration tools allow you to assign some meaning to the different ranges of intensities in images.
For example, in a CT scan of a rock sample, different intensity ranges may represent:

• surrounding air, pores (void space),

• water,
• clay,

Getting started with Avizo Fire Edition- Manipulating 3D images 241

• mineral.

Whereas, in CT scans of industrial parts, intensities may differentiate materials such as:

• surrounding air, pores (void space),

• cast aluminum components,
• cast steel components,
• inclusions.

Avizo’s calibration tools let you define these intensity ranges so that visualization and computation
modules can take advantage of this pre-defined identification. Calibration is used at several location in
Avizo. For example, it allows adjusting the range depicted by a port to a particular range (which most
of the time represents a material). It also greatly simplifies visualization setup. It is possible because
the calibration contains an ”exterior” property which can be set to any range. Then, it’s easy to define
the ”usable” range to be everything not in the ”exterior” ranges.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to define and use intensity range calibration and how it affects
visualisation using as an example the Volume Rendering representation of a CT scan of an engine
block part already used in previous tutorials.

• Let’s start from scratch and create a new Project (choose New Project in the File menu).
• Select the entry Preferences in the Avizo Edit menu, and make sure that Range Calibration
options are set according to the defaults shown on Figure 13.8: automatic guess of two material
densities in the loaded image data (i.e. void and solid ranges/regions in the intensities scale).

Figure 13.8: Avizo Fire Edition Preferences panel

• Load the file motor.am located in subdirectory data/tutorials of Avizo installation di-
• Attach a Volume Rendering to the data: right-click on the green data icon appeared in the Project
View, click on Volume Rendering and press on Create, see Figure 13.9

Figure 13.9: Volume Rendering network

242 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.10: Viewing engine block with default range calibration

As outlined in section 4.2 (Visualizing 3D images), the Volume Rendering module displays the inten-
sities of input data voxels with color and opacity depending on the colormap port. With colormaps like
the default (volrenWhite.am), the voxels with intensity values below the lower bounds (less than the
minimum) of the colormap port are fully transparent, see Figure 13.10. Changing this minimum is an
easy way to filter out parts of the 3D volume image that are void or low density materials. Here the
colormap bounds have been set according to range calibration presets on data as explained below.

• Select the Volume Rendering module in the Project View and view its colormap port in the
Properties panel (see Figure 13.11).
• Change the minimum boundary in the colormap port: the Volume Rendering is adjusted accord-
ingly. Tip: Use the virtual slider to change value continuously: hold down the Shift key while
you click and drag the mouse in the numerical text field.

Figure 13.11: Volume Rendering Properties panel

Intensity range calibration intends to provide presets matching to some intensity ranges. This ranges
can be easily selected to display a given dataset. Avizo can automatically guess thresholds separating
different densities of phases or materials, by analysing the intensity distribution histogram of the input
data. In the example above, Avizo identified an optimal threshold separating void and solid.

Getting started with Avizo Fire Edition- Manipulating 3D images 243

• Select the data object motor.am in the Project View and look at the data info in the Properties
panel (see Figure 13.12).

Figure 13.12: Calibration in data info

You can see: the actual min-max of data intensities, the data window defining intensity boundaries
for exterior to be hidden and used by the colormap port of the Volume Rendering, and the number of
ranges that have been defined for this data.

• Invoke the Range Calibration Editor by clicking its toggle button (with an histogram ruler sym-
bol) beside data title in the Properties panel as shown below. You can see the defined ranges for
the dataset (see Figure 13.13).

Figure 13.13: Range Calibration Editor

• Press the Show range distribution button to display the data histogram, separated here in two
regions/ranges as shown in Figure 13.14.

As you can see, separations between phases/materials are found at local minima of the histogram.
Tip: Other tools are available for automatic threshold determination. See Auto Thresholding module.
Note: Range Calibration is helpful for making visualizations more easily. For ideal quality images
with respect to the features of interest, that can be enough for quantitative analysis. For accurate iden-
tification of different phases/materials, in particular with noise, inhomogeous background or artifacts,
image filtering and segmentation tools may be needed. See the next chapters for more about image

244 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.14: Range Calibration Histogram

The engine block used in this example is actually made of at least two materials of significantly differ-
ent density and X-ray absorption: aluminum and steel inserts.
Modify the range calibration as follows:

• Set the Number of ranges to 3, and press Detect. You can see a new slider port and an updated
histogram with a new region/range as shown on Figure 13.15.
• Change names in Ranges port: Exterior Aluminum Steel
• Set Aluminum as an Exterior range : it will be excluded from the data window defined above
and used as default bounds by display modules. The first range named Exterior was set by
default as an exterior range.
• Press the Apply button at the bottom of the Properties panel. data info and editor should be
updated as shown in Figure 13.16.
• Now you can close the editor by clicking again on the Range Calibration Editor toggle button.
• Remove the Volume Rendering module from the current project: select the Volume Rendering
Settings module; press the delete key or drag the icon to the trash can in the Project View.
• Attach a Volume Rendering module to the data once again: the aluminum part is hidden now,
leaving only higher density steel visible, as shown in Figure 13.17.
• In the colormap port of the Volume Rendering module, you can press the Edit button or right-
click in color shaded area to choose a specific range in menu: entire data min-max, data window
excluding exterior ranges, or specific range defined (see Figure 13.18). For instance, choosing
Aluminum will get the entire block back.

More hints:

• In the Preferences, you can disable Calibration if you wish to get the behavior of the previous
Avizo’s version and use the default range for data min-max (or Data Window if defined as data

Getting started with Avizo Fire Edition- Manipulating 3D images 245

Figure 13.15: Histogram with 3 intensity ranges

Figure 13.16: Modifying Range Calibration

• You can use the Preferences to set a number of phases/materials to be detected in your data.
Keep in mind that detection relies on the shape of the image histogram. Avizo can automatically
guess the number of ranges that may be detected, but you may prefer to override this if Avizo
fails to find the expected ranges.
• All modules using colormaps or range slider ports such as Isosurface can take advantage of
Range Calibration.
• Tip: The data window and ranges are defined as persistent data parameters when you save your
data to an Avizo format (see Section 10.2.7 Data parameters).

246 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.17: Data window now selects high density material

Figure 13.18: Adjusting range in a colormap port

13.2 Getting started with Image Processing and Analysis in Avizo

Fire Edition
In this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn the basics for using Avizo Fire Edition for image processing
and analysis. The example used below can be easily extended to other applications and follows a
typical workflow of image analysis:

1. Image enhancement
2. Features extraction
3. Data measures and analysis

This section has the following parts:

• Processing grayscale images

• 3D versus 2D stack interpretation
• Binarization of grayscale images
• Separation

Getting started with Image Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition 247
• Analysis and measures
• Interactive selection
• Measure filters
• Sieves
• Label images
• Processing images in memory (in-core) and on disk (out-of-core)
• Scripting

To follow this tutorial you should be familiar with the basic concepts of Avizo. In particular you should
be able to load files, to interact with the 3D viewer, and to connect modules to data modules. All these
issues are discussed in Avizo chapter 3 - Getting started. For routine use of Avizo Fire Edition, you
may benefit from familiarity with Avizo image filtering and segmentation (see chapter 4 - Images and
volumes visualization and processing).

13.2.1 Processing images with Avizo Fire Edition

First of all, you have to :

• Load in Avizo the 3D microtomography volume data/images/foam/foam.am from the

AVIZO ROOT directory. The data object appears in the Project View.
• Attach an Ortho Slice module to visualize the data. To do so, click with the right mouse button
on the green data icon. In the object pop-up, choose the category entry called Display, then
double-click on the entry Ortho Slice (or click on Create). You can also use the search field and
type the first letters of Ortho Slice, then selecting the module in the list will automatically create
it in the Project View.
• Attach two other Ortho Slice modules. In the Properties panel of the second Ortho Slice, select
the xz orientation and the yz orientation in the Properties panel of the third Ortho Slice. See the
resulting display on Figure 13.19.

Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/GettingStartedBasics-1-LoadData.hx will complete the

steps above.
Improving image quality is often necessary to obtain the best results with image analysis. Next step
illustrates how to process images in Avizo Fire Edition with an image filter commonly used for smooth-
ing or noise reduction. You can learn more about image filters in tutorial section 13.8 - More about
image filtering.

• Attach a Median Filter module to the data. (Use the search field and type the first letters of
Median Filter, then select the module in the list.)
• Select 3D in the Interpretation port of Median Filter.
• Press on the Apply button.

248 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.19: Initial data

Once computed, the result is stored in a new image object foam.filtered (see Figure 13.20).

• Attach the three Ortho Slice to the resulting image. To do so, change the Data of each slice in
the Properties panel. See the resulting display on Figure 13.21.

Figure 13.20: Median Filter network

Figure 13.21: After removing noise with a median filter.

Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/GettingStartedBasics-2-ImageProcessing.hx will com-

plete the steps above.

Getting started with Image Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition 249
13.2.2 Interpretation as 3D image or 2D image stack
Sometimes it can be useful to interpret the input data of an image processing algorithm as a 3D volume,
or as a sequence of 2D planes. For instance, a number of image filters and image processing algorithms
can be performed either on each XY-slice of the volume using a 2D kernel or on the whole volume
using a 3D kernel. In some cases, it may be preferred to use 2D algorithm, either for performance or
for more appropriate effect depending on the data and the desired outcome.
In many Avizo Fire Edition modules, an interpretation port shows the state of the current module
(i.e XY planes or 3D ). If the state of the port is XY planes, it means that the module will perform
on each XY-slice. If the state of the port is 3D, it means that the module will perform on the entire
three-dimensional image at once.
In some cases, the intepretation port cannot be changed (it is greyed), for instance, when processing
can only be applied in XY planes.

13.2.3 Getting more help

Press the question mark button in the Properties panel of a module to display the module help.
This help may be contextual depending on interpretation mode, or type of processing selected in the

13.2.4 Binarization
Binarization means transforming a grayscale image into a binary image (i.e. a label image with only
interior and exterior materials). Threshold binarization is used when the relevant information in the
grayscale image corresponds to a specific gray level interval. Thresholding is a simple segmentation
method - more sophisticated automatic, semi-automatic or manual segmentation tools are also avail-
able in Avizo. Threshold binarization can be done with the Interactive Thresholding module which
prompts you to set the levels with a visual feedback.

• Attach an Interactive Thresholding module to the filtered data.

You can interactively modify the threshold values with immediate 2D or 3D visual feedback. The
selected pixels appear in blue in the displayed image.

• In the Properties panel of the module, you can set the threshold values to the range 0-30 for
• Check and uncheck the 3D option in the Preview Type port to get a 2D only or 3D preview (see
Figures 13.22 and 13.23).
• Press the Apply button to start the module.

The output binary image named foam.thresholded is generated in the Project View (see Figure

250 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.22: Interactive Thresholding Properties panel

Figure 13.23: Interactive Thresholding 2D preview

In the output binary image, all pixels with an initial gray level value lying between the two bounds are
set to 1, all the other pixels are set to 0.

Figure 13.24: Interactive Thresholding network

The Interactive Thresholding module has created a binary image. For binary images the Avizo Fire
Edition displays the voxels of intensity 1 with a blue color. If you attach an Ortho Slice to the resulting
image, an appropriate colormap is selected by default.

• Hide the Interactive Thresholding preview by switching of the orange visibility button in the
module icon in the Project View or next to the module name in the Properties panel.
• Connect the first Ortho Slice to the thresholded data. See the resulting display on Figure 13.25.

Getting started with Image Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition 251
Figure 13.25: Binary image displayed with an Ortho Slice

Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/GettingStartedBasics-3-Binarization.hx will complete the

steps above.

13.2.5 More about binary images in Avizo Fire Edition

In a binary image, all pixels that meet some set of conditions (here the condition is pixel intensity
within the two bounds set on Interactive Thresholding) are set to a value of 1 (the pixels of interest),
and all other pixels are set to 0 (the background). There is no particular type for binary images in Avizo
Fire Edition: binary images are simply label images with only one label (8/16/32-bit per voxel with
value 1; exterior with value 0). However, some of Avizo Fire Edition modules may explicitly require
binary image as input data.

13.2.6 More hints about binarization

(This section is optional and is not required reading for completing the subsequent tutorials.)

Extensive tools are available in Avizo Fire Edition for effective data binarization and segmentation
of images. The process can be automated in many cases, possibly by combining a number of steps,
sometimes requiring user input. In some cases, it may be necessary or easier to proceed to semi-
automatic or manual segmentation: in particular, the AvizoSegmentation Editor is designed for that
purpose (note that the Segmentation Editor only supports 8-bit label images). Also keep in mind that
improving image acquisition might be much easier than analyzing bad images.
Here are some of the Avizo Fire Edition modules that can facilitate automated binarization:

• Auto Thresholding automatically computes a threshold. You can choose the criterion best suited
to your data, generally factorisation.

252 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

• Interactive Top-Hat is a powerful tool for segmenting areas with non uniform backgrounds,
when simple thresholding fails to capture wanted features without unwanted noise. A top-hat
transform can be seen as a ”local thresholding”. Top-hat results are often combined with thresh-
old results using logical operation OR Image.
• Hysteresis Thresholding is used to achieve intermediate binarization between low and high
thresholds defining a safe retained area and a rejected area. You may use for instance Interactive
Thresholding interface to interactively choose the thresholds before using Hysteresis Threshold-
ing. See also the Canny Edge Detector module.
• Many image filters like gradient or laplacian can be used to help binarization, e.g. for Edge
• Filtering regions based on measures as shown later in this tutorial can also be a powerful tech-
nique for segmentation.

After binarization, it may be necessary to separate some objects, as shown in the next section.

13.2.7 Separation

In the example dataset, some of the pores in the foam appear to be touching but ideally should be
separated for proper analysis. Thresholding cannot avoid this type of output when the acquisition data
is too coarse or noisy, because the gray levels of the considered objects are not uniform enough across
the volume, or because the resolution is too low to distinguish some objects’ boundaries. You can use
the Separate Objects module to separate connected particles.

• Attach a Separate Objects module to the thresholded data.

• Set the Marker Extent port value to 1 instead of the default value 4. This is a contrast factor that
controls the size of seeds marking objects to be separated. Increasing this value can merge some
markers and therefore decrease the number of separated objects.
• Then press the Apply button. A foam.separate data is generated in the Project View.
• Attach the first Ortho Slice to the new data. See the resulting display on Figure 13.26.

The principle of the Separate Objects module is to compute watershed lines on a distance map. The
Separate Objects module is a high-level combination of the watershed, distance map and H-Maxima. It
can be used as a simple and straightforward separation tool, satisfying in many cases. You may notice
however that some separation may be missing or unwanted, in particular with non-convex shapes (con-
sidering also 3D). For more details and advanced separation, see Example 3: Separating, Measuring,
and Reconstructing Individual Objects - Pores in Foam.
Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/GettingStartedBasics-4-Separation.hx will complete the
steps above.

Getting started with Image Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition 253
Figure 13.26: The particles are now separated

13.2.8 Analysis
You can then use an analyze module to get the volume, surface area, mean value, number of voxels,
etc., individually for each separated particle. This analysis on the stack of images is undertaken by
using the Label Analysis module to extract statistical and numerical information, including the measure
of objects.

• Attach a Label Analysis module to the separated data.

• Set foam.am as Intensity Image in the dedicated port of the module.
• Press the Apply button.

A new label image data object foam.label is created in the Project View, and the Tables panel is
displayed, showing a spreadsheet-style table of results: the analysis foam.Label-Analysis, also created
in the Project View (see Figures 13.27 and 13.28).

Figure 13.27: Analysis network

The toolbar offers the possibility to:

• copy parts of the table

• export the spreadsheet in several formats
• sort columns in ascending or descending order

254 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.28: Analysis spreadsheets

• plot the histogram corresponding to a measurement (see below)

• do label tracking (see below section 13.2.9 - Interactive selection).

The basic measures (as selected in the Measures port of the module) are displayed in the Tables panel
as shown below (Volume3d, Area3D, etc.).

• Select the Volume3d column in the lower spreadsheet.

• Press on the histogram button of the toolbar (see Figure 13.29).

Figure 13.29: Analysis Panel toolbar: the histogram button

A window opens, displaying the Volume3d histogram as shown on Figure 13.30.

In the Measures port, basic is a group of measures that contains the most commonly used measures:
Volume3d, Area3d, BaryCenterX, BaryCenterY, BaryCenterZ and Mean. It is possible to define new
groups of measures, composed of pre-defined measures but also of user-defined measures. To learn
more on the subject, please refer to the dedicated tutorial in chapter 13.5 - Further Image Analysis.
Note: By default, if the units management of Avizo is disabled, the results are displayed with ”pixel”
or ”voxel” as unit. You can enable the units management of Avizo to display data and measurements
with units. Please refer to chapter 12 - Units in Avizo for all the details on how to use the units
management in Avizo.

Getting started with Image Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition 255
Figure 13.30: Volume3d histogram

Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/GettingStartedBasics-5-Analysis.hx will complete the

steps above.

13.2.9 Interactive selection

Avizo Fire Edition allows you to link the images in the 3D viewer to their corresponding rows in the
analysis panel in order to locate individual objects with corresponding measures.

Figure 13.31: Analysis Panel toolbar: the label tracking button

• Click on the label tracking button of the analysis panel toolbar (see Figure 13.31). A new Ortho
Slice is automatically attached to the separated image and displayed in the 3D viewer, as well as
a point dragger (see Figure 13.32).
• Select a cell of the analysis lower table. The point dragger will move to the corresponding object
location in the 3D view. If the histogram of one of the analysis measures is displayed, a vertical
line appears that displays the position and value of the selected row, as shown on Figure 13.33.
• In the viewer window, you can move the dragger using the rectangular handles, then upon button
release the analysis table will highlight the corresponding object row. In order to move the
dragger, you must set the viewer into interaction mode (press the ESC key). Then move the
mouse over one of the dragger’s crosshairs and press the left mouse button. The color of the
picked crosshair changes. The movement of the dragger is restricted to the corresponding plane.
• You can also click with the middle mouse button over a pickable object in the scene displayed
in the 3D viewer, for instance, over a particular pore on a displayed slice: the dragger will move
to the picked point and the corresponding spreadsheet row will also be highlighted.

256 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.32: Point dragger (brown lines crossing) in the 3D viewer corresponding to row 82

Figure 13.33: Line in the histrogram corresponding to row 82

13.2.10 Filtering based on measures

You can filter particles displayed in your 3D viewer. For example, you can decide to visualize only
particles which Volume3d belongs to a specified range.

• Attach an Analysis Filter to foam.Label-Analysis.

• Connect the Image port to foam.label.
• Create a new filter by entering Volume3d >= 30000 in the Filter port (see Figure 13.34). To
insert Volume3d in the formula you can type it or double-click on it in the list displayed below
the formula field.
• Click on the Apply button.

This creates a new analysis with fewer objects.

Getting started with Image Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition 257
• You can verify that fewer objects have been created by connecting the Ortho Slice to the new
label image foam.label-filtering, as shown on Figure 13.35.

Figure 13.34: Analysis Filter module

Figure 13.35: Filtering result

Tip: Filtering driven by measures can be a powerful tool for data segmentation. It allows you to select
or eliminate regions based for instance on size, shape factor, orientation, or combinations of several
Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/GettingStartedBasics-6-FilterAnalysis.hx will complete
the steps above.

13.2.11 Classifying measures with sieves

You can define a set of value ranges, that can then be used for displaying a histogram using this
distribution, or for creating a new label image showing the classification.

258 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

• Attach a Sieve Filter to foam.Label-Analysis.
• Connect the Data port to foam.label.
• Add a value by changing the Number of values to 4.
• Modify the suggested values by editing them or by moving the corresponding marker in the
histogram. You can also press on the Detect button to get regular intervals (see Figure 13.36).
• Press the Apply button. A new label image foam.Sieved has been created.
• Display the label image using a Volume Rendering module, as shown on Figure 13.37.

Figure 13.36: Sieve Analysis module

Figure 13.37: Sieve analysis result displayed with a Volume Rendering

Getting started with Image Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition 259
Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/GettingStartedBasics-7-SieveAnalysis.hx will complete
the steps above.

13.2.12 Label images

• Hide the Volume Rendering
• Attach the first Ortho Slice to the label image foam.label.

In the label image created along with the result spreadsheet, each particle has been identified and
assigned a unique index. This label data is stored in this case as a 16-bit label field. Such images are
displayed by default using a cyclic colormap so that particles in close proximity are more likely to be
shown in a different color, as shown on Figure 13.38.

Figure 13.38: Each particle has been identified and assigned a unique index

The Convert Image Type Editor should be used to change the precision of a label image. For instance,
some Avizo Fire Edition modules require 8-bit per voxel label images as input and won’t take 16-bit
per voxel label images. In such cases, it is mandatory to convert a 16-bit per voxel label image into a
8-bit per voxel label image.
Note: Avizo label field images coming from the Segmentation Editor and Multi-Thresholding modules
are 8-bit per voxel label images.

13.2.13 Processing data on disk

In some cases, you may decide to work with Visilog 6 (.im6) data format in order to be able to ”keep
data on disk” when opening data files, instead of loading data fully in memory. That way, some Avizo
Fire Edition modules can for instance load and process image data slice by slice (out-of-core), avoiding
the need to load the full data in memory (in-core). This allows processing of data that is much larger
than the available memory on your system, at the expense of processing time.

260 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

By default, module outputs will be created in the same way as the module inputs. As a consequence, in
order to process data fully on disk (input and output), you need to choose to Stay on disk when opening
the input data.
In addition to Visilog 6 format files, you can use Stay on disk with other data formats such as .lda. You
can also load uncompressed Avizo files, Raw files as Large Disk Data.

13.2.14 Scripting
A complete processing sequence can be put in a script in order to automate analysis for routine tasks.
For details about scripting with Avizo Fire Edition, see the chapter 13.4 - Example 3: Separating,
Measuring and Reconstructing.

13.2.15 Conclusion
This tutorial has introduced you to:

• Avizo Fire Edition interface modules and help menu,

• grayscale image processing modules,
• binary image processing modules,
• label fields for storing indexed (segmented) images,
• 3D versus 2D stack processing modules,
• in-core versus out-of-core processing,
• how to compute measurements analysis,
• using filters to pare down segmented data,
• using sieves to interpret your measurements,
• scripting.

These concepts can be extended in countless ways to tackle new challenges. Try to relate your image
processing problems back to this simple workflow:

• image processing to make data easier to binarize,

• binarization by tools like thresholding or top-hat (and sometimes combining two techniques),
• labeling to index all of the disconnected objects,
• measuring key properties for all indexed objects,
• analysis of measured data by visual inspection as well as filtering or sieving.

This introduction has highlighted how Avizo Fire Edition can be used to perform sophisticated seg-
mentation and analysis of 3D data, but there are many more processing operations and measurements
in addition to those presented here. Avizo Fire Edition gives you this extensive toolkit so that you can
map the appropriate tools to any processing challenge that confronts you.

Getting started with Image Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition 261
13.3 Example 2: Measuring a Catalyst
This tutorial illustrates more techniques using Avizo Fire Edition:

1. Using masks to isolate object of interest.

2. Using distance map.
3. Using image arithmetics and distribution histogram.

To follow this tutorial, you should have read the first tutorial chapter 13.2 - Getting started with Image
Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition and be familiar with basic manipulation of Avizo.
Display module visibility can be managed in the usual way with Avizo by clicking on the orange
square button in the icon visible in Project View, or beside the module title in the Properties panel. See
chapter 10.1.8 about Main panel and Project Views.
The 3D image used in this example is acquired by microtomography: an almost spherical support
contains catalyst and pores. The catalyst appears with dark levels in the image (low intensity voxels).
The pores and background appear with bright levels (high intensity voxels). Intermediate gray levels
correspond to the support.

Figure 13.39: Microtomography image of catalyst and pores

The goal of this example is to get a distribution of distances between the catalyst voxels and the back-
ground (exterior). Here, a difficulty is the exterior intensity is close or identical to the intensity within
the pores, which prevents to use simply thresholding to isolate exterior. Moreover, some pores are con-
nected with exterior, which prevent to use ’flood fill’ approaches like magic wand of the Segmentation
Editor, or the Reconstruction From Markers module.
Note: in this tutorial, you will find hints on how to manage an arbitrary region of interest. Another
common example of a similar problem is to isolate the pore space of a rock core sample from core
exterior, in order to compute rock porosity for instance.
The process is split in several steps/sections that describe a step-by-step measurement workflow:

262 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

• Object Detection and Masks
• More about Region of Interest and Masks
• Using Distance Map
• More about Distance Maps
• Measurement Distribution

13.3.1 Object Detection and Masks

• Start by loading data/tutorials/fireedition/Catalyst.am from the
AVIZO ROOTdirectory.
• Attach an Ortho Slice module to the Catalyst.am image icon in the Project View to display
this image:

Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/CatalystDistribution-1-LoadData.hx will complete this

tutorial step (see Figure 13.40).

Figure 13.40: The initial image

Now, you can start with the first step used in this example for detection of the object: thresholding,
then closing in order to ’fill’ the object and prepare a mask. The next section will give more hints on
possible ways to create masks and arbitrary region of interest for your data.

• Attach an Interactive Thresholding module to the Catalyst.am module.

Example 2: Measuring a Catalyst 263

For searching an appropriate threshold, you can directly change the Threshold port. According to the
Preview Type port, the 2D or 3D preview is interactively rendered. Remember to check through the
whole volume by changing the Preview Slice Number and Preview Orientation ports. Other Avizo
modules can also be helpful for this task (see Section 4.2 Visualizing 3D Images).
Here, thresholding the image between 0 and 225 (see Figure 13.41) gives a binary image where:

• intensity level = 1 -> support or catalyst (material),

• intensity level = 0 -> pore or exterior background.

Figure 13.41: The properties area and the project view

Applying the Interactive Thresholding module will create a binary image (image label with only inte-
rior and exterior materials) as described below:

• Select the Interactive Thresholding module in the Project view, then change the Threshold values
to the range 0-225 by using the slider handles or the text areas of this port.
• Changes the Preview Slice Number port to 45 by dragging the slider of this port.
• Press the Apply button to start processing.
• You can check 3D in the Preview Type port to get a 3D preview and uncheck 3D to undo this
• Attach the Ortho Slice currently linked to Catalyst.am to the resulting image, by click on
and dragging the link of Ortho Slice to Catalyst.thresholded; an appropriate colormap
will be selected by default.
• Hide the Interactive Thresholding preview by clicking on the orange square of this module in
the Project view.

Loading the project CatalystDistribution-2-InteractiveThresholding.hx will complete this tutorial step

(see Figure 13.42).

264 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.42: Material binary image after Thresholding

Morphological: Closing object

In order to detect the object shapes, you can apply morphological modules now. The mathematical
morphology modules are transforms based on shape and size criteria.
The morphological Closing module applied on a binary image gives another binary image where:

• small holes inside objects are filled,

• objects boundaries are smoothed,
• close objects are connected.

Figure 13.43: Effect of a Closing module on a binary image

The Closing module actually makes a dilation of the binarized regions, followed by an erosion: in-
tuitively, the dilation fills holes and reconnects separated regions, then the erosion restores original
exterior shape.

Example 2: Measuring a Catalyst 265

Here are the steps to fill the pores of the object:

• Attach a Closing module to Catalyst.thresholded.

• In order to fill any holes inside the object, you absolutely have to set the Kernel Size port to 6
(size of the structuring element). Such specific values may be found with a few trials and by
checking through the whole volume by sliding an Ortho Slice for instance.
• Then push the Apply button to create the resulting binary image.
• Attach the already existing Ortho Slice to Catalyst.closing.

Loading the project CatalystDistribution-3-Closing.hx will complete this tutorial step (see Figure

Figure 13.44: Object binary image after Closing

Note: The artifact you may notice on the right side of image above is due the dilation too close to
image border. To prevent this, the background border around the object should be larger than the size
of closing. That could be easily solved by using the image Crop Editor: in this example, you could
set for instance Adjust to 10, then uncheck Replicate for Add mode and set Pixel value to background
intensity (i.e. 0); then pressing the Enlarge button would add a 10-voxel border. However, you can
ignore this enlargement step in this tutorial.

13.3.2 More about Region of Interest and Masks

It is often necessary or useful to restrict measures or processing to a subset of the data.

266 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

If the subset is an axis-aligned box, you can use the following tools:

• Many modules support a Region Of Interest (ROI) input. You can attach a Display/ROI Box
module to your data, then connect the ROI input of the display or compute module to the ROI
Box module.
• The image Crop Editor can cut or extend your data.
• The Extract Subvolume module copies a portion of your data in memory, possibly sub-sampled.

If you need an arbitrary mask or region of interest - for instance a cylindrical ROI, you can use the
following tools:

• A number of modules sorted into Image Processing/Image Morphology from the pop-up menu
of every binary image can be used to create or combine masks like the one shown above. Other
examples include Convex Hull (applies slice by slice), Fill Holes, Reconstruction From Markers.
• The Volume Edit module is used to modify a volume with interactive tools like cylinder. It may
also be used by script.
• The Segmentation Editor has a number of useful tools that can be used to quickly create masks,
like brush, shaped lasso, Selection/Interpolate.

13.3.3 Using Distance Map

The second step is to compute a distance map of the catalyst. The next section gives more hints about
distance maps.
Applying the distance map algorithm on a binary image gives a gray level image where each voxel in-
tensity represents the minimal distance in voxels from the object boundary. For a given voxel intensity
of the object distance map:

• Intensity level = 0 -> background

• Intensity level = 1 -> object envelope
• Others low level intensity -> part of the object close to the object envelope
• Others high level intensity -> part of the object far from the object envelope

Now, you can create this distance map as follows:

• Attach a new Chamfer Distance Map module (Image Processing/Distance Map folder) to
• Set the Interpretation to 3D and click on Apply.
• Attach a new Ortho Slice to the result (Catalyst.distmap) to see the object’s distance map.

Loading the project CatalystDistribution-4-DistanceMap.hx will complete this tutorial step (see Figure

Example 2: Measuring a Catalyst 267

Figure 13.45: Object distance map


• Apply a Interactive Thresholding module to the initial image Catalyst.am.

• Set threshold between 0 and 100 and click on Apply.

This gives a binary image (Catalyst2.thresholded) where:

• Intensity level = 1 -> catalyst,

• Intensity level = 0 -> support, pore or background.

Loading the project CatalystDistribution-5-InteractiveThresholding.hx will complete this tutorial step

(see Figure 13.46).
Masking will be used to compute the restricted distance map of the catalyst. The mask operation takes
a gray level image for first input, a binary image for second input (mask image), and provides a gray
level image for output where:

• each black voxel of the mask image is set to 0 in the output image,
• each blue voxel of the mask image is set to the initial level from the gray image.

Masking the distance map image by the catalyst image gives a gray image where:

268 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.46: Catalyst binary image

• each non null intensity represents a voxel of the catalyst,

• the intensity value is equal to the distance in voxels from the object envelope.

You can create a such mask as follows:

• Apply a Mask module: the first input is Catalyst.distmap (the distance map
image), and the second input is the catalyst binary image obtained previously
• Attach a new Ortho Slice to the result to see the object’s distance map. To get a better ren-

Example 2: Measuring a Catalyst 269

dering, you can map the colormap range of the Ortho Slice to the full range (min-max) of
Catalyst.masked : set 0...93 as min-max in the Colormap port.

Loading the project CatalystDistribution-6-Masking.hx will complete this tutorial step (see Figure

Figure 13.47: Catalyst distance map

13.3.4 More about Distance Maps

Distance maps (also called distance transforms) are powerful tools for a number of image processing
techniques. The computed distance may be a discrete approximation (chamfer map) for faster compu-
tation. Avizo provides several versions of distance map that you may check for your specific purpose.
Most of available distance modules are available in the subsection Image Processing/Distance Maps
of the module pop-up menu :

• Chessboard Distance Map (2D/3D chessboard),

• 2D/3D Chamfer Distance Map (chessboard and diagonal),
• Geodesic Distance Map (based on mask to hide particular parts),
• 2D/3D Closest Boundary Points,
• As a special case, Propagation Distance and related modules in Image Processing/Image Mor-
phology group,
• Distance Map, using either chamfer or euclidian distances,

270 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

• Skeleton/Distance Map For Skeleton. See Chapter 18 Avizo XSkeleton Pack User’s Guide for
more details on distance maps and 3D skeletonization.
• Skeleton/Distance Map On Disk Data that can operate only legacy LDD disk data.
• Propagation Distance (browsed-voxel distance) is referenced into the subsection Image Process-
ing/Image Morphology of the module popup menu.

13.3.5 Measurement Distribution

You calculated a chamfer map measuring distances based on voxel units. For consistent results, you
have to consider the voxel calibration: multiplying the distance image by the voxel size converts the
image intensities into the metric system (micrometers).
The module group Image Processing/Arithmetics Operations is available for operations between two
images or between an image and a constant.
Tip: the Arithmetic module also provides a flexible way to perform calculations with images.
You can get the distribution of the distances now:

• Use the Multiply By Value on Catalyst.masked as first input (Input Image 1 port). Set the
Value port to 5 (assuming a voxel size of 5 micrometers).
• Click on Apply to get Catalyst.mult as result.
• Retrieve the maximum value with the Info port displayed in the Properties panel when selecting
the image icon in the Project View.
• Attach an Histogram module on Catalyst.mult to compute and plot for each gray level
i, the number of voxels at intensity i. The number of points per each level will be graphed
as a histogram. Set the Range port to {3,400} and the Max Num Bins port to 80. Uncheck
logarithmic in the Options port and click on Apply to display the histogram window. Using the
File menu, you can take a snapshot of the histogram or save the histogram data to a csv file.
• Applying an Histogram module on the catalyst distance map generates a graph showing the
number of catalyst voxels located at a given distance from the object envelope.

Loading the project CatalystDistribution-7-Histogram.hx will complete this tutorial step (see Figure

13.4 Example 3: Separating, Measuring and Reconstructing

This tutorial gives more details about object separation and extraction of geometric information:

1. Principle of the Watershed Algorithm, an essential tool for image processing

2. Prior Segmentation
3. Object Separation using Watershed step-by-step

Example 3: Separating, Measuring and Reconstructing 271

Figure 13.48: Distribution of the distances

4. Separation Troubleshooting
5. Filtering Individual Objects
6. Geometry Reconstruction

To follow this tutorial, you should have read the first tutorial chapter 13.2 - Getting started with
Image Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition and be familiar with basic manipulation of Avizo.

The 3D image used in this example was generated using data from several slices of foam.
The aim of the example is to isolate and quantify these bubbles, in a more detailed way than the Getting
started example, for better controlling on the results. Separation is essential in a number of cases for
compensating too low image resolution, noise, or intensity variations across the image.

Figure 13.49: Foam image

272 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

13.4.1 Principle of the Watershed Algorithm
The watershed algorithm is a powerful method that has many applications in image processing, for
instance for automated objects segmentation or separation.
This algorithm simulates the flooding from a set of labeled regions in a 2D or 3D image. It expands
the regions according to a priority map, until the regions reach at the watershed lines. The process can
be seen as progressive immersion in a landscape.

Figure 13.50: Watershed

This algorithm depends on two inputs:

1. A label image containing labeled marker regions that are used as seed areas for the flooding.
There will be at the end of the process as many separated object as markers labeled differently.
These are like rivers for which one want to retrieve the catchment area.
2. A gray image playing the role of the landscape height field or altitude map that controls the flood
progression and finally the location of watershed separations. These separations are located on
the crest lines between valleys of our landscape.

Different applications can be achieved by carefully choosing both inputs: markers and priority map.
An example is the Separate Objects module used for separating foam pores in the Getting started
tutorial. It first computes a distance map (see the chapter 13.3 - Measuring a Catalyst tutorial for more
about distance maps). This distance map provides the priority map input for a watershed process.
Maxima regions of the distance maps - the most inner areas of the pores - provide the markers input
used for the watershed. The process is described in details in the next section.

13.4.2 Prior Segmentation

First, you need to segment the data, in order to get a binary image of the pores.

• Start by loading in Avizo the image stack data/images/foam/foam.am from the

AVIZO ROOT directory.

Example 3: Separating, Measuring and Reconstructing 273

• You might want to perform some kind of noise reduction on your data. You could typically ap-
ply a filter such as Median Filter with 3D Interpretation; the median filter is a nonlinear digital
filtering technique, often used to preserve edges while removing noise. Such noise reduction is
a typical pre-processing step to improve the results of later processing like segmentation or edge
Nevertheless, you can skip this stage in this example and start creating a binary image by thresh-
• Attach an Interactive Thresholding module to the foam.am object in the project view.
• By using the cursors of the Threshold port slider, set the low and high threshold levels to 0 and
38 and click on Apply. In the preview, you can see that the resolution and intensity distributions
in the image do not allow to directly segment separated pores: some pores remain connected,
whatever threshold is chosen, unless too much noise is left in pores.
• Attach an Ortho Slice to foam.thresholded to visualize the result.

Loading the project WatershedSeparation-1-Thresholding.hx will complete this tutorial step (see Fig-
ure 13.51).

Figure 13.51: Binary image

By dragging the cursor of the Slice Number port, you may notice some artifact holes (e.g. in slices 4,
5, 6), mostly related to higher intensity rings crossing the pores that appear on the gray image. Attach
an Ortho Slice to the gray image and set Mapping type to histogram to highlight these. Hide or remove
the previous Ortho Slice.
Rather than doing upstream correction of gray image or even acquisition, it may be more effective in
some case to correct the binary image, for instance filling holes.

274 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Optionally, it is recommended to fill holes within objects to separate because the separation method
based on distance map can be sensitive to these artifact holes.

• You can attach a Fill Holes module to foam.thresholded.

• Set Interpretation to 3D and click on Apply to get foam.filled as result.

13.4.3 Separation using Watershed step by step

Starting from binary-image, you can proceed to pores separation now. You will compute a distance
map, create markers from maxima regions of the distance map, then apply the fast watershed algorithm.

• Attach a Chamfer Distance Map module to the binary-image object (foam.thresholded).

• Set Interpretation to 3D and click on Apply to get foam.distmap as result.
• Attach an Ortho Slice to control the result. Each voxel within a pore receives a value corre-
sponding to its distance to the black background (the foam).

Loading the project WatershedSeparation-2-DistanceMap.hx will complete this tutorial step (see Fig-
ure 13.52).

Figure 13.52: Chamfer distance map

• Attach a H-Maxima module. Leave the Contrast port to default value (4) and click on Apply.
• Attach an Ortho Slice to foam.hMaxima and set the Transparency type to Alpha.

Example 3: Separating, Measuring and Reconstructing 275

Loading the project WatershedSeparation-3-MergedMaxima.hx will complete this tutorial step (see
Figure 13.53).

Figure 13.53: Merged maxima of distance map

This module creates a binary image containing the regional maxima of the input distance map image,
which are ”merged” within the contrast variation given as parameter. Since distance map is used as
input, the result is the set of most inner regions within objects.

Figure 13.54: Principle of H-Maxima (merged maxima) shown on a image profile sample

The watershed algorithm requires a unique label for each region finally separated. Two regions with
same value in input image would be merged.

• Attach a Labeling module to foam.hMaxima and click on Apply.

• Attach an Ortho Slice to foam.labels and set the Transparency type to Alpha.

Loading the project WatershedSeparation-4-Markers.hx will complete this tutorial step (see Figure

276 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.55: Markers created by the Labeling module

The distance map also needs to be inverted, as the watershed algorithm will expand the markers towards
increasing values of the input priority map (i.e. landscape altitude).

• Apply a NOT module to foam.distmap.

• Attach an Ortho Slice to foam.not.

Loading the project WatershedSeparation-5-ReversedDistanceMap.hx will complete this tutorial step

(see Figure 13.56).
You can compute the image of watershed separation lines now.

• Attach a Marker-Based Watershed module to the reversed-distance data object (foam.not).

Set foam.labels as the Input Label Image, and the Type to Watershed. Press Apply.
• Attach an Ortho Slice to the result to see watershed lines. Set Alpha or Binary as the Trans-
parency type to overlay lines onto gray image.
• Attach an Ortho Slice to foam.am. Set the Colormap minimum to 0.

Loading the project WatershedSeparation-6-SeparationLines.hx will complete this tutorial step (see
Figure 13.57).
To complete the separation, you can subtract separation lines from the binary image of pores:

• Apply an AND NOT Image module to foam.thresholded as first input and

foam.watershed as second input.

Example 3: Separating, Measuring and Reconstructing 277

Figure 13.56: Inverted distance map displayed using a Line Probe module

Figure 13.57: Watershed separation lines

• Attach an Ortho Slice to see the result foam.sub.

Loading the project WatershedSeparation-7-SeparatedPores.hx will complete this tutorial step (see
Figure 13.58).

278 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.58: Separated pores

Figure 13.59: The watershed separation workflow

13.4.4 Separation Troubleshooting

You may see in the result unseparated pores, or on the contrary unwanted separations of pores. Because
it is based on the geometrical distance criterion, the separation will work best for convex, almost
spherical objects. Here are some guidelines for improving separation :

• If you look to markers image on a particular slice, markers may seem missing in some pores just
because they lay somewhere else in 3D.
• In some case however a marker can be really missing because two objects are considered merged
from the standpoint of distance map regional maxima, then a separation will also be missing.
You can try lowering the contrast factor of H-Maxima (or Separate Objects) to make markers
smaller and more separated.

Example 3: Separating, Measuring and Reconstructing 279

• If a separation is missing, it means that a marker is missing,
• Separation ’lines’ may look too thick or wrong, just because the slice you are looking at is
somewhat tangent to a separation face.
• Unwanted separation may occur if the object shape is non-convex: this leads multiple local
maxima, therefore separated object. Small concavity in an object can lead to a separation across
it. A solution may be to increase the contrast factor of H-Maxima in order to make markers
larger and merged,
• A separation based on distance map may follow the shortest path, i.e. straight line instead of the
desired shape. This is because the watershed is driven by the distance: the separation is driven
by geometrical criterion.
• Chamfer Distance Map is a discrete chamfer map. You could use instead a more accurate eu-
clidian distance map (see Distance Map or other distance map types referenced into Image Pro-
cessing/Distance Maps from the object pop-up); however, this has little impact in most cases.

As a main guideline, there will be as many separated object as markers.

If results are not satisfying, there can be two cases:

• The number of objects is not satisfying: in this case, you must work on markers.
• The lines of separation are not satisfying: you must work on the priority map, the ’landscape
height field’.

For markers, the Separate Objects solution is to work on the distance map. In this case, you take into
account the geometry (most inner regions), but markers may be obtained by other ways. Sometimes it
may be interesting to use the grayscale image (intensity) if the centers of grains are darker or lighter.
If the objects are fairly homogeneous, you must stick with geometric information. One may need to
adjust the contrast factor setting of H-Maxima. Basically the H-Maxima parameter corresponds to the
minimum depth of between two maxima. With geographic analogy: the difference in height between
the collar and a summit so that you keep the two distinct peaks.
It can be easier to make trials on a cropped dataset showing object(s) that should not be split and
tune settings in order to make sure that only one marker is inside each object. One possibility for
improvement is to do a H-Maxima and then mask the result with a threshold image of the distance map.
This avoids keeping markers for small connected parts, since you keep only markers corresponding to
a maximum of distance map with a minimal value for distance.
Once satisfied with markers, corresponding to the number of objects, you can also improve the lines of
separation. Once again, the process described above (Separate Objects) relies on the geometry, you can
also use as a function of depth - either directly grayscale intensity or the gradient of intensity. It may be
a little difficult to combine geometrical information and intensity information. In some cases, you can
get by with a combination of the distance function and a function of intensity, for example, with the
Blend With Image, Blend With Value or Arithmetic module, somehow simulating the complex way the
human eye can combine both informations. Note that the watershed seeks for lines peak separations,
therefore local maxima - as for distance map you may need to use the negative of function to bring to
this case.

280 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

An additional powerful technique to improve separation is to filter the separations added by watershed
method, based on some criteria:

• isolate the added separations: get the difference between original and separated image using the
AND NOT Image module for instance,
• label these separations with the Labeling module,
• use the Label Analysis module to do some measurement in each separation, for instance, the
maximum of distance map value within a separation region could indicate whether a separation
goes too deep inside an object.

You will find more example applications of watershed in next tutorials, using different methods to
create the markers and the priority map.

13.4.5 Filtering Individual Objects

You can measure individual objects that have been separated.
First, you need to convert the binary image of separated pores to a label image with each pore uniquely

• Apply a Labeling module to the separated-pores image (foam.sub).

• You can attach a Voxelized Rendering module to see the labeled image.

Loading the project WatershedSeparation-8-SegmentedPores.hx will complete this tutorial step (see
Figure 13.60).

Figure 13.60: Segmented pores

Secondly, you want to filter unwanted small objects, and finally measure the volumes of individual

Example 3: Separating, Measuring and Reconstructing 281

In order to remove small objects, you can use measures and measure filters as described in the Getting
started tutorial. This involves two steps:

• Attach a Filter By Measure module to the label image.

• Set foam.am as Input Intensity Image.
• Select Volume3d in the huge list of available measure of the Measure port.
• Set the Number Of Objects port to 15 to keep only the 15 biggest volumes. Press Apply.
• A Voxelized Rendering or Boundary Rendering module can be used to see the biggest volumes.
• You can also use a Label Analysis module to display and manage specific measurement in the
tables panel.

In one of the next tutorials (chapter 13.5 - Further Image Analysis), you will find more example appli-
cations of measurement and advanced analysis.
Loading the project WatershedSeparation-9-FilteredPores.hx will complete this tutorial step (see Fig-
ure 13.61).

Figure 13.61: Segmented and filtered pores

282 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

13.4.6 Geometry Reconstruction

Finally, you can reconstruct the geometry of the bubbles:

• Attach a Generate Surface module to the result label image (foam3.labels), uncheck Adjust
Coords in the Border port, and press Apply to generate foam3.surf.
• Display the resulting surface by attaching a Surface View module.

Loading the project WatershedSeparation-10-Reconstruction.hx will complete this tutorial step (see
Figure 13.62).

Figure 13.62: Surface reconstruction of filtered pores

As the result image already contains integer values for material labels, it can be used directly for
surface reconstruction. Other image types may require conversion to Avizo label data (for instance by
using the Convert Image Type module). Notice that the Generate Surface module can work with more
than 256 labels.

Example 3: Separating, Measuring and Reconstructing 283

Displaying the resulting surface with a Surface View module may be very slow due to the large number
of surface polygons. In this case, a prior simplification of the surface is recommended for faster display
on your hardware.
Avizo also allows you to export the surfaces to various file formats, or to generate and export a tetra-
hedral model suitable, for instance, for finite element simulation with some external solver.
A demo script corresponding to this whole tutorial can be found in:
It uses a script object located in data/tutorials/fireedition for automating the processing. It matches the
workflow described on the figure 13.59.
Once the script is loaded, you can optionally change several port values and click on the Apply button
of the Action port to start the processing.

13.5 Example 4: Further Image Analysis - Distribution of Pore

Diameters in Foam
This example shows how to compute the distribution of pore diameters in a foam sample and how to
define a custom measure to compute the sphericity of pores.
To follow this tutorial you should have read the chapter 13.2 - Getting started with Image Processing
and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition and be familiar with basic manipulation of Avizo.

This section is divided in the following steps:

• pore detection,
• pore post-processing,
• custom measure group definition to determine the distribution of pore diameters,
• custom measure definition to compute the sphericity of pore.

The image used in this example is acquired by microtomography. It represents foam that consists of
material and pores. Pores appear with dark levels in the image (low intensity voxels). Material appears
with luminous levels (high intensity voxels).

• Start by loading data/tutorials/fireedition/FoamPoro.am from the

AVIZO ROOT directory.
• Connect an Ortho Slice to visualize the data in the 3D viewer as shown on Figure 13.63.

13.5.1 First step: pore detection

• Connect an Interactive Thresholding to the data.
• Use the Threshold port to threshold the image between 0 and 50.

284 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.63: Initial microtomography image of foam pores

• Press Apply.
• Hide the Interactive Thresholding module and connect the Ortho Slice to the output

As shown on Figure 13.64, thresholding the image between 0 and 50 gives a binary image where:
intensity level 1 = porosity, intensity level 0 = support (material).

13.5.2 Second step: pore post-processing

The morphological Opening operator applied on a binary image gives another binary image where:
small objects are removed, objects boundaries are smoothed, some objects may be disconnected.

• Connect an Opening module to the binary image.

• Set the Kernel Size to 1.
• Press Apply.
• Connect the Ortho Slice to the output FoamPoro.opening.

Example 4: Further Image Analysis - Distribution of Pore Diameters in Foam 285

Figure 13.64: Pores

Applying morphological opening on the previously computed pores binary image gives a filtered image
where noise and artifacts are reduced, as shown on Figure 13.65.
The Separate Objects module detects surfaces that separate agglomerated particles. These surfaces are
subtracted from the initial image, see Figure 13.66.

• Connect a Separate Objects module to the filtered binary image.

• Set the Marker Extent to 1.
• Press Apply.
• Connect the Ortho Slice to the output FoamPoro.separate (see Figure 13.67).

13.5.3 Third step: custom measure group definition to determine the distribu-
tion of pore diameters
The Avizo Fire EditionLabel Analysis module allows computation of a set of measures for each particle
of a 3D image. Once the individual analysis is performed, a histogram of a given measure may be

286 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.65: Filtered pores

Figure 13.66: Pore post-processing

plotted in order to produce a representation of the measure distribution.

• Connect a Label Analysis module to the separated binary image.

• Set FoamPoro.am as Intensity Image.

In the Measures port of the module, basic is a group of pre-selected native measures. It might
happen that you don’t need all the measures of the basic measure group, or you would like to bundle a

Example 4: Further Image Analysis - Distribution of Pore Diameters in Foam 287

Figure 13.67: Separated pores

different set of measures in the analysis table. For these cases, you can create your own measure group.

For a given particle, the equivalent diameter measure computes the diameter of the spherical particle
of same volume. So the equivalent diameter is given by the following formula:
3 6 × V olume3d
EqDiameter =
• Press on the configuration button of the Measures port (the button with 3 dots). A panel opens
for the selection of measure groups (see Figure 13.68).
• Create a new measure group by pressing the dedicated button next to the measure group selector
• In the pop-up window, name the new group diameter and press OK.
• Select EqDiameter in the native measures list (2) and use the arrow button to add it to the group

288 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

• Press OK.

Figure 13.68: Selection of measure groups

The new diameter group, containing only the equivalent diameter measure, is now selected in the
Measures port of the Label Analysis module.

• Press the Apply button.

A new label image data object FoamPoro.label is created in the Project View, and the Tables panel
is displayed, showing a spreadsheet-style table of results: the analysis FoamPoro.Label-Analysis, also
created in the Project View (see Figures 13.69 and 13.70).

Figure 13.69: Analysis network

• Select the EqDiameter column in the lower spreadsheet.

• Press on the histogram button of the toolbar.

Example 4: Further Image Analysis - Distribution of Pore Diameters in Foam 289

Figure 13.70: Analysis spreadsheets

A window opens, displaying the EqDiameter histogram, as shown on Figure 13.71.

Figure 13.71: EqDiameter histogram

Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/CustomerMeasurements-1-EquivalentDiameter.hx will

complete the steps above.

290 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

13.5.4 Fourth step: custom measure definition to compute the sphericity of
Avizo Fire Edition provides a set of pre-defined native measures but it is also possible to save user-
defined custom measures.

Figure 13.72: User measures definition button

• Select the Label Analysis module.

• In the Properties panel, press on the configuration button of the Measures port (the button with
3 dots).
• Choose the diameter group if it is not yet selected.
• Create a user measure by pressing the dedicated button (see Figure 13.72).
• Name it Sphericity and press OK.

The Measure Edition panel opens.

The sphericity is a measure of how spherical an object is and is expressed as:

π 1/3 (6V )2/3


where V is the volume of a particle and A is its surface area.

It is the ratio of the surface area of a sphere (with the same volume as the given particle) to the surface
area of the particle. The sphericity of a sphere is 1 and, by the isoperimetric inequality, any particle

Example 4: Further Image Analysis - Distribution of Pore Diameters in Foam 291

which is not a sphere will have sphericity less than 1. Here are several examples of object sphericity :

Object Volume Area Sphericity

√ √
2 2 3
cone : h = 2 2r 3 πr 4πr2 ≈ 0.794
cylinder : h = 2r 2πr 6πr2 ≈ 0.874
torus : R = r 2π 2 r3 4π 2 r2 ≈ 0.894
4 3 2
sphere 3 πr√ 4πr
√ 2 1
5 3
icosahedron : 20f aces 12 (3 + √5)s p 5 3s √ ≈ 0.939
dodecahedron : 12f aces 4 (15 +√ 7 5)s3 + 10 5s2
3 25 √ ≈ 0.910
1 3
octohedron : 8f aces 3 2s 2 3s2 ≈ 0.846
cube : 6f aces s 6s2 ≈ 0.806

2 3
√ 2
tetrahedron : 4f aces 12 s 3s ≈ 0.671

This can be expressed, with respect to Avizo Fire Edition measures, as:

• Enter the shericity formula in the dedicated field of the panel (see Figure 13.73).
• Press Close.
• Select Sphericity in the user measures list and use the arrow button to add it to the diameter
• Press OK.

Figure 13.73: Measure edition

• Press the Apply button of the Label Analysis module.

292 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

The Analysis panel is updated and displays the EqDiameter and Sphericity measures.
Tip: Using a custom group to select only the needed measures can help to speed up the analysis
Note 1: User-defined data such as custom measure groups or custom measures are persistent at the
end of work session as local settings, so they can be retrieved when you restart Avizo. These custom
data are also saved in project scripts.
Note 2: It is important to mention that the sphericity computed could be superior to 1 for small pores
(i.e. composed of few voxels). This is due to that the Area 3D measure is computed with chordal
approximations (which gives generally a better approximation of the area) whereas it is not the case
for the Volume 3D measure which does not use any approximation.
Avizo Fire Edition offers powerful ways to define custom measures. See the user’s guide and reference
guide for further details.
Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/CustomerMeasurements-2-Sphericity.hx will complete
the steps above.

13.6 Example 5: Further Image Analysis - Average Thickness of

Material in Foam

This tutorial shows how to compute the thickness of material in a foam sample.
To follow this tutorial, you should have read the first tutorial chapter 13.2 - Getting started with Image
Processing and Analysis in Avizo Fire Edition and be familiar with basic manipulation of Avizo.
At the end of this tutorial you will find a link to a corresponding demo script.

Start by loading data/tutorials/fireedition/FoamPoro.am, an image acquired by mi-

crotomography and stored into the AVIZO ROOT directory.
It represents foam that consists of material and pores. Pores appear with dark levels in the image (low
intensity voxels). Material appears with luminous levels (high intensity voxels).
The algorithm may be divided into 4 steps:

• Porosity Detection
• Detection of the Separation Surfaces
• Distance Map of the Material
• Calculation of the Material Average Thickness

Example 5: Further Image Analysis - Average Thickness of Material in Foam 293

Figure 13.74: Microtomography image of foam pores

13.6.1 Porosity Detection

Reproduce the first steps of the previous tutorial: use thresholding, morphological opening and sepa-
rating modules on the initial image to get a binary image of the filtered and separated pores.
Loading the project PorosityThickness-1-SeparationObjects.hx will complete this tutorial step (see
Figure 13.75).

Figure 13.75: Binary image of porosity

294 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

13.6.2 Detection of the Separation Surfaces
The goal of this step is to detect surfaces that cross the material at an equidistance from two pores. The
Influence Zones module:

• takes a binary image as input,

• gives a binary image as output where:
• each blue voxel of the output image is closer to the object located at the center of the zone
in the input image,
• each black voxel is equidistant from at least two closer objects.

Apply the Influence Zones module on the binary image of porosity FoamPoro.separate.
Loading the project PorosityThickness-2-InfluenceZones.hx will complete this tutorial step (see Figure

Figure 13.76: Image/skeleton by Influence Zones

The NOT module inverts the levels of a binary image. Applying NOT on an skeleton by influence zone
(SKIZ) gives a binary image where:

• each black voxel of the output image is closer to the object located at the center of the zone in
the input image,
• each blue voxel is equidistant from at least two closer objects.

So the Influence Zones and NOT combination provides a binary image of surfaces that separate pores
through the material.

Example 5: Further Image Analysis - Average Thickness of Material in Foam 295

Apply the NOT module to FoamPoro.zones.
Loading the project PorosityThickness-3-SeparationSurfaces.hx will complete this tutorial step (see
Figure 13.77).

Figure 13.77: Separation surfaces image

13.6.3 Distance Map of the Material

Apply NOT on the binary image of porosity FoamPoro.separate.
This gives a binary image where:

• each black voxel of the output image represents a background or porosity voxel,
• each blue voxel represents a material voxel.

The Chamfer Distance Map module applied on a binary image gives a gray level image where each
voxel intensity represents the minimal distance in voxels from the object boundary. For a given voxel

• intensity level = 0 corresponds to the pores or background

• intensity level = 1 corresponds to the material envelope
• other low level intensities correspond to the part of material close to the material envelope
• other high level intensities correspond to the part of material far from the material envelope

296 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.78: Material binary image

Apply a Chamfer Distance Map module with 3D Interpretation on the material binary image
Loading the project PorosityThickness-4-DistanceMap.hx will complete this tutorial step (see Figure
The Mask module:

• takes a gray level image as the first input,

• takes a binary image as the second input (mask image),
• provides a gray level image as the output where:
• each black voxel of the mask image is set to 0 in the output image,
• each blue voxel of the mask image is set to the initial level from the gray image.

Apply a Mask module to the distance map image FoamPoro2.distmap and set the Input Binary
Image to the separation surfaces image FoamPoro.not.
Masking the distance map image by the separation surfaces image gives a gray image where:

• each non null intensity represents a voxel of a separation surface,

• the intensity value is equal to the half distance in voxels between the two closest objects.

Loading the project PorosityThickness-5-Mask.hx will complete this tutorial step (see Figure 13.80).

Example 5: Further Image Analysis - Average Thickness of Material in Foam 297

Figure 13.79: Distance map of material

Figure 13.80: Distance map of the separation surfaces

298 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

13.6.4 Calculation of the Material Average Thickness
The average thickness of the material is given by the following formula:

2 × Vsize × Σi
µ(T hk) =
N bV oxSep


• Vsize = voxel dimension in micrometers

• Σi = sum of the voxel intensities in the distance map image of the separation surfaces
• N bV oxSep = number of voxels in the binary separation surfaces image

The Volume Fraction module with 3D Interpretation gives on the column ”Label Voxel Count” the
number of labeled voxels for each label in a 3D image. A binary image has only one label so ”Label
Voxel Count” returns N bV oxSep.
The Intensity Integral module with 3D Interpretation gives on the column ”Volume” the sum of the
voxels intensities in a 3D image i.e. Σi .
Loading the project PorosityThickness-6-Thickness.hx will complete this tutorial step.

13.7 Example 6: Advanced Segmentation

Due to artifacts associated with image acquisition and reconstruction, the commonly used segmenta-
tion method by simple thresholding may give inaccurate and even often wrong results, especially in
phase transition regions.

• Correct or unique threshold cannot be easily or accurately determined with edges blurred by
noise and partial volume effect. Partial volume effect is caused by resolution limits in image
acquisition, which blurs the transition between phases and features, i.e. voxels do not map
single homogeneous physical volumes.
• When segmenting more than two phases, a transition between high and low intensity phases
may introduce artifacts with unwanted intermediate ”coating” phase.
• Variations in illumination or intensity across image may lead to different thresholds on different

The watershed technique provides an effective solution for these issues in many cases. See documen-
tation about watershed principle. In this tutorial you will learn how to used watershed for segmentation
using different Avizo tools:

• Interactive watershed tool in the Segmentation Editor.

• Segmentation of multi-material or multiple phases using the Watershed Segmentation wizard.

Example 6: Advanced Segmentation 299

To follow this tutorial you should have completed Avizo Fire Edition tutorial on Image Processing and
Analysis and be familiar with basic manipulation of Avizo Fire Edition. Preferably, you should also
be familiar with the use of the Segmentation Editor.

13.7.1 Segmenting sand pack with watershed tool in the Segmentation Editor
For this tutorial we will use a subset image of a compacted silica sand sample, partially saturated with
water (see Figure 13.81). This sample was acquired by X-ray micro-tomography with a voxel size of
about 11.2 µm (data courtesy Mr. Felix Kim and Dr. Dayakar Penumadu, University of Tennessee,
Knoxville, TN, USA).

Figure 13.81: Compacted silica sand sample, partially saturated with water.

There are actually 3 phases that can be clearly distinguished in this dataset:

• Air
• Water
• Silicate grains, with a few higher density areas in places

For this tutorial we are interested here only in pores space vs. grains.

• Open data/sandpack/sandpack128-filtered.am. This image was obtained by ap-

plying the Non-Local Means Filter to raw image in order to reduce noise.
• Use Edit New Label Field to create and edit a label image with the Segmentation Editor.

300 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

• In Materials list, rename ”Inside” as ”Pore Space”. For this, double-click on item ”Inside” or
right-click to access material’s popup menu.
• Add a new material ”Grains”: press button with a small ”+” and square beside the material list,
then rename it as above.
• In the bottom toolbar, select the Threshold Tool.
• Set bounds to 0-6000, check All Slices. You can see selected voxels in red, that will be assigned
to ”Pore Space” phase.

The threshold may look too low and leave unselected areas, but a higher threshold might capture noise
within the grains, or select voxels across the actual phase boundary. We want here a ”safe” selection,
which will be filled and expanded to the actual phase boundaries later on thanks to the watershed tool
(see Figure 13.82).

Figure 13.82: Roughly assign ”Pore Space” phase in Segmentation Editor.

• In the Materials list, select ”Pore Space”, then in the Selection group, press the button with a
large ”+” or press key ’A’. The current selection voxels are then labeled as the ”Pore Space”.
• Set bounds of Threshold Tool to 10000-51000. All Slices should still be checked.
• Select ”Grains” in Materials list, use the large ”+” button in the Selection group or press key ’A’
to assign the selection to ”Grains” material (see Figure 13.83).

The labels we have defined will now be used as seed markers for watershed expansion.

• Select the Watershed Tool.

• In option Landscape image: press Create a new gradient image.

Example 6: Advanced Segmentation 301

Figure 13.83: Roughly assign ”Grains” phase in Segmentation Editor.

A gradient magnitude image is calculate using quick Cany method, that will provide the landscape
image controlling the expansion of markers.
Tip: Depending on your application, you might select instead any image previously loaded or created
in your project, such as a smoother or more accurate gradient image, or a distance map for watershed
separation (see related tutorial in Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide).

• One can choose the materials used as markers for watershed in the ”Marker” column in the
materials list, which appeared when you invoked the Watershed Tool. You can just leave all
materials checked by default for now.
• Leave the option Output catchment bassins to default value side-by-side in order to get contigu-
ous labels instead of labels separated by exterior voxels.
• Press Apply and create new label (see Figure 13.84).

A new label field is created with markers expanded to the edges of the landscape image (i.e. maxima
of gradient magnitude gradient). This becomes the current label field being edited in the Segmentation
Editor, instead of the original marker labels. The boundaries are fitting the optimal location in the
transition between phase intensities, based on the seed markers and the gradient image.

1. When not satisfied by result, you may easily cancel the watershed step by deleting the current
label: this will take you back to the original marker labels, that you could then adjust or complete
before applying again the watershed tool (see Figure 13.85).

302 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.84: Apply Segmentation Editor watershed.

Figure 13.85: Deleting current label or switching to another one.

2. You may also use the Label field: selector menu to simply go back and forth between markers
and watershed results or different segmentation results.
3. You may also use the Image: selector menu to temporarily change segmented image used as
background, then go back to actual image being segmented. This also allows the user to display
in the background of the labels the landscape image created using Create a new gradient image.
You may need to adjust the data for better visualization.
4. You can notice that grains may not be separated as one could expect: that could happen because
of truly consolidated grains with an intermediate intensity phase in some case, or because of
image resolution and partial volume effects. This could then require improving the seed markers
(see for instance TopHat tool) and/or gradient (see Image Gradient module), or this could be
solved by separating particles using for instance Separate Objects.
5. After using the watershed tool, you may want to polish the segmentation for instance by us-
ing Smooth labels... or Remove islands in Segmentation menu (illustrated in the tutorial about
advanced meshing).

Example 6: Advanced Segmentation 303

When done, you can simply close the Segmentation Editor.

13.7.2 Segmenting multiphase using the Watershed Segmentation wizard

For this tutorial we will use the dataset motor.am. This is an aluminum engine block with steel

• Open data/tutorials/motor.am.

One could try first segmenting the 3 phases (air, aluminum, steel) using for instance Multi-
Thresholding, or the Segmentation Editor. We will try using Auto Thresholding: this module analyses
the image histogram to guess 1 or 2 threshold(s) separating voxels classes statistically. This module
provides a quick way to segment images automatically.

• Attach Auto Thresholding to motor.am.

• Set the module configuration Type to Auto Segment 3 Phases. The Criterion port should be set
to factorisation (also known as Ostu method).
• Press Apply to create a label image.
• Attach an Ortho Slice to the label image.

Figure 13.86: Automatically segmenting the image with Auto Thresholding.

The ”cup-like” steel insert in dark blue looks fully ”coated” with aluminum (light blue): the aluminum
layer between exterior and steel is actually an artifact due to partial volume effect (see Figure 13.86).
Adjusting the thresholds will not solve that issue.
We will use the Watershed Segmentation wizard module to solve this. This wizard is a script module
that will simply guide you step by step through the following segmentation process:

304 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

1. define ”conservative” thresholds defining initial seed markers for air, aluminum and steel,
2. calculate image gradient magnitude mapping material edges ”sharpness”,
3. mark sharp edges between air and steel to prevent ”coating effect” by masking the seed markers,
4. complete watershed expansion of the seed markers towards objects edges.

• Remove Auto Thresholding module and its result data, leaving only motor.am in the Project
• Attach Watershed Segmentation wizard module to motor.am.

The wizard module being selected in the Project View, you can see in the Properties panel the module’s
ports showing the current step with possible options and parameters (see Figure 13.87). You can go
back and correct previous actions at any step.

Figure 13.87: The Watershed Segmentation wizard at step 1.

Tip: The wizard keeps intermediate data for going back in the steps. For large data that might exceed
available memory, you may want to show and remove intermediate when going to next step (use object
menu ”show”). Unrolling the steps will then no longer be possible.

• At any time you can move the slice or change its orientation. The current view is XY slice
number 64.
• At first step, you need to input the number of separate materials or phases to segmented: let the
number of phases to 3 for air (exterior), aluminum and steel.
• Press the Apply button (in the port Action).

The next step is intended to allow attaching optionally a pre-computed gradient image (port Gradient)
(see Figure 13.88).

Example 6: Advanced Segmentation 305

Figure 13.88: The Watershed Segmentation wizard at step 2.

• Simply press Apply to trigger computation of gradient magnitude for the images.

At the next step ”Threshold Gradient Magnitude”, you can use a slider to adjust a threshold to mark
sharp edges based on gradient obtained at previous step.

• You can set the Gradient Threshold value to 82 for a masking the air-steel transition areas.
• At this point you may verify proper marking by changing the slice number or orientation.
• You may select the module MainOrthoSlice and adjust the colormap range of the edges area or
transparency for better seeing the edge areas (see Figure 13.89).
• Then select again the Watershed Segmentation module (see Figure 13.90).
• Press Apply in Action port of Watershed Segmentation.

Figure 13.89: The MainOrthoSlice module properties.

The three next steps ”Threshold Phase...” allow you to define marker labels for each material.
First, you need to set a marker range for air (phase 0). We do no attempt fitting accurately to the object
edge at this point, but rather safely avoid areas when the actual material transition might occur.

• You can use 0-30 as range (see Figure 13.91).

306 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.90: The Watershed Segmentation wizard at step 3.

• Press Apply to complete this step.

Figure 13.91: The Watershed Segmentation wizard at step 4.

In the next step, you can set the range for phase 1 (aluminum).

• You can use 130-150 as range here. Again, the goal is to mark inner areas of the given material
(see Figure 13.92).
• Press Apply to complete this step.

Example 6: Advanced Segmentation 307

Figure 13.92: The Watershed Segmentation wizard at step 5.

Finally, in the next step, you can set the range for phase 2 (steel).

• You can use 230-255 as range here (see Figure 13.93).

• Press Apply to complete this step.

Figure 13.93: The Watershed Segmentation wizard at step 6.

In the next step you can trigger watershed computation and get the final label image result.

• Simply press Apply to trigger computation (see Figure 13.94).

308 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

• You may verify the result by changing slice number or orientation, and possibly go back to
previous steps to modify some parameter.
• You can then remove the Watershed Segmentation module, which will clean up also the ancillary
display modules.

Figure 13.94: The Watershed Segmentation wizard completed.

You may want to get rid of the air phase that has been segmented as label 1 by the wizard. To do this,
you can simply use the Subtract Value module with value 1, or the more general Arithmetic module
with expression ”A-1” (see Figure 13.95).

Figure 13.95: Remove the air phase using Arithmetic module.

Example 6: Advanced Segmentation 309

13.8 More about Image Filtering
It is often necessary to reduce image noise or artifacts and enhance features of interest before segmen-
tation. Digital image filters are tools used to enhance image or highlight image features. These tools
can be based on sophisticated algorithms and may have variable effects and performance depending on
input image and control parameters, which may require expermentation in order to achieve the desired
In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

1. Distinguish the different types of image fiters available in Avizo, and the main filters typically
2. Use image filters effectively to tune parameters and compare results.
3. Compose application of several image filters.

To follow this tutorial, you should have read the first tutorial chapter 13.2 - Getting started with Image
Processing and Analysis and be familiar with basic manipulation of Avizo. In particular, in the Getting
started tutorial, you can see how to apply an image filter and the complete quantification workflow

13.8.1 Choosing image filters

For convenience, image filters are sorted in categories according to their main function. You can
browse filter catagories in the explorer panels of the object popup, within the top category Image
Processing. You can also use the search tool of the object popup to quickly retrieve a filter by name.
In the sections below the different categories are briefly described, and a selection of image filters is
suggested along with some tips. Smoothing

This is the most important category for preparing data for image segmentation. These filters help
smooth noisy images. Some users call these ”denoising” filters. They can effectively reduce noise, but
may require to be used with care not to alter information contained in image, especially for quantifica-
tion purposes. The most commonly used smoothing filters in Avizo are:

• Median Filter - a basic filter preserving edges. Very effective on salt-and-pepper noise (scatter
• Bilateral Filter - filter balancing smoothing and edge preserving (in particular sharp angles)
• Non-Local Means (GPU accelerated). This filter is extremely effective on noisy data while pre-
serving edges (best with white noise). It is generally the first choice for noisy images. However
it can be very time consuming. In practice it is used in 2D mode. Reducing the search window
will decrease computation time, but it may also reduce the smoothing efficiency (depending on
the noise distribution). Edge enhancement should preferably not be applied before this filter.

310 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

• Edge-Preserving Smoothing - a diffusion filter preserving edge
• Anisotropic Diffusion - a GPU accelerated diffusion filter
• Curvature-Driven Diffusion - a diffusion filter that may better preserve thin structures

Tip: Make sure that the filter parameters such as contrast thresholds for edge preserving diffusion are
set according to your data range. Default ranges are usually intended for 8-bit data, and need to be
dramatically increased for higher dynamics of 16-bit images. Sharpening

These filters help reinforce the contrast at edges and make details appear sharper. Commonly used
sharperning filters are:

• Unsharp masking
• Delineate - also acts as smoothing filter Edge detection

These filters highlight boundaries between different materials or phases. They can be used for instance
to extract directly feature contours and edges, or in watershed-based segmentation (see tutorial 13.7.1
- Advanced segmentation). Here are the most commonly used modules in that category:

• Sobel Filter - quick basic edge detection, that can be used as approximation of gradient magni-
• Image Gradient - comprehensive module supporting quick approximation (Cany) or noise re-
ducing gradient (Cany Deriche, Gaussian) Frequency domain

These filters operate by transformation in frequency domain.

• FFT - Fourier transform, basis module for many image filtering techniques
• Deconvolution - specific module for deconvolution of 3D light microscopy images Grayscale transforms

Modules in that category are not strictly speaking image filters. Filters mentioned above usually oper-
ate on pixels by examining a neighborhood of intensity values around each pixel. Grayscale transforms
independently act on pixels, i.e. without considering neighboring pixel values. The following modules
can be useful to correct globaly image grayscale or shading:

• Shading Correction, Shading Correction Wizard, Correct Z Drop, Background Detection Cor-
rection - these modules can help to compensate non-uniform background in images

More about Image Filtering 311

• Match Contrast - adjust image dynamics accordind to a reference Tuning image filters

It is always a good practice to adjust first a processing workflow on a limited subset of the data. Image
filters do not make an exception, especially since it is very useful to adjust interactively parameters
with visual feedback. Here are some methods that can help to adjust faster the image filters:

• Crop Editor - remove useless parts of your data

• Extract Subvolume - extract a subset for trials
• Slice - apply some image filters on the displayed slice
• Image filters 2D/3D interpretation port - 2D processing (per slice) is generally significantly
faster and may give similar results
• Image filters kernel size, number iterations, window size - filter performance is often dependant
on such parameter
• Filter Sandbox - preview filter effect on an image region

Here is how to use the Filter Sandbox module. The Filter Sandbox can be very helpful to choose a filter
and adjust its parameters. Note however that this convenience script module proposes only a selection
of the most commonly used filters, among the filters available in Avizo Fire Edition.

• Start a new project (Ctrl+N) and open data/sandpack/SandPack128.am. This dataset

is described in tutorial 13.7.1 - Advanced segmentation.
• Attach a Filter Sandbox module. You can find it in the right-click object popup, in Image
Processing category, or typing in the search field some letters of Filter Sandbox.

An Ortho Slice is displayed in the 3D viewer, with an overlaid preview box surrounded by a dragger
with blue tabs.

• In the properties panel, set the Filter port to Median. You can see that the filter is applied in the
preview area.
• You may pick and drag or resize the preview box (first press ESC key to set the 3D viewer in
interaction mode). Keeping a small size at first may save time when trying filters.
• You can change filter parameters such as filter size. Note that when setting interpretation to
3D, the filter is applied to a 3D slab with a depth depending on parameters. 3D filtering can be
significantly slower, even on a limited preview area.
• You can temporarily hide preview (port Show) to see original vs. filtered.
• Still using the port Show, you can display histograms calulated on original and filtered preview
area, in order to see how the filter helps to better separate peaks. You can right-click in the
histogram plot to switch plot scaling between linear and logarithmic. A statisics summary is
displayed in the Properties panel.

312 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.96: Starting Filter Sandbox

• Change Preview type to Interactive Thresholding: you can then adjust a threshold and verify the
impact of the filter on such a threshold segmentation.
• Pressing the Apply button will apply the filter to the whole input image and create or udpate a
result image.

Figure 13.97: Starting Filter Sandbox

About how to compare results of image filters, see also the tutorial chapter 13.9.2 Data fusion, com-
paring and merging data, in particular the example showing how to synchronize views and display
modules. Compositing image filters

Sometimes the best results may be derived by applying two or more filters sequentially. The Slice
module allows the user to optionally apply a sequence of filters (2D) to the displayed slice: this can

More about Image Filtering 313

provide an easy way to try individual filters or filter combinations. Most of the image filters are not
commutative so you should be careful to note your order of operations.
Another way to enhance your images is to make a composition of several filters. You may simply
attach in a chain image filter modules to intermediate results. Tip: checking auto-refresh toggle will
update the results upon change in inputs or any module port.
In some case, a more complex combination may be useful. Some filters are known for detecting or
preserving edges, other ones are used for smoothing or denoising. Filters may be contradictory and
may not always be simply applied sequentially.
You will see below how to make step by step a filter composition that allows you to:

• preserve edges (limited edge smoothing),

• smooth uniform yet noisy areas

The following example illustrates possible techniques for filter combination, however it is not intended
to show the prefered solution in a specific realistic case, nor a general solution. In general, filters such
as Bilateral or Non-Local Means can achieve a good job at smoothing while preserving edges and
should still be tried first.
The process is split in several steps:

• Strong Smoothing using Median Filter

• Slight filter on the edges using Bilateral filter
• Edge detection and masking using Sobel filter
• Compositing filters with mask Strong Smoothing using Median Filter

• Start by loading data/tutorials/fireedition/Catalyst.am from the

AVIZO ROOTdirectory.
• Attach an Ortho Slice module to the Catalyst.am image icon in the Project View to preview
the noisy image (see Figure 13.98):
• Attach a Median Filter module to the Catalyst.am.
• Set Interpretation to 3D and press Apply.
• Attach an Ortho Slice module to Catalyst.filtered.

Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/FilterCompositing-1-MedianFilter.hx will complete this

tutorial step (see Figure 13.99).
Noise has been reduced in uniform areas of the image but edges are then very blurred.

314 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.98: The initial image Slight Filter on the Edge using Bilateral Filter

• Attach a Bilateral Filter module to the Catalyst.am.

• Set Interpretation to 3D, Kernel sizes to 3 and press Apply.
• Attach an Ortho Slice module to Catalyst2.filtered.

Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/FilterCompositing-2-BilateralFilter.hx will complete this

tutorial step (see Figure 13.100).
Some noise has been removed from edges and edges are clearly preserved. Nevertheless, remaining
noise is visible mainly on uniform areas of the image. Edge Detection and Masking using Sobel Filter

• Attach an Sobel Filter module to the Catalyst.am.

• Set Filter to 3D and press Apply.

More about Image Filtering 315

Figure 13.99: Median filter

• Attach an Ortho Slice module to Catalyst-filtered.

Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/FilterCompositing-3-SobelFilter.hx will complete this tu-

torial step (see Figure 13.101).
This filter highlights edges: edge areas are white, uniform areas are black and noisy areas are gray. Compositing Filters with Mask

Now, you will use an Arithmetic module to basically compose the filtered image using the bilateral-
filtered image (B) for the edge areas and the median-filtered image (C) for the uniform areas. Both
images are blend linearly using the normalized Sobel-filtered image (A) as follows:

B ∗ A + C ∗ (1.0 − A)

316 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.100: Bilateral filter

(A) should be a normalized float image with a range from 0 to 1.

• Attach an Convert Image Type module to Catalyst-filtered.am.

• As Catalyst-filtered.am type is 8-bit unsigned byte image with 0-255 as range, set
output type to 32-bit float and Scaling: scale so that output range is 0...1 (use 0.00392157,
almost equal to 1/256). You could alternatively change A by A/256 in expression below.
• Press Apply to create Catalyst-filtered.to-float
• Attach an Arithmetic module to the Catalyst-filtered.to-float.
• Set Input B to Catalyst.filtered (result of Median Filter), Input C to
Catalyst2.filtered (result of Bilateral Filter).
• Set Expr to B*A + C*(1-A) and press Apply.
• Attach an Ortho Slice module to Result.
• Set Colormap range to 0-255.

More about Image Filtering 317

Figure 13.101: Sobel filter

Loading the project data/tutorials/fireedition/FilterCompositing-4-Arithmetic.hx will complete this tu-

torial step (see Figure 13.102).
This composition takes advantages of both median and bilateral filters: edges are preserved and uni-
form parts are smoothed. You can improve this kind of compositing by:

• filtering the initial image to remove the circular acquisition artefacts,

• applying a shading correction and/or histogram equalization,
• using some other filters,
• filtering the mask,
• tuning the compositing formula,
• adding a serie of arithmetic operations based on new masks.

318 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.102: Sobel filter

13.9 Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion

Spatial registration is about aligning or overlaying two or more data sets into the same coordinate
system. In registration typically one of the data sets is taken as the reference, and the other one is
transformed - moved and possibly rescaled - until both data sets match. Registered data can be pro-
duced by different sensors, at different times, from different object regions, or from different specimens
or models. Image registration methods can be manual, automatic, or semi-automatic. Closely related
to registration is the task of data fusion, i.e., the simultaneous visualization of registered data sets, or
combination into derivative data.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 319

A variety of tools related to registration can be used in Avizo depending on your purpose and on your
data - geometric surfaces, 2D image stacks, or 3D volumes. Registration with Avizo is used in a wide
range of applications, including:

• Industrial inspection of products with respect to reference models and nominal/actual analysis
and reverse engineering,
• Multi-modality image acquisitions such as CT/ MRI (Computed Tomography, Magnetic Reso-
nance Imaging),
• FIB-SEM/µ-CT (Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscope, micro-tomography),
• Correlative microscopy,
• 3D image reconstruction from 2D cross-sections,
• Imaging of physical experiments or processes - e.g. samples subjected to heat, flooding, com-
• 3D montage assembly - merging 3D volumes with small overlap.

The following tutorials and examples provide the basics for typical registration tasks.

• Getting started with spatial data registration using the Transform Editor
• Data fusion, comparing and merging data
• Registration with landmarks, warping surfaces and images
• Registration of 3D image data sets
• Registration of 2D image and 3D image data sets
• Alignment of 2D images stacks
• Alignment and pre-processing of FIB/SEM images stacks using the FIB Stack Wizard
• Registration of 3D surfaces
• Registration of 3D image and surface, nominal-actual analysis

To follow these tutorials you should be familiar with the basic concepts of Avizo. In particular you
should be able to load files, to interact with the 3D viewer, and to connect modules to data modules. All
of these topics are discussed in Avizo chapter 3 - Getting started. The tutorial section Using
the Transform Editor is recommended as a starting point in most cases. You can then jump to the topic
for your specific task. In particular the 2D Slice Alignment tutorial may be read independently.
These tutorials cover common use cases. For specific requirements or applications that differ from
these use cases, you may contact FEI Hotline for further discussion.

13.9.1 Getting started with spatial data registration using the Transform Edi-
In this section you will learn how to: change the spatial position of data objects interactively using
various manipulators; how to specify numerically a geometric transformation as a combination of

320 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

translation, rotation, and scaling; how to copy/paste geometric transformations; how to apply geomet-
ric transformations to data in order to change actual data coordinates or voxel image axis alignment;
and where to find related tools.
This section has the following parts:

• Using the Transform Editor

• Applying Transforms
• Numerical input, console and script commands
• Transform Manipulators Using the Transform Editor

Spatial data visualized within Avizo are placed in a virtual three-dimensional world. That world has
a unique coordinate system. Every spatial object in Avizo can be arbitrarily translated relative to the
world origin; likewise it can be rotated with respect to the global axes, and it can be independently
scaled (enlarged or shrunk).
You can use menu View > Global Axes to display the global coordinate axes. Global axes are centered
at the origin of the world coordinates. By default, the x-, y-, and z-axes are drawn in red, green, and
blue, respectively. You can also use the viewer’s compass to see 3D space orientation. Use menu Edit
> Preferences > Layout to change Compass settings.

Figure 13.103: 3D axes and compass

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 321

Every spatial data object in Avizo has an associated 3D bounding box as well as an optional geometric
transformation, which can be defined as a combination of translation, rotation, and scaling (internally
represented as a 4x4 homogeneous affine transformation matrix).
Rotating a scene within the viewer in ”trackball” mode (hand mouse cursor) does not alter the object
position or orientation relative to world coordinates. Rather it changes the point of view of the camera
around the whole scene. In order to change the geometric transformation of an object, i.e., translate,
rotate or scale it with respect to other objects or to world coordinates, a Transform Editor is available
for every spatial data object.
In the following example, we use the Transform Editor to manipulate surface data objects. This ex-
ample would also apply to images, 3D volumes, or regular scalar fields, using modules such as Ortho
Slice for display.

• Start a new Avizo Project (menu File > New Project, or press Ctrl-N).
• With menu File > Open Data, load the motor.simplified surface from the
data/tutorials subdirectory in the Avizo installation directory.
• Attach a Surface View module to motor.simplified data set (i.e., choose Surface View
entry from the popup menu of the data set).
• Duplicate the data object. For this, you can select motor.simplified and press Ctrl-D or
right-click and use data menu Object > Duplicate. The result is motor2.simplified.
• Attach a Surface View module to the copy motor2.simplified. You can still only see one
engine shape in the viewer for now since the two data sets are overlaid.
• Select motor2.simplified in the Project View.
• In the Properties Area, invoke the Transform Editor by clicking on the dragger box button. A
manipulator appears around the engine surface in the viewer window: it allows you to change
the transformation in 3D. The white square on the left of the data object icon in the Project View
is changed to blue, indicating that an editor is active.

Figure 13.104: Invoking the Transform Editor

• Make sure to switch the viewer to interaction mode: press the arrow button in the upper left
corner of the viewer, or toggle between viewing mode and interaction mode using the ESC key.
• Then click and drag a side face of the manipulator: one of the two surfaces that are currently
displayed is translated along the face plane. The data object label is then displayed in italics to
indicate that the data or its attached information has been modified. A manipulator has several
dragger gadgets for controlling the transformation in various ways. Details of how to interact
with the manipulator draggers can be found at the end of this Transform Editor tutorial.

322 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.105: An active Transform Manipulator

In the Properties Area, the active Transform Editor adds several button ports to the data object.

Figure 13.106: Transform Manipulator ports

• The Manipulator port lets you choose among several interactive manipulators, or select a Dialog
to input numerical values. These are described later in this tutorial.
• The Reset button list lets you restore the independent components of a transformation, e.g.,

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 323

canceling the rotation part. Using the Action port, it is possible to Undo/Redo the last transfor-
mation change.
• You can copy/paste a transformation from one data set to another. For instance:

• Press the Copy button in the Transform Editor’s Action port of motor2.simplified.
• At this point you can optionally deactivate the Transform Editor by clicking on its dragger
box button.
• Select the first loaded data set, motor.simplified, and activate its Transform Editor.
• Press button Paste in the Action port of motor.simplified: both data sets are again
overlaid in the same location, the latest position of motor2.simplified.

In order to copy transformation from one data set to another, you could alternatively use the module
Copy Transformation from the object menu Geometry Transforms. The Geometry Transform menu
contains most of the tools related to registration, alignment, and transforms.
The Apply Transform button that you may have noticed in the dialog, commits the transformation.
This topic is explained in more detail in next section.
To facilitate visual control during interactive transformations, you may create an additional viewer,
adjust the camera for convenient interaction, and control transformation in the other viewer. Applying Transforms

At this point, there is an important concept to know about geometric transformations in Avizo. The
geometric transformation associated with a data object is taken into account by display modules and
some other modules. However it does not modify the original coordinates of data unless explicitly
requested. That is to say, how the object is positioned in the 3D world is updated with transformations,
but the coordinates stored in the data object are not updated. For instance, the bounding box of a
3D volume or the point coordinates of a triangulated surface - sometimes referred to as data ”local
coordinates” - as stored in memory remain unchanged by the geometric transformation. This geometric
transformation simply ”presents”, when needed, the transformed world coordinates to the attached
It is necessary in some cases to actually apply the transformation in order to change the data’s initial
local coordinates into world coordinates. For instance:

1. Before exporting data to non-Avizo file formats. When saving data to Avizo format and a few
other formats, the geometric transform is stored at the same time in the file and can therefore
be restored when reloading the data. However, be careful when saving or exporting transformed
data sets. Most file formats do not allow to store geometric transformations. In this case you
must apply the current transformation to the data prior to saving it. Nevertheless, when saving a
project, the project file stores transformations for the referred data.
2. When some data processing or manipulation does not support geometry transformation and
requires transformed data coordinates. For instance the lattice of a transformed volume image

324 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

or regular scalar field may need to be aligned with global axes or with respect to another lattice.
This is useful to perform certain lattice-aligned operations as illustrated below.

Here is a first example showing how to apply a transformation to the surface data that you already used
in previous section:

• If needed, load the supplied motor.simplified surface data file from the
data/tutorials directory; attach a Surface View module to motor.simplified;
and display the global axes with menu View > Global Axes.
• Attach a Local Axes module to the data object (right-click and choose entry from the popup
menu Annotate of the data set).
• Use the Transform Editor to transform the surface motor.simplified with at least some
rotation. For instance, pick and drag one of the green spherical knobs of the transformer manip-
• Press the Apply Transform button of the Transform Editor. Note that this operation cannot be
undone. In case of vertex set objects like surfaces, the transformation is applied to all vertices.
Old coordinates are replaced by new ones, and the transformation matrix is reset to identity
afterwards, i.e., there is no longer any transformation set for the modified surface. After a
transformation has been applied to a data set, the transformation can no longer be easily unset.

Figure 13.107: Before applying transform to surface

Applying transformation to image

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 325

Figure 13.108: After applying the transform

Let’s now see how to apply a transformation to a volume data. As in the example above, this will
make the volume data appear to stay at the same location, although without any transformation set.
The Transform Editor’s Apply Transform button is not available for images, regular volumes, or scalar
fields. You must instead use the Resample Transformed Image module as in the following example:

• Load the image stack file motor.am located in subdirectory data/tutorials.

• Attach modules Ortho Slice, Bounding Box, and Annotate > Local Axes to the data object
motor.am; display the global axes with menu View > Global Axes.
• Use the Transform Editor to move motor.am with at least some rotation. When done you may
deactivate the Transform Editor.
• Attach a compute module Resample Transformed Image to motor.am from the object menu
Geometry Transforms.
• In the Properties Area, set the Mode port of Resample Transform Image to ”extended” in order
to make sure that the result will contain all the source data.
• Press the green Apply button at the bottom of the Properties Area. The compute module pro-
duces a new data object motor.transformed added in the Project View. The input data
motor.am remains unchanged.
• To visualize the result, you can attach to it a Bounding Box, Local Axes, and Ortho Slice mod-
ules. The result volume and attached Ortho Slice are now aligned along global axes. The input
volume data has been resampled over a lattice with new bounding box coordinates.

326 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.109: Before applying transform to image

The Resample Transformed Image module can be used for sampling a volume data onto a reference
lattice connected as input. Another useful feature of this module is to reorient volume data along a
given plane by sampling the data on a lattice parallel to this plane. The plane can be set using a Slice
or Surface Cross Section module, by arbitrary rotations, by picking three points, or by a point set to be
Applying transformations can also be performed by using the Tcl command applyTransform in
the Avizo console or in a script. Tcl commands relating to transformations are introduced in the next
section. Numerical input, console and script commands

(This section is optional and is not required reading for completing the subsequent registration tutori-

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 327

Figure 13.110: After applying Resample Transformed Image

For inputting a precise spatial transformation, it is often necessary to access the numerical values of
the transformation. The Transform Editor also lets you check or enter transformations numerically.

• The Dialog... button of the Transform Editor pops up the transform dialog.

Advanced users can alternatively retrieve the numerical values of a transformation, by using the Tcl
command getTransform in Avizo console (see spatial data reference for more details on available
commands). The transformation is then printed in the console as the list of matrix values. For instance:

>"motor.simplified" getTransform
1 0 0 0 0 0.866025 0.5 0 0 -0.5 0.866025 0 -0.052375 0.381033 -0.681443 1

328 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.111: Transform Editor Dialog

Similarly, a transformation which matrix is known can be set by:

>"motor2.simplified" setTransform 1 0 0 0 0 0.866025 0.5 0 0 -0.5 0.866025

0 -0.052375 0.381033 -0.681443 1

This provides another way to copy/paste transformation between objects. It can be done using a single
command as follows:

>eval "motor2.simplified" setTransform ["motor.simplified" getTransform]

The components of the transformation can be obtained in human-readable form in the Transform Editor
dialog, or by using the getTransform command with the option -d:

>"motor.simplified" getTransform -d
translation: -0.0503399 -0.200653 0.32586
rotation: 1 0 0 30
scaleFactor: 1 1 1
scaleOrientation: 0 0 1
center: 0.281196 0.399071 0.212251

As explained in the previous section, the transformation is at first set transiently and can be stored by
saving the project, but is not a property of the object. To make the transformation permanent, enter:

<data> applyTransform

and then save the data object. A module is also available for this purpose: Geometry
Transforms>Resample Transformed Image. For instance, type in the Avizo console:

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 329

>"motor.am" applyTransform

The motor.am data is changed to a resampled volume and the transient transformation is reset to zero.
In order to provide more flexibility on the resolution of the output grid and the type of resampling, use
the module Resample Transformed Image introduced in previous section. Transform Manipulators

(This section is optional and is not required reading for completing the subsequent registration tutori-
In the Transform Editor, many manipulators are available. Interaction with the different manipulators
is detailed hereafter.

• The default manipulator is the Transformer. It allows translations, rotations, and scaling. It is
the most general manipulator for doing an approximate registration.

Figure 13.112: Transformer: Click-drag a corner cube to scale (hold Shift key to constrain direction, hold Ctrl key to fix
opposite corner or face). Click-drag any face to translate (hold Shift key to constrain direction, hold Ctrl key for perpendicular
translation). Click-drag a green ball to rotate one way (hold Shift key for free rotation, hold Ctrl key to change center).

• The Jack manipulator is convenient for translations along an axis and uniform scaling.

Figure 13.113: Jack: Click-drag rectangle or cylinder rod to translate. Press Ctrl key to change axis. Click-drag cubes to scale.
Click-drag axial lines to rotate.

• The TransformBox is a simplified version of the Transformer that allows translation, rotation
and uniform scaling.

330 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.114: TransformBox: Click-drag any small cube to scale. Click-drag any face to translate. Hold Shift to constrain
axis. Click-drag any box edge to rotate.

Figure 13.115: Trackball: Click-drag stripes to rotate. Click-drag anywhere to rotate freely. Hold Ctrl key to scale. Hold Shift
key for user axis and stripe.

Figure 13.116: Centerball: Click-drag circles to rotate. Click-drag anywhere to rotate freely. Click-drag green arrows to
translate rotation center (Hold Shift key to constrain translation axis).

• The Trackball and Centerball allow rotation.

• The HandleBox allows translation, uniform scaling and anisotropic scaling. It is the most suit-
able manipulator for anisotropic scaling operations.
• The TabBox allows translation and anisotropic scaling by box resize. It is used by modules such
as Extract Subvolume or ROI Box (Region Of Interest).

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 331

Figure 13.117: HandleBox: Click-drag any face to translate (Hold Shift key to constrain translation axis). Click-drag a small
cube to scale.

Figure 13.118: TabBox: Click-drag any face to translate. Click-drag green vertex to modify the bounding box.

13.9.2 Data fusion, comparing and merging data

The task of image fusion is the simultaneous visualization and analysis of two data sets. This tutorial
introduces some of the basic tools and techniques available in Avizo to that end, typically used with
registered or aligned data sets. Avizo makes it easy to manipulate multiple data in single viewer or in
multiple views, as well as to combine different data sets in the same visualization.
This section has the following parts:

• Color Wash
• Ortho Views
• Mapping a 3D volume overlaid on a surface
• Side-by-side viewers, synchronized views and objects
• More about Data Fusion Color Wash

The Color Wash module, attached to an Ortho Slice, helps you to visualize two arbitrary images or
volumes in combination. The representation of one data set is overlaid with another data set, taking

332 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

into account their locations in space. The rendering of the Ortho Slice is modulated so that it also
encodes the second data set.

• Load the image stack file motor.am located in subdirectory data/tutorials/.

• Load the file motor.labels.am from directory data/tutorials. The data set
motor.labels.am contains labeling of different regions, obtained by a segmentation of the
grayscale image.
• Attach an Ortho Slice module to motor.am.
• Attach a Color Wash module to the Ortho Slice module: right-click on Ortho Slice icon in the
Project View and select Color Wash in the popup menu.
• Select the yellow icon of the Color Wash module.
• Connect the Data input port of the Color Wash module to the second data object,
motor.labels.am. To do this, you can set the port Data in the Properties Panel.
• You can change the Colormap port of Color Wash module to adjust the range. The Weight Factor
port allows adjustment of the blending between the two data sets. You can also try other Fusion
Method such as Magic Lens, useful for checking data alignment.
• Activate the Transform Editor of motor.am and move the data set. You can also change the
Ortho Slice orientation or slice number to control the image in a different plane.
• Note that the Color Wash data doesn’t need to be the same size or resolution as the Ortho Slice
data - data can be unrelated as far as they overlap spatially. For instance load the image stack
file coreSample.am located in subdirectory data/core/ and attach it as Color Wash data
instead of motor.labels.am. Ortho Views

In image fusion it is sometimes necessary to observe all three orthogonal directions simultaneously.
For this we can use the powerful Ortho Views module. See also the related tutorial section 13.1
(Getting started with Avizo Fire Edition and 3D images) for learning more about Ortho Views.

• Load the image stack file motor.am located in subdirectory data/tutorials/.

• Duplicate the motor.am data set in the project View.
• Attach the module Ortho Views to motor.am. The graphics display is then split into four
• Attach a Slice overlay module to the Ortho Views: right-click on the yellow Ortho Views icon
in the Project View and select the entry Slice.
• Then connect the Data input port of Slice module to motor2.am
• You can change the Colormap port to select a semi-transparent colormap such as volrenGreen or
physicsVolRend and adjust the range. Make also sure to set Slice’s transparency port to ”Alpha”
(i.e., colormap opacity is taken as is).
• You can use the Transform Editor to move motor2.am.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 333

Figure 13.119: Color Wash fusion method: examples with Weighted Sum, Magic Lens

• You can hide the Transform Editor manipulator in some views, while keeping the data visi-
ble: toggle the visibility of the data object off - this will make invisible both the slice and the
manipulator, then toggle the slice visibility on.

334 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.120: Ortho Views display

Figure 13.121: Visibility toggles for data and display modules Mapping a 3D volume overlaid on a surface

The Surface View module, used to display surface data, can also display a surface ’immersed’ in a
volume data set (3D scalar field), mapping the volume values as colors over the surface.

• Load the image stack file motor.am located in subdirectory data/tutorials/.

• Load the supplied motor.simplified surface data file from the data/tutorials
• Attach a Surface View module to motor.simplified data set (i.e., choose Surface View

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 335

entry from the popup menu of the data set)
• Connect Surface View’s Colorfield input port to motor.am data object. The surface is now
colored according to motor.am data and colormap port.
• Choose, for instance, the colormap physics.icol. Then right click on the colorbar and
choose Adjust range to motor.am
• Use the Transform Editor to move motor.am relative to the surface.
• Change the colorfield mapping type. With ”Per-vertex” mode, the colors are probed at the
vertices and interpolated inside the surface triangles, leading to a fast but less precise rendering.
Colorfield mapping precision is then limited by vertices density of the surface. The ”Per-voxel”
mode accurately maps the data texture onto the surface at the expense of memory consumption
and lower performance. It may be useful then to simplify the surface by using the Surface
Simplification Editor.

Figure 13.122: Surface View colorfield mapping: per-vertex vs per-voxel

336 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide Side-by-side viewers, synchronized views and objects

It is often convenient to visualize different data sets side by side in a synchronized way.

• Load the files motor.am from and motor.labels.am from directory data/tutorials.
The data set motor.labels.am contains labeling of different regions, obtained by a segmen-
tation of the grayscale image.
• Attach an Ortho Slice module to motor.am and to motor.labels.am.

• Right-click on the colormap port of module Ortho Slice 2 attached to motor.labels.am to

select colormap labels.am.

For now only one Ortho Slice is visible since the data sets overlap.

• In the viewer toolbar, toggle on the Two-Viewers (vertical) button, and make sure that the viewer
button ”Link Object Visibility” is off.

• Toggle the visibility of Ortho Slices to make motor.am visible, for instance, only in the left
viewer and motor.labels.am visible only in the right viewer.

• Right-click in the left viewer to open its popup menu then select ”Link camera to...”, then click
inside the right viewer to select it.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 337

• Select the Ortho Slice module. In the in Properties Area activate the Connection Editor (as
shown in picture below). Then, click on the chain-link icon that appeared beside the Slice
Number port of the Ortho Slice module, and drag onto the ”Ortho Slice 2” module in the Project
View. The slice number ports are now interconnected: changing one will change the other

You can then at any time Unlink the viewers in the viewer’s popup menu (right-click in viewer). You
can also disconnect the ports by right-clicking on the link-chain icon of one of the interconnected ports
and selecting ”disconnect” in the popup menu. This technique can be useful to compare a data set
before and after processing, as shown in the following example:

• Load motor.am, attach to motor.am an image filter module Gaussian Filter. In the Properties
Area, set the Gaussian Filter to 3D interpretation, and Kernel Type to Standard, then press Apply.
• Attach an Ortho Slice to the result data motor.filtered, then proceed as above to set up
linked viewers.

Note: See also modules Image Processing > Filter Sandbox and Slice to display on-the-fly effects of
image filters. More about Data Fusion

Avizo offers many ways to compare or merge surface or scalar field data. Here are some further hints.

• You can superimpose surfaces using transparency. Here are some useful settings to tradeoff
quality and performance. Best results can be achieved with the default options fancy alpha and
sorting in the Draw Style port of Surface View. You may want however to deactivate one of these
options for better performance. You can also change the transparency mode in the main menu
View > Transparency for different quality/performance tradeoffs. The Sorted Layers options -

338 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.123: Interconnecting ports: (1) activate Connection Editor, (2) drag chain-link from one port to a module or port to
be connected

supported by modern graphics hardware - may give best results to prevent artifacts with complex
transparent objects. See Surface View and View Menu for more details.
• For comparing surfaces, see also Measure And Analyze > Surface Distance, Measure And
Analyze > Shortest Edge Distance, Compute > Interpolate, Compute > Vertex Difference,
Compute > Arithmetic (for comparing data attached to surface, or mapping distance map image
on surface).
• Landmarks and warping can be used for comparing data. See the related tutorial.
• You can superimpose image data using Color Wash with Ortho Slice, Ortho Views, Height Map
Slice (height field + color field), Volume Rendering, Isosurface, etc.
• For comparing images see also the modules Compare Image, Correlation Histogram, Arithmetic,
Subtract Image, AND NOT Image, Blend With Image.
• Here is an example for computing difference between images using the Arithmetic:

• Connect the Arithmetic module (Compute submenu) to one data set (Input A). Connect
the second data set as Input B.
• Type ”a-b” or ”abs(a-b)” in Expr field. Press Apply. The result as same dimension as
Input A.

• The powerful module Compute > Arithmetic can attach to surface, grid, or image, and can be

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 339

Figure 13.124: Comparing before and after processing

used to interpolate and map values from one data set to another or to a regular grid.
• The Merge module is available for blending images that can be arbitrarily overlapping.
• Measure > Correlation Histogram can be used for creating a label field from correlated regions
in two images sets, typically after registration.
• Multi-Channel Field can group multiple grayscale images of same size for convenient display
with Ortho Slice or Volume Rendering. Multi-channel objects are created automatically when
reading some file formats containing multi-channel information. Alternatively, channels can be
manually attached to a multi-channel object created via the Project >Create Object... menu
(category Images And Fields).

340 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

13.9.3 Registration with landmarks, warping surfaces and image
Landmark-based registration computes a geometric transformation between two corresponding point
sets. A rigid or affine transformation can be computed from these landmarks for aligning the model to
the reference. Landmark tools also allow for computation of warping deformations of 3D surface or
images to best fit the corresponding landmarks.
Registration with landmarks is most often used as an interactive alignment method since landmarks
can be edited interactively in Avizo. However, landmarks can also be imported or produced by other
means, such as feature extraction from images after segmentation. This can be used for automatic
This section has the following parts:

• Creating landmark sets

• Registration with Rigid Transformation
• Warping surfaces
• Warping volumes (3D images)
• Retrieving and copying registration transformation

To follow this tutorial you should know how to load files, how to interact with the 3D viewer, how to
use the two-viewer layout and the viewer visibility toggles.
Registration with landmarks in this tutorial applies to 3D images and triangulated surfaces. For align-
ing 2D images or slices see tutorial in section 13.9.6 (Alignment of 2D images stacks). See also section (Applying Transforms) on how to align a volume with an arbitrary plane or Slice defined by
picking or point sets. Creating landmark sets

The data sets we will be working with in this tutorial are the labeled motor surface
(motor.labels.surf) and the simplified labeled motor surface (motor.simplified). All
steps can also be applied on images, using, for instance, Isosurfaces as the display module.
Let’s open and display two surface data sets.

• Load motor.part1.simplified.surf and motor.part2.simplified.surf in

the data/registration directory.
• Attach a Surface View module to each surface data.
• You can change the color or draw style of one Surface View module to better distinguish the two
surfaces. For instance, set the Surface View’s Colors port to ”Constant”, then use the Colormap
port Edit menu or double click on the colored box to change the color using the Color Dialog.
• Open two viewers and display each of the surfaces in one viewer (see tutorial in section
(Side-by-side viewers)).

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 341

Figure 13.125: Surfaces before registration

Now, let us create a landmark set object.

• From the Project >Create Object... menu, select Points And Lines / Landmarks (2 sets).

in order to create an empty landmark object. A new green icon will show up in the Pool. Since we
are going to match two objects by means of corresponding landmarks we had to select the landmark
object containing two sets of landmarks (Landmarks (2 sets)).

• Select object Landmarks-2-sets in the project view.

• Set ”Image set1” port of Landmarks-2-sets to motor.part1.simplified.surf, and set
”Image set2” to motor.part2.simplified.surf.
• Setting ”Image set” input ports may not be mandatory for the next steps in this tutorial, but
this would be required for the Landmark object to take into account the transformations set, for
instance if you would move the surfaces with the Transform Editor.

Let’s now set up for editing landmarks.

• Launch the Landmark Editor by clicking on the Landmark Editor button in the Properties Area.

When the editor is started, a Landmark View module is automatically created and connected to the
Landmarks data object. As indicated on the info line, two empty landmark sets are available now. We

342 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.126: Landmark editor

use the editor to define some markers in both objects.

• Right-click on the Landmarks object and add a second Landmark View module to it.
• In the first Landmark View module properties, set ”Point set” port to ”Point Set 1”.
• In the second Landmark View module properties, set ”Point set” port to ”Point Set 2”.
• Set the viewer toggles of the two LandmarkView modules so that the first landmark set will be
displayed in the left viewer, and the second landmark set will be displayed in the right viewer.

Now, we are ready to define and set corresponding landmarks.

• Make sure that the Landmarks object is selected in the project view, and check in the Properties
Area that Edit Mode is set to Add. Note that landmarks can be edited in the viewer windows
only if the Landmarks object is selected.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 343

• Click on the viewer toolbar arrow button or press ESC key to turn on picking interaction mode
(arrow mouse cursor). Click on a particular point of surface1. This point must be in the common
region between surface1 and surface2. Click on the corresponding point in surface2. A pair of
points is created. Repeat this step to create several pairs of landmarks (at least 3, 8 pairs are
probably sufficient). You may want to change the view of the objects to set landmarks on parts
that are initially hidden.
• If you want to change the position of an existing landmark set, select Edit Mode: Move. Click
on the landmark to be moved, and then just click on the desired position.
• A pair of landmarks can be removed by choosing Edit Mode: Remove and by clicking on one
of the landmarks (blue or yellow).

Note: When editing landmarks, make sure that no transparent object, such as a Transform Editor
manipulator, is intercepting the mouse click instead of the expected visible surface. You may not
immediately notice that the landmark has been added at the wrong location.

Figure 13.127: Landmark on surfaces

Once landmarks have been created, the next step is to transform the two objects into each other. The
Landmarks object can calculate a rigid or linear transformation that best fits one landmark set to an-
other (you will see later below how to retrieve it), or you can attach a compute module that can trans-
form a surface or image data object into a new one according to the landmark sets.

344 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide Registration with Rigid Transformation

The module Landmark Surface Warp can be used to create a transformed copy of an input object,
either with a rigid transformation or with warping.
Let’s use it for registration of motor.part2.simplified.surf, corresponding to
the 2nd landmark set, with a rigid transformation towards the 1st landmark set and

• Attach a Compute > Landmark Surface Warp module to the Landmarks-2-sets object created in
previous steps.
• In its properties area, set the Surface data port to motor.part2.simplified.surf,
choose the Direction 2>1 and Rigid Method with uniform scale.
• Press Apply.
• Attach Surface View 2 to motor.part2.simplified.Warped.

The Landmark Surface Warp module creates a new surface copy from motor.simplified, with
coordinates already transformed. You can verify with the Transform Editor that no geometric trans-
formation is set for motor.part2.simplified. Therefore it cannot be used to retrieve the reg-
istration transform. The method for doing this, without creating a copy of data, is given in a later
In some cases a rigid transformation (translation and rotation) is not enough, for instance if there is a
difference in scale.

• Try setting Transformation type to rigid+scale, or affine (different scale along x, y, z, possibly
with shear). Press the Apply button, or toggle on ”auto-refresh” for automatic apply upon port
change. Depending on the landmarks that were set, you may observe small differences in the

The next section is about even more severe, non-linear, transformations. Warping surfaces

In some cases it is useful to deform an object for the best fit with the landmarks. For instance, you
may want to compare shape variations relative to some fixed anchor points, or warp a 3D image to fit
a predefined shape.
If a deformation is required to obtain a better fit to the landmark sets, we can use another transformation
method of the Landmark Surface Warp module.

• Attach a Landmark Surface Warp module to the Landmarks set (see Registration via Rigid
Transformation section).
• Choose Bookstein method, press Apply, and visualize the result.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 345

Figure 13.128: Before Landmark Surface Warp

Depending on the landmarks you place, the surface may have been slightly deformed to best fit the
transformation from landmark set 2 to landmark set 1. You can try different methods and options.
You can then try warping the image data as described in next section. Warping volumes (3D images)

You will now transform a volume according to the transformation from landmark set 1 to landmark set

• Remove the Landmark Surface Warp module and the previous result

346 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.129: After Landmark Surface Warp (Rigid)

• Switch back to single-viewer mode: click on left viewer to select it (a white frame surrounds the
viewer area), then press the ”Single view” toolbar button.
• Load motor.am.
• Attach a Bounding Box module and a Volume Rendering module to motor.am. You can see it
is overlapped by motor.part1.simplified.surf.

• Turn off viewer visibility toggle for motor.part1.simplified.surf and Landmark

• Attach a Landmark Image Warp module to Landmarks-2-sets set created in previous steps.
• In Landmark Image Warp properties, set Image Data port to motor.am.
• Options should be set as Direction 1>2 and Bookstein method). Press Apply.
• Visualize the result by attaching the Volume Rendering module to the result motor.Warped.

You can see that volume has been moved and warped following the transformation from landmarks set
1 to landmarks set 2. However, the result volume looks cropped within the extent of the initial input
volume motor.am. By default the result of Landmark Image Warp is sampled over the same lattice
as input. To overcome this, you could extend the input volume using the Crop Editor. Or you could

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 347

Figure 13.130: After Landmark Surface Warp

attach another image to the Master port of Landmark Image Warp as a reference for bounding box and
resolution, overlapping the expected destination area. An Arithmetic module can be used to prepare
such reference (main window’s menu Project >Create Object..., select Images And Fields / Arithmetic,
then choose regular result type, resolution and volume box location).

• You may then try different methods and options. See Landmark Image Warp reference for more
detail. Retrieving and copying registration transformation using Tcl command

It can be useful to set the computed rigid or linear transformation without creating a transformed copy
of a data set.
You can retrieve the transformation by using Tcl commands in the console or in a script. In the Avizo
console, type:

>"Landmarks-2-sets" computeRigidTransform
0.939504 -0.0555508 -0.338004 0 0.0390105 0.997694 -0.0555385 0 0.34031
0.0389928 0.939505 0 -0.0165833 0.212631 0.110712 1

This computes a rigid transformation that moves the points of the first set as close as possible onto the
points of the second set (the sum of the squared distances between corresponding points is minimized).

348 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.131: Setting up for Landmark Image Warp

The result is returned as a 4x4 transformation matrix, which, for example, can be used to transform
some other data object using the setTransform command. For instance, type:

>eval "motor.part1.simplified.surf" setTransform

["Landmarks-2-sets" computeRigidTransform]

By default computeRigidTransform transforms the 1st landmark set into the 2nd one. You can specify
which sets and order to use in the command. The command computeLinearTransform is available to
compute transformations with scaling. See reference Data Type: Landmarks for more detail.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 349

Figure 13.132: After Landmark Image Warp

13.9.4 Registration of 3D image data sets

The Transform Editor and Landmarks tools introduced in previous tutorials can be used for image
registration. This section focuses on automatic optimized registration based on image comparison. In
this tutorial you will learn how to register 3D images, wholly or partially overlapping, obtained with
the same or different acquisition modality.
This section has the following parts:

• Getting started with Register Images module

• Register Images guidelines
• Using the Image Registration Wizard - example with partially overlapping images
• More about the Register Images module

To follow this tutorial you should know how to load files, interact with the 3D viewer, use modules
and Transform Editor basics. Getting started with Register Images module

The Register Images module is mainly used to refine that process. It provides automatic registration via
optimization of a quality function of the matching between a transformed model image and a reference
For success and best efficiency with the automatic registration optimization, the two 3D data volumes
should already be positioned fairly close to their optimized alignment. Otherwise processing could take
too much time because of the larger parameter space to be searched, despite the optimized hierarchical
algorithm used in Register Images. Therefore the method for image registration generally proceeds in

350 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

two steps:

1. Pre-alignment with manual or automatic approximate registration.

2. Automatic refined registration.

The following example shows step by step how to quickly register two 3D images of the same object.
A later section in this tutorial will show you an even simpler workflow using the convenience script
module Image Registration Wizard.

• Load the image stack file motor.am located in subdirectory data/tutorials.

• Load the label field motor.labels.am located in subdirectory data/tutorials. This
file contains labeling of different regions, obtained by a segmentation process

Let’s now set up some convenient visualization for the data. You could simply attach Ortho Slices and
Bounding Box modules to each data object. You may prefer to observe the data simultaneously in all
three directions as described in the tutorial on section (Data Fusion, Ortho Views).

• Attach an Ortho Views module to motor.am; then attach a Slice module to the Ortho Views
module; then connect Slice’s input port Data to motor.labels.am.
• Set Colormap port of Slice module to labels.am. Choose ”binary” for Transparency port in
order to simply make transparent the ’exterior’ area (labeled with 0).
• Activate the Transform Editor for motor.labels.am and arbitrarily change the position and
orientation for this image as shown in figure below. You can then deactivate the Transform
Editor, and attach a Bounding Box module to motor.labels.am.
• Attach a module Geometry Transform > Register Images to motor.labels.am, which is
therefore considered as the model to be transformed.
• Attach the Reference input port of Register Images to motor.am.
• Make sure that the Register Images module is selected in the Project View in order to display its
control ports in the Properties Area.

You are now ready to experiment with registration following the steps below. The Register Images
ports Metric, Transform, and Extended options basically control the matching quality measure used,
the degrees of freedom for the transform, and other advanced options. They will be detailed later.
Let’s focus for now on the Action port, exposing two pre-alignment methods and the actual optimized

• Press first the ”Align Centers” button. The centers of gravity of both data sets are computed
considering voxel values as weights. The model’s transform is then changed to a translation
aligning both centers of gravity. The two images then become close, yet you can notice some
remaining shift: this is due to the gravity centers not being located at the same relative position
in both data sets.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 351

Figure 13.133: Set up Ortho Views display for Register Images

• Press then the ”Align principal axes” button. The centers of gravity and moment of inertia of
both data sets are computed, again taking voxel values as mass density. The corresponding
principal axes are used to change the model transform. The best of 24 possible alignments of
the principal axes is determined according to the image-matching quality measure (Metric port).
The two images are then nearly matching again, but there is some orientation drift, in addition to
translation shift: the principal axes of both data sets do not align exactly because of the different
spatial distributions of voxel intensities.

• Last, press the ”Register” button. This starts the actual iterative registration optimization, which
may take a few seconds depending on your hardware. You can then see a best-fit matching of
the label field segmentation to the grayscale image.

Depending on the data sets characteristics and location, orientation, scale, you might be able to perform
a successful refined registration directly by clicking on the button ”Register”, without pre-alignment.

352 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.134: Register Images ports

Figure 13.135: After Align centers

However, the registration may happen to fail to find the optimal position as illustrated below.

• Activate the Transform Editor for motor.labels.am, and then change both its orientation
by 90 degrees and its scaling by a factor of 2 (by Dialog, or by dragging green spherical knobs
and white cubic knobs).

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 353

Figure 13.136: After Align principal axes

Figure 13.137: After Register

354 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.138: Transform rotation and scale values

• Then select the Register Images Module. In the Properties Panel, check ”Iso-” in the Transform
port, to enable search of scaling in addition to ”Rigid” transform.
• Press the ”Register” button. The registration clearly fails (with extended parameters left to
default values). The position was not close enough in order to guarantee the expected optimal
solution. The search stopped as it could not find a way to improve further.

• Press the ”Align principal axes” button, then the ”Register” button. The registration succeeds. Register Images guidelines

Before using the ”Register” button, it is often necessary to first move the data sets closer together by
some other means, pre-aligning, for instance, by using the Transform Editor, by setting an approxi-
mate transform with parameters known in advance, or by using Landmarks as described in a previous
The easiest way for fully automatic registration, applicable in many cases, is simply to pre-align the
data sets using Align Centers and/or Align principal axes before doing ”Register”. This may not always
work, though, depending on the data sets, which can then require special handling.

1. When differences between the model and reference data set are such that the voxels moment of
inertia can’t match enough anymore. E.g., some added components, particles or parts changed
the model’s principal axis significantly.
2. When the model and the reference have some symmetry in voxel intensity distributions that

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 355

Figure 13.139: Registration failed

makes the moment of inertia ambiguous. E.g., a cylindrical core sample without significant
mass asymmetry.

Here are further guidelines for using the Register Images module. More details are given in later
sections of this tutorial.

1. Make sure your data sets have identifiable references for pre-alignment, or keep track of
information about the approximate location of the model relative to the reference. In some
cases, especially if you want fully automated registration, you may need to consider adding
physical markers, radio-opaque paint, or fiduciaries to your samples before acquiring images.

2. Use as few degrees of freedom as possible, if only to shorten computation. That is, prefer to
set the Transform port to Rigid rather than Rigid+Iso, etc. You can also restrict the registration
search to a 2D plane if appropriate (see below extended options). Whenever possible, set the
correct voxel sizes for reference and models (see Crop Editor), then set the Transform port to
”Rigid” instead of searching also for an isotropic scaling.

3. You can select a range of voxel intensities to be considered in registration (see extended options
in later section). Register Images provides robust image matching metrics with respect to
different modalities and voxel intensity ranges. However, it can be very useful to ignore the high
and/or low intensity voxels of data set components that would otherwise affect the registration.

4. You may need to tune metrics and extended parameters, depending, for instance, on the data
set modality, voxel intensity distribution, dimensions, and aspect ratio. More on this in a later

356 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide


5. Use reduced data when necessary. Register Images uses an efficient hierarchical algorithm.
However, in some cases you can accelerate processing by subsampling the input data without
losing significant precision. Also, you can reserve registration for the most relevant subset or
derivative of your data set, e.g., cropped, resampled, filtered, masked or segmented, instead of
processing the full original data. You can then copy the transformation from such registered
”proxy” model to the original data. As a special example, the next section shows how to register
data sets that are partly overlapping. Using the Image Registration Wizard - example with partially overlapping images
It is sometimes needed to assemble 3D images taken separately. Unless a careful acquisition recorded
the accurate image locations, you may need to take advantage of image overlapping to register pre-
cisely the images. The overlapping regions must still contain enough information for successful reg-
istration. The Register Images module gives most flexibility for addressing this. Here is the method

1. Extract overlapping subvolumes from the volumes to assemble

2. Pre-align using approximate known locations, or aligning centers, or aligning principal axes
3. Optimize registration
4. Copy the resulting transformation to initial full model
5. Merge the resulting images

For convenience you can use the Image Registration Wizard that helps to register 3D volumes. It allows
you to select the image subvolumes to be registered and manages for you the registration process.
(Advanced users familiar with scripting may look at the Image Registration Wizard as an example of
a workflow-driven script module.)

• Load the image stack files motor.part1-reference.am and

motor.part2-model.am located in subdirectory data/registration/.
• Attach a Display > Isosurface module to each of the loaded data sets. Change the color of the
model Isosurface to distinguish it.
• Attach Geometry Transforms > Image Registration Wizard to motor.part2-model.am.
• In Image Registration Wizard properties, set the Reference to

• Since you have already set up the data display, you can press the Skip button. Otherwise if you
press Apply, the wizard will set up Ortho Views for you.

In the next two steps, you will specify overlapping subvolumes from the model and the reference vol-
umes, with optional subsampling. The subvolumes should correspond approximately to the common

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 357

Figure 13.140: Setting up Image Registration Wizard

region between the model and the reference. Subsampling may be useful for large data.
Note that if you leave the default options, the full volumes will be used directly. It is then possible to
use the Image Registration Wizard to register fully overlapping volumes.
You can also register images that are not fully loaded in memory, stored on disk using the LDA file
format. When attached to such an ’out-of-core’ data set, the subsampling rate is set to 4 by default.

• Select approximately the overlapping region of motor.part2-model.am, either using the

blue-corner tab box in 3D, or the Box min and size ports in the wizard’s properties.

358 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.141: Defining model subvolume

To better visualize the subvolume location with axis-aligned display, you may find it convenient to use
the viewer’s orthographic projection mode.

• For instance, in the viewer toolbar click on thePerspective/Orthographic button, then click on the
YZ button (or press X key), then Ctrl-Shift+click on Rotate button for 90 degrees rotation. Click
again the Perspective/Orthographic button when you want to go back to perspective display.
Note: The Ortho Views module is another useful display alternative.

• Press Apply to proceed to the next step.

• Select approximately the overlapping region of motor.part1-reference.am.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 359

Figure 13.142: Setting up orthographic view

• Press Apply to proceed to the next step.

You are now ready to proceed to registration. Some of the Register Images options are exposed (further
explanation of the Register Images options is provided in the next section).

1. Image comparison measure

2. Intensity range to be considered for registration (available when using Mutual Information met-
3. Degree of freedom: rotation and translation only; uniform scaling; variable scaling in x, y, z;
4. Type of pre-alignment done before registration optimization. ’None’ assumes that the model is
already approximately aligned with the reference. For instance, you might set the model in the
correct initial position by using the Transform Editor.

Since the overlapping regions we have selected are suitable for principal axes pre-alignment, you can
simply leave the default options.

• Press Apply to finally proceed to registration.

You should obtain a good alignment of motor.part1-reference.am and


360 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.143: Defining reference subvolume

• You can go back to previous steps with the wizard to experiment different options.
• Once you obtain a satisfactory result, you can remove the Image Registration Wizard. The
ancillary modules and temporary data objects will be removed at the same time.

As a final additional step, you can now merge the registered volumes into a single data set.

• Attach a Compute > Volume Operations > Merge module to

motor.part1-reference.am, and then attach motor.part2-model.am as Lattice1
additional input.
• Press the Apply button.
• You can attach a Volume Rendering module to the result

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 361

Figure 13.144: Image Registration Wizard - registration settings

Figure 13.145: Image Registration Wizard - final result

Merged-motor.part1-reference.am. Then toggle of the visibility for Isosurface

modules attached to model and reference parts.

362 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.146: Merge result More about the Register Images module

This section gives more details about the key options and advanced parameters that may be useful to
set when using the Register Images module:

1. Degrees of freedom
2. Image comparison metrics
3. Optimization control

Let’s first outline how the iterative optimization of image registration works. The algorithm considers
a model data set to be transformed, and a reference data set to which the model is registered.

1. The first step is to resample internally both data sets, using an adjustable resampling rate.
2. A measure of similarity between images is calculated depending on the selected metric.
3. The model transformation is modified with a variable incremental step, depending on the degrees
of freedom and the optimization strategy trying to maximize similarity.
4. The process is repeated then hierarchically to higher resolutions.

Degrees of freedom
The number of transformation parameters can be selected. Four different transformations are available:

• Rigid transformation : translation and rotation

• Isotropic scaling

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 363

• Anisotropic scaling
• Shearing

Figure 13.147: Degrees of freedom: rigid (translation+rotation), uniform scaling, anisotropic scaling, shearing

2D constrained registration
In addition, you can restrict the search to transformations within the same plane. For this, check the
Extended options and toggle the Register 2D mode.
Note that if the model or reference input is a 2D image (1 slice only in z direction), the Register port
is automatically set to 2D, which constrains the search space to one plane.
You can work around this by resampling the 2D slice on a slab with at least 2 voxels depth as dimen-
sion, keeping the bounding box size to 1 voxel. Then a 3D degree of rotational freedom can be applied.
This can be done with the Crop Editor, as follows: Note the bounding box extent in z direction, set

364 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.148: Registration restricted to 2D

Image crop max z index to 1 or more, leaving the Add mode: replicate option enabled. Make sure that
the bounding box extent is set to the same extent as before (i.e., the voxel size in z direction).

Figure 13.149: From 2D image to slab

Similarity metrics
The Metric port specifies the similarity measure between the two data sets.

Figure 13.150: Register Images metrics

• (Normalized) Mutual Information uses model and reference histograms to compute an en-
ergy/entropy. The goal is to minimize the entropy, so as to maximize the mutual information

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 365

between the two data sets. This is the most generic and robust metric. It is recommended (es-
pecially the normalized version) when images come from different modalities (e.g., CT/MRI,
ECT/XCT). Also note that the histogram range can then be specified to define the relevant voxel
values to be considered for registration. You can use this to ignore high or low intensity voxels.

Figure 13.151: Register Images histogram range

• Euclidean Distance: computes the distance between the gray values of the two images. It is well
suited for data sets with similar histograms (or similar signal response). For instance, images
acquired using the same modality and intensity calibrations, or overlapping parts of the same
• Correlation: computes a correlation value between the model and the reference, suited for data
sets whose histograms (or signal response) are similar via a linear transformation, i.e., images
acquired using the same modality but possibly not the same intensity calibration.
• Label Difference, for labeled images, measures difference between two connected labels.

Optimizer control
You may need to adjust optimization parameters in order to balance improved accuracy, search robust-
ness, and processing time.

Figure 13.152: Register Images optimizer options

• Optimizer Step: set the initial and final value for the step width applied in the optimization. The
greater the initial value, the larger will be the transformation tested. The smaller the final value,

366 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

the finer will be the transformation tested. Default values are based on the data bounding box
and voxel size (see reference help for detail). If the pre-alignment is precise enough, you can
reduce the initial value closer to the voxel size. When the bounding box aspect ratio is rather
flat and images tend to flee away during registration, you may need to reduce the initial step in
order to keep the images overlapping longer.
• Coarsest Resampling: set the coarsest level of resolution. Data sets will be resampled many
times until the coarsest resampling rate is reached. For the coarsest search, these values can be
• Ignore finest resolution: if this box is checked (default), the highest level of resolution will be
left out. Often, full resolution is not needed to register images, which can save dramatically
processing time.

Two different optimization strategies are applied, depending on the resampling level. At the finest
level, the Quasi Newton optimizer is applied. In the other levels, the optimizer can be chosen between:

• The Extensive Direction or Best Neighbor, well suited for coarse resolution levels;
• Quasi Newton or Line Search, suited for finest resolution, or when information overlap is re-
duced due, for instance, to flat aspect ratio;
• Conjugated Gradient.

Figure 13.153: Resampling with a coarsest resampling rate of (8, 8, 8)

Getting similarity measure with Tcl in console or script

At the end of a registration, a distance factor can be retrieved by Tcl command in the console or in a
script, providing a similarity measure:

>"Register Images" getLastImageDistance


This allows creation of custom search scripts for specific purposes.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 367

13.9.5 Registration of 2D image and 3D image data sets
In some case it is necessary to combine information from a 2D acquisition - e.g. SEM, QEMSCAN,
thin-section light micrograph - with a 3D volume such as a micro-tomography image.
It is possible to register a 2D image with respect to 3D image. However, the limited amount of informa-
tion in particular in the slice thickness direction can make it difficult and can require more processing.
In this section you will see an example of a strategy for solving such problem. For more details,
background information, and further guidelines, please refer to the previous tutorial section 13.9.4 on
3D image registration. Guidelines

The method for 2D-to-3D image registration proceeds in two stages, as indicated in previous section:

1. Pre-alignment with manual or automatic approximate registration. It is preferable for the ap-
proximate location and orientation of the 2D slice to be known in advance. Landmark-based
registration from some identifiable or automatically segmented markers can also be an option.
Last, a systematic search can be employed as shown in next section, possibly using subsampled
2. Refined registration. The registration settings may need to be adjusted to take into account the
limited information overlap within the 2D slice. Pre-alignment: Searching for a 2D slice (needle) in a 3D volume (haystack)

Let’s start with an example of searching for an extracted slice within an image stack. A possible
strategy is to register the 2D slice at different locations within the 3D stack, and use the best similarity
score to retrieve the best slice location. We will now use a script module that manages for us the search

• Open the following files in the in data/core directory: the 3D image file Plug.am, the 2D
image file Plug-slice93.am, and the script file SearchSlice.scro.
• For convenient display, you may split the viewer using the ’Two viewer’ toolbar button. Then
attach a Bounding Box module to the 3D image, and an Ortho Slice module to each image. Set
the visibility of the 3D image to the left viewer, and display the 2D image in the right viewer.

368 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

• Select the module SearchSlice.scro.
• In the Properties Area, set the Data port to Plug.am and set the Slice port to
Plug-slice93.am. You can set the Metric to Correlation in this case since the modality
is identical.

Figure 13.154: Search script - options

• For quicker trial, you can restrict the slices considered for search to 90-95.
• Press the Apply button at the bottom of the Properties Area.

It may take a few seconds for the script to computes image similarity for best registration at different
z-position in the 3D image and store the results in a Spreadsheet object. For each selected slice position
in z, different initial orientations can be used for registration.
In this example, the script extract all slices between the search window defined at Slices Consid-
ered port. At each extraction step, the extracted slice, named Plug.view, is registered with
Plug-slice93.am using the Register Images module. For each slice, four initial positions are con-
sidered, consisting in 90 degrees rotation about the z-axis. Four values are obtained, which correspond
to the distances between the extracted slice and the reference slice, measured with the transformation
computed at the end of the registration and the metric chosen. The minimal and the maximal distances,
or similarity values, are saved in the Spreadsheet for each extracted slices.

• Select the Spreadsheet object.

• In the Properties Area, click on the Spreadsheet: Show button.

You can check the best score, corresponding to the higher maximal distance value, in the spreadsheet.
It corresponds to the slice with the best similarity value. Note that the slices are numbered starting
from one by this script, unlike the Ortho Slice module slice, which numbers starting from zero.
Advanced users familiar with scripting may extend this script for specific purposes. See chapter 11
(Scripting Guide) for guidance on how to extend scripts.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 369

Figure 13.155: Search script - result spreadsheet Refined alignment

The approximate registration is done: you know approximately the slice position. Now, an accurate
registration can be computed in order to compute the right transformation in the XY plane, and possibly
adjust for some tilt. The steps for this example are the following:

• Consider only Plug.am and Plug-slice93.am.

• Click on Plug-slice93.am. and click on the Transform Editor.
• Translate the image to the 94th slice position (numbered 93) on the core sample. You can use
the Transform Editor Dialog: change the z-value of translation to 94, since the voxel size in z is
approximately 1.
• Resample the 2D slice as a slab as indicated in tutorial section (Registration of 3D
images, paragraph ’2D constrained registration’).
• Attach a Register Images module to Plug-slice93.am. Set Reference port to Plug.am.
Select an appropriate metric (Correlation or Euclidean), and in extended options, change the
initial value of the optimizer step to 2 (close to the voxel size) since the image is already fairly
well aligned in the z-axis.
• You can set at first Register mode to 2D, which should be sufficient in that case, then press
• If you want to try 3D mode so that slight image tilt will be considered, you may need to set
Optimizer to Quasi Newton or Linear Search, and reduce search step.

13.9.6 Alignment of 2D images stacks

Many microscopy techniques require the specimen to be physically cut or captured into slices. Then
images are taken from each cross-section separately. Often the images will be misaligned relative
to each other. The images have to be aligned in order to turn the initial image stack into a correct
3-dimensional model of the specimen.
Beside the general registration module Register Images described in previous tutorial, Avizo provides

370 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.156: Crop Editor settings

the Align Slices module for alignment of serial sections. Align Slice can be used, for instance, with
histological slices, or milled or polished material surface layers, images at different focal planes, cap-
tured with cameras, light, confocal or electron microscopes, etc.
Note that we do not address here the specific case of alignment of projection images collected by vari-
able tilt tomography, which is a prerequisite to tomographic reconstruction. While Avizo algorithms
could be used for such alignment to some extent, this is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
Align Slices is used for aligning 2D slices of a 3D image stack. The module Register Images, which
can be also used to register 3D or 2D images, is described in a separate section. Alignment with Align
Slices module can be manual, automatic, or semi-automatic. The following topics will be discussed:

• Basic manual alignment

• Automatic alignment
• Alignment via landmarks

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 371

• Optimizing the quality function
• Resampling the input data
• Other alignment options and guidelines Basic manual alignment

In this tutorial we want to align 10 microscopic cross-sections of a leaf showing a stomatal pore. The
images are located in the data directory in the subdirectory align. Each slice is stored as a separate
JPEG image. The file leaf.info defines a 3D image stack consisting of the 10 individual slices. It
is a simple ASCII file as described in the stacked slices file format section.
Note that this example data set is a stack of color images (RGBA). See also the section ”More about
align slices” at the end of this tutorial for issues to be considered when using grayscale images.

• Load the file data/align/leaf.info.

• Create an align module by choosing Geometry Transforms > Align Slices from the popup menu
over the leaf.info icon.
• Press the Edit button of Align Slices.

Figure 13.157: Setting up Align Slices

The slice aligner window opens in place of the 3D viewer, allowing you to interactively align the
slices of the 3D image stack. To facilitate this task, usually two consecutive slices are displayed
simultaneously. One of the two slices is editable, i.e., it can be translated and rotated using the mouse.
By default the upper slice is editable. This is indicated in the tool bar of the align window (the ”upper
slice” button is selected).

372 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.158: Align Slices menu and toolbar

• If necessary, press the zoom out button to allow the entire slice to be visible in the viewer.

Figure 13.159: Zoom out button

• Translate the upper slice by moving the mouse with the left mouse button pressed down.
• Rotate the upper slice by moving the mouse with the left mouse button and the Ctrl key pressed
down. Alternatively, slices can be rotated using the middle mouse button.
• Make the lower slice editable by selecting the ”lower slice” tool button. Translate and rotate the
lower slice.
• Hold down key number 1. While this key is hold down only the lower slice is displayed.
• Hold down key number 2. While this key is hold down only the upper slice is displayed.
• Pressing key number 1 and 2 also changes the editable slice. Note how the slice tool buttons
change their state.

Other pairs of slices can be selected using the slider in the upper left part of the align window. Note
that the number displayed in the text field at the right side of the slider always refers to the editable
slice. The next or the previous pair of slices can also be selected using the space bar or the backspace
key, respectively. The cursors keys are used to translate the current slice by one pixel in each direction.

• Browse through all slices using the space bar and the backspace key. Translate and rotate some
slices in an arbitrary way.
• Translate all slices at once by moving the mouse with the left mouse button and the Shift key
pressed down.
• Rotate all slices simultaneously by moving the mouse with the left mouse button and the Shift
and Ctrl key pressed down. Moving all slices simultaneously can be useful in order to move the
region of interest into the center of the image. Automatic alignment

Besides manual alignment, four automatic alignment options are supported: alignment using a gravity
centers and principal axes transformation, automatic optimization of a quality function, edge detection-

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 373

based alignment, and alignment via best fit of user-defined landmarks. The principal axes method and
the edge detection method are only suitable for images showing an object that is clearly separated from
the background. The optimization method requires that the images are already roughly aligned.
Depending on acquisition modality and quality, slices can have moderate drift that can be corrected
easily automatically. In some cases, one has to correct a few abnormal slices to enable automatic
alignment. A general workflow could be outlined in two steps:

1. Pre-alignment with manual or automatic method

2. Automatic alignment optimization

Often such a pre-alignment can be achieved using the landmarks method. Alignment via landmarks

Alignment via landmarks first requires you to interactively define the positions of the landmarks. This
can be done in landmark edit mode.

• Activate landmark edit mode by pressing the landmark alignment mode button.

Figure 13.160: Landmark alignment mode button

In landmark edit mode only one slice is displayed instead of two. Two default landmarks are defined
in every slice.

• Once you have activated the landmark edit mode (arrow mouse cursor), click on one of the
default landmarks. The landmark gets selected and is drawn with a red border.
• Click somewhere into the image in order to reposition the selected landmark.
• Click somewhere into the image while no landmark is selected. This causes the next landmark
to be selected automatically.
• Click at the same position again in order to reposition the next landmark.

The double click method makes it very easy to define landmark positions. Of course, additional land-
marks can be defined as well. Landmarks can also be deleted, but the minimum number of landmarks
is two.

• Choose Add from the Landmarks menu.

• Click anywhere into the image in order to specify the position of the new landmark.
• Select the yellow landmark by clicking on it.
• Choose Remove from the Landmarks menu in order to delete the selected landmark again.

374 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Two landmarks should be visible now, a red one, and a blue one. Next, let us move these landmarks to
some reasonable positions so that we can perform an alignment.

• Select slice number 0.

• Place the landmarks as shown in Figure below. Make use of the double-click method.
• In all other slices place the landmarks at the same positions.

Figure 13.161: Setting landmarks with Align Slices

Once all landmarks have been set, we can align the slices. It is possible to align only the current pair
of slices, or to align all slices at once. Note that all alignment actions, as well as landmark movements,
can be undone by pressing Ctrl-Z.

• Switch back to transform mode by pressing the manual alignment button. Two slices should be
displayed again.
• Align the current pair of slices by pressing the align current slice pair button.
• Align all slices by pressing the corresponding button.
• Move and rotate the whole object into the center of the image using the mouse with the Shift
key hold down.

In most slices the alignment now should be quite good. However, looking at the pairs 3-4 and 4-5
(displayed in the lower left corner of the align window) you’ll notice that there is something wrong. In
fact, slice number 4 has been accidentally inverted when taking the microscopic images. Fortunately,

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 375

Figure 13.162: (1) Manual alignment button; (2) Align current slice pair; (3) Align all slices

this error can be compensated for in Avizo.

• Select slice pair 3-4 and make sure that the upper slice, i.e., slice number 4, is editable.
• Invert the upper slice by pressing the mirror editable slice button.
• Realign the current pair of slices by pressing the corresponding button.
• Select slice pair 4-5 and realign this pair of slices as well.

Figure 13.163: (1) Mirror editable slice button; (2) Align current slice pair

Alternatively, you could have aligned all slices from scratch by pressing the first button from the right. Optimizing the least-squares quality function

Once all slices are roughly aligned we can further improve the alignment using the automatic optimiza-
tion method. In the status bar of the align window the quality of the current alignment is displayed.
This is a number between 0 and 100, where 100 indicates a perfect match. The quality function is
computed from the squared gray value differences of the two slices. The optimization method tries
to maximize the quality function. Since only local maxima are found, it is required that the slices be
reasonably well aligned in advance.

• Click on the slice in the viewer. The quality of the alignment is displayed in the status bar at the
bottom of the window. Remember the current quality measure.
• Activate the optimization mode by pressing the least-squares alignment mode button. Remem-
ber the current quality measure.
• Align the current pair of slices by pressing the corresponding button. Observe how the quality
is improved.

Figure 13.164: (1) Least-squares alignment button; (2) Align current slice pair

Automatic alignment is an iterative process. It may take quite a long time depending on the resolution
of the images and of the quality of the pre-alignment. You can interrupt automatic alignment at any

376 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

time using the Stop button.

• Automatically align all slices by pressing the first button from the right. Resampling the input data into result

If you are satisfied with the alignment you can resample the input data set in order to create a new
aligned 3D image suitable for further visualization or processing. This is done using the Resample
button of the Align Slices module.

• Press the Resample button of the Align Slices module. The images are resampled using an
accurate interpolation method. Note that the Align Slice’s port ’Resample Method’ lets you
alternatively choose a fast preview mode.
• Before visualizing the result, you could open an extra viewer (menu View>Layout>Extra
Viewer). For now simply press the Close button of Align Slice module in the Properties Area
to close the slice aligner window and display again the main viewer window. When closing the
Align Slice edit mode, you can confirm to save the modified transformation information into the
data parameter section of the input object (next section shows how this can be used).
• Attach an OrthoSlice module to the resulting object leaf.align and verify how the slices are

By default the dimensions of the resampled image result are the same as the dimensions of the input
image. When Align Slice editor is active, you can choose menu Align > Options and select Output
tab, then you can define a different output size, including automatic fit for all slices. See Align Slice
help for more details. 2D alignment guidelines, more about Align Slice

Completing alignment
Sometimes you may want to improve an alignment later on. In this case it is a bad idea to align
the resampled data set resulting from initial alignment, since this would require a second resampling
operation, cumulating interpolation errors. Instead, you could write the transformation data into the
original image object and store this object in Avizo format. After reloading the Avizo file you can
attach a new Align Slices module and continue with the stored transformations.

• Make sure that the slice aligner window was closed as described in previous steps, so that the
slice transformations are recorded in the data parameters of the input object leaf.info. Note
that you can Choose Save transformation from the Options menu of the slice aligner at any time
while you are modifying slice alignment.
• Delete the Align Slices module.
• Save leaf.info in Avizo format. For this use menu File > Save Data As, then make sure an
Avizo native format is selected.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 377

• Reload the saved object leaf.am.
• Attach a new Align Slices module to leaf.am and click the Edit button. You can verify that
the original alignment is restored.

Using a reference image alignment

In some cases you might want to reapply the same alignment to a separate image stack with same
dimensions, such an additional acquisition channel or a segmented image (label field). For instance,
you might want to correct the alignment after image segmentation has been performed independently.
In order to avoid segmenting the newly resampled image from scratch, you can apply the same trans-
formations to the label field using a reference image.

• Delete any existing Align Slice module.

• Load the file data/align/leaf-unaligned.labels into Avizo.
• Attach a new Align Slices module to the label field.

In the label field the guard cells of the stomatal pore are marked. Segmentation has been performed
before the images were aligned. Now we want to apply the same transformation defined for the image
data to the labels.

• Connect port Reference of Align Slices to leaf.am - this is done by activating the popup
menu over the small rectangular area at the left side of the leaf.am icon. Observe how the
transformations are applied to the label field.
• Export an aligned label field by pressing the Resample button.

Note about color image segmentation: The image volume used in this tutorial is an RGBA color field.
You can use Interactive Thresholding or some Quantification Tools for color image segmentation.
However other tools such as the Segmentation Editor only support grayscale images. Therefore you
must convert the color field into a scalar field using Convert Image Type or into separate channels
using Channel Works before you can invoke such segmentation tools for the resampled labels.
Grayscale images
When attaching Align Slice module to grayscale image, a Data Window port is available to select the
range of intensity used for display and for computing alignment. It is important to make sure that the
selected range contains the intensity values you want to be considered in alignment. By default, the
data window is determined automatically by image histogram (see tutorial section 13.1.3 on Range
Calibration for more information).
Selecting data used for alignment
In some cases, automatic alignment can be distorted by anomalies that cannot be tracked consistently
across all slices, such as bright spots or artifacts appearing on individual slices. Here are some hints to
solve this:

• When using grayscale image input, selecting an appropriate data window is a way to filter out

378 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

unwanted high or low pixel values.
• Align Slices can use a label field connected to its Mask input port to restrict the region consid-
ered for automatic alignment. You can easily produce such a mask by using, for instance, the
Segmentation Editor or the Volume Edit module.
• In complex cases, you could perform alignment based on any subset or derivative of initial image
stack (e.g., cropped, filtered, or segmented), and then reapply the alignment to the original data.

Tuning alignment options

Here are some guidelines for tuning automatic alignment. For accessing Align Slice options, select the
menu Align > Options when Align Slice edit mode is active.

• If alignment of a full stack fails, you may save time by trying to identify the first slices that fail
and improving alignment for those slices at first.
• In the ”General” tab, uncheck the Allow Rotation checkbox to disable rotation in the alignment.
• In the ”Least Squares” tab, you can increase the Max number of iterations (e.g., to 5000) if the
alignment process stops before correct match.
• In the ”Least Squares” tab, you can reduce the Resample size ’scale factor’ if a slice ’flees’ out
of the canvas. This may happen if there is not enough information or overlapping for meaningful
quality measure at the coarse resolution that is used to speed up the first steps of the process.
• You can fix the reference slice used for alignment across the whole stack with menu Options >
Fix Reference. This could be used in combination with an input Mask image to select a limited
image area as a fixed reference.

More about alignment data parameters

The slice alignment transformations are stored in a data parameter bundle AlignTransform and there-
fore can be written into the file header of the aligned stack. Such data parameters can be viewed with
the Data Parameter Editor.
For example,

slice044 6 4 -16.3025 -1

indicates that slice ] 44 was translated 6 voxels in X, 4 voxels in Y, and rotated -16.3025 degrees about
Z. The -1 means that the slice was not mirrored (If 1, it would mean that the slice has been mirrored).

13.9.7 Alignment and pre-processing of FIB/SEM images stacks using the FIB
Stack Wizard
The capture of image stacks using FIB/SEM devices (Focused Ion Beam / Scanning Electron Micro-
scope) may require alignment and other pre-processing such as foreshortening, shear, and shading
correction. A script module FIB Stack Wizard is available to assist this workflow.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 379

Figure 13.165: Alignment data parameters

FIB/SEM is a powerful technique for imaging samples in 3D at the nanometer scale, optionally with
compositional information. A FIB/SEM dual beam device combines a Focused Ion Beam for milling
serial cross-sections in the sample, and a Scanning Electron Microscope for imaging the milled 2D
sections. A variety of detectors (SE, low kV BSE, EDX, EBSD, etc.) can be used for analyzing the
sample’s materials and structure.
After such a FIB serial sectioning acquisition, a 3D model can be reconstructed from the 2D images.
Depending on the input data and purpose, some pre-processing including alignment and other steps
may be required, in particular to ensure the accuracy of the 3D model for further quantitative analysis.
The angle between the ion beam and the electron beam is typically 52 degrees. Because of angle be-
tween milled surface and imaging axis is not 90 degrees, the raw captured images shows a geometrical
artifact compared to real sections:

• Apparent vertical shift upward that grows with each image in the stack
• Foreshortening: vertical size (y axis relative to capture) appears compressed.

You may get images already corrected for these effects, but in some cases it may be necessary to
compensate them with downward shift, i.e., stack shearing and stretching.
Another unwanted artifact is lateral drift that may occur, especially during long acquisitions, yet even
shorter ones can show some jittering drift between images, due to environment vibration for instance.

380 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.166: FIB/SEM principle: overviews, SEM views, serial sections

In addition to geometrical artifacts, some further image processing may be needed to correct for noise
or non-uniform illumination (sometimes described as shadowing).
Avizo provides a number of tools for processing and analyzing FIB/SEM image, including a conve-
nience script module that steers you along the most common processing steps: the FIB Stack Wizard.
In this tutorial you will learn in particular how to use the FIB Stack Wizard and other Avizo tools for:

• Importing and calibrating voxel size

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 381

• Geometry correction and cropping
• Shading correction
• Image filters

Advanced users familiar with scripting may look at the FIB Stack Wizard as an example of a workflow-
driven script module. Images import, voxel size and foreshortening correction

The data set used in this tutorial is derived from images of a sample of molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2),
a material used in furnace heating elements, by courtesy of C. Kong, University of New South Wales,
Australia. The original images (2048x1768 x 300 slices) have been modified for the purposes of this

Figure 13.167: MoSi2 sample - courtesy C. Kong, University of New South Wales

• With menu File > Open Data, load the data file MoSi2-shear-corrected.am located in
subdirectory data/fib in Avizo installation directory. This image stack was saved as a native
Avizo file. About loading stacks of image files, see the tutorial section 4.1 (How to load image
• You can attach one or two Ortho Slice modules to MoSi2-shear-corrected.am to exam-
ine the data, or use the Ortho Views module to set up 4-view display.

The full data set extent is 64 micrometers in width and 36 micrometers in depth, i.e., for the resampled
images about 0.125µm pixel size (X-Y field-of-view) and 0.486µm slice thickness (Z voxel size).
Depending on the input file format, you can specify the pixel size and slice thickness as ’voxel size’
when loading the data if information could not be retrieved from the file. You can always check and
adjust it afterwards by using the Crop Editor.

• Activate the Crop Editor for MoSi2-shear-corrected.am to see the bounding box extent

382 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.168: Data displayed using Ortho Views template

and corresponding voxel size in the dialog box. You can then deactivate the Crop Editor.

Non uniform slice thickness

If variation of slice thickness matters for your application, you can import images using the Avizo
Stacked Slice file format, which defines the depth for each individual slice. This is described in the
tutorial section 4.1 (How to load image data). A number of Avizo tools can be directly applied to such
data with irregular, so-called ”stacked slice” coordinates. You may also turn the images into a uniform
scalar field using Arithmetic or Resample modules (use a uniform lattice as reference input for the
Resample module).
Depending on how the data was collected, you may have to correct the foreshortening effect seen in
introduction. If you entered the field-of-view for the Y-axis, then there will be no need to make this
correction. If you entered the same voxel size for x and y, and the instrument did not already apply a
stretching correction, then you may want to correct by entering the corrected voxel height directly into
the Crop Editor. To apply the foreshortening correction in the Crop Editor, multiply the voxel height
by a correction factor, depending on the angle between FIB and SEM columns. For instance, for a 52
degrees angle: 1/sin(52◦ ) = 1/cos(90◦ −52◦ ) ≈ 1.269. The file MoSi2-shear-corrected.am
was already corrected for foreshortening.
Measurement units

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 383

Figure 13.169: Bounding box and voxel size

Note: Indicating ”nm” as Display units in the Preferences will output measurements in nm. To learn
about unit management in Avizo, see the chapter 12 (Units in Avizo) in Avizo User’s Guide. Geometric corrections overview

Upward shift / shearing

Beside the voxel size, the collected images may need further kinds of geometry correction.

384 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

In raw images as seen from the SEM viewing angle, the sections appear shifted, while the surrounding
background or trench stays aligned horizontally across the series. Obviously the 3D structures inside
the sections looks ”sheared” on an YZ slice and need to be corrected.

Figure 13.170: Sheared image stack

Raw image stack display showing vertical shift of the serial sections. A clipping oblique Slice is used
to highlight the sample slope.
We’ll see later in this tutorial how to address this case using data set MoSi2-sheared.am.
The data set MoSi2-shear-corrected.am was already corrected for electron beam angle as
you can see below. The sample sections are aligned horizontally, while the surrounding trench looks
sheared in turn since it is fixed relative to the microscope raw images.

Figure 13.171: Shear-corrected image stack

Drift correction

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 385

Images corrected for viewpoint angle may still need correction from drift as show below, mostly visible
in XZ slices of MoSi2-shear-corrected.am.

Figure 13.172: XZ and YZ slices with jittering effect

Cropping is necessary to remove unwanted areas in the 3D reconstruction, such as the trench surround-
ing area, or textual information that may be located at the bottom of the images. Getting started with FIB Stack Wizard

The FIB Stack Wizard, accessible from the menu Geometry Transforms >FIB Stack Wizard, can be
used for alignment/shearing correction as well as for shading correction. The wizard module guides

386 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

you step by step along the process. Data will be duplicated since the wizard allows you to go backward
in the steps to correct specific actions. The following steps are proposed by the FIB Stack wizard:

1. Initial cropping before alignment

2. Automatic alignment
3. Crop after alignment
4. Shearing correction
5. Shading correction

• You can now remove any remaining Ortho Slice or other display modules in the project: the FIB
Stack Wizard automatically sets up an Ortho Slice display.
• Attach the module FIB Stack Wizard to MoSi2-shear-corrected.am.

An Ortho Slice with a tight Color Wash module is attached to the data set, and a Crop Editor dialog is
Once the FIB Stack Wizard is selected in the Project View, its control ports are displayed in the Prop-
erties Area.
A Mask input connection port lets you attach a label image serving as a mask during alignment. This
will be detailed later.

• You can use the Slice Number port to change the displayed slice along current axis.
• You can change the Slice Orientation.

The Info port indicates the current processing step. Buttons are available to proceed to next step,
possibly skip it, or go back to previous step.
Step 1: Crop before alignment
This step lets you crop the input data before applying the alignment. For now you will select a region
contained within the serial sections.

• Drag the green corners of the tab box in the viewer, or index values in the Crop Editor dialog.
• You can use the Slice number and orientation ports to control the selected region.
• Be sure to slice all the way from the front of the stack to the back of the stack to verify that you
are not cropping out desired regions. You may also change temporarily the Slice orientation.

• Once set, click on the Apply button in order to go to the next step.

Step 2: Alignment
In this step, the wizard will use automatically the Align Slices module. The wizard exposes the fol-
lowing alignment options:

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 387

Figure 13.173: FIB Stack Wizard at step 1

• Gravity centers: Align gravity centers and principal axes.

• Least-squares: Least squares algorithm based on gray values.

388 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.174: Crop before alignment with FIB Stack Wizard

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 389

• ”Enable rotations” options: enables rotations during slice alignement. If this options is disabled,
only translations will be computed.

• For this example our case let’s keep the default values: least squares alignment method without

Important note: when processing grayscale images, the visible gray values for display and for align-
ment can be restricted to a ”data window” defined for the data set. Only the values between the two
bounds of the data window are used by the gray value-based alignment algorithm. You can check if an
appropriate data window is defined in the data information displayed in the Properties Area. For editing
the data window, see the Range Calibration Editor and tutorial section 13.1.3 on Range Calibration.

Figure 13.175: MoSi2-pre-corrected Data window

• Press on the Apply button in order to go to the next step. The Align Slice editor window is
displayed showing the alignment progression. You can see how slices are aligned relative to
each other. Depending on the distribution and the orientation of shapes across the slice stack,
some smooth drift may occur.

Step 3: Crop after alignment

Slices of the input data are now aligned relative to each other. The jittering drift effect has mostly

• Change slice number to browse slices. You can see black uncovered area as slices have been
• You can select a new crop region to exclude these black areas.

• Once set, click on the Apply button in order to go to the next step.

Step 4: Shearing correction

This step may be needed when dealing with raw microscope images without shift correction, or when
alignment should be performed with a mask corresponding to a fixed part (e.g. landmark) in the
images. This will be detailed later.

390 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.176: Crop after alignment with FIB Stack Wizard

• For now, alignment has been performed, so click on the Skip button in order to go to the next

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 391

Step 5: Shading correction
This step can help to compensate for non-uniform illumination, for instance, to facilitate future image
segmentation. The voxel values are normalized by an estimated background. You can specify a range
of intensities for voxels to be considered for estimating background. The number of electrons detected
can be altered by the surrounding materials, in particular when trench is not large enough or when
redepositon causes mass to accumulate that reduces electron detection.

• Change the Low mask threshold value. You can see the non-uniform distribution of background
intensity. See the figure 13.177 below to adjust values.
• Change both thresholds to cover as much as possible the area to be approximated for back-
ground, excluding as much as possible the dark or bright features that could alter the background
estimate. See the figure 13.177 below to adjust values.
• The ’shading correction’ parameter is a factor applied to the voxel values normalized according
to the estimated background.

• You can click on the Back button in order to go to previous steps and modify some processing
• Remove the FIB Stack Wizard in order to delete intermediate modules and data objects. Selecting what to align using masks

Three methods can actually be used to choose what to align:

1. Cropping the data set.

2. Changing the data window using the Range Calibration Editor (or Align Slice data window
3. Specifying a 3D mask.

With previous steps you could achieve quickly reasonable results, with limited image drift. However
in some cases, you may need to select more precisely the image information to be considered for

1. The overall image structure may induce drift, in particular if there are few large or oriented
structures. Subsets of images might better drive the alignment.
2. You may want to take advantage of fixed markers or fiducials. If the volume and resolution you
wish to capture allow for it, you can keep such markers in the field of view for the purpose of
accurate alignment.
3. You may have raw images with uncorrected upward shift. For best results you should normally
apply first a shearing before aligning the sections area so that images are roughly axis aligned.
You can use the AvizoShear module for this. Alternatively, you could instead align images based
on the fixed area surrounding the sections.

392 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.177: Shading correction with FIB Stack Wizard

• Load MoSi2-sheared.am

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 393

• Attach FIB Stack Wizard
• Press Apply to keep all volume at Crop step

Figure 13.178: FIB Stack Wizard at step 1

We now need to create a mask to be used as input by the FIB Stack Wizard. For this one could use
the Segmentation Editor or any other tools creating a label field. Using the Volume Edit module is
convenient here.

• Attach MoSi2-sheared.am to Compute > Volume Operations > Volume Edit.

• In the Properties Area leave the Tool port of Volume Editor set to ”Draw”.
• Click on the Outside button: you can then encircle with a lasso a region in the 3D viewer. You
can hold Alt key to draw straight lines. The drawn contour defines an extruded volume along
the view axis. Make sure to use the viewer’s orthographic camera mode in order to make the
contour extrusion parallel to the Z axis. (for this press the Perspective/Orthographic button in
the viewer’s toolbar).
• Pressing the Create Mask button will then create a label field corresponding to that region.

• Attach the result mask MoSi2-sheared.mask as Mask input for the FIB Stack Wizard.
• Press the Apply button to trigger alignment. The Align Slice editor window shows the image
masked by the region you defined.
• Press Apply to keep all volume at Crop step.

394 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.179: Createting mask for MoSi2

• Apply Shear step with -38 degrees (i.e., 52 - 90).

• Proceed to Shading correction as above. Further processing of FIB Stacks

More image processing may be required to further improve FIB/SEM images, for compensating for
instance noise or curtaining effects. Filtering can be applied either before or more usually after align-
ment such as processing by FIB Stack Wizard. In particular if you want to apply image filters in 3D
mode, images should be properly aligned.
See section 13.8 for hints about image filtering. In particular the Non-Local Means image filter is
usually effective with FIB/SEM image. See also Filter Sandbox for trying conveniently image filters.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 395

13.9.8 Registration of 3D surfaces
The Transform Editor and Landmarks tools introduced in previous tutorials may be used for surface
registration. This section focuses on automatic optimized registration based on surface distance min-
imization. In this tutorial, you will learn how to register 3D triangulated surfaces that are wholly or
partially overlapping.
This section has the following parts:

• Getting started with Align Surfaces module

• Align Surfaces guidelines
• Alignment of surface subsets
• Measure and visualize surface distance Getting started with Align Surfaces module

Align Surfaces is the main tool used for surface registration. The module Align Principal Axis can
also be useful for alignment constrained along certain axes.
The Align Surfaces module allows the automatic alignment of a triangulated surface with respect to a
reference surface. It computes either a rigid transformation or an affine transformation.
The following example shows step by step how to register two surfaces. We start with similar first
steps used in the Transform Editor tutorial.

• Start a new Avizo Project

• Load motor.simplified surface file from the data/tutorials directory,
• Duplicate the motor.simplified data object (Ctrl-D).
• Attach two Surface View modules to motor.simplified and motor2.simplified.
Both surfaces are shown overlapping for now.
• Activate the Transform Editor for motor2.simplified, and change position and rotation
of motor2.simplified.
• Press the ”Apply Transform” button in the Transform Editor to modify the vertex coordinates
according to the transformation. You can confirm the transformation when asked.

In order to introduce some differences between the surfaces before experimenting with alignment, we
will use the Surface Simplification Editor. This tool reduces the number of triangles by edge collapsing
and vertex shifting to approximate the original surface. This operation can also be very useful to reduce
the computation time for alignment, especially for large surfaces.

• Select motor2.simplified in the Project View. Then in the Properties Area, activate the
Simplification Editor.
• In the port Faces, set the desired number of faces to 10000. You can check ”fast” toggle for
quicker computation.

396 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.180: Surface motor transformed

• Press the ”Simplify now” button in the Action port.

• Attach the Geometry Transforms > Align Surfaces module to motor2.simplified, i.e.,
the surface to be transformed.
• Then connect the Reference surface port to motor.simplified. Leave the default parame-
ters for now.

Let’s focus for now on the Align port, exposing two pre-alignment methods and the actual optimized

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 397

Figure 13.181: Simplification Editor

Figure 13.182: Align Surface project


Figure 13.183: Align Surface properties area

• Press the ”Centers” button in the Align port.

You can see that the surfaces are now centered. However the model orientation does not match the

398 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

reference orientation.

Figure 13.184: Align: Centers result

• Press now the ”Principal Axes” button in the Align port.

The model and reference are now almost aligned. You can still notice some discrepancy.

• Press ”Surfaces” button in the Align port. This starts the iterative alignment optimization.

After a few steps, the surfaces are aligned as well as possible.

Figure 13.185: Align: Principal Axes and Align: Surfaces results

Note: you could alternatively use an Ortho Views module for display, for instance to overlay cross
sections or cross contours of the surfaces.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 399

Figure 13.186: Ortho Views display Align Surfaces guidelines

The Align Surfaces module based on an Iterative Closest Point algorithm, repeating the following

1. Associate corresponding points in the two surfaces by nearest neighbor criteria.

2. Estimate and apply a transformation minimizing the root mean square distance between the
points of the model surface and the corresponding points on the reference surface.

Despite optimized search for nearest neighbors, this can be time consuming especially for large sur-
faces. The center of mass and principal axes can be aligned quickly.
Like for image registration, in order to limit computation time and risk for mismatch, it is recom-
mended to perform the surface alignment in two steps.

1. Pre-alignment with manual or automatic approximate registration

400 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.187: Align Surfaces principle

2. Automatic refined registration

Pre-alignment could be done using the Transform Editor or Landmarks. For automatic alignment, you
can more simply attempt in order:

1. Centers
2. Principal Axes
3. Surfaces

Here are some additional hints.

Alignment of the centers of mass.
To align the centers of mass, all vertices of the triangulated surface are assigned the same mass. There-
fore, the calculated centers may depend on distribution of vertices along the surface. In some case
it may be helpful to remesh surfaces, using either the Surface Simplification Editor or the Remesh
Surface module.
Alignment of the principal axes.
The moments of inertia and principal axes are calculated, again with same mass assigned to all vertices
of the triangulated surfaces. Since there can be different matching orientations for the three principal
axes, each combination is checked and the final solution is the one with the minimum root mean
square distance between surface vertices. This gives most often good results as starting point for
refined registration. However, in some cases the distribution of surface vertices can be such that a
wrong orientation is selected.
Surfaces distance minimization - iterative refined registration.
You can reduce the search in a number of ways to accelerate processing if needed:

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 401

1. Degrees of freedom should be left to minimum required.
2. You may not need to register the full surfaces.
• You can elect the Region of interest in the reference surface (ROI port) corresponding to
the model, or to an extracted subset of the model
• You can extract the parts of the surfaces most relevant for registration - this can be done
using Surface View and Extract Surface modules.
• You can simplify surfaces or Remesh surfaces.
• You can the copy the transformation obtained to the full data set.
3. Make sure that the ”use correspondence” option is set if the input surfaces have exactly matching
vertices, stored in same order. Registration is then dramatically faster. If the surfaces have by
accident the same number of points and if these vertices are not matching, then make sure that
the option is disabled. Alignment of surface subsets

In this an example, we will consider two partially overlapping triangulated surfaces. These surfaces
have been extracted separately, using an Isosurface module, from the two independent volumes used
in Image Registration tutorial. The surfaces cannot overlap exactly due to differences in volumes
sampling, but we will search now the best registration.

• Load motor.part1.simplified.surf and motor.part2.simplified.surf in

data/registration directory
• Register approximately the two surfaces with a rigid transformation by using the Transform
Editor or as shown in tutorial about Landmarks registration.

Figure 13.188: Approximate registration

• Attach an ROI box to surface1.simplified (or surface1). The Region Of Interest must delimit the
common region between the two data sets. It should not be much larger.

402 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.189: Region of Interest (ROI Box)

• Attach the module Geometry Transforms > Align Surfaces to surface2.simplified. Set the refer-
ence surface to surface1.simplified, and the ROI to the created ROI box. Select rigid + uniform
scale transformation, and set the ”max iter” port to 100.

Figure 13.190: Align Surfaces project

• Click on the ”Surfaces” button in the Align port. At most 100 iterations will be computed for
the alignment. If the relative RMS is smaller then 0.001, the algorithm will end too. You can
press the Stop button to interrupt the registration. You can repeat this step if the alignment is not
accurate enough: the relative RMS should be reduced.

Once you obtained an optimized registration, you can optionally check the surface distance using a
Surface Distance module. Measure and visualize surface distance

In the following steps, you will compute and display the map of distance between the two surfaces.
The Measure > Surface Distance module computes several different distance measures between two
triangulated surfaces based on closest points.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 403

Figure 13.191: Refined registration

• You can remove the Align Surface module.

• Attach the Measure > Surface Distance module to motor.part2.simplified.surf. Set
Surface2 port to motor.part1.simplified.surf.
• Also attach the ROI port for specifying the relevant Region Of Interest, already used in previous
steps for the registration.
• Select Distance output and press Apply. This will create a scalar field attached to the surface.
• Set the colorfield of Surface View 2 (displaying motor.part2.simplified.surf) to the
computed distance. Choose physics.icol as colormap, and adjust range to [0, 0.001].

The computed distance statistics and distance field may depend on the distribution of vertices over the
two surfaces. You may want to choose the two-sided Direction for a symmetric distance calculation.
You could also remesh the surfaces using the Surface Simplification Editor or the Remesh Surface
module to redistribute vertices uniformly.
A Surface Thickness module and a Shortest Edge Distance module are also available.
Note: For checking surface distance from objects in a 3D volume, one could compute a 3D distance
map from the segmented 3D image (using Image Morphology > Distance Map), then use the result
as a color field with Surface View, as shown in Data fusion tutorial, or use Compute > Surface Scalar
Field to attach the distance measures to the surface.

404 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.192: Distance between the surfaces - Viewer and network

Figure 13.193: Distance between the surfaces - Surface View and Surface Distance

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 405

13.9.9 Registration of 3D image and surface, nominal-actual analysis
A number of applications require registering a 3D model image with respect to a reference 3D surface.
In the following example, you will see how to simply register and compare a CT scan image of a
product with a corresponding CAD model.
This section has two parts:

• A simple workflow for nominal-actual analysis

• Advanced - Image/surface registration step by step

Note about file formats: Beside the many 2D and 3D images format that are supported by Avizo,
Avizo can also directly import a number of geometric and surface data formats such as STL or Open
Inventor. Additional readers for CAD files formats such as CATIA 5, IGES, and STEP are available in
the Avizo XReader pack. The Avizo Wind edition and bundle provides import capability for surfaces
and meshes in a number of standard or commercial numerical simulation formats. A simple workflow for nominal-actual analysis

We will now use a wizard module that manages for you the registration and comparison process.

• Open the NominalActualComparison wizard in data/pump-bracket directory.

Figure 13.194: Opening NominalActualComparison wizard

You then see the NominalActualComparison object icon in the Project View. Its user interface appears
in the Properties Area.

• In the Properties Area press Apply. You are then prompted for loading the reference CAD
geometry file.
• In the Open dialog, choose Pump-bracket-CAD-model.surf (in
data/pump-bracket directory), then press the Open button.

406 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.195: NominalActualComparison properties area

Figure 13.196: CAD surface

The CAD surface is displayed in green. The next step is to load the model’s CT scan 3D volume.

• Press Apply, then in the Open dialog select Pump-bracket-CT-scan.am, and press the
Open button.

Note: This data set corresponds to the CT scan acquisition of the raw casting prior to machining. This
is used below to better highlight the obvious differences between reference and model. You may try
also the included file Pump-bracket-machined-CT-scan.am, for a more relevant comparison between
the CAD model and the actual machined part.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 407

Figure 13.197: Press Apply to load volume data

The 3D CT volume is displayed in addition to the CAD surface at a different location. You can rotate
and move the scene in the 3D viewer window for a closer look.

Figure 13.198: Volume data and CAD surface

The 3D volume is displayed using internally an Isosurface module with an automatically calibrated
threshold to show the object boundaries See tutorial section 13.1.3 on Range Calibration for more
In the Properties Area, you could optionally control simplification parameters for faster computation.
Let’s now proceed to the registration of the scanned part with respect to the reference CAD geometry.

• Leave default options and press Apply.

A model boundary surface is extracted from the 3D volume using the automatic calibration mentioned
above. Then a few seconds are required to prepare the surfaces, simplifying the surfaces according to
options, and to register the surfaces after automatic principal axis pre-alignment. You can then see the
two surfaces overlaid.

408 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.199: Register volume

Figure 13.200: Volume and CAD aligned

The last step computes and displays a map of nominal-actual distances. You can optionally define a
simplified surface resolution for faster processing.

• Leave default options and press Apply.

Registration, Alignment and Data Fusion 409

Figure 13.201: Compute nominal-actual difference

Figure 13.202: Distance between CAD and volume data Advanced - Image/surface registration step by step

We outline here two approaches available in the current version of Avizo for aligning a 3D image and a
3D surface. For more details, please refer to sections about Registration of 3D Images and Registration
of 3D Surfaces.
Approach 1: Align a surface generated from the 3D image with the reference surface.

1. Create a surface from the image using Isosurface and Extract Surface, or Generate Surface from
segmented image.
2. Use Align Surfaces module for pre-alignment and refined registration.

This method is the most robust with respect to possible topological inconsistencies in surfaces imported
from the CAD model, i.e., holes. This is the approach used in example above. Advanced users familiar
with scripting may look at the NominalActualComparison wizard as an example of a workflow-driven

410 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.203: Pre-alignment with principal axes registration

script module.
Approach 2: Register the 3D image with another 3D image generated from the reference surface

1. Turn the surface into a 3D image using Convert > Scan Surface To Image. The input triangulated
surface is then required to be watertight (have no holes).
2. Use the Register Images module or the Image Registration Wizard for pre-alignment and refined

This method can be effective for fast or repeated registration of 3D images with a single reference.

13.10 Advanced Surface and Grid Generation

Extracting a geometric model from 3D images can be used for:

• Visualization of the boundaries of relevant features.

• Measurements based on extracted geometry.
• Numerical simulation of physical properties.

Avizo Fire Edition is used for geometry modeling from 3D images in a wide range of areas: industrial
inspection and reverse engineering, digital rock physics, characterization of materials and design such
as fuel cells, concrete, catalysts, metals, composites, carbon nanotubes, etc.
In this tutorial you will learn how to:

• Extract 3D surfaces and grids with image-driven accuracy and consistency for single or multi-
• Simplify and refine meshing for manageable mesh size and controlled mesh quality.

Advanced Surface and Grid Generation 411

• Assign boundary conditions for simulation and export the resulting data.

This section has the following parts:

• Getting started: a workflow from 3D images to surfaces and grids

• Adjusting segmentation for geometry extraction
• Generating surfaces with controlled smoothing
• Using the Simplification Editor
• Using the Surface Editor
• Remeshing and exporting surfaces
• Generating tetrahedral grid
• Assigning boundary conditions and exporting data

You may skip the last two steps if you are only interested in surface extraction and not in grid genera-
To follow this tutorial you should be familiar with the basic concepts of Avizo. In particular you should
be able to load files, to interact with the 3D viewer, and to connect modules to data modules. All these
issues are discussed in Avizo chapter 3 - Getting started.
To apply this tutorial to your data, the image filtering and segmentation steps may be critical: you
will find important information about this in Avizo Fire Edition tutorials (see their list on Avizo Fire
Edition User’s Guide introduction page).
For the purpose of numerical simulation, Avizo Fire Edition can be complemented with Avizo Wind
Edition in order to export and import data to standard and commercial software file formats such as
Abaqus, ANSYS, CGNS, OpenFOAM, etc. Avizo Wind Edition provides advanced visualization and
post-processing of numerical simulation results. See chapter 14 - Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide
for more information.
Avizo Fire Edition actually provides support for different numerical simulation approaches (see Fig-
ure 13.204): FEA/CFD solvers as illustrated in this tutorial, but also pre-processing for Pore Network
Modeling (see chapter 18 - Avizo XSkeleton User’s Guide), and direct simulation add-on for Avizo
Fire Edition (see chapter 17 - Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide). Avizo XLab Pack does not require
geometry pre-processing and provides experiment simulation and effective property tensor calcula-
tion for properties such as absolute permeability, molecular diffusivity, electrical resistivity (formation
factor) and thermal conductivity.

13.10.1 Getting started: a workflow from 3D images to surfaces and grids

Whether you want to extract a surface for visualization or to build a grid mesh suitable for simulation,
you need to start by providing a 3D volume defining the different features, materials or phases. This
mask can be built using different segmentation techniques in Avizo, using Segmentation Editor tools
or segmentation modules, which provide from manual to fully automated algorithms to identify a

412 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.204: Image to simulation workflow

particular part or material in the 3D data.

In Avizo, the segmentation process results in what is called a label field or label image, each label iden-
tifying a particular material or phase in the data (see Figure 13.205). This process can be particularly
important to capture accurately the required boundaries.
This tutorial assumes that the segmentation process has already been performed, as presented for
instance in tutorial chapter 13.7 - Advanced Segmentation.

Figure 13.205: Filter and segmentation

Note: Two label fields are available for this tutorial:

• SandPack128.labels.am is the dataset from which are obtained all the pictures in this
• SandPack50.labels.am is a smaller dataset, extracted from the previous one, that you can
use to complete the tutorial steps in a shorter time.

In order to build a 3D mesh made of 3D elements or cells, you need first to build 3D surfaces repre-
senting the boundaries of the volumes you want to mesh. In order to do this you can use the Generate
Surface module onto the label field. However, you may first want to clean up the label field by remov-

Advanced Surface and Grid Generation 413

ing unwanted or useless features and by smoothing noise and voxel aliasing, in order to get an accurate
yet not unnecessarily complex surface.

13.10.2 Adjusting segmentation for geometry extraction

Some pre-processing can be done on the label field before going through the mesh generation process.

• With Open Data in File menu, load SandPack128.labels.am from the data/sandpack
subdirectory in the Avizo installation directory.
• In the label field property area, invoke the Segmentation Editor in order to access the tools
necessary to clean up the labels (see Figure 13.206).

Figure 13.206: The Segmentation Editor button.

The Label Filters tools, available in the Segmentation menu of the menu bar, provide means to modify
the current labeling.
There may be small islands in the label field, that are not meaningful for the material visualization or
for the simulation to come.

• In the top-right viewer, use the cursor to move the XY slice to position 107.

Looking at this slice, you can observe a small island that needs to be cleaned in order to generate a
suitable surface. If you move the slider back and forth, you will see that the island is part of a small
bubble and not of a large material. The Segmentation Editor provides a tool to detect and remove
automatically such disconnected regions.

• In the Segmentation menu, select Remove islands... (see Figure 13.207).

• Select the 3D volume option in order to remove the small bubbles.
• Press on Highlight all islands to get a preview of the bubbles that will be removed using the
Apply button. The island of slice 107 is colored in red. You can see a preview of all islands to
be removed in the top-left 3D viewer.
• Press Apply. The islands are then removed (see Figure 13.208).

414 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.207: Islands filter dialog.

Notice that if you select Current slice or All slices, the size is defined as the area of contour in a 2D slice
and you may remove thin material that may have a large and meaningful volume, possibly connected
in 3D.

Figure 13.208: Removing islands

In order to correct contour roughness due to voxel aliasing, the Smooth labels tool can be used. This
smoothing process can be iterated until the desired level of smoothness is reached. Smoothing slightly
changes the labeling, but also assigns probability weights to voxels that can be used later on by Gen-
erate Surface for generating smoother surfaces.

• In the Segmentation menu, select Smooth labels... (see Figure 13.209).

• Select the 3D volume mode.
• Press Apply.
• Close the Segmentation Editor.

Advanced Surface and Grid Generation 415

Figure 13.209: Smooth labels dialog

Note: Smoothing can alternatively be performed during the surface generation in the Generate Surface
module as discussed in the next section.
Tip: The smoothing and islands removing tools will work along one direction unless ”3D volume”
option is selected in the tool’s dialog box. The direction will then be the one corresponding to the
currently selected view in the 3 orthogonal views of the Segmentation Editor. In some case you may
want to repeat the smoothing or removing islands process in all of the 3 directions, instead of applying
the tools to ”3D volume” at once.
Tip: The Segmentation Editor is especially appropriate for fine control of the segmentation with visual
feedback. For some workflows you can also consider filtering the label image by using modules such
Label Analysis and Analysis Filter, Filter By Measure, or Axis Connectivity (binary label image).

13.10.3 Generating surfaces with controlled smoothing

Generate Surface creates a 3D Avizo surface representing the boundaries of each material or phase.
The Generate Surface module allows for generating a surface after applying or not smoothing opera-
tions. Depending on the shapes or featuresto be meshed, you may not want to apply smoothing or you
may want to apply lighter smoothing, or simply use smoothing weights coming from the Smooth label
tool of the Segmentation Editor (see Figure 13.210). All these options are available in the Smoothing
Type port.
Note: If you have a thin material, a strong smoothing can actually delete the material. Look at the
Generate Surface documentation for a full description of all parameters.

• Connect a Generate Surface module to the label field (see Figure 13.211).
• Check that the Smoothing Type is set to Existing Weights. This option is only available if the label
field contains probability weights information, which was created when applying smoothing in
the Segmentation Editor in the previous steps.
• In the Border port, check the Fit To Edges option. This will cause the resulting surface to sharply
fit to the edges of its bounding box.
• Press Apply.
• Attach a Surface View display module to the resulting surface (see Figure 13.212).

You have now a 3D surface object that consists of three patches corresponding to the number of ma-
terials identified in the label field (including the Exterior). The number of triangles resulting from the

416 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.210: Results of the different kind of smoothing on a segmented grain: None (top left), Existing Weights (top right),
Constrainted Smoothing (low left) and Unconstrainted Smoothing (low right).

Figure 13.211: Generate Surface module parameters.

Generate Surface module may be very large and not suitable for visualization or simulation. The trian-
gles generated through this first step may also not be suitable for simulation, considering the triangles
aspect ratio for instance.
For the purpose of meshing the 3D volume from the generated surface, some quality checks for the
surface are available with the Generate Tetra Grid module. This is useful to see if some improvements
are required to perform the grid generation instead of directly running a grid generation that would fail
or result in a bad quality grid.

• Connect a Generate Tetra Grid module to the surface (see Figure 13.213).
• Press on the Check button in port Action.

A report opens in the Tables panel, containing quality information about the two materials patches.
You can observe that the largest triangle aspect ratio is highly critical, i.e. superior to 30.
You can correct this by remeshing the surface so you have simulation quality triangles. First you will
simplify the number of triangles through a decimation or surface simplification process.

Advanced Surface and Grid Generation 417

Figure 13.212: Surface generated from the two phases label field.

Figure 13.213: Generate Tetra Grid module.

13.10.4 Using the Simplification Editor

The Simplification Editor is available in the Property window of the surface object to be simplified
(see Figure 13.214).

Figure 13.214: Simplification Editor button.

Note: The Simplification Editor will do in-place simplification, so the exact initial surface will be lost.
As a consequence it is recommanded to duplicate the surface prior to simplification. A shortcut for

418 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

this is to select the surface data object in the project view and press Ctrl-D. You may also want to use
later on the shortcut F2 to rename a surface data for better reflecting its content.

• Open the Simplification Editor.

Look at the Simplification Editor documentation for a full description of all parameters. Default pa-
rameters will simplify the surface and generate large triangles in flat areas while generating smaller
ones in areas of high curvature, so details are preserved. This is suitable to speed up visualization of a
large surface, or to export a lightweight triangular surface file (see Figure 13.215).

Figure 13.215: Rough simplification of the surface, displayed using Surface View’s ”outlined” draw style.

For simulation purpose, most of the time, one wants balanced triangles, so instead of using the default
option of decimating to a given number of faces, you can use the max dist field in the Simplify port to
tell the editor what edge maximum length you are trying to achieve.

• Set the max dist to 2.

• Press Simplify now (see Figure 13.216).
• Close the Simplification Editor.

Tip: A good estimate of max dist can be to initialize this port to roughly 1% of the minimum dimension
of the volume. You can use Local Axes to display the actual dimension of your volume.
Note: The resulting number of triangles should be targeted to be around twice the number of triangles
targeted for simulation because in a next step (the remeshing step), this number will be reduced by
half. So if a suitable surface for simulation is containing around 100.000 triangles, you need after this
simplification step to have a surface twice as complex so around 200.000 triangles.
Notice that a too aggressive simplification can result in intersecting triangles.

Advanced Surface and Grid Generation 419

Figure 13.216: Simplified surface.

At this point you can perform quality checks again thanks to the Generate Tetra Grid module.
Now you have a simplified surface and you can use the Surface Editor to check for possible surface
anomalies (such as intersections or bad aspect ratio) and to enhance triangle meshing.

13.10.5 Using the Surface Editor

The Surface Editor is available in the Property window of the surface object to be checked or cleaned
(see Figure 13.217).
Note: Like the Simplification Editor, the Surface Editor will do in-place editing and the exact initial
surface will be lost. While a number of surface editing operations can be undone, it is a safe practice
to duplicate the initial surface prior to editing it (select surface data object in the project view and press

Figure 13.217: Surface Editor button.

• Open the Surface Editor.

When the Surface Editor is activated, a tool bar and a new menu Surface are available (see Figure

420 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.218: Surface Editor menu.

• Open the Surface menu and in the Tests submenu, select Intersection test. You can alternatively
pick the Intersection test in Selector tool of the tool bar (see Figure 13.219).

Figure 13.219: Surface Editor intersection testing submenu.

On top of the 3D viewer, the result of the test is displayed. In the current case, there is no intersection,
so you can skip to next test. However, be aware that intersections can be fixed automatically using
the Fix intersections... tool in the Edit submenu (see Figure 13.220) or manually by using the Surface
Editor tools in tool bar.

• In the Tests submenu, select Aspect ratio.

Advanced Surface and Grid Generation 421

Figure 13.220: Intersection test result and intersections fixing submenu.

The triangle with the highest aspect ratio is displayed in the 3D viewer and the value of the aspect ratio
is given in the top left corner (see Figure 13.221). It is possible to observe the next highest aspect ratio
triangle by pressing on the right-pointing arrow in the Surface editor tool bar.

Figure 13.221: Testing the aspect ratio of triangles. A triangle with bad aspect ratio is highlighted.

• In the Edit submenu, select Prepare Generate Tetra Grid....

• Keep the default values for lower bound and attempted tetrahedron quality and press Fix.
• Close the dialog when finished.

Prepare Generate Tetra Grid combines the Flip edges..., Fix small dihedral angles..., and Fix tetra
quality... tools.

422 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

If you run the Aspect ratio test again on the surface, you notice that the highest triangle aspect ratio
has a much more acceptable value (below 30).
At this point you can perform quality checks again thanks to the Generate Tetra Grid module and see
also that all tests results are more acceptable.
If the surface you are editing happens to have intersections or too high triangle aspect ratio or any other
issue revealed by some test on it, you may need to interact with the surface to correct it. To do so, you
have to use the Tests menu and to select the test corresponding to your issue. The first problematic
triangle will be displayed, highlighted in red, among its neighbors.
For example, on the surface considered for this tutorial, the triangle with the highest aspect ratio can
be improved:

• If not already done, run the Aspect ratio test.

• Switch to interaction mode (press [Esc]).
• Select the Translate Vertex button in the Surface Editor toolbar (or press T key) (see Figure
• Click on the vertices of the triangle you want to move and use the dragger to move it (see Figure
13.223). You can pick the square part or rod part of the dragger to translate along a plane or an
axis, which can be swapped by pressing once or twice the Ctrl key. Press Ctrl-Z to undo.

Figure 13.222: Translate Vertex tool of Surface Editor.

Figure 13.223: Editing a triangle with the Translate Vertex tool to improve its quality.

Another way to improve the quality of triangles is to collapse one edge of the triangle using the Con-
tract Edges tool:

• Run the Aspect ratio test to get the next bad triangle.
• Switch to interaction mode (press [Esc]).
• Select the Contract Edges button in the Surface Editor toolbar (or press shortcut O key) (see
Figure 13.224).

Advanced Surface and Grid Generation 423

• Click on the edge of the triangle you want to remove (see Figure 13.225).

Figure 13.224: Contract Edges tool of Surface Editor.

Figure 13.225: Editing a triangle with the Contract Edges tool to improve its quality.

At this step you may want to re-run the Prepare Generate Tetra Grid tool.
You can ask now Avizo to remesh the surface using Remesh Surface module.

13.10.6 Remeshing and exporting surfaces

• Connect a Remesh Surface module to the surface.
• Check the show box in the Advanced options port.

In the Desired size port of the module, it is possible to set the targeted number of triangles as a per-
centage of the original surface number of triangles.

• Keep the percentage value of 50% in the Desired size port (see Figure 13.226).

If the surface is quite simple, the rest of the default parameters can be used but if the surface is not so
simple, for example if it includes multiple patches, tuning the parameters in advanced mode will be
An important parameter in the advanced options is the smoothness one. This parameter allows for
controlling how sharp you want to keep angles between triangles. This is important if you want to
keep sharp edges for instance in your surface (see Figure 13.227).

424 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.226: Remesh Surface user interface in advanced mode.

Figure 13.227: Surface remeshed with two different values for smoothness parameter: 0 (left) and 0.6 (right).

• Set the smoothness parameter of port Error Thresholds to 0.6.

As the current surface includes multiple patches with a lot of common interfaces, in order to mini-
mize intersections near contours, between the generated triangles, the process should be split in two
remeshing steps.

• Toggle on the fix contours toggle in the Remesh Options (1) port.
• Press Apply to run the remesher a first time.

At this step, there are no intersections, but the contours have shorter edge lengths than the rest of the
mesh. This might be undesired. The next step will adjust the edge length of the contours.

Advanced Surface and Grid Generation 425

• Connect a second Remesh Surface module to the newly generated surface.
• Check the show box in the Advanced options port.
• Set percentage in the Desired size port to 100%.
• Set the smoothness parameter of port Error Thresholds to 0.6.
• Switch off the fix contours option and switch on only around contour in the Remesh Options (2)
• Run the remesher (see Figure 13.228).

Figure 13.228: From left to right: initial surface, fix contours remeshing, remeshing around contours only.

The triangle based surface can then be exported to various formats including STL, using Save Data
As... in File menu.
At this point, you may want to go through the Surface Editor process again to finalize cleaning of the
surface, check for intersections and check for aspect ratio.

13.10.7 Generating tetrahedral grid

• Attach a Generate Tetra Grid module to the remeshed surface.
• Press on the Run now button.
• Press Continue in the computational time warning dialog.

The module is generating a report showing some information about the quality of the mesh (see Figure
13.229). The generated tetrahedral grid can be visualized with a Tetra Grid View display module.

Figure 13.229: Tetrahedral grid quality report.

426 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

By default all tetrahedra are generated according to the size of the triangles they are going to be
”attached” to onto the surface.

• Press on the Meshsize button in the Generate Tetra Grid module.

If you look at the Meshsize parameters for the two phases (pore space and grains), the value is set to
the default value 0, which will trigger automatic sizing of tetrahedra according to triangles size (see
Figure 13.230). You can change this mesh size parameter per material, so the grid generator will try
to generate tetrahedra with this edge size while going away from the surface interface (see Figure
13.231). The edge size on the surface interface will always be the size of the edges of the shared

Figure 13.230: Meshsize parameter dialog.

Figure 13.231: Left: Mesh size set to default (0), right: mesh size set to 2 for pore space and 6 for grains.

Note: If you want to change the size of the tetrahedra on the surface, you can use the Surface Editor
before the grid generation in order to refine or simplify a particular surface patch. You can for
instance select a material in the Surface Editor (that will be highlighted in red) and then refine this
patch using the Refine faces command in the Edit submenu of the Surface Editor menu (see Figure

Advanced Surface and Grid Generation 427

Figure 13.232: Refining the triangles of the grains phase surface.

13.10.8 Assigning boundary conditions and exporting data

You can use the Surface Editor to assign boundary conditions to different patches of the surface, before
you actually export the 3D grid. You may want to define inlet and outlet for a flow simulation as well
as walls.

• Select the remeshed surface you used to generate the tetrahedral grid.
• Open the Surface Editor.
• Switch to interaction mode (press [Esc]).
• Press on the Magic Wand tool.

The Magic Wand tool can be used in order to select a patch of coplanar triangles. You have to define
the crease angle, which is the criteria used to define coplanarity of triangles and will be used by the
Magic Wand to select neighboring triangles.

• Set the Degrees parameter to a value small enough, such as 10 (see Figure 13.233).
• Select a patch by picking any triangle from this particular patch.

You can then assign a particular boundary condition to this patch.

• Open the Surface menu, select the Set boundary ids... in the Edit submenu.
• In the right column, select the type of boundary condition you want to assign to the patch and
then press on Set.
• Repeat the operation as many times as needed to have no face left undefined (see Figure 13.234).

428 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.233: Using the Magic Wand to select a patch of coplanar triangles.

Figure 13.234: Setting the boundary ids.

Using the Selector tool from the Surface Editor, you can also select different patches on the whole
surface and assign for instance a Wall boundary condition to all of the grain walls.
The Surface View module can be customized to display the surface colored by material but also by
type of boundary conditions.

• Quit the Surface Editor.

• In the Selection Mode port of the Surface View module, select BoundaryID.
• In the Colors port, select boundary ids (see Figure 13.235).

Once boundary conditions have been assigned to the surface, you can re-assign them to the 3D grid that
was generated previously, so that if saved, these boundary conditions will be exported to the simulation

Advanced Surface and Grid Generation 429

Figure 13.235: Surface colored by boundary ids: for instance here, top pore space faces are velocity inlet, bottom ones are
pressure outlet (not visible), side ones are periodic boundaries and grain faces are walls.

• Connect an Assign Boundary Conditions module to the grid (see Figure 13.236).
• In the Surface port, select the remeshed surface on which you just assigned boundary ids.
• Press Apply.

Figure 13.236: Assign Boundary Conditions module.

A new grid is created, with boundary conditions assigned. It is suitable for simulation and can be
exported to FEA/CFD software using the File / Save Data As... menu (see Figure 13.237). FEA/CFD
software format export is available with Avizo Wind Edition.
You can then use Avizo Wind Edition to post-process results of simulation back from the solver (see
chapter 14 - Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide).
Note: For fluid dynamics in porous media, you can use Avizo XLab Hydro Pack modules to assess
the absolute permeability of your sample. Avizo XLab Hydro Pack directly relies on mask identifying
porous phase and solid phase and does not require surface or 3D Mesh generation.

430 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.237: Export formats available in the Save Data As... menu.

Figure 13.238: The Measures Group Selection dialog.

13.11 More about label measures

13.11.1 The Measures Group Selection dialog
This dialog gives you the ability to manage several groups of measures. Those groups of measures
can be modified independently. They are automatically stored in the user settings so that modifications
are persistent when restarting the application. You can select any measure from the list of measures
provided with the application. More details about each measure can be found in the list of available
measures. New custom measures can also be created from the existing ones.
Managing the measures groups
The top part of the dialog displays the list of all measures groups and a set of tools. The list can be
used to browse the measures groups and select a group.
When the dialog is opened from a module such as Label Analysis, the group selected in the measures

More about label measures 431

selection port is directly displayed in the dialog. On the other side, when the dialog is validated, the
measures selection port is updated with the measures group selected in the dialog.
With the measures groups tools, you can:

• create a new empty group,

• save a group loaded from a project file or a script (groups created from GUI are automatically
• copy an existing group into a new one,
• rename an existing group,
• remove an existing group.

The default groups basic and basic2D are not editable (Yet you can copy it with a new name and edit

• basic group, used for 3D images, contains the measures Volume3d, Area3d, BaryCenterX/Y/Z
and Mean.
• basic2D group, used for 2D images, contains the measures Area, BaryCenterX/Y and Mean.

Selecting measures
Left panels list user and native measures. The right panel lists the measures selected in the current
group. To add a measure to the selection group or remove it, just double-click on it in the list panels.
To add or remove several measures at once, select them and use the central buttons [¿] and [¡]. The em
Suppr key shortcut is also available to remove the selected measures.

13.11.2 User measures

Custom measures can be created by combining existing measures in a mathematical formula. To create
a new measure, click on the icon above the list of user measures. After prompting for a new measure
name, this will open the Measure Editor.
Once created, new custom measures are listed in the user measures list. Some tool buttons are available
next to each user measure to :

• re-edit the measure formula

• remove it from the list
• save it if the user measure has been loaded from a project file or a script (user measures created
from GUI are automatically saved)

The Measure editor

All user measures are listed in the top dropdown menu. The formula area is updated according to the
selected measure. The selected measure can be copied, renamed or deleted with the tool button next to
the user measures list. Note that a user measure should be explicitly removed from all measure groups

432 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.239: The User Measure Edition dialog.

before being deleted.

The main part of the dialog deals with the edition of the selected measure. The first parameter is the
unit dimension of the result values generated by this measure. This unit dimension will be combined
with the unit of the analyzed label image to determine the exact unit of the output result values. If the
measure dimension is Area and the coordinate unit of the input image is cm, the unit of output values
will be cm2 .
The second parameter is the measure mathematical formula. The formula syntax supports a set of
basic operators and mathematical functions to be used with existing measures. Supported operators
are reminded on the left of the formula area. Available functions and measures are listed below the
formula area. As a shortcut, you can double-click or drag-and-drop keywords from the bottom list into
the formula area.
The formula definition is checked on-the-fly, and colorized according to its validity : green if the
formula is correct, else red.

13.11.3 Configurable native measures

Some measures can be configured with additional parameters. Those measures are identified in the list
of native measures with the [...] tool button. Click on this tool button to open the Measures Attributes
Editor. There are five kinds of attributes that can be edited through this editor:

• Feret angles for Feret 2D measures which perform measurements on XY plane along a given
numbers of diameters of each cell. Angles are uniformly sampled on the range [0,180[. By

More about label measures 433

Figure 13.240: Edition of attributes of Histogram and Feret measures.

default, there are 10 angles, every 18 degrees.

• Feret 3D angles for Feret 3D measures which perform measurements in 3D space around each
cell. By default, 31 3D samples are used.
• Cooccurrence directions for measures based on the computation of a cooccurrence matrix to
classify, given a direction (dx,dy), cupples of pixels by their grey level. The cooccurrence matrix
components are given by :

M (i, j) = number({x, y}/I(x, y) = i ∩ I(x + dx, y + dy) = j)

where I(x,y) is the image greylevel at coordinates (x,y). This formulation means that for a given
cupple (i,j), M(i,j) contains the number of pixels verifying I(x,y) = i and I(x+dx,y+dy) = j. This
matrix is made symmetric and normalized such as :

∀(i, j), M (i, j) = M (j, i) and M (i, j) = 1 with N the number of grey levels of the image

These operations allow to be independent to the image size and to hold properties on a direction
and its symmetry.
• Histogram parameters for measures based on the computation of the grey level histogram of
each labels. Configurable attributes are the range of grey values to consider and the size of the
bins to generate. By default, those settings are computed automatically.
• Quantile values for configurable HistoQuantile measures.
• Breadth 3D sampling for Breadth 3D measure which search for the biggest orthogonal Feret to
the major axis found with Feret 3D. The Breadth 3D value defines the sampling which will be
used on each orthogonal plan after Feret 3D has been used. The sampling of Feret 3D should be
set to the desired value before using this measure.

IMPORTANT: Attributes values are common between measures. This means that when you edit the
number of Feret angles for the measure FeretShape for example, all other measures based on the Feret
angles will use this new value.
Note that only the attributes supported by the edited measure are enabled in the dialog.

434 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Figure 13.241: Unsaved measures loaded from a project.

13.11.4 About project backup

When you save your project, all the information required to replay the analysis are stored in the project
file. This includes the measure group selected for the analysis, and the formula of the custom measures.
Then, when this project is loaded on a another computer, those new definitions of measure group and
custom measures are loaded in the new environment. Yet, the local storage of those new definitions
on the new machine is optional, and a new Save button will appear near these unsaved items. There is
no need to save the new items, they are fully functional and can be used until the application is closed.
Note that if a custom measure or group are already defined on the machine but with different values,
the definitions from the project are renamed to avoid conflict.

13.11.5 Scripting tips

To define custom measures inside a script, you can use the Tcl command labelMeasure create. This
command is a simple alternative to the syntax used in project file. Indeed project files use a more
elaborated mechanism to avoid conflicts and duplications when loading several custom measures from
a project, but are not adapted to scripting.
The Tcl command labelMeasure create handles conflicts in a simpler way: If the measure name is
already used, a new name is generated, and this name is returned as result of the command. Then this
returned name can be used in dependent measure formulas instead of hard-coding that name which
would replace the dependency by a wrong one. Example:

labelMeasure create mymeasure length "Volume/Area"

labelMeasure create mymeasure2 length "mymeasure+1"
LabelAnalysis measures setState mygrp mymeasure mymeasure2

This is fine in console since user can control output in console, but this may cause hidden dependencies
issues when used in scripts if a measure named ”mymeasure” already exists for instance. In scripts,

set msr [ labelMeasure create mymeasure length "Volume/Area" ]

set msr2 [ labelMeasure create mymeasure2 length "$mrs+1" ]

More about label measures 435

LabelAnalysis measures setState mygrp $msr $msr2

436 Chapter 13: Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide

Chapter 14

Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Avizo Wind Edition is the software suite including Avizo Standard Edition feature-set and all its exten-
sions for analyzing, visualizing and presenting numerical solutions from CAE and CFD simulations.
Avizo Wind Edition provides advanced support for:

• post-processing of result data coming from solvers:

• powerful visualization and analysis of scalar, vector, and tensor fields, coming from either
simulation or measurements,
• import from major CAE file formats, fast and low memory footprint management of
model data
• flexible probing and measurements,
• extensive computation of derived variables and statistics on simulation results,
• advanced feature extraction tools such as vortex core lines or critical points.
• pre-processing from image data to simulation:
• 3D mesh generation for numerical simulation applications such as flow, stress, or thermal
• export of surfaces or 3D meshes to numerical solvers.

Avizo Wind Edition applies to:

• exploration, analysis and comparison of data coming from simulation or measurements,

• modeling from 3D images for Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD), Computer Aided Design (CAD), Rapid Prototyping,
• high quality presentation and communication, from movie generation to remote collaboration,
immersive displays or virtual reality (XTeam Pack, XScreen pack).
Avizo Standard Edition provides base post-processing support limited mostly to visualization. Avizo
Wind Edition extends the Avizo Standard Edition feature set by adding post-processing computation
and analysis of derived variables, statistics and feature extraction. Avizo Wind Edition brings also the
robust support for unstructured mixed meshes made up of tetrahedra, hexahedra, pyramids and wedges.
Most CAE files formats are supported in Avizo Wind Edition only. See the File Formats Index for a
complete list of supported file formats.
By following the provided tutorials you will learn how to use these modules on your own data sets.
For a start you do not necessarily have to read the tips sections.
The data used for this tutorial is normally installed in the directory
data/tutorials/windedition under your AVIZO ROOTdirectory.

• Getting Started with Avizo Wind Edition

• Avizo Wind Edition Model Information and Display
• Avizo Wind Edition Scalar Field Display
• Avizo Wind Edition Vector Field Display
• Avizo Wind Edition Statistical and Arithmetic Computations
• Avizo Wind Edition Vorticity Identification
• Avizo Wind Edition Measurements

14.1 Getting Started with Avizo Wind Edition

By following this step-by-step tutorial, you will learn the basics of reading and visualizing CAE/CFD
data with Avizo Wind Edition.
Important remark: this tutorial shows results on a voluntary small and lightweight sub-sampled case
study. Please note that artifacts may be visible on some rendering methods due to this low quality
model and not to Avizo Wind Edition capabilities.

14.1.1 User interface short overview

Avizo Wind Edition user interface is divided into three major regions. The Project Tree View (1) con-
tains folders where data and modules will appear. The Properties area (2) displays interface elements
(ports) associated with Avizo objects. The 3D viewer window (3) displays visualization results.
If you click on Help, you can browse the User’s Guide. When an object (data, module...) is selected in
the Project Tree View, information about it is displayed in the Properties area. A click on the question
tag ”?” in the upper right side of the area will take you to the contextual help page for the active object.
For more information about the user interface and especially the viewer window, please refer to the
Program Description and to its Viewer Window subsection.

438 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Figure 14.1: Avizo Wind Edition user interface

The Project Tree View

By default in Avizo Wind Edition, data and modules are displayed in a tree view (1).
The results of your CFD/CAE simulations and computations are stored in the Models folder. These
results are composed of one or more models and datasets.

Getting Started with Avizo Wind Edition 439

Figure 14.2: Example of a data set and its connected modules in the Avizo Wind Edition Project Tree View.

A model contains:

• the mesh of the domain under study, with 2D or 3D cells depending on the dimension of the
• the different regions the domain might be composed of (e.g. the rotor and the stator of a pump),
• the boundaries which are the physical limits of the domain,
• the material the domain is made of.

A dataset attached to a model contains one or more scalar, vector or tensor fields defined on the mesh
and/or the boundaries of the model. These are the physical quantities that have been computed during
the simulation and need to be visualized and analyzed.
Display modules will be listed in the Display folder and compute modules in the Compute folder.
Shortcuts to the input and output data of a module appear below the module, with green and red
arrows indicating inputs and outputs respectively.
In the Colormaps folder you will find the default colormaps and also any colormaps you have loaded.
You can alternatively use the Avizo Standard Edition version of the Project Tree View (in the main

440 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

menu bar, go to Edit / Preferences / Layout and deselect Group by display/compute/data in tree view)
or switch to the Graph View from the Project Menu.

14.1.2 Reading data

Avizo Wind Edition reads a wide range of CFD/CAE formats, including:

• Abaqus
• Ensight
• Fluent/UNS
• NASA/Plot3D
• Nastran Bulk Data
• Nastran Output2
• SDRC/IDEAS Universal
• Tecplot

Please refer to the file formats index of the User’s Guide for details.
We will start this tutorial by loading a Fluent data set.

• Click on Open Data in the Project Tree View.

• Open aircraft mach.cas from the tutorials/windedition folder (do not select
the .dat file, Avizo Wind Edition will retrieve the .dat in the folder or will ask you in which
folder to find it).

The Datasets selector pops up. Many scalar and vector fields can be attached to a given model and it
might be very memory-consuming to load them all. It can also be space-consuming in the tree view
and make it difficult to read. The Datasets selector allows you to load only a part of the solution and,
if necessary, to unload some data and load additional data later.
Select Pressure in the data column and click Add-> then OK. The Pressure now appears in the
Project Tree View under the model it is attached to and its colormap is displayed.
In the 3D viewer you can see the Bounding Box of the model. This display module is connected by
default to the model when you load it.

• Remove the bounding box by right-clicking on the module in the Project Tree View and selecting
Object / Remove Object (or press on [Del]).

We do this because the bounding box encloses the entire data set and we will initially focus on a specific

Getting Started with Avizo Wind Edition 441

Figure 14.3: Datasets selector.

region of the model. Removing (or simply hidding) the bounding box makes it more convenient to
”zoom in” on this smaller region.
If you want to load other data from the same model, you can access the Datasets selector at any time
by clicking on its button in the Properties area of the model (aircraft mach.cas).

14.1.3 Getting started

We will now make our first visualization.

• In the Project Tree View, select the model data/tutorials/windedition/aircraft mach.cas.

• Right-click on the model and select Boundary View in the Display submenu.
Tip: You could also have accessed the Boundary View module by clicking on its macro button in
the upper part of the Project Tree View, after selecting the model. Macro buttons provide easy
access to the modules that are most commonly used and/or that have been recently used with
the currently selected object.

The Boundary View module now appears in the Display folder of the Project Tree View and the green
arrow shows its input is the aircraft model. Its properties are displayed in the Properties area. You
now see the boundaries of the model in the 3D viewer. Remember that boundaries are the limits of the
domain under study, here they delimit the air flow. In Avizo Wind Edition, boundaries are classified
according to their type, which is the physical condition imposed on a boundary for the simulation
(boundary condition).
The types of boundaries are listed in the Properties area of the module in the multi-selection port
Boundary types.

442 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

• In the Boundary types port, deselect the items: Symmetry and Pressure Far Field.

Only the boundaries of type Wall remain and they delimit half of a YF-17 Cobra aircraft.

Figure 14.4: Pressure field on the boundaries of a YF-17 Cobra aircraft.

• Click in the 3D viewer window and press the [SPACE] key to enlarge the aircraft view (this
does a View All operation).
You can also zoom in and out more accurately by using your mouse wheel, moving your mouse
while simultaneously pressing the left and middle buttons, or by clicking the zoom mode button
and moving your mouse up and down. If necessary, go back to viewing mode by clicking
on the trackball button .
• Rotate the aircraft to see it the right way up.
To do this, press the left mouse button in the 3D viewer and move the mouse until you reach the
desired orientation.
• Select Pressure in the Colorfield port of Boundary View.
• Select Data Mapping in the Coloring section of the Rendering port.
• Select node values in the Options port.

You can make a snapshot by selecting the camera in the toolbar of the 3D viewer. Please refer to
Snapshot Dialog description for more details.

Getting Started with Avizo Wind Edition 443

14.1.4 Units and legends
To complete this visualization, we can add a legend that displays the color scale as well as the name
and units of the data set displayed.

• Select Pressure in the Project Tree View.

You can select Pressure where it appears under the model or where it appears under the
Boundary View module, whichever is more convenient.
• Notice that when a data set is selected, the Properties area gives you some information about it,
for example the units and range.
• Click the create legend button in the Options port in the Properties area.

Figure 14.5: Pressure field on the boundaries of a YF-17 Cobra plane, with legend.

The legend is displayed in the 3D viewer and a Data Legend module is created in the Display folder
in the Project Tree View. Use the Properties area of the module to set the legend properties (position,
size...) as desired.

14.1.5 Saving your project

• Select Save Project As... in the File menu.
• Enter the file name getstarted.hx for example.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind firstvisu.hx.

444 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

14.1.6 Tip: Template projects
Template projects can be used to ease repetitive tasks on a set of similar data. A template project is a
backup of an original project that can be replicated on another data set of the same type. Please refer
to Section 10.4.1 for a complete overview of template projects.
We will save the present project as a template project.

• Select Save Project As Template... in the File menu.

• The input selection dialog appears with a list of datasets that may be used as input to the template
(data that will be replaced at run-time). Choose the model and the Pressure as template
• Change the input labels to modelFluent.cas and scalarfield.
• Click OK.
• Choose a name and a destination folder for the template project.

Figure 14.6: Input selection dialog box for template projects.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same template project predefined in your
tutorial folder under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind templatenetwork.hxtemplate (load
it by selecting Open Data... in the Project Tree View).
Now that the template is saved, you can easily make the same kind of visualization on any Fluent
model connected to a scalar field.

• Hide the Boundary View and Data Legend modules.

To do this, uncheck the boxes next to them in the Project Tree View.
• Load aircraft mach.cas from the tutorials/windedition folder again and add its
Pressure data set again.
They appear in the tree view under the names aircraft mach2.cas and Pressure2.
Tip: You can quickly reload a recently used file using the Project Tree View’s popup menu.
Right-click in the Project Tree View on any line that is empty or contains a folder icon, then
select the file from the Recent Files submenu.

Getting Started with Avizo Wind Edition 445

• Hide the Bounding Box connected to the new model by unchecking the box next to the Bounding
Box module in the Display folder in the Project Tree View.
• Go to the Project >Create Object... menu and select the previously saved template in the Tem-
plates category.

The run dialog appears on template execution.

• Select the new model aircraft mach2.cas and the scalar field Pressure2.
• Click OK.

Figure 14.7: The template project run dialog.

The Boundary View visualization of the second model has now appeared in the 3D viewer and should
be perfectly identical to the previous one (see Figure 14.5, appart from the zooming and rotation).
This project was rather simple and was reloaded on the same model, to keep the example simple, but
keep in mind that template projects become very useful and will save you time if you have several
modules to connect in the same way to different models and data sets.

14.1.7 Time animation

Time animation is essential for transient data analysis. We will now see how to read and visualize such

• Remove all objects from the Project Tree View.

To do this you can use [Ctrl+N] to start a new project (you can discard the current project)
or you can right click in the Project Tree View window and select Remove All Objects.

We will now load the time dependent data.

• In the File menu, select Open Time Series Data....

• Navigate to the tutorials/windedition/fan folder.

446 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

• Select and open all 11 model files fan-0070.cas through fan-0080.cas.
• Choose Pressure in the Datasets selector.
• Hide the Bounding Box.

In the Compute directory of the Project Tree View, a time Sequence Controller module has appeared.

• Create a Boundary View module as before (right-click on the model in the Project Tree View).
• In the Boundaries port, click on the Deselect all button and then select only wall-7.
• Set the Colorfield port to Pressure.
• In the Rendering port, choose Data Mapping.
• Select node values in the Options port.
• Rotate the display.

Figure 14.8: Pressure field on a tip section, around a blade.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial fan
folder under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/fan/wind timeseries.hx.
Use the time sequence controller module to animate the display of pressure over time. Select the
controller in the Project Tree View.

• Keep the Time mode port on time step. The physical time stands for the physical time associated
to each time step.
• Move the slider in the Time step port rightwards. With the step button next to the time slider

Getting Started with Avizo Wind Edition 447

you can go through the data step-by-step. By clicking the play button you can run the whole
animation. Both buttons are also available for the reverse direction.
• Clicking on the configuration button of the Time step port opens a context menu that
allows you to play the animation once, play it over and over (Loop mode), or play it forward and
backward alternately (Swing mode).

You might have noticed that the range of the Colormap port of the Pressure dataset does not change
with each time step. This is because the colormap range is set by default to the global range of the first
time step dataset. You can change it by setting the minimum and maximum to the values you want and
the colormap range will remain set to this range during the animation.

14.2 Avizo Wind Edition Models Information and Display

In this section we will learn how to load a model and its associated data, how to retrieve information
about the model and how to display it.

• Open aircraft mach.cas from the tutorials/windedition folder.

• Load the Pressure field.

14.2.1 Properties and parameters

The Properties area contains basic information about the selected model or data field.

• Select the model in the Project Tree View. Details about it appear in the Properties area.

Figure 14.9: Properties area of the model.

In the Properties area of the model you can find the grid type (volume or surface), the number of nodes
of the mesh, the number of cells and their type.

• Click on the Model Colors Editor button .

448 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

A model might be composed of regions and boundaries. Regions are parts of the domain, generally
corresponding to a physical property (e.g. the rotating part of a pump is distinguished from the static
part) or to the different partial meshes a global mesh is made of. Boundaries are the limits of the
domain where boundary conditions are defined.
A different color is associated with each region and boundary of the model. These colors are used, for
example, by the Grid View, Boundary View and Isosurface display modules. We will talk more about
this in a later section. Close this dialog.

Figure 14.10: Models color editor.

• Click on the Data Parameter Editor button .

The Parameter Dialog window pops up. In this window you will find additional information about
the model, including the boundary and region names, id numbers and types, physical details about the
material(s) under study and solver information about the model. Close this dialog.
Data field

• Now select the Pressure scalar field in the Project Tree View. Details about it appear in the
Properties area.

In the Properties area of the scalar field you can find:

• The data type (Type),

• The physical quantity under study and its unit (Content and Unit),
• The global range of the data (including the mesh and the boundaries: Range),
• The range of the data inside the mesh (Dataset range),
• The range of the data on the boundaries (Boundaries range),

Avizo Wind Edition Models Information and Display 449

Figure 14.11: Parameter dialog window.

Figure 14.12: Properties area of the Pressure scalar field.

• The data binding (per node or per cell) (Binding).

14.2.2 Colormaps
In the Properties area of the Pressure field, you can see that a colormap is connected. For conve-
nience a default colormap is defined for each type of data field. The colormap connected to the data
field will (initially) be used by all the display modules connected to the field. And therefore modifying
the data field colormap affects all the connected display modules. It is also possible to use a different

450 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

colormap for any of the display modules.

Figure 14.13: Colormap port of the Pressure field.

We will now see in detail what you can do with the options of the Edit menu of the Colormap port.

• Display the Edit menu of the Colormap port.

Do this by clicking the Edit button or by right-clicking in the color bar.

You can change the colormap:

• Select one of the default colormaps listed in the menu, or

• Go to Options->Load Colormap... to load a colormap from the directory of your choice or
• Go to Options->Edit Colormap... and use the Colormap Editor to edit your own colormap.

In case the range has been changed and you want to adjust it back to the data field range:

• Select Adjust range to in the Edit menu of the Colormap port and select the data.

Tip: The range of the colormap is set to Local and adjusted to the field global range (except for the
time series data, as seen in the Time Animation section of the Getting Started chapter). You can switch
between the global and local range modes by selecting and deselecting Options->Local range. In the
global range mode, the coordinates used to map data values to colors are taken from the colormap
itself. If the same colormap is used by two different fields and if the range is modified, both fields
colormap ranges are updated. In contrast, in the local range mode the coordinates are defined by the
port itself. Thus, although the same colormap is used by two different fields, the ranges can still be
different. As many fields may share the same colormap in the Avizo Wind Edition, we advise you to
be very careful when using the global range mode.

14.2.3 Viewing the grid

• Hide the Bounding Box.
• Right-click on the model.
• Select Grid View in the main menu or in the Display submenu.
• In the Options port, select cell filtering.

Two new ports appear that allow you to select and deselect regions and/or materials. In the present case
there is only one of each so this option is not useful but keep in mind that it exists for more complex
geometries (e.g. a pump with a rotor and a stator).

• In the Rendering port, select Solid Outline as draw style.

Avizo Wind Edition Models Information and Display 451

Figure 14.14: Grid view: the mesh on the boundaries of the model.

In this view you can observe the mesh on the boundaries of the model.
Model color editor
In the Rendering port, the Coloring option is set to Per Region. This means that each region of the
model (here there is only one) is rendered using the color associated with it in the Model Colors Editor.
We will now change this color.

• Select the model and open the Model Colors Editor (click on the button ).
• Click on the color of the gridelements part.
• The Color Dialog window pops up. Define a new color and press OK.
• Back in the Model Colors Editor, click Apply. The color is updated in the 3D viewer. Now click

In case there are several regions in the model and you want them all to have the same color, you can
choose a uniform coloring.
Select the Grid View module then:

• Select Uniform in the Coloring section of the Rendering port. A Uniform color port appears.
• Click on the color sample. The Color Dialog window pops up.
• Define a new color and click OK. The color is updated.

Cell information

• Click in the 3D viewer window (to change focus) and press the [ESC] key to switch the viewer

452 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

into interaction mode. The cursor should now be an arrow.
Alternatively you can click on the arrow button in the 3D viewer menu bar or right-click in
the 3D viewer window and unselect Viewing.
• Left click on the mesh in order to select a cell.

Information about the cell will appear in the upper left corner of the 3D viewer and a spreadsheet
window will appear (also a Spreadsheet In Viewer module appears in the Project Tree View). The
behavior is controlled by the On left mouse click port of the Grid View module. This way you can
retrieve, for the selected cell:

• the cell topology,

• the physical type of the cell material,
• the coordinates of the picked point,
• the volume of the cell,
• the data value (if the Grid View is attached to a data field instead of a model).
• Go back to viewing mode, for example by clicking in the 3D viewer window and pressing the
[ESC] key.

Figure 14.15: Grid view and cell information.

14.2.4 Viewing the boundaries

• Hide the Grid View and the Spreadsheet In Viewer modules.
• Right-click on the model in the Project Tree View.

Avizo Wind Edition Models Information and Display 453

• Select Boundary View in the main menu or in the Display submenu.

Model color editor

In the Rendering port of the Boundary View, the Per Boundary Type coloring is selected. This means
that each boundary of the model is colored with the color associated with its type in the Model Colors
Editor. To change these colors, proceed the same way you did to change the region colors. It is also
possible to choose a uniform coloring, the same way as previously.
Data mapping
If your solution contains data fields stored on the boundaries, you might use data mapping to color

• Select Data Mapping in the Coloring section of the Rendering port.

• Select Pressure in the Colorfield port.
• Select node values in the Options port.

The pressure contour is now displayed on the boundaries of the model. The colormap that is used is
the Pressure field’s colormap. If you want to modify the colormap or its range, do that in the data
Properties area of the Pressure field.
Tip1: If the Boundary View is currently selected, you can quickly select the Pressure field by
clicking the right-arrow button in the Colorfield port.
Tip2: For convenience you can keep the Pressure field’s Colormap port visible in the Properties
area even when the Boundary View (or other display module) is selected. Select the Pressure field,
then click on the pin to the left of the Colormap port. Select the Boundary View again.
In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind boundariesview01.hx.
Boundaries filtering
The previous view is not very interesting. We would rather see the pressure on the aircraft boundaries
than far from it.
The boundaries of the aircraft are of type Wall. The rest of the boundaries of the model are of type
Symmetry or Pressure Far Field. Select the Boundary View.

• In the Boundary types port, deselect Symmetry and Pressure Far Field types.
• Enlarge the view and rotate it in order to get a better image of the aircraft.

You can see that in the Boundaries port, the boundaries that are of type Symmetry and Pressure
Far Field are now deselected. So you could have achieved the same effect by deselecting non-wall
boundaries one by one in this port.
In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind boundariesview02.hx.

454 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Figure 14.16: Data mapping of the pressure on the boundaries of the model.

Figure 14.17: Pressure field on the boundaries of a YF-17 Cobra aircraft.

Extracting surfaces from boundaries

We will now create a surface from the boundaries of the aircraft.

• Click the create button in the Create surface port of the Boundary View.

Avizo Wind Edition Models Information and Display 455

The surface aircraft mach.surf has been created. This surface can then be used as a seed region
for illuminated streamlines distribution (see Chapter 14.4).

14.3 Avizo Wind Edition Scalar Fields Display

In this section we will introduce the different features you can use to display scalar fields.

• Open aircraft mach.cas from the tutorials/windedition folder.

• Load the Pressure field.
• Connect a Boundary View to the model and set the Coloring to Per Boundary Type, then deselect
Symmetry and Pressure Far Field in the Boundary types port.
• Hide the Bounding Box.

14.3.1 Scalar field profile on a cross section

• Right-click on the Pressure scalar field in the Project Tree View.
• Select Cross Section in the Display menu.

In the Properties area of the module you can see some ports that we have studied in Chapter 14.2.

• Options port: The cell filtering option allows restricting the Cross Section to selected regions of
the model.
The node values and cell values options specify if a value of the field under consideration will
be affected to each node of the mesh and interpolated along the cells or if a constant value will
be associated to each cell.
Select node values in the Options port.
• On left mouse click port: Display cell info allows you to left click on cells and get cell infor-
• Rendering port: Draw Style allows you to set different draw styles. Solid Outline and Wireframe
display the intersection of the mesh with the section plane. Keep (or come back to) the Solid

Several coloring modes are available in the Rendering port. The default setting is Data Mapping
which means the representation of the scalar field using its colormap with local range. You have
already seen the Uniform mode and the Per Region mode that colors the parts of the cross section
according to the region of the model they belong to.

• Now select the Iso Contouring mode in the Coloring section of the Rendering port.
• The Uniform distribution port has appeared. Set the count value to 30.

456 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Figure 14.18: Cross section of the pressure field around a YF-17 Cobra aircraft using iso-contouring.

This option virtually transforms the colormap into a colormap with 30 steps (the actual attached col-
ormap is not modified).
In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind crosssection01.hx.

• Set the Coloring back to Data Mapping in the Rendering port.

• Click on the xz button in the Orientation port.
• Set the slider in the Translate port to 0.
• Rotate the display and zoom in to get a better view.
Tip: Try using the viewer’s ”Seek” function. Activate Seek mode by pressing the ”S” key or
clicking its button in the viewer menu bar. Now click on an interesting part of the model.
The viewer automatically moves closer and sets the selected point as the center of rotation.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind crosssection02.hx.

14.3.2 Scalar field isolines

We will now add isolines to the previous display.

• Right-click on the Pressure scalar field.

• Select Isocontour Slice in the Display submenu.

Avizo Wind Edition Scalar Fields Display 457

Figure 14.19: Cross section of the pressure field in the middle plane of a YF-17 Cobra aircraft.

Two coupled objects were added to the Project Tree View: a Clipping Plane that defines the plane in
which the isolines are plotted, and the Isocontour Slice module itself. We want the Clipping Plane to
coincide with our existing Cross Section plane.
In the Clipping Plane module:

• Select xz as Orientation.
• Set the slider in the Translate port to 0.

In the Isocontour Slice module:

• Set num, the number of isolines, to 50 in the Values port.

• Improve the quality of the plot by setting the resolution to 512 in the Parameters port.
• Rotate the display in order to match the cross section lighting with a good isolines view (the
isolines may be difficult to see from some angles).

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind isolines01.hx.

14.3.3 Legend and captions

Our plot lacks some information about what is displayed.

458 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Figure 14.20: Cross section and isolines of the pressure field in the middle plane of a YF-17 Cobra aircraft.

• Right-click on the Pressure scalar field.

• Select Data Legend in the Annotate menu.
(Alternatively you could click create legend in the Properties area of the scalar field.)

The colormap, the range, the data name and the data unit are now displayed in the 3D viewer. You can
set the size, position... of the legend in the Properties area of the module.
We will now give a title to our display.

• Go to the Project >Create Object... menu in the main menu bar.

• Select Annotations / Caption.
• Change the position of the text to x equal to 10 and y equal to -10 in the Absolute position port.
• Change the text to ”Pressure profile in the middle section of a YF-17 aircraft”.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind isolines02.hx.

14.3.4 Isosurfaces of pressure

We will now use isosurfaces to display the Mach cones close to the aircraft.

• Hide the Isocontour Slice and the Cross Section.

Avizo Wind Edition Scalar Fields Display 459

Figure 14.21: Pressure profile in the middle section of a YF-17 aircraft.

(To hide the Isocontour Slice you must actually hide the Clipping Plane.)
• Right-click on the Pressure scalar field.
• Select Isosurface in the Display menu.
• Set the Isovalue port to 1000.
• Select Data Mapping as coloring mode.
• Choose the Pressure as Colorfield.
• Change the title to ”Pressure isosurfaces: P = 1000 Pa” in the Text port of the Caption.

Region of interest (ROI)

We would like to restrict the isosurface to a region close to the aircraft. To this end we can use a region
of interest which is a box that restricts the output of many visualization modules.

• Choose ROI Box in the Display menu of Pressure.

• You can expand the view to see entire the ROI by clicking on the viewer and pressing [SPACE].
The initial ROI is the extent of the entire data set, same as the bounding box.
• Switch to interactive mode (click on the viewer and press [ESC] or click on the arrow ).
• In the viewer window, drag the green squares on the ROI and modify the size of the box until it
includes only a small region around the aircraft.
• In the ROI port of the Isosurface module, choose ROI Box.

460 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Figure 14.22: Mach cones as isosurfaces of pressure in a region of interest.

We would like to see the Mach cones from different points of view. In order to see the aircraft too, we
will use the opacity factor of the Isosurface.

• Hide the ROI Box.

• Set the Opacity of the Isosurface to 0.15.
• Rotate and zoom in and out to get a different view.

Avizo Wind Edition Scalar Fields Display 461

Figure 14.23: Mach cones as isosurfaces of pressure for a YF-17 aircraft.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind isosurfaces.hx.

14.4 Avizo Wind Edition Vector Fields Display

In this section we will introduce the different features you can use to display vector fields.

• Open wing.cas from the tutorials/windedition folder.

• Load the Velocity vector field.
• Connect a Boundary View to the model and unselect everything except Wall in the Boundary
Types port.
• Hide the Bounding Box.

You can see a wing in the 3D viewer. We will study the air flow around this wing.

14.4.1 Particles animation

We do not know anything about the flow around this wing. To get a quick overview of the flow and see
which regions of the model we should focus on during our study, we will seed particles in the vector
field and observe their behavior.
Region of interest (ROI)

462 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

The domain is very large compared to the wing size. We would like to focus on the flow next to the
wing. To this end, we can use a region of interest (ROI) which is a box that restricts the output of many
visualization modules. In this case we will use an ROI to define the starting position of our particles.

• Right-click on the model wing.cas.

• In the Display menu, select ROI Box. A box appears in the 3D viewer, this is the ROI. Initially
the ROI is identical to the bounding box of the dataset.
• Change the shape of the ROI by dragging the green squares. Change the position of ROI by
dragging its faces. Resize and position the ROI close to the leading edge of the wing.

Remember that you must be in interaction mode, indicated by the arrow cursor, to affect the ROI.
Switch modes by pressing the [ESC] key or clicking the buttons in the viewer menu bar.
Tip: You often need to switch between interaction mode and trackball mode multiple times while
performing tasks like resizing and positioning an ROI box. While in interaction mode, you can tem-
porarily switch to trackball mode by holding down the [ALT] key. When the key is released, the
viewer returns to interaction mode.

Figure 14.24: Region of interest.

Animated Particles

• Right-click on Velocity and select Animated Particles in the Display submenu.

• In the SeedROI port, select the ROI Box ROI.
• Modify the Frequency to every 10 timestep.
• Set the step size to 0.0002 in the Animate port in order to slow down the animation.

Avizo Wind Edition Vector Fields Display 463

• After a few seconds (time for some particles to have lived their life and gone ”old”), select
Adjust range in the Edit menu of the Colormap in order to adjust the range of the colormap to
the range of the particles age.
• Select spheres in the Shape port and set their size to 0.1.

What we can learn by observing the Properties area of the Animated Particles module is that 10 parti-
cles are seeded randomly accross the ROI every 10 time steps. They are colored by age, which means
the longer a particle remains in the model, the more red it becomes.

Figure 14.25: Properties area of the Animated Particles display module.

Figure 14.26: Animated particles seeded close to the wing.

The behavior of the particles indicates the presence of a region of vorticity close to the wing: indeed

464 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

you can see some particles swirling and becoming red (that is to say old) close to the upper side of the
In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind animatedpart.hx.
Stop the animation:

• In the Animate port, uncheck the animate button.

• Clear all the particles from the 3D viewer using the Clear button in the Particles port.

14.4.2 Illuminated streamlines (ISL)

The ISL technique is used to compute a large number of field lines by integrating the vector field
starting from random seed points. We will restrict the region where the points are seeded to the previous

• Move the ROI closer to the wing. To do so, switch to interaction mode and drag the ROI by
clicking on one of the faces of the box and holding while you move the mouse.
• Right-click on Velocity and select Illuminated Streamlines in the Display menu.
• In the Seed ROI port, select the ROI Box ROI.
• Set the number of lines in Num Lines to 400.
• Set the lines Length to 100.
• Set the Step size to 0.001.
• Click Apply.
• Hide the ROI.

Using two viewers

We will use two viewers to see the recirculation of the air in two different ways.

• Click the two viewers side-by-side button in the 3D viewer menu.

You will notice that the Bounding Box and ROI Box are visible in the right (new) viewer. This is
because the visibility of each module is controlled separately in each viewer and the default in a
new viewer is ”on”.
• In the Properties area of ROI Box, unselect the display on the right viewer by clicking on the
right red half of the viewer toggle . This will make the ROI disappear from the right viewer.
You can do the same for the Bounding Box if desired.
• Rotate and zoom in and out to get two different views, something like Figure 14.27.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind displayisl.hx.

Avizo Wind Edition Vector Fields Display 465

Figure 14.27: Illuminated Streamlines of the velocity vector field.

Tip: You might want to seed the ISLs from a given boundary (a velocity inlet for example). To do
so, first extract the chosen boundary (use the Create surface option of the Boundary View module as
explained at the end of Chapter 14.2). Then connect the created surface to the Distribution port of
the Illuminated Streamlines module. Be aware though that a line will be seeded from each node of the
surface mesh and that, therefore, the display might take a while to appear in the viewer.
Two other modules use illuminated streamlines: Illuminated Streamlines Slice, visualizes a surface
vector field using ISLs, and Illuminated Streamlines Surface, intersects an arbitrary 3D vector field and
visualizes its directional structure in the cutting plane using ISLs. A demonstration of these modules
is given at the end of Chapter 14.6.

14.4.3 Line integral convolution (LIC)

This method consists of intersecting the vector field and visualizing its directional structure in the
cutting plane.

• Go back to only one viewer (click on the one viewer button in the 3D viewer menu).
• Create a new ROI that contains the wing and a part of the domain behond it.
Tip: You already know how to create a new ROI by right clicking the model and using the
Display sub-menu. However this results (as before) in a ROI the same size as the bounding box,
meaning that you have to zoom out to manipulate it down to the desired size. It may be more
convenient to duplicate the existing ROI that is already close to the desired size. Right click on
the ROI Box in the Project Tree View and select Object/Duplicate Object in the popup menu.

466 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

• Right-click on Velocity and select Stream LIC Slice in the Display menu.
• Select the new ROI ROI Box 2 in the ROI port.
• If necessary, move the plane with the Translate port to position it at about two thirds of the
length of the wing.
• Set the resolution, in the Lic port to 700.
• Click the Apply button.
• Hide the ROI.

Figure 14.28: LIC representation of the velocity close to the wing.

Tip: You can move the plane using the Translate port in the Properties area or by dragging the plane in
the Viewer window (switch to interaction mode if necessary). After moving the plane, click the Apply
button in the Properties area to recompute the LIC.
In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind planarlic.hx.

14.4.4 Vectors in a plane

• Hide all display modules, except the Boundary View.
• Right-click on Velocity and select Vector Plane in the Display menu.
• Choose ROI Box 2 in the ROI port.
• Set the Scale to 0.01 and the Sampling distance to 0.08.
• Set the Translate in order to see the recirculation correctly.

Avizo Wind Edition Vector Fields Display 467

Now we would like the vectors to be colored in accordance with the vector’s magnitude.

• Right click on Velocity in the Project Tree View and select Magnitude from the Compute sub-
menu. The Magnitude module appears in the Project Tree View in the Compute folder, showing
its input (green arrow) is Velocity and its output (red arrow) is Velocity.Magnitude.
The new velocity magnitude data set appears in the Project Tree View underneath the model
(see Figure 14.2).
• Display a legend for Velocity.Magnitude.
• In Vector Plane, set the Rendering coloring mode to Data Mapping and the Colorfield to

Figure 14.29: Velocity vector in a plane cutting the wing.

Similar to the Stream LIC Slice you can move the plane using either the Translate port or direct
dragging. Unlike Stream LIC Slice the vectors are dynamically recomputed as the plane moves.
In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind vectorplane.hx.

14.4.5 Stream ribbons

• Hide or delete all the display modules, except the Boundary View.
• Right-click on Velocity and select Stream Ribbons in the Display menu.

Streamlines seeded from a line appear in the 3D viewer.

468 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

• Click Show in the Dragger port of the Stream Ribbons.

A dragger appears for the line from which the streamlines are seeded.

• Click in the Viewer window and switch to interaction mode.

• Move the dragger and use the green spheres to rotate the dragger until the line is parallel to the
upper side of the wing.

Figure 14.30: Stream ribbons dragger.

• Select ribbons in the Mode port.

• Set the Resolution to 1.
• Set the Density to 0.8.
• Set the Width to 0.35.
• Set the Length to 3.
• Click Hide in the Dragger port.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind streamribbons.hx.

14.4.6 Find the 3D critical points

3D critical points are points around which different flow patterns can be identified. E.g. the flow
behavior around a source is uniformly an inflow, while around a sink it is an outflow. The flow around

Avizo Wind Edition Vector Fields Display 469

Figure 14.31: Stream ribbons close to the wing.

a saddle point is a mixture of both.

From a mathematical point of view, a first order critical point for a 3D vector field is a point where the
velocity is null and the determinant of the velocity Jacobian matrix is not. First order critical points can
be classified by an eigenvalue/eigenvector analysis of the Jacobian matrix. The Critical Points display
module finds and represents critical points by icons of different shapes, depending on the critical point
classification. Please refer to the documentation of Critical Points for more details.

• Hide or remove the previous display modules, keep only the Boundary View.
• Right-click on Velocity and select Critical Points in the Display menu.
• Reduce the Icons size to 0.05.
• Click Apply.
• Select the show option to display the illuminated streamlines seeded from the critical points.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind cp3d.hx.

14.5 Avizo Wind Edition Statistical and Arithmetic Computa-

• Open aircraft mach.cas from the tutorials/windedition folder.
• Load the Pressure and Density scalar fields and the Velocity vector field.

470 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Figure 14.32: Critical points of the velocity vector field and illuminated streamlines seeded from the points.

• Hide the Bounding Box.

14.5.1 Surface and volume integrals

In the Avizo Wind Edition, statistical modules allow you to compute statistics on the boundaries and
in the volume of an unstructured model. The output of these modules are spreadsheets and these
objects are created in the Project Tree View. You can save them as .CSV files and then import them in
Microsoft Excel (c) for further work.
We will not illustrate all the possible computations with examples here, but will give short examples
of some integral computations. The workflow is basically the same every time, whatever the module
and the computation chosen.
The statistic modules that can be connected to a model are listed in the Measure right-click submenu.
Some of these modules can also be connected to data fields.
Area computation

• Right-click on the model.

• In the Measure menu, select Surface Integrals.
• Click Apply.

The results of the computation are printed to a spreadsheet that pops up. It contains the total area of
all the boundaries of the model under study.

Avizo Wind Edition Statistical and Arithmetic Computations 471

Figure 14.33: Surface integrals Properties area.

In the Boundaries filter port, all the boundaries are selected, which means that the computation is
done on all the boundaries. The globally option is selected in the Compute port, which means that the
area that is computed is the sum of the areas of all the boundaries.

• Select per surface in the Compute port.

• Click Apply.

You can now see that the area of each boundary has been printed to the spreadsheet.

• Select globally in the Compute port.

• Unselect the boundaries of type Symmetry and Pressure Far Field in the Boundary
types port. The only boundaries now selected are the aircraft boundaries.
• Click Apply.

You can see that the area of the half aircraft (composed of boundaries 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11) is
equal to approximately 83.61 square meters.
Volume computation

• Right-click on the model.

• In the Measure menu, select Volume Integrals.
• Click Apply.

472 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Figure 14.34: Surface integrals spreadsheet.

A new spreadsheet pops up and you can see that the volume of the flow domain is equal to approx-
imately 1024215 cubic meters. In case the model is composed of several regions, you can use the
Regions filter port to restrict your computation to some regions the same way we did for boundaries.

Figure 14.35: Volume integrals spreadsheet.

Pressure force vector computation

• Right-click on the model.

Avizo Wind Edition Statistical and Arithmetic Computations 473

• In the Measure menu, select Force.
• Press Apply.

Note that for convenience only boundaries of type Wall are preselected in this module.
The Force module computes the pressure force vector generated on the aircraft surface and the pressure
moment about the moment center which is here set to the origin. Notice that the Pressure scalar
field was identified and automatically selected in the Pressure port.

Figure 14.36: Pressure force vector spreadsheet.

Scalar Field mean value computation

Volume and surface integrals can also be computed on data fields.

• Select the Volume Integrals module.

• In the Properties area, change the Data to Pressure.
• Select mean in the Field integral port. We will compute the mean value of the pressure in the
whole volume.
• Click Apply.

As new if integral type is new is checked by default in the Table port, a new table opens, which title is
mean in accordance with the field integral type.
Many other types of volumetric and surfacic integrals and statistics can be computed from the Volume
Integrals and Surface Integrals modules. Computations on data fields can always be restricted to
regions or boundaries using the appropriate filter.
Pressure surface integral computation on a sequence of cross sections
Surface integrals can be computed not only on 3d unstructured grid boundaries, but also on 2d unstruc-
tured grids, on 2d unstructured surfaces and on triangulated Surfaces. We will study here a convenient
way to use the Surface Integrals module to compute integrals on several parallel cuts of a 3d model.

• Connect a Boundary View to the model.

• Unselect everything except Wall in the Boundary types port.
• Select Cross Section in the Display menu of the Pressure.

474 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Figure 14.37: The mean value of pressure in the model is approx. 1849 Pa.

• Set the Orientation of the Cross Section to yz.

• Right click on the Cross Section and select Animate Ports.

An Animate Ports module is created in the Project Tree View. We will use this module to animate the
value of the Translate port of the Cross Section.

• Select Translate in the Port port of the Animate Ports module.

• Set the Time to 0.
• Click on the configuration button of the Time port.
• Select Configure and set the Increment to 10.
• Change the Tanslate equation to 0.4*t+30.
• Go back to the Pressure and connect to it a new Surface Integrals module.

Note there is a new port Surfaces in the Properties area of the module. This port is displayed because
a surface (the Cross Section) has been detected in the Project Tree View.

• Select surface integral in the Field integral port.

• Deselect all boundaries. Only the Cross Section is checked.
• Set the computation mode of the module to auto-refresh.
• Launch the animation in the Animate Ports module by pressing on the play button .

The spreadsheet is updated at each step of the animation with the value of the integral computed on
each new plane. This highlights the important pressure raise in the environment of the aircraft.

14.5.2 Arithmetic computation

Secondary Variables computation
In Avizo Wind Edition, you can also implement your own computations, taking as inputs the variables
on the unstructured model. As an example, we will now compute the momentum vector field (product

Avizo Wind Edition Statistical and Arithmetic Computations 475

Figure 14.38: Pressure surface integral on a sequence of plane cuts orthogonal to the aircraft.

of the density and velocity).

• Right-click on the Velocity vector field.

• Select Arithmetic in the Compute submenu.
• Select the Density as second input Input B.
• The momentum is a vector so you can keep same as input or select vector in the Output data
type port.
• Enter the components of the momentum vector field: B*Ax in Expr X, B*Ay in Expr Y, B*Az
in Expr Z.
• Click Apply.
A new data module named Result appears under the model.
• Rename this module Momentum.
To do this, right-click the module, select Object/Rename Object and type a new name in the
dialog box. Alternatively you can select the module, press [F2] and type a new name directly
in the Project Tree View.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind arithmetic.hx.
Regular data field generation
You can also use the arithmetic module to generate a data field on a regular grid and then use some other

476 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Avizo Standard Edition display modules that take only regular inputs, such as the Volume Rendering

• Attach an Arithmetic module to the Pressure dataset.

• Choose regular in the Output grid type port.
• Enter the expression A in Expr.
• Change the Resolution to 100 by 50 by 100.
• Click Apply.
• Rename the resulting dataset Pressure.Regular.

Pressure.Regular is the pressure field generated on a regular grid of size 100 per 50 per 100.
Volume rendering

• Use a Boundary View on the model to display the aircraft boundaries (display only walls).
• In the Display right-click submenu of Pressure.Regular, select Volume Rendering.
• In the Properties area of the Volume Rendering module, select physics VolRend.am in the Col-
ormap port.
• Set the colormap range to -5000, 0.
• Open the Colormap Editor (through the Window menu or the Standard Toolbar shortcut).
• Click on the edit button for values superior to max range . The Color Dialog opens.
• Set alpha (A) to 0.
• Click OK.

You now have a new view of the Mach cone.

Avizo Wind Edition Statistical and Arithmetic Computations 477

Figure 14.39: Volume rendering of pressure around the YF-17 aircraft.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind volrend.hx.

14.6 Avizo Wind Edition Vorticity Identification

This section will give you an overall view of the vorticity detection, computation and analysis features
provided in the Avizo Wind Edition.
Although there are a number of studies devoted to vortex identification, there is no agreement on a
formal definition. In the absence of a formal characterization of vortical structures, swirling motion
around some central region is used as a working definition. Depending on the chosen approach, this
leads to features that are either lines (see subsection about vortex core lines), surfaces or volumes (see
subsection about vorticity-related variables).

• Open wing.cas from the tutorials/windedition folder.

• Load the Velocity vector field.
• Connect a Boundary View to the model and keep selected only the walls in Per Boundary Type
coloring mode.
• Hide the Bounding Box.

14.6.1 Vorticity-related variables computation

• Right-click on the model.

478 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

• Select Secondary Variables in the Compute submenu.

In the Properties area of the compute module you can see the Category port that lists the main cate-
gories of the secondary variables Avizo can compute.

• Select the vorticity category.

In the Variable port, several vorticity related quantities that can be computed from the velocity vector
field are listed. The velocity vector field has been retrieved by Avizo and set by default in the Velocity
port. The vorticity related variables might be used to find vorticity regions, by plotting cross sections
or by delimiting regions with isosurfaces for example.
Some examples of the most common criteria that can be computed and used to identify vortices:

• high vorticity regions,

• high enstrophy regions,
• non-zero helicity regions...

• Now select the turbulence category.

As previously, several turbulence related quantities are listed. They might also be used to find voriticity
Some examples of the most common criteria that can be computed and used to identify vortices:

• negative lambda2 regions,

• positive Q criterion regions...

Example 1: vorticity magnitude

• Select the vorticity category.

• Select the vorticity magnitude variable.
• Click Apply to compute.

A VorticityMagnitude scalar field is created. Visualize it with a Cross Section:

• Select Cross Section in the Display right-click submenu of VorticityMagnitude.

• Select node values in the Options port.
• Set the orientation to yz.
• Translate the plane to 52.
• Go back to VorticityMagnitude and set the upper value of the colormap range in its
Properties area to 1000 in order to highlight the regions with high vorticity.
• Display a legend.

Avizo Wind Edition Vorticity Identification 479

Figure 14.40: Vorticity magnitude close to the aircraft.

Example 2: lambda2

• Hide the Cross Section.

• Attach a new Secondary Variables to the model.
• Select the turbulence category; lambda 2 is selected by default.
• Click Apply.
• Connect an Isosurface to the new LambdaTwo object.
• Set the Isovalue of the Isosurface module to -500.
• Choose the coloring mode Data Mapping in the Rendering port.
• In the Colorfield port, choose the VorticityMagnitude.
• Select node values in the Options port.

The Isosurface of LambdaTwo isolates a region with negative lambda2 where there are likely to be
vortices. Sub-regions with high vorticity are located close to the wing.
In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind secondaryvariables.hx.

14.6.2 Vortex core lines identification

The Vortex Corelines module retrieves the lines around which the flow swirls.

• Hide the Isosurface, the Cross Section and the Data Legend.

480 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Figure 14.41: Lambda2 = -500 isosurface colored by vorticity magnitude.

• Plot Illuminated Streamlines using a ROI Box positioned close to the leading edge of the wing
as explained in Chapter 14.4.
• Right-click on the Velocity vector field.
• Select Vortex Corelines in the Compute submenu.
• Click Apply.

A Line Set has been created in the Models directory, under the name VortexCorelines. We will
now display the result.

• Select the VortexCorelines object and connect a Line Set View in the Display submenu.

You can see that there are some very small lines and some noisy lines. If we want to focus only on the
main core line, we should filter those lines. Filtering tools are provided for this purpose in the Vortex
Corelines module.

• First we will remove lines that are too small : set the minimum line size to 35.
• Click Apply.

The Line Set View is updated. All lines with less than 35 core points are deleted. There remains three
lines among which one is obviously outside of the previously plotted lambda2 isosurface.

• Select the lambda 2 criterion in the Post-filtering port.

• Set the Lambda 2 threshold to -500.

Avizo Wind Edition Vorticity Identification 481

• Click Apply.

Again, the Line Set View is updated. All core points where lambda2 is bigger than -500 are removed,
that is to say all points outside of the volume delimited by the Isosurface previously studied. The
filtering has been effective and there remain only the core line of the illuminated streamlines swirls. If
you select the VortexCorelines line set, you will see in its Properties area that there are actually two
lines composed of a total of 115 core points.

• Click several times on the smooth button of the Line Set port if you want the line to appear
• Select the Line Set View module.
• Choose Circle in the Shape port.
• Set the Scale Factor to 0.02.

Figure 14.42: Filtered core line and the swirling flow close to the wing.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind vcl.hx.
You can complete this visualization with the display of the 3D critical points (see Chapter 14.4). The
illuminated streamlines seeded from them (with the show option) swirl around the core line.

14.6.3 Vortical flow visualization

Here are some more visualization modules that can be useful for highlighting some flow behaviors
such as the vortical ones under study here.

482 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Surface Illuminated Streamlines
This module sparsely seeds streamlines on a surface in order to display the surface vector field using
illuminated streamlines (ISLs). If we want to display the streamlines on the wing, we first need to
extract this surface.

• Hide or delete Illuminated Streamlines or Critical Points that might remain in the Project Tree
• Select the Boundary View. Only the wing should be selected in the Boundaries port.
• Press the create button in the Create surface port. A wing.surf surface is created and added
to the Project Tree View.
• Right click on the new surface and select Illuminated Streamlines Surface in the Display sub-
• Select the Illuminated Streamlines Surface module and set the Vector field to Velocity.
• Uncheck the early termination option in Options port.
• Set the Seed port to 1.
• Press Apply.

Figure 14.43: Surface illuminated streamlines on the wing and main core line.

Streamlines on the wing are displayed and vortical phenomena appear pretty well. A main swirl
corresponds to the starting point of the main core line and smaller swirls correspond to small core lines
we noticed in the first core lines display and then filtered.
In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind surfaceISL.hx.

Avizo Wind Edition Vorticity Identification 483

Illuminated Streamlines Slices
This module visualizes the directional structure of a vector field in a cutting plane using illuminated
streamlines (ISLs). What would be interesting here is to visualize the ISLs in a plane orthogonal to the
core line. To do so, we will use the Trajectory module.

• Hide or delete the Illuminated Streamlines Surface.

• Create a small ROI Box on the upper side of the wing, around the core line.
• Select Illuminated Streamlines Slice in the Display submenu of the Velocity field.
• Set the ROI Box you just created as ROI in the Clipping Plane Properties area.
• Hide the ROI.
• Right click on the Clipping Plane and attach a Trajectory module to it.
• Select VortexCorelines as Data in the Properties area of the Trajectory module.

The Clipping Plane is now orthogonal to the core line. If you use the Position slider of the Trajectory
module, the plane will slide along the core line, remaining orthogonal. As the core line is actually
composed of two lines, you have to use the Line slider to slide the plane along the other part of the
core line.
Tip: You could do the same with a Stream LIC Slice module for example. The LIC technique is also a
good tool to visualize the swirl of the flow around the core lines.

• Select the Illuminated Streamlines Slice module.

• Uncheck the early termination option in Options port.
• Set the Resolution to 200 and the Separation distance to 15.
• Press Apply.
• Hide the plane frame from the Frame port of the Clipping Plane.

You can also animate the streamlines to see them swirl around the core line by selecting animate in the
View options port.
In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind planarISL.hx.

14.7 Avizo Wind Edition Measurements

This section will give you an overview of the measurement features provided in the Avizo Wind Edi-

• Open aircraft mach.cas from the tutorials/windedition folder.

• Load the Pressure scalar field.
• Connect a Boundary View to the model.

484 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Figure 14.44: Illuminated streamlines on a plane othogonal to the main core line.

• Unselect everything except Wall in the Boundary types port.

• Set the coloring to Data Mapping and use Pressure as the colorfield.
• Select node values in the Options port.
• Hide the Bounding Box.

14.7.1 3D measurements

You can access measuring tools via the View / Measuring menu or via the measuring tool button
(and its pulldown menu - click on the little arrow) at the top of the viewer.

• Select Measuring in the View menu.

You now have a Measurement object in the Display folder of the Project Tree View. This module
provides access to two-dimensional and three-dimensional measuring tools.
3D length measurement
We will measure the leading edge of the wing. A line measurement (3D length) is already selected.

• In the 3D viewer, click on one end of the leading edge of the wing.
Notice that cursor changes to indicate when a valid object can be selected.
• Click on the other end of the wing edge.
• To adjust the position of a measurement line,

Avizo Wind Edition Measurements 485

select it in the Properties area, then click on one of its red handles and drag it to a new location
or use the text ports Point 0 and Point 1 to change the position.
• Do the same on the side edge of the wing.
Tip: You may need to reposition the camera to select measurement points. As usual you can
press the [ESC] key to toggle between interactive mode and trackball mode or hold down the
[Alt] key to temporarily switch to trackball mode.

You can measure that the wing has a leading edge of approximately 4.44 meters and a side edge of
approximately 1.55 meters.

Figure 14.45: Measuring the wing size of the YF-17 aircraft.

3D angle measurement

• In the Properties area of the Measurement module, click on the ”eye” icons of the two lines to
hide them in the 3D viewer.
• In the Add port, click the Angle button.
• In the 3D viewer, click on the intersection of the attack edge of the wing and the fuselage.
• Click on the other end of the attack edge (intersection with the side edge).
• Click on the other end of the side edge.

You can measure that the angle is approximately 116 degrees.

486 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

Figure 14.46: Angle measurement.

14.7.2 Histograms
The Histogram module computes the histogram of a scalar field in 3D cells. We will use it on the
Pressure scalar field.

• Right-click on the Pressure and select Histogram in the Measure menu.

• Click Apply in the Histogram Properties area.

A window pops up, that contains a histogram in logarithmic scaling. The mean value (approx. 1849 Pa)
and the standard deviation (approx. 23187 Pa) of the Pressure field are displayed in the Properties

• Set the Range minimum value to 0.

• Activate the Threshold and set it to 100000.
• Activate the Tindex and set it to 50.
• Click Apply.

What we can learn is that:

• for all cells where the pressure is in the new range, the mean value is approximately 10646 Pa
and the standard deviation is approximately 26432 Pa,

Avizo Wind Edition Measurements 487

Figure 14.47: Histogram of pressure distribution.

• in this same range, 2.29 percent of the cells have a pressure greater than 100000 Pa,
• in this same range, 50 percent of the cells have a pressure lower than 5483 Pa (and 50 percent

The histogram has been updated.

In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial folder
under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind histo.hx.

14.7.3 Data probing

The three data probing modules Point Probe, Line Probe, and Spline Probe are used to inspect scalar
or vector data fields. The probes are taken at a point (Point Probe) or along a line (Line Probe and
Spline Probe) which may be arbitrarily placed.
Probing along a spline
We will use the Spline Probe to plot the pressure around the wing of the aircraft. First we have to
position properly the four control points of the spline.

• Right-click on Pressure.
• In the Measure menu, select Spline Probe.

To position the control points within the bounding box of the given geometry you can either type in
the coordinates in the Points port (see below) or you can move the points dragger interactively with
the mouse. (You may have to zoom out to see the points dragger.)

• In the Points port, the coordinates of the first control point are displayed. Change them to 4, 2,
• In the Points port, use the spin box to select the second point and set its coordinates to 0, 2, 0.
• Select the third point and set its coordinates to 0, 2, 0.3.

488 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

• Select the fourth point and set its coordinates to 4, 2, 0.3.
• You might want to hide the points and the dragger using the options submenu of the Points port.
• Click the Show button in the Plot port.

Figure 14.48: Pressure values against the spline probe line length.

A plot window appears where the sampled pressure values are plotted against the length of the probe
line. In case of any problems or uncertainties you can find the same project predefined in your tutorial
folder under the file name data/tutorials/windedition/wind splineprobe.hx.
Probing along a surface path
For probing purposes, it is often useful to have tools to define specific lines on a surface. The Surface
Path Editor and the Surface Intersector module are designed to this end.
The Surface Path Editor allows creating paths on surfaces. Paths can be useful to cut surfaces, define
regions or features of a surface, probe, etc. The editor can be accessed from the Properties area of a

Surface Path Set by clicking on the editor button . Two types of editor are then provided:

• the Generic Path Editor allows defining paths arbitrarily across the surface mesh,
• the Vertex Path Editor allows defining paths only along the surface mesh edges.

Note that the Vertex Path Editor can be accessed directly from the Surface Path submenu of a surface.
The Surface Intersector module intersects two surfaces, computes a path along the intersection and
attaches it to each of the surfaces.

• Remove all objects from the Project Tree View (use [Ctrl+N] or right click in the Project
Tree View and select Remove All Objects).
• Open fan-0070.cas from the tutorials/windedition/fan folder.

Avizo Wind Edition Measurements 489

• Load the Pressure scalar field.
• Hide the Bounding Box.
• Connect a Boundary View to the model.
• Unselect everything except wall-1 in the Boundary types port and create the surface from
the Create surface port.

We will plot the Pressure along a radial line section of the fan surface. We have to create a cylin-
drical surface first, in order to intersect it with the fan and then get the intersection line.

• Right click on the surface fan-0070.surf and create a Surface Intersector from the Surface
Path submenu.

In the Surface Intersector Properties area, the second surface still has to be set. When the Surface
Intersector is selected, a macro button appears in the upper part of the Project Tree View and gives
quick access to the Parametric Surface module. We will use this module to create the intersecting
surface we need.

• Create a Parametric Surface. A default plane is created.

• For U, set min to -0.02, step to 0.0005, max to 0.01.
• For V, set min to 1, step to 0.0005, max to 2.
• Set X to u, Y to 0.12*sin(v) and Z to 0.12*cos(v).
• Click on the more options button in the Draw style port and select Create surface.
Parametric-Surface.surf is added to the Project Tree View.
• Set Parametric-Surface.surf as the second surface of the Surface Intersector and press

Two paths along the intersection are created, one attached to each of the surfaces.

• Hide the Parametric Surface and connect a Line Set View display module to
IntersectionPath2. The path is displayed on the fan surface.
• In the Measure submenu of Pressure, select Line Set Probe.
• Attach the Line Set Probe to IntersectionPath2 in the Line set port and press the Show

A window displaying the Pressure along the line probe appears. We will improve the display.

• For X-Axis, choose the z coordinate.

• In the Edit menu, select Edit Objects.
• In the axis section, deselect the Auto option that adjusts the range to the X range and set it to
[-0.025, 0.04].
• Change the Y label to ”Pressure”.

490 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide

• In the LineSetProbe 001 section, change the Draw style to Marker.
• Change the markers shape (e.g. to dots) and color.
• Change the label to ”Radial section: 0.12m”.
• Press OK.

Figure 14.49: Pressure values along the radial 0.12m line section of the fan surface.

Avizo Wind Edition Measurements 491

492 Chapter 14: Avizo Wind Edition User’s Guide
Chapter 15

Avizo Green Edition User’s Guide

Avizo Green Edition pack is an extension to Avizo and provides special modules for visualizing climate
oriented data sets.
By following the tutorials provided in Avizo Green Edition online documentation, you will learn how
to use these modules on your own climatology data sets.
The tutorials cover the following topics:

• Getting Started with Avizo Green Edition

• Avizo Green Edition Visualization of 2D Scalar Data
• Avizo Green Edition Visualization of 2D Vector Data
• Avizo Green Edition Visualization of 3D Scalar Data

The Avizo Green Edition has been developed in cooperation with DKRZ, the German Climate Com-
puting Center (http://www.dkrz.de). All the content of this tutorial is based on the work done at the
DKRZ. NetCDF CF-1.0 data set used in this tutorial are supplied with the courtesy of MPI-M/DKRZ.
494 Chapter 15: Avizo Green Edition User’s Guide
Chapter 16

Avizo Earth Edition User’s Guide

Avizo Earth Edition is the software suite including Avizo and all its extensions for interactive explo-
ration, visualization, analysis, comparison, and presentation of geoscience data. Avizo Earth Edition
includes the whole Avizo Standard Edition feature-set plus an advanced SEG-Y data importer (Avizo
XReadSEGY Pack) and the Avizo XLVolume Pack, which manages and visualizes very large amounts
of volume data, up to terabytes.
Avizo Earth Edition integrates in the full spectrum of visual applications, including seismic data QC,
pre-processing, and interpretation, reservoir modeling, characterization, and simulation, drilling plan-
ning, flow simulation, and engineering, 3D petrography, core sample analysis, and borehole imaging
and engineering design, training, and simulation.
This chapter, available in Avizo Earth Edition online documentation, is organized into the following

• Avizo Geoscience Features

• Getting Started with Avizo Earth Edition- Visualizing Seismic and Geophysics Data
496 Chapter 16: Avizo Earth Edition User’s Guide
Chapter 17

Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Avizo XLab Pack is a generic term encompassing several extensions of Avizo Fire Edition that pro-
vide numerical simulation capabilities to calculate physical properties of materials from the 3D image
of a sample (for instance, scanned with CT, FIB/SEM, MRI, etc.). Material properties are directly
computed from the segmented 3D image.
The extensions and corresponding materials properties are:

• Avizo XLab Hydro Pack for absolute permeability computation,

• Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack for molecular diffusivity computation,
• Avizo XLab Electro Pack for formation factor and electrical conductivity computation,
• Avizo XLab Thermo Pack for thermal conductivity computation.

Note: see section 1.4 System Requirements about system requirements and hardware platform avail-
For each of these properties, two different modules are available, corresponding to two different sim-
ulation approaches. The first approach consists of estimating a given property as the result of an ex-
periment performed in a laboratory. To do that, the external conditions of an experiment are simulated
by imposing boundary conditions resembling those existing in a laboratory. This way it is possible to
compare the module results to actual experimental results. The second approach is an effective prop-
erty calculation. In that case, the material is considered as representative of an infinite medium from
which it is extracted. By imposing spatially periodic boundary conditions, it is possible to obtain the
effective property of the macroscopic medium.
Experiment simulation is designed to be close to realistic laboratory experiment. It considers very
perturbing boundary conditions: the sample is hermetically closed on four faces and constant values
are imposed on the remaining two. The transport phenomenon is highly constrained by this kind of
Tensor calculation is based on a mathematical approach which considers the sample to be represen-
tative of an infinite or macroscopic material. Periodicity is a lot softer boundary condition and the
transport phenomenon is more free. Tensor calculation is usually the preferred method when the Rep-
resentative Elementary Volume is reached.
Provided modules are:

• Absolute Permeability Experiment Simulation (Avizo XLab Hydro Pack)

Simulation of an experiment, by hermetically closing a given sample on four faces while exper-
imental setups are added on two opposite faces to guide the flow along one direction.
• Absolute Permeability Tensor Calculation (Avizo XLab Hydro Pack)
Calculation of the intrinsic permeability tensor, by imposing periodic boundary conditions on a
representative elementary volume.
• Molecular Diffusivity Experiment Simulation (Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack)
Fick’s second equation is solved under laboratory conditions to simulate an experiment.
• Molecular Diffusivity Tensor Calculation (Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack)
The diffusivity tensor is computed from a volume averaging method applied to Fick’s second
equation. The studied sample is considered representative of a larger scale material, allowing
the imposition of periodic boundary conditions.
• Formation Factor Experiment Simulation (Avizo XLab Electro Pack)
Ohm’s equation is solved under laboratory conditions to simulate an experiment.
• Effective Formation Factor Calculation (Avizo XLab Electro Pack)
The conductivity tensor is computed from a volume averaging method applied to Ohm’s equa-
tion. The studied sample is considered representative of a larger scale material, allowing the
imposition of periodic boundary conditions. The formation factor is deduced.
• Thermal Conductivity Experiment Simulation (Avizo XLab Thermo Pack)
Fourier’s equation is solved under laboratory conditions to simulate an experiment.
• Thermal Conductivity Tensor Calculation (Avizo XLab Thermo Pack)
Calculation of the thermal conductivity tensor, by imposing periodic boundary conditions on a
representative elementary volume.

The following sections provide, for each property, an overview of the theory on which the computation
modules are based, and tutorials for getting started with the modules.

• Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack

• Getting started with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack
• Getting started with Avizo XLab Electro Pack
• Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack

In the tutorials, some steps are mandatory: you must folow them for successful completion of the
tutorial. Other steps are optional: you should at least read them, because their content could be useful
later. Whether a step is optional or mandatory is indicated at the beginning of each section of the

498 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide


Avizo XLab Pack has been developed in cooperation with Dr. Bernard, Research Director at ICMCB-
CNRS (Pessac, France)

17.1 Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack

The purpose of this step-by-step tutorial is increase your familiarity with the use of the absolute perme-
ability computation modules provided with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack extension for Avizo Fire Edition.
The following subjects will be addressed in this chapter:

• theory basics about absolute permeability

• data preparation for simulation (step 1 to step 6):
• setting voxel size and units
• segmenting void space
• removing non-percolating space with Avizo Fire Edition
• defining a region of interest
• experiment simulation (step 7): define parameters, run simulation, interpret and visualize results
• effective property calculation (step 8): define parameters, run simulation, interpret and visualize
• validate results with the Kozeny-Carman equation (step 9).

A demo script is also provided. This script will automatically perform all the steps detailed in the

17.1.1 Theoretical elements

Darcy’s law: definition of absolute permeability

Absolute permeability is defined as the measure of the ability of a porous material to transmit a single-
phase fluid. Its SI unit is square meter (m2 ), but square micrometer (µm2 ) is more common since it
is almost equivalent to one darcy (d): 1d = 0.9869233µm2 . It is an intrinsic property of a material,
independant of any external condition.
Absolute permeability appears in Darcy’s law (see [1]) as a constant coefficient relating fluid, flow and
material parameters:
Q k ∆P
S µ L

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 499


• Q is the global flow rate that goes through the porous medium (unit: m3 .s−1 );
• S is the cross section of the sample which the fluid goes through (unit: m2 );
• k is the absolute permeability (unit: m2 );
• µ is the dynamic viscosity of the flowing fluid (unit: P a.s);
• ∆P is the pressure difference applied around the sample (unit: P a);
• L is the length of the sample in the flow direction (unit: m).
S is often noted v and accounts for the superficial or mean fluid flow velocity through the porous
medium or Darcy’s velocity.
Only single-phase fluids are considered for absolute permeability. Multi-phase flows are concerned by
relative permeability.

Stokes equations and flow conditions

To numerically estimate absolute permeability, the Stokes equations are solved:
( →
− → −
∇. V = 0

− →
− →

µ∇2 V − ∇P = 0

• ∇. is the divergence operator;

• ∇ is the gradient operator;

• V is the velocity of the fluid in the fluid phase of the material;
• µ is still the dynamic viscosity of the flowing fluid;
• ∇2 is the laplacian operator;
• P is the pressure of the fluid in the fluid phase of the material.

This equation system is a simplification of the Navier-Stokes equations, considering:

• an incompressible fluid, which means that its density is a constant;

• a Newtonian fluid, which means that its dynamic viscosity is a constant;
• a steady-state flow, which means that velocity does not vary over time;
• a laminar flow, which means that the concerned velocities are small enough not to produce

The last point is equivalent to considering flow at a low Reynolds number (see [2] for the first appear-
ance of Reynolds numbers).
Once this equation system is solved, estimating the permeability coefficient consists of applying
Darcy’s law. All the values of this equation can be deduced from the solution of the equation system

500 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

(Q, ∆P ) or are external conditions (S, L, µ). It is computed by the Absolute Permeability Experiment
Simulation module.

Volume averaged form of the Stokes equations

The effective permeability can be defined as the influence of the solid phase on the velocity of the
fluid. A change of scale to get equations valid on the entire volume is necessary. The method of
volume averaging is a technique that accomplishes a change of scale. Its main goal is to spatially
smooth equations by averaging them on a volume. The interested reader will find relevant details and
references in [3].
This very general theory leads to develop a closure problem which transforms the Stokes equations
into a tensorial problem. It remains very similar to the Stokes equations, despite the fact it is a higher
order problem:
− → −

→ →
− →

∇. D = 0

− −→ − →

 2→ − → →

∇ D−∇d = I

• D is a tensor that can be considered as the source of the spatial deviation of the velocity, which
we’ll refer to as velocity perturbation field;

• d is a vector that can be considered as the source of the spatial deviation of the pressure, which
we’ll refer to as pressure perturbation field;

• I is the unit tensor.

The permeability tensor is extracted from the solution of this problem by calculating the mean value

of D over the volume V on which the system was solved:

− 1
Z → −

k = D dV

This permeability tensor gives additional information about the intensity of permeability along any
direction of space. It can give rise to the anisotropy of a porous medium - i.e., the dependence of the
permeability intensity on the direction of the flow. It is computed by the Absolute Permeability Tensor
Calculation module.

Boundary conditions
Avizo XLab Hydro Pack extension provides two approaches to estimate absolute permeability.
The first is an experiment simulation based on Stokes equations resolution; this is done in Absolute
Permeability Experiment Simulation module. The boundary conditions are specified as:

• a no-slip condition at fluid-solid interfaces.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 501

• one-voxel-wide plane of solid phase (with no-slip condition) is added on the faces of the image
that are not perpendicular to the main flow direction. This allows isolation of the sample from
the outside, allowing no flow out of the system.
• experimental setups are added on the faces of the image that are perpendicular to the main flow
direction. They are designed in a manner that creates a stabilization zone where pressure is quasi
static, and the fluid can freely spread on the input face of the sample.
• two among the following three conditions can be chosen by the user, the third being estimated
from the chosen two: input pressure, output pressure, flow rate.

The second approach solves the closure problem derived from Stokes equation by volume averaging.
This is done in the Absolute Permeability Tensor Calculation module. The tensorial problem that is

− →
→ −
solved in this case is closed by imposing periodic boundary conditions to D, d and the geometry. A
no-slip condition is imposed at the fluid-solid interfaces. The sample represents a macroscopic, infinite
material and must thus be representative of this porous medium.

Artificial compressibility
The equation systems cannot be solved using fully implicit methods (matrix inversion) because the
matrices of this kind of system are singular. This is why an artificial compressibility coefficient and
some time derivative terms are introduced in the system. The method of artificial compressibilty was
first described in [5].
Introducing these terms in the equation systems allows an iterative resolution of the problem. The
unique solution is attained when the time derivatives tend to zero. The time that is introduced in the
equations has no physical sense.

Discretization of the equation system

Avizo XLab Hydro Pack uses a finite volume method to solve the equation systems. The equations are
discretized on a staggered grid (proposed by [6]), allowing a better estimation of the no-slip boundary
condition. Pressures unknowns are located at the center of the voxel while velocity unknowns are
decomposed at the faces of the voxels.
The discretization scheme assumes that the voxel is isotropic (cubic).


1. Darcy, H., Les fontaines publiques de la ville de Dijon , V. Dalmont, Paris, 1856
2. Reynolds, O., An experimental investigation of the circumstances which determine whether the
motion of water shall be direct or sinuous, and of the law of resistance in parallel channels ,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 174 (0): 935-982, 1883
3. Whitaker, S., The Method of Volume Averaging, Kluver Academic Publishers, 1999
4. Gray, W. G., A derivation of the equations for multiphase transport , Chemical Engineering

502 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Science, 30, 229-233, 1975
5. Chorin, A. J., A Numerical Method for Solving Incompressible Viscous Flow Problems , Journal
of Computational Physics, 2, 12-26, 1967
6. Harlow, F. H., and Welch, J. E., Numerical calculation of time-dependent viscous incompress-
ible flow of fluid with free surface, Physics of Fluids, v.5, p.317, 1965

17.1.2 Step 1 - Activate Avizo units management

Purpose Activate the units management provided in Avizo.
Mandatory step Yes.
The length unit is one of the most important parameters to scale correctly in order to get accurate
permeability results. It is stored in Avizo format, for example, but not all data format save this infor-
mation. Avizo Fire Edition provides a length units management tool that must be activated for this

• Open the Edit > Preferences... dialog.

• Select the Units tab.
• Select Spatial information only. Keep all the boxes checked (see 17.1).
• Click on OK.

Figure 17.1: (1) In the Edit > Preferences... dialog, select the Units tab. (2) Select Spatial information only and (3) keep all the
boxes checked.

Once activated, whenever loading a dataset the unit management tool will ask for the length unit to
use for voxel size. For more details about this feature, please refer to the Units in Avizo chapter in the
reference guide.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 503

17.1.3 Step 2 - Load the data set and select the length unit for voxel size
Purpose Load the data set in Avizo and set the unit length.
Mandatory step Yes.
The data set that is used in this tutorial is a random packing of glass spheres. It was scanned by
Dominique Bernard, Research Director at ICMCB-CNRS. The spherical particles were sieved to have
diameters in the 100-120 microns range. The sample was sintered for 10 minutes at 700◦ Celsius prior
to scanning. Figure 17.2 shows the data set.
The complete 3D data set used in this tutorial is a 200×200×200 cube.

• Open the File > Open Data... dialog.

• Open the data/tutorials/xlab/10mc3_200.vol.am file from
AVIZO ROOTdirectory (see Figure 17.3).
• Click on Open.

Note: The file 10mc3_200.vol.am has embedded unit information, therefore length unit is auto-
matically set for this data. However, the file 10mc3_400.vol.am doesn’t have such unit informa-
tion. Since the Avizo units management tool was activated at step 1, you will need to specify the length
unit every time the file is opened. The dialog presented by Figure 17.4 will appear each time a data
set without length unit information is loaded. For instance, for the file 10mc3_400.vol.am, please
select micrometer [µm] as the coordinates unit for the data set of the tutorial.
Note: If a data set is saved after the length unit has been selected, this information is stored in Avizo
format and will be reused at its next loading. Length unit then can be modified using the Units Editor
(see Figure 17.5) and a dialog box appearing, which looks like Figure 17.4.

17.1.4 Step 3 - Set the voxel size

Purpose Set the edge size of the voxels in the uniform data set.
Mandatory step Yes.
Let’s first display the loaded data set:

• Right click on 10mc3_200.vol.am and select Bounding Box.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.vol.am and select Display > Ortho Slice (see Figure 17.6).
• Use the Ortho Slice module to navigate through the volume.

The voxel size is stored in Avizo format, for example, but not all data format save this information. In
case the stored values are wrong, Avizo provides an editor allowing modification of the voxel size of
the loaded data set.

• Open the Crop Editor by clicking on the highlighted button in Figure 17.7.
• The voxel size of the data set can be modified in the dialog that appeared (see Figure 17.8).

504 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.2: 3D visualization of the sphere pack used in this tutorial.

Figure 17.3: Open Data... dialog to load the data set of this tutorial. Choose the path to the data set, then select and open it.

For the data set of this tutorial, the correct voxel size is 3.8, which is set by default.
If the Avizo units management is not activated, the voxel size indicated in the data set will be consid-

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 505

Figure 17.4: Units Editor dialog. Use the drop-down menu to select the length unit for voxel size. This dialog will appear each
time a data set without length unit information is loaded.

Figure 17.5: The Units Editor button is in the red square (visible only when a data set is selected in the Project View).

ered to be in microns. Otherwise, the length unit was set at data set loading time.
Note: Isotropic - i.e. cubic - voxels are mandatory for Avizo XLab Hydro Pack computations.

17.1.5 Step 4 - Create a label field from the data set

Purpose Use basic segmentation tools to create a label field from the data set.
Mandatory step Yes.
Segmentation in this tutorial is straightforward, since the data set that is used is almost binary from the
beginning. As it is not the focus of this tutorial, please refer to the Segmentation of 3D Images chapter
in the user’s guide for more details about segmentation tools in Avizo.
Apply a fast smoothing filter to remove the noise in the image.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.vol.am in the Project View and select Image Filters > Smooth-
ing: Median.
• Set the Filter option to 3D (see Figure 17.9).
• Click on Apply.
• Right click on the result of the filtered image (10mc3_200.vol-filtered) in the Project
View and select Display > Ortho Slice (see Figure 17.10).

506 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.6: At beginning of step 4, after having connected visualization modules, the viewer and the Project View should look
like in this picture.

Figure 17.7: Finding the Crop Editor button when the data set is selected in the Project View.

Create a label field by thresholding the smoothed image.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 507

Figure 17.8: Fields to fill to modify the voxel size in the Crop Editor.

Figure 17.9: Modified parameter of the Filter > Smoothing: Median module is highlighted by a red arrow.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.vol-filtered in the Project View and select Image Segmen-
tation > Multi-Thresholding.
• The default option should be the same as in Figure 17.11. The most important parameter to

508 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.10: Visualization of the filtered data set. The viewer and Project View should look like in this picture.

Figure 17.11: Modified parameter of the Segment > Multi-Thresholding module is highlighted by a red arrow.

verify is the value of the Exterior-Inside slider, which must be set to 114.
• Click on Apply.
• Right click on the result of the threshold operation (10mc3_200.Labels) in the Project View

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 509

Figure 17.12: Visualization of the thresholded data set. The viewer and Project View should look like in this picture.

and select Display > Ortho Slice (see Figure 17.12).

17.1.6 Step 5 - Remove non-percolating void space

Purpose Use advanced segmentation tools to remove non-percolating void space in the
thresholded image.
Mandatory step No. Only available with Avizo Fire Edition.
A preliminary test that can be performed prior to permeability computation is a percolation test. The
aim is to be sure that the void space existing in the material allows a fluid going from one side to
another. If this test is wrong, it means that a fluid injected through one of the faces of the sample
cannot find any path to go out on the opposite face. Permeability of such a material is nil, but numerical

510 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

convergence until 0 can be rather long.
First, the spheres are 1-valued, the void is 0-valued. For the percolation process to be done, these
values must be negated.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.Labels in the Project View and select Image Processing > Log-
ical Operations > Invert.
• Click on Apply.
• Right click on the result (10mc3_200.Invert) in the Project View and select Display >
Ortho Slice (see Figure 17.13).

Figure 17.13: Visualization of the negative data set. The viewer and Project View should look like in this picture.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 511

The percolation test can be applied to this negative image.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.Invert in the Project View and select Image Processing > Image
Morphology > Axis Connectivity.
• Click on Apply.
• Right click on the result (10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity) in the Project View and se-
lect Display > Ortho Slice (see Figure 17.14).

Figure 17.14: Visualization of the percolating porosity in data set. The viewer and Project View should look like in this picture.

512 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

This image contains all the 1-valued voxels of the void space that can be reached starting from the
plane z = 0 and moving only in 1-valued voxels until plane z = 200. The isolated void spaces are
removed, which makes the computation to follow a little faster. The usefulness of this test is increased
when the resulting image is empty. It means that there is no connected porosity, and permeability is

17.1.7 Step 6 - Selection of a sub-region

Purpose Define a region of interest for the permeability computation.

Mandatory step Yes.
There is an easy way to compute permeability on sub-region of the loaded data set without cropping
it. A region of interest (ROI) can be defined and connected to Avizo XLab Hydro Pack modules, so
that the computation only occurs in the ROI.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity in the Project View and select Display

> ROI Box.
• Set the three editable fields of the Minimum port of this new module to 285 and the three editable
fields of the Maximum port to 473.1. See Figure 17.15.

Figure 17.15: Modified parameters of the Display > ROI Box module are highlighted by the red rectangle.

This ROI defines a cube with 50 voxel edges centered in the complete volume (see Figure 17.16). It
will be used in this tutorial to compute permeability on small volumes. It can be moved through the
data set at will during the tutorial, although its initial position will be used for illustrating purposes.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 513

Figure 17.16: Visualization of the cube representing the region of interest. The viewer and Project View should look like in this

17.1.8 Step 7 - Absolute permeability experiment simulation

Purpose Simulate an absolute permeability experiment.

Visualize and interpret the results of the calculation.
Mandatory step Yes.

514 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

• Right click on 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity (or 10mc3_200.Labels if step 5 was
not completed) and select XLab Simulations > Absolute Permeability Experiment Simulation.
• Connect the ROI Box to the ROI input connection of the Absolute Permeability Experiment
Simulation module.
• If step 5 was completed, check the box with 1 in the Pore space port, since the label of the void
space in 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity is 1. If step 5 was not completed, check the
box with 0 in the Pore space, since the label of the void space in 10mc3_200.Labels is 0.
• The module parameters should look like Figure 17.17 if step 5 was completed.
• Click on Apply.

Figure 17.17: Modified parameters of the XLab Simulations > Absolute Permeability Experiment Simulation module are high-
lighted by red arrows. (1) Connect the ROI Box module to reduce the computation domain. (2) Select the label 1 as it represents
the void space between the spheres.

The default parameters simulate an experiment along the Z axis with the input pressure at 1.3 × 105
Pa and the atmospheric pressure at output. The default viscosity is the viscosity of water. The options
can be modified to simulate several experiments. For example, the direction of the main flow can be
adjusted to X, Y or Z direction (default is Z). If several directions are selected, the computations will
be done successively. The boundary conditions of the experiment can also be modified, so that the
velocity and pressure fields are scaled with these values. Two values among three can be imposed:
input pressure, output pressure, flow rate. Modifying these values will not change permeability, which
is intrinsic to the porous medium. It will only modify the output fields. Retrieving and interpreting results

Four outputs appeared in the Project View:

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 515

• 10mc3_200.KExp.Spreadsheet : a spreadsheet containing the most relevant results of
the computation:
• name of the data set describing the geometry of the material;
• region of interest, on which the computation occured;
• permeability value in µm2 ;
• permeability value in d (darcy).
• 10mc3_200.KExp.Error.Spreadsheet : a spreadsheet containing the estimation of the
convergence criterion at each iteration. The curve of convergence criterion w.r.t. iterations is
displayed by Plot 10mc3_200.KExp.Error.Spreadsheet.
• 10mc3_200.VelocityZ : a vector field representing the velocity field which is a part of the
solution to the Stokes equation system solved in the geometry defined by the ROI. Its unit is
µm.s−1 .
• 10mc3_200.PressureZ : a scalar field representing the pressure field which is the second
part of the solution of the Stokes equation system solved in the geometry defined by the ROI. Its
unit is P a.

The spreadsheet containing all results and related information can be visualized by selecting it in the
project view and clicking on the Show button (in the Properties area). See Figure 17.18.

Figure 17.18: Spreadsheet containing the main results of the Absolute Permeability Experiment Simulation computation.

A spreadsheet can be exported into several formats (CSV, XML, txt for example). Visualizing output fields

To visualize the velocity field:

• Hide Bounding Box and the the five Ortho Slice by clicking on their viewer toggle.
• Right click on 10mc3_200.VelocityZ and select Compute > Magnitude.

516 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

• Right click on 10mc3_200.VelocityZ and select Display > Illuminated Streamlines and
set its parameters as described in Figure 17.19.
• Click on Apply.

The resulting visualization and Project View are described by Figure 17.20.

Figure 17.19: Modified parameters for Illuminated Streamlines representing the velocity field in the experiment simulation are
highlighted by red arrows.

To visualize the pressure field:

• Hide the Illuminated Streamlines module by clicking on its viewer toggle.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.PressureZ and select Display > Height Map Slice.
• Configure the Height Map Slice as in Figure 17.21.

Note: The experimental setups are automatically designed after the calculation is initiated. Figure
17.23 describes their shape. On the faces perpendicular to the flow direction, a simple shape is added.
It is composed of:

• a channel with a square section to stabilize (from a numerical point of view) the flow in the

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 517

Figure 17.20: Visualization of the Illuminated Streamlines representing the velocity field in the experiment simulation. The
viewer and Project View should look like in this picture.

system, to ease convergence of the iterative algorithm;

• a diverging part to minimize the amount of void space added to the system and to spread the
flow on the input face;
• a totally fluid zone to be sure that the fluid can enter through the complete surface of the sample.

On the other faces of the sample, a one-voxel-wide solid plane is added, to be sure that the fluid is
contained in the system.

518 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.21: Modified parameters for Height Map Slice representing the pressure field in the experiment simulation are
highlighted by red arrows.

17.1.9 Step 8 - Absolute permeability tensor calculation

Purpose Calculate the intrinsic permeability tensor.

Visualize and interpret the results of the calculation.
Mandatory step Yes.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity (or 10mc3_200.Labels if step 6 was

not completed) and select XLab Simulations > Absolute Permeability Tensor Calculation.
• Connect the ROI Box to the ROI input connection of the Absolute Permeability Tensor Calcula-
tion module.
• If step 5 was completed, check the box with 1 in the Pore space port, since the label of the void
space in 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity is 1. If step 5 was not completed, check the
box with 0 in the Pore space, since the label of the void space in 10mc3_200.Labels is 0.
• The module parameters should look like Figure 17.24 if step 5 was completed.
• Click on Apply.

With these parameters, the module will compute the full intrinsic permeability tensor. A full tensor
computation requires three computations equivalent in time and memory consumption to the experi-
ment simulation.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 519

Figure 17.22: Visualization of the Height Map Slice representing the pressure field in the experiment simulation. The viewer
and Project View should look like in this picture. Retrieving and interpreting results

Four outputs appear in the Project View:

• 10mc3_200.KTensor.Spreadsheet : a spreadsheet containing the most relevant results

of the computation:
• name of the data set describing the geometry of the material;
• region of interest, on which the computation occured;

520 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.23: 2D example of experimental setups created The experimental setup (left and right of the system) enables the flow
to spread through the sample.

Figure 17.24: Modified parameters of the XLab Simulations > Absolute Permeability Tensor Calculation module are high-
lighted by red arrows. (1) Connect the ROI Box module to reduce the computation domain. (2) Select the label 1 as it represents
the void space between the spheres.

• full permeability tensor in a 3 by 3 matrix form, in µm2 ;

• the eigen system of the tensor. The eigenvalues and their associated vector are described
on a line.
• 10mc3_200.KTensor.Error.Spreadsheet : a spreadsheet containing
the estimation of the convergence criterion at each iteration and for each di-
rection. The curve of convergence criterion w.r.t iterations is displayed by
Plot 10mc3_200.KTensor.Error.Spreadsheet.
• 10mc3_200.VelocityX, 10mc3_200.VelocityY, 10mc3_2.VelocityZ : three

vector fields representing the tensor D solution to the tensorial problem derived from the Stokes
equations with the volume averaging approach.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 521

The scalar fields results representing the vector d solution of the same problem are not shown in this
tutorial, since their visualization usually does not provide relevant information.
The spreadsheet containing the tensor and all the relevant information can be visualized by selecting it
in the Project View and clicking on the Show button (in the Properties area). See Figure 17.25.

Figure 17.25: Spreadsheet containing the main results of the Absolute Permeability Tensor Calculation computation.

A spreadsheet can be exported into several formats (CSV, XML, txt for example). Visualizing output fields

To visualize the velocity fields:

• Hide Height Map Slice by clicking on its viewer toggle.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.VelocityX and select Compute > Magnitude.
• Right click on 10mc3_200.VelocityX and select Display > Illuminated Streamlines and
set its parameters as described in Figure 17.26.
• Click on Apply.

The resulting visualization and Project View are described by Figure 17.27.
The other velocity fields can be visualized by replaying the same procedure for each.

17.1.10 Step 9 - Permeability validation with Kozeny-Carman equation

Purpose Use Kozeny-Carman equation to check the accuracy of the result.
Mandatory step No.
The data set used in this tutorial is a random packing of spheres. For such material, the Kozeny-Carman
equation can be used to estimate permeability from porosity and sphere diameters. Kozeny-Carman
equation can be written as:
1 3
kKC = d2
180 (1 − )2

522 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.26: Modified parameters for DisplayISL module for velocity field result of absolute permeability tensor calculation.

•  is the porosity of the sphere packing;

• d is the diameter of the spheres.

We work here with the complete volume, high-resolution version of the data set. It
can be found in the same directory as the resampled data set used in this tutorial:
Mean diameter of the spheres could be determined using Avizo Fire Edition toolset, following a proce-
dure similar to tutorial Example 4: Further Image Analysis - Distribution of Pore Diameters in Foam.
Using the experimental parameters, the spheres diameters are between 100 and 120µm.
Porosity can also be estimated with Avizo Fire Edition (with Quantification Tools > volume3d con-
nected to 10mc3_400.Axis-Connectivity), and the value is 36.35%.
From these two elements, the permeability value calculated from the Kozeny-Carman equation is be-
tween 6.59d and 8.00d.
These values can be compared to the permeabilities obtained with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack modules
on the complete geometry (without the region of interest used in this tutorial). Experiment simulation

Getting started with Avizo XLab Hydro Pack 523

Figure 17.27: Visualization of the Illuminated Streamlines representing the velocity field in the calculation of one line of the
intrinsic permeability tensor. The viewer and Project View should look like in this picture.

in each direction gives the following values:

kX = 7.80d
kY = 7.85d
kZ = 7.75d
The intrinsic permeability tensor of the material is:
 
7.57 0.25 −0.23
 0.25 7.54 −0.18 
−0.23 −0.18 7.15

524 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

The simulated experimental values and the diagonal values of the tensor are all in the range
of permeabilities estimated with Kozeny-Carman equation. We remind the user that these
values were computed with the complete volume, high-resolution version of the data set:
data/tutorials/xlab/10mc3_400.vol.am. A second demo script is also provided, which
runs the steps of this tutorial on the full resolution data set, restricted to a region of interest.

17.2 Getting started with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack

The purpose of this step-by-step tutorial is to help you become more familiar with the usage of molec-
ular diffusion computation modules provided with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack extension for Avizo
Fire Edition. The following subjects will be addressed in this chapter:

• theory basics about molecular diffusion

• data preparation for simulation (step 1 to step 5)
• experiment simulation (step 6): define parameters, run simulation, interpret and visualize results
• effective property calculation (step 7): define parameters, run simulation, interpret and visualize
• validate results with several empirical laws (step 8).

As the subject of data preparation for simulation has been addressed in the previous tutorial for Avizo
XLab Hydro Pack, it will only be shortly evoked here:

• setting voxel size and units,

• segmenting void space,
• removing non-percolating space with Avizo Fire Edition,
• defining a region of interest.

A demo script is also provided. This script will automatically perform all the steps detailed in the

17.2.1 Theoretical elements

Fick’s first law: definition of molecular diffusion

Molecular diffusion is a process whereby dissolved mass is passively transported from a higher chem-
ical energy state to a lower chemical energy state through random molecular motion. Steady state
diffusion of a chemical species in free solution can be described empirically using Fick’s first law:
~j = −D.∇c


Getting started with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack 525

• ~j is the solute mass flux (in mol.m−2 .s−1 ),
• D is the diffusion coefficient of the solute in the solvent (in m2 .s−1 ),
• c is the concentration of the solute in the solvent (in mol.m−3 ).

Fick’s second law

The partial differential equation describing transient diffusion in a homogeneous (only one solid
phase), saturated (the void space of the material is filled by the solvent), porous medium can be devel-
oped from the Fick’s first law and conservation of mass. This equation is called Fick’s second law and
is written as follows:
− D.∇2 c = 0
In the Molecular Diffusivity Experiment Simulation module, a classical experiment is suggested,
which is based on the double reservoir test. Two reservoirs having the same volume VR are posi-
tioned on each side of the sample in a chosen direction. The other directions are closed with hermetic
planes, so that no diffusion occurs. The initial concentrations of the reservoirs are different: Cin (t)
and Cout (t). The sample is initially filled with the solution at Cin (t0 ), t0 being the instant when the
experiment starts. At time t = t0 , the reservoirs are connected to the sample and the diffusion process
starts. The influence of gravity is neglected, only passive diffusion is considered, not advection.
Considering these boundary conditions, Fick’s second law governs the diffusion and defines the con-
centration field in the sample. The concentration of the reservoirs also evolves since they have a finite
volume VR . By default, VR is supposed to be 100 times higher than the void space volume in the
sample. Let’s note β = voidspace
VR the ratio of the void space volume and the reservoir volume.
The following equations govern the concentration in the reservoirs:

VR ∂C∂t
in (t) ~ ndS
=D Sin

VR ∂Cout (t) ~ ndS

∂t = −D Sout

where Sin and Sout the faces of the sample where the reservoirs are connected.
Once the diffusion process starts, the concentration in the sample quickly evolves and the exchanges
with the reservoirs are dissymmetrical. This transient state is then replaced by an established state,
when the exchanges with the reservoirs are equal.
This established state is characterized by the fact that ∂C∂t
in (t)
= − ∂Cout
. Once this state is attained,
the concentration in the reservoirs will continue to vary until they reach the equilibrium concentration
c∞ . The difference of these concentrations, Cout (t) − Cin (t), follows an exponential law:

Cout (t) − Cin (t) = p.exp −λ2 t

where p and λ2 are constant coefficients to be determined.

526 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

An analytic solution to this problem is suggested:

   
√λ −1 
 cos
! !
Dapp λ λ  2

c (X, t) = A   cos X + sin  exp −λ t + c∞
X 
    p p
 Dapp Dapp
sin √ λ

where c (X, t) is the local concentration at position X and time t, A is a constant coefficient.
Knowing this solution must verify the previous hypothesis of flux equality ( ∂C∂t
in (t)
= − ∂Cout
), the
following equation is derived:
√ λ
cos −1
Dapp λ
−λ2   = Dapp β p
sin √ λ

which links the λ2 coefficient to the apparent diffusivity Dapp of the sample.
To sum up:

1. A first transient state during which the diffusion process starts must be achieved before an es-
tablished state appears.
2. Once the established state has begun, the difference of the reservoirs concentration follows an
exponential law. Therefore, the slope of the linear curve followed by ln (Cout (t) − Cin (t)) can
be estimated easily.
3. This slope is λ2 , the exponential coefficient, which is related to the apparent diffusivity Dapp .

Volume averaged form of Fick’s law

The effective molecular diffusivity tensor gives global information about the diffusion capabilities of
the material and is computed by the Molecular Diffusivity Tensor Calculation module.

A change of scale to get equations valid on the entire volume is necessary. The method of volume aver-
aging is a technique that accomplishes a change of scale. Its main goal is to spatially smooth equations
by averaging them on a volume. The interested reader will find relevant details and references in
[Whitaker, S., The Method of Volume Averaging, Kluver Academic Publishers, 1999].
This theory performs to develop a closure problem that transforms the Fick’s equations to a vectorial
problem; closure variable ~b is used to state the concentration perturbation in a new problem:

∇2~b = 0

Getting started with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack 527

When the problem is solved, it is possible to compute the dimensionless diffusivity tensor defined as:

− →


− →

D 1 −→
 = I + nf s b ds
Dsolution Vf Sf s


•  is the porosity,
• Dsolution is the bulk solution diffusivity,
• Vf is the volume of fluid,
• Sf s is the area of the fluid-solid interface,
• −
n→f s is the normal to the fluid-solid interface directed from the fluid to the solid phase.

Boundary conditions
Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack extension provides two approaches to estimate molecular diffusivity.
The first is an experiment simulation based on Fick’s equations resolution. As said previously, this
is done in the Molecular Diffusivity Experiment Simulation module. The rate of reaction of the solid
is assumed to be zero: there is no reaction occuring at the fluid-solid interface. Then the boundary
condition at fluid-solid interface is:

−−n→f s . ∇c = 0

where −n→ is the normal to the fluid-solid interface directed from the fluid to the solid phase.

Besides this fluid-solid interface condition, a one-voxel-wide plane of solid is added on the faces of the
image that are not perpendicular to the main diffusion direction. This allows isolation of the sample
from the outside.
Boundary conditions at inlet and outlet require knowledge of the concentrations in the reservoirs.
These concentrations evolve over time:
→→ −
∂Cin −
Vr = n−Sin . ∇cds
∂t Sin

−→ → −
∂Cout −
Vr =− n−Sout . ∇cds
∂t Sout

when Sin and Sout are respectively the input and output face of the sample; −n− → −−−→
Sin and nSout are
respectively the normal to the input and output face.
The second approach solves the closure problem derived from the Fick’s equation by volume averag-
ing. This is done in the Molecular Diffusivity Tensor Calculation module. The vectorial problem that
is solved in this case is closed by imposing periodic boundary conditions to ~b and the geometry. The
fluid-solid interface condition has the following similar form:
→ −
−−n→ −→
f s . ∇ b = nf s

528 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Discretization of the equation system
Avizo XLab Molecular uses a finite volume method to solve the equation systems.
The discretization scheme assumes that the voxel is isotropic (cubic).

System resolution for the experiment simulation

The boundary conditions at the inlet and outlet of the experiment simulation require knowledge of the
concentrations in the reservoirs. These concentrations evolve over time, which makes it mandatory
to have an explicit resolution of the problem and not a direct resolution as considered for effective
diffusivity or both apparent and effective electrical conductivity.

System resolution for periodic boundary conditions

Once discretized, the closure equation system can be written as Ax = b, A being a sparse, symmetric
The equation system is solved using a fully implicit method (matrix inversion). PETSc (Portable,
Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) library is used for the direct resolution of the linear
An iterative resolution with a conjugate gradient and ILU preconditioner is performed. The conver-
gence criterion used is the relative decrease of the residual l2 -norm.

17.2.2 Step 1 - Load the data set

Purpose Load the data set in Avizo.
Mandatory step Yes.
The data set that is used in this tutorial is a random glass sphere packing. It was scanned by Dominique
Bernard, Research Director at ICMCB-CNRS. The spherical particles were sieved to have diameters in
the 100-120 microns range. The sample was sintered for 10 minutes at 700◦ Celsius prior to scanning.
Figure 17.28 shows the data set.
The complete 3D data set used in this tutorial is a 200×200×200 cube.

• Open the File > Open Data... dialog.

• Open the data/tutorials/xlab/10mc3_200.vol.am file from
AVIZO ROOTdirectory.
• Click on Open.

As mentioned in the previous step, units management is not mandatory here. However, refer to step 2
of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial to learn more about editing the length units.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack 529

Figure 17.28: 3D visualization of the sphere pack used in this tutorial.

17.2.3 Step 2 - Set the voxel size

Purpose Set the edge size of the voxels in the uniform data set.
Mandatory step No.
Again, as mentioned in the previous steps, correctly setting the dimension of the voxels is not manda-
tory here. However, to learn more about using the Crop Editor to set the voxel size, please refer to step
3 of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial.
Note: Isotropic - i.e., cubic - voxels are mandatory for Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack computations.

17.2.4 Step 3 - Create a label field from the data set

Purpose Use basic segmentation tools to create a label field from the data set.
Mandatory step Yes.
This step consists of creating a label field from the initial data set that is smoothed and thresholded,
using some of the segmentation tools provided by Avizo.
Please follow the instructions described in step 4 of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial.

530 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.29: Visualization of the thresholded data set.

17.2.5 Step 4 - Remove non-percolating void space

Purpose Use advanced segmentation tools to remove non-percolating void space in the
thresholded image.
Mandatory step No. Only available with Avizo Fire Edition.
The percolation test can be performed before running the computation. An advantage of this test is that
is removes all isolated void spaces from the label field (we remind the user that the diffusion coefficient
as well as the rate of reaction of the solid phase are assumed to be zero). Computation should then be
a little faster.
If desired, you can follow the instructions described in step 5 of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial to
perform the percolation test.

17.2.6 Step 5 - Selection of a sub-region

Purpose Define a region of interest for the molecular diffusivity computation.
Mandatory step Yes.
There is an easy way to compute molecular diffusivity on a sub-region of the loaded data set without
cropping it. A region of interest (ROI) can be defined and connected to Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack
modules, so that the computation is only performed in the ROI.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack 531

Figure 17.30: Visualization of the percolating porosity in data set.

Please follow the instructions given in step 6 of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial and define a ROI
cube with 50 voxels on a side centered in the sample (see Figure 17.31). The ROI will be used in this
tutorial to compute properties on small volumes. It can be moved through the data set at will during
the tutorial, although its initial position will be used for illustration purposes.
For convenience and because it will save time during this tutorial phase, we compute the molecular
diffusivity on a sub-region of the sample. However we will see in the validation phase how resampling
and using ROI affects the quality of the computed results.

17.2.7 Step 6 - Molecular diffusivity experiment simulation

Purpose Simulate a molecular diffusivity laboratory measurement.
Visualize and interpret the results of the calculation.
Mandatory step Yes.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity (or 10mc3_200.Labels if step 4 was

not completed) and select XLab Simulations > Molecular Diffusivity Experiment Simulation.
• Connect the ROI Box to the ROI input connection of the Molecular Diffusivity Experiment Sim-
ulation module.
• If step 4 has been completed, check the box referring to label 1 in the Pore space port, since

532 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.31: Visualization of the cube representing the region of interest.

the label of the void space in 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity is 1. If step 4 was not

completed, check the box with referring to label 0 in the Pore space, since the label of the void
space in 10mc3_200.Labels is 0.
• Click on Apply.

The default parameters simulate an experiment along the Z axis with a concentration in the input reser-
voir at initial time of 1711 mol.m−3 and the concentration in the output reservoir at initial time being
null. The default solution bulk diffusivity is 1 m2 .s−1 . The options can be modified to simulate several
experiments. For example, the direction of the molecular diffusion can be adjusted to X, Y, or Z direc-
tion (default is Z). If several directions are selected, the computations will be done successively. The
concentration values used as boundary conditions of the experiment can also be modified. Modifying
these values will not change the molecular diffusivity, which is intrinsic to the porous medium. It will
only modify the output concentration field. Retrieving and interpreting results

Four outputs appeared in the Project View:

• 10mc3_200.DExp.Spreadsheet : a spreadsheet containing the most relevant results of

the computation:

Getting started with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack 533

• name of the data set,
• region of interest, on which the computation is done,
• apparent molecular diffusivity in m2 .s−1 ,
• concentration imposed at initial time in the input reservoir in mol.m−3 ,
• concentration imposed at initial time in the output reservoir in mol.m−3 ,
• solution bulk diffusivity in m2 .s−1 .
• 10mc3_200.DExp.ResConcentration.Spreadsheet: a spreadsheet containing the
uniform concentrations of the input and output reservoirs at each iteration.
• 10mc3_200.DExp.Error.Spreadsheet: a spreadsheet containing the estimation of the
convergence criterion at each iteration. The curve of convergence criterion w.r.t. iterations is
displayed by Plot 10mc3_200.DExp.Error.Spreadsheet.
• 10mc3_200.ConcentrationZ: a scalar field representing the concentration field (in
mol.m−3 ), solution of the Fick’s equation system solved in the geometry restricted by the ROI.

The spreadsheet 10mc3_200.DExp.Spreadsheet containing all the relevant information can be

visualized by selecting it in the Project View and clicking on the Show button (in the Properties area).
See Figure 17.32. A spreadsheet can be exported into several formats (CSV, XML, txt for example).

Figure 17.32: Spreadsheet containing the main results of the Molecular Diffusivity Experiment Simulation computation. Visualizing the reservoirs concentration evolution

To visualize the evolution of the concentration of the reservoirs:

• Select 10mc3_200.DExp.ResConcentration.Spreadsheet and select Plot Spread-

sheet among the macro buttons.
• In Plot Spreadsheet properties area, select both DExp.Z.Input concentration and
DExp.Z.Output concentration in the Y port.
• Press on the Show button.

The resulting visualization should look like Figure 17.33. One can notice that the input and output
concentrations are far from having reached the end concentration (described as C∞ in the theory
pages). As explained in the theory pages, the computation is stopped once the behavior of the logarithm
of the difference between the input and end concentrations becomes linear w.r.t. time.

534 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.33: Visualization of the evolution of both input and output reservoirs concentration. Visualizing the output concentration field

To visualize the concentration field:

• Hide all current display modules, such as Bounding Box or Ortho Slice, by clicking on their
viewer toggle.
• Right click on 10mc3_200.ConcentrationZ and select Display > Ortho Slice.
• In the Ortho Slice properties, change the selected colormap to temperature.icol from the Edit
• Select the Edit menu of the colormap again, select Adjust range.
• In the Orientation port, select the yz orientation.
• Zoom on the slice to visualize it.

The resulting visualization should look like Figure 17.34. You can observe the decrease of the con-
centration from the input reservoir (at the bottom of the slice, in yellow), to the output reservoir (at the
top of the slice, in light blue).

Getting started with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack 535

Figure 17.34: Visualization of concentration field in an experiment simulation with molecular diffusion in Z direction.

17.2.8 Step 7 - Molecular diffusivity tensor calculation

Purpose Calculate the intrinsic molecular diffusivity tensor.
Visualize and interpret the results of the calculation.
Mandatory step Yes.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity (or 10mc3_200.Labels if step 4 was

not completed) and select XLab Simulations > Molecular Diffusivity Tensor Calculation.
• Connect the ROI Box to the ROI input connection of the Molecular Diffusivity Tensor Calcula-
tion module.
• If step 4 was completed, check the box referring to label 1 in the Pore space port, since the
label of the void space in 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity is 1. If step 4 was not com-
pleted, check the box referring to label 0 in the Pore space, since the label of the void space in
10mc3_200.Labels is 0.
• Click on Apply.

With these parameters, the module will compute the full intrinsic diffusivity tensor. A full tensor
computation requires three computations, each equivalent in time and memory consumption to one
experiment simulation.

536 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Note that the concentration field output is not selected by default. This output corresponds to the ~b
vector, solution of the vectorial problem derived from the Fick’s equation with the volume averaging
approach (see Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack theory pages). It is used in the computation of the effective
molecular diffusivity but its visualization is hard to interpret. Retrieving and interpreting results

Only the spreadsheet 10mc3_200.DTensor.Spreadsheet output is generated in the Project

View. The spreadsheet can be visualized by selecting it in the Project View and clicking on the Show
button (in the Properties area). See Figure 17.35. It contains information about the computation results
gathered in two tables.

• name of the data set,

• region of interest, on which the computation occured,
• full molecular diffusivity tensor in a 3 by 3 matrix form (dimensionless),
• the eigen system solutions for the tensor. The eigenvalues and their associated eigenvectors are
described on a line.

A spreadsheet can be exported into several formats (CSV, XML, txt for example).

Figure 17.35: Tables of the spreadsheet containing the main results of the Molecular Diffusivity Tensor Calculation computa-

17.2.9 Step 8 - Molecular diffusivity computation validation

Purpose Use experimental results and empirical laws to check the accuracy
of the computed molecular diffusivity.
Mandatory step No.
We base our validation on several studies reporting the results of molecular diffusivity experimental
measurements and empirical laws aimed at computing the molecular diffusivity of a material.
Vrettos et al. (1989) reported the measurements of Carman (1956) on different types of samples (glass
beadpacks, white sand, glass sand, quartz sand, sand).

Getting started with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack 537

Kim et al. (1987) studied isotropic systems of packed beds of glass spheres and reported the measure-
ments of Currie (1960) and Hoogschagen (1955) and compared them to his own measurements.
Saez et al. (1991) and Whitaker (1999) reported the following analytical estimations of molecular
diffusivity with respect to the porosity :
D 2
• Maxwell (1881) :  Dsolution = 3−
• Weissberg (1963) :  Dsolution = 1−ln()/2
D −0,5ξ
• Torquato (1985) :  Dsolution = 1,5−0,5−0,5ξ with ξ = 0.21068(1 − ) − 0.04693(1 − )2 +
0.00247(1 − ) .

Finaly, Vrettos (1989) and Quintard (1993) obtained numerical results on Voronoi networks and on
cubic configurations.
All these results are displayed on Figure 17.36.

We compare these values to the values computed with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack modules on the
data set used in this tutorial, which is a random packing of spheres. We work here with the complete
geometry of the complete volume, high-resolution version of the data set (that is to say a label field
obtained from data/tutorials/xlab/10mc3_400.vol.am, without any ROI Box).
Porosity can be estimated with Avizo Fire Edition (with Quantification Tools > volume3d connected
to 10mc3_400.Axis-Connectivity), and the value is 36.35%.
Experiment simulation in each direction gave the following results:
•  Dsolution = 0.249
•  Dsolution = 0.255
•  Dsolution = 0.257

The effective molecular diffusivity tensor computed is:

 
0.213 0.002 −0.003
 =  0.002 0.213 −0.001 
−0.003 −0.001 0.209

These values are also displayed in Figure 17.36. One can see that Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack results
are in good agreement with the different studies results.
A second demo script is also provided, which runs the steps of this tutorial on the full resolution data
set, restricted to a region of interest.

1. Carman P.C., Flow of Gases through Porous Media, Butterworths, London, 1956

538 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.36: Comparison of experimental measurements, empirical laws and numerical simulations (among which Avizo
XLab Diffusion Pack modules) for the determination of molecular diffusivity with respect to the porosity.

2. Currie J.A., Gaseous diffusion in porous media. Part I - a non-steady state method, Brit. J.
Appl. Phys., II, 314-324, 1960
3. Hoogschagen J., Diffusion in porous catalysts and absorbents, Ind. Eng. Chem., 47, 906-913,
4. Kim J.-H., Ochoa J.A., Whitaker S., Diffusion in Anisotropic Porous Media, Transport in Porous
Media, 2, 327-356, 1987
5. Maxwell J.C., Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. I, 2nd edn., Clarendon Press, Oxford,
6. Quintard M., Diffusion in Isotropic and Anisotropic Porous Systems: Three-Dimensional Cal-
culations, Transport in Porous Media, 11, 187-199, 1993
7. Saez A.E., Perfetti J.C., Rusinek I., Prediction of Effective Diffusivities in Porous Media using
Spatially Periodic Models, Transport in Porous Media, 6, 143-157, 1991
8. Torquato S., Effective electrical conductivity of two-phase disordered composite media, J. Appl.
Phys., 58, 3790-3797, 1985

Getting started with Avizo XLab Diffusion Pack 539

9. Vrettos N.A., Imakoma H., Okazaki M., Transport Properties of Porous Media from the Micro-
geometry of a Three-dimensional Voronoi Network, Chem. Eng. Process, 26, 237-246, 1989
10. Weissberg H.L., Effective diffusion coefficients in porous media, J. Appl. Phys., 34, 2636-2639,
11. Whitaker S., The method of volume averaging, Theory and applications of transport in porous
media Vol. 13, Kluwer Acad. Pub., Dordrecht, 1999

17.3 Getting started with Avizo XLab Electro Pack

The purpose of this step-by-step tutorial is to become more familiar with the usage of electrical con-
ductivity and formation factor computation modules provided with Avizo XLab Electro Pack extension
for Avizo Fire Edition. The following subjects will be addressed in this chapter:

• theory basics about electrical conductivity

• data preparation for simulation (step 1 to step 5)
• experiment simulation (step 6): define parameters, run simulation, interpret and visualize results
• effective property calculation (step 7): define parameters, run simulation, interpret and visualize
• validate results with several empirical laws (step 8).

As the subject of data preparation for simulation has been addressed in the previous tutorial for Avizo
XLab Hydro Pack, it will only be shortly evoked here:

• setting voxel size and units;

• segmenting void space;
• removing non-percolating space with Avizo Fire Edition;
• defining a region of interest.

A demo script is also provided. This script will automatically perform all the steps detailed in the

17.3.1 Theoretical elements

Ohm’s law: definition of electrical conduction

Electrical conduction is a process whereby electrical charges are transported under the effect of an elec-
trical field. In an electrolyte, the electrical energy is tranferred by the free ions. Electrical conduction
in a homogeneous material is described by Ohm’s law:
~j = −σ ∇v


540 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

• ~j is the current density (in A.m−2 ),
• σ is the electrical conductivity of the material (in S.m−1 or A.V −1 .m−1 ),
• v is the electrical potential (in V ).

Ohm’s law in a porous material

In a porous material, the electrical conductivity is modified by the presence of the material around
an electrolyte. Generally, in the most common applications of formation factor, the solid phase is
considered as an insulator, since its conductivity is orders of magnitude lower than the electrolyte
conductivity. We consider a porous media

• homogeneous: there is only one solid phase,

• saturated: the void space of the material is filled by the solvent.

As we consider conductive solution, there is no charges accumulation. Ohm’s law and conservation of
charge lead to the following equation:
~ ~j = 0
and as we consider only one homogeneous fluid phase, the electrical conductivity σ does not vary in
space, which leads to:
∇2 v = 0

The experiment that is simulated in the Formation Factor Experiment Simulation module consists of
applying a constant electrical potential difference between two opposite faces of the material sample
(direct current is used). The other faces of the sample are enclosed with an electrical insulator. When
the final state is attained, input and output current fluxes are equal, and by using the Ohm’s law on the
entire volume, the apparent electrical conductivity is estimated by:
jtotal Vin − Vout


• jtotal is the total electrical flux going through the input face,
• S is the area of the input face,
• σ is the electrical conductivity of the material,
• Vin and Vout are the input and output imposed potentials,
• L is the length of the material sample.

The total electrical flux going through the input face jtotal can be computed by locally applying Ohm’s
law : Z
jtotal = ~ ds
−σsolution ∇v. ~
where σsolution is the electrical conductivity of the free solution.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Electro Pack 541

Important remark: in the experiment we consider direct current (there is no transient phenomenon)
and we neglect the skin effect and the concentration variations. An experimenter will usually have
to use correction models to remove those experimental phenomena, which we avoid here with this
experiment simulation in ideal conditions.

The formation factor is directly linked with the electrical conductivity through its inverse: the electrical
resistivity. Indeed, it is ”the ratio of the resistivity of a rock filled with water to the resistivity of that
water” (Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: formation factor, 2009).

Volume averaged form of Ohm’s law

The effective electrical conductivity tensor gives global information about the electrical conduction
capabilities of the material. A change of scale to get equations valid on the entire volume is necessary.
The method of volume averaging is a technique that accomplishes a change of scale. Its main goal is
to spatially smooth equations by averaging them on a volume. The interested reader will find relevant
details and references in [Whitaker, S., The Method of Volume Averaging, Kluver Academic Publishers,
This very general theory leads to develop a closure problem which transforms the Ohm’s equations
into a vectorial problem. Closure variable ~b is used to express the electrical potential perturbation in a
new problem:
∇2~b = 0

When the problem is solved, it is possible to compute the dimensionless electrical conductivity tensor
defined as:

− →


− →

σ 1 −→
 = I + nf s b ds
σsolution Vf Sf s


•  is the porosity,
• σsolution is the solution electrical conductivity,
• Vf is the volume of fluid
• Sf s is the area of the fluid-solid interface,
• −
n→f s is the normal to the fluid-solid interface directed from the fluid to the solid phase.

The inverse of the conductivity tensor is the formation factor tensor and the formation factor scalar is
the average value of the eigenvalues of this last tensor. All this is computed by the Effective Formation
Factor Calculation module.

Boundary conditions
Avizo XLab Electro Pack extension proposes two approaches to estimate electrical conductivity.

542 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

The first is an experiment simulation based on Ohm’s equations resolution. As said previously, this
is done in Formation Factor Experiment Simulation module. The material is generally composed of
rocks, which can be considered as insulator. The boundary condition at fluid-solid interface is:

−−n→f s . ∇v = 0

where −n→ is the normal to the fluid-solid interface directed from the fluid to the solid phase. Besides
this fluid-solid interface condition, boundary conditions are:

• one-voxel-wide plane of electrical insulator added on the faces of the image that are not per-
pendicular to the electrical flux main direction. This allows isolation of the sample from the
• the input and output (the faces that are perpendicular to the flux main direction) designed as
one-voxel-wide plane where the potential is imposed.

The second approach solves the closure problem derived from Ohm’s equation by volume averaging.
This is done in Effective Formation Factor Calculation module. The vectorial problem that is solved
in this case is closed by imposing periodic boundary conditions to ~b and the geometry. The fluid-solid
interface condition has the following similar form:
→ −
−− n→ −→
f s . ∇ b = nf s

Discretization of the equation system

Avizo XLab Electro Pack uses a finite volume method to solve the equation systems.
The discretization scheme supposes that the voxel is isotropic (cubic).

System resolution
Once discretized, the equation systems can be written as Ax = b, A being a sparse, symmetric matrix.
The equation systems are solved using a fully implicit method (matrix inversion). PETSc (Portable,
Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) library is used for the direct resolution of the linear
An iterative resolution with conjugate gradient and ILU preconditioner is performed. The convergence
criterion used is the relative decrease of the residual l2 -norm.

17.3.2 Step 1 - Load the data set

Purpose Load the data set in Avizo.
Mandatory step Yes.
The data set that is used in this tutorial is a random glass spheres packing. It was scanned by Dominique
Bernard, Research Director at ICMCB-CNRS. The spherical particles were sieved to have diameters in

Getting started with Avizo XLab Electro Pack 543

the 100-120 microns range. The sample was sintered for 10 minutes at 700◦ Celsius prior to scanning.
Figure 17.37 shows the data set.
The complete 3D data set used in this tutorial is a 200×200×200 cube.

• Open the File > Open Data... dialog.

• Open the data/tutorials/xlab/10mc3_200.vol.am file from
AVIZO ROOTdirectory.
• Click on Open.

Figure 17.37: 3D visualization of the sphere pack used in this tutorial.

As mentioned in the previous step, units management is not mandatory here. However, refer to step 2
of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial to learn more about editing the units of length.

17.3.3 Step 2 - Set the voxel size

Purpose Set the edge size of the voxels in the uniform data set.
Mandatory step No.
Again, as mentioned in the previous steps, correctly setting the dimensions of the voxels is not manda-
tory here. However, to learn more about using the Crop Editor to set the voxel size, please refer to step
3 of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial.
Note: Isotropic - i.e. cubic - voxels are mandatory for Avizo XLab Electro Pack computations.

544 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

17.3.4 Step 3 - Create a label field from the data set
Purpose Use basic segmentation tools to create a label field from the data set.
Mandatory step Yes.
This step consists of creating a label field from the initial data set that is smoothed and thresholded,
using some of the segmentation tools provided by Avizo.
Please follow the instructions described in step 4 of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial.

Figure 17.38: Visualization of the thresholded data set.

17.3.5 Step 4 - Remove non-percolating void space

Purpose Use advanced segmentation tools to remove non-percolating void space in the
thresholded image.
Mandatory step No. Only available with Avizo Fire Edition.
The percolation test can be performed before running the computation. An advantage of this test is
to remove all isolated void spaces from the label field (we remind the user that the solid material is
considered as an electrical insulator and so the current will not reach the solution in isolated spaces).
Computation should then be a little faster.
You might follow the instructions described in step 5 of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial to perform
the percolation test.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Electro Pack 545

Figure 17.39: Visualization of the percolating porosity in data set.

17.3.6 Step 5 - Selection of a sub-region

Purpose Define a region of interest for the electrical conductivity computation.

Mandatory step Yes.
There is an easy way to compute electrical conductivity on a sub-region of the loaded data set without
cropping it. A region of interest (ROI) can be defined and connected to Avizo XLab Electro Pack
modules, so that the computation is only performed in the ROI.
Please follow the instructions given in step 6 of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial and define a ROI cube
with 50-voxel edges centered in the sample (see Figure 17.40). The ROI will be used in this tutorial to
compute properties on small volumes. It can be moved through the data set at will during the tutorial,
although its initial position will be used for illustrating purposes.
For convenience and because it will save time during this tutorial phase, we compute the electrical
conductivity and formation factor on a sub-region of the sample. However, we will see in the validation
phase how resampling and using ROI affects the quality of the computed results.

546 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.40: Visualization of the cube representing the region of interest.

17.3.7 Step 6 - Formation factor experiment simulation

Purpose Simulate a formation factor laboratory measurement.
Visualize and interpret the results of the calculation.
Mandatory step Yes.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity (or 10mc3_200.Labels if step 4 was

not completed) and select XLab Simulations > Formation Factor Experiment Simulation.
• Connect the ROI Box to the ROI input connection of the Formation Factor Experiment Simula-
tion module.
• If step 4 has been completed, check the box refering to label 1 in the Pore space port, since
the label of the void space in 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity is 1. If step 4 was not
completed, check the box with refering to label 0 in the Pore space, since the label of the void
space in 10mc3_200.Labels is 0.
• Click on Apply.

The default parameters simulate an experiment along the Z axis with an input potential of 1 V and the
output potential being null. The default solution electrical conductivity is 0.0001 S.m−1 . The options
can be modified to simulate several experiments. For example, the direction of the electrical flux can
be adjusted to X, Y or Z direction (default is Z). If several directions are selected, the computations

Getting started with Avizo XLab Electro Pack 547

will be done successively. The potential values used as boundary conditions of the experiment can
also be modified. Modifying these values will not change the electrical conductivity or the formation
factor, which are intrinsic to the porous media. It will only modify the output potential field. Retrieving and interpreting results

Two outputs appeared in the Project View:

• 10mc3_200.FFExp.Spreadsheet : a spreadsheet containing the most relevant results of

the computation:
• name of the data set;
• region of interest, on which the computation is done;
• apparent electrical conductivity in S.m−1 ;
• apparent formation factor;
• potential imposed at input of the experimental setup in V;
• potential imposed at output of the experimental setup in V;
• solution electrical conductivity in S.m−1 .
• 10mc3_200.PotentialZ : a scalar field representing the potential field (in V), solution of
the Ohm’s equation system solved in the geometry restricted by the ROI.

The spreadsheet containing all the relevant information can be visualized by selecting it in the Project
View and clicking on the Show button (in the Properties area). See Figure 17.41. A spreadsheet can
be exported into several formats (CSV, XML, txt for example).

Figure 17.41: Spreadsheet containing the main results of the Formation Factor Experiment Simulation computation. Visualizing output potential field

To visualize the potential field:

• Hide all current display modules, such as Bounding Box or Ortho Slice, by clicking on their
viewer toggle.
• Right click on 10mc3_200.PotentialZ and select Display > Ortho Slice.

548 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

• In the Ortho Slice properties, change the selected colormap to temperature.icol from the Edit
• Select the Edit menu of the colormap again, select Adjust range.
• In the Orientation port, select the yz orientation.
• Zoom on the slice to visualize it.

The resulting visualization should look like Figure 17.42. You can observe the decrease of the potential
from the input of the device (at the bottom of the slice, in yellow), to the output of the device (at the
top of the slice, in light blue).

Figure 17.42: Visualization of potential field in an experiment simulation with electrical flux in Z direction.

17.3.8 Step 7 - Effective formation factor calculation

Purpose Calculate the intrinsic electrical conductivity tensor.
Compute the intrinsic formation factor.
Visualize and interpret the results of the calculation.
Mandatory step Yes.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity (or 10mc3_200.Labels if step 4 was

not completed) and select XLab Simulations > Effective Formation Factor Calculation.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Electro Pack 549

• Connect the ROI Box to the ROI input connection of the Effective Formation Factor Calculation
• If step 4 was completed, check the box refering to label 1 in the Pore space port, since the
label of the void space in 10mc3_200.Axis-Connectivity is 1. If step 4 was not com-
pleted, check the box refering to label 0 in the Pore space, since the label of the void space in
10mc3_200.Labels is 0.
• Click on Apply.

With these parameters, the module will compute the full intrinsic conductivity tensor. A full tensor
computation requires three computations, each equivalent in time and memory consumption to one
experiment simulation.

Note that the potential field output is not selected by default. This output corresponds to the b vec-
tor, solution of the vectorial problem derived from the Ohm’s equations with the volume averaging
approach (see Avizo XLab Electro Pack theory pages). It is used in the computation of the effective
electrical conductivity but its visualization is hard to interpret. Retrieving and interpreting results

Only the spreadsheet 10mc3_200.FFTensor.Spreadsheet output is generated in the Project

View. The spreadsheet can be visualized by selecting it in the Project View and clicking on the Show
button (in the Properties area). See Figure 17.43. It contains information about the computation results
gathered in two tables.

• Conductivity tensor table:

• name of the data set;
• region of interest, on which the computation occured;
• full electrical conductivity tensor in a 3 by 3 matrix form (dimensionless);
• the eigen system solutions for the tensor. The eigenvalues and their associated eigenvector
are described on a line.
• Formation factor tensor table:
• name of the data set;
• region of interest, on which the computation occured;
• full formation factor tensor in a 3 by 3 matrix form (dimensionless);
• the eigen system solutions for the tensor. The eigenvalues and their associated eigenvector
are described on a line.

As the formation factor tensor is computed as the inverse of the conductivity tensor, the second table
is generated only if all the three directions have been selected and the full conductivity tensor has been

550 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

A spreadsheet can be exported into several formats (CSV, XML, txt for example).

Figure 17.43: Tables of the spreadsheet containing the main results of the Effective Formation Factor Calculation computation.

17.3.9 Step 8 - Formation factor computation validation

Purpose Use several empirical laws to check the accuracy of the computed formation factor.
Mandatory step No.
We base our validation on the study of Lemaitre et al (1988). They measured the conductivity (and
deduced the formation factor) of porous media made of dense binary mixtures of glass spheres and
filled with a conducting fluid. The experiment was performed on mixtures with two diameter ratios of
spheres and several porosity values.
It showed that the formation factor depends almost only on porosity and not on the packing structure.
They also reviewed the main results obtained by some of the numerous authors that have tried to relate
the formation factor F and the porosity :

• Archie’s law (1942): F = A−m where A is often assumed to be 1 and m depends on the
geometry of the porous medium (m usually belongs to range [1,3]),
• Sen et al (1981): F = −3/2 which is a good approximation for sintered packings of glass
spheres for  > 0.2.
• Berryman (1983): F = 2/((1 + )) which is well adapted to materials with a large porosity.

It appeared that the experimental values measured on mixtures of glass spheres by Lemaitre et al were
in a range defined by the values obtained from the theories of Sen et al and Berryman and were well
fit by Archie’s law with m=1.46.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Electro Pack 551

The data set used in this tutorial is a random packing of spheres. We work here with the complete
geometry of the complete volume, high-resolution version of the data set (that is to say a label field
obtained from data/tutorials/xlab/10mc3_400.vol.am, without any ROI Box).
Porosity can be estimated with Avizo Fire Edition (with Quantification Tools > volume3d connected
to 10mc3_400.Axis-Connectivity), and the value is 36.35%.
The formation values calculated from the different empirical laws are:

• Sen et al: F = 4.563

• Berryman: F = 4.035

We compared these values to the values computed with Avizo XLab Electro Pack modules on
Experiment simulation in each direction gave the following results:

• FX = 4.599
• FY = 4.602
• FZ = 4.623

The effective formation factor computed is F = 4.714.

Note: we can notice here a considerable difference with the values obtained on a ROI of the subsampled
case 10mc3_200.vol.am. This shows how resampling and using ROI affects the quality of the
computed results.
The simulated experimental values and effective value are all of the same order of magnitude as those
obtained from the theories of Sen et al and Berryman. If we apply Archie’s law, the computed values
correspond to a m coefficient varying from 1.51 to 1.53, which is very reasonable.
A second demo script is also provided, which runs the steps of this tutorial on the full resolution data
set, restricted to a region of interest.

1. Archie G.E., The electrical resistivity log as an aid in determining some reservoir characteris-
tics, Petroleum Transactions of AIME, 146, 54-62, 1942
2. Berryman J.G., Effective conductivity by fluid analogy for a porous insulator filled with a con-
ductor, Phys. Rev. B 27, 7789-7792, 1983
3. Lemaitre J., Troadec J.P., Bideau D., Gervois A. and Bougault E., The formation factor of the
pores space of binary mixtures of spheres , J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 21, 1589-1592, 1988
4. Sen P.N., Scala C. and Cohen M.H., A self-similar model from sedimentary rocks with applica-
tion to dielectric constant of fused glass beads, Geophysics, 46, 781-795, 1981

552 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

17.4 Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack
The purpose of this step-by-step tutorial is to become more familiar with the usage of thermal conduc-
tivity computation modules provided with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack extension for Avizo Fire Edition.
The following subjects will be addressed in this chapter:

• theory basics about thermal conductivity

• data preparation for simulation (step 1 to step 5)
• experiment simulation (step 6): define parameters, run simulation, interpret and visualize results
• effective property calculation (step 7): define parameters, run simulation, interpret and visualize
• validate results with several empirical laws (step 8).

As the subject of data preparation for simulation has been addressed in the previous tutorial for Avizo
XLab Hydro Pack, it will only be shortly evoked here:

• setting voxel size and units,

• segmenting void space,
• removing non-percolating space with Avizo Fire Edition,
• defining a region of interest.

A demo script is also provided. This script will automatically perform all the steps detailed in the

17.4.1 Theoretical elements

Fourier’s law: definition of thermal conduction

Thermal conduction is the ability of a material to conduct heat from high temperature areas to lower
temperature areas. Under steady state conditions, heat conduction in a homogeneous material is de-
scribed by Fourier’s law:
~ = −λ∇T
ϕ ~

~ is the heat flux (in W.m−2 ),

• ϕ
• λ is the thermal conductivity of the material (in W.m−1 .K −1 ),
• T is the temperature (in K).

Fourier’s law in a non-homogeneous material

Most materials are non homogeneous and contain more than one solid phase. As a consequence, the
heat conduction in those materials is more complicated than expressed in Fourier’s law.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack 553

Transient heat conduction in a given phase named α is described by the partial differential equation:

(ρcp )α − λα ∇2 Tα = 0

• (ρcp )α is the heat capacity of the α phase (in J.m−3 .K −1 );

• ρα is the density of the α phase (in kg.m−3 );
• cp α is the specific heat of the α phase (in J.kg −1 .K −1 );
• λα is the thermal conductivity of the α phase (in W.m−1 .K −1 );
• Tα is the temperature of the α phase (in K).

We consider that the steady state is reached. Then the equation we now want to solve is:

λα ∇2 Tα = 0

The experiment that is simulated in the Thermal Conductivity Experiment Simulation module consists
of applying a constant heat flux between two opposite faces of the material sample. For example, the
input and output temperatures might be maintained constant by a heating resistor for the input and a
freezing bath for the outut. The other faces of the sample are perfect thermal insulator planes. When
the final state is attained, input and output heat fluxes are equal and Fourier’s law writes on the entire
ϕtotal Tin − Tout

Sin L

• ϕtotal is the total heat flux through the input face,

• Sin is the area of the input face,
• λ is the apparent thermal conductivity of the material,
• Tin and Tout are the input and output imposed temperatures,
• L is the length of the material sample.

The apparent thermal conductivity λ can be computed thanks to the previous expression, provided that
we know the other terms. The experimenter controls the temperatures Tin and Tout and it is easy to
determine the total heat flux through the input face by locally using Fourier’s law:

ϕtotal = −λα ∇Tα .ds ~

where λα and Tα are the thermal conductivity and temperature of any phase α of the material in contact
with the input surface Sin .

554 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Multiscale homogeneization theory applied to Fourier’s law
The effective thermal conductivity tensor gives global information about the thermal conduction capa-
bilities of the material.
The homogeneization theory consists in considering the problem on both a macroscopic domain and a
microscopic domain. Here the macroscopic domain is the periodic domain, with a characteristic length
L and the microscopic domain is the period which can be considered as representative elementary
volume (R.E.V.). The characteristic local length l is the period length and L >> l. The characteristic
dimensionless space variables x∗ and y ∗ are introduced such that y ∗ = X/l and x∗ = X/L where X
is the physics space variable.
Due to the two characteristic variables, the space derivative becomes ∇x∗ + −1 ∇y∗ where  = x∗ /y ∗
and so  << 1.
The unknown T is written as an asymptotic development with respect to  = x∗ /y ∗ .
Fourier’s partial differential equation is rewritten considering the new space derivative and the asymp-
totic development of T . Finaly the identification of the terms with  to the same power leads to the
resolution of several successive problems among which the following canonical equation on the R.E.V.:

→ − →

∇(λα ( ∇ b α + I )) = 0

− →

where b might be considered as a perturbation of the temperature field. b also verifies:

−→→ 1 X
→ − →

λef f = λα ∇ b α + I dv
V α Vα



• λef f is the effective thermal conductivity tensor,
• V is the total volume of the sample,
• α is a conducting phase,
• Vα is the volume occupied by each phase α.

The interested reader will find relevant details and references in [Auriault, J.-L., Boutin, C. and Gein-
dreau, C., Homogénéisation de phénomènes couplés en milieux hétérogènes 1, Lavoisier, 2009].

Boundary conditions

As said previously, most materials are not homogeneous and contain more than one phase. Charac-
teristics of each phase can be completely different and the interfaces between the components of the
material play a major role in the global thermal conductivity.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack 555

Lets consider the case of a two phases material, composed of an α phase and a β phase. This can be
generalized to any number of phases. Boundary conditions must be defined for each interface between
phases. The system to solve is then:

λξ ∇2 Tξ

 =0 for ξ = α, β
Tα = Tβ at α − β interface
 −−→ → − → → −
−nαβ .λα ∇Tα = −−
n−αβ .λβ ∇Tβ at α − β interface
where −

αβ is the unit vector normal to the interface between the two phases and oriented from α to β.

These boundary conditions specifie that the temperature and the normal component of the heat flux are
continuous at the interface between the phases.
Avizo XLab Thermo Pack extension proposes two approaches to estimate thermal conductivity.
The first is an experiment simulation based on Fourier’s equations resolution. As said previously, this is
done in Thermal Conductivity Experiment Simulation module. Besides the phases interface condition,
boundary conditions are:

• one voxel wide plane of thermal insulator is added on the faces of the image that are not perpen-
dicular to the heat flux main direction. This allows isolating the sample from the outside.
• the input and output (the faces that are perpendicular to the flux main direction) are designed as
one voxel wide planes where the temperature is imposed.
• two among the following three conditions can be imposed by the user, the third being estimated
from the chosen two: input temperature, output temperature, heat flux.

The second approach solves the canonical problem derived from Fourier’s equation by homogeneiza-
tion on an infinite periodic domain. This is done in the Thermal Conductivity Tensor Calculation
module. Two boundary conditions result from the condition of continuity of the temperature and of
the normal component of the heat flux at a two-phases interface:
( →
− →

bα = bβ
→ − →

− −→
→ − →

−λ → −
n .( ∇ b + I ) = −λ →
α αβ α

n .( ∇ b + I )
β αβ β

A periodic boundary condition is imposed to b α and to the geometry.

Discretization of the equation system

Avizo XLab Thermo Pack uses a finite volume method to solve the equation systems.
The discretization scheme supposes that the voxel is isotropic (cubic).

System resolution
Once discretized, the equation systems can be written as Ax = b, A being a sparse, symmetric matrix.

556 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

The equation systems are solved using a fully implicit method (matrix inversion). PETSc (Portable,
Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) library is used for the direct resolution of the linear
An iterative resolution with conjugate gradient and ILU preconditioner is performed. The convergence
criterion used is the relative decrease of the residual l2 -norm.

17.4.2 Step 1 - Load the data set

Purpose Load the data set in Avizo.
Mandatory step Yes.
The data set that is used in this tutorial is a random glass spheres packing. It was scanned by Dominique
Bernard, Research Director at ICMCB-CNRS. The spherical particles were sieved to have diameters in
the 100-120 microns range. The sample was sintered for 10 minutes at 700◦ Celsius prior to scanning.
Figure 17.44 shows the data set.
The complete 3D data set used in this tutorial is a 200×200×200 cube.

• Open the File > Open Data... dialog.

• Open the data/tutorials/xlab/10mc3_200.vol.am file from
AVIZO ROOTdirectory.
• Click on Open.

Figure 17.44: 3D visualization of the sphere pack used in this tutorial.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack 557

As mentioned in the previous step, units management is not mandatory here. However, refer to step 2
of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial to learn more about editing the length units.

17.4.3 Step 2 - Set the voxel size

Purpose Set the edge size of the voxels in the uniform data set.
Mandatory step No.
Again, as mentioned in the previous steps, correctly setting the dimensions of the voxels is not manda-
tory here. However, to learn more about using the Crop Editor to set the voxel size, please refer to step
3 of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial.
Note: Isotropic - i.e. cubic - voxels are mandatory for Avizo XLab Thermo Pack computations.

17.4.4 Step 3 - Create a label field from the data set

Purpose Use basic segmentation tools to create a label field from the data set.
Mandatory step Yes.
This step consists of creating a label field from the initial data set that is smoothed and thresholded,
using some of the segmentation tools provided by Avizo.
Please follow the instructions described in step 4 of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial. The resulting
visualization should look like Figure 17.45.

17.4.5 Step 4 - Remove isolated conducting materials parts

Purpose Use advanced segmentation tools to remove parts of the conducting materials
that are surrended by isolating materials.
Mandatory step No. Only available with Avizo Fire Edition.
In case one or several phases of the material are considered as thermal insulators (and only in this
case), it is strongly advised to run a test that will detect and remove parts of the conducting materials
that are completely surrended by insulators. The removed parts will be considered as insulators as
shown on 17.46.
This will avoid the risk of building a singular matrix for the transport equation resolution. The test can
be performed before running the computation.
The underlying idea of this test is the same as the idea of the non-percolating test performed in step 5
of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial. Therefore the same tools can be used to perform both tests.
In the present tutorial we will consider that all the phases of our material are conducting heat but
in a case where you have to consider both isolating and conducting phases, you might follow the
instructions described in step 5 of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial. The equivalent of the void space
where the fluid flows in Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial is here the heat conducting material and the
equivalent of the porous material is here the insulator.

558 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.45: Visualization of the thresholded data set.

Figure 17.46: Removal of voxels belonging to a conductig material but surrended with insulator material.

17.4.6 Step 5 - Selection of a sub-region

Purpose Define a region of interest for the thermal conductivity computation.
Mandatory step Yes.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack 559

There is an easy way to compute thermal conductivity on a sub-region of the loaded data set without
cropping it. A region of interest (ROI) can be defined and connected to Avizo XLab Thermo Pack
modules, so that the computation is only performed in the ROI.
Please follow the instructions given in step 6 of Avizo XLab Hydro Pack tutorial and define a ROI cube
with 50-voxel edges centered in the sample (see Figure 17.47). The ROI will be used in this tutorial to
compute properties on small volumes. It can be moved through the data set at will during the tutorial,
although its initial position will be used for illustrating purposes.
For convenience and because it will save time during this tutorial phase, we compute the thermal con-
ductivity on a sub-region of the sample. However, we will see in the validation phase how resampling
and using ROI affects the quality of the computed results.

Figure 17.47: Visualization of the cube representing the region of interest.

17.4.7 Step 6 - Thermal conductivity experiment simulation

Purpose Simulate a thermal conductivity laboratory measurement.
Visualize and interpret the results of the calculation.
Mandatory step Yes.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.Labels and select XLab Simulations > Thermal Conductivity
Experiment Simulation.

560 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

• Connect the ROI Box to the ROI input connection of the Thermal Conductivity Experiment
Simulation module.
• In the Conducting Materials port, check the boxes for both of the two phases.
• Set the thermal conductivity of phase Inside to 1000 W.m−1 .K −1 in the Thermal Conductivity
port, and leave the thermal conductivity of phase Exterior (corresponding to the void space) to
the default value 1 W.m−1 .K −1 .
• Click on Apply.

The default parameters simulate an experiment along the Z axis with an input temperature of 298 K
and an output temperature of 273 K. The options can be modified to simulate several experiments.
For example, the direction of the thermal flux can be adjusted to X, Y or Z direction (default is Z). If
several directions are selected, the computations will be done successively. The boundary conditions
of the experiment can also be modified. Two values among three must be imposed: input temperature,
output temperature, heat flux. Modifying these values will not change the thermal conductivity, which
is intrinsic to the material. It will only modify the output temperature field. Retrieving and interpreting results

Two outputs appeared in the Project View:

• 10mc3_200.TCExp.Spreadsheet : a spreadsheet containing the most relevant results of

the computation:
• name of the data set;
• region of interest, on which the computation is done;
• apparent thermal conductivity of the material restricted to the ROI in W.m−1 .K −1 ;
• temperature at input of the experimental setup in K;
• temperature at output of the experimental setup in K;
• heat flux through the sample in W.m−2 ;
• thermal conductvities of the phases of the material in W.m−1 .K −1 .
• 10mc3_200.TemperatureZ : a scalar field representing the temperature field (in K), solu-
tion of the Fourier’s equation system solved in the geometry restricted by the ROI.

The spreadsheet containing all the relevant information can be visualized by selecting it in the Project
View and clicking on the Show button (in the Properties area). See Figure 17.48. A spreadsheet can
be exported into several formats (CSV, XML, txt for example). Visualizing output temperature field

To visualize the temperature field:

Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack 561

Figure 17.48: Spreadsheet containing the main results of the Thermal Conductivity Experiment Simulation computation.

• Hide all current display modules, such as Bounding Box or Ortho Slice, by clicking on their
viewer toggle.
• Right click on 10mc3_200.TemperatureZ and select Display > Ortho Slice.
• In the Ortho Slice properties, change the selected colormap to temperature.icol from the Edit
• Select the Edit menu of the colormap again, select Adjust range.
• In the Orientation port, select the yz orientation.
• Zoom on the slice to visualize it.

The resulting visualization should look like Figure 17.49. You can observe the decrease of the temper-
ature from the input of the device (at the bottom of the slice, in yellow), to the output of the device (at
the top of the slice, in light blue). You can also guess that the heat front is moving forward faster in
the phase with the greatest thermal conductivity.
To emphasize this phenomenon, we will use some other display tools.

• Attach a Color Wash module to the Ortho Slice.

• In the Data port of the Color Wash module, select 10mc3_200.Labels.
• Set the Weight Factor to 0.75.

Now it is easier to visualize the particules of phase Inside and the influence of their higher thermal
conductivity on the heat front.

• Attach an Isosurface module to 10mc3_200.TemperatureZ.

• Check the auto-refresh box at the bottom of the Properties area.
• Move the Threshold cursor to visualize the isosurface for different temperature values.

The aspect of the isosurface contours highlights the fact that the heat front is moving forward faster in
the particules of phase Inside. (If this is not obvious, you can use a Volume Rendering to help visualize
the particules in 3D).

• Attach an Isocontour Slice module to 10mc3_200.TemperatureZ.

562 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.49: Visualization of temperature field in an experiment simulation with thermal flux in Z direction.

• Set the Clipping Plane Orientation to yz and the position to 51 in the Translate port.
• In the Properties area of the Isocontour Slice, set the Values range to 273, 298 and the number
of lines to 30.
• Set the line width to 1 from the Parameters port.

Again, the heat front, represented by the isolines, obviously moves faster in the particules of phase
The resulting visualization should look like Figure 17.50.

17.4.8 Step 7 - Effective thermal conductivity calculation

Purpose Calculate the intrinsic thermal conductivity tensor.
Visualize and interpret the results of the calculation.
Mandatory step Yes.

• Right click on 10mc3_200.Labels and select XLab Simulations > Thermal Conductivity
Tensor Calculation.
• Connect the ROI Box to the ROI input connection of the Thermal Conductivity Tensor Calcula-
tion module.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack 563

Figure 17.50: Visualization of the temperature isosurface T = 284 K and of 30 temperature isolines on an Ortho Slice with
Color Wash rendering.

• In the Conducting Materials port, check the boxes for both of the two phases.
• Set the thermal conductivity of phase Inside to 1000 W.m−1 .K −1 in the Thermal Conductivity
port, and leave the thermal conductivity of phase Exterior (corresponding to the void space) to
the default value 1 W.m−1 .K −1 .
• Click on Apply.

With these parameters, the module will compute the full intrinsic thermal conductivity tensor. A full
tensor computation requires three computations, each equivalent in time and memory consumption to
one experiment simulation.
Note that the temperature field output is not selected by default. This output corresponds to the ~b
vector, solution of the vectorial problem derived from the Fourier’s equation with the homogeneization
approach (see Avizo XLab Thermo Pack theory pages). It is used in the computation of the effective
thermal conductivity but its visualization is hard to interpret. Retrieving and interpreting results

Only the spreadsheet 10mc3_200.TCTensor.Spreadsheet output is generated in the Project

View. The spreadsheet can be visualized by selecting it in the Project View and clicking on the Show
button (in the Properties area). See Figure 17.51. It contains information about the computation results
gathered in two tables.

564 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

• name of the data set,
• region of interest, on which the computation occured,
• full thermal conductivity tensor in a 3 by 3 matrix form (in W.m−1 .K −1 ),
• the eigen system solutions for the tensor: the eigenvalues and their associated eigenvectors are
described on a line,
• the thermal conductivities of the phases of the material in W.m−1 .K −1 .

A spreadsheet can be exported into several formats (CSV, XML, txt for example).

Figure 17.51: Tables of the spreadsheet containing the main results of the Thermal Conductivity Tensor Calculation computa-

17.4.9 Step 8 - Thermal conductivity computation validation

Purpose Use experimental results and empirical laws to check the accuracy
of the computed thermal conductivity.
Mandatory step No.
We base our validation on several empirical laws aimed at computing the thermal conductivity of
materials with several very specific geometries. The ”inside” material (or geometry) is refered to as
β-phase with thermal conductivity λβ and volume fraction β . The material surrending it is refered to
as the α-phase with thermal conductivity λα and volume fraction α . We define the ratio Λ = λβ /λα
and Λef f = λef f /λα where λef f is the effective conductivity of the whole material. Periodic array of non-touching 3d cylinders

The first model we study is a periodic array of non-touching 3d cylinders, as displayed on Figure 17.52.
The cylinders are refered to as the β-phase and the material surrending the cylinders as the α-phase.
In Ochoa-Tapia et al. (1994), the following analytical estimation of the effective thermal conductivity
of an array of non-touching cylinders in series distribution (where the two phases are thermally in
series with respect to the direction of the heat flux) is given:

2Λ − α (Λ − 1)
Λef f =
2 + α (Λ − 1)

Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack 565

Figure 17.52: Example of periodic array of non-touching 3d cylinders.

In Perrins et al. (1979), analytical estimations of the effective thermal conductivity are gathered in a
table of values of conductivities for square arrays of cylinders with various conductivities ratio Λ and
volume fractions.
We apply the formula by Ochoa-Tapia et al. to our model, where α = 0.49, and we compare it with the
results obtained from both Avizo experiment simulation and tensor computation and with the values
of thermal conductivity given in Perrins et al. for α = 0.5 (as 0.49 is not in the table):

Ochoa-Tapia et al. Perrins et al. Avizo TCExp Avizo TCTensor

Λ Λef f Λef f Λef f Λef f
2 1.406 1.401 1.397 1.397
3.5 1.783 1.776 1.765 1.765
5 2.020 2.013 1.999 1.999
10 2.416 2.416 2.395 2.395
20 2.692 2.701 2.677 2.677
50 2.897 2.915 2.890 2.890
100 2.972 na 2.970 2.970
1000 3.045 na 3.046 3.045
10000 3.053 na 3.054 3.054
∞ 3.053 3.080 na na

We observe a good agreement between the analytical estimations and the simulations.

566 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

In Meredith and Tobias (1960), the following analytical estimation of the effective thermal conductivity
of an array of non-touching cylinders in parallel distribution (where the two phases are thermally in
parallel with respect to the direction of the heat flux) is given:

Λef f = α + (1 − α )Λ

We apply the formula to our model, where α = 0.49, and we compare it with the results obtained from
Avizo experiment simulation and tensor computation:

Meredith and Tobias Avizo TCExp Avizo TCTensor

Λ Λef f Λef f Λef f
10 5.559 5.474 5.474
100 51.152 50.218 50.217
1000 507.08 497.65 497.65
10000 5066.4 4972.0 4971.9

Again, we observe a good agreement between the analytical estimation and the simulations.
Whitaker (1999) reports the results computed by Nozad et al. (1985) for a simple two-dimensional
square unit cells periodic array and shows that the results obtained are similar to those of Perrins et
al. (1979). On Figure 17.53 we compare Nozad et al. results of Λef f w.r.t. Λ for various α values
with Avizo simulations and see that this last curve is well located and has a correct behavior. Only one
curve is displayed for both Avizo experiment simulation and tensor computation as their results are
almost equal.

Figure 17.53: Comparison between Avizo simulation and Nozad et al. computation of thermal conductivity.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack 567 Periodic array of non-touching 3d spheres

The second model we study is a periodic array of non-touching 3d spheres, as displayed on Figure
17.54. The spheres are refered to as the β-phase and the material surrending the spheres as the α-

Figure 17.54: Example of periodic array of non-touching 3d spheres.

Maxwell (1881) obtained the following expression for the thermal conductivity of a packed-sphere bed
where the spheres are sufficiently apart that they do not interact:

3Λ − 2α (Λ − 1)
Λef f =
3 + α (Λ − 1)

Meredith and Tobias (1960) gave an analytical expression for the same problem:

2+Λ 6 + 3Λ 7/3 3 − 3β 10/3

− 2β + 0.409  − 2.133 
1−Λ 4 + 3Λ β 4 + 3β β
Λef f =
2+Λ 6 + 3Λ 7/3 3 − 3Λ 10/3
+ β + 0.409  − 0.906 
1−Λ 4 + 3Λ β 4 + 3Λ β

We apply the two formula to our model, where α = 0.64, and we compare it with the results obtained
from both Avizo experiment simulation and tensor computation:

568 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Maxwell Meredith and Tobias Avizo TCExp Avizo TCTensor
Λ Λef f Λef f Λef f Λef f
10 2.110 2.243 2.138 2.138
100 2.611 2.884 2.732 2.732
1000 2.680 2.976 2.820 2.820
10000 2.687 2.986 2.830 2.830

We observe a good agreement between the analytical estimations and the simulations. Periodic array of 3d spheres with particle-particle contact

The third model we study is a periodic array of 3d spheres with particle-particle contact, as displayed
on Figure 17.55. The contact surface is controled by the ratio between the contact size and the spheres
radius. The spheres are refered to as the β-phase and the material surrending the spheres as the α-

Figure 17.55: Two spheres in particle-particle contact extracted from a periodic array.

Whitaker (1999) reports the results computed by Nozad et al. (1985) on a two-dimensional square
array with particle-particle contact. In there study Nozad et al. compared those results with experi-
mental measurements on a narrow range of porosities (α in [0.39, 0.41]). The theory and experiment
agreed well, despite the important differences between their characteristics. Based on this observation,
we compare Nozad et al. computational results with Avizo simulations on our model, where α =
0.51. Only one curve is displayed for both Avizo experiment simulation and tensor computation as
their results are almost equal.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack 569

Figure 17.56: Comparison between Avizo simulation and Nozad et al. computation of thermal conductivity.

We observe that Avizo curve behavior is correct and its position w.r.t. the other curves is mostly
acceptable. Periodic bilaminar composit material

The last model we study is a periodic bilaminar composit material, as displayed on Figure 17.57. The
thinest layers material is refered to as the β-phase and the other material as the α-phase. We define r,
the thickness ratio between the layers. The stratification is supposed to be in the Z direction.
Auriault (2009) presents an analytical expression of the effective thermal conductivity tensor for such
a bilaminar material:

rλα + (1 − r)λβ 0 0
 

λ ef f =  0 rλα + (1 − r)λβ 0 
λα λβ
0 0 rλα +(1−r)λβ

We compare the analytical expression with the result of Avizo tensor computation for two pairs of
thickness ratio and thermal conductivity ratio:

570 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Figure 17.57: Example of periodic bilaminar composit material.

Auriault Avizo TCTensor

− →

r Λ  λ ef f   λ ef f 
33.667 0 0 33.667 0 0
3 0.02  0 33.667 0   0 33.667 0 
 0 0 2.885  0 0 2.885
75.25 0 0 75.25 0 0
1  0
4 0.01 75.25 0   0 75.25 0 
0 0 3.883 0 0 3.884

The results obtained through Avizo tensor computation are in perfect agreement with the analytical

1. Maxwell J.C., Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. I, 2nd edition, Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1881
2. Meredith R.E., Tobias C.W., Resistance to potential flow through a cubical array of spheres, J.
Applied Phys., Vol. 31, 1270-1273, 1960
3. Nozad I., Carbonell R.G., Whitaker S., Heat conduction in multiphase systems I: Theory and
experiment for two-phase systems, Chem. Engng. Sci. 40, 843-855, 1985
4. Ochoa-Tapia J.A., Stroeve P., Whitaker S., Diffusive transport in two-phase media: Spatially
periodic models and Maxwell’s theory for isotropic and anisotropic systems, Chem. Engng.

Getting started with Avizo XLab Thermo Pack 571

Sci. 49, 709-726, 1994
5. Perrins W.T., McKenzie D.R., McPhedran R.C., Transport properties of regular arrays of cylin-
ders, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A369, 207-225, 1979
6. Whitaker S., The method of volume averaging, Theory and applications of transport in porous
media Vol. 13, Kluwer Acad. Pub., Dordrecht, 1999
7. Auriault, J.-L., Boutin, C., Geindreau, C., Homogénéisation de phénomènes couplés en milieux
hétérogènes 1, Lavoisier, 2009

572 Chapter 17: Avizo XLab Pack User’s Guide

Chapter 18

Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s


Avizo XSkeleton Pack gathers a set of powerful tools for analysis of network or tree-like structures in
3D images such as porous, dentritic, vascular, fractured or fibrous networks.
The 3D image must first be segmented into a label or binary image. Avizo offers for this a rich set
of tools, including the Segmentation Editor, as well as advanced image processing tools available in
Avizo Fire Edition. With skeletonization tools, the labeled regions can then be thinned to a 1-voxel
thickness skeleton, equidistant to shape boundaries according to a Distance Map that can be computed
by Avizo. The image skeleton can be converted into a geometrical Spatial Graph for further analysis.
In this chapter you will learn how to:

• use the Auto Skeleton module,

• display and export results of skeletonization,
• achieve skeletonization step-by-step for detailed control,
• apply skeletonization to large data.

To follow the tutorial below you should be familiar with the basic concepts of Avizo. In particular
you should be able to load files, to interact with the 3D viewer, and to connect display modules to
data modules. All these issues are discussed in the chapter 3 - Getting Started. For actual use of
skeletonization with your data, you may need also to be familiar with image filtering and segmentation
(see chapter 4 - Images and Volumes Visualization and Processing in Avizo). Further related tools can
also be found in Avizo Fire Edition (see Avizo Fire Edition User’s Guide).
18.1 Getting started with Avizo XSkeleton Pack: the Auto Skele-
ton module
The Auto Skeleton module extracts from image data the centerline of interconnected regions such as
filamentous structures. The module works on segmented images (label fields) as well as on grayscale
images, in which case the image is segmented on the fly with a user defined threshold value. The
module basically wraps up a couple of single compute modules that have to be executed in sequence. It
first calculates a distance map of the segmented image (Distance Map For Skeleton), and then performs
a thinning of the labelfield such that finally a string of connected voxels remains (Thinner).
Let’s extract the skeleton of porosity network in a fractured rock core sample dataset:

• Choose File / Open Data... from the File menu and load the file
data/core/coreSample.am from the Avizo root directory
• Attach an Auto Skeleton module to the dataset by selecting Image Morphology / Auto Skeleton
in the data context menu.
• Adjust the Threshold port of Auto Skeleton module to 27. Leave other ports to their default
settings. See Figure 18.1.
• Press the Apply button to start the processing.
• You may also attach some Display module to coreSample.am such as Image Ortho Projec-

Figure 18.2 shows the result of these steps.

Figure 18.1: Properties of the Auto Skeleton module.

The Auto Skeleton module automatically converts the voxel skeleton to a Spatial Graph object. A
Spatial Graph consists of nodes and segments where nodes are the branching points and endpoints,
and segments are the curved lines connecting the nodes. The three dimensional course of a segment is

574 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide

Figure 18.2: Visualization of the Auto Skeleton result and associated project view.

given by a sequence of points in 3D space. A set of nodes connected by segments is called a graph.
A Spatial Graph data object can store several graphs. Furthermore, Spatial Graph objects can hold
scalar values such as the thickness.
The Spatial Graph is created by Auto Skeleton with a Trace Lines module. Lines may appear jagged
because they connect centers of voxels. By default, Auto Skeleton smoothes the graph lines with a
Smooth Line Set module. Smoothing can be adjusted or disabled. With the default Option port setting
Create SpatialView, a Spatial Graph View module is attached to display it.
The distance to the nearest boundary (boundary distance map) is stored at every point in the Spatial
Graph object as he thickness attribute (using Eval On Lines).
Note: The thickness attribute is computed by the Auto Skeleton module as a discrete chamfer distance
multiplied (by default) by 1/3 of voxel size, with a minimum of half voxel size. This may be used
as an estimate of the local thickness. Optionally a distance map data can define a data parameter
ChamferMapScaleFactor used to adjust thickness attribute (see details in Eval On Lines).
Tip: It may be useful to resample the data to an isotropic voxel size, before using Auto Skeleton module

Getting started with Avizo XSkeleton Pack: the Auto Skeleton module 575
(Resample). This optional step may improve the result of the distance map and skeletonization process,
and may lead to a smoother spatial graph. Depending on the initial voxel aspect ratio, this may however
increase significantly the data size, unless subsampling is used in some direction.
Note: You may notice some star-shaped sets of connected segments in the spatial graph. This may
happen, for example, when the segmentation resulted in a background boundary surrounding a very
small area - like a solid region hanging fully surrounded by void. This may be the sign of too much
noise in the data which would require cleanup processing, such as a Gaussian filter, median filter, or
more advanced filters of Avizo Fire Edition. Such solid islands in segmentation may also be eliminated
by using the segmentation editor or morphological tools.
Tip: In the case of a strict tree topology it may be advantageous to restrict the search to a tree. You
may want to use the module Centerline Tree to extract a graph with guaranteed tree topology. Note that
Centerline Tree cannot apply directly to a gray image but only to segmented image data: it requires a
label field as input.

18.2 Displaying and exporting skeletonization results

18.2.1 Visualizing skeleton thickness
It is possible to modify the graph visualization by changing options in the Spatial Graph View module.
For example, it is easy to show the segments as tubes whose diameter depends on the thickness defined
by the distance map. This is achieved by selecting the checkbox Tubes on the Segment style port
and changing Tube scale to thickness. However be warned that this can be slow depending on the
complexity of the spatial graph and the graphics hardware used. In this tutorial, the segments will be
displayed with a color depending on their thickness:

• Select Spatial Graph View module.

• Deselect Nodes in the port Items to show.
• Change Segment coloring port from Constant to thickness.
• In the port Segment colormap, use the Edit button to select physics.icol. Then adjust the data
range using button Edit / Adjust range, or by right-clicking on the colormap shade and selecting
Adjust range. See 18.3 to see the complete properties of the module.

Figure 18.4 shows the result of these steps.

18.2.2 Exporting the spatial graph

You can export Spatial Graph data, including connectivity and thickness information, to various for-
mats such as Avizo Spatial Graph ASCII format, SWC and MV3D formats.

• For this, select the data module and select Save Data As... in File menu or data object context

576 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide

Figure 18.3: Properties of the Spatial Graph View module.

Here is an example output file using Avizo ASCII format:

# Avizo 3D ASCII 2.0

define VERTEX 787

define EDGE 1518
define POINT 8567

Parameters {
ContentType "HxSpatialGraph"

VERTEX { float[3] VertexCoordinates } @1

EDGE { int[2] EdgeConnectivity } @2
EDGE { int NumEdgePoints } @3
POINT { float[3] EdgePointCoordinates } @4
POINT { float thickness } @5

# Data section follows

0.637795 0.188976 0.0472443
0.661417 0.212599 0.0472443

Displaying and exporting skeletonization results 577

Figure 18.4: Visualization of the Spatial Graph View result and associated project view.

0 0
0 1
0.637795 0.188976 0.0472443
0.635375 0.183291 0.0472443

578 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide

18.2.3 Spatial graph statistics

You can get some statistics directly from the Spatial Graph data:

• Select the coreSample.Smt.SptGraph data module.

• Attach a Spatial Graph Statistics module to the dataset by selecting Measure / Spatial Graph
Statistics in the data context menu.
• Press the Apply button.
• A new data appears in the project view: coreSample.Smt.statistics. Select it and
click on the Show button in the data properties to display a tabbed spreadsheet.

Figure 18.5: Spreadsheet containing the results of Spatial Graph Statistics.

Spatial graph statistics can be saved in several file formats (CSV, XML, TXT).

Displaying and exporting skeletonization results 579

18.2.4 Using Line Set objects
It can be useful to convert the Spatial Graph object to a Line Set. Line sets provide additional tools
for display, editing, processing or export. For instance the Line Set Editor can be used to interactively
identify line or node indexes.
Note: in the following, the Line Set Editor is going to be used. It requires Avizo console to be visible,
since it outputs information in it. By default, the console is not visible but it can be easily activated by
clicking on the Console button of the main toolbar.

• Attach a Convert / Spatial Graph To Line Set module to the Spatial Graph data
• Press the Apply button to create a Line Set.
• Select the created Line Set. In the properties panel, click on Line Set Editor button (see picture

Figure 18.6: Properties of a Line Set. The button allowing starting the Line Set Editor is highlighted.

• Hide the Spatial Graph View attached to coreSample.am. This step is necessary due to the
fact that the lines drawn by this module are overlapping the line drawn by the Line Set Editor. It
could cause problems for picking lines and points during the next step.
• Set the 3D viewer window to interaction mode (press ESC or click on the arrow button). You
can now select segments and points of the line set. Corresponding information is displayed in
the console.
• You may also want to see coordinates and image intensity value when picking a point. For this
attach a Measure / Point Probe module to the image data coreSample.am. Disable Show Dragger
in Point options. Make sure that the Point Probe module remains selected in the Project View.
Then, when clicking with middle mouse button on the line set’s displayed points and segments,
the Point coordinates and Current value of input field are displayed. You could also attach the
Point Probe to the distance map data to display the estimated thickness. See the section below
on how to display the distance map data object.

580 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide

Figure 18.7: Visualization of the Line Set Editor result after a few selections and the associated project view. Values appearing
are not shown since it depends on the selected points and lines.

During visualization of large data sets there is often the need to restrict the displayed geometry to a
subvolume of the total data set. The ROI Box can help for that. You can attach it to any spatial data
object. A number of display modules have an input connection called ROI that can be attached to the
ROI Box module to restrict the view.

• Click on the Line Set Editor button to deactivate the editor.

• Create a ROI Box module by right clicking on the line set data object and selecting ROI Box
from the Display submenu of the context menu.
• Attach a Display / Line Set View module to the line set data object.
• Connect the connection named ROI of the Line Set View to the ROI Box module. To do this,

Displaying and exporting skeletonization results 581

right click on the white square on the left side of the Line Set View icon and select ROI. A blue
line is attached to the mouse pointer; after you click on the ROI Box icon, the two modules are
• Switch the viewer to interaction mode and click and drag one of the green squares. This will
adjust the region of interest and the Line Set View will adopt the new restriction immediately.
• By clicking and dragging on the (invisible) faces of the cuboid you can move it to another

Figure 18.8 shows the results of these few steps.

Figure 18.8: Visualization of the Line Set View reduced to the ROI Box and associated project view.

582 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide

When working with a small subset of the lineset, it is possible to do visualizations that require more
graphics power. For example, the lines can be displayed as tubes that reflect the local thickness.

• Choose a rather small part of the lineset.

• Select the Line Set View.
• Click on the Shape drop-down menu and select Circle.
• Click on the Scale Mode drop-down menu and select Data 0.
• Move the Scale Factor slider to 2.

Figure 18.9 shows an example and the parameters of the Line Set View module.

Figure 18.9: Visualization of the Line Set View reduced to the ROI Box and the parameters of the Line Set View module.

In the viewer, the lines are now displayed as tubes. The thickness is scaled with the data associated
with the lines.

Displaying and exporting skeletonization results 583

Note: The data value associated with the lines is the local radius. The Line Set View scales by the local
diameter. To scale to the physical size you therefore must use a Scale Factor of 2.
It can be useful to color the lines in different ways. In the next example, the lineset will be colored by
the local z value. First create an Analytic Scalar Field to provide the depth (z value), then set line set
coloring according to values evaluated from this field.
To create the scalar field:

• Right click in the Project View, then on Create Object... and select Images And Fields / Analytic
Scalar Field.
• Select the newly created icon.
• Type z into the Expr field. The Range info is updated to -0.9...0.9.
• Select the Line Set View object,
• Attach its Scalar field 1 input port to the Analytic Scalar Field data object.
• Set the Color Mode port of Line Set View module to Analytic-Scalar-Field
• Use the Colormap port to change colormap and data range. See Figure 18.10 for more details
about the parameters to modify.

Figure 18.11 shows the result and the project view.

Figure 18.10: Parameters modified in the Line Set View module for coloring the tubes.

The Line Set object also provides a Tcl script interface to inquire or modify the data. See chapter 11
for an introduction to Tcl scripting.
It is possible to convert a Line Set back to a Spatial Graph.

18.2.5 Intermediate data

The Auto Skeleton module can expose several intermediate data objects in the module workspace.
These intermediate files can be useful for checking, export, or as starting point for specific processing.

• Delete the Line Set View module, the coreSample.Smt.SptGraph-LS spatial graph
(which should also remove the ROI Box), the Analytic Scalar Field data created in

584 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide

Figure 18.11: Visualization of the colored Line Set View and the associated project view.

previous steps, the Spatial Graph Statistics module, the Point Probe module, the
coreSample.Smt.statistics data and the Spatial Graph To Line Set module.
• Select Auto Skeleton module.
• In the Properties panel, Expose Objects port, check Distance Map
• In the Properties panel, Options port, uncheck Create SpatialView
• Press the Apply button to process again skeletonization.
• Attach an Ortho Slice to the distance map field coreSample.DistField. Result may look
like Figure 18.12.

Displaying and exporting skeletonization results 585

Figure 18.12: Visualization of the colored Line Set View and the associated project view.

Note that the distance map - created by Auto Skeleton with a Distance Map For Skeleton module - is
extended with a 15 voxel border as required by the Thinner module in this version when attached to
data in memory.

586 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide

Displaying and exporting skeletonization results 587
18.3 Skeletonization step-by-step
We will now achieve step-by-step skeletonization. This can be useful for advanced users for choosing
different distance map settings, or controlling the sensitivity of the Thinner module to generate branch
points. Let’s start by creating a label image. Any segmentation process can be used:

• Remove all objects from the Project View (you can right click in the project view, then select
Remove All Objects).
• Choose File / Open Data... from the File menu.
• Load the file data/core/coreSample.am from the Avizo root directory.
• Attach a Multi-Thresholding module to the dataset by selecting Image Segmentation / Multi-
Thresholding in the data context menu.
• Adjust the Exterior-Inside threshold port of Multi-Thresholding module to 27.
• Press the Apply button to create a label field coreSample.Labels.

The Auto Skeleton module internally uses a Image Morphology / Distance Map For Skeleton which in
turn internally creates a Image Morphology / Distance Map module with default settings for chamfer
distance. In addition, Distance Map For Skeleton adds to the data a background border, which is
required by the Thinner module.
We will do this step-by-step using here directly the Image Morphology / Distance Map module. Other
distance maps such as those provided by Avizo Fire Edition could be used in a similar way.

• Attach a Distance Map module to coreSample.Labels by selecting Image Morphology /

Distance Map in the data context menu.
• Set Type port to Euclid distance.
• Set Region port to Both (unsigned).
• Press the Apply button to create a distance map.
• Attach an Ortho Slice module to the distance map.

Figure 18.13: Euclidean distance map module parameters.

588 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide

Figure 18.14: Visualization of the distance map and the associated project view.

Euclidean distance may be more accurate yet much slower to compute than the Chamfer distance.
Chamfer distance is generally fine for most applications. In particular it makes little difference with
the data used in this tutorial.
The result of a Euclidean distance map is a scalar field with floating point values. The Thinner module
expects the distance map input to use positive short integers. An additional 15 voxels border must also
be added in the current implementation. The following steps are needed to adapt the distance map

• Attach a Convert Image Type module to coreSample.DistField by selecting Convert /

Convert Image Type in the data context menu.
• Set Output Datatype port to 16-bit unsigned.
• Set Scaling port HxScale value to 1000. The scaling used here has no other importance than

Skeletonization step-by-step 589

preserving significant digits of input data for driving the Thinner algorithm - still fitting in a
positive short integer. The actual thickness value can be retrieved later on from the original
distance map.
• Press the Apply button to create a distance map data using positive short integers.
• Select the result in the module workspace coreSample.to-ushort.
• Click on the Crop Editor button in the Properties Area.
• In the Crop Editor dialog set Min index to -15 -15 -15 and Max index to 142 142 142.
• Uncheck Add mode port Replicate and set Pixel value to 0.
• Press the OK button: this will extend the image with a border of 15 voxels.
• As an alternative to the Crop Editor, you could also type in the console the command:
coreSample.to-ushort crop -15 142 -15 142 -15 142 0

We can now use the Thinner module.

Note: The thinning algorithm automatically detects dead end branches of skeleton spatial graphs. A
parameter is used to distinguish them from noise on the interface of the considered regions to avoid
spurious branches. Its default value is 5, i.e. the branches with a dead end which length is lower than
5 voxels are automatically considered as noise and removed. Setting this to 10, which is a rather large
value, leads to only a few branches remaining in the skeleton. The drawback is that you also might
miss real endpoints. General speaking, it is easier to remove spurious branches directly during thinning
while trying to remove them later.

• Attach a Thinner module to label by selecting Image Morphology / Thinner in the data context
menu of coreSample.Labels.
• Attach the Distmap input of the Thinner module to coreSample.to-ushort.
• You may check Extended Options in order to reduce the number of branches. The default len of
ends value is 5 with Auto Skeleton module. You can also limit execution time with large complex
data by fixing the number of iterations to perform.
• Press the Apply button to create a thinned image data.

Next, we can build a spatial graph from the skeleton and display it with geometrical information:

• Attach a Trace Lines module to coreSample.thinned by selecting Image Morphology /

Trace Lines in the data context menu.
• You may uncheck point cluster as we won’t need the point cluster.
• Press the Apply button to create a Spatial Graph object.
• Attach an Eval On Lines module to coreSample.Spatial-Graph by selecting Compute / Eval On
Lines in the data context menu.
• Attach the Field input port of Eval On Lines module to coreSample.DistField, the float distance
field computed earlier. Eval On Lines can map any scalar field on Spatial Graph.
• Next you need to type the command "Eval On Lines" setZeroCorrection 0 in the

590 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide

console. Since ChamferMapScaleFactor is not defined in distance map data parameters, Eval
On Lines applies a default 1/3 voxel-size factor to the input value. Eval On Lines also forces a
minimum value defined by zeroCorrection * voxel size (half voxel size by default).
• Press the Apply button of Eval On Lines. The Eval On Lines module doesn’t create a new data
icon. It is more like an editor and changes the connected lineset. It adds a data value for every
vertex in the lineset and calculates the value of the field at the point of the vertex.
• Attach Spatial Graph Statistics and Spatial Graph View to Spatial Graph to display 3D graph
and statistics as shown in the ”getting started” section.

Skeletonization step-by-step 591

Figure 18.15: Visualization of the skeleton as a spatial graph and the associated project view.

18.4 Skeletonization with large data

This section is about achieving skeletonization on very large data that may not fit in memory. For the
next tutorial steps you should have access to a directory to which you’re allowed to write intermediate

592 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide


18.4.1 Preparation for using Large Disk Data

The modules Auto Skeleton, Distance Map For Skeleton, Thinner, Trace Lines, Eval On Lines can
operate directly on data on disk, allowing processing of data that cannot fit in memory. Another
distance map module Distance Map On Disk Data is also available for operating on disk data.
These modules currently support reading input and writing image results using the former Large
Disk Data (LDD) format. For converting image data to LDD you can use Convert To Large
Data Format, accessible by right clicking in project view, then selecting File / Convert To Large
Data Format. Prior to conversion you’ll need to type "Convert To Large Data Format"
forceAmira311Format 1 in console in order to convert the data to a format compatible with
skeletonization modules.
The Auto Skeleton module and Thinner algorithm on disk data also expect a black border around
the data. This border should be at least of size len of ends used during thinning (see the section
above). If the BorderWidth parameter is not specified on the disk data object, a default border is
automatically created with size of len of ends. The Auto Skeleton module expects disk data object to
specify a data parameter BorderWidth. When using Thinner with disk data, you can set the len of ends
parameter manually in the console, for instance: Thinner setVar lenOfEnds 10. This will
set the maximum length of branches to 10 voxels before they are detected as unconnected ends.
Avizo datasets may be saved as separate blocks, which can be useful for multiple acquisitions or large
data sets split into separate files. Avizo has a special data object (Mosaic) for storing links to files
on disk, arranging them in 3D, and other operations on these blocks such as alignment and template
operations like filtering or resampling.
Note: There is no way to convert the new multiresolution LDA format to LDD format directly. A
possible solution is to use Extract Subvolume to extract and save separate blocks, and use Mosaic to
convert these to LDD format.
For now we will simply use Mosaic as a convenience for converting our data to LDD format while
adding the border necessary for skeletonization process. For more general information about using
large data with Avizo see section 4.1.6 : Working with out-of-core data files (LDA).

• Create a Mosaic by selecting Images And Fields / Mosaic from the Project >Create Object...
menu of the Avizo main window.

A green icon appears. When you select it you see that it contains no bricks (0 bricks). The buttons
below the info line are used to add data objects.

• Press the add files button.

• In the Load file dialog appearing, select the file data/teddybear/teddybear.info from
Avizo root directory.

Skeletonization with large data 593

• Press Load.

The selected file is added to the Mosaic. The Info port shows the single bricks added. You can visualize
the brick outline with a Mosaic Outline module.

• Create a Mosaic Outline module by right clicking on the Mosaic and selecting Display / Mosaic
Outline from the context menu.
• You may save the data.
• You can check information stored by Mosaic object by clicking on its Data Parameter Editor
button in the Properties panel.

Figure 18.16: Mosaic’s parameter editor

The next step is to create a new Large Disk Data object and sample the brick onto it. With multiple
bricks the overlapping regions could be blended with each other. A border can also be added.
Note: The thinning algorithm expects a black border around the data. The border should be at least
of size len of ends used during thinning (see below). By default a border of 15 voxels on each side in
each dimension. Be sure to check this if you manually set len of ends.

• Attach a Mosaic To Large Disk Data to the Mosaic by right clicking on the Mosaic and selecting

594 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide

Convert / Mosaic To Large Disk Data from the submenu in the context menu.
• The red Mosaic To Large Disk Data icon should be selected so the module ports appear in the
Properties area.

You can see several options in the Properties Area. The default options are fine for the tutorial, while
the border could be set to a lower value.

• You need to set the Filename port to a path to output LDD file. Write access is therefore needed.
If you saved the Mosaic data object on disk, a default filename derived from the mosaic file
location is displayed in the Filename port. You might want to override it.
• Leave the other ports as they are by default and press the Apply button.

A new green icon which represents the new Disk Data data object will appear in the Project View.
After this the brick will be loaded one after the other and will be sampled. This may take some time
for large data.

• Select the new green icon (named image).

In the Properties Area some information about the data stored on disk is displayed. Next,

• Delete or switch off the Mosaic Outline module.

• Connect a Bounding Box to the Mosaic icon.
• Connect a Bounding Box to the image icon.
• You can directly visualize the Large Disk Data image by attaching an Ortho Slice.

The second box is slightly bigger than the bounding box of the Mosaic. This is due to the border added
by the Mosaic To Large Disk Data module.

Skeletonization with large data 595

Figure 18.17: Visualization of Large Disk Data and the associated project view.

18.4.2 Using Large Disk Data for skeletonization

A few display modules are available for visualization of LDD data (note that the LDA disk data format
offers more powerful visualization capabilities). Several computation modules are also able to handle
the Large Disk Data directly. These include thresholding, computation of a distance map, thinning,
extracting a spatial graph set from a voxel skeleton, and computation of the thickness of the lines
(evaluating the distance map at the points of the lineset). You can therefore apply skeletonization
directly to large disk data. For other operations, you may need to load a subvolume into the workspace
as an in-memory object, or use Avizo Fire Quantification module for on-disk processing.
The next step is to apply a simple thresholding.

• It may be a good idea to clean up the Project View now, but it’s not required. The Mosaic object
is no longer needed.

596 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide

• Attach a Threshold to the image icon by right clicking on it and selecting Threshold from the
Image Segmentation submenu in the popup menu.
• Set Threshold to 140 in the Properties Area.
• Select a filename you want to store the result to. In the tutorial we will use the default name
• Press the Apply button.

A new green icon that contains the labels will appear. Connect an Extract Subvolume module to this
new data, click on the buttons Max width, Max height and Max depth to fit the volume to extract to the
complete volume. Finally click on the Apply button. Connect an Ortho Slice to the extracted volume
to visualize the result of the threshold.
You might want to correct the result of the segmentation procedure manually. This might be useful
to fill big vessels or remove uninteresting parts. Avizo has a segmentation editor to perform this task.
Due to the size of the data, you will have to work on subblocks of the whole data set.
In the next step we’ll use Auto Skeleton on disk data.

• Attach an Auto Skeleton module to image.labels

• At this point you may modify the location of intermediate and result data files created.
• Press the Apply button.

You could also achieve step-by-step skeletonization, computing distance maps with either Distance
Map For Skeleton or Distance Map On Disk Data module, sing Thinner, Trace Lines and Eval On
Lines manually, in a similar way to processing memory data.
Here is an example showing skeletonization, which uses a script object module that can be attached to
any label field: ”Porosity network reconstructed”, located in demo/core/coreSkeleton.hx, that can be
accessed from Exampleshelp menu (in Rock Core Sample Analysis demos).

Skeletonization with large data 597

Figure 18.18: Visualization of the skeleton of the LDD and the associated project view.

598 Chapter 18: Avizo Skeletonization pack User’s Guide

Chapter 19

Avizo XScreen Pack User’s Guide

Avizo XScreen Pack is an Avizo extension designed to create advanced visualization systems such as:

• Multi-screen displays for large scale or high resolution visualization

• Virtual Reality systems for immersive visualization and interaction
• Distant collaborative group sessions (with Avizo XTeam Pack).

This chapter, available in the online documentation, describes how to take advantages of tiled displays
and immersive Virtual Reality with Avizo XScreen Pack.
600 Chapter 19: Avizo XScreen Pack User’s Guide
Chapter 20

Avizo XTeam Pack User’s Guide

20.1 Avizo XTeam Pack enables collaboration via shared Avizo

Avizo XTeam Pack is an Avizo extension that enables remote users to work efficiently together by
sharing a common Avizo session.
IMPORTANT: Note that the required data sets must be available on every collaborator’s desktop, and
reachable through the same path. The collaborators are responsible for copying the data to a suitable
location on each of their systems.
Collaborators may not all see exactly the same image due to differences in their system configurations.
Factors that can potentially affect the results include the amount of available system memory, the
graphics card (amount of video and texture memory, OpenGL feature support, etc.), and, when working
with LDA data sets, the Avizo LDA settings (see the LDA tab of the Edit/Preferences dialog).
This chapter, available in Avizo XTeam Pack online documentation, is organized into the following

• Essentials
• The Collaborative Session
• The Shared View
• Installing a Standalone Avizo XTeam Pack Server
602 Chapter 20: Avizo XTeam Pack User’s Guide
Chapter 21

Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

This document describes how to develop custom extensions for the Avizo visualization system. Such
extensions may include file read and write routines, new visualization modules, data objects and other
components. In order to be able to develop custom extensions you will need the developer extension for
Avizo, called Avizo XPand Pack for short. In addition you will need a C++ development environment
like Microsoft Visual Studio on Windows (for details see subsection 21.1.2).
To understand the document you need some basic know-how in C++ programming. Also, you should
be already familiar with the standard Avizo system. If you do not know Avizo yet we recommend that
you go through the tutorials in the Avizo User’s Guide.
Avizo is based on a number of external libraries such as Open Inventor, OpenGL, Qt, and Tcl. This
document does not provide a documentation for these libraries. It merely gives some basic hints where
it is needed to understand the examples. In general, this will be sufficient to write your own standard
I/O routines and Avizo modules. For details, we refer to the original documentation of the external

• Introduction, including a quick start guide and upgrade information

• The Development Wizard, a tool for facilitating development tasks
• File IO, describing how to write read and write routines
• Writing Modules, covering compute and display modules
• Data Classes, how to use them and how to derive from them
• Documenting Modules and integration into the user’s guide
• Miscellaneous, resource file summary, saving Avizo projects, and more.

Note: The most recent developer documentation can be found online in the Avizo Documentation
section (http://www.vsg3d.com).
21.1 Introduction to Avizo XPand Pack
Avizo XPand Pack allows you to add to Avizo new components such as file read or write routines,
modules for visualizing data or modules for processing data. New module classes and new data classes
can be defined as subclasses of existing ones.
Note that it is not possible (or possible only to a very limited extent) to change or modify existing
modules or parts of Avizo’s graphical user interface.
In the following sections we

• present an overview of Avizo XPand Pack,

• discuss the system requirements for the different platforms,
• outline the structure of the Avizo file tree,
• show how to compile the example package in a quick start tutorial,
• provide additional hints on compiling and debugging,
• and mention how to upgrade and maintain existing code.

Note: an Avizo project is actually a set of interconnected modules and data objects. In Avizo XPand
Pack programming interface, the Avizo project is often referred as the network or module network, or
the object pool. The pool also refers to Avizo Project View, more specifically the Project Graph View.

21.1.1 Overview of Avizo XPand Pack

Avizo XPand Pack is an extension to the ordinary Avizo version. In addition to the files contained in
the ordinary version, the developer version essentially provides all C++ header files needed to compile
custom extensions. Packages and Shared Objects

Avizo is an object-oriented software system. Besides the core components like the graphical user
interface or the 3D viewers, it contains a large number of data objects, modules, readers and writers.
Data objects and modules are C++ classes, readers and writers are C++ functions.
Instead of being compiled into a single static executable, these components are grouped into packages.
A package is a shared object (usually called .so or .sl on Unix or .dll on Windows) which can be
dynamically loaded by Avizo at run time when needed. This concept has two advantages. On the one
hand, the program remains small since only those packages are loaded which are actually needed by
the user. On the other hand it provides almost unlimited extensibility since new packages can be added
any time without recompiling the main program.
Therefore, in order to add custom components to the Avizo developer version, new packages or shared
objects must be created and compiled. A package may contain an arbitrary number of modules and it

604 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

is left up to the developer whether he wants to organize his modules into several packages or just in
one. Package Resource Files

Along with each package a resource file is stored. This file contains information about the components
being defined in a particular package. When Avizo starts, it first scans the resource files of all available
packages and thus knows about all the components which may be used at run-time.
The resource files of the standard Avizo packages are located under share/resources in the di-
rectory where Avizo is installed. Details about registering read and write routines or different kinds of
modules in a resource file are provided in sections 21.3 and 21.4. The Local Avizo Directory

Usually Avizo will be installed by the system administrator at a location where ordinary users are not
allowed to create or modify files. Therefore it is recommended that every user creates new packages
in his own personal local Avizo directory. The local Avizo directory has essentially the same structure
as the directory where Avizo is installed. A new local Avizo directory can most easily be created by
using the Development Wizard, a special-purpose dialog box described in detail in section 21.2.
Once a local Avizo directory has been set up, resource files located in it will also be scanned by Avizo
when started. In this way new components can be added or existing ones redefined. External Libraries

Avizo is based on a number of industry standard libraries. The most important ones are Open Inventor,
OpenGL, Qt, and Tcl.
Avizo’s 3D graphics is based on OpenGL and Open Inventor. OpenGL is the industry standard for
professional 3D graphics. Open Inventor is a C++ library using OpenGL which provides an object-
oriented scene description layer. Writing new visualization modules for Avizo essentially means cre-
ating an Open Inventor scene from the input data. If you already have code doing this, it will be
straightforward to turn it into an Avizo module. While the Open Inventor headers are included in
Avizo XPand Pack, OpenGL must already be installed on your system.
Qt is a platform-independent C++ library for building graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Avizo is built
with Qt. However, the user interface elements used in standard Avizo modules are encapsulated by
special Avizo classes called ports. Therefore you can develop your own modules without knowing Qt.
You only need Qt if you plan to add completely new user interface components such as special purpose
dialogs. Note also, that in this case Qt headers and libraries are included in Avizo XPand Pack under
LGPL licensing. Avizo 8 is linked against Qt 4.
Finally, Tcl is a C library providing an extensible scripting language used by Avizo. All required
header files are included in Avizo XPand Pack. Avizo programmers usually need not know details of
the Tcl API but merely derive their code from existing examples.

Introduction to Avizo XPand Pack 605

21.1.2 System Requirements
In order to develop new Avizo components as described in this document you need the developer
extension for Avizo (called Avizo XPand Pack) and the debugging files for Avizo. Both can install
with the Avizo installer. You also need the appropriate C++ development environment. C++ compilers
are generally not compatible, therefore the compilers and compiler versions listed in section System
Requirements should be used. Other compiler versions may work too, but this is not guaranteed. In
particular, it is not possible to use the GNU gcc compiler except on Linux or Mac.
On all Unix platforms the GNU make utility (gmake) is needed in order to use the GNUmakefiles
provided with Avizo XPand Pack. To proceed you should create a link in a directory already listed in
your path, e.g., in /usr/bin.
On Mac OS X platforms the GNU make utility (gmake) is basically needed in order to use the GNU-
makefiles provided with Avizo XPand Pack. You can also modify and build your code by using other
development tools based on GNU gcc compilers as Xcode.
More general hardware requirements such as installed memory or special graphics adapters are listed
in the Avizo User’s Guide. On all systems an OpenGL library together with the OpenGL header files
must be installed.

21.1.3 Structure of the Avizo File Tree

Like the ordinary version, the developer version of Avizo (with Avizo XPand Pack) is installed in a
single directory called the AvizoRoot Directory. This directory contains all the binaries, shared objects,
and resource files required to run Avizo, as well as all the C++ header files required to compile new
components. Note that the installation of debug binaries must be enabled during Avizo installation
to compile new components in debug. New components themselves are stored independently in the
AvizoLocal Directory. Every user may define his/her own local Avizo directory. The local Avizo
directory has a structure very similar to the AvizoRoot Directory. In the following two sections the
structure of these two directories is described in more detail. The Avizo Root Directory

The contents of the Avizo root directory may differ slightly from platform to platform. For example,
on Windows there will be no subdirectory lib. Instead, the compiled shared objects are located under
bin/arch-*-Optimize. The online documentation directory (share/devref/) of Avizo C++
classes does not exist on Windows. Instead, a compressed archive file Avizo.chm is provided and
is accessible by shortcut. This is how a typical Avizo installation directory looks like:
AvizoRoot/.............................................................Avizo installation directory
arch-*-Debug/........................................Avizo debug binaries (Windows only)
Avizomain.exe .................................. Avizo debug executable (Windows only)
arch-*-Optimize/...............................................Avizo binaries (Windows)

606 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

Avizomain.exe.............................................Avizo executable (Windows)
start...............................................................Avizo start script (Unix)
include/.....................................................................C++ header files
make/........................................................Make environment for Unix systems
resources/...........................................Resource files of all standard packages
devref/................................................Documentation of Avizo C++ classes
doc/...................................................................Avizo documentation The Local Avizo Directory

The local Avizo directory contains the source code and object files of custom modules, the resource
files of custom packages, and the compiled custom packages themselves. The packages can be com-
piled either in a debug version or in an optimized version. The corresponding object files and compiled
shared objects reside in different subdirectories called arch-*-Debug and arch-*-Optimize,
respectively. Here the asterisk denotes the particular architecture, e.g., Win32VC9, Win64VC9 for
Windows systems or Linux, LinuxAMD64 for Linux platforms.
In order to create a new local Avizo directory the Development Wizard should be
used. For details please refer to section 21.2. Subdirectories like AvizoLocal/lib or
AvizoLocal/share/resources are created automatically the first time a custom package is
compiled. Again, the contents of the local Avizo directory may differ slightly from platform to plat-
form. For example, on Windows compiled shared objects are located under bin instead of lib.
AvizoLocal.vc100.sln .................................. Visual Studio solution file (Windows)
GNUmakefile...........................................................Global makefile (Unix)
src/.........................................Directory containing source code of custom packages
mypackage/........................Directory containing source code of one particular package
Package.............................Configuration file used to generate make / project files
GNUmakefile.............................................................Unix makefile
mypackage.vc100.vcproj....................................Visual Studio project file
api.h ................................................ Windows storage-class specification
MyModule.h..............................................Header file of a custom module
MyModule.cpp.......................................Implementation of a custom module
MyReader.cpp...................................Implementation of a custom read routine
mypackage.rc ............................................. Package resource file
arch-*-Debug/.........................................Object files on Unix (debug version)
arch-*-Optimize/.........................................Object files on Unix (optimized)
arch-*-Debug/.......................................Compiled debug shared objects (Unix)
arch-*-Optimize/ ............................... Compiled optimized shared objects (Unix)

Introduction to Avizo XPand Pack 607

arch-Win*-Debug/.....................................Compiled debug binaries (Windows)
arch-Win*-Optimize/.............................Compiled optimized binaries (Windows)
resources/...........................................Package resource files are copied here

21.1.4 Quick Start Tutorial

This section contains a short tutorial on how to compile and execute the example package provided
with Avizo XPand Pack. The example package contains the source code of the example modules and
IO routines described elsewhere in this manual. At this point you should just get a rough idea about
the basic process required to develop your own modules and IO routines. Details will be discussed in
the following sections.
For the development of custom Avizo packages a dedicated directory, the local Avizo directory, is
required. Initially, this directory should be created using the Development Wizard. Lets see how this
is done:
• Start Avizo and choose the Development Wizard from the Help menu of the Avizo main window.
• Make sure that the item Set local Avizo directory is selected in the wizard’s dialog window.
• Press the Next button.
You can now enter a directory name for the local Avizo directory. For example you may choose
AvizoLocal in your home directory. The directory must be different from directory where Avizo
has been installed.
• Enter the name for the local Avizo directory.
• Select the button copy example package.
• Press the OK button.
If the directory did not yet exist, Avizo asks you if it should be created. The name of the directory
is stored in the Windows registry or in the .AvizoRegistry file in the Unix or MacOS home
directory, so that the next time Avizo is started all modules or IO routines defined in this directory will
be available.
The next step is to create the Visual Studio project files for Windows or the GNUmakefiles for Unix
and MacOS. These files will be generated from a Package file which must be present in each custom
package directory. The syntax of the Package file is described in section 21.2.10. The example package
already contains a Package file, so there is no need to create one here.
• Select Create build system on the main page of the Development Wizard.
• Press the Next button.
• Choose all local packages as target.
• Choose which kind of build system you want to create.
• Press the OK button.

608 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

The files for the selected build system will now be created automatically. The advantage of the auto-
matic generation is that the include and library paths are always set correctly. Also, any dependencies
between local packages are taken into account.
Once the build system has been created you can close the Development Wizard and exit Avizo. We
are now ready to compile the example package. Yet, as a reminder, you will not be able to compile
in debug if you have not installed the ”debug binaries” during Avizo installation. The compilation
procedure is different for each platform:
Windows Visual Studio

• Start Visual Studio and load the solution file AvizoLocal.vc100.sln from the local Avizo
directory. If your local Avizo directory is not called AvizoLocal, the solution file also has
some other name.
• Build all local packages in debug mode by choosing Build Solution from the Build menu.

Unix GNUmakefile system

• Change into the local Avizo directory in a shell.

• Type in gmake to build all local packages in debug mode. If gmake is not already installed on
your system you can find it in the subdirectory bin in the Avizo root directory. Either add this
directory in your path variable or create a link in a directory already listed in your path, e.g.,

Mac GNUmakefile system

• Open a Terminal window and change into the local Avizo directory you created before.
• Type in gmake to build all local packages.

Important note: please refer to system requirements for Mac OSX if an error message like
ld: framework not found CUDA is displayed by the compiler.
We are now ready to start Avizo in order to test the example package. However, because we have
compiled the example package in debug mode, we also need to start Avizo in debug mode. Otherwise,
Avizo would not find the correct DLLs or shared libraries. For Linux, start Avizo with the command
line option -debug. On Windows use the Avizo (debug) shortcut in the start menu. on Mac systems
you can even start immediately the application, the new path will be automatically recognized.
In order to check if the example package has been successfully compiled and can be loaded
by Avizo, you can for example choose the entry Other / DynamicColormap from the Project
>Create Object... menu of the Avizo main window. Then a new colormap object should be
created. You can find the source code of this new object in the local Avizo directory under
src/mypackage/MyDynamicColormap.cpp. In the same directory there is also the header
file for this class.
If you want to compile the example package in release mode, you must change the active configuration
in Visual Studio and recompile the code. On Unix, you have to call gmake MAKE CFG=Optimize.
You can also define MAKE CFG as an environment variable.

Introduction to Avizo XPand Pack 609

21.1.5 Compiling and Debugging
This section provides additional information not covered by the quick start guide on how to compile
and debug custom Avizo packages. You may skip it the first time you are reading this manual. The
information will not become relevant until you are actually developing your own code.
It has already been mentioned that the development of custom Avizo packages should take place in
a local Avizo directory. Initially, such a directory should be created using the Development Wizard
described in section 21.2. The name of the local Avizo directory is stored in the Windows registry or
in the file .AvizoRegistry in your Unix home directory. On both Windows and Unix, the name of
the local Avizo directory can be overridden by defining the environment variable AVIZO LOCAL. This
might be useful if you want to switch between different local Avizo directories. However, in general it
is recommended not to set this variable.
For each local package there is a resource file stored in the subdirectory share/resources in
the local Avizo directory. This file contains information about all modules and IO routines provided
by that package. A local package can be compiled in debug mode suitable for debugging or in re-
lease mode with compiler optimization turned on. In the first case the DLLs or shared libraries are
stored under bin/arch-*-Debug on Windows and lib/arch-*-Debug on Unix, provided you
have installed ”debug binaries” during Avizo installation. In the second case they are stored under
bin/arch-*-Optimize or lib/arch-*-Optimize. Here the ’*’ indicates the actual archi-
tecture name. In the following it will be described how to compile local packages in both modes on
the different platforms and how to debug the code using a debugger. Windows Visual Studio 2010

Note: Mixing code generated with different versions of Visual Studio (Visual Studio 2008, 2010, etc.)
is not officially supported. So, generally you need the same Visual Studio version Avizo was compiled
with (see system requirements). However, compiling your own modules using another version of
Visual Studio may work if you install the corresponding Visual Studio runtime together with Avizo
on any Windows PC that make use of your custom modules. Be aware this is not a recommended usage.

The workspace and project files for Visual Studio are generated automatically from the Avizo Package
files by the Development Wizard. There should be no need to change the project settings manually.
By default, Visual Studio will compile in debug mode. In order to generate optimized code, you need
to change the active configuration. This is done by choosing Configuration Manager... from the Build
menu. In the Active Solution Configuration pulldown menu, select Release.
In order to execute the debug mode version of your local packages, you must start Avizo with the
debug Avizomain.exe located in the bin/arch-*-Debug folder. For convenience, a link Avizo
(Debug) is provided in the start menu. However, if you want to debug your code, you need to start
Avizo from Visual Studio. Thus you need to specify the correct executable in the project properties
You can bring up the project properties dialog by choosing Properties from the Project
menu. Select Debugging from the left pane. In the field Command, choose the file
bin/arch-<version>-Debug/Avizomain.exe located in the Avizo root directory (see Fig-
ure 21.1). Replace <version> with the version of Avizo you have (see system requirements).

610 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

Figure 21.1: Specifying the name of the executable in Visual Studio.

You can now start Avizo from Visual Studio by pressing F5 or by choosing Start from the Debug menu.
In order to debug your code you may set breakpoints at arbitrary locations in your code. For example,
if you want to debug a read routine, set a breakpoint at the beginning of the routine, execute Avizo and
invoke the read routine by loading some file.

Introduction to Avizo XPand Pack 611 Linux
In order to compile a local package under Linux you need to change into the package directory and
execute gmake in a shell. The gmake utility is provided in the bin subdirectory of the Avizo root
directory. Either add this directory to your path or create a link in a directory already listed in your
path, e.g., in /usr/bin.
The required GNUmakefiles will be generated automatically from the Avizo Package files by the De-
velopment Wizard. There should be no need to edit the GNUmakefiles manually. Depending on the
contents of the Package file all source files in a package directory will be compiled, or a subset only.
By default all files will be compiled. The Development Wizard will put the name of the Avizo root
directory into the file GNUmakefile.setroot. You may overwrite the name by defining the envi-
ronment variable AVIZO ROOT. For example, this might be useful when working simultaneously with
two different Avizo versions.
By default gmake will compile debug code. In order to compile optimized code, invoke gmake
MAKE CFG=Optimize. Alternatively, you may set the environment variable MAKE CFG to
If you have a multi-processor machine you may compile multiple files at once by invoking gmake
with the option -j<n>. Here <n> denotes the number of compile jobs to be run in parallel. Usually
twice the number of processors is a good choice.
If you have compiled debug code, you must invoke Avizo with the command line option -debug.
Otherwise, the optimized version will be executed. If no such version exists an error occurs. Instead
of specifying -debug at the command line you may also set the environment variable MAKE CFG to
In order to run Avizo in a debugger, invoke the Avizo start script with the -gdb or -ddd command line
Note that usually you cannot set a breakpoint in a local package right after starting the debugger.
This is because the package’s shared object file will not be linked to Avizo until the first mod-
ule or read or write routine defined in the package is invoked. In order to force the shared ob-
ject to be loaded without invoking any module or read or write routine, you may use the command
dso open lib<name>.so, where <name> denotes the name of the local package. Once the
shared object has been successfully loaded, breakpoints may be set. It depends on the debugger
whether these breakpoints are still active when the program is started the next time.

21.1.6 Maintaining Existing Code

This section is directed to programmers who have already developed custom modules using a previous
version of Avizo XPand Pack. In particular, we describe
• how to upgrade to Avizo XPand Pack 8, and
• how to rename an existing package. Upgrading to latest version of Avizo XPand Pack

Avizo is an evolving interactive software product. Avizo XPand Pack API is subject to change. While
we do our best to maintain compatibility, some incompatible changes may be introduced and require

612 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

adaptation of your existing code, in particular relating to modules and user interface.
Since Avizo 7, one of the Avizo XPand Pack headers subdirectory has been renamed.
AVIZO ROOT/include/Amira is now AVIZO ROOT/include/hxcore. Some classes related
to user interfaces has been moved into AVIZO ROOT/include/hxcoregui.
Moreover, you may use headers and libraries for Open Inventor and Qt provided by Avizo XPand Pack.
Those API follow themselves their own path and may introduce specific incompatibilities. Please refer
to their respective release notes for more details. Renaming an Existing Package

Sometimes you may want to rename an existing Avizo package, for example when using an existing
package as a template for a new custom package. In order to do so the following changes are required:
• Rename the package directory:
AvizoLocal/src/oldname becomes AvizoLocal/src/newname
• Rename the following files in the package directory:
oldnameAPI.h becomes newnameAPI.h
share/resources/oldname.rc becomes share/resources/newname.rc
• In the package resource file share/resources/newname.rc and in the Package file
replace oldname by newname.
• In the file newnameAPI.h replace OLDNAME API by NEWNAME API.
• In all header and source files of the package, adjust the include directives if necessary, i.e.,
instead of
#include <oldname/SomeClass.h>
now write #include <newname/SomeClass.h>
All replacements can be performed using an arbitrary text editor. After all files have been modified as
necessary a new Visual Studio project file or a new GNUmakefile should be created using the Avizo
development wizard.

21.2 The Development Wizard

The development wizard is a special tool which helps you to set up a local Avizo directory tree so that
you can write custom extensions for Avizo. In addition, the development wizard can be used to create
templates of Avizo modules or of read or write routines. The details of developing such components
are treated in other sections. At this point we want to give a short overview about the functionality of
the development wizard.
In particular, we discuss
• how to invoke the development wizard
• how to set or create the local Avizo directory
• how to add a package to the local Avizo directory
• how to add components to an existing package

The Development Wizard 613

• how to create the files for the build system
Finally, a section describing the Package file syntax is provided.

21.2.1 Starting the Development Wizard

In order to invoke the development wizard, first start Avizo. Then select Development Wizard from the
main window’s Help menu. Note that this menu option will only be available if you are running the
developer version of Avizo (with Avizo XPand Pack installed).
The layout of the development wizard is shown in Figure 21.2. Initially, the wizard informs you about
the local Avizo directory currently being used. If no local Avizo directory is defined, this is indicated
too. Furthermore, the wizard lets you select between four different tasks to be performed. These are
• setting the local Avizo directory (or creating a new one)
• adding a new package to the local Avizo directory
• adding a component to an existing package
• creating the files for the build system
The first option is always available. A new package can only be added if a valid local Avizo directory
has been specified. For the local Avizo directory to be valid, among others, it must contain a subdi-
rectory called src. If at least one package exists in the src directory of the local Avizo directory,
a new component, i.e., a module or a read or write routine, can be added to a package. Finally, the
last option allows you to create all files required by the build system, i.e., Visual Studio project files or
GNUmakefiles for Unix platforms.

Figure 21.2: Initial layout of the Avizo development wizard.

614 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

21.2.2 Setting Up the Local Avizo Directory
The local Avizo directory contains the source code and the binaries of all custom extensions developed
by a user. The name of this directory can be most easily specified using the development wizard (see
Figure 21.3). Since potentially every user can write his/her own extensions for Avizo it is usually
recommended that the local Avizo directory is created in the user’s home directory.

Figure 21.3: Setting the local Avizo directory.

If the specified directory does not exist the development wizard asks you whether it should be created.
If you confirm, the directory itself together with some subdirectories will be created. You may also
specify an existing empty directory in the text field. Then the subdirectories will be created in there.
Finally, you may choose an existing directory which has been created by the development wizard
before. In this case a simple check is performed to determine whether the specified directory is valid.
In order to unset the local Avizo directory you should clear the text field and press OK. The directory
will not be deleted, but the next time Avizo is started modules and IO routines defined in the local
Avizo directory will not be available anymore.
Once you have set up the local Avizo directory, the name of the directory is stored permanently, so the
next time Avizo is started the .rc-files located in the subdirectory share/resources of the local
Avizo directory can be read. In this way custom components are made known to Avizo. On Windows
the name of the local Avizo directory is stored in the Windows registry. On Unix systems it is stored in
the file .AvizoRegistry in the user’s home directory. In both cases, these setting can be overridden
by defining the environment variable AVIZO LOCAL.
The development wizard also provides a toggle for copying an example package to the local Avizo
directory. You will get a warning if this button is activated and an existing local Avizo directory
already containing the example package has been specified. The exmaple package is copied to the
subdirectory src/mypackage in the local Avizo directory. It contains all read and write routines
and modules presented as examples in this guide.

The Development Wizard 615

21.2.3 Adding a New Package
All Avizo components are organized in packages. Each package will be compiled into a separate
shared object (or DLL file on Windows). Therefore, before any components can be defined at least
one package must be created in the local Avizo directory. In order to do so, choose add package to
local Avizo directory on the first page of the wizard and press Next. On the next page you can enter the
name of the new package (see Figure 21.4).

Figure 21.4: Adding a new package to the local Avizo directory.

The name of a package must not contain any white spaces or punctuation characters. When a package
is added, a subdirectory of the same name is created under src in the local Avizo directory. In this
directory the source code and header files of all the modules and IO routines of the package are stored.
In addition in each package directory there must be a Package file from which the build system files
can be generated.
Initially, a default Package file will be copied into a new package directory. This default file adds the
most common Avizo libraries for linking. It also selects all C++ source files in the package directory
to be compiled. In order to generate the build system from the Package file, please refer to subsection
In addition to the Package file also the file version.cpp will be copied into a new package direc-
tory. This file allows you to put version information into your package, which can later be viewed in
the Avizo system information dialog. Finally, also an empty file package.rc will be copied into
share/resources. In this file later modules and IO routines will be registered.

21.2.4 Adding a New Component

If you choose the add component option on the first page of the development wizard, you will be asked
what kind of component should be added to which package. Remember that the add component option

616 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

will only be available if a valid local Avizo directory with at least one existing package is found. In
particular, templates
• of an ordinary module,
• of a compute module,
• of a read routine,
• or of a write routine
may be created (see Figure 21.5). The option menu in the lower part of the dialog box lets you specify
the package to which the component should be added. After you press the Next button, you will be
asked to enter more specific information about the particular component you want to add. Up to this
point no real operation has been performed, i.e., no files have been created or modified.

Figure 21.5: Adding a new component to an existing package.

21.2.5 Adding an Ordinary Module

An ordinary module in Avizo usually directly visualizes the data object it is attached to. For example,
the Isosurface module, the Volume Render module, and the Surface View module are of this type.
Such modules, sometimes also called display modules, are represented by yellow icons in the Project
In order to create the template for an ordinary module using the development wizard, you must enter
the C++ class name of the module, the name to be shown in the pop-up menu of possible input data
objects, the C++ class name of possible input data objects, and finally the package where the input
class is defined (see Figure 21.6).
Once you press OK, two files are created in the package directory, namely a header file and a source
code file for the new module. In addition, a new module statement is added to the package resource

The Development Wizard 617

Figure 21.6: Creating the template of a custom module.

file located under share/resources in the package directory.

After you have added a new module to a package you need to recreate the build system files before
you can compile the module. Details are described in subsection 21.2.9.

21.2.6 Adding a Compute Module

A compute module in Avizo usually takes one or more input data objects, performs some kind of com-
putation, and puts back a resulting data object in the Project View. Compute modules are represented
by red icons in the Project View.
The only difference between an ordinary module and a compute module is that the former is directly
derived from HxModule while the latter is derived from HxCompModule. When creating a template
for a compute module using the development wizard, the same input fields must be filled in as for an
ordinary module. The meaning of these input fields is described in subsection 21.2.5.

21.2.7 Adding a Read Routine

As will be explained in more detail in subsection 21.3.2, read routines are global C++ functions used
to create one or more Avizo data objects from the contents of a file stored in a certain file format. To
create the template of a new read routine, first the name of the routine must be specified (see Figure
21.7). The name must be a valid C++ name. It must not contain blanks or any other special characters.

Moreover, the name of the file format and the preferred file name extension must be specified. The
extension will be used by the file browser in order to identify the file format. The format name will be
displayed next to any matching file.
Finally, a toggle can be set in order to create the template of a read routine supporting the input of

618 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

Figure 21.7: Creating the template of a read routine.

multiple files. Such a routine will have a slightly different signature. It allows you to create a single
data object from multiple input files. For example, multiple 2D image files can be combined in a single
3D image volume. Details are provided in subsection
After you press OK a new file <name>.cpp will be created in the package directory, where <name>
denotes the name of the read routine. In addition, the read routine will be registered in the package
resource file. Some file formats can be identified by a unique file header, not just by the file name
extension. In such a case you may want to modify the resource file entry as described in subsection
Remember, that after you have added a new read routine to a package you need to recreate the build
system files before you can compile it. Details are described in subsection 21.2.9.

21.2.8 Adding a Write Routine

A write routine is a global C++ function which takes a pointer to some data object and writes the data
to a file in a certain file format. The details are explained in subsection 21.3.3. In order to create the
template of a new write routine, the name of the routine must first be specified (see Figure 21.8). The
name must be a valid C++ name. It must not contain blanks or any other special characters.
In addition, the name of the file format and the preferred file name extension must be specified. Before
saving a data object, both the name and the extension will be displayed in the file format menu of the
Avizo file browser.
Finally, the C++ class name of the data object to be saved must be chosen as well as the package
this class is defined in. Some important data objects such as a HxUniformScalarField3 or a
HxSurface are already listed in the corresponding combo box. However, any other class, including
custom classes, may be specified here. Instead of the name of a data class, even the name of an
interface class such as HxLattice3 may be used (see subsection

The Development Wizard 619

Figure 21.8: Creating the template of a write routine.

After you press OK, a new file <name>.cpp will be created in the package directory, where <name>
denotes the name of the write routine. In addition, the write routine will be registered in the package
resource file.
Remember, that after you have added a new write routine to a package you need to recreate the build
system files before you can compile it. Details are described in subsection 21.2.9.

21.2.9 Creating the Build System Files

Before you can actually compile your own packages you need to create project files for Microsoft
Visual Studio on Windows or GNUmakefiles for Unix. These files contain information such as the
source code files to be compiled, or the correct include and library paths. Since it is not trivial to set up
and edit these files manually, Avizo provides a mechanism to create them automatically. In order to do
this, a so-called Package file must exist in each package. The Package files contains the name of the
package and a list of dependent packages. It may also contain additional tags to customize the build
process. The syntax of the package file is described in subsection 21.2.10. However, usually there is
no need to modify the default Package file created by the development wizard.
While the automatic generation of the build system files is a very helpful feature it also means that you
better do not modify the resulting project or GNUmakefiles manually, because they might be easily
overwritten by Avizo.
If you select Create build system on the main page of the development wizard and then press the Next
button, the controls shown in Figure 21.9 will be activated. You can choose if you want to create the
build system files for all local packages or just for a particular one. Depending on the selected build
system the following files will be created:

620 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

Figure 21.9: Creating the build system files.

src/mypackage/GNUmakefile: A GNUmakefile for building mypackage. If all local packages

is selected such a file will be created in every subdirectory containing a Package file.
In order to compile all local packages at once, you can type gmake in the local Avizo directory. In this
directory there is a standard GNUmakefile which calls gmake in all package directories.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
AvizoLocal.vc100.sln: A workspace containing projects for all local packages. This file will
only be written if all local packages is selected in the development wizard.
allAvizoLocal.vc100.vcproj: A project file which depends on all other projects. Choose
this project as active project in Visual Studio if you want to compile all local packages.
docAvizoLocal.vc100.vcproj: A project for creating the documentation for all local pack-
ages. This file will only be written if all local packages is selected in the development wizard.
src/mypackage/mypackage.vc100.vcproj: A project for building mypackage. If all local
packages is selected such a file will be created in every subdirectory containing a Package file.
The syntax of the Package file is described in the following section.
Another file api.h will also be copied into the package directory. It contains a macro required for
putting symbols in a DLL on Windows.

21.2.10 The Package File Syntax

The Package file contains information about a local package. From this file Visual Studio project files
or GNUmakefiles can be generated. The Package file is a Tcl file. It defines a set of Tcl variables
indicating things like the name of the package, dependent libraries, or additional files to be copied
when building the package. The default Package file created by the Development Wizard looks as

The Development Wizard 621

set PACKAGE {mypackage}

set LIBS {
hxplot hxtime hxsurface hxcolor hxfield
hxcore amiramesh mclib oiv tcl

set SHARE {

In most cases the default file works well and need not to be modified. However, in order to accomplish
special tasks the default values of the variables can be changed or additional variables can be defined.
Here is a detailed list describing the meaning of the different variables:

The variable PACKAGE indicates the name of the package. This should be the same as the name of the
package directory. The package name must not contain any characters other than letters or digits.

Lists all libraries the package depends on. By default, the most common Avizo packages are inserted
here. You can modify this list as needed. For example, if you want to link against a library called
foo.lib on Windows or libfoo.so on Unix, you should add foo to LIBS.
In addition to a real library name you may use the following aliases in the LIBS variable:
oiv - for the Open Inventor libraries
tcl - for the Tcl library
opengl - for the OpenGL library
qt - for the Qt library
If you want to link against a library only on a particular platform, you can set a dedicated variable
LIBS-arch, where arch denotes the platform. You may further distinguish between the debug and
release version of the code. Here is an example:
set LIBS {mclib amiramesh schedule hxz qt oiv opengl tcl}
set LIBS-Unix {hxgfxinit}
set LIBS-Win {hxgfxinit}
set LIBS-Win-Debug {msvcrtd mpr}
set LIBS-Win-Optimize {msvcrt mpr}

Lists all files which should be copied from the package directory into the local Avizo directory. By
default, only the package resource file will be copied. However, you may add additional files here
if necessary. Instead of explicit file names you may use wildcards. These will be resolved using the
standard Tcl command glob. For example, if you have some demo scripts in your package you could
copy them in the following way:

622 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

set SHARE {

As for the LIBS variable you may append an arch string here, i.e., SHARE-arch. The files then will
only be copied on the specified platforms.

This variable may contain a list of additional include paths. These paths are used by the com-
piler to locate header files. By default, the include path is set to $AVIZO ROOT/include,
$AVIZO ROOT/include/oiv, $AVIZO LOCAL/src, and the local package directory.

This may contain a list of files which are copied from a location other than the local package directory.
You need to specify the name of the target file followed by the name of the destination file relative to
the local Avizo directory. For example, you may want to copy certain data files from some archive into
the Avizo directory. This can be achieved in the following way.

set COPY {
D:/depot/data/28523763.dcm data/test
D:/depot/data/28578320.dcm data/test
D:/depot/data/28590591.dcm data/test

As for the LIBS variable you may append an arch string here, i.e., COPY-arch. The files then will
only be copied on the specified platforms. A common application is to copy external libraries required
on a particular platform into the Avizo directory.

This variable specifies the source code files to be compiled for the package. The default value of this
variable is

set SRC {*.cpp *.c}

This means, that By default all .cpp and .c files in the local package directory will be compiled. Some-
times you may want to replace this default by an explicit list of source files.
Again, you may append an arch string to the SRC variable, so that certain files will only be compiled
on a particular platform.

This variable specifies the header files to be included into the Visual Studio package project file. The
default value of this variable is

The Development Wizard 623

set INCSRC {*.h *.hpp}

This means that by default all .h and .hpp files in the local package directory will be considered.
Again, you may append an arch string to the INCSRC variable, so that certain header files will only be
considered on a particular platform.

21.3 File I/O

This section describes how user-defined read and write routines can be added to Avizo. The purpose
of custom read and write routines is to add support for file formats not available in Avizo.
First, some general hints on file formats are given. Then we discuss how read routines are expected
to look in Avizo. Write routines are treated subsequently. Finally, the AmiraMesh API is discussed.
Using this API, file I/O for new custom data objects can be implemented rather easily.

21.3.1 On file formats

Before going into detail, let us clarify some general concepts. In Avizo, all data loaded into the system
are encapsulated in C++ data classes. section 21.5 provides more information about the standard data
classes. For example, there is a class to represent tetrahedral grids (HxTetraGrid), a separate one for
scalar fields defined on tetrahedral grids (HxTetraScalarField), and another one for 3D image data
(HxUniformScalarField3). Every instance of a data class is represented by a green icon in the Avizo
Project View.
The way in which data are stored in a disk file is called a file format. Although there is a relationship
between data classes and file formats, these are two different things. It is especially important to
understand that there is no one-to-one correspondence between them.
Typically, a specific data class (like 3D image data) can be stored in many different file formats (3D
TIFF, DICOM, a set of 2D JPEG files, and so on). On the other hand, a specific file format does not
necessarily correspond to exactly one data class. For example, a simple data file in Fluent UNS format
can contain hexahedral grids (HxHexaGrid) or tetrahedral grids (HxTetraGrid). A more complicated
Fluent UNS case containing both tetrahedra, hexahedra, pyramids and wedges can be read in Avizo
Wind Edition and the grid will be stored as an unstructured model (HxUnstructuredModel).
Note that there is also no one-to-one correspondence between the instance of a data class (a green icon
in Avizo) and the instance of a file format (the actual file). Often multiple files correspond to a single
data object, for example 2D images forming a single 3D image volume. On the other hand, a single file
can contain the data of multiple data objects. For example, an AVS UCD file can contain a tetrahedral
grid as well as multiple scalar fields defined on it.
Finally, note that information may get lost when saving a data object to a file in a specific format. For
example, when saving a 3D image volume to a set of 2D JPEG images, the bounding box information
will be lost. Likewise, there are user-defined parameters or attributes in Avizo that cannot be encoded
in most standard file formats. On the other hand a file reader often does not interpret all information
provided by a specific file format.

624 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

21.3.2 Read Routines
As already mentioned in the previous section, a read routine is a C++ function that reads a disk file,
interprets the data, creates an instance of an Avizo data class, and fills that instance with the data read
from the file.
In order to write a read routine, obviously two things are needed, namely a specification of the file
format to be read as well as the information which of Avizo’s data classes is able to represent the data
and how this class is used. More information about the standard Avizo data classes is given in section
21.5. The C++ interface of these classes is described in the online reference documentation.
A read routine may either be a static member function of a class or a global function. In addition to
the function itself, an entry in the package resource file is needed. In this way Avizo is informed about
the existence of the read routine and about the type of files that can be handled by the reader.
In the following discussion the implementation of a user-defined read routine will be illustrated by two
concrete examples, namely a simple read routine for scalar fields and a read routine for surfaces and
surface fields. Some more details about read routines will be discussed subsequently. A Reader for Scalar Fields

In this section we present a simple read routine designed for reading image volumes, i.e., 3D scalar
fields, from a very simple file format, which we have invented for this example. The file format is
called PPM3D (because it is similar to the ppm 2D image format). The PPM3D format will be an
ASCII file format containing a header, three integer numbers specifying the size of the 3D image
volume, and the pixel data as integer numbers in the range 0 to 255. An example file could look like
4 4 3
43 44 213 9 23 234 3 3 3 44 213 9 23 234 36 63
44 213 9 23 234 35 3 5 44 213 9 23 234 31 13 12
44 213 9 23 234 35 3 5 44 213 9 23 234 31 13 12

The full source code of the read routine is contained in the example package provided with Avizo
XPand Pack. In order to follow the example below, first create a local Avizo directory using the
Development Wizard. Be sure that the toggle copy example package is activated, as described
in subsection 21.2.2. The read routine can then be found in the local Avizo directory under
Let us first take a look at the commented source code of the reader. Some general remarks follow

File I/O 625

// Sample read routine for the PPM3D file format

#include <hxcore/HxMessage.h>
#include <hxfield/HxUniformScalarField3.h>
#include "api.h"

MYPACKAGE_API int readppm3d(const char* filename)

FILE* f = fopen(filename, "r"); // open the file

if (!f) {
return 0; // indicate error

// Skip header (first line). We could do some checking here:

char buf[80];
fgets(buf, 80, f);

// Read size of volume:

int dims[3];
dims[0] = dims[1] = dims[2] = 0;
fscanf(f, "%d %d %d", &dims[0], &dims[1], &dims[2]);

// Do some consistency checking.

if (dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2] <= 0) {
theMsg->printf("Error in file %s.", filename);
return 0;

// Now create 3D image data object. The constructor takes

// the dimensions and the primary data type. In this case
// we create a field containing unsigned bytes (8 bit).
HxUniformScalarField3* field =
new HxUniformScalarField3(dims, McPrimType::mc_uint8);

// The HxUniformScalarField3 stores its data in a member

// variable called lattice. We know that the data is unsigned
// 8 bit because we specified this in the constructor.
unsigned char* data =
(unsigned char*) field->lattice.dataPtr();

// Now we must read dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2] data values

for (int i=0; i<dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2]; i++) {
int val=0;
data[i] = (unsigned char) val;

626 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

// We are done with reading, close the file.

// Register the data object to make it visible in the

// Project View. The name for the new object is automatically
// generated from the filename.
HxData::registerData(field, filename);

return 1; // Indicate success


The source file starts with some includes. First, the file HxMessage.h is included. This header file
provides the global pointer theMsg which allows us to print out text messages in the Avizo console
window. In our read routine we use theMsg to print out error messages if a read error occurred.
Next, the header file containing the declaration of the data class to be created is included, i.e., HxUni-
formScalarField3.h. As a general rule, every class in Avizo is declared in a separate header file. The
name of the header file is identical to the name of the C++ class.
Finally, the file api.h is included. This file provides import and export storage-class specifiers for
Windows systems. These are encoded in the macro MYPACKAGE API. On Unix systems this macro
is empty and can be omitted.
The read routine itself takes one argument, the name of the data file to be read. It should return 1 on
success, or 0 if an error occurred and no data object could be created. The body of the read routine
is rather straightforward. The file is opened for reading. The size of the image volume is read. A
new data object of type HxUniformScalarField3 is created and the rest of the data is written into the
data object. Finally, the file is closed again and the data object is put into the Project View by calling
HxData::registerData. In principle, all read routines look like this example. Of course, the
type of data object being created and the way that this object is initialized may differ.
In order to make the new read routine known to Avizo, an entry must be added to the package resource
file, i.e., to the file mypackage/share/resources/mypackage.rc. In our case this entry
looks as follows:

dataFile -name "PPM3D Demo Format" \

-header "PPM3D" \
-load "readppm3d" \
-package "mypackage"

The dataFile command registers a new file format called PPM3D Demo Format. The option
-header specifies a regular expression which is used for automatic file format detection. If the
first 64 bytes of a file match this expression, the file will be automatically loaded using this read rou-
tine. Of course, some data formats do not have a unique file header. In this case, the format may also
be detected from a standard file name extension. Such an extension may be specified using the -ext
option of the dataFile command. Multiple extensions can be specified as a comma-separated list.
The actual C++ name of the read routine is specified via -load. Finally, the package containing the
read routine must be specified using the -package option.
If you have compiled the example in the mypackage example package, you can try to load the example

File I/O 627

file mypackage/data/test.ppm3d. As you will see, the file browser automatically detects the
file format and displays PPM3D Demo Format in its file list. A Reader for Surfaces and Surface Fields

Now that you know what a read routine looks like in principle, let us consider a more complex example.
In this section we discuss a read routine which creates more than one data object. In particular, we
want to read a triangular surface mesh from a file. In addition to the surface description, the file may
also contain data values for each vertex of the surface. Data defined on a surface mesh are represented
by separate classes in Avizo. Therefore, the reader must first create a data object representing the
surface only. Then appropriate data objects must be created for each surface field.
Again, the file format is quite simple and has been invented for the purpose of this example. We call it
the Trimesh format. It is a simple ASCII format without any header. The first line contains the number
of points and the number of triangles. Then the x-, y-, and z-coordinates of the points are listed. This
section is followed by triangle specifications consisting of three point indices for each triangle, point
count starts at one. The next section is for vertex data, starting with a line that contains an arbitrary
number of integers. Each integer indicates that there is a data field with a certain number of variables
defined on the surface’s vertices, e.g., 1 for a scalar field or 3 for a vector field. The data values for
each vertex follow in separate lines. Here is a small example containing a single scalar surface field:
4 2
0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 0.0
1 2 4
1 4 3

You can find the full source code of the reader in the local Avizo directory under
src/mypackage/readtrimesh.cpp. Remember that the example package must have been
copied into the local Avizo directory before compiling. For details, refer to subsection 21.2.2. Let
us now look at the complete read routine before discussing the details:
// Read routine for the Trimesh file format

#include <McStringTokenizer.h>
#include <hxcore/HxMessage.h>
#include <hxsurface/HxSurface.h>
#include <hxsurface/HxSurfaceField.h>
#include "api.h"

628 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

MYPACKAGE_API int readtrimesh(const char* filename)
FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "r");

if (!fp) {
return 0;

// 1. Read the surface itself

char buffer[256];
fgets(buffer,256,fp); // read first line

int i, j, k, nPoints=0, nTriangles=0;

// Get number of points and triangles
sscanf(buffer, "%d %d", &nPoints, &nTriangles);

if (nPoints<0 || nTriangles<0) {
theMsg->printf("Illegal number of points or triangles.");
return 0;

HxSurface* surface = new HxSurface; // create new surface

surface->addMaterial("Inside",0); // add some materials

HxSurface::Patch* patch = new HxSurface::Patch;

surface->patches.append(patch); // add patch to surface
patch->innerRegion = 0;
patch->outerRegion = 1;


for (i=0; i<nPoints; i++) { // read point coordinates

McVec3f& p = surface->points[i];
sscanf(buffer, "%g %g %g", &p[0], &p[1], &p[2]);

for (i=0; i<nTriangles; i++) { // read triangles

int idx[3];
sscanf(buffer, "%d %d %d", &idx[0], &idx[1], &idx[2]);

Surface::Triangle& tri = surface->triangles[i];

tri.points[0] = idx[0]-1; // indices should start at zero
tri.points[1] = idx[1]-1;
tri.points[2] = idx[2]-1;
tri.patch = 0;

File I/O 629


// Add all triangles to the patch

for (i=0; i<nTriangles; i++)
patch->triangles[i] = i;

// Add surface to Project View


// 2. Check if file also contains data fields

McStringTokenizer tk(buffer);
McDArray<HxSurfaceField*> fields;

while (tk.hasMoreTokens()) { // are there any numbers here ?

int n = atoi(tk.nextToken());
// Create field with desired number of components
HxSurfaceField* field = HxSurfaceField::create(surface,
HxSurfaceField::OnNodes, n);
fields.append( field );

if (fields.size()) {
// Read data values for all fields
for (i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
tk = buffer;
for (j=0; j<fields.size(); j++) {
int n = fields[j]->nDataVar();
float* v = &fields[j]->dataPtr()[i*n];
for (k=0; k<n; k++)
v[k] = atof(tk.nextToken());

// Add all fields to Project View

for (i=0; i<fields.size(); i++) {
HxData::registerData(fields[i], NULL);

fclose(fp); // close file and return ok

return 1;

The first part of the read routine is very similar to the PPM3D reader outlined in the previous section.
Required header files are included, the file is opened, the number of points and triangles are read, and
a consistency check is performed.
Then an Avizo surface object of type HxSurface is created. The class HxSurface has been devised to
represent an arbitrary set of triangles. The triangles are organized into patches. A patch can be thought

630 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

of as the boundary between two volumetric regions, an ”inner” and an ”outer” region. Therefore, for
each patch an inner region and an outer region should be defined. In our case, all triangles will be
inserted into a single patch. After this patch has been created and initialized, the number of points and
triangles is set, i.e., the dynamic arrays points and triangles are resized appropriately.
Next, the point coordinates and the triangles are read. Each triangle is defined by the three points it
consists of. The point indices start at one in the file but should start at zero in the HxSurface class.
Therefore all indices are decremented by one. Once all triangles have been read, they are inserted into
the patch we have created before. The surface is now fully initialized and can be added to the Project
View by calling HxData::registerData.
The second part of the read routine is reading the data values. First, we check how many data fields
are defined and how many data variables each field has. In order to parse this information, we use the
utility class McStringTokenizer. This class returns blank-separated parts of a string one after the other.
For more information about this and other utility classes refer to the online reference documentation
of Avizo XPand Pack.
For each group of data variables, a corresponding surface field is created. The fields are temporarily
stored in the dynamic array fields. Instead of directly calling the constructor of the class HxSur-
faceField, the static method HxSurfaceField::create is used. This method checks the number of data
variables and automatically creates an instance of a subclass such as HxSurfaceScalarField or Hx-
SurfaceVectorField, if this is possible. In principle, surface fields may store data on a per-node or a
per-triangle basis. Here we are dealing with vertex data, so we specify the encoding to be HxSurface-
Field::OnNodes in HxSurfaceField::create.
Finally, the data values are read into the surface fields created before. Afterwards, all the fields are
added to the Project View by calling HxData::registerData again. In order to define a useful name
for the surface fields, we call the method composeLabel. This method takes a reference name, in this
case the name of the surface, and replaces the suffix by some other string, in this case ”data”. Avizo
automatically modifies the name so that it is unique. Therefore we can perform the same replacement
for all surface fields.
Like any other read routine, our Trimesh reader must be registered in the package
resource file before it can be used. This is done by the following statement in
dataFile -name "Trimesh Demo Format" \
-ext "trimesh,tm" \
-load "readtrimesh" \
-package "mypackage"

Most of the options of the dataFile command have already been explained in the previous section.
However, in contrast to the PPM3D format, the Trimesh format cannot be identified by its file header.
Therefore, we use the -ext option to tell Avizo that all files with file name extensions trimesh or tm
should be opened using the Trimesh reader. More About Read Routines

The basic structure of a read routine should be clear from the examples presented in the previous two
sections. Nevertheless, there are a few more things that might be of interest in some situations. These

File I/O 631

will be discussed in the following.

Reading Multiple Images At Once The Avizo file browser allows you to select multiple files at
once. Usually, all these files are opened one after the other by first determining the file format and then
calling the appropriate read routine. However, in some cases the data of a single Avizo data object
are distributed among multiple files. The most prominent example is 3D images where every slice is
stored in a separate 2D image file. In order to be able to create a full 3D image, the file names of all
the individual 2D images must be available to a read routine. To facilitate this, read routines in Avizo
can have two different signatures. Besides the ordinary form
int myreader(const char* filename);

read routines can also be defined as follows:

int myreader(int n, const char** filenames);

In both cases exactly the same dataFile command can be used in the package resource file. Avizo
automatically detects whether a read routine takes a single file name as an argument or multiple ones.
In the latter case, the read routine is called with the names of all files selected in the file browser,
provided all these files have the same file format (if multiple files with different formats are selected,
the read routine for each format is called with the matching files only). You can create the template of
a multiple files read routine by selecting the toggle create reader for multiple files in the Development
Wizard (see subsection 21.2.7).

The Load Command The current state of the Avizo project with all its data objects and modules can
be stored in a script file. When executed, the script should restore the Avizo project again. Of course,
this is a difficult task especially if data objects have been modified since they have been loaded from
files. However, even if this is not the case, Avizo must know how to reload the data later on.
For this purpose a special parameter called LoadCmd should be defined for the data object. This pa-
rameter should contain a Tcl command sequence which restores the data object on execution. Usually,
the load command is simply set to load <filename> when calling HxData::registerData.
However, this approach fails if the format of the file cannot be detected automatically, or if multiple
data objects are created from a single file, e.g., as in our Trimesh example.
In such cases the load command should be set manually. In case of the Trimesh reader, this could
be done by adding the following lines of code at the very end of the routine just before the method’s
returning point:
QString loadCmd = QString("set TMPIO [load -trimesh %1]\n"
"lindex $TMPIO 0").arg(filename);

for (i=0; i<fields.size(); i++) {

loadCmd = QString("lindex $TMPIO %1").arg(i+1);

632 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

This code requires some explanation. The file is loaded and all data objects are created when the first
line of the load command is executed. Note that we specified the -trimesh option as an argument
of load. This ensures that the Trimesh reader will always be used. The format of the file to be loaded
will not be determined automatically. The Tcl command load returns a list with the names of all
data objects which have been created. This list is stored in the variable TMPIO. Later the names of
the individual objects can be obtained by extracting the corresponding elements from this list. This is
done using the Tcl command lindex.

Using Dialog Boxes in a Read Routine In some cases a file cannot be read successfully unless
certain parameters are interactively specified by the user. Usually this means that a special-purpose
dialog must be popped up within the read routine. This is done, for example, when raw data are read
in Avizo. In order to write your own dialogs, you must use Qt, a platform-independent toolkit for
designing graphical user interfaces. Qt is included with Avizo XPand Pack under LGPL licensing, so
that you can easily use it to create custom dialogs in Avizo.
If you don’t want to use Qt, you may consider implementing your read routine within an ordinary
module. Although this somewhat breaks Avizo’s data import concept, it will work too, of course. You
then can utilize ordinary ports to let the user specify required import parameters.

21.3.3 Write Routines

Like read routines, write routines in Avizo are C++ functions, either global ones or static member
functions of an arbitrary class. In the following discussion we present write routines for the same two
formats for which reader codes have been explained in the previous section. First, a writer for scalar
fields will be discussed, then a writer for surfaces and surface fields. A Writer for Scalar Fields

In this section we explain how to implement a routine for writing 3D images, i.e., instances of the
class HxUniformScalarField3, to a file using the PPM3D format introduced in subsection
The writer is even simpler than the reader. Again, the source code is contained in the example package
of Avizo XPand Pack. Once you have created a local Avizo directory using the Development Wizard
and copied the example package into that directory, you will find the write routine in the local Avizo
directory under src/mypackage/writeppm3d.cpp. Here it is:
// Sample write routine for the PPM3D file format

#include <hxcore/HxMessage.h>
#include <hxfield/HxUniformScalarField3.h>
#include "api.h"

int writeppm3d(HxUniformScalarField3* field, const char* filename)

File I/O 633

// For the moment we only want to support byte data
if (field->primType() != McPrimType::mc_uint8) {
theMsg->printf("This format only supports byte data.");
return 0; // indicate error

FILE* f = fopen(filename, "w"); // open the file

if (!f) {
return 0; // indicate error

// Write header:
fprintf(f, "# PPM3D\n");

// Write fields dimensions:

const int* dims = field->lattice.dims();
fprintf(f, "%d %d %d\n", dims[0], dims[1], dims[2]);

// Write dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2] data values:

unsigned char* data =
(unsigned char*) field->lattice.dataPtr();

for (int i=0; i<dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2]; i++) {

fprintf(f, "%d ", data[i]);
if (i%20 == 19) // do some formatting

// Close the file.


return 1; // indicate success


At the beginning, the same header files are included as in the reader. HxMessage.h provides the global
pointer theMsg which allows us to print out text messages in the Avizo console window. HxUni-
formScalarField3.h contains the declaration of the data class to be written to the file. Finally, api.h
provides import and export storage-class specifiers for Windows systems. These are encoded in the
macro MYPACKAGE API. On Unix systems, this macro is empty and can be omitted.
The signature of a write routine differs from that of a read routine. It takes two arguments, namely a
pointer to the data object to be written to a file, as well as the name of the file. Before a write routine
is called, Avizo always checks if the specified file already exists. If this is the case, the user is asked
if the existing file should be overwritten. Therefore, such a check need not to be coded again in each
write routine. Like a read routine, a write routine should return 1 on success, or 0 if an error occurred
and the data object could not be saved.
The body of the write routine is almost self-explanatory. At the beginning, a check is made whether
the 3D image really consists of byte data. In general, the type of data values of such an image can
be 8-bit bytes, 16-bit shorts, 32-bit integers, floats, or doubles. If the image does contain bytes, a file

634 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

is opened and the image contents are written into it. However, note that the data object also contains
information which cannot be stored using our simple PPM3D file format. First of all, this applies to
the bounding box of the image volume, i.e., the position of the center of the first and the last voxel in
world coordinates. Also, all parameters of the object (defined in the member variable parameters of
type HxParamBundle) will be lost if the image is written into a PPM3D file and read again.
Like a read routine, a write routine must be registered in the package resource file, i.e., in
mypackage/share/resources/mypackage.rc. This is done by the following statement:

dataFile -name "PPM3D Demo Format" \

-save "writeppm3d" \
-type "HxUniformScalarField3" \
-package "mypackage"

The option -save specifies the name of the write routine. The option -type specifies the C++ class
name of the data objects which can be saved using this format. Note that an export format may be
registered for multiple C++ objects of different type. In this case multiple -type options should be
specified. However, for each type there must be a separate write routine with a different signature
(polymorphism). For example, if we additionally want to register the PPM3D format for objects of
type HxStackedScalarField3, we must additionally implement the following routine:

int writeppm3d(HxStackedScalarField3* field, const char* fname);

Besides the standard data classes, there are so-called interface classes that may be specified with the
-type option. For example, in this way it is possible to implement a generic writer for n-component
regular 3D fields. Such data is encapsulated by the interface HxLattice3. For more information about
interfaces, refer to section 21.5.
At this point you may try to compile and execute the write routine by following the instructions given
in subsection 21.1.5 (Compiling and Debugging). A Writer for Surfaces and Surface Fields

For the sake of completeness, a writer for the Trimesh format introduced in subsection is
described in this subsection. Remember that the Trimesh format is suitable for storing a triangular
mesh as well as an arbitrary number of data values defined on the vertices of the surface. In Avizo,
surfaces and data fields defined on surfaces are represented by different objects. This also has some
implications when designing a write routine.
In our example we actually implement two different write routines, one for the surface and one for
the surface field. If the user selects the surface and exports it using the Trimesh writer, the surface
mesh as well as all attached data fields will be written to file. On the other hand, if the user selects a
particular surface field, the corresponding surface and just the selected field will be written.
The source code of the writer can be found in the local Avizo directory under
src/mypackage/writetrimesh.cpp. Remember that the example package must be
copied into the local Avizo directory before compiling. For details refer to subsection 21.2.2. Again,
let us start by looking at the code:

File I/O 635

// Write routine for the Trimesh file format

#include <hxcore/HxMessage.h>
#include <hxsurface/HxSurface.h>
#include <hxsurface/HxSurfaceField.h>
#include "api.h"

int writetrimesh(HxSurface* surface,
McDArray<HxSurfaceField*> fields, const char* filename)
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "w");

if (!f) {
return 0;

int i,j,k;
McDArray<McVec3f>& points = surface->points;
McDArray<Surface::Triangle>& triangles = surface->triangles;

// Write number of points and number of triangles

fprintf(f, "%ld %ld\n", points.size(), triangles.size());

// Write point coordinates

for (i=0; i<points.size(); i++) {
McVec3f& v = points[i];
fprintf(f, "%g %g %g\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]);

// Write point indices of all triangles

for (i=0; i<triangles.size(); i++) {
int* idx = triangles[i].points;
fprintf(f, "%d %d %d\n", idx[0]+1, idx[1]+1, idx[2]+1);

// If there are data fields write them out too.

if (fields.size()) {
for (j=0; j<fields.size(); j++)
fprintf(f, "%d ", fields[j]->nDataVar());
fprintf(f, "\n");

for (i=0; i<points.size(); i++) {

for (j=0; j<fields.size(); j++) {
int n = fields[j]->nDataVar();
float* v = &fields[j]->dataPtr()[i*n];
for (k=0; k<n; k++)
fprintf(f, "%g ", v[k]);

636 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

fprintf(f, "\n");

fclose(f); // done
return 1;

int writetrimesh(HxSurface* surface, const char* filename)
// Temporary array of surface data fields
McDArray<HxSurfaceField*> fields;

// Check if there are data fields attached to surface

for (int i=0; i<surface->downStreamConnections.size(); i++) {
HxObject* field = surface->downStreamConnections[i]->object();
if (field->isOfType(HxSurfaceField::getClassTypeId()) &&
((HxSurfaceField*)field)->getEncoding() == HxSurfaceField::OnNodes)

// Write surface and all attached data fields

return writetrimesh(surface, fields, filename);

int writetrimesh(HxSurfaceField* field, const char* filename)
// Check if data is defined on nodes
if (field->getEncoding() != HxSurfaceField::OnNodes) {
theMsg->printf("Data must be defined on nodes.");
return 0;

// Store pointer to field in dynamic array

McDArray<HxSurfaceField*> fields;

// Write surface and this data field

return writetrimesh(field->surface(), fields, filename);

In the upper part of the code, first a static utility method is defined which takes three arguments: a
pointer to a surface, a dynamic array of pointers to surface fields, and a file name. This is the function
that actually writes the data to a file. Once you have understood the Trimesh reader presented in
subsection, it should be no problem to follow the writer code too.
In the lower part of the code, two write routines mentioned above are defined, one for surfaces and the
other one for surface fields. Since these routines are to be exported for external use, we need to apply
the package macro MYPACKAGE API, at least on Windows.
Let us now look more closely at the surface writer. This routine first collects all sur-

File I/O 637

face fields attached to the surface in a dynamic array. This is done by scanning
surface->downStreamConnections which provides a list of all objects attached to the sur-
face. The class type of each object is checked using the method isOfType. This sort of dynamic
type-checking is the same as in Open Inventor. If a surface field has been found and if it contains data
defined on its nodes, it is appended to the temporary array fields. The surface itself, as well as the
collected fields, are then written to file by calling the utility method defined in the upper part of the
writer code.
The second write routine, the one adapted to surface fields, is simpler. Here a dynamic array of fields
is used too, but this array is filled with data representing the original surface field only. Once this has
been done, the same utility method can be called as in the first case.
Although actually two write routines have been defined, only one entry in the package resource file is
required. This entry looks as follows (see mypackage/share/resources/mypackage.rc):
dataFile -name "Trimesh Demo Format" \
-ext "trimesh" \
-type "HxSurface" \
-type "HxSurfaceField" \
-save "writetrimesh" \
-package "mypackage"

In order to compile and execute the write, please follow the instructions given in subsection 21.1.5
(Compiling and Debugging).

21.3.4 Use the AmiraMesh API to read and write files in Avizo format
Besides many standard file formats, Avizo also provides its own native format called Avizo format.
The Avizo file format is very flexible. It can be used to save many different data objects including
image data, finite-element grids, and solution data defined on such grids. Among other features it
supports ASCII or binary data encoding, data compression, and storage of arbitrary parameters. The
format itself is described in more detail in the reference section of the users guide. In this section
we want to discuss how to save custom data objects in Avizo format. For this purpose a special C++
utility class called AmiraMesh is provided. Using this class, reading and writing files in Avizo format
becomes very easy.
Below we will first provide an overview of the AmiraMesh API. After that, we present two simple
examples. In the first one we show how colormaps are written in Avizo format. In the second one we
show how such colormaps are read back again. Overview
The AmiraMesh API consists of a single C++ class. This class is called AmiraMesh. It is defined
in the header file include/amiramesh/AmiraMesh.h located in the Avizo root directory. The
class is designed to completely represent the information stored in an Avizo file in memory. When
reading a file first an instance of an AmiraMesh class is created. This instance can then be interpreted
and the data contained in it can be copied into a matching Avizo data object. Likewise, when writing
a file, first an instance of an AmiraMesh class is created and initialized with all required information.
Then this instance is written to file simply by calling a member method.

638 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

If you look at the header file or at the AmiraMesh class documentation, you will notice that
there are four public member variables called parameters, locationList, dataList, and
fieldList. These variables completely store the information contained in a file. The first variable
is of type HxParamBundle. Like in an Avizo data object, it is used to store an arbitrary hierarchy of
parameters. The other three member variables are dynamic arrays of pointers to locally defined classes.
The most important local classes are Location and Data, which are stored in locationList and
dataList, respectively.
A Location defines the name of a single- or multi-dimensional array. It does not store any data by
itself. This is done by a Data class. Every Data class must refer to some Location. For example,
when writing a tetrahedral grid, we may define two different one-dimensional locations, one called
Nodes and the other one called Tetrahedra. On the nodes we define a Data instance for storing the x-,
y-, and z-coordinates of the nodes. Likewise, on the tetrahedra we define a Data instance for storing
the indices of the four points of a tetrahedron.
As stated in the AmiraMesh class documentation, the Data class can take a pointer to some already
existing block of memory. In this way it is prevented that all data must be copied before it is written
to file. In order to write compressed data, the member method setCodec has to be called. Currently,
two different compression schemes are supported. The first one, called HxByteRLE, implements simple
run-length encoding on a per-byte basis. The second one, called HxZip, uses a more sophisticated
compression technique provided by the external zlib library. In any case, the data will be automatically
uncompressed when reading an Avizo file.
It should be pointed out that the Avizo file format itself merely provides a method for storing arbitrary
data organized in single- or multi-dimensional arrays in a file. It does not specify anything about the
semantics of the data. Therefore, when reading an Avizo file it is not clear what kind of data object
should be created from it. To facilitate file I/O of custom data objects, the actual contents of an Avizo
file are indicated by a special parameter called ContentType. For each such type, a special read routine
is registered. Like an ordinary read routine, an Avizo reader is a global function or a static member
method of a C++ class. It has the following signature:
int readMyAvizoFile(AmiraMesh* m, const char* filename);

This method is called whenever the ContentType parameter matches the one the read method is reg-
istered for. The reader should create an Avizo data object from the contents of the AmiraMesh class.
The filename can be used to define the name of the resulting data object. In order to register an Avizo
read routine, a statement similar to the following one must be put into the package resource file:
AvizoFormat -ContentType "MyType" \
-load "readMyAvizoFile" \
-package "mypackage" Writing an Avizo File

As a concrete example, in this section we want to show how a colormap is written in Avizo format. In
particular, we consider colormaps of type HxColormap256, consisting of N discrete RGBA tuples.
Like most other write methods, the Avizo writer is a global C++ function. Let us first look at the code
before discussing the details.

File I/O 639

int write(HxColormap256* map, const char* filename)
float minmax[2];
minmax[0] = map->minCoord();
minmax[1] = map->maxCoord();
int size = map->getLength();

AmiraMesh m;
m.parameters = map->parameters;
m.parameters.set("MinMax", 2, minmax);
m.parameters.set("ContentType", "Colormap");

AmiraMesh::Location* loc =
new AmiraMesh::Location("Lattice", 1, &size);

AmiraMesh::Data* data = new AmiraMesh::Data("Data", loc,

McPrimType::mc_float, 4, (void*) map->getDataPtr());

if ( !m.write(filename,1) ) {
return 0;

return 1;

In the first part of the routine a variable m of type AmiraMesh is defined. The parameters of the
colormap are copied into m. In addition, two more parameters are set. The first one, called MinMax,
describes the coordinate range of the colormap. The second one indicates the content type of the Avizo
file. This parameter ensures that the colormap can be read back again by a matching Avizo read routine
(see subsection
Before the RGBA data values can be stored, a Location of the right size must be created and
inserted into the AmiraMesh class. Afterwards, an instance of a Data class is created and inserted.
The constructor of the Data class takes a pointer to the Location as an argument. Moreover, a
pointer to the RGBA data values is specified. Each RGBA tuple consists of four numbers of type float. Reading an Avizo File

In the previous section we presented a simple Avizo write routine for colormaps. We now want
to read back such files again. For this reason we define a static Avizo read function in class
HxColormap256. Of course, a global C++ function could be used as well. The read function is
registered in the package resource file hxcolor.rc in the following way:

AvizoFormat -ContentType "Colormap" \

-load "HxColormap256::readAmiraMesh" \
-package "hxcolor"

640 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

This statement indicates that the static member method readAmiraMesh of the class
HxColormap256 defined in package hxcolor should be called if the Avizo file contains a pa-
rameter ContentType equal to Colormap. The source code of the read routine looks as follows:

int HxColormap256::readAmiraMesh(AmiraMesh* m,
const char* filename)
for (int i=0; i<m->dataList.size(); i++) {
AmiraMesh::Data* data = m->dataList[i];

if (data->location()->nDim() != 1)

if (data->dim()<3 || data->dim()>4)

if (data->primType() != McPrimType::mc_uint8 &&

data->primType() != McPrimType::mc_float)

int dim = data->dim();

int size = data->location()->dims()[0];

HxColormap256* colormap = new HxColormap256(size);

colormap->parameters = m->parameters;

switch (data->primType()) {
case McPrimType::mc_uint8: {
unsigned char* src =
(unsigned char*) data->dataPtr();
for (int k=0; k<size; k++, src+=dim) {
float a = (dim>3) ? (src[3])/255.0 : 1;
colormap->setRGBA(k, src[0]/255., src[1]/255.,
src[2]/255., a);
} } break;

case McPrimType::mc_float: {
float* src = (float*) data->dataPtr();
for (int k=0; k<size; k++, src+=dim) {
float a = (dim>3) ? src[3] : 1;
colormap->setRGBA(k, src[0], src[1], src[2], a);
} } break;

float minmax[2] = { 0,1 };

m->parameters.findReal("MinMax", 2, minmax);
colormap->setMinMax(minmax[0], minmax[1]);

HxData::registerData(colormap, filename);
return 1;

return 0;

File I/O 641


Compared to the write routine, the read routine is a little bit more complex since some consistency
checks are performed. First, the member dataList of the AmiraMesh structure is searched for a
one-dimensional array containing vectors of three or four elements of type byte or float. This array
should contain the RGB or RGBA values of the colormap. If a matching Data structure is found, a
new instance of type HxColormap256 is created. The parameters are copied from the AmiraMesh
class into the new colormap. Afterwards, the actual color values are copied. Although the write routine
only exports RGBA tuples of type float, the read routine also supports byte data. For this reason two
different cases are distinguished in a switch statement. If the file only contains 3-component data, the
opacity value of each colormap entry is set to 1. Finally, the coordinate range of the colormap is set by
evaluating the 2-component parameter MinMax, and the new colormap is added to the Project View by
calling HxData::registerData.

21.4 Writing Modules

Besides the data classes, modules are the core of Avizo. They contain the actual algorithms for visu-
alization and data processing. Modules are instances of C++ classes derived from the common base
class HxModule.
There are two major groups of modules: compute modules and display modules. The first group
usually performs some sort of operation on input data, creates some resulting data object, and deposits
the latter in the Project View. In contrast, display modules usually directly visualize their input data.
In this section both types of modules will be covered in separate sections. For each case a concrete
example will be presented and discussed in detail.
In addition, we also discuss the AvizoPlot API in this section. This API makes it possible to create
simple line plots or bar charts within a module.
Moreover, Avizo allows you to create compute modules on GPU, in CUDA or in OpenCL. For each
case a concrete example will be presented and discussed in detail.

21.4.1 A Compute Module

As already mentioned compute modules usually take one or more input data objects and calculate
a new resulting data object from these. The resulting data object is deposited in the Project View.
Compute modules are represented by red icons in the Project View. They are derived from the base
class HxCompModule.
In order to learn how to implement a new compute module, we will take a look at a concrete example.
In particular, we want to write a compute module which performs a threshold operation on a 3D image,
i.e., on an input object of type HxUniformScalarField3. The module produces another 3D image as
output. In the resulting image, all voxels with a value below a user-specified minimum value or above
a maximum value should be set to zero.
For easier understanding we start with a very simple and limited version of the module. Then we
iteratively improve the code. In particular, we proceed in three steps:
• Version 1: merely scans the input image, does not yet produce a result

642 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

• Version 2: creates an output object as result, uses the progress bar
• Version 3: adds an Apply button, overwrites the existing result if possible
You can find the source code of all three versions in the example package provided with Avizo
XPand Pack, i.e., under src/mypackage in the local Avizo directory. For each version there
are two files: a header file called MyComputeThresholdN.h and a source code file called
MyComputeThresholdN.cpp (where N is either 1, 2, or 3). Since the names are different, you
can compile and execute all three versions in parallel.
In order to create a new local Avizo directory, please follow the instructions given in subsection 21.2.2.
In order to compile the example package, please refer to subsection 21.1.5 (Compiling and Debugging). Version 1: Skeleton of a Compute Module

The first version of our module does not yet produce any output. It simply scans the input image and
prints the number of voxels above and below the threshold.
Like most other modules, our compute module consists of a header file containing the class declaration
as well as a source file containing the actual code (or the class definition). Let us look at the header
file MyComputeThreshold1.h first:
// Example of a compute module (version 1)

#include <hxcore/HxCompModule.h>
#include <hxcore/HxPortFloatTextN.h>
#include "api.h"

class MYPACKAGE_API MyComputeThreshold1 : public HxCompModule

// This macro is required for all modules and data objects

// Every module must have a default constructor.

// This virtual method will be called when the port changes.

virtual void compute();

// A port providing float text input fields.

HxPortFloatTextN portRange;


As usual in C++ code, the file starts with a define statement that prevents the contents of the file from
being included multiple times. Then three header files are included. HxCompModule.h contains the

Writing Modules 643

definition of the base class of our compute module. The next file, HxPortFloatTextN.h, contains
the definition of a port we want to use in our class.
A port represents an input parameter of a module. In our case we use a port of type
HxPortFloatTextN. This port provides one or more text fields where the user can enter floating
point numbers. The required text fields and labels are created automatically within the port constructor.
As a programmer you simply put some ports into your module, specifying their types and labels, and
do not have to bother creating a user interface for it.
Following HxPortFloatTextN.h, the package header file api.h is included. This file provides
import and export storage-class specifiers for Windows systems. These are encoded in the macro
MYPACKAGE API. A class declared without this macro will not be accessible from outside the DLL
it is defined in. On Unix systems the macro is empty and can be omitted.
In the rest of the header file nothing more is done than deriving a new class from HxCompModule
and defining two member functions, namely the constructor and an overloaded virtual method called
compute. The compute method is called when the module has been created and whenever a change
of state occurs on one of the module’s input data objects or ports. In fact, a connection to an input data
object is also established by a port, as we shall see later on. In this example we just declare one port in
our class, specifically an instance of type HxPortFloatTextN.
The corresponding source file looks like this:

// Example of a compute module (version 1)

#include <QApplication>

#include <hxcore/HxMessage.h>
#include <hxfield/HxUniformScalarField3.h>
#include <mypackage/MyComputeThreshold1.h>

HX_INIT_CLASS(MyComputeThreshold1,HxCompModule) // required macro

MyComputeThreshold1::MyComputeThreshold1() :
portRange(this,"range",QApplication::translate("MyComputeThreshold1", "Range"),2)
// we want to have two float fields

void MyComputeThreshold1::compute()
// Access the input data object. The member portData, which
// is of type HxConnection, is inherited from HxModule.
HxUniformScalarField3* field =
(HxUniformScalarField3*) portData.source();

// Check whether the input port is connected

if (!field) return;

644 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

// Get the input parameters from the user interface:
float minValue = portRange.getValue(0);
float maxValue = portRange.getValue(1);

// Access size of data volume:

const int* dims = field->lattice.dims();

// Now loop through the whole field and count the pixels.
int belowCnt=0, aboveCnt=0;
for (int k=0; k<dims[2]; k++) {
for (int j=0; j<dims[1]; j++) {
for (int i=0; i<dims[0]; i++) {
// This function returns the value at the specific
// grid node. It implicitly casts the result
// to float if necessary.
float value = field->evalReg(i,j,k);
if (value<minValue)
else if (value>maxValue)

// Finally print the result.

theMsg->printf("%d voxels < %g, %d voxels > %g\n",
belowCnt, minValue, aboveCnt, maxValue);

Following the include statements and the obligatory HX INIT CLASS macro, the constructor is de-
fined. The usual C++ syntax must be used in order to call the constructors of the base class and the
class members. The constructor of the base class HxCompModule takes the class type of the input
data object to which this module can be connected. Avizo uses a special run-time type information
system that is independent of the rtti feature provided by the newer ANSI C++ compilers.
The second method we have to implement is the compute method. We first retrieve a pointer to
our input data object through a member called portData. This port is inherited from the base
class HxModule, i.e., every module has this member. The port is of type HxConnection and it
is represented as a blue line in the user interface (if connected). The rest of the compute method is
rather straightforward. The way the actual data are accessed and how the computation is performed,
of course, is highly specific to the input data class and the task the module performs. In this case we
simply loop over all voxels of the input image and count the number of voxels below the minimum
value and above the maximum value. In order to access a voxel’s value, we use the evalReg method.
This method is provided by any scalar field with regular coordinates, i.e., by any instance of class
HxRegScalarField3. Regardless of the primitive data type of the field, the result will always be
cast to float.
Compile the mypackage example package and restart Avizo. Instructions for compiling lo-
cal packages are provided in subsection 21.1.5 (Compiling and Debugging). Load the file
motor.am from Avizo ‘s data/tutorials directory. Open the data popup menu and click

Writing Modules 645

on ComputeThreshold1 inside the Local category to attach the new module. Type in different
threshold values in the range port of ComputeThreshold1, and look at the different results that
appear in the Console window while you change range values:

0 voxels < 0, 8094562 voxels > 0

0 voxels < 0, 7873466 voxels > 1
0 voxels < 0, 7556748 voxels > 2 Version 2: Creating a Result Object

Now that we have a first working version of the module, we can add more functionality. First, we
want to create a real output data object. Then we further want to improve the module by using Avizo’s
progress bar and by providing better default values for the range port. The header file of our mod-
ule will not be affected by all these changes. We merely need to add some code in the source file
Let us start with the output data object. In the compute method just before the for-loop, we insert the
following statements:
// Create output with same primitive data type as input:
HxUniformScalarField3* output =
new HxUniformScalarField3(dims, field->primType());

// Output shall have same bounding box as input:


This creates a new instance of type HxUniformScalarField3 with the same dimensions and the
same primitive data type as the input data object. Since the output has the same bounding box, i.e.,
the same voxel size as the input, we copy the bounding box. Note that this approach will only work
for fields with uniform coordinates. For other regular coordinate types such as stacked or curvilinear
coordinates, we refer to subsection 21.5.2.
After the output object has been created, its voxel values are not yet initialized. This is done in the
inner part of the nested for-loops. The method set, used for this purpose, automatically performs a
cast from float to the primitive data type of the output field. In summary, the inner part of the for-loop
now looks as follows:
float value = field->evalReg(i,j,k);
float newValue = 0;

if (value<minValue)
else if (value>maxValue)
else newValue = value;


Creating a new data object using the new operator will not automatically make it appear in the Project
View. Instead, we must explicitly register it. In a compute module this can be done by calling the
method setResult:

646 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

setResult(output); // register result

This method adds a data object to the Project View if it is not already present there. In addition,
it connects the object’s master port to the compute module itself. Like any other connection, this
link will be represented by a blue line in the Project View. The master port of a data object may be
connected to a compute module or to an editor. Such a master connection indicates that the data object
is controlled by an ‘upstream’ component, i.e., that its contents may be overridden by the object it is
connected to.
Now that we have created an output object, let us address the progress bar. Although for the test data
set motor.am our threshold operation does not take very long, it is good practice to indicate that the
application is busy when computations are performed that could take long time on large input data.
Even better is to show a progress bar, which is not difficult. Before the time-consuming part of the
compute routine, i.e., before the nested for-loops, we add the following line:
// Turn the application into busy state,
// don’t activate Stop button.
"Computing threshold"));

We use the global instance theWorkArea of class HxWorkArea here. The corresponding header
file must be included at the beginning of the source file. The method turns the application into
the ‘busy’ state and displays a working message in the status line. As opposed to the method
startWorking, this variant does not activate the stop button. See subsection 21.7.2 for details.
When the computation is done, we must call
theWorkArea->stopWorking(); // stop progress bar

in order to switch off the ‘busy’ state again. Inside the nested for-loops we update the progress bar just
before a new 2D slice is processed. This is done by the following line of code:
// Set progress bar, the argument ranges between 0 and 1.

The value of (float)(k+1)/dims[2] progressively increases from zero to one during computa-
tion. Note that you should not call setProgressValue in the inner of the three loops. Each call
involves an update of the graphical user interface and therefore is relatively expensive. It is perfectly
okay to update the progress bar several hundred times during a computation, but not several hundred
thousand times.
Another slight improvement we have incorporated into the second version of our compute module
concerns the range port. In the constructor we have set new initial values for the minimum and
maximum fields. While both values are 0 by default, we now set them to 30 and 200, respectively:
// Set default value for the range port:
portRange.setValue(0,30); // min value is 30
portRange.setValue(1,200); // max value is 200

Writing Modules 647

You may now test this second version of the compute module by loading the test data set motor.am
from Avizo’s data/tutorials directory. Attach the ComputeThreshold2 module from the
Local category inside the data popup menu. Open the Console window to watch results as you change
the port range values. You can also see new output objects created in the Project View on each change.
To better appreciate the progress bar, try to resample the input data, for example to 512x512x100, and
connect the compute module to the resampled data set. However, be sure that you have enough main
memory installed on your system. Version 3: Reusing the Result Object

Testing the first two versions of our module, we saw that the module’s compute method is triggered
automatically when the module is created and whenever the range port is changed. Each time a new
result output data object is created. This quickly fills up the computer’s main memory as well as
Avizo’s graphical user interface. Therefore, we now change this behavior: A new result object is to be
created only the first time. Whenever the range port is changed afterwards, the existing result object
should be overridden. In order to achieve this, we modify the middle part of the compute method in
the following way:
// Check if there is a result which we can reuse.
HxUniformScalarField3* output =
(HxUniformScalarField3*) getResult();

// Check for proper type.

if (output && !output->isOfType(
HxUniformScalarField3::getClassTypeId() ))
output = 0;

// Check if size and primType still match the current input:

if (output) {
const int* outdims = output->lattice.dims();
if (dims[0]!=outdims[0] ||dims[1]!=outdims[1] ||
dims[2]!=outdims[2] ||
field->primType() != output->primType())

// If necessary, create a new result data set.

if (!output) {
output = new HxUniformScalarField3(dims,

The getResult method checks whether there is a data set whose master port is connected to the com-
pute module. This typically is the object set by a previous call to setResult. However, it also may
be any other object. Therefore, a run-time type check must be performed by calling the isOfType
member method of the output object. If the output object is not of type HxUniformScalarField3,
the variable output will be set to null. Then a check is made whether the output object has the same
dimensions and the same primitive data type as the input object. If this test fails, output will also

648 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

be set to null. At the end, a new result object will only be created if no result exists already or if the
existing result does not match the input. It is possible to interactively try different range values without
creating a bunch of new results.
However, when one of the numbers of the range port is changed, computation starts immediately.
Sometimes this may be desired, but in this case we prefer to add an Apply button as present in many
other compute modules. The user must explicitly push this button in order to start computation. In
order to use the Apply button, the following line of code must be added in the public section of the
module’s header file:
// Start computation when this button is clicked.
HxPortDoIt portDoIt;

Of course, the corresponding include file hxcore/HxPortDoIt.h must be included as well. As

for the other port, we must initialize portDoIt in the constructor of our module in the source file:
MyComputeThreshold3::MyComputeThreshold3() :
portRange(this,"range",QApplication::translate("MyComputeThreshold3", "Range"),2),
// we want to have two float fields
portDoIt(this,"action",QApplication::translate("MyComputeThreshold3", "Action"))

// Set text of doIt button

portDoIt.setLabel(0,QApplication::translate("MyComputeThreshold3", "DoIt"));

To achieve the desired behavior we finally change our compute method so that it immediately returns
unless the Apply button was pressed. This can be done by adding the following piece of code at the
beginning of the compute method:
// Check whether doIt button was hit
if (!portDoIt.wasHit()) return;

With these changes, the module is already quite usable. Load the test data set motor.am from Avizo’s
data/tutorials directory. Attach the ComputeThreshold3 module from the Local category
inside the data popup menu. Press the Apply button, change the range and press Apply again. Open the
Console window to view results. You may have notice that only one output object has been created in
the Project View. Attach an Ortho Slice module to the result while experimenting with the range (use
the histogram mapping in the Ortho Slice in order to see small changes). Try to detach the connection
between the result and the module and press Apply again: a new ouput is created.
Note: By default, the HxPortDoIt port is not visible in the control panel of its associated module.
Rather, the fact that a module has an HxPortDoIt activates (makes green) the Apply button at the
bottom of the Properties Area. To request display of the DoIt port in the module control panel, check
the Show ”DoIt” buttons box in the Layout tab of the Edit/Preferences dialog.
Finally, some remarks on performance. Although it is probably not critical in this simple example,
performance typically becomes an issue in real-world applications. In the inner-most loop, calling the

Writing Modules 649

methods field-> evalReg and output-> set is convenient but rather expensive. For exam-
ple, if the input consists of bytes like in motor.am, these methods involve a cast from unsigned
char to float and back to unsigned char.
The performance can be improved by writing code which explicitly handles a particular primitive
data type. A pointer to the actual data values of a HxUniformScalarField3 can be obtained by calling
field-> lattice.dataPtr(). The value returned by this method is of type void*. It must be
explicitly cast to the data type the field actually belongs to. The voxel values itself are arranged without
any padding. This means that the index of voxel (i, j, k ) is given by (k*dims[1]+j)*dims[0]+i,
where dims[0] and dims[1] denote the number of voxels in the x and y directions, respectively.

21.4.2 A Display Module

Our next example is a module which displays some geometry in Avizo’s 3D viewer. The module takes
a surface model as input and draws a little cube at every vertex that belongs to n triangles, where n is
a user-adjustable parameter.
From the previous section we already know the basic idea: We derive a new class from the base class
HxModule. Since this time our module does not produce a new data set we directly use HxModule as
base class instead of HxCompModule. As input the module should accept data of class HxSurface.
We need one additional port allowing the user to specify the parameter n. As in the previous section
we develop different versions of our module, thereby introducing new concepts step by step:
• Version 1:
creates an Open Inventor scene graph and displays it in the viewer
• Version 2:
adds a colormap port, provides a parse method for Tcl commands
• Version 3:
implements a new display mode, dynamically shows or hides a port
You can find the source code of all three versions of the module in the example package provided
with Avizo XPand Pack, i.e., under src/mypackage in the local Avizo directory. For each version
there are two files, a header file called MyDisplayVerticesN.h and a source code file called
MyDisplayVerticesN.cpp (where N is either 1, 2, or 3). Since the names are different you can
compile and execute all three version in parallel.
In order to create a new local Avizo directory, please follow the instructions given in subsection 21.2.2.
In order to compile the example package, please refer to subsection 21.1.5 (Compiling and Debugging). Version 1: Displaying Geometry

The first version of our module, called MyDisplayVertices1, merely detects the vertices of interest and
displays them using little cubes. In order to understand the code, we first need to look more closely at
the class HxSurface. As we can see in the reference documentation, a surface essentially contains
an array of 3D points and an array of triangles. Each triangle has three indices pointing into the list
of points. In order to count the triangles per vertex, we simply walk through the list of triangles and
increment a counter for each vertex.

650 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

Once we have detected all interesting vertices, we are going to display them using small cubes. This
is done by creating an Open Inventor scene graph. If you want to learn more about Open Inventor, you
probably should look at The Inventor Mentor, an excellent book about Open Inventor published by
Addison-Wesley. In brief, an Open Inventor scene graph is a tree-like structure of C++ objects which
describes a 3D scene. Our scene is quite simple. It consists of one separator node containing several
cubes, i.e., instances of class SoCube. Since an SoCube is always located at the origin, we put an
additional node of type SoTranslation right before each SoCube. We adjust the size of the cubes
so that each side is 0.01 times the length of the diagonal of the bounding box of the input surface.
After this short overview we now look at the header file of the module. It is called
// Example of a display module

#include <McHandle.h> // smart pointer template class

#include <hxcore/HxModule.h>
#include <hxcore/HxPortIntSlider.h>
#include "api.h"

#include <Inventor/nodes/SoSeparator.h>

class MYPACKAGE_API MyDisplayVertices1 : public HxModule


// Constructor.

// Destructor.

// Input parameter.
HxPortIntSlider portNumTriangles;

// This is called when an input port changes.

virtual void compute();

McHandle<SoSeparator> scene;


The header file can be understood quite easily. First some other header files are included. Then the
new module is declared as a child class of HxModule. As usual, the macros MYPACKAGE API and

Writing Modules 651

HX HEADER are obligatory. Our module implements a default constructor, a destructor, and a compute
method. In addition, it has a port of type HxPortIntSlider which allows the user to specify the
number of triangles of the vertices to be displayed.
A pointer to the actual Open Inventor scene is stored in the member variable scene of type
McHandle<SoSeparator>. A McHandle is a so-called smart pointer. It can be used like an
ordinary C pointer. However, each time a value is assigned to it, the reference counter of the ref-
erenced object is automatically increased or decreased. This is done by calling the ref or unref
method of the object. If the reference counter becomes zero or less, the object is deleted automatically.
We recommend using smart pointers instead of C pointers because they are safer.
The actual implementation of the module is contained in the file MyDisplayVertices1.cpp.
This file looks as follows:

// Example of a compute module (version 1)

#include <QApplication>

#include <hxcore/HxMessage.h>
#include <hxsurface/HxSurface.h>
#include <mypackage/MyDisplayVertices1.h>

#include <Inventor/nodes/SoCube.h>
#include <Inventor/nodes/SoTranslation.h>


MyDisplayVertices1::MyDisplayVertices1() :
"Num Triangles"))
scene = new SoSeparator;


void MyDisplayVertices1::compute()
int i;

// Access input object (portData is inherited from HxModule):

HxSurface* surface = (HxSurface*) portData.source();

652 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

if (!surface) { // Check if input object is available

// Get value from input port, query size of surface:

int numTriPerVertex = portNumTriangles.getValue();
int nVertices = surface->points.size();
int nTriangles = surface->triangles.size();

// We need a triangle counter for every vertex:

McDArray<unsigned short> triCount(nVertices);

// Loop over all triangles and increase vertex counters:

for (i=0; i<nTriangles; i++)
for (int j=0; j<3; j++)

// Now create the scene graph...

// First remove all previous childs:

// Cube size should be 1% of the bounding box diagonal:

float size = surface->getBoundingBoxSize().length() * 0.01;

// Pointer to coordinates cast from McVec3f to SbVec3f.

SbVec3f* p = (SbVec3f*) surface->points.dataPtr();

SbVec3f q(0,0,0); // position of last point

int count = 0; // vertex counter

for (i=0; i<nVertices; i++) {

if (triCount[i] == numTriPerVertex) {
SoTranslation* trans = new SoTranslation;

SoCube* cube = new SoCube;

cube->width = cube->height = cube->depth = size;



theMsg->printf("Found %d vertices belonging to %d triangles",

count, numTriPerVertex);

showGeom(scene); // finally show scene in viewer


Writing Modules 653

A lot of things are happening here. Let us point out some of these in more detail now. The constructor
initializes the base class with the type returned by HxSurface::getClassTypeId. This ensures
that the module can only be attached to data objects of type HxSurface. The constructor also ini-
tializes the member variable portNumTriangles. The range of the slider is set from 1 to 12. The
initial value is set to 6. Finally, a new Open Inventor separator nodes is created and stored in scene.
The destructor contains only one call, hideGeom(scene). This causes the Open Inventor scene to
be removed from all viewers (provided it is visible). The scene itself is deleted automatically when the
destructor of McHandle is called.
The actual computation is performed in the compute method. The method returns immediately if
no input surface is present. If an input surface exists, the numbers of triangles per point are counted.
For this purpose a dynamic array triCount is defined. The array provides a counter for each vertex.
Initially it is filled with zeros. The counters are increased in a loop over the vertices of all triangles.
In the second part of the compute method the Open Inventor scene graph is created. First, all previous
children of scene are removed. Then the length of the diagonal of the input surface is determined.
The size of the cubes will be set proportional to this length. For convenience the pointer to the coor-
dinates of the surface is stored in a local variable p. Actually the coordinates are of type McVec3f.
However, this class is fully compatible with the Open Inventor vector class SbVec3f. Therefore the
pointer to the coordinates can be cast as shown in the code.
After everything has been set up, every element of the array triCount is checked in a for-loop. If
the value of an element matches the selected number of triangles per vertex, two new Inventor nodes
of type SoTranslation and SoCube are created, initialized, and inserted into scene. Since the
SoTranslation also affects all subsequent translation nodes we must remember the position of the
last point in q and subtract this position from the one of the current point. Alternatively, we could
have encapsulated the SoTranslation and the SoCube in an additional SoSeparator node.
However, this would have resulted in a more complex scene graph. At the very end of the compute
method, the new scene graph is made visible in the viewer by calling showGeom. This method
automatically checks if a node has already been visible. Therefore it may be called multiple times with
the same argument.
The module is registered in the usual way in the package resource file, i.e., in
mypackage/share/resource/mypackage.rc. Once you have compiled the example
package, you may test the module by loading the surface mypackage/data/test.surf located
in the local Avizo directory. Attach the module DisplayVertices1 from the Local category inside the
popup menu of the data. Version 2: Adding Color and a Parse Method

In this section we want to add two more features to our module. First, we want to use a colormap
port which allows us to specify the color of the cubes. Second, we want to add a parse method which
allows us to specify additional Tcl commands for the module.
A colormap port is used to establish a connection to a colormap, i.e., to a class of type HxColormap.
It is derived from HxConnection but, in contrast to the base class, it provides a graphical user
interface showing the contents of the colormap and letting the user change its coordinate range. If no
colormap is connected to the port, a default color is displayed. The default color can be edited by the

654 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

user by double-clicking the color bar.
In order to provide our module with a colormap port, we must insert the following line into the mod-
ule’s header file:
HxPortColormap portColormap;

Of course, we must also include the header file of the class HxPortColormap. This file is located
in package hxcolor. Note that the order in which ports are displayed on the screen depends on
the order in which the ports are declared in the header file. If we declare portColormap before
portNumTriangles, the colormap port will be displayed before the integer slider.
In the compute method of our module we add the following piece of code just after the previous
children of the scene graph have been removed:
SoMaterial* material = new SoMaterial;
material->diffuseColor =

With these lines we insert a material node right before all the translation and cube nodes into the sep-
arator. The material node causes the cubes to be displayed in a certain color. We call the getColor
method of the colormap port in order to determine this color. If the port is not connected to a colormap,
this method simply returns the default color. However, if it is connected, the color is taken from the
colormap. As an argument we specify numTriPerVertex, the number of triangles of the selected
vertices. Depending on the value of portNumTriangles, the cubes therefore will be displayed in
different colors. Of course, this requires that the range of the colormap extend from something like 1
to 10 or 12.
Besides the colormap port, we also want to add a Tcl command interface to our module. This is done
by overloading the virtual method parse of HxModule. We therefore insert the following line into
the module’s class declaration:
virtual int parse(Tcl_Interp* t, int argc, char **argv);

In a parse method special commands can be defined which allow us to control the module in a more
sophisticated way. A typical application is to set special parameters which should not be represented
by a separate port in the user interface. As an example, we want to provide a method which allows us
to change the size of the cubes. In the initial version of the module the cubes were adjusted so that each
side was 0.01 times the length of the diagonal of the bounding box of the input surface. The value of
the scale factor shall now be stored in the member variable Scale. In order to set and get this variable,
two Tcl commands setScale and getScale shall be provided. The implementation of the parse
method looks as follows:
MyDisplayVertices2::parse(Tcl_Interp* t, int argc, char **argv)
if (argc < 2) return TCL_OK;
char *cmd = argv[1];

Writing Modules 655

if (CMD("setScale")) {
scale = atof(argv[2]);
fire(); // ensures that cubes will be updated immediately
else if (CMD("getScale")) {
Tcl_VaSetResult(t, "%g", scale);
else return HxModule::parse(t,argc,argv);

return TCL_OK;

Commands are defined in a sequence of if-else statements. For each command, the macro CMD should
be used. At the end of the if-else sequence the parse method of the base class should be called. Note
that after a command is issued, the compute method of the module will not be called automatically
by default. This is in contrast to interactive changes of ports. However, we may explicitly call fire
in a command like shown above. In this case the size of the cubes then will be adjusted immedi-
ately. You may test the parse method by loading the file mypackage/data/test.surf, attach-
ing DisplayVertices2 to it, and then typing something like DisplayVertices2 setScale
0.03 into the Avizo console window. Version 3: Adding an Update Method

Besides a compute method, modules may also define a update method. This method is called just
before the compute method and also whenever a module is selected. In the update method, the user-
interface of the module can be configured, i.e., ports can be shown or hidden dynamically if this is
required, the sensitivity of ports can be adjusted, or the number of entries of an option menu can be
modified dynamically.
In order to illustrate how an update method might work, we implement an alternate display mode
in our module. In this mode all vertices of a surface should be displayed, not only the ones with a
certain number of neighboring triangles. In this second mode the slider portNumTriangles is not
meaningful anymore. We therefore hide it by defining an appropriate update method. The following
lines are added in the header file MyDisplayVertices3.h:

// Mode: 0=selected vertices, 1=all vertices

HxPortRadioBox portMode;

// Shows or hides required ports.

virtual void update();

The new radio box port lets the user switch between the two display modes. Like the compute method,
the update method takes no arguments and also has no return value.
If you look into the source code file MyDisplayVertices3.cpp you will notice that the radio box
port is initialized in the constructor of the module and that the text labels are set properly. The update
method itself is quite simple:

656 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

void MyDisplayVertices3::update()
if (portMode.getValue()==0)
else portNumTriangles.hide();

The slider portNumTriangles is shown or hidden depending on the value of the radio box port.
Note that before the update method is called, all ports are marked to be shown. Therefore you must hide
them every time update is called. For example, the show and hide calls should not be encapsulated
by an if statement which checks if some input port is new.
In order to support the new all-vertices display style, we slightly modify the way the Open Inventor
scene graph is created. Instead of a single SoMaterial node, we insert a new one whenever the
color of a cube needs to be changed, i.e., whenever the number of triangles of a vertex differs from the
previous one. The new for-loop looks as follows:

int lastNumTriPerVertex = -1;

int allVertices = portMode.getValue();

for (i=0; i<nVertices; i++) {

if (allVertices || triCount[i]==numTriPerVertex) {

if (triCount[i]!=lastNumTriPerVertex) {
SoMaterial* material = new SoMaterial;
material->diffuseColor =
lastNumTriPerVertex = triCount[i];

SoTranslation* trans = new SoTranslation;


SoCube* cube = new SoCube;

cube->width = cube->height = cube->depth = size;



Again, you can test the module by loading the file mypackage/data/test.surf and attaching
DisplayVertices3 to it. If you connect the physics.icol colormap to the colormap port, adjust the
colormap range to 1...9, and select the all-vertices display style, you should get an image similar to the
one shown in Figure 21.10.

Writing Modules 657

Figure 21.10: The example module DisplayVertices3 displays little cubes at the vertices of a surface. The cubes are colored
according to the number of neighboring triangles.

21.4.3 A Module With Plot Output

In some cases you may want to show a simple 2D plot in an Avizo module, for example a histogram
or some bar chart. To facilitate this task Avizo provides a special-purpose Plot API which can be used
in any Avizo object, regardless of whether it is a compute module or a display module.
The class PzEasyPlot provides the necessary methods to open a plot window and to draw in that
window. In the following, we illustrate how to use this class, again by means of an example. In
particular, we are going to write a module which plots the number of voxels per slice for all materials
defined in a label field. A label field usually represents the results of an image segmentation operation.
For each voxel there is a label indicating which material the voxel belongs to. In a separate section
further features of the Plot API will be described. A Simple Plot Example

In this section we show how to plot some simple curves using the class PzEasyPlot. As mentioned
above, the curves represent the number of voxels per slice for the materials of a label field. For this
purpose we define a new module called MyPlotAreaPerSlice.
Like the other examples, this module is contained in the Avizo example package. In order to check
out the example package, you must create a local Avizo directory as described in subsection 21.2.2. In
order to compile the example package, please refer to subsection 21.1.5 (Compiling and Debugging).
Let us first look at the header file MyPlotAreaPerSlice.h:
// Example of a plot module (header file)

658 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide


#include <hxcore/HxModule.h>
#include <hxcore/HxPortButtonList.h>
#include <hxplot/PzEasyPlot.h> // simple plot window
#include "api.h"

class MYPACKAGE_API MyPlotAreaPerSlice : public HxModule


// Constructor.

// Shows the plot window.

HxPortButtonList portAction;

// Performs the actual computation.

virtual void compute();

McHandle<PzEasyPlot> plot;


The class declaration is very simple. The module is derived directly from HxModule. It pro-
vides a constructor, a compute method, and a port of type HxPortButtonList. In fact, we
will only use a single push button in order to let the user pop up the plot window. The plot
window class PzEasyPlot itself is referenced by a smart pointer, i.e., by a variable of type
McHandle<PzEasyPlot>. We have already used smart pointers in subsection, for de-
tails see there.
Now let us take a look at the source file MyPlotAreaPerSlice.cpp:
// Example of a plot module (source code)

#include <QApplication>

#include <hxcore/HxWorkArea.h>
#include <hxfield/HxLabelLattice3.h>
#include <mypackage/MyPlotAreaPerSlice.h>


MyPlotAreaPerSlice::MyPlotAreaPerSlice() :

Writing Modules 659

portAction(this,"action",QApplication::translate("MyPlotAreaPerSlice", "Action"),1)
portAction.setLabel(0,QApplication::translate("MyPlotAreaPerSlice", "Show Plot"));
plot = new PzEasyPlot("Area per slice");

void MyPlotAreaPerSlice::compute()
HxLabelLattice3* lattice = (HxLabelLattice3*)

// Check if valid input is available.

if (!lattice) {

// Return if plot window is invisible and show button

// wasn’t hit
if (!plot->isVisible() && !portAction.isNew())

theWorkArea->busy(); // activate busy cursor

int i,k,n;
const int* dims = lattice->dims();
unsigned char* data = lattice->getLabels();
int nMaterials = lattice->materials()->nBundles();

// One counter per material and slice

McDArray< McDArray<float> > count(nMaterials);

for (n=0; n<nMaterials; n++) {


// Count number of voxels per material and slice

for (k=0; k<dims[2]; k++) {
for (i=0; i<dims[1]*dims[0]; i++) {
int label = data[k*dims[0]*dims[1]+i];
if (label<nMaterials)

plot->remData(); // remove old curves

for (n=0; n<nMaterials; n++) // add new curves

dims[2], count[n].dataPtr());

660 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

plot->update(); // refresh display
plot->show(); // show or raise plot window

theWorkArea->notBusy(); // deactivate busy cursor


In the constructor the base class HxModule is initialized with the class type ID of the class
HxLabelLattice3. This class is not a data class derived from HxData but a so-called interface.
Interfaces are used to provide a common API for objects not directly related by inheritance. In our case,
MyPlotAreaPerSlice can be connected to any data object providing a HxLabelLattice3 in-
terface. This might be a HxUniformLabelField3 but also a HxStackedLabelField3 or
something else.
Also in the constructor, a new plot window of type PzEasyPlot is created and stored in plot. Then
the method plot->autoUpdate(0) is called. This means that we must explicitly call the update
method of PzEasyPlot after the contents of the plot window are changed. Auto-update should be
disabled when more than one curve is being changed at once.
As usual, the actual work is performed by the compute method. First, we retrieve a pointer to the label
lattice. Since we want to use an interface instead of a data object itself, we must specify the class type
ID of the interface as an argument of the source method of portData. Otherwise we would get a
pointer to the object providing the interface, but we can’t be sure about the type of this object.
The method returns if no label lattice is present or if the plot window is not visible and the show button
has not been pressed. Otherwise, the contents of the plot window are recomputed from scratch. For
this purpose a dynamic array of arrays called count is defined. The array provides a counter for each
material and for each slice of the label lattice. Initially all counters are set to zero. Afterwards, they
are incremented while the voxels are traversed in a nested for-loop.
The actual initialization of the plot window happens subsequently. First, old curves are re-
moved by calling plot->remData. Then, for each material, a new curve is added by calling
plot->putData. Afterwards, plot->update is called. If we had not disabled ‘auto update’
in the constructor, the plot window would have been updated automatically in each call of putData.
The putData method creates a curve with the given name and sets the values. If a curve of the given
name exists, the old values are overridden. The method returns a pointer to the curve which in turn can
be used to set attributes for the curve individually (see below). Finally, the plot window is popped up
and the ‘busy’ cursor we have activated before is switched off again.
To test the module, first compile the example package. For instructions, see subsection 21.1.5 (Compil-
ing and Debugging). Then load the file data/tutorials/motor.labels.am from the Avizo
root directory. Attach PlotAreaPerSlice to it and press the show button. You then should get a
result like that shown in Figure 21.11. Additional Features of the Plot API

The ‘pointer to curve’ objects returned by the putData call can be used to access the curve directly,
i.e., to manipulate its attributes. The most important attributes of curve objects are:
• Color, represented by a RGB values between 0 and 1. Can be set by calling:
curve->setAttr("color", r, g, b);

Writing Modules 661

Figure 21.11: Plot produced by sample module PlotAreaPerSlice.

• Line width, represented by an integer number. Can be set by calling:

curve->setAttr("linewidth", linewidth);
• Line type, represented by an integer number. Available line types are 0=no line, 1=line,
2=dashed, 3=dash-dotted, and 4=dotted. Can be set by calling:
curve->setAttr("linetype", type);
• Curve type, represented by an integer number. Available curve types are 0=line curve, 1=his-
togram, 2=marked line, 3=marker. Can be set by calling:
curve->setAttr("curvetype", type);
For each attribute corresponding getAttr methods are available. In order to access the axis of the
‘easy plot’ window, you must call
PzAxis* axis = plot->getTheAxis();

Don’t forget to include the corresponding header file PzAxis.h.

The color, line width, and line type attributes of the curves apply to axes as well. Besides this, there
are some more methods to change the appearance of axes:
// Set the range of the axes
float xmin = 0.0, xmax = 1.0;
float ymin = 0.0, ymax = 1.0;
axis->setMinMax(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);

// Set the label of an axis

axis->setLabel(0, "X Axis");
axis->setLabel(1, "Y Axis");

662 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

If you are not satisfied with the size of the plot window and you don’t want to change it using the
mouse every time, just call setSize right after creating the plot window:
plot->setSize(width, height);

As you would expect, the methods getMinMax, getLabel and getSize are also available with
the same parameter list as their set counterparts.
Finally, it is also possible to have a legend or a grid in the plot. In this case more arguments must be
specified in the constructor of PzEasyPlot:
int withLegend = 1;
int withGrid = 0;
plot = new PzEasyPlot("Area per slice",
withLegend, withGrid);

Like the axis, the legend and the grid are internally represented by separate objects of type
PzLegend and PzGrid. You can access these objects by calling the methods getTheLegend
and getTheGrid. Details about the member methods of these objects are listed in the class refer-
ence documentation.

21.4.4 A Compute Module on GPU

Avizo contains everything necessary for execution of GPU programming in CUDA or OpenCL. So you
need install nothing (excepted for Mac OSX, see system requirements for Mac OSX for more details).
For CUDA programming, you must have a CUDA compatible GPU with an up-to-date driver.
Yet, GPU programming is complex and could be tricky. This tutorial does not intend to be a GPU
programming tutorial. This tutorial purpose is to demonstrate how to interface a GPU program within
Avizo and requires minimal knowledges in the domain of GPU programming.
In order to learn how to implement a module using GPU programming, we will take a look at a concrete
example. In particular, we want to write a module which applies a 2D Gaussian filter on a 3D image,
i.e. on an input object of type HxUniformScalarField3. The module produces another 3D image as
output which is placed in the Project View.
We present you three different implementations:
• Version 1: a version using CUDA C
• Version 2: a version using CUDA driver API
• Version 3: a version using OpenCL
You can find the source code of all three versions in the example package provided with Avizo
XPand Pack, i.e., under src/gaussianfiltercudac, src/gaussianfiltercudadrv and
src/gaussianfilteropencl in the local Avizo directory. For each version there are three files:
a header file, a source code CPU file and a source code GPU file. Since the names are different, you
can compile and execute all three versions in parallel.
These modules present how to integrate GPU filters in Avizo. They are as simple as possible to be
didactic, so they are not able to treat large amount of data.
Once you have compiled the example module, you can load the file motor.am from Avizo’s
data/tutorials directory and attach the module to it. These modules can be found in the Local

Writing Modules 663

category of the data pop-up menu. Instructions for compiling local packages are provided in subsec-
tion 21.1.5 (Compiling and Debugging). If you encounter any error while attaching one of the module
or executing it (ex: a dialog complaining about CUDA version, or unknown symbols that prevent a lib
to be loaded...), update your graphics driver.
For each module, you can evaluate performances with the TCL command time. For the
GaussianFilterCudaC module, check the auto-refresh box and execute the following command
in Avizo console :

time {GaussianFilterCudaC fire} 5

It will apply 5 times the filter on your data and print the average amount of time required per iteration,
in microseconds.
In order to create a new local Avizo directory, please follow the instructions given in subsection 21.2.2.
In order to compile the example package, please refer to subsection 21.1.5 (Compiling and Debugging).
To create a compute module using CUDA driver API, please refer subsection
When a compute module using CUDA API calls is added to an existing package, the LIBS entry of
the Package file must be completed depending on the used API. The keyword to add in the list of
libraries to link with is:
• CUDA C API: cudac;
• CUDA Driver API: cudadrv;
• OpenCL API: opencl;
For example, if the targeted API is CUDA C, the Package file should contain something like:

set LIBS {
hxplot hxtime hxsurface hxcolor hxfield
hxcore amiramesh mclib oiv tcl qt cudac
} Version 1: Gaussian filter in CUDA C

Two interfaces are currently supported to write CUDA programs: CUDA C and CUDA driver API.
CUDA C exposes the CUDA programming model as a minimal set of extensions to the C language.
These extensions allow programmers to define a kernel as a C function and use some new syntax to
specify the grid and block dimension each time the function is called. The first filter is implemented at
this level.
The source is divided in two separated parts:
• a CPU part with a header file and a C++ file: GaussianFilterCudaC.h and
• a GPU part with a CUDA file: Convolve2DCudaC.cu
In order to be didactic, this version is not the optimal implementation for this filter. The
GaussianFilterCudaCOptim module is another CUDA C implementation of this Gaus-
sian filter which gives better performances. This implementation is not detailed in this docu-

664 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

ment but it is implemented in the three files called GaussianFilterCudaCOptimized.h,
GaussianFilterCudaCOptimized.cpp and Convolve2DCudaCOptimized.cu. CPU part Like most other modules, our compute module consists of a header file con-
taining the class declaration as well as a source file containing the actual code (or the class definition).
Let us look at the header file GaussianFilterCudaC.h first:

// Example of a convolution filter in CUDA C

#include <hxcore/HxCompModule.h>
#include <hxcore/HxPortDoIt.h>

#include "api.h"

// Defined in Convolve2DCudaC.cu
extern "C" cudaError
applyFilter( const unsigned char* h_src,
unsigned char* h_dst,
const float* h_filter,
const int* h_dims,
const int sizeFilter );

class GAUSSIANFILTERCUDAC_API GaussianFilterCudaC : public HxCompModule

// This macro is required for all modules and data objects

// Every module must have a default constructor

// Destructor

// To have a Apply button

virtual void compute();

// This virtual method will be called when the port changes

HxPortDoIt portAction;


As usual in C++ code, the file starts with a define statement that prevents the contents of the file from
being included multiple times. Then two header files are included HxCompModule.h contains the

Writing Modules 665

definition of the base class of our compute module. The other file, HxPortDoIt.h, allows the use
of the Apply button.
The package header file api.h is included. This file provides import and export storage-class spec-
ifiers for Windows systems. These are encoded in the macro GAUSSIANFILTERCUDAC API. A
class declared without this macro will not be accessible from outside the DLL it is defined in. On Unix
systems the macro is empty and can be omitted.
The applyFilter function is declared with the extern "C" qualifier. This function is defined in
the Convolve2DCudaC.cu file and will be explained in the GPU section.
In the rest of the header file, the only tasks that remain are to derive a new class from HxCompModule
and define two member functions, namely the constructor and an overloaded virtual method called
compute. The compute method is called when the module has been created and whenever a change
of state occurs on one of the module’s input data objects or ports.
The corresponding source file looks like this:
// Example of a convolution filter in CUDA C

#include <QApplication>

#include <hxcore/HxMessage.h>
#include <hxcore/HxWorkArea.h>
#include <hxfield/HxUniformScalarField3.h>
#include <mclib/McPrimType.h>

#include "CudaCUtils.h"
#include "GaussianFilterCudaC.h"


GaussianFilterCudaC::GaussianFilterCudaC() :
portAction(this,"action",QApplication::translate("GaussianFilterCudaC", "Action"))
portAction.setLabel(0,QApplication::translate("GaussianFilterCudaC", "DoIt"));


void GaussianFilterCudaC::compute()
// Check whether Apply button was hit
if (!portAction.wasHit())

// Access the input data object

666 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

HxUniformScalarField3* input = (HxUniformScalarField3*) portData.source();

// Check whether the input port is connected

if ( !input )

// Check data type

if ( input->primType() != MC_UINT8 )

// Turn Avizo into busy state, don’t activate the Stop button
theWorkArea->startWorkingNoStop( "Filtering" );

// Access size of data volume

const int* dims = input->lattice.dims();

// Check if there is a result which we can reuse

HxUniformScalarField3* output = (HxUniformScalarField3*) getResult();

// Check for proper type

if( output && !output->isOfType( HxUniformScalarField3::getClassTypeId()) )
output = 0;

// Check if size and primType still match the current input

if( output )
const int* outdims = output->lattice.dims();
if ( dims[0]!=outdims[0] || dims[1]!=outdims[1] || dims[2]!=outdims[2] ||
input->primType()!=output->primType() )
output = 0;

// If necessary, create a new result data set

if ( !output )
output = new HxUniformScalarField3( dims, input->primType() );
output->composeLabel( input->getName(), "filtered" );

// Output shall have same bounding box as input

output->coords()->setBoundingBox( input->bbox() );

// Define Gaussian filter

int sizeFilter = 3;
float gaussianFilter[9];
gaussianFilter[0] = 1/16.; gaussianFilter[1] = 2/16.; gaussianFilter[2] = 1/16.;
gaussianFilter[3] = 2/16.; gaussianFilter[4] = 4/16.; gaussianFilter[5] = 2/16.;
gaussianFilter[6] = 1/16.; gaussianFilter[7] = 2/16.; gaussianFilter[8] = 1/16.;

// Compute filtered image

cudaError err = applyFilter( (unsigned char*) input->lattice.dataPtr(),
(unsigned char*) output->lattice.dataPtr(),

Writing Modules 667

sizeFilter );
CudaCUtils::cleanupNoFailure( err );

// Stop progress bar


// Register result
setResult( output );

Following the include statements, there is the required HX INIT CLASS macro for class initialization.
Next is the constructor definition which calls the constructor of the base class. There are no special
macros for this so the usual C++ syntax is used to call the base class constructor and to initialize the
class members. The constructor of the base class HxCompModule takes the class type of the input
data object to which this module can be connected.
The second method we have to implement is the compute method. We first retrieve a pointer to
our input data object through a member called portData. This port is inherited from the base
class HxModule, i.e. every module has this member. The port is of type HxConnection and it
is represented as a blue line in the user interface (if connected). This filter only accepts unsigned
char images, so we must check the data type.
A new result object is to be created. Whenever the range port is changed afterwards, the existing
result object should be overridden. The output file is of type HxUniformScalarField3. The
getResult method checks whether there is a data set whose master port is connected to the compute
module. However, it also may be any other object. Therefore, a run-time type check must be performed
by calling the isOfType member method of the output object. If the output object is not of type
HxUniformScalarField3, the variable output will be set to null. Then a check is made whether
the output object has the same dimensions and the same primitive data type as the input object. If this
test fails, output will also be set to null. At the end, a new result object will only be created if no result
exists already or if the existing result does not match the input.
Then the Gaussian filter is defined and the applyFilter function is called. The calls
to input->lattice.dataPtr() and output->lattice.dataPtr() allow us to get a
pointer to the data values of the input and output objects. The returned value of this dataPtr
method is of type void*. It must be explicitly cast to the data type the field actually belongs to. The
voxel values itself are arranged without any padding. This means that the index of voxel (i, j, k)
is given by ( k * dims[1] + j ) * dims[0] + i, where dims[0] and dims[1] denote
the number of voxels in the x and y directions, respectively.
After the device computation, the cleanupNoFailure function is called in order to correctly clean
up device memory if there is a CUDA error.
Finally, creating a new data object using the new operator will not automatically make it appear in the
Project View. Instead, we must explicitly register it. In a compute module this can be done by calling
the method setResult. This method adds a data object to the Project View if it is not already present
there. In addition, it connects the object’s master port to the compute module itself. Like any other
connection, this link will be represented by a blue line in the Project View. The master port of a data
object may be connected to a compute module or to an editor. Such a master connection indicates that

668 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

the data object is controlled by an ’upstream’ component, i.e. that its contents may be overridden by
the object it is connected to. GPU part In GPU programming, it is important to know where a variable is located
in memory (specifically, which section of memory). To make it easier to keep track of this, variable
names are prefixed in the CUDA file with an identifier indicating their memory location:
• h if the variable is in host memory
• d if the variable is in device global memory
• c if the variable is in device constant memory
• s if the variable is in device shared memory
The CUDA file Convolve2DCudaC.cu is the following:

Writing Modules 669

// Example of a convolution filter in CUDA
#define BLOCK_SIZE 16
#define BORDER_SIZE 1

// In constant memory
__constant__ float c_filter[9]; // Convolution filter
__constant__ int c_dims[3]; // Size of data volume

// Compute 2D convolution product with a 3*3 filter

// __device__: callable from the device, executed on the device
__device__ unsigned char
convolve2DDrv( int i,
int j,
unsigned char s_imageBlock[BLOCK_SIZE + 2 * BORDER_SIZE]
int imageBlockSize )
int idxFilter = 0;
float convolutionProduct = 0;
for ( int ii = - BORDER_SIZE; ii <= BORDER_SIZE; ii++)
for ( int jj = - BORDER_SIZE; jj <= BORDER_SIZE; jj++)
convolutionProduct += s_imageBlock[i + ii][j + jj] * c_filter[idxFilter];
return convolutionProduct;

// Return the voxel’s value (i, j) of the buffer d_slice

// __device__: callable from the device, executed on the device
__device__ getValueDrv( int i, int j, const unsigned char* d_slice )
unsigned char value;
if ( (i >= 0) && (i < c_dims[0]) && (j >= 0) && (j < c_dims[1]) )
value = d_slice[j * c_dims[0] + i];
value = 0;
return value;

// Fill in a variable in shared memory and call convolve2D

// __global__: callable from the host, executed on the device

670 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

__global__ void
applyFilterKernel( unsigned char* d_src, unsigned char* d_dst )
// The threadIdx variable indicates the thread position in the block.
// The blockIdx variable indicates the block position in the grid.
// The blockDim variable indicates the dimension of thread block.
//(i, j, k) repairs the top left corner of the slice in d_src
int k = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y / c_dims[1];
int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
int j = ( blockIdx.y - k * c_dims[1] / blockDim.y ) * blockDim.y;

// In shared memory
__shared__ unsigned char s_imageBlock[BLOCK_SIZE + 2][BLOCK_SIZE + 2];
int imageBlockSize = BLOCK_SIZE + 2 * BORDER_SIZE;

// Pointer to the top left corner of the current slice

const unsigned char* d_slice = d_src + k * c_dims[1] * c_dims[0];

int iBlock = threadIdx.x + BORDER_SIZE;

int jBlock = threadIdx.y + BORDER_SIZE;

// Fill in imageBlock
// Main data
s_imageBlock[iBlock][jBlock] =
getValueDrv(i + threadIdx.x, j + threadIdx.y, d_slice );
if ( iBlock == 1 )
// Left border
s_imageBlock[0][jBlock] =
getValueDrv( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x - 1, j + threadIdx.y, d_slice );
s_imageBlock[0][jBlock - 1] =
getValueDrv( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x - 1, j + threadIdx.y - 1, d_slice );
else if ( iBlock == BLOCK_SIZE )
// Right border
s_imageBlock[imageBlockSize - 1][jBlock] =
getValueDrv( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + imageBlockSize - 1, j + threadIdx.y,
d_slice );
s_imageBlock[imageBlockSize - 1][jBlock + 1] =
getValueDrv( blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + imageBlockSize - 1, j + threadIdx.y + 1,
d_slice );

if ( jBlock == 1 )
// Top border
s_imageBlock[iBlock][0] =
getValueDrv( i + threadIdx.x, j - 1, d_slice );
s_imageBlock[iBlock + 1][0] =
getValueDrv( i + threadIdx.x + 1, j - 1, d_slice );
else if ( jBlock == BLOCK_SIZE )

Writing Modules 671

// Botttom border
s_imageBlock[iBlock][imageBlockSize - 1] =
getValueDrv( i + threadIdx.x, j + imageBlockSize - 1, d_slice );
s_imageBlock[iBlock - 1][imageBlockSize - 1] =
getValueDrv( i + threadIdx.x - 1, j + imageBlockSize - 1, d_slice );
// All threads should have finished filling in s_imageBock
// before beginning computation of the convolution product

// Compute convolution product

int idx = k * c_dims[1] * c_dims[0];
idx += ( j + threadIdx.y ) * c_dims[0];
idx += i + threadIdx.x;
d_dst[idx] = convolve2DDrv( iBlock, jBlock, s_imageBlock, imageBlockSize );

// Call the kernel

extern "C" cudaError
applyFilter( const unsigned char* h_src,
unsigned char* h_dst,
const float* h_filter,
const int* h_dims,
const int sizeFilter )
int dimsTotal = h_dims[0] * h_dims[1] * h_dims[2];

// Clear error state


// Allocate device memory

void* d_src = NULL;
void* d_dst = NULL;
cudaMalloc( &d_src, dimsTotal * sizeof( unsigned char ) );
cudaMalloc( &d_dst, dimsTotal * sizeof( unsigned char ) );

// Copy host memory to device

cudaMemcpy( d_src, h_src, dimsTotal * sizeof( unsigned char ),
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
cudaMemcpyToSymbol( c_filter, h_filter, 9 * sizeof( float ) );
cudaMemcpyToSymbol( c_dims, h_dims, 3 * sizeof( int ) );

// Execute GPU kernel

dim3 nThreadsPerBlock( BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE );
dim3 nBlocks( h_dims[0] / BLOCK_SIZE, h_dims[1] * h_dims[2] / BLOCK_SIZE );
applyFilterKernel<<<nBlocks, nThreadsPerBlock>>>( static_cast<unsigned char*>(d_src),
static_cast<unsigned char*>(d_dst) );

// Copy results from device to host

cudaMemcpy( h_dst, d_dst, dimsTotal * sizeof( unsigned char ),
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );

672 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

// Cleanup devive memory
cudaFree( d_src );
cudaFree( d_dst );

// Cleanup all runtime-related resources


// Return last CUDA error

return cudaGetLastError();

This file begins with a definition of two global variables BLOCK SIZE which will be used to size the
grid and blocks and BORDER SIZE. Then, two variables are declared with the constant qual-
ifier, and they will be placed in constant memory. A variable in constant memory must be initialized
by the CPU and it is visible from all threads in read-only. The c filter will contain the convolution
filter and the c dims variable the size of data volume.
Following these declarations, the convolution product is defined in the convolve2D function. This is
a device function, i.e. it must be called from GPU and it is executed on the device. This function
computes the 2D convolution product at the point (i, j) with a 3 ∗ 3 filter.
The getValue function returns the voxel’s value (i, j) of a buffer.
The applyFilterKernel function is called for each voxel. It is defined using the global
qualifier. This means that the function is called from the host and executed on the device. It is a kernel
function, so it must have the void return type.
The initial 3D image is divided in several blocks of size BLOCK SIZE * BLOCK SIZE. Three in-
dexes i, j and k are declared to repair the top left corner of the current slice in d src and to define
d slice.
The s imageBlock buffer is created and placed in shared memory. Then this buffer is filled
in and represents a part of the initial image. The size of this buffer is (BLOCK SIZE + 2) *
(BLOCK SIZE + 2) in order to correctly treat the borders (1 size border around the image because
the convolution filter is a 3 ∗ 3 filter).
The two indexes iBlock and jBlock allow filling in the s imageBlock buffer.
Before using s imageBlock for calculation, we must be sure that this buffer is full, so we use the
syncthreads() function. This function acts as a barrier at which all threads in the block must
wait before any is allowed to proceed. After this, each thread computes one convolution product using
The last function in this file is the applyFilter function which handles the interaction between the
CPU and GPU.
In order to manage CUDA errors, we first call the cudaGetLastError function which returns the
last error that has been produced by any of the runtime calls in the same host thread and resets it to
CUDA SUCCESS. Several pointers are declared in order to be allocated in GPU memory. They are
allocated in global memory using the cudaMalloc function. The cudaMemcpy function is used
to initialized the d src buffer from host memory. The direction of the transfer is indicated by the
cudaMemcpyHostToDevice flag.

Writing Modules 673

The d filter, which was declared at the beginning of this file, is in constant memory, so it is
initialized with the cudaMemcpyToSymbol function.
The host initiates the execution of the kernel function, applyFilterKernel, on the CUDA de-
vice. A CUDA device contains individual processing elements, each of which can execute a thread.
A number of the processing elements are grouped together to form a block, and a group of blocks
constitute a grid. The dimensions of grids and blocks are defined in variables nThreadsPerBlock
and nBlocks. The number of blocks and the number of threads in each block are indicated between
<<<...>>> following the kernel name. This information is picked up by the Nvidia compiler, nvcc,
and is used when generating the instructions that start the kernel on the CUDA device. Following that,
a list of arguments is passed to kernel function.
The applyFilterKernel function fills in the d dst buffer. After calculation, we must
copy this buffer to host memory. This is done using the cudaMemcpy function with the
cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost flag.
Finally, the global memory is freed using the cudaFree function and and all runtime-related re-
sources associated with the calling host thread are cleaned up by calling the cudaThreadExit
function. The last CUDA error is returned using the cudaGetLastError function. Version 2: Gaussian filter in CUDA driver API

The CUDA driver API is a lower-level C API that provides functions to load kernels as modules of
CUDA binary or assembly code, to inspect their parameters, and to launch them. Binary and assembly
codes are usually obtained by compiling kernels written in C. The runtime API is built on top of
the CUDA driver API. Initialization, context, and module management are all implicit and resulting
code is more concise. In contrast, the CUDA driver API requires more code, is harder to program
and debug, but offers a better level of control and is language-independent since it handles binary or
assembly code. CUDA C exposes the CUDA programming model as a minimal set of extensions to
the C language. The second filter is implemented using CUDA driver API.
The source is divided in two separated parts:
• a CPU part with a header file and a C++ file: GaussianFilterCudaDrv.h and
• a GPU part with a CUDA file: Convolve2DCudaDrv.cu
In order to be didactic, this version is not the optimal implementation for this fil-
ter. The GaussianFilterCudaDrvOptim module is another CUDA implementation of
this Gaussian filter using the driver API which give better performances. This imple-
mentation is not detailed in this document but it is implemented in the three files called
GaussianFilterCudaDrvOptimized.h, GaussianFilterCudaDrvOptimized.cpp
and Convolve2DCudaDrvOptimized.cu.
In order to create a compute module using CUDA driver API, please refer subsection CPU part A new private function is declared in the header file: applyFilter. This
function allows launching the kernel. In the previous case (CUDA C), this function was defined in
the CUDA file because it used CUDA specified syntax and so must be compiled with nvcc. With the

674 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

CUDA driver API, the kernel is launched ’manually’ in the CPU part.
// To launch the GPU kernel
void applyFilter( HxUniformScalarField3* input,
HxUniformScalarField3* output,
float* filter);

In the source file, we include cuda.h in order to use the CUDA driver API. All entry points of this
library are prefixed with cu. We also include CudaDrvUtils.h which provides utils for CUDA
driver API use.
#include <cuda.h>

#include "CudaDrvUtils.h"

In the compute method, there is only one modification. In order to launch the kernel, we call the
applyFilter function.
// Compute filtered image
applyFilter( input, output, gaussianFilter );

The applyFilter method will launch the kernel.

GaussianFilterCudaDrv::applyFilter( HxUniformScalarField3* input,
HxUniformScalarField3* output,
float* filter)
// Data buffers
unsigned char* inputData = (unsigned char*) input->lattice.dataPtr();
unsigned char* outputData = (unsigned char*) output->lattice.dataPtr();

// Size of data volume

const int* dims = input->lattice.dims();
const unsigned int nElements = dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2];
const unsigned int nElementsInBytes = nElements * sizeof( unsigned char );

// Kernel launch configuration: Size of grid and blocks

int blockSize = 16;
unsigned int nBlocks[2];
unsigned int nThreadsPerBlock[3];
nThreadsPerBlock[0] = blockSize;
nThreadsPerBlock[1] = blockSize;
nThreadsPerBlock[2] = 1;
nBlocks[0] = dims[0] / blockSize;
nBlocks[1] = dims[1] * dims[2] / blockSize;

// Cuda variables
CUdevice cudaDevice; // Cuda device
CUcontext cudaContext; // Cuda context
CUmodule cudaModule; // Cuda module
CUfunction cudaKernel; // Cuda kernel
CUresult cudaError; // Cuda error

Writing Modules 675

// Get cuda device
cudaError = cuInit(0);
CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, NULL, CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

cudaError = cuDeviceGet( &cudaDevice, 0 ); // Pick first device

CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, NULL, CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

// Create cuda context

cudaError = cuCtxCreate( &cudaContext, 0, cudaDevice );
CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, cudaContext, CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

// Load the kernel

const char* cudaKernelName = "applyFilterKernel";
std::string cudaModulePath = std::string( HxResource::getLocalDir() );
cudaModulePath += "/bin/";
cudaModulePath += std::string( HxResource::getArchString() );
cudaModulePath += "/gaussianfiltercudadrv/Convolve2DCudaDrv.ptx";

cudaError = cuModuleLoad( &cudaModule, cudaModulePath.c_str() );

CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, cudaContext, CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

cudaError = cuModuleGetFunction( &cudaKernel, cudaModule, cudaKernelName );

CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, cudaContext, CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

// Allocate memory on the device

CUdeviceptr d_src; // In global memory
CUdeviceptr d_dst; // In global memory
CUdeviceptr c_filter; // In constant memory
CUdeviceptr c_dims; // In constant memory
size_t c_filterBytes;
size_t c_dimsBytes;
cudaError = cuMemAlloc( &d_src, nElementsInBytes );
cudaError = cuMemAlloc( &d_dst, nElementsInBytes );
CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, cudaContext, d_src, d_dst,
CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

// Copy host vectors to device

cudaError = cuMemcpyHtoD( d_src, inputData, nElementsInBytes );
cudaError = cuModuleGetGlobal( &c_filter, &c_filterBytes, cudaModule, "c_filter" );
cudaError = cuMemcpyHtoD( c_filter, filter, c_filterBytes );
cudaError = cuModuleGetGlobal( &c_dims, &c_dimsBytes, cudaModule, "c_dims" );
cudaError = cuMemcpyHtoD( c_dims, dims, c_dimsBytes );
CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, cudaContext, d_src, d_dst,
CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

// Setup parameter values

cudaError = cuFuncSetBlockShape( cudaKernel,
nThreadsPerBlock[0], nThreadsPerBlock[1], nThreadsPerBlock[2] );
CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, cudaContext, d_src, d_dst,
CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

int offset = 0;

676 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

cudaError = cuParamSetv( cudaKernel, offset, &d_src, sizeof( d_src ) );
offset += sizeof( d_src );
cudaError = cuParamSetv( cudaKernel, offset, &d_dst, sizeof( d_dst ) );
offset += sizeof( d_dst );
cudaError = cuParamSetSize( cudaKernel, offset );
CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, cudaContext, d_src, d_dst,
CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

// Launch the kernel

cudaError = cuLaunchGrid( cudaKernel, nBlocks[0], nBlocks[1] );
CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, cudaContext, d_src, d_dst,
CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

// Copy the result from device back to host

cudaError = cuMemcpyDtoH( outputData, d_dst, nElementsInBytes );
CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, cudaContext, d_src, d_dst,
CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

// Cleanup
cudaError = cuMemFree( d_dst );
cudaError = cuMemFree( d_src );
CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, cudaContext, CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

cudaError = cuCtxDestroy( cudaContext );

CudaDrvUtils::cleanupNoFailure( cudaError, NULL, CudaDrvUtils::EOL );

We first retrieve the pointer to the data buffers (input and output) and define the nBlocks and
nThreadsPerBlock values which will be used in order to size the grid. The variables begin-
ning with cuda* will be used to create and launch the kernel. We initialize the driver API with the
cuInit function and choose CUDA device with the cuDeviceGet function. In this example, the
selected GPU is the first GPU. The final initialization is performed by the cuCtxCreate function,
which creates a context on the chosen device.
After these initializations, the kernel is loaded from the ptx file. PTX is an intermediate format
which is forward-compatible. To obtain the path to this file, we use the getLocalDir method which
returns the environment variable AVIZO LOCALand the getArchString method which returns the
architecture string, e.g. ”arch-Linux-Optimize”.
Next, the device vectors are declared with the cuMemAlloc function (for the variables which are
in global memory) and the host vectors are copied to device memory. If the variables are placed in
constant memory, they must be declared in the CUDA file and so they must not be allocated here. The
cuModuleGetGlobal function returns the size of these variables which is required to copy vectors
from host to device.
Now, we set up the parameter’s values. The cuFuncSetBlockShape function specifies the x,
y, and z dimensions of the thread blocks that are created when the kernel is launched. Then, the
cuParamSetv function allows copying data into the parameter space of the kernel.We must also
specified the total size needed by the function parameters of the kernel by calling cuParamSetSize
function. The cuLaunchGrid function invokes the kernel grid of blocks whose is given by the
second and third parameters. Each block contains the number of threads specified by the previous call

Writing Modules 677

to cuFuncSetBlockShape.
After the kernel execution, the result is copied in output using the cuMemcpyDtoH, the device
memory is cleaned up and the context is destroyed.
Note that after a CUDA function call, the cleanupNoFailure function is called in order to cor-
rectly clean up device memory if there is a CUDA error. GPU part The GPU implementation contains three functions:

applyFilterKernel, getValue and convolve2D. These functions are the same as in
the previous case (CUDA C).
The only difference is that the applyFilterKernel function is here declared using the extern
"C" qualifier.
extern "C"__global__ void
applyFilterKernel( unsigned char* d_dst, unsigned char* d_src ) Adding a compute module using CUDA driver API It is important to note that in a
same package, you can’t create module using CUDA C and CUDA driver API.
If your package will contained modules using CUDA driver API, you must open the
src/moduleName/Package file in the local Avizo directory and add this line at the end: set
CUDADRV 1. Version 3: Gaussian filter in OpenCL

OpenCL (Open Compute Language) is an open standard for parallel programming of heterogeneous
systems, managed by the Khronos Group. OpenCL and CUDA driver API are very similar so portage
between this two languages is relatively easy.
The source is divided in two separated parts:
• a CPU part with a header file and a C++ file: GaussianFilterOpenCL.h and
• a GPU part with a OpenCL file: Convolve2DOpenCL.cl
In order to be didactic, this version is not the optimal implementation for this filter. The
GaussianFilterOpenCLOptim module is another OpenCL implementation of this Gaus-
sian filter which give better performances. This implementation is not detailed in this docu-
ment but it is implemented in the three files called GaussianFilterOpenCLOptimized.h,
GaussianFilterOpenCLOptimized.cpp and Convolve2DOpenCLOptimized.cl. CPU part The header file used here is the same as for the previous part (CUDA driver
In the source file, we include CL/opencl.h in order to use OpenCL. All entry points of this library
are prefixed with cl. We also include OpenCLUtils which provides utilities for OpenCL use.
#include <CL/opencl.h>

#include "OpenCLUtils.h"

678 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

The applyFilter function follows the same main steps as the previous case (CUDA driver API).
GaussianFilterOpenCL::applyFilter( HxUniformScalarField3* input,
HxUniformScalarField3* output,
float* filter )
// Data buffers
unsigned char* inputData = (unsigned char*) input->lattice.dataPtr();
unsigned char* outputData = (unsigned char*) output->lattice.dataPtr();

// Size of data volume

const int* dims = input->lattice.dims();
const unsigned int nElements = dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2];
const unsigned int nElementsInBytes = nElements * sizeof( cl_uchar );

// Size of grid and blocks

int blockSize = 8;
cl_uint workDim = 3;
size_t nWorkitemPerWorkgroup[3];
size_t nWorkitem[3];
nWorkitemPerWorkgroup[0] = blockSize;
nWorkitemPerWorkgroup[1] = blockSize;
nWorkitemPerWorkgroup[2] = blockSize;
nWorkitem[0] = dims[0];
nWorkitem[1] = dims[1];
nWorkitem[2] = dims[2];

// OpenCL variables
cl_context clContext; // OpenCL context
cl_program clProgram; // OpenCL program
cl_kernel clKernel; // OpenCL kernel
cl_command_queue clCmdQueue; // OpenCL command queue
cl_platform_id clPlatformID; // OpenCL platform for computation
cl_device_id clDeviceID; // Device ID
cl_int clError;

// Get OpenCL platform count

cl_uint clNumPlatforms;
clError = clGetPlatformIDs( 0, NULL, &clNumPlatforms );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, NULL, OpenCLUtils::EOL );

// Get all OpenCL platform IDs

cl_platform_id* clAllPlatformIDs = new cl_platform_id[clNumPlatforms];
clError = clGetPlatformIDs( clNumPlatforms, clAllPlatformIDs, NULL );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, NULL, OpenCLUtils::EOL );

// Select the first platform

clPlatformID = clAllPlatformIDs[0];

// Get a GPU device on Platform (this example assumes one is present)

clError = clGetDeviceIDs( clPlatformID, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1,
&clDeviceID, NULL );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, NULL, OpenCLUtils::EOL );

Writing Modules 679

// Create a context
clContext = clCreateContext( 0, 1, &clDeviceID, NULL, NULL, &clError );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, OpenCLUtils::EOL );

// Create a command queue for the device in the context

clCmdQueue = clCreateCommandQueue( clContext, clDeviceID, 0, &clError );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, OpenCLUtils::EOL );

// Load and build device code

const char* clKernelName = "applyFilterKernel";
std::string clModulePath = std::string( HxResource::getLocalDir() );
clModulePath += "/src/gaussianfilteropencl/Convolve2DOpenCL.cl";

std::string sourceString;
OpenCLUtils::loadFile( clModulePath.c_str(), sourceString );
const char* clSource = sourceString.c_str();
clProgram = clCreateProgramWithSource( clContext, 1, (const char **) &clSource, 0,
&clError );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, OpenCLUtils::EOL );

clError = clBuildProgram( clProgram, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, OpenCLUtils::EOL );

// Create the kernel

clKernel = clCreateKernel( clProgram, clKernelName, &clError );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, OpenCLUtils::EOL );

// Allocate device memory

cl_mem d_src;
cl_mem d_dst;
cl_mem c_filter;
cl_mem c_dims;
d_src = clCreateBuffer( clContext, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
nElementsInBytes, inputData, &clError );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, d_src, OpenCLUtils::EOL );

d_dst = clCreateBuffer( clContext, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY,

nElementsInBytes, NULL, &clError );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, d_src, d_dst,
OpenCLUtils::EOL );

c_filter = clCreateBuffer( clContext, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,

9 * sizeof( cl_float ), filter, &clError );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, d_src, d_dst, c_filter,
OpenCLUtils::EOL );

c_dims = clCreateBuffer( clContext, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,

3 * sizeof( cl_int ), (int*) dims, &clError );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, d_src, d_dst, c_filter, c_dims,
OpenCLUtils::EOL );

// Setup parameter values

680 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

clError = clSetKernelArg( clKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&d_src );
clError |= clSetKernelArg( clKernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&d_dst );
clError |= clSetKernelArg( clKernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&c_filter );
clError |= clSetKernelArg( clKernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&c_dims );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, d_src, d_dst, c_filter, c_dims,
OpenCLUtils::EOL );

// Launch kernel
clError = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( clCmdQueue, clKernel, workDim, 0,
nWorkitem, nWorkitemPerWorkgroup, 0, 0, 0 );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, d_src, d_dst, c_filter, c_dims,
OpenCLUtils::EOL );

// Copy results from device back to host; block until complete

clError = clEnqueueReadBuffer( clCmdQueue, d_dst, CL_TRUE, 0,
nElementsInBytes, outputData, 0, 0, 0 );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, d_src, d_dst, c_filter, c_dims,
OpenCLUtils::EOL );

// Cleanup
clError = clReleaseMemObject( d_src );
clError |= clReleaseMemObject( d_dst );
clError |= clReleaseMemObject( c_filter );
clError |= clReleaseMemObject( c_dims );
clError |= clReleaseKernel( clKernel );
clError |= clReleaseProgram( clProgram );
clError |= clReleaseCommandQueue( clCmdQueue );
OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, clContext, OpenCLUtils::EOL );

clError = clReleaseContext( clContext );

OpenCLUtils::cleanupNoFailure( clError, NULL, OpenCLUtils::EOL );

We first retrieve a pointer to the data buffers (input and output) and define the nWorkitem and
nWorkitemPerWorkgroup which will be used in order to size the grid. OpenCL work-groups are
equivalent to CUDA blocks and OpenCL work-items are equivalent to CUDA threads. OpenCL allows
us to organize work-groups in 3 dimensions, which is better adapted to our use case (i.e. processing
3D data).
The variables beginning with cl* will be used to create and launch the kernel. Then,
we list all the available platforms using clGetPlatformIDs and we choose the first plat-
form with the clGetDevieIDs function. The two functions clCreateContext and
clCreateCommandQueue allows us to initialize the context and the command queue. OpenCL
objects such as memory, program and kernel objects are created using a context. Operations on these
objects are performed using a command queue. The command queue can be used to queue a set of
operations (referred to as commands) in order.
After these initializations, the kernel is loaded from the OpenCL source file. The source code is loaded
using the clCreateProgramWithSource function. In the OpenCL case, the device code is built
on the fly with the clBuildProgram function, so the clModulePath variable contains the path
to the source file Convolve2DOpenCL.cl.

Writing Modules 681

Moreover, the kernel is created using clCreateKernel.
Next, device memory is allocated and the the host vectors are copied to the device memory with the
clCreateBuffer function.
Now, we set up the parameters’ values. The clSetKernelArg function can be used to set the value
for a specific argument of a kernel. The kernel is launched using clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
which enqueues a command to execute a kernel on a device. Please note that while the global work
size in CUDA is specified in terms of the number of thread blocks, it is specified by the number of
threads (work-item) in OpenCL. Likewise, OpenCL allows creating 3 dimensional grids which we use
to facilitate working with the indexes in the kernel.
After the kernel execution, the result is copied to output using the clEnqueueReadBuffer and
the device memory is cleaned up.
Note that after an OpenCL function call, the cleanupNoFailure function is called in order to
correctly clean up device memory if there is an OpenCL error. GPU part Like in CUDA, different memory are available in OpenCL. So, the variables’
names will be prefixed in the openCL file by:
• h if the variable is in host memory
• d if the variable is in device global memory
• c if the variable is in device constant memory
• l if the variable is in device local memory (It is equivalent to the constant memory in CUDA)
This OpenCL code and the previous CUDA code are as much as possible the same. Of course, there are
syntax differences but the structure is nearly the same. The OpenCL file Convolve2DOpenCL.cl
is the following:
// Example of a convolution filter in OpenCL
#define BLOCK_SIZE 8
#define BORDER_SIZE 1

// Compute 2D convolution product with a 3*3 filter

unsigned char
convolve2D( int i,
int j,
int k,
__local unsigned char l_imageBlock[BLOCK_SIZE + 2 * BORDER_SIZE]
__constant const float* c_filter )

int idxFilter = 0;
float convolutionProduct = 0;

682 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

for ( int ii = - BORDER_SIZE; ii <= BORDER_SIZE; ii++)
for ( int jj = - BORDER_SIZE; jj <= BORDER_SIZE; jj++)
convolutionProduct += l_imageBlock[i + ii][j + jj][k] * c_filter[idxFilter];
return convolutionProduct;

// Return the voxel’s value (i, j, k) of the buffer d_src

unsigned char
getValue( int i,
int j,
int k,
__global const unsigned char* d_src,
__constant const int* c_dims )
unsigned char value;
if ( (i >= 0) && (i < c_dims[0])
&& (j >= 0) && (j < c_dims[1])
&& (k >= 0) && (k < c_dims[2])
value = d_src[k * c_dims[1] * c_dims[0] + j * c_dims[0] + i];
value = 0;
return value;

// Fill in a variable in shared memory and call convolve2D

// __kernel: callable form the host, executed on the device
__kernel void
applyFilterKernel( __global unsigned char* d_src,
__global unsigned char* d_dst,
__constant const float* c_filter,
__constant const int* c_dims )
// The get_global_id function returns the unique global work-item ID value
// for specified dimension.
int i = get_global_id(0);
int j = get_global_id(1);
int k = get_global_id(2);
int idx = k * c_dims[1] * c_dims[0] + j * c_dims[0] + i;

// (i0, j0, k) repairs the top left corner of the kth slice in d_src
int i0 = get_group_id(0) * get_local_size(0);
int j0 = get_group_id(1) * get_local_size(1);

// In shared memory
__local unsigned char l_imageBlock[BLOCK_SIZE + 2 * BORDER_SIZE]

Writing Modules 683

int imageBlockSize = BLOCK_SIZE + 2 * BORDER_SIZE;

int iBlock = get_local_id(0) + BORDER_SIZE;

int jBlock = get_local_id(1) + BORDER_SIZE;
int kBlock = get_local_id(2);

// Fill in imageBlock
// Main data
l_imageBlock[iBlock][jBlock][kBlock] = getValue(i, j, k, d_src, c_dims);

if ( iBlock == 1 )
// Left border
l_imageBlock[0][jBlock][kBlock] =
getValue( i0 - 1, j, k, d_src, c_dims );
l_imageBlock[0][jBlock - 1][kBlock] =
getValue( i0 - 1, j - 1, k, d_src, c_dims );
else if ( iBlock == BLOCK_SIZE )
// Right border
l_imageBlock[BLOCK_SIZE + 2 * BORDER_SIZE - 1][jBlock][kBlock] =
getValue( i0 + imageBlockSize - 1, j, k, d_src, c_dims );
l_imageBlock[BLOCK_SIZE + 2 * BORDER_SIZE - 1][jBlock + 1][kBlock] =
getValue( i0 + imageBlockSize - 1, j + 1, k, d_src, c_dims );

if ( jBlock == 1 )
// Left border
l_imageBlock[iBlock][0][kBlock] =
getValue( i, j0 - 1, k, d_src, c_dims );
l_imageBlock[iBlock + 1][0][kBlock] =
getValue( i + 1, j0 - 1, k, d_src, c_dims );

else if ( jBlock == BLOCK_SIZE )
// Right border
l_imageBlock[iBlock][BLOCK_SIZE + 2 * BORDER_SIZE - 1][kBlock] =
getValue( i, j0 + imageBlockSize - 1, k, d_src, c_dims );
l_imageBlock[iBlock - 1][BLOCK_SIZE + 2 * BORDER_SIZE - 1][kBlock] =
getValue( i - 1, j0 + imageBlockSize - 1, k, d_src, c_dims );

// Compute convolution product

d_dst[idx] = convolve2D(iBlock, jBlock, kBlock, l_imageBlock, c_filter);

This file begin by a definition of two global variables BLOCK SIZE which will be used to size the
grid and blocks and BORDER SIZE. Following these declarations, the convolution product is defined

684 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

in the convolve2D function. This function has no specific qualifier and must so be called from GPU
and it is executed on device. This function compute the 2D convolution product at the point (i, j) with
a 3 ∗ 3 filter.
The getValue function returns the voxel’s value (i, j) of a buffer.
The applyFilterKernel function is called for each voxel. It is defined using the kernel
qualifier: It means that this function is called from the host and executed on the device. It is the kernel
function, so it must have the void return type.
The initial 3D image is divided in several blocks of size BLOCK SIZE * BLOCK SIZE *
BLOCK SIZE. Three indexes i, j and k are defined using get global id : This function re-
turns the unique global work-item ID value for the identified dimension. These indexes definitions are
easier that in the CUDA case because work-groups are organized in three dimensions.
The l imageBlock buffer is created and placed in local memory. Then this buffer is filled in and
represents a part of the initial image. This buffer size is BLOCK SIZE + 2 in x and y directions
because we must have 1 size border around the image and BLOCK SIZE in z direction because the
filter is a 2D convolution filter.
The three indexes iBlock, jBlock and kBlock allows you to fill in the l imageBlock buffer.
Before using l imageBlock for calculation, we must be sure that this buffer is full, so we use the
barrier() function. All work-items in a work group executing the kernel on a processor must
execute this function before any are allowed to continue execution beyond the barrier. After this, each
work-item compute one convolution product using imageBlock.

21.5 Data Classes

This section provides an overview of the structure of Avizo data classes. Important classes are dis-
cussed in more detail. In particular, the following topics will be covered:
• an introduction to data classes, including the hierarchy of data classes
• data on regular grids, e.g., 3D images with uniform or stacked coords
• tetrahedral grids, including data fields defined on such grids
• hexahedral grids, including data fields defined on such grids
• unstructured mixed models, including data fields defined on such models
• other issues related to data classes, including transparent data access

21.5.1 Introduction
A profound knowledge of the Avizo data objects is essential to developers. Data objects occur as
input of write routines and almost all modules, and as output of read routines and compute modules.
In the previous sections we already encountered several examples of Avizo data objects such as 3D
image data (represented by the class HxUniformScalarField3), triangular surfaces (represented
by the class HxSurface), or colormaps (represented by the class HxColormap). Like modules,
data objects are instances of C++ classes. All data objects are derived from the common base class
HxData. Data objects are represented by green icons in Avizo’s Project View.

Data Classes 685

In the following let us first present an overview of the hierarchy of data classes. Afterwards, we will
discuss some of the general concepts behind it. The Hierarchy of Data Classes

The hierarchy of Avizo data classes roughly looks as follows (derived classes are indented, auxiliary
base classes are ignored):
HxData base class of all data objects
HxSpreadSheet spreadsheet containing an arbitrary number of rows and columns
HxColormap base class of colormaps
HxColormap256 colormap consisting of discrete RGBA tuples
HxCameraPath base class of camera paths
HxKeyframeCameraPath camera path based on interpolated keyframes
HxSpatialData data objects embedded in 3D space
HxIvData encapsulates an Open Inventor scene graph
HxField3 base class representing fields in 3D space
HxScalarField3 scalar field (1 component)
HxRegScalarField3 scalar field with regular coordinates
HxUniformScalarField3 scalar field with uniform coordinates
HxUniformLabelField3 material labels with uniform coordinates
HxStackedScalarField3 scalar field with stacked coordinates
HxStackedLabelField3 material labels with stacked coordinates
HxAnnaScalarField3 scalar field defined by an analytic expression
HxTetraScalarField3 scalar field defined on a tetrahedral grid
HxHexaScalarField3 scalar field defined on a hexahedral grid
HxVectorField3 vector field (3 components)
HxRegVectorField3 vector field with regular coordinates
HxUniformVectorField3 vector field with uniform coordinates
HxEdgeElemVectorField3 vector field defined by Whitney elements
HxAnnaVectorField3 vector field defined by an analytic expression
HxTetraVectorField3 vector field defined on a tetrahedral grid
HxHexaVectorField3 vector field defined on a hexahedral grid
HxComplexScalarField3 complex-valued scalar field (2 components)
HxRegComplexScalarField3 complex scalar field with regular coordinates
HxUniformComplexScalarField3 complex scalar field w/ uniform coords
HxTetraComplexScalarField3 complex scalar field defined on a tetra grid
HxHexaComplexScalarField3 complex scalar field defined on a hexa grid
HxComplexVectorField3 complex-valued vector field (6 components)
HxRegComplexVectorField3 complex vector field with regular coordinates
HxUniformComplexVectorField3 complex vector field w/ uniform coords
HxEdgeElemComplexVectorField3 complex vector field w/ Whitney elements
HxTetraComplexVectorField3 complex field defined on a tetrahedral grid
HxHexaComplexVectorField3 complex field defined on a hexahedral grid

686 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

HxColorField3 color field consisting of RGBA-tuples
HxRegColorField3 color field with regular coordinates
HxUniformColorField3 color field with uniform coordinates
HxRegField3 other n-component field with regular coordinates
HxTetraField3 other n-component field defined on a tetrahedral grid
HxHexaField3 other n-component field defined on a hexahedral grid
HxUnstructuredModel represents an unstructured model (mesh, boundaries, regions and materials)
HxUnstructuredModelDataSet represents a field defined on an unstructured model
HxVertexSet data objects providing a set of discrete vertices
HxSurface represents a triangular surface
HxTetraGrid represents a tetrahedral grid
HxHexaGrid represents a hexahedral grid
HxLineSet represents a set of line segments with vertex data
HxLandmarkSet represents one or multiple sets of corresponding landmarks
HxCluster represents a set of vertices with associated data values
HxSurfaceField base class for fields defined on triangular surfaces
HxSurfaceScalarField scalar field defined on a surface (1 component)
HxSurfaceVectorField vector field defined on a surface (3 components)
HxSurfaceComplexScalarField complex scalar surface field (2 components)
HxSurfaceComplexVectorField complex vector surface field (6 components)
HxSurfaceField other n-component field defined on a surface

Note that you can find an in-depth description of every class in the online reference documenta-
tion: share/devref/Avizo.chm or share/devref/index.html in the Avizo root direc-
tory. The reference documentation not only covers data objects but all classes provided with Avizo
XPand Pack. As you already know, these classes are arranged in packages. For example, all data
classes derived from HxField3 are located in package hxfield, and all classes related to triangu-
lar surfaces are located in package hxsurface. Remarks About the Class Hierarchy

All data classes are derived from the base class HxData. This class in turn is derived from
HxObject, the base class of all objects that can be put into the Avizo Project View. The class
HxData adds support for reading and writing data objects, and it provides the variable parameters
of type HxParamBundle. This variable can be used to annotate a data object by an arbitrary number
of nested parameters. The parameters of any data object can be edited interactively using the parameter
editor described in the User’s Guide.
We observe that the majority of data classes are derived from HxSpatialData. This is the
base class of all data objects which are embedded in 3D space as opposed for example to col-
ormaps. HxSpatialData adds support for user-defined affine transformations, i.e., translations,
rotations, and scaling. For details refer to subsection It also provides the virtual method
getBoundingBox which is redefined by all derived classes. Two important child classes of
HxSpatialData are HxField3 and HxVertexSet.

Data Classes 687

HxVertexSet is the base class of all data objects that are defined on an unstructured set of vertices
in 3D space, like surfaces or tetrahedral grids. The class provides methods to apply a user-defined
affine transformation to all vertices of the object, or modify the point coordinates in some other way.
HxField3 is the base class of data fields defined on a 3D-domain, like 3D scalar fields or 3D vector
fields. HxField3 defines an efficient procedural interface to evaluate the field at an arbitrary 3D point
within the domain, independent of whether the latter is a regular grid, a tetrahedral grid, or something
else. The procedural interface is described in more detail in subsection
Looking at the inheritance hierarchy again, we observe that a high level distinction is made between
fields returning a different number of data values. For example, all 3D scalar fields are derived from
a common base class HxScalarField3, and all 3D vector fields are derived from a common base
class HxVectorField3. The reason for this structure is that many modules depend on the data
dimensionality of a field only, not on the internal representation of the data. For example, a module
for visualizing a flow field by means of particle tracing can be written to accept any object of type
HxVectorField3 as input. It then automatically operates on all derived vector fields, regardless of
the type of grid they are defined on.
On the other hand, it is often useful to treat the number of data variables of a field as a dynamic
quantity and to distinguish between the type of grid a field is defined on. For example, we may wish
to have a common base class of fields defined on a regular grid and derived classes for regular scalar
or vector fields. Since this structure and the one sketched above are very hard to incorporate into a
common class graph, even if multiple inheritance were used, another concept has been chosen in Avizo,
namely interfaces. Interfaces were first introduced by the Java programming language. They allow the
programmer to take advantage of common properties of classes that are not related by inheritance.
In Avizo interfaces can be implemented as class members, or as additional base classes. In the first case
a data class contains an interface class, while in the second case it is derived from HxInterface.
Important interface classes are HxLattice3, HxTetraData, and HxHexaData, which are
members of fields defined on regular, tetrahedral, and hexahedral grids, respectively. Another ex-
ample is HxLabelLattice3, which is a member of HxUniformLabelField3, as well as
HxStackedLabelField3. In subsection we have already presented an example of how to
use this interface in order to write a module which operates on any label field, regardless of the actual
coordinate type.

21.5.2 Data on Regular Grids

Fields defined on a regular grid occur in many different applications. For example, 3D image volumes
fall into this category. The term ‘regular’ means that the nodes of the grid are arranged as a regular 3D
array, i.e., every node can be addressed by an index triple (i,j,k). A regular field can be characterized
by three major properties: the coordinate type, the number of data components, and the primitive
component data type (for example short or float).
In the class hierarchy a major distinction is made between the number of data components of a field.
For example, there is a class HxRegScalarField3 representing (one-component) scalar fields
defined on a regular grid. This class is derived from the general base class HxScalarField3.
Similar classes exist for (three-component) vector fields, complex scalar field, and complex vec-
tor fields defined on regular grids. Fields not falling into one of these categories, i.e., fields de-

688 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

fined on regular grids with a different number of data components, are represented by the class
HxRegField3 which is directly derived from HxField3. Moreover, there are separate subclasses
for the most relevant combinations of the number of data components and the coordinates type, like
HxStackedScalarField3 or HxUniformVectorField3. All regular data classes provide a
member variable lattice of type HxLattice3. This variable is an interface. It can be used to
access data fields with a different number of components in a transparent way.
Below we first discuss the lattice interface in more detail. We then present an overview of all sup-
ported coordinate types. Afterwards, two more types of data fields defined on regular coordinates are
discussed, namely label fields and color fields.
Note that all these fields can be evaluated without regard to the actual coordinate type or the primitive
data type by means of Avizo’s procedural interface for 3D fields (see subsection The Lattice Interface

The actual data of any regular 3D field is stored in a member variable lattice of type
HxLattice3. This variable essentially represents a dynamic 3D array of n-component vectors. The
number of vector components as well as the primitive data type are subject to change, i.e., a data object
of type HxLattice3 can be re-initialized to hold a different number of components of different prim-
itive data type. However, a lattice contained in an object of type HxRegScalarField3 always con-
sists of 1-component vectors, while a lattice contained in an object of type HxRegVectorField3
always consists of 3-component vectors. In addition, the coordinates of the field are stored in a separate
coordinate object that is also referenced by the lattice.

Accessing the Data To learn what kind of methods are provided by the lattice class, please refer
to the online reference documentation or directly inspect the header file HxLattice3.h located in
package hxfield. At this point, we just present a short example which shows how the dimensionality
of the lattice, the number of data components, and the primitive data type can be queried. The primitive
data type is encoded by the class McPrimType defined in package mclib. In particular, here are
some of the following data types supported by Avizo:
• McPrimType::mc uint8 (8-bit unsigned bytes)
• McPrimType::mc int16 (16-bit signed shorts)
• McPrimType::mc uint16 (16-bit unsigned shorts)
• McPrimType::mc int32 (32-bit signed integers)
• McPrimType::mc float (32-bit floats)
• McPrimType::mc double (64-bit doubles)
• ...
Regardless of the actual type of the lattice data values, the pointer to the data array is returned as
void*. The return value must be explicitly cast to a pointer of the correct type. This is illustrated
in the following example where we compute the maximum value of all data components of a lattice.
Note that the data values are stored one after another without any padding. The first index runs fastest.
HxLattice3& lattice = field->lattice;

Data Classes 689

const int* dims = lattice.dims();
int nDataVar = lattice.nDataVar();

switch (lattice.primType()) {
case McPrimType::mc_uint8: {
unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*) lattice.dataPtr();
unsigned char max = data[0];
for (int k=0; k<dims[2]; k++)
for (int j=0; j<dims[1]; j++)
for (int i=0; i<dims[0]; i++)
for (int n=0; n<nDataVar; n++) {
int idx =
if (data[idx]>max)
max = data[idx];
theMsg->printf("Max value is %d", max);
} break;

case McPrimType::mc_int16: {
short* data = (short*) lattice.dataPtr();
short max = data[0];
for (int k=0; k<dims[2]; k++)
for (int j=0; j<dims[1]; j++)
for (int i=0; i<dims[0]; i++)
for (int n=0; n<nDataVar; n++) {
int idx =
if (data[idx]>max)
max = data[idx];
theMsg->printf("Max value is %d", max);
} break;


As a tip, note that the processing of different primitive data types can often be simplified by defining
appropriate template functions locally. In the case of our example, such a template function may look
like this:
template<class T>
void getmax(T* data, const int* dims, int nDataVar)
T max = data[0];
for (int k=0; k<dims[2]; k++)
for (int j=0; j<dims[1]; j++)
for (int i=0; i<dims[0]; i++)
for (int n=0; n<nDataVar; n++) {
int idx =
if (data[idx]>max)

690 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

max = data[idx];
theMsg->printf("Max value is %d", max);

Using this template function, the above switch statement looks as follows:

switch (lattice.primType()) {
case McPrimType::mc_uint8:
getmax((unsigned char*)lattice.dataPtr(),dims,nDataVar);
case McPrimType::mc_int16:


Though less efficient, another possibility for handling different primitive data types is to use one of the
methods eval, set, getData, or putData. These methods always involve a cast to float if the
primitive data type of the field requires it.

Accessing the Lattice Interface Imagine you want to write a module which operates on any kind
of regular field, i.e., on objects of type HxRegScalarField3, HxRegVectorField3, and so
on. One way to achieve this would be to configure the input port of the module so that it can
be connected to all possible regular field input objects. This can be done by calling the method
portData.addType() in the module’s constructor multiple times with the required class type
IDs. In addition, all input types must be listed in the package resource file. This can be done by
specifying a blank-separated list of types as the argument of the -primary option of the module
command. In the compute method of the module, the actual type of the input must be queried, then
the input pointer must be cast to the required type before a pointer to the lattice member of the object
can be stored.
Of course, this approach is very tedious. A much simpler approach is to make use of the fact that the
lattice member of a regular field is an interface. Instead of the name of a real data class, the class type
ID of HxLattice3 may be used to specify to what kind of input object a module may be connected
to. In fact, if this is done, any data object providing the lattice interface will be considered as a valid
input. In order to access the lattice interface of the input object, the following statement must be used
in the module’s compute method (also check subsection for an example of how to deal with

HxLattice3* lattice = (HxLattice3*)


Creating a Field From an Existing Lattice When working with lattices, we may want to deposit
a new lattice in the Project View, for example as the result of a compute module. However, since

Data Classes 691

HxLattice3 is not an Avizo data class, this is not possible. Instead we must create a suitable field
object which the lattice is a member of. For this purpose the class HxLattice3 provides a static
method create which creates a regular field and puts an existing lattice into it. If the lattice contains
one data component, a scalar field will be created; if it contains three components, a vector field will
be created, and so on. The resulting field may then be used as the result of a compute module. Note
that the lattice must not be deleted once it has been put into a field object. The concept is illustrated
by the following example:

HxLattice3* lattice = new HxLattice3(dims, nDataVar,

primType, otherLattice->coords()->duplicate());


HxField3* field = HxLattice3::create(lattice);

theObjectPool->addObject(field); Regular Coordinate Types

Currently four different coordinate types are supported for regular fields, namely uniform coordinates,
stacked coordinates, rectilinear coordinates, and curvilinear coordinates. The coordinate types are
distinguished by way of the enumeration data type HxCoordType. The coordinates themselves are
stored in a separate utility class of type HxCoord3 which is referenced by the lattice member of a
regular field. For each coordinate type there is a corresponding subclass of HxCoord3.
As already mentioned in the introduction, for some important cases there are special subclasses of a
regular field dedicated to a particular coordinate type. Examples are HxStackedScalarField3
(derived from HxRegScalarField3) or HxUniformVectorField3) (derived from
HxRegVectorField3). If such special classes do not exist, the regular base class should be
used instead. In this case the coordinate type must be checked dynamically and the pointer to the
coordinate object has to be down-cast explicitly before it can be used. This is illustrated in the
following example:

HxCoord3* coord = field->lattice.coords();

if (coord->coordType() == c_rectilinear) {
HxRectilinearCoord3* rectcoord =
(HxRectilinearCoord3*) coord;

Uniform Coordinates Uniform coordinates are the simplest form of regular coordinates. All grid
cells are axis-aligned and of equal size. In order to compute the position of a particular grid node, it is
sufficient to know the number of cells in each direction as well as the bounding box of the grid.
Uniform coordinates are represented by the class HxUniformCoord3. This class provides a method
bbox which returns a pointer to an array of six floats describing the bounding box of the grid. The six
numbers represent the minimum x-value, the maximum x-value, the minimum y-value, the maximum
y-value, the minimum z-value, and the maximum z-value in that order. Note that the values refer to

692 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

grid nodes, i.e., to the corner of a grid cell or to the center of a voxel. In order to compute the width of
a voxel, you should use code like this:

const int* dims = uniformcoords->dims();

const float* bbox = uniformcoords->bbox();
float width = (dims[0]>1) ? (bbox[1]-bbox[0])/(dims[0]-1):0;

Stacked Coordinates Stacked coordinates are used to describe a stack of uniform 2D slices with
variable slice distance. They are represented by the class HxStackedCoord3. This class provides
a method bboxXY which returns a pointer to an array of four floats describing the bounding box of a
2D slice. In addition, the method coordZ returns a pointer to an array containing the z-coordinate of
each 2D slice.

Rectilinear Coordinates Same as for uniform or stacked coordinates, in the case of rectilinear co-
ordinates the grid cells are aligned to the axes, but the grid spacing may vary from cell to cell in each
direction. Rectilinear coordinates are represented by the class HxRectilinearCoord3. This class
provides three methods, coordX, coordY, and coordZ, returning pointers to the arrays of x-, y-,
and z-coordinates, respectively.

Curvilinear Coordinates In the case of curvilinear coordinates, the position of each grid node is
stored explicitly as a 3D vector of floats. A single grid cell need not to be axis-aligned anymore. An
example of a 2D curvilinear grid is shown in Figure 21.12.
Curvilinear coordinates are represented by the class HxCurvilinearCoord3. This class provides
a method pos which can be used to query the position of a grid node indicated by an index triple (i,j,k).
Alternatively, a pointer to the coordinate values may be obtained by calling the method coords. The
coordinate vectors are stored one after another without padding and with index i running fastest. Here
is an example:

const int* dims = curvilinearcoords->dims();

const float* coords = curvilinearcoords->coords();

// Position of grid node (i,j,k)

float x = coords[3*((k*dims[1]+j)*dims[0]+i)];
float y = coords[3*((k*dims[1]+j)*dims[0]+i)+1];
float z = coords[3*((k*dims[1]+j)*dims[0]+i)+2]; Label Fields and the Label Lattice Interface

Label fields are used to store the results of an image segmentation process. Essentially, at
each voxel a number is stored indicating which material the voxel belongs to. Consequently,
label fields can be considered scalar fields. In fact, currently there are two different types
of label fields, one for uniform coordinates (represented by class HxUniformLabelField3
derived from HxUniformScalarField3) and one for stacked coordinates (represented by
class HxStackedLabelField3 derived from class HxStackedScalarField3). Since

Data Classes 693

Figure 21.12: Example of a 2D grid with curvilinear coordinates.

the two types are not derived from a common base class, a special-purpose interface called
HxLabelLattice3 is provided. In fact, this interface is in turn derived from HxLattice3. It
replaces the standard lattice variable of ordinary regular fields (see subsection
The primitive data type of a label field can be McPrimType::mc uint8,
McPrimType::mc uint16 or McPrimType::mc int32. In addition to the standard lat-
tice interface, the label lattice interface also provides access to the label field’s materials. Materials
are stored in a special parameter subdirectory of the underlying data object. While discussing the
plot API, we already encountered an example of how to interpret the materials of a label field (see
subsection Note that whenever a new label is introduced, a new entry should also be
put into the material list. Existing materials are marked so that they can not be removed from the
material list (this would corrupt the labeling). In order to remove obsolete materials, call the method
removeEmptyMaterials of HxLabelLattice3.
In addition to the labels, special weights can be stored in a label lattice. These weights are used to
achieve sub-voxel accuracy when reconstructing 3D surfaces from the segmentation results. A pointer
to the weights can be obtained by calling getWeights or getWeights2 of the label lattice. For
more details about HxLabelLattice3, please refer to the online class documentation. Color Fields

Color fields are yet another type of regular fields. They consist of 4-component RGBA-byte-tuples
and are represented by the class HxRegColorField3 derived from HxColorField3. The latter
class is closely related to HxScalarField3 or HxVectorField3, see the overview on data class
inheritance presented in subsection For color fields with uniform coordinates there is a special
subclass HxUniformColorField3. Like any other regular fields, color fields provide a member
lattice which can be used to access the data in a transparent way.

21.5.3 Unstructured Tetrahedral Data

Another important type of data refers to fields defined on unstructured tetrahedral grids. Such grids
are often used in finite element simulations (FEM). In Avizo, tetrahedral grids and data fields defined

694 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

on such grids are implemented by two different classes or groups of classes and are also distinguished
in the user interface by different icons. The reason is that by separating grid and data there is no need
for replicating the grid in case many fields are defined on the same grid, a case that occurs frequently
in practice.
In the following two sections, we introduce the grid class HxTetraGrid before discussing the cor-
responding field classes and the interface HxTetraData. Tetrahedral Grids

Tetrahedral grids in Avizo are implemented by the class HxTetraGrid and its base class Tetra Grid.
Looking at the reference documentation of Tetra Grid we observe that a tetrahedral grid essentially
consists of a number of dynamic arrays such as points, tetras, or materialIds.
• The points array is a list of all 3D points contained in the grid. A single point is stored as an
element of type McVec3f. This class has the same layout as the Open Inventor class SbVec3f.
Thus, a pointer to McVec3f can be cast to a pointer to SbVec3f and vice versa.
• The tetras array describes the actual tetrahedra. For each tetrahedron the indices of the four
points and the indices of the four triangles it consists of are stored. The numbering of the points
and triangles is shown in Figure 21.13. In particular, the fourth point is located above of the
triangle defined by the first three points. Triangle number i is located opposite to point number
• The materialIds array contains 8-bit labels that assign a ’material’ identifier to every tetra-
hedron. For example, this is used in tetrahedral grids generated from segmented image data to
distinguish between different image segments corresponding to different material components
of physical objects represented by the (3D) image data Like in the case of label fields or surfaces,
the set of possible material values is stored in the parameter list of the grid data object.

Figure 21.13: Numbering of points in a tetrahedron with positive volume (left). Numbering of the corresponding triangles

The three arrays, points, tetras, and materialIds, must be provided by the ’user’. The
triangles of the grid are stored in an additional array called triangles. This array can be constructed

Data Classes 695

automatically by calling the member method createTriangles2. This method computes the
triangles from scratch and sets the triangle indices of all tetrahedra defined in tetras.
The triangles array also provides a way for accessing neighboring tetrahedra. Among other in-
formation (see reference documentation) stored for each triangle, the indices of the two tetrahedra it
belongs to are available. In the case of boundary triangles, one of these indices is -1. Therefore, in
order to get the index of a neighboring tetrahedron you can use the following code:
// Find tetra adjacent to tetra n at face 0:
int triangle = grid->tetras[n].triangles[0];
otherTetra = grid->triangles[triangle].tetras[0];
if (otherTetra == n)
otherTetra = grid->triangles[triangle].tetras[1];
if (otherTetra == -1) {
// No neighboring tetra, boundary face

Note that it is possible to define a grid with duplicated vertices, i.e. with vertices having exactly the
same coordinates. This is useful to represent discontinuous data fields. The method createTriangles2
checks for such duplicated nodes and correctly creates a single triangle between two geometrically
adjacent tetrahedra, even if these tetrahedra refer to duplicated points.
Optionally the edges of a grid can be computed in addition to its points triangles, and tetrahedra by call-
ing createEdges. The edges are stored in an array called edges and another array edgesPerTetra
is used in order to store the indices of the six edges of a tetrahedron.
Moreover, the class Tetra Grid provides additional optional arrays, for example to store a dynamic list
of the indices of all tetrahedra adjacent to a particular point (tetrasPerPoint). This and other
information is primarily used for internal purposes, for example to facilitate editing and smoothing of
tetrahedral grids. Data Defined on Tetrahedral Grids

In most applications, you will not only have to deal with a single tetrahedral grid, but
also with data fields defined on it, for example scalar fields (e.g. temperature) or vector
fields (e.g. flow velocity). Avizo provides special classes for these data modalities, namely
HxTetraScalarField3, HxTetraVectorField3, HxTetraComplexScalarField3,
HxTetraComplexVectorField3, and HxTetraField3 (see class hierarchy in subsection
Like in the case of regular data fields, the actual information is stored in a special member variable
called data, which is of type HxTetraData. Like the corresponding member type HxLattice3
for regular data, HxTetraData is an interface, i.e., derived from HxInterface. It provides
transparent access to data fields defined on tetrahedral grids regardless of the actual number of data
components of the field. In order to access that interface without knowing the actual type of input
object within a module, you may use the following statement:
HxTetraData* data = (HxTetraData*)
if (!data) return;

696 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

Data on tetrahedral grids must always be of type float. The data values may be stored in three
different ways, indicated by the encoding type as defined in HxTetraData:
• PER TETRA: One data vector is stored for each tetrahedron. The data are assumed to be constant
inside the tetrahedron.
• PER VERTEX: One data vector is stored for each vertex of the grid. The data are interpolated
linearly inside a tetrahedron.
• PER TETRA VERTEX: Four separate data vectors are stored for each tetrahedron. The data are
also interpolated linearly.
This last encoding scheme is useful for modeling discontinuous fields. In order to evaluate a field at an
arbitrary location in a transparent way, Avizo’s procedural data interface should be used. This interface
is described in subsection
Like HxLattice3, the class HxTetraData provides a static method create which can be used
to create a matching data field, e.g., an object of type HxTetraScalarField3, from an existing
instance of HxTetraData. The HxTetraData object will not be copied but will be directly put
into the field object. Therefore it may not be deleted afterwards. Also see subsection

21.5.4 Unstructured Hexahedral Data

In an unstructured hexahedral grid the grid cells are defined explicitly by specifying all the points in
the cell. This is in contrast to regular hexahedral grids where the grid cells are arranged in a regular
3D array and thus are defined implicitly. The implementation of hexahedral grids is very similar to
tetrahedral grids as described in the previous section. There are separate classes for the grid itself and
for data fields defined on a hexahedral grid.
In the following two sections we introduce the grid class HxHexaGrid before discussing the corre-
sponding field classes and the interface HxHexaData. Hexahedral Grids

Hexahedral grids in Avizo are implemented by the class HxHexaGrid and its base class Hexa Grid.
Looking at the reference documentation of Hexa Grid we observe that a hexahedral grid essentially
consists of a number of dynamic arrays such as points, hexas, or materialIds.
• The points array is a list of all 3D points contained in the grid. A single point is stored as an
element of type McVec3f. This class has the same layout as the Open Inventor class SbVec3f.
Thus, a pointer to McVec3f can be cast to a pointer to SbVec3f and vice versa.
• The hexas array describes the actual hexahedra. For each hexahedron the indices of the eight
points and the indices of the six faces it consists of are stored. The numbering of the points
is shown in Figure 21.14. Degenerate cells such as prisms or tetrahedra may be defined by
choosing the same index for neighboring points.
• The materialIds array contains 8-bit labels, which assign a material identifier to every hex-
ahedron. Like the case of label fields or surfaces, the set of possible material identifiers is stored
in the parameter list of the grid data object.

Data Classes 697

Figure 21.14: Numbering of points in a hexadron with positive volume.

The three arrays, points, hexas, and materialIds, must be provided by the ’user’. The faces
of the grid are stored in an additional array called faces. This array can be constructed automatically
by calling the member method createFaces. This method computes the faces from scratch and
sets the face indices of all hexahedra defined in hexas.
Note that, in contrast to tetrahedral grids, in a hexahedral grid degenerate cells are allowed, i.e., cells
where neighboring corners in a cell coincide. In this way grids with mixed cell types can be defined.
The faces of a hexahedron are stored in a small dynamic array called faces. For a degenerate cell
this array contains less then six faces.
Also note that, although non-conformal grids are allowed, i.e., grids with hanging nodes on edges
and faces, currently the method createFaces does not detect the connectivity between neighboring
hexahedra sharing less than four points. Thus, faces between such cells are considered to be external
cells. Data Defined on Hexahedral Grids

In most applications, you will not only have to deal with a single hexahedral grid, but
also with data fields defined on it, for example scalar fields (e.g. temperature) or vector
fields (e.g., flow velocity). Avizo provides special classes for these data modalities, namely
HxHexaScalarField3, HxHexaVectorField3, HxHexaComplexScalarField3,
HxHexaComplexVectorField3, and HxHexaField3 (see class hierarchy in subsection
As for fields defined on tetrahedral grids, the actual information is stored in a special member variable
called data, which is of type HxHexaData. HxHexaData is a so-called interface, i.e. derived from
HxInterface. The data variable provides transparent access to data fields defined on hexahedral
grids regardless of the actual number of data components the field has. In order to access the interface
without knowing the actual type of input object within a module, you may use the following statement:

HxHexaData* data = (HxHexaData*)

if (!data) return;

698 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

Data on hexahedral grids must always be of type float. The data values may be stored in three
different ways, indicated by the encoding type defined in HxHexaData:
• PER HEXA: One data vector is stored for each hexahedron. The data are assumed to be constant
inside the hexahedron.
• PER VERTEX: One data vector is stored for each vertex of the grid. The data are interpolated
trilinearly inside a hexahedron.
• PER HEXA VERTEX: Eight separate data vectors are stored for each hexahedron. The data are
also interpolated trilinearly.
The last encoding scheme is useful for modeling discontinuous fields. In order to evaluate a field at an
arbitrary location in a transparent way, Avizo’s procedural data interface should be used. This interface
is described in subsection
Like HxLattice3, the class HxHexaData provides a static method create which can be used
to create a matching data field, e.g., an object of type HxHexaScalarField3, from an existing
instance of HxHexaData. The HxHexaData object will not be copied but will be directly put into
the field object. Therefore it may not be deleted afterwards. Also see subsection

21.5.5 Unstructured Mixed Models

Most CAE and CFD simulations are done on unstructured grids. Avizo Wind Edition is the software
suite including the Avizo Standard Edition feature-set and all its extensions for analyzing, visualizing,
and presenting numerical solutions from CAE and CFD simulations. Avizo Wind Edition has its own
support for unstructured mixed meshes made up of tetrahedra, hexahedra, pyramids and wedges.
In the following two sections, we introduce the model class HxUnstructuredModel before dis-
cussing the corresponding field classes HxUnstructuredDataSet. Unstructured Models

Unstructured models are only available in Avizo Wind Edition and are implemented by the class
HxUnstructuredModel and its base class Unstructured Model.
A model contains:
• the mesh of the domain under study, with 2D or 3D cells depending on the dimension of the
• the boundaries of the domain,
• the different regions the domain might be composed of,
• the different materials the domain might be made of.
Depending whether the dimension of the model is 2D or 3D, the Type of the model will
be VOLUME or SURFACE. As a consequence, the mesh associated to the model should be a
HxUnstructuredVolumeMesh or a HxUnstructuredSurfaceMesh. The mesh has to be
associated to the model through the setMesh method.
The unstructured mesh is characterized by its geometry and its topology. The geom-
etry (HxUnstructuredGeometry) contains the coordinates of the mesh nodes, stored

Data Classes 699

as elements of type MbVec3d. The topology (HxUnstructuredVolumeTopology or
HxUnstructuredSurfaceTopology) contains the mesh cells, defined by the list of their
nodes index (as stored in the geometry). In case the model is 3D, the cells are elements of
type HxVolumeCell. Supported cell types are tetrahedron (HxTetrahedronCell), pyramid
(HxPyramidCell), wedge (HxWedgeCell) and hexahedron (HxHexahedronCell). In case
the model is 2D, the cells are elements of type HxSurfaceCell. Supported cell types are triangle
(HxTriangleCell) and quadrangle (HxQuadrangleCell).
In the 3D case, the mesh might contain 2D cells. This set of cells is called boundaries, re-
ferring to the CFD field but can as well define shell or membrane elements in the CAE field.
HxUnstructuredSurfaceBoundary inherits from HxUnstructuredSurfaceMesh and so
is as well defined by its geometry and topology.
If the model is composed of several regions, those regions can be identified by a name, an index and a
color (see HxModelParts) and assigned to each cell of the mesh through the assignCellParts
method. The same is true for the materials (HxCellMaterials, assignCellMaterials).

21.5.6 Data Defined on Unstructured Models

Data defined on unstructured models are implemented by the class
HxUnstructuredModelDataSet. The fields can be of type SCALARSET, VECTORSET,
TENSORSET or SYMTENSORSET (symmetric tensor set). Depending on the type,
data are stored as HxUnstructuredScalarSet, HxUnstructuredVectorSet,
HxUnstructuredTensorSet or HxUnstructuredSymTensorSet, all inheriting from
HxUnstructuredDataSet. The data has to be associated to the model dataset through the
setDataSet method.
Two data bindings are supported: PER NODE (the data field values are stored at the mesh nodes)
and PER CELL (the data field values are stored at the mesh cells). Set the binding of the
HxUnstructuredDataSet with the setBinding method.
In the 3D case, if boundaries exist, data can be stored in the same way and associated to the model
dataset using the getBoundaries method. The two bindings are available on boundaries.
Finally the model dataset is connected to the unstructured model it is defined on.
HxUnstructuredModel* model = new HxUnstructuredModel;
// Define the unstructured model
HxUnstructuredModelDataSet* modelDataSet = new HxUnstructuredModelDataSet;
HxUnstructuredScalarSet* scalarSet = new HxUnstructuredScalarSet;
// Assign the scalar set

21.5.7 Other Issues Related to Data Classes

In this section the following topics will be covered:

700 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

• Avizo’s procedural interface for evaluating 3D fields
• coordinate systems and transformations of spatial data objects
• defining parameters and materials in data objects Procedural Interface for 3D Fields

The internal representation of a data field very much depends on whether the field is defined on a
regular, tetrahedral, or hexahedral grid. There are even data types such as HxAnnaScalarField3
or HxAnnaVectorField3 for fields that are defined by an analytical mathematical expression. To
allow for writing a module which operates on any scalar field without having to bother about the
particular data representation, a transparent interface is needed. One could think of a function like
float value = field->evaluate(x,y,z);

For the sake of efficiency, a slightly different interface is used in Avizo. Evaluating a field defined
on tetrahedral grid at an arbitrary location usually involves a global search to detect the tetrahedron
which contains that point. The situation is similar for other grid types. In most algorithms, however,
the field is typically evaluated at points not far from each other, e.g., when integrating a field line.
To take advantage of this fact, the concept of an abstract Location class has been introduced. A
Location describes a point in 3D space. Depending on the underlying grid, Location may keep
track of additional information such as the current grid cell number. The Location class provides
two different search strategies, a global one and a local one. In this way performance can be improved
significantly. Here is an example of how to use a Location class:
float pos[3];
float value;
HxLocation3* location = field->createLocation();
if (location->set(pos))
field->eval(location, &value);
if (location->move(pos))
field->eval(location, &value);
delete location;

First a location is created by calling the virtual method createLocation of the field to be evaluated.
The two methods, location->set(pos) and location->move(pos), both take an array of
three floats as argument, which describe a point in 3D space. The set method always performs a
global search in order to locate the point. In contrast, move first tries to locate the new point using a
local search strategy starting from the previous position. You should call move when the new position
differs only slightly from the previous one. Both set and move may return 0 in order to indicate that
the requested point could not be located, i.e., that it is not contained in any grid cell.
In order to locate the field at a particular location, field->eval( location, &value) is
called. The result is written to the variable pointed to by the second argument. Internally the eval
method does two things. First it interpolates the field values, for example, using the values at the
corners of the cell the current point is contained in. Secondly, it converts the result to a float value if
the field is represented internally by a different primitive data type.

Data Classes 701 Transformations of Spatial Data Objects
In Avizo, all data objects which are embedded in 3D space are derived from the class
HxSpatialData defined in the subdirectory hxcore (see class hierarchy in subsection
On the one hand, this class provides a virtual method getBoundingBox which derived classes
should redefine. On the other hand, it allows the user to transform the data object using an arbitrary
geometric transformation. The transformation is stored in an Open Inventor SoTransform node. This
node is applied automatically to any display module attached to a transformed data object.
In total there are three different coordinate systems:
• The world coordinate system is the system the camera of the 3D viewer is defined in.
• The table coordinate system is usually the same as the world coordinate system.
However, it might be different if special modules displaying, for example, the ge-
ometry of a radiotherapy device is used. These modules should call the method
HxBase::useWorldCoords with a non-zero argument in their constructor. Later they may
then call the method HxController::setWorldToTableTransform of the global ob-
ject theController. In this way they can cause all other objects to be transformed simulta-
• Finally, the local coordinate system is defined by the transformation node stored for objects of
type HxSpatialData. This transformation can be modified interactively using the transfor-
mation editor. Transformations can be shared between multiple data objects using the method
HxBase::setControllingData. Typically, all display modules attached to a data ob-
ject will share its transformation matrix, so that the geometry generated by these modules is
transformed automatically when the data itself is transformed.
The transformation node of a spatial data object may be accessed using the SoTransform*
HxSpatialData::getTransform() method, which may return a NULL pointer when the data
object is not transformed.
Often it is easier to use HxSpatialData::getTransform(SbMatrix& matrix) instead,
which returns the current transformation matrix or the identity matrix when there is no transformation.
This matrix is to be applied by multiplying it to a vector from the right-hand side. It transforms vectors
from the local coordinate system to the table or world coordinate system.
If you want to transform table or world coordinates to local coordinates, use
HxSpatialData::getInverseTransform( SbMatrix& matrix). For example,
consider the following code which transforms the lower left front corner of object A into the local
coordinate system of a second object B:

float bbox[6];
SbVec3f originWorld,originB;
SbMatrix matrixA, inverseMatrixB;

// Get origin in local coordinates of A

SbVec3f origin(bbox[0],bbox[1],bbox[2]);

// Transform origin to world coordinates:

702 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide


// Transform origin from world coords to local coords of B


Instead of this two-step approach, the two matrices could also be combined:
SbMatrix allInOne = matrixA;


Note that the same result is obtained in the following way:

SbMatrix allInOne = inverseMatrixB;


Since the transformation could contain a translational part, special attention should
be paid when directional vectors are transformed. In this case the method
HxSpatialData::getTransformNoTranslation( SbMatrix& matrix) should
be used. Data Parameters and Materials

For every data object an arbitrary number of attributes or parameters can be defined. The parameters
are stored in a member variable parameters of type HxParamBundle. The header file of the
class HxParamBundle is located in the subdirectory include/amiramesh.
HxParamBundle is derived from the base class HxParamBase. Another class derived from
HxParamBase is HxParameter. This class is used to actually store a parameter value. A pa-
rameter value may be a string or an n-component vector of any primitive data type supported in Avizo
(byte, short, int, float, or double). The bundle class HxParamBundle may hold an arbitrary number
of HxParamBase objects, i.e., parameters or other bundles. In this way parameters may be ordered
Many data objects such as label fields, surfaces, or unstructured finite element grids make use of the
concept of a material list. Material parameters are stored in a special sub-bundle of the object’s
parameter bundle called Materials. In order to access all material parameters of such an object, the
following code may be used:
HxParamBundle* materials = field->parameters.materials();
int nMaterials = materials->nBundles();

for (int i=0; i<nMaterials; i++) {

HxParamBundle* material = materials->bundle(i);
const char* name = material->name();
theMsg->printf("Material[%d] = %s\n", name);

Data Classes 703

The class HxParamBundle provides several methods for looking up parameter values. All these
find-methods return 0 if the requested parameter could not be found. For example, in order to retrieve
the value of a one-component floating point parameter called Transparency, the following code may
be used:
float transparency = 0;
if (!material->findReal("Transparency",transparency))
theMsg->printf("Transparency not defined, using default");

In order to add a new parameter or to overwrite the value of an existing one, you may use one of several
different set-methods, for example:

Many modules check whether a color is associated to a particular ’material’ in the material list of a
data object. If this is not the case, the color or some other value is looked up in the global material
database Avizo provides. This database is represented by the class HxMatDatabase defined in
hxcore. It can be accessed via the global pointer theDatabase. Like an ordinary data object, the
database has a member variable parameters of type HxParamBundle in order to store parameters
and materials. In addition, it provides some convenience methods, for example getColor(const
char* name), which returns the color of a material, defining a new one if the material is not yet
contained in the database.

21.6 Documentation of Modules in Avizo XPand Pack

Avizo XPand Pack allows the user to write the documentation for his own modules and integrate it into
the user’s guide.
The documentation must be written in Avizo’s native documentation style. The syntax is bor-
rowed from the Latex text processing language. Documentation files can easily be created by the
createDocFile command. To create a documentation template for MyModule, type
MyModule createDocFile
in the Avizo console. This will generate a template for the documentation file as well as snapshots of
all ports in the directory AVIZO LOCAL/src/mypackage/doc.
The file MyModule.doc already provides the skeleton for the module description and includes the
port snapshots.
The command createPortSnaps only creates the snapshots of the module ports. This is useful
when the ports have changed and their snapshots must be updated in the user’s guide.

21.6.1 The documentation file

Here, the basic elements of a documentation file are presented.

This command indicates the begin of a description file. MyModule

704 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

is the module name.

This block contains a general module description.

All beginning blocks must have an end.


This command sets a label such that this
connection can be referenced in the documentation.
\hxport{Data}{\tt [required]}\\
Here the required master connection is described.


The module ports are listed here.

Anywhere in the documentation a label can be referenced:

\link{MyModule_data}{Text for reference}


This file describes the documentation of a module and starts with


This is a hxmodule description. Others are also available:

\begin{hxmodule2}{name}{short description to appear in the table of modules}
\begin{fileformat2}{name}{short description to appear
in the table of file formats}
\begin{data2}{name}{short description to appear
in the table of data types}

The file always must be closed by the corresponding end command.

More commands Other formats allow to format and structure the documentation:
• \begin{itemize}
\item This is an enumeration,
and each item starts with the key word item
• {\bf This will be set in bold face}
• {\it This will be set in italics}
• {\tt This will be set in Courier}

Formulas can be included by means of the text processor LaTeX. They must be written in the Latex

Documentation of Modules in Avizo XPand Pack 705

syntax. This requires that LaTeX and Ghostscript be installed on the user’s system. The following
environment variables need to be set:
• DOC2HTML LATEX points to the LaTeX executable
• DOC2HTML DVIPS points to the dvi to PostScript converter (dvips)
• DOC2HTML GS points to Ghostscript

21.6.2 Generating the documentation

All documentation files must be converted to HTML files and copied into the user’s guide. For this
purpose, the program doc2html is provided. Run this program from a command shell with the
following option:
doc2html -A -skin AvizoSkin -d AVIZO ROOT/share/doc/avizo -local
This converts the documentation and copies the HTML files to the appropriate places in the
AVIZO ROOT/share/doc/avizo directory. Call ”doc2html -help” to get a complete list
of options.

21.7 Miscellaneous
This section covers a number of additional issues of interest for the Avizo developer. In particular, the
following topics are included:
• Import of time-dependent data, including the use of HxPortTime
• Important global objects, such as theMsg and theWorkArea
• Save-project issues, making save Avizo project work for custom modules
• Troubleshooting, providing a list of common errors and solutions

21.7.1 Time-Dependent Data And Animations

This section covers some more advanced topics of Avizo XPand Pack, namely the handling of dynamic
data sets and the implementation of animated compute tasks. Before reading the section you should at
least know how to write ordinary IO routines and modules. Time Series Control Modules

In general, the processing of time-dependent data sets is a challenging task in 3D visualization. Usually
not all time steps of a dynamic data series can be loaded at once because of insufficient main memory.
Even if all time steps would fit into memory it is usually not a good idea to load every time step as
a separate object in Avizo. This would result in a large number of icons in the Project View. The
selection between different time steps would become difficult.
A better solution comprise special-purpose control modules. An example is the Time Series Control
module described in the user’s guide. This module is created if a time series of data objects each stored
in a separate file is imported via the Load time series... option of the main window’s file menu. Instead

706 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

of loading all time steps together the control module loads only one time step at once. The current time
step can be adjusted via a time slider. When a new time step is selected the data objects associated
with the previous one are replaced.
If you want to support a file format where multiple time steps are stored in a common file, you can
write a special time series control module for that format. For each format a special control module is
needed because seeking for a particular time step inside the file of course is different for each format.
For convenience, you may derive a control module for a new format from the class HxDynamicData-
Control contained in the package hxtime. This base class provides a time slider and a virtual method
newTimeStep(int k) which is called whenever a new new time step is to be loaded. In contrast
to the standard time series control module in most other control modules data objects should be cre-
ated only once. If a new time step is selected existing objects should be updated and reused instead of
replacing them by new objects. In this way the burden of disconnecting and reconnecting down-stream
objects is avoided. The Class HxPortTime

In principal, an ordinary float slider (HxPortFloatSlider) can be used to adjust the time of a time series
control module or of some other time-dependent data object. However, in many cases the special-
purpose class HxPortTime defined in the package hxtime is more appropriate. This class can be used
like an ordinary float slider but it provides many additional features. The most prominent one is the
possibility to auto-animate the slider. In addition, HxPortTime can be connected to a global time object
of type Time. In this way multiple time-dependent modules can be synchronized. In order to create
a global Time object, select Animations And Scripts / Time from the main window’s Project >Create
Object... menu.
Another feature of HxPortTime is that the class is also an interface, i.e., it is derived from HxInterface
(compare subsection In this way it is possible to write modules which can be connected to
any object containing an instance of HxPortTime. An example is the Display Time module. In order
to access the time port of a source object the following C++ dynamic cast construct should be used:
HxPortTime* time = dynamic_cast<HxPortTime*>(

In the previous section we discussed how time-dependent data could be imported using special-purpose
control modules. Another alternative is to derive a time-dependent data object from an existing static
one. An example of this is the class MyDynamicColormap contained in the example package of Avizo
XPand Pack. Looking at the header file src/mypackage/MyDynamicColormap.h in the local
Avizo directory you notice that this class is essentially an ordinary colormap with an additional time
port. Here is the class declaration:
class MYPACKAGE_API MyDynamicColormap : public HxColormap

// Constructor.

Miscellaneous 707
// This will be called when an input port changes.
virtual void compute();

// The time slider

HxPortTime portTime;

// Implements the colormap

virtual void getRGBA1(float u, float rgba[4]) const;

The implementation of the dynamic colormap is very simple too (see the file
MyDynamicColormap.cpp). First, in the constructor the time slider is initialized:


The first line indicates that the slider should go from 0 to 1. The increment set in the next line defines
by what amount the time value should be changed if the backward or the forward button of the slider
is pressed. The next line unsets the discrete flag. If this flag is on, the slider value always would be
an integer multiple of the increment. Finally, the so-called real-time factor is set. Setting this factor
to a non-zero value implies that the slider is associated with physical time in animation mode. More
precisely, the number of microseconds elapsed since the last animation update is multiplied with the
real-time factor. Then the result is added to the current time value.
In order to see the module in action compile the example package, start Avizo (use the -debug option
or the debug executable if you compiled in debug mode), and choose Other / DynamicColormap
from the main window’s Project >Create Object... menu. Attach a Colormap Legend module to
the colormap and change the value of the colormap’s time slider. Animate the slider. The speed of
the animation can be adjusted by resetting the value of the real-time factor using the Tcl command
DynamicColormap time setRealTimeFactor. Animation Via Time-Out Methods

In some cases you might want certain methods to be called in regular intervals without using a time
port. There are several ways to do this. First, you could use the Open Inventor class SbTimerSensor
or related classes. Another possibility would be to use the Qt class QTimer. However, both methods
have the disadvantage that the application can get stuck if too many timer events are emitted at once.
In same cases it could even be impossible to press the stop button or some other button for turning off
user-defined animation. For this reason Avizo provides its own way off registering time-out methods.
The relevant methods are implemented by the class HxController. Suppose, you have written a
module with a member method called timeOut. If you want this method to be called automatically
once in a second, you can use the following statement:


708 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

In order to stop the animation again, use

Instead of using a member method of an Avizo object class, you can also register an arbitrary static
function using the method addTimeOutFunction of class HxController. The corresponding
remove method is called removeTimeOutFunction. For more information, see the reference
documentation of HxController.
The Avizo XPand Pack example package contains the module MyAnimateColormap which makes
use of the above time-out mechanism. The source code of the module again is quite easy to understand.
After compiling the example package, you can attach to module under the name DoAnimate to an
existing colormap. The colormap then is modified and copied. After pressing the animate toggle of
the module the output colormap is shifted automatically at regular intervals. Note that in this example
the fire method of the module is used as time-out method. fire invokes the modules compute
method and also updates all down-stream objects.

21.7.2 Important Global Objects

Beside the base classes of modules and data objects, there are some more classes in the Avizo kernel
that are important to the developer. Many of these classes have exactly one global instance. A short
summary of these global objects is presented here. For details, please refer to the online reference docu-
mentation by looking at the file share/devref/index.html or share/devref/Avizo.chm
in the Avizo root directory.
HxMessage: This class corresponds to the Avizo console window in the lower right part of the screen.
There is only one global instance of this class, which can be accessed by theMsg. All text output
should go to this object. Text can be printed using the function theMsg->printf("...",...),
which supports common C-style printf syntax. HxMessage also provides static methods for pop-
ping up error and warning messages or simple question dialogs.
HxObjectPool: This class maintains the list of all currently existing data objects and modules. In
the graphical user interface, this area is called the Project View and contains the modules and data
objects icons. There is only one global instance of this class, which can be accessed by the pointer
HxWorkArea: This class displays the ports of selected objects in the Properties Area and provides the
progress bar and busy-state functionality. Important functions are startWorking, stopWorking,
wasInterrupted as well as busy and notBusy. There is only one global instance of this class,
which can be accessed by the pointer theWorkArea.
HxFileDialog: This class represents the file browser used for loading and saving data. Normally the
developer does not need to use this class since the standard I/O mechanism is completely implemented
in the Avizo kernel. However, for special purpose modules, a separate file browser might be useful.
There is a global instance of this class, which can be accessed by the pointer theFileDialog.
HxResource: This class maintains the list of all registered file formats and modules as defined in the
package resource files. It also provides information about the Avizo root directory, the local Avizo
directory, the version number, and so on. Normally there is no need for the developer to use this class
directly. There is no instance of this class, since all its members are static.

Miscellaneous 709
HxViewer: This class represents an Avizo 3D viewer. There can be multiple instances which are
accessed via the method viewer of the global object theController. Normally you will not not
need to use this class. Instead, you should use the member functions showGeom and hideGeom
which every module and data object provides in order to display geometry.
HxController: This class controls all 3D viewers and Open Inventor geometry. In order to access a
viewer you may use the following statement:
HxViewer* v0 = theController->viewer(0,0);

The first argument indicates the ID number of the viewer to be retrieved. In total there may be up to
16 different viewers. The second argument specifies whether the viewer should be created or not if it
does not already exist.
HxColorEditor: Avizo’s color editor. Used, for example, to define the background color of the viewer.
In a standard module you should use a port such as HxPortColorList or HxPortColorMap
instead of directly accessing the color editor. There is a global instance of this class, which can be
accessed by the pointer theColorEditor.
HxHTML: A window used to display HTML files. This class is used for Avizo’s online help. The
global instance used for displaying the online user’s guide and the online programmer’s guide can be
accessed by the pointer theBrowser.
HxMatDatabase: This class represents Avizo’s global data parameter and material database. The
database can be accessed by the global pointer theDatabase. Details about the material database
are discussed in subsection

21.7.3 Save-Project Issues

This section describes the mechanism used in Avizo to save projects. For most modules this is done
transparently for the developer.
The menu command ”Save Project” dumps a Tcl script that should reconstruct the current Avizo
project. Essentially this is done by writing a load ... command for each data object, a create
... command for each module and setValue ... commands for each port of a module.
This suffices to reconstruct the Avizo project correctly if all information about a module’s state is kept
in the module’s ports only. If this is not the case, e.g., if the developer uses extra member variables that
are important for the modules current state, those values are not restored automatically. If you cannot
avoid this, you must extend the ”Save Project” functionality of your module. In order to do so, you can
override the virtual function savePorts so that it writes additional Tcl commands. For example, let
us take a look at the HxArbitraryCut class, which is the base class e.g., for the Slice module
and which has to save its current slice orientation:
void HxArbitraryCut::savePorts(FILE* fp)
fprintf(fp, "%s setPlane %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
origin()[0], origin()[1], origin()[2],
uVec()[0], uVec()[1], uVec()[2],
vVec()[0], vVec()[1], vVec()[2]);

710 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide


Note that this method requires that HxArbitraryCut or some of its parent classes implement the
Tcl command setPlane. Hints about implementing new Tcl commands are given in subsection
Some remarks about how to generate the load command for data objects are given in subsection 21.3.2.

Figure 21.15: When loading this Avizo project, the Resample module recreates the motor.Resampled data object on the fly.

There is a special optimization for data objects created by computational modules. Avizo automati-
cally determines whether data objects which are created by other modules are not yet saved and asks
the user to do so if necessary. However, in some cases, this may not be desired, since saving the data
object consumes disk space and regenerating can sometimes be nearly as fast as loading the object
from disk. As an example, consider the Avizo project in Figure 21.15. In this case the resample
module can automatically recompute the motor.Resampled data object when the Avizo project
is loaded. In order to determine whether a compute module is able to do so, the module must im-
plement the function int HxResample::canCreateData(HxData* data, McString&
createCmd). This function is called whenever an Avizo project containing newly created data ob-
jects is saved and these objects have not yet been saved but are still connected to a compute module.
The method should return 1 if the compute module is able to recreate that particular data object. In this
case the corresponding Tcl command should be stored in the string createCmd. When executed, the
Tcl command should return the name of the newly created data object.
Determining whether a compute module can create a data object may be tricky. Typically, it must be
assured that in the time between the actual creation of the data object by the computational module and
the execution of the save Avizo project command neither the parameters nor the input has changed,
and that the resulting data object had not been edited.
In order to implement this behavior, most compute modules use a flag that they set when they create
a data object and which they clear when the module’s update() method is called, indicating that
some input has changed. In order to check whether the data object was edited, the data object’s
touchTime variable is saved. touchTime is increased automatically whenever a module is edited.
A typical method could look like this:
int HxResample::canCreateData(HxData* data, McString& createCmd)
if (resultTouchTime != data->getTouchTime() ||
return 0;

createCmd.printf("%s action hit; %s fire; %s getResult\n",

Miscellaneous 711
getName(), getName(), getName());
return 1;

21.7.4 Troubleshooting
This section describes some frequently occurring problems and some general problem solving ap-
proaches related to Avizo development.
The section is divided into two parts: Problems which may occur when compiling a new package, and
problems which may occur when executing it. Compile-Time Problems

Unknown identifier, strange errors: A very common problem occurring in C++ programming is the
omission of necessary include statements. In Avizo, most classes have their own header file (.h file)
containing the class declaration. You must include the class declaration for each class that you are
using in your code. When you get strange error messages that you do not understand, check whether
all classes used in the neighborhood of the line the compiler complains about have their corresponding
include statement.
Unresolved symbols: If the linker complains about unresolved symbols, you probably are missing a
library on your link line. The Avizo development wizard makes sure that the Avizo kernel library and
important system libraries are linked. If you are using Avizo data classes, you will need to link with
the corresponding package library hxfield, hxcolor, hxsurface, and so on. To add libraries,
edit the Package file, find the line starting with LIBS, append the name of the package you want to
add and regenerate the build system files with the Development Wizard of Avizo. Details are given in
subsection 21.2.10 and in subsection 21.2.9. Run-Time Problems

The module does not show up in the popup menu: If your module did compile, but is not visible
in the popup menu of a corresponding data object, there is probably a problem with the resource file.
The resource file will be copied from your package’s share/resources directory to the directory
share/resources in your local Avizo directory during compilation. Launch a new build each time
the resource file is modified.
If the resource file is present, the next step is to check whether it is really parsed. Add a line
echo "hello mypackage" to the resource file. Verify that the message appears in the Avizo
console when Avizo starts. If not, probably the Local Avizo directory is not set correctly. Reset it with
the Development Wizard in Avizo. Details are given in subsection 21.2.2
If the file is parsed, but the module still does not show up, the syntax of the rc file entry might be wrong
or you specified a wrong primary data type, so that the module will appear in the menu of a different
data class.
There is an entry in the pop-up menu, but the module is not created: Probably something is wrong
with the shared library (the .so or .dll file). In the Avizo console, type dso verbose 1 and try to
create the module again. You will see some error messages, indicating that either the dll is not found, or
that it cannot be loaded (and why) or that some symbol is missing. Check whether your building mode

712 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide

(debug/optimize) and execution mode are the same. In particular, if you have compiled debug code
you must start Avizo using the -debug command line option or the debug executable (see subsection
A read or write routine does not work: The procedure for such problems is the same. First check
whether the load function is registered. Then verify that your save-file format shows up in the file
format list when saving the corresponding data object. For a load method, right click on a filename in
the load-file dialog. Choose format and check whether your format appears in the list. If that is the
case, you probably have a dll problem. Follow the steps above. If the library can be loaded, but the
symbol cannot be found, your method may have either a wrong signature (wrong argument types) or
on Windows you might have forgotten the <PACKAGE>_API macro. This macro indicates that the
routine should be exported by the DLL.
In general, if you have problems with unresolved and/or missing symbols you should take a look
at the symbols in your library. On Unix, type nm lib/arch-*-Debug/libmypackage.so.
On Windows, type in Visual Studio command prompt: dumpbin /exports
bin/arch-*-Debug/mypackage.dll. Debugging Problems

Setting breakpoints does not work: Since Avizo uses shared libraries, the code of an individual
package is not loaded even after the program has started. Therefore some debuggers refuse to set
breakpoints in such packages or disable previously set breakpoints. To overcome this problem, first
create your module and then set the breakpoint. If you want to debug a module’s constructor or a read
or write routine, of course, this does not work. In these cases, load the library by hand, by typing into
the Avizo console dso open libmypackage.so (if your package is called mypackage). Then
set the breakpoint and create your module or load your data file.

Miscellaneous 713
714 Chapter 21: Avizo XPand Pack User’s Guide
Chapter 22

Avizo XMolecular Pack User’s Guide

Avizo XMolecular Pack adds powerful modules for molecular visualization to the Avizo 3D visu-
alization system. The package combines Avizo’s strong capabilities for 3D data visualization like
hardware accelerated volume rendering with specific tools for molecular visualization and data anal-
ysis. Molecular surfaces, molecular interfaces or configuration density computation are only a few
examples. Avizo XMolecular Pack comes with self-running demos and step-by-step tutorials for the
most common molecular visualization tasks.
This chapter, available in Avizo XMolecular Pack online documentation, is organized into the follow-
ing sections:
• Molecule Tutorial, how to get started
• Data Objects, structure and interdependence of the molecular data structures
• Visualization of Molecules, various ways to display a molecule
• Aligning Molecules
• Visualization of Molecular Trajectories, animations and configurational densities
• Atom Expressions

.Avizo, 193, 220 black level, 112

Avizo border width, 115, 118
class structure, 184 boundary artifacts, 111
data objects, 2 breakpoint, 611, 612, 713
editions, 9 build system, 620
extensions, 9 busy cursor, 661
local directory, 605, 607, 615
modules, 2 check point files, 119
root directory, 606 class hierarchy, 686
Avizo.init, 193, 220 color editor, 710
Avizo Earth Edition, 10 Colormap, 639
Avizo Fire Edition, 10 colormap port, 655, 710
Avizo Green Edition, 10 command line options, 190
Avizo Standard Edition, 10 commands, 206
Avizo Wind Edition, 11 compiler, 606
AVIZO LOCAL, 192, 205, 610 compiling
AVIZO ROOT, 205, 612 Unix, 612
component, 617
abberation, 121 compose label, 631
affine transformations, 188 compression, 639
agarose gel, 121 compute indicator, 168
AMD64 architecture, 14 compute method, 644
AmiraMesh compute module
API, 638 adding new one, 618
read routine, 640 example, 642
write routine, 639 confocal microscope, 110, 111
apply button, 649 console window, 627, 634
auto-save, 168 content type, 639
auto-select modules, 168 coordinate systems, 702
axial blur, 110 coordinates, 186
curvilinear, 693
batch job, 119 rectilinear, 693
bead extraction, 120 stacked, 693
beads, 121 uniform, 692
coverslip, 121 environment variables, 191
create command, 711 error dialog, 709
create method, 692 eval method, 701
Create Object Popup, 183 evalReg, 645
curvilinear coordinates, 693 example package, 615
Explorer, 147
data classes, 686
data import, 30 F1 key, 205
database, 704, 710 features, 2
default, 135 field classes, 688
user-defined, 135 file dialog, 709
debug mode, 610, 612 file format, 619, 624
debugger, 612 file header, 619, 627
deconvolution File Menu
blind, 110, 117 Convert To Large Data Format, 133
non-blind, 110 New Project, 133
standard, 112 Open Data, 132
default directories, 192 Open Data As, 132
degenerate cells, 698 Open Project, 133
development wizard, 614 Open Time Series Data, 132
dialog boxes, 633 Open Time Series Data As, 132
DLL, 604, 713 Quit, 134
do-it button, 649 Recent Files, 134
down stream connection, 638 Recent Projects, 134
driver, 14 Save Data, 132
dso command, 612, 713 Save Data As, 133
duplicate vertices, 696 Save Project, 133
dynamic loading, 604 Save Project As, 134
dynamic type checking, 638, 645 Save Project As Template, 134
file name extension, 618
Edit Menu firing algorithm, 167
Copy, 135 font size, 192, 193
Cut, 135 Fourier transform, 125
Database, 135 function key, 194
Delete, 135 procedure, 220
Dialogs, 135
Jobs, 136 global objects, 709
Paste, 135 global search, 701
Preferences, 135 gmake, 606, 612
Select All, 135 GNUmakefile, 606, 612
editors, 2 Graph View, 144
embedding medium, 121 graphical user interface, 605, 633
encoding, 631, 697 graphicscards, 15

hardware, 14 Linux system, 14
help load command, 632, 710
for commands, 205 local Avizo directory, 607, 615
help browser, 161 local coordinates, 702
searching, 162 local directory, 605
Help Menu local search, 701
Examples, 143 location class, 701
License Manager, 143
Online Support, 143 Mac system, 14
Programmer’s Guide, 143 MAKE CFG, 612
Programmer’s Reference, 143 material database, 704, 710
Show Last News, 143 material ids, 695, 697
System Information, 143 materials, 694, 704
User’s Guide, 142 maximum-likelihood method, 110
hexahedral grids, 697 McHandle, 652, 659
hidden data objects, 168 McStringTokenizer, 631
hot-key procedure, 194, 220 McVec3f, 654
HxColormap, 655 memory consumption, 126
HxHexaGrid, 697 message window, 709
HxLabelLattice3, 661, 694 microsphere, 121
HxLattice3, 689 module
HxMessage, 627, 634 adding new one, 617
HxParamBundle, 703 example, 650
HxPortButtonList, 659 multi-processing, 126
HxPortFloatTextN, 644 multiple file input, 619
HxPortIntSlider, 652
HxPortRadioBox, 656 no-show-news, 168
HxTetraData, 696 noise, 110, 112
HxTetraGrid, 695 non-conformal grids, 698
HxUniformScalarField3, 646 numerical aperture, 111
Nyquist sampling, 111
immersion medium, 121
in-plane sampling, 111 Object Popup, 176
initial estimate, 115, 118 oil immersion, 121
intensity attenuation, 113 Open Inventor, 605, 651
interface, 635, 688 OpenGL, 14, 605, 606
optical sectioning microscopy, 110
job dialog, 119 out-of-focus light, 110, 117
Job dialog box, 165 overrelaxation, 115, 118
oversampling, 112
label field, 694 overwrite dialog, 634
Lanczos filter, 113
link line, 712 package, 604, 616

parallel flags, 612 example, 625
parameters, 687, 703 multiple files, 632
parameters of data objects, 188 reampling, 113
parse method, 655 recent-documents, 168
performance, 125, 650 rectilinear coordinates, 693
plot API, 658 refracrtive index, 121
polymorphism, 635 refractive index, 111
Pool, 709 register
Pool Menu data, 627, 631
Auto adjust range of colormaps, 138 read routine, 627
Create Object, 137 write routine, 635, 638
Duplicate Mode, 138 registry, 610, 615
Duplicate Object, 137 regular grid, 186, 688
Graph View, 136 renaming a package, 613
Hide Object, 136 resource file, 605, 627, 635, 638, 712
Make All Display Modules Pickable, 138
Make All Display Modules Unpickable, sampling rate, 111
138 saturation, 112
Remove All Objects, 137 save ports, 710
Remove Object, 136 save project, 168, 220, 710
Rename Object, 137 scalar fields, 185
Show All Objects, 137 scanned volume, 111
Show Object, 137 scene graph, 651
Tree View, 136 script, 204
Port, 150 SCRIPTDIR, 205
portData, 645 SCRIPTFILE, 205
PPM3D format, 625, 633 scripting, 204
preferences, 167 Scripting interface, 197
preferences-and-settings, 168 Shadowing, 189
primitive data types, 689 shared object, 604
procedural data interface, 701 smart pointer, 652, 659
processor, 14 Snapshot dialog box, 174
Progress Bar, 153 Spacemouse, 193
progress bar, 647 SpatialData, 687
Project Graph View, 144 stacked coordinates, 693
PSF, 110, 113 Standard Toolbar, 144
theoretical, 116 start-up script, 193, 220
stereo mode, 193
Qt, 605, 633 storage-class specifier, 627, 634
question dialog, 709 surface, 187, 628
patch, 631
read routine surface field, 628
adding new one, 618 system information dialog, 176

system requirements Home, 156
development, 14 Interact, 156
Firewall, 16 interaction mode, 155
Linux, 16 Layout, 158
Mac, 18 LinkObjectsVisibility, 158
Windows, 16 Measuring, 157
Perspective/Ortho toggle, 157
table coordinates, 702 Pick, 156, 157
TCL, 204 rotate button , 156
Tcl, 197 Seek, 156
Tcl interface, 655 Set Home, 157
Tcl introduction, 198 Snapshot, 158
Tcl library, 605 Stereo, 157
template function, 690 Trackball, 156
tetrahedral grids, 187, 695 Translate, 156
touch time, 711 View, 156
transformations, 702 View All, 157
Trimesh format, 628, 635 viewing directions (geographic), 157
viewing directions (seismic), 157
undersampling, 112 viewing directions YZ, XZ, XY, 157
uniform coordinates, 692 viewing mode, 155
unknown identifier, 712 Zoom, 156
unresolved symbol, 712 zoom, 153
update method, 656 ZScale, 158
Upgrading to latest version of Avizo XPand viewer toggles, 168
Pack, 612 Visual Studio
debug code, 610
vector fields, 186 release code, 610
VertexSets, 187
View Menu warning dialog, 709
Antialiasing, 140 wavelength, 111
Axis, 141 widefield data, 111
Background, 139 Window Menu, 141
Enable Shadows, 141 About, 143
Fog, 140 Animation Producer, 142
FPS (frames-per-second), 141 Colormap, 142
Frame counter, 141 Console, 142
Layout, 138 Help, 142
Lights, 139 Hide Panels, 141
Measuring, 141 Main Panel, 142
Transparency, 139 Properties, 142
Viewer, 153, 710 Toolbars, 142
Fullscreen, 158 Windows system, 14

work area, 150, 647, 709
world coordinates, 702
write routine
adding new one, 619
example, 633

XLabDiff, 13
XLabElectro, 13
XLabHydro, 13
XLabThermo, 14
XLVolume, 12
XMolecular, 12
XPand, 11
XReadCATIA5, 13
XReadIGES, 13
XReadSTEP, 13
XScreen, 12
XSkeleton, 12
XTeam, 12


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