Solving Difference Equations-Z Transform
Solving Difference Equations-Z Transform
Solving Difference Equations-Z Transform
3 y k 2 2 y k 1 y k 2u k 1 3u k
ɀ Transform Solution to or
3 y k 2 y k 1 y k 2 2u k 1 3u k 2
Difference Equations (3)
The input the system is the sequence; u(k) with a sampling interval and so forth. Thus the solution of difference equations can be
T such that u(k) = u(kT), k = 0,1,2,… obtained by direct substitution which is much simpler than for
This system will generate an output sequence; y(k) such that y(k) = differential equations. However, the difference equation obtained
y(kT). Assuming this system is a Linear Time Invariant (LTI) in this way cannot be expressed in the closed-loop form and it is
system whose system inputs can be described by linear difference difficult to extract the solution general properties of the equation.
equations with constant real coefficients such as
Moses Kavi Page 1
Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering
Papua New Guinea University of technology
z Transform Solution to Difference Equations
To overcome this difficulty we introduce the z transform solution Consider f(k-1), it is f(k) shifted to the right or delayed by one
to difference equation. sample period (T) as shown in Figure 2(b). Its z transform is,
z 1 f 1 z F z (6)
F z f k f k z k
k 0
This has a simple physical interpretation. F(z) consists of f(k) with
k ≥ 0. If f(k) is delayed by one sampling period, f(-1) into k = 0 and
must be included in the z transform of f(k-1). Thus we add f(-1)z to
F(z) and then delay it ( multiplying by z-1 ) to give Z[f(k-1)]. Using
this same argument, we have
f k 2 z 2 f 2 z 2 f 1 z F z (7)
and so forth
f k 1 z F z f 0 (9) Now, suppose y(-2) = 1, y(-1) = -2, and u(k) is a unit-step
sequence, then U(z) = z/(z-1) and
Similarly, we have
Y z
5 2 z 1
2 z 1 3z 2 z
1 2 1 2
f k 2 z 2 F z f 0 f 1 z 1 (10) 3 2z z 3 2z z z 1
5z z
z 2 z 3
f k 3 z 3 F z f 0 f 1 z 1 f 2 z 2 (11) 2
3 z 2 z 1 3 z 1 z 1 z 1
3 2z 1
z 2 Y z 2 y 1 y 1 z 1 y 2
2 z 1 3z 2 U z
Thus we have
Y z
2 y 1 y 1 z 1 y 2
2 z 1 3z 2
U z
3 2 z 1 z 2 3 2 z 1 z 2
2 y 1 z 2 y 1 z y 2 z 2 2 z 3z U z
2 (13)
3 2z 1 3z 2 z 1
Zero-Input Response Zero-State Response