B.tech 6th Sem EE Final
B.tech 6th Sem EE Final
B.tech 6th Sem EE Final
Course Structure and Syllabus
Course Structure
Course Outcomes (COs): After the successful completion of the course student should be able
CO1. Understand the concept of modern power system after restructuring along with the concept
of smart grid
CO2. Recognize and classify any substation or switchgear equipment. Understand its necessity,
the function it serves and comprehend the advantage it affords to the whole system.
CO3. Understand use of fuses and circuit breakers in protecting the system, compare different
types based upon medium of arc interruption and voltage levels. Understand theories and ratings
of circuit breaker; analyze phenomenon of current chopping and interruption of capacitive
current and the testing procedures. Be capable of selecting proper fuse ratings and CB’s for
protection for different equipment and voltages.
CO4. Understand use of relays their function and types. Comprehend and analyze different
relays e.g. over-current, distance, differential etc used for protection of alternators, transformers,
transmission lines and get a brief overview of carrier current protection schemes.
CO5. Understand and recognize HVAC and HVDC systems, different components, DC links,
comprehend the advantages of HVDC systems and applications in different scenarios.
Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of the course, the student will be able:
CO1: To differentiate among various types of electric drives their dynamics and apply them for
industrial applications
CO2: To choose an appropriate value of resistance for starting of motors and braking of electric
CO3: To apply the relations of heating and rating of a motor for choosing type and size of motor
and enclosures suitable for different applications
CO4: To apply power electronics circuits for control of elective drives and to design simple
systems for closed loop control of drives
CO5: To analyse different kind of processes involved in drives used in industries
MODULE 3: Heating & Rating and Mechanical Features for Electrical Motors (5 hours)
Heating and cooling of motors, loading condition and classes of duty, power rating and selection
of motors for different applications, load inertia and load equalization.
Types of enclosures, bearings, mountings and transmission of drive, reduction of noise
1. S. K. Pillai, ―Fundamentals of Electrical Drives‖, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. G. K. Dubey, ―Fundamentals of Electrical Drives‖, CRC Press, 2002
1. G. K. Dubey, ―Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives‖, Prentice Hall, 1989
2. R. Krishnan, ―Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis and Control‖, Prentice Hall, 2001
3. W. Leonard, ―Control of Electric Drives‖, Springer Science & Business Media, 2001
Course Outcomes (COs): After the successful completion of the course student should be able
CO1: To differentiate different types of coordinate systems and use them for solving the
problems of electromagnetic field theory
CO2: Apply vector calculus and formulate potential problems within electrostatics, magneto
statics and stationary current distributions in linear, isotropic media
CO3: Apply Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equation in solving complex problems in simple
geometries using separation of variables and the method of images
CO4: Analyze Maxwell’s equation in different forms and apply them to examine the phenomena
of wave propagation in different media and its interfaces for diverse engineering problems
CO5: Applications in different fields of communication and analyze the nature of
electromagnetic wave propagation in transmission line problems
Textbooks/Reference Books:
1. Engineering Electromagnetics: W H Hyat and J A Buck
2. Principles of Electromagnetics: N O Sadiku
3. Elements of Electromagnetic Fields: S P Seth
4. N. N. Rao: Basic Electromagnetics with applications.
5. Corson and Lofrain: Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields and waves.
6. Bradshaw and Byatt: Introductory Engineering Field Theory.
Course Outcomes (COs): After completion of the course students will be able to
CO1: apply the knowledge of mathematics, engineering fundamentals, to the solution of Analog
communication engineering problems
CO2: demonstrate and apply the knowledge of multiplexing for communication
CO3: design circuits with the concepts of Pulse Modulation Techniques for different
CO4: apply the knowledge to detect and correct the errors that occur due to noise during
CO5: apply knowledge to demonstrate ability to function in the field of digital communication
MODULE 1: Introduction to Communication Issues (6 Lectures)
History of communication, Issues of noise in communication, Sources and characteristics of
different noise, thermal and shot noise, concept of white Gaussian noise. Noise temperature,
noise bandwidth and noise figure
MODULE 2: Amplitude Modulation (8 Lectures)
Concept and need of Modulation, Generation and detection of Amplitude Modulation- AM-
DSBFC, DSBSC, SSB, Square Law modulation, switching modulator, square law demodulator,
Envelop detector, Balance Modulator, Power spectra of AM
MODULE 3: Angle Modulation (8 Lectures)
Generation and detection of Frequency and Phase Modulation – NBFM, WBFM, Transmission
bandwidth, Indirect and direct method for FM generation, Frequency discrimination, PLL
demodulation, Super heterodyne receivers, Frequency Division Multiplexing
MODULE 4: Random Signal Theory (4 Lectures)
Random variable – cumulative distribution function, probability distribution function, statistical
averages, normal distribution, standard deviation, Gaussian and Rayleigh PDF
MODULE 5: Pulse Modulation (8 Lectures)
PAM, PPM, PWM systems, Sample and hold circuit, Concept of PCM- generation and
reconstruction, basic coding and quantization, quantization noise, non-uniform quantization and
companding, signal to quantizing noise power ratio, Signaling Format, Time Division
MODULE 6: Digital Communication Systems (6 Lectures)
Generation and detection of ASK, PSK, FSK. Applications of Digital Communication Systems
1. Modern Digital and Analog Communication System, B.P.Lathi, Oxford University press,
2. Communication Engineering, Sanjay Sharma, S.K.Kataria & Sons
Reference Books:
1. Communication System, Simon Haykins, John Wiley & Sons
2. Communication System, V. Chandrasekar, Oxford University press, India
Course Outcomes (COs): After the successful completion of the course student should be able:
CO1: To define the basic concept and function of programmable device and structural
arrangement of such device
CO2: To demonstrate the architecture of 8051 with special reference to the instructions available
for software development
CO3: To define use of SFRs for vector interrupts for timer and serial data transfer operations
CO4: To apply the knowledge of microcontroller in the development process of embedded
system. Such as, key board, display unit and application based interfaced system according to
the task of the system
CO5: To apply the knowledge of Advanced Microcontroller for the development of embedded
MODULE 1: Introduction (5 Lectures)
Introduction to Programmable device, concept of common BUS, operation of a programmable
device, design and realization of a simple programmable device Microcontroller/Microprocessor)
with simple instructions like – data transfer, ALU operations, port operation etc. History of
Microcontroller and Microprocessor. Difference between Microcontroller and Microprocessor.
MPU of different categories- such as Microcontroller-8051, AVR etc, their specific features,
MODULE 2: Microcontroller 8051 (3 Lectures)
Introduction. MCS-51 Architecture. Registers, I/O Ports. Memory organization. Hardware
interrupts, Timer and Serial input/out
MODULE 3: Assembly and C Programming of Microcontroller 8051 (10 Lectures)
Instructions- Addressing modes, Arithmetical. Logical. Jumps. Loops and Call etc. Interrupts,
Timers/ Counters and Serial Communications
Course Outcomes (COs): After completion of the course students will be able to
CO1: formulate mathematical models of optimal and adaptive control problems
CO2: analyze stability of optimal and adaptive control systems
CO3: design optimal and adaptive control systems to meet desired specifications
MODULE 1: Basic Approaches (2 Lectures)
Basic approaches to adaptive control; Applications of adaptive control
MODULE 2: Gradient and Least-Squares Algorithms (9 Lectures)
Linear error equation. Gradient and normalized gradient algorithms. Least-squares algorithms
(batch, recursive, recursive with forgetting factor). Convergence properties
MODULE 3: Identification (8 Lectures)
Identification of linear time-invariant systems. Adaptive observers. Sufficient richness condition
for parameter convergence. Equation error and output error methods
MODULE 4: Indirect Adaptive Control (7 Lectures)
Pole placement adaptive control. Model reference adaptive control Predictive control. Singularity
regions and methods to avoid them
MODULE 5: Optimal Control (14 Lectures)
Formulation of optimal control problem. State regulator problem. Output regulator problem.
Tracking problem, Continuous-Time Linear Regulators, Conditions for optimality, Calculus of
variations, Pontryagin’s maximum principle, Hamilton Jacobi-Bellman theory, dynamic
programming, structures and properties of optimal systems, various types of constraints, singular
solutions, minimum time problems, optimal tracking control problem
Text Books:
1. K.S. Narendra and A.M. Annaswamy: Stable Adaptive Systems, Prentice-Hall, 1989
2. D. E. Kirk: Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction, Prentice-Hall, 2004
Reference Books:
1. K.J. Astrom and B. Wittenmark: Adaptive Control, Addison-Wesley, 2nd edition, 1995
2. G.C. Goodwin and K.S. Sin: Adaptive Filtering, Prediction, and Control, Prentice-Hall, 1984
3. P. Ioannou & B. Fidan: Adaptive Control Tutorial, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 2006
4. P.A. Ioannou & J. Sun: Robust Adaptive Control, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ,
1996. The book is available (for free) in PDF form through the web page: http://www-
5. I.D. Landau, R. Lozano, and M. M'Saad: Adaptive Control, Springer Verlag, London, 1998
6. B.D.O. Anderson and J.B. Moore: Optimal Control: Linear Quadratic Methods, 2007
7. M. Krstic, P. V. Kokotovic, I. Kanellakopoulos: Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design,
John Willey and Sons, 1995
8. K. J. Astrom and B. Wittenmark, Adaptive Control, 2/e, 2008
9. G. Feng and R. Lozano, Adaptive Control Systems, Oxford University Press, 1999
10. Sage A. P, White C. C, Optimum Systems Control, 2nd Edition, prentice Hall, 1977
Course Outcomes (COs): After completion of the course students will be able to
CO1: explain the terms and definitions concerned with Operating System of modern general
purpose computer
CO2: analyze the performances of Operating System of modern general purpose computer
CO3: design Operating System of modern general purpose computer
MODULE 1: Purpose of Operating Systems (OS) (1 Lectures)
Virtualization of Resources; Handling of Resource Sharing; Providing Common Services
MODULE 2: Scheduling and Process Management (7 Lectures)
Interrupts; Basics of Scheduling (Time slices, Pre-emptive Queueing, Common Scheduling
Algorithms); Basics of Process Management (Context Switching, Process Swapping, Threads)
MODULE 3: Basics of Synchronization (4 Lectures)
Deadlock (Meaning and causes, common prevention mechanisms, common detection and
recovery mechanisms); Critical Sections; Semaphores, Monitors; Spin Locks
MODULE 4: Virtual Memory (3 Lectures)
Basic Concept of Address Spaces; Segmentation; Paging (Working Set Concept, Common Paging
Algorithms); Interactions with Hardware
MODULE 5: Caching and Buffering (7 Lectures)
Basics of cache design (Hit ratio, LRU and Other Common Cache replacement strategies);
Purpose of I/O Buffers and their use
MODULE 6: Basics of OS Architecture (3 Lectures)
Kernels, Microkernels and Layering; Out-of-Kernel Services
MODULE 7: Basics of Interprocess Communications (5 Lectures)
Shared Memory Mechanisms; Messages; Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)
MODULE 8: Basics of File Systems (2 Lectures)
Directories; Basic Issues of File System Layout on Disk; Basic File System Protection
MODULE 9: Basics of Security (8 Lectures)
Access control mechanisms (Access Control Lists, Capabilities); Basic Ideas of Encryption and
Authentication (Fundamentals of Encryption, Keys, Digital Signatures)
Andrew S. Tanenbaum: Operating Systems Design and Implementation, PHI
Reference Books:
G. Nutt: Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, Addison-Wesley
Course Outcomes (COs): After completion of the course students will be able to
CO1: define spaces and explain proofs of theorems of spaces
CO2: analyze measurable functions in spaces
CO3: analyze applications of spaces and measures
1. Karen Saxe: Beginning Functional Analysis, Springer
2. Walter Rudin - Real and Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company
Reference Books:
1. John B. Conway - A Course in Functional Analysis, Springer
2. Georgi E. Shilov, Richard A. Silverman: Elementary Real and Complex Analysis, Dover
Publication, New York
3. Erwin Kreyszig - Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, John Wiley & Sons
4. Bernard R. Gelbaum: Modern Real and Complex Analysis, John Wiley & Sons
5. Walter Rudin: Functional Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company
6. Walter Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company
7. Robert C. Wrede, Murray R. Spiegel: Schaum’s Outlines Advance Calculus, McGraw-Hill
Book Company
8. Murray R. Spiegel: Schaum’s outline of Theory and Problems of Complex Variables with an
introduction to Conformal Mapping and its application SI(Metric) Edition, McGraw-Hill
Book Company
9. Murray R. Spiegel, Seymour Lipschutz, John Liu: Schaum’s Outlines Mathematical
Handbook of Formulas and Tables, McGraw-Hill Book Company
1. Digital Image Processing - Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Pearson., 2009, 3rd Ed
2. Fundamental of Digital Image Processing, Anil K Jain, PHI, 1994
3. Computer Vision - D H Ballard and C M Brown, PHI.
4. Digital Image Processing- S Jayaraman, S.Essakirajan, T Veerakumar, TMH
Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
CO1: Analyze a decision making problem and construct a mathematical model of it
CO2: Apply classical optimization techniques to constrained and unconstrained optimization
CO3: Formulate and solve linear programming problems
CO4: Apply search methods to non-linear programming problems
CO5: Apply dynamic programming techniques to engineering problems
MODULE 1: Introduction
Introduction to optimization, Engineering Applications of optimization, Formulation of problems
as mathematical programming problems, classification of optimization problems
1. Engineering Optimization Theory & Applications, S.S. Rao, New Age International Pvt.
2. Mathematical programming-Theory and Applications, S.M.Sinha, Elsevier
Reference Books:
1. Optimization Concepts and Applications in Engineering-A.D. Belegundu, T.R.
Chandrupatia, Perason Education, Asia
2. Operations research- An Introduction-Taha, H.A. Pearson
Concept and classification of Accounts, Transaction, Double Entry system of Book Keeping,
Golden rules of Debit and Credit, Journal- Definition, advantages, Procedure of Journalising,
Ledger, advantages, rules regarding Posting, Balancing of Ledger accounts, Trial Balance-
Definition, objectives, procedure of preparation
Name of Subsidiary Books, Cash Book-definition, advantages, objectives, types of Cash Book,
preparation of different types of cash books, Bank Reconciliation Statement, Regions of
disagreement between Cash Book with Pass Book balance, preparation of Bank Reconciliation
Final Account: Preparation of Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account with adjustments
Concept of Capital Expenditure and revenue Expenditure, Baddebts, Provision for Bad and
Doubtful debts, Provision for discount on Debtors, Outstanding expenses, Prepaid expenses,
Accrued Income
Introduction to Depreciation Accounting- Meaning, causes, factors, methods of charging
depreciation etc.
Textbooks/Reference Books:
Course Outcomes (COs): After the successful completion of the course student will be able to:
CO1: develop models for study of power flow, transients, stability, contingency, unit
commitment, economic dispatch, protection in respect of a given power system
CO2: analyze power flow, transients, stability, contingency, unit commitment, economic
dispatch, protection in respect of a given power system through simulation in computer
and test kits
CO3: write technical report
Power System Lab should contain softwares like CYME, MI Power, MATLAB, LABVIEW,
C++ and Numerical Relay based Transformer, Generator, Motor and Transmission lines (short,
medium, long) with provision of at least dual supply (with automatic and manual
synchronization facility) from grid and alternator and/or 3-phase inverter from battery
Sl. Contents
1 Power flow analysis by Newton-Raphson method and Fast decoupled method
2 Transient stability analysis of single machine-infinite bus system using classical machine
3 Contingency analysis: Generator shift factors and line outage distribution factors
4 Economic dispatch using lambda-iteration method
5 Unit commitment: Priority-list schemes and dynamic programming
6 Analysis of switching surge using EMTP: Energization of a long distributed-parameter
7 Analysis of switching surge using EMTP: Computation of transient recovery voltage
8 Familiarization of Numerical Relay Test Kit
9 Simulation and Implementation of Voltage Source Inverter
10 Numerical Relay Setting: Protection of Transmission Lines, Alternator, Transformer and
Motor simulating all types of faults
11 Co-ordination of Numerical over-current and distance relays for radial line protection
1. Electrical Power Systems 6th Ed 2012 – C. L. Wadhwa, New Age International
2. Power System Protection and Switchgear 2nd Ed 2011 - Badri Ram and D. Vishwakarma,
McGraw Hill
Course Outcomes (COs): After the successful completion of the course student will be able to:
CO1: design electronic systems to meet the requirements of society, academia and industry
CO2: analyze the performance of electronic system after completion of its design
CO3: write technical report after completion and testing of electronic system
[ 1 (One) mini project or at least 2 (two) advance level design type experiments may be carried
out in the following mixed or single categories; One or more quiz tests or class tests may be
taken to assess and motivate the students]
Electronics Design Lab should have softwares like MATLAB Simulink, Microsim, Proteus,
PSPICE, LABVIEW, Xilinx, VHDL, Verilog HDL; and hardwares like Microprocessor based
system development kit, Microcontroller based system development kit, FPGA based system
development kit like Xilinx and Vivado