3015 Week 1, 2
3015 Week 1, 2
3015 Week 1, 2
2. How do cells attune to different stimulus dimensions and how they pull information
ADDITIVE COLOUR MIXING - our colour system works by having 3 broadband
photoreceptors so each one sensitive to a wide range of different wavelengths and our perceived
colour is based upon the ratio of the activity and the way we encode that is via those 3 opponent
mechanisms. This means that different combinations of wavelengths will be perceived identically
if they result in the same relative activity of those 3 cone types.
● We can account for these illusions based upon how the L, M & S cones encode wavelength
(colour) information
● So by knowing what physically distinct stimuli are perceived to be identical can tell us a lot about
how the cells attuned to different stimulus dimensions and how they pull information. (Metamers)
Perceptual illusions -
How we interpret the retinal image. It's not about how the information is encoded by the sensory
mechanism but it's about how we read out that sensory representation.
- We look for global patterns
- We try to combine things to look for objects in the background.
- Sensory representation is being actively interpreted by the brain
4. But in terms of creating that perception, what information does the brain have to go on? -
The only direct information is the retinal image
5. How would you perceive the retinal image? - Sensory representation happens when the
cells early in the visual system encode that information. So you get the representation in the brain.
What you then have to end up with - is a perception of the outside world.
The percept must correspond to that object in the outside world. So if the percept nearly corresponded to
the retinal image, you would perceive that retinal image.
Perceptual constancy - the brain actively interprets that retinal image to try to perceive the constant
objects out of the world, not the constantly changing retinal image.
The retinal image is the only direct information that the brain has to produce the percept.That is, the
actual information about the world that our brain has access to
• But, the retinal image is constantly changing
• When we move in relation to an object, the shape and size of its retinal image changes
• Consider the size of the retinal image of your hand as it moves closer to you
If our percept just corresponded to the retinal image we would see the world constantly changing
• We want our percept to correspond to the unchanging (constant) objects • Not the ever changing retinal
image • Means that the brain has to actively interpret the retinal image in order to produce a percept that
(hopefully) corresponds to the outside world • Process called Perceptual Constancy
The perceived physical attributes of an object typically do not change with changes in viewing conditions
• e.g. perception of shape, size & colour stay substantially constant
• If perceptual constancy did not exist, objects would appear to change as your view of them
Means that the visual system must actively interpret the changing sensory retinal image in order to
construct a percept in which objects are constant
• Imagine how difficult & confusing it would be if your hands constantly changed size as the retinal
image size changed
• Perception : How we ‘interpret’ the sensory input, i.e., the neural representation in the brain
• In other words, what we actually see
• Can think about it in terms of the ‘software’ of the visual system
• Sensory illusions : What brain cells are tuned to and what information cortical areas process
• How the brain cells/areas interact with each other
• How information is transformed in going from one brain area to another
• Perceptual illusions : How the brain interprets the sensory representation
• What assumptions it makes about the outside world
• Note: these assumptions are encoded by brain cells, e.g. how they are wired together (patterns of
excitation and inhibition between them)
• Types of perceptual constancies • Size • Shape • Colour • Luminance
The perceived physical attributes of an object typically do not change with changes in viewing conditions
• e.g. perception of shape, size & colour stay substantially constant
• If perceptual constancy did not exist, objects would appear to change as your view of them changed
• e.g. a circle would be perceived as elliptical as viewing distance increased
Perception of shape, size, colour staying substantially the same - i.e it is happening in the outside world,
rather than what's happening at the retina, where these things are actually changing due to the differences
in viewing conditions.
→ Means that the visual system must interpret the (changing) sensory information (retinal image) in order
to construct a percept in which objects are constant
• Imagine how difficult & confusing it would be if your hands constantly changed size as the retinal
image size changed
• Reading material refers to this as an illusion
• Debatable, in terms of representing the retinal image its an illusion, but that isn’t the aim of the visual
Size constancy -
• Indicates that perceived size does not simply correspond to the retinal size of the image
• Perceived size depends upon: • The size of the retinal image
• (Estimate of) viewing distance
• We scale the size of the retinal image by the an estimate of viewing distance in order to generate our
percept of size
• Note, perceived size can also be a cue to distance
• Will return to this concept with the moon illusion
Visual angle is the angle that the object produces on our eye.
- As the viewing distance was increased, the disc got bigger, such that the visual angle of the disc
always stayed the same.
Subconscious inference • At a subconscious level, the visual system takes into account the distance to the
object, and scales the retinal image accordingly
1. How can you use an after image to show that an estimate of distance is used to scale the size of
the retinal image?
2. What pattern of results would support the idea that -
• Viewing distance is not used to scale perceived size?
• Viewing distance is used to scale perceived size?
3. How can we use a retinal afterimage to show that we use an estimate of viewing distance to
generate the percept of size?
4. Size illusions: Due to?
5. These two vertical bars are the same physical length but they are perceived to be different. Why?
6. People & cars look very small (almost like toys) when viewed from a very tall building/mountain
or a low-flying aircraft. Why?
7. Do we learn size constancy (e.g. interaction between vision and touch) or is it innate? • How
would you test?
• The retinal shape varies with viewing distance, however perceived shape doesn’t change (view
invariance) • Can view as a special case of size constancy
• Parts of the object further away create smaller images than those closer • Foreshortening: distances
along the line of sight get shorter with increasing viewing distance more rapidly than orthogonal distances
• frontal plane projection
CONSTRUCTIVISM - Notion that the the aim of visual processing is to build an internal model (percept)
of the outside world
• However, thought that the retinal image is intrinsically ambiguous
• Therefore visual system has to make a series of assumptions in interpreting the retinal image when
forming a percept
One of the aims of Ames was to determine what these assumptions are and their hierarchy, i.e. which
assumptions are more important than others
• Consider two possible assumptions: • Rooms are rectangular • People stay the same size as they move •
Which one do you think would be more important ?
• Ames room • Room is trapezoidal, but arranged so that under monocular viewing conditions, it produces
the same retinal image as a rectangular room
• If a person moves from A to B, the increase in the retinal image they produce is greater than that
generated by a rectangular room. When people move around, their distance from the observer changes.
And therefore, the retinal size changes.
• Given viewing conditions, no change would be expected
• Two possible interpretations: • Room is rectangular, person changed size • Room isn’t rectangular,
person didn’t change size
• Seems curious that the assumption of rectangular rooms overrides that of constant sized people
• What is the reason for this assumption ?
• Innate or learnt assumption ? • How would you test which is true ?
• Why does the rectangular assumption override the one that people don’t change size as they move?
The inferences made in interpreting the sensory input to create the percept occur at a subconscious level
• We are not aware of the assumptions, and the hierarchy of those assumptions • e.g. Ames Room, the
assumption (constraint) that rooms are rectangular overrides the assumption that people do not change
• Can be encoded via patterns of excitation and inhibition between cells
• Will look at that with the Marr-Poggio model to solve the correspondence problem in stereo-depth
If our percept was a direct correlation of the retinal image, what would be the drawback with that? In
relation to the perceived size of the object, what happens to the retinal image as you move in relation to
the object?
- If you put your hand in front of you, and then you have the distance to that. So if you draw it
closer to the size of the retinal image, the surface area has increased by a factor of 4. Its like
having 4 hands there, but you do not see that change in perceived size.
So what would happen if perceived size did not depend upon viewing distance? (it depends purely upon
the size of the retinal image)
- We are assuming here that you are not using distance to scale the retinal image. So the only thing
you can go with is the retinal image. The retinal image does not change so the perceived size
should be the same. But if you are using distance, you have to scale that distance. So scale that
retinal image with distance and you will perceive it as being bigger.
• What would be the result of this, i.e. what would perceived size be based upon?
- The perceived size would be bigger for that same size retinal image. As the disc gets further and
further away, its got to get bigger and bigger in terms of generating a percept of those discs.
• The size of the retinal afterimage is fixed • However, the perceived size of the afterimage depends upon
the distance to the test field/screen • If the test distance is closer than the adaptation distance the perceived
size of the afterimage will be smaller than that of the adaptation stimulus • If its longer, it will be large
- You want your percept to correspond to the actual object in the world, not the retinal image. So
you scale accordingly.
ILLUSION OF SIZE - • These two vertical bars are the same physical length but they are perceived to be
different. • Why?
- From a size constancy perspective?
- If you’re thinking about depth, which one would be closer?
- The reason for it is perspective distortion.
- MULLER-LYER ILLUSION - Use of size constancy perspective cues to account for the illusion
- The arrow heads on top of the lines gives the impression of perspective distortion.
- Based upon perspective information, the one that is further away is scaled up accordingly.
Why do we need to impose size constancy? - because we want the percept to correspond to the object out
in the world, not to the constantly changing retinal image. The size of that image constantly changes, and
gets bigger. If our perspective directly corresponded to the retinal image, things would be constantly
changing size, shape, luminance, brightness, colour etc.
FAILURE OF SIZE CONSTANCY • People & cars look very small (almost like toys) when viewed from
a very tall building/mountain or a low-flying aircraft • Why?
- You can’t really estimate the distance/ have cues to distance when you’re that far away.
- You also don’t have perspective cues, in an open area like that, you don’t have those monocular
→ • Limited cues to distance, so underestimate it • Results in a too-low scaling of retinal-image size •
Perceived size based more on the actual retinal-image size • Recall the study by Holway & Boring, 1941
• What would indicate size constancy? - Infants preferentially look at the new cube (B)
- If the child sees the two objects as identical they will look at each one about the same. They look
at each object about 50% of the time. if they see a new object, they will preferentially look at the
new one. And if this happens, it means they have scaled that by that identical retinal image by
distance, and now they’re perceiving it as a new object. If they are not doing that, they think its
identical, you won’t get the preferential looking.
- If you’re looking at a circular disc on a table, as that circle gets further and further away from
you, what is happening to the shape of that retinal image?
- This is foreshortening.
- Along your line of sight, distances get shorter and quicker than distances at right angles to your
line of sight. So if you’re looking at a circle, it becomes more and more elliptical. The major
access of that ellipse will be at right angles to your line of sight. It will get smooshed along your
line of sight.
→ it is a manifestation, a consequence of the things that lead into the need for size constancy i.e these
distances changing as a function of viewing distances.
- In the painting, they are trying to get depth information, what they do have is occlusion, i.e
objects in front of others so you can’t see the one behind. One of the big mistakes they’re making
in the painting is - all the figures are the same size. They are not thinking, lets have these
perspective distortions in the image and the ones far away will be scaled up.
- Our brain is wired in a way to not directly perceive the retinal image.
- To get a 2D projection of a 3D world, Allbert looked through a pane of glass with only one eye
and painted what he saw. This was one way to work out what the perspective distortions are by
having that projection onto a pane of glass.
→ before photographs, all you had to go on in terms of what those distortions are is your retinal image.
But we don’t have direct access to our retinal image. The whole point of perceptual consistency is we
don't perceive the retinal image, we perceive our interpretation of it.
Would the sense of depth produced by such a drawing match that of the original scene? - No, contains no
stereoscopic cues
Ames was a constructivist and his idea was that the retinal image is intrinsically ambiguous i.e can be
interpreted in multiple ways. So his focus was - what assumptions must the brain make in order to
disambiguate/ interpret the retinal image?
→ gibbs thought we don’t need to create an internal perception of the outside world, that we could get
information directly from the retinal image.
• Two possible interpretations: • Room is rectangular, person changed size and distances to people stays
the same • Room isn’t rectangular, person didn’t change size
→ with the size of the retinal image is changing assumption - the size of the retinal image can be
changing due to either the person is changing size, or distance is changing. This is what happens in an
Ames room. It appears rectangular but its actual shape is trapezoidal.
- You only get the illusion if you close one eye.
You have an infinite number of different size objects that can be at different distances. if they all produce
the same size retinal image, what it means is they get bigger with increasing distance. So therefore, to
create a perception of what you think the size of the object is, you want to correspond to the object out in
the world, not just on the retinal image. Therefore, the greater the estimate of distance, the bigger the
percept of size that you want.
What will be one way to minimise the difference in perceived size between the moon just off the horizon
and up in the sky? So impair the ability of the brain to estimate distance. And what you can do is to invert
a photograph. So this is conscious awareness.
Test by changing relative head & eye positions, both when standing & lying down & using mirrors to
offset the visual direction of the moon • Eye/head position don’t determine the existence of the illusion
- Size comparison to objects on the horizon - Still get the illusion on open plains and the sea
Types of thresholds -
• Absolute - Detecting the presence of a stimulus
• Relative - Telling two (supra-threshold) stimuli apart
• Minimum stimulus intensity at which the stimulus is ‘just’ detectable
• For example, how bright a dot of light has to be in order to see it.
Detectability of visual stimuli is explained in terms of the difference between the luminance of the dot
and the background, in other words the contrast. This is what the cells in the visual system are detecting -
the contrast level/ the luminance difference not the absolute luminance.
→ plotting performance, i.e percent of the time they can see it vs stimulus intensity.
• Plot of detectability vs stimulus intensity
→ for example if you’re asking a person - can you detect the dot of light and you’re varying the stimulus
Basically, this is a plot of your ability to see the dot of light - so the percent of the time/ percent of the
trials that you can see the dot of light as a function of stimulus intensity.
A really low stimulus intensity to the left of the curve. The intensity of the dot of light is too low so we
can’t see it - 0% of the time. As you increase the stimulus intensity, you go from not being able to see it to
seeing it 100% of the time.
Slope/ shape of the curve is influenced by the noise/ variation (in terms of things outside of the
External noise - external of the participant or the person doing the experiment. For example - variation
in the stimulus. • e.g. variation in the light source over time
By noise we mean variability that affects the shape of the psychometric curve.
Internal noise - variation in the observer e.g. neuronal noise & attentional variation.
For example the cells in the visual system even if you showed the identical stimulus intensity to them
over trials, the response they would give would be variable. - this is neural noise
Noise can affect measured threshold values in two ways (can affect both external and internal)/ Different
ways in which noise can vary -
• Random Noise - The direction of the error/ variation varies randomly from trial to trial • e.g. the actual
light level is measured too high/low
• Systematic Noise - The direction of the error/ variation is constant. The offset is always in one direction
• e.g. the light level is always measured high
For both external and internal, the noise can either be systematic or random.
Systematic Noise - Measured threshold value will be changed and wrong • Experiment will give the
wrong results
→ you get an offset on the psychometric curve. Your threshold may be wrong and it will be worse if
systematic noise only affects one of your experimental conditions, not the other. Unless you can work out
the error, i.e if it is a measurement error, then you can correct it.
• Out of the three possibilities, which would be the optimal threshold? • A, B or C? • Why?
- It is talking about your ability to just detect the stimulus but in terms of running an experiment,
choosing a threshold value, what is an optical one?
• Think about it in terms of: what are the desired properties of the threshold?
• There are two desired properties • For one of them, think about what you would want if you ran the
same experiment several times - you want the same threshold value
- If your experimental manipulation, if your new therapy actually doesn’t have an effect, what are
you essentially doing? You are just running the same experiment time and time again.
- In other words, if you get differences in threshold measured between two conditions, you want to
be able to say that the difference is due to experimental manipulation.
- In terms of selecting a threshold value, there are 2 criteria that are really important to determine a
threshold value. - reliability and validity.
- Validity - it's got to indicate a stimulus intensity, a performance level that indicates that at least to
an extent you can detect the stimulus. At B, you are not seeing it everytime. So if you presented
the stimulus intensity 100 times, only 50 times the person can see it.
- C can be seen 100% of the time. So it is valid.
- But why is B and C not reliable? You can have a range of stimulus intensity that would give you
the same performance level. If you re run the experiment, you show them a higher stimulus
intensity, you would measure performance at 100%, that's your threshold.
- Point b is the steepest, you will have better ability to get that same threshold value if your
experimental manipulation is having no effect.
- The steeper the curve, the more effect then deviating from that stimulus intensity will have on
- Validity is - the stimulus intensity is too low, you can’t see it, its not valid.
- Reliability - the idea that in experiments you are comparing thresholds across different
conditions. If you are getting different threshold values across those different conditions you want
to be able to say the difference is due to what I have done to those conditions/ my exp
manipulation or the individual difference factor. It doesn’t have to be an experimental design.
• If you were running an experiment, what point on the psychometric curve would give you the
most sensitive measure? - The greatest ability to detect an effect of the experimental manipulation?
Everything talked about thus far is subjective technique - you are just asking the person if they can see the
stimulus or not. Then you get the plot of percent seen vs stimulus contrast.
• For the same person, the criterion can vary from test to test - Leads to high variability, i.e. reduces
reliability // this can affect the measured threshold level.
• Validity - Don’t know if they can actually see it when they say they can
• Raises a question on the validity of the threshold
You are in an experiment and you’ve got differences in thresholds between two groups. You want to
compare the ability of two groups to perceive a motion stimulus
• Highly-anxious group
• Control group
• You run the experiment, and the Highly-anxious group has higher thresholds than the Control group
• Do the results necessarily mean that they have worse motion ability than the control group?
• What if the person wants to deceive you into thinking they have worse ability than they actually do? •
Can you determine if someone is lying?
• Imagine that you are nefarious, and you want to give the impression that your vision is worse than it
actually is • For example, you are claiming to have had your vision impaired in a work injury
• Determining thresholds
• How would you determine the threshold value, e.g. how bright a dot of light must be in order to see it ?
3 we will be looking at -
• Method of Adjustment/Limits
• Constant Stimuli
• Staircase Method
- It is such if the participant is changing the stimulus intensity
• Observer/Experimenter adjusts the stimulus intensity until it is just visible • e.g. increase dot brightness
until observer can just see it
• Threshold is the value at which the response changes, e.g. from can’t to can see it
• Need to run at least twice (ascending & descending) - i.e increasing stimulus intensity from threshold to
below threshold or decreasing.
• Otherwise get a systematic error
What you are doing is selecting a range of stimulus intensities. You present them a fixed number of times.
In a random order. You plot the percent seen for each of those stimulus intensities so its a function of
stimulus intensity. - you get a psychometric curve.
• Advantages - Produces full psychometric curve - the slope of the curve is an indication of noise, part
of that is internal noise.
• Can be useful
• Sometimes different groups differ more on the slope of the psychometric curve than the actual threshold
value - either in terms of direct neural noise or attentional variation more so than the actual threshold
• Random order of presentation avoids a number of problems with the Method of Limits (habituation and
- An adaptive method: the stimulus intensity shown depends on the responses of the participants.
- Its an extension of the method of limits
• or modification of the Method of Limits
• Start at a stimulus intensity way above/below threshold value
• How you change the stimulus intensity depends upon the observer’s response
• Positive response: Decrease intensity (they can see it)
• Negative response: Increase intensity • Called a 1 Down/ 1 Up staircase
→ the point where you go from decreasing to now increasing stimulus intensity is your first reversal
point. The direction of change reverses. Now you go up stimulus intensity, and the person can see it - this
is your second reversal point.
So each up and down is your reversal point. To stop the staircase you need to specify beforehand how
many reversal points need to happen before you stop it. Once you hit the number - you stop it. Then your
threshold is the average of the last 2/ last 4/ whatever you wish.
- You have 2 stimuli. You perceive both of them. How different do they need to be to determine
which one is more intense.
• Differential Thresholds refer to the ability to discriminate between two suprathreshold stimuli
• e.g. which of two lights are brighter ?
→ Leads to the notion of a Just Noticeable Difference (JND)
• Just Noticeable Difference (JND) - Difference in intensities between two stimuli required to tell them
apart aka Discrimination threshold
→ JND is not a fixed amount - it varies as a proportion to what you are comparing it against.
When you are looking at an image left eye right eye. Binocular disparity is an offset in the relative
location of those images. If you could overlay the two eyes/ retina, zero disparity would mean the images
would overlap. Non zero = there's an offset. We get offset bc of horizontal displacement of the eyes. Each
eye gets a diff view of the outside world. So relative location of left eye right eye can be different.