The Morgan Report: Inside This Issue

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The Morgan Report

2200 N. W 50th Street, Suite 127E
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Phone: 405-842-1070

Nan’s News

Do you find that some days are better than others—like some days it is hard to get going on the tasks at
hand...must be some disturbance in the cosmos...can‟t be anything about us...if I can feel it, but not see it, then I
don‟t have to take any responsibility do I? Maybe it‟s because Spring is in the air. Maybe its because we really
need some rain. Maybe it‟s because, or because, or perhaps…. it‟s just a goofy day which I choose to enjoy.
I cleaned the attic and garage a couple weeks ago. We have misplaced some of Jack‟s old family pictures
and I was hoping I would find them tucked away—in that special place that we all have - somewhere that we will
not forget —didn‟t find them, but was glad to get things reorganized and back where they belong—now I‟m ready to
attack the closets. We are not “keepers” but it is amazing how things still pile up.
We dusted off the golf clubs after the winter and went to the driving range a couple weeks ago. Jack and I
were both overjoyed that I could swing the club—not well mind you—my swing is so “off” since my surgery, but I
could swing without pain. I suspected that some adjustments would be necessary for a while—so my real question
is, how did my grip get so far off—blisters. Lessons are definitely on the agenda.
We had a house full at our family reunion this year...and I didn‟t get to do much visiting. I managed to spill
my lunch all over my white shirt, and because I had an after the reunion appointment, I had to go home to change
my shirt. But I bet I can still name everyone that was there...I paid attention. I‟ll just have to make up all that fam-
ily gabbing at Cousins weekend in August, and then the campout in September. The family just cannot be keeping
secrets from me, I‟ve got to be in the know…..
I‟m thinking I just might need to be heading up to Roch-
ester, NY this summer. Our surrogate son will be working and
taking summer classes so he won‟t be home. I‟ll just have to see
how the summer plays out—the Fall would probably be the best Inside This Issue…
time as it is so pretty with the foliage. We‟ll see. Gee I miss  April
him.  Happy Birthday/Anniversary
My morning meditation…”If you aren’t as close to God
 Houses for Sale
as you once were, make no mistake about which one
moved”…..hmmmmmmmm.  Eggs
„Til next time….count your blessings!!!  Smile
Happy Easter.  Jack—CLA
 And other fun info………...
Body of Knowledge
The human body is a source of endless information. Like..
 The average human scalp has 100,000 individual hairs. Happy Anniversary
 One human brain generates more electrical impulses in
a single day than all of the world‟s telephones. To You!
 Seventy-two different muscles are used to produce
human speech.
 If all the molecules of a single cell of human DNA
were laid out end to end, they would stretch 2 meters. Daniel & Elena Listen
This DNA is packed into a nucleus 10 millionths of a Chris & Amber Reddout
meter across.
Kenny & Beth Holmes
Joe & Autumn Gaiski
Steve & Christina Myers
A world of information
Bob & Denise Remondino
10 percent
of all human beings ever born are living right now Jody & Kim Hyde
1,000,000+ Albert & Cherice McDonald
earthquakes rock the Earth every year.
435 ft. Congratulations!!!
Height of the world‟s tallest measured tree, an Austra-
lian eucalyptus measured in 1892.
60 seconds
The time a single blood cell takes for a complete trip
through the human body.
6.77 miles deep
The Mariana trench in the Pacific is the deepest point From hare to eternity: origins of the
in the Earth‟s oceans. Easter Bunny
Next to Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny is probably
the most beloved bringer of gifts to small children.
This famous symbol of spring was originally asso-
Filed you tax return yet? ciated with Eostre, a German goddess of fertility
Filing tax returns by e-mail is growing more and more who was often depicted with a rabbit companion.
common. Individual taxpayers filed almost 90 million Both rabbits and eggs not surprisingly, are
returns online in 2009—up by 12 percent over the pre- considered symbolic of fertility.
vious year, and over half of the 155 million returns sent The bunny as
to the IRS as a whole Over the past decade, the total a symbol of Easter
number of returns has risen by 23 percent, but elec- was first mentioned
tronic returns have increased by 206 percent, according in German writings
to the IRS. And it‟s not just tax preparation firms push- during the 16th cen-
ing the trend: Almost 27 million returns were e-mailed tury, and edible bun-
by individual taxpayers from their home computers, nies made of pastry
which represents almost 30 percent of individual re- and sugar were made
turns. Looks like this internet thing is catching on. in Germany during
the 19th century. The
Easter Bunny was
introduced to American children by German settlers
in the Pennsylvania Dutch region in the 1700‟s.
Children were encouraged to build colorful
nests and hide them in their homes. If the children
had been good, the Osterhase would leave brightly
colored eggs in the nests.
Use our Exclusive E-Z Buy
Waterford Condo...6208 Waterford Blvd./
Program to purchase one of these private gated community/3 bed/3 bath/2 car
lovely homes... garage/2 fireplaces/totally updated/
plantation shutters/2190 sq.ft…$259,900.
Westbury...Sara Road & SW 15th/
Mustang Schools/3 bed/2 bath/2 car ga- NW OKC, 1229 NW 99th Street/
rage/1864 sq.ft./large rooms/large patio/huge Updated property/versatile floor plan/2 or 3
master suite/10317 Aberdeen Drive/$142,900. beds/1 bath/covered patio/huge back yard/
inside utility/new roof and some windows/
storage building/washer and dryer/New
River Bend..6529 Chelsey Lane/4 bed/ Price...$44,500
2.1bath/3 car garage/2250 sq.ft./lovely master
suite/formal dining/plantation shutters/ Edmond-Clayton Pond…4116 Ainsley Court
covered patio/sprinkler system/…New 4beds/2 baths/3 car garage/ 2 dining/master
Price...$239,900 with walk-about closet/huge utility with sink
and storage/ 2105 sq.ft., new 8 ft. privacy
4228 NW 44th Street/Meridian Grady fence/sprinkler system, lovely landscaping/
Musgrove/1997 sq.ft./3 bed/2 bath/2 living/2 community pool/6 spring fed ponds…New
dining/1 car/huge master bed and closet/ Price: $194,900.
everything updated/storage building/ New
New listings coming—see our
Stone Meadows/653 SW 161st Street/3/2/2/ May issue…
Open living, large master suite/designer
colors, covered patio and wood deck...1483 The economy and the real estate market are
sq.ft. $139,900. both on the rebound!!! (It’s about time)

Additional information and pictures online

Please talk about us…

We love your referrals!
Clutter Assistance The Morgan
Need help getting cluttered or Real Estate Group, LLC
Family News
packed storage areas cleaned
out? Let me help you clean
Expecting Parents
storage rooms, garages, attics, Jon & Stephanie Anderson
closets, etc. Will help you get Matt & Laurel Newsom
your items sorted, so you can
Welcome to Our World
keep what you want, donate or Laramie Robinson
sell the rest. If a garage sale Proud parents are Ronald & Kayla
or moving sale is on your
agenda, I can help with getting Cambelle Buck
Proud parents are Craig & Michelle
your garage set up and your
items organized so you can
New Employment and Promotion
enjoy a successful sale. Bob Walker
Please call Susy at 720-0738 Stephen Mills
or email: Rose Hudgens
Accepted to University Of Arkansas
Reasonable Rates! School of Medicine Residency Program
Megan Davis
The benefits of Retirement
You can forget about
Doug Thompson
Prozac or St. John‟s From US Air Force
Wort. A genuine smile Thank you for your service to America and her
increase the production citizens!
of serotonin, the happy
 It’s a bonding agent. Smiling builds bridges to Congratulations!!!!
other people around us. It keeps us from remain-
ing aloof and separate from one another. Babies
as young as three weeks old even recognize
smiling as a bonding behavior. Spring is natures way of saying,
 What a workout! One smile uses more than 16
“Let’s party!”
Robin Williams
Happy April Fools’ Day!
The April Fools‟ Day tradition has been around
since at least the 15th century (with possible refer-
ence to it appearing in Geoffrey Chaucer‟s The
Canterbury Tales), and the question of how it be-
gan has been asked almost as long: A letter to the
British magazine Apollo in 1807 wondered,
“Whence proceeds the custom of making April
The usual explanation involves the calendar.
The Julian calendar began the New Year on March
25, and festivals celebrating it were typically held
on April 1. When the world began changing over
to the Gregorian calendar, which places New
Year‟s Day on Jan. 1, pranksters sometimes tried to
fool their friends and neighbors into thinking that
Celebrate Earth Day with a April 1 was still the first day of the year.
In the 18th century, some believed that
commitment to clean air April Fools‟ Day dated back to the days of Noah
The average American generates about 24 tons of CO2 and the flood. A newspaper article published in
emissions per year. This Earth Day, try cutting back 1789 suggested that Noah sent the first birds off to
with some of these tips: look for land too soon and that he launched them on
 Check your tires. Keeping your car‟s tires prop- the first day of the Hebrew month corresponding
erly inflated can reduce your carbon footprint by with April.
400-700 pounds a year. Coincidentally, in 1933 a newspaper in
 Eat les meat. Completely eliminating meat from Cologne ran a story about the discovery of Noah‟s
your diet can save approximately 3,000 pounds of Ark by an expedition sponsored by the “Royal
CO2 during the year. Yalevard University” in Massachusetts, led by
 Drive with care. By accelerating slowly, maintain- “Professor Mud” and “Professor Stoneass.” The
ing a steady speed, and anticipating stops earlier so story appeared on April 1; on April 8, the paper ad-
you don‟t have to slam on the brakes, you can cut mitted the joke, but other publications printed the
carbon emissions by more than a ton. story as if it was genuine.

Which country is online most:? It may surprise you...Your teenage-or your

grandmother—may seem to be on the Internet 24 hours a day, but overall Americans aren‟t the biggest Internet users.
According to one study reported by Reuters 68 percent of Canadians are regular Web surfers, making Canada the coun-
try with the highest proportion of Internet visitors. Canada is trailed by France and Britain (62 percent each), Germany
(60 percent) and then by the United States, where only 36 percent go online on a regular basis.
Our neighbors to the north spend an average of 42 hours a month online , up from 40 hours in 2009. They look
at an average of 147 videos a month. Approximately 51 percent of Canadians have Facebook accounts. The study
offered no explanation for the preponderance of Canadians inhabiting cyberspace.

Looking for happiness: Here’s where to start...Moving to another city won‟t solve
all your problems if you‟re unhappy with your current living situation. But if you‟re contemplating a move, you
should at lease consider where your destination is likely to perk up your spirits. The Gallup Healthways Well-Being
Index measures where people are happiest and healthiest overall, using such factors as work satisfaction, physical and
emotional health, access to basic services, and other elements. The top 10 cities for happiness are:
(10). Oxnard, CA. (9). Ogden, Utah (8). Washington, D.C. (7). San Jose, CA. (6). Santa Barbara, CA
(5). Santa Rosa, CA. (4). Provo, Utah (3). Honolulu (2). Holland, MI (1). Boulder, CO.

(Someone needs to tell these Gallup folks about Oklahoma City!!!!!)

Do you know someone who wants
Happy Birthday to buy or sell a home!
To You!
Jordan Black, Corbyn Eccles, Alice Clay,
Isaac Moore, Billy Swindell,
Mario Martinez, Kenneth Farmer,
Mary McHard, Stephen Emmons,
Susan Southall, Chelsea Sheeder,
Cole Goodfellow, Justin Calvarese, Let us help them just like we helped
Jonathan Norris, Jayson Kennedy, you! Referrals of your family and
Rylee Rodriguez, Sandra Stewart, friends are always appreciated.
Gregory Sauter, K.C. Arledge,
Zac Schwarz, Lauren Wilks, Coty Davis,
Clayton Huston, Isabella Little,
Sherri Martinez, Ethan Moore, They will be glad, you will be glad!
C.J. Carpenter, Sydney Sanders, There REALLY is a Difference!
Maxine Council, Kyle Varney,

The incredible egg:

More than just an omelet
As you try to figure out
what to do with all those leftover
Easter eggs, check out these in-
teresting facts:
 A hen requires 24 to 26 hours to produce an egg.
Thirty minutes later, she starts all over again.
Kalisha Kinchen, Denise McGough,
 The egg shell may have as many as 17000 tiny
Elizabeth Isbill, Erick Whitson, pores over its surface. Through them, the egg can
Aaron Bastian, Jeff Robinson, absorb flavors and odors. Storing them in their car-
Delisha Farmer, Ginger London, tons helps keep them fresh.
Lila Long, Carrie Schwarz, Jack Davis,  White-shelled eggs are produced by hens with
Greg Wallace, Ricky Myers, white feathers and ear lobes. Brown-shelled eggs
Darian Davis, Micah Snoddy, are produced by hens with red feathers and red ear
Everly Goodfellow, Kenny Holmes, lobes.
Laiken Caldwell, Dee Renner,  To tell if an egg is raw or hard-cooked, spin it. If
the egg spins easily, it is hard-cooked; if it wobbles,
Morgan Underwood, Stacy Reddig,
it‟s raw.
Destiny Davis, Valerie Underwood,  Egg yolks are one of the few foods that naturally
Sebastian Cardenas, Jennifer Caldwell, contain Vitamin D.
Doug Thompson, Lynne Porter, and  Yolk color depends on the diet of the hen. Natural
Gregory Thompson yellow-orange substances such as marigold petals
may be added to light-colored feeds to enhance col-
Congratulations….May you enjoy your ors. Artificial color additives are not permitted.
special day and have a wonderful year!  Occasionally, a hen will produce a double-yolked
egg. It is rare, but not impossible for a young hen
to produce an egg with no yolk at all.
Mark your calendars….and save the dates
4-12 OKC Chamber SchmoozaPalooza—Fairgrounds- Transportation
4-21 NW Chamber Excellence in Education Luncheon
4-23 Free Shred Day 8am-Noon (5519 NW 4th Street)
4-25 Golf Tournament at Silverhorn—Benefits to CASA
4-26 NW Chamber Business After Hours and Grand Opening
—Brixton Chiropractic (7304 N. Comanche)
4-28 OKC Chamber Megalunch—speed networking

Check out the Chamber’s Web sites for details and locations and

These chambers offer great events filled with wonderful people.

We support our One ought never to turn one’s back on a

Chambers, and the threatened danger and try to run away
businesses that support The arithmetic of life from it. If you do that, you will double
does not always have a the danger. But if you meet it promptly
them too. logical answer.
Get involved, have —Inshirah Abdur-Rauf
and without flinching, you will reduce
the danger by half. Never run away
fun!!! from anything. Never!
Winston Churchill
April Need a plumber…?
National Humor Month Call 751-5100
National Autism Awareness Month Stan’s Plumbing Congratulations! Where are you
Financial Literacy Month Great work, great prices! Registered?
National Garden Month Registering for wedding gifts is
Keep America Beautiful Month one of the essential steps most young
Child Abuse Awareness Month couples take when they get engaged.
Stress Awareness Month Here‟s a look at some of the numbers
There are two surrounding the practice, from The Knot
4-20 Volunteer Recognition Day types of peo-
4-22 Earth Day—Celebrate the planet ple who com-
Market Intelligence 2010 Bridal Registry
4-22 Good Friday plain about Study:
4-24 Easter (This date changes every year. It is the paying their 88 percent of engaged couples (about 1.5
first Sunday after the full moon following the spring income tax. million) set up a registry.
Men and  They register at an average of 3 re-
equinox). Women.
tailers. The top stores are Bed Bath
History Facts & Beyond, Target, and Macy‟s.
Oliver Pollack invents the dollar sign $ (1778)  Couples register an average of 6
The Pony Express beings delivering the mail (1860) months before their wedding date.
A dollar
First woman to be elected mayor in the nation (1887) saved is  Couples register for an average of
The first professional golf tournament (1916) bound to be 151 items. The most popular are
Paul Revere makes his famous ride from Charleston to taxed. And
so is a penny bakeware and kitchen appliances.
Lexington, MA shouting “the Red Coats are
earned.  Family members spend an average of
coming” as the American Revolutionary War
$146 on gifts from the registry lists;
begins (1775)
friends typically spend an average of
The first Social Security checks were distributed (1937)
The Titanic sinks in the Northern Atlantic ocean (1912)
HOW TO USE YOUR HOME Let‟s take a look at two different ways to pay a mort-
First let‟s look at a 15 year fixed rate mortgage of
CHARGE YOUR $150,000. And we have a 5% interest rate. The monthly pay-
ment including principal and interest is: $1,186.19.
RETIREMENT PROGRAM Now let‟s see what a 30 year mortgage of the same in-
terest rate looks like. $805.24. That is a difference of $380.95
How are your retirement plans coming along? Are you per month.
going to be prepared to live comfortably for 20 or 30 years after So, if we took the 30 year mortgage what will happen in
you retire? I know you realize you can‟t live on Social Security. 15 years? Most people would tell me that I will still owe a lot on
So, how do you plan to supplement it? my home. Will I?
Maybe, maybe not. What if I invested that $380.95 in a
These are hard questions. I hope I can give you some side account that was earning 6%. (The stock exchange averages
good answers. 12%) We are being conservative.
The fact is 2 out of 3 people that are of retirement age How much is it worth? I will have $110,787.74 in a
are not going to be able to live on the retirement package they savings account. If I decide to pay off my mortgage I certainly
currently have. And they have not supplemented it. They are can. Or I can just go on my merry way. What if I am still 25
going to have a difficult time. They certainly won‟t be able to years from retirement? Well by then if will be $758,658.40.
sustain their current life style. And that is being very conservative.
If you want to be able to retire comfortably (or at all) you need to What if I had decided to refinance my home at that 15
act now. year point. Let‟s say I conservatively took out $100,000. That
Let‟s see how your home could be the best way to will grow to $446,496.98. So, I have $1,205,155 in additional
Turbo Charge your retirement. money to fund my retirement. How is your plan doing?
In addition if my home has appreciated in value to say
First of all let‟s blow up a few myths about your home mortgage. $400,000. I can take a Reverse Mortgage on it and make no pay-
Myth #1: You must pay ahead on your mort- ments. I can probably get at least $200,000. I would use that as
gage and get it paid off early. I hear this almost every day. emergency money or fund a grandchild education fund. Isn‟t
However, I don‟t know ONE wealthy person that has set them- this more fun than worrying?
selves up for a comfortable retirement that has followed this ad- I know, I know, your parents and grandparents told you
vice. Let me show you why. None of the wealthy people I know to pay off your home as soon as you can. Why did they tell you
would take the risk of having their largest asset producing ZERO that? This may have been good advice years ago. Your circum-
money for the future. stances are not the same as theirs? Most of them had only one
Myth #2: When you have your mortgage paid job in their career. You have probably had several already.
off you can put that money into your retirement. ARE YOU Their employer put large amounts of money into retirement
KIDDING ME? Don‟t believe it. What sense does it make to plans for them. Is your employer?
wait 15 to 20 years to start that process? Any one that knows Most of you know me. I give conservative advice.
anything about money will tell you that one of the strongest That brings up my qualifications. I am a Certified Li-
forces on earth is compound interest. That is money that you ability Advisor. I am trained to look at “the other side of the
earn on the interest you earn on the money you earn on the inter- Balance Sheet”. Many experts you consult with want to stay on
est you earn, on and on and on. This is how banks get rich. Look the asset side. But you see, wealthy people look at the other
at you house payment and see how much is going to principal. side. That‟s right; they use their liabilities to create wealth. The
Myth #3: You need to have your home paid wealthy are in the minority because they do things differently
off in case something bad happens. Well, lots of people have than folks that struggle all the time.
had something bad happen in the recent recession. Many had How can you decide what is best for you? Well, one
paid ahead on their mortgage. They lost their home because they thing you can do is call me for a free consultation. Find out what
weren‟t liquid. That had been plowing money back into their your options are. We will put all your assets and liabilities into
home where they couldn‟t get it. They had lots of equity. They my software and see where you are now and how to get where
either had to sell at a huge loss or lose their equity to foreclosure. you want to go. Most of the time people are pleasantly sur-
If they had put that extra money into an account that was earning prised. Most just need to make a couple of adjustments to get on
them money, they would have been able to make mortgage pay- the track to having their dream.
ments until the trouble passed. You will get a 15 to 40 page report. Depending on
Let‟s take a look at how wealthy people look at a mort- what options you elect. We can also schedule regular follow ups
gage. to make sure you stay on track. or if you decide to do some
Most would never consider putting extra money to- things differently. And as I said it is free. I don‟t have any-
wards their mortgage. They frequently refinance in order to take thing to sell you and if need guidance in any particular area I can
DEAD EQUITY out of their home. One rule is they utilize ALL probably refer you to someone that can help you. So, don‟t
their assets, ALL of the time. They do not bury assets where delay. As you have heard “time is money”. Call now and let‟s
they will earn no money. get you on track.
What is DEAD EQUITY? That is an investment that
has no return. They take the equity out of their house and put it Jack 842-1070
to work. They don‟t pay off their home. They know that their
home is going to go up in value approximately 6% or more per
I‟ll never forget Easter, 1946. I was 14, my little sister Ocy was 12, and my older sister Darlene 16. We lived at
home with our mother, and the four of us knew what it was to do without many things. My dad had died five years before,
leaving Mom with seven school kids to raise and no money. By 1946 my older sisters were married and my brothers had left
home. A month before Easter the pastor of our church announced that a special Easter offering would be taken to help a poor
family. He asked everyone to save and give sacrificially.
When we got home, we talked about what we could do. We decided to buy 50 pounds of potatoes and live on them
for a month. This would allow us to have $20 of our grocery money for the offering. Then we thought that if we kept our
electric lights turned out as much as possible and didn‟t listen to the radio we‟d save money on that month‟s electric bill. Dar-
lene got as many house and yard cleaning jobs as possible, and both of us babysat for everyone we could. For 15 cents we
could buy enough cotton loops to make three pot holders to sell for$1. We made$20 on pot holders. That month was one of
the best of our lives.
Every day we counted the money to see how much we had saved. At night we‟d sit in the dark and talk about how the
poor family was going to enjoy having the money the church would give them. We had about 80 people in church so figured
that whatever amount of money we had to give, the offering would surely be 20 times that much. After all, every Sunday the
pastor had reminded everyone to save for the sacrificial offering
The day before Easter, Ocy and I walked to the grocery store and got the manager to give us three crisp $20 bills and
one $10 bill for all our change. We ran all he way home to show Mom and Darlene. We had never had so much money be-
fore. That night we were so excited we could hardly sleep. We didn‟t care that we wouldn‟t have new clothes for Easter; we
had $70 for the sacrificial offering.
We could hardly wait to get to church! On Sunday morning, rain was pouring. We didn‟t own an umbrella, and the
church was over a mile from our home, but it didn‟t seem to matter how wet we got. Darlene had cardboard in her shoes to fill
the holds. The cardboard came apart, and her feet got wet. But we sat in church proudly. I heard some teenagers talking
about the Smith girls having on their old dresses. I looked at them in the new clothes, and I felt rich.
When the sacrificial offering was taken, we were sitting on the second row from the front. Mom put in the $10 bill,
and each of us kids put in a a $20. As we walked home after church, we sang all the way. At lunch Mom had a surprise for
us. She had bough a dozen eggs and we had boiled Easter eggs with our fried potatoes! Late that afternoon the minister drove
up in his car. Mom went to the door, talked with him for a moment, and then came back with an envelope in her had. We
asked what it was, but she didn‟t say a word. She opened the envelope and out fell a bunch of money. There were three crisp
$20 bills, one $10 and seventeen $1 bills.
Mom put the money back in the envelope. We didn‟t talk, just sat and stared at the floor. We had gone from feeling
like millionaires to feeling like poor white trash. We kids had such a happy life that we felt sorry for anyone who didn‟t have
our Mom and Dad for parents and a house full of brothers and sisters and other kids visiting constantly. We thought it was
fun to share silverware and see whether we got the spoon or the fork at night. We had two knifes that we passed around to
whoever needed them. I knew we didn‟t have a lot of things that other people had, but I‟d never thought we were poor. That
Easter day I found out we were. The minister had brought us the money for the poor family, so we must be poor. I didn‟t like
being poor. I looked at my dress and worn-out shoes and felt so ashamed-I didn‟t even want to go back to church. Everyone
there probably already knew we were poor!
I thought about school. I was in the ninth grade and at the top of my class of over 100 students. I wondered if the kids
at school knew that we were poor. I decided that I could quit school since I had finished the eighth grade. That was all the
law required at that time. We sat in silence for a long time.
Then it got dark, and we went to bed. All that week, we girls went to school and came home, and no one talked much.
Finally on Saturday, Mom asked us what we wanted to do with the money. What did poor people do with money? We didn‟t
know. We‟d never know we were poor. We didn‟t want to go to church on Sunday, but Mom said we had to. Although it
was a sunny day, we didn‟t talk on the way. Mom stared to sing, but no one joined in and she only sang one verse. At church
we had a missionary speaker. He talked about how churches in Africa made buildings out of sun dried bricks, but they needed
money to buy roofs. He said $100 would put a roof on a church. The minister said “Can‟t we all sacrifice to help these poor
people?” We looked at each other and smiled for the first time in a week.
Mom reached into her purse and pulled out the envelope. She passed it to Darlene. Darlene gave it to me, and I
handed it tot Ocy. Ocy put it in the offering. When the offering was counted, the minister announced it was a little over
$100. The missionary was excited. He hadn‟t expected such a large offering from our small church. He said “You must have
some rich people in this church.” Suddenly it struck us! We had given $87 of that “little over $100.”
We were the rich family in the church! Hadn‟t the missionary said so? From that day on I‟ve never been poor again.
I‟ve always remembered how rich I am because I have Jesus.

Eddie Ogon
Proper motivation can climb any mountain…
In a mountainous country, a town in the lowlands con-
stantly feuded with bandits living on a high peak. One dark
day the mountain bandits came down and
attacked the lowland town, kidnapping a baby and
escaping to their hideout high above.
The lowlanders had to rescue the child, but none of
them had ever climbed the mountain before, knew what trails
the mountain people used, or were sure of where the bandits
lived. Nonetheless, they sent out their bravest fighting men to
bring the baby home.
The band tried to climb the mountain for days, but after
many days of futile attempts, they reluctantly had to admit de-
feat. Dejected, they decided to return to their village below with the sad news.
But as they were packing up their gear, they saw the baby‟s mother walking down the
mountain—the mountain they hadn‟t been able to climb more than a few hundred feet—with
her child strapped securely to her back.
The leader greeted her joyfully. “How were you able to climb to the peak when we,
the strongest and most able men in the village, couldn't do it?”
The woman shrugged her shoulders. “It wasn‟t your baby.”

It’s not what you tell them—it’s what they hear. —-Red Auerback

Whatever creativity is, it is in part a solution to a problem. ——Brian W. Aldiss

If there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless ——-Robert H. Schuller

This newsletter is intended for entertainment purposes only. Credit is given to the authors of various articles that are reprinted when the original author is known. Any omission of
credit to an author is purely unintentional and should not be construed as plagiarism or literary theft.
Copyright 2011, The Morgan Real Estate Group, LLC. This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical, legal, financial or tax advice. Any and all
decisions and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a qualified physician, attorney, financial advisor and/or CPA. We cannot be held responsible to actions you may take with-
out proper medical, financial, legal or tax advice.

The Morgan Report Jack and Nancy Morgan

The Morgan Real Estate Group, LLC
2200 NW 50th Street, Suite 127E
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Phone: 842-1070
Thanks for not keeping us a secret!!!
(make a’ll be glad you did)

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