Why Use The Segregation of Duties Analysis App?
Why Use The Segregation of Duties Analysis App?
Why Use The Segregation of Duties Analysis App?
Test # Name Description
1 User creates a vendor and an invoice for this vendor Identifies where a user creates a vendor and an invoice for this
2 User amends vendor bank account number and pays Identifies where a user amends vendor bank account number and
vendor pays vendor.
3 User creates a customer and an invoice for this customer Identifies where a user creates a customer and an invoice for this
4 User creates a purchase order and receipts the goods or Identifies where a user creates a purchase order and receipts the
services goods or services.
5 User adjusts selling prices and creates customer invoices Identifies where a user adjusts selling prices and creates customer
6 User creates a credit memo for a customer and creates a Identifies where a user creates a credit memo for a customer and
refund for the customer creates a refund for the customer.
7 User pays vendor and performs bank reconciliation Identifies where a user pays vendors and performs bank
8 User receives goods and adjusts the inventory levels Identifies where a user receives goods and adjusts the inventory
9 User receives goods and writes off inventory Identifies where a user receives goods and writes off inventory.
10 User creates and approves the purchase order Identifies where a user creates and approves the purchase order.
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9/27/21, 2:28 PM Segregation of Duties
Test # Name Description
11 User creates general ledger account and posts journal Identifies where a user creates general ledger account and posts
entry journal entry.
12 User receipts goods or services and creates invoice Identifies where a user receipts goods or services and creates invoice.
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