Manual Testing Examples

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1. Record in Context Sensitive mode and analog mode

2. GUI checkpoint for a Single Property
3. GUI checkpoint for Single Object/window.
4. GUI check point for Multiple objects.
5. Test case for calculator in windows application

1.What is GUI Testing ?

What is GUI

 It is the process of ensure to proper functionality of the graphical user interface (GUI ).
 It may also given by the application and making sure it confirms to its written specifications.
 GUI testing evaluates design elements such as layout, colors, fonts, font sizes, labels, text
boxes, text formatting, captions, buttons, lists, icons, links and content.
 GUI testing processes can be either done by the two categories are manual or automatic, and
are often performed by third -party companies, rather than developers or end users.
 It can be require a lot of programming and is time consuming whether manual or automatic.
 Usually the software author writes out the intended function of a menu or graphical button.
 GUI testing also tends to test for certain program behaviors that users expect, like an
hourglass when the program is busy.

GUI Testing Methods

 Manual-based testing.
 Record-reply testing.
 Model-based testing.

Manual Based Testing

 Manual testing is a testing process that is carried out manually in order to find defects
without the usage of tools or automation scripting.
 A test plan document is prepared that acts as a guide to the testing process in order to have
the complete test coverage.

Manual Based Testing

Record and Replay

 In this method, GUI testing can be done using automation tools.

 This is also been divided by the two parts.
 During Record, test steps are captured by the automation tool.
 During playback, the recorded test steps are executed on the Application Under Test.
 Example of tools - QTP.

Record and Replay

Model Based Testing

 In this model, it is a graphical description of a system's behavior.

 It helps us to understand and predict the system behavior.
 Models help in a generation of efficient test cases using the system.
Model Based scheduling

GUI Testing Tools

 Ranorex.
 Selenium.
 QTP.
 Cucumber.
 Silk Test.
 Test Complete.
 Squish GUI Tester.


 Consistency.
 Effectiveness.
 User-Friendliness.
 Functionality.
 Significance

Example testcases for online student complaint systems

Test case 1: User registration

Test scenario Registration-1 Test case ID Registration-1A

Test case User registration Test case High
description priority
Pre-requisite Username, password Post-requisite User dashboard
Test Execution steps
S.N Action Inputs Expect Actua Test Test Test
o ed l Browser Result commen
output Outp ts
1 Launch https://localhost/vs Register Logi Googl Pass Applicati
Applicati c ms/register page n e on
on page Chro successful
me ly
2 Enter Usernam Redirect Redire Googl Pass Registration
Usernam e: to login ct to e successful
e, Email user123 page login Chro
& Email id: page me
Passwor user123@gmail
d and hit .co m
signu Passwor
p d:
butto User123
n $

Test case 2: User login

Test scenario Login-1 Test case ID Login-1A

Test case User login – Positive case Test case High
description priority
Pre-requisite User email id Post-requisite Username, password
Test Execution steps
S.N Action Inputs Expect Actua Test Test Test
o ed l Browser Result commen
output Outp ts
1 Launch https://localhost/vs Login page Logi Googl Pass Applicati
Applicati c ms n e on
on page Chro successful
me ly
2 Enter Usernam Redirect Redirect Googl Pass Login
username, e: to to e successfu
password user123 dashboar dashboa Chro l
and hit Passwor d rd me
login d:
button Abc123$
Test case 3: User login

Test scenario Login-1 Test case ID Login-1B

Test case User login – Negative case Test case High
description priority
Pre-requisite User email id Post-requisite Username, password
Test Execution steps
S.N Action Inputs Expect Actual Test Test Test
o ed Output Browser Result commen
output ts
1 Launch https://localhost/vs Login Login page Googl Pass Successfull
Applicati c ms page e y logged in
on Chro
2 Enter Username An An Googl Pass Invali
username, : user123 alert alert e d
password Password: with with Chro login
and hit Student12 messa messa me attem
login 3$ ge ge pt
button “The “The stoppe
details details d
you you
entered entered
is/are is/are
incorrect” incorrect”

Test case 4: Register complaint

Test scenario Lodge-1 Test case ID Lodge-1A

Test case Register complaint – Test case High
description Positive case priority
Pre-requisite Logged in student Post-requisite Registered a complaint
Test Execution steps
S.N Action Inputs Expect Actua Test Test Test
o ed l Browser Result commen
output Outp ts
1 Login Clicks Register Register Googl Pass Register
as on complai complai e complain
student register nt page nt page Chro t page
complai me works
2 Enter Complai Complain Complain Googl Pass Complain
required nt t t e t
details details successful successful Chro successful
and hit ly ly me ly
register registered registered registered
Test case 5: View Complaints

Test scenario Complaints-1 Test case ID Complaint-1A

Test case View all complaints Test case High
description registered by the student priority
Pre-requisite Logged in student Post-requisite Complaints fetched
Test Execution steps
S.N Action Inputs Expect Actua Test Test Test
o ed l Browser Result commen
output Outp ts
1 Enter user Usernam Student Student Googl Pass Logged
credentials e, dashboa dashboa e in
and hit passwor rd rd Chro successful
Login d me ly
2 Click on Clicks on My My Googl Pass My
My My complain complain e complain
complaint complaints ts page ts page Chro ts page
s me works

Test case 6: Update complaint status

Test scenario Status-1 Test case ID Status-1A

Test case Update complaint status Test case High
description priority
Pre-requisite Logged in admin Post-requisite Complaint status updated
dashboard with at least
1 complaint registered
Test Execution steps
S.N Action Inputs Expect Actua Test Test Test
o ed l Browser Result commen
output Outp ts
1 Click on NA Complain Complain Googl Pass Complain
view t details t details e t details
complaint page page Chro page
details me works
2 Click on NA Update Update Googl Pass Update
Take action complai complai e complain
nt page nt page Chro t page
me works
3 Selects a Complai Complaint Complaint Googl Pass Complain
complaint nt status, status status e t status
status, remark updated updated Chro updated
enters a successfull successfull me successful
response y y ly
and hits
Test case 7: Forward a complaint

Test scenario Forward-1 Test case ID Forward-1A

Test case Forward a complaint Test case High
description priority
Pre-requisite Logged in admin/cell Post-requisite Complaint forwarded
member dashboard with
at least 1
complaint registered
Test Execution steps
S.N Action Inputs Expect Actua Test Test Test
o ed l Browser Result commen
output Outp ts
1 Click on NA Complain Complain Googl Pass Complain
view t details t details e t details
complaint page page Chro page
details me works
2 Click on NA Update Update Googl Pass Update
Forward complai complai e complain
To nt page nt page Chro t page
me works
3 Selects a Categor Complain Complain Googl Pass Complain
category (to y to be t t e t
be fprwarded forward forwarde forwarde Chro forwarde
to) ed to d d me d
and hits successful successful successful
forward ly ly ly

2 Write the test cases on prime number with result ?

 Let the prime number be n.

 Divide the number n by 1 remainder=0 pass.
 Divide the number n by n remainder=0 pass.
 Divide the number n by 2 remainder!=0 pass.
 Divide the number n by up to n-1 and if remainder not equal zero, then it is a prime number.
3 Test scenarios for downloading a file ?

 Verify that download link or button should be available.

 Verify that download link or button should be clickable.
 Verify that download link start to download the file or navigate to the other URL or Page.
 Verify that location for saving the file should ask after clicking on the link or button to
 Verify that save location should have enough storage space available for downloading the
 Verify that downloaded file size should be same, which was showing before download.
 Verify that the downloaded file and its name should be same as shown before download.
 Verify that the downloaded file should be saved at the predefined location.
 Verify that the file should be Pause while downloading.
 Verify that the file should be Resume the downloading.
 Verify that the file can be Stop or Cancel the downloading.
 Verify that file should be available for download where the downloadable link addressed.
 Verify that the estimated time of download should be display.
 Verify that downloading status should be display while downloading as for example, 40 MB
downloaded and 60 MB remaining.
 Verify that the file should be accessible or not while downloading from the storage location.
 Verify that the file should remain or not if downloading Pause.
 Verify that the file should remain or not if downloading Cancel.
 Verify that if any specific requirement needed to download then it should be displayed before
downloading start or with the downloadable link or button.
 Verify that download still continue if the internet speed is very slow.
 Verify that downloading should be Stop if internet connection lost.
 Verify that downloading should be resumed automatically if internet connection lost then
again found the internet connection.
 Verify that File download display Downloading failed if Internet connection lost for more
time like 4 minutes to 5 minutes.
 Verify that File download can resume its download if that file status is downloading failed.
 Verify that no any subfile or data lost or file corrupt while using Pause and Resume
functionality of downloading.
 Verify that no any subfile or data lost or file corrupt while using Downloading failed to
Resume functionality of download.
 Verify the Functionality of Multiple files downloads simultaneously.
 Verify that any video file is able or not to play while downloading that file.
 Verify the Downloading speed separately and collectively of Multiple files download
 Verify the Downloading status should be displayed separately or/and collectively of Multiple
files download simultaneously.
 Verify that try Delete the file which is displaying in predefined location while downloading
and check the system response.
 Verify that try to send the file to any external storage which is displaying in predefined
location while downloading and check the system response.
4 What is meant by preconditions and postconditions in a Test Case ?

 A precondition of an operation is an assertion which must be true just before the

operation is called.
 Anything that the solution can assume to be true when the use case begins is known as

Preconditions and Postconditions in Testing

Post Conditions:

 A postcondition of an operation is an assertion which must be true just after the operation
has been completed.
 A postcondition means if the operation returns the desired result, or has the desired effect,
relative to the given parameters that satisfy the precondition.

4.Write the test cases on ATM for security purpose ?

 Verify the ATM card insertion.

 Verify the ATM card insertion in wrong angle.
 Verify invalid ATM card insertion.
 Verify PIN entry.
 Verify invalid PIN entry.
 Verify invalid PIN entry continually 3 times.
 Verify account type selection.
 Verify invalid account selection.
6 Write test case for Banking Application ?

 Test case is the smallest unit of the testing plan, which includes a description of necessary
actions and parameters to achieve and verify the expected behavior of a particular
function or the part of the tested software.
 If you have a task to check some functionality, you can create a test script or user story.
So, you need to understand where to start testing, which general steps need to be
executed and what the result should be And then this scenario is broken down into more
detailed parts - test cases - to define all positive, negative, localization and other
behaviors of the software.

We create a test scenario as:

 The user must be logged.

 Move to the "upload photos" page.
 Click the "upload" button.
 Select photos and Upload them.
 Verify all visitor links.
 Verify all Customer links.
 Verify Customer login with valid data.
 Verify Customer login with invalid data.
 Verify Customer login without data.
 Verify Banker login with valid data.
 Verify Banker login with invalid data.
 Verify Banker login without data.
 Verify Admin login with valid data.
 Verify Admin login with invalid data.
 Verify Admin login without data.
 Verify all Admin home links.
 Verify Admin change password with valid data.
 Verify Admin change password with invalid data.
 Verify Admin change password without data.
 Verify Admin change password with existing data.
 Verify admin logout.
 Create a new user with valid data.
 Create a new user with invalid data.
 Create a new user without data.
 Create a new user with existing branch data.
 Update user with valid data.
 Update user with invalid data.
 Update user without data.
 Update user with existing data.
 Verify that user is able to make financial transactions to added recipient.
 Verify that user is able to add decimal number into amount ( limited by 2 numbers).
 Verify that user is not able to add negative number into amount field.
 Verify that user is allowed to transfer money only if there is proper account balance.
 Verify that there is a confirmation check for financial transactions.
 Verify that user is given an acknowledgment receipt upon successful financial
 Verify that customer is able to send money to multiple people.

7. Write 3 main test cases for excel sheet ?

 Click on Start - Program file - MS Office

 Check Ms-Excel in that MS office.
 Check Whether Ms-Excel is opening or not.
 Check the window blank sheet of excel sheet.
 If you close the window asking "are you want save? or not
 If you click 'yes' ask where you want save give the path otherwise cancel.

8. Write 3 test cases on railway reservation system ?

 Verify there is a train available to the destination.

 Verify the seats are available on the particular date.

 Verify the seats available for required coach that is A/c or Sleeper coaches.

9. Write 3 test cases on MS-WORD ?

 Check whether there is MS office in the system.

 If we open MS word the default page should be blank.

 Check for the Menu options. Whether it has basic functionalities for the file to open, save, save

as, edit, copy etc.

1 Write in detail about Record in Context Sensitive mode and analog mode. Explain about seven
different components of Selenium IDE features.
2. Explain the installation steps of selenium IDE with in Context Sensitive mode and analog
3. write the testcases of user login for online payment application and record the home page in
Context Sensitive mode and analog mode in selenium
4. write the testcases of failed login for Gmail sign in and record the home page in Context
Sensitive mode and analog mode in selenium
5. write the testcases of user login for Gmail sign in and record the home page in Context
Sensitive mode and analog mode in selenium
6. write the testcases for failure condition while sending mail with invalid Email address and
record the home page in Context Sensitive mode and analog mode in selenium

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