Does Where A Student Sits Really Matter? - The Impact of Seating Locations On Student Classroom Learning
Does Where A Student Sits Really Matter? - The Impact of Seating Locations On Student Classroom Learning
Does Where A Student Sits Really Matter? - The Impact of Seating Locations On Student Classroom Learning
- The Impact of
Seating Locations on Student Classroom Learning
Amanda Careena Fernandes, M.Ed.
Graduate, College of Education
Niagara University
Abstract: This paper examines the impact Wieman, 2005; Wannarka & Ruhl, 2008).
of seating locations on student classroom Though this belief has become an
learning. Specifically, it examines the anecdotal comment, there are indicators
impact of seating locations on a) student suggesting that student location within the
learning motivation, b) student-student classroom affects academic performance
and teacher-student relationships, c) the (Burda & Brooks, 1996; Holliman &
nature of different tasks and activities Anderson, 1986; Perkins & Wieman,
performed, and d) student classroom 2005; Sztejnberg & Finch, 2006). Over
participation. Its impact on classroom the past decades, research has explored
participation is carefully discussed whether it is the good student who selects
because active engagement and the seat at the front of the class or if the
participation in the learning experience seat at the front of the class creates the
positively affects students’ learning while good student (Burda & Brooks, 1996).
promoting the use of higher order What teachers consider to be a good
thinking skills (Flynn, Vermette, Mesibov student can vary. Research shows that
& Smith, 2009; McKeachie, 1990; seating locations1 are related to academic
Stronge, 2007). Student control, along achievement and classroom participation
with the implications related to seating (Budge, 2000; Marx, Fuhrer, & Hartig,
locations in the classroom is also 2000; Wannarka & Ruhl, 2008;
explained and discussed. Research gaps Weinstein, 1979). Seating locations
in this area are identified. concern how students are seated within
the classroom environment. They can vary
in size and formation; however, they
It seems that there is a common belief affect students’ learning conditions, and
that where students decide to sit within a learning conditions impact their
classroom reflects upon their motivation, engagement and participation in the
engagement, and willingness to learn
(Benedict & Hoag, 2004; Betoret &
Artiga, 2004; Budge, 2000; Burda & 1
Brooks, 1996; Daly & Suite, 1982; Marx, Seating location depicts where a student
Fuhrer, & Hartig, 2000; Perkins & sits within the classroom.
IJAES – Vol. 10 No. 1 Pg. No. 67
classroom (Budge, 2000; Marx, Fuhrer, & of seating locations on student classroom
Hartig, 2000; Wannarka & Ruhl, 2008). learning has important educational
Research has begun to show that implications.
active engagement and participation in the This paper examines the impact of
learning experience positively affects seating locations on student classroom
students’ learning (Flynn, Vermette, learning. Specifically, it examines the
Mesibov, & Smith, 2009; Stronge, 2007). impact of seating locations on a) student
Classroom participation is associated with learning motivation, b) student-student
the generation and promotion of higher and teacher-student relationships, c) the
order thinking skills, and this cognitive nature of different tasks and activities
stimulation provides students with a performed, and d) student classroom
different environment which promotes participation. Its impact on classroom
positive and effective learning participation is carefully discussed
experiences (McKeachie, 1990). because active engagement and
Further, a pleasant classroom learning participation in the learning experience
environment helps students learn better, positively affects students’ learning and
and different seating locations provide promotes students’ use of higher order
students with access to learning resources, thinking skills (Flynn, Vermette, Mesibov
such as the teacher and clear lines of sight & Smith, 2009; McKeachie, 1990;
to the board (Douglas & Gifford, 2001; Stronge, 2007). Student control, along
Jamieson, 2003; Sztejnberg & Finch, with the implications related to seating
2006). Classroom seating arrangements2 locations in the classroom is also
also have the ability to affect the explained and discussed. Research gaps in
communal environment within the room this area are further identified.
(Jamieson, 2003; Sztejnberg & Finch,
Impact of Seating Locations on Student
2006). Due to the large amount of time
Learning Motivation
students and teachers spend in the
classroom; overall comfort level of the Although the access to different
environment is a factor that impacts resources and increased monitoring
student achievement and success. Students provided by sitting at the front of the class
who find their classroom to be pleasant pose students with a different environment
and comfortable generally demonstrate an than those sitting near the back of the
increase in participation leading to higher class, student learning motivation and
achievement (Douglas & Gifford, 2001). personalities traits play a big role in
Therefore, the examination of the impact achievement and involvement in the
learning experience (Burda & Brooks,
1996; Edwards, 2000). It may be that
Seating arrangements refer to the layout students with higher motivation levels and
of desks and chairs within the classroom. a deeper interest in learning choose to sit
This reflects both where students choose near the front of the class, while those
to sit and where they are assigned to sit. who sit farther away exhibit less
Seating arrangements identified in this motivation and interest in the learning
paper include rows and columns, u-shape, experience. This may also be a perception
semi-circle, fan-shape, and clusters, also that teachers hold towards their
known as small groups. Seating prospective students (Burda & Brooks,
arrangements, seating plans, and seating 1996).
layout may be used interchangeably in
this paper.
IJAES – Vol. 10 No. 1 Pg. No. 68
the back of a classroom (Benedict & when students get to select their own seats
Hoag, 2004). Overall, both studies a sense of autonomy is provided to the
demonstrate how different seating student. However, this freedom to select
locations have the possibility to affect one’s own seat may prove to be an
student attendance and grades. indicator of the student’s motivation and
Some of the factors affecting learning interest in the class (Benedict & Hoag,
experiences and seating selection include 2004; Marx et al., 2000).
student motivation levels, personality
traits, the ease of communication, The Front of the Class versus the Back
availability of seats, and proximity to of the Class
learning resources, such as the teacher. One may interpret a student’s
Although these factors influence the decision to sit near the front of the class as
learning experience, one’s ability to an indicator of deeper interest in the class
recognize such factors will also affect and to secure that student’s ability to
learning success. Teachers may be aware participate in the class activities. If this is
of such conditions, but students are not the case, then student personality is a key
always cognisant of these conditions. motivator in the selection of seating
Whether teachers are aware of such a fact location. Earlier research has indicated
may greatly affect their subsequent that students who choose to sit near the
perceptions of the students they teach. front of the class, or in central seats, more
Seating locations are often used by often exhibit creative, assertive, and
teachers as an indicator of student interest competitive personality traits (Totusek &
and motivation (Daly & Suite, 1982), Staton-Spicer, 1982). The most prevalent
even though the students may not trend suggests that students who sit front
recognize this. Keeping with this belief, and center within the classroom will
the ability to self-select seating will participate more than those who sit at the
further grant the students the ability to back; and so, they are perceived to be
demonstrate their feelings towards better students (Benedict & Hoag, 2004;
learning. Nevertheless, teachers often Burda & Brooks, 1996; Daly & Suite,
have the ability to select seating 1982; Perkins & Wieman, 2005; Weaver
arrangements. Where students are & Qi, 2006). As such, student
assigned to sit may then be a revelation of participation is related to the teacher’s
the teachers’ interpretations of their impressions of the student. Other studies
student, which may not necessarily be have noted that students who self-select
accurate. seats near the front of the class also
exhibit a sense of increased attentiveness
Student Selected Seating Location (Hillmann, Brooks & O’Brien, 1991). One
There appears to be a strong can argue that such student traits are
relationship between where a student desirable in the educational field and later
selects to sit and his/her subsequent when entering the employment field. Thus
involvement in the class. Proximity of one may conclude that students who select
seats to the front of the class or to the to sit near the front of the class may
source of learning, most commonly the recognize the need to obtain learning
teacher, will greatly vary on the format of conditions which will best allow them to
seating arrangement currently being achieve their desired results.
implemented. Educators must keep in The opposite may be concluded for
mind self-selected seating locations will those sitting near the back of the class.
hold different circumstances than when However, other conditions will also affect
teachers select students’ seats. After all, the availability of such desirable seating
IJAES – Vol. 10 No. 1 Pg. No. 73
locations. Students who enter the discomfort which can also detract from
classroom first may be in the position to the learning experience. This study is
select desirable seats first; thus, those who significant as it exposes another factor
are unable to come first may be left with driving student seat selection.
seats they do not desire but are left with The study conducted by Ruoff and
no other option (Benedict & Hoag, 2004). Schneider (2006) illustrates yet another
Diminished access from desirable seats aspect of seating location within the
has the potential to place students in a classroom. This study focuses more on the
position where they are left with personal and social reasoning behind seat
undesirable seating location which selection versus the accessibility to
increases psychological and physical learning resources or the students’
pressures in the learning environment motivation to learn. The peer conditions
(Xia, 2006). Evidently, this is a factor to presented within the classroom influence
keep in mind. The availability of limited not only seating selection but also the
resources within the classroom, including amount of interaction and participation
seating location, should not be neglected. elicited by students, all factors which
Keeping this in mind, one may wish to affect teachers’ perceptions of students
consider seat preference versus actual (Weaver & Qi, 2005). Seat selection is
seating location. Benedict and Hoag seen in this study as a result of social and
(2004) noted that seat preference versus repetitive actions. Seating is seen as an
actual sitting location was an indicator of interactive process, where the decisions of
academic motivation and achievement. As the individual are influenced by the
such, seating preference may be an decision of those before him or her (Ruoff
indicator of learning motivation and & Schneider, 2006). Social pressures may
interest. in fact influence students’ seat selection.
Aside from being an indicator of There may be a fear to be perceived as
student motivation and interest, seat anti-social or pressure may be felt to join
selection within the classroom can also be the larger group (Ruoff & Schneider,
linked to territoriality and the desire to 2006). Again, the topic of convenience
feel comfortable in the learning and comfort becomes a factor in this
environment. A study by Kaya and study. Individuals who have access to
Burgess (2007) examined the tendency for seats closer to the exit often select these
seat preference and territoriality within the seats. Such seats often offer the student
college level classroom. Upon having more comfort and less constriction when
labeled each respective seat with a attempting to leave the class.
number, a Likert scale based survey was Nevertheless, such a location can also be
conducted to determine which seats interpreted as giving the student an easy
students preferred and what their feelings way out of the class due to his/her
were about seat territoriality within their disengagement and disinterest in attending
classrooms. Student seating preference the full class period.
was also noted within this survey. The The process of selecting seats within
results of this study demonstrated how the classroom poses an interesting
exterior seats are more desirable due to situation in itself. Teacher perspectives
commonly being more spacious (Kaya & towards students and where they select to
Burgess, 2007). The more items a student sit may also pose an interesting dynamic
may need to have present during class can in the learning environment. The
influence his/her subsequent seating availability of resources, in this case the
location decision. Sitting in the front and information the teacher offers students,
center may now pose difficulties and becomes very important for the success
IJAES – Vol. 10 No. 1 Pg. No. 74
and growth of students. The main way to seating arrangements within the post-
convey this information is through secondary and secondary educational
communication. Communication occurs in level, thus leading one to question how
many forms; some of the most prevalent these topics affect students at the
include verbal, written, and illustrated. elementary level.
Nevertheless, the most common within In addition to the above
the classroom is still verbal mentioned research gaps, there is a
communication. profound scarcity of studies exploring the
impact of cultural factors on seating
Identified Research Gaps
arrangements and subsequent student
Thus far research on the topic of participation and academic achievement.
seating arrangements appears to provide With the increase of internationalization
educators and researchers alike with a gap of education (Bond, Jun, & Huang, 2003,
of studies. In more recent years there 2006), the field of education needs to
appears to be a resurgence of focus on the continuously expand its understanding
topic of seating arrangements and how and implementation of different learning
they affect students’ learning outcomes. environments. Different cultures are
Research most often explores what type of increasingly interacting thus the need to
student chooses to sit in different better understand and interpret the value
locations within the classroom (Benedict of education for the different parties
& Hoag, 2004; Daly & Suite, 1982). involved becomes imperative. Therefore,
Other common topics of research discuss future studies need to provide researchers,
the conditions surrounding students which educators, and other alike with an insight
impact student academic achievement, into how different cultural backgrounds
including seating location within the may differ in regards to the
classroom (Burda & Brooks, 1996; Lan et implementation and reaction to different
al., 2009; Stronge, 2007). Though not seating arrangements within the
abundant, there are studies exploring the classroom.
direct impact of seating locations and the
consequential impact such a change has
on academic achievement and grades The classroom environment is a very
(Perkins & Wieman, 2005). diverse and highly dynamic setting.
Although there are some studies Teacher perceptions about students are
directly related to seating arrangements, often influenced by the conditions which
educational research regarding seating are presented to them. One of the most
arrangements is not abundant. A direct obvious and constant factors is that of
connection between seating arrangements seating location. In turn, students’ seating
and student participation is very scarce. locations are greatly affected by the
Identified research gaps include topics seating arrangements provided to them.
such as an in depth analysis of different Different seating conditions also
seating arrangements and how they are present themselves in different countries.
most effective, how teacher perspective of Though seating arrangements such as
students differs depending on where rows and columns, small groups, u-shape,
students choose to sit, who makes the and semi-circles are often used throughout
decision as to where students sit: teachers the world, pedagogical beliefs tend to
or students; and how such a decision influence and dictate the most commonly
affects student participation and academic used seating plan. For example, North
achievement. The majority of the studies America is moving towards the promotion
discussed within this paper focus on of small groups within the classroom (Lan
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