Module 5 - Week 5
Module 5 - Week 5
Module 5 - Week 5
Module 5: Volcanoes
o Viscosity: a measure of how easily a fluid flows. E.g., water has a low viscosity
and flows readily, molasses has a much higher viscosity so it flows very slowly.
o Viscosity, in turn, controls the amount of gas that can be trapped in the magma:
o The greater the viscosity the more readily gas will become trapped within the
o There are three basic types of magma:
Basaltic Magma
Andesitic Magma (composition is intermediate between basaltic and
Granitic Magma (also called Rhyolitic magmas)
o The names of the magmas are based on the rock type that forms when it cools and
o Overall, the behaviour of the magma determines the type of volcano that
o Low SiO2 magmas (e.g., basaltic magma), with little gas have a low viscosity.
These magmas flows readily through their vents and across the land surface as
lava; volcanoes are not explosive but are dominated by lava flows.
o High SiO2 magmas (e.g., granitic magma) with abundant gas have a high
viscosity. These magmas tend to plug their vents until the force of escaping
magma blows the vent clear; such magmas cause very explosive volcanic
eruptions. Viscous magmas more readily trap gasses which are compressible and
contribute to the power of explosive eruptions.
o Andesitic volcanoes fall in between basaltic and granitic in terms of the
explosiveness of their eruptions.
over the surface. The different types of lava flow reflect the difference in the
viscosity of the the lava.
o Lava: Hot (up to 1200 degrees C), fluid, molten rock that flows along the land
surface. Most commonly produced by low viscosity (basaltic) magma.
o Low viscosity lava flows relatively slowly but readily down gentle slopes,
including forming "lava falls" where it flows over an abrupt step as shown in the
photograph below.
o The Hawaiian Islands are made up of basaltic volcanoes that are built from lava
flows that built up from the sea floor to the ocean surface. Two types of lava flow
are common and have Hawaiian names.
o Pahoehoe: Lava with a ropelike surface texture due to partial cooling as the lava
flowed. Relatively hot, low viscosity lava.
o The surface texture of pahoehoe forms because the surface of the hot lava flow is
in contact with the air and it cools to form a thin, flexible crust that floats on top
of the hot, low viscosity lava. As the lava flows the surface becomes folded into
complex patterns that characterize this type of lava deposit. The above photo
shows a lava surface that has been formed into tight folds that produce a texture
that looks like rope. The photo below shows a different style of deformation
which forms relatively large lobate patterns on the surface of the lava flow.
o Aa: Lava that has a very rough-looking "blocky" texture. Such lavas have a
higher viscosity than lavas that produce pahoehoe; the higher viscosity compared
to pahoehoe flows may be due to difference in composition, temperature or a
combination of both. As the lava flows slowly down slope it pushes chunks of
solid and semi-solid blocks at its front.
o Lava tube: A tube formed by cooling and solidifying of the lava walls while fluid
lava continued to flow inside. Once all of the lava has flowed out of the tube only
the walls remain. When lava tubes are active (i.e., full of hot lava) they can look
deceptively safe to walk on. However, the walls may be too thin to bear weight
and if your foot breaks through it may be fully immersed in 1200°C lava!
o Pillow Lava: A closed lava tube (with a bulbous end) that forms when a lava
flows into water (e.g., a lake or ocean) and cools very rapidly. Pillow lava is
found forming wherever lava flows into standing water, from the shores of islands
made up of basaltic volcanoes to the oceanic ridge.
Pyroclastic Material
o Pyroclastic material is debris made up of particles of various size that are
formed by a volcanic explosion. It is produced when magma has a relatively high
viscosity (e.g., Andesitic and Granitic magmas) which is too viscous to flow at the
surface. Magma "plugs" the vent of the volcano and pressure builds to the point
where it is powerful enough to "blow" the stopped magma out of the vent to
produce an explosive eruption. In particularly explosive volcanoes not just the
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magma in the vent but all or some of the volcano itself can be destroyed in the
o Tephra
o The general term for all pyroclastic material that is ejected from a volcano,
regardless of the size of the particles . Different terms apply according to the size
of the tephra. (syn. Ejecta)
o Ash: tephra that is finer than 2 mm in diameter.
o Note: the following terms apply to the deposits of volcanic ash:
Tuff: A deposit made up of consolidated volcanic ash.
Welded tuff: A deposit of volcanic ash that was laid down while still very
hot and particles become fused together.
Lapilli: tephra that ranges in size from 2 mm to 64 mm in diameter.
o Blocks and Bombs: All tephra that is larger than 64 mm in diameter.
o Blocks: hard fragments greater than 64 mm in diameter. Blocks are generally
angular in shape (having sharp corners rather than rounded corners) because they
are fragments of rock that have been produced by a volcanic explosion.
o Bombs: fragments greater than 64 mm in diameter that were soft and partially
melted at the time they were ejected from a volcano. They cool and harden as
they pass through the air. Because they are initially soft they often have rounded,
aerodynamic shapes (see photos below).
Tephra Transport Mechanisms
o Pyroclastic material is transported away from the volcano by a number of
mechanisms. Near the vent during an explosion large blocks and bombs are
ejected and follow ballistic paths as they fall back to the ground surface.
Relatively small blocks and bombs may be ejected to locations 10's of kilometres
away from the volcano. The explosion also ejects ash and lapilli and ash, in
particular, can be blown high up into the upper atmosphere were winds can carry
it around the globe.
o In addition to the direct explosion the following are important mechanisms of
transporting pyroclastic material following an eruption.
o Ash fall : Ash that is ejected into the atmosphere settles or falls to the surface all
around the volcano during and following an eruption. The coarsest ash falls
closes to the volcano and as you move away from the volcano the ash that's
falling to the ground becomes progressively finer. As noted above, the finest ash
can be carried by upper atmospheric winds around there globe and some can
remain in suspension in the air for months and even years.
o The following photograph shows the ash fall during the eruption of Mount
Pinatubo in 1991.
o Pyroclastic flows: generally a hot, gaseous cloud of tephra (particularly ash) that
flows down slope as a part of a volcanic eruption. If you've seen the recent movie
"Pompeii" (starring the late Jon Snow before he "knew noothin'") then you have
seen a dramatically graphic example of a devastating pyroclastic flow.
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o Flow speeds can reach 700 km/hr and the temperature of the hot gases can reach
1000 degrees C.
o Another name for "pyroclastic flow" isnuée ardente (meaning "glowing cloud") a
term coined for the Mt. Pelee eruption of 1902.
o Lahar : The word is of Indonesian origin and refers to a water saturated slurry of
ash and other volcanic debris that flows downslope. These are "mud flows" or
"debris flows" where the material in transport is of volcanic origin. They can
develop anywhere there is abundant water (e.g., heavy rainfall, snow and ice) to
mix with volcanic debris on steep slopes.
o For example, high altitude volcanoes may be associated with thick snow cover or
glaciers that melt during an eruption and mix with the volcanic material that
subsequently flows down the slopes of the volcano.
o The volcano rises 4,170 m above sea level and it covers an area of 5,271 km2.
The total volume of rock that makes up Mauna Loa 80,000 km3 with the majority
of its volume below sea level. The volcano grew from the sea floor, at a depth of
5 km in this part of the Pacific Basin, so combined with the portion of it that
extends above sea level it appears to have grown to a height of about 9 km from
the time that it began to form. However, the great weight of the volcano has
caused the underlying crust to sink about 8 km deeper into the upper mantle so
that the actual height of above the position of the original elevation of the sea
floor from which it grew is 17 km (see the schematic illustration, below, which
is not drawn to scale)
o The volcano began to form 700,000 to 1,000,000 years ago when lava began to
flow pass upward through the underlying oceanic crust. Eruptions reached the
surface 400,000 years ago.
o Unfortunately (for Mauna Loa) in the spring of 2020 results of research were
published that identified another volcano in the Hawaiian Island chain as being
the world's largest volcano (based on its total volume). That volcano is no longer
active and is named "Pūhāhonu" (the name means "turtle surfacing for air"). The
volcano is visible above sea level as only two small islands known as the Gardner
Pinnacles. However, the submarine portion of the volcano is below sea level and
has a total volume that is equal to approximately 150,000 cubic kilometers, almost
double that of Mauna Loa. However, Mauna Loa remains the tallest volcano on
Earth (so far).
The volcano called Kilauea (see map above) is currently the most active of the Hawaiian
volcanoes. The photos below are of that volcano and shows eruptions that often forms
fountains of low viscosity lava flowing from vents near the volcano summit.
The lava flows easily down the gentle slopes for considerable distances and some lava
flows reach the oceans to form pillow lavas.
Cinder Cones
o Cinder cones are predominantly formed from viscous, gaseous magmas, including
relatively cool basaltic magmas and andesitic magmas. Relatively cool basaltic
magma is viscous due to the lower temperature and can trap considerable amounts
of gas within it. Cinder cones of this kind of magma sometimes form in
association with shield volcanos. However, many cinder volcanoes are isolated
cones that are not associated with other volcanoes. The photo below shows a
Canadian example of the classic cinder cone morphology.
o Cinder cones are internally constructed of layers of pyroclastic deposits (blocks,
bombs, lapilli) that are produced by relatively small explosive eruptions. The
slopes are steeper than shield volcanoes, at angle of repose for the material that
makes them up (see photo, below).
o Angle of repose: the natural maximum angle that a pile of loose, unconsolidated
material will form. For cinder cones this angle ranges from 30° to 40° from the
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o Typical slope angles are in the range from 30 to 40 degrees. These are typically
relatively small volcanoes in comparison to the other two types and range from
several metres to over 300 m in height.
o Paricutin Volcano (see the photo below) began to erupt in a corn field in Mexico
in 1943 and continued until 1952.
o A farmer had noticed a fissure (vent) had opened in a field one morning and from
it was pouring black ash. In the first year the volcano grew to 336 m (almost 1
metre per day). The rate at which it grew decreased steadily after the first year
but by 1952 the volcano was 424 m in height.
o Stratovolcanoes are volcanoes that alternate between periods of lava flows (during
their constructive phase) and periods of explosive eruptions (during their
destructive phase).
o Commonly called “composite volcanoes” because they are made up of both lava
and pyroclastic deposits.
o Stratovolcanoes have steep slopes, at angle of repose or greater, and reach heights
much greater than cinder cones.
o The following photo of the currently erupting (summer, 2015) Indonesian
Sinabung Volcano displays the classic form of a stratovolcano.
o Stratovoclanoes may lay dormant for thousands of years which adds to the
menace that they pose. Their magmas are, on average, andesitic in composition
and have high gas content. Some are made up of alternating basaltic and granitic
magmas in many cases; basaltic lavas and pyroclastic material dominate during
the constructive phase and andesitic to granitic magmas result in the destructive
(explosive) phase.
o During the constructive phase these volcanoes can grow to thousands of metres in
height but the constructive phase often ends with the onset of the destructive
o During the destructive phase magma plugs the vent(s) and gasses in the magma
add great pressure which is released contributing to result in a very powerful
explosive eruption.
o Mount Saint Helens, which erupted in May of 1980, was a very impressive
explosive eruption that blew one out one side of the mountain and the ensuing
pryoclastic flow devastated the landscape over a very large area. The two
photographs that follow show the same view of the mountain before and after the
o After an eruption of a stratovolcano a large caldera remains. Crater Lake (shown
in the photo below) is a famous tourist area in Oregon, the lake occupies the
caldera that formed following an explosive eruption 7,700 years ago. That
eruption was 42 times more powerful than Mt. St. Helens.
o Fine ash from Plinian eruptions can remain in the stratosphere for years and can
result in a reduction in average global temperature by reducing incoming solar
Ultra Plinian Eruptions
o Very explosive eruptions that eject approximately 100 km3 or more of tephra and
produce ash columns exceeding 25 km in height. There have been no ultra
plinean eruptions since the invention of photography (hence the lack of pictures),
Phreatic Eruptions
o Phreatic eruptions (sometimes called "phreatomagmatic eruptions") are eruptions
of tephra and large volumes of steam produced when water makes contact with
the magma and flashes to steam causing a very violent eruption. The following
photograph shows a phreatic eruption of Mt. St. Helens that took place prior to the
spectacular Plinean eruption of 1980. Phreatic eruptions can occur in association
with volcanoes that most commonly display any of the other eruption styles
described above. The anomalously energetic eruption of May 17, 2018, that
created a 10km high plume was probably produced due to mixing of groundwater
with the erupting magma.
Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)
o Developed jointly by geologists at the United States Geological Survey and the
University of Hawaii the Volanic Explosivity Index provides a basis for a
quantitative description of the explosively of volcanic eruptions. It is based
largely on the total amount of ejecta that is produced during an eruption and the
height of the column of tephra (referred to as a "plume" in the table below). The
classification table also provides descriptive language for eruptions and the style
of eruption (classification in the table) as described above. Note that the
frequency of eruptions diminished with increasing VEI (a lucky thing for the
inhabitants of this planet).
o The next table shows the VEI for several historic volcanic eruptions and indicates
the number of fatalities for each eruption. Note that there isn't a direct
relationship between increasing VEI and the number of fatalities. For example,
the Nevado del Ruiz eruption was a VEI 3 eruption and produced 25,000
casualties whereas two of the three VEI 4 eruptions in the list had fewer
casualties. The Nevado del Ruiz eruption was particularly deadly because it
produced a major lahar that had far reaching outcomes.
Volcano. At the northern end of the Range is Mt. Baker which is just south of the
Canadian border. Mt. Baker is the volcano that poses the greatest threat to lands in
Canada. The topography is such that lava and pyroclastic flows that take place during a
major eruption would likely extend to locations in Canada.
Oceanic Ridge Volcanoes
o Most volcanic activity is under water and basaltic pillow lavas dominate the
submerged volcanoes. Intrusion of material from the magma chamber creates
new oceanic crust as the sea floor spreads.
o Shield volcanoes occur where the sea floor volcanoes have built up to the ocean
surface (e.g., Iceland which is growing by volcanic expansion of the oceanic
o Hekla is the largest with a total volume of about 12 cubic kilometres Hekla is a
stratovolcano as can be seen from its form in the photograph below and it has
erupted four times in the 20th century, the last time in 2000..
o Most of Iceland's volcanos are basaltic and form broad shield volcanoes.
However, unlike the Hawaiian Island shield volcanoes, on most oceanic ridge
volcanoes lava flows from linear fissures rather than circular vents. A fountain
eruption of basaltic lava can be seen spraying upward from a long fissure in the
following photograph.
o Cinder cones, like that in the following photo, also form on the older portions of
the island, away from the most active area that runs along the middle of the
oceanic ridge.
o Very small cinder cones, called spatter cones (see the next photo) form where
small fountains of very fluid basaltic lava extrude material to the surface for
relatively short periods of time.
o Because of Iceland's cold climate several volcanoes exist below glaciers. The
photo below shows an eruption beneath a glacier and you can see extensive
crevasses caused by failure of ice at the base of the glacier; note that the glacier is
covered by ash that has accumulated from plumes of steam and ash that can be
seen issuing from a large gap in the ice.
o When volcanic eruptions take place beneath glaciers they can produce tremendous
amounts of meltwater that can flow beneath the ice to the glacier's edge and then
emerge as tremendous flash floods that the Icelanders call jökulhlaups. The
following video shows a jökulhlaup that resulted from a volcanic eruption on
Iceland in 2010.
Volcanoes and Hot Spots
o Volcanoes that are found well away from a divergent or convergent plate margin,
form due to unusually high heat flow from the mantle to the base of the crust.
The heat is sufficient to melt the crust to form magma that rises to the surface to
form a volcano.
o A hot spot is a location on the base of the crust which is immediately above a
point in the mantle where there is upward convection of hot material from deeper
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within the mantle; this upward convection is referred to as a mantle plume. The
high temperature at the base of the crust results in melting of pre-existing crust,
forming a magma that has a composition reflecting the composition of that crust.
A hot spot beneath oceanic crust forms basaltic magmas whereas a hot spot
beneath continental crust forms granitic magmas. Volcanoes form when the
magma makes its way upward through the crust to the surface.
o Canadian geologist J. Tuzo Wilson (a former Principle of Erindale College, of the
University of Toronto, and former Director General of the Ontario Science
Centre) was the first person to propose that hots spots existed. He introduced hot
spots in his "proof" that crustal plates move in a paper that he published in the
1960s. His proof is the basis for the interpretation of the Hawaiian Islands that
follows in this section of the Module. Wilson was one of the "fathers" of modern
plate tectonic theory; he was also a wonderful educator and an outstanding
o Hot spots can occur beneath oceanic or continental crust and while most are well
away from plate boundaries some occur along the oceanic ridge as shown in the
map, below.
o The Hawaiian Islands are examples of hot spot volcanoes and the island of
Hawaii currently rests on the hot spot that also caused the formation of several
associated volcanic islands.
o The Hawaiian Island chain consist of eastern active volcanic island of Hawaii and
the inactive volcanic islands to the northwest as shown on the following two
illustrations. Note how the islands occur along a straight line and that the
proportion of dry land on each island becomes smaller towards the northwest.
However, the second diagram shows that there is considerable underwater volume
to the islands even in the northwest. Note that the Gardner Pinnacles, labelled
"Gardner" on the map below, are the peaks of the world's largest volcano (in
terms of its total volume) that is named Pūhāhonu volcano, one of the extinct or
inactive volcanoes in the Hawaiian Island chain.
o The next diagram shows that if you follow the Hawaiian Island chain even further
to the northwest the islands are replace by fully submerged seamounts which are
extinct basaltic volcanoes that make up the Emperor Seamount Chain that follows
the same line as the Hawaiian Islands and then bends to trend northward,
extending all the way to the northern edge of the Pacific plate along the Aleutian
Trench. Geologists have determined the ages of the islands and seamounts and
they become older with increasing distance from the current volcanically active
island of Hawaii.
o The volcanically active island of Hawaii and the new volcano Loihi are located
above a hot spot and their volcanoes are fed from the magma that the hot spot
generates. It is the movement of the Pacific plate towards the northwest over this
hot spot that produced the chain of volcanic islands and seamounts that we see
today. Refer to the next diagram (below) for the details.
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o Other islands in the chain were located over the same hot spot at the time that
their volcanoes were active but they were subsequently "pushed" off the hot spot
so that their volcanoes no longer received magma. Without a source of magma
the volcanoes became permanently dormant as they continued to move towards
the northeast as younger volcanoes formed over the hot spot.
o As the old volcanic islands moved further and further from the hot spot they
became cooler and more dense and their additional weight caused them to sink
deeper into the mantle so that the islands gradually became smaller in size.
Concurrent with this subsidence the islands underwent erosion and eventually
they became submerged beneath the ocean surface to form seamounts. This is the
destiny of the island of Hawaii a few million years in the future as plate tectonics
continues to push the crust in a northeasterly direction.
o The distribution of the volcanic islands and seamounts gives us a basis for
inferring something of the long term behaviour of hot spots. The diagram below
shows the trend of the Hawaiian Island Chain and the Emperor Seamounts (note
that the ages in millions of years are shown for 3 of the seamounts). Note that the
trend is not straight but has a prominent bend that takes place south of Koko
Seamount. We know that these volcanic islands and seamounts formed as
oceanic crust was pushed over the hot spot that is currently located beneath the
island of Hawaii. We also know from reconstructions of past plate positions that
the direction of movement of the Pacific plate has not changed much over the past
hundred million years or so. While most geologists have thought that hot spots
are stationary, the trend observed for islands and seamounts can only be produced
with a constant direction of plate movement if, for the last 100 million years, the
hotspot followed the path shown on the right hand side of the following diagram.
o Hot spot volcanoes that form on oceanic crust are very different than those that
form when a hotspot exists beneath continental crust. The map showing the
global distribution of hot spots includes a point on the North American continent
which marks the location of Yellowstone National Park. Also known as
"Yellowstone Caldera" it is classified as a "Supervolcano" because of the
incredible explosive power of its eruptions. These eruptions are very different
than those associated with the Hawaiian hot spot because the magma has a
granitic composition that is particularly viscous and erupts with catastrophic
force. We'll look at Supervolcanoes again in the final section of this module.
o The first step towards being able to predict where and when volcanoes might
erupt is to identify the volcanoes. Recall that particularly dangerous
stratovolcanoes may lay dormant for hundreds or thousands of years and then
become active and erupt explosively. Identifying potentially active volcanoes is a
geological problem that requires recognition and interpretation of volcanic
deposits. It is also necessary to identify the style(s) of eruption and the secondary
hazards that might occur in conjunction with an eruption (landslides, floods, etc.).
o Once the details are known it is possible to establish the level of risk posed by a
given volcano based on historic and geologic record. In some cases geologists
have been able to identify zones of risk associated with a single volcano. This is
the case for Mt. Shasta in the Cascade Range of the western United states. These
zones are based on an understanding of the topography and of what has taken
place during past eruptions. For example, lava flows will flow down slope and
will normally be produced at or close to a central caldera. This means that the
level of risk of damage by lava flows diminishes with distance from the caldera.
The map below shows three zones with diminishing risk with increasing distance from
the summit of the volcano:
o Zone 1 (displayed in red): areas likely to be affected most frequently. Most future
flows from summit eruptions probably would stay within this zone.
o Zone 2 (displayed in orange): areas likely to be affected by lava flows erupted
from vents on the flank of the volcano or that move into zone 2 from zone 1.
o Zone 3 (displayed in pink): areas likely to be affected infrequently and then only
by long lava flows that originate at vents in zones 1 and 2.
o The ability to identify the long term risk of an eruption and the kinds of damaging
outcomes that might occur allows sound planning of land use that can avoid
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determined that death was not by burial but by lung failure due to inhaling the
Pyroclastic flows
o Pyroclastic flows destroy life and property in their paths. Sixty people, thousands
of animals and fish, and hundreds of acres of lumber were destroyed by ash flows
from Mt. St. Helens.
o A nuée ardente killed 20,000 people when Mt. Vesuvius exploded and shed a
pyroclastic flow across the village of Pompeii in 79 AD. People and animals
died instantly from the rushing cloud of hot gas and ash. The following two
photographs are classic pictures taken during the exhumation of Pompeii.
o Lahars are fast moving mudflows that can inundate urban areas that are nearby
the eruption and may also dam rivers and which can lead to extensive flooding.
o Lahars can be the most devastating outcome of many volcanoes. A relatively
small eruption of Nevada del Ruiz, Columbia, in 1985, generated a lahar when the
volcano melted a 2.5 km2 area of snow and ice. Water and debris rushed down
the slopes, picking up more debris along the way.
o A 5 metre wall of water and debris slammed into the town of Amero, 72 km from
the volcano. Estimates of the total number of fatalities ranges from 23,000 to
29,000 people and over 5,000 structures in the city were destroyed.
o Landslides can be generated when a volcano collapses during an eruption. During
the Mt. St. Helens eruption 2.3 km3 of debris slid down the mountain at speeds up
to 240 km/hr. The slide traveled over 24 km and left a 45 m deep deposit.
o 350,000 years ago Mt. Shasta experienced a similar eruption and landslide that
was 20 times greater than that of Mt. St. Helens. The photograph below shows
the hummocky topography of the deposits of this landslide as seen today.
Volcanic Gases
o In addition to making magma more explosive, volcanic eruptions also include
gases that can be deadly to all life. The following table shows the proportion of
various gases emitted by volcanoes associated with hot spots on oceanic crust,
divergent plate boundaries and convergent plate boundaries. Carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide have caused the greatest number of
o Sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions can have direct effects on life in the vicinity of a
volcano. An eruption in 1783 of Laki Crater (Iceland) produced a sulphurous
haze that lasted for 9 months and killed 75% of all livestock and 24% of the
Icelandic population.
o Concern over the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) is heightened today
because it is a major greenhouse gas and the increase in global temperature that
has been taking place over the last couple of hundred years can be correlated
closely to the increase in the concentration of atmospheric CO2. Volcanoes are a
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o In particular sulphur dioxide from an eruption mixes with water to form tiny
droplets of sulfuric acid in the upper atmosphere. These droplets are particularly
effective at reflecting incoming solar radiation back towards space rather than
allowing it to reach the Earth's surface where it is absorbed to produce heat.
o The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo released 22 million metric tons of sulphur
dioxide into the atompsophere and reduced the Earth’s average temperature by 0.5
degrees Celsius in the year following the eruption.
o Much more effective at cooling the climate was the 1815 eruption of Tambora
Volcano (Indonesia) which extruded up to 150 km3 of magma (solid equivalent),
much of it into the atmosphere. Tambora is one of only two historic eruptions of
VEI 7 and it resulted in global cooling to the extent that 1816 is often called "the
year without a summer".
o The year 1816 had an average global temperature that is estimated to have been
reduced by almost 1°C and regional average temperatures were reduced by up to
3°C due to the atmospheric effects of the massive amount of ash and gas that was
introduced to the atmosphere. In June of 1816 there was widespread snowfall
throughout the eastern United States. The normal growing season experienced
repeated frosts as cold air extended much more southerly than normal. The cold
conditions led to food shortages and starvation over much of the Northern
Hemisphere, conditions that are believed to have resulted in the deaths of 80,000
o The global population was about 1 billion people in 1816 and our current
population is a little over 7 billion. The 1816 fatality rate would have resulted in
a death toll approaching 600,000 people due to starvation.
to those Pelée and Krakatoa so we do not know many details of this important
geological event.
o The following photo from google earth show's Tambora's caldera today; its
diameter is about 6 km across.
Krakatoa (1883) (also spelled Krakatau) VEI = 6
o On the Island of Rakata, Krakatoa was one of 130 active volcanoes in Indonesia
(the country with the most active volcanoes in the world). The volcano had been
inactive for almost 200 years prior to a series of small eruptions that began early
in 1883.
o The volcanoes of Indonesia are due to the northeastward subduction of the Indo-
Australian plate beneath the Eurasian plate. All of these volcanoes are
stratovolcanoes with a high probability of violent eruption.
o Krakatoa began its eruptive stage on May 20, 1883 immediately following a
strong earthquake (no sensors were there to measure it). The first explosions were
heard 160 km away and sent steam and ash upwards to a height of 11 km. The
following months saw a number of minor eruptions and by August 11 three vents
were active on the volcano.
o On August 26 several loud eruptions took place over the course of the day
sending dust and ash to over 25 km elevation into the atmosphere.
o On August 27, four very large eruptions began at 5:30 am. The last of the four
was the largest and could be heard from Sri Lanka to Australia, up to 4,600 km
from the volcano. A 23 km2 area of the island was gone following the fourth
eruption. The maps, below, show the island of Krakatoa before and after the
eruption with the stippled area representing the area of land that was destroyed by
the eruption.
o The caldera collapsed with the explosion, from an original height of 450m above
sea level to 250m below sea level. The blast itself is thought to have ejected
about 20 km3 of tephra.
o The eruption produced a pyroclastic flow that was experienced at sea as far as 80
km away. Ships experienced hurricane force winds loaded with tephra and
smelling strongly of sulphur.
o Burn-related fatalities were recorded up to 40 km away from the blast and an
estimated 4,500 people died from the direct effects of the blast.
o The collapse of the caldera, combined with the explosion, generated a massive
tsunami with a maximum height at landfall of 45 m.
o The impact of the tsunami was greatest on the nearby islands where blocks of
coral up to 600 tons were washed ashore. The following figure shows a steamship
that was carried by the tsunami almost 2 km onto the land and dropped 10 m
above sea level.
o Along low lying coasts of Java the waves washed 8 km onshore, dragging people
along with them as they washed back to sea. The tsunami was recorded as a small
ERSC 1P92 (Extreme Earth)
rise in sea level as far away as the California coast (20 hours after the fourth
blast). An estimated 36,417 people were killed by the tsunami alone.
o Ash from the volcano fell to Earth as far away as 2,500 km downwind over the
days following the eruption. Ash and gases in the upper atmosphere led to a
lowering of global temperature in the following year.
o Anak Krakatoa (child of Krakatoa) has grown through ongoing volcanism where
Krakatoa had existed. It’s undergoing a constructive phase of mild strombolian
and vulcanian eruptions. The video, below, was taken in 2010.
But, there’s a little more to this story…..
Could Krakatoa have been the cause of humanity’s descent into the Dark Ages?
Catastrophe: An Investigation into the Origins of the Modern World, by David Keys,
investigates the role of extreme climate change in a series of events in human history
over the 6th and 7th centuries AD, including:
o The fall of ancient supercities.
o The sharp decline of ancient civilizations: Persia, Indonesia, the Nasca culture of
South America, and southern Arabian civilizations.
o The breakup of the Roman Empire and the formation of many nation states.
o Restructuring that led to a new united China.
This was also the first time that the Bubonic Plague spread through much of the known
world with the epidemic had hit Alexandria, on the coast of Egypt, in 541 AD after
spreading from east Africa. The disease is believed to have killed 900,000 people over a
100 year period.
These events all appear to be linked to a major climatic change that took place in 535
A written description of the time describes a major atmospheric event:
o “The Sun became dark, and its darkness lasted for about 18 months.
Each day, it shawn for about four hours and still this light was only a
feeble shadow.”…. John of Ephesis
Keys suggested that a major impact of an asteroid or comet or a major volcanic eruption
might have accounted for the global climate change that led to the onset of the dark ages.
No major impact structures are known to have formed over the required time so
investigations focused on a volcanic eruption.
Ken Wohletz of the Los Alamos National Laboratory took on a collaboration to try to
find a volcanic source of such a major eruption.
He summarizes some of his ideas at:
Historical evidence of calamity having taken place in both the northern and southern
hemispheres suggested a near-equator eruption and his search focused on Indonesia,
because many potentially stratovolcanoes are found in that region.
Wohletz’s work identified thick pyroclastic deposits in Indonesia, near Krakatoa, that
were determined to have been deposited around 500 AD.
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volume of magma within this deep chamber is estimated to be 4.5 time that of the
shallow chamber!
o The caldera and its magma chambers are due to a hot spot that has remained
more-or-less stationary within the mantle while the North American plate has
moved over it by several hundred kilometres in a southeasterly direction. This
movement of the crust over the hot spot for the last 12.5 million years has
produced a "hot spot track", or chain of old calderas, that extends along a line
trending southwest to northeast passing across Utah and into Nevada (see the map
below). The calderas become younger towards the current caldera and on the map
the circles indicate the position of old calderas and the number in the circle is the
time before the present (in millions of years) is when each caldera was active.
The current caldera is numbered 2.0-0.6 because it has erupted three times over
the period from 640,000 years ago to 2 million years ago.
o The first eruption at the current location took place 2 million years ago and is
known as the Huckleberry Ridge Eruption. This was the largest eruption, ejecting
2,500 km3 of pyroclastic debris.
o The second eruption took place 1.3 million years ago, named the Mesa Falls
Eruption, that was much smaller, producing about 280 km3 of tephra (much larger
than any historic eruption).
o The most recent eruption was the Lava Creek Eruption that occurred 640,000
years ago and involved the ejection of 1,000 km3 of pyroclastic debris.
o Note that these eruptions seem to be taking place every 680,000 years or so,
meaning that we could expect another big event at Yellowstone at any time.
o Past eruptions tell us what to expect from a future eruption of the Yellowstone
Supervolcano. The map below shows the extent of ash deposits that are preserved
from the Lava Creek and Huckleberry Ridge eruptions in comparison to ash
deposits produced by Mt. St. Helens. Each of these two Yellowstone
supereruptions have covered almost half of the continental United States with
volcanic ash.
o Recent modelling by geologists at the United States Geological Survey have
produced the map, below, showing the thickness of ash deposits that would be
laid down due to a Yellowstone supervolcano eruption of one month's duration.
o Heightened monitoring of the Yellowstone Caldera in recent years has led to
media concern of an impending eruption.
o Government officials and geologists indicate that there have been no clear
indicators of high risk at this time. Yellowstone Supervolcano has not changed in
behaviour over the 140 years for which observations are available.
o The loading of the upper atmosphere with reflective dust and ice particles would
significantly reduce global temperatures for many years and lead to famine and
disease, particularly in those parts of the world where living conditions are
marginal at best.
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o If such an eruption were to take place, North America and the rest of the world
could experience another “Dark Ages”.
o Located at the northwestern end of the island of Sumatra, Lake Toba is one of the
largest calderas in the world (see map below).
o Today Toba is a caldera or depression that is occupied by Lake Toba which is 100
km long and 30 km wide. Toba last erupted about 74,000 years ago and is the
most powerful volcanic eruption to have taken place on Earth for the last 2
million years.
o Three eruptive events have been recognized and each produced a caldera:
840,000 years ago (Porsea Caldera)
500,000 years ago (Haranggaol Caldera)
74,000 years ago (Sibadung Caldera)
o Samosir Island, rising 750 m above the lake, is a dome built from lava following
the last eruption
o The most violent eruption ejected 2,800 km3 of tephra and the pyroclastic flows
covered an area of at least 20,000 km2. In the vicinity surrounding the caldera of
the volcano ash deposits reach 600 metres in thickness and ash fall from the
eruption covers an area of at least 4 million square km; half the area of the
continental United States.
o The climatic effect of the eruption was a reduction of average global temperature
by 3 to 5°C and regional cooling of up to 15°C. With the such reduction in
global temperatures tropical plant life would have been all but eliminated and
temperate forests would loose 50% of all trees. Food supplies for the small
human population at that time would have diminished sharply.
o When geologists first realized that Toba had made a huge impact on global
climate it was estimated that the growing population of homo sapiens (i.e., us)
was reduced from 100,000 individuals to as few as 3,000 individuals (97% of all
humans). This reduction had been estimated for approximately the time of Toba’s
eruption on the basis of genetic studies and is termed the “human population
bottleneck”. The estimates on population reduction are now in some doubt but
the impact on the atmosphere and climate are not.
o If the eruption of Tambora (160 km3 ejecta) led to a loss of 80,000 people due to
famine and associated disease then an eruption of 15 times that amount of ejecta
would have had a very significant impact on the primitive population of humans
at that time.
o The Earth currently has a population of over 7 billion people, with 1.3 billion of
those living under conditions of "extreme poverty", the outcome of a Toba-scale
eruption would have a horrific impact on the human population and our political,
economic and social framework, that could last for several years to decades and
might take many decades to reverse.
ERSC 1P92 (Extreme Earth)