Syllabus BCA 1st Sem
Syllabus BCA 1st Sem
Syllabus BCA 1st Sem
Introduction to Office Automation Suit, Elements of Office Suit & Area of Use. Word-
Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation Graphics, Database. Introduction of various Office
Suites Open Office, Libre Office, WPS Office, Microsoft Office. Word Basics Using MS
Office : Starting Word Processor, The parts of a Word Processor Window, Menus &
Commands, Toolbars & Buttons, Shortcut Menus, Creating a New Document, Different
Page Views and Layouts, Applying various Text Enhancements, Formatting Text and
Documents: Auto Format, Text Attributes, Paragraph and Page Formatting, Line Spacing,
Margins, Borders and Shading, Tabs and Indents, Text Editing using various features,
Bullets, Numbering, Working with Styles, Printing & various print options, Spell
Check ,Working with Headers and Footers, Tables: Creating a Simple Table, Creating a
Table using the Table Menu, Entering and Editing Text in a Table, Selecting in Table,
Adding Rows, Changing Row Heights, Deleting Rows, Inserting Columns, Deleting
Columns, Changing Column Width.
Graphics: Clipart, Insert Picture, Using Drawing Features, Drawing Objects, Text in
Drawing. Templates: Template Types, Using Templates, Exploring Templates, Modifying
Templates. Macros: Macro, Recording Macros, Editing Macros, Running a Macro. Mail
Merge: Mail Merge Concept, Main Document, Data Sources, Merging Data Source and
Main Document.
Spreadsheet Basics: Overview of Spreadsheet, Features, Creating a New Worksheet,
Selecting Cells, Entering and Editing Text, Entering and Editing Numbers, Entering and
Editing Formulas, Referencing Cells, Moving Cells, Copying Cells, Sorting Cell Data,
Inserting Rows, Columns, Inserting Cells, Deleting Parts of a Worksheet, Clearing Parts of a
Worksheet. Formatting: Page Setup, Changing Column Widths and Row Heights, Auto
Format, Changing Font Sizes and Attributes, Using Border Buttons and Commands,
Changing Colors and hading, Hiding Rows and Columns.
Function in Spreadsheet, Functions by category: Date and Time functions, Engineering
functions, Math and Trigonometry functions, Statistical functions, Text functions.
Spreadsheet Charts: Chart parts and Terminology, Instant Charts with the Chart Wizard,
Creation of different types of Charts, Printing Charts, Deleting Charts, L:inking in
Spreadsheet. Spreadsheet Graphics: Creating and Placing Graphic Objects, Resizing
Graphics, Drawing Lines and Shapes.
Creating Presentations: Using Blank Presentation Option, Using Design Template , Adding
Slides, Deleting a Slide, Importing Images from Outside, Transition and Build Effects,
Deleting a Slide, Numbering a Slide, Saving Presentation, Closing Presentation, Printing
Presentation .
1BCA2 - Programming with C and C++
The Need of Functions, User Defined and Library Function, Prototype of Functions,
Prototype of main( ) Function, Calling of Functions, Function Arguments, Argument
Passing: Call By Value and Call By Reference, Return Values. Nesting of Function,
Recursion, Array as Function Argument, Command Line Arguments, Basics of Pointers,
Pointers Operators, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointers and Function, Pointer and Strings.
Preprocessor and its Advantages.
Storage Class Specifier- Auto, Extern, Static, Register. Defining Structure, Declaration of
Structure Variable, Type def, Accessing Structure Members, Member Access Operator,
Nested Structures, Array of Structure, Structure Assignment, Structure as Function
Argument, Function that Return Structure, Union. Pointer to Structure, Pointers within
Structure, Introduction to Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation, The Process of Dynamic
Memory Allocation, DMA Functions : malloc( ), calloc( ), free( ), realloc( ), sizeof( )
Operator. C++ Classes and Object.
Constructor and its Types, Array of Objects, Object as Argument, Reference Variable,
Default Argument, Destructor Function, Object Oriented Programming Concepts.
Polymorphism (Operator Overloading, Function Overloading) . Inheritance and its Types.
Access Specifier, Virtual Functions, Abstract Base Classes and Pure Virtual Function.
Virtual Base Classes.
1BCA3-Digital Electronics
Data representation Data Types and Number Systems, Binary Number System, Octal &
Hexa- Decimal Number System, Fixed Point Representation, 1's & 2's Complement, Binary,
Arithmetic Operation on Binary Numbers, Overflow & Underflow, Floating Point
Representation, Codes, ASCII, EBCDIC Codes, Gray Code, Excess-3 & BCD, Error
Detection & Correcting Codes Binary Storage and Registers.
Boolean algebra and digital logic circuits -Logic Gates, AND, OR, NOT,, NOR, NAND &
XOR Gates and their Truth Tables, Boolean Algebra, Basic Definition and Properties, Basic
Boolean Law's, Demorgan's Theorem, Minimization Techniques, K Map – Two, Three and
More Variables maps, Sum of Product & Product of Sums, Don’t care conditions.
Combination Circuits - Half adder & Full adder, Full Subtractor, decimal adder, Code
Conversion, Multilevel NAND and NOR Circuits, Decimal adder, decoders, Multiplexers
and Demultiplexers.
Sequential logic- Flip-Flops - RS, D, JK & T Flip-Flop, Triggering in flip flops, Analysis of
Clocked Sequential Circuits, State Reduction and Assignment, flip flop excitation tables,
Design procedure and design of counters. Design with equations.
Registers, Counters and the memory unit, Shift registers, Ripple counters and Synchronous
counters, Inter-register Transfer, Arithmetic Logic and Shift Micro Operation, Conditional
Control Statement, Instruction Codes, Processor organization, design of a simple computer.
1BCA4- Communicative English
Soft Skills Practice, Personality Development, Participating in Group Discussion and Job
Interviews, Time Management Presentation Skills, Leadership Skills, Assertiveness, Lateral
Thinking, Team Work and Interpersonal Skills, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Confidence and
Courage, Attitude.
Speaking Skills and Presentation: Presentation Design and Delivery. Monologue Dialogue,
Group Discussion. Effective Communication/ Mis-Communication. Interview, Public
Speech. Effective Writing, Report Writing, Resume, Circular, Notice and letter Writing.
Software and its Need, Types of Software - System software, Application software, System oftware
- Operating System, Utility Program, Programming languages, Assemblers, Compilers and
Interpreter, Introduction to operating system for PCs-DOS Windows, Linux. Programming
languages- Machine, Assembly, High Level, 4GL, their merits and demerits, Application Software
and its types - Word-processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation Graphics, Data Base Management
Software, characteristics, Uses and examples and area of applications of each of them, Virus
working principles, Types of viruses, virus detection and prevention.
Use of communication and IT, Communication Process, Communication types- Simplex, Half
Duplex, Full Duplex, Communication Protocols, Communication Channels - Twisted, Coaxial,
Fiber Optic, Serial and Parallel Communication, Modem - Working and characteristics, Types of
network Connections - Dialup, Leased Lines, ISDN, DSL, RF, Broad band, Types of Network -
LAN, WAN, MAN, Internet, VPN etc., Topologies of LAN - Ring, Bus, Star, Mesh and Tree
topologies, Components of LAN -Media, NIC, NOS, Bridges, HUB, Routers, Repeater and