Textbook of Medical Parasitology Protozoology Helm
Textbook of Medical Parasitology Protozoology Helm
Textbook of Medical Parasitology Protozoology Helm
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PARIJA, Subhash Chandra - Textbook of medical Parasitology, Protozoology & Helminthology. (Text an Colour atlas). Third edition (reprint).
New Delhi, All India Publishers & Distributors, 2008. 408p. illus. ISBN 81-8004-006-2.
The third edition of Textbook of Medical Parasitology has retained New features to 3rd edition:
the original intent of the book - To provide up-to-date information on - New contemporary and designed color plates bring a fresh look to
parasitic diseases which are an emerging and important health problem the book.
in the countries world wide. This book has been written to provide with - Newer diagnostic methods described including molecular methods
necessary information on various aspects of parasitic infections for the and imaging methods.
students, mainly the undergraduate students of Medicine, allied sciences - Recent concepts in the pathogenesis, pathology and immunology of
and others who are interested in the study of parasitic infections. many diseases updated.
Textbook of Medical Parasitology consists of four sections: Section - Epidemiological aspects with special reference to India are
I deals with basic concepts in parasitology. Section II and III deal mentioned.
separately with protozoal and helminthic infections, respectively. Each - New and emerging parasites causing infections in the patients with
parasite, protozoan and helminth is classified, its morphology, life cycle, HIV and immunocompromised state are described.
pathogenesis and pathology, host immunity and clinical manifestations - Clinical case studies in various parasitic diseases are included.
listed. Finally, the epidemiology is discussed and necessary information
on diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of parasitic diseases is All India Publishers & Distributors
also provided. The Section IV deals with common laboratory methods 4380/4B, Ansari Road, Daryaganj
for the diagnosis of parasitic diseases. New Delhi 110002
*This book is available at the Library of the Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo