Cert of Insur Expanded
Cert of Insur Expanded
Cert of Insur Expanded
otection Plan
along with the CSA Travel Protection® plans. A description of Emergency Assistance, Concierge and Informational Services
v e l P r all 24-Hour Emergency Assistance Services are contained in end the earliest of: midnight on the day the program expires;
Tra this document. The 24-Hour Emergency Assistance Services when you reach your return destination; or when you
are only available to persons whose primary residence is in complete your trip.
the United States or Canada. This plan is administered by
CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services. INFORMATIONAL SERVICES
The assistance provider offers a wide range of informational
HOW TO CALL THE 24-HOUR EMERGENCY HOTLINE services before you leave home and during your trip,
If you need emergency help for an available service, you can including: Visa, Passport, Inoculation and Immunization
call toll-free 24 hours a day to (866) 922-0278 from within Requirements, Cultural Information, Temperature, Weather
the United States, or call collect to (202) 974-6480 from Conditions, Embassy and Consulate Referrals, Foreign
around the world. Exchange Rates, and Travel Advisories.
When calling, you should have available your Policy/
Reference number and Plan Code, your location, a local EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE SERVICES
telephone number, and details of the situation. After your
CERTIFICATE Medical Referral
coverage has been verified, the assistance provider will
PLAN CODE A652 assist you. If you cannot call collect from your location, If an emergency occurs during a trip that requires you to visit
dial direct and give the assistance provider your telephone a doctor, you should call the Emergency Hotline to obtain the
number and location and they will call you back. names of local qualified doctors who speak your language.
If additional medical services are required, the assistance
To call collect from a foreign country you may first need provider is prepared to consult with the attending physician
The material contained within is your Certificate of Insurance. to reach a live operator on the line. In some cases, that
No coverage is in force unless payment has been made for and provide such assistance, as they believe to be in your
operator may not understand how to process collect calls to best interest.
this plan. The Master Policy, available upon request, will the United States. To be prepared, please visit
govern the final interpretation of any provision or claim. www.consumer.att.com/global/english/away/directservice.html Traveling Companion Assistance
for information on how to reach an English-speaking operator. If a Traveling Companion loses previously-made travel
Note: If you are traveling with an infant under the age of two If you were unable to reach CSA collect and paid for your call, arrangements due to your medical emergency, the assistance
coverage will automatically be extended to the infant at no we will ask you for a number to call you back so you will pay provider will arrange for your Traveling Companion’s return
additional cost. no further charges. home.
This plan applies ONLY to those travel arrangements booked In the event of a life-threatening emergency, please first
call the local emergency authorities to receive immediate
Emergency Cash Transfer
through the company offering this plan. If your cash or traveler’s checks are lost or stolen, or
assistance and then contact the assistance provider.
unanticipated emergency expenses are incurred, the
IMPORTANT: Keep this document and carry a copy with you There may be times when circumstances beyond the assistance provider will help arrange for an emergency
when you travel. If you need to cancel your trip, contact assistance provider’s control hinder their endeavors to cash transfer in currency, traveler’s checks, or other
the company you booked with immediately to cancel your provide help services; however, they will make all reasonable forms as deemed acceptable by the assistance provider.
reservation. efforts to provide services and help resolve your problem. The assistance provider will advance up to $500 after
satisfactory guarantee of reimbursement from you.
The assistance provider cannot be held responsible for
for certificate inquiries or customer service, call:
failure to provide, or for delay in providing services when Legal Referral
(800) 876-6903 such failure or delay is caused by conditions beyond its The assistance provider will locate attorneys available during
control, including but not limited to flight conditions, labor regular working hours. Assistance will also be provided
for emergency assistance disturbance and strike, rebellion, riot, civil commotion, war to advance bail bond, where permitted by law. You are
24 hours a day during your trip, call: or uprising, nuclear accidents, natural disasters, acts of responsible for contracted legal fees.
God or where rendering service is prohibited by local law or
in the u.s. regulations. Locating Lost or Stolen Items
The assistance provider will assist in locating and replacing
(866) 922-0278 The assistance provider’s staff will do their best to refer
lost or stolen luggage, documents and personal possessions.
you to the appropriate providers. However, the assistance
collect worldwide
provider and CSA cannot be held responsible for the quality Replacement of Medication and Eyeglasses
or results of any services provided by these independent The assistance provider will arrange to fill a prescription that
(202) 974-6480 practitioners. has been lost, stolen or requires a refill, subject to local law,
whenever possible. The assistance provider will also arrange
for shipment of replacement eyeglasses. Costs for shipping
This plan is administered by CSA Travel Protection and Insurance Services.
1 2
of medication or eyeglasses, or a prescription refill, etc. are Meet-and-greet services include the pick-ups of friends; When Coverage Ends
your responsibility. The refill may require a visit to a local family members or business associates at airports or other Your coverage automatically ends on the earlier of:
physician. You should be prepared to furnish the assistance common carrier destinations by limousine personnel.
1. the date the Covered Trip is completed; or
provider with a copy of your original prescription and/or the
Personalized retail shopping assistance includes purchasing
name and phone number of your regular attending physician. 2. the Scheduled Return Date; or
selected retail items at your request.
Embassy and Consular Services 3. your arrival at the return destination on a round trip, or the
Pre-trip assistance provides information on travel destination on a one-way trip; or
The assistance provider will provide referrals to travelers destinations, city profiles, weather, special events, ATM
needing the assistance of U.S. embassies and consulates. locations, currency exchange rates, immunization and 4. cancellation of the Covered Trip covered by the plan.
passport requirements, and related services. All coverages under the plan will be extended if your entire
Worldwide Medical Information
The assistance provider can provide necessary inoculation Procurement of hard-to-find items ensures our associates Covered Trip is covered by the plan and your return is de-
and vaccination information, and detailed general health and will use every means possible to obtain an obscure or exotic layed by unavoidable circumstances beyond your control.
medical descriptions of destinations around the world. item at your request. If coverage is extended for the above reasons, coverage will
Restaurant reviews and reservations provides you with end on the earlier of the date you reach your originally sched-
Interpretation/Translation uled return destination or seven (7) days after the Scheduled
The assistance provider will assist with telephone information on restaurants worldwide and the ability to book
reservations from anywhere, anytime. Return Date.
interpretation in all major languages or will refer you to an
interpretation or translation service for written documents. Rental car reservations provide worldwide reservations
through most major rental car agencies. SUMMARY OF COVERAGES
Emergency Message Relay
Emergency messages can be relayed to and from friends, Airline reservations provide full-service air travel Emergency Assistance Benefits
relatives, personal physicians and employers. accommodations to destinations worldwide. We will pay this benefit, up to the amount on the Schedule,
for the following Covered Expenses incurred by you, subject
Pet Return to the following: 1) Covered Expenses will only be payable at
The assistance provider will arrange for the return of your
the Usual and Customary level of payment; 2) benefits will
pet to your home if your pet is traveling with you and you are If you are not satisfied for any reason, you may return your be payable only for Covered Expenses resulting from a Sick-
unable to take care of your pet due to a medical emergency. certificate within 10 days after receipt. Your plan payment will ness that first manifests itself or an Injury that occurs while
be refunded, provided there has been no incurred covered on a Covered Trip; 3) benefits payable as a result of incurred
Vehicle Return expense. When so returned, the certificate is void from the Covered Expenses will only be paid after benefits have been
The assistance provider will make arrangements to have a beginning. Return the certificate to our authorized agent. paid under any Other Valid and Collectible Group Insur-
designated person or provider return your vehicle to your ance in effect for you. We will pay that portion of Covered
home (or your rental vehicle to the closest rental agency) After this 10-day period, the payment for this plan is Expenses, which exceeds the amount of benefits payable for
if you experience a medical emergency or mechanical non-refundable. such expenses under your Other Valid and Collectible Group
problems, which prevent you from driving the vehicle. Insurance.
ELIGIBILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATES OF INSURANCE Please refer to the Definitions, for an explanation of Pre-
CONCIERGE SERVICES Existing Conditions, which are excluded under the Emergency
Who is Eligible for Coverage
City profiles provide travelers access to information on Assistance Benefits.
A person who has arranged to take a Covered Trip, and pays
over 10,000 destinations worldwide, including a complete the required plan payment, and is a resident of the United Covered Expenses:
report on local entertainment, social customs, and health States of America or Canada. 1. expenses incurred by you for Physician-ordered emer-
advisories. gency medical evacuation, including medically appropriate
When Coverage Begins transportation and necessary medical care en route, to
Epicurean needs arranges the delivery of specialized foods the nearest suitable Hospital, when you are critically ill or
All coverages (except Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation and
and beverages to your home or office, including gourmet injured and no suitable local care is available, subject to
Post-Departure Trip Interruption) will take effect on the later
meats and fine wine. the Program Medical Advisor’s prior approval;
of: 1) the date the plan payment has been received by our
Event ticketing provides tickets to virtually any sporting, authorized agent; 2) the date and time you start your Cov- 2. expenses incurred for non-emergency medical evacuation,
theater or concert event worldwide. ered Trip; or 3) 12:01 A.M. Standard Time on the Scheduled including medically appropriate transportation and medical
Departure Date of your Covered Trip. care en route, to a Hospital or to your place of residence
Flowers and gift baskets include the purchase and shipment in the United States of America or Canada, when deemed
of flowers and gift baskets to friends, family members, and Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation coverage will take effect at medically necessary by the attending physician, subject to
business associates. 12:01 A.M. Standard Time on the day after the date your the Program Medical Advisor’s prior approval;
plan payment is received by our authorized agent.
Golf outings and tee times provide referrals and tee times at 3. expenses for transportation not to exceed the cost of
golf courses around the world. Post-Departure Trip Interruption coverage will take effect on one round-trip economy-class air fare, to the place of
the Scheduled Departure Date of your Covered Trip if the hospitalization for one person chosen by you, provided
Hotel accommodations offers research and required plan payment is received. that you are traveling alone and are hospitalized for more
recommendations on hotels worldwide and book reservations than 7 days;
if requested by you.
3 4 5
4. expenses for transportation, not to exceed the cost of the treating Physician, be so disabling as to delay your arrival Baggage and Personal Effects Benefit
one-way economy-class air fare, to your place of residence on your Covered Trip or to prevent you from continuing your We will reimburse you, less any amount paid or payable from
in the United States of America or Canada, including Covered Trip. any other valid and collectible insurance or indemnity, up
escort expenses, if you are 18 years of age or younger to the amount shown in the Schedule, for direct loss, theft,
and left unattended due to the death or hospitalization of We will pay a benefit if: 1) your arrival on your Covered Trip
damage or destruction of your Baggage, passports or visas
an accompanying adult(s), subject to the Program Medical is delayed beyond the Scheduled Departure Date; or 2) you
Advisor’s prior approval; during your Covered Trip. We will also pay for loss due to
are unable to continue on your Covered Trip after you have
unauthorized use of your credit cards, if you have complied
5. expenses for one-way economy-class air fare (or first departed on your Covered Trip due to Other Covered Events,
with all of the credit card conditions imposed by the credit
class, if your original tickets were first class) to your place as defined.
card companies.
of residence in the United States of America or Canada, Post-Departure Trip Interruption Benefits
from a medical facility to which you were previously evacu- Valuation and Payment of Loss
We will reimburse you, less any refund paid or payable, for
ated, less any refunds paid or payable from your unused Payment of loss under the Baggage and Personal Effects
transportation tickets, if these expenses are not covered unused land or water travel arrangements.
Benefit will be calculated based upon an Actual Cash Value
elsewhere in the plan; 1. the additional transportation expenses by the most direct basis. For items without receipts, payment of loss will be cal-
6. repatriation expenses for preparation and air transporta- route from the point you interrupted your Covered Trip: culated based upon 75% of the Actual Cash Value at the time
tion of your remains to your place of residence in the a. to the next scheduled destination where you can catch of loss. At our option, we may elect to repair or replace your
United States of America or Canada, or up to an equiva- up to your Covered Trip; or Baggage. We will notify you within 30 days after we receive
lent amount for a local burial in the country where death your Proof of Loss.
occurred, if you die while outside the United States of b. to the final destination of your Covered Trip; or
America or Canada. We may take all or part of damaged Baggage as a condition
2. the additional transportation expenses incurred by you by for payment of loss. In the event of a loss to a pair or set of
the most direct route to reach your original Covered Trip
Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Benefits destination if you are delayed and leave after the Sched-
items, we will: 1) repair or replace any part to restore the
Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation uled Departure Date. pair or set to its value before the loss; or 2) pay the differ-
We will pay a Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit, up to ence between the value of the property before and after the
However, the benefit payable under 1 and 2 above will not loss.
the amount in the Schedule, if you are prevented from tak-
exceed the cost of a one-way economy air fare (or first class,
ing your Covered Trip due to your, your Family Member’s, or Continuation of Coverage
if the original tickets were first class) by the most direct route
Traveling Companion’s Sickness, Injury, or death that occurs If the covered Baggage, passports or visas are in the custody
less any refunds paid or payable for your unused original
before departure on your Covered Trip. The Sickness or Injury of a Common Carrier, and delivery is delayed, this cover-
must: a) commence while your coverage is in effect under age will continue until the property is delivered to you. This
the plan; b) require the examination and treatment by a Phy- Travel Delay continuation of coverage does not include loss caused by or
sician, in person, at the time the Covered Trip is canceled; If your Covered Trip is delayed for 12 hours or more, we will resulting from the delay.
and c) in the written opinion of the treating Physician, be so reimburse you, up to the amount shown in the Schedule for
disabling as to prevent you from taking your Covered Trip. Items Not Covered
reasonable additional expenses incurred by you for hotel We will not pay for damage to or loss of:
We will pay a benefit if you are prevented from taking your accommodations, meals, telephone calls and local trans-
Covered Trip due to Other Covered Events, as defined, that portation while you are delayed. We will not pay benefits for 1. animals; or
occur before departure on your Covered Trip. expenses incurred after travel becomes possible. 2. property used in trade, business or for the production of
Travel Delay must be caused by or result from: income, household furniture, musical instruments, brittle
Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefits
a. Common Carrier delay; or or fragile articles, or sporting equipment if the loss results
We will reimburse you, up to the amount in the Schedule, for from the use thereof; or
the amount of forfeited, prepaid, non-refundable, non-re- b. loss or theft of your passport(s), travel documents or
funded, and unused published payments or deposits that you money; or 3. boats, motors, motorcycles, motor vehicles, aircraft, and
paid for your Covered Trip. other conveyances or equipment, or parts for such convey-
c. quarantine (except as a result of a pandemic or ances; or
Post-Departure Trip Interruption epidemic); or
4. artificial limbs or other prosthetic devices, artificial teeth,
We will pay a Post-Departure Trip Interruption Benefit, up d. hijacking; or dental bridges, dentures, dental braces, retainers or other
to the amount in the Schedule, if: 1) your arrival on your orthodontic devices, hearing aids, any type of eyeglasses,
Covered Trip is delayed beyond the Scheduled Departure e. natural disaster or adverse weather; or sunglasses or contact lenses; or
Date; or 2) you are unable to continue on your Covered Trip f. a documented traffic accident while you are en route to 5. documents or tickets, except for administrative fees
after you have departed on your Covered Trip due to your, a departure; or required to reissue tickets; or
Family Member’s, or Traveling Companion’s Sickness, Injury,
g. unannounced strike; or 6. money, stamps, stocks and bonds, postal or money
or death. For item 1 above, the Sickness or Injury must: a)
commence while your coverage is in effect under the plan; b) h. a civil disorder; or orders, securities, accounts, bills, deeds, food stamps or
for item 2 above, commence while you are on your Covered credit cards, except as noted above; or
i. your, a Family Member traveling with you or a Traveling
Trip and your coverage is in effect under the plan; and c) Companion’s Injury or Sickness; or 7. property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the
for both items 1 and 2 above, require the examination and Scheduled Departure Date; or
treatment by a Physician, in person, at the time the Covered j. a Family Member traveling with you or a Traveling
Companion’s death. 8. contraband.
Trip is interrupted or delayed; and d) in the written opinion of
6 7 8
Losses Not Covered is not to obtain health care or treatment of any kind; the trip INJURY means bodily harm caused by an Accident which: 1)
We will not pay for loss arising from: has defined departure and arrival dates and defined depar- occurs while your coverage is in effect under the plan; and
ture and arrival places specified when the Insured applies; 2) requires examination and treatment by a Physician. The
1. defective materials or craftsmanship; or
and the trip does not exceed 45 days in length. Injury must be the direct cause of loss and must be indepen-
2. normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration, inherent vice; dent of all other causes and must not be caused by, or result
or DOMESTIC PARTNER means a person who is at least
from, Sickness.
eighteen years of age and you can show: 1) evidence of
3. rodents, animals, insects or vermin; or financial interdependence, such as joint bank accounts or INSURED means an eligible person who arranges a Covered
4. mysterious disappearance; or credit cards, jointly owned property, and mutual life insurance Trip, and pays any required plan payment.
or pension beneficiary designations; 2) evidence of cohabita-
5. electrical current, including electric arcing that damages or INSURER means Stonebridge Casualty Insurance Company.
tion for at least the previous 6 months; and 3) an affidavit of
destroys electrical devices or appliances. domestic partnership if recognized by the jurisdiction within OTHER COVERED EVENTS means only the following unfore-
Your Duties in the Event of a Loss which they reside. seeable events or their consequences which occur while
In case of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and Personal coverage is in effect under this Policy:
Effects, you should: 1) immediately report the incident to the medical treatment or surgical procedure that is not medically 1. Common Carrier delays resulting from inclement weather,
hotel manager, tour guide or representative, transportation necessary including any service, treatment, or supplies that or mechanical breakdown of the aircraft, ship or boat or
official, local police or other local authorities and obtain their are deemed by the federal, or a state or local government motor coach on which you are scheduled to travel, or orga-
written report of your loss; and 2) take reasonable steps to authority, or by us to be research or experimental or that is nized labor strikes that affect public transportation;
protect your Baggage from further damage, and make neces- not recognized as a generally accepted medical practice.
sary, reasonable and temporary repairs. We will reimburse 2. arrangements canceled by an airline, cruise line, motor
FAMILY MEMBER includes your or your Traveling Compan- coach company, or tour operator, resulting from inclem-
you for these expenses. We will not pay for further damage if
ent weather, mechanical breakdown of the aircraft, ship
you fail to protect your Baggage. ion’s dependent, spouse, child, spouse’s child, son/daugh-
or boat or motor coach on which the Insured is scheduled
ter-in-law, parent(s), sibling(s), brother/sister, grandparent(s), to travel, or organized labor strikes that affect public
Baggage Delay Benefit grandchild, step-brother/sister, step-parent(s), parent(s)-in- transportation.
We will reimburse you, up to the amount shown in the Sched- law, brother/sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, guard-
ule for the cost of reasonable additional clothing and per- ian, Domestic Partner, foster child, or ward. Items 1 and 2 above are subject to the following conditions:
sonal articles purchased by you, if your Baggage is delayed a. the scheduled carrier connecting times must meet
for 24 hours or more during your Covered Trip. We will also FINANCIAL INSOLVENCY means the total cessation or airline required legal minimum connect times; and
reimburse you up to $25 for expenses incurred during your complete suspension of operations due to insolvency, with or
b. the scheduled time between arrival at the Scheduled
Covered Trip to expedite the return of your delayed baggage. without the filing of a bankruptcy petition, whether voluntary
Trip Departure City and the scheduled trip departure
This coverage terminates upon your arrival at the return or involuntary, by a tour operator, cruise line, airline, rental must be 2 hours or longer.
destination of your Covered Trip. car company, hotel, condominium, railroad, motor coach
company, or other supplier of travel services which is duly 3. a change in plans by you, a Family Member traveling with
licensed in the state(s) of operation other than the entity you, or Traveling Companion resulting from one of the
DEFINITIONS or the person, organization, agency or firm from whom you following events which occurs while coverage is in effect
under this Policy:
directly purchased or paid for your Covered Trip. There is no
In the Certificate, “you”, “your” and “yours” refer to the
coverage for the total cessation or complete suspension of a. being directly involved in a documented traffic accident
Insured. “We”, “us” and “our” refer to the company providing
operations for losses caused by fraud or negligent misrepre- while en route to departure;
this coverage. In addition, certain words and phrases are
sentation by the supplier of travel services.
defined as follows: b. being hijacked, quarantined (except as a result of
HOME means your primary or secondary residence. a pandemic or epidemic), required to serve on a jury,
ACCIDENT means a sudden, unexpected, unintended and or required by a court order to appear as a witness in
external event, which causes Injury. HOSPITAL means an institution which meets all of the follow- a legal action, provided you, a Family Member traveling
ing requirements: with you or a Traveling Companion is not 1) A party to
ACTUAL CASH VALUE means purchase price less depreciation.
the legal action, or 2) Appearing as a law enforcement
1. it must be operated according to law; officer;
BAGGAGE means luggage, personal possessions and travel
documents taken by you on the Covered Trip. 2. it must give 24-hour medical care, diagnosis and treat- c. your Home made Uninhabitable by fire, flood, volcano,
ment to the sick or injured on an inpatient basis; earthquake, hurricane or other natural disaster;
COMMON CARRIER means any land, water or air conveyance
operated under a license for the transportation of pas- 3. it must provide diagnostic and surgical facilities super- d. mandatory evacuation or public official evacuation
sengers for hire, not including taxicabs or rented, leased or vised by Physicians; advisements where there is no mandatory evacuation
privately owned motor vehicles. 4. registered nurses must be on 24-hour call or duty; and issued by local government authorities at your
destination due to adverse weather or natural disaster.
COVERED TRIP means: 1) A period of round-trip travel away 5. the care must be given either on the hospital’s premises In order to cancel or interrupt your Covered Trip, you
from Home to a destination outside your city of residence; or in facilities available to the hospital on a prearranged must have 4 days or 50% of your total Covered Trip
the purpose of the trip is business or pleasure and is not to basis. length or less remaining on your Covered Trip at the
obtain health care or treatment of any kind; the trip has de- time the mandatory evacuation ends;
A Hospital is not: a rest, convalescent, extended care,
fined departure and return dates specified when the Insured e. being called into active military service to provide aid
rehabilitation or other nursing facility; a facility which primarily
enrolls; the trip does not exceed 45 days; or 2) A period of or relief in the event of a natural disaster;
treats mental illness, alcoholism, or drug addiction (or any
one-way travel that starts in the U.S. or Canada (except U.S.
ward, wing or other section of the hospital used for such f. a documented theft of passports or visas;
citizens may begin their trip outside the U.S., if returning to
purposes); or a facility which provides hospice care (or wing,
the U.S.); the purpose of the trip is business or pleasure and
ward or other section of a hospital used for such purposes).
9 10 11
g. a Terrorist Act which occurs in your departure city or TERRORIST ACT means an act of violence, other than civil dis- l. operating or learning to operate any aircraft, as pilot
in a city which is a scheduled destination for your order or riot, (that is not an act of war, declared or undeclared) or crew;
Covered Trip, provided the Terrorist Act occurs within 7 that results in loss of life or major damage to property, by any
days of the Scheduled Departure Date for your m. mountain climbing, bungee cord jumping, skydiving,
person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organi- parachuting, hang gliding, parasailing or travel on any
Covered Trip; zation which is generally recognized as having the intent to air-supported device, other than on a regularly
h. your involuntary termination of employment or layoff, overthrow or influence the control of any government. scheduled airline or air charter company;
which occurs more than 15 days after your effective
date of coverage and was not under your control. TRAVELING COMPANION means a person whose name(s) n. any unlawful acts, committed by you or a Traveling
You must have been continuously employed with the appear(s) with you on the same Covered Trip arrangement Companion (whether insured or not);
same employer for 2 years prior to the termination or and who, during the Covered Trip, will accompany you.
o. any amount paid or payable under any Worker’s
layoff. This provision is not applicable to temporary Compensation, Disability Benefit or similar law;
UNINHABITABLE means the dwelling is not suitable for
employment or self-employed persons.
human occupancy in accordance with local public safety p. a loss or damage caused by detention, confiscation or
OTHER VALID AND COLLECTIBLE GROUP INSURANCE guidelines. destruction by customs;
means any group policy or contract which provides for pay-
USUAL AND CUSTOMARY CHARGE means those charges q. Elective Treatment and Procedures;
ment of medical expenses incurred because of Physician,
for necessary treatment and services that are reasonable for
nurse, dental or Hospital care or treatment; or the perfor- r. pandemic and/or epidemic;
the treatment of cases of comparable severity and nature.
mance of surgery or administration of anesthesia. The policy
This will be derived from the mean charge based on the s. medical treatment during or arising from a Covered
or contract providing such benefits includes group or blanket
experience in a related area of the service delivered and the Trip undertaken for the purpose or intent of securing
insurance policies; service plan contracts; employee benefit medical treatment;
MDR (Medical Data Research) schedule of fees valued at the
plans; or any plan arranged through an employer, labor union,
100th percentile and the Anesthesia Relative Value Guide. t. Financial Insolvency of the person, organization or firm
employee benefit association or trustee; or any group plan
created or administered by the federal or a state or local from whom you directly purchased or paid for your
government or its agencies. In the event any other group GENERAL PLAN EXCLUSIONS Covered Trip, Financial Insolvency which occurred,
or for which a petition for bankruptcy was filed by a
plan provides for benefits in the form of services in lieu of
The following exclusion applies to the Emergency travel supplier;
monetary payment, the usual and customary value of each
service rendered will be considered a Covered Expense. Assistance, Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, and Travel u. business, contractual or educational obligations of you,
Delay coverages: a Family Member or a Traveling Companion (does not
PHYSICIAN means a person licensed as a medical doctor by 1. We will not pay for loss or expense caused by or incurred apply to to 3h of Other Covered Events);
the jurisdiction in which he/she is resident to practice the resulting from a Pre-Existing Condition, as defined in the
healing arts. He/she must be practicing within the scope of plan, including death that results therefrom. This Exclu- v. failure of any tour operator, Common Carrier, or other
his/her license for the service or treatment given and may sion does not apply to benefits under Covered Expenses travel supplier, person or agency to provide the
items 1 and 2 (emergency medical evacuation) or item bargained-for travel arrangements;
not be you, a Traveling Companion, or a Family Member of
6 (repatriation of remains) of the Emergency Assistance
yours. w. a loss that results from an illness, disease, or other
Benefits Coverage.
condition, event or circumstance which occurs at a
PRE-EXISTING CONDITION means an illness, disease, or time when the plan is not in effect for you.
The following exclusion applies to all coverages:
other condition during the 60-day period immediately prior to 2. We will not pay for any loss under the plan, caused by, or
your effective date for which you or your Traveling Companion resulting from:
or Family Member is scheduled or booked to travel with you: WAIVER OF THE PRE-EXISTING CONDITION EXCLUSION
a. your, your Traveling Companion’s, or Family Member’s
1. received, or received a recommendation for, a diagnostic suicide, attempted suicide, or intentionally self-inflicted The Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion is waived provided you
test, examination, or medical treatment; or injury, booked to travel with you, while sane or insane meet all of the following requirements:
(while sane in CO & MO); 1. the payment for this plan is received prior to/or within 24
2. took or received a prescription for drugs or medicine. hours of your initial payment for your Covered Trip; and
b. mental, nervous, or psychological disorders;
Item 2 of this definition does not apply to a condition which 2. you are not disabled from travel at the time you make your
is treated or controlled solely through the taking of prescrip- c. being under the influence of drugs or intoxicants, plan payment; and
tion drugs or medicine and remains treated or controlled unless prescribed by a Physician;
without any adjustment or change in the required prescription 3. the booking for the Covered Trip must be the first and only
d. normal pregnancy or resulting childbirth or elective booking for this travel period and destination.
throughout the 60-day period before coverage is effective abortion;
under this Policy.
e. participation as a professional in athletics; GENERAL PROVISIONS
SCHEDULED DEPARTURE DATE means the date on which
you are originally scheduled to leave on your Covered Trip. f. participation in organized amateur and interscholastic Concealment or Fraud We do not provide coverage if you
athletic or sports competition or events;
have intentionally concealed or misrepresented any material
SCHEDULED RETURN DATE means the date on which you
g. riding or driving in any motor competition; fact or circumstance relating to the coverage plan.
are originally scheduled to return to the point where the Cov-
ered Trip started or to a different final destination. h. declared or undeclared war, or any act of war; Conformity to Law Any provision of the plan that is in conflict
with the laws of the state in which it is issued is amended to
SCHEDULED TRIP DEPARTURE CITY means the city where i. civil disorder (does not apply to Travel Delay);
conform with the laws of that state.
the scheduled trip on which you are to participate originates. j. service in the armed forces of any country (does not
apply to 3e of Other Covered Events); Duplication of Coverage You may only purchase one certifi-
SICKNESS means an illness or disease of the body which
cate from us for each Covered Trip. If you do purchase more
requires examination and treatment by a Physician. k. nuclear reaction, radiation or radioactive contamination; than one certificate for a specific Covered Trip, the Maximum
12 13 14
Limit of Coverage payable will be as specified in the certifi- Legal Actions No legal action may be brought to recover defrauding or attempting to defraud the company. Penalties
cate with the highest level of benefits. We will refund plan on the plan within 60 days after written Proof of Loss has may include imprisonment, fines, denial of insurance, and
payments received from you under any other certificate. been given. No such action will be brought after three years civil damages. Any insurance company or agent of an insur-
from the time written Proof of Loss is required to be given. ance company who knowingly provides false, incomplete, or
Entire Contract; Changes The plan may be changed at any
If a time limit of the plan is less than allowed by the laws of misleading facts or information to a policyholder or claimant
time by written agreement between us. Only our President,
the state where you live, the limit is extended to meet the for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the
Vice President or Secretary may change or waive the provi-
minimum time allowed by such law. policyholder or claimant with regard to a settlement or award
sions of the plan. No agent or other person may change the
payable from insurance proceeds shall be reported to the
plan or waive any of its terms. The change will be endorsed Payment of Claims Benefits for loss of life will be paid to
Colorado Division of Insurance within the Department of
on the plan. your estate, or if no estate, to your beneficiary. All other
Regulatory Agencies.
benefits are paid directly to you, unless otherwise directed.
Examination Under Oath As often as we may reasonably re-
Any accrued benefits unpaid at your death will be paid to your FLORIDA RESIDENTS (TAHC5000AC.FL)
quire, you or any person making a claim under the plan must
estate, or if no estate, to your beneficiary. If you have as- The second sentence in the LEGAL ACTIONS provision under
submit to examination under oath.
signed your benefits, we will honor the assignment if a signed CLAIMS PROVISIONS is deleted and replaced by the follow-
Maximum Limit of Coverage The maximum benefit amount copy has been filed with us. We are not responsible for the ing sentence: No such action will be brought after five years
for each claim is listed in the Schedule, subject to the validity of any assignment. from the time written Proof of Loss is required to be given.
individual benefit amount and the company’s Maximum Limit
of Liability. The total limit of our liability for any one covered Please direct all inquiries or to obtain information about this
TRAVEL INSURANCE IS UNDERWRITTEN BY: coverage and to provide assistance in resolving complaints
event, in which two or more persons submit a claim, is
subject to the individual benefit amount and the company’s Stonebridge Casualty Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio; to CSA Travel Protection at 1-800-876-6903.
Maximum Limit of Liability. In the event of multiple claims by NAIC # 10952 under Policy/Certificate Form series TAHC- The definition of FINANCIAL INSOLVENCY under the
you for one event, the available funds will be distributed in 5000GCS and TAHC5000GPS. DEFINITIONS section is amended to remove the last
order of notice of claim by each Insured subject to the above sentence; “There is no coverage for the total cessation or
limitations. WHERE TO PRESENT A CLAIM complete suspension of operations for losses caused by
Maximum Limit of Liability All limits are applied per Covered fraud or negligent misrepresentation by the supplier of travel
All claims should be presented to the Program Administrator: services.”
Trip. We will pay no more than $1,000,000 per occurrence
to or on account of any person insured under the policy. Our
Maximum Limit of Liability for all claims resulting from the
P. O. Box 939057 The CLAIMS PROVISION, LEGAL ACTIONS section, is de-
same occurrence will be $10,000,000 collectively under the
San Diego, CA 92193-9057 leted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
TAHC series of policies.
(800) 541-3522 (Toll-Free)
Our Right to Recover From Others We have the right to re- LEGAL ACTIONS No action at law or in equity shall be
cover any payments we have made from anyone who may be brought to recover on this Policy prior to the expiration of
CERTIFICATE STATE EXCEPTIONS sixty days after written Proof of Loss has been furnished in
responsible for the loss. You and anyone else we insure must
sign any papers and do whatever is necessary to transfer The following amendments do not waive, alter, or extend accordance with the requirements of this Policy. No such
this right to us. You and anyone else we insure will do noth- any conditions or provision of the Policy except to the extent action shall be brought after the expiration of three (3) years
ing after the loss to affect our rights. shown below. It is subject to all the terms and limitations of after the written Proof of Loss is required to be furnished.
the Policy.
CLAIMS PROVISIONS These amendments take effect and expire concurrently with The GENERAL PROVISIONS is amended as follows:
the Certificate to which it is attached.
Notice of Claim We must be given written notice of claim OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS
within 90 days after a covered loss occurs. If notice cannot Payments of any benefits will allow us to be subrogated
be given within that time, it must be given as soon as reason- to and succeed to the rights of the Insured for recovery
ably possible. Notice may be given to us or to our authorized against any person, organization or carrier in accordance
section, is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the
agent. Notice should include the claimant’s name and with applicable laws if you have been fully compensated. The
enough information to identify him or her. Insured and anyone else we insure must sign any papers
CONCEALMENT OR FRAUD and do whatever is necessary to transfer this right to us. The
Proof of Loss Written Proof of Loss must be sent to us within
We do not provide coverage when the Insured has intention- Insured and anyone else we insure will do nothing after the
90 days after the date the loss occurs. We will not reduce
ally concealed or misrepresented any material fact or circum- loss to affect our right.
or deny a claim if it was not reasonably possible to give us
stance relating to this Policy if: 1) fraudulent; 2) material or
written Proof of Loss within the time allowed. In any event, The CLAIMS PROVISIONS is amended as follows:
hazardous in our acceptance; or 3) in good faith we would
you must give us written Proof of Loss within twelve (12) The autopsy provision of the PHYSICAL EXAMINATION AND
not have issued the Policy or not issued a policy in as large
months after the date the loss occurs unless you are legally AUTOPSY section is deleted.
an amount, or at the same premium rate, or provided cover-
age with respect to the hazard resulting in the loss if the true The following is added to the PAYMENT OF CLAIMS section:
Physical Examination and Autopsy At our expense, we have facts had been known. Medical expense benefits for Covered Expenses will be paid
the right to have you examined as often as necessary while a within twenty-five (25) days after receipt of due written proof
claim is pending. At our expense, we may require an autopsy COLORADO RESIDENTS – Disclosure: It is unlawful to
of such loss in the form of a clean claim where claims are
unless the law or your religion forbids it. knowingly provide false, incomplete, or misleading facts or
submitted electronically, and will be paid within thirty-five
information to any insurance company for the purpose of
(35) days after receipt of due written proof of such loss in
15 16 17
the form of a clean claim where claims are submitted in by such other medical insurance will become the deductible ENTIRE CONTRACT; CHANGES section, 2nd, paragraph,
paper format. A “clean claim” means a claim received by amount of this Policy if such benefits exceed the deductible 3rd paragraph, and 4th sentence are deleted in its entirety
us for adjudication and which requires no further informa- amount shown in the Benefit Schedule. and replaced with the following: No agent or other person
tion, adjustment or alteration by the provider of services or may change this Policy or waive any of its terms, however,
The following exclusion in the EXCLUSIONS section is deleted
the Insured in order to be processed and paid by us. In the if you make a change through the agent and the agent fails
in its entirety:
event medical expense benefits due are not paid within the to make the change with the Company, the change will be
applicable time period prescribed, we will pay interest on “nuclear reaction, radiation or radioactive contamination” and handled as if the agent had made the change. No change will
accrued medical expense benefits at the rate of one and one- replaced with the following: be made except by endorsement.
half percent (1.5%) per month until the claim is finally settled
“nuclear reaction, radiation or radioactive contamination, The CLAIMS PROVISIONS is amended as follows:
or adjudicated. In the event we fail to pay benefits when
due, the person entitled to such benefits may bring action to except for involuntary exposure”.
LEGAL ACTIONS section, 2nd sentence is deleted in its
recover such benefits, and any interest, which may accrue, The PROOF OF LOSS provision in the Claims Provisions sec- entirety and replaced with the following:
and any other damages. tion of the Policy is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the
No such action will be brought after six years from the time
MONTANA RESIDENTS (TAHC5000AS.MT) written Proof of Loss is required to be given.
The following provision is added to the PROOF OF LOSS Written Proof Of Loss must be sent to us
GENERAL PROVISIONS section of the Policy: within 180 days after the date the loss occurs. We will not re- WISCONSIN RESIDENTS (TAHC5000AS.WI)
duce or deny a claim if it was not reasonably possible to give The GENERAL PROVISIONS, OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER
CONFORMITY WITH MONTANA STATUTES The provisions of us written Proof of Loss within the time allowed. In any event, FROM OTHERS section, is deleted in its entirety and re-
this Policy conform to the minimum requirements of Montana you must give us written Proof of Loss within twelve (12) placed with the following:
law and control over any conflicting statutes of any state in months after the date the loss occurs unless the Insured is
which the Insured resides on or after the effective date of OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS We have the right
legally incapacitated. to recover any payments we have made from anyone who
this Policy.
OKLAHOMA RESIDENTS (TAHC5000AM.OK) may be responsible for the loss. The Insured and any other
The PHYSICAL EXAMINATION AND AUTOPSY provision un- person to whom we make payment must sign any papers
der the CLAIM PROVISIONS section of the Policy is deleted Under GENERAL PROVISIONS, the Arbitration provision is and do whatever is necessary to transfer this right to us. The
in its entirety and replaced with the following: deleted entirely. Insured and any person to whom we make payment agree(s)
Under GENERAL PROVISIONS, the first sentence in OUR to cooperate with us and to do nothing after the loss that will
RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS is amended to read: We adversely affect our rights. We will not retain any payments
we have the right to have the Insured examined as often as
have a right to recover, within 24 months of the payment date until you have been made whole with regard to any claim pay-
necessary while a claim is pending. At our expense, we may
in the absence of fraud, to recover any payments we have able under this Policy.
require an autopsy in case of death unless the law or religion
of the Insured forbids it. made from anyone who will be responsible for the loss.
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