Tourism Development Plan of Marabut, Samar: Proposal

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Faculty of Management and Development Studies

P210.1: Urban Planning Workshop

First Semester AY 2018-2019


A Proposal

Submitted by:

Robert M. Del Rosario

Kristine Carmen D. Diones

Mario Reyes, Jr.

Rosalina S. Quitalig

Submitted to:

Carmelita R.E. U. Liwag

I. Introduction

Tourism, as it stimulates local economy, is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide and

perceives as an instrument for regional development (Creaco, et al., 2003). With this mind-set,

cities and municipalities are encouraged to consider and establish tourism as source of their local

revenue (WWTC, 2016). However, uncontrolled and unplanned tourism may have undesirable

impacts where sustainable development can be compromised (Palvic, et al., 2013).

According to Kreag (2001), a local tourism development plan is an essential tool in achieving

sustainable tourism. The undesirable impacts of tourism will be handled simply if leaders,

planners, and individuals develop, implement, and follow their tourism development plan.

Tourism Management in the Philippines

In the Philippines, tourism development and promotion are among the functions of Local

Government Units (LGUs) as mandated by the Local Government Code of 1991 (R.A. 7160).

The Republic Act of 9593 or known as National Tourism Act (R.A. 9593) is enacted in 2009 to

provide guidance on how to effectively and efficiently implement tourism at the national and

local levels. The law mandates LGUs, especially those that have significant tourism industry, to

formulate and implement tourism development plan, have a permanent tourism officer, and

establish tourist information and assistance centre.

Tourism Development Plan

A Tourism Development Plan is a strategic framework that provides for the orderly and rational

development of the tourism sector within a given area, providing the policy and approaches to

develop, promote and integrate various programs and projects such as, but not limited to,

accessibility, including infrastructure and transportation; investments and businesses;

environment; cultural heritage; tourism products; marketing; human resources development;

community development, among others (DOT, 2010).

The R.A. 9593 also states that LGUs’ local tourism development plans should integrate zoning,

land use, infrastructure development, the national system of standards for tourism enterprises,

heritage and environmental protection imperatives in a manner that encourages sustainable

tourism development. The plan should also take into account gender considerations, disaster risk

reduction, and climate change adaptation principles, in accordance with Magna Carta of Women

(R.A. 9710), Climate Change Act of 2009 (R.A. 9729), and Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction

Management Act (R.A. 10121).

Municipality of Marabut – “Naturally Marabut”

The Municipality of Marabut, though a fifth class municipality located in the southernmost part in

the Province of Samar, is identified as a Tourism Development Area (TDA) in the Samar Island

Tourism Master Plan (2011-2016). It lies approximately between coordinates 125 0 05’ and 1250

30’ east longitude and between 11000’ and 11 0 20’E north latitude and bounded by Basey, Samar
on the north, San Pedro Bay on the west, Leyte Gulf and Lawaan Bay on the south, and the

municipalities of Llorente and Lawaan of Eastern Samar on the east.

The Municipality of Marabut is politically subdivided into 24 barangays where 23 of it are

situated between the coast and the foot of the mountains. With the exemplary location and

physical features of the municipality, the municipalityit is well-known for its Marabut Marine

Park (with towering rock islands) and the Caluwayan Palm Island Beach Resort and Jasmin

Beach Resort, among others. Aside from it, the municipality has also several other untapped

tourism potentials such as the Parola Lighthouse (in an islet), Marabut Extreme Adventure,

Tinago Enchanted Lagoon and Madungbadong Island (rare red corals).

Despite of its potentials, the town is highly susceptible to tropical cyclone and storm surge

resulting to being one of the hardest hit municipalities in the Province of Samar during super

Typhoon Yolanda. Moreover, it is also highly vulnerable to earthquake because of the presence of

Southern Samar Lineament- a potential active fault line classified by Mines and Geoscience

Bureau (MGB) as “trace certain” (CDRA result, 2017). Considering these phenomena, vulnerable

tourist sites are susceptible to early depreciation that could lead to loss of income of some


In order to maintain and manage the tourism development of the Municipality of Marabut, the

students of the University of the Philippines – Open University (UPOU) decided aims to

formulate a Ten-year Tourism Development Plan of the Municipality of Marabut. The plan will

not only provide a blueprint for sustainable tourism development but also could become a

strategy to the Marabutnons and to the Samarnons on their road to recovery and resiliency.
Other reasons that the UPOU students considered for choosing Marabut among other LGUs are

the following:

 Marabut has an existing however outdated Tourism Development Plan, with Plan Period

of 2011-2013. Updating the plan will be advantageous for the municipality as it can be a

valuable input to their draft Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP+) and Enhanced

Comprehensive Land Use Plan (e-CLUP);

 The Province of Samar has an existing DRR/CCA Enhanced Provincial Development and

Physical Framework Plan, 2016-2021, which is a related document;

 On top of these, the Province of Samar has already ignited the spark through its

aggressively tourism campaigns - - “SPARK SAMAR”, which included Marabut as one

of the major features of Tandaya Trail I, and;

 The Municipality of Marabut is eager to formulate their Tourism Development Plan and

willing to shoulder expenses for the plan formulation. of it.

II. Objectives

The proposal is to develop a draft 10-year Tourism Development Plan (2019-2024) of the

Municipality of Marabut, Samar. Specifically, the proposal covers the identification and/or

formulation of the following components of the draft plan:

1. Executive Order creating the tourism development planning committee;

2. Tourism site evaluation;

3. Plan objectives, goals, and strategies;

4. Strategic issues and challenges affecting local tourism;

5. Strategic programs, projects, and activities to address identified issues and concerns;

6. Priority capacity development needs; and

7. Monitoring and evaluation strategy.

III. Methodology

The preparation of the Tourism Development Plan of the Municipality of Marabut will be a joint

effort between the students taking Diploma in Land Use Planning (DLUP) at UPOU and the

Municipality of Marabut. The UPOU team is assisted by their Faculty-in-Charge (FIC) Carmelita

R.E.U. Liwag and is composed of the following members:

1. Rosalina S. Quitalig – Team Leader

2. Kristine Carmen D. Diones

3. Robert M. Del Rosario

4. Mario Reyes, Jr.

In order to prepare the said plan, the UPOU team will utilize the Tourism Guidebook for Local

Government Units issued in 2014 by the Department of Tourism (DOT), Department of the

Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of the Environment and Natural Resources

(DENR), and Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP).

Following the process in the guidelines, the team will conduct data gathering and series of

consultation workshops with the LGU. Planning Team. It is proposed that all department heads

and sectoral representatives are present during the formulation of the Tourism Development Plan
to make the planning process inclusive, participatory, and consultative. The UPOU team will

have a total of three (3) LGU visits. Below are the details of activities to be conducted:

Activities Objective Expected Output Duration

Proposal Negotiation Students join the LGU approval 7 days

faculty In charge to
negotiate with the
MOA with the

Workplan by the

Organize/ Revitalize Functional EO for a Multi- 1 day EO Template

the Tourism members/committee sectoral committee Venue
Development identified for a membership Meals
Council/ LGU participatory planning established
Planning Team process
through an Executive

First LGU Visit

Conduct Entrance Hands on Expectations from 1 day Venue

Conference and development planning the LGU and LGU Meals
tourism planning to include courtesy expectations from Supplies
workshop with LGU call to chosen Marabut OU Planning Resource
planning team LGU Team Persons

To collect consensus Approved

from the LGU workplan
planning team

To conduct levelling
of expectations
Activities Objective Expected Output Duration

To present work plan

to the LGU planning

Data Gathering To gather necessary relevant and 1 day

data such as necessary data
Ecological profile and gathered
other sectoral/thematic
plans from different
LGU departments

To review existing
plans and programs

Site/Attraction To identify tourism Ranked list of 3  days Transportation

Evaluation and sites attractions Meals
Prioritization Venue for
To rank sites Supplies
according to their

Situation Analysis To analyze gathered Problem Analysis 15 days (this will be an

data using appropriate Objectives off-site
planning tools and Analysis activity)

Second LGU Visit

Finalization of Goals, To present the current Finalized Goals, 2 days Meals

objectives and tourism issues and objectives and Venue
strategies concerns and strategies Supplies
corresponding goals,
objectives, and
strategies to the
planning team

To finalize draft goals,

objectives, and
strategies with the
Activities Objective Expected Output Duration

planning team

Identification and To present draft PPAs List of prioritized 3 days Meals

prioritization of to the planning team
programs, projects, PPAs Venue
and activities (PPAs) To prioritize identified
PPAs Supplies

Packaging of the To develop a draft Draft tourism 15 days (this will be an

tourism development tourism development development plan off-site
plan plan activity)

Three LGU Visit

Presentation of draft Plan presented to the Draft plan 2 days

plan to LGU planning LGU Planning Team endorsed to
team and local and
development council

It is advisable that prior to courtesy call of the UPOU Team, the Municipality of Marabut has

established their Tourism Development Council/ LGU Planning Team with corresponding

approved Executive Order.

IV. Schedule of Activities

Considering that Tthe UPOU team has only three (3) months to formulate the draft Tourism

Development Plan of the Municipality of Marubut. t, all activities will be conducted hastily.

Below is a Gantt Chart of the proposed activities. specifying schedule of activities:

Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18
Activities Schedule
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Proposal Negotiation October 03-10,2018                        

Organize/ Revitalize the Tourism

Development Council/ LGU October 15, 2018
Planning Team through an
Executive Order                        

Conduct tourism planning October 22, 2018

workshop with LGU planning team                        
Data Gathering October 23, 2018                        
October 24-26,
Site/Attraction Evaluation and
Prioritization 2018                        
Oct. 27-Nov. 10,

Situation Analysis 2018                        

November 12-13,
Finalization of Goals, objectives
and strategies 2018                        
Identification and prioritization of November 14-16,
programs, projects, and activities
(PPAs) 2018                        
Nov. 17-Dec. 1,
Packaging of the tourism
development plan 2018                        
Presentation of draft plan to LGU December 8-9,
planning team and local
development council 2018                        

  On-site activity
  Desk work (off-site activity)
  to be done by LGU

V. Budgetary Requirements
A total of Php 492,000.00 is needed to formulate the draft Tourism Development Plan of the

Municipality of Marabut.

Given that this activity is a partnership between graduating students from UPOU and the

Municipality of Marabut, the following expenses is proposed to be shouldered by the

Municipality of Marabut charged to their usual accounting rules and regulations:

Particulars* Amount
Travelling Expenses of UPOU students and FIC Php 300,000.00
Food and Accommodation of UPOU students and FIC Php 70,000.00
Transportation of Participants for Site Validation Php 20,000.00
Meals for five (5) consultations workshops /meetings Php 100,000.00
Office Supplies/ Reproduction/ Group Insurance Php 420,000.00
TOTAL Php 492530,000.00
*see Annex for details

Budgetary Requirements for conduct of Consultation Workshops/Meetings

Food (Php 500 x

Total No. No. of Transportatio
Activity Participants no. of pax x no. of Supplies TOTAL
of pax days n
5 UPOU Team

2 MPDO Staff

2 Tourism Office Staff

1 MENRO Staff
Revitalize the
1 MAO Staff

Tourism 1 GAD representative

Development 1 MSWDO Staff 20 1 10,000.00 10,000.00

Council/LGU 1 Local Administrator

1 ABC President
Planning Team
1 Engineering Office Staff

1 LEIPO Staff

2 LDC Representatives

1 CSO Representative
Food (Php 500 x
Total No. No. of Transportatio
Activity Participants no. of pax x no. of Supplies TOTAL
of pax days n
5 UPOU Team

2 MPDO Staff

2 Tourism Office Staff

1 MENRO Staff

1 MAO Staff
Conduct tourism
1 GAD representative
planning workshop
1 MSWDO Staff 20 1 10,000.00 500.00 10,500.00
with LGU planning
1 Local Administrator
team 1 ABC President

1 Engineering Office Staff

1 LEIPO Staff

2 LDC Representatives

1 CSO Representative

Evaluation and - -

5 UPOU Team

a. Site evaluation 1 MPDO Staff 10 2 10,000.00 20,000.00 30,000.00

1 Tourism Office Staff
Food (Php 500 x
Total No. No. of Transportatio
Activity Participants no. of pax x no. of Supplies TOTAL
of pax days n
3 LGU Staff
5 UPOU Team

2 MPDO Staff

2 Tourism Office Staff

1 MENRO Staff

1 MAO Staff

1 GAD representative

b. Site priotization 1 MSWDO Staff 20 1 10,000.00 500.00 10,500.00

1 Local Administrator

1 ABC President

1 Engineering Office Staff

1 LEIPO Staff

2 LDC Representatives

1 CSO Representative

5 UPOU Team
Finalization of
2 MPDO Staff
Goals, objectives
2 Tourism Office Staff 20 5 50,000.00 1,000.00 51,000.00
and strategies and
1 MENRO Staff
PPAs 1 MAO Staff
Food (Php 500 x
Total No. No. of Transportatio
Activity Participants no. of pax x no. of Supplies TOTAL
of pax days n
1 GAD representative

1 MSWDO Staff

1 Local Administrator

1 ABC President

1 Engineering Office Staff

1 LEIPO Staff

2 LDC Representatives

1 CSO Representative
Presentation of 5 UPOU Team 20 1 10,000.00 10,000.00

Draft tourism 2 MPDO Staff

2 Tourism Office Staff

development plan
1 MENRO Staff
to LGU planning
1 MAO Staff
team and LDC
1 GAD representative

1 MSWDO Staff

1 Local Administrator

1 ABC President

1 Engineering Office Staff

1 LEIPO Staff
Food (Php 500 x
Total No. No. of Transportatio
Activity Participants no. of pax x no. of Supplies TOTAL
of pax days n
2 LDC Representatives

1 CSO Representative
TOTAL 110 11 100,000.00 2,000.00 20,000.00 122,000.00

Budgetary Requirements for accommodation and travel expenses of UPOU Team

Travelling Expenses
Activity No. of Pax No. of Days Accommodation Total
(Airfare and Land Travel)
1st LGU Visit 5 6 100,000.00 30,000.00 130,000.00
2nd LGU Visit 5 6 100,000.00 30,000.00 130,000.00
3rd LGU Visit 5 2 100,000.00 10,000.00 110,000.00
TOTAL 300,000.00 70,000.00 370,000.00

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