Boilers Notes
Boilers Notes
Boilers Notes
Definition of boilers: Boiler is defined as a closed metallic vessel in which the water is heated beyond
the boiling state by the application of heat liberated by the combustion of fuels to convert it into steam.
Function of a boiler: The function of the boiler is to supply the steam at the required constant
pressure with its quality either dry or as nearly as dry, or superheated. The steam can be supplied from
the boiler at a constant pressure by maintaining the steam generation rate and the steam flow rate.
According to the circulation of water and hot gases:-
Fire Tube boilers:- In fire tube boilers the hot flue gases produced by the combustion of fuel passes
through the tubes which are surrounded by water.
Eg: - Cornish boilers, locomotive boilers, marine boilers and Lancashire boiler
Water Tube boilers: - In water tube boilers water circulated inside the tubes, while the hot gases
produced by the combustion of fuels pass around the tubes.
1) Stationary boilers
2) Locomotive boilers
The devices which are necessary for the safe operation of the boiler are called as boiler mountings. They
are directly mounted on a boiler.
1) Water level indicator: It indicates the level of water in the boiler drum.Two water level indicators
are fitted at the front end of the boiler drum.
2) Pressure gauge: Indicates the pressure of the steam in the boiler. Pressure Gauge usually mounted
in the front end, at the top of the boiler
3) Safety Valves: When the pressure inside the boiler drum exceeds the desired level, the safety
valves blows off the excess steam from the boiler. Safety valves are placed directly on the top of
the boiler shell.
4) Steam stop valve: It regulates the flow of steam from the boiler.This valve is connected to a steam
pipe for the flow of steam from the boiler to engine.
5) Feed check valve: It checks the level of water in the boiler drum. It is fitted over the shell below
the normal water level of the boiler.
6) Blow off valve: Its function is to remove periodically the sediments and impurities collected at the
bottom of the boiler.
7) Fusible plug: It is a device used to extinguish the fire in the furnace. It is fitted over the
combustion chamber at appropriate place.
1. Economizer: The function of an economizer is to heat the feed water, before being
supplied to the boiler, using the products of combustion (flue gas) discharged from the
boiler.It is placed in between the boiler exit and the chimney entrance.
2. Air preheater: The function of an air preheater is to preheat the air being
supplied to the furnace for combustion. It is placed between the economizer and the
chimney entrance.
3. A super heater: is a device used to convert saturated steam or wet steam into dry steam.It is placed
in the combustion chamber below the boiler drum.
4. Feed pump: pumps the water into the boiler at high pressure. It is usually fitted outside the boiler.
5. Steam separator: it is used to separate the water particles are present in the steam
before enters the turbine or engines. It is placed closer to the engines.
6. Steam trap: it is used to drain off the condensed water accumulated in the steam pipes
and steam separator without allowing the escape of high pressure steam from it.
• In fire tube boilers, hot gases pass inside the tube and water surrounds the tubes
• Furnace is situated inside the boiler shell.
• Water circulates within the boiler drum only.
• Combustion efficiency is low. Combustion takes place in a small space within the boiler shell.
• Steam generation rate is slow.
• Rate of evaporation is low.
• Thermal efficiency is low.
• Cleaning, inspection and repairing is difficult due to in accessible parts.
Ex: Lanchashire Boiler
• This boiler consists of a large horizontal cylindrical shell placed on the brick wall.
Two large flue tubes are placed inside the shell, which carry the hot flue gases.
• The boiler shell is filled with water to three-fourth of its volume and the remaining
space is the steam space. Hot flue gases from the combustion are made to pass through
the flue tubes.
• In the first run it passes from the front end to the rear end of the boiler.
• At the rear end they are made to pass to the bottom central channel.
• In the bottom central channel the hot gases travel from rear end to the front end of the
boiler. This is the second run.
• At the front end the hot gases enter into side channels 1 and 2 and travel to the rear end
of the boiler. This is the third run.
• At the rear end hot gases coming out of channels 1 and 2 are made to exit to the
chimney through the rear exit passage. During the first, second and third pass the heat
transfer takes place between hot flue gases and the water in the shell, converting water
into steam.
• The steam gets accumulated in the steam space at the top.
• Super heater (set of U-tubes) is placed at the rear end of the shell.
• For safety the boiler consists of safety valve, steam stop valve, blow-off valve,
pressure gauge, etc.
• Simple in Design and Construction
• Maintenance is easy
• Heating surface area per unit volume is more.
• Occupies more space
• Formation of steam is low
• Suitable for steam up to 20 bar only
• In Water tube boilers, water pass inside the tube and hot flue gases surrounds the tubes
• Furnace is situated outside the boiler shell.
• Water circulates between the drum and the tubes maintaining a closed circuit.
• Combustion space is large, complete combustion of fuel is possible.
• Steam generation rate is fast.
• Evaporating capacity is high
• Thermal efficiency is high
• All parts of water tubes boilers are easily accessible for cleaning, inspection and repair
• High cost
• Used in power plants
Example: Babcock & Wilcox Boiler
e) Efficiency : 60 to 80%
Working: - Water is introduced into the boiler drum through the feed valve. Water
descends into the down take headers, into the water tubes and then into the uptake
headers. The hot flue gases from the furnace pass over the water tubes. The path of the
hot gases is guided by the baffle plates as shown in the fig., and passes out to the
chimney. As the hot gases pass over the water tubes, the water gets converted into steam.
This steam due to low density rises up the tube through the uptake headers and reach the
top of boiler drum. This sets up a natural circulation of water. The steam collected in the
boiler is wet. This is made to pass through the super heater U-tubes just below the boiler
drum. The hot gases on their way out pass over these tubes hence converting the steam
into superheated steam. The superheated steam in then passed out to the turbine through
the steam stop valve. For safety the boiler consists of safety valve, steam stop valve,
blow-off pipe, and pressure gauge, etc.
• Evaporation capacity is high
• The defective tubes can be replaced easily
• Efficiency is high compared to a fire tube boiler
• Can be used in power plants for power generation.
• Initial Cost is high.
Important Questions:
1. Explain with a neat sketch of Fire Tube and Water Tube boilers.
2. Differentiate between Water Tube and Fire Tube Boilers.
3. List and Explain any 5 Boiler Mountings.
4. List and explain any 5 Boiler Accessories.
5. What is Boiler and Classify the Boilers Briedfly.
6. What are the advantages of Water Tube Boilers over fire tube boilers?
7. Explain with a neat sketch of Lancashire Boiler with advantages and disadvantages.
8. Explain with a neat sketch of Babcock &Wilcox Boiler with advantages and
9. List the boiler mounting and accessories and also mention its uses.
Sagar S
Assistant Professor
Dept of ME