Safariland: Concealment Holsters
Safariland: Concealment Holsters
Safariland: Concealment Holsters
SAFARILAND Concealment Holsters
Safariland Custom Fit 567 Holsters Colt 1911, Para, STI/SVI Autos F27-19269 $29.95
The Model 567 Custom Fit holster is one of the lightest, thinnest, best fit- Glock 34/35 F27-19270 29.95
ting concealment holsters available. True to its name, it adjusts to a wide vari- Springfield 4” XD F27-19271 29.95
ety of popular handguns, giving each a “custom fit” in this holster. Springfield 5” XD F27-19272 29.95
2” Revolvers F27-19261 $43.95 Glock 17/22 with Accessory-Rail-Mounted: ITI Streamlight M3, M6,
4” K & L-Frame S&W, Ruger, and Colt Rev. F27-19262 43.95 TLR-1, TLR-2; SureFire X200; or LAS-TAC 2 F27-19273 $39.95
4” N-Frame S&W Revolvers F27-19263 43.95 Glock 20/21 with Accessory-Rail-Mounted: ITI Streamlight M3, TLR-
5” N-Frame S&W Revolvers F27-19264 43.95 1; SureFire X200; or LAS-TAC 2 F27-19274 39.95
Beretta Compact, Taurus Compact, CZ-75, Colt Commander Model SIG P220/P226 with Accessory-Rail-Mounted: ITI Streamlight M3,
F27-19265 43.95 TLR-1, TLR-2; SureFire X200; or LAS-TAC 2 F27-19275 39.95
Beretta, Taurus, Browning HP, Colt 1911 F27-19266 43.95 Safariland Model 6377 ALS™ Holsters
Colt Officers’ Model, Glock 19/23, SIG P228, HK USP Compact The Model 6377 is a concealment version of the all new Automatic Locking
9/40 F27-19267 43.95 System series holster. Once the weapon is holstered, it locks into place, provid-
Glock 17, 20, 21, 22, HK USP 9/40, Ruger P Series, SIG P220 ing an extra measure of security from the standard open-top holster.
F27-19268 43.95 Glock 17/22 F27-19444 $39.95
Safariland Model 5187 Holsters Glock 20/21 F27-19443 39.95
The 5187 incorporates Safariland’s new adjustable belt loop and comes SIG 220/226 F27-19446 39.95
with an accessory spacer kit so that the user can adjust the space between the SIG 220/226 with Accessory Rail (no light) F27-19447 39.95
holster and body. A compact, lightweight concealment holster available for SIG 228 F27-19445 39.95
handguns with and without accessory rail mounted lights. IDPA approved. S&W M&P 9/40 F27-19448 39.95