Sequence Stratigraphy and Carbonate Platform Organization of The Devonian Santa Lucia Formation, Cantabrian M...
Sequence Stratigraphy and Carbonate Platform Organization of The Devonian Santa Lucia Formation, Cantabrian M...
Sequence Stratigraphy and Carbonate Platform Organization of The Devonian Santa Lucia Formation, Cantabrian M...
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Regional setting
reworking of the lagoonal deposits. The dolomites are Shallow subtidal to lower intertidal facies association
early diagenetic in origin and are a common feature in
arid supratidal environment. Thin beds of fine-grained Description
wackestones with a sharp base represent storm-deposits.
The siltstone-shale facies generally alternate with finely This facies association generally consists of Aulopora-
laminated microbial limestones. Thicker beds of this boundstone facies and peloidal-grainstone facies, locally
terrigenous facies might be related to an alluvial-fan alternating with beds of fine-grained wackestone facies.
system entering the restricted lagoon, whereas thinner The aulopores are the main constituents of small, lat-
shale covers might be windblown dust from the hinterland. erally discontinuous patch-reefs, which are arranged to
A more detailed discussion of these sediments is a work in form biostromes. Sporadically, they are associated with
progress and will be published elsewhere. stromatoporoids and alternate with peloidal grainstones be-
From a larger-scale perspective of the shelf, De Coo tween the patch reefs. The diameter of the peloids changes
(1974), Méndez Bedia (1976) and Buggisch et al. (1982) between 20 and 200 µm and they lack internal structures.
all inferred a lagoonal setting for these deposits. This la- Lithoclasts, fragments of ostracods, calcispheres and
goon was bounded to the north by the Cantabrian Block brachiopods are present. Bird’s-eyes and LF-fabrics are
and towards the south by a reef belt. abundant in the peloidal-grainstone facies (Fig. 6).
Table 1 Lithofacies distinguished in the Santa Lucia Formation with detailed lithologic description and interpretation
Lithofacies type Mineralogy, Sedimentary Sorting and Components and organisms Thickness Interpretation
(LFT) texture and and biogenic grain size
color structures
Bird’s-eyes mud- Medium gray Desiccation Poor in Peloids, ostracods, 0.5–1.0 m Intertidal to supratidal
stone/microbial lime- cracks, grains, calcispheres, fragmented environment colonised
laminites mudstone LF-fabrics, grains auloporoids, gastropods, by microbial mats.
(LFT1) with microbial <1 mm brachiopods and crinoids Fragments of different
abundant laminae, organisms record the
calcite bird’s-eyes occasional influence of
cements structures storms
Textureless Blue-gray Large voids Poor in Few gypsum minerals, 1.0–20.0 cm Supratidal low-energy
mudstone/ lime- filled by grains ostracods and calcispheres sediments, restrictive
dolomite mudstone, calcite conditions within a
(LFT2) locally lagoon
Fine-grained, Brownish- Bird’s-eyes, Well-sorted LITHOCLASTS, 1.0–50.0 cm Intertidal to shallow
well- sorted gray fenestral and calcispheres, ostracodes, subtidal intermediate
wackestone wackestone fabrics, rounded fragments of brachiopods, energy environment with
(LFT3) bioturbation, crinoids, gastropods and normal marine, well
wavy to corals (Favosites, aerated conditions
nodular auloporoids)
Poorly sorted Medium to Oscillation Poor sorting Plasticlasts, fragments of 30–40 cm Shallow subtidal normal
wackestone dark gray ripples (crest and gastropods (dominant), marine environment right
(LFT4) wackestone distance rounding, corals (Favosites, above normal wave base
10.0–14.0 cm) fragments auloporoids, between low-energy and
between thamnoporoids), trilobites high-energy conditions
1.0 and (rare) and sponge spicules (transition zone)
7.0 mm (rare)
Peloidal Medium gray Bird’s-eyes and Well-sorted Abundant peloids, cm to dm Intertidal to shallow
grainstone to brown fenestral and lithoclasts, calcispheres, subtidal intermedium
(LFT5) pack/ fabrics, rare rounded fragments of ostracods, energy sediments,
grainstone bioturbation brachiopods restrictive conditions
Aulopora- Medium gray Patch-reef like Poorly Auloporoids, rare 5.0–20.0 cm Shallow subtidal to
boundstone boundstone structures sorted stromatoporoids, peloids laterally intertidal restricted,
(LFT6) associated not lagoonal environment
with continues with occasional storm
grainstones events
Well-sorted, fine Light gray Abundant Well-sorted,
Crinoids dominant, 30–80 cm Subtidal intermediate
grained grainstone bioturbation grains brachiopods common, energy sediments, deposit
grainstone with chert between fragments of trilobites, near normal wave base
(LFT7) nodules 0.5 and bryozoans, corals
1.0 mm (thamnoporoids,
stromatoporoids and rare
Well-sorted, Light gray Rare Well-sorted, Crinoids dominant; dm Subtidal high-energy
coarse grained grainstone bioturbation grains up to brachiopods, bryozoans sediments indicating
grainstone 5.0 mm and corals (thamnoporoids, normal marine conditions
(LFT8) Favosites) are rare
Poorly sorted Medium gray Not recognized Poorly Crinoids are dominant; dm Subtidal storm-generated
pack-/ pack-/ sorted, bryozoans, brachiopods sediments accumulated
grainstone grainstone grains and stromatoporoids are in a fore-reef zone and
(LFT9) with beween common; fragments of recording normal marine
siliceous 0.5 mm and trilobites, tentaculites and conditions
nodules 2.0 cm auloporoids are rare
Table 1 Continued
Lithofacies Mineralogy, texture Sedimentary and Sorting and Components and organisms Thickness Interpretation
type (LFT) and color biogenic grain size
Highly diverse Medium gray Bioherm buildups Poorly Colonial and solitary rugose m Shallow subtidal
boundstone boundstone sorted corals, Favosites, buildups display
(LFT10) thamnoporoids, bryozoans changing energy
and stromatoporoids conditions and
record reef
development in a
normal marine
Marlstone and Yellowish tan marly mm-thick Mostly Rare crinoids, brachiopods mm to cm Subtidal low energy
marly lime mudstone to laminae, small well-sorted and bryozoans accumulations
limestone marlstone wave ripples
(LFT11) (rare)
Shales Reddish to light tan mm-thick laminae Well-sorted Not recognized cm Subtidal low energy
(LFT12) colored shales and sediments
Irregularly distributed among these facies are 1 to 50 cm are characterized as bafflestones. Colonial rugose corals
thick beds of well-sorted brown-grey wackestone facies. and massive tabulate corals (Favosites) form framestones;
These beds contain calcispheres, ostracods, brachiopod stromatoporoid build-ups are typically bindstones. Succes-
fragments, crinoids and rare fragments of gastropods, dif- sive stages of reef evolution as described by Walker and
ferent corals and mud chips. Alberstadt (1975) and James (1983) have not yet been ob-
served in these reef complexes. The reef build-ups are lat-
erally discontinuous and alternate with beds of reef debris
Interpretation and crinoidal pack-/grainstones. Wackestone facies are un-
common as are marlstone facies and siltstone-shale facies
This facies association reflects intertidal to shallow subtidal (Fig. 6).
environments. Buggisch et al. (1982) pointed out that small
Aulopora-biostromes typically occur in the Santa Lucia la-
goon close to the main reef belt. Flügel (1978) described Interpretation
peloids as most common in intertidal and shallow subti-
dal environments. The lack of bioturbation in these beds The highly diverse boundstone facies were formed in
indicates that the peloids are a decay product of different a normal-marine environment. Build-ups dominated by
algae rather than faecal pellets. Such peloids are mostly Favosites and stromatoporoids are typical along the sea-
formed in shallow subtidal to intertidal environments with ward, high-energy margin of reef complexes. Dendroid
slight wave-induced current activity. Beds of fine-grained tabulate and rugose corals (Synaptophyllum, Mesophyllum)
wackestone facies are interpreted as storm deposits. are common in the low-energy environment of the back-reef
(Méndez Bedia et al. 1994). Similar growth positions for
Subtidal facies association these organisms have been described in many Devonian
reefs (e.g. Machel and Hunter 1994). The poorly sorted
Description grainstones are interpreted as storm deposits whereas well-
sorted grainstones are inferred to be barrier (shoal) deposits.
This facies association is mainly composed of well-sorted, These facies accumulated in a shallow-subtidal environ-
fine-grained grainstone facies, well-sorted coarse-grained ment. Fine-grained grainstone facies locally alternates with
grainstone facies, poorly sorted pack-/grainstone facies and marly limestone beds and were more likely accumulated in
highly diverse boundstone facies. Poorly-sorted wacke- a subtidal low-energy environment probably farther down
stones, marlstones and siltstone-shale facies are only found the reef slope or in protected areas within the back-reef area.
locally. Main reef builders of the highly diverse bound-
stone facies are solitary rugose corals and different tab-
ulate corals and stromatoporoids. Important bafflers and Cycles and sequences
binders are bryozoans and dendroid or massive stromato-
poroids. Beds with mainly rugose corals (Synaptophyl- The fundamental depositional units of the Santa Lucia
lum, Mesophyllum), Thamnopora and dendroid bryozoans Formation are small-scale cycles or primary stratigraphic
units (see Fig. 3). These units are similar to Sonnenfeld’s Intertidal/supratidal cycles are the basic depositional
“fundamental cycles” in the Mississippian of western units of major parts of the Valporquero/Felmı́n section in
North America (Sonnenfeld 1996). Vail et al. (1977, 1991) the eastern part of the study area. In the Caldas de Luna
referred to similar genetically related cyclic stratigraphic section, the basal wackestone unit is commonly missing
packages as 5th order cycles and, in siliciclastic succes- and cycles are thinner there. In the latter section, dolomitic
sions, called them parasequences. Primary stratigraphic mudstones overlie basal marlstone beds. Symmetric inter-
units or cycles are common in Earth history and are the tidal/supratidal cycles are rarely developed and are gener-
basic modules of larger-scale cycles of many carbonate ally marked by fining-upward successions within the basal
platforms (e.g. Anderson et al. 1984; Goodwin and wackestone unit.
Anderson 1985; Elrick 1995; Sonnenfeld 1996).
The boundary between individual small-scale cycles is
generally marked by an abrupt facies change (flooding, Shallow-subtidal to lower intertidal cycles
landward shift of facies) whereas internally gradual facies
changes are observed up-section (see Fig. 3). These succes- Asymmetric small-scale cycles (between 1 and 7 m thick)
sions with a lack of transgressive sediments but a distinctive are found in the back-reef area (Fig. 3). They are com-
progradational trend are commonly described as asymmet- posed of biostromal boundstone facies overlain by peloidal
ric cycles (Wright 1984). Cycles with an additional, basal grainstone facies or wackestone facies. Finely laminated
retrogradational succession are referred to as symmetric or mudstones or nodular wackestones are abundant at the top
complete cycles. of an individual cycle. Aulopores, colonizing hardgrounds,
are the most common organisms in the basal boundstone
facies. The Aulopora boundstone facies laterally can be
traced into peloidal grainstone facies or bird’s-eye mud-
Small-scale cycles (or units)
stone facies. At Caldas de Luna, Thamnopora, Favosites
and bryozoans are common frame-builders indicating a
We identified small-scale cycles by their vertical facies suc-
more open-marine environment in this part of the study
cessions and bounding surfaces. Most of the cycles only
area. Peloidal grainstones were deposited in the shallow
show the progradational components typical of shallow-
subtidal to deep intertidal between small patch reefs be-
water, high-frequency cycles in peritidal environments
hind a large barrier reef. Microbial mudstone facies cap the
(James 1983; Wright 1984) and consequently represent
intertidal cycles indicating a decrease in accommodation
asymmetrical cycles. Three basic types of cycles are present
toward the end of each cycle. However, there is no evidence
in the Santa Lucia Formation: (1) intertidal/supratidal cy-
of subaerial exposure at the top of these cycles. Thin trans-
cles, (2) shallow subtidal/intertidal, restrictive cycles and
gressive units with rip-up lithoclasts covering the microbial
(3) subtidal cycles (see Fig. 3). Supratidal cycles occur in
mudstones along a sharp boundary are indicative of trans-
the tidal flat, shallow subtidal restrictive cycles are dom-
gressive ravinement and the ensuing relative sea-level rise.
inant on the proximal shelf, and subtidal cycles are most
common on the distal shelf. The regional distribution of
these cycles indicates that all three types can occur within
Subtidal cycles
an individual depositional system and that they, dependent
on different positions across the extensive carbonate plat-
Most of the massive carbonate beds of the sections near
form, reflect different responses to a single sea-level event.
Mallo consist of subtidal cycles. They are also present
in parts of the lagoonal sections. The basal unit consists
of packstone or wackestone facies overlain by coarse-
Intertidal/supratidal cycles
grained grainstone facies of a high-energy environment
indicating progradation of higher energy environments
The thickness of these generally asymmetric units ranges
(Fig. 3). Crinoids, bryozoans, brachiopods and different
between a few centimetres and 6 m. A complete asymmet-
species of corals are the most common organisms of this
ric unit consists of a thin layer of wackestones facies at
open-marine fauna. The top of subtidal cycles is formed
the base. Abundant lithoclasts in this basal unit record re-
by poorly-sorted grainstone facies. Many of the cycles
working by strong currents or waves during a fast relative
miss the basal unit of wackestone/packstone. They are
sea-level rise and are similar to transgressive surfaces of
then identified by coarsening-upward of bioclasts within
erosion (Plint 1988, 1991). Bird’s-eye mudstones and thin
the grainstone facies.
marly layers are found in the middle part of these cycles.
Subtidal small-scale cycles are between 2 and 18 m thick
Microbial mudstone facies form the upper part of complete
and are mostly progradational. Facies changes between in-
cycles. Some cycles have desiccation cracks on their top in-
dividual cycles are commonly rather gradual and individual
dicating subaerial exposure. These shoaling-upward cycles
cycles are sometimes hard to distinguish. Consequently, it
were formed in a low-energy peritidal environment. De-
is possible that some of the thicker small-scale units are in
creasing accommodation is indicated by thinning upward
fact medium-scale cycles consisting of amalgamated small-
of beds within the individual units.
scale units.
Interpretation and development of small-scale cycles