NCP Post Op
NCP Post Op
NCP Post Op
Subjective: - Acute pain Within 8 hours of 1. Established rapport. 1. Good communication skills are After 8 hours of
“sakit akong related to nursing indispensable to basic concepts of nursing
akong opera abdominal interventions, the nursing care as communicating interventions,
maam labina inig incision patient will be able to effectively can help reduce the the patient was
mo katawa ko” secondary report pain is relieved risk of medical errors, ensure able to verbalize
as verbalized by to or controlled, appear better patient outcomes, and “okay na man
the patient colostomy relaxed and able to nurture patient satisfaction (Lang ako paminaw
Objective: as evidence participate in E. V., 2012) karon”.
-guarding by activities 2. Assessed patient’s description 2. Pain is usually provoked by
behavior verbalization appropriately. of pain activity and relieved by rest; joint Goal met.
-abdominal of pain 7/10 pain and aching may also be N.ZAFRA
discomfort present when the patient is at FSUU/SN
-Grimace face rest. Pain may manifest as an
ache, progressing to sharp pain
when the affected area is brought
to full weight-bearing or a full
range of motion (Martin, 2019)
3. Assessed pain every v/s taking. 3. Evaluation of pain is a
requirement of proper patient
care and is as important and basic
as the assessment and
management of
temperature, blood pressure,
respiratory rate, and heart rate
(Walis,, 2008).
4. Performed a comprehensive 4. Pain is a subjective experience
assessment of pain. and very individualized to the
Determined via assessment person experiencing it. Effective
the location, characteristics, pain assessments are crucial for
onset, duration, frequency, patient care. Not only does
quality, and severity of pain. controlled pain improve the
patient’s comfort, it also
improves other areas of their
health, including their
psychological and physical
function (Moyle, S., 2015).
Provides baseline for comparison
to aid in determining
effectiveness of therapy,
resolution or progression of
5. Provided comfort measures— 5. Reduces muscle tension,
back rub— and diversional refocuses attention, promotes
activities. Encouraged stress sense of control, and may
management techniques, such enhance coping abilities in the
as progressive relaxation, management of discomfort or
guided imagery, visualization, pain, which can persist for an
and meditation. extended period.
- Instructed the pt to limit foods that - To diminish gastric irritants that may
include nausea and vomiting, avoid cause client to be reluctant to eat.
serving very hot and spicy foods