Earn Free Bitcoin by Watching Videos & Browsing The Internet
Earn Free Bitcoin by Watching Videos & Browsing The Internet
Earn Free Bitcoin by Watching Videos & Browsing The Internet
On the signup page enter your email address, choose a password and then select
currency as “Bitcoin” from dropdown menu. Lastly click the “Create Account”
Important: make sure you write down your selected password and keep it in a
safe place, if you lose it you won’t be able to access / recover your account.
Step 2: Once your account has been created proceed to download the
CPHFaucets.com software using the provided link on the Downloads Page
(located underneath the video displayed).
Once the software has been successfully downloaded to your computer proceed
to unzip the software folder.
Note: To unzip the folder, right click on it then click “Extract All”.
Recommended: Copy and Paste this folder to the desktop of your computer for
easy access and usage.
In order to use the mining software, you first need to check your version of
Chrome and then download a corresponding chrome driver to your computer.
Note: If you don’t already have Google Chrome installed on your computer,
please download it from https://www.google.com/chrome/ and install it before
proceeding any further with this tutorial.
Here select the version that corresponds to your Google Chrome version and
download it. Once downloaded unzip the folder.
Step 4: Copy and paste the chrome driver into the appropriate software folder.
Within the downloaded CPHFaucets mining software folder you should see two
- Automated Version
- Manual Version
- Locate and open up the folder where the Chrome application is installed on
your computer
The folder’s pathway may vary based upon which version of windows you
have installed on your computer.
Note: If you are unsure where the Chrome Application folder is on your
computer – go to your computers’ search bar and search for “chrome.exe”
Once you find it within the search, proceed to right click on it and then click
“Open file location”. Doing this will open up the Google Chrome Application
folder on your computer.
- Once you have successfully located the Google Chrome Application folder,
proceed to copy the folder’s url path.
To copy the path; simply select all of the paths’ text, then right click on it
and lastly click “Copy”.
To easily find it just type “system environment variables” into the search
bar on your computer. “System Environment Variables” is a setting within
the Control Panel of your computer.
Once you have found it click on it. On my computer the search result found
is called “Edit the system environment variables”.
- Once the “System Environment Variables” tab has been opened, proceed to
click on the “Environment Variables” button.
- Next locate the “Path” variable, click on it and then click the “Edit” button
once it has been highlighted.
- Next click “New”, and then Paste in the url path of the Google Chrome’s
Application folder
If Chrome opens after doing this, then it means that you successfully
completed Step 5. If Chrome doesn’t load, try completing Step 5 again
following the instructions above.
There are two separate methods you can use to earn free bitcoin.
With the automated method, the software application will essentially run on
your computer automatically and work to earn free bitcoin.
The software earning process involves automated website browsing and video
watching, the longer and more frequently you let the software run on your
computer, the more Bitcoin (Satoshis) you can earn.
The manual version of the CPHFaucets software will usually enable you to
successfully earn more Bitcoin (Satoshis) than the automated version, however
the downside is that this version requires you to do manual “Click and Search”
style work.
For the purposes of this tutorial I am going to choose the “Automated Version”
for now by double clicking on the subfolder.
Next you need to double click on the “run_chrome” file to open up chrome.
Note: Every time we run the Automated Version of the software, we need to
first double click on the “run_chrome” file.
Next to launch the “Automated Version” of the software simply double click on
the file titled “AutomatedSoftware”.
Once the application has launched. The next step is to login. Here you need to
login using your email address and password you used to signup for
For “Username” enter your email address used for CPHFaucets.com signup.
Once entered hit the “Enter” key on your keyboard.
Next enter your password and once again hit the “Enter” key on your
Once you have successfully logged in, the automated bitcoin earning process
will begin.
Don’t close the chrome window that was opened when you launched the
“run_chrome” application, doing this will prevent the software earning process
from working.
To view your earnings from the software, visit CPHFaucets.com and login to
your account.
From here you can view your Total Bitcoin Earnings and Bitcoin Balance.
How to Run the Manual Version of the Software
First off, open up the Manual Version folder. Then load the “ManualSoftware”
application by double clicking on it.
Once you have done that proceed to follow the instructions given to you by
the software to start earning free bitcoin (satoshis). Use the chrome window
that automatically was opened by the software to complete the “click and
search” style instructions.
The instructions that you need to follow are listed in the “Campaign
Instructions” section. An example of instructions given to you by the software
are “Visit google.com”.
In this case all you would need to do would be to visit google.com in the
google chrome browser window that was opened by the software.
Once you have done this, you have to remain on the webpage until the
campaign time countdown is finished and the software gives you another set
of campaign instructions to complete.
If you happen to come across a campaign that you don’t want to complete for
some reason, then just do nothing until the software moves on to give you a
new campaign.
Manual campaigns are very simple to complete, all you have to do is; visit
websites, search for content and watch videos.
The more campaigns you complete, the more Bitcoin (Satoshis) you will earn
from running the software.
With that being said, this successfully concludes our “How to Earn Free Bitcoin
using CPHFaucets.com Software” Tutorial. Good luck earning and if you have any
questions feel free to contact our support team.