How To Pick A: CT Scanner
How To Pick A: CT Scanner
How To Pick A: CT Scanner
- A guide to your next system
Ebook | 2021
10. SUM UP 17
CT scanners are often compared to MRI scanners.
Therefore, the first subject we will cover in this guide
is CT vs MRI, to check that you actually need a CT
rather than an MRI.
In this guide, we offer a comprehensive overview of
the factors you may consider when purchasing a CT
So, how to choose the right one?
Main Differences Between
CT Scanner MRI Scanner
Diagnose injuries from trauma Diagnose tendon and ligament injury
Determine location and size of a tumor Detect and evaluate spinal cord issue
Frequently, CT and MRI are used With MRI scanners, radiologists can Another difference between the two is
to image the same body area. detect bone marrow issues and examination speed. A CT exam is faster,
However, each provides different distinguish between yellow (fatty) typically 1 to 20 minutes. On the contrary, MRI
information about the region of marrow and red (hematopoietic) examinations range from 5 minutes and up to an
interest. marrow, thanks to the water and fat hour. Furthermore, MRIs are noisy, and patients
separation ability of the MRI. generally find them uncomfortable. And their
Bone imaging is a good example. deeper tube can be claustrophobic.
To examine bones, you typically In some cases, doctors may recommend
use a regular X-ray that creates 2D an MRI scan if the CT scan is unable to We hope you got an answer to what the
images or a CT scanner when you provide all the needed information. benefits of a CT scanner and differences
need to do a 3D bone imaging. between MRI and CT scan machines are.
For example, in case of some cancers,
However, when examining bone like cervical or bladder cancer, an MRI Coming up is CT scanner brands.
marrow, MRI scanners will be the may better show how deep the tumor
best at detecting abnormalities. has grown into body tissues.
Remember to tell, if you are used to working with a
specific model or simply have a strong personal brand
preference. Then you make sure to get the best guidance.
Premium CT Brands
Some of the most common CT scanner series on the
used market are Aquilion and Activion from Toshiba,
Somatom Emotion, Sensation, and Definition from
Siemens, BrightSpeed, Discovery, LightSpeed, and
A brief overview of the main CT manufacturers Optima from GE, and finally, Ingenuity and Brilliance
from Philips.
CT Scanner Slices
How many do you need?
This is a more in-depth More and more we also see The main effect of the slice count is on the time it
overview of number of slices. CT scanners with 256, and takes to perform a CT scan.
A specification that is usually 320-slices.
relevant very early in the The pros of a CT scanner with a higher number of
purchasing process, as number Systems with 4 to 8-slices slices are:
of slices is closely linked to the are still found in the used
type of exams that can be market but they are now • Reduced scan times
performed. becoming increasingly rare, • Higher patient throughput
as they are not widely • Lower radiation doses
In the used market, the most produced anymore.
• More detailed images with less artifacts
common available slice counts
include 16, 32, 64, and 128. • Better for advanced imaging, such as cardiac
Nevertheless, higher number of slices also means higher
price. And if you only perform routine studies, the extra
cost is most likely not worth it. For many facilities, a lower
slice count model with lower cost is a sound investment.
Let's look into the detail at the individual slice counts, from
4-slice to 320-slice CT scanners.
A 4- or 8-slice CT scanner is a good choice if you run a veterinarian The 16-slice is a commonly used CT scanner. It is the
clinic or a department with a low number of patients and do not have first choice of many clinics and radiology departments
a big need for fast diagnosis. where patient flow is steady. These units are great for
general studies.
These scanners are among the cheapest on the market, but also A scan performed by a 16-slice CT scanner is faster than
perform scans slower than CTs with higher slices. That is because the 4- or 8-slice. That makes the 16-slice suitable for
they can scan and detect only a small part of the body. urgent care centers and ERs where time is a factor – but
also for busy imaging facilities.
Furthermore, they are less powerful. And thus, they have a slightly
reduced sensitivity in their diagnostic capabilities – but are suitable
for follow-up procedures where time is not a factor.
The 32- and 40-slice scanners are usually found in similar The top-notch models, ranging from 128
situations and facilities as the 16-slice. to 320 slices, can provide whole body
scans in merely seconds, while providing
The difference is that the 32- and 40-slice scanners provide an incredibly sharp 3D image of any
more coverage per gantry rotation, and thus, reduce scan times organ.
compared to the 16-slice. Therefore, the image is not
influenced by motion artifacts to the same extent. The capabilities of these scanners are
often excessive in a general imaging
However, the price of a 32- and 40-slice is a bit higher. facility. Therefore, they are usually found
supporting specialty practices, such as
cardiac departments, research facilities,
or where the volume of patients is high.
64 slices
The speed and accuracy that comes with the 64-slice scanner
makes it suitable for practices with moderate to high patient
Trauma - Basic - No
Vascular Limited
CT Scanner Cost? Some of the other factors influencing the CT prices are:
Tube count
Accessories such as workstation and injector
Installation and warranty
Price Overview
Prices are in euros, for used systems, and for systems only - do not include warranty, installation, etc.
Tube Count
An X-ray tube is a crucial part of a CT scanner, and costly to replace. A new tube can
cost from 50.000 to 150.000 euro.
Therefore, tube condition influences CT price. A system is cheaper with a more heavily
used tube, but also has a bit higher risk of an impending cost. A newer tube equals less
risk and a higher price.
Tube condition is generally assessed with tube count, which can be measured in the
following ways:
X-ray tubes are defined by the amount of heat they can withstand, measured in MHU
(Mega Heat Unit). The larger the MHU, the more exams it can perform.
vs Water-Cooled
Another factor to consider when choosing a CT scanner is its type of cooling system. There are
many moving parts inside, and thus, heat is generated quickly. CTs are generally designed to
handle approximately 100 kW of power in the tube and a high patient load. And their cooling
system is important to ensure that the system is running optimally.
There are two types of cooling systems. The most widely used is air cooling, but you can also get
water-cooled models, mainly from Siemens and Philips. An example of water-cooled systems is
the Siemens Sensation line.
Whether you decide to go for a water-cooled or air-cooled system, make sure that the room
environment meets the load, temperature, and humidity specifications listed in the CT scanner
A long term cheaper cooling system Good for rooms with inconsistent humidity
with smaller footprint and temperature control
When we talk about used, refurbished, and new CT
scanners we refer to the condition of the CT.
or New
number of patients, how well it has been taken care of,
but also of the supplier your purchase it from. As
different resellers have different standards for what
they do with the system before they resell.
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Main Points
What slice count do you need?
The commonly available slice counts include
16, 32, 64, 128, 256, and 320-slice CT scanners.
Sum Up When choosing a CT, be sure it is suitable for
the studies you want to do. At the same time,
you should have a sufficient budget and be
We hope you have gained valuable insights from this guide.
clear on your patient flow targets.
Let us do a quick recap of the decision process in purchasing a CT:
What CT brand is the best for your practice? What type of CT scanner
cooling is better?
You have many different options, although we recommend one of the
following: GE, Siemens, Philips or Canon Medical (former Toshiba). There are two main variables to take into
They are all known for providing high quality. account – your facility and climate conditions.
Pick a brand based on access to service in your area. If you have a water source ready in your
facility and the temperateness and humidity
tend to be inconsistent, a water-cooled CT
What type of studies will you perform? scan machine is an option.
The answer to this question will be essential to knowing what type of On the other hand, if your space is limited, you
scanner you require. And whether you need a CT or maybe rather an might want to go with the more popular air-
MRI scanner? cooled CT scanner.
Crucial factors like slice count, software packages, and accessories all Furthermore, most manufacturers today
revolve around knowing which procedures you do. focus only on producing air-cooled CTs since
this technology is more advanced.
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How much does a What about tubes?
CT cost?
Tube condition is an important factor in CT pricing and
On the used market, the the purchasing decision process.
price of a CT scanner goes
from 35.000 euros up to The condition is based on tube count.
250.000 euros, sometimes
even more. There are Depending on the manufacturer, you can use one of
multiple factors in play, such the following measures:
as age, number of slices, • Total patient exams
demand, model, tube count • Clicks/counts
and others. • Scan seconds
• mAs (milliampere seconds)
Make sure that you match
your budget with your Do I need a workstation?
specific needs.
Yes, if you are going to do image analysis yourself.
See more specific price
ranges in the CT scanner However, if you send the images to a clinic specialized
pricing section. in diagnosing and interpreting medical images, you do
not need to get a workstation.
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