Quarter 1 - Week 2: Most Essential Learning Competency
Quarter 1 - Week 2: Most Essential Learning Competency
Quarter 1 - Week 2: Most Essential Learning Competency
Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Pangasinan National High School
Lingayen, Pangasinan
Quarter 1 - Week 2
Lesson 2:
“Life has got all those TWISTS AND TURNS. You’ve got to hold on tight
and off you go.” Nicole Kidman
Instruction: Complete the chart below and answer the guide questions below in the box provided.
KWL Chart
Topic: The Discipline of Counseling
What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned
About Counseling About Counseling About Counseling
Guide Questions:
1. What are your ideas about counseling?
2. Did you experience counseling? Why?
Instruction: If something is bothering about life matters: academics, relationships, family, identity, and
financial concerns, with whom do you share your problem? Will you pursue formal help or a non-formal
help? Why or why not? Explain your answer. Write your answer in the box.
As a science, on the other hand, is the objective dimension of the counseling process.
In practical terms, counseling happens when a person who is distressed asks for help and permit
another person to enter into a kind of connection with him/her. It is indicative with formal of someone in
search of counseling requests for time and attention from person who will listen, who will allow him/her to
speak and who will not condemn and criticize him/her.
Informal helping- is kin with formal helping in some ways such as presence of good listening
skills, empathy, and caring capacity.
Based on Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004, guidance and counseling is the profession that
implicates the application of “an integrated approach to the development of a well-functioning individual “
through the provision of support that aids an individual to use his/her potential to the fullest in accord with
his/her interest , needs and abilities. (University of Queensland, 2015).
At the American Counseling Association (ACA) Conference in Pittsburgh in March 2010, the
representatives come to an agreement on a mutual definition of counseling. They agreed that counseling is a
professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families and group to accomplish mental health,
wellness, education, and career goals (Kaplan, Tarvydas, and Gladding, 2014).
Goals of Counseling – the key component of individual, group, organizational and community success.
Detailed and expansive counseling goals have been identified by Gibson and Mitchell (2003), which are as
1. Development Goals – assist in meeting or advancing the clients human growth and development
including social, personal, emotional, cognitive, and physical wellness.
2. Preventive Goals – helps the client avoid some undesired outcome.
3. Enhancement Goals- enhance special skills and abilities.
4. Remedial Goals – assisting a client to overcome and treat an undesirable development.
5. Exploratory Goals - examining options, testing of skills, trying new and different activities, etc.
6. Reinforcement Goals - helps client in recognizing, that what they are doing, thinking, and feeling is
7. Cognitive Goals - involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills.
8. Physiological Goals – involves acquiring the basic understanding and habits for good health.
9. Psychological Goals – aids in developing good social interaction skills, learning emotional control,
and developing positive self – concept.
The presented list of counseling goals, some of which are enhancement of the above goals.
Goal Description
Insight Understanding of the origins and development
of emotional difficulties, leading to an
increased capacity to take rational control over
feelings and actions
Relating with others Becoming better able to form and maintain
meaningful and satisfying relationships with
other people: for example, within the family or
Self- awareness Becoming more aware of thoughts and feelings
that had been blocked off or denied, or
developing a more accurate sense of how self is
perceived by others.
Self- acceptance The development of a positive attitude toward
self, marked by an ability to acknowledge areas
of experience that had been the subject of self-
criticism and rejection
Self – actualization Moving in the direction of fulfilling potential or
achieving an integration of previously
conflicting parts of self.
Enlightenment Assisting the client to arrive at a higher state of
spiritual awakening
Problem- Solving Finding a solution to a specific problem that the
client had not been able to resolve alone.
Acquiring a general competence in problem –
Psychological education Enabling the client to acquire ideas and
techniques with which to understand and
control behavior
Acquisition of Social Skills Learning and mastering social and interpersonal
skills such as maintenance of eye contact, turn
taking in conversations, assertive, or anger
Cognitive change The modification or replacement of irrational
beliefs or mal adaptive thought patterns
associated with self- destructive behavior
Behavior change The modification or replacement of
maladaptive or self- destructive patterns of
Systematic change Introducing change into the way in that social
systems operate
Empowerment Working on skills, awareness, and knowledge
that will enable to client to take control of his or
her own life
Restitution Helping the client to make amends for previous
destructive behavior
Generality Inspiring in the person a desire and capacity to
care for others and pass on knowledge and to
contribute to the collective good through
political engagement
Source: McLeod, 2003
Scope of Counseling
The wide ranges of human problems create a widened scope and field of counseling. Broadly, the
scope of counseling includes individual counseling, marital and premarital counseling, family counseling,
and community counseling. A more focused subject matter related to scope of counseling is the 4757-15
Scope of Practice for Licensed Professional Counselors. It contains the rights and responsibilities of licensed
counselors including the following:
3. Engage in the diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders when under the
Source:supervision of a professional clinical counselor, psychologist, psychiatrists, independent
marriage and family therapist, or independent social worker.
4. Provide training supervision for students and registered counselor trainees when services are
within their scope of practice, which does not include supervision of the diagnosis and treatment
of mental and emotional disorders.
Source: http://codes.ohio.gov/oac4757-15
Core Values - is a key component of an organization. It has significant influence on other
organizational components, more specifically, to its members. It serves as standards that shape the members
behavior in their interaction with their clients and other people.
According to John McLeod (2003), the founders of humanistic psychology, including Maslow’s and
Roger’s, highlighted the importance of values.
Ethical Principles These are the ideas that underpin both personal and
professional codes.
1. Autonomy of individuals
Is based on the right to freedom of action and
freedom of choice in so far as the pursuit of
these freedom does not interfere with the
freedom of others; counseling cannot happen
unless the client has made a free choice to
Instruction: The following statements enable you to reflect on or figure – out your level of understanding
about counseling. You are required to agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Place a check
mark (/) on the After the Chapter Study column if you agree with the statement and a cross mark (X) if you
do not agree.
Instruction: In our discussion on counseling goals, John McLeod contends that: “counseling aims to
empower the client by helping him/her make critical decisions in life, develop ability to cope, enhance
effectiveness, and improve quality of life”. What do you think about this statement? Do you accept or support
it? How will it empower you? Explain your answer. Write your answer in the box.
WHAT CAN I DO? (Application)
Instruction: Among those four ethical principles that we discuss in class, namely, principle of autonomy of
individuals, principles of non-maleficence, principle of justice, and principle of fidelity, which will you
choose to present? Why this principle? What aspect of the principle influences you? Please explain. Write
your answers on the box.
Instruction: At present, how will you assess the way of life of our children most especially the abused and
neglected? Is help accessible? Why or why not? (Answer the question/s by applying the concepts that you
have learned from this lesson.)
Textbook: DIASS Curriculum Guide; Dela Cruz Arleigh Ross D., Fernandez Carl G., Melegrito Ma. Lourdes F., Valdez Violet B.
(2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., Quezon Avenue, Quezon City.
Website: https://www.academia.edu/37131995/DISCIPLINES_AND_IDEAS_IN_THE_APPLIED_SOCIAL_SCIEN
CES; https://www.unicef.org/philippines/media/556/file
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Teacher’s Signature Over Printed Name/Date