Canadian Association of General Surgeons Evidence Based Reviews in Surgery. 12
Canadian Association of General Surgeons Evidence Based Reviews in Surgery. 12
Canadian Association of General Surgeons Evidence Based Reviews in Surgery. 12
Chirurgie factuelle
*The CAGS Evidence Based Reviews in Surgery Group comprises Drs. J.S.T. Barkun, C. Cina, G.W.N. Fitzgerald, H.J.A. Henteleff,
H.M. MacRae, R.S. McLeod, C.S. Richard, M.C. Taylor and E.M. Webber, and Ms. M.E. McKenzie.
Correspondence to: Ms. Marg McKenzie, RN, Administrative Assistant, CAGS-EBRS, Mount Sinai Hospital, 1560 — 600 University
Ave., Toronto ON M5G 1X5; fax 416 586-5932;
' 2005 Canadian Medical Association Can J Surg, Vol. 48, No. 1, February 2005 63
Taylor and Logsetty
the colon. Type of repair had to have Nelson and Singer do not seem to Nelson and Singer tested all possi-
been decided by randomization after have done any other formal analysis of ble outcomes for heterogeneity to
confirmation of the colon injury. Pa- study validity. It would have been de- determine the likelihood that the dif-
tients in one comparison group must sirable had they used one of the several ferences observed were due to some-
have undergone repair of the injury instruments available that assess ran- thing other than chance. It is highly
with primary closure or resection with domized trials by their overall quality. desirable for the results of these tests
anastamosis; those in the other group, All 5 of the trials identified were to be non-significant. When statisti-
one of: exteriorization of the injury as included; methodological problems cally significant heterogeneity be-
a stoma, resection of the injured seg- were ascribed to each. Stone and tween studies exists, differences in
ment with an end stoma, or repair of Fabian2 excluded 48% of their pros- patients, exposures, outcomes or
the injury with proximal fecal diver- pective study patients, which makes study design may be responsible for
sion. Outcomes under consideration questionable whether their findings the varying treatment effect. In this
were as stated in the Abstract. can be generalized. Their allocation situation, combining results is gener-
The online search for studies was method was unacceptable, as well. ally inappropriate. (Even when test
not limited to articles in English. The study by Chappius and associ- results for heterogeneity are not sig-
The terms used in the database sear- ates3 was more inclusive, but their al- nificant, caution is still necessary
ches were colon trauma, colostomy, location method was unclear. In the when combining studies.)
primary repair, prospective and ran- study led by Falcone,4 patient alloca- For the 5 studies included in the
domized. References cited in the arti- tion was satisfactory and very severely meta-analysis, the χ2 test for hetero-
cles identified were also searched; injured patients were included, but geneity for the outcome “overall
nonrandomized studies were re- an intracolonic bypass device was mortality” was non-significant (p
viewed; and the directors of 2 trauma used. Sasaki and colleagues5 applied = 0.77). For the outcomes “intra-
units were asked if they were aware no exclusion criteria, but used a poor abdominal infection” and “wound
of any unpublished studies. As method of allocation. Patient alloca- complication,” there was likewise no
stated, 5 studies were identified that tion was satisfactory in the study by significant heterogeneity. But for the
met the criteria. Gonzalez and coauthors6 and no ex- outcomes “total complications” and
This process was carried out ac- clusion criteria were applied, yet their “infectious complications,” test re-
cording to established Cochrane analysis excluded 5 patients who died sults for heterogeneity were signifi-
guidelines and is unlikely to have in the early postoperative period. cant. In both cases, 1 trial accounted
missed important published studies (Appropriately, Nelson and Singer for the heterogeneity; when it was ex-
in the area. It may have been desira- adjusted the mortality in this trial to cluded, test results for both outcomes
ble to contact more than 2 trauma include those 5 early deaths.) became non-significant. In summary,
experts, and also to ask colorectal One concern with the studies is the results of the 5 studies can be
surgeons; but this is a minor point, that amounts of abdominal fecal combined with some assurance that
since important work done in the soilage present were not clearly differences are due to chance alone
area would probably be well known. stated. In 1 study, patients with any for the outcomes “overall mortality,”
Quality was assessed with use of notable amount of soilage were ex- “intra-abdominal infection” and
the Cochrane Reviewers Handbook. cluded. This was not stated in the “wound complication.”
After assessing the methodological other studies, which were assumed to One of the most important aspects
quality of the 5 studies independent- include all such injured patients, re- of meta-analysis is that it ensures that
ly, reviewers settled discrepancies by gardless of contamination. Clear in- studies of large numbers of patients
discussion. Adequacy of concealment dication of how much gross contam- are given more weight than studies
of patient allocation was categorized ination occurred would have been of small numbers. The overall results
by predetermined standard criteria: desirable. Based on this analysis and can be thought of as a weighted av-
A if satisfactory, B if unclear, and C if in the absence of this information, erage of the results of the individual
unsatisfactory. The Cochrane Col- surgeons may be less inclined to pro- trials. Clinically important differences
laboration now assesses quality on 4 ceed with a primary repair in a set- in outcome that are not statistically
points only: blinding of allocation ting of gross contamination. significant in small trials may become
(mandatory), blinding of interven- Four of the studies reported PATI significant when combined.
tion, outcome, and completeness of scores. The mean was 28.9 for the In the meta-analysis under discus-
follow-up. The fact that at least 2 re- primary-repair patients and 25.8 for sion, the difference in overall mortal-
viewers analyzed each paper reduces the stoma patients, suggesting that ity between the 2 groups was non-
the likelihood of errors, both random primary-repair patients had more ser- significant: 2.9% for the primary-
and systematic, and the assessments ious injuries than those in the diver- repair group, compared with 1.8%
performed appear to be reproducible. ted groups. for the diverted group (OR 1.70, CI
0.51–5.7; since the interval contains The only significant differences in clude that primary closure is proba-
1, the difference is not statistically outcome shown by this meta-analysis bly the more cost-effective option.
significant). The rates of total com- were that patients who underwent Primary repair of penetrating
plications and infectious complica- primary repair had lower rates of colon injuries is as safe as fecal diver-
tions were significantly lower in the intra-abdominal infections and sion, and has a lower rate of compli-
primary-repair group; however, as wound complications. In both sets of cations. This meta-analysis presents
previously noted, the test results for results, the 95% confidence intervals convincing evidence in favour of pri-
heterogeneity were significant, which were narrow, indicating considerable mary repair in all patients with such
makes this difference difficult to in- precision. injuries. Nelson and Singer1 have an-
terpret. Although the result became In general, the outcomes consid- swered the question posed very con-
non-significant by excluding 1 trial, ered in this overview are those sur- vincingly. The evidence presented,
no reason is apparent to exclude that geons would use to judge the relative and their discussion of evidence from
trial. The most reasonable conclusion merits of the treatment options. other non-randomized studies, dem-
from this analysis may be that the With mortality being the same and onstrate that primary closure is the
rate of total complications was not complications being lower, most sur- preferred treatment. This should
higher in primary-repair patients. geons would think that the most im- now be the standard of care for pa-
The rate of intra-abdominal infec- portant outcomes had been consid- tients with penetrating colon injuries,
tion was significantly lower in the ered. It would have been desirable to in all but the most unusual circum-
primary-repair group (OR 0.59, CI have complete length-of-stay data, stances.
0.38–0.94), for whom wound com- although when closure of the stoma
plications were also less common is included, the diverted group likely Competing interests: None declared.
(OR 0.55, CI 0.34–0.89). Nelson would have had longer hospital stays.
and Singer calculated these values It is apparent that both treatment
with and without wound dehiscence; options are safe and acceptable. 1. Nelson R, Singer M. Primary repair for
their rationale for excluding this When this is the case, the most desir- penetrating colon injuries [Cochrane re-
complication is unclear. They stated able measure of which treatment is view]. In: The Cochrane Library; Issue 3,
that dehiscence could be a result of superior is patient quality of life us- 2003. Oxford: Update Software. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev 2003;(3):CD002247.
technical error, but that is true of vir- ing a valid, established evaluation in-
tually every aspect of surgery. How- strument. However, no such data are 2. Stone HH, Fabian TC. Management of
ever, the fact that the difference was available. Most surgeons and, we are perforating colon trauma: randomization
significant whether or not wound sure, most members of the public between primary closure and exterioriza-
dehiscence was included actually would be fairly confident in saying tion. Ann Surg 1979;190:430-3.
strengthens the argument that pri- that other things being equal, life 3. Chappius CW, Frey DJ, Dietzen CD, Pan-
mary closure was superior. without a stoma would probably be etta TP, Buechter KJ, Cohn I Jr. Manage-
Nelson and Singer were unable to of higher quality than life with a ment of penetrating colon injuries: a pros-
calculate odds ratios for length of stoma. The need for a second opera- pective randomized trial. Ann Surg 1991;
hospital stay due to lack of data, but tion to close the stoma would proba- 213:492-8.
from what was available they calcu- bly also reduce quality-of-life scores. 4. Falcone RE, Wanamaker SR, Santanello
lated a mean length of stay of 12.7 Another relevant outcome is com- SA, Carey LC. Colorectal trauma: primary
days for the primary-repair group parative cost. Since primary closure repair or anasomosis with intracolonic by-
and 16.1 days for the diverted pa- leads to fewer complications, appears pass vs. ostomy. Dis Colon Rectum 1992;
tients. (These numbers did not in- to have a considerably shorter length 35:957-63.
clude hospitalizations of diverted pa- of hospital stay and eliminates the 5. Sasaki LS, Allaben RD, Golwala R, Mittal
tients for closure of their colostomy, need for a second operation, it is VK. Primary repair of colon injuries: a
although it is probable that most probably less expensive from both prospective randomized study. J Trauma
eventually underwent stoma closure.) health care and societal perspectives. 1995;39:895-901.
It would not be unreasonable to Although a large and detailed cost-
6. Gonzalez RP, Falimirsky ME, Holevar
conclude that primary closure does effectiveness analysis would be neces- MR. Further evaluation of colostomy in
not appear to increase the length of sary to prove this, the results of the penetrating colon injury. Am Surg 2000;
hospital stay. meta-analysis are sufficient to con- 66:342-7.