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wjpls, 2019, Vol.

5, Issue 5 57-62 Review Article ISSN 2454-2229

Nalini et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life

World Journal Sciences and Life Sciences
of Pharmaceutical
WJPLS SJIF Impact Factor: 5.088


*Dr. Nalini Ramesh Hedaoo, 2Dr. Mukund Baburao Bandale and 3Dr. Rajesh Kundalikrao Ingole
Assistant Professor, Rasashastra Department, Govt. Ayurved College, Nanded.
Associate Professor, Dr Vedprakash Patil Ayurved Medical College, Jalna.
Professor, Rasashastra Department, Govt. Ayurved College, Nanded.

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Nalini Ramesh Hedaoo

Assistant Professor, Rasashastra Department, Govt. Ayurved College, Nanded.

Article Received on 04/03/2019 Article Revised on 25/03/2019 Article Accepted on 15/04/2019

Obesity is included among top ten selected risk to health. Obesity causes many complications like hypertension,
coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, infertility, impotency etc. Acharya had defined Pathya as
that type of food article, drug and regimen, which do not affect the body and mind adversely. This study aimed as
to evaluate importance of antiobesity Ahar & Vihar or Pathyapathya given in Samhita Grantha and to evaluate its
applied aspect in daily routine life. Guru and Apatarpana diet are to be prescribed for obese. In order to control the
increased Vata and Agni heavy diet is necessary, and to reduce Meda and Kapha Apatarpanakar drug and diet is
necessary. In this study collected food preparation like Peya, Saktu, Yavagu etc. and Pathyapathya, Aharvarga
describe by various Acaryas from Samhita grantha and applied aspect of pathya Kalpana or food regimen
according to modern lifestyle. Pathya Kalpana or food regimen have main role in treatment of obesity if BMI is

KEYWARDS: Antiobesity food, Pathya, Apathya, Aharvarga etc.

INTRODUCTION There are two main type of fat distribution in adult first
is Gynoid Distribution (Pear Shape) in which
Obesity is a complex disorder involving an excessive
accumulated mainly around the hips and thighs and gives
amount of body fat. It increases risk of diseases and
pear shape and second one is Android Distribution
health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes and high
(Apple Shape) in which storage of fat in the abdomen
blood pressure. Obesity is included among top ten health
appears as an apple shape.
risk disorders. Sedentary life style, stressful life and oily
and fatty food in daily diet result in this disorder.
In the present study work done with the view of obesity
can be treated only with Ahar Vihar and Pathya-apathya,
Ayurveda is a life science including prevention of
if there are no complications. Pathya-apathya and
diseases as a primary aim and having holistic approach in
different food Kalpana given in Ayurvedic Samhita
dealing with different disease. Acharya Charaka describe
Grantha can be beneficial to treat obesity.
Sthaulya under eight undesirable constitution
(Astanindita) based on their appearance. Sthaulya is one
among Kapha predominant disease involving Kapha and
Meda as main Dosa and Dushya in the pathogenesis.  To study antiobesity diet or food regimen (Pathya-
Acharya Charaka already mentioned that Sthaulya and apathya) in Samhita Grantha.
Prameha having direct relations both having Kledaka  To elaborate Ahara and Vihara Padhhati for obesity
Kapha and Medas dominancies in their pathogenesis. according to modern life style as per the Sanhitokta
Acharya Charaka described eight people as a undesirable
constitution.[1] Atidirgha (Gingiatism), Atirhasva OBJECTIVES OF STUDY
(Dwarfism), Atiguru (whitish), Atikrsna (Blackish),
Atiloma (excessive hair), Aloma (without hair), Atisthula  To study details about Obesity as per Ayurveda and
(Obese), Atikrsa (too emancieted). In this Atistula is a modern point of view.
condition which is found commonly. 57
Nalini et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

 To compile antiobesity food given in Samhita A person having heaviness and bulkiness of the body due
grantha in the form of Pathya-apathya, Aharvarga, to extensive growth especially in abdominal ln region is
Vihar etc termed as stula, and the state of sthula is called sthaulya.
 To elaborate food theropy for obesity disease as per As mentioned in Samhita grantha Sthaulya can be
the modern life style. classified as:-
Charaka:- Sthula, Atistula
Medhyanti snihyati Anen Iti Medah I 2Su. Su. 24/9 Sushruta:- Sthaulya, Medoroga
The ward Meda is derived from the root Stimida Snehana Vagbhata:- Adhika, Madhya, Hina
which stand for Sneha, fat, oil etc. According to Charaka, Sarangadhara:- Medodosa
Vrkka (Kidney) and Vapavahan (Omentum) and
according to Sushruta Vrkka and kati (Place of fat Acharya Sushrut mensioned that rasa dhatu is
accumulation) and according to Vagbhata Vrkka and responsible for both sthaulya and karshya.
Mamsa (Vasa) are Mula of Meda. The word Sthaulya is
derived from root Sthu with suffix ac, which stands
probably for thick or solid or strong or big or bulky.

Causes of obesity according to different Acharya

Causes of
Charaka[3] Sushrut Samhita[4] Asthanga hrudya[5]
Sleshmic ahar Guru, Snigdha, Santarpan
1 Atisampurana – over eating
sevan, Adhyashan, padartha sevan
Guru, Madhur, Sheet, Snigdha
Ahar dravya sevan
3 Avyayam Avyayam, Diwaswap
4 Vyavay
5 Divaswapna
6 Harsha Nityatvad
7 Avoid worries etc Manasik Vikara
8 Mother and father Beej Anusar

Symptoms of Obesity
Symptoms Sushrut Samhita Ashtanga
Charaka Samhita Ashtanga Sangraha su.24/22
of obesity Sutrasthan 15/37 Hrudya su.11/10
Ayush Rhasa -
1 Increase appetite Alpa Cheshta Sphik, Udar, Stan Sthula
Shortening of life
Sedation, Snoring,Thakan, Sphik, Stana, Dhatushaithilya. Alpa ayu,
2. Javoparodh
blurred speech Udar Lambanam Alpabala, blurred speech
3 Kruchhavyavayata Alpavyavayata
4 Daurbalya Shithil kriya DaurbalyaNidra
5 Dargandhya Kshudrashwas Shwasa Shwasa, Durgandhya
6 Swedabadh Sweda, Sharir Daurgandhya Atiswedapravritti
7 Kshudatimatra Increases of appetite
8 Pipasa Atiyogcheti Pipasa Increases of thrust
Margavarodh – Prameha, Jwar, Udarroga, Bhagandar,
Pidaka, Jwara, Bhagandar, Prameha, Urustambha,
Vidradhi, Vatvikar Prameha pitika Vidradhi etc.

Further all causative factors describe in the Ayurvedic Role of various Nidana in the pathogenesis of
Classics can be classified into four groups Sthaulya
1. Aharatmik nidan (Dietary cause) The etiological factors describe by Acharya can be
2. Viharatmak Nidan (Life style Factor) categorized under four categories
3. Manonidan (Psychological Factor) 1. Dosa Dustikara – Guru, Madhur, Sita Guna
4. Anyanidan (Other causative Factors) dominant diet.
5. Bijasvabhava (Genetic Factor) 2. Dhatu Daurbalyakara / Khavaigunyakara – Beej
6. Rasayana- Vrsyatiseva svabhava, avyayama, avyavaya etc.
7. Brhmana therapy 3. Agnimandyakara – Atibhojana etc 58
Nalini et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

4. Beej Dosa;- It impairs Medodhatvagni Medodhatvagni is main aim of treatment of

Poshakakarma which ultimately provide the base to Sthaulya.
sanchaya of Ama in Medodhatu leads to obesity. 2. Administration of food which are heavy and weight
reducing and that result in the reduction of Medas,
Treatment and Dietary Regimen for obesity Slesma and Vata. (CH. Su. 21/20-21). Such as
As per Charak Sutrasthana aim of the Ayurvedic Madhu has guru and Ruksha properties, hence it is
treatment not only removal of the causative factor of the ideal for the management of Sthaulya.
disease but also restoration of the Doshika equilibrium. 3. Administration of Virukshan and Chedaniya Dravya
In Ayurveda obesity can be managed by three ways. in Sthaulya.
1. Nidanparivarjan
2. Sasodhana An ideal food for Sthaulya (Sampraptivighatana)
3. Samsamana Rasa-Katu, Tiktarasa
Guna – Ruksha, Tiksna
In the present study focus on the food regimen or dietary Virya – Usnavirya
therapy which comes under Samsamana treatment. Karma – Lekhaniya, Medohara, Amapacana,
Aim of the treatment in Sthaulya
1. Alleviated of Vata, Pitta and Kapha along with
consumsion of Medodhatu by increasing

Food Treatment for Obesity

Samhita Grantha Food in Obesity Drug in obesity
Tikshna Ruksha ahar, Madhu, Yava oat, Guduchi, Nagarmotha, Triphala, Takrarishta,
Charak Prashatika, Priyangu, sawa jai, Kodo, Vidanga, Sauntha, Kshar, Tikshna Lauha bhasma,
Samhita[10] Moong, Kullatha, Chakramudgak, Arahar Amalaki churna, Bruhat Panchamool, Agnimantha
beej, Paraval with Shilajatu
Sushrut Madhu, Yava, Moonga, Kondo, Shyamak,
Shilajeet, Guggulu, Gomutra, Triphala,
Samhita[11] Su. Uddalaka etc Virukshan and Chedaniya
Lauhabhasma, Rasauta,
15/37 dravya
Vidangarishta etc arishta, shilajeet,Triphala,
Guduchi Abhaya, Musta, Rasanjan, mahat
panchamool, Guggulu, Agnimantha,
Vidangadi Lauha, Vidanga, Nagar, Kshar,
Astanga Kulathha, Yava, Jwar, Bajara, Moonga, Lauhabhasma, Yava, Amalaki in equal quantity
sangraha[12] su. Madhu udaka, Mastu, Takra, Tikshna lavigated with madhu.
24/35 Ushna Rukasha Kshar, maricha, Madhu Madanphaladi Kwath pana
Kutajadi Kwath Pana
Hingwadi takra/ Dadhi/ Manda/ Kolarasen Pana
Vidanadi dravya with Lauhodaka
Yoshadi Manth

Samhita grantha Vihar Other treatment

Prajagarana, Vyavay, Vyayam, Manasik Ruksha and ushna Basti, Ruksha
Charaka Samhita
Parishram ubatana
Sushrut Samhita Su. 15/37 Vyayam Lekhan Basti prayoga
Chinta Vyavay, Vyayam, shodhana, Ruksha
Ashanga Sangraha 24/32 Udavartan , Swedan, Asruk Strav

Other Treatment for obesity

Sr.No. Samhita Kalpana Remark
Charak su 2/25
1 Medorogartha Yavagu Gavedhuk, Madhu
Charak su 2/29 Bhedini and Bhedaka -Yavakshar chitrak, Hing, amlavetas
Pno 57 vatanulomak Yavagu Anulomaka – Harad, Piparmool,Sauntha
Jivak, Rhushabhak, Meda, Mahameda, Kakolo, Kshirkakoli,
3. Charak su 4/1 Jivaniya Mahakashay
Mudgaparni, Mashaparni, Jivanti, Mulethi
Nagarmotha, kuta, Haldi, Daruhaldi, Vacha, Atis, Katuki,
4. Charak su 4/3 Lekhaniya Mahakashay
Chitrak, Chirbilva, Haimavati 59
Nalini et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

Nishoth, Arka, Eranda, Kalihari, Danti, Chitrak, Chirbilwa,

5. Charak Su. 4/4 Bhedaniya Mahakashay
Shankhini, Katurohini, Swarnakshiri
Sahijana, Eranda, Madar, Vruchhik, Punarnava, Yava, Tila,
6. Charak su 4/22 Swedopaga Mahakashay
Kulthha, Udada, Ber
Vamanopaga Madhu, Mulethi, Kovidar,Karbudar, Kadamba, Vidula, Bimbi,
7. Charak su 4/23
Mahakashay Shanapushpi, Sadapushpi, Pratekpushpi
Virechanopaga Munakka, Gambhari Phala, Phalasa, Haritaki, amalaka,
8. Charak su 4/ 24
Mahakashay Baheda, Kuval, Badar, Karkadhu, Pilu
Mutravirechaniya Vrukshadani, Gokharu, Punarnava, Suryavarta, Pashanbhed,
9. Charak su 4/15
Kashay Darbha, Kusha, Kasha, Gunda, Sharamoola
Charaka Su. 4/38 Padhal, Arani, Sonapatha, Bel, Gambhar, Choti Kateri, Hingu,
10. Shothahar Mahakashay
p. no. 91 Agar, Surasa, Bhumyamalaki, Jivanti, Chanda.
Vaman, virechan, shiro virechana, Niruha, Pipasa, Vayu sevan,
11. Su.22/18 p no. Ten types of langhan
Atap sevan, Pachan dravya sevan, Upavas, Vyayama
Vaman, Virechan, Raktamokshan, Vyayam, Upavas,
Charak su 23/ 9 Treatment of Dhumpana, Kshaudra abhaya Prasha, Ruksha anna sevana.
p. no. 437 Santarpanjanya roga Triphaladi Kwatha Mustadi Kwath Vyoshadi Saktu Trushanadi

Sr. No. Reference Dravya Guna

Types Charak -4 Sushrut -8 Makshik- Best
Rasa -Kashay, Madhur Virya – Shit Ruksha,
Sandhan, Chedana, Vatkarak, Rakta, Kapha vikar
nashak , Yogvahi, beneficial in small quantity.
Ushna madhu Mrutukarak
Ajirn due to madhu- Mrutukarak
1. Charak Su 27/245 Madhu
Sushrut Su 45/141 P. No. 45
Navin Madhu– Bruhan, Alpasleshmahar, Rechaka
Puran Madhu ( after 1 Year) – Medohar
Pakwa (restoring time in honeycomb)-
Aama Madhu- Amla, Tridosha Prakopak
Shoph, arsha, Grahani, Mutrakruchha, Udar-roga,
Charak Su. 27/229 p no Takra
2. Aruchi, Snehavyapad, Pandu, Vishavikar
411 Dadhimanda
Vat Kapha nashak, Strotovishodhak
Charak Su. 27/258 P.
3. Brushta Tandula Krutrim Vishvikar, Kaphaj Roga
No. 415
Vatvardhak, Ruksha, Bahuvarcho, Anulomak,
Sattu (Prepared From
Charak Su. 27/263 P. sadya balavardhak,
4. Jau, Chana, Matar,
No.415 Chaval sattu – Madhur, Laghu, Sheetal,
Maka etc)
Grahi, Raktapittaghna, Trushna,Chardi, Jwara
5. Ah. Hr. 6/ 4 P. No. 87 Raktashali Uttam, Truptighna. Tridoshanashak
Madhur ushna, Guru, Snigdha, Amlavipaki,
6. Ah. Hr. 6/ 6 P. No. 87 Yavak /Jav
Snigdha, Grahi, Laghu, Madhur, Tridoshashamak,
7. Ah. Hr. 6/ 7 P. No. 87 Sathidhanya
Sthir, Sheeta
Vrushya, Sheetvirya, Guru, Snigdha, Jivaniya,
8 Ah. Hr. 6/ 15 P. No. 89 Godhum
Vatpittaghna, Sandhankar, Madhur, Sthirkar
Ruksha, sheeta, Guru, Madhur, Sara, vidvatkrut,
Viryavardhak, Sthaairyakar, Mutra, Meda, Kapha,
9. Ah. Hr. 6/ 14 P. No. 89 Jau
pitta shamak, Pinas, Shwasa, Kasa,
Urustambha,kantha, tvagaroganashak
10. Ah. Hr. 6/ 17 P. No. 89 Chana Raktapittanashak, Ruksha, Vatkarak,
Prashatik, Kodo and
11. Ah. Hr. 6/ 11 P. No. 88 Sheeta, laghu, Vatkarak,lekhan ,kaphapitta nashak
Uddalak (Trundhanya)
12 Ah. Hr. 6/ 12 P. No. 88 Priyangu (trundhanya) Bhagnasandhankrut, bruhani, guru
Masoor Kantivardhak
13 Ah. Hr. 6/ 18 P. No. 90
Matar Vatkarak 60
Nalini et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

Rajamasha Vatkarak , ruksha, guru

Ushna, amla, shukrashmari, shwas, pinas, kasa,
14 Ah. Hr. 6/ 19 P. No. 90 Kulathha
Arsha, kapha, vataghna, pitta rakta vardhak
Snigdha, balavardhak, Kaphakaraka,
Malavardhak, Pittakarak,sara, Pachana, guru,
15 Ah. Hr. 6/ 21P. No. 90 (nikrushta in Shimbi
Ushna, Vatnashak, Madhur, shukravardhak,

Pathyapathya given by different Acharya

Aharvarga Pathya Apathya
Sukadhanya Puransali,Kodrav, Syamaka, Yava, Priyangu, Laja,
1. Navadhanya ( Sali), Godhuma
(cereal grain) Prasatika, Kanguni, nivara, koradusaka, Jurna
Samidhanya Mudga, Rajamasa, Kulatha, canaka, masura, adhaki,
2. Masa, Tila
(Pulses) makusthka
Sakavarga Patola,patrasaka,sigru, vrntaka, katutikta, vastuka,
3. Kandasaka, Madhurarasatmaka
(vegetables) trapusa, vartaka, ervaruka, ardraka, mulaka, surasa etc
Phalavarga Kapittha, Jambu, amlaki, Bibhitaka, haritaki, marich,
4. Madhurphala
(fruits) pippali, eranda, karkati, ankola, naranga,vilvapatra
Madhu, takra, usnajala, tila, sarsapataila, asavarishta, Milk preparation (kshir, dadhi,
5. Dravavarga
surasava, jirnamadya sarpi, ikshurasa)
6. Mamsavarga rohitamasya Anup, audaka, gramyamansa

Pathya Vihar:- Srama, Jagarana,Nityabramana,vyavay, Sutrasthana drug or food like Madhu described which are
Chinta, Soka, Krodha heavy and weight reducing result in decrease in m\Meda,
Apathya Vihar:- Sital jala sevana, Divaswapana, Vata, Kapha. Madhu is a main food in obesity but it may
Avyavay, Avyayam, Atiasana, Sukhasaiya sevan, administer with precaution because it may cause Ajirna
Nityaharsha, acinta. and complications with Ushnodaka.

DISCUSSION To control obesity without any medicine only by food we

have to plane strictly. Avoid junk food, fast food etc.
In todays life obesity is a disorder which prone to many
Among Sukdhanya avoid Godhum & Navadhanya
complications like heart diseases, diabetes etc, In
instead of Jwara, Laja, Syamaka, Yava. In Shamidhanya
Modern days Indian peoples haven’t time for taking
avoid Masa and Tila. Mudga is laghu diet which is easily
proper Indian diet, especially young generation becomes
digest and Tridosashamak. Among Sakavarga avoid
addict of fast food due to fashion, taste and unawareness
Kandasaka and take Patola, Sigru, Vruntaka etc. From
about health problems.
Phalavarga avoid Madhurphala and mostly take Kapittha,
Jambu, Marich, Amalaki etc. Among Dravyavarga avoid
In Charaka sutrasthana Obesity is included among eight
milk preparation and mostly like Madhu, Takra and
undesirable constitution. In India two types of fat
distribution found mostly that are pear shape and apple
shape. Meda is among one of the saptadhatu. In Sthaulya
Shrama, Jagaran, Nityabhraman, Vyavay, Chinta, Soka,
disease, due to nidan sevan like atisampurana or sleshmic
Krodh these element also treat obesity.
ahar sevana, avyayam, Diwaswap, Nitya harshatvat, or
beej dosha dushti aggrevate kledaka kapha, samana vata
and disturb pachak pitta which converted into asamyak
rasa dhatu. Due to dhatvagnimandya and asamyak Rasa  In Ayurveda Samhita grantha complete diet therapy
dhatu formation only accumulate meda dhatu and other is given which will be beneficial for obesity patients
dhatu becomes weak following by dhatudaurabalya with in the form of Patya, Apathya, Aharvarga, Vihar.
lakshana like excessive growth of fat at sphik,udar,stan ,  For best Ayurvedic treatment for obesity also have
increase appetite, shortening of life, alpavyavayata, to concentrate on diet regiment other than medicinal
daurgandya, pipasa. Prameha pidaka, jwara, Bhagandar, treatment.
Vidradhi, Vatvikar these are the complications of  Modern life style more prone to obesity ,then more
sthaulya. scope for clinical and experimental study have to be
design with special reference to diet, Pathya and
In the present study specially focus on how can obesity Apathya.
control only by Ahar -vihar & pathya, apthya if patient
doesn’t have any complication. The line of treatment for
obesity is Nidanparivarjan, work on Medodhatvagni and
concentration on Pathya, Apathya. In Charaka 61
Nalini et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

1. Charaksamhita of Agnivesa by Acharya Vidyadhar
Shukla Vaidyamanorama hindi commentary
published by chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan,
sutrastana, 21/2: 300.
2. Sushrut Samhita Sushrutvimarshini hindi vyakhya
by Dr Anantram Sharma Published by Chaukhamba
Surabharati Prakashan, 24/9: 205.
3. Charaksamhita of Agnivesa by Acharya Vidyadhar
Shukla Vaidyamanorama hindi commentary
published by chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan,
sutrastana, 21/4: 300.
4. Sushrut Samhita Sushrutvimarshini hindi vyakhya
by Dr Anantram Sharma Published by Chaukhamba
Surabharati Prakashan, 15/37: 127.
5. Ashtanga Hrudyam of Srimadvagbhat by
Brahmanand Tripathi Published by Chaukhamba
Surbharati Prakashana Sutrasthana, 11/10: 162.
6. Charaksamhita of Agnivesa by Acharya Vidyadhar
Shukla Vaidyamanorama hindi commentary
published by chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan,
sutrastana, 21/4: 300.
7. Sushrut Samhita Sushrutvimarshini hindi vyakhya
by Dr Anantram Sharma Published by Chaukhamba
Surabharati Prakashan, 15/37: 127.
8. Ashtanga Hrudyam of Srimadvagbhat by
Brahmanand Tripathi Published by Chaukhamba
Surbharati Prakashana Sutrasthana, 11/10: 162.
9. Astanga Sangraha Sarvanga Sundari Vakhya1
Vyakyakar Shri Pan. Lalchandra Shastri Vaidya by
Vd. Ranajitrai Desai published by Shri Baidyanath
Ayurved Bhawan Limited, 24/22: 694.
10. Charaksamhita of Agnivesa by Acharya Vidyadhar
Shukla Vaidyamanorama hindi commentary
published by chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan,
sutrastana, 21/24: 303.
11. Sushrut Samhita Sushrutvimarshini hindi vyakhya
by Dr Anantram Sharma Published by Chaukhamba
Surabharati Prakashan, 15/37: 127.
12. Astanga Sangraha Sarvanga Sundari Vakhya1
Vyakyakar Shri Pan. Lalchandra Shastri Vaidya by
Vd. Ranajitrai Desai published by Shri Baidyanath
Ayurved Bhawan Limited, 24/31-35: 696. 62

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