Series 3730 and 3731 · Types 3730-2, 3730-3, 3730-4, 3730-5 and
Type 3731-3 Electropneumatic Positioners
EXPERTplus Valve Diagnostic
Positioner firmware to detect potential valve faults and with maintenance recommendations. Valid for firmware
version V1.51 and higher
SAMSON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT · Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Edition February 2015
Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507 · samson@samson.de · www.samson.de
Summary of diagnostic functions Table 1: Overview of EXPERTplus functions
There are two main groups of diagnostic functions available: Function See Description
Statistical information
Start-up diagnos- 1.1 Positioner self-test, mechanical at-
Data are compiled, saved and analyzed by the positioner tics tachment, valve working range, ini-
while the process is running without disrupting the process. tialization time, opening and clos-
The positioner follows the set point to position the valve. A ing times
classified status alarm or fault alarm is generated if the posi- Current process 1.2.1 Process variables: set point w, valve
tioner detects an event. variables position x, drive signal y, set point
deviation e, operating hours count-
Tests er
Similar to the statistical information, data are compiled, saved Operating pa- 1.2.2 Number of zero calibrations and
and analyzed by the positioner. However, in this case, the rameters initializations, temperature, total
valve position is not determined by the set point, but the active valve travel, self-monitoring of po-
test. The tests can only be started when the conditions in the sitioner
plant allow it (e.g. plant shutdown or service work in the Status messages 1.2.3 Display and logging of classified
workshop). Classification 3.1 status messages and condensed
Table 1 shows the diagnostic functions with their test analyses.
Statistical information
Data logger 2.1.1 Recording and saving of set point
1 EXPERTplus valve diagnostics w, valve position x, drive signal y,
set point deviation e with triggering
1.1 Start-up diagnostics function
EXPERTplus monitors the valve during automatic initialization Valve position x 2.1.2 Shifting working range, working
to ensure trouble-free start-up. During which, the opening and histogram range
closing times are determined. Set point devia- 2.1.3 Limiting the working range, inner
tion histogram leakage, connection position-
The diagnosis also indicates faults concerning attachment and
er-valve, absolute value of max. set
the entire valve working range as well as hardware, data point deviation
memory defects and the initialization time.
Cycle counter 2.1.4 External leakage, dynamic stress
histogram factor acting on packing and metal
1.2 Process variables and operating pa- bellows
rameters Drive signal dia- 2.1.5 Supply pressure, leakage in pneu-
1.2.1 Current process variables gram steady-state matics
Drive signal dia- 2.1.6 Friction, external leakage
EXPERTplus provides the key process variables collected by the
gram hysteresis
positioner (set point w, valve position x, drive signal y, set
point deviation e and temperature t) and analyzes the diag- Trend of travel 2.1.7 Observing end position, zero shift
end position
nostic data.
1.2.2 Key operating parameters/status messages
Drive signal dia- 2.2.1 Supply pressure, leakage in pneu-
To evaluate the current condition of the valve and schedule gram steady-state matics, actuator springs
maintenance routines, EXPERTplus provides the user with a Drive signal dia- 2.2.2 Friction, external leakage
status summary. The status messages for the operating param- gram hysteresis
eters listed below are time-stamped: Static characteris- 2.2.3 Dead band of the valve
•• Operating hours counter, distinction between positioner tic
switched on and positioner in closed-loop operation (since Status messages
the first start-up and the last initialization routine) Software for visu- 3 Collected data and analysis results
•• Number of zero calibrations performed alization and pa- can be displayed in graphs.
•• Number of initializations performed
•• Display of the current temperature as well as saving of the
maximum and minimum temperatures, including alarm Binary input 4 Logged actions of single functions
and tests
function when a limit is exceeded
•• Total valve travel, including programmable limit
2 T 8389 EN
1.2.3 Pinpointing faults and their sources 2 Functions
The alarm and status messages generated by EXPERTplus al-
low faults to be pinpointed quickly. The last 30 generated 2.1 Statistical information
messages are saved in a FIFO memory with a time-stamp By permanently recording raw diagnostic data (w, x, y and e)
(logged by the operating hours counter). in the positioner, the user can gather information about how
The status messages are divided into the following categories: the valve behaves under process conditions.
T 8389 EN 3
2.1.2 Valve position histogram Data are recorded in the background regardless of the oper-
The valve travel histogram is a statistical analysis of the plot- ating mode selected. A short-term histogram and a long-term
ted valve positions. The histogram provides information about histogram are plotted.
where the valve mainly spends the majority of its time during If the analysis detects an error, the positioner generates a cor-
its service life and whether it shows a recent trend concerning responding status message.
changes in its operating range.
2.1.5 Drive signal diagram steady-state
Data are recorded in the background regardless of the oper-
Steady-state drive signal diagram allows changes in the sup-
ating mode selected. A short-term histogram and a long-term
ply pressure or leakage in the pneumatics to be detected. If
histogram are plotted.
the supply pressure is insufficient for the actuator to move
The positioner generates a status message if the analysis of through the entire bench range, this pinpoints a fault in supply
the travel histogram detects a shifting working range or work- pressure or leakage in the pneumatics.
ing range error.
Data are recorded and analyzed in the background regard-
2.1.3 Set point deviation histogram less of the operating mode selected (provided a reference
The set point deviation histogram contains a statistical analysis graph has been made). A short-term monitoring listing the
of any set point deviations recorded. This provides a summary measured data and a long-term monitoring in a graph are
of how often and to which level a set point deviation has oc- possible.
curred during the valve service life and whether it shows a re- If the analysis detects an error, the positioner generates a cor-
cent trend concerning the set point deviation. Ideally, the set responding status message.
point deviation should be as small as possible.
2.1.6 Drive signal diagram hysteresis
Data are recorded in the background regardless of the oper-
The hysteresis test allows changes in friction to be analyzed.
ating mode selected. A short-term histogram and a long-term
The positioner generates a status message when the results of
histogram are plotted.
the hysteresis test pinpoint to friction or external leakage.
The positioner generates a status message if the histogram de-
If a reference graph exists, the hysteresis test can be started in
tects a limit working range, inner leakage or connection posi-
both AUTO or MAN operating modes. The test can be per-
tioner/valve error.
formed once or cyclically.
2.1.4 Cycle counter histogram A short-term monitoring listing measured data and a long-
The cycle counter histogram provides a statistical analysis of term monitoring in a graph provide an analysis of the mea-
the cycles. As a result, the cycle counter also provides infor- sured data.
mation on the dynamic stress of a bellows seal and/or pack- If the analysis detects an error, the positioner generates a cor-
ing. A valve cycle span starts at the point where the valve
stroke changes direction until the point where it changes di-
rection again. The valve stroke between these two changes in
direction is the cycle height.
4 T 8389 EN
responding status message. responding status message.
2.1.7 Trend of travel end position 2.2.2 Drive signal diagram hysteresis
This test serves to detect wear or dirt on the valve trim and is The drive signal diagram hysteresis allows the results of the
run automatically while the process is running. The valve posi- steady-state drive signal diagram in Statistical information
tion is recorded when the lower end position is reached and (in-service monitoring) to be checked more closely. The hyster-
any changes logged together with the drive signal y and a esis test allows changes in friction to be analyzed.
time stamp. The first measured value is used as a reference. The test is started in the MAN mode. The valve moves to vari-
Shifts in the end position are registered. ous fixed valve positions. After moving to the valve position, a
ramp movement changing the valve travel is performed. The
2.2 Tests change in drive signal Δy is measured compared with the ref-
For reasons of safety, the tests (out-of-service diagnostics) can erence data.
only be started when the positioner is in the MAN operating The positioner generates a corresponding status message if
mode. Therefore, it is important to make sure before starting a the analysis of the drive signal pinpoints friction or external
test whether the conditions (in the plant or process) allow the leakage.
valve to be moved.
2.2.3 Static characteristic
The tests provide a trend showing the current valve state, any
possible existing malfunctions and help to pinpoint faults and The static performance of the valve is affected by the friction
to schedule predictive maintenance work. hysteresis and the elastic processes in the valve stem packing.
The test is started in the MAN mode. The positioner deter-
2.2.1 Drive signal diagram steady-state
mines the set point w in a defined test range in small steps
The drive signal diagram steady-state allows the results of the and records the response of the valve position x after waiting
steady-state drive signal diagram in Statistical information a predetermined time.
(in-service monitoring) to be checked more closely.
An analysis of the control loop is possible from the recording
After starting the test in the MAN mode, the valve moves to and detection of min. dead band, max. dead band and aver-
various fixed valve positions. The drive signal y is measured
for each valve position x and compared with the reference
graph. The statements on the following faults can be made:
•• Supply pressure
•• Pneumatic leakage or
•• Actuator springs
If the analysis detects an error, the positioner generates a cor-
T 8389 EN 5
age dead band. The condensed state is indicated on the positioner display and
can be read over the communication. Additionally, the con-
3 Visualization and parameterization of densed state is also issued at the fault alarm output*.
the integrated EXPERTplus diagnostics
3.2 Graphs in TROVIS-VIEW, DTM, eDD
The TROVIS-VIEW software or the DTM tool generate graphs
from the data, test results and status messages collected by the (e.g. Siemens PDM)
diagnostic firmware in the positioner. The trend-viewer function in TROVIS-VIEW allows the com-
In addition, the diagnostic data can also be made accessible piled raw data and test results as well as variables (w, x, e, y)
to other engineering tools using the DD (device description). recorded in the data logger to be displayed in a graph.
The eDD (enhanced device description) enables the data to be The raw data and test results include:
displayed in a graph, e.g. using Siemens PDM, AMS. How –– Current process variables
the data are displayed depends on the tool.
–– Valve signature
3.1 Classification and marking of status –– Hysteresis measurement
messages –– Static characteristic
Based on NAMUR recommendation NE 107, the messages –– Step response
(events) generated by EXPERTplus are assigned a status (clas- –– Trend of travel end position
The long-term and short-term histograms described in sections
The status messages can be classified as required. The classi- 2.1.2 to 2.1.4 are displayed as bar graphs.
fied status messages (event) are summarized in a condensed
The long-term and short-term valve signature and histograms
are available.
Condensed state These graphs make any changes in positioning or control per-
TROVIS-VIEW/ formance apparent to the user and support predictive mainte-
Status message DTM Positioner nance.
No message, OK green
6 T 8389 EN
* Fault alarm contact in Types 3730-2 and 3730-3, as op-
tion in Type 3731-3
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2018-05-24 · English