Whatmans Paper Price List
Whatmans Paper Price List
Whatmans Paper Price List
Life Sciences
Specialty Products
Application finder 4
FTATM Products
• FTA Classic cards 41
Filter Papers and Membranes 6 • Customized FTA kits 42
• Multigrade GMF 23
• GF series - Binder free 23
• Grade EPM 2000 25
• Grade 934-AH 25
• Quartz filter grade QM-A 26
• Acid treated low metal TCLP filters 26 Biosciences Laboratory Products 49
Extraction thimbles 27
Bottle-top filters
Laboratory membranes filters • Whatman Klari-Flex™ 50
• Cellulose nitrate membranes 28 Microbiological filtration systems 51
• PTFE membranes 29
Microbiology - Media and Swabs 52
• PM 2.5 Air monitoring membranes 29
Multiwell Plates
• Mixed cellulose ester membranes 30
• Specialty microplates 54
• Nylon membranes 31
• Filter plates 55
• Cellulose acetate membranes 31
• Application- specific plates 58
• Nuclepore track-etched membranes 32
• Collection plates 60
• Anopore inorganic membranes 34
• Accessories 61
Accessories 35
• Membrane filter holders 35
• Vacuum filtration 35
Diagnostic membranes 36
Capsule filters 78
• Carbon Cap 78
• PolyCap 78
Centrifuge filters 79
• VectaSpin centrifuge filters 79
Venting filters 80
General Information
• PolyVent 80
• Hepa-Vent and Hepa-Cap 80 Quick product finder 91
Authenticity message 99
Chromatography Paper:
Whatman chromatography papers are the most
widely used papers for chromatography worldwide.
This acceptance and usage reflect the purity, high
quality, and consistency of Whatman papers.
The chromatography paper product line includes
standard cellulose and ion exchange grades.
Filter Papers & Membranes
Contents Page No.
Technical Guide
1 11 150 40 0.06 0.18 87 N 1.7 0.25 97 14
2 8 240 55 0.06 0.19 97 N 2.0 0.29 110 16
3 6 325 90 0.06 0.39 185 H 2.8 0.40 193 28
4 20-25 37 12 0.06 0.21 92 N 1.5 0.22 69 10
5 2.5 1420 250 0.06 0.20 100 N 2.8 0.40 172 25
6 3 715 175 0.1-0.2 0.18 100 N 1.7 0.25 124 18
Ashless Quantitative
40 8 340 75 0.007 0.21 95 N 2.0 0.29 110 16
41 20-25 54 12 0.007 0.22 85 N 1.5 0.22 69 10
42 2.5 1870 240 0.007 0.20 100 N 2.8 0.40 172 25
43 16 155 40 0.007 0.22 95 N 2.0 0.29 90 13
44 3 995 175 0.007 0.18 80 N 2.0 0.29 117 17
Hardened Ashless
540 8 200 55 0.006 0.16 85 N 48.3 7 186 27
541 20-25 34 12 0.006 0.16 78 N 48.3 7 117 17
542 2.7 2510 250 0.006 0.15 96 N 41.4 6 221 32
Glass Microfiber
GF / A 1.6 62 13.0 NA 0.26 53 H 2.0 0.29
GF / B 1.0 195 5.5 NA 0.68 143 VH 3.2 0.47
GF / C 1.2 100 10.5 NA 0.26 53 H 2.0 0.29
GF / D 2.7 41 16.5 NA 0.68 120 VH 3.2 0.47
GF / F 0.7 325 6.0 NA 0.42 75 H 2.3 0.33
934-AH 1.5 47 NA NA 0.33 64 H 3.7 0.54
EPM 2000 NA NA NA NA 0.43 80 NA NA NA Dry Tensile (700g/1.5cm)
GMF 150 (1um) 1.0 56 NA NA 0.74 143 VH Wet Tensile (320g//1.5cm Dry Tensile (680g/1.5cm)
GMF 150 (2 um) 2.0 26 NA NA 0.78 144 VH Wet Tensile (333g/1.5cm) Dry Tensile (540g/1.5cm)
Quartz Microfiber
QM-A NA NA NA NA 0.45 85 NA NA NA Dry Tensile (250g/1.5cm)
QM-B NA NA NA NA 0.95 140 NA NA NA Dry Tensile (400g/1.5cm)
Technical Guide
Is the precipitate/retentate to be
ashed for gravimetric analysis?
Whatman Grade
Technical Guide
Is the precipitate/retentate to be
ashed for gravimetric analysis?
Whatman Grade
Technical Guide
Are you determining suspended solids in water? YES Use 934-AH or GF/C
Whatman Grade
Technical Guide
Sample Membrane
Liquids Air
Aqueous Solvents
Nylon RC
Solvent Mixtures
Technical Guide
Crystalline Precipitates
Ammonium Phisphomolybdate 20
Calcium Oxalate 15
Lead Sulfate 10
Barium Sulfate (hot ppt.) 8
Barium Sulfate (cold ppt.) 3
Blood Cells
Platelets 2-3
Erythrocytes (average) 7
Polymorphs 8-12
Small Lymphocytes 7-10
Large Lymphocytes 12-15
Monocytes 16-22
Cocci 0.5
Bacilli 1.0 x (2.0-6.0)
Serratia Marcescens 0.5 x (0.5-1.0)
Pneumocaccus 1.0
Bacillus Tuberculosis 0.3 x (2.5-3.5)
Amoeba 12-30
E. Coli 0.5 x (1.0-3.0)
Smallest Bacteria 0.22
Technical Guide
Antimony <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Copper 1.2 0.3 0.2 Potassium 3 1.5 0.6
Arsenic <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 Fluorine 0.1 0.2 0.3 Silicon 20 <2 <2
Barium <1 <1 <1 Iron 5 6 3 Sodium 160 33 8
Bromine 1 1 1 Lead 0.3 0.2 0.1 Sulfur 15 <5 <2
Calcium 185 13 8 Magnesium 7 1.8 0.7 Zinc 2.4 0.6 0.3
Chlorine 130 80 55 Manganese 0.06 0.05 <0.05 * Qualitative Grade 1 shown for comparison
Mercury <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 purposes. • All results expressed as µg/g.
Whatman QMA: Filters for Use in US EPA PM10 Ambient Air Monitoring
Property Test Method Unit of Measure Value Range
Filter Media n/a n/a Quartz Fiber n/a
Filter Thickness ASTM D 645-92 mm 0.45 ± 15
Filter Dimension micrometer inches 8 x 10 ±1/16
Particle Retention (0.3 µm) ASTM D 2986-91 % 99.95 minimum
Flow Rate EPA RFM M3/min 1.1325 ± 0.0285
Tensile Strength ASTM D 828-93 g/15 mm 200 minimum
Brittleness Test for Fiber Filters n/a No crack larger than 1 inch maximum
Integrity Test for Fiber Filters mg 2.5 maximum
Weight Loss EMSL/RTP-SOP-QAD-522 %/filter 0.75 maximum
Lead Content EPA RFM (40 CRF 50) µg/filter 0.25 maximum
Alkalinity EPA/600/R-94/038b, Sec. 2.12 µeq/g of filter 25 maximum
Whatman EPM 2000: Filters for Use in US EPA TSP Ambient Air Monitoring
Property Test Method Unit of Measure Value Range
Filter Media n/a n/a Glass Fiber n/a
Filter Thickness ASTM D 645-92 mm 0.45 ± 15
Filter Dimension micrometer inches 8 x 10 ±1/16
Particle Retention (0.3 µm) ASTM D 2986-91 % 99.95 minimum
Flow Rate EPA RFM M3/min 1.52 ± 0.18
Tensile Strength ASTM D 828-93 g/15 mm 500 minimum
Brittleness Test for Fiber Filters n/a No crack larger than 1 inch maximum
Integrity Test for Fiber Filters mg 2.5 maximum
Weight Loss EMSL/RTP-SOP-QAD-522 %/filter 0.75 maximum
Lead Content EPA RFM (40 CRF 50) µg/filter 0.25 maximum
Alkalinity EPA/600/R-94/038b, Sec. 2.12 µeq/g of filter 25 maximum
Filter Pore Size ASTM F 316-94 µm 2 maximum
Support Ring Media n/a n/a Polypropylene PMP or Equivalent
Total Support Ring Thickness micrometer mm 0.365 ± 0.055
Support Ring - Width micrometer mm 3.68 + 0.00, - 0.51
Particle Retention (0.3 µm) ASTM D 2986-95a % 99.7 minimum
Pressure Drop (0.3µm) ASTM D 2986-95a cm H20 30 maximum
@ 16.67 liters/min.
Alkalinity EPA/600-R-94/038b, Sec. 2.12 µeq/g of filter 25 maximum
Weight loss As Above µg <20 maximum
Loose Particles As Above µg <20 maximum
Moisture Pickup As Above µg <10 maximum
Filter Papers & Membranes
Qualitative Filter Papers Cellulose filter papers
Grade 1
Grade 1 standard filter paper is the most widely used filter paper for
routine applications with medium retention and flow rate. Extended
range of sizes includes 10 to 500 mm diameter circles and 460 × 570
mm sheets. This grade covers a wide range of laboratory applications
and is frequently used for clarifying liquids. Traditionally, this grade is
used in qualitative analytical separations for precipitates such as lead
sulfate, calcium oxalate (hot), and calcium carbonate.
Filter Papers & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
Qualitative Filter Papers
Diameter mm Qty. Cat. No. Price `
Grade 3
55 100 1003-055 920
70 100 1003-070 1,090
90 100 1003-090 1,260
110 100 1003-110 1,090
125 100 1003-125 1,600
150 100 1003-150 1,600
185 100 1003-185 3,020
240 100 1003-240 4,870
320 100 1003-320 9,400
460 x 570 Sheets 100 1003-917 20,320
Grade 4
42.5 100 1004-042 590
47 100 1004-047 590
55 100 1004-055 590
70 100 1004-070 590
90 100 1004-090 670
110 100 1004-110 840
125 100 1004-125 1,010
Grade 4, 5 & 6 150 100 1004-150 1,340
• Grade 4 filter paper is used when 185 100 1004-185 1,930
high flow rates in air pollution 240 100 1004-240 3,440
270 100 1004-270 4,200
monitoring are required and the
320 100 1004-320 5,370
collection of fine particles is not
400 100 1004-400 7,980
460 x 570 Sheets 100 1004-917 13,940
• Grade 5 filter paper is an
Grade 5
excellent clarifying filter for 42.5 100 1005-042 590
cloudy suspensions and used for 55 100 1005-055 670
water and soil analysis. 70 100 1005-070 760
• Grade 6 filter paper is often 90 100 1005-090 840
specified for boiler water 110 100 1005-110 920
analysis applications. 125 100 1005-125 1,180
150 100 1005-150 1,850
185 100 1005-185 2,850
240 100 1005-240 5,120
Grade 6
42.5 100 1006-042 670
70 100 1006-070 840
90 100 1006-090 920
110 100 1006-110 1,090
125 100 1006-125 1,340
Also available Grade 591, 595, 597 & 598
Filter Papers & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
Filter Aids
Description Qty. Cat. No. Price `
Ashless clippings 500g 1703-050 4,030
Ashless floc 100g 1704-010 13,770
Filter Papers & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers Quantitative Filter Papers
Ashless Grades
0.007% ash maximum for Grades 40 to 44 and a maximum of 0.01% for the
589 Grades - Very pure filters suitable for a wide range of critical analytical
filtration procedures.
Quantitative Filter Papers Filter Papers & Membranes
Hardened Filters
The maximum ash content of these grades is intermediate between
ashless and qualitative grades. They are particularly suitable for
Buchner filtrations where it is desirable to recover the precipitate from
the filter surface after filtration. Other characteristics include high wet
strength and chemical resistance, which are similar to the acid
hardened ashless filter papers.
Filter Papers & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers Quantitative Filter Papers
Filter Papers & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
Chromatography Papers
Features and Benefits
• Pure cellulose produced entirely from the highest quality cotton
linters with no additives of any kind
• Manufactured and tested specifically for chromatographic
techniques this ensures the wicking capability and uniformity of
capillary action that are important in chemical separations
• Also widely used in protein and nucleic acid blotting
Filter Papers & Membranes
Cellulose filter papers
Pure Cellulose Blotting Sheets
GB003: Blotting paper with a high absorbency used as a membrane gel
support recommended for the lysis/denaturation of colony or plaque
lifts and Western blots.
GB005: A thick (1.5 mm) highly absorbent paper recommended for
applications where fewer layers of blotting paper must still ensure a high
Recommended for semi-dry blotting of proteins.
Filter Papers & Membranes
Glass Microfiber Glass Microfiber filter papers
Multigrade GMF 150
Multiple Porosities, Greater Filtration Efficiency
Whatman GMF 150 is a binder free glass microfiber filter with a coarse
top layer (10 µm) meshed with a finer layer of 1 µm or 2 µm.
The GMF 150 allows for:
• Higher particulate loading capacity
• Faster flow rate
• Extended life of filter
Filter Papers & Membranes Size mm Qty. Cat. No. Price `
Glass Microfiber filter papers GF / B
24 100 1821-024 2,010
25 100 1821-025 2,010
37 100 1821-037 3,610
42.5 100 1821-042 4,790
47 100 1821-047 3,610
55 100 1821-055 5,460
70 100 1821-070 6,460
90 25 1821-090 3,270
110 25 1821-110 4,030
• Grade GF/C (1.2µm): Collection of
125 25 1821-125 5,120
suspended solids in potable water 150 25 1821-150 6,550
and natural and industrial wastes. 460 x 570 Sheets 25 1821-915 59,020
Widely used for cell harvesting, GF / C
liquid scintillation counting, and 24 100 1822-024 1,680
binding assays 25 100 1822-025 1,600
• Grade GF/D (2.7 µm): GF/D will 37 100 1822-037 2,350
provide good protection for finely 42.5 100 1822-042 2,430
retentive membranes. Can be used 47 100 1822-047 2,520
in combination with GF/B to provide 55 100 1822-055 3,690
70 100 1822-070 4,950
very efficient graded prefilter
90 100 1822-090 5,290
protection for membranes
110 100 1822-110 6,880
• Grade GF/F (0.7 µm): Recommended
125 100 1822-125 8,400
for DNA binding and purification. 150 100 1822-150 12,340
Very effective in filtering finely 102 x 254 Cell Harvesting Strips 50 1822-849 8,230
precipitated proteins, GF/F can be 203 x 254 * Sheets 100 1822-866 25,350
used in conjunction with GF/D as a 460 x 570 Sheets 25 1822-915 28,710
prefilter for the successful GF / D
clarification of extremely difficult 24 100 1823-024 3,270
biochemical solutions and fluids, and 25 100 1823-025 2,010
nucleic acids 47 100 1823-047 4,030
55 100 1823-055 5,120
70 100 1823-070 6,040
90 25 1823-090 2,850
125 25 1823-125 4,950
150 25 1823-150 8,650
257 25 1823-257 10,240
GF / F
21 100 1825-021 3,270
24 100 1825-024 3,530
25 100 1825-025 3,530
37 100 1825-037 7,390
42.5 100 1825-042 6,970
47 100 1825-047 6,970
55 100 1825-055 10,660
70 100 1825-070 10,660
90 25 1825-090 5,880
110 25 1825-110 6,380
125 25 1825-125 8,560
150 25 1825-150 11,170
257 25 1825-257 31,900
24 *8 x 10 inches
Filter Papers & Membranes
Glass Microfiber filter papers
Grade 934-AH
A high retention borosilicate glass microfiber filter, which withstands
temperatures over 500°C. Grade 934-AH is used for a wide range of
laboratory applications. It is recommended for water pollution
monitoring, cell harvesting, liquid scintillation counting, and air
pollution monitoring.
Filter Papers & Membranes
Glass Microfiber filter papers Quartz Filter Grade QM-A: 2.2 µm
High-purity quartz (SiO2) microfiber filters are used for air sampling in
acidic gases, stacks, flues, and aerosols, particularly at high
temperatures up to 500°C and in PM-10 testing. QM-A, sequentially
numbered according to EPA standards, is suitable for most applications.
Filter Papers & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters Cellulose Nitrate Membranes
Recommended for the majority of routine applications, this membrane
is manufactures under strictly controlled conditions. Whatman
nitrocellulose membranes are known for higher strength and flexibility,
low extractibles and narrow pore size distribution.
Filter Papers & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters
PTFE Membranes
Whatman PTFE membranes are chemically stable and inert. They are
suitable for applications involving aggressive organic solvents, strong
acids and alkalis. They are particularly suitable for preparing samples
for HPLC analysis. The hydrophobic nature of the membrane also has
applications for air and gas sterilization. The membrane is laminated
onto a non woven polypropylene support web for improved strength
and handling and can be used at temperatures up to 120ºC.
Filter Papers & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters
Filter Papers & Membranes
Nylon Membranes Laboratory membrane filters
Nylon membranes are suitable for use with a wide range of biological
preparations and can be used where other membranes are unsuitable
or difficult to use. They are hydrophilic, eliminating the need for wetting
agents that could be extracted when filtering aqueous solutions. The
membranes are flexible, durable and tear resistant, and can be
autoclaved at 135ºC.
Filter Papers & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters
Filter Papers & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters
Filter Papers & Membranes
Laboratory membrane filters
Filter Papers & Membranes
GE Healthcare
Life Sciences
Clinical Diagnostics
without boundaries
• Detection
• Lateral flow
• Flow-through assays
• Filterplate-based ELISA
• Dipstick /colorimetric assays
• Sample preparation & collection
• Molecular daignostics
903™ Neonatal Screening Cards:
Whatman offers a line of products for neonatal and
population screening. The 903TM paper is used for
Newborn Screening Programs throughout the world.
These programs today screen for, depending on the
state or country, anywhere from three to eleven or
more diseases such as congenital hypothyroidism,
galactosemia, branched-chain ketonuria, sickle-cell
anemia etc.
FTA™ Cards:
Whatman has taken its products to a new level, in the
genomics industry. Our area of expertise in this
evolving industry lies in sample preparation. The FTA
Cards, an innovative patented technology for
collecting, transporting, purifying, and archiving
nucleic acids all on a single device, stored at room
temperature, have become a market leader.
DMPK Cards:
Pharmacokinetic (PK) and toxicokinetic (TK) studies
provide crucial insight into how drug candidates
behave in the body and are therefore, a critical step in
drug development. DBS microvolume sampling using
specialized Whatman™ media from GE Healthcare
has been shown to be both precise and accurate for a
variety of compounds.
Specimen Collection Cards & Devices
Contents Page No.
Whatman FTA Elute Cards are used to collect DNA from virtually any
source. DNA can then be amplified for a variety of downstream
Whatman FTA™
- Forensics of the future
Specimen Collection Cards & Devices
903 cards
Neonatal screening: Population screening:
Newborn Screening Programs Screening the population for
screen from three to eleven or
more conditions, including
• Congenital hypothyroidism • HIV
• Galactosemia • HCV
• Branched-chain ketonuria • Hemoglobin AIC testing
• Maple sugar urine disorder • Tuberculosis
• Sickle-cell anemia
• Phenylketonuria (PKU)
• Hypothyroidism
More recently, many programs are
adding less frequently occurring
disorders to their panel of assays,
including MCAD, cystic fibrosis,
And a range of amino acid disorders.
Specimen Collection Cards & Devices
FTA Products
FTA Technology
Collect, Transport, Archive, and Isolate Nucleic Acids all at room
FTA and FTA Elute cards utilize patented Whatman FTA technology
that simplifies the handling and processing of nucleic acids.
FTA Cards contain chemicals that lyse cells, denature proteins, and
protect nucleic acids from nucleases, oxidative, and UV damage. FTA
Cards rapidly inactivate pathogens, and prevent the growth of
bacteria and other microorganisms.
US Patent Nos. 5496562, 5756126, 5807527, 5972386, 5985327 and other patents pending.
FTA Cards used with virtually Use FTA for a wide range of
any sample type : applications :
• Blood • Forensics
• Cultured Cells • Transgenic Identification
• Buccal Cells • Plasmid Screening
• Plant Material • Food and Agriculture Testing
• Bacteria • Drug Discovery
• Plasmids • Genomics
• Microorganisms • STR Analysis
• Solid Tissue • Animal Identification
• Molecular Diagnostics
• Whole Genome Amplification
• Molecular Biology
Specimen Collection Cards & Devices
FTA Products Customized FTA kits
Customized ready-to-use FTA kits for your specific applications are
available to ensure that all the tools needed for optimal sample
collection are available on-site for immediate use.
Includes: 25 FTA Micro Cards, 50 ml FTA Purification Reagent, 2 Harris
Uni-Core Punches with cutting mat, instructions.
FTA PlantSaver Card
Plant friendly FTA Card, in a Classic Card format. Features a laminated
flap that allows you to vigorously crush the plant sample into FTA
matrix without damaging the FTA card.
Specimen Collection Cards & Devices
30 Minute Isolation
Specimen Collection Cards & Devices
FTA Products
Buccal sample collection device with unique foam surface for
collection of maximum number of cells. Designed for simple and
efficient transfer of cells into a built-in FTA card.
FTA Accessories
For convenient collection, storage, processing and shipping FTA and
FTA Elute Cards.
Specimen Collection Cards & Devices
Elutrap Electroelution System
The Elu-Quick kit provides a convenient and versatile method for
purifying DNA from 500 bp to 200 Kb. The kit is recommended for the
isolation of genomic DNA from whole cells and tissues, as well as
purification of single and double stranded fragments from gel slices or
plasmid minipreps.
Specimen Collection Cards & Devices
DMPK cards FTA DMPK cards (Drug Metabolism & Pharmaco Kinetics)
An easy & convenient way of collecting, shipping & storing a wide variety
of samples including whole blood, plasma & serum. Quantification can
be conveniently done by using LC-MS / MS Assay.
• Reduce number of animals used (up to 50%)
• Elimination/reduction of rodent warming
• Supports juvenile testing/paediatric testing as lower volumes are
• Compound/metabolite stabilized on card
• Serial sampling from one rodent (no composites from several
• Finger prick collection of clinical samples
Cost savings
• Reduction in animals used
• Reduced shipping costs (room temperature and non-hazardous)
• Reduced storage costs (room temperature)
• Less test compound consumed in Discovery phase
• Simplified process (time saving)
Whatman Klari-Flex Bottle Top Filtration
System with Drop-Connect Technology:
Streamline your laboratory operations and improve
throughput with Whatman Klari-Flex™ bottle top
filtration system.
Designed for filter sterilization of liquids such as cell
culture media, biological fluids and buffers, the Klari-
Flex system includes a stable, low-profile pedestal
base with a permanent vacuum hose connection.
This feature eliminates a time-consuming and
inconvenient step in your process connecting and
disconnecting the vacuum to each filter unit.
Multiwell Plates:
Whatman multiwell range of products is extremely
diverse. Whatman utilizes a patented process to
encapsulate the filter media, which ensures no cross
talk or contamination between wells. This proprietary
technology allows for use of a variety of Whatman
filter media.
In addition, to further optimize the filter plates for
specific applications, novel polymers, surface
treatments, well densities, profiles, and accessories
are incorporated into the process.
Biosciences Laboratory Products
Contents Page No.
Bottle-top filters 50
Microbiological filtration systems 51
Microbiology - Media and Swabs 52
Multiwell plates 54
Whatman Klari-Flex™
Bottle Top Filtration System
with Drop-Connect Technology
Bringing a new level of productivity to
sterile vacuum filtration of aqueous
fluids such as cell-tissue culture media,
biological fluids and buffers.
Biosciences Laboratory Products
Bottle-top filters Whatman Klari-Flex™ - for a faster, easier workflow
Klari-Flex bottle top filtration system helps streamline sterile vacuum
filtration of fluids such as cell-tissue culture media. Designed
specifically to improve productivity, the Klari-Flex system includes a
stable, low-profile pedestal base with a permanent vacuum hose
connection. This feature eliminates a time-consuming step in your
process connecting and disconnecting the vacuum to each filter unit.
Each time a new filtration unit is placed on the base, Drop-Connect
Technology ensures that the vacuum connection is automatic.
Klari-Flex features:
• Three piece design with permanent How does it work?
docking station.
• Dock accommodates three sizes:
250 ml, 500 ml, and 1000 ml
• Vacuum control knob on docking
• Gamma sterile and individually
Dock Fill Place Lid
bagged bottles & filters.
• Non cytotoxic, non pyrogenic
• Low protein binding
polyethersulfone (PES) membrane
(0.2 µm or 0.45 µm).
Biosciences Laboratory Products
filtration systems
Microbiological Filtration System
MBS I is an excellent system for optimal microbiological control using
membranes. The overall procedure time is reduced to a minimum. The
design of the system, which consists of an electrical membrane
dispenser, a funnel dispenser, and a vacuum manifold, leads to more
reproducible results.
Liquid is poured into the funnel
and vacuum is applied
Easy removal of the membrane
after filtration
Biosciences Laboratory Products
Microbiology -
Media and Swabs
Liquid Media
Ready-to-use media considerably reduces the preparation time in
quality control laboratories and also effectively reduces the risks of
cross contamination.
Whatman offers a range of products that is being used to monitor
production plants and conduct microbiological checks from raw
materials through to final product release in laboratories worldwide.
Biosciences Laboratory Products
Microbiology -
Media and Swabs
Liquid Media
Description Qty. Cat. No. Price `
Trypticase Soy Broth – Single Strength
Bottled broth 100 ml 1 1049-6707 3,230
Trypticase Soy Broth – Double Strength
Bottled broth 100 ml, W/M bottle 1 1049-6708 1,470
Description Qty. Cat. No. Price `
Neutralizing Buffer Swabs
Neutralizing Buffer Swabs 4 ml 125 1049-8303 48,090
Neutralizing Buffer Swabs 4 ml 500 1049-8304 1,95,790
SwabCheck 4 ml 125 1049-8404 29,340
Buffer Swabs
Buffer Swabs 4 ml 125 1049-8305 41,490
Buffer Swabs 4 ml 500 1049-8306 1,66,440
Coliform SwabCheck
Coliform SwabCheck Units ready to use 25 1049-8406 11,930
Hygiene SwabCheck Units ready to use 25 1049-8407 11,930
Listeria SwabCheck Units ready to use 25 1049-8408 11,930
Biosciences Laboratory Products
Multiwell plates
Multiwell Plates
The novel design of multiwell plates allows for numerous applications,
such as sample preparation, drug discovery, genomics, and filter
based assays.
Specialty Microplates:
Whatman offers an extensive range of specialty microplates to meet
the demanding requirements of sample preparation in the life sciences
Glass Bottom Microplates
Whatman Glass Bottom microplates are designed for high sensitivity
detection, where extremely low backgrounds with no cross talk are
needed. Glass Bottom microplates have excellent uniformity in
flatness and thickness to provide optically clear as well as optically flat
surfaces. Glass bottom microplates are available in clear and black in
a 96 well format.
Clear View Microplates
Whatman Clear View™ microplates have optically clear polymer
bottoms that eliminates the need for numerous transfer steps by
providing the means to grow, observe, count, and assay cells in a
single device.
Description Qty. Cat. No. Price `
Glass Bottom Microplates
96 well 300µl, black polystyrene, standard skirt 5 7706-2375 30,680
96 well 300µl, clear polystyrene, standard skirt 5 7706-1365 23,730
96 well 300µl, black polystyrene,
Skirtless for microscopy 5 7706-2370 22,740
96 well 300µl, black polystyrene,
TC, irradiated with lid, standard skirt 5 7716-2375 24,150
96 well 300µl, black polystyrene,
TC, irradiated with lid, skirtless for microscopy 5 7716-2370 24,500
Clear View
96 well 300µl, black polystyrene,
TC, irradiated with lid 50 7716-2380 58,200
Biosciences Laboratory Products
Multiwell plates
UNIFILTER Microplates
UNIFILTER are microplates with filters incorporated at the bottom of
the wells. Available in 24, 96, and 384 well formats, UNIFILTER
microplates offer a choice of filter media to meet exact application
requirements. The novel drip director design ensures precise collection
of filtrate to allow for further processing and analysis.
Biosciences Laboratory Products
Multiwell plates
UNIFILTER Microplates
Description Qty. Cat. No. Price `
800µL UNIFILTER, 96 Wells, Clear Polystyrene
with Short Drip Director
with GF/C filter 25 7700-1801 46,260
with 25-30µm MBPP 25 7700-1804 46,260
with 0.45µm hydrophilic PVDF 25 7700-1806 58,550
800µL UNIFILTER, 96 Wells, Clear Polystyrene
with Long Drip Director
with GF/C filter 25 7700-2801 47,600
with 25-30µm MBPP 25 7700-2804 46,260
with 0.45µm PP membrane 25 7700-2805 46,260
with 0.45µm hydrophilic PVDF 25 7700-2806 56,020
with 0.45µm CA 25 7700-2808 47,670
DNA binding plate 25 7700-2810 46,260
with GF/D filter 25 7700-2811 46,260
2mL UNIFILTER, 96 Wells, Glass filled
Polypropylene with Long Drip Director
with GF/C filter 25 7700-7201 47,100
with GF/B filter 25 7700-7203 47,100
Note :
with 25-30µm MBPP 25 7700-7204 47,100
CN - Cellulose Nitrate
PP - Polypropylene with 0.45µm hydrophilic PVDF 25 7700-7206 81,850
PVDF - Polyvinyldieneflouride with GF/F filter 25 7700-7211 59,390
PS - Polystyrene 10mL UNIFILTER, 24 Wells, Polypropylene
NYL - Nylon with Long Drip Director
CA - Cellulose Acetate
with GF/C filter 25 7700-9901 63,040
GF - Glass Microfibre
with 25-30µm MBPP 25 7700-9904 63,040
MBPP - Melt Blown Polypropylene
with 10-12µm MBPP 25 7700-9917 63,040
Biosciences Laboratory Products
TM Multiwell plates
Whatman microplates for collection and analysis are available in single,
24, 48, 96 and 384 well formats. These microplates are manufactured
from polystyrene, polypropylene, and Multi-Chem™ materials to
accommodate a wide range of sampling and storage applications.
Multi-ChemTM Microplates
Multi-ChemTM is a chemically resistant material that exhibits extremely
useful properties over a wide range of applications. Providing an
excellent choice for storage applications, Multi-Chem microplates are
suitable for aggressive organic solvents such as DMF, TFA, THF,
acetonitrile, chloroform, and methylene chloride.
Nonbinding properties of Multi-Chem microplates also make them
suitable for storage of biological materials.
Bacterial Growth
Plate 7701-5205
Shallow Well
Amplify or Sequence
Biosciences Laboratory Products
Multiwell plates
Biosciences Laboratory Products
Multiwell plates
Collection Plates
Traditional ELISA is performed in plastic microplates. Whatman offers
speed, sensitivity, and simple washing protocols with nitrocellulose
filter plates.
ELISA performed with the Whatman ELISA UNIFILTER takes less time
than traditional methods using regular microplates. Coating the
nitrocellulose filter with antibody takes only minutes, compared with
overnight procedures employed for coating polystyrene microplates.
Biosciences Laboratory Products
Multiwell plates
Description Qty. Cat. No. Price `
Uniseal-Clear PE, thin seal film with adhesive 100 7704-0001 5,050
Al foil applied with heat and pressure 100 7704-0002 5,270
Clear PP film applied with heat and pressure 100 7704-0003 5,050
Capmats - 96 well, square format 100 7704-0004 22,390
Capmats - 96 well, round format 100 7704-0005 22,390
Capmats - 24 well, square format, 10 ml 100 7704-0007 27,520
Clear PP cold sealing with adhesive 100 7704-0009 5,050
24 well, BugStopper venting capmat, 10 ml 5 7704-0014 16,080
384 well, 400µl, square format santoprene 100 7704-0015 30,540
96 well, capmat, round 800/750/300µl, pierceable 50 7704-0105 29,410
Microplate Lids ( Clear PS, Universal) 100 7704-1001 7,930
Vacuum Manifold for filtering to waste 1 7705-0101 57,280
Vacuum Manifold for vols from 100µl -10ml 1 7705-0102 1,41,170
Acrylic Vacuum Manifold - 100µl - 10ml 1 7705-0107 1,82,940
GD/X Syringe Filters:
The GD/X™ range is specifically designed for high
particulate loaded samples. Constructed of a
pigment-free polypropylene housing with a
prefiltration stack of Whatman GMF 150 and GF/F
glass microfiber media, these filters eliminate sample
contamination and allow you to filter even the most
difficult samples with less hand pressure. GD/X
syringe filters can process three to seven times more
sample volume than standard syringe filters.
Carbon Cap:
A capsule filter that is filled with high-purity, high-
efficiency, acid washed, granular-activated carbon
and a pleated HEPA filter. It is made specially to meet
the requirements for continuous column percolation
purification processes. This filter capsule is suitable
for adsorption of organics from air and removal of
color, organics, and chlorine from water.
Filtration Devices
Contents Page No.
Syringe filters 68
Syringeless filters 75
Inline filters 77
Capsule filters 78
Centrifuge filters 79
Venting filters 80
Vacuum protection filters 81
Technical Guide
GE imagination at work
Technical Guide
Technical Guide
< 400 µL < 2 mL < 3 mL < 5 mL < 10 mL < 12 mL < 20 mL < 100 mL < 100 mL
VectaSpin Micro Puradisc 4 VectaSpin 3 UniPrep Puradisc 13 Autovial VectaSpin 20 Puradisc 25 Anotop 25
Anopore Nylon Anopore GMF GMF GMF Anopore Plus AS Anopore
PP PS PP Nylon Nylon Nylon PP GMF Anopore Plus
10 µm PP 10 µm PP PS PP Anotop 25 IC
12K CA 20K CA PVDF AutoCup Anopore
20K CA 10K PS Nylon Puradisc 25
30K PS 30K PS Puradisc 13 ZC 2—5L
Mini-UniPrep AS
Anotop 10 25 mm CA
Nylon SPF
Anopore 25 mm GMF
PES Anopore Plus 25 mm Nylon
25 mm PES
Anotop 10 IC 25 mm PP
Anopore 25 mm PVDF
13 mm CA Nylon
13 mm GMF PVDF
13 mm Nylon PP
13 mm PP DpPP
13 mm PS PES
13 mm PVDF
25 mm Nylon
25 mm PVDF
25 mm PP
< 400 µL < 2 mL < 3 mL < 5 mL < 10 mL < 12 mL < 20 mL < 100 mL < 100 mL
VectaSpin Micro Puradisc 4 VectaSpin 3 UniPrep Puradisc 13 Autovial VectaSpin 20 Puradisc 25 Anotop 25
Anopore Nylon PP GMF GMF GMF Anopore Plus GMF Anopore
PP PVDF PVDF Nylon Nylon Nylon PP Nylon Anopore Plus
PVDF 10 µm PP PP PVDF 10 µm PP PP
10 µm PP PVDF Anotop 25 IC
Filter Tubes AutoCup Puradisc 25 Anopore
Mini-UniPrep Puradisc 13 12 mL Nylon ZC
PP ZC 1PS PVDF Filter Tubes
Anotop 10 25 mm GMF
Anopore 25 mm Nylon
Anopore Plus 25 mm PP
25 mm PVDF Polydisc
13 mm GMF GD/XP TF
13 mm Nylon 25 mm Nylon
13 mm PP 25 mm PP
13 mm PVDF 25 mm DpPP
25 mm PVDF
Anotop 10
Anopore EasyDisc
Anopore Plus 25 mm Nylon
25 mm PVDF
Anotop 10 IC 25 mm PTFE
Anopore 25 mm PP
Filter Tubes 6 mL
Technical Guide
< 400 µL < 2 mL < 3 mL < 5 mL < 10 mL < 12 mL < 20 mL < 100 mL 2—5L
VectaSpin Micro Puradisc 4 VectaSpin 3 UniPrep Puradisc 13 Autovial VectaSpin 20 Puradisc 25 Polydisc
Anopore Nylon PP GMF GMF GMF Anopore GMF HD
10 µm PP PTFE PVDF Nylon Nylon Nylon Anopore Plus Nylon TF
Mini-UniPrep PTFE PTFE 10 µm PP PTFE
PTFE Filter Tubes AutoCup Puradisc 25
Puradisc 13 12 mL PTFE ZC
GD/X 25 mm GMF
13 mm GMF 25 mm Nylon
13 mm Nylon 25 mm PP
13 mm PP 25 mm PTFE
13 mm PTFE 25 mm PVDF
13 mm PVDF
Anotop 10 25 mm Nylon
Anopore 25 mm PVDF
Anopore Plus 25 mm PTFE
25 mm PP
Anotop 10 IC 25 mm DpPP
Filter Tubes 25 mm Nylon
6 mL 25 mm PVDF
25 mm PP
Anotop 25
Anopore Plus
Anotop 25 IC
Anotop 25 LC
CA Cellulose acetate
CTA Cellulose triacetate
DpPP Polypropylene Depth
GMF Glass microfiber
PES Polyethersulfone
Pptn Protein precipitation
PP Polypropylene
PS Polysulfone
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
PVDF Polyvinylidene fluoride
Filtration Devices
Syringe filters GD/X Syringe Filters
The GD/X™ range is specifically designed for high particulate loaded
samples. Constructed of a pigment-free polypropylene housing with a
prefiltration stack of Whatman GMF 150 (graded density) and GF/F
glass microfiber media, these filters eliminate sample contamination
and allow you to filter even the most difficult samples with less hand
pressure. GD/X syringe filters can process three to seven times more
sample volume than standard syringe filters. GMF 150 and GF/F are
produced from 100% borosilicate glass microfiber.
• Eliminates sample contamination
• Requires less hand pressure, even with the most difficult samples
• Processes three to seven times more sample volume
Pore Size µm Qty. Cat. No. Price `
0.45 150 6970-2504 33,840
0.45 150 6972-2504 33,840
0.45 150 6974-2504 33,840
0.45 150 6978-2504 33,840
0.45 150 6994-2504 34,820
Filtration Devices
Syringe filters
Puradisc™ Syringe Filters
Puradisc™ syringe filters are produced from pigment-free
polypropylene or polycarbonate with standard inlet (female luer lock)
and outlet (male luer) connections (unless otherwise stated). They are
used for the quick, efficient filtration of samples up to 100 ml volume.
Features and Benefits
• Pigment-free polypropylene (polycarbonate for Puradisc 30 and
Aqua 30)
• Standard inlet and outlet luer connectors
• Optional sterile, medical-grade blister pack
• Tube-tip format (optional) for accurate dispensing into a micro-vial
• Choice of membrane or glass microfiber filter media
• Choice of filter sizes (4, 13 or 30 mm) to minimize sample loss
• Sterile option for critical applications
• Wide range of membranes
Filtration Devices
Syringe filters
Puradisc 13mm Syringe Filters
Pore Size µm Qty. Cat. No. Price `
0.1 100 6789-1301 12,430
0.2 50 Sterile 6786-1302 10,740
0.45 100 6789-1304 12,430
0.45 500 6790-1304 47,600
Cellulose Acetate
0.45 100 6771-1304 12,710
Filtration Devices
Syringe filters
Filtration Devices
Syringe filters
Filtration Devices
Syringe filters
Filtration Devices
Syringeless filters
Syringeless Filters
Whatman syringeless filters are preassembled convenient filtration
devices for removing particulates from samples. They replace syringe-
coupled filtration devices with single disposable units.
Whatman has made sample preparation easier, faster, and more
efficient with its innovative product line of syringeless filters.
Filtration Devices
Syringeless filters
Filtration Devices
Inline Filters Inline filters
Whatman Inline Filters feature a high-purity polypropylene housing to
maintain sample purity and are available with a choice of filtration
media to suit a range of aqueous and organic samples. They utilize
the most advanced construction methods and design features.
Polydisc Filters
Whatman Polydisc™ 50 mm inline disc filters are designed for larger
volume sample filtration in the laboratory, at a pilot plant, or in
manufacturing. They are extremely versatile and cost effective.
Sample volumes up to 1 liter can be filtered with one device. Polydisc
devices can be used in conjunction with a syringe or connected inline
via stepped hose barbs. The devices are autoclavable and sterile
options are available.
Clyde™ features an asymmetric mixed cellulose ester membrane used
with tissue culture media and aqueous solutions compatible with the
cellulose membrane. As Clyde needs no vacuum pump or other power
supply, field work applications are also possible.
Filtration Devices
Capsule filters Carbon Cap:
This filter capsule is suitable for adsorption of organics from air and
removal of color, organics, and chlorine from water.
Filtration Devices
Venting filters
Venting Filters
Whatman Venting Filters are disposable devices designed and
manufactured with a high-purity polypropylene housing to maintain
sample purity. Products are available with a choice of filtration media
to suit a range of venting applications.
PolyVENT is an integral filter product for sterile venting of vessels and
Filtration Devices
Vacuum protection filters
Vacu -GuardTM
These easy-to-use inline filter devices help to confine and isolate
infectious materials in vacuum systems and protect your laboratory.
Seed Testing Paper:
Whatman seed testing papers are made from pure
cellulose without any additives and do not contain
any substances which could influence the growth of
the seeds. The constant water absorption of the
papers ensures the continuous provision of the
required amount of water. The contrast of the color
seed testing papers makes evaluation easier,
particularly for seeds with fine white rootlets or under
artificial light.
Bug Stopper :
BugStopper™ is a reusable closure, providing a sterile
vent for culture vessels. The device is manufactured
from biosafe silicone rubber, and the vent is a
hydrophobic ultrafine glass microf iber f ilter
reinforced with polyester monofilament laminates.
The device prevents bacteria or viruses from entering
or exiting the culture vessel while at the same time
allowing the free passage of air and gases through
the vent layer.
Specialty Products
Contents Page No.
Separate the organic from the inorganic. Protect lab surfaces. Test the
pH levels in swimming pools. A range of products for a variety of tasks
to help you touch lives with safety and security.
Whatman offers a range of specialty products to meet your specific
testing requirements. Made with traditional Whatman quality, these
products combine ease of use with unsurpassed accuracy and
Specialty Products
Application specific products
Specialty Products
Application specific products
Specialty Products
General lab products
Surface Protectors
Benchkote: An absorbent, impermeable material designed to protect lab
surfaces against hazardous spills. The material features a high-quality,
smooth, absorbent Whatman paper, which quickly absorbs liquid spills
and a laminated polyethylene layer that prevents flow through to the
working surface.
Benchkote Plus: A thicker, more absorbent material for more demanding
Specialty Products
BugStopper™ General lab products
BugStopper™ is a reusable closure, providing a sterile vent for culture
vessels. The device is manufactured from biosafe silicone rubber, and
the vent is a hydrophobic ultra fine glass microfiber filter reinforced
with polyester monofilament laminates. A stainless steel
reinforcement ring surrounds the vent for added support.
The device prevents bacteria or viruses from entering or exiting the
culture vessel while at the same time allowing the free passage of air
and gases through the vent layer. It has a filter rating of 99.9%
bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE) and viral efficiency (VFE).
BugStopper™ is available in two sizes and simply pushes onto a
variety of culture vessels.
Features and Benefits
• Autoclavable in use to maintain solution integrity
• Available in two sizes to fit a wide variety of culture flasks
• Repeated use minimizes cost
• Quick and easy-to-use
• Pushes into place and is ready to use
• Bacterial cultures
• Viral cultures
• Cell cultures
Specialty Products
General lab products
pH Indicator & Test Papers
Whatman offers a range of pH indicator and test papers to meet your
specific needs. The convenience of using indicator papers for the rapid
determination of pH values has led to many applications in
laboratories and industry.
Features and Benefits
• Instant pH readings
• Accurate for a wide range of routine pH testing
• Inexpensive
• Convenient and portable for field use
pH Indicator Papers
pH Range pH Unit Graduation Cat. No. Price `
CF colour Bonded -100 strips (6mm x 80mm)
0-14 1 2613-991 1,680
4.5-10 0.5 2614-991 1,680
Composition Strip -200 Strips (11mm x 100mm)
1—12 1 2612-990 3,270
1.8-3.8 0.2-0.3 2626-990 2,770
3.8-5.5 0.2-0.3 2627-990 2,770
5.2-6.8 0.2-0.3 2628-990 2,770
6.0-8.1 0.3 2629-990 2,770
8.0-9.7 0.2-0.3 2630-990 2,770
9.5-12.0 0.5 2631-990 2,770
Specialty Products
General lab products
1 PS Phase Separators
The Whatman 1 PS Phase Separator is an easy to use high-grade filter
paper impregnated with a stabilized silicone that renders it
hydrophobic, retaining the aqueous phase and passing the solvent
phase through.
Specialty Products
HPLC products
Media Dimensions mm Cat. No. Price `
Partisil 5
Silica 4.6 x 250 4215-001 35,170
ODS3 4.6 x 250 4238-001 31,250
C8 4.6 x 250 4239-001 31,250
ODS3 4.6 x 100 4222-225 29,090
C8 4.6 x 100 4222-232 30,540
Partisil 10
ODS 4.6 x 250 4223-001 29,510
ODS2 4.6 x 250 4224-001 29,510
ODS3 4.6 x 250 4228-001 30,650
SAX 4.6 x 250 4226-001 30,950
SCX 4.6 x 250 4227-001 35,870
Quick finder
Product Page No.
EPM 2000 25
FTA Cards 41
DMPK Cards 46
UNIFILTER Microplates 55
Page No. Page No.
1 CHR Roll 21 79
1 CHR Sheets 21 Cetrimide Broth 52
1PS Circles 89 Clearview 384 Well 54
2 CHR Sheets 21 Clonesaver Card 43
20 CHR Sheets 21 Clonesaver Resealable Pouch 43
2555 1/2 Folded filters 85 Clyde 77
3 CHR Sheets 21 Coliform SwabCheck, Units ready to use 53
31ET CHR Chroma Reel 21 DE81 Circles 22
3MM CHR Blotting Paper 21 Desiccant packs 40
3-Place Manifold, PVC 35 Dispenser for 100 ml and 350 ml funnels for MBS I 51
4 CHR Roll 21 DNA Binding Plate 58
4 CHR Sheets 21 Drain Disc 10mm PE 34
603 Cellulose thimbles 27 EC Bottled Broth, 9ml vials with Durham tubes 52
903 Dry Rak with Velcro 40 EC with MUG, Bottled Broth 52
903 Protein Saver Snap-Apart Card 40 Elu-Quik DNA Purification Kit 45
Acid Alkali Test Papers 88 Elutrap Electrophoresis Chamber 45
Acid Treated Low Metal TCLP Circles 26 Elutrap System Kit 4-Pak & Chamber 45
AE100 Membrane Circles, Cellulose nitrate 28 Elutrap BT-1 Membranes 45
AE99/5 Membrane Circles, Cellulose nitrate 28 EPM2000 Circles 25
Anotop 10 Syringe Filter 73 Foil Barrier Ziplock Bags 40
Antibiotic Assay Discs 85 FTA Classic Card 41
AQUA 30/0.45 CA 30mm Syringe Filter, Cellulose Acetate 72 FTA Elute Micro Card 43
AS220 2-place Vacuum filtration manifold for MBS I 51 FTA Gene Carrier Card 41
Ashless Clippings 17 FTA GeneCard 41
Ashless Floc 17 FTA Kit 42
Autoclaving bags for MBS I plastic funnels 51 FTA Micro Card 41
Autovial Syringeless Filter 5ml, 0.2µm PTFE 76 FTA Plant Kit 42
Autovial Syringeless Filter 5ml, 0.45µm Nylon 76 FTA Plantsaver 42
Autovial Syringeless Filter 5ml, 0.45µm PTFE 76 FTA Purification Reagent 41
Autovial Syringeless Filter 5ml, 0.45µm PVDF 76 Gb003 Blotting Paper 22
Benchkote Pad 86 GB005 Blotting Paper 22
Benchkote Surface Protector 86 GD/X 25 Syringe Filter, 0.2µm Nylon 68
Biohazard Labels 40 GF/A Circles 23
Buffer Swabs 53 GF/A Sheets 23
Bugstopper 87 GF/B Circles 24
Butler-Tower Rack for two Membrane-Butler E 51 GF/C Circles 24
Carbon-Cap 150, Inlet: Sanitary, Outlet: Sanitary 78 GF/D Circles 24
Cellulose Thimbles 27 GF/F Circles 24
Centrex Centrifuge Filter 1.5ml, Nitrocellulose, 0.2µm sterile Glass Thimbles 27
Page No. Page No.
Polycap HD 36 78
Polycap TF 36 78
Polycap TF 75 78
Polydisc HD 77
Polyvent 4 80
Pseudomonas Broth 52
Puradisc FP 30mm Syringe Filter 72
QM-A Quartz Circles 26
QM-A Sheets 26
QM-H 26
RC55 Membrane Circles, Regenerated cellulose 31
RC58 Membrane Circles, Regenerated cellulose 31
Replacement Cutting Mat 44
Replacement Plunger 44
Rezist Syringe Filter 74
Seed testing paper 84
SG81 Sheets 22
Shark Skin Circles 84
Silica Thimbles 27
Spartan 13mm Syringe Filter 72
Spot Holder 43
ST68 Membrane Circles 31
SwabCheck Coliform 52
Te35 Membrane Circles, PTFE 29
TE36 Membrane Circles, PTFE 29
Total Count Broth with TTC 52
Trypticase Soy Broth (TSB) Single strength 53
Uniflo 13 / 0.45 PTFE 74
Uniflo 25 / 0.2 PTFE 74
Vacuguard 150 81
Vacuum filtration apparatus 35
VectaSpin Centrifuge Tube Filter 79
Sample Request Form Sample Request Form
Name: Name:
Institute: Institute:
Address: Address:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Note: Note:
1. Quantity of samples subject to availability 1. Quantity of samples subject to availability
2. Kindly mail the filled sample request sheet to the address mentioned behind the form 2. Kindly mail the filled sample request sheet to the address mentioned behind the form
Name: Name:
Institute: Institute:
Address: Address:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Note: Note:
1. Quantity of samples subject to availability 1. Quantity of samples subject to availability
2. Kindly mail the filled sample request sheet to the address mentioned behind the form 2. Kindly mail the filled sample request sheet to the address mentioned behind the form 97
Wipro GE Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. Wipro GE Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
7th Floor, Summit Tower B, 7th Floor, Summit Tower B,
73/1, Brigade Metropolis, 73/1, Brigade Metropolis,
Mahadevapura, Mahadevapura,
Bangalore -560048 Bangalore -560048
T 91 22 42389277/ 8.
Email: whatmanindia@ge.com
Part of GE Healthcare
Wipro GE Healthcare Private Limited (“Wipro GEHC”) a Company incorporated under the laws of India
having its office registered at No 4 Kadugodi Industrial Area, Whitefield, Bengaluru - 560067, India is the
licensee of the following registered Trade Mark in India, which is owned by Whatman International Ltd,
formally known as Whatman Paper Limited.
Whatman® Whatman™
The above mark has been registered in respect of “Chemical products used in science and industry and
test papers (chemical) in Class 1”, “Scientific instruments and apparatus included in class 9” and “paper
and paper articles included in Class 16”.
The Trade Mark Whatman® has acquired a very high reputation and goodwill by virtue of long, extensive
and continuous use. The said Trade Mark is associated and identified exclusively with the goods
manufactured by Whatman International Limited / Group cos and marketed by Wipro GEHC.
It has from time to time come to the notice of Whatman International Limited and Wipro GEHC that
some other persons occasionally try to manufacture and sell spurious goods under the above Trade
Mark without our consent or authority, and by making their products and packaging look like products
made by Whatman International Ltd. Some of the traders or manufacturers have used Whatman filter
paper specification and the grading notations similar to Whatman to misguide the trade and public. This
is considered objectionable to Whatman International Limited and Wipro GEHC who have taken action
successfully against some traders in India for selling spurious goods. The spurious goods were seized
and destroyed and damages were paid.
Group International Limited may carry the Trade Mark Whatman® (ord and device). We strongly
encourage the trade and public to use genuine Whatman products carrying Whatman® Trade Mark.
Those who are deceiving the public by copying the Trade Mark Whatman® or deceptively similar marks
or using it wrongly on products not made by Whatman International Limited are hereby warned that
Whatman International Limited and Wipro GEHC will take all possible steps to prevent such
unauthorized use of our Trademarks.
Terms and Conditions
• Prices are net ex-godown.
• Packing, forwarding, freight, postage etc. will be charged extra.
• VAT, Sales Tax, Central Sales Tax and Octroi will be charged extra as applicable.
• Cash against delivery or through bank or as per negotiation.
• Claims for breakages and shortages in transit will not be entertained.
• Consignment can be insured on specific, request by customers at their cost.
• Any increase in Central or State Government levies such as customs duty, sales tax and octroi etc will
be charged to the customers.
• In case there is any abnormal fluctuations in ` / US $ parity, the prices are subject to revision without
any prior notice.
• Complaints, if any, should be communicated to us within 30 days from the date of Invoice.
For all inquiries and purchases, please contact your local Authorised Whatman Distributor.
GE, imagination at work , and GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company.
All third party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
All goods and services are sold subject to the terms and conditions of scale of the
company within GE Healthcare which supplies them. GE Healthcare reserves the right,
subject to any regulatory and contractual approval, if required, to make changes in
specifications and features shown herein or discontinue the product described at any
time without notice or obligation.
Wipro GE Healthcare,
Suite 24, Vatika Business Center,
7th Floor, Wing B, Supreme Business Park,
Behind Lake Castle Building,
Hiranandani Gardens,
Powai, Mumbai 400 076
Ph: + 91 22 42389277/ 8
Email: whatmanindia@ge.com For genuine Whatman products, please contact :
GE imagination at work