1) Gastric cancer treatment approaches differ between Eastern and Western countries, with differences in surgical techniques as well as adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapies.
2) Publishing outstanding gastric cancer studies from around the world will enable comparisons of results and help understand differences in outcomes between Eastern and Western series.
3) As the new co-editor-in-chief representing the Western side, the author intends to maintain the journal's excellent scientific level while increasing contributions from Western countries.
1) Gastric cancer treatment approaches differ between Eastern and Western countries, with differences in surgical techniques as well as adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapies.
2) Publishing outstanding gastric cancer studies from around the world will enable comparisons of results and help understand differences in outcomes between Eastern and Western series.
3) As the new co-editor-in-chief representing the Western side, the author intends to maintain the journal's excellent scientific level while increasing contributions from Western countries.
Original Title
Gastric Cancer in the East and West What Should We Learn
1) Gastric cancer treatment approaches differ between Eastern and Western countries, with differences in surgical techniques as well as adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapies.
2) Publishing outstanding gastric cancer studies from around the world will enable comparisons of results and help understand differences in outcomes between Eastern and Western series.
3) As the new co-editor-in-chief representing the Western side, the author intends to maintain the journal's excellent scientific level while increasing contributions from Western countries.
1) Gastric cancer treatment approaches differ between Eastern and Western countries, with differences in surgical techniques as well as adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapies.
2) Publishing outstanding gastric cancer studies from around the world will enable comparisons of results and help understand differences in outcomes between Eastern and Western series.
3) As the new co-editor-in-chief representing the Western side, the author intends to maintain the journal's excellent scientific level while increasing contributions from Western countries.
Gastric cancer in the East and West: what should we learn
from each other? Giovanni de Manzoni1
Published online: 21 November 2015
Ó The International Gastric Cancer Association and The Japanese Gastric Cancer Association 2015
different specialties, is very important to spread new
achievements. In gastric cancer treatment, Eastern and Western coun- tries still have different approaches: not only the surgical approach, but also adjuvant and neoadjuvant choices change a lot according to the continent. Publishing the most outstanding studies on gastric can- cer will give us the possibility to compare results reported all over the world in terms of tumor biology, surgical approaches, and preoperative/postoperative treatment. I believe that soon this will be a way to enable us to understand better why there are differences in outcomes reported in Eastern and Western series. It will also be very When the Council Board of the International Gastric important to encourage submissions dealing with esopha- Cancer Association asked me to represent the Western side gogastric junction cancer, a cancer with rising incidence. of our society and to join Yuko Kitagawa as a co-editor-in- By working hard with Yuko Kitagawa, I intend to chief of Gastric Cancer, I was very enthusiastic. maintain the excellent scientific level reached by the In recent years, a multidisciplinary approach to gastric journal in recent years and to increase the number of cancer has become essential, and I strongly believe that our contributions from the Western world. journal, focused on gastric cancer and covering all the
& Giovanni de Manzoni
giovanni.demanzoni@univr.it 1 Upper GI Surgery Division, University of Verona, Verona, Italy
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