Binakayan National High School Pre-Test in Mapeh 9 20: A. Retire
Binakayan National High School Pre-Test in Mapeh 9 20: A. Retire
Binakayan National High School Pre-Test in Mapeh 9 20: A. Retire
NAME: _______________________________________________ Total Score: ___________
GRADE AND SECTION: ____________________________ DATE: ______________________
DIRECTION: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided before each
item. Strictly avoid erasures.
_____ 1. This is the word where the term Renaissance comes from which means “rebirth,” “revival,” and “rediscovery”.
A. retire B. renire C. retoire D. renaitre
_____ 2. This is also known as the Middle Ages or “Dark Ages” that started with the fall of the Roman Empire.
A. Baroque Period B. Classical Period C. Medieval Period D. Renaissance Period
_____ 3. This era was also known as the “golden age” of a Capella choral music.
A. Baroque Period B. Classical Period C. Medieval Period D. Renaissance Period
_____ 4. The meaning of the Portuguese word barroco means
A. pearl of the orient seas C. pearl of irregular shape
B. pearl of the ocean D. pearl of regular shape
_____ 5. This period highlighted grandiose and elaborate ornamentation. New instrumental techniques and changes in musical
notation were developed.
` A. Baroque Period B. Classical Period C. Medieval Period D. Renaissance Period
_____ 11. This injury happens when two bones that come together to form a joint become separated.
A. Knee Injuries B. Fractures C. Dislocations D. Sprains
_____ 12. It is a stretch or tear of a ligament, the band of connective tissues that joins the end of the bone with another.
A. Knee Injuries B. Fractures C. Dislocations D. Sprains
_____ 13. R.I.C.E Method means
A. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation C. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elimination
B. Rest, Ice, Comprehension, Elevation D. Rest, Isolate, Cooperation, Elevation
_____ 14. It is an immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill.
A. Rescue B. Self-help C. Medical assistance D. First aid
_____ 15. The following are objectives of First aid EXCEPT
A. to alleviate suffering C. to add injury or danger
B. to prolong life D. to promote recovery
HEALTH Score: ___________
Prepared By:
MAPEH 9 Teachers