23926-Amended Notice 15112
23926-Amended Notice 15112
23926-Amended Notice 15112
(Morning Session)
from 10.30 A.M to 12.00 Noon
Reporting Time 08.30 A.M.
(No Entry after 09.30 A.M)
(Evening Session)
from 03.00 P.M. to 04.30 P.M.
Reporting time 01.00 P.M.
(No Entry after 02.00 P.M.)
Male Constable 4/2020 01 30.10.2021 (Saturday) As per
1. (General Duty) Admit Card
(Morning Session)
from 10.30 A.M to 12.00 Noon
Reporting Time 08.30 A.M.
(No Entry after 09.30 A.M)
(Evening Session)
from 03.00 P.M. to 04.30 P.M.
Reporting time 01.00 P.M.
(No Entry after 02.00 P.M.)
31.10.2021 (Sunday)
(Morning Session)
from 10.30 A.M to 12.00 Noon
Reporting Time 08.30 A.M.
(No Entry after 09.30 A.M)
(Evening Session)
from 03.00 P.M. to 04.30 P.M.
Reporting time 01.00 P.M.
(No Entry after 02.00 P.M.)
Note I: - The other terms & conditions of Notice Dated 10th July, 2021 will remain
same and may be read as part of this notice.
Note II: - Candidates can download their Admit Card from 21.10.2021 onwards from
the Commission Web-site i.e. www.hssc.gov.in
Place: Panchkula Haryana Staff Selection Commission,
Dated: - 27th September, 2021 Panchkula