Itr 1 Format
Itr 1 Format
Itr 1 Format
PAN: Status:
Date of Birth Residential Status:
Father's Name: Gender:
Bank A/C no.: IFSC code:
E-Filing Status: Aadhaar Card Number:
Selected tax regime
Salary 15,13,218
House Property -31,937
Gross Total Income 14,81,281
Less: Total Deductions - 2,80,477
Rounded off from 12,00,804 as per
Total Income (Taxable) Section 288A
Tax Payable 1,79,650
Relief u/s 89/90/91 - 11,756
Interest & Fees + 3,048
Total Tax Payable 1,70,942
Less: Taxes Paid TDS - 1,40,287
Rounded off from 30,655 as per
Tax Due Section 288B
Taxes are applicable as per normal provision
Please refer Annexure for details
Salary Income
Employer 1:
Salary u/s 17(1) 11,83,980
Basic Salary 11,83,980
Net Salary 11,83,980
Employer 2:
Salary u/s 17(1) 3,79,238
Net Salary 3,79,238
Income Tax
Total Income 12,00,800
Basic Exemption 2,50,000
Income Tax 1,72,740
Health and Education Cess 6,910
Total Tax 1,79,650
Relief u/s 89 11,756
Net Tax Liability 1,67,894
Interest Due 3,048
234B(6 month(s)) 1,656
234C 1,392
Tax Paid -1,40,287
TDS 1,40,287
Payable 30,660
Percentage of
Installment Tax Tax to be Tax Remaining Interest Interest
Tax to be
period Due Deposited Paid Tax due Rate u/s 234C
1st Quarter
27,607 15% 4,141 0 4,141 3% 123
(Upto 15th Jun)
2st Quarter
27,607 45% 12,423 0 12,423 3% 372
(Upto 15th Sep)
3st Quarter
27,607 75% 20,705 0 20,705 3% 621
(Upto 15th Dec)
4st Quarter
27,607 100% 27,607 0 27,607 1% 276
(Upto 15th Mar)
Taxes Paid
(Self-Assessment Tax, TDS on Salary)
Self-Assessment Tax
TDS on Salary