Design of Microstrip Hairpin Bandpass Filter For X-Band Radar Navigation
Design of Microstrip Hairpin Bandpass Filter For X-Band Radar Navigation
Design of Microstrip Hairpin Bandpass Filter For X-Band Radar Navigation
Abstract— Today radar has broad benefits in many areas, for A BPF is a filter that passes the frequencies from the
example in telecommunications and military or civil region between the first cut-off frequency and the second
applications for navigation. An important component that can cut-off frequency and dampens the frequencies outside this
improve the performance of a radar system is the filter. The range [2].
function of the filter is to pass the desired frequencies and
A microstrip is a transmission line consisting of a strip
block the unwanted frequencies. This study discussed the
design and realization of a bandpass filter using microstrip of conductors and a ground plane separated by a substrate
technology with a hairpin structure working at some with certain material characteristics [3]. One type of
parameters, namely frequencies, bandwidth, insertion loss, microstrip filter is a filter with a parallel coupled line
return loss and VSWR. The filter was realized using a Rogers configuration, but this filter has the disadvantage of having
5880 substrate with a relative dielectric constant value of two large physical dimensions. Another BPF is the analog type,
point two and substrate thickness of 1.58 mm. A simulation which is quite expensive so its application in the
was carried out using the CST Suite Studio software manufacture of radar systems incurs a considerable cost.
application. In realization result show that, the middle To get the smaller filter size, the substrate must have
frequency value of the filter is equal to the specification and
higher relative permittivity value. The type of substrate also
simulation, but there are differences result between the
simulation and the realization, in insertion loss, return loss, can increase the performance of the filter. The loss of the
bandwidth and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) values. filter can be increased by choosing the right substrate. As an
example, the Rodgers Duroid substrate has better loss
Key words — bandpass; filter; hairpin; microstrip performance than the common FR4 substrate [4].
In accordance with Regulation of the Minister of
I. INTRODUCTION Communication and Information of the Republic of
The rapid development of telecommunication Indonesia Number 25, Year 2014 on Table of Allocation of
technology raises the demands from high-mobility society. Radio Frequency Spectrum of Indonesia, navigation radios
The telecommunication equipment used, one of which is operate within the frequency range of 9200-9800 MHz [5].
radar, should support all activities as well as possible. Based on this regulation, the frequency limits are entered as
Radar is a means of detecting the existence of an object the X-band designation, which has a frequency range of 8-
by using electromagnetic waves. Generally, a radar operates 12 Ghz in accordance with IEEE (Institute of Electrical and
by spreading limited electromagnetic forces inside an Electronic Engineers) Standard 521-1984 [6].
antenna dish. When the signal from an incoming object In this research, a BPF was designed by using a
enters the antenna, it is captured and transmitted to the microstrip and a hairpin filter substrate to be applied in a
center of the radar system and then processed so that the radar system that works in the frequency range of 9.25-9.35
object becomes visible on a monitor screen [1]. As a GHz (X-band). Realization was done using PCB substrate
maritime country, Indonesia needs to develop radar to Rogers 5880. The hairpin filter has a neatly arranged
maintain security in its waters. structure obtained by folding the parallel-coupled line
One of the most important components of the radar resonator into a U-shape [2], which is commonly called a
system is the filter. A radar filter is a circuit used to filter miniature hairpin resonator filter.
certain frequencies by passing the desired frequencies and
dampening unwanted frequencies or those that are outside II. THEORETICAL BASIS
the working frequency of the filter. The types of filters used A. Filter
in telecommunication systems include the low pass filter
A filter is a circuit designed to pass a certain frequency
(LPF), the high pass filter (HPF), the band pass filter (BPF),
band while weakening all signals outside of this band.
and the band stop filter (BSF). In well-used radar filter Another use of a filter is as a frequency selector circuit to
systems, a BPF type filter is used. enable passing a desired frequency and hold other
C. Square Groove
The length and width of the square groove can be
adjusted to increase the phase margin at both events and
Fig. 3. Research Flowchart
odds, thereby minimizing resonant frequency. The square
groove is a Defected Ground Structure (DGS) technique that IV. DESIGN, SIMULATION AND REALIZATION
can produce smaller filter dimensions, eliminate harmonics
and increase insertion loss and return loss [1,9]. In this final project, a BPF microstrip hairpin was
designed that operates at a middle frequency of 9.3 Ghz.
The designing was done in several stages. Each stage was
executed thoroughly to minimize design errors and avoid
decreased filter performance because of poor design.
A. Filter Design curves for – 1 = 1.0001858, with = 60 dB and ripple
The desired filter specifications are shown in Table I. 0.1, n ≥ 4 was obtained, so in the filter design n = 5 was
The values of the prototype element were as follows:
BPF Parameter Value
= =1
Start frequency (f1) 9.25 GHz = = 1.1468
Stop frequency (f2) 9.35 GHz = = 1.3712
= 1.9750
Center frequency (fc) 9.3 GHz
2) Determining the width of the resonator channel
Bandwidth 100 MHz The width of the resonator channel was determined with
values Ɛ = . , ℎ = 1.58 and = 50 ohm and
Filter Hairpin order 5 pole
using the following formulas:
Return loss ≤ -10 dB Ɛ
= = ( − 1) − (2 − 1) + ( − 1) +
Insertion loss ≥ -3 dB .
0.39 − (4)
VSWR 1-1.5 ²
Matching impedance 50 ohm √Ɛ
. . ²
= = 7.9768
√ .
The type of substrate used was Rogers 5880 with the = = ( − 1) − (2 − 1) + ( − 1) +
specifications as listed in Table II: .
0.39 −
Name of Specification Specification Because > 2, a thick substrate can be used: (h) = 1,58
Substrate type Rogers 5880 mm. To determine the width of the resonator channel, the
following equation was used:
Relative dielectric constant ( ) 2.2
= ℎ (5)
Substrate thickness (ℎ) 1.58 = 4.86
3) Determining the effective permitivity constants
This filter can be applied in X-band radar system. For the dielectric constant ( ) effective on the
Working at frequencies at 9.3 GHz. Used for navigation microstrip channel, the calculation was as follows:
radar systems, aims to maintain the safety of Indonesian
marine waters. And this research can add insight and = + 1+ (6)
knowledge about the implementation and realization of BPF With = , and
=1+ .
1+ .
B. Determination of Filter Dimensions
. .
Determining the hairpin filter dimensions was done = 0.564 (8)
using Equations (1)-(16) [2,11].
= 1.000165122 dan = 0.523517833
1) Defining the filter order
+1 −1 10
The order of the filter can be determined from the damping = + 1+
characteristics curve based on the Chebyschev approach 2 2
with 0.1 dB ripple, as follows: = 1.901080934
4) Determining the length of the lambda microstrip
. . The calculation used for determining the length of the
∆ = = = 0.010752 (1) lambda microstrip was:
= − (2) = = (9)
∆ .
. . = 0.032258064 mm
= − (3)
. . .
= = 23.395805 mm (10)
= 2.0001858
5) Determining the sliding factor and length of the
where is the stop frequency limit at 9.35 GHz, 0 is the resonator arm
start frequency limit at 9.25 GHz, and The value of the sliding factor, , cannot be determined
is the center frequency T 9.3 GHz. From the filter damping exactly, so an assumed value was taken. was taken as 10
because this assumption is most widely used in hairpin filter TABLE III. FILTER DIMENSION
design. The calculation was as follows: Calculation Optimization
Filter Dimensions
Result ( ) Result ( )
= (11) ( ) 4.86 4.75
= 0.649883472 ( ) 4.86 1.7
( ) 0 0.2
= 2 (12) ( ) 0.29 0
= 1.299 ( ) 5.15 4.43
The following equation determined the length of L: ( ) 0 0.5
( ) 1.29 1.3
° ( ) 2.43 0.3
= .
( ) 0.068 0.2
. . ( ) 0.043 3
= = 194.68 ( ) 7.9 7
= 180 °
= 11.6 D. Result of Realization
. At this stage the filter realization process was carried out
6) Determining the quality factor value using the Rogers 5880 substrate material. After the
The value of the quality factor is calculated as follows: realization process, the next stage was the installation of
. connectors on both sides of the PCB. The connectors used in
Q= = = 93 (14)
. . the filter realization were of the SMA type because their
7) Determining the coupling coefficient characteristics are suitable for small filter construction.
The coupling coefficient value is used to find the distance to
, = (15)
, = 0.068 mm
, = , = 0.043 mm
8) Determining the tap length
Tap length = 5 x h
= 7.9 mm
9) Determining the square groove
To get the value of the square groove the following equation
is used:
= (16)
= 2.43
Thus, the square groove value is 2.43mm x 2.43mm
Fig. 5. Microstrip Hairpin Filter
C. Filter Simulation
E. Measurement and Analysis
A simulation of the filter was conducted using CST
Suite Studio so that the output of the designed filter Measurement of the realization result of the BPF hairpin
response could be seen. was done by using an Advantest R3370 network analyzer
The hairpin filter layout is shown in Fig. 4. with a working frequency vulnerability of 300 KHz-20
GHz. The realization was done to know if the filter’s
specifications were in accordance with the prior
specifications, so its characteristics and performance could
be known and analyzed. The parameters measured included
insertion loss, return loss, bandwidth and voltage standing
wave ratio (VSWR). A comparison of the simulation results
and the realization results is shown in Fig. 6.
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