Risk Balance of Power - English Rules
Risk Balance of Power - English Rules
Risk Balance of Power - English Rules
Basic Training is designed as an
introductory version of RISK Balance
of Power. Play this version until you
:r are comfortable with the rules, then
., move on to the C0MMAND R00M
l,: version.
At the stad of every turn, you draft more troops kead TRSOPS).
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X;lllt-ril=i#:- pru,,.i r;
';;;t;i;' ,n,.;. i l)j, Familiarise yourself with the materials by reading
:i,i'oor.iliues anci iipitti, i, 1
ne'iri ionilijt oi vijur ?.+ the 0VERVIEW card.
player. !
.t ' i i i;
eliminate the
,,,: or other
the rules in
ittj Familiarise yourself
make this game easier to play,
ii fififfi
unlrrr $[T-[P
ltl I Itl
' Place Cities Place Capitals and Troops
l.: Draw nine random territsry cards and place one city on One player (decided randomly or by consent)
l! each territory shown. Reshuffle all the cards sets up the board as follows:
Plare uUrEUlrVEi
r Each player gets 27 troops and one capital.
I r The neutral player gets 60 troop$.
l? Shuffle the 12 objectives and randomly place face up
r The neutral player starts in control of
?i on the board. Return the remaining 4 to the box. territories containing 5ites.
. EverY territory must contain at least one
.-l: Rfter all the troops and capitals have been placed by one player, the other player then chooses
i 1,1: which colour army they will play, and who will go first.
;i .'::
1 First. you check for Neutral Resistance (see f,liA{ITS: Sioe 1).
.i ..:
l 1'> You win if you have completed three
2 Second, you may purchase Combat Service Support I jli objectives and control your capital at
f. - (see SrlAftTS Siile I).
I tne end of your turn, or if you have
3 Next, draft more troops (see TR00PS). !{ eliminated your opponent.
4 Then you attack your enemies (see ,::i
After you've finished attacking, colleci one objective, if you are
';!i eligible (see EN0INE Y0UR TURN: Side 1).
Manoeuvre your troops and draw a card, if eligible (see
:i: ENDING Y0UR TURN: Side 2).
) GlIllS u
Cities will be placed on the board inio
different territories. lf you control a
territory that contains a city, you control
that city, The number of cities you
control is added to the number of
territories you control when drafting
Each player will have one Clt troops, and they are also important to
capital placed in one of their rl
achievi ng some objectives.
territories. Capitals have no T
military function but are trr
important to hold. Capitals
cannot be moved during the
i -ii,ffffliJf,,1
t:";r.u,"4 i
T{F i
neoiLir l
i{:ii:*;x**xffi 'a
{;*a Place these obiectives on the board:
L'48e 3 'Control the Swiss Vault
. Control the Naval Base in Denmark
H t Elininate the Neutral Player
#, o Control both Satellite Centres
:' # t Control 6 Territories with Rough Terain
'"'. . Control the Green Region
',i i':.
. )ontrol the 6 Territories adjacentto a Sea-Line
': : it . Cantrol the Purple Region
"i : : The remaining objectives go back in the box-
L'+a€ 'ControlZComPleteRegions
oControl 6Cities
, *4 o Control the Swiss Vault
o Control the Naval Base in Dennark
, # & . Csntrol bsth Satellite Centres
',''.. . Contrsl 6 Territories witlt Rough Terain
': :'", t
.i . i:
Control the Green Region
o Elininate the Neutral Player o'; l
," ,, The renaining obiectives go back in the box - .i
',,.'j !!'y..y:l!.ltt 9r..yt'.l.it-!!!:gy:,.-
; :, : Placecitiesinthefollowingterritories:
;t:: cNetherlands @' :
:j;1. .Aernany
. Southern
o Lithuania
o Latvia
t Slovenia . Northern Russia
...: Slovakia
:':.t Poland
.i ;'r..-
o Csntral the Purple Region
.: : : ; o Controlthe SwissVault
T p.- srnos on the €$sls& l'"1,!,?,1,i;"i1i"LY;''i'in'no'u"''i"!"!'
C& il; get cards is explained 1o draft 7 trooPs'
card' , - .^
one or two
cards have s;;
two or more F',''
containing i. draft troops'
io nuno in so1; :::j:"j"}*in., r.,o* *unv
The number
u' to ten
.l'"'"-ou hand in two
rroops vou *t l:"^:ii o,i'ti. nou,o to =".
Refer tn"
stars .t^:,t:'.;'io,'u
'" Jou BeL,," ,", o{
how many
to tn ,. tr"n, of you.
Add those troops
are irrelevant
t, on thle cards
The territories
when drattrng
On your turn, you
;;;.,'; ;,',;#; ii't'[ il:TT:,1 n.'u
. Attacking is optional.
,Choose one
of your territories ihat contains
at least two troops. Select
behind and guard your
one ,rr;O-;;';;;;
territory. nry *rnr,r,U
troops can attack the
enemy ierritory. 3. troops in
1"^1.!:t attack Northern Russia and
y::rt_to, Fi n tand. Uu r"rj, V, irfooi
how many troops will r,nrc^^f rnland. He cannot send
attack. you can troop must stay behind. all-3'si'n;;Pi
send in one, two, or th
contain more than,r;:T.J;:: ;:T :"ju"l:J Bul:e^::d:f:nding Fintand
ne can only send 2 out
and has 3 trooos.
than three can attack. to batile.
, The defender chooses
how many troops will
, defend _ one or two troops. ffi
, Each side rolls one die for
each troop in
. batile. This means the attacker the /
three dice and the
rolls one, two, or
,u: 10 troops in Sweden and
defenderyoff. on"'or"t*"o ,:opt,,to sends 3
attack Fjnland. fn"a
dice. more than this. since
, a m,
can attack il ;t;;;) ;i::TJr::: I;rr;
Both sides put their troops.
to io*.,iil.;";::1 ;,ill",:':f l'ffi: Red rolls 3 dice, one
for ea
opponent's highest u, y,oi,*oi -,ii' iT : :r;:: :t i;iz?,
die. The frigfr.,
wins, and the defender nrri., T a 6, is
ore, !higher than Btt
wins ties. highest die, a
removes a troop from
The loser l s_ srue remivz,;;;:;;,7;"
n, a t, u| i i li i n;:; t,:::
their territory.
oetenders win ties.
i ;l :: ":, :!, Z
Red ren
Compare your second troop. attackrng
highest dice. The loser Red s ;;;;;;,"Z'1."'l^nu'un
removes one troop.
th re s, a ri,,n ji',w ;, ; r,
lf there is no die to .orpjr""
e i
" : :;;:;, l, ;::
yours to, meaning
you rolled
, "'
onu o, t*o ,lorJ
tnun your opponent,
1].:,. then
_.. ignore
,b,,vr E that
die/dice. U rdr. ,
l; tn tt',* version' defeated
into the
ii uooot do not go directly back
1i, troop pile but, instead, go onlo a
Str{&*T$ Card'
?i exptainea on the
'J :J]
4 '.i:t
.f r ril ::,r. i : al.:: r). l::. ii.:t.:; ;.:,;. L.:.;
Move the attacking troops into the territory. You may
also move in additional troops from the attacking
territory. So even though you can only attack with three
troops, you can move more than that into a conquered H
Recon Mission. Cost i
2: When attacking a Site, $pecial forces. 6ost = 8: Far this turn, you rnay
one die cannot be a I
and is re-rolled until it is attack into rough terrain territories with a
Caij not (although the other dice can be). lt rnay be maximum of three troops instead of the usual
purchased multiple times in order to guarantee maximum of two.
that more dice are not 1s,
:!P Draw Card. Cost = 9: Draw a card and add it to
$tarting Manseuvre. f,sst = 3: Make an immediate your hand.
t!: rnanoeuvre with troops on the board.
Build Airfield. Gost = 10r Take your Airfield
lnsurrection. Cost = 6r Chaose an enemy territory token and immediately place it onto any
adjacent to a territory containing at least two territory you control. As long as you have your
]:-!t: neutral troops. These neutrals may attack the Airfield, you add one to your highest die roll for
a;i: enemy territory until they take over the territory or any battle conducted in that territory or in any
lose at least one troop in combat. lf the neutrals adjacent territory. This works on attack and
succeed at taking over the enemy territory, only defence but not when you are rolling dice for
neutral troops. lf you lose control of the
the neutrals involved in that attack {sne, two, or
three) rnove into the new territory. terrilory eontaining the Airf ield, then the
Sain 3 troops. $6sl = 7: Plaee three troops onto the Airfield is destroyed (but can be rebuilt later).
board, into territories you already control. You may only have one Airfield at a time.
1": :-::, IHE
"hleroN 2 - .: :-r.E-lT.lyllEl l-
i*'lr,. - -*;i* St.."'o'l'' -,,,. ;* ."'"'"'l]. 'r,. . ,.,,s!A flE",
Control two