Labor Compliance Guide September 1, 2021: Francisco Das Chagas Vieira Junior Lawyer - OAB Nº. 408.621
Labor Compliance Guide September 1, 2021: Francisco Das Chagas Vieira Junior Lawyer - OAB Nº. 408.621
Labor Compliance Guide September 1, 2021: Francisco Das Chagas Vieira Junior Lawyer - OAB Nº. 408.621
September 1, 2021
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………….4
2. Employee Rights and Benefits……………………………………………………5
2.1. Main rights and benefits of workers with a formal contract…………………5
2.1.1. Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS)…………………………………5
2.1.2. Salary allowance (PIS, Pasep)………………………………………5
2.1.3. Paid vacations………………………………………………………...6
2.1.4. 13th salary……………………………………………………………..6
2.1.5. Unemployment insurance……………………………………………7
2.1.6. Extra hours…………………………………………………………….7
2.1.7. Maternity/paternity leave……………………………………………..8
2.1.8. Transportation vouchers……………………………………………..8
2.1.9. Early warning or “Aviso Prévio”……………………………………..8
2.2. Collective Labor Convention……………………………………………………9
2.3. Other benefits granted to workers with a formal contract…………………9
3. Registration………………………………………………………………………..10
3.1. What is E-Social…………………………………………………………….10
3.1.1 Register employer data………………………………………………10
3.1.2. Include employee data………………………………………………11
3.1.3. Register dependents………………………………………………...11
3.1.4. Enter the data of the employment contract………………………...12
3.1.5. Penalties……………………………………………………………...12 Non-compliance with the submission……………………12 Admission Information…………………………………….13 Failure to comply with severance pay……………………13
4. Employee pay discounts…………………………………………………………13
4.1. Mandatory Discounts………………………………………………………….14
4.1.1. INSS – Social Security……………………………………………...14
4.1.2. Withholding Income Tax – IRRF…………………………………...14
4.1.3. Transportation vouchers……………………………………………14
4.2. Optional payroll discounts…………………………………………………….15
4.2.1. Meal ticket/food voucher……………………………………………15
4.2.3. Salary advance………………………………………………………15
4.2.4. Union contribution……………………………………………………15
4.2.5. Health and Dental Plan……………………………………………...16
4.2.6. Absences and delays………………………………………………..16
5. Documents required for hiring the employee…………………………………17
5.1. Work and Social Security Card (CTPS)…………………………………..17
5.2. ID card………………………………………………………………………..19
5.3. Taxpayer identification card (CPF)………………………………………..19
5.4. Voter Title with proof of voting in the last 3 elections……………………20
5.5. PIS registration card………………………………………………………...20
5.6. Reservist Certificate, if under 45 years of age (male)………………………21
5.7. Copy of proof of residence…………………………………………………21
5.8. Proof of education…………………………………………………………..22
5.9. Copy of the marriage certificate……………………………………………23
5.10. Copy of the birth certificate…………………………………………………23
5.11. 3×4 photo…………………………………………………………………….24
5.12. Declaration of dependents for Income Tax purposes at source………...24
5.13. Declaration for the transportation voucher………………………………..25
5.14. Admission medical certificate………………………………………………26
5.15. Employee statement not to pay Union contribution………………………27
5.16. Complementary documents………………………………………………..27
6 Checklist……………………………………………………………………...........28
1. Introduction
Each new employee must be treated according to their case, due to the fact
that some categories of professionals may require specific exams, (example: the anti-
drug exam for drivers of large vehicles) or will have other rights stipulated by the union
of the professional category.
2 Collective Labor Convention is an agreement of a normative nature, whereby two or more Unions representing
economic and professional categories stipulate working conditions applicable, within the scope of their respective
representations, to individual labor relations
These are the general common hiring procedures, that cater to all
The Severance Indemnity Fund, better known as FGTS, is one of the main
rights guaranteed to Brazilian workers by the CLT. It is a kind of savings account,
opened at “Caixa Econômica Federal” for all professionals with a formal contract in the
All workers with a formal contract who receive up to two minimum wages
are entitled to a salary bonus. The benefit corresponds to the value of one minimum
wage, paid annually to PIS/Pasep taxpayers.
All professionals enrolled in the PIS/Pasep for at least 5 years and who have
worked for at least 30 calendar days in the year prior to the withdrawal request can
withdraw the benefit.
Those who work with a formal contract are also entitled to 30 days of paid
rest annually. The benefit is granted to the worker after at least one year of work and
the decision on when the vacation will take place is up to the employer.
However, if after one year from the date the employee became entitled, the
benefit is not granted, he is entitled to receive double the value of his vacation and also
take the stipulated rest days.
The professional can also negotiate their vacation with the employer, being
able to divide it into different periods of not less than 10 days. In addition, it is also
possible to trade and sell up to a third of the rest days.
This is a benefit granted to workers with a formal contract at the end of the
year and corresponds to an extra minimum wage, paid in two installments. By law, the
first installment must be paid between February and November, and the second until
the third week of December.
For those who have not completed a year of work at the company, the
calculation of the 13th is based on the number of months worked.
2.1.5. Unemployment insurance
One of the most basic rights guaranteed to workers with a formal contract
with the CLT is that of a fair working day. Currently, it cannot exceed 8 hours a day
and 44 hours a week for any formal worker.
However, if the employer needs it, he can ask the employee to work up to
two overtime hours, having to pay out an amount at least 50% higher than one hour of
normal work. On Saturdays and Sundays, overtime is doubled.
2.1.7. Maternity/paternity leave
Both the mother and the father are entitled to a work permit when they have
a child, without any kind of deduction from the normal salary. For mothers, the period
of leave is up to 4 months, and for fathers, 5 days, and may reach up to 20 days in
companies included in the Citizen Company program.
Workers with a formal contract who use public transport to travel to work
are still entitled to an extra allowance, corresponding to at least 6% of their gross
salary, to pay for the tickets.
The period can also be indemnified, with the immediate interruption of the
service or with the worker serving the period at home.
This agreement may provide exclusive rights and benefits for professional
categories. "Normative nature" means they have applicability of law. Some of the
benefits can be: life insurance, overtime at a higher rate, funeral assistance, etc.
In addition to all the rights mentioned above, the CLT also guarantees the
worker a series of other benefits, such as night pay, weekly paid rest, family salary,
justifiable absences, among many others.
3. Registration
E-Social is the Digital Bookkeeping System for Tax, Social Security and
Labor Obligations, created in 2014 by the Brazilian Federal Government.
It is where the employee's registration is carried out. After entering all the
data, you will be able to generate an Access Code to enter the system and change
your password. Registration can also be done using an e-CPF Digital Certificate.
c) software company information if you choose not to use the eSocial
Next, you must inform the date of birth, admission, group and category of
the employee, choosing the option. Once this is done, the system will open the next
screens, requesting this information from the employee:
a) country of birth;
b) PIS number;
c) marital status;
d) race;
e) education;
f) city and state;
g) data from the Work and Social Security Card (number, serial number and
dispatch UF);
h) contact information (landline, mobile and email);
i) full address.
a) CPF;
b) full name;
d) birth date;
e) type of dependent.
It is also necessary to inform if he is dependent for purposes of deduction
of income tax, receiving family allowance and if he has any physical or mental
incapacity for work.
On the following screens, you must register all information about the
employment contract, including:
3.1.5. Penalties
If a company that does not comply with its obligation and does not send the
information, it will be subject to fines3 and penalties, as follows:
If the payroll is not sent, the company will have a fine of approximately
R$1,812.87 (USD 351,16).
These penalties do not refer to judicial fines, fines from the Public Ministry of Labor or the Federal
Revenue in relation to non-compliance with labor obligations.
12 Admission Information
Upon admission of the employee, the information must be sent one day
before the employee starts working, if this deadline is not met, the company may face
a fine of R$ 3,000.00 (USD 581,11). This rule is in accordance with article 47 of the
Labor Law.
If the employer does not pay the severance payments within the deadline,
the company may face a fine of R$ 170, 26 (USD 32,98) for each employee.This
information is based on article 477 of the CLT.
Note | Severance Indemnity Fund – FGTS: The FGTS is calculated based on the employee's receipts,
8% will be calculated on this amount, which must be paid. There is no discount on the employee's
4.1. Mandatory Discounts
The social security discount is one of the mandatory salary discounts. Thus,
it will be calculated based on the employee's monthly remuneration. The percentages
will vary depending on your salary range and the month of contribution. In this sense,
the rate will be at least 7.5%, and may reach 14%.
It is not required in the case of an employee who works from home, but any
travel by that employee must be paid for.
Along with the transportation voucher, the "VR" or food voucher is one of
the most recurrent salary discounts in companies. Comprising a payroll discount of up
to 20% of the amount delivered to the employee.
Payment of a portion of the salary before the date the employee usually
receives, payments in Brazil are monthly. When the employee asks for or for another
reason there is an advance on salary, he can also have its amount written off from the
This is not an HR benefit, but after the Labor Reform5 – Law 13.467/2017,
Union Contribution became optional. Thus, it will only be discounted if the worker
4.2.5. Health and Dental Plan
If the company offers and the worker accepts this benefit, the health and
dental plan may also be discounted. However, this discount will depend on the type of
plan. After all, there are companies that fully fund the health plan for employees,
instead of having a salary discount.
The employee who is absent from work or is late at the start of the working
day, the company has the right to discount delays over 10 minutes a day or for
unexcused absences.
5. Documents required for hiring the employee
The documents below refer to hiring, other documents may be necessary in the
dismissal, such as the notice letter and dismissal examination, which, although not
mandatory, is important to reduce liability risks.
The card must have the employer's information on one of its pages:
5.2. ID card;
5.4. Voter Title with proof of voting in the last 3 elections;
Voting is mandatory in Brazil, the citizen who does not vote loses some civil
rights, such as being hired, the situation is easy to be resolved through the payment of
a fine that costs cents.
But in addition to the voter's document, small receipts are required obtained
in the last 3 votes or issue a certificate on the government's electoral website6.
5.6. Reservist Certificate, if under 45 years of age (male);
Any document that proves the address, it is more common to use water bills,
electricity or telephone services.
5.8. Proof of education;
In other cases, the diploma is enough. Diplomas in Brazil most often look
the same as in the United States:
5.9. Copy of the marriage certificate
5.11. 3×4 photo
5.13. Declaration for the transportation voucher
If he doesn't receive, he fills in simple declaration:
It must be paid for by the employer and made before the start of activities:
5.15. Employee statement not to pay Union contribution
Data. Date.
Eu (...), portador da carteira profissional n.º (...), I (...), holder of professional card No. (...),
regularmente registrado na empresa (...), CNPJ n° regularly registered with the company (...), CNPJ
(...), com sede à (...), nº (...), bairro (...), não No. (...), with registered office at (...), No. ( ...),
sindicalizado, manifesto oposição ao desconto em neighborhood (...), not unionized, manifests
folha de pagamento a título de contribuição opposition to the payroll deduction as assistance
assistencial, confederativa ou outras contribution, confederation or other contributions
contribuições em favor dessa entidade. in favor of this entity.
Atenciosamente, Regards,
During the process, the documents that may eventually be needed are birth
certificates and/or ID for children under 21, vaccination card for children under 5, proof
of schooling for children up to 14 years old.
6. Checklist
Work and Social Security Card (CTPS)
ID card
Taxpayer identification card in the Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF)
Voter Title with proof of voting in the last 3 elections
PIS registration card
Reservist Certificate, if under 45 years of age (male)
Copy of proof of residence
Proof of education
Copy of the birth certificate or Copy of the marriage certificate;
3×4 photo
Declaration of dependents for Income Tax purposes at source
Declaration for the transportation voucher
Admission medical certificate
Employee statement not to pay Union contribution
Complementary | Optional
Birth certificates for children under 21
ID for children under 21
Vaccination card for children under 5
Proof of schooling for children up to 14 years old
NDA - confidentiality agreement
LGPD/GDPR/CCPA/POPI - data protection related agreement
Training document