Selection of An Optimum Configuration of Solar PV Array Under Partial Shaded Condition Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Selection of An Optimum Configuration of Solar PV Array Under Partial Shaded Condition Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Selection of An Optimum Configuration of Solar PV Array Under Partial Shaded Condition Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Abstract—This paper presents an extraction of maximum energy
from Solar Photovoltaic Array (SPVA) under partial shaded
conditions by optimum selection of array size using Particle Swarm
S OLAR Photovoltaic array is formed by connecting number
of solar photovoltaic (SPV) modules in different
configurations to get a desired voltage and current levels. The
Optimization (PSO) technique. In this paper a detailed study on the
major problem in a larger SPVA/ building integrated PV
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array life and utilization of the array for the worst shaded case. with irradiation and temperature, respectively, and the other
The harmful effects in basic configurations and their parameters are determined by taking a reference operating
comparison have been discussed by [14]. Common use of by- condition [1], [8], [31], [34]. However, all of the circuit
pass diodes in antiparallel with the series-connected PV parameters depend on both irradiation and cell temperature
modules can partially improve the power reduction due to and the relationship between them is nonlinear and cannot be
partial shadow. In such cases a more complicated Maximum easily expressed by an analytical equation [3], [35]-[39]. In
Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms capable to disregard addition, some differences can be seen in the equations that
local power maxima is required. Alternatively, the maximum describe the relationship between the parameters and
available DC power can be improved if the connection of the operational conditions [3], [37]. Consequently, every
SPV modules can be reconfigured such that panels with assumption forces the model to fall into error. For this reason
similar operating conditions are connected in the same series an assumption should be done carefully, especially in
string. Furthermore the parallel configuration should be simulation studies of SPV arrays under mismatch conditions
dominant under partial shaded conditions [14], [15]. However, and low irradiated PV modules [40]. Sharma et al. [39]
high output current at low voltage in parallel configuration showed that consideration of identical series and parallel
will have to be properly conditioned to the required level by resistances for illuminated and dark region of a PV module is
using suitable DC-DC converter. For the configuration types, not a valid assumption and enhancement of the resistances
International Science Index, Electrical and Computer Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014
the generalized MATLAB programs have been developed must be considered in the analysis of partially shaded PV
which are capable of simulating any number of modules array. Dyk and Meyer [5] also showed that the effects of
connected in series or parallel and any type of shading parallel and series resistances on the PV module performance
patterns. The comparison study is made among the are significant. In this study, the dependence of all circuit
configurations with bypass diodes. For particular insolation parameters on module temperature and irradiance is included
and temperature different configurations will be dominant. It by improved model equations [17], [25], [41]. The effect of
is customary to select a proper size of SPV array [16], [17]. varying shunt resistance has been included by fitting a curve
Otherwise, a large change in SPV power because of insolation obtained from experimental results [26]. The model equations
variation caused by shading may lead to instability. Tracking presented in [17] by authors are used for modeling the SPV
the maximum power point is required in order to extract the system. As the importance of bypass diodes is well known, a
largest amount of power from a SPVA, regardless of weather bypass diode has been included as a part of every module in
or load conditions. Various MPPT methods have been the M-file code. This section considers that each module is
proposed and used to extract maximum power from SPVA connected with a bypass diode. To include the effect of bypass
under varying atmospheric conditions and partial shaded diode, negative voltages caused by shading is taken as diode
conditions [18]-[26]. forward drop (~0.7V) in m-file coding. The equations are for
This paper presents the reconfiguration of SPVA and single SPV module.
implementation of MPP tracking of a partially shaded SPVA
using PSO. The PSO [27]-[30] algorithm is one of the modern
evolutionary algorithms. This algorithm was first proposed by
[27]. PSO is a population-based search algorithm
characterized as conceptually simple, easy to implement and
computationally efficient. The authors aim to realize a power
tracking scheme that can find the GP to maximize the
generated power from the SPV source. It should be applicable
to large scale SPV system, resulting from different
combination of solar modules. The proposed PSO scheme is Fig. 1 Equivalent circuit model of a SPVA with bypass diode
also used to select the optimum configuration under partial
shaded conditions. Both functions that are reconfigurations as After improving the accuracy of equivalent circuit of SPV
well GP tracking can be possible using PSO by considering its module model for all operating conditions, the performance of
capability to handle parallel processing. different interconnected SPV arrays are investigated by
including bypass diode under different mismatch conditions.
II. CHARACTERISTICS OF SPVA UNDER PARTIAL SHADED The model is developed using MATLAB M-file. The detailed
CONDITIONS explanation of the effect of bypass diodes in the characteristics
The commonly used electrical equivalent circuit for SPV is given in [14], [42]. Fig. 2 shows the electrical characteristics
module is shown in Fig. 1 [17], [31]. The relationship between of SPVA with bypass diodes under different partial shaded
solar cell’s current and voltage has both the implicit and conditions [43].Number of peaks in the V-P characteristics is
nonlinear mathematical equations. Therefore, determination of less than or equal to the number of zones receiving different
the equivalent circuit parameters requires more computational insolation.
effort for each operating condition when electrical
performance is analyzed [32]-[35]. In most studies, only the
photo-current and the diode saturation current are changed
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behavior when they are set equal; rand1 and rand2 are two
randomly generated numbers with a range of [0, 1] added in
the model to introduce stochastic nature in particle’s
movement; and w is the inertia weight and it keeps a balance
between exploration and exploitation. In our case, it is a
linearly decreasing function of the iteration index:
w − w min
w (k ) = w max − max × iter
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ten different array sizes. The power, voltage and current value 2X6 MB 187.23 213.27 27.39 4.87
of each configuration is obtained for each of these shading 6X2 SP 143.13 254.32 56.59 31.86
patterns. The mean value of power and voltage is calculated 6X2 TCT 160.09 237.43 57.01 32.5
for each configuration for each size. The mean value denotes 6X2 BL 143.11 254.35 56.58 31.86
the mean power and voltage which can be obtained from any 6X2 MB 165.34 233.52 65.97 25.05
configuration. Similarly RMSD is calculated for each 3X4 SP 128.14 269.75 27.69 30.11
configuration by primarily subtracting the uniform irradiance 3X4 TCT 142.58 255.72 29.88 28.47
value from the partial shaded value. These values are squared 3X4 BL 146.70 251.35 33.43 24.78
3X4 MB 144.93 253.70 35.57 22.87
and then the square root of its average is obtained. This gives
4X3 SP 125.79 272.99 34.25 11.51
the RMSD value for a configuration of a particular size. Table
4X3 TCT 132.37 263.53 34.11 23.36
I gives the mean value and RMSD value for all the
4X3 BL 132.89 263.01 36.41 21.06
configurations with different sizes. From Table I it can be
4X3 MB 137.95 257.95 40.40 17.07
inferred that depending on the size of array and type of
3X3 SP 85.72 212.85 27.89 16.05
shading scenario different configurations are dominant. But in
3X3 TCT 92.79 206.06 26.70 17.76
most of the cases TCT seems to be dominant closely followed 3X3 BL 84.5 214.41 29.21 15.33
by MB. It is also note that wherever the modules with same 3X3 MB 83.22 215.21 28.83 15.46
shade are grouped in a string, MB is dominant in which ties 4X4 SP 145.31 384.64 33.30 26.61
are less compared to TCT. 4X4 TCT 164.62 366.41 34.05 25.71
25 different random shading profiles are generated for each 4X4 BL 145.03 384.56 36.51 24.46
array size. The power, voltage and current value of each 4X4 MB 144.14 385.53 40.93 19.65
configuration is obtained for each of these shading patterns. 4X6 SP 186.66 606.83 22.25 35.43
The mean value of power and voltage is calculated for each 4X6 TCT 211.54 583.56 26.51 30.46
configuration for each size. The mean value denotes the mean 4X6 BL 186.06 606.71 28.69 29.52
power and voltage which can be obtained from any 4X6 MB 227.06 572.72 39.42 23.4
configuration. Similarly RMSD is calculated for each 6X4 SP 197.86 596.88 46.31 42.47
configuration by primarily subtracting the uniform insolation 6X4 TCT 234.57 561.86 45.18 42.41
value from the partial shaded value. These values are squared 6X4 BL 184.48 607.33 48.79 40.98
and then the square root of its average is obtained. This gives 6X4 MB 219.1 579.74 54.58 37.99
the RMSD value for a configuration of a particular size. Table
I gives the mean value and RMSD value for all the VII. PRACTICAL VERIFICATION
configurations with different sizes. For different array sizes To verify the outputs obtained from software simulation,
the comparison of mean and RMSD values of all the practical verification are performed. 3X3 SPVA (SOLKAR
configurations are given from Table I. solar module) setup is used. The specifications are given in
From Table I it can be inferred that depending on the size of appendix. The terminals from this setup are drawn to the panel
array different configurations are dominant. But in most of the board. This is shown in Fig. 6 along with the electronic load to
cases TCT seems to be dominant closely followed by MB. trace the characteristics. The electronic load [14] is used to
verify the characteristics. A sample snap shot of the CRO
screen shows V-I characteristics of the different SPVA
configurations for a particular shading pattern (Fig. 10).
GWINSTEK GDS-1022 Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)
is used to trace the practical characteristics. It is calibrated
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Fig. 6 Practical setup of a 3X3 array with Panel board and Electronic
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The Parameters of the SOLKAR solar Module used for
practical verification at STC (1000 W/m2 and T=250C) is
given below:
Fig. 9 Pulse pattern given to switches for reconfiguration No. of Series Cells (Ns) : 36
After reconfiguring the PSO give the gbest value of the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
selected configuration which will be the reference GP power
The author wishes to thank the management of SSN college
value. This reference value is compared with the actual power
of Engineering for providing all the experimental and
of SPVA and error signal is processed with PI controller. The
computational facilities to carry out this work.
output of the controller is then compared with high frequency
triangular carrier to produce PWM pulses to chopper to
transfer maximum power to the load. The block diagram of the
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