Madcapellans Objective Raids 3067
Madcapellans Objective Raids 3067
Madcapellans Objective Raids 3067
all previous Battletech development staff, be they with FASA, Fanpro, or Catalyst
Shugenja24, DougGlendower, & JimDeGris for supplying art to liven up the pages
Since that time, the number of BattleMechs, vehicles, weapons systems, & other pieces of
equipment added to the game universe has exploded, but Objective Raids has never been updated as
an official product. The reason why, looking at this newly created document, is obvious: a hardcopy
book of this size would wind up with a high cover price and would be only marketable to only the
most hardcore fan. Still, there have been many attempts over the years to replicate Objective Raids
and update it to incorporate the numerous new materials released since the original. None have
approached the scope of this book: Objective Raids: 3067.
In starting this project, it was my goal to create a version of Objective Raids which
incorporated every unit in production in 3067, mere months before the opening volleys of the Word
of Blake Jihad. Every TRO was scoured going back to the original TRO: 3025 and numerous
sourcebooks were poured over and checked and rechecked. Rough copies were turned over to the
dedicated fans at the forums to tear apart and find errors to be corrected.
While every effort was made to be completely canon, there are a handful of BattleMech &
vehicle designs and a preponderance of components with no canonical data regarding their
manufacturer. Rather than leave these out, I chose to create a book which is complete in it’s
contents and thoroughly usable as the original was intended, and incorporated them into Objective
Raids: 3067. I took into account a myriad of data before deciding on the most sensible, if non-
canonically verified place of manufacture, and no canonical information was disregarded. In the
case of completed battlefield units, I used such data as what company produced the original design
and what sites produced vehicles using the same or compatible parts before assigning a production
site. In the case of components, I looked into what sites were responsible for producing products of
the same “brand name”, whether or not they might be imported from other states, and where or not
the factory of the completed vehicle typically produces the same type of component for their
products or who was their typical supplier.
Thus, Objective Raids 3067 could be described as quasi-canon. Whilst it does include non-
canon information, nowhere does it contradict Battletech canon. Whilst thoroughly fact-checked,
the possibility remains for the occasional error. If you locate what you believe to be an error in this
book, please contact MadCapellan on the CBT forums by private message, and explain the error you
think you have found. Please supply a CANON SOURCE, with page number, with information
which contradicts what is found in Objective Raids 3067. A simple disagreement in opinion of where
something should be produced is not an error. Errors will be corrected and new editions will be
I’d like to thank everyone for their interest in support of this project. It’s been a wild but
fun project.
I’m glad we had plenty of lead time on this project, because it’s taken me the better part of six
weeks just to get this summary document completed! Although we set our goals high, I think we’ve
outdone ourselves in the sheer amount of data gathered in this one report. Whilst our original goal was to
simply track production capacity and output figures of major military manufacturers, Omega managed to
track down not only individual component production numbers for these companies, but also of the
companies which supplied their raw materials. Rho was also able to uncover a startling amount of data
pertaining to this report, some of which I’ve taken the liberty of separating out on a separate datachip
whilst omitting it from the distribution copies, lest it compromise the reporting agents. I figured you
wouldn’t want to have to root through table after table of rivet production figures and endo-steel fiber
stress evaluations, so I’ve created this summary document to provide a brief overview of the Star League’s
Military-Industrial Output. It’s hardly what I’d call light reading either, but it might at least be the type of
thing you can look over in between preparations for the Conference.
-- Jessica Clarent
Precentor VI-Mu
Comstar Archives, Tukayyid
November 2, 3067
Your Hands have been busy on New Earth. Huang Di Shi Zhe agents imbedded in Comstar’s HPG station
there have intercepted the transfer of a huge cache of data relating to Military-Industrial output Sphere
wide. Indications are that Comstar planned to share it at the Whitting Conference to aid in planning of
supply & logistics for further anti-Clan operations. Since Your Celestial Wisdom has opted to not attend
this year, Director Ward thought you would desire to receive your copy in advance. Despite Omega-Tau-
Sigma level encryption, our agents have managed to decode the accompanying protected files and Zang
Shu Zhe Fratello teams Triela & Henrietta have dealt with our mole problem. Let me know if I or Citizen
Ward may be of further service to Your Celestial Wisdom.
Maps appearing in this report display the locations of major military formations using a
color coding system. Planets which are a solid color are guarded by a single military unit
larger than Battalion, usually an Inner Sphere Regiment or Clan Cluster. Planets which
are only partially shaded are guarded by a formation of Battalion size or smaller. Planets
guarded by multiple formations are denoted by a series of color-coded circles or semi-
circles adjacent to the planet.
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: 4th McCarron’s Armored Cavalry (Lord Carson’s Cavaliers)
Vehicles Produced:
LCT-1L Locust
STG-6L Stinger
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Bergan VII Chassis Locust
Earthwerks STG II Endo Steel Chassis Stinger
LTV 120 Fusion Engine Refits & Repairs
LTV 160 Fusion Engine Locust
Chilton 360 Jump Jets Duan Gung (Victoria)
Once a major player in military production throughout the Inner Sphere, the Succession Wars were cruel to Bergan
Industries. By the end of the Succession Wars Bergan’s plant on Ares was unable to produce anything larger than the
smallest scout ‘Mechs. Bergan’s Corporate Executives have high-hopes that their recently acquired license to produce
Earthwerks’ STG-6L Stinger may help turn their company around. No longer needing to produce jump jets for their own
products, the entirety of Bergan Industries’ output of Chilton 360s are sold to Shengli Arms for use on their Duan Gung.
Vehicles Produced:
Kuan Ti class Dropship
Union class Dropship
Overlord class Dropship
Overlord-A3 class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Star League V84A Interplanetary Drive Kuan Ti
Star League V250 Interplanetary Drive Union
Star League V450 Interplanetary Drive Overlord
Vehicles Produced:
Tracked APC
Heavy Tracked APC
Scorpion Tank
Bulldog Tank
LB-2X Carrier
LRM Carrier
SRM Carrier
Manticore Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
SitiCide 60 I.C.E. APC
SitiCide 100 I.C.E. Scorpion, APC
Bulldog 240 I.C.E. Bulldog
InterComBust 120 I.C.E. LRM Carrier
InterComBust 180 I.C.E. SRM Carrier
Pitban 240 Fusion Engine Stinger & Manticore
Days to Jump Point: 10
Defending Units: Home Guard & Militia only, 2nd CDF, 5th MAC, 15th Dracon & House Ijori within 1 Jump
Bithinia's massive steel mills made it an obvious choice for a factory site during the rebuilding that followed in the
wake of the Fourth Succession War.
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Mydron Excel LB-2X LB-2X Carrier (Ares)
Mydron Five AC/5 Scorpion (Ares)
Mydron Excel 5SG LB-5X Vedette (Sian)
Mydron Excel LB-10X Snake (Capella), Lao Hu (Victoria),
Cataphract (Grand Base),
Koschei (Tikonov), UrbanMech
Mydron Obliterator AC/20 Refits & Repairs
Mydron Devastator LB-20X Thunder (Capella, Sian, St.Ives),
Hetzer (Indicass),
Transit (Capella & Sarna)
Grizzard Model 210 Gauss Rifle Huron Warrior (Corey),
& Cataphract (Grand Base & Tikonov)
Mydron MiniGun Machine Gun Locust, Bulldog, Scorpion, & APC (Ares),
Morningstar (Tikonov)
Bithinian Ballistics Thumper Artillery Piece Artillery Units
Bithinian Ballistics chose to build its autocannon factory alongside a large refinery- While convenient for
production. it makes for awkward defense- The refinery complex is extensive and reinforced enough to make an ideal base
for any invader wanting to take the nearby ballistics plant .
Days to Jump Point: 7
Defending Units: Holdfast Guard (Blandford’s Grenadiers), 1st Capellan Defense Force
Vehicles Produced:
Merchant class Jumpship
Invader class Jumpship
Monolith class Jumpship
Lung Wang class Dropship
Achilles class Dropship
Triumph class Dropship
Excalibur class Dropship
Avenger class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
KF Mark V Kearney-Fuchida Drive Merchant
KF Mark VIIa Kearney Fuchida Drive Invader
KF Mark X Kearney-Fuchida Drive Monolith
Xevec-12s Interplanetary Drive Achilles
Xevec-19 Interplanetary Drive Lung Wang
Delano 1070 Interplanetary Drive Triumph
GM 48000 Interplanetary Drive Excalibur
GM 9800 Interplanetary Drive Avenger
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: 2nd Confederation Reserve Cavalry (Capella’s Bright Edge)
Vehicles Produced:
Feng Huang class Heavy Cruiser
Components Produced
Name Component Typical Use
Phoenix 970 Kearney-Fuchida Drive Feng Huang
Defending Units: Home Guard & militia only, House Ma-Tsu Kai & Harloc Raiders within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
HUR-WO-R4N Huron Warrior
HUR-WO-R4O Huron Warrior
CPLT-C5 Catapult
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Geometric 590 Endo Class HC Chassis Huron Warrior
Hollis Mk.II-Alpha Endo Steel Chassis Catapult
Hollis Mk.III Chassis Thunder (St.Ives, Sian)
Magna 250 XL Fusion Engine Huron Warrior
Magna 260 Fusion Engine Catapult
Anderson Propulsion 25 Jump Jets Catapult
Another once prosperous manufacturer almost bankrupted by the Succession Wars, Hollis Incorporated produced
such iconic Assault ‘Mechs as the Battle Master & Highlander until a Marik raid during the 2nd Succession War destroyed
much of the factory. Hollis Incorporated had only barely begun to recover and was about to begin production of their first
new BattleMech design in well over three-hundred years when forces of the CCAF overran Corey during Operation
Guerrero. Hardly surprised by the turn of events, Hollis’ Board of Directors had remained loyal to the Celestial Throne ever
since the 4th Succession War, paying lip service to the Archon-Prince only to take advantage of military subsidies Hollis Inc
used to rebuild their facilities.
Days to Jump Point: 9
Defending Units: Shin Legion
Vehicles Produced:
TR-8 Thrush
F-10 Cheetah
LTN-G16L Lightning
Seeker class Dropship
Mule class Dropship
Mammoth class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Mujika Aerospace Type 12 Frame Thrush
Imstar/10f Frame Cheetah
HildCo Aerospace Type 4 Frame Lightning
GM 200 Fusion Engine Lightning
GM 250 Fusion Engine Thrush, Cheetah
Aerobus Ferro-Aluminum
Advanced Plus Armor Lightning
Starshield Armor Thrush, Cheetah
Quad RanTech 720 Interplanetary Drive Seeker
GE 208011 Interplanetary Drive Mule
Bally Tech Super X40 Interplanetary Drive Mammoth
Endicott Type 22 Maser Communications System Thrush, Cheetah, & Lightning
Dwyerson Mark XI Targeting & Tracking System Thrush, Cheetah, & Lightning
Days to Jump Point: 4
Defending Units: Syn’s Hussars
Vehicles Produced:
CRD-7L Crusader
VTR-10L Victor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Crucis-B Chassis Crusader
HildCo Type V Endo Steel Chassis Victor
Pitban 320 Fusion Engine Victor
Nissan 195 Fusion Engine Crusader
GM Jetstar Jump Jets Crusader
The untried members of the 3rd Battalion of the 4th Confederation Reserve Cavalry proved themselves during the
fighting in the Fourth Succession War. The veteran forces of the Warrior House Regiment Fujita went off-world, and so the
4th Cavalry fought alone. When defeat was finally inescapable, they destroyed as much of the factories they were charged
to protect as possible . Rather than allow them to fall into enemy hands.
The Federated Commonwealth’s rebuilding efforts had barely begun when Styk was left to fend for itself in the
Chaos March. Lyran troops withdrew to their own borders as Operation Guerrero ripped the Steiner-Davion empire in two.
Despite Styk’s initial intentions to remain independent, the realities of the Chaos March and the pressures of the
Confederation government were such that before long Styk was once again a part of the Capellan state. The Confederation
has further expanded the production capabilities of Tao ‘Mechworks to include production lines for the Crusader, a ‘Mech
which has long been popular among Capellan military units.
Days to Jump Point: 6
Defending Units: House Dai Da Chi, Wolf’s Dragoons Gamma Regiment
At one point, a massive manufacturing center for the Capellan Confederation, the 4th Succession War saw the
destruction of Ceres Metals’ Vindicator plant as well as large portions of Earthwerks Incorporated’s massive facilities.
Vehicles Produced:
KSC-4I Koschei
KSC-4L Koschei
CTF-4L Cataphract
TR-8 Thrush
TR-12 Transit
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Earthwerks KSC II Endo Steel Chassis Koschei
Earthwerks CTF Chassis Cataphract
Mujika Aerospace Type 12 Frame Thrush
Mujika Aerospace Type 18 Frame Transit
Rawlings 200 Fusion Engine Refits & Repairs
Rawling 250 XL Fusion Engine Transit
Rawlings 250 Fusion Engine Thrush
GM 280 Fusion Engine Cataphract
GM 280 XL Fusion Engine Morningstar
VOX 325 Fusion Engine Koschei
Maximillian 40 Armor Koschei
CommuTech Multi-Channel 10 Communications System Cataphract & Koschei
BlazeFire Sightlock Targeting & Tracking System Cataphract & Koschei
Though once a massive manufacturing center, Earthwerks' factories on Tikonov have seen better days. Almost the
entirety of the huge complex, including lines dedicated to the production of Thunderbolts, Thugs, Griffins, Stingers, and
Bombardiers, were destroyed by Capellan troops during the 4th Succession War to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.
The Federated Commonwealth did little to rebuild Earthwerks’ facilities, content with the large number of effective
Cataphracts which they supplied, and so it was left to the Corporation to rebuilt the factory alone. Earthwerks believes that
given time and enough capital, they could resurrect this once powerful production center, but the Confederation’s tenuous
grasp on the world and Davion blockades of the world have thus far put most of these plans on hold. This has not stopped
them from resurrecting their ancient Koschei line for production of the venerable ‘Mech for the export market.
Days to Jump Point: 2
Defending Units: House Kamata
Vehicles Produced:
Demolisher Tank
Schrek PPC Carrier
Behemoth Tank
Regulator Hover Tank
Zhukov Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
GM Superload 240 I.C.E. Demolisher
GM R200 I.C.E. Behemoth
GM 225 I.C.E. Zhukov
GM 170 Fusion Engine Regulator
GM 240 Fusion Engine Schrek, Demolisher
Arcshield Maxi I Armor Zhukov
Arcshield Maxi II Armor Demolisher, Manticore (Ares)
Arcshield VII Mk.5 Armor Behemoth & Schrek, Emperor (Menke)
Aldis Heavy Ferro-Fibrous Armor Demolisher, SRM & LRM Carrier (Ares)
Olmstead 30 Communications System Demolisher, Behemoth & Zhukov
Olmstead 37 Communications System Regulator
Olmstead 3000 Communications System Schrek
Omicron IX Targeting & Tracking System Demolisher & Schrek
Cirxese Ballistacheck
& Rocketcheck Targeting & Tracking System Behemoth & Zhukov
Virtutrak S1 Targeting & Tracking System Regulator
Hellstar PPC Schrek
SarLon MaxiCannon AC/10 Behemoth, Zhukov
185mm ChemJet Gun AC/20 Demolisher
LongFire Light LRM-5 Behemoth
Harvester 2K SRM-2 Behemoth
Harvester 20K SRM-6 Behemoth, Zhukov
Inokuma Gauss Rifle Regulator, Demolisher
Di Yu Huo Arrow IV Artillery System Regulator, Demolisher
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Firmir LaserLite Small Laser Vindicator (Sian)
Firmir Standard Medium Laser Demolisher, Huron Warrior (Corey),
Emperor (Menke & St.Ives),
Manticore (Ares),
Koschei (Tikonov)
Firmir Improved ER Medium Laser Crusader & Victor (Styk),
Archer (Grand Base),
Cataphract (Grand Base
& Tikonov)
Firmir MaxiLase Large Laser Emperor (Menke & St.Ives), Bulldog (Ares)
An offshoot of the highly successful Firmir Commercial (manufacturer of low-cost laser audio and video
entertainment systems). Firmir Weaponry not only designed their own line of laser weaponry, they also obtained the license
to produce several pieces of Star League technology designed by Magna Enterprises.
The firm is housed in several former Firmir Commercial buildings in an arrangement referred to by one Warrior
House Master as a "security nightmare."
Days to Jump Point: 7
Defending Units: House Lu Sann
Vehicles Produced:
STG-6L Stinger
SHD-7M Shadow Hawk
CTF-3LL Cataphract
CTF-4L Cataphract
ARC-7L Archer
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Earthwerks STG II Endo Steel Chassis Stinger
Earthwerks SHD II Endo Steel Chassis Shadow Hawk
Earthwerks CTF Chassis Cataphract
Earthwerks CTF II Endo Steel Chassis Cataphract
Earthwerks Archer Chassis Archer
Chilton 360 Jump Jets Archer, Shadow Hawk
GM 120 Fusion Engine Refits & Repairs
Pitban 240 Fusion Engine Stinger
VOX 210 Fusion Engine Archer
Hermes 275 XL Fusion Engine Shadow Hawk
GM 280 Fusion Engine Cataphract
GM 280 XL Fusion Engine Cataphract
Riese 100 Armor Stinger, Locust (Ares)
Riese 400 Armor Shadow Hawk, Cataphract
Riese 400 Reactive Armor Experimental
Datacom 26 Communications System Stinger, Shadow Hawk
Datacom 60 Communications System Cataphract
Dynatec 990 Targeting & Tracking System Stinger, Shadowhawk,
Duan Gung (Victoria)
Dynatec Special Targeting & Tracking System Cataphract, Jinggau (Victoria)
Imperator Light Gauss Rifle Shadow Hawk, Meteor-G Heavy
Strike Fighter (Sian)
LFN Lindblad Machine Gun Stinger, Behemoth (Betelgeuse)
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: 1st & 2nd McCarron’s Armored Cavalry, McCarron’s Command Battalion
Vehicles Produced:
WHM-4L Warhammer
WHM-8D Warhammer
EMP-6A Emperor
EMP-6L Emperor
EMP-7L Emperor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
StarCorp 100 Chassis Warhammer
Titan Super TZ-7EA Chassis Emperor
GM 270 Fusion Engine Emperor
PlasmaStar 270 XL Fusion Engine Emperor, Firestarter (Capella)
VOX 280 XL Fusion Engine Warhammer
Pitban LFT-50 Jump Jets Emperor
Telestar Model XTD-67A1 Communications System Emperor
Starlight Seeker LX-4X Targeting & Tracking System Emperor
Days to Jump Point: 8
Defending Units: Red Lancers, House Imarra
Vehicles Produced:
Vedette Tank
Scorpion Tank
Hover APC
Heavy Tracked APC
Heavy Wheeled APC
Pegasus Scout Tank
Maxim Hover Transport
Fa Shih Battle Armor
Inner Sphere Standard Battle Armor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
PowerTech 100 I.C.E. Scorpion, APC
PowerTech 250 I.C.E. Vedette
PowerTech 60 HighLift I.C.E. APC
PowerTech 105 HighLift I.C.E. Pegasus
PowerTech 165 HighLift I.C.E. Maxim
ProtecTech 3 Armor APC
ProtecTech 4 Armor Scorpion
ProtecTech 5 Armor Maxim
ProtecTech 6 Armor Pegasus
Sian/Ceres Jaguar LRM-5 Maxim, Thunder, Sha Yu, Assassin
& Crane II Medium Strike Fighter,
Lao Hu (Victoria)
Sian/Ceres Lynx SRM-2 Maxim, Wasp, & Assassin,
Lao Hu (Victoria)
Sian/Ceres Harpoon 6 SRM-6 Pegasus, Maxim, Raven
Hellespont Array Assembly Machine Gun Array Flea (Victoria)
Vehicles Produced:
STG-6L Stinger
WSP-3L Wasp
RVN-4L Raven
RVN-4LC Raven
ASN-23 Assassin
ASN-99 Assassin
SYU-2B Sha Yu
SYU-4B Sha Yu
MS1-O Men Shen
PLG-4Z Pillager
PLG-5Z Pillager
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Earthwerks STG II Endo Steel Chassis Stinger
Hellespont Type W Endo Steel Chassis Wasp
Hellespont Type R Chassis Raven
Hellespont Type A 40 Series Chassis Assassin
Hellespont Type T Endo Steel Chassis Sha Yu
Hellespont Type MS Chassis Men Shen
HildCo Heavy Type VIIQT Chassis Pillager
Hermes 120 Fusion Engine Wasp
Hermes 160 XL Fusion Engine Wasp
Hermes 210 XL Fusion Engine Raven
VOX 280 Fusion Engine Assassin
VOX 280 XL Fusion Engine Sha Yu
Magna 330 XL Fusion Engine Men Shen
100AFVTA Jump Jets Assassin
Hellespont Leaper Jump Jets Wasp, Jinggau (Victoria)
Hellespont Industrial Series 9 Armor Assassin
Hellespont Lite Armor Men Shen, Vedette
Hellespont Lite Ferro-Fibrous Armor Maxim, Regulator (Betelgeuse),
Galleon (Indicass)
Hellespont Lite Stealth Armor Sha Yu, Raven & Wasp,
Huron Warrior (Corey),
Stinger (Grand Base & Ares),
Flea (Victoria)
Hellespont TiteBeam Communications System Wasp, Maxim, Men Shen,
Firestarter (Capella)
RadCom TXXI Targeting & Tracking System Wasp, Maxim, Pegasus
Diverse Optics ER Small Laser Thunder & Raven, Ti Ts’ang (Capella),
Warhammer (Menke)
Diverse Optics Type 2 Medium Laser Stinger & Shadow Hawk (Grand Base)
Locust (Ares)
Diverse Optics Sunfire ER Medium Laser Sha Yu, Raven, Wasp & Transgressor,
Ti Ts’ang (Capella),
Catapult (Corey)
Sian/Ceres Harpoon Streak 6 Streak SRM-6 Thunder, Warhammer (Menke & St.Ives)
Martell Medium Pulse Laser Sha Yu & Pegasus, Huron Warrior (Corey)
Martell ER Large Laser Sha Yu & Transgressor,
Ti Ts’ang, Marauder & Ostroc (Capella),
Emperor (Menke), Huron Warrior (Corey)
Poland Main Model A Gauss Rifle Pillager
Ma Mien A-Pod For Export
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: Devon’s Armored Infantry
Days to Jump Point: 6
Defending Units: 1st St. Ives Lancers, SIMS Training Group
Corporations on St . Ives have expanded some the huge natural caverns found on the planet and housed their
factories underground. This forces attackers to launch costly' Mech-to-Mech actions, but also has one small drawback . The
extensive tunnel complexes have never been fully explored, and so a slim chance exists that an invader could enter a
neighboring cave system and find a way to break into a plant at a lightly defended point.
The Ceres Metals plant on St.Ives has seen several significant changeovers in recent years. First was the
conversion of it’s ‘Mech line from producing the Confederation’s staple Vindicator to the BJ-3 Blackjack when the St.Ives
Commonality broke away from the Confederation as the St.Ives Compact. Now following the reunification of St.Ives with
the Capellan state, the line has been converted again, this time to produce different variants of Phoenix Hawk. Finally,
continued demand for the BJ-3 design resulted in production of the venerable design being restored for limited runs.
Vehicles Produced:
VTR-10L Victor
PLG-4Z Pillager
PLG-5L Pillager
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
HildCo Type V Endo Steel Chassis Victor
HildCo Heavy Type VIIQT Chassis Pillager
Pitban 320 Fusion Engine Victor
Vlar 300 XL Fusion Engine Pillager
StarSlab/9 Mk.II Armor Victor & Pillager
HildCo Model 10 Jump Jets For Export
HildCo Model 11c Jump Jets For Export
HildCo Model 12 Jump Jets For Export
HildCo Model 13 Jump Jets Victor & Pillager,
Ostroc (Capella & Warlock)
HildCo LFT 9-X Jump Jets For Export
Poland Main Model A Gauss Rifle Pillager
Sutel Precision Line Medium Pulse Laser Refits & Repairs
Holly-4 SRM-4 Angel Light Strike Fighter
MilDouglas “Duke” SRM-6 Victor, Cossack (Warlock),
Guardian (St. Ives)
MilDouglas “Emperor’s Bones” Gauss Rifle Victor & Emperor, Helios (Warlock)
Vehicles Produced:
WHM-4L Warhammer
EMP-6A Emperor
EMP-6L Emperor
EMP-7L Emperor
LGB-12C Longbow
LGB-14C Longbow
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
StarCorp 100 Chassis Warhammer, Longbow
Titan Super TZ-7EA Chassis Emperor
Strand-Martin 255 XL Fusion Engine Longbow
GM 270 Fusion Engine Emperor, Phoenix Hawk (St.Ives)
PlasmaStar 270 XL Fusion Engine Emperor
VOX 280 XL Fusion Engine Warhammer, Morningstar (Warlock)
Pitban LFT-50 Jump Jets Emperor
Pitban LFT-65 Jump Jets Cossack (Warlock)
Arcshield VII Mk.5 Armor Emperor
Arcshield VII Mk.6 Armor Cossack (Warlock)
StarSlab/12.5 Armor Longbow
O/P 3950 COMSET M7 Communications System Longbow
Telestar Model XTD-67A1 Communications System Emperor
Martin-Quarry Tarsys XLR 2.2 Targeting & Tracking System Longbow
Starlight Seeker LX-4X Targeting & Tracking System Emperor
Imperator Code Red LB-10X Emperor
Diverse Optics ER Small Laser Longbow & Thunder
Diverse Optics Sunfire ER Medium Laser Longbow
Holly “Ballista-15” LRM-15 Longbow, Koschei (Tikonov)
Holly “Ballista-20” LRM-20 Longbow
Doombud Multi-Missile Trio MML 3 for Export
Doombud MML 5 Wasp (Sian)
Doombud MML 9 Longbow
Demand for the GM 270 standard fusion engine increased dramatically with the design of recent variants of the
Emperor, necessitating the construction of production lines for the engine on St.Ives & Menke. This has had the beneficial
side effect of allowing Ceres Metals Industries to purchase the GM 270 engine directly from StarCorps. No longer reliant
on shipments from the Taurian Concordant, CMI sees this as a godsend, what with the deteriorating relations between that
nation and the Capellan state.
Vehicles Produced:
TR-8 Thrush
F-10 Cheetah
LTN-G16L Lightning
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Mujika Aerospace Type 12 Frame Thrush
Imstar/10f Frame Cheetah
HildCo Aerospace Type 4 Frame Lightning
GM 200 Fusion Engine Lightning
GM 250 Fusion Engine Thrush, Cheetah
Tomodzuru AC/20 Refits & Repairs
Tomodzuru Automatic Ultra AC/20 Lightning
Tomodzuru LRM-20 LRM Carrier (Ares)
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: Roman’s Mounted Fusiliers
With the highest population growth rate of the St- Ives worlds, this pleasant garden-planet is able to maintain large
and vigorous militia for the defense of its industries.
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Endicott Type 2 Maser Communications System Guardian (St. Ives)
& Strike Fighters (St.Ives & Sian)
Endicott Type 22 Maser Communications System Thrush, Cheetah, & Lightning (St.Ives),
Cossack (Warlock)
Dwyerson Mark XI Targeting & Tracking System Thrush, Cheetah, Lightning,
Strike Fighters (Sian & St.Ives)
& Guardian (St.Ives)
Vehicles Produced:
LTN-G16L Lightning
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
HildCo Aerospace Type IV Frame Lightning
Days to Jump Point: 9
Defending Units: Combat Command Gamma, 2nd St. Ives Janissary Brigade
When Ceres Metals Industries first constructed their facilities on Warlock, they were able to rely heavily on
imports from the Federated Suns. With the reunification of St.Ives & the Confederation, the facility had to be expanded to
produce equipment which could no longer be purchased from the Capellan March.
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: Prefectorate Guard, Sung’s Rangers, Olson’s Rangers
Vehicles Produced:
D9-G9 Duan Gung
JN-G8A Jinggau
LHU-2B Lao Hu
LHU-3B Lao Hu
LHU-3C Lao Hu
Y-H9G Yu Huang
Y-H10G Yu Huang
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Chariot Type II Endo Steel Chassis Duan Gung, Jinggau, Yu Huang, Lao Hu
Omni 175 XL Fusion Engine Duan Gung
VOX 325 XL Fusion Engine Jinggau
Hermes 360 XL Fusion Engine Yu Huang
GM 375 XL Fusion Engine Lao Hu
Rodan-90s Jump Jets Yu Huang
Valiant Defco Armor Duan Gung, Jinggau
Valiant Lamellor Armor Huron Warrior (Corey)
Star Shell Standard Armor Yu Huang, Lao Hu
Dian-bao Comms, Standard Communications System Duan Gung, Yu Huang, Lao Hu
Dian-bao Comms,
Heavily Insulated Communications System Jinggau
Martell Medium Laser Duan Gung, Yu Huang
Martell ER Large Laser Lao Hu & Yu Huang,
Phoenix Hawk
& Emperor (St.Ives),
Marauder & Ostroc (Warlock)
Zeus LRM-10 Duan Gung, Yu Huang, Lao Hu,
Manticore (Ares)
Zeus LRM-15 Lao Hu, Crusader (Styk),
Shadow Hawk (Grand Base),
Huron Warrior (Corey)
Zeus LRM-20 Archer (Grand Base)
Zhi-tong-yao Gauss Rifle Jinggau, Lao Hu, Yu Huang
Diverse Optics Sunfire ER Medium Laser Jinggau, Yu Huang, Flea
Raker IV Medium Pulse Laser Jinggau, Yu Huang
Shengli LB-20X Yu Huang, Lao Hu
Shengli ER PPC Yu Huang
An old mothballed Star League Factory refurbished thanks to heavy investment from the Capellan State and the
technical expertise of the Word of Blake, Shengli Arms has quickly become one of the largest manufacturing centers in the
Confederation. Initially, technicians struggled to get all the applicable production lines online, and thus had to rely on
imported equipment which was often of an inferior quality or sporadically acquired, neither of which was acceptable to a
manufacturing concern. Production of ER Medium Lasers suffered so many setbacks that the Word of Blake had to
completely rebuild the manufacturing line from the ground up using plans purchased from the Free Worlds League. With
the new production line implemented and both StarCorps & Hellespont ’Mechworks licensing the design for production at
their plants as well, there is no longer a shortage of extended range Diverse Optics lasers in the Confederation.
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Garret T10-B Communications System Flea, Locust, Bulldog & APC (Ares),
Crusader (Styk)
Exeter Longscan w/ReconLock
CommPhase Unit Communications System Archer (Grand Base)
O/P COM-211 Communications System Catapult (Corey), LB-2X, LRM,
& SRM Carriers (Ares)
O/P COM-500 Communications System Huron Warrior (Corey),
Warhammer (Menke)
O/P R Janxiir Communications System Manticore (Ares)
O/P 911 Targeting & Tracking System Yu Huang, Lao Hu, Locust,
Bulldog, Manticore & APC (Ares)
O/P 1078 Targeting & Tracking System Archer (Grand Base), Catapult (Corey),
& SRM Carriers (Ares)
O/P Scanoptics Model 5 Targeting & Tracking System Huron Warrior (Corey), Crusader (Styk),
Warhammer (Menke)
Salamander System
CommPhase Unit Targeting & Tracking System Flea
Vehicles Produced:
FLE-19 Flea
FLE-20 Flea
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Earthwerks Trooper II Endo Steel Chassis Flea
GM 120 Fusion Engine Flea
Livingston Ceramics Armor Flea
Olympian Flamer Flea, Firestarter (Capella)
Draconis Combine
Shigunga MRM-10 - For Guardian Fighter
Shigunga MRM-20 - For Helios
Free Worlds League
Fusigon Light PPC - For Flea & Assassin
Oriente Model O LB-10X Autocannon - For Po Medium Tank
Magistracy of Canopus
Death Blossom Rocket Launcher-10 - For Wasp & Flea
Jolassa 328 Armor - for Wasp
When it was first released, the Yori ‘Mech Works Hatamoto-series was said to be built by Maltex Corporation in an
effort to throw off MIIO attempts to locate the source of the then-new design. The components for the ‘Mechs built here are
manufactured at the Yori plant, located in the Al Na'ir system's asteroid belt, then shipped to Al Na'ir for final assembly.
Vehicles Produced:
Pegasus Scout Hover Tank
Saracen Hover Tank
Saladin Hover Tank
Scimitar Hover Tank
Maxim Hover Transport
Hover APC
Heavy Hover APC
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
ConLee ICE 75 I.C.E. Heavy APC
ConLee ICE 80 I.C.E. APC
ConLee ICE 105 I.C.E. Pegasus, Saladin, Saracen & Scimitar
Scarborough 105 Fusion Engine Pegasus, Saracen, Scimitar & Saladin
Scarborough 140 Fusion Engine Pegasus
PowerTech 165 Highlift I.C.E. Maxim
ProtecTech 4 Armor Saladin
ProtecTech 6 Armor Pegasus and Maxim
ProtecTech 7 Armor Saracen and Scimitar
ProtecTech 12 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Pegasus, Saracen, Scimitar, Saladin
& Maxim, Schiltron (Proserpina)
ProtecTech Light Armor APC
Scarborough Talky-1 Communications System Saracen & APC
Scarborough Talky-2 Communications System Saladin, Scimitar, & Maxim
Scarborough Talky-3 Communications System Pegasus
Scarborough Tracky-1 Targeting & Tracking System Saracen, Maxim & APC
Scarborough Tracky-2 Targeting & Tracking System Scimitar
Scarborough Tracky-3 Targeting & Tracking System Pegasus
Scarborough Assault-1 Targeting & Tracking System Saladin
Scarborough Original 5 AC/5 Scimitar, Hatamoto-Ku (Al Na’ir),
Riever (Altair)
Scarborough Original 20 AC/20 Saladin, Riever (Altair)
The Draconis Combine’s version of the Pegasus hover tank lacks the sophisticated communications and targeting
systems that make the Pegasus such a popular vehicle. Nonetheless, it’s physical performance is enough to make it one of
the most popular vehicles in the DCMS.
Days to Jump Point: 10
Defending Units: 3rd Dieron Regulars (1 Battalion)
Altair's sun produces an unusual amount of surface activity. These solar storms and flares leave the planet without
communications for long periods of time, and so it is not surprising that this planet has been raided often throughout its
Because it produces what many view as a House Marik fighter, the Kurita CMC generally had a difficult time
obtaining components for its product. This changed in the 3050‘s, however, when the companies supplying Mangon
Aeronautics, former producer of the now defunct Sholager light fighter, suddenly found themselves seeking new markets for
their products.
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: 3rd Dieron Regulars (2 Battalions)
The Clan Invasion left the Combine’s capital world of Luthien lying vulnerable along a hostile border. While the
Dragon would never publicly admit to fearing the loss of the Black Pearl to the invaders, the presence of numerous, new
Luthien Armor Works factories across the Combine are lasting evidence of the actions taken to insure the future of House
Kurita had the unthinkable became reality.
Vehicles Produced:
Inazuma class Corvette
Kyushu class Frigate
Tatsumaki class Destroyer
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Raijin 950 Kearney-Fuchida Drive Inazuma
Ame no Sakura Special Kearney-Fuchida Drive Kyushu
Shoryu 90BK Kearney-Fuchida Drive Tatsumaki
Defending Units: None,
Vehicles Produced:
SB-29 Sabre
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Inazuma SI-32 Frame Sabre
Nissan 225 XL Fusion Engine Sabre
BipStar 49-G Communications System Sabre
Ki-II TTS Targeting & Tracking System Sabre
Days to Jump Point: 7
Defending Units: 40th Dieron Regulars
Troops on Kessel wear life-support equipment when away from the protection of vehicles or buildings. Years of
pollution have created a dangerously toxic environment.
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: 10th Ghost
Vehicles Produced:
CMA-1S Chimera
CMA-C Chimera
HCT-5K Hatchetman
TSN-1C Tessen
TSN-C3 Tessen
JM6-DG JagerMech
JM6-D3 JagerMech III
NJT-2 Ninjato
NJT-3 Ninjato
EXC-CS Excalibur
MAD-5D Marauder
SJA-7D Shugenja
VTR-9K Victor
HTM-28T Hatamoto-Chi
GUN-1ERD Gunslinger
GUN-2ERD Gunslinger
TSH-7S Taisho
AKU-1X Akuma
AKU-1XJ Akuma
NG-C3A Naginata
NG-C3B Naginata
NG-C3C Naginata
AS7-C Atlas
AS7-CM Atlas
MAD-4K Marauder II
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Chameleon Light Endo 2 Chassis Chimera
Chariot Type II Chassis Hatchetman
TSN Endo Steel Chassis Tessen
Kallon Type XII Chassis JagerMech
Kallon Type XIV Endo Steel Chassis JagerMech III
Star League XT Light Endo Steel Chassis Ninjato
Corbine 2 Endo Steel Chassis Excalibur
Alshain Type Heavy Chi Chassis Shugenja
GM Marauder Chassis Marauder
Alshain Class 920 Endo Steel Chassis Victor
Alshain Class 92 Chassis Hatamoto-Chi
Star League XT Chassis Gunslinger & Taisho
Foundation AKU Endo Steel Chassis Akuma
Alshain Class 101a Chassis Naginata
Foundation Type 10X Chassis Atlas
Nissan 180 XL Fusion Engine Hatchetman
Nissan 240 Fusion Engine Hatamoto-Chi
VOX 255 XL Fusion Engine Gunslinger
Nissan 260 XL Fusion Engine JagerMech
VOX 325 XL Fusion Engine JagerMech III
Ford 350 XL Fusion Engine Excalibur
Pitban 285 Fusion Engine Naginata
Magna 390 XL Fusion Engine Ninjato
A large factory complex when first captured from the Federated Suns during the War of 3039, Independence
Weaponry has been repeatedly been selected to receive expanded DCMS military contracts over other factories with a
longer history in the Combine and has grown in leaps and bounds, despite it’s precarious position along the often tense
border with the Federated Suns. This success is as much a result of the factory’s position far out of reach of the invading
Clans as it does with the quality of the products produced here.
Defending Units: None, 3rd Dieron Regulars, 10th Ghost, & 1st Kearny Highlanders within 1 Jump
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Lord’s Light 2 ER PPC Grand Dragon (Dieron & Yorii),
Days to Jump Point:
Defending Units: None, 16th Sun Zhang Cadre within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
CGR-SA5 Charger
CGR-KMZ Charger
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Alshain Class 92 Chassis Charger
Alshain Class 92A Endo Steel Chassis Charger
QuestStar Improved Jump Jets Charger
Boran Meta-Cygnus Plus Communications System Charger
Delta Track Targeting & Tracking System Charger
Once a small Luthien Armor Works production facility, this factory was recently purchased by the Sapphire Sunset
Yakuza Oyabun. Renamed Sapphire Metals, work has begun on producing a pair of wildly altered Charger variants, which
the Yakuza Clan hopes will find popularity within the Combine’s Ghost regiments.
Defending Units: 11th Legion of Vega
Originally a technology research firm dedicated to studying new Myomer applications, it’s success with Triple-
Strength Myomer and Battle Armor construction has catapulted into being a full-fledged military manufacturer, with a
number of high-profile contracts with the DCMS.
Defending Units: 3rd Night Stalkers (2 Battalions)
Vehicles Produced:
KBO-7A Kabuto
HM-1 Hitman
HM-2 Hitman
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Chariot Type 1a Chassis Kabuto
Chariot Type 1 Chassis Hitman
Leenex 140 XL Fusion Engine Kabuto
GM 210 XL Fusion Engine Hitman
Argra 3L Medium Laser Hitman
Thunderstroke-L LRM-5 Hitman
Days to Jump Point: 9
Defending Units: None, 1st Proserpina Hussars & 6th Benjamin Regulars within 1 Jump
In addition to supporting two major weapons manufacturers, Dover is home to the Combine's People's
Reconstruction Effort (PRE) Academy.
Vehicles Produced:
SL-22 Sholagar
SL-15K Slayer
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Mangon Mark II Frame Sholagar
Wakazashi V Frame Slayer
RadCom TII Targeting & Tracking System Slayer
Vehicles Produced:
Nagumo class Dropship
Condor class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Pitban 1350-XRB Interplanetary Drive Condor & Nagumo
Despite being one of the largest manufacturers of Light & Medium ‘Mechs in the Combine, Nimakachi is
headquartered in the Free Worlds League. Its plant on Lapida II was in poor condition following the Succession Wars,
leading to early runs of the Venom being imported in from the Free Worlds League until production lines could be repaired
and upgraded locally.
Days to Jump Point: 6
Defending Units: None, 16th Benjamin Regulars within 1 Jump
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Foundation Reinforced Endo Steel Chassis Firestarter
Earthwerks GRF Chassis Griffin
Earthwerks GRF II Endo Steel Chassis Griffin
Crucis -A Chassis Wolverine
Crucis-A Endo Steel Chassis Wolverine
Alshain Type 52 Endo Steel Chassis Black Hawk-KU
Alshain Hagetaga-07 Chassis Avatar
GM 275 Light Fusion Engine Griffin & Wolverine
Nissan 275 XL Fusion Engine Griffin & Wolverine, Lynx (Midway)
Hermes 280 XL Fusion Engine Avatar
Vlar 300 XL Fusion Engine Black Hawk-KU
Icarus Standard Jump Jets Black Hawk-KU
Northrup Starlifters M40s Jump Jets Griffin IIC (Irece)
Northrup Starlifters M41s Improved Jump Jets Griffin, Griffin IIC (Irece)
Northrup Starlifters M45s Jump Jets Shadow Hawk IIC (Irece)
Northrup Starlifters M50s Jump Jets Huntsman (Irece)
Northrup Super Heavy
Starlifters A100s Jump Jets Supernova (Irece)
Northrup 12000 Jump Jets Wolverine
Rawlings 40 Jump Jets Chimera (Quentin)
Rawlings 55 Jump Jets Griffin
Norse Industries 3S Jump Jets For Export
Norse Industries 7S Jump Jets Marauder (Quentin)
Mitchel Argon Standard Armor Black Hawk-KU
Starshield Armor Owens (Luthien),
Grand Dragon (Luthien, Dieron & Yorii)
Starshield Ferro-Fibrous Armor Quickdraw & Daimyo (Luthien)
Starshield A Armor Griffin & Wolverine,
Hitman & Kabuto (Aix-la-Chapelle),
Daikyu (Luthien),
Crusader & Nodachi (Vega)
Valiant Lamellor Armor Komodo (Luthien)
Neil 6000 Communications System Griffin
Victory Throb Small Pulse Laser Wolverine
Victory 23R Medium Laser Wolf Trap, Komodo, Avatar,
Jenner & Daimyo (Luthien),
Manticore (Proserpina),
Crusader (Vega),
JagerMech III & Akuma (Quentin),
Demolisher (New Samarkand)
Victory Heartbeat Medium Pulse Laser Wolverine, Charger (Luthien),
Atlas (Al Na’ir & Quentin),
Catapult, Hatamoto-Hi
& Pegasus (Al Na’ir)
Panther (New Samarkand)
Hatchetman, Akuma, Marauder
& Victor (Quentin),
Crusader (Vega)
Victory Drumbeat Large Pulse Laser Wolverine, Nodachi (Vega),
Marauder (Quentin)
Victory Nickel Alloy ER Large Laser Atlas (Al Na’ir & Quentin),
Hatamoto-Mizo (Al Na’ir)
Panther (New Samarkand),
Daimyo (Luthien),
Akuma (Quentin)
Telos DecaCluster LRM-10 Inseki II Heavy Strike Fighter (Chatham),
Riever (Altair)
Telos Scoreshot LRM-20 Excalibur (Quentin)
Telos-4 SRM-4 Wolverine, Panther (Tok Do),
Victor (Quentin),
Bulldog (Proserpina),
Nodachi (Vega),
Jenner (Luthien)
Telos-6 SRM-6 Maxim (Al Na’ir)
Victory Xtralite Autogun Light Machine Gun Wolverine
Victory Array Assembly Machine Gun Array Wolverine
Victory B-Pod Wolverine
The extensive facilities once comprising Norse BattleMech Works are unquestionably the greatest prize the Dragon
won in either the Fourth Succession War or the War of 3039. The complex was damaged very little during its capture and is
still as self-sufficient as it was when under Davion control, with only the targeting and tracking computers imported from
Luthien. Indeed, now that Victory has been granted the license to run the compound, they have greatly expanded the laser
weaponry lines here, and they export many of the advanced components they produce.
Days to Jump Point: 4
Defending Units: 1st Sword of Light
Vehicles Produced:
Bulldog Tank
Tokugawa Tank
Manticore Tank
Schiltron Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Tamia 220 I.C.E. Tokugawa
DAV 220 Fusion Engine Tokugawa & Schiltron
Bulldog 240 I.C.E. Bulldog
Bulldog Armor Bulldog & Manticore
Bulldog Large Laser Bulldog
Bulldog Machine Gun Bulldog, Maxim & APCs (Al Na’ir),
Inseki II Heavy Strike Fighter (Chatham)
O/P R Janxiir Communications System Manticore
Xilex-2000 Targeting & Tracking System Bulldog
TargiTrack 717 Targeting & Tracking System Manticore, Tokugawa & Schiltron
Xilex-2000 Targeting & Tracking System Bulldog
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Guided Technologies SRM-2 Saracen, Scimitar, & Maxim (Al Na’ir)
Behemoth (New Samarkand),
Nodachi (Vega)
Guided Technologies
2nd Generation Streak SRM-2 Maxim & Saracen (Al Na’ir),
Lynx (Midway), Marauder (Quentin)
Guided Technologies I NCK
“Thornbush” SRM-4 Scimitar & Maxim (Al Na’ir)
Guided Technologies
2nd Generation Streak SRM-4 Panther (New Samarkand),
Grasshopper (Hun Ho),
Pegasus (Al Na’ir),
Manticore (Prosperina),
Kabuto (Aix-la-Chapelle),
Akuma (Quentin)
Guided Technologies
2nd Generation Streak SRM-6 Charger (Shimonita),
Hatamoto-Chi & Akuma (Quentin),
Daikyu & Tokugawa (Luthien),
Wolverine (Marduk),
Maxim (Al Na’ir), BattleMaster (Soul)
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: None, 6th Arkab Legion & 6th Benjamin Regulars within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
PNT-10K Panther
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Alshain-560-Carrier Endo Steel Chassis Panther
Lord’s Light 2 ER PPC Panther, Grand Dragon, Daikyu
& Daimyo (Luthien),
Excalibur, Shugenja, Taisho, Tessen,
Akuma & Naginata (Quentin),
Griffin & Wolverine (Marduk),
BattleMaster (Soul),
Maelstrom & Lynx (Midway),
Nodachi (Vega)
Lord’s Light 3 Heavy PPC Charger (Shimonita),
Lord’s Light 4 Light PPC Charger (Shimonita), Griffin (Marduk),
Archer (Hun Ho), Sabre (Kervil)
Lord’s Light 5 Snub-Nose PPC Mauler (New Samrkand)
Wolverine (Marduk)
Forced to relocate numerous times thanks to the Clan invasion, things seem to finally have stabilized for Alshain
Weapons. Forced to destroy their factory on Jarett, they then had to quickly relocate their factory on Krenice to Tok Do.
Now that things have calmed down, Alshain Weapons has reestablished production of their traditionally Combine ‘Mech
Vehicles Produced:
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Mynx Type Medium Endo Steel Chassis [C] Huntsman
Consolidated Fusion 250 XL Fusion Engine [C] Huntsman
M50s Standard Jump Jets [C] Huntsman
Alpha Compound Ferro-Fibrous Armor [C] Huntsman
JNE Integreated Communications System [C] Huntsman
Build 3 CAT TTS Targeting & Tracking System [C] Huntsman
Vehicles Produced:
Union class Dropship
Overlord class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
V250 Interplanetary Drive Union
V450 Interplanetary Drive Overlord
Days to Jump Point: 9
Defending Units: None, 1st Genyosha, Izanagi Warriors, Otomo, 2nd Sword of Light & 14th Sun Zhang Cadre
within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
Suzume Light Strike Fighter
Defender II Medium Strike Fighter
Inseki II Heavy Strike Fighter
ON-1 Oni
SL-18 Shilone
LCF-R16KR Lucifer II
MIK-O Tatsu
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Wakazashi Light Frame Suzume Light Strike Fighter
Imstar DF/25 Frame Defender II Medium Strike Fighter
Wakazashi Heavy Frame Inseki II Heavy Strike Fighter
Wakazachi V-On Frame Oni
Wakazashi III Frame Shilone
Wakazashi III LCF Frame Lucifer II
Wakazashi VII Modular Frame Tatsu
Shinobi 70 Turbine I.C.E. Suzume Light Strike Fighter
Shinobi 150 Turbine I.C.E. Defender II Medium Strike Fighter
Shinobi 210 XL Fusion Engine Tatsu
Shinobi 225 Fusion Engine Inseki II Heavy Strike Fighter
Shinobi 260 Fusion Engine For Export
Shinobi 275 Fusion Engine Oni
Shinobi 280 Light Fusion Engine Sholagar (Dover)
Shinobi 320 Fusion Engine Slayer (Dover)
Mantatwist 260 XL Fusion Engine Lucifer II & Shilone
Mantatwist 300 Fusion Engine Riever (Altair)
Chatham “Tengu” Light Armor Suzume & Defender II Strike Fighters
Chatham “Bakemono”
Ferro-Aluminum Armor Oni, Lucifer II & Shilone,
Sholagar (Dover), Sai (Schuyler),
Sabre (Kervil)
Naketsu AeroWeave Standard Armor Inseki II Heavy Strike Fighter,
Slayer (Dover), Riever (Altair)
Naketsu MetalWeave Standard Armor Tatsu
Duotech 100 Communications System Shilone & Lucifer II
Vehicles Produced:
Merchant class Jumpship
Invader class Jumpship
Monolith class Jumpship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
K-F Mark V Kearney-Fuchida Drive Merchant
K-F Mark VIIa Kearney-Fuchida Drive Invader
K-F Mark X Kearney-Fuchida Drive Monolith
Days to Jump Point: 12
Defending Units: Nova Star Keshik, 1st Nova Cat Guards, & Nova Cat Grenadiers
The planet Irece is both the Capital and the main manufacturing center of the now exiled Nova Cat Clan.
Vehicles Produced:
Jenner IIC
Jenner IIC 2
Jenner IIC 3
Jenner IIC 4
Jenner IIC 5
Jenner IIC 6
Griffin IIC 3
Griffin IIC 4
Griffin IIC 5
Shadow Hawk IIC 3
Shadow Hawk IIC 4
Conjurer 2
Conjurer 3
Conjurer 4
Nova Cat
Supernova 2
Supernova 3
Supernova 4
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Type D-SA Modified Endo Steel Chassis [C] Jenner IIC
Puma Type Medium Endo Steel Chassis [C] Conjurer
NCIS Endo Steel Type M Chassis [C] Griffin IIC & Shadow Hawk IIC
Mynx Type Medium Endo Steel Chassis [C] Huntsman
Mynx Type Heavy Chassis [C] Nova Cat
NCIS Standard Type A Chassis [C] Supernova
Consolidated Fusion 240 Standard Fusion Engine [C] Griffin IIC
Consolidated Fusion 250 XL Fusion Engine [C] Huntsman
Consolidated Fusion 270 Standard Fusion Engine [C] Supernova & Shadow Hawk IIC
Consolidated Fusion 280 XL Fusion Engine [C] Nova Cat
Series V Fusion 315 XL Fusion Engine [C] Jenner IIC
Consolidated Fusion 360 XL Fusion Engine [C] Conjurer
BMP Mk.XXI Jump Jets [C] Conjurer
Clan Type 2 Light Jump Jets [C] Jenner IIC
Alpha Compound Plate Armor [C] Nova Cat
Alpha Compound Ferro-Fibrous Armor [C] Huntsman, Shadow Hawk IIC
& Griffin IIC
Alpha Plate Special Ferro-Fibrous Armor [C] Conjurer
Epsilon Compound
31 Ferro-Fibrous Armor [C] Jenner IIC
Omega Heavy Stellarguard Armor [C] Supernova
JNE Integrated Communications System [C] Huntsman, Shadow Hawk IIC, Griffin IIC,
Shadow Cat & Nova Cat
JNE II Integrated Communications System [C] Conjurer
NCO System 7 Communications System [C] Jenner IIC
NC-TelCom Mk.X Communications System [C] Supernova
Big Cat Mk.XXI TTS Targeting & Tracking System [C] Supernova
Build 1 HLF TTS Targeting & Tracking System [C] Jenner IIC
Build 2 CAT TTS Targeting & Tracking System [C] Shadow Cat & Nova Cat
Build 3 CAT TTS Targeting & Tracking System [C] Huntsman, Shadow Hawk IIC
& Griffin IIC
Build 4 CAT Advanced TTS Targeting & Tracking System [C] Conjurer
Pattern C4 Streak SRM-4 [C] Jenner IIC
Pattern J7 Streak SRM-6 [C] Shoden
CC 3-Rack ATM-3 [C] Jenner IIC
Type 3 Series ATM-3 [C] Griffin IIC
Type 6 Series ATM-6 [C] Shadow Hawk IIC
Type 9 Series 1 ATM-9 [C] Conjurer & Shoden
Series 14NC Medium Pulse Laser [C] Conjurer & Shadow Hawk IIC
Series 34NC Light Machine Gun [C] Griffin IIC & Shoden
Series 1NC ER Small Laser [C] Griffin IIC
Series 2NC ER Medium Laser [C] Shadow Hawk IIC
Series 7NC ER Large Laser [C] Supernova & Griffin IIC
Vehicles Produced:
Shadow Cat
Ishtar Heavy Tank
Shoden Assault Vehicle
Shoden 2 Assault Vehicle
Clan Battle Armor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Type 79-45 Endo Steel Chassis [C] Shadow Cat
110 Fusion Engine [C] Ishtar
260 Fusion Engine [C] Shoden
RFUM 270 XL Fusion Engine [C] Shadow Cat
Model KY Boosters Jump Jets [C] Shadow Cat
Compound Beta Armor [C] Shoden
Compound H17 Ferro-Fibrous Armor [C] Shadow Cat
Compound VM22 Ferro-Fibrous Armor [C] Ishtar
Build 1685/3 Tacticom Communications System [C] Ishtar
Build 1685/5 Tacticom Communications System [C] Shoden
Series XXVI IWS Targeting & Tracking System [C] Ishtar
Series XXVIII IWS Targeting/Tracking System [C] Shoden
Series 2b ER Medium Laser [C] Ishtar
Type KOV LB-10X [C] Ishtar
Type 9 Ultra AC/10 [C] Ishtar
Type XV “Crossbow” LRM-15 [C] Ishtar
“Goalkeeper” Anti-Missile System [C] Ishtar
Days to Jump Point: 8
Defending Units: 1st Genyosha, Izanagi Warriors, Otomo, 2nd Sword of Light, 14th Sun Zhang Cadre
Vehicles Produced:
Okinawa class Dropship
Triumph class Dropship
Excalibur class Dropship
Intruder class Dropship
Bara no Ryu class Dropship
Nekohono’o class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Hachigatsutsuki 900 Interplanetary Drive Okinawa
Delano 1070 Interplanetary Drive Triumph
GE 2080 Interplanetary Drive Excalibur
Movem-XL Drive Interplanetary Drive Intruder
Tsukikage 1616 Interplanetary Drive Bara no Ryu & Nekohono’o
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Tamia 100 I.C.E. Lifesaver
Tamia 150 I.C.E. Daimyo HQ
Tamia 220 I.C.E. Tokugawa
Nissan 220 Fusion Engine Tokugawa
StarSlab/2 Armor Tokugawa
StarSlab/3 Armor Lifesaver & Obakemono,
Crow (New Samarkand)
StarSlab/4 Armor Daimyo HQ, Raptor, Strider & Avatar
Ayukawa “Slapper” SRM-6 Tokugawa
Days to Jump Point: 8
Defending Units: 6th Pesht Regulars (2 Battalions)
Days to Jump Point: 4
Defending Units: 8th Sword of Light
Vehicles Produced:
S-7 Sai
S-8 Sai
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Wakazachi I Frame Sai
Shinobi 240 Fusion Engine Sai
Shinobi 240 XL Fusion Engine Sai
Vehicles Produced:
Achilles class Dropship
Monarch class Dropship
Behemoth class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Xevex-12s Interplanetary Drive Achilles
Marly 750 Interplanetary Drive Monarch
Sunburst M-200L Megadrive Interplanetary Drive Behemoth
Vehicles Produced:
Scout class Jumpship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
K-F Mark IIb Kearney-Fuchida Drive Scout
Days to Jump Point: 8
Defending Units: None, 21st Galedon Regulars within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
BLR-CM BattleMaster
BLR-K3 BattleMaster
CRK-5003-2 Katana
CRK-5003-C Katana
CRK-5003-CM Katana
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Geometric 530 Hardcore Chassis Katana & BattleMaster
Strand 255 Fusion Engine Katana & BattleMaster, Taisho (Quentin)
Strand 340 XL Fusion Engine BattleMaster
Geotec 300 Jump Jets Katana & BattleMaster
CarboStrand 30 Weight AS Armor Katana & BattleMaster
GRPNTR Groundpainter 5 Communications System Katana & BattleMaster
Scope 30 RNDST Targeting & Tracking System Katana & BattleMaster
Dodd Small Laser Katana
Blankenburg Medium Pulse Laser Grasshopper & Cerberus (Hun Ho)
Magna Mk.III Large Laser Katana
Blankenburg LB-10X Katana
Holly-6 SRM-6 Katana
During Independence Weaponry’s revamp of the old Blankenburg facility on Soul, they discovered that 90% of the
parts used in the Katana were actually interchangeable with those of the BattleMaster. Not one to waste such an
opportunity, Independence rushed to set up a second manufacturing line on Soul to produce the popular and venerable
command ‘Mech. When Blankenburg took back control of the facility in 3064, it was a simple matter for them to complete
the upgrade and put the BattleMaster into production.
Vehicles Produced:
Inner Sphere Standard Battle Armor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Colmax 90 Communications System Hatamoto-series (Al Na’ir & Quentin)
Neko Megame “Cat’s Eyes” 5 Targeting & Tracking System Panther (Tok Do & New Samarkand),
Charger (Luthien),
Hitman & Kabuto (Aix-la-Chapelle),
Naginata, Taisho, Ninjato
& Shugenja (Quentin),
Wolverine (Marduk)
Eagle Eye 400 XX Targeting & Tracking System Wolf Trap (Luthien)
Eagle Eye 410 XX Targeting & Tracking System Komodo (Luthien)
Eagle Eye SY10-10 Targeting & Tracking System Grand Dragon (Luthien, Dieron,
& Yorii),
Daimyo (Luthien)
Eagle Eye B-18 Targeting & Tracking System Bishamon (Lapida)
Neko Megame “Cat’s Eyes” 6 Targeting & Tracking System Oni & Tatsu (Chatham)
TRSS Eagle Eye Targeting & Tracking System Spider & Venom (Lapida II)
Days to Jump Point:
Defending Units: None, Ryuken-Go, 16th Legion of Vega, & 21st Galedon Regulars within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
ARC-9K Archer
GHR-6K Grasshopper
MR-V2 Cerberus
MR-V3 Cerberus
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Earthwerks ARC II Endo Steel Chassis Archer
Mingh z33/9 Endo Steel Chassis Grasshopper
TermoElectron II Chassis Cerberus
VOX 280 Fusion Engine Grasshopper & Archer
GM 380 XL Fusion Engine Cerberus
Leviathan Lifters Jump Jets Grasshopper
Aldis Heavy Ferro-Fibrous Armor Cerberus
Durallex Heavy Armor Grasshopper & Archer
Allet-C308 Communications System Grasshopper
O/P 3000 OSJ Communications System Cerberus & Archer
Allet-T11 Targeting & Tracking System Grasshopper
O/P PulseTrack III Targeting & Tracking System Cerberus & Archer
Grizzard Model 200 Gauss Rifle Cerberus, Demolisher (New Samarkand)
SperryBrowning Machine Gun Cerberus, Crow
& Behemoth (New Samarkand)
Days to Jump Point:
Defending Units: None, 16th Legion of Vega within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
Kyushu class Frigate
Kirishima class Cruiser
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Ame no Sakura Special Kearney-Fuchida Drive Kyushu
Funkazan 1980 Kearney-Fuchida Drive Kirishima
Vehicles Produced:
LNX-9C Lynx
LNX-9Q Lynx
MTR-5K Maelstrom
MTR-5R2 Maelstrom
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
RAMTech QWT Chassis Lynx
Norse TRA34 Heavy Chassis Maelstrom
Ford 375 XL Fusion Engine Maelstrom
Kallon Royalstar Heavy Armor Maelstrom & Lynx
Lynx-Shur Communications System Lynx
Sony MSF-21 Communications System Maelstrom, Slayer (Dover)
Days to Jump Point: 12
Defending Units: 21st Galedon Regulars (2 Battalions)
Though the former capital of the Draconis Combine now resembles a "ghost world" it still boasts the Internal
Security College, the Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy, and four major factory complexes.
Vehicles Produced:
PNT-12A Panther
PNT-16K Panther
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Alshain-560-Carrier Endo Steel Chassis Panther
Hermes 140 Fusion Engine Panther
Lexington Ltd. Lifters Jump Jets Panther
Maximillian 42 Armor Panther
Lord’s Light 2 ER PPC Panther
Vehicles Produced:
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
DAV 100 Fusion Engine Crow
Scuti Dualcom Communications System Crow
Skyhunter IV Targeting & Tracking System Crow
Days to Jump Point:
Defending Units: None, 16th Legion of Vega within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
Kirishima class Cruiser
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Funkazan 1980 Kearney-Fuchida Drive Kirishima
Capellan Confederation
Mydron Devastator LB-20X - For Charger, Akuma & Saladin
O/P COM-211 Communications System - For Catapult
O/P 1078 Targeting & Tracking System - For Catapult
HildCo Model 12 Jump Jets - For Gunslinger
Federated Suns
ChisComp 32 Small Laser - For Obakemono
Exostar ER Small Laser - For Crow
BrightBloom ER Medium Laser - For Chimera
Exostar ER Large Laser - For Chimera
Mydron Model D-rf Ultra AC/2 - For JagerMech III
Valiant Pilum SRM-6 - For Pegasus
Valiant Ringmail Light Ferro-Fibrous - For Griffin, Panther & Charger
BlazeFire Tracker w/Rangecheck Targeting & Tracking System - For Chimera
Free Worlds League
Flame Tech Flamer - For Nodachi
Imperator Ultra AC/5 - For Daikyu
Imperator Code Red LB-10X - For Wolf Trap, Mauler, Slayer, Akuma & Tokugawa
Imperator Automatic Ultra AC/10 - For Taisho & Behemoth
Imperator Automatic Ultra AC/20 - For Saladin
Imperator Dragon’s Fire Gauss Rifle - For Atlas & Victor
Shannon SH-60 SRM-6 - For Daimyo
McArthur Anti-Missile System - For Cerberus & Excalibur
Octagon Missile Magnet Narc Missile Beacn - For Hitman & Scimitar
Corean Transband J12 Communications System - For Chimera
RCA Instatrac Mk.X Targeting/Tracking System - For Griffin
RCA Instatrac Mk.XI Targeting/Tracking System - For Shilone & Lucifer II
Kallon FWL Special Ferro-Fibrous Armor – For Spider & Venom
Lyran Alliance
Defiance A5L Small Laser - For Gunslinger
Defiance B3M Medium Laser - For Gunslinger
Defiance P5M Medium Pulse Laser - For Gunslinger
Defiance Model XII ER Medium Laser - For Gunslinger
Hotshot Flamer - For Firestarter
Poland Main Model A Gauss Rifle - For JagerMech & Gunslinger
Coventry Star Fire LRM-15 - For Naginata & Griffin
Luxor Load Lifter Jump Jets - For Firestarter & Lynx
Cyclops 18XS Adaptable Communications System - For Firestarter
Cyclops Special Ltd. Targeting/Tracking System - For Firestarter
Cyclops Multi-Tasker 10 Targeting/Tracking System - For Lynx
Seres II Pragma iNarc System - For Tessen
Magistracy of Canopus
Death Blossom RL-10 - For Crow
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: None, 1st Bell Training Battalion, Goshen War College Training Battalion, Valexa CMM within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
CSR-V18 Corsair
EGL-R6 Eagle
TRB-D36 Thunderbird
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Wangker II Frame Corsair
Wangker IV Frame Eagle
Wangker VII Frame Thunderbird
Vlar 300 Fusion Engine Eagle & Thunderbird
Wangker Standard Armor Eagle & Thunderbird
Wangker Heavy Ferro-Aluminum Armor Corsair
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: Beta Regiment, 12th Vegan Rangers
Vehicles Produced:
VLK-QD1 Valkyrie
VLK-QD3 Valkyrie
PXH-3PL Phoenix Hawk
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Corean Model 101AA Endo Steel Chassis Valkyrie
1A Type 7 Endo Steel Chassis Phoenix Hawk
Omni 150 XL Fusion Engine Valkyrie
Vicore Thrust-Masters Model L Jump Jets Valkyrie & Phoenix Hawk
StarGuard III Armor Valkyrie & Phoenix Hawk
Giovanni Estrella De la Sangre is both Demeter’s planetary governor & CEO & founder of Vicore Industries.
While well known for the development of the numerous redesigns of long-existing BattleMechs known as Project Phoenix
and the licensing of the designs throughout the Inner Sphere, Vicore also maintains this modest manufacturing facility for
producing designs for sale on the open market.
Days to Jump Point: 10
Defending Units: 1st Kestrel Grenadiers, remnants of 8th Donegal Guards
Vehicles Produced:
STH-2D Stealth
CTS-6Y Cestus
CTS-6Z Cestus
MAD-5R Marauder
MAD-5T Marauder
MAD-7D Marauder
MTR-5K Maelstrom
MDG-1A Rakshasa
MDG-2A Rakshasa
GOL-5D Goliath
NSR-9J Nightstar
NSR-9FC Nightstar
PLG-3Z Pillager
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
GM Stealth Endo Steel Chassis Stealth
GM Heavy CVA Chassis Cestus
GM Marauder Chassis Marauder & Maelstrom
GM Marauder Endo Steel Chassis Marauder
GM Marauder Special MD Chassis Rakshasa
GM Goliath Chassis Goliath
Norse-GM Heavy TRQ Chassis Nightstar
HildCo Heavy Type VIIQT Chassis Pillager
GM 260 XL Fusion Engine Cestus, Axman (New Syrtis)
GM 285 XL Fusion Engine Nightstar
GM 300 XL Fusion Engine Marauder & Pillager
GM 315 XL Fusion Engine Stealth
GM 320 Fusion Engine Goliath
GM 375 XL Fusion Engine Rakshasa & Maelstrom
GM 380 XL Fusion Engine Nightstar
100AFVTA Jump Jets Stealth
Swingline X-100 Jump Jets For Export
GM StarLift Improved Jump Jets For Export
Durallex Light Armor Minion
Durallex Standard Armor Morningstar
Durallex Medium Armor Stealth, Hatchetman (New Syrtis)
Durallex Special Heavy Armor Cestus & Goliath
Dalban Micronics Communications System Marauder, Rakshasa, & Stealth,
Penetrator (Talon),
Victor (Robinson & New Valencia)
Sony MSF-21 Communications System Maelstrom
Sony MSF-31 Communications System Sagittaire (Robinson)
Tek BattleCom Communications System Nightstar & Goliath
Cirxese Ballistacheck
& Rockecheck Targeting & Tracking System Maelstrom
DLK Type Phased Array Sensors Targeting & Tracking System Nightstar & Goliath
Salamander Systems
Commphase Unit Targeting & Tracking System Cestus
Bright Blossom ER Medium Laser Marauder, Stealth, & Goliath,
Rifleman (Talon),
Victor (Robinson & New Valencia)
GM Whirlwind AC/5 Scorpion (Layover)
GM Nova-5 Ultra AC/5 JagerMech (Talon)
& Partisan (Nanking & Kirklin)
Norse-Storm Model 7D Gauss Rifle Nightstar
Shannon SH-60 SRM-6 For Export
When General Motors decided to expand their Kathil operations, rather than add their 'Mech plant onto the already
existing factories, they chose to build a separate facility several hundred miles away in order to take advantage of newly
discovered industrial ore deposits. The ore is long gone, however, and defenders must now guard two bases rather than one.
Since that time, General Motors has greatly expanded their operations, to become one of the most important manufacturing
facilities in the Federated Suns.
Just prior to the fall of the St. Ives Compact, HildCo Interplanetary licensed General Motors to manufacture the
Pillager, as part of a comprehensive trade package between Duchess Liao and the then Federated Commonwealth. As
BattleMechs previously exported were diverted to the SIMC, General Motors began producing the Pillager to compensate,
and in exchange, HildCo was sold the rights to produce numerous components locally. Unfortunately, due to limited space
for the additional line and the Capellan Confederation limiting the export of required components, production of the Pillager
at Kathil is limited to a handful of units per year.
Days to Jump Point: 13
Defending Units: None, 4th Rangers, Illician Lancers & Frederic’s Gazelles, LCG within 1 Jump
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Garret T10-B Communications System Locust (New Avalon),
Javelin (Panpour),
Wasp (New Avalon & Talcott)
Garret T11-A Communications System Rifleman & JagerMech (Talon)
Garret T11-B Communications System Wolverine (Nanking & Talon)
Garret T12-S Communications System JagerMech (Talon),
Blackjack (New Valencia)
Garret T60 FasScan Communications System Thanatos & Warhammer (Crofton)
Garret Supremesound Communications System Thunderbird (Axton),
Cavalry, Mantis, Hawk Moth
& Yellow Jacket (Ruchbah)
Garret D2j Targeting & Tracking System Shadow Hawk,(Nanking & Talon),
JagerMech & Rifleman (Talon),
Blackjack (New Valencia),
Cavalry, Mantis, Hawk Moth
& Yellow Jacket (Ruchbah)
Garret T11fc Targeting & Tracking System Wolverine (Nanking & Talon)
JagerMech (Talon)
Garret F22c Targeting & Tracking System Thanatos & Warhammer (Crofton)
Days to Jump Point: 8
Defending Units: 1st Crucis Lancers RCT
Vehicles Produced:
SHD-5D Shadow Hawk
SHD-9D Shadow Hawk
WVR-8D Wolverine
WVR-9D Wolverine
Partisan Tank
Ontos Tank
Challenger Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Kallon Type VII Endo Steel Chassis Shadow Hawk
Crucis-A Endo Steel Chassis Wolverine
GM Superload 240 Fusion Engine Partisan
GM 270 XL Fusion Engine Challenger
Nissan 275 XL Fusion Engine Wolverine
GM 285 Cold-Start Fusion Engine Ontos
GM 285 Heavyload I.C.E. For Export
Northrup 12000 Jump Jets Wolverine
Kallon Unity Weave Ferro-Fibrous Armor Shadow Hawk, Partisan & Challenger
SimplePlate Armor Ontos
EasyTalk-4 Communications System Ontos
Kallon Secure Net Communications System Partisan
Kallon Sure-Shot C³ Targeting & Tracking System Partisan
Kallon Lock-On Targeting & Tracking System Challenger
GuideRite w/Laser
Coordination Link Targeting & Tracking System Ontos
Imperator Smoothie-2 AC/2 Partisan
Imperator LB-2X Partisan
Imperator Code Red LB-10X Partisan & Challenger,
Emperor (Crofton)
Harpoon-4s Streak SRM-4 Shadow Hawk, Stalker (Crofton),
Victor (Robinson & New Valencia)
Harpoon-6s Streak SRM-6 Wolverine, Guillotine (Talon)
Thunderbolt (New Avalon),
Warhammer (Crofton),
Stealth (Kathil)
Days to Jump Point: 4
Defending Units: 6th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT, New Syrtis CMM, remnants of the 4th Donegal Guards
New Syrtis holds an even more tempting prize than the Johnston Industries plant - the Regional Military
Headquarters of the Capellan March. Whatever the target of would-be raiders, units attacking New Syrtis will find the
planet's blizzards and extreme cold a foe nearly as potent as the 'Mechs stationed here
Vehicles Produced:
GRM-01A Garm
GRM-01B Garm
GRM-01C Garm
HCT-6D Hatchetman
AXM-1N Axman
AXM-4D Axman
CES-4R Caesar
CES-3S Caesar
DARO-1 Dagger
Goblin Tank
Fulcrum Hovertank
Glory Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Johnston Biped
L-25-a2 Endo Steel Chassis Garm
Chariot Type II Endo Steel Chassis Hatchetman
Dorwinion AXM Standard Chassis Axman
Dorwinion CES Standard Chassis Caesar
Dorwnion Reinforced Endo Steel Chassis Caesar
Johnston Rapier Mk.VII Frame Dagger
Omni 175 Fusion Engine Garm
Fireheart 180 Fusion Engine Goblin
VOX 225 XL Fusion Engine Hatchetman
Strand 265 XL Fusion Engine Fulcrum
LongWay 180 I.C.E. Goblin
Rawlings 80-Beta Jump Jets Garm & Hatchetman
Johnston Duraweave 6000
Ferro-Fibrous Armor Garm
StarSlab/11.5 Type HVA Armor Fulcrum
ChatterComm 224 Communications System Dagger
CommuTech Multi-Channel Communications System Glory
CommuTech XL Communications System Goblin & Fulcrum
Johnston WideBand Communications System Axman & Caesar, Sprint (Ruchbah)
Johnston Q-Band Communications System For Export
Johnston Q-Rotor Communications System For Export
Blazefire Ranging System Type 3 Targeting & Tracking System Glory
RCA Instatrac Mk.XIX Targeting & Tracking System Dagger
Blazefire Longshot ER Small Laser Caesar,
Warhammer (Crofton)
Intek Hellborer Medium Laser Axman & Fulcrum,
Shadow Hawk
(Talon & Nanking),
JagerMech (Talon),
Cavalry & Sprint (Ruchbah),
Meteor-U (Panpour)
Once a small-time ammunition manufacturer, in 3028 the Johnston family constructed this BattleMech construction
facility on the well defended capital world of the Capellan March. Quickly, Johnston Industries became renown for their
innovation, working hand in hand with the New Avalon Institute of Science and Defiance Industries to develop
revolutionary new weapon designs.
Defending Units: 3rd Davion Guards RCT
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Galas Lightpower 80 Fusion Engine Sprint
Galas Lightpower 110 Fusion Engine Cavalry
Galas 115 Micro-Fusion Fusion Engine Mantis
Michaelson-Omni 40 I.C.E. Yellow Jacket
Michaelson 60 I.C.E. Hawk Moth
Michaelson 110 I.C.E. Cavalry
StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Sprint
StarSlab/3 Armor Cavalry, Mantis & Yellow Jacket
StarSlab/5 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Hawk Moth
Days to Jump Point: 10
Defending Units: 39th Avalon Hussars RCT
Jump-capable 'Mechs are practically a requirement for raiding this planet of jagged peaks and sheer cliffs.
Technically the moon of the planet Wernke, there are few inhabitants of this inhospitable world beyond Kallon employees
and mineral miners.
Vehicles Produced:
HNT-161 Hornet
HNT-171 Hornet
ENF-6G Enforcer III
ENF-6H Enforcer III
ENF-6M Enforcer III
ENF-6T Enforcer III
GRF-6S Griffin
SHD-5D Shadow Hawk
SHD-9D Shadow Hawk
WVR-8D Wolverine
WVR-9D Wolverine
RFL-6X Rifleman
RFL-6D Rifleman
RFL-8D Rifleman
JM6-DG JagerMech
JM6-D3 JagerMech III
GLT-8D Guillotine
JM7-D JagerMech
JM7-F JagerMech
JM7-G JagerMech
PTR-4D Penetrator
PTR-4F Penetrator
PTR-6M Penetrator
PTR-6S Penetrator
PTR-6T Penetrator
TLR1-O Templar
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Corean Model KL77 Endo Steel Chassis Hornet
Dorwinion Standard
-Alpha Endo Steel Chassis Enforcer
Earthwerks GRF II Endo Steel Chassis Griffin
Kallon Type VII Endo Steel Chassis Shadow Hawk
Crucis A Endo Steel Chassis Wolverine
Kallon Type XII Chassis JagerMech
Kallon Type XV Endo Steel Chassis Rifleman
Kallon Type XIV Endo Steel Chassis JagerMech
Crucis I Endo Steel Chassis Guillotine
Kallon Type XII-Reinforced Chassis JagerMech
Crucis G Chassis Penetrator
Kallon Type XIX Endo Steel Chassis Templar
Hermes 100 Fusion Engine Hornet, Comet Light
Strike Fighter (Panpour)
Hermes 240 XL Fusion Engine Rifleman
Nissan 250 XL Fusion Engine Enforcer
Nissan 260 XL Fusion Engine JagerMech
Days to Jump Point: 6
Defending Units: Cal-Boeing Swarm, 1st Davion Guards RCT, 6th Crucis Lancers RCT, 2nd NAIS Cadre, & New Avalon
Cavaliers within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
Ferret VTOL
Wild Weasel VTOL
Marten VTOL
Ripper VTOL
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Tyron 25 I.C.E. Ferret
Omni 70 Fusion Engine Ripper
Omni 70 XL Fusion Engine Ripper
Tyron 75 I.C.E. For Export
Cal-Boeing's current COE, Count Douglas Fassei, is a firm believer in the combat value of his VTOLs.
In a statement declaring that "Only one who has the utmost confidence in his product deserves the patronage of his
customers," the count announced that he would no longer require the services of the AFFC- A battalion of his Wild Weasel
and Marten VTOL's would henceforth defend his factories. As Belladonna is located deep within the Federated Suns, any
raid here is highly unlikely. In fact, many skeptics believe the counts proclamation to be nothing more than a publicity
stunt. It is clear that
the dainty defenders will not pose much of a threat to any aggressors reaching the planet.
Defending Units: None, 4th Crucis Lancers RCT, Marlett CrMM within 1 Jump
Defending Units: 22nd Avalon Hussars RCT
Vehicles Produced:
WHM-8D Warhammer
WHM-9D Warhammer
THS-4S Thanatos
LGB-7V Longbow
LGB-12C Longbow
LGB-13C Longbow
LGB-14C Longbow
STK-7D Stalker
EMP-6A Emperor
EMP-6D Emperor
J. Edgar Hovertank
Manteuffel Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
StarFrame Heavy Endo-Steel Chassis Thanatos & Warhammer
StarCorp 100 Chassis Longbow
Titan H1 Chassis Stalker
Titan Super TZ-7EA Chassis Emperor
Strand 145 Fusion Engine J. Edgar
Strand 255 Fusion Engine Longbow & Stalker,
Glory (New Syrtis)
Strand 255 XL Fusion Engine Longbow
Plasmastar 270 XL Fusion Engine Emperor
GM 280 Fusion Engine Warhammer, Guillotine (Talon)
Strand-Martin 340 XL Fusion Engine Longbow
Magna 350 XL Fusion Engine Manteuffel & Warhammer
Plasmastar 375 XL Fusion Engine Thanatos
Audi-Fokker Mk.IV Jump Jets Thanatos & Warhammer
Pitban LFT-50 Jump Jets Emperor
Arcshield VII Mk.5 Armor Emperor
Durallex Heavy Armor Thanatos & Warhammer,
Penetrator (Talon),
Glory (New Syrtis),
StarSlab/3 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Manteuffel,
Demolisher (New Valencia)
StarSlab/9.5 Mk.II Armor Longbow, J. Edgar, Pillager (Kathil)
StarSlab/12.5 Mk.II Armor Longbow
O/P 3000 COMSET 3 Communications System Longbow, J. Edgar & Manteuffel
O/P 3950 COMSET M7 Communications System Longbow
Telestar Model XTD-67A1 Communications System Emperor
Martin-Quarry Tarsys XLR 2.2 Targeting & Tracking System Longbow
O/P 2550 Targeting & Tracking System Manteuffel & J.Edgar
Starlight Seeker LX-4X Targeting & Tracking System Emperor
Doombud MML 5 Shadow Hawk (Nanking & Talon),
Dervish (New Avalon)
Doombud MML 7 Longbow
Doombud MML 9 Longbow
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: None, 1st Davion Guards RCT, 6th Crucis Lancers RCT, 2nd NAIS Cadre, & New Avalon Cavaliers
within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
Invader class Jumpship
Star Lord class Jumpship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
KF Mark VIIa Kearney-Fuchida Drive Invader
KF Mark VIIIa-1 Kearney-Fuchida Drive Star Lord
Vehicles Produced:
Aurora class Dropship
Avenger class Dropship
Buccaneer class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
GM 9800i Interplanetary Drive Avenger
Dynamico 6400 Interplanetary Drive Aurora
Magna Corp. VX250B Interplanetary Drive Buccaneer
Exostar Small Laser Maelstrom & Nightstar (Kathil),
Hornet (Talon)
Exostar Small Pulse Laser Challenger (Nanking, Kirklin
& Salem),
Ripper (Belladonna)
Exostar ER Small Laser Corsair (Axton)
Martell Medium Laser Hornet (Talon),
& Thunderbird (Axton),
Ontos (Nanking),
Hellcat (New Avalon),
& Rakshasa (Kathil)
Rommel & Patton (Salem),
Demolisher (New Valencia),
Sabre (Panpour)
Martell Medium Pulse Laser Rakshasa & Maelstrom(Kathil),
Ontos (Nanking), Challenger
(Nanking, Kirklin, & Salem),
Wyvern & Thug (Errai),
Lightning (New Avalon)
Martell-X Medium X-Pulse Laser Experimental
Exostar Medium Pulse Laser Sparrowhawk
& Grasshopper (Panpour),
Longbow, Stalker
& Emperor (Crofton)
Exostar Medium X-Pulse Laser Experimental
Exostar Large Laser Hellcat (New Avalon),
Eagle & Thunderbird (Axton)
It is standard procedure for DropShip manufacturers to slap on whatever make of weapon is least expensive and/or
most available. Dynamico's Delavan Shipyards is an obvious exception. Not only do they manufacture the energy weapons
carried by the Avenger and Buccaneer DropShips produced here, but their laser systems are also shipped to other factories
throughout the Federated Suns.
Days to Jump Point: 11
Defending Units: 6th Crucis Lancers RCT
Days to Jump Point: 23
Defending Units: None, Point Barrow Academy Training Battalion within 1 Jump
When Christine Salos, Duchess of Gulkana, came into power twenty years ago, her planet was under the thumb of
an insane dictator from the local militia. Only her father's indifference had prevented the AFFS from dealing with the
rebels, as the situation fell under the duke's jurisdiction. Christine immediately gave the AFFS permission to move in, but
requested more military contracts as a "reward" for her loyalty to the Davion government. Her line of Mydron autocannons
are now in use on
AFFS 'Mechs and fighters, as well as the DropShips in which they were originally installed.
Days to Jump Point: 7
Defending Units: None, Marlette CrMM & Kentares DMM within 1 Jump
Johnsondale has enough mineral resources to support a moderate amount of industry. It also lies midway between
the planets Ozawa and Robinson, home to Wunderland Enterprises and Valiant Systems, respectively. When Wunderland
and Valiant created the jointly owned Valiant Vehicles, these two factors made Johnsondale an ideal choice for the factory
Vehicles Produced:
Pegasus Hovertank
Striker Tank
Pilum Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
InterFus 105/140 Fusion Engine Pegasus
InterFus 155 Fusion Engine Striker
InterFus 260 Fusion Engine Pilum
InterComBust 155 I.C.E. Striker
Days to Jump Point: 4
Defending Units: none, Kestrel CrMM, 4th Crucis Lancers RCT within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point: 12
Defending Units: None, Robinson DMM within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
Heavy Tracked APC
LRM Carrier
SRM Carrier
Scorpion Tank
Vedette Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
InterComBust 100 I.C.E. Scorpion, APC
InterComBust 120 I.C.E. LRM Carrier
InterComBust 180 I.C.E. SRM Carrier
InterComBust 250 Locom-Pack I.C.E. Vedette
ProtecTech Light Armor Scorpion, APC, LRM & SRM Carriers
ProtecTech 6 Armor Vedette
Basix 200 Communications System Scorpion & Vedette
Communicator Communications System APC, SRM & LRM Carrier
OptiSight-12 Targeting & Tracking System APC, Scorpion & Vedette,
Sprint (Ruchbah)
FireScan w/IndirecTrack Targeting & Tracking System SRM & LRM Carrier
20mm Gatling Gun Machine Gun Scorpion, Vedette & APC
Vehicles Produced:
Seeker class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Quad RanTech 720 Interplanetary Drive Seeker
Days to Jump Point: 2
Defending Units: None, Davion Light Guards RCT & Islamabad CrMM within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point: 7
Defending Units: 1st Davion Guards, 2nd NAIS Cadre, & New Avalon Cavaliers, remnants of the 5th Donegal Guards &
10th Lyran Guards
New Avalon is heavily defended, but the units stationed here dilute their strength by covering no less than six major
potential targets: Avalon City (including the Davion Royal Palace), the New Avalon Institute of Science, the Fox's Den (the
Davion military headquarters) . Corean Enterprises (on the continent of Albion), the Achernar BattleMechs, and the
Lycomb-Davion IntroTech factories (on the continent of Brunswick).
Vehicles Produced:
LCT-5M Locust
WSP-3S Wasp
OSR-3D Osiris
OSR-4D Osiris
PXH-6D Phoenix Hawk
ENF-6G Enforcer III
ENF-6H Enforcer III
ENF-6M Enforcer III
ENF-6T Enforcer III
DV-8D Dervish
DV-9D Dervish
AGS-2D Argus
AGS-4D Argus
TDR-9NAIS Thunderbolt
LGB-13NAIS Longbow
Infiltrator Mk.II Battle Armor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
1A Type 3 Endo Steel Chassis Wasp
FITES-O Endo Steel Chassis Osiris
1A Type 7 Endo Steel Chassis Phoenix Hawk
Dorwinion Standard-Alpha
Endo Steel Chassis Enforcer
Dorwinion Standard 55TES Chassis Dervish
1A Type 12 Endo Steel Chassis Argus
Earthwerks TDR II Endo Steel Chassis Thunderbolt
Dorwinion LGB Endo Steel Chassis Longbow
Edasich 120 Light Fusion Engine Wasp
LTV 160 Fusion Engine For Export
Pharaoh 240 XL Fusion Engine Osiris & Locust
Magna 250 XL Fusion Engine Enforcer
Strand 255 Fusion Engine Longbow
CoreTek 275 Fusion Engine Shadow Hawk (Nanking)
Magna 275 XL Fusion Engine Dervish
Rawlings 45 Jump Jets Javelin, Grasshopper
& Centurion (Panpour)
Rawlings 52 Jump Jets Wasp
Rawlings 61 Jump Jets Osiris
Rawlings 80 Jump Jets Phoenix Hawk, Hellspawn (Talcott)
McCloud Specials Jump Jets Enforcer
Swingline X-1000 Jump Jets Dervish
AeroScale Plus Armor Hellcat & Stuka
StarGuard II Armor Argus, Longbow & Thunderbolt
StarGuard CIV Armor Enforcer, Dervish & Wasp
StarGuard Ferro-Fibrous Armor Locust, & Osiris,
Ostsol (Robinson), Rakshasa (Kathil)
Achernar Electronics HICS-11 Communications System Watchman (Robinson)
Achernar Electronics HICS-12 Communications System Enforcer
Achernar Electronics HICS-15 Communications System Sentry & Sentinel (Robinson)
Achernar Electronics HID-8 Communications System Phoenix Hawk,
Black Knight (Robinson)
Achernar Electronics HID-8.7 Communications System Osiris & Argus
Achernar Electronics HID-21 Communications System Dervish , Thunderbolt & Longbow
Achernar Standard Communications System Ferret, Marten
& Wild Weasel (Belladonna)
Federated Hunter Targeting & Tracking System Enforcer & Phoenix Hawk,
Watchman (Robinson)
Federated Hunter Mk.II Targeting & Tracking System Dervish & Thunderbolt
Federated Hunter Mk.III Targeting & Tracking System Sentry & Sentinel (Robinson)
Federated Hunter Mk.VII Targeting & Tracking System Osiris
Federated Hunter Mk.XX Targeting & Tracking System Argus & Longbow
Federated Stalker Targeting & Tracking System Sagittaire, Black Knight
& Ostsol (Robinson)
ChisComp 32 Small Laser Stalker (Crofton)
ChisComp 2000 ER Small Laser Enforcer, Locust & Longbow,
Phoenix Hawk (Demeter),
Rifleman (Talon)
ChisComp 39 Medium Laser Watchman (Robinson),
Cestus & Nightstar (Kathil),
ChisComp 43 Special Large Laser Watchman (Robinson)
Mydron Snipehunter Light AC/2 Valkyrie
Mydron Tornado Rotary AC/2 For Export
The oldest BattleMech manufacturer in the Federated Suns, Achernar’s headquarters was relocated to the Federated
Suns capital world of New Avalon following the collapse of the Star League, and has remained their ever since. The
company’s Enforcer BattleMech is so common amongst Davion military units that it is practically synonymous with the
Vehicles Produced:
ALM-7D Fireball
ALM-8D Fireball
ALM-9D Fireball
VLK-QD1 Valkyrie
VLK-QD2 Valkyrie
VLK-QD3 Valkyrie
CN9-D3 Centurion
CN9-D5 Centurion
TBT-7M Trebuchet
BHKU-O Black Hawk-KU
Musketeer Hovertank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Corean Model 101AA Endo Steel Chassis Valkyrie
Corean Model 334AA Endo Steel Chassis Fireball
Corean Model KL77 Endo Steel Chassis Centurion
Corean-II Delux Endo Steel Chassis Trebuchet & Locust
Alshain 52 Endo Steel Chassis Black Hawk-KU
Omni 150 Fusion Engine For Export
Omni 150 XL Fusion Engine Valkyrie
DAV 220 XL Fusion Engine Fireball
Hermes 250 XL Fusion Engine Trebuchet
Vlar 300 XL Fusion Engine Black Hawk-KU
GM 115 I.C.E. Musketeer
Rawlings 50 Jump Jets Trebuchet
StarGuard III Armor Centurion, Phoenix Hawk & Valkyrie,
Hellspawn (Talcott)
StarGuard CIV Ferro-Fibrous Armor Musketeer & Valkyrie
Starshield Armor Trebuchet & Black Hawk-KU
Lynx-Shur Communications System Valkyrie & Fireball
Lynx-Shur 4.5 Communications System Garm (New Syrtis)
Corean Transband-J9 Communications System Centurion, Trebuchet, Black Hawk-KU
& Musketeer
Sync-Tracker (39-42071) Targeting & Tracking System Rakshasa (Kathil),
Ajax (Kathil, Salem,
& New Valencia),
Demolisher (New Valencia)
Sync-Tracker (40-TC) Targeting & Tracking System Valkyrie
Sync-Tracker (55-42017) Targeting & Tracking System Garm (New Syrtis)
Corean B-Tech Targeting & Tracking System Fireball, Trebuchet, Black Hawk-KU
& Musketeer
Magna Mk.II Medium Laser Trebuchet
Phototech 806c Medium Laser Centurion & Fireball,
Longbow, J. Edgar
& Emperor (Crofton)
Bright-Bloom ER Medium Laser Wasp, Phoenix Hawk, Osiris, Argus,
Dervish, Enforcer, Locust, Longbow,
Stuka, Lightning, Centurion & Thunderbolt
Devastator Series-07 LRM-10 Penetrator (Talon)
Luxor 3R LRM-10 Centurion, Wyvern (Errai)
Zeus LRM-15 Trebuchet
Hovertec Streak Streak SRM-2 Fireball
LFN Lindblad Machine Gun Fireball
Octagon Missile Magnet Narc Beacon Trebuchet
Vehicles Produced:
STU-D7 Stuka
LTN-G16D Lightning
HEC-213 Hellcat
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Lycomb 5 Frame Lightning
Lycomb 6 Frame Hellcat
Lycomb 11 Frame Stuka
O/P 9000AT Communications System Stuka
O/P 2500 TGFD Targeting & Tracking System Stuka
Holly LRM-5 Ontos (Nanking), Hornet (Talon)
Holly “Ballista-15” LRM-15 Dervish, Longbow (Crofton)
Holly “Ballista-20” LRM-20 Longbow (Crofton),
LRM Carrier (Layover)
Days to Jump Point: 8
Defending Units: None, 4th Crucis Lancers RCT, Kestrel CrMM & Robinson DMM within 1 Jump
GM/Blackwell maintains an assembly plant for the feared Marauder II on New Valencia, but the planet is best
known as a center for agriculture. The New Valencia Agriculture Company (NVAC) is a leading developer of sturdy
hybrids of important grains. Indeed, the NVAC is said to be able to regulate test sites for the Marauder II in such a way that
they completely avoid accidental destruction of their crops by the huge war machines.
Days to Jump Point: 4
Defending Units: Davion Light Guards RCT
Vehicles Produced:
JVN-11B Javelin
JVN-11D Javelin
CN9-D9 Centurion
CN10-B Centurion
GHR-6R Grasshopper
SPR-7D Sparrowhawk
SB-27 Sabre
Comet Light Strike Fighter
Defender II Medium Strike Fighter
Meteor-U Heavy Strike Fighter
Manticore Tank
Typhoon Urban Assault Vehicle
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Corean Model KL77 Endo Steel Chassis Centurion
Corean Model KL83 Endo Steel Chassis Centurion, Grasshopper & Javelin
Duralyte 246 Chassis Javelin
StarTech Model II Frame Sparrowhawk
Jalastar Type I Frame Sabre
JA-CMT-Airframe Frame Comet Light Strike Fighter
JA-DEF-Airframe Frame Defender II Medium Strike Fighter
JA-MTR-Airframe Frame Meteor-U Heavy Strike Fighter
Breen 190 Fusion Engine Typhoon
Breen 150 Turbine I.C.E. Defender II Medium Strike Fighter
StarGuard II Armor Meteor-U Heavy Strike Fighter
StarGuard III Armor Centurion, Javelin, & Grasshopper
ArcShield Maxi IV Ferro-Fibrous Armor Javelin, Manticore & Typhoon
ArcShield Maxi II Armor Ajax (Kathil, Salem,
& New Valencia)
Jalastar Light Armor Sabre, Comet & Defender II
Strike Fighters
Jalastar Xtra-Light
Ferro-Aluminum Armor Sparrowhawk
O/P R Janxiir Communications System Manticore, Strike Fighters
Omicron 1500 Communications System Typhoon
Jalastar TargiTrack 700 Targeting & Tracking System Strike Fighteres
Jalastar TargiTrack 717 Targeting & Tracking System Manticore & Typhoon
Jalastar Engineering Plasma Rifle Centurion, Fury (Bristol)
Vehicles Produced:
Monolith class Jumpship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
KF Mark X Kearney-Fuchida Drive Monolith
Days to Jump Point: 12
Defending Units: None, 1st Kestrel Grenadiers & 2nd Cunningham’s Commandoes within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
Wheeled APC
Heavy Wheeled APC
Patton Tank
Rommel Tank
Challenger Tank
Ajax Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
GM 270 XL Fusion Engine Challenger & Ajax
GM 40 I.C.E. APC
GM 100 I.C.E. APC
GM 105 I.C.E. Pegasus (Johnsondale)
GM SuperLoad 240 I.C.E. Partisan (Kirklin)
Kallon Unity Weave Ferro-Fibrous Armor Partisan, Patton, Rommel
& Challenger
Kallon Lock-On Targeting & Tracking System Patton, Rommel, & Challenger,
JagerMech (Talon)
GM MiniGun Machine Gun APC, Patton & Rommel
Days to Jump Point: 6
Defending Units: None, 1st Kestrel Grenadiers, 1st Davion Guards RCT, 2nd NAIS Cadre & New Avalon Cavaliers within
1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
WSP-3S Wasp
HSN-7D Hellspawn
HSN-8E Hellspawn
HSN-9F Hellspawn
BJ-4 Blackjack
Cavalier Battle Armor
Grenadier Battle Armor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
1A Type 3 Endo Steel Chassis Wasp
GM Fury-M Endo Steel Chassis Hellspawn
GM BJ-1 Chassis Blackjack
GM 120 Fusion Engine For Export
GM 180 Fusion Engine Wyvern (Errai), Javelin (Panpour)
GM 180 Light Fusion Engine Blackjack
GM 180 XL Fusion Engine Javelin (Panpour)
GM 180 XL (w/Supercharger) Fusion Engine Experimental
GM 200 Fusion Engine for Export
GM 200 Light Fusion Engine Corsair (Axton)
GM 200 XL Fusion Engine Blackjack (New Valencia),
Lightning (New Avalon)
GM 210 Fusion Engine Valkyrie (New Avalon & Demeter)
GM SuperFusion 225 XL Fusion Engine Dagger (New Syrtis)
Days to Jump Point: 4
Defending Units: Addicks DMM
Vehicles Produced:
DARO-1 Dagger
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Johnston Rapier Mk.VII Frame Dagger
ChatterCom 224 Communications System Dagger
RCA Instatrac Mk.XIX Targeting & Tracking System Dagger
Days to Jump Point: 2
Defending Units: Harlock’s Warriors
Vehicles Produced:
WVE-10N Wyvern
THG-12E Thug
THG-13E Thug
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Ost Endo Steel Chassis Wyvern
Earthwerks VOL Endo Steel Chassis Thug
Northrup 750 Jump Jets Wyvern
Kilosh 100 Armor Wyvern
Mitchel Argon Armor Thug, Blackjack (New Valencia)
Colmax 90 Communications System Thug
Ostman AMB Communications System Wyvern
Scrambler-7 Series Targeting & Tracking System Wyvern
Bical SRM-6 Thug
In the 3060’s, Comstar funded the reconstruction of Maltex Corporation’s manufacturing center on Errai in order to
supply BattleMechs to the SLDF. Not just limited to sales to the Star League, Maltex supplies their BattleMech designs to
the ComGuards, DCMS, & AFFS as well.
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: None, Addicks DMM, 4th & 8th Deneb Light Cavalry RCTs & 2nd Robinson Rangers within 1 Jump
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Diplan M3 Medium Laser Pegasus (Johnsondale)
Diplan HD Large Laser for Export
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Wunderland Fighter Communications System For Export
Wunderland Fighter Series 60 Communications System Hellcat (New Avalon)
Wunderland Fighter Series 75 Communications System Eagle (Axton)
Wunderland XXI-3 Communications System Pegasus (Johnsondale)
Wunderland XXXV-1 Communications System Striker (Johnsondale)
Wunderland XXXV-2 Communications System Pilum (Johnsondale), Challenger
(Nanking, Kirklin, & Salem),
Patton & Rommel (Salem)
Wunderland Raptores Targeting & Tracking System Thunderbird (Axton)
Wunderland Raptores 2 Targeting & Tracking System Hellcat (New Avalon)
Wunderland Raptores 3 Targeting & Tracking System Eagle (Axton)
Wunderland XXI-3 Targeting & Tracking System Pegasus (Johnsondale)
Wunderland XXXV-1 Targeting & Tracking System Striker (Johnsondale)
Wunderland XXXV-2 Targeting & Tracking System Pilum (Johnsondale)
Days to Jump Point: 7
Defending Units: Robinson DMM
Politics have both hurt and helped Robinson Standard Battleworks throughout the years. Ostracized for centuries
for being an upstart company owned by Duke Sandoval and being outside of the traditional “Old-Boys Network” of
Military suppliers, RSB has been forced to purchase sub-standard components, and relies on imports from the Outworlds
Alliance for advanced laser weapons. The tables turned during the FedCom Civil War, however, as desperate
quartermasters would do next to anything to get a hold of Robinson Standard Battleworks increasingly sophisticated
products. The Duke of Robinson used his influence to ensure that supplies were shipped only to those who would forward
his personal goals, but even with these restrictions, RSB saw record profits.
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Valiant Buckler Armor Pegasus & Striker (Johnsondale)
Valiant Lamellor Armor Marauder (Kathil),
Stalker (Crofton)
& Marauder II (New Valencia)
Valiant Chainmail Armor Falconer (New Valencia)
Valiant Scutum Ferro-Fibrous Armor Sentinel, Striker, Pegasus
& Pilum (Johnsondale)
Valiant Plate Heavy Ferro-Fibrous Armor Ostsol
Valiant Ringmail
Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor Shadow Hawk, Blackjack (Talcott),
Centurion (Panpour),
Caesar (New Syrtis)
Valiant Heavy Crossbow LRM-10 Manticore (Panpour),
Striker (Johnsondale)
Valiant Arbalest LRM-15 Argus, Striker & Pilum (Johnsondale),
Challenger (Nanking, Kirklin
& Salem), Ontos (Nanking),
Valkyrie (New Avalon & Demeter)
Valiant Ballista LRM-20 Stuka (New Avalon)
& Thunderbird (Axton)
Valiant Javelin Streak SRM-2 Striker & Pilum (Johnsondale)
Valiant Pilum SRM-6 Manticore (Panpour),
Striker & Pegasus (Johnsondale)
Valiant Ruby Dart Medium Pulse Laser Pegasus & Pilum (Johnsondale)
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: None, Kentares DMM, 2nd Davion Guards RCT, 1st Robinson Rangers & Alpha Regiment, 12th Vegan
Rangers within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point: 7
Defending Units: None, Screaming Eagles, Kilbourne DMM & Kilbourne Academy Training Battalion within 1 Jump
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Magna 200p Small Pulse Laser Sentry, Ostsol & Sagittaire (Robinson)
Sutel Precision Line Small Pulse Laser Typhoon (Panpour)
Sutel Precision Line
w/Bethel Labs X-Pulse Small X-Pulse Laser Experimental
Defiance B3M Medium Laser Falconer (New Valencia), Pillager (Kathil)
Defiance Model XII ER Medium Laser Penetrator, Guillotine, JagerMech
& Wolverine (Talon),
Striker (Johnsondale),
Challenger (Nanking, Kirklin,
& Salem), Thanatos
& Warhammer (Crofton),
Valkyrie (New Avalon & Demeter),
Javelin & SparrowHawk (Panpour),
Black Knight & Sentinel (Robinson),
Ripper (Belladonna)
Defiance P5M Medium Pulse Laser Shadow Hawk (Talon), Nightstar
& Minion (Kathil)
Magna 600p Medium Pulse Laser Sagittaire & Ostsol (Robinson)
Sutel Precision Line Medium Pulse Laser Osiris (New Avalon),
Phoenix Hawk (Demeter),
Wolverine (Nanking & Talon),
JagerMech & Penetrator (Talon),
Marauder (Kathil),
Caesar (New Syrtis),
Typhoon, Javelin
& Centurion (Panpour)
Sutel Precision Line
w/Bethel Labs X-Pulse Medium X-Pulse Laser Experimental
Defiance B3L Large Laser Cestus, Pillager & Morningstar (Kathil),
Black Knight (Robinson)
Defiance Model 6 ER Large Laser Guillotine & JagerMech (Talon),
Thanatos (Crofton)
Magna 900p Large Pulse Laser Sagittaire (Robinson)
Sutel Precision Line Large Pulse Laser Axman & Goblin (New Syrtis),
Marauder & Rakshasa (Kathil),
Manticore (Panpour),
Phoenix Hawk (Demeter)
Sutel Precision Line
W/Bethel Labs X-Pulse Large X-Pulse Laser Experimental
Defiance 1002 Light PPC Corsair (Axton), Ostsol (Robinson)
Magna Hellstar PPC Watchman & Sentry
Defiance 1001 ER PPC Griffin (Talon), Falconer
& Marauder II (New Valencia),
Nightstar (Kathil),
Sagittaire & Black Knight (Robinson),
Argus (New Avalon & Robinson)
Magna Hellfire Heavy PPC Caesar (New Syrtis), Thug (Errai)
Precision Weaponry is the Federated Suns largest manufacturer of energy weapons systems, but it seems no matter
how much they expand their facilities, they cannot sufficiently keep up with the ravenous hunger of the Federated Suns
Military Industrial Complex for more lasers. Even with the opening of numerous production lines for advanced weapons
designs licensed from Defiance Industries, many production centers are left with no choice but to import weapons from
foreign sources, such as Diverse Optics in the Free Worlds League or Lushann in the Outworlds Alliance.
Capellan Confederation
HildCo Model 12 Jump Jets - For Valkyrie, Sentry, Axman, Watchman & Victor
HildCo Model 13 Jump Jets - For Pillager
HildCo LFT 9-X Jump Jets - For Sagittaire
CeresCom Recon Model 12K Communications System - For Pillager
C-Apple Churchill Targeting & Tracking System - For Pillager
Draconis Combine
Lord’s Light 5 Snub Nose PPC - For Caesar
Yori Flyswatter AMS - For Penetrator
Shigunga MRM-20 - For Hellspawn & Thanatos
Matabushi Sentinel Targeting/Tracking System - For Penetrator
Free Worlds League
Imperator Light Gauss Rifle - For Hawk Moth & Glory
Holly Arrow IV Missile System - For Yellow Jacket & Pilum
Durallex Light Ferro Fibrous - For Goblin & Ontos
Anderson 398 Jump Jets - For Penetrator & Guillotine
Lyran Alliance
RAMTech 800P Medium Pulse Laser - For Hellspawn & Thanatos
RAMTech 1500Z ER Medium Laser - For Griffin
Zippo Flamer - For Sentry
Coventry Star Fire LRM-15 - For Griffin & Glory
Doering Electronics Glowworm Narc Missile Beacon - For Striker & SRM Carrier
TharHes Calliope ZE-2 Communications System - For Falconer
TharHes Thalia HM-22 Communications System - For Cestus & Hatchetman
TharHes Ares-5 Targeting & Tracking System - For Thug
TharHes Ares-7i Targeting & Tracking System - For Falconer
TharHes Ares-8a Targeting & Tracking System - For Hatchetman
Durallex Nova - For Fireball
Edasich 280 Light - For Caesar
Pitban 320 Light - For Fury
Pitban 320 XL - For Thug
Outworlds Alliance
Diverse Optics ER Small Laser - For Longbow, Typhoon & Mantis
Diverse Optics ER Medium Laser - For Marauder II, Ostsol, Garm, Hellspawn, Blackjack, Glory, Manticore, Centurion
& Typhoon
Diverse Optics Sunbeam ER Large Laser - For Penetrator & Ostsol
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: 34th Marik Militia
The populace on the war-battered world of Amity supports the peace-loving Sir Charles Smith in Parliament.
While Smith's so-called flower child belief in universal brotherhood has been ridiculed by other League politicians, his
peace treaties with the Commonwealth worlds of Solaris and Rahne have preserved his constituents from the ravages of the
Fourth Succession War and subsequent raids. Thus far, neither Captain General Marik nor Archon Steiner have found a
prize on Amity valuable enough to justify breaking these well-publicized treaties.
Vehicles Produced:
Defender II Medium Strike Fighter
F-11-R Cheetah-R
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Imstar DF/25 Frame Defender Medium Strike Fighter
Imstar 10/f Frame Cheetah
Imstar-C 150 Turbine I.C.E. Defender Medium Strike Fighter
GM 250a Fusion Engine Cheetah
Imstar Aerolite Armor Cheetah
Starflash-I Small Laser Cheetah
Starflash-II Medium Laser Cheetah
Starflash Medium Pulse Laser Buccaneer (Gibson)
Days to Jump Point: 10
Defending Units: 1st & 9th Free Worlds Legionnaires
Though there have been no major uprisings since Andurien's unsuccessful bid for independence in 3030, a certain
amount of civil unrest is constant in the Duchy. Enemies of the Free Worlds League will find vital military intelligence
readily available here, along with other types of assistance. As a result, the regular units stationed here maintain a higher
alert status.
Vehicles Produced:
Galleon Tank
Harasser Missile Platform
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
GM 120 Classic II I.C.E. Harasser
GTEM 180 I.C.E. Galleon
StarSlab/2 Armor Harasser, Tarantula (Stewart)
StarSlab/6 Armor Galleon
Maxell 500 Communications System Galleon
Maxell TA55 Targeting & Tracking System Galleon
Diverse Optics Type 10 Small Laser Galleon
Hellion-V Medium Laser Galleon
SureShot Mk.VI SRM-6 Harasser
Days to Jump Point: 4
Defending Units: None, 10th Marik Militia, 3rd Free Worlds Guards & 3rd Free Worlds Legionnaires within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
FNHK-9K Falcon Hawk
FNHK-9K1A Falcon Hawk
FNHK-9K1B Falcon Hawk
CRD-5M Crusader
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Kallon Light Type 2AXQ Chassis Falcon Hawk
Crucis-B Chassis Crusader
Omni 175 XL Fusion Engine Falcon Hawk
Hermes 260 XL Fusion Engine Crusader
Chilton 465 Jump Jets Crusader, Tempest (Irian)
Kallon Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor Falcon Hawk
Intek Medium Laser Crusader
Vehicles Produced:
FLE-17 Flea
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Earthwerks Trooper II Endo Steel Chassis Flea
GM 120 Fusion Engine Flea
Livingston Ceramics Armor Flea
Dalban Micronics Communications System Marauder (Gibson & Wallis)
Dalban HiRez Targeting & Tracking System Marauder (Gibson & Wallis)
Dalban HiRez-B Targeting & Tracking System Flea
Days to Jump Point: 16
Defending Units: 1st Knights of the Inner Sphere & 8th Free Worlds Legionnaires
Despite the fact that Atreus is home to more corporations under military contract than any other planet in the
League, only a small percentage of the population is employed in these plants. The reason for this is simple: the companies
based on Atreus are small (the largest, Imstar AeroSpace, produces only one design) and highly automated.
Vehicles Produced:
F-11 Cheetah
F-13 Cheetah
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Imstar 10/f Chassis Cheetah
GM 250 XL Fusion Engine Cheetah
Starflash Medium Pulse Laser Cheetah
Imperator Light Gauss Rifle Tempest, Hermes II, & Albatross (Irian),
Grand Titan, Thunderbolt, BattleMaster
& Griffin (Keystone),
Emperor (Emris IV),
Shadow Hawk (Calloway VI),
Ostsol (Connaught),
Rifleman (Thermopolis),
Vulcan (Tematagi)
Imperator Type II Light Gauss Rifle Ontos (Shiro III), Main Gauche (Irian)
Imperator Dragon’s Fire Gauss Rifle Orion (Kalidasa & Kendall)
Previously a subdivision of Kallon Weaponry, Imperator has long been known for quality designs. During the Clan
Invasion, thousands of Imperator’s advanced weapons systems were exported throughout the Inner Sphere, allowing the
company to develop an excellent business relationship with many corporations not just in the Free Worlds League, but
beyond. Even now, they remain one of the top exporters of weapons systems from the Free Worlds League to other Houses,
despite a backlog of orders substantially delaying shipments.
Days to Jump Point: 2
Defending Units: 10th Marik Militia
Vehicles Produced:
CRD-5M Crusader
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Crucis-B Chassis Crusader
Kallon FWL Special
Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor for Export
Vehicles Produced:
FLE-17 Flea
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Earthwerks Trooper II Endo Steel Chassis Flea
GM 120 Fusion Engine Flea
Livingston Ceramics Armor Flea
Dalban HiRez-B Targeting & Tracking System Flea
Days to Jump Point: 15
Defending Units: Earthwerks Security (2 Companies), Shelley’s Stompers (1 Company),
Ducal Guard & 4th Brigade Fusiliers of Oriente, 2nd Oriente Hussars, & 5th & 9th Marik Militia within 1 Jump
A continuous flow of JumpShips visits this politically and militarily crucial, yet resource-poor world. In the past,
raiders have often passed themselves off as traders, an easy feat in the constant confusion. Besides Earthwerks’ factory
complex, Calloway VI is also the location of the Duke of Oriente’s winter retreat.
Vehicles Produced:
STG-5M Stinger
SHD-7M Shadow Hawk
ARC-8M Archer
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Earthwerks STG II Endo Steel Chassis Stinger
Earthwerks SHD II Endo Steel Chassis Shadow Hawk, Cronus (Talitha)
Earthwerks Archer II Endo Steel Chassis Archer
GM 120 Fusion Engine Stinger
Hermes 275 XL Fusion Engine Shadow Hawk
VOX 280 Fusion Engine Archer
Chilton 360 Jump Jets Stinger, Shadow Hawk
Maximillian 100 Armor Archer, Tempest (Irian)
Earthwerks has probably gained the largest benefits from the recent (post-invasion) increase in production in the
Free Worlds League. The company has always been known for its quality products, and now that it has once again reached
full production capacity, only the Irian and Gibson BattleMech corporations are more highly valued by the FWL military.
Security is provided by the planetary garrison and Earthwerks security.
Days to Jump Point: 9
Defending Units: None, 1st Knights of the Inner Sphere & 8th Free Worlds Legionnaires within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: 9th Marik Militia
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Dynatec 12B Targeting & Tracking System Eagle (Paradise)
Dynatec 150A Targeting & Tracking System For Export
Dynatec 990 Targeting & Tracking System Stinger (Calloway VI)
Dynatec 1122 Targeting & Tracking System Cicada, Hammer & Anvil (Gibson)
Dynatec 2180 Targeting & Tracking System Quickdraw (Savannah & Shiro III),
Chimera (Oliver)
Dynatec 2780 Targeting & Tracking System Awesome (Savannah), Wraith (Paradise)
Dynatec MissileTrac X Targeting & Tracking System Yeoman (Paradise)
Octagon Tartrac System Targeting & Tracking System Phoenix Hawk (Keystone)
Octagon Tartrac System C Targeting & Tracking System Griffin (Keystone & Oliver),
Longbow (Emris IV)
Octagon Tartrac System E Targeting & Tracking System Bloodhound (Keystone)
RCA Instatrac Mk.X Targeting & Tracking System Thunderbolt (Keystone)
RCA Instatrac Mk.XI Targeting & Tracking System Cronus (Talitha)
RCA Instatrac Mk.XII Targeting & Tracking System Shadow Hawk
& Archer (Calloway VI)
RCA Instatrac Mk.XIII Targeting & Tracking System Buccaneer (Gibson)
IMB is a highly diversified firm, dealing mostly in civilian electronic packages such as vidcube viewers. Because
IMB is a subsidiary of Irian Technologies, an Irian Security force of two lances of Wasp and Hermes II 'Mechs aids the
Marik garrison in defending the plant. In addition to manufacturing products under its own label at the Irian plant, IMB
bought the rights to manufacture the Dynatec, Octagon, and RCA product lines in the Free Worlds League.
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: None
Vehicles Produced:
Leopard class Dropship
Leopard-CV class Dropship
Union class Dropship
Merlin class Dropship
Hamilcar class Dropship
Scout class Jumpship
Agamemnon class Heavy Cruiser
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Star League V84 Interplanetary Drive Leopard
Star League V250-Lite Interplanetary Drive Merlin
Star League V250 Interplanetary Drive Union
Star League V388 Interplanetary Drive Hamilcar
K-F Mark IIb Kearney-Fuchida Drive Scout
Mycenae 35000 Kearney-Fuchida Drive Agamemnon
It is not surprising that an affiliate of the League's largest 'Mech producer manufactures 'Mech carrying
DropShips. What is suprising is that recently, the Clipperton Yard was substantially expanded to allow for the construction
of the League’s new Agamemnon class Heavy Cruisers. This product line makes Irian's orbital Clipperton factories
tempting targets for enemy raiders.
Days to Jump Point: 8
Defending Units: 18th Marik Militia & Romanov’s Crusaders
On the brink of total collapse following the near total destruction of Kong Interstellar’s plant during the 1st
Succession War, the company has made a miraculous turn around following the recovery of Star League technology in the
middle of the century. Construction continues apace on a new Ostscout line, expected to be ready to begin production by
3070, and the line is currently retooling to produce the Star League era “Royal” Black Knight.
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: None, Ducal Guard & 4th Brigade Fusiliers of Oriente, 2nd Oriente Hussars within 1 Jump
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Garret 500A Communications System Scorpion (Oliver)
Garret T10-B Communications System Locust (Gibson), Tarantula (Stewart)
Garret T11-A Communications System Rifleman (Thermopolis)
Garret T11-B Communications System Wolverine (Gibson & Thermopolis),
Crusader (Asuncion, Bernardo & Oliver)
Garret T11-C Communications System For Export
Garret T12-A Communications System For Export
Garret T12-E Communications System Quickdraw (Savannah & Shiro III),
Garret T15-B Communications System For Export
Garret T19-G Communications System Awesome (Savannah)
Garret T20-C Communications System For Export
Garret T21-C Communications System Main Gauche (Irian),
LRM & SRM Carriers (Oliver)
Garret T60 FasScan Communications System Warhammer (Emris IV)
Datacom 26 Communications System Stinger (Calloway VI)
Datacom 50 Communications System Hammer & Anvil (Gibson)
Datacom 60 Communications System Cicada (Gibson)
Neil 2000 Communications System Flea (Asuncion & Bernardo)
Neil 6000 Communications System Phoenix Hawk & Apollo (Keystone),
Griffin (Keystone & Oliver)
Neil 7000 Communicaations System Bloodhound (Keystone)
Neil 8000 Communications System Thunderbolt (Keystone)
Neil 9000 Communications System Shadow Hawk & Archer (Calloway VI)
Garret A6 Targeting & Tracking System Crusader (Asuncion, Bernardo & Oliver),
Apollo (Keystone),
LRM & SRM Carriers (Oliver)
Garret a99 Targeting & Tracking System Toyama & Grand Crusader (Gibson)
Garret D2j Targeting & Tracking System Rifleman (Thermopolis), Partisan (Loyalty)
Garret D5j Targeting & Tracking System for Export
Garret E2b Targeting & Tracking System for Export
Garret E5a Targeting & Tracking System for Export
Garret F1b Targeting & Tracking System for Export
Garret O2j Targeting & Tracking System for Export
Garret T11b Targeting & Tracking System Wolverine (Gibson)
Garret F22c Targeting & Tracking System Warhammer (Emris IV)
Garret 500S Targeting & Tracking System for Export
Garret GRNDTRK 9 Targeting & Tracking System Scorpion (Oliver)
Defending Units: None, 4th Marik Militia & 4th Regulan Hussars within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
WHM-8D Warhammer
LGB-7V Longbow
LGB-12C Longbow
EMP-6M Emperor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
StarFrame Heavy Endo Steel Chassis Warhammer
StarCorp 100 Chassis Longbow
Titan Super TZ-7EA Chassis Emperor
Strand 255 Fusion Engine For Export
Strand 255 XL Fusion Engine Longbow
Plasmastar 270 Light Fusion Engine Emperor, Phoenix Hawk (Keystone)
GM 280 Fusion Engine Warhammer
Pitban LFT-50 Jump Jets Emperor
ArcShield VII Mk.5 Armor Emperor
StarSlab/9.5 Mk.II Armor Longbow
StarSlab/12.5 Armor Longbow
Durallex Heavy Armor Warhammer
Telestar Model XTD-67A1 Communications System Emperor
Starlight Seeker LX-4X Targeting & Tracking System Emperor
Phototech 806c Medium Laser For Export
Diverse Optics Medium Pulse Laser Longbow & Emperor
Diverse Optics Sunbeam ER Large Laser Longbow & Emperor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Holly LRM-5 for Export
Holly “Ballista-15” LRM-15 Longbow, Grand Titan (Keystone),
Gotha (Stewart)
Holly “Ballista-20” LRM-20 Longbow, Grand Crusader (Gibson)
Holly Mk.II Streak SRM-2 Jackal (Keystone),
Hercules (Kendall & Kalidasa)
Holly Mk.II Streak SRM-4 Grand Titan (Keystone)
Holly-6 SRM-6 Grand Titan (Keystone)
Holly Mk.II Streak SRM-6 Tempest & Albatross (Irian),
Riever (Andurien)
Holly MML-5 BattleMaster (Keystone),
Trebuchet (Kalidasa)
Holly Arrow IV Artillery System Anvil
Days to Jump Point: 9
Defending Units: 1st Marik Militia
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Flame Tech Flamer Stinger (Calloway VI),
Vulcan (Tematagi)
When Thomas Marik ascended to the Captain-Generalcy, he discovered that Flame Tech (then manufacturing a
variety of weapons at two facilities) had been pocketing government payments for weapons ordered by the Free Worlds
Guards without delivering the goods. He cleaned house by disbanding the board of directors, selling the Campbelton laser
plant to the Fusigon Corporation, and appointing loyal followers to the Fletcher complex. Unfortunately, the split led
FlameTech to financial disaster, resulting in it being recently remerging with Fusigon in order to avoid bankruptcy.
Days to Jump Point: 9
Defending Units: None
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Corean-II Delux Endo Steel Chassis Locust
Duralyte 299 Endo Steel Chassis Hammer
Kell Reinforced 240 Chassis Cicada
Kell Reinforced 240 Endo Steel Chassis Cicada
BCN Chassis Buccaneer
Duralyte 314 Endo Steel Chassis Anvil
Crucis-A Chassis Wolverine
GM Marauder Chassis Marauder
TYM Endo Steel Chassis Toyama
Crucis-ES Chassis Grand Crusader
GM 150 Fusion Engine Hammer
Magna 160 Fusion Engine For Export
Hermes 240 XL Fusion Engine Grand Crusader & Locust
Hermes 275 XL Fusion Engine Wolverine
Vlar 300 Fusion Engine Anvil, Black Knight (Connaught)
Vlar 300 XL Fusion Engine Toyama & Marauder
Hermes 320 XL Fusion Engine Cicada
VOX 330 XL Fusion Engine Buccaneer, Cronus (Talitha)
Chilton 365 Jump Jets Anvil
Northrup 12000 Jump Jets Wolverine
Kallon FWL Special Ferro-Fibrous Armor Locust & Buccaneer
Durallex Light Armor Cicada, Angel Light Strike
Fighters (Lopez & Westover)
Durallex Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor Cicada, Ontos (Shiro III)
Durallex Heavy Armor Toyama
Maximillian 43 Armor Stygian (Irian), Cronus (Talitha),
Shadow Hawk (Calloway VI)
Maximillian 45 Armor Grand Crusader
FWDI's version of the Northrup 12000 jump-jet system is a much-improved variant using the same basic design,
but producing the parts with a superior casting process that results in a much stronger construction. This casting process is a
closely guarded secret. Gibson Federated BattleMechs continues to be one of the main suppliers of BattleMechs to the
Word of Blake Militia, despite that organization’s return to Terra almost a decade ago.
Vehicles Produced:
Fury class Dropship
Buccaneer class Dropship
Merlin class Dropship
Monarch class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Hyperdyne 211 Interplanetary Drive Fury
Magna Corp. VX250B Interplanetary Drive Buccaneer
Star League V250-Lite Interplanetary Drive Merlin
Marly 750 Interplanetary Drive Monarch
Brigadier’s Gibson factory is actually a converted repair facility. The changeover from repair to production was a
success, and the plant is running smoothly, however, defense is complicated by a landing field with only makeshift defenses
at the site.
Defending Units: None, 1st Knights of the Inner Sphere & 8th Free Worlds Legionnaires within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point: 7
Defending Units: 7th Free Worlds Legionnaires & 13th Marik Militia
Though they have only been called upon to defend their world once (during the Second Succession War), the forces
stationed on Irian tend to be overly proud of the fact that no enemy has ever taken the factories of this border world. This
overconfidence could cost the league greatly when the planet is next invaded.
Diverse Optics Sunfire ER Medium Laser Tempest, Hermes, Hermes II, Albatross,
& Stygian, Gotha, Sirocco
& Tarantula (Stewart),
Phoenix Hawk & Thunderbolt (Keystone),
Hunchback & Trebuchet (Kalidasa),
Archer (Calloway VI), Emperor (Emris IV),
Bloodhound (Keystone),
Eagle (Paradise), Vulcan (Tematagi),
Cronus (Talitha), Chimera (Oliver),
BattleMaster & Archer (Keystone),
Warhammer (Emris IV & Wallis),
Cicada (Gibson), Cheetah (Atreus & Marik)
Diverse Optics Medium Pulse Laser Hermes & Trebuchet,
Grand Titan (Keystone),
Sirocco (Stewart)
Irian Weapon Works Super 6 Medium Laser Guillotine & Albatross,
Intek Medium Pulse Laser Grand Crusader (Gibson)
Magna 400p Medium Pulse Laser Awesome
Diverse Optics Type 20 Large Pulse Laser Hermes II, Grand Titan (Keystone)
Diverse Technology Labs Large X-Pulse Laser Experimental
Diverse Optics Sunbeam ER Large Laser Guillotine, Hermes II & Albatross,
Archer & BattleMaster (Keystone),
Anvil, Toyama, Cicada, Wolverine
& Buccaneer (Gibson),
Eagle (Paradise), Chimera (Oliver),
Falcon Hawk (Asuncion),
Spider & Vulcan (Tematagi)
Olympian Flamer Hermes II, Flea (Asuncion & Bernardo)
Irian Weapon Works V7 LRM-15 Albatross
Zeus LRM-15 Trebuchet
Hovertec Streak Streak SRM-2 Awesome
Guided Technologies
2nd Generation Streak SRM-4 Meteor-G Heavy Strike Fighter (Lopez,
Trellisane & Westover)
Guided Technologies
2nd Generation Streak SRM-6 Bloodhound (Keystone),
Marauder (Gibson & Wallis)
Irian Weapon Works 60mm SRM-6 Guillotine, Albatross & Tempest,
Buccaneer (Gibson)
Octagon Missile Magnet Narc Beacon Trebuchet
One of the Inner Sphere’s oldest and largest companies, Irian Technologies controls the entirety of the government,
economy & workforce on the planet Irian, and has extensive influence with financial channels throughout the Inner Sphere.
The Irian Mech factory is situated in the base of Soapstone Mountain, a location similar to the much larger Hesperus II
facilities in the Federated Commonwealth. This attempt at fortification has not prevented its near destruction in the past,
most recently at the hands of Anton Marik's rebels in 3014.
Despite a less diversified product catalog, Irian BattleMechs Unlimited rivals Defiance Industries of the Lyran
Alliance for the title of Inner Sphere’s most prolific weapons manufacturer, and its components can be found in almost
every military unit across known space.
Vehicles Produced:
Achileus Battle Armor
Inner Sphere Standard Battle Armor
Longinus Battle Armor
Phalanx Battle Armor
Vehicles Produced:
Galleon Tank
Main Gauche Tank
Harasser Missile Platform
Stygian Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
GM 120 Classic II I.C.E. Harasser
GTEM 180 I.C.E. Galleon
GM 120 Fusion Engine Main Gauche
GM 180 XL Fusion Engine Maine Gauche
GTEM 210 Fusion Engine Galleon
StarSlab/1d Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor Vulcan (Tematagi)
StarSlab/2 Armor Harasser, Tarantula (Stewart)
StarSlab/3 Armor Albatross (Irian)
StarSlab/6 Armor Galleon
Maxell 500 Communications System Galleon & Harasser
Maxell 600b Communications System Stygian
Maxell TA55 Targeting & Tracking System Galleon & Harasser
Maxell TA70 Targeting & Tracking System Stygian
Priestly 600p Medium Pulse Laser Galleon
SureShot Mk.VI SRM-6 Harasser
Edward Industries Thumper Artillery Piece Artillery Units
Brooks Inc. is the giant of the Free Worlds League armor manufacturers, producing 58 percent of all League
military conventional vehicles . Unfortunately they produce the light Galleon and Harasser-two vehicles that the already
underweight FWL armies do not need!
Days to Jump Point: 10
Defending Units: Gryphons Regiment, Silver Hawk Irregulars
Vehicles Produced:
Wheeled APC
Tracked APC
Hover APC
Heavy Tracked APC
Heavy Wheeled APC
Heavy Hover APC
Hetzer Wheeled Assault Gun
Scorpion Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Leenex 40 I.C.E. Wheeled APC
Leenex 60 I.C.E. Tracked APC
Leenex 75 I.C.E. Heavy Hover APC
Leenex 80 I.C.E. Hover APC
Leenex 100 I.C.E. Scorpion, Heavy Wheeled & Tracked APC
Leenex 140 I.C.E. Hetzer
ProtecTech Light Armor Scorpion & APC
ProtecTech 6 Armor Hetzer
Basix 100 Communications System APC
Basix 200 Communications System Scorpion & Hetzer, Toyama (Gibson)
OptiTrack Techniques Targeting & Tracking System APC
OptiSight-12 Targeting & Tracking System Scorpion & Hetzer
Deleon-5 AC/5 Scorpion
Crusher SH Cannon AC/20 Hetzer
20mm Gatling Gun Machine Gun Scorpion & APC
The FWL’s lack of armor production facilities has led them to welcome with open arms even the dubious
manufacturing processes of the Quikscell Company.
Days to Jump Point: 11
Defending Units: The Bad Dream
Vehicles Produced:
Galleon Tank
Maine Gauche Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
GTEM 180 I.C.E. Galleon
GM 120 Fusion Engine Main Gauche
GTEM 210 Fusion Engine Galleon
StarSlab/6 Armor Galleon
Maxell 500 Communications System Galleon
Maxell TA55 Targeting & Tracking System Galleon
Diverse Optics Type 10 Small Laser Galleon
Hellion-V Medium Laser Galleon
Priestly 600p Medium Pulse Laser Galleon
Days to Jump Point: 7
Defending Units: 23rd Marik Militia
Vehicles Produced:
STG-5M Stinger
JA-KL-1532 Jackal
B1-HND Bloodhound
B2-HND Bloodhound
PXH-7K Phoenix Hawk
APL-1M Apollo
APL-2S Apollo
APL-3T Apollo
GRF-5M Griffin
TDR-9M Thunderbolt
TDR-11SE Thunderbolt
THG-12E Thug
BLR-5M BattleMaster
BLR-M3 BattleMaster
T-IT-T10M Grand Titan
T-IT-T11M Grand Titan
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Earthwerks STG II Endo Steel Chassis Stinger
Hollis Mk.VI-Alpha Endo Steel Chassis Jackal
Earthwerks PXH II Endo Steel Chassis Phoenix Hawk
Earthwerks PXH IV Endo Steel Chassis Bloodhound
Earthwerks APL I Chassis Apollo
Earthwerks GRF Chassis Griffin
Earthwerks TDR II Endo Steel Chassis Thunderbolt
Earthwerks VOL Endo Steel Chassis Thug
Earthwerks BLR Chassis BattleMaster
Corean Model 101BLP Endo Steel Chassis Grand Titan
GM 120 Fusion Engine Stinger
GM 210 XL Fusion Engine Jackal
DAV 220 Fusion Engine Apollo
Magna 260 Fusion Engine Thunderbolt
Magna 260 Light Fusion Engine Thunderbolt
Hermes 270 XL Fusion Engine For Export
Hermes 270 XL (w/Supercharger) Fusion Engine Experimental
Hermes 275 XL Fusion Engine Griffin
Hermes 315 XL Fusion Engine Bloodhound
Pitban 320 Fusion Engine Thug
Magna 340 Fusion Engine BattleMaster
Magna 340 Light Fusion Engine BattleMaster
LTV 400 XL Fusion Engine Grand Titan
Chilton 360 Jump Jets Stinger
Chilton 465 Jump Jets Thunderbolt
Chilton 466 Improved Improved Jump Jets Thunderbolt
Rawlings 45 Jump Jets For Export
Rawlings 55 Jump Jets Griffin
Durallex Light Armor Bloodhound
Durallex Heavy Armor BattleMaster, Thug & Grand Titan
Durallex Guardian Heavy
Ferro-Fibrous Armor BattleMaster, Hermes II (Irian)
Maximillian 44 Armor Apollo
Vehicles Produced:
Pegasus Scout Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
GM 105 I.C.E. Pegasus
ProtecTech 6 Armor Pegasus
Exeter Longscan w/Reconlock Communications System Pegasus
Salamander Systems
Comm PhaseUnit Targeting & Tracking System Pegasus
Shannon SH-60 SRM-6 Pegasus
The Pegasus is a highly useful vehicle because of its unique chassis, comm, and targeting and tracking system
designs. However, the complexity of these special components slows production to the point that Exeter barely manages to
push out one tank a month.
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: 5th Free Worlds Legionnaires
The dense jungles of Lopez seem to provide perfect cover for an attacking force. This is a mistaken perception,
however, because the forest is actually full of tourists. Several recent raid attempts have been spoiled by loyal Free Worlds
citizens broadcasting the enemy's position.
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Magna Mk.I Small Laser Rifleman (Thermopolis)
Magna Mk.IV ER Small Laser Angel II, Locust (Stewart & Gibson),
Scorpion (Oliver),
Ostsol (Connaught)
Magna 200p Small Pulse Laser Angel II, Cicada (Gibson)
Magna Mk.II Medium Laser Cicada & Toyama (Gibson),
Magna Mk.VI ER Medium Laser Locust (Stewart & Gibson),
Hammer & Anvil (Gibson),
Ostsol (Connaught),
Rifleman & Exterminator (Thermopolis)
Magna 400p Medium Pulse Laser Angel II, Awesome (Savannah),
Wolverine (Gibson)
Magna Mk.III Large Laser Emperor (Emris IV),
Falcon Hawk (Asuncion),
Stingray (Trellisane)
Magna Sunspot ER PPC Stingray (Andurien), Cronus (Talitha)
Magna Firestar ER PPC Scorpion (Oliver), Warhammer (Emris IV),
Black Knight (Connaught), Thug (Keystone)
Magna Supernova Heavy PPC Marauder (Gibson & Wallis)
Cicada (Gibson)
Stingray (Trellisane)
Magna Longbow-15 LRM-15 Crusader (Asuncion, Bernardo & Oliver),
Stygian (Irian)
The extreme shortage of PPCs in Free Worlds space makes the Lopez and Campbelton production facilities
invaluable to Captain General Marik. Only very recently have manufacturing lines been expanded so that demand can be
met sufficiently.
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: None, 1st Knights of the Inner Sphere & 8th Free Worlds Leagionnaires within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
Partisan Tank
Kuan Ti class Dropship
Vengeance class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Star League V84A Interplanetary Drive Kuan Ti
Warrior-ATP Interplanetary Drive Vengeance
Pitban 240 I.C.E. Partisan
StarSlab/7 Armor Partisan
JoLex Systems Communications System Partisan
Flak AC/5 Partisan
Vehicles Produced:
Tramp class Jumpship
Star Lord class Jumpship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
K-F Mark VIIIb-3 Kearney-Fuchida Drive Tramp
K-F Mark VIIIa-1 Kearney-Fuchida Drive Star Lord
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: None
Vehicles Produced:
Behemoth class Dropship
Impavido class Destroyer
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Sunburst M-200L Megadrive Interplanetary Drive Behemoth
Fearless X-490K Kearney-Fuchida Drive Impavido
The Brigadier Corporatlon is one of three Inner Sphere factories still able to construct the gargantuan Behemoth
class DropShip. Though incapable of atmospheric flight, the Behemoth is still a useful military tool because it can carry
huge amounts of supplies from a jump point to a close planetary orbit.
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: 5th Free Worlds Guards
This mined-out desert planet offers mostly symbolic reward to successful raiders, as its current value lies in its
historical and emotional importance to the people of the Free Worlds League. Imstar AeroSpace also maintains a plant here.
Captain General Marik's winter palace is also on Marik, and so any invader must take into account the presence of his
personal guard. Marik’s fierce summer dust storms can cloak a small force's approach, but they are accompanied by
tornados strong enough to damage lighter 'Mechs and conventional vehicles.
Vehicles Produced:
F-13 Cheetah
F-14-S Cheetah
Planetlifter Air Transport
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Imstar 10/f Frame Cheetah
Imstar Type XI Frame Planetlifter
GM 200 Turbine I.C.E. Planetlifter
GM 250 XL Fusion Engine Cheetah
Riese Reliable Armor Planetlifter
Irian UHF Communications System Planetlifter
Lassitor 3QZ Communications System Cheetah
Hovertec Streak Streak SRM-2 Cheetah
Days to Jump Point: 2
Defending Units: 6th Free Worlds Legionnaires
Vehicles Produced:
CMA-1S Chimera
CMA-C Chimera
GRF-3M Griffin
SCP-12C Scorpion
CRD-5M Crusader
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Chameleon Light Endo 2 Chassis Chimera
Earthwerks GRF Chassis Griffin
Brigadier 800F Chassis Scorpion
Crucis-B Chassis Crusader
GM 240 XL Fusion Engine Chimera
Hermes 260 XL Fusion Engine Crusader
Hermes 275 XL Fusion Engine Griffin
VOX 330 XL Fusion Engine Scorpion
Rawlings 40 Jump Jets Chimera
Rawlings 55 Jump Jets Griffin
Chilton 465 Jump Jets Crusader
ChisComp 32 Small Laser Griffin
Vehicles Produced:
Scorpion Tank
LRM Carrier
SRM Carrier
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
InterComBust 100 I.C.E. Scorpion
InterComBust 120 I.C.E. LRM Carrier
InterComBust 180 I.C.E. SRM Carrier
Days to Jump Point: 19
Defending Units: Ducal Guard & 4th Brigade, Fusiliers of Oriente, 2nd Oriente Hussars
Oriente has been raided so many times in the past that the citizens have become quite blasé about it. Invading
Mechwarriors find none of the panic they are accustomed to causing, as the populace simply avoids trouble by using well-
practiced civil defense procedures.
Defending Units: None, 1st Knights of the Inner Sphere & 8th Free Worlds Legionnaires within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
EGL-1M Eagle
EGL-2M Eagle
TR1 Wraith
YMN-6Y Yeoman
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Curtiss Eagle Chassis Eagle
Curtiss Wraith Chassis Wraith
Curtiss Yeoman Chassis Yeoman
Vlar 125 Fusion Engine Eagle
Pitban 240 Fusion Engine Yeoman
LTV 385 XL Fusion Engine Wraith
CurtissJet 55 Jump Jets Wraith & Eagle
CurtissJet 80 Jump Jets for Export
CurtissComm Mk.I Communications System Wraith
CurtissComm Mk.II Communications System Eagle
CurtissComm Mk.IV Communications System Yeoman
A relatively recent move by Curtiss Hydroponics to further diversify their company, Curtiss Militech instantly
gained a reputation for innovation with the release of their first BattleMech design, the TR1 Wraith. Further products
released by Curtiss Militech have continued this trend of unorthodox design and clever ingenuity, and Curtiss’ Military
hardware has become a hit both with the LCCC and also with export markets.
Defending Units: 1st Regulan Hussars
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Magna 240 Fusion Engine Anvil (Gibson)
Magna 350 XL Fusion Engine Hercules (Kendall)
Days to Jump Point: 9
Defending Units: None, Home Guard, Stewart Dragoons; 18th & 25th Marik Militia; Falcons Regiment,
Silver Hawk Irregulars; & Romanov’s Crusaders within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
QKD-5M Quickdraw
AWS-9M Awesome
AWS-9Q Awesome
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Technicron Type E Chassis Quickdraw
Technicron Type G Chassis Awesome
Magna 300 Fusion Engine Quickdraw
Pitban 240 Fusion Engine Awesome
Hermes 320 XL Fusion Engine Awesome
Chilton 460 Jump Jets Quickdraw
Citizens of the Free Worlds League who support an expansion of the League's armaments industry are quick to
point to the AWS-9M Awesome Mech, produced at both Irian and Savannah, as proof that maintaining the industry is
worthwhile. The League produces a sprinkling of assault 'Mechs, but its production is in no way comparable to the
production numbers of the Lyran Alliance. Marik assault lances are all too often filled with heavy 'Mechs such as the
Warhammer & Marauder and while these designs are undeniably powerful, they are no match for the Alliance's Zeus and
Atlas designs.
Days to Jump Point: 15
Defending Units: None, 1st & 9th Free Worlds Legionnaires within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
Ontos Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
GM 285 HeavyLoad I.C.E. Ontos
GM 285 Cold-Start Fusion Engine Ontos
SimplePlate Armor Ontos
StarSlab/4 Armor Strider, Scorpion (Oliver)
EasyTalk-2 Communications System Ontos, Buccaneer (Gibson)
w/Easy Coordination LinkTargeting & Tracking System Ontos, Falcon Hawk (Asuncion)
Hellion-V Medium Laser Ontos
LongFire LRM-5 Ontos, Grand Crusader (Gibson),
Defender Medium Strike Fighter (Amity,
Lopez & Westover)
Days to Jump Point: 6
Defending Units: Stewart Dragoons Home Guard
Vehicles Produced:
GTHA-500 Gotha
GTHA-600 Gotha
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Saroyan 2.5 Frame Gotha
Pitban 180 Fusion Engine Gotha
Pitban 180 Light Fusion Engine Gotha
CarbonDale IV Ferro-Aluminum Armor Gotha, Stingray (Trellisane)
COMSTAT 500 ATM Communications System Gotha
Ringo Plant 88 Mk.2 Targeting & Tracking System Gotha
Allied Technologies Model 1 Small Laser Gotha
Allied Technologies Model 2 Medium Laser Gotha
Starcutter PPC Gotha
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Magna 260 XL Fusion Engine Tempest (Irian)
Magna 350 XL Fusion Engine Hercules (Kalidasa)
Magna 145 Fusion Engine Stygian (Irian)
Magna 185 Fusion Engine Stygian (Irian)
Defending Units: Atrean Hussars
Vehicles Produced:
CNS-3M Cronus
CNS-5M Cronus
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Cipher ComSys 1-C Communications System Cronus
Once little more than a scrapyard, Gilmour Miltech has grown out of a BattleMech jury-rigging business into a full
fledged ‘Mech manufacturer. Whilst they once relied upon second hand parts salvaged from the scraps of classic 55 ton
‘Mech chassis, Gilmour has grown to the point where they can purchase materials correctly, although they still only
manufacter the Comm System for the Cronus BattleMech from scratch.
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: Technicron Marine Guard (3rd Brigade Fusiliers of Oriente)
Once a battle-scarred world suffering in the throes of economic depression, Tamarind seems to have turned the
corner. Under the tight-fisted but wise rule of Therese Marik, Tamarind has become a major exporter of both foodstuffs and
valuable mineral deposits found across the planet’s still pock-marked surface. In addition, there has been a major growth in
industrial workers with the decision by the LCCC to make the Technicron Orbital Yards the location for the construction of
the Free Worlds League’s first Warship design. Once a little thought of border world, Tamarind is rapidly becoming well
known for more than just it’s local art.
Days to Jump Point: 6
Defending Units: None, 8th Orloff Grenadiers within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: 5th Brigade, Fusiliers of Oriente
Vehicles Produced:
WVR-9M Wolverine
RFL-7M Rifleman
EXT-5E Exterminator
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Crucis-A Chassis Wolverine
Kallon Type IV Endo Steel Chassis Rifleman
Kallon X Endo Steel Chassis Exterminator
Hermes 240 XL Fusion Engine Rifleman
Nissan 275 XL Fusion Engine Wolverine
VOX 390 XL Fusion Engine Exterminator
Northrup 12000 Jump Jets Wolverine, Cronus (Talitha)
Maximillian 60 Armor Wolverine
Kallon Royalstar Armor Rifleman
Kallon FWL Special
Ferro-Fibrous Armor Quickdraw (Savannah & Shiro III),
Yeoman & Wraith (Paradise)
Kallon FWL Standard Armor Eagle (Paradise)
Kallon Unity Weave
Ferro-Fibrous Armor For Export
Tek BattleCom Communications System Exterminator
Sync-Tracker Targeting & Tracking System Wolverine
Tek LOR T13d Targeting & Tracking System Exterminator
Considered to be a foreign company under League law, Kallon Industries has always had to fight an uphill battle to
compete against the larger, local manufacturers. In order to improve their market potential, Kallon Industries has gone on a
development blitz, upgrading their existing designs and reopening their maligned Exterminator line to produce a new
variant for the Com Guards. Yet to have begun production, Kallon Industries has most recently developed what appears to
be a deadly new version of their venerable Wolverine design. Having made only limited changes from the previous design,
the new WVR-9M should be in full production within the next 6-8 months.
Days to Jump Point: 7
Defending Units: 1st Oriente Hussars
Vehicles Produced:
LX-2 Lancer
LX-2A Lancer
Meteor-G Heavy Strike Fighter
F-94 Stingray
F-95 Stingray
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
L2 Frame Lancer
JA-MTR-Airframe Frame Meteor-G Heavy Strike Fighter
F-90/A Frame Stingray
VOX 240 Fusion Engine Stingray
VOX 250 Fusion Engine Lancer
Telestar F-67 Communications System Stingray
Telestar G-3 Communications System Lancer
SynCom VAX Targeting & Tracking System Stingray
SynCom DEC Targeting & Tracking System Lancer
Hellion-V Medium Laser Stingray
Diverse Optics Sunbeam ER Large Laser Lancer & Stingray
Iran Weapon Works Class 10b LRM-10 Stingray & Lancer
Gutierrez is the only small aerospace firm in the Free Worlds League, because government sponsorship of Imstar
AeroSpace and Andurien AeroTech has driven out the rest of the competition. The company is owned and operated by
Daniel Gutierrez, son of the famous aerospace pilot Colonel Maria Gutierrez. Profits have picked up recently, thanks to the
release of the brand new Lancer aerospace fighter.
Days to Jump Point: 4
Defending Units: None, 6th Oriente Hussars within 1 Jump
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Jolassa 320 Armor Main Gauche (Irian)
Jolassa 325 Armor Hammer & Anvil (Gibson)
Jolassa 328 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Hermes, Hermes II & Galleon (Irian),
Wasp (Kalidasa & Shiro III)
Riese 100 Armor Stinger (Calloway VI & Keystone)
Riese-456 Armor Hermes II (Irian),
Hermes II & Stalker (Shiro III),
Chimera (Oliver)
Riese 500 Armor Crusader (Asuncion, Bernardo & Oliver)
The Kerr-McGinniss armor works developed a bad reputation almost from its founding during the Age of War six
hundred years ago. The reactor shielding it produces is rumored to fail under stress in field conditions, but this allegation
has never been conclusively proven.
Days to Jump Point: 2
Defending Units: None, 1st Regulan Hussars within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
WHM-8M Warhammer
MAD-9M2 Marauder
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Kell Reinforced 270 Endo Steel Chassis Warhammer
GM Marauder Chassis Marauder
Magna 280 Fusion Engine Warhammer
Vlar 300 XL Fusion Engine Marauder
Northrup 12000 Jump Jets For Export
Durallex Heavy Armor Warhammer
Valiant Chainmail Ferro-Fibrous Armor Marauder
Barret Party Line-200 Communications System Warhammer, BattleMaster
& Thug (Keystone)
Wasat Watchdog W100 Targeting & Tracking System Warhammer, BattleMaster
& Thug (Keystone)
Martell Small Laser Flea (Asuncion & Bernardo)
Martell Small Pulse Laser Hercules (Kendall & Kalidasa),
Hammer (Gibson)
Martell Medium Laser Hammer& Anvil (Gibson),
Shadow Hawk (Calloway VI),
Falcon Hawk (Asuncion)
Martell Medium Pulse Laser BattleMaster, Apollo (Keystone),
Flea (Asuncion & Bernardo)
LFN Lindblad Machine Gun For Export
LFN Lindblad Shotgun Anti-Missile System Stinger (Keystone & Calloway VI)
Shannon SH-60 SRM-6 Thug (Keystone)
Imperator Light Gauss Rifle Warhammer
Ronin Incorporated has expanded dramatically over the past two decades, despite it’s still limited portfolio. It’s
unique variants of the Warhammer & Marauder are exceptionally popular within the FWLM, although not always readily
Days to Jump Point: 14
Defending Units: None
Capellan Confederation
Ceres Arms Smasher PPC - For Ostsol, Black Knight & Awesome
Ceres Arms Thrasher Snub-Nose PPC - For Thunderbolt
Ma Mien Anti-Personnel Pods - For Sirocco
Aldis Heavy Ferro-Fibrous Armor - For Hercules, Orion & SRM & LRM Carriers
Draconis Combine
Diplan M3 Medium Laser - For Tempest
Lord’s Light 2b Snub-Nose PPC - Awesome
Lord’s Light 3 Heavy PPC - Awesome & Guillotine
Shigunga MRM-20 - Trebuchet & Chimera
O/P COMNET 210A Communications System - For Grand Crusader
Sipher Security Plus Communications System - For Jackal, Blackjack & Owens
Sipher CommCon SCU-9 Communications System - For Strider
Matabushi Sentinel Targeting & Tracking System - For Blackjack & Owens
Matabushi Stalker Targeting & Tracking System - For Strider
O/P FiberFeed 201 Targeting & Tracking System - For Grand Titan
Federated Suns
Bright-Bloom ER Medium Laser - For Falcon Hawk
Sutel Precision Line Large Pulse Laser - For Anvil & Tempest
Exostar ER Large Laser - For Falcon Hawk
Mydron Model RD Rotary AC/5 - For Hermes II
Lyran Alliance
Coventry Five-Tube LRM-5 - For Hammer
Word of Blake
Series II Pragma iNarc - for Scorpion & Exterminator
Taurian Concordat
SperryBrowning Light Machine Gun - For Vulcan
Protectorate Machine Gun Array Assembly - For Vulcan
Days to Jump Point: 8
Defending Units: 1st Alarion Jaegers & Alarian APM
Ioto Galactic Enterprises and Bowie Industries both maintain factories in the massive Port Sydney Naval Shipyards
orbiting Alarion, and are essential for Alliance repairs and military production.
Vehicles Produced
ARC-6S Archer
CHP-W7 Chippewa
Leopard class Dropship
Leopard CV class Dropship
Union class DropShip
Hercules class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Earthwerks Archer II Endo Steel Chassis Archer
Bowie 50 Frame Chippewa
Star League V84 Interplanetary Drive Leopard & Leopard CV
Star League V250 Interplanetary Drive Union
Star League V485 Interplanetary Drive Hercules
PlasmaStar 270 XL Fusion Engine Chippewa
Rander 200 Communications System Chippewa
Rander TA5 Targeting & Tracking System Chippewa
As the Alarion shipyards were used more and more often to repair the Lyran Alliance's 'Mech-carrying DropShips,
it was a natural extension of its function to construct a Mech repair bay on the orbital facility . The repair facility has been
further upgraded to an assembly plant for Bowie's ARC-6S Archer.
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: Carlisle APM
Vehicles Produced:
RZK-9S Razorback
RZK-9T Razorback
ARC-7S Archer
MAD-9S Marauder
Pack Rat Long Range Recon Vehicle
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Bowie Light Endo Model 14 Chassis Razorback
Earthwerks Archer Chassis Archer
GM Marauder Endo Steel Chassis Marauder
Defiance 180 Light Fusion Engine Razorback
GM 300 XL Fusion Engine Uziel (Furillo)
Doorman 120 Fusion Engine Pack Rat
Defiance 260 Light Fusion Engine Axman
Durallex Guardian
Heavy Ferro-Fibrous Armor Archer, Stinger & Hussar (Furillo)
Durallex Super
Medium Ferro-Fibrous Armor Razorback
Maximillian 100 Armor Archer (Alarion & Wyatt)
Valiant Lamellor Armor Marauder, Sentinel (Hesperus II),
Colossus (Solaris VII)
Dalban Micronics Communications System Marauder, Bombard (Solaris VII)
Dalban Micronics 35 Communications System Razorback
Dalban HiRez Targeting & Tracking System Marauder, Charger (Hesperus II),
Bombard (Solaris VII)
Dalban HiRez IV Targeting & Tracking System Razorback
Hotshot Flamer Pack Rat
Defending Units: None, 1st Bolan Jaegers & Penobscot CTM within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
THS-4S Thanatos
LGB-7V Longbow
LGB-12C Longbow
LGB-14C Longbow
Manteuffel Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
StarFrame Heavy Endo Steel Chassis Thanatos
StarCorp 100 Chassis Longbow
Strand-Martin 255 XL Fusion Engine Longbow
Plasmastar 375 XL Fusion Engine Thanatos
StarSlab III Ferro-Fibrous Armor Manteuffel
StarSlab/9.5 Mk.II Armor Longbow
StarSlab/12.5 Armor Longbow
Durallex Heavy Armor Thanatos
Audi-Fokker Mark IV Jump Jets Thanatos
AntiAir Flak Systems-1 Targeting & Tracking System Longbow
Martin-Quarry Tarsys XLR 2.2 Targeting & Tracking System Longbow
Holly “Ballista-15” LRM-15 Longbow, Highlander (Son Hoa)
Holly “Ballista-20” LRM-20 Longbow, Highlander (Son Hoa)
Doombud MML-9 Longbow, Valkyrie (Hesperus II),
Hunchback (Coventry)
Defending Units: None, Teyvareb TTM within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
WHM-8D Warhammer
WHM-9S Warhammer
EMP-6A Emperor
EMP-6S Emperor
HGN-734 Highlander
HGN-735 Highlander
HGN-736 Highlander
Manteuffel Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
StarFrame Heavy Chassis Warhammer
StarFrame Heavy Endo Steel Chassis Warhammer
Titan Super TZ-7EA Chassis Emperor
Star League XT Chassis Highlander
Plasmastar 270 XL Fusion Engine Emperor
Plasmastar 270 Light Fusion Engine Highlander
GM 280 Fusion Engine Warhammer
Pitban LFT-50 Jump Jets Emperor
ArcShield VII Mk.5 Armor Emperor & Highlander
StarSlab III Ferro-Fibrous Armor Manteuffel
Durallex Heavy Armor Warhammer
Hector VII Communications System Highlander
Telestar Model XTD-67A1 Communications System Emperor
Starlight LX-1 Targeting & Tracking System Highlander
Starlight Seeker LX-4X Targeting & Tracking System Emperor
Magna Mk.III Large Laser Emperor
Harmon Starclass Medium Laser Highlander
Phototech 806c Medium Laser Emperor
M-7 Gauss Rifle Highlander
Defending Units: None, 1st Alarion Jaegers & Alarian APM within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point : 7
Defending Units: None, Furillo BPM within 1 Jump
The aerospace weaponry produced by Maxell Metals may be essential to the defense of the Alliance, but the
citizens of Chukchi Ill are far from pleased to be the ones supplying it . Their once-beautiful planet is becoming covered
with the scabs of industrialization, and their once-peaceful cities are engulfed by crime. Local protesters have repeatedly
damaged the planet's new factories; any raider who makes his way this deep into Commonwealth territory will no doubt
find plenty of willing "inside help."
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: Furillo BPM
Defiance's factory here on Furillo is important to the LA military. Though not as crucial as the Hesperus II plant,
the Lyran Alliance produces a preponderance of heavy vehicles, making the scout ‘Mechs assembled here valued indeed.
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
RCA Instatrac Mark X Targeting & Tracking System Griffin & Thunderbolt (Hesperus II),
Night Hawk (Vendrell)
RCA Instatrac Mark XII Targeting & Tracking System Archer (Hesperus II, Alarion,
Carlisle & Wyatt),
Fulcrum (Skye)
RCA Instatrac Mark VIII Targeting & Tracking System Crusader (Tharkad),
Morpheus (Solaris VII)
RCA Instatrac Mark II Targeting & Tracking System J . Edgar
RCA Instatrac Mark XXII Targeting & Tracking System Uziel & Scorpion
N&D Longreach Targeting & Tracking System Eagle
& Thunderbird (Gibbs)
N&D Handsfree Targeting & Tracking System Warrior
Vehicles Produced:
Warrior Attack VTOL
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Omni 70 I.C.E. Warrior
Lockheed 70/105 Micro-Fusion Fusion Engine Warrior
Longanecker PlastiSteel Armor Warrior
Xilex-2000 Communications System Warrior
Xilex-2010 Communications System Warrior
SarLon AC/2 Warrior
Thor Rotary AC/2 Warrior
Days to Jump Point : 3
Defending Units: None, 11th Arcturan Guards, 24th Lyran Guards, 1st & 2nd Royal Guards within 1 Jump
The world of Gallery presents a barren surface. The system's weak sun cannot penetrate the perpetual heavy cloud
cover, and the planet is constantly swept by violent storms. The one attack ever made on Gallery, by the Free Worlds
League, was a dismal failure. Visual scans are useless on the surface, and the chilling storms drastically reduce equipment's
effectiveness. Would-be attackers who somehow avoid scattering on their drop or deployment must locate their objective
on a terrain devoid of either natural or man-made landmarks, as Gallery's main industries are located far from its few squat
The planet is honeycombed with long tunnels left by miningbots making extensive journeys for the rare pockets of gems
and metals Gallery yields. The League raiders never exited the tunnels, most likely dying of starvation.
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
LongFire V LRM-5 Maxim, Warrior (Furillo),
Steinadler Medium Strike Fighter (Gibbs)
FarFire Maxi-Rack LRM-20 Hunter (Hesperus II),
LRM Carrier (Richvale)
Exostar LRM-15 Chippewa (Alarion & Wyatt),
Thunderbird (Gibbs)
Exostar LRM-20 Lucifer (Donegal)
Exostar SRM-6 Chippewa (Alarion & Wyatt),
SRM Carrier (Richvale)
Days to Jump Point : 8
Defending Units: None, One-Eyed Jacks, 7th Donegal Guards & 11th Lyran Regulars within 1 Jump
Many of Gienah Combat Vehicles' products are sold to the FWL for use in their woefully inadequate armor units.
Days to Jump Point: 10
Defending Units: Coventry CPM
Verfolger (Arc-Royal)
Coventry Five-Tube LRM-5 Stiletto, Rommel
& Patton (Hesperus II)
Coventry Starfire LRM-10 Berserker (Hesperus II)
Coventry Starfire LRM-15 Griffin, Zeus, Hunter Tank,
Atlas, Cobra
& Salamander (Hesperus II)
Coventry Superfire LRM-15 Glaive (Skye)
Coventry T4H Streak SRM-2 Commando & Stiletto,
Locust (Furillo),
Lucifer (Donegal)
Coventry 4-Tube SRM-4 Sea Skimmer (Skye)
Coventry TH4b Streak SRM-4 BattleMaster (Storfors)
Coventry 90mm Six-Rack SRM-6 Fulcrum & Maxim (Skye),
Werewolf (Solaris VII)
In the same class as Defiance Industries, Coventry Metal Works is more than a major 'Mech producer. Coventry is
also known for its superior missile systems, which are fitted on vehicles produced by many other Alliance firms.
Started as a joint venture between Norse-Storm and Coventry Metal Works to convert Hunchbacks to utilize the
Alliances new Defiance Disintegrator LB-20X autocannon, Norse Storm/Conventry Manufacturing has been upgraded to
fully functioning factory complex, able to produce limited numbers of brand new Hunchbacks. Norse Storm is currently
attempting further negotiations to free up use of Stealth Armor supplied by Shengli Arms for use on a new Hunchback
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: None, 9th Lyran Regulars, 3rd Alliance Guard, 6th & 14th Donegal Guards, & Neerabup MTM within 1
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Kell/ES Endo Steel Chassis Ostscout
Blackstone QTS Light Chassis Talon
Blackstone QTE Light Endo Steel Chassis Talon
Blackstone MD2E Endo Steel Chassis Enfield
Magna 250 XL Fusion Engine Enfield, Enforcer (Hesperus II),
Ostmann Sct-A Jump Jets Ostscout
StarGuard III Armor Enfield
CommuTech Multi Channel 10 Communications System Enfield
Barret 4000 Communications System Ostscout
Sturnfeur Highlight
w/Blindfire Radar Targeting & Tracking System Talon
Tek Tru-Trak Targeting & Tracking System Enfield
TRSS 2L3 Targeting & Tracking System Ostscout
Vehicles Produced:
Hi-Scout Drone Carrier
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Vlar 240 I.C.E. Hi-Scout
StealthMat-Q w/Multitrack Communications System Hi-Scout
TarTec Mini-Find Targeting & Tracking System Hi-Scout
SureShot II SRM-2 Hi-Scout
Defending Units: None, Coventry CPM within 1 Jump
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Norse XT-Light
Type AE Endo Steel Chassis Spector
Star League XT Chassis Devastator
Norse Heavy XTI-4C Chassis Thunder Hawk
Magna 245 XL Fusion Engine Spector, Talon (Inarcs)
ArcShield Heavy Type K Armor Thunder Hawk
Durallex Heavy Armor Devastator
Starshield Light Armor Spector
AR-12 Sheathed
Directional Beacon Communications System Spector
DLK Type Phased Array
Sensor System Targeting & Tracking System Spector & Thunder Hawk,
Nightstar (Solaris VII)
Donal PPC Devastator, Cestus (Solaris VII),
Uziel (Furillo)
Nightwind Large Laser Spector
Intek Medium Laser Devastator
Norse-Storm Model-7D Gauss Rifle Thunder Hawk
Days to Jump Point: 6
Defending Units: 3rd Alliance Guards, 6th & 14th Donegal Guards
Vehicles Produced:
Marksman Artillery Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Magna 260 Light Fusion Engine Marksman
Grumman CRT
Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor Marksman
Grumman-3 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Highlander
Grumman Sniper Artillery Piece Marksman
Grumman Heavy Auto-Gun Heavy Machine Gun Marksman
Defending Units: None, 1st Alarion Jaegers & Alarion APM within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
Tracked APC
Heavy Tracked APC
Scorpion Tank
Condor Hovertank
LRM Carrier
SRM Carrier
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
InterComBust 60 I.C.E. Tracked APC
InterComBust 100 I.C.E. Scorpion & Heavy Tracked APC
InterComBust 120 I.C.E. LRM Carrier
InterComBust 180 I.C.E. SRM Carrier
CoreTek 215 XL Fusion Engine Condor
ProtecTech Light Armor Scorpion & APC
ProtecTech 6 Armor LRM & SRM Carriers
StarSlab/9.5 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Condor
Basix 100 Communications System APC
Basix 200 Communications System Scorpion, LRM & SRM Carriers
OptiTrack Techniques Targeting & Tracking System APC
OptiSight-12 Targeting & Tracking System Scorpion
Deleon-5 AC/5 Scorpion
20mm Gatling Gun Machine Gun Scorpion & APC
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Firescan w/IndirecTrack Targeting & Tracking System LRM & SRM Carriers,
Starslayer (Loxley),
Dragon Fire (Storfors)
Defending Units: None, 1st Alarion Jaegers & Alarion APM within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: 2nd Kell Hounds, Grave Walkers, Golden Keshik, 1st, 2nd, 4th & 13th Wolf Guards Cluster, & Wolf Spider
Vehicles Produced:
WLF-3S Wolfhound
WLF-4W Wolfhound
AF1 Arctic Fox
VR5-R Verfolger
ANH-2A Annihilator
ANH-3A Annihilator
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Arc Royal KH/3b Endo Steel Chassis Wolfhound
AR-3 Endo Steel Chassis Arctic Fox
AR-6b Endo Steel Chassis Verfolger
Star League MN-01 Chassis Annihilator
GM 180 XL Fusion Engine Arctic Fox
GM 210 Light Fusion Engine Wolfhound
VOX 325 XL Fusion Engine Verfolger
Durallex Medium Armor Wolfhound
Royal-7 Standard Armor Arctic Fox, Pack Hunter, Arctic Wolf
Heimdall & Verfolger
Starshield Special-b Armor Annihilator
K9 Communications System Arctic Fox, Pack Hunter, Heimdall
& Verfolger
Type IV Bloodhound Targeting & Tracking System Arctic Fox
Type V Bloodhound Targeting & Tracking System Verfolger
Energizer ER PPC Verfolger & Wolfhound
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: None, 1st Donegal Jaegers within 1 Jump
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Edasich 150 Light Fusion Engine Battle Hawk (Hesperus II)
Edasich 225 XL Fusion Engine Sabre (Donegal)
Edasich 225 XXL
(w/Supercharger) Fusion Engine Volkh (Solaris VII)
Edasich 240 XL Fusion Engine Vulcan & Hussar (Coventry)
Edasich 245 Light Fusion Engine Silver Fox (Solaris VII)
Edasich 250 Light Fusion Engine Enfield (Inarcs)
Edasich 180 XL Fusion Engine Hatchetman (Hesperus II)
Edasich 180 XL (w/Supercharger) Fusion Engine Porcupine (Solaris VII)
Pitban 285 Fusion Engine Colossus (Solaris VII)
Pitban 300 XL Fusion Engine Dragon Fire (Storfors)
Edasich 315 XXL Fusion Engine Silver Fox (Solaris VII)
Pitban 320 Fusion Engine For Export
Pitban 320 Light Fusion Engine Charger, Zeus & Salamander (Hesperus II),
Goliath (Hesperus II & Tharkad)
Pitban 320 XL Fusion Engine Salamander (Hesperus II)
Edasich 380 XL Fusion Engine For Export
Edasich 380 Light Fusion Engine Banshee (Hesperus II)
Edasich 195 XL Fusion Engine Lucifer (Donegal)
Pitban 200 Fusion Engine for Export
Pitban 240 Fusion Engine Sentinel (Hesperus II),
Centurion (Donegal),
Hellcat (Tharkad),
Manticore (Hesperus II),
Tsunami (Solaris VII)
Pitban 250 Fusion Engine for Export
GM 150 XL Fusion Engine For Export
Edasich 390 XL Fusion Engine Morpheus (Solaris VII)
LTV 400 XL Fusion Engine Salamander
& Berserker (Hesperus II),
Cudgel (Solaris VII)
LTV 400 Light Fusion Engine Berserker (Hesperus II)
VOX 255 XL Fusion Engine Gunslinger (Hesperus II)
VOX 255 Light Fusion Engine Stalker (Furillo)
VOX 340 Light Fusion Engine BattleMaster (Storfors)
When Defiance Industries began work on a factory to produce its own fusion engines. Edasich Motors suddenly
found a powerful reason to upgrade its facilities and product quality. By shutting down the Tentra plant, Edasich was able
to use the machinery from that plant to upgrade the main factory on Edasich and construct a plant on Aur more quickly. It
was undoubtedly the speed with which Edasich began production of advanced extra-light engines that convinced Defiance
to continue to rely on Edasich Motors rather than expand their factory on Tharkad.
Days to Jump Point: 10
Defending Units: 1st Donegal Jaegers
Vehicles Produced:
LCF-R16 Lucifer
SB-28 Sabre
CNT-1D Centurion
EST-O Eisensturm
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Lockheed/CBM 100 Frame Sabre
Lockheed/CBM 120 Frame Centurion
Lockheed/CBM 200 Frame Lucifer
Bowie E2 Frame Eisensturm
Donegal Omni-Sheath
Ferro-Aluminum Armor Eisensturm, Lucifer & Sabre
StarScale Type IV Armor Centurion
Lockheed/CBM COMSET100 Communications System Lucifer, Talon (Inarcs)
Lockheed/CBM COMSET86b Communications System Sabre & Centurion
Rander 250 Communications System Eisensturm
Rander TAB00 Targeting & Tracking System Lucifer
Rander TA2 Targeting & Tracking System Sabre & Centurion
Rander TA7 Targeting & Tracking System Eisensturm
Days to Jump Point: 6
Defending Units: None, 1st Donegal Jaegers, 11th Arcturan & 24th Lyran Guard, & 1st & 2nd Royal Guards within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
EGL-R6 Eagle
THB-D46 Thunderbird
Steinadler II Medium Strike Fighter
Kaiseradler Medium Strike Fighter
AB-18C Roubvogel Aerobomber
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Lockheed/CBM 015 Frame Steinadler & Kaiseradler
Medium Strike Fighters
Lockheed/CBM 040 Frame Roubvogel
Lockheed/CBM 225 Frame Eagle
Lockheed/CBM 300 Frame Thunderbird
Omni 150 Turbine I.C.E. Steinadler & Kaiseradler
Medium Strike Fighters
Omni 180 Turbine I.C.E. Roubvogel
L/CBM AeroSteel Armor Thunderbird
Lockheed Skyguard Armor Roubvogel & Medium Strike Fighters
Days to Jump Point: 8
Defending Units: 1st & 2nd Royal Guards, 11th Arcturan Guards, 24th Lyran Guards
Vehicles Produced:
RPR-300 Rapier
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Interstar 290M Frame Rapier
AeroFord 340 Fusion Engine Rapier
PhilterMesh Plus Ferro-Fibrous Armor Rapier
COMHRT II.Q Communications System Rapier
Bauer-Scope 130Y Targeting & Tracking System Rapier
PDVR Piledriver Model 11-D PPC Rapier
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Defiance 120 Fusion Engine For Export
Defiance 120 Light Fusion Engine Wasp (Furillo)
Defiance 160 Fusion Engine Locust (Furillo)
Defiance 275 XL Fusion Engine For Export
Defiance 275 Light Fusion Engine Bushwacker, Griffin (Hesperus II)
Doorman 140 Fusion Engine Hunter (Hesperus II)
Magna 175 Fusion Engine Hunter (Hesperus II)
Magna 245 Fusion Engine for Export
Magna 260 Fusion Engine Rommel
& Patton (Hesperus II)
Vehicles Produced:
WLF-3S Wolfhound
BSW-S2 Bushwacker
BSW-L1 Bushwacker
CRD-8S Crusader
BGS-1T Barghest
BGS-2T Barghest
BGS-3T Barghest
FLC-8R Falconer
GOL-3S Goliath
GOL-4S Goliath
Fenrir Battle Armor
Inner Sphere Standard Battle Armor
Infiltrator Mk.I Battle Armor
Rottweiler Battle Armor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Arc Royal KH/3b Endo Steel Chassis Wolfhound
Earthwerks GRF Chassis Bushwacker
Earthwerks GRF Quad Chassis Barghest
Earthwerks GRF II Endo Steel Chassis Bushwacker
Crucis-B Endo Steel Chassis Crusader
McLarren-75B Chassis Falconer
Earthwerks GOL Quad-A Chassis Goliath
GM 210 Fusion Engine For Export
GM 210 Light Fusion Engine Wolfhound
GM 260 XL Fusion Engine Crusader, Axman (Furillo)
Hermes 275 XL Fusion Engine Bushwacker
Magna 350 XL Fusion Engine Barghest, Blitzkrieg (Coventry)
Manteuffel (Loburg & Son Hoa)
GM 375 XL Fusion Engine Falconer, Flashman (Hesperus II)
Devil A7 Jump Jets Falconer & Crusader
Durallex Medium Armor Wolfhound & Bushwacker
Durallex Heavy Armor Goliath, Barghest & Crusader
TharHes Thalia HM-22 Communications System Hatchetman
& Battle Hawk (Hesperus II),
Cestus & Morpheus (Solaris VII)
TharHes Euterpe HM-14 Communications System Crusader, Barghest & Bushwacker
TharHes Faust/Calliope FM-4 Communications System Flashman (Hesperus II)
TharHes Crystal Flower RG-2 Communications System Locust, Wasp, Clint
& Assassin (Furillo)
TharHes Calliope HM-10 Communications System Savannah Master (Carlisle),
Nightsky, Enforcer
& Salamander (Hesperus II)
TharHes Calliope 270 Communications System Cobra (Hesperus II)
TharHes Calliope ZE-2 Communications System Falconer, Stalker (Furillo),
Zeus (Hesperus II)
TharHes Muse 54-58K Communications System Rommel, Patton
& Manticore (Hesperus II),
Hollander, Hollander II,
& Blitzkrieg (Coventry)
TharHes Mini-Talk Communications System Hunter (Hesperus II)
TharHes Kr-A P/Comm Communications System Night Hawk (Vendrell),
Condor (Richvale), Saxon (Skye)
TharHes Seaweed PG-2 Communications System Sea Skimmer (Skye)
TharHes Industries is bound by a contract that has proved to be an embarrassment. When they began production of
the WLF-2 Wolfhound, they entered into a long-term contract with Doering Electronics for Doering to provide them with
the communications system carried by the Wolfhound. At the time, they were unaware that they would one day be a major
manufacturer of communications units. Now the TharHes line of electronics is very popular, but it is not in use on their
premier Mech!
Vehicles Produced:
LTN-G16S Lightning
HEC-213 Hellcat
EST-O Eisensturm
Monarch class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Lockheed/CBM 150 Frame Lightning
Lockheed/CBM 180 Frame Hellcat
Bowie E2 Frame Eisensturm
GM 380 XL Fusion Engine Eisensturm
Regina M2657 Interplanetary Drive Monarch
Donegal Omni-Sheath
Ferro-Aluminum Armor Eisensturm
Donegal Heavy-Sheath
Heavy Ferro-Aluminum Armor Lightning
SlabPanzer 5 Armor Hellcat
Days to Jump Point: 14
Defending Units: None, Alexandria FTM within 1 Jump
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Edasich 240 Light Fusion Engine Clint (Furillo)
Edasich 255 Compact Fusion Engine BattleMaster (Storfors)
Edasich 260 Compact Fusion Engine Thunderbolt (Hesperus II)
Edasich 280 XL Fusion Engine Talon (Inarcs)
Edasich 280 Light Fusion Engine Caesar (Hesperus II),
Archer (Alarion, Carlisle,
Wyatt & Hesperus II),
Warhammer (Son Hoa)
Assassin (Furillo), Ostscout (Inarcs)
Defending Units: Brewer's Legion
Days to Jump Point: 10
Defending Units: 2nd Donegal Guards, 15th & 36th Lyran Guards
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Maltex 40 Chassis Battle Hawk
Corean Model 101AA Endo Steel Chassis Valkyrie
Defiant V Chassis Sentinel
Defiance 450 Endo Steel Chassis Cobra
Chariot Type II Chassis Hatchetman
Dorwinion Standard Chassis Nightsky & Enforcer
Earthwerks GRF II Endo Steel Chassis Griffin
Earthwerks TDR II Endo Steel Chassis Thunderbolt
Dorwinion Endo Steel Chassis Caesar
Earthwerks Archer II Endo Steel Chassis Archer
FLS/HV1 Chassis Flashman
FLS/HV2 Endo Steel Chassis Flashman
Defiance 1080 Endo Steel Chassis Charger
Earthwerks GOL Quad-A Chassis Goliath
Chariot Type IV Endo Steel Chassis Salamander
Chariot Type III Chassis Zeus
Star League XT Chassis Gunslinger
Foundation 210 Endo Steel Chassis Banshee
Foundation Type 10X Chassis Atlas
Defiance Berserker Endo Steel Chassis Berserker
Foundation Type 220 Endo Steel Chassis Fafnir
Luxor 2/Q Jump Jets Hatchetman & Battle Hawk ,
Copperhead & Tsunami (Solaris VII)
Rawlings 55 Jump Jets Griffin & Thunderbolt
GM98Oi Interplanetary Drive Avenger
Durallex Super Medium
Ferro-Fibrous Armor Hatchetman & Enforcer,
Copperhead (Solaris VII)
Durallex Super Medium
Heavy Ferro-Fibrous Armor Prowler (Solaris VII)
Glasglow Limited Armor Salamander, Sea Skimmer (Skye)
Starshield A Armor Griffin, Hachiwara (Solaris VII)
Maximillian 100 Armor Archer, Uziel & Scorpion (Furillo)
Durallex Heavy Armor Patton, Rommel, Goliath & Charger,
Stalker (Furillo)
Durallex Special Heavy Armor Atlas & Berserker
Durallex Special Heavy V2 Armor Fafnir
Durallex Super Ferro-Fibrous Armor Manticore, Patton & Rommel
Durallex Special Heavy
Ferro-Fibrous Armor Morpheus (Solaris VII)
Glasgow Limited Prima
Ferro-Fibrous Armor Zeus & Flashman
Longanecker PlastiSteel Armor Banshee
Paulina Heavy Ferro-Fibrous Armor Battle Hawk
StarSlab/4 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Hunter Tank
StarSlab/5.5 Armor Hunter Tank
StarSlab/6 Armor Fortune
StarSlab/6 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Demolisher II, Thunderbolt
& Valkyrie
Kevlar 5000 Armor Gunslinger & Flashman
Defiance B3S Small Laser Banshee, Salamander, Sentinel
& Nightsky, Scarabus, Firestarter
& Phoenix Hawk (Coventry),
Chameleon (Storfors),
Defiance Industries is the largest manufacturing firm in the Inner Sphere. The huge factory, rooted in the Myoo
Mountains, pours forth BattIeMechs, tanks, and the occasional Avenger assault ship, and is also a leading producer of lasers
and cannons used throughout the Alliance.
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Neil 6000 Communications System Griffin, Colossus (Solaris VII)
Neil 6000a Communications System Hellcat (Tharkad),
Thunderbird (Gibbs)
Neil 6000g Communications System Uziel & Scorpion (Furillo)
Neil 8000 Communications System Thunderbolt
Neil 9000 Communications System Archer, Berserker, & Demolisher II
Angst Clear Channel 3 Communications System Banshee, Porcupine (Solaris VII)
Angst Clear Channel 3G Communications System Goliath
Angst Discom Communications System Atlas & Fafnir
Nashan Quartet ComSys Communications System Gunslinger
Scuti Dualcom Communications System Sentinel, Centipede (Gienah)
Angst Clear View 2A Targeting & Tracking System Banshee, Berserker & Demolisher II,
Porcupine & Colossus (Solaris VII)
Angst Clear View Multitask Targeting & Tracking System Goliath
Angst Accuracy Targeting & Tracking System Atlas & Fafnir
Nashan Diana Mk.II Targeting & Tracking System Gunslinger
Scantrex DualTac Targeting & Tracking System Fortune
Sync Tracker (40-TC) Targeting & Tracking System Valkyrie & Sentinel
Doering Electronics Glowworm Narc Missile Beacon SRM Carrier (Richvale),
Longshot (Solaris VII)
Despite the fact that the planet they call home has been raided fourteen times in its history, Doering Electronics
itself has never been attacked, mainly because the nearby Defiance ‘Mechworks overshadows this lesser prize. Their Neil
line of communications units are shipped to other systems, but most of Doering's business is given to Defiance Industries.
Days to Jump Point: 6
Defending Units: Mobile Fire
Vehicles Produced:
CHP-1N Champion
CHP-3P Champion
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Bergan XI Chassis Champion
Bergan XI Endo Steel Chassis Champion
StarSlab/1.5 Armor Karnov
StarSlab/2 Armor Champion, Eagle (Gibbs)
StarSlab/2 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Champion
Mercury-IV Targeting & Tracking System Champion
The New Earth Trading Company is the original producer of the widely used Vedette tank, and the only company
to use ComStar equipment on the vehicle.
Days to Jump Point: 7
Defending Units: 14th Lyran Guards
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
O/P COM-22/H47 Communications System Wolfhound (Tharkad)
O/P 3000 COMSET Communications System Longbow (Loburg),
BattleMaster (Storfors)
O/P COMSET 3 Communications System Manteuffel (Loburg & Son Hoa)
O/P AIR 500 Communications System Seydlitz & Owl Strike Fighter (Skye),
Stein/Kaiseradler Strike Fighter (Gibbs),
Roubvogel (Gibbs)
O/P AIR 900 Communications System Lightning (Tharkad), Fulcrum (Skye)
O/P AIR 1200 Communications System Eagle (Gibbs)
O/P COMTES Communications System Pack Rat (Gienah
& Carlisle)
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
RAMTech 800 Medium Laser Owl Light Strike Fighter (Skye),
Hellcat (Tharkad)
RAMTech 800P Medium Pulse Laser Seydlitz (Skye), Thanatos (Loburg),
Fafnir (Hesperus II)
RAMTech 800P-X Medium X-Pulse Laser Experimental
RAMTech 1200 Large Laser Eagle & Roubvogel (Gibbs)
Hellcat (Tharkad)
RAMTech 1200X ER Large Laser Seydlitz (Skye), Talon (Inarcs),
Lynx (Solaris VII), Sabre (Donegal),
Fafnir (Hesperus II),
Goliath (Tharkad & Hesperus II),
Thunderbird (Gibbs)
Days to Jump Point: 8
Defending Units: 1st Skye Jaegers, 4th, 17th, & 22nd Skye Rangers, & Skye Guards
Vehicles Produced:
SYD-Z4 Seydlitz
SYD-Z2B Seydlitz
SYD-Z3A Seydlitz
Owl Light Strike Fighter
Owl II Light Strike Fighter
Owl III Light Strike Fighter
Claymore class Dropship
Aurora class Dropship
Union-X class Dropship
Overlord class Dropship
Overlord-A3 class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Shipil 15 Frame Seydlitz
Shipil Aero Frame Owl Light Strike Fighter
Shipil 100 Fusion Engine Owl Light Strike Fighter
Shipil 180 XL Fusion Engine Seydlitz
Shipil 205 Fusion Engine Glaive
Shipil Standard Armor Owl Light Strike Fighter
Shipil Ferro-Aluminum Armor Seydlitz
Star League V175 Interplanetary Drive Claymore
Dynamico 6400 Interplanetary Drive Aurora
Star League V250 Interplanetary Drive Union-X
Star League V450 Interplanetary Drive Overlord
Vehicles Produced:
Hover APC
Heavy Hover APC
Saxon Hover APC
Glaive Tank
Drillson Hovertank
Fulcrum Hovertank
Maxim Heavy Hover Transport
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
GM 175 Fusion Engine Saxon
MaxLift 215 Fusion Engine Drillson
Strand 265 XL Fusion Engine Fulcrum
MaxLift Hover Engine 75 I.C.E. Heavy Hover APC
MaxLift Model B
Hover Engine 80 I.C.E. Hover APC
MaxLift II Hover Engine 165 I.C.E. Maxim
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: None, 14th & 32nd Lyran Guards, Gacrux FTM, 7th Donegal Guards & 11th Lyran Regulars
within 1 Jump
Vehicles Produced:
KTO-2A Koto
KTO-3A Koto
FLS-P2 Flashfire
FLS-P4 Flashfire
FLS-P5 Flashfire
TS-P1 Tsunami
TS-P1D Tsunami
MPR-3S Morpheus
CLS-4S Colossus
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Light Endo Steel 2.5 Chassis Koto
Omnitech FF-X Endo Steel Chassis Flashfire
Omnitech TS-1 Standard Chassis Tsunami
Omnitech Morpheus Chassis Morpheus
Colossus IXb Chassis Colossus
Solaris Special
Ferro-Fibrous GTL-5 Armor Koto
Omnitech Firehose Fluid Gun Flashfire
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Hollis Mk.VI-Alpha Endo Steel Chassis Jackal
VKH Endo Steel Chassis Volkh
VEST 201 Charlie Chassis Sasquatch
Corean Model 202BLP Endo Steel Chassis Great Turtle
GM 210 XL Fusion Engine Jackal
EXP 425 XXL Fusion Engine Sasquatch
EXP Improved Jump Jets Sasquatch
Durallex Hardened Armor Volkh
York Series CTC-0 Armor Jackal
York Series CTC-0
Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor Aquagladius
StarSlab Standard Armor Sasquatch & Great Turtle
StarSlab Hardened Mk.III Armor Great Turtle
Hartford JEA-1 Targeting & Tracking System Great Turtle
Hartford S2000A Targeting & Tracking System Jackal
Holly Mk.II Streak SRM-2 Jackal
Aberdovey Mk.XXX ER PPC Jackal & Great Turtle
Defending Units: None, 4th Alliance Guards, 15th Arcturan Guards, 4th Lyran Regulars, 32nd Lyran Guards & Gacrux
FTM within 1 Jump.
Vehicles Produced
ARC-6S Archer
CHP-W7 Chippewa
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Earthwerks Archer II Endo Steel Chassis Archer
Bowie 50 Frame Chippewa
Wyatt CoreSteel Ferro-Aluminum Armor Chippewa
Capellan Confederation
Ma Mien A-Pod - for Ostscout
CeresCom Model 21-RS Communications System - For Dragon Fire & Alacorn
Endicott Type 22 Maser Communications System - For Mantis
Hellspont Light Stealth Armor - For Spector & Hunchback
Riese 400 Reactive Armor - For Longshot & Morpheus
HildCo Model 10 Jump Jets - For Highlander & Paladin
HildCo Model 11c Jump Jets - For Spector
HildCo Model 12 Jump Jets - For Salamander, Axman, Valkyrie & Gunslinger
HildCo Model 13 Jump Jets - For Nightsky, Enforcer, Great Turtle & Enfield
Draconis Combine
Lord’s Light-2 ER PPC - For Talon & Hachiwara
Shigunga MRM-20 - For Thanatos
Garret T11-A Communications System - For Hachiwara
Sipher CommSys 4b Communications System - For Black Hawk-KU
Sipher Security Plus Communications System - For Jackal
Matabushi Sentinel Plus Targeting & Tracking System - For Black Hawk-KU
O/P Fibrefeed 201 Targeting & Tracking System - For Great Turtle
Durallex Special Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor - For Cudgel
Super Magna 350 XL Supercharged Fusion Engine - For Hachiwara
Federated Suns
ChisComp 32 Small Laser - For Enfield
Exostar Small Laser - For Nightstar & Sasquatch
Sutel Precision Line Small Pulse Laser - For Nightsky & Werewolf
Blazefire Longshot ER Small Laser - For Warhammer, Longshot, Lightning, & Wolfhound
ChisComp 39 Medium Laser - For Talon & Cestus
Sutel Precision Line Medium Pulse Laser - For Nightsky & Werewolf
Exostar Medium X-Pulse Laser - For Paladin
Martell-X Medium X-Pulse Laser - For Sasquatch
Sutel Precision Line Medium Pulse Laser w/Bethel Labs X-Pulse - For Copperhead, Colossus, Great Turtle
& Juggernaut
Brightbloom ER Medium Laser - For Hachiwara
Blazefire Systems Large Laser - For Starslayer
Sutel Precision Line Large Pulse Laser - For Axman, Nightsky, Ronin, Hunter, Sasquatch & Berserker
Sutel Precision Line Large Pulse Laser w/Bethel Labs X-Pulse - For Werewolf, Colossus, Great Turtle & Juggernaut
Blazefire Sweetshot ER Large Laser - For Bushwacker & Barghest
Magna Hellstar PPC - For Colossus
Johnston High Speed ER PPC - For Warhammer
Mydron Tornado RAC/2 - For Paladin
Mydron Snipehunter Light AC/2 - For Annihilator
Mydron Excel 5SG LB-5X - For Condor
GM Nova-5 Ultra AC/5 - For Sentinel
Mydron Tornado Rotary AC/5 - for Vedette
Mydron Snakekiller Light AC/5 - For Hussar
Mydron Excel LB-10X - For Dragon Fire, Annihilator & Verfolger
Mydron Excel Ultra AC/10 - For Patton, Hachiwara, Onslaught & Champion
LFN Lindblad Machine Gun - For Juggernaut
SperryBrowning Machine Gun - For Sea Skimmer, Tsunami, Werewolf, & Paladin
MainFire Point-Defense Anti-Missile System - For Berserker
Federated Barret Magshot - For Tsunami
Poland Main Model C Magshot - For Silver Fox, Morpheus, Juggernaut & Werewolf
Days to Jump Point: 21
Defending Units: 3rd Hussars
Vehicles Produced:
CRK-5004-1 Crockett
CP-12-K Cyclops
VKG-2F Viking
VLG-2G Viking
Kobold Battle Armor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Geometric 530 Hard Core Chassis Crockett
GC Type 1 Endo Steel Chassis Viking
Stormvanger HV-7ES Endo Steel Chassis Cyclops
Strand 255D Fusion Engine Crockett
GM 270 Fusion Engine Viking
Hermes 360 Fusion Engine Cyclops
Geotec 300 Jump Jets Crockett
Carbostrand 30 Weight AS Armor Crockett
GC Slab Armor Viking
Starshield Special Armor Cyclops
GC Wave 12B Communications System Viking
Defending Units: 1st Tyr, 104th Com Guard Division (Smoke & Mirrors IV-chi)
Vehicles Produced:
HSCL-1-O Huscarl
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
TukTech H Frame Frame Huscarl
Janesek 225 XL Fusion Engine Huscarl
Orestes Cold Forge Armor Huscarl
J-Talk 73 Communications System Huscarl
Knorr Block 3 Targeting & Tracking System Huscarl
Vehicles Produced:
OTT-9CS Ostscout
OTT-10CS Ostscout
BEO-12 Beowulf
PXH-7CS Phoenix Hawk
CRB-30 Crab
SHD-7CS Shadow Hawk
Puma Heavy Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Krupp 255 Endo Steel Chassis Ostscout
Beowulf 3 Chassis Beowulf
Earthwerks STG II Reinforced
Endo Steel Chassis Phoenix Hawk
Hollis Mark 1A Chassis Crab
Kallon Type VII Endo Steel Chassis Shadow Hawk
Magna 250 XL Fusion Engine Crab
GM 270 XL Fusion Engine Beowulf & Phoenix Hawk
CoreTek 275 XL Fusion Engine Shadow Hawk
VOX 280 XL Fusion Engine Ostscout
Pitban 285 Fusion Engine Puma
Odin Type II Jump Jets Beowulf & Phoenix Hawk
Rawlings 45 Jump Jets Ostscout
Rawlings 45i Improved Jump Jets Ostscout
Rawlings 55 Jump Jets Shadow Hawk
Days to Jump Point: 7
Defending Units: 278th (Khan Killers IV-chi) & 472nd (Invader Galaxy IV-alpha) Com Guard Divisions, Killer Bees,
Black Outlaws, & 21st Centauri Lancers
Draconis Combine
Diverse Optics Type 10X ER Small Laser - for Crockett, Ostscout & Crab
Diverse Optics Type 20X ER Medium Laser - for Cyclops, Beowulf, Shadow Hawk, Phoenix Hawk,
Ostscout & Crab
Diverse Optics Type 30X ER Large Laser - for Crockett & Phoenix Hawk
Lord’s Light 2 ER PPC - for Crab
Lord’s Light 3 Heavy PPC - for Puma
Shigunga LRM-15 - for Viking
Shigunga LRM-20 - for Viking
Shigunga MRM-20 - for Cyclops
Guided Technologies I NCK “Thornbush” SRM-4 - for Crockett
Guided Technologies 2nd Generation Streak SRM-4 - for Cyclops
Shigunga MML-7 - for Puma
Neil 6000 Communications System - for Shadow Hawk
Garret D2j Targeting & Tracking System - for Shadow Hawk
Federated Suns
ChisComp 32 Small Laser - for Viking
Free Worlds League
Imperator Ultra AC/5 - for Shadow Hawk
Imperator Automatic Ultra AC/10 - for Cyclops
Imperator Dragon’s Fire Gauss Rifle - for Viking
Days to Jump Point: 15
Defending Units: Long Night III-Alpha; 1st Division Word of Blake Militia, Burr’s Black Cobras, Jacob’s Juggernauts
Vehicles Produced:
GHR-5H Grasshopper
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Mingh z33/7 Chassis Grasshopper
VOX 280 Fusion Engine Grasshopper
Leviathan Lifters Jump Jets Grasshopper
Durallex Heavy Armor Grasshopper
Allet-C308 Communications System Grasshopper
Allet-T11 Targeting & Tracking System Grasshopper
Conan/S LRM-5 Grasshopper
While remaining more or less in operating condition, Lantren Corporation’s factory on Bryant has been abandoned
for centuries. Despite the desperate need for BattleMechs throughout the Succession Wars and into the current era, the
world of Bryant’s out of control ecosystem has forced Lantren to shut the plant down indefinitely. So long as no solution
can be found for Bryant’s global storms, Lantren’s factory here seems destined to remain inoperative.
Federated Suns
Diplan M3 Medium Laser - for Grasshopper
Diplan HD Large Laser - for Grasshopper
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: Fall of Night III-Alpha & Ring of Fire III-Beta; 1st Division Word of Blake Militia & Bronson’s Horde,
opposed by Beta Regiment & Wolf Spider Battalion; Wolf’s Dragoons
Vehicles Produced:
CMA-1S Chimera
CMA-C Chimera
KW1-LH2 Lineholder
KW1-LH3 Lineholder
KW1-LH8 Lineholder
BNDR-01A Bandersnatch
BNDR-01B Bandersnatch
Beagle Hovercraft
Blizzard Hover Transport
Lightning Hovertank
Brutus Assault Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Chameleon Light Endo 2 Chassis Chimera
Kressly GRF1A-MDX Chassis Lineholder
Kressly GRF1B-ES Endo Steel Chassis Lineholder
Bander Custom 1 Chassis Bandersnatch
Nissan 95 Fusion Engine Beagle
Nissan 95 I.C.E. Blizzard
Rawlings 225 Fusion Engine Brutus
GM 240 XL Fusion Engine Chimera
Core Tek 275 Fusion Engine Lineholder
Kressly Stoneskin 30M Armor Lineholder
Kressly Stoneskin 40X Armor Brutus
StarGuard CCM Armor Chimera
StarSlab/3 Armor Blizzard
StarSlab/3 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Lightning, Blizzard
& Lineholder
Yelm 2.5 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Beagle
Rawlings 40 Jump Jets Chimera
Century Model 990 Communications System Lightning
Essex 88 Communications System Beagle
Winston Mega Boozee Mark IX Communications System Bandersnatch
Blazefire Sightlock Targeting & Tracking System Beagle & Blizzard
TGI 23331C/TGI F-190 Targeting & Tracking System Lightning
Winston Sidewinder Targeting & Tracking System Bandersnatch
Armstrong Class-B ClusterGuns LB-10X Bandersnatch
Aberdovey Mk.II Medium Laser Beagle & Bandersnatch
Raker-IV Medium Pulse Laser Lightning & Lineholder
Exostar-2C Small Laser Beagle
LongFire V LRM-5 Blizzard, Lineholder
& Bandersnatch
Delta Dart LRM-20 Brutus
Hovertec SRM-2 Brutus
Hovetec Hex SRM-6 Brutus
Maxima One-Shot One Shot SRM-4 Lightning
ScatterGun Machine Gun Chimera
Springing up to provide a supply of rugged, flexible weapons platforms to the newly independent worlds of the
Chaos March and beyond, Kressly Warworks isn’t known for producing flashy designs. Mostly catering to independent
worlds, second tier mercenaries, and local militias, Kressly Warworks has recently struck up a deal with Bander
BattleMechs of Terra Firma to mass produce their Bandersnatch BattleMech.
Capellan Confederation
Firmir MaxiLase Large Laser - for Brutus
Dwyerson Mark XII Targeting/Tracking System - for Brutus
Draconis Combine
Shigunga MRM-20 - Chimera
Federated Suns
Intek Medium Laser - for Lineholder
Bright-Bloom ER Medium Laser - for Chimera
Blazefire Systems Large Laser - for Lineholder
Blazefire Sweetshot ER Large Laser - for Lineholder
Exostar ER Large Laser - for Chimera
Magna Hellstar PPC - for Bandersnatch
Mydron Tornado Rotary AC/2 - for Lineholder
SperryBrowning Machine Gun - Blizzard
BlazeFire Tracker w/Rangefinder Targeting & Tracking System- for Chimera
Valiant Chainmail Armor - for Bandersnatch
GM 210 - for Lightning
Free Worlds League
Imperator Automatic Ultra AC/10 - for Bandersnatch
Holly SRM-2 - Blizzard
Holly Streak SRM-2 - for Bandersnatch
Holly SRM-4 - Blizzard
Lyran Alliance
Angst Clear Channel 3 Communications System - for Blizzard, Brutus & Lineholder
RCA Instatrac Mark XII Targeting/Tracking System - for Lineholder
Vlar 300 XL - for Bandersnatch
Vlar 300 Light - for Bandersnatch
Days to Jump Point: 12
Defending Units: 2nd Kearny Highlanders; Northwind Highlanders
Vehicles Produced:
CRB-30 Crab
BKW-7R Black Watch
KGC-001 King Crab
Schiltron Assault Vehicle
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Hollis Mark IA Chassis Crab
Norse Heavy XT2-1A Endo Steel Chassis Black Watch
Hollis Mark II Chassis King Crab
DAV 220 Fusion Engine Schiltron
Magna 250 XL Fusion Engine Crab
Strand 255 Fusion Engine Black Watch
Vlar 300 XL Fusion Engine King Crab
Aldis X Ferro-Fibrous Armor King Crab
Paulina Ferro-Fibrous Armor Crab
ProtecTech 12 Armor Schiltron
Sipher CommSys 1 Communications System Schiltron
TargiTrack 717 Targeting & Tracking System Schiltron
Rawlings 54 Jump Jets Black Watch
M-7 Gauss Rifle King Crab
DeathGiver AC/20 for Export
Simpson LRM-15 King Crab
Draconis Combine
Shigunga MRM-40 - for Black Watch
Federated Suns
Valiant Lamellor Armor - for Black Watch
Free Worlds League
Diverse Opticss ER Small Laser - for Crab
Diverse Optics Sunfire ER Medium Laser - for Crab
Tronel XIII Large Pulse Laser - for King Crab
Fusigon Mark XI ER PPC - for Crab
Imperator Automatic Ultra AC/10 - for Black Watch
Imperator Light Gauss Rifle - for Black Watch
Hovertec Streak SRM-2 - for King Crab
Garret T11-B Communications System - for Crab
Garret D2j Targeting & Tracking System -for Crab
Lyran Alliance
O/P AIR500 Communications System - for Black Watch
DLK Type Phased Array Sensors Targeting/Tracking System - for Black Watch
Word of Blake
Dalban CommLine Communications System - for King Crab
Dalban Series K Communications System - for Crab
650 RND Targeting & Tracking System - for Crab
Dalban HiRez-B Targeting & Tracking System - for King Crab
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: Broadsword Legion, Crimson Crusaders, Smithson’s Chinese Bandits & Epsilon Regiment;
Wolf’s Dragoons, Ace Darwin’s Whipits, Battle Magic, 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers, Lone Wolves,
& Tiger Sharks present without contract
Vehicles Produced:
FLC-5P Falcon
FLC-6C Falcon
GAL-1GLS Gallowglas
GAL-2GLS Gallowglas
GAL-3GLS Gallowglas
GAL-4GLS Gallowglas
Gallowglas WD
WR-DG-02FC War Dog
WR-DG-03FC War Dog
ANH-2A Annihilator
Annihilator C
IMP-4E Imp
Imp C
MAD-4S Marauder II
Marauder II C
Kestrel VTOL
Badger Tracked Transport
Peregrine VTOL
Bandit Heavy Hovertank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Duralyte 296 Chassis Falcon
GLKWL-52gls Endo Steel Chassis Gallowglas
GLKWL-83gls Endo Steel Chassis [C] Gallowglas
Arc-Royal KH/9 Chassis War Dog
Star League MN-01 Chassis Annihilator
Star League MN-C2 Endo Steel Chassis [C] Annihilator
Titan HX Chassis Daishi
Star League IM-03X Chassis Imp
GM Marauder Chassis Marauder II
Clan Endo Steel Chassis [C] Marauder II
Blackwell 160 I.C.E. Kestrel
GM 180 Fusion Engine Falcon & Badger
GM 180 Light Fusion Engine Falcon
VOX 215 Fusion Engine Bandit
DAV 220 Fusion Engine Peregrine
GM 275 Light Fusion Engine for Export
VOX 280 Fusion Engine Gallowglas
GM 300 Light Fusion Engine Marauder II
Starfire 300 XL Fusion Engine [C] Daishi
Strand 300 Fusion Engine Annihilator & Imp
Blackwell 350 Fusion Engine Gallowglas
Standard 400 XL Fusion Engine [C] Marauder II
Chilton 850 Mk.II Jump Jets Marauder II
Geotec 300 Jump Jets Gallowglas
PRS-60 Jump Jets Falcon
Compound 12B2 Standard Armor Daishi
Once only a minor component supplier, association with the Wolf’s Dragoons has led to incredible financial
success for the once virtually unknown Blackwell Industries. Bound to the Dragoons by an exclusive contract when they
first arrived on Outreach, Blackwell has since become a major military supplier to mercenary units across the Inner Sphere.
Draconis Combine
Tiegart Maximum ER PPC - for Gallowglas
Federated Suns
Starguard II Armor - for Falcon
Valiant Lamellor Armor - for Gallowglas & Marauder II
Mydron Excel LB-10X – for Annihilator
Free Worlds League
Magna Mk.IV ER Small Laser - for Imp
Magna 400P Medium Pulse Laser - for Falcon, Annihilator & Imp
Diverse Optics ER Medium Laser - for Marauder II
Magna Mk.VI ER Medium Laser - for Falcon, Gallowglas, War Dog & Imp
Diverse Optics ER Large Laser - for Gallowglas
Magna Firestar ER PPC - for Imp, Marauder II & War Dog
Days to Jump Point: 9
The Cradle of Civilization, the Sol System is home to Terra, the homeworld of Mankind, as well as a number of
other inhabited planets & moons. Unfortunately, since 3058, the entirety of the Sol System has come under the control of
our wayward brethren in the Word of Blake. ROM indicates that since seizing control, the Word has kicked weapon
manufacturing into overdrive, re-opening numerous military-industrial complexes which have remained dormant since the
fall of the Star League. Using existing data about the mothballed manufacturing lines, and comparing it against the steady
stream of incoming intel, this article represents the most accurate picture as to the massive industrial capacity now in the
hands of our extremist expatriates.
Despite restoring numerous old, nearly forgotten factories to life, Our Blessed Order has been unable to uncover
where all of these weapons are going. It is known that some are being supplied to the Word’s allies and puppets in the
Chaos March and Periphery, under the auspices of providing for the security of the underprivileged, but evidence indicates
this is but a small trickle of the stream of BattleMechs, tanks, small arms and other military equipment streaming out of
Terra. It has been hypothesized that the Word of Blake may be in the process of building up one or more secret Divisions, a
frightening possibility indeed. Thankfully, this remains simply idle speculation at this point in time. With the incredible
intelligence gathering capabilities of Our Blessed Order, it would be virtually unthinkable that an entire Division of troops
could be formed without leaving a single trace of evidence, let alone multiple ones. Such an effort would make the
deceptions performed by Wolfnet during the early 31st century seem like cheap parlor tricks. It is far more likely that these
arms are being stockpiled at some as of yet unknown location, or that they are being supplied to an as of yet unidentified
Defending Units: 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 9th & 10th Word of Blake Militia Divisions
Vehicles Produced:
Hover APC
Tracked APC
Wheeled APC
Heavy Hover APC
Heavy Tracked APC
Heavy Wheeled APC
Cobra Transport VTOL
LRM Carrier
SRM Carrier
Zhukov Heavy Tank
Demolisher Heavy Tank
Schrek PPC Carrier
Behemoth Heavy Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
InterComBust 40 I.C.E. APC
InterComBust 60 I.C.E. APC
InterComBust 75 I.C.E. APC
InterComBust 100 I.C.E. APC
Hermes 100 Fusion Cobra
InterComBust 120 I.C.E. LRM Carrier
InterComBust 180 I.C.E. SRM Carrier
GM R200 I.C.E. Behemoth
InterComBust 225 I.C.E. Zhukov
GM 240 Superload I.C.E. Demolisher
GoreTex 240 Fusion Engine Demolisher & Schrek
Aldis Plate Armor APC, Legacy, Vanquisher
& Grand Crusader II
Aldis X Ferro-Fibrous Armor Demolisher & Missile Carriers,
King Crab (Mars)
Arcshield Maxi I Armor Zhukov
Arcshield Maxi II Armor Behemoth
Arcshield VII Mk.5 Armor Schrek
Durandal 160 Standard Armor Demolisher
Communicator Communications System Missile Carriers
Datacom 100 Communications System Cobra
LongCom Communications System APC
Olmstead 30 Communications System Zhukov & Behemoth
Olmstead 3000 Communications System Schrek
Olmstead 5000 Communications System Demolisher
Cirxese BallistiaCheck
& RockeCheck Targeting & Tracking System Zhukov & Behemoth
FireScan w/IndirectTack Targeting & Tracking System LRM & SRM Carriers
Omicron VII Targeting & Tracking System Demolisher
Omicron IX Targeting & Tracking System Schrek
Optitrack Techniques Targeting & Tracking System APC
Tarmac Quasar V Targeting & Tracking System Cobra
Zippo Flamer Demolisher
Omicron 950 Medium Laser Demolisher & Cobra
Magna Hellstar PPC Schrek & Hammerhead
SarLon MaxiCannon AC/10 Zhukov & Behemoth
185mm ChemJet Gun AC/20 Demolisher
MainFire Minigun Machine Gun Behemoth & APC
LongFire Light LRM-5 Behemoth
Vehicles Produced:
GRM-R-PR30 Grim Reaper
GRM-R-PR31 Grim Reaper
CRK-5003-3 Crockett
CRK-5004-1 Crockett
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Gigi 200 Chassis Grim Reaper
Geometric 530 Hard Core Chassis Crockett
Strand 255 Fusion Engine Crockett
Core Tek 275 XL Fusion Engine Grim Reaper & Griffin
Geotec 300 Jump Jets Crockett
CarboStrand 30 Weight AS Armor Crockett
StarGuard 3056 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Grim Reaper
GRPNTR Groundpainter 5 Communications System Crockett
Marshall 333 Communications System Grim Reaper
Blankenburg Trooper Targeting & Tracking System Chevalier
O/P Scanoptics 400BP Targeting & Tracking System Grim Reaper
Blankenburg 200 ER PPC Grim Reaper, Griffin
Grand Crusader II
& Raijin II
Blankenburg Large Pulse Laser for Export
Blankenburg 25 ER Large Laser Crockett, Chevalier,
& Grand Crusader II
Blankenburg Medium Pulse Laser Grim Reaper
Blankenburg Medium Laser Pinto & Ahab
Dodd Small Laser Crockett
Blankenburg LB-2X for Export
Blankenburg LB-10X Crockett
McArthur II Anti-Missile System Grim Reaper, Excalibur,
Initiate, White Flame, Cobra
& Spartan
Vehicles Produced:
HMR-HE Hammerhead
HMR-HF Hammerhead
HMR-HG Hammerhead
Leopard CV class Dropship
Union class Dropship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Lockheed BR65 Frame Hammerhead
Pitban C375 Fusion Engine Hammerhead
Boeing C-Tran Ferro-Aluminum Armor Hammerhead
Lassitor Fibrolink Communications System Hammerhead
BANDAR 9 Targeting & Tracking System Hammerhead
Vehicles Produced:
Gabriel Hovertank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
VOX 25 Fusion Engine Gabriel
Bowie Ferro-Fibrous Armor Gabriel
CBR CommSat Communications System Gabriel
Halo 901 Targeting & Tracking System Gabriel
Bowie Electronics Medium Laser Zephyr
Maxwell TR Medium Laser Gabriel
Bowie Electronics Small Laser Zephyr
Vehicles Produced:
HSR 600-D Hussar
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Benztrov 49 Endo Steel Chassis Hussar
GM 270 XL Fusion Engine Hussar
Victory Anchor 2 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Hussar
Field Ranger Sightseer Communications System Hussar
Ranger LAF Model 2 Targeting & Tracking System Hussar
Vehicles Produced:
SWF-606 Swift
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Mujika-L9 Aerospace Frame Swift
Shinobi 275-A Fusion Engine Swift
KX4 Ferro-Aluminum Armor Swift
Lockheed Matrix-V Communications System Swift
PhantomTrac 55 Targeting & Tracking System Swift
Maxell-UD6 Medium Laser Swift
McCorkel Small Laser Swift
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Comstar Rover Communications System for Export
Comster Test-2 Targeting & Tracking System for Export
Vehicles Produced:
Zephyr Medium Hovertank
Chaparral Artillery Vehicle
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
GM 185 Fusion Engine Zephyr
Nissan 200 Fusion Engine Chaparral
Grumman CRT Ferro-Fibrous Armor Zephyr
Grumman-3 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Highlander
StarSlab/1 Armor Chaparral
Guardian Systems X Communications System Zephyr
TransComm 12 Communications System Chaparral
Bundesweyth TAG Targeting & Tracking System Zephyr
TransComm WDS40A Targeting & Tracking System Chaparral
Sapphire Medium Laser Chaparral
Shrike SRM-6 Chaparral
Thor-6 SRM-6 Zephyr
AIL Arrow IV Artillery System Chaparral
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Holly LRM-5 for Export
Holly LRM-10 Burke
Holly LRM-15 Longbow, Grim Reaper
& Grand Crusader II
Holly LRM-20 Longbow, Grim Reaper, Highlander
& Puma
Holly Derringer SRM-2 for Export
Holly Mk.II Streak SRM-2 Spartan
Holly-4 SRM-4 Crockett & Puma
Holly Mk.II Streak SRM-4 Raijin II & Highlander
Holly-6 SRM-6 Crockett & SRM Carrier
Holly Mk.II Streak SRM-6 Grim Reaper, Excalibur, Warhammer
& Grand Crusader II
Vehicles Produced:
RDS-2A Red Shift
RDS-2B Red Shift
Demon Medium Tank
Rhino Heavy Tank
Padilla Artillery Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Leopard Mark I Endo Steel Chassis Red Shift
GM 180 XL Fusion Engine Red Shift
DAV 220 Fusion Engine Demon
Pitban 240 Fusion Engine Rhino
Ragusson 375 XL Fusion Engine Padilla
Pantherskin VII Armor Rhino
StarSlab/1 Armor Padilla
StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Red Shift
Teledon 19 Communications System Demon & Padilla
Teledon 33 Communications System Red Shift
Trannel GL5 Communications System Rhino
Baltex K590 Targeting & Tracking System Demon
Scope 85 RNDST Targeting & Tracking System Red Shift
Trannel OT73L Targeting & Tracking System Rhino
Intek Medium Laser Demon
Starflash Medium Laser Rhino
M-7 Gauss Rifle Demon, Highlander & Demolisher
Conan DT LRM-10 Rhino
Delta Dagger LRM-20 Rhino
Harpoon-6 SRM-6 Demon
Katyusha Arrow IV Artillery System Padilla & Demolisher
Vehicles Produced:
INI-02 Initiate
RJN-200-B Raijin II
RJN-200-C Raijin II
LGH-4W Lightray
LGH-5W Lightray
SPT-N3 Spartan
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Geometric 1000 Endo Steel Chassis Initiate
Krupp 200-ES Endo Steel Chassis Raijin II
Geometric 33B Endo Steel Chassis Lightray
Geometric 500 Hard Core Chassis Spartan
Dantrus 400 XL Fusion Engine Spartan
Strasbourg Armaments Type 3 Armor Initiate
Strasbourg Armaments Type 4
Ferro-Fibrous Armor Lightray
Strasbourg Armaments
206 Diamond Weave Armor Spartan
Blow 55 Net Communications System Initiate
Blow 107 Net Communications System Lightray
Blow 300 SNA Net Communications System Spartan
Exeter Longscan 200 Communications System Raijin II
Garret T12a Targeting & Tracking System Raijin II
Scope 30 RNDST Targeting & Tracking System Burke, Crockett & Padilla
Scope 40 RNDST Targeting & Tracking System Spartan
Scope 2000 Targeting & Tracking System Initiate
Scope 3580 Targeting & Tracking System Lightray
Vehicles Produced:
Chevalier Light Tank
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
RT 190 Fusion Engine Chevalier
Chobham Max-Tec Armor Chevalier
Dec-10 Whisperer Communications System Chevalier
Zone-Tone Streak SRM-2 Chevalier
Vehicles Produced:
BLF-21 Blue Flame
ST-8B Shootist
ST-8C Shootist
WHF-3B White Flame
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Series 8 Endo Steel Quad Chassis Blue Flame
Dennenbach-Mitchell Mark IV Chassis Shootist
Series 9 Endo Steel Quad Chassis White Flame
VOX 225 Light Fusion Engine Blue Flame
VOX 280 Fusion Engine Shootist
Magna 350 Light Fusion Engine White Flame
MV Ferro-Fibrous Armor Shootist
StarSlab/2 Armor Blue Flame
Domman Echo II Communications System Shootist & White Flame
Domman Echo IV Communications System Blue Flame
Wayne Marksman Targeting & Tracking System Shootist
Wayne SuperSight Targeting & Tracking System Blue Flame
& White Flame
DeathGiver AC/20 Shootist
Dinatech Mark III Small Laser for Export
Tronel XII Medium Pulse Laser White Flame & Red Shift
Tronel XIII Large Pulse Laser White Flame, King Crab,
Gurkha & Lightray
Vehicles Produced:
Magellan class Jumpship
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
CN 1287 Kearney-Fuchida Drive Magellan
Vehicles Produced:
MCY-102 Mercury
NXS2-A Nexus II
NXS2-B Nexus II
EXC-B2 Excalibur
EXC-D1 Excalibur
GRN-D-03 Grand Crusader II
GRN-D-04 Grand Crusader II
LGC-01 Legacy
LGC-02 Legacy
VQR-02A Vanquisher
VQR-02B Vanquisher
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Bergan MXIV Endo Steel Chassis Mercury
Skobel 100-ROB Endo Steel Chassis Nexus II
Corbine 1 Chassis Excalibur
Skobel Template 8 Endo Steel Chassis Grand Crusader II
& Legacy
Hollis Alteration Mark VI
Endo Steel Chassis Vanquisher
LTV 160 Fusion Engine Mercury & Initiate
Nissan 175 Fusion Engine for Export
VOX-LE 200 Fusion Engine Nexus II
Pitban 240 Fusion Engine Legacy
Vlar 300 Fusion Engine Vanquisher
Pitban 320 Light Fusion Engine Grand Crusader II
LTV 385 XL Fusion Engine Lightray
Mitchel-091 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Mercury
Pribak 9000 Armor Excalibur
DataTech 401 Communications System Mercury
Faulk 203 Comset Communications System Excalibur
Skobel Wave VI Comm Communications System Vanquisher
Skobel Wave VII Comm Communications System Grand Crusader II
& Legacy
Falcon 12b Watcher Targeting & Tracking System Vanquisher
Falcon 15 Watcher Targeting & Tracking System Grand Crusader II
& Legacy
Garret T15j Targeting & Tracking System Nexus II
KBC Starsight Model QTA1 Targeting & Tracking System Excalibur
Skyhunter IV Targeting & Tracking System Mercury
Martell Small Pulse Laser for Export
Martell Medium Laser for Export
Martell ER Medium Laser Mercury, Warhammer & Excalibur
Martell Medium Pulse Laser Padilla
Hessen IX Small Laser for Export
Grizzard Model 200 Gauss Rifle Excalibur & Shootist
Doombud LRM-20 Excalibur & Legacy
Mydron Excel Ultra AC/5 Vanquisher
& Shadow Hawk
Mydron Excel Ultra AC/10 Legacy
Mydron Tornado Rotary AC/5 Excalibur
Vehicles Produced:
WHM-9S Warhammer
LGB-12C Longbow
EMP-6M Emperor
HGN-736 Highlander
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
StarCorp 100 Chassis Longbow & Warhammer
Titan Super TZ-7EA Chassis Emperor
Star League XT Chassis Highlander
Strand 255 XL Fusion Engine Longbow
Plasmastar 270 Light Fusion Engine Emperor
VOX 280 Light Fusion Engine Warhammer
Pitban LFT-50 Jump Jets Emperor & Highlander
ArcShield VII Mk.5 Armor Emperor
StarSlab/9.5 Mk.II Armor Longbow
StarSlab/12.5 Armor Longbow
Durallex Heavy Armor Warhammer
Leviathan Plus Armor Warhammer
Hector VII Communications System Highlander
O/P 3000 COMSET Communications System Warhammer
O/P 3950 COMSET M7 Communications System Longbow
Telestar Model XTD-67A1 Communications System Emperor
Martin-Quarry Tarsys XLR 2.2 Targeting & Tracking System Longbow
O/P 1500 ARB Targeting & Tracking System Warhammer
Starlight LX-1 Targeting & Tracking System Highlander
Starlight Seeker LX-4X Targeting & Tracking System Emperor
Phototech 806c Medium Laser Emperor & Highlander
Defending Units: 7th Division Word of Blake Militia
Vehicles Produced:
KGC-001 King Crab
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Hollis Mark II Chassis King Crab
Dalban CommLine Communications System King Crab
Dalban Series K Communications System for Export
Dalban HiRez-B Targeting & Tracking System King Crab
650 RND Targeting & Tracking System for Export
M-7 Gauss Rifle King Crab
Simpson LRM-15 King Crab
Vehicles Produced:
WSP-3L Wasp
KTO-21 Kintaro
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
1A Type 5 Endo Steel Chassis Wasp
Technicron-2 Endo Steel Chassis Kintaro
Hermes 120 Fusion Engine Wasp
Core Tek 275 Fusion Engine Kintaro
Leopard V Ferro-Fibrous Armor Kintaro
Rawlings 52 Jump Jets Wasp
Duotech 65 Communications System Wasp
OmniComm 3 Communications System Kintaro
RadCom TXX Targeting & Tracking System Wasp
Starbeam 3000 Targeting & Tracking System Kintaro
Magna Mk. II Medium Laser for Export
Magna Mk. III Large Laser Emperor (Terra)
Magna Mk. VI ER Medium Laser Kintaro & Wasp
Hovertec Hex SRM-6 Kintaro
Death Blossom RL-10 Wasp, Ahab (Terra)
Series II Pragma iNarc Kintaro, Phoenix Hawk (Terra)
Vehicles Produced:
THK-63CS Tomahawk
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Shipil 35-B Frame Tomahawk
Plasmastar 270 Fusion Engine Tomahawk
Fiber 10 Ferro-Aluminum Armor Tomahawk
Telestar Fortran Communications System Tomahawk
IMB SYS 5000 Targeting & Tracking System Tomahawk
Exostar IV Small Laser for Export
Maxell SR Large Laser for Export
Defending Units: Elements of the Word of Blake Fleet
Vehicles Produced:
Assault Triumph class Dropship
Suffren class Destroyer
Dante class Frigate
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
CS Kilo-Theta Interplanetary Drive Triumph
Fleur de Lis 90k Kearney-Fuchida Drive Suffren
Alpha-Omega 7625 Kearney-Fuchida Drive Dante
The massive Titan Shipyards are a relic of the Star League, but their advanced age should not mislead one to
believe them decrepit. On the contrary, the shipyards at Titan have been undergoing major renovations. For now, they are
being used to refit numerous dropships and jumpships purchased throughout the Inner Sphere by the Word of Blake, but
they are more than capable of producing even larger and more powerful Warships than the Destroyers and Frigates already
being constructed there.
Draconis Combine
Shigunga MRM-40 - for Ahab
Free Worlds League
Irian Weapon Works Super 6 Medium Laser - for Initiate
Fusigon Smarttooth Snub-nose PPC - for Shadow Hawk & Ostroc
Fusigon Longtooth ER PPC - for Gurkha
Fusigon Strongtooth Heavy PPC - for Ahab
Imperator Code Red LB-10X - for Hammerhead
Imperator Automatic Ultra AC/20 - for Hammerhead
Corean Light Gauss Rifle - for Vanquisher
Burow Anti-Missile System - for Padilla
Irian Weapon Works V7 LRM-15 - for Initiate
Hovertec Streak SRM-2 - for King Crab, Blue Flame & Zephyr
Guided Technologies 2nd Generation Streak SRM-4 - for Legacy
Guided Technologies 2nd Generation Streak SRM-6 - for Grand Crusader II
Irian Weapon Works 60mm SRM-6 - for Initiate
Garret D2j Targeting & Tracking System - for Shadow Hawk
Kallon FWL Special Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor - for Shadow Hawk
CurtissJet 80 Jump Jets - for Grand Crusader II & Legacy
Days to Jump Point: 6
Defending Units: Fist of Mokal
Vehicles Produced:
BNDR-01A Bandersnatch
BNDR-01B Bandersnatch
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Bander Custom 1 Chassis Bandersnatch
Winston Mega Boozee Mark IX Communications System Bandersnatch
Winston Sidewinder Targeting & Tracking System Bandersnatch
Armstrong Class-B ClusterGuns LB-10X Bandersnatch
Federated Suns
Magna Hellstar PPC - for Bandersnatch
Valiant Chainmail Armor - for Bandersnatch
Free Worlds League
Magna Mk.II Medium Laser - for Bandersnatch
Imperator Automatic Ultra AC/10 - for Bandersnatch
Holly Streak SRM-2 - for Bandersnatch
Holly LRM-5 - for Bandersnatch
Lyran Alliance
Vlar 300 XL - for Bandersnatch
Vlar 300 Light - for Bandersnatch
Almost two decades ago, the source of the Clans incredible battlefield technology was a mystery, more so than
even they themselves. Over the past years, we have gathered an incredible volume of information on the Clans in our
attempts to defeat them and put an end to their invasion of the Inner Sphere. Following Operations Bulldog and Serpant, the
SLDF has even established an enclave deep within Clan Space, and obliterated an entire Clan. Despite all of our amazing
gains in the past years, however, many things about the Clans remain a mystery. Whilst we have been able to gather a large
amount of data about the Clans’ manufacturing capacity, much remains unknown.
Sensibly unwilling to be forthright with information regarding their military capabilities, what little we know of
Clan Industry comes from what has been made public knowledge, hearsay, or uncovered through the dangerous and difficult
work of our intelligence operatives. What we learned was that the Clans’ manufacturing process is far more complex and
decentralized than that found in the Inner Sphere. Most every world in the Kerensky Cluster is home to at least one small
armament manufacturing facility supplying the fighting forces there with replacement parts, weapons pods, ammunition,
and armor plating, and even their main manufacturing centers are operated more in the fashion of an artisan’s workshop
than an assembly line. Whilst this does limit their manufacturing output somewhat, it allows for an incredible flexibility in
the manufacturing process, where a line producing a Heavy BattleMech one day may suddenly be constructing hovercraft in
only a few short weeks. Experts have theorized that the reason behind such a system is the Clans culture of constant, low
intensity warfare guarantees that industrial centers will be won and lost with relative frequency, requiring them to be
adaptable to the materials available.
That being said, despite our best attempts at creating an all encompassing document, what is available is far short
of a complete index of the Clans’ industrial complex. Rather than leave this information out of the report, however, I felt
that the information we have managed to gather over the years was of such value that not including it would be depriving
those using this report of vital information necessary to our efforts to triumph over the Clans, and would be an injustice to
the brave men and women who placed their own lives in peril to gather this data. Thus, I have strived to provide the most
complete picture we have of the Clans’ military factories and production facilities. Data provided in italics is speculative
data based on the best intel provided by our agents in the field. Rather than list dozens upon dozens of small workshops, we
also choose to limit our report to only those sites producing finished combat vehicles, omitting what would’ve been a
hundred pages of small local facilities that have limited production capacity, such as one which turns out eight to ten small
pulse lasers annually.
Combat Units Present:
Clan Cloud Cobra: 33rd Battle Cluster & 1st Cobra Coil
Clan Star Adder: 85th Adder Cavaliers, 87th Dragoon Cluster, 191st Adder Guards, 343rd Adder Sentinels
& 1114th Gatekeeper Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Blood Spirit: 21st Crimson Guards, 98th Crimson Guards & 171st Crimson Guards
Clan Ghost Bear: 1st Bear Guards & 4th Bear Regulars
Clan Star Adder: 13th Adder Assault Cluster, 42nd Adder Cavaliers, 193rd Dragoon Cluster, 212th Battle Cluster,
471st Adder Guards & 383rd & 421st Adder Sentinels
Clan Steel Viper: 423rd & 428th Assault Cluster, 94th Battle Cluster, 57th Striker Cluster & Gamma Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Fire Mandrill: 1st Battle Cluster, 16th Assault Cluster, Kindraa Mick-Kreese-Kline Command Trinary
& 23rd Air Assault Force Cluster
Clan Ice Hellion: 3rd Hector Cavaliers
Combat Units Present:
Clan Cloud Cobra: 5th Cobra Coil, 84th, 185th & 268th Cobra Fang & 73rd Cobra Guard
Clan Coyote: Bronze Keshik, 38th & 50th Assault Cluster & 72nd Reserve Battle Cluster
Clan Diamond Shark: 39th Striker Cluster & 27th Cruiser Cluster
Clan Goliath Scorpion: 8th Scorpion Dragoons
Clan Ice Hellion: 150th Hellion Lancers & 44th Hector Cavaliers
Combat Units Present:
Clan Diamond Shark: The Opal Skate & 51st Striker Cluster,
Clan Ice Hellion: 45th & 53rd Striker Irregulars & 43rd Hector Cavaliers
Clan Jade Falcon: 109th Striker Cluster
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
NCIS Endo Steel Type M Chassis Griffin IIC
& Shadow Hawk IIC
Mynx Type Heavy Chassis Nova Cat
NCIS Standard Type A Chassis Supernova
Fusion 140 Fusion Engine Odin
Consolidated 240 Standard Fusion Engine Griffin IIC
Consolidated 270 Standard Fusion Engine Supernova & Shadow Hawk
Consolidated 280 XL Fusion Engine Nova Cat
A100 Jump Jets Supernova
M40 Jump Jets Griffin IIC
M41 Improved Jump Jets Griffin IIC
M45 Jump Jets Shadow Hawk IIC
Alpha Compound Plate Armor Nova Cat
Alpha Compound Ferro-Fibrous Armor Griffin IIC
Compound 2110 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Odin
Omega Heavy Stellarguard Armor Supernova
Consolidated BMR 6 Communications System Odin
NC-TelCom Mk.X Communications System Supernova
Big Cat Mk.XXI Targeting/Tracking System Supernova
TRTTS Mark II Targeting/Tracking System Odin
Raid Micro Pulse Laser Shadow Hawk IIC
Mustang 4.5 ER Micro Laser Shadow Hawk IIC
Series 1NC ER Small Laser Griffin IIC & Odin
Series 14k Heavy Small Laser Griffin IIC
Series 2NC ER Medium Laser Shadow Hawk IIC
Kolibri Omega Series Medium Pulse Laser Odin
Series 14NC Medium Pulse Laser Shadow Hawk IIC
Series 6A Heavy Medium Laser Griffin IIC
Series 7NC ER Large Laser Griffin IIC & Supernova
Series 4D-2 Heavy Large Laser Shadow Hawk IIC
Pattern J2 Streak SRM-2 Odin
Series J2 Streak SRM-2 Griffin IIC
Type 3 ATM-3 Griffin IIC
Type 6 ATM-6 Shadow Hawk IIC
Combat Units Present:
Clan Hell’s Horses: 30th Mechanized Strike Cluster, 99th Mechanized Cavalry & 35th & 69th BattleMech Cluster
Clan Snow Raven: 5th Raven’s Stoop Cluster, 14th Raven Battle Cluster, 9th Raven Wing Cluster, 97th Striker Cluster,
Beta Solahma Cluster & 1st Raven Chasseurs
Combat Units Present:
Clan Cloud Cobra: 59th, 254th, & 441st Cobra Guards, 170th Cobra Coil
Clan Snow Raven: 15th & 100th Raven Battle Cluster, 3rd Raven Auxiliaries, 12th Raven Garrison Cluster,
Gamma Solahma Cluster & 2nd Raven Chasseurs
Clan Star Adder: 504th Adder Sentinels & 1143rd Gatekeeper Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Goliath Scorpion: 3rd Scorpion Seekers
Clan Snow Raven: 6th & 7th Raven Regulars & 2nd, 15th & 16th Raven Garrison Clusters
Clan Wolf: 2nd Wolf Cavalry Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Blood Spirit: 91st Crimson Vanguard Cluster
Clan Fire Mandrill: 7th Sainze Honor Guard Striker Cluster, 9th Sainze Rear Guard Striker Cluster,
Kindraa Payne-Beyl-Grant Command Supernova Trinary, 87th Mandrill Airborne Cluster, 3rd Battle Cluster,
& 42nd Vanguard Battle Cluster
Clan Goliath Scorpion: 22nd Scorpion Uhlans, 1st Caterian Cluster, 17th & 20th Scorpion Cuirassiers, 8th Scorpion
& 2nd Scorpion Seekers
Clan Star Adder: 178th & 1001st Adder Sentinels & 935th Gatekeeper Cluster
Clan Wolf: 7th Wolf Dragoon Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Hell’s Horses: Beta Galaxy Command & 333rd & 412th Mechanized Strike Cluster & 40th Mechanized Cavalry
Clan Jade Falcon: 1st Falcon Dragoons & 3rd Falcon Velites
Clan Wolf: 12th Wolf Regulars Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Coyote: 9th & 34th Striker Cluster, 10th & 19th Battle Cluster, 7th, 18th, 67th & 100th Assault Cluster
& 44th Reserve Battle Cluster
Clan Fire Mandrill: 1st Striker Payne Cluster, 31st Auxiliary Cluster & 32nd Vanguard Battle Cluster
Clan Ice Hellion: 7th Hector Cavaliers
Combat Units Present:
Clan Ice Hellion: 40th, 77th & 78th Hellion Lancers & 176th & 180th Attack Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Cloud Cobra: Cobra Temple Keshik, 57th, 149th & 243rd Cobra Guards, 214th & 222nd Cobra Fangs
& 116th Dragoon Cluster
Clan Star Adder: 5th Assault Cluster, 11th Armored Cavalry Squadron, 286th & 417th Adder Sentinels
& 866th Gatekeeper Cluster
Clan Steel Viper: 1st & 2nd Viper Guards, 400th Assault Cluster, Alpha Newt Cluster & 10th & 80th Fang
Combat Units Present:
Clan Goliath Scorpions: 14th Scorpion Hussars & 35th Scorpion Cuirassiers
Clan Ice Hellion: 150th Attack Cluster
Clan Jade Falcon: 3rd Falcon Dragoons
Clan Star Adder: 271st, 312th, 471st & 983rd Adder Sentinels
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Light Series II Endo Steel Chassis Mist Lynx
Model MHO-7E Endo Steel Chassis Stormcrow
Type II 175 XL Fusion Engine Mist Lynx
Fusion 330 XL Fusion Engine Stormcrow
Clan Light Series Mk.I Jump Jets Mist Lynx
Compound H17 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Mist Lynx
Compound H17/2 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Stormcrow
Build 1685/5 Tacticom Communications System Mist Lynx
GBX Series Integrated Communications System Stormcrow
Series III GDS Targeting/Tracking System Mist Lynx
Tokasha B4-T&T Targeting/Tracking System Stormcrow
No evidence of Warhawks being manufactured at the small and well hidden Abysmal Manufacturing Complex have
so far been substantiated. Long a little used and poorly maintained production plant of the now destroyed Smoke Jaguars,
for decades it has only produced a handful of lighter ‘Mechs for recon and garrison work, duties the Clans find disdainful.
Still, rumors continue to propagate that ever since capturing the facility from the Smoke Jaguars, the numbers of Warhawks
in the Goliath Scorpion touman has grown exponentially.
Combat Units Present:
Clan Jade Falcon: 12th Talon & Zeta Solahma Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Hell’s Horses: 71st & 307th Mechanized Cavalry, 44th & 91st Mechanized Assault Cluster & 39th & 42nd BattleMech
Combat Units Present:
Clan Jade Falcon: 74th Battle Cluster
Clan Snow Raven: 2nd Raven Phalanx, 5th Raven Auxiliaries, 4th Raven Garrison Cluster, Delta Solahma Cluster,
& 3rd Raven Chasseurs
The Snow Raven Yards at Lum are the only Shipyards in the Clan homeworlds capable of consistently constructing
new warships from scratch. Other Clans seeking to construct new warships typically contract with Clan Snow Raven for
the use of their shipyards.
Combat Units Present:
Clan Fire Mandrill: Kindraa Mattila-Carrol Command Trinary, 61st Firestorm Cluster, 1st Fire Assault Cluster,
& 301st Firebrand Cluster
Clan Goliath Scorpion: 12th & 23rd Scorpion Cuirassiers, 6th Scorpion Hussars, 11th Scorpion Dragoons,
& 33rd Scorpion Grenadiers
Clan Ice Hellion: 52nd Hector Cavaliers
Clan Jade Falcon: 2nd Falcon Velites
Clan Star Adder: 3rd Assault Cluster, 9th Armored Cavalry Squadron, 69th Dragoon Cluster, & 460th & 1008th Adder
Clan Steel Viper: Viper Fusiliers, 126th & 195th Striker Cluster, 233rd Battle Cluster, Beta Newt Cluster, 83rd & 167th Fang,
& 144th Phalanx
Combat Units Present:
Clan Coyote: 98th & 246th Strike Cluster, 990th Composite Battle Cluster, & 509th Solahma Battle Cluster
Clan Ice Hellion: 175th Attack Cluster
Clan Steel Viper: 93rd & 104th Assault Cluster, 61st Striker Cluster, 5th Legion, 3rd & 4th Fang, 141st & 164th Phalanx,
& 5th & 11th Viper Regulars
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Type-A Endo Steel Chassis Howler
Cobra Endo Steel Chassis Battle Cobra
Anaconda Omni Heavy Chassis Crossbow
Viper NK7 Chassis Matador
Viper NK12 Endo Steel Chassis Scylla
General Systems 120 XL Fusion Engine Howler
New Kent Type 91 Fusion 240 Fusion Engine Battle Cobra & Matador
New Kent Type 325 Fusion Engine Crossbow
New Kent Type 50 Fusion 400 XL Fusion Engine Scylla
Pryzhok WM10 Jump Jets Matador
Pryzhok WM15 Jump Jets Scylla
Compound V6 Armor Crossbow
Compound V9 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Scylla
Ferro-Fibrous V3 Armor Battle Cobra
Forging C629/j Armor Matador
Type 2 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Howler
Bishop 211 Meridian Communications System Crossbow
Bishop 400 Holly-Meridian CTC Communications System Battle Cobra
Mercer 971 Communications System Matador
Mercer 973 Communications System Howler & Scylla
GEG Pattern 490/1 Targeting/Tracking System Howler
GEG Pattern 491/6 Targeting/Tracking System Matador
GEG Pattern 492/1 Targeting/Tracking System Scylla
Spanke 112-A Targeting/Tracking System Battle Cobra & Crossbow
Chi Series Small Pulse Laser Matador
Lambda Series Medium Pulse Laser Matador
Series 2b ER Medium Laser Matador
Series 2c ER Medium Laser Scylla
Series 7K ER Large Laser Scylla
Type KOV LB-10X Scylla
Series XII Rotary Machine Gun Matador
Type XX “Great Bow” LRM-20 Scylla
Pattern JX Streak SRM-4 Matador
Pattern J6 Streak SRM-6 Matador
CC 3-rack ATM-3 Howler
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Viper MR6 Endo Steel Chassis Vapor Eagle
Viper Endo Steel BP2 Chassis Black Python
Fusion 50 Fusion Engine Donar
Fusion 110 Fusion Engine Ishtar
Fusion 150 I.C.E. Mithras
ICE 170 I.C.E. Huitzilopochtli
Fusion 180 Fusion Engine Ku
Fusion 200 Fusion Engine Hachiman & Mars
New Kent Type 105 330 XL Fusion Engine Vapor Eagle
New Kent Model VII 375 XL Fusion Engine Black Python
Pryzhok Jump Jets Black Python
Pryzhok WM5 Jump Jets Vapor Eagle
Armorweave NK 62 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Black Python
Compound 3092/3 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Oro
Compound A2F Ferro-Fibrous Armor Donar
Compound Alpha Ferro-Fibrous Armor Mithras
Compound E91 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Ishtar
Compound G5 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Hachiman
Compound V133/b Ferro-Fibrous Armor Vapor Eagle
Compound Zeta Ferro-Fibrous Armor Mars
Forging ZK11 Armor Huitzilopochtli
“Magnum” Ferro-Fibrous Composite Armor Ku
Build 1685 Tacticom Communications System Ku & Ishtar
Consolidated BMR 6c Communications System Mithras
JNE Integrated Communications System Hachiman
Mercer 950 Communications System Vapor Eagle
Mercer 974 Communications System Black Python
Q2 Block 7 Communications System Oro
Q2 Block 9 Communications System Mars
Unit 2J “Boxer” Communications System Donar
TJ6 “Bell” Integrated Communications System Huitzilopochtli
Build 2 JRD Targeting/Tracking System Hachiman & Oro
GEG Pattern 491/8 Targeting/Tracking System Black Python
GEG Pattern 500/3 Targeting/Tracking System Vapor Eagle
HT9 Targeting/Tracking System Donar
Series VI Integrated Targeting/Tracking System Ku & Huitzilopochtli
Series XXVI IWS Targeting/Tracking System Ishtar
Series XXXII Multitrack IWS Targeting/Tracking System Mars
TRTTS Mark II CWS Targeting/Tracking System Mithras
Chi Small Pulse Laser Black Python
Lambda Medium Pulse Laser Black Python
Series 5K Heavy Medium Laser Vapor Eagle
Series 1 ER Small Laser Ku & Huitzilopochtli
Series 2b ER Medium Laser Vapor Eagle, Mithras
& Ishtar
Series 2d ER Medium Laser Black Python, Hachiman
& Oro
Kolibri Omega Series Medium Pulse Laser Huitzilopochtli
Omega Heavy Large Laser Black Python
Series 7J ER Large Laser Donar & Ku
Series 7N ER Large Laser Mars
Kolibri Delta Series Large Pulse Laser Oro
Clan Mk.XVII ER PPC Vapor Eagle
Series IX Machine Gun Huitzilopochtli & Mars
Combat Units Present:
Clan Hell’s Horses: Alpha Keshik, Alpha Galaxy Command, 11th & 51st Mechanized Cavalry, 22nd Mechanized Assault
Cluster, & 57th & 67th BattleMech Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Diamond Shark: The Sapphire Skate, 8th Cruiser Cluster & 83rd Combined Strike Cluster,
Clan Star Adder: 97th, 235th & 522nd Adder Sentinels
Clan Wolf: 5th Wolf Garrison Cluster
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Model MHO-7E Endo Steel Chassis Stormcrow
Eden Mk.60-OM Chassis Mad Dog
300 Type I XL Fusion Engine Mad Dog
Fusion 330 XL Fusion Engine Stormcrow
Compound H17/2 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Stormcrow
Compound SJ6CW Ferro-Fibrous Armor Mad Dog
Build OSJ-41 Communications System Mad Dog
GBX Series Integrated Communications System Stormcrow
Cat’s Eye MD6 Targeting/Tracking System Mad Dog
Tokasha B4-T&T Targeting/Tracking System Stormcrow
Combat Units Present:
Clan Star Adder: 428th Adder Sentinels & 822nd Gatekeeper Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Goliath Scorpion: 3rd, 5th & 24th Scorpion Cuirassiers, 10th & 16th Scorpion Dragoons, 8th Scorpion Uhlans,
& 8th & 14th Scorpion Grenadiers,
Clan Wolf: 6th Wolf Garrison Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Fire Mandrill: 3rd Sainze Honor Guard Battle Cluster, 53rd Assault Cluster, 14th Sainze Rear Guard Battle Cluster,
17th Auxiliary Cluster, Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga Command Trinary, 12th Support Cluster, 11th Battle Force Cluster,
71st Firestorm Cluster & 202nd Firebrand Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Star Adder: Adder Command & Quasar Keshik, 17th Strike Cluster, 132nd Adder Guards, 1st Star Sentinels
& 884th Gatekeeper Cluster,
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Hooded Endo-Lite Chassis Adder
Model MHO-7E Endo Steel Chassis Stormcrow
Type MAES-90 Light Endo Steel Chassis Blood Asp
Great Father 210 XL Fusion Engine Adder
Fusion 330 XL Fusion Engine Stormcrow
Consolidated 360 XL Fusion Engine Blood Asp
Compound H17/2 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Stormcrow
Forging Z27 Ceramic Plate Armor Blood Asp
Star Lite Ferro-Fibrous Armor Adder
GBX Series Integrated Communications System Stormcrow
Series D8 CC-25X Communications System Blood Asp
Trueborn Ultra 945B Communications System Adder
Adder Special V8.6 Targeting/Tracking System Adder
“Hermes” CT-42 Mk. II Targeting/Tracking System Blood Asp
Tokasha B4-T&T Targeting/Tracking System Stormcrow
DuPont Ultra PM Flamer Adder
Combat Units Present:
Clan Blood Spirit: Blood Guard Keshik,
Clan Cloud Cobra: Pharaoh Keshik
Clan Coyote: Golden Keshik
Clan Diamond Shark: The Diamond Skate & 21st Combine Assault Cluster
Clan Fire Mandrill: Kindraa Sainze Command Trinary
Clan Ghost Bear: Beta Galaxy Command Trinary
Clan Goliath Scorpion: 8th Scorpion Uhlans
Clan Hell’s Horses: Omega Keshik
Clan Ice Hellion: 7th Attack Cluster
Clan Jade Falcon: 3rd Battle Cluster
Clan Snow Raven: Corvus Keshik
Clan Star Adder: 1015th Adder Sentinels
Clan Steel Viper: Triasch Keshik
Clan Wolf: 4th Striker Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Diamond Shark: The Agate Skate & 79th Strike Cluster
Clan Hell’s Horses: 62nd Mechanized Assault Cluster, 27th, 31st & 61st BattleMech Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Coyote: Silver Keshik, 12th, 49th, 58th & 202nd Battle Cluster, 95th Strike Cluster, 55th Reserve Strike Cluster,
& 397th & 403rd Solahma Battle Clusters
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Model MHO-7E Endo Steel Chassis Stormcrow
T-E H65 Standard Chassis Hellbringer
Assault Series SXG Chassis Savage Coyote
Type 255 XL Fusion Engine Savage Coyote
Fusion 325 XL Fusion Engine Hellbringer
Fusion 330 XL Fusion Engine Stormcrow
Compound H17/2 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Stormcrow
Forging Omni H-24 Armor Hellbringer
Forging ZK11 Armor Savage Coyote
CH2B Alpha-Com Communications System Hellbringer
GBX Series Integrated Communications System Stormcrow
TJ6 “Bell” Integrated Communications System Savage Coyote
Tokasha B4-T&T Targeting/Tracking System Stormcrow
TRTTS Mark II CWS Targeting/Tracking System Savage Coyote
Version Delta-II TTS(A) Targeting/Tracking System Hellbringer
Combat Units Present:
Clan Diamond Shark: 27th Combine Strike Cluster & 44th Cruiser Cluster
Clan Ice Hellion: 121st Hellion Lancers & 45th Hector Cavaliers
Clan Star Adder: 79th Dragoon Cluster, 133rd Hussar Cluster,
Combat Units Present:
Clan Hell’s Horses: 82nd Mechanized Cavalry, 65th & 229th Mechanized Strike Cluster & 53rd & 85th BattleMech Cluster
Clan Wolf: The Red Keshik & 6th Wolf Garrison Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Goliath Scorpion: 4th Scorpion Cuirassiers, 4th Scorpion Uhlans & 2nd Scorpion Hussars,
Clan Hell’s Horses: Epsilon Galaxy Command, 666th & 888th Mechanized Assault Cluster, 77th & 108th Mechanized
& 49th BattleMech Cluster
Clan Jade Falcon: Sigma Solahma Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Wolf: The Green Keshik & 1st Wolf Regulars Cluster
Combat Units Present:
Clan Blood Spirit: Alpha, Iota, Sigma & Tau Galaxies, plus the Scarlet Guards & 79th Blood Hussars
Clan Fire Mandrill: 27th Vanguard Assault Cluster
Clan Star Adder: 4th Assault Cluster, 10th & 15th Armored Cavalry Squadrons & 73rd & 80th Adder Cavaliers
Vehicles Produced:
Delphyne 2
Vehicles Produced:
Stooping Hawk
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
York YT Chassis Stooping Hawk
275 Standard Fusion Engine Stooping Hawk
Compound Alpha Ferro-Fibrous Armor Stooping Hawk
York Y2-Com Communications System Stooping Hawk
& Crimson Langur
York Y2-T&T Targeting/Tracking System Stooping Hawk
York Y5-T&T Targeting/Tracking System Crimson Langur
Days to Jump Point: 8
Defending Units: The Coral Skate, 6th & 101st Strike Cluster & Clan Ghost Bear 14th Provisional Garrison Cluster
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Neil 500+ Communications System [IS] Tyr, APC, Scorpion, Axel,
Vedette, Skulker, Hetzer,
LRM & SRM Carrier (Alshain)
Neil 9000 Communications System [IS] Archer (Satalice)
Sipher Commcon SCU-4 Communications System [IS] Locust IIC (Alshain & Satalice),
& Phoenix Hawk (Satalice)
RCA Instatrac Mark VI Targeting & Tracking System [IS] Locust IIC (Alshain & Satalice),
Phoenix Hawk (Satalice)
RCA Instatrac Mark VIII Targeting & Tracking System [IS] Arcus (Alshain)
RCA Instatrac Mark IX Targeting & Tracking System [IS] Kodiak (Alshain)
RCA Instatrac Mark XII Targeting & Tracking System [IS] Panther & Archer (Satalice)
RCA Econotrac Targeting & Tracking System [IS] Tyr, APC, Scorpion, Axel,
Vedette, Skulker, Hetzer,
LRM & SRM Carrier (Alshain)
Days to Jump Point: 12
Defending Units: The Emerald Skate, 21st Strike Cluster & 28th Cruiser Cluster
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
NCIS Endo Steel Type M Chassis Rifleman IIC & Shadow Hawk IIC
DSAM 4 Endo Steel Chassis Phoenix Hawk IIC
SFX-80 Endo Steel Chassis Warhammer IIC
Hollis Mark X Chassis [IS] BattleMaster
Titan H1 Chassis [IS] Stalker
Fusion 195 Mk.VI, Mod. 3 Fusion Engine Rifleman IIC
Strand 255 Fusion Engine [IS] Stalker
Consolidated 270 Fusion Engine Shadow Hawk IIC
Type 10 320 Fusion Engine Warhammer IIC
VOX 340 Fusion Engine [IS] BattleMaster
Type 79 400 XL Fusion Engine Phoenix Hawk IIC
Grandthrust Mk.5 Jump Jets Phoenix Hawk IIC
Trellshire Long Lifters Improved Jump Jets Rifleman IIC
Forging AM15 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Phoenix Hawk IIC
Forging ZM15 Ferro-Fibrous Armor Warhammer IIC
Trellshire Royalstar Armor [IS] BattleMaster, Stalker
& Rifleman IIC
Garret T11-A Communications System [IS] BattleMaster & Stalker
Hector CC-22E Communications System Rifleman IIC
MegaBand System 21 Communications System Phoenix Hawk IIC
TDWS-37 Mk.2.2 Communications System Warhammer IIC
Dtrac Suite 4 Targeting & Tracking System Phoenix Hawk IIC
Garret D2j Targeting & Tracking System [IS] Stalker
“Hermes” CT-44 Targeting & Tracking System Warhammer IIC
Mk. CXC-4 Targeting & Tracking System Rifleman IIC
Spar 3C Tight Band Targeting & Tracking System [IS] BattleMaster & Stalker
Chi Series Small Pulse Laser Phoenix Hawk IIC
Mk. 3 ER Medium Laser BattleMaster & Stalker
Series 14a Medium Pulse Laser Phoenix Hawk IIC
Series 14NC Medium Pulse Laser Rifleman IIC
Series 2D-2 Heavy Medium Laser Warhammer IIC
Series 7NC ER Large Laser Rifleman IIC
Series 44h Large Pulse Laser Stalker
Series 4D-2 Heavy Large Laser Phoenix Hawk IIC
Type DDS Kingston ER PPC BattleMaster
Zeta Series X Plasma Cannon Shadow Hawk IIC
Type 0 Hyper Assault Gauss 20 Warhammer IIC
Tau-II Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifle Shadow Hawk IIC
Series IX Machine Gun BattleMaster
Type X “Short Bow” LRM-10 Stalker
Pattern J4 Streak SRM-4 Warhammer IIC
Pattern J6 Streak SRM-6 BattleMaster & Stalker
CC 9-rack ATM-9 Phoenix Hawk IIC
Clan Nova Cat
JNE Integrated Communications System, Build 3 CAT T&T System, Northrup Starlifters M45
& Alpha Compound Ferro-Fibrous Armor - for Shadow Hawk IIC
Defending Units: None, Epsilon Galaxy within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point: 4
Defending Units: 5th Provisional Garrison Cluster
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Kallon Type IV Chassis [IS] Rifleman
StarFrame Heavy Modified
Endo Steel Chassis BattleMaster
Jones 75 I.C.E. [IS] Centipede
Jones 105 I.C.E. [IS] Pegasus
Jones 165 I.C.E. [IS] Condor
JF 240 Standard Fusion Engine Rifleman
JF 340 XL Fusion Engine BattleMaster
Arcshield Maxi X Ferro-Fibrous Armor [IS] BattleMaster
Kallon Royalstar Armor [IS] Rifleman
ProtecTech 6 Armor [IS] Pegasus & Centipede
StarSlab/9.5 Mk.II Armor [IS] Condor
Exeter Longscan w/ReconLock Communications System [IS] Pegasus
Garret T11-A Communications System [IS] Rifleman & BattleMaster
Scuti Dualcom Communications System [IS] Centipede
Garret D2j Targeting & Tracking System [IS] Rifleman, Thunderbolt (Sudeten)
Hartford Co. XKZ 1 Targeting & Tracking System [IS] BattleMaster,
Warhammer (Sudeten)
Salamander Systems
Commphase Unit Targeting & Tracking System [IS] Condor
Type 0 Hyper Assault Gauss 30 BattleMaster
Type OVR-X LB-5X Rifleman
SureFire MiniGun Machine Gun [IS] Condor
FarFire LRM-20 [IS] for Export
StarStreak Heavy SRM-6 [IS] Pegasus
Days to Jump Point: 4
Defending Units: Turkina Keshik, Jade Falcon Guards, & 2nd Falcon Jaegers
Vehicles Produced:
Fire Falcon
Locust IIC 4
Black Lanner
TDR-5S Thunderbolt C
WHM-6R Warhammer C
Marauder IIC 5
Bane 4
Hunter Tank
J. Edgar Hovertank
Salamander Battle Armor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Olivetti Stage 2 Chassis Locust IIC
JF 3 Light Endo Steel Chassis Fire Falcon
Olivetti S1 Endo Steel Chassis Spirit
Olivetti Stage 3 Chassis Pinion
JF 5 Light Endo Steel Chassis Black Lanner
Earthwerks TDR Chassis [IS] Thunderbolt
Days to Jump Point: 10
Defending Units: None, Delta & Kappa Galaxies within 1 Jump
Defending Units: None, Delta & Kappa Galaxies within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point: 6
Defending Units: The Golden Keshik & 1st Wolf Assault Cluster
Days to Jump Point: 9
Defending Units: Alpha Galaxy Command Trinary & Supernova, 3rd Bear Guards & 1st Claw
Vehicles Produced:
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Clan Series Assault SXE Chassis Executioner
380 Heavy Force XL Fusion Engine Executioner
Pryzhok WM 10 Jump Jets Executioner
Arcadia Compound Delta VII
Ferro-Fibrous Armor Executioner
Dash-2 Optima Communications System Executioner
Hakkøn-Morris LAP Targeting & Tracking System Executioner
Series 6o ER Large Laser Omni Pods
Type GS MOD Gauss Rifle Omni Pods
Series IX-O Machine Gun Omni Pods
Vehicles Produced:
Bear Cub
Bear Cub 2
Bear Cub 3
Locust IIC 5
Mad Dog
Kodiak 2
Elemental Battle Armor
Golem Battle Armor
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Bergan Version 2.1 Endo Steel Chassis Locust IIC
Coriollis Class XXV Chassis Bear Cub
Bergan XIV Chassis Ursus
Eden Mk 60-OM Chassis Mad Dog
Bergan Version 6.3 Endo Steel Chassis Arcus
Bergan Version 12.6 Endo Steel Chassis Kodiak
200 Standard Fusion Engine Ursus & Locust IIC
Firebox 200 XL Fusion Engine Bear Cub
300 Type I XL Fusion Engine Mad Dog
325 XL Fusion Engine Arcus
400 XL Fusion Engine Kodiak
Clan Standard Type A3 Jump Jets Kodiak & Arcus
Compound 12A1 Armor Arcus
Compound 12A2 Armor Kodiak
Compound A2F Ferro-Fibrous Armor Ursus
Compound A4 Armor Bear Cub
Compound SJ6CW Ferro-Fibrous Armor Mad Dog
StarSlab/1 Armor [IS] Locust
StarSlab/6 Armor [IS] Hetzer
Build OSJ-41 Communications System Mad Dog
CH2 Series Integrated Communications System Bear Cub
Garret L15 Communications System [IS] Arcus
Garret L20 Communications System [IS] Kodiak
Garret T10-B Communications System [IS] Locust
Able Seven Sensor Suite Targeting & Tracking System Bear Cub
Cat’s Eye MD6 Targeting & Tracking System Mad Dog
Series 1s ER Small Laser Bear Cub
Martell Medium Laser [IS] Locust
Series 2a ER Medium Laser Kodiak, Ursus & Locust IIC
Series 2f ER Medium Laser Bear Cub
Series 14o Medium Pulse Laser Omni Pods
Kolibri Delta Medium Pulse Laser Ursus & Arcus
Series 7K ER Large Laser Kodiak, Arcus & Ursus
Series 44o Large Pulse Laser Omni Pods
Series II Ultra AC/20 Kodiak
Type V LRM-5 Bear Cub
Type X “Short Bow” LRM-10 Ursus & Zorya
Type XX-O “Greatbow” LRM-20 Omni Pods
Type 1 Cross-Pattern SRM-4 Bear Cub
Smartshot Mk. V Streak SRM-4 Arcus
Type VI SRM-6 Ursus
Defending Units: 69th Provisional Garrison Cluster
Days to Jump Point: 4
Defending Units: 50th Strike Cluster, 1st Rasalhague Bears, & 3rd Claw
Days to Jump Point: 5
Defending Units: 243rd Battle Cluster
Since taking control of the lion’s share of the Free Rasalhague Republic, Clan Ghost Bear has done their utmost to
integrate as much as possible with the occupied populace. Although such factories as Gorton, Kingsley & Thorpe’s on
Satalice might seem of dubious value to the Clan’s touman, Clan Ghost Bear continues to train the workers here and hope to
be able to have them trained to manufacture up to Clan standards soon. Until then, they continue to accept modest numbers
of the factory’s original products for use as training ‘Mechs and to be issued to the lowest of garrison & solahma troops.
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: 7th Phalanx
Defending Units: 54th Provisional Garrison Cluster
Days to Jump Point: 15
Defending Units: Raventhir’s Iron Hand & 1st Canopian Cuirassiers
Defending Units: 1st & 2nd Magistracy Highlanders
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: None, 1st Raventhir Cuirassiers, Harcourt’s Destructors & 1st Canopian Brigade within 1 Jump
For centuries, Majesty Metals & Manufacturing of Dunianshire was the dominant arms manufacturer of the
Magistracy, but since the opening of several Trinity Alliance funded factories on the newly colonized world of Detroit, it has
slid into a position of begrudging second-place. Eager to return to the limelight, MM&M has just begun work on
constructing a new Heavy BattleMech line to produce the venerable Capellan Koschei ‘Mech design, obtained under license
from Earthwerks Incorporated.
Defending Units: 1st & 2nd Battalion, 2nd Canopian Fusiliers
Defending Units: None, Raventhir’s Iron Hand, 1st Canopian Fusiliers, & 1st Canopian Cuirassiers within 1 Jump
Capellan Confederation
Hermes 160 XL Fusion Engine - For Wasp
Kajuka Type V ER Medium Laser - For Troika
Ceres Arms Smasher ER PPC – for Marauder
Kajuka Type III ER PPC - For Troika
Imperator Light Gauss Rifle - For Shadow Hawk
Sian/Ceres Jaguar LRM-5 - For Anubis
Tomodzuru Automatic Ultra AC/20 – For Lightning
Tomodzuru LRM-20 - For Troika
Hovertec Streak SRM-2 - For Shadow Hawk
Ceres MaserCom Variable 3s Communications System - For Troika & Thunderbird
Ceres Metals Model 66 with Guardian ECM Suite Communications System – For Anubis
Ceres Metals Model 1666 with Guardian ECM Suite Communications System – For Marauder
Ceres Metals Model 1686 with Guardian ECM Suite Communications System – For Ostroc
Garret T10-B Communications System - For Locust
Hellespont TiteBeam Communications System - For Wasp
Endicott Type 22 Maser Communications System – For Lightning
Dwyerson Mark XI Targeting & Tracking System - For Lightning
Ceres Bullseye Targeting & Tracking System – For Marauder & Ostroc
Dwyerson Upgrade Multitask Version 3 Targeting & Tracking System - For Troika & Thunderbird
RadCom TXXI Targeting & Tracking System - For Wasp
Hellespont Lite Stealth Armor- For Stinger, Wasp, & Anubis
Ceres Heavy Stealth Armor – For Marauder & Ostroc
Ceres Motors 240 XL Fusion Engine - For Anubis
Hermes 275 XL Fusion Engine - For Shadow Hawk
Doombud Multi-Missile Trio MML-3 - For Stinger
Hellspont Leaper Jump Jets - For Stinger & Wasp
Taurian Concordat
VOX 120 XL Fusion Engine - for Stinger
Durallex Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor - for Stinger
Diverse Optics 27 Medium Pulse Laser – for Marshal
Days to Jump Point : 4
Defending Units: Avellar Guard & Command Regiment, 1st Alliance Air Wing
The capital of the Outworlds Alliance, Alpheratz is home to the Alliance Executive Parliament and the largest
weapons industry in the Outworlds.
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Garret T4 Communications System Po & Rommel, Hunter
& Vedette (Mitchella)
Garret T10-B Communications System Locust, Stinger & Wasp
O/P AIR 500 Communications System Sedlitz, Lightning, Protector
& Shilone (Ramora)
O/P 911 Targeting & Tracking System Locust, Stinger & Wasp
O/P 2000 JSA Targeting & Tracking System Po & Rommel, Hunter
& Vedette (Mitchella)
O/P 3000 Targeting & Tracking System Sedlitz, Lightning, Protector
& Shilone (Ramora)
Days to Jump Point : 3
Defending Units: Command Battalion, 2nd Long Road Legion & Command Regiment, 4th Alliance Air Wing
Every year, Lushann hosts a small version of the Solaris Games in which 'Mechs battle each other in huge open-air
arenas. The Alliance trusts that all hostilities will cease for the duration of the event, and so far, none of the merc units
attending the games have disturbed the Lushann Industrials plant or the large petroleum refineries located on the planet.
Days to Jump Point : 9
Defending Units: None, 1st, 3rd & 4th Alliance Air Wings, Avellar Guard, Alliance Borderers & 2nd Long Road Legion within
1 Jump
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: None, 1st & 5th Alliance Air Wing, Avellar Guard & Alliance Grenadiers within 1 Jump
Praxton is the only industrialized planet in the Outworlds not located near the center of Alliance space. The value
of the fusion engines built here and the short transit time from the system's jump point make Praxton a prime target for
Periphery raiders. The standing orders of the units stationed here forbid the troops to go to the aid of nearby worlds under
attack. Pirates in the area try to decoy the defenders of the Praxton factories away with diversionary raids on the
neighboring worlds, but the power plants produced by Praxton Fusion are simply too valuable to endanger .
Days to Jump Point: 9
Defending Units: Alliance Borderers & Command & 2nd Air Regiment, 3rd Alliance Air Wing
Vehicles Produced:
CGR-1A9 Charger
CGR-2A2 Charger
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Wells 990 Chassis Charger
Tek BattleCom Communications System Charger
Dalban HiRez Targeting & Tracking System Charger
Death Blossom Rocket Launcher 10 Charger
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Shipil 15 Frame Seydlitz
UOC Light Spec 3 Frame Corax
Shipil 25 Frame Lightning & Protector
Wakazashi III Frame Shilone
Wakazashi V Frame Slayer
Outworld Weave Standard II Armor Corax, Lightning, Shilone & Slayer
Outworld Weave Ferro-Aluminum Armor Seydlitz
Outworlds Advanced 6ai Communications System Corax
Multi-platform T12d Targeting & Tracking System Corax
Armstrong J-11 AC/5 Vedette (Mitchella)
Armstrong AC/10 Po (Alpheratz), Slayer (Ramora)
Armstrong Requiem AC/20 Lightning, Rommel (Alpheratz)
Armstrong Minigun Machine Gun Protector, Locust, Stinger & Po (Alpheratz)
Days to Jump Point: 3
Defending Units: 2nd Battalion, 2nd Long Road Legion (Armor Only) & 3rd Regiment, 4th Alliance Air Wing
This sparsely settled agricultural world is the ancestral home of House Avellar. The Avellar Guards are expected to
provide defense for the Avellar family holdings and two of the three separate compounds comprising Alliances Industries
Diversified-a difficult and uncomfortable task.
Alliance Motors manufactures agricultural equipment, and is also the only reliable firm in the Outworlds capable of
producing the heavy ICE carried by the Vedette & Po.
Capellan Confederation
Mydron Obliterator LB-20X - for Lightning
Draconis Combine
Sony MSF-21 Communications System - for Slayer
Radcom T11 Targeting & Tracking System - for Slayer
Durallex Ferro-Fibrous Armor - for Charger
Guided Technologies I NCK “Thornbrush” SRM-4 – for Shilone
Magistracy of Canopus
Holly LRM-5 - for Merlin & Rommel
Holly LRM-10 – for Protector
Magestrix Alpha Communications System - for Merlin & Night Hawk
Magestrix Gamma Targeting & Tracking System - for Merlin & Night Hawk
Pitban LFT-50 Jump Jets - for Merlin, Charger, Wasp & Stinger
Pitban 240 Fusion Engine - for Merlin
Days to Jump Point : 19
Defending Units: None, Concordat Jaegers & Warrior House Hiritsu within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point : ERROR: DATA CORRUPTED
Defending Units: None, Warrior House Hiritsu within 2 jumps, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Taurian Lancers within 3 jumps
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
StarSlab/3 Armor Plainsman (Pinard)
TTI Special Ferro-Aluminum Armor Seydlitz
Days to Jump Point : 2
Defending Units: None, Concordat Commandos & Taurian Guard within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point : 16
Defending Units: 1st Battalion, Red Chasseurs
Days to Jump Point : 10
Defending Units: Bannockburn’s Bandits; 2nd & 3rd Battalion, 1st Macleod’s Regiment
Days to Jump Point : 15
Defending Units: 1st Battalion Concordant Jaegers
New Vandenberg is one of several Concordat worlds studded with pillboxes and other military strong points. This
planet is especially dear to the Taurians, and they are frenzied in its defense.
Days to Jump Point : 5
Defending Units: None, 3rd Taurian Lancers & The Clean Kill within 1 Jump
Days to Jump Point : 7
Defending Units: 2nd Battalion, 3rd Taurian Lancers
The Pinard Protectorate facilities on this water-world consist of three separate factories on miniature islands. The
defenders here must use large, vulnerable air and sea transports to move reinforcements between factories, because traveling
along the sea bottom by 'Mech is too slow to be practical for the distances involved. A fourth facility, once a part of PP Ltd,
has resumed independent operations as the Taurian branch of Alphard Trading Corporation.
Days to Jump Point : 6
Defending Units: None, Taurian Guard, Concordat Commandos, Red Chasseurs, Longwood’s Bluecoats, Banockburn‘s
Bandits, Prey‘s Divisionals & 1st MacLeod’s Regiment within 1 Jump
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Garret T10-B Communications System Locust (Macleod’s Land & Taurus),
Stinger (Macleod’s Land, Illiushin
& New Vandenburg),
Wasp (Perdition & Taurus),
Commando (Illiushin),
Clint (Macleod’s Land)
Garret Supremesound Communications System Thunderbird (Taurus & Perdition),
Slayer & Shilone (Pinard),
Chippewa (New Vandenburg)
Neil 5000 Communications System Griffin & Shadow Hawk (Illiushin)
J.Edgar (Perdition),
Vedette (Perdition & Pinard),
Hunter (New Vandenburg & Sterope),
APC (Sterope)
Neil 6000x Communications System Maultier (Sterope)
Neil 8000 Communications System Thunderbolt (Pinard & Taurus)
Neil 9000 Communications System Hatchetman (Taurus),
Archer (New Vandenburg)
Neil 9000a Communications System Marshal (Taurus)
Octagon Tartrac, System C Targeting & Tracking System Griffin & Shadow Hawk (Illiushin),
Marshal (Taurus)
RCA Instatrac Mk X Targeting & Tracking System Thunderbolt (Pinard & Taurus),
Hatchetman (Taurus)
RCA Instatrac Mk XII Targeting & Tracking System Archer (New Vandenburg)
TracTex Alpha-1 Targeting & Tracking System J. Edgar & Fulcrum (Perdition),
Vedette (Perdition & Pinard)
Hunter (New Vandenburg & Sterope),
APC & Maultier (Sterope)
Days to Jump Point : 5
Defending Units: None, 2nd Taurian Lancers within 1 Jump
Throughout the Concordat's history. Home Guard regiments raised by the nobility of Sterope have manned the
many reinforced static gun emplacements that guard the planet's industries. These units have always held off attackers long
enough for reinforcements to arrive, and so the Protector sees no reason to station 'Mech and armor units on the planet.
Many in the Taurian Defense Force feel it is only a matter of time before the Noble Family regiments run out of luck .
Taurus Territorial Industries manages three separate complexes on Sterope; an aerospace assembly plant, a
conventional vehicle manufacturer, and a small shipyard.
Days to Jump Point : 9
Defending Units: Taurian Guard, Concordat Commandos, 1st Battalion 1st Macleod’s Regiment on rotation throughout
the Hyades Cluster
The capital of the Taurian Concordat is surrounded by a dense asteroid field seeded with mines and laser cannon
emplacements. The Taurian Guards are expert combatants in this environment.
Taurus Territorial Industries is the largest of all Taurian weapons manufacturers, and its fanatical defenders are well
aware of the firm's importance to the Concordat. Unfortunately, not even they could prevent the Fighting Urukhai from
damaging the facility and completely destroying the factory's Hatchetman line. The entire factory complex remains
unoperational at this time, awaiting crucial repairs to the building’s structure.
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Magna 50 I.C.E. Maultier (Sterope)
Magna 60 I.C.E. APC (Sterope)
Magna 75 I.C.E. APC (Pinard)
Magna 140 I.C.E. Plainsman (Pinard)
Warner 180 XL Fusion Engine Seydlitz (Sterope)
Warner 200E Fusion Engine Lightning
Magna 220 Fusion Engine Marshal
Warner 220N Fusion Engine Seydlitz (Sterope)
Warner 225 Turbine I.C.E. Bat Hawk (Pinard)
Magna 245 Fusion Engine Hunter (New Vandenburg & Sterope)
Magna 250 I.C.E. Vedette (Perdition & Pinard)
Warner 250B Fusion Engine Sabre (Organo)
Magna 260 Fusion Engine Thunderbolt, Shilone (Pinard)
Magna 265 XL Fusion Engine Fulcrum (Perdition)
Warner 270M Fusion Engine Chippewa (New Vandenburg)
Warner 270 XL Fusion Engine Chippewa (New Vandenburg)
Warner 300F Fusion Engine Thunderbird
Warner 320A Fusion Engine Slayer (Pinard)
Star League V84 Interplanetary Drive Leopard
Star League V250 Interplanetary Drive Union (Illiushin & Sterope)
Magna Mk.I Small Laser Warhammer,
Chippewa (New Vandenburg)
Magna Hellstar PPC Marauder
Contrary to the operational procedures of many other plants, the Concordat produces its massive DropShip engines
at one plant and distributes them to several shipyards for assembly, rather than building an assembly plant at the same site
where the drives are built.
Capellan Confederation
Magna 200P Small Pulse Laser - for Chippewa
Ceres Arms Crusher Plasma Rifle - for Chippewa
Imperator Light Gauss Rifle - For SHD-7M Shadow Hawk
Doombud Multi-Missile Trio MML-3 - for Stinger
Doombud MML-5 - for WSP-7MAF Wasp
Olmstead 30 Communications System - for Plainsman
Hellespont Lite Stealth Armor - for WSP-3L Wasp
Hermes 160 XL Fusion Engine - for WSP-7MAF Wasp
Hermes 275 XL Fusion Engine - for Shadow Hawk
Free Worlds League
Fusigon Smarttooth Snub-Nose PPC - for Chippewa
Maxwell TA55 Targeting & Tracking System - for Plainsman
Magistracy of Canopus
Pitban 240 Fusion Engine - for Clint
When the Taurians cut off relations with the Marian Hegemony, in desperation, Caesar Julius O’Reilly contacted
the Word of Blake in hope that they could supply them with the components they needed to continue production of the
Gladius Hovertank. The Word of Blake supplied all that and more, and now Marian Arms is refitting second-hand
Whitworths & JagerMechs and is capable of full-blown construction of Light BattleMechs! While an incredible
achievement in such a short span of time, Marian Arms is still heavily dependant on Word technical assistance and the
importation of key components from Terra, a situation our wayward brothers have no intention of altering. Perhaps most
surprising, Marian Arms is manufacturing their own Marauder II variant around stolen chassis. While they are currently
incapable of actually manufacturing the required components, they are strung along by assurances that the Word of Blake
will assist them in being able to begin actual production.
Word of Blake
Holly Streak SRM-2 – for Maultier
Diverse Optics ER Medium Laser - for Marauder II
Kinslaughter-H ER PPC - for Marauder II
SarLon MaxiCannon AC/10 - for Gladius
Grumman CRT Ferro-Fibrous Armor – for Maultier
Dalban Series K Communications System - for Marauder II
Dalban HiRez-B Targeting & Tracking System - for Marauder II
Vlar 300 Fusion Engine - for Marauder II
Defending Units: Unknown
A hidden factory has been constructed deep in the mountains of Baltazar III. While ROM has yet to pierce the veil
of secrecy surrounding this facility, external observation has yielded a detailed picture of the facilities production
capabilities. Just like in the Marian Hegemony, the Acolytes & Adepts of the Word of Blake are everywhere, working with
the more complex components and supervising Circinian personnel. What the Word of Blake is up to is anybody’s guess.
By their interference, they tipped the balance during the Marian invasion enough to bring it to a screeching halt. What are
their goals in all of this? What can be gained by supplying their knowledge to the Capellans, Marians, & Circinians? Does
this not violate the same principles of non-interference laid down by Toyama, whom they venerate? I pray in the name of
the Blessed Blake that I am wrong, but I believe that our wayward brethren have become twisted into something far more
sinister than we even imagine, and I dread the day that we discover what they have become.
Word of Blake
Diverse Optics Sunfire ER Medium Laser - for Marauder
Diverse Optics Sunbeam ER Large Laser - for Marauder
Kinslaughter-H ER PPC - for Marauder
Krupp Stealth Armor - for Marauder
Krupp 200 Ferro-Fibrous Armor - for Ostroc & Firestarter
Vlar 300 Fusion Engine - for Marauder & Ostroc
Defending Units: Death's Consorts
Vehicles Produced:
LDT-1 Brigand
LDT-X1 Brigand
LDT-X2 Brigand
Components Produced:
Name Component Typical Use
Vengeance Endo Steel Chassis Brigand
Haven Cent Armor Brigand
Relying almost entirely on parts stolen or acquired from outside the Haven Cluster, Vengeance Incorporated is little
more than a new manufacturing arm of Lady Death’s notorious pirate band. That they have begun cobbling ‘Mechs
together at all is a frightening discovery.
FLC-5P Falcon - Outreach (Chaos March) LNG-3 Longshot - Solaris VII (LA)
FLC-6C Falcon - Outreach (Chaos March) BZK-F3 Hollander - Coventry (LA)
FLS-P2 Flashfire - Solaris VII (LA) BZK-G1 Hollander - Coventry (LA)
FLS-P4 Flashfire - Solaris VII (LA) NTK-2Q Night Hawk - Vendrell (LA), Alpheratz (OA)
FLS-P5 Flashfire - Solaris VII (LA) NTK-2S Night Hawk - Vendrell (LA)
HMR-3C Hammer - Gibson (FWL) OTT-9CS Ostscout - Orestes (FRR)
HMR-3M Hammer - Gibson (FWL) OTT-9S Ostscout - Inarcs (LA)
HMR-3P Hammer - Gibson (FWL) OST-10CS Ostscout - Terra (WoB), Orestes (FRR)
HMR-3S Hammer - Gibson (FWL) OW-1 Owens - Luthien (DC), Irian (FWL)
HER-4K Hermes - Irian (FWL) PNT-10K Panther - Tok Do (DC), Satalice (GB)
HER-4M Hermes - Irian (FWL) PNT-12A Panther - New Samarkand (DC)
HER-4S Hermes - Irian (FWL) PNT-16K Panther - New Samarkand (DC)
HM-1 Hitman - Aix la Chapelle (DC) RVN-4L Raven - Sian (CC)
HM-2 Hitman - Aix la Chapelle (DC) RVN-4LC Raven - Sian (CC)
HSR-200-D Hussar - Coventry (LA) SVR-5X Silver Fox - Solaris VII (LA)
HSR-400-D Hussar - Coventry (LA) SVR-5X1 Silver Fox - Solaris VII (LA)
HSR 600-D Hussar - Terra (WoB) SPR-5F Spector - Loxley (LA)
HSR-900-D Hussar - Coventry (LA) SPR-5S Spector - Loxley (LA)
JA-KL-1532 Jackal - Keystone (FWL) SPR-ST Spector - Loxley (LA)
JA-KL-55 Jackal - Solaris VII (LA) Spirit - Sudeten (JF)
JVN-11B Javelin - Panpour (FS) STO-4A Stiletto - Coventry (LA)
JVN-11D Javelin - Panpour (FS) STO-4B Stiletto - Coventry (LA)
MTS-S Mantis - Solaris VII (LA) TLN-5W Talon - Inarcs (LA)
OSR-3D Osiris - New Avalon (FS) TLN-5Z Talon - Inarcs (LA)
OSR-4D Osiris - New Avalon (FS) SDR-9K Venom - Lapida II (DC)
Pack Hunter - Arc Royal (WiE) SDR-9KA Venom - Lapida II (DC)
RZK-9S Razorback - Carlisle (LA) SDR-9KB Venom - Lapida II (DC)
RZK-9T Razorback - Carlisle (LA) SDR-9KC Venom - Lapida II (DC)
SCB-9T Scarabus - Coventry (LA) WLF-3S Wolfhound - Arc Royal & Tharkad (LA)
SDR-7K Spider - Lapida II (DC) WLF-4W Wolfhound - Arc Royal (LA)
SDR-7K2 Spider - Lapida II (DC)
VLK-QD1 Valkyrie - New Avalon & Demeter (FS) 40
VLK-QD2 Valkyrie - New Avalon (FS) Arctic Wolf - Arc Royal (WiE)
VLK-QD3 Valkyrie - New Avalon & Demeter (FS) ASN-23 Assassin - Sian (CC)
VLK-QS5 Valkyrie - Hesperus II (LA) ASN-30 Assassin - Furillo (LA)
35 ASN-99 Assassin - Sian (CC)
Adder - Arc Royal (WiE) CMA-1S Chimera - Quentin (DC), Oliver (FWL),
FNHK-9K Falcon Hawk - Asuncion (FWL) Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March)
FNHK-9K1A Falcon Hawk - Asuncion (FWL) CMA-C Chimera - Quentin (DC), Oliver (FWL)
FNHK-9K1B Falcon Hawk - Asuncion (FWL) Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March)
FS9-C Firestarter – Baltazar III (CF) CDA-3F Cicada - Gibson (FWL)
FS9-S Firestarter - Coventry (LA) CDA-3G Cicada - Gibson (FWL)
GRM-01A Garm - New Syrtis (FS) CDA-3H Cicada - Gibson (FWL)
GRM-01B Garm - New Syrtis (FS) CDA-3MA Cicada - Gibson (FWL)
GRM-01C Garm - New Syrtis (FS) CLNT-3-3T Clint - MacLeod’s Land (TC)
GUR-2G Gurkha - Terra (WoB) CLNT-5U Clint - Furillo (LA)
GUR-4G Gurkha - Terra (WoB) DMO-1K Daimyo - Luthien (DC)
JR7-K Jenner - Luthien (DC) DMO-2K Daimyo - Luthien (DC)
Jenner IIC - Irece (NC) DMO-4K Daimyo - Luthien (DC)
Jenner IIC 2 - Irece (NC) DMO-5K Daimyo - Luthien (DC)
Jenner IIC 3 - Irece (NC) Griffin IIC 3 - Irece (NC)
Jenner IIC 4 - Irece (NC) Griffin IIC 4 - Irece (NC)
Jenner IIC 5 - Irece (NC) HER-5ME Hermes II - Irian (FWL)
Jenner IIC 6 - Irece (NC) HER-5C Hermes II - Irian (FWL)
LST-2 Longshot - Solaris VII (LA) HER-5SA Hermes II - Irian & Shiro III (FWL)
TSN-1C Tessen - Quentin (DC) WVR-9D Wolverine - Nanking & Talon (FS)
TSN-C3 Tessen - Quentin (DC) WVR-9K Wolverine - Marduk (DC)
TBT-7M Trebuchet - Irian & Stewart (FWL), WVR-9M Wolverine - Thermopolis (FWL)
New Avalon (FS) TR1 Wraith - Paradise (FWL)
TBT-8B Trebuchet - Kalidasa (FWL)
Ursus - Alshain (GB) 60
55 ANV-3M Anvil - Gibson (FWL)
APL-1M Apollo - Keystone (FWL) ANV-3R Anvil - Gibson (FWL)
APL-2S Apollo - Keystone (FWL) ANV-5M Anvil - Gibson (FWL)
APL-3T Apollo - Keystone (FWL) ANV-5Q Anvil - Gibson (FWL)
Black Lanner - Sudeten (JF) ANV-8M Anvil - Gibson (FWL)
BCN-3R Buccaneer - Gibson (FWL) AGS-2D Argus - New Avalon & Robinson (FS)
BSW-L1 Bushwacker - Tharkad (LA) AGS-4D Argus - New Avalon & Robinson (FS)
BSW-S2 Bushwacker - Tharkad (LA) BHKU-O Black Hawk-KU - Luthien & Marduk (DC),
CN10-B Centurion - Panpour (FS) New Avalon (FS), Coventry (LA)
CNS-3M Cronus - Talitha (FWL) CHP-1N Champion - New Earth (LA)
CNS-5M Cronus - Talitha (FWL) CHP-3P Champion - New Earth (LA)
DV-8D Dervish - New Avalon (FS) DRG-7K Grand Dragon - Luthien, Dieron & Yorii (DC)
DV-9D Dervish - New Avalon (FS) HEL-3D Helios - Warlock (CC)
GRF-1N Griffin - Illiushin (TC) HEL-4A Helios - Warlock (CC)
GRF-3M Griffin - Oliver (FWL) HEL-C Helios - Warlock (CC)
GRF-5K Griffin - Marduk (DC) LNC25-04 Lancelot - Mars (WoB)
GRF-5M Griffin - Keystone (FWL) Mad Dog - Alshain (GB)
GRF-6CS Griffin - Marduk (DC), Terra (WoB) MLN-1C Merlin - Alpheratz (OA)
GRF-6S Griffin - Hesperus II (LA), Talon (FS), OSR-4C Ostroc - New Vandenburg (TC), Baltazar III (CF)
Marduk (DC) OSR-4L Ostroc - Capella & Warlock (CC), Detroit (MoC)
GRM-R-PR30 Grim Reaper - Terra (WoB) OSR-5W Ostroc - Terra (WoB)
GRM-R-PR31 Grim Reaper - Terra (WoB) OTL-6D Ostsol - Robinson (FS)
KTO-21 Kintaro - Mars (WoB) OTL-7M Ostsol - Connaught (FWL)
LGH-4W Lightray - Terra (WoB) OTL-8D Ostsol - Robinson (FS)
LGH-5W Lightray - Terra (WoB) OTL-8M Ostsol - Connaught (FWL)
KW1-LH2 Lineholder - Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March) PAL-2 Paladin - Solaris VII (LA)
KW1-LH3 Lineholder - Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March) PAL-3 Paladin - Solaris VII (LA)
KW1-LH8 Lineholder - Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March) QKD-5M Quickdraw - Savannah & Shiro III (FWL)
LNX-9C Lynx - Midway (DC) QKD-8K Quickdraw- Luthien (DC)
LNX-9Q Lynx - Midway (DC), Solaris VII (LA) RFL-3N Rifleman C - Pandora (JF)
LNX-9R Lynx - Solaris VII (LA) RFL-6X Rifleman - Talon (FS)
MHL-X1 Marshal - Taurus (TC), Detroit (MoC) RFL-6D Rifleman - Talon (FS)
MHL-2L Marshal - Taurus (TC), Detroit (MoC) RFL-7M Rifleman - Thermopolis (FWL)
MS1-O Men Shen - Sian (CC) RFL-8D Rifleman - Talon (FS)
PWR-1X Prowler - Solaris VII (LA) TSG-9H Ti Ts’ang - Capella (CC)
PWR-1X1 Prowler - Solaris VII (LA) TSG-9J Ti Ts’ang - Capella (CC)
SCP-12C Scorpion - Oliver (FWL) YMN-6Y Yeoman - Paradise (FWL)
SCP-12S Scorpion - Furillo (LA) 65
SHD-5D Shadow Hawk - Nanking & Talon (FS) Arcus - Alshain (GB)
SHD-7CS Shadow Hawk - Terra (WoB), Orestes (FRR) AXM-1N Axman - New Syrtis (FS)
SHD-7M Shadow Hawk - Calloway VI (FWL), AXM-3S Axman - Furillo (LA)
Grand Base (CC), Dunianshire (MoC), AXM-4D Axman - New Syrtis (FS)
Illiushin (TC) CPLT-C5 Catapult - Corey (CC)
SHD-9D Shadow Hawk - Nanking & Talon (FS) CPLT-K5 Catapult - Al Na’ir (DC)
SHD-11CS Shadow Hawk - Terra (WoB) CTS-6Y Cestus - Kathil (FS), Solaris VII (LA)
WVR-7M Wolverine - Gibson (FWL) CTS-6Z Cestus - Kathil (FS)
WVR-8C Wolverine - Marduk (DC) CRD-5K Crusader - Vega (DC)
WVR-8D Wolverine - Nanking & Talon (FS) CRD-5M Crusader - Asuncion, Bernardo & Oliver (FWL)
WVR-8K Wolverine - Marduk (DC) CRD-7L Crusader - Styk (CC)
CRD-8S Crusader - Tharkad (LA) HRC-LS-9000 Hercules - Kalidasa & Kendall (FWL)
EXT-5E Exterminator - Thermopolis (FWL) JM7-D JagerMech - Talon (FS)
JM6-D3 JagerMech III - Talon (FS), Quentin (DC) JM7-F JagerMech - Talon (FS)
JM6-DG JagerMech - Talon (FS), Quentin (DC) JM7-G JagerMech - Talon (FS)
JN-G8A Jinggau - Victoria (CC) NDA-1K Nodachi (“No-Dachi”) - Vega (DC)
KSC-4I Koschei - Tikonov (CC) NDA-2K Nodachi (“No-Dachi”) - Vega (DC)
KSC-4L Koschei - Tikonov (CC) KDA-2KO Nodachi (“No-Dachi”) - Vega (DC)
Linebacker - Arc Royal (WiE) Nova Cat - Irece (NC)
MPR-3S Morpheus - Solaris VII (LA) SA-OS2 Onslaught - Solaris VII (LA)
NJT-2 Ninjato (“Ninja-to”) - Quentin (DC) SA-OS3 Onslaught - Solaris VII (LA)
NJT-3 Ninjato (“Ninja-to”) - Quentin (DC) ST-8B Shootist - Terra (WoB)
Rifleman IIC 5 - Twycross (DS) ST-8C Shootist - Terra (WoB)
TMP-3M Tempest - Irian (FWL) THR-2L Thunder - Capella, Sian & St.Ives (CC)
TMP-3M2 Tempest - Irian (FWL) THR-3L Thunder - Capella (CC)
TDR-5S Thunderbolt - Pinard & Taurus (TC) WHM-4L Warhammer - Menke & St. Ives (CC)
TDR-5S Thunderbolt C - Sudeten (JF) WHM-6R Warhammer - Pinard & Taurus (TC)
TDR-9M Thunderbolt - Keystone (FWL) WHM-6R Warhammer C - Sudeten (JF)
TDR-9NAIS Thunderbolt - New Avalon (FS) WHM-8D Warhammer - Crofton (FS), Menke (CC),
TDR-11SE Thunderbolt - Keystone (FWL) Emris IV (FWL), Son Hoa (LA)
TDR-17S Thunderbolt - Hesperus II (LA) WHM-8M Warhammer - Wallis (FWL)
VR5-R Verfolger - Arc Royal (LA) WHM-9D Warhammer - Crofton (FS)
70 WHM-9S Warhammer - Son Hoa (LA), Terra (WoB)
ARC-5R Archer - Satalice (GB) WHF-3B White Flame - Terra (WoB)
ARC-6S Archer - Alarion, Hesperus II & Wyatt (LA) 75
ARC-6W Archer - Illiushin & New Vandenburg (TC) BNDR-01A Bandersnatch - Epsilon Eridani
ARC-7L Archer - Grand Base (CC) & Terra Firma (Chaos March)
ARC-7S Archer - Carlisle (LA) BNDR-01B Bandersnatch - Epsilon Eridani
ARC-8M Archer - Calloway VI (FWL) & Terra Firma (Chaos March)
ARC-9K Archer - Hun Ho (DC) BL-6-KNT Black Knight - Connaught (FWL)
AV1-O Avatar - Luthien & Marduk (DC), BLK-12-KNT Black Knight - Robinson (FS)
New Valencia (FS) DGR-4F Dragon Fire - Storfors (LA)
BGS-1T Barghest - Tharkad (LA) FLC-8R Falconer - Tharkad (LA), New Valencia (FS)
BGS-2T Barghest - Tharkad (LA) FLS-8K Flashman - Hesperus II (LA)
BGS-3T Barghest - Tharkad (LA) FLS-9C Flashman - Hesperus II (LA)
CES-3S Caesar - New Syrtis (FS) HCA-3T Hachiwara - Solaris VII (LA)
CES-4R Caesar - New Syrtis (FS) HCA-3U Hachiwara - Solaris VII (LA)
CES-4S Caesar - Hesperus II (LA) HCA-3V Hachiwara - Solaris VII (LA)
CTF-3LL Cataphract - Grand Base (CC) HCA-3W Hachiwara - Solaris VII (LA)
CTF-4L Cataphract - Grand Base & Tikonov (CC) LHU-2B Lao Hu - Victoria (CC)
DAI-01 Daikyu - Luthien (DC) LHU-3B Lao Hu - Victoria (CC)
DAI-02 Daikyu - Luthien (DC) LHU-3C Lao Hu - Victoria (CC)
DAI-03 Daikyu - Luthien (DC) MTR-5K Maelstrom - Kathil (FS), Midway (DC),
EXC-B2 Excalibur - New Earth (LA), Terra (WoB) Solaris VII (LA)
EXC-C1 Excalibur - New Earth (LA) MTR-5R2 Maelstrom - Midway (DC)
EXC-D1 Excalibur - Terra (WoB) MTR-6K1 Maelstrom - Solaris VII (LA)
EXC-CS Excalibur - Quentin (DC) MAD-3R Marauder - New Vandenburg, Pinard
GAL-1GLS Gallowglas - Outreach (Chaos March) & Taurus (TC)
GAL-2GLS Gallowglas - Outreach (Chaos March) MAD-5D Marauder - Quentin (DC)
GAL-3GLS Gallowglas - Outreach (Chaos March) MAD-5L Marauder - Capella & Warlock (CC),
GAL-4GLS Gallowglas - Outreach (Chaos March) Canopus IV (MoC), Baltazar III (CF)
Gallowglas WD - Outreach (Chaos March) MAD-5R Marauder - Kathil (FS)
GHR-5H Grasshopper - Bryant (Chaos March) MAD-5T Marauder - Kathil (FS)
GHR-6K Grasshopper - Hun Ho (DC) MAD-6L Marauder - Capella & Warlock (CC)
GHR-6R Grasshopper - Panpour (FS) MAD-7D Marauder - Kathil (FS)
GLT-5M Guillotine - Irian (FWL) MAD-9M2 Marauder - Gibson & Wallis (FWL)
GLT-8D Guillotine - Talon (FS) MAD-9S Marauder - Carlisle (LA)
ON2-M Orion - Kalidasa & Kendall (FWL) VTR-9K Victor - Quentin (DC)
PTR-4D Penetrator - Talon (FS) VTR-10D Victor - Robinson & New Valencia (FS)
PTR-4F Penetrator - Talon (FS) VTR-10L Victor - Styk & St. Ives (CC)
PTR-6M Penetrator - Talon (FS) VTR-11D Victor - New Valencia (FS)
PTR-6S Penetrator - Talon (FS) Warhammer IIC 5 - Twycross (DS)
PTR-6T Penetrator - Talon (FS) ZEU-9T Zeus - Hesperus II (LA)
P1 Perseus - Kalidasa (FWL) 85
MDG-1A Rakshasa - Kathil (FS) BLR-1G BattleMaster C - Twycross (DS)
MDG-2A Rakshasa - Kathil (FS) BLR-CM BattleMaster - Soul (DC)
SJA-7D Shugenja - Quentin (DC) BLR-K3 BattleMaster - Soul (DC)
THS-4S Thanatos - Crofton (FS), Loburg (LA) BLR-M3 BattleMaster - Keystone (FWL)
Timber Wolf - Arc Royal (WiE) BLR-4S BattleMaster - Storfors (LA)
TYM-1A Toyama - Gibson (FWL) BLR-5M BattleMaster - Keystone (FWL)
WR-DG-02FC War Dog - Outreach (Chaos March) BLR-10S BattleMaster - Storfors (LA)
WR-DG-03FC War Dog - Outreach (Chaos March) BattleMaster C - Pandora (JF)
BKW-7R Black Watch - Northwind (Chaos March)
ASSAULT BATTLEMECHS CRK-5003-3 Crockett - Terra (WoB)
80 CRK-5004-1 Crockett - Terra (WoB), Grumium (FRR)
AWS-9M Awesome - Savannah (FWL) CP-12-K Cyclops - Grumium (FRR)
AWS-9Q Awesome - Irian & Savannah (FWL) GUN-1ERD Gunslinger - Hesperus II (LA), Quentin (DC)
AWS-10KM Awesome - Irian (FWL) GUN-2ERD Gunslinger - Hesperus II (LA), Quentin (DC)
CGR-1A9 Charger - Ramora (OA) CRK-5003-2 Katana - Soul (DC)
CGR-2A2 Charger - Ramora (OA) CRK-5003-C Katana - Soul (DC)
CGR-3K Charger - Luthien (DC) CRK-5003-CM Katana - Soul (DC)
CGR-SA5 Charger - Shimonita (DC), Hesperus II (LA) LGB-7V Longbow - Emris IV (FWL), Crofton (FS),
CGR-KMZ Charger - Shimonita (DC) Loburg (LA)
CDG-1B Cudgel - Solaris VII (LA) LGB-12C Longbow - St. Ives (CC), Emris IV (FWL),
CDG-2A Cudgel - Solaris VII (LA) Crofton (FS), Loburg (LA), Terra (WoB)
CDG-2B Cudgel - Solaris VII (LA) LGB-13C Longbow - Crofton (FS)
Gargoyle - Tamar (W) LGB-13NAIS Longbow - New Avalon (FS)
GOL-3S Goliath - Hesperus II & Tharkad (LA) LGB-14C Longbow - St. Ives (CC), Crofton (FS),
GOL-4S Goliath - Hesperus II & Tharkad (LA) Loburg (LA)
GOL-5D Goliath - Kathil (FS) Marauder IIC 5 - Sudeten (JF)
GRN-D-01 Grand Crusader - Gibson (FWL) SQS-TH-001 Sasquatch - Solaris VII (LA)
GRN-D-02 Grand Crusader - Gibson (FWL) SQS-TH-002 Sasquatch - Solaris VII (LA)
GRN-D-03 Grand Crusader II - Terra (WoB) STK-3F Stalker C - Twycross (DS)
GRN-D-04 Grand Crusader II - Terra (WoB) STK-7D Stalker - Crofton (FS)
HTM-27T Hatamoto-Chi - Al Na’ir (DC) STK-7M Stalker - Shiro III (FWL)
HTM-27U Hatamoto-Hi - Al Na’ir (DC) STK-8S Stalker - Furillo (LA)
HTM-27V Hatamoto-Kaze - Al Na’ir (DC) TSH-7S Taisho - Quentin (DC)
HTM-27W Hatamoto-Ku - Al Na’ir (DC) TLR1-O Templar - Talon (FS)
HTM-27Y Hatamoto-Mizo - Al Na’ir (DC) 90
HTM-28T Hatamoto-Chi - Quentin (DC) AKU-1X Akuma - Quentin (DC)
LGC-01 Legacy - Terra (WoB) AKU-1XJ Akuma - Quentin (DC)
LGC-02 Legacy - Terra (WoB) EMP-6A Emperor - Menke & St. Ives (CC),
OBK-M10 Obakemono (“O-Bakemono”) - Luthien (DC) Crofton (FS), Son Hoa (LA)
Phoenix Hawk IIC 3 - Twycross (DS) EMP-6D Emperor - Crofton (FS)
Phoenix Hawk IIC 4 - Twycross (DS) EMP-6L Emperor - Menke & St. Ives (CC)
PPR-5S Salamander - Hesperus II (LA) EMP-6M Emperor - Emris IV (FWL), Terra (WoB)
PPR-5T Salamander - Hesperus II (LA) EMP-6S Emperor - Son Hoa (LA)
PPR-6S Salamander - Hesperus II (LA) EMP-7L Emperor - Menke & St. Ives (CC)
PPR-6T Salamander - Hesperus II (LA) HGN-734 Highlander - Son Hoa (LA)
PPR-7S Salamander - Hesperus II (LA) HGN-735 Highlander - Son Hoa (LA)
SPT-N3 Spartan - Terra (WoB) HGN-736 Highlander - Son Hoa (LA), Terra (WoB)
THG-12E Thug - Keystone (FWL), Errai (FS) JG-R9T1 Juggernaut - Solaris VII (LA)
THG-13E Thug - Errai (FS) JG-R9T2 Juggernaut - Solaris VII (LA)
JG-R9T3 Juggernaut - Solaris VII (LA) KGC-001 King Crab - Northwind (Chaos March),
MAL-3R Mauler - Luthien & New Samarkand (DC) Mars (WoB)
MAL-1K Mauler - New Samarkand (DC) Kodiak - Alshain (GB)
SD1-O Sunder - Luthien (DC) Kodiak 2 - Alshain (GB)
Supernova - Irece (NC) MAD-4H Marauder II - Alphard (MH)
Supernova 2 - Irece (NC) MAD-4S Marauder II - New Valencia (FS),
Supernova 3 - Irece (NC) Outreach (Chaos March)
Supernova 4 - Irece (NC) Marauder II C - Outreach (Chaos March)
VKG-2F Viking - Grumium (FRR) PLG-3Z Pillager - Kathil (FS)
VLG-2G Viking - Grumium (FRR) PLG-4Z Pillager - Sian & St. Ives (CC)
Y-H9G Yu Huang - Victoria (CC) PLG-5L Pillager - St. Ives (CC)
Y-H10G Yu Huang - Victoria (CC) PLG-5Z Pillager - Sian (CC)
95 TDK-7KMA Thunder Hawk - Loxley (LA)
ALB-3U Albatross - Irian (FWL) TDK-7S Thunder Hawk - Loxley (LA)
ALB-4U Albatross - Irian (FWL) TDK-7X Thunder Hawk - Loxley (LA)
BNC-6S Banshee - Hesperus II (LA) TDK-7Y Thunder Hawk - Loxley (LA)
BNC-7S Banshee - Hesperus II (LA) VQR-02A Vanquisher - Terra (WoB)
MR-V2 Cerberus - Hun Ho (DC) VQR-02B Vanquisher - Terra (WoB)
MR-V3 Cerberus - Hun Ho (DC)
Executioner - Alshain (GB)
HA1-O Hauptmann - Coventry (LA)
NG-C3A Naginata - Quentin (DC)
Angel Light Strike Fighter - Westover (FWL), Sian
NG-C3B Naginata - Quentin (DC)
& St. Ives (CC)
NG-C3C Naginata - Quentin (DC)
Angel II Light Strike Fighter - Lopez (FWL)
NSR-9J Nightstar - Kathil (FS), Solaris VII (LA)
Comet Light Strike Fighter - Panpour (FS)
NSR-9FC Nightstar - Kathil (FS)
Owl Light Strike Fighter - Skye (LA)
SGT-8R Sagittaire - Robinson (FS)
Owl II Light Strike Fighter - Skye (LA)
SRC-3C Sirocco - Stewart (FWL)
Owl III Light Strike Fighter - Skye (LA)
SRC-5C Sirocco - Stewart (FWL)
Suzume Light Strike Fighter - Chatham (DC)
Turkina - Sudeten (JF)
Boeing Jump Bomber - St. Ives (CC)
ANH-2A Annihilator – Arc-Royal (LA),
Guardian Fighter - St. Ives (CC)
Outreach (Chaos March)
Guardian B Fighter - St. Ives (CC)
ANH-3A Annihilator - Arc-Royal (LA)
Guardian C Fighter - St. Ives (CC)
Annihilator C - Outreach (Chaos March)
Guardian D Fighter - St. Ives (CC)
AS7-C Atlas - Quentin & Al Na’ir (DC)
SYD-Z1 Seydlitz - Sterope (TC), Ramora (OA)
AS7-CM Atlas - Quentin & Al Na’ir (DC)
SYD-Z2B Seydlitz - Skye (LA)
AS7-S2 Atlas - Hesperus II (LA)
SYD-Z3A Seydlitz - Skye (LA), Sterope (TC)
Bane 4 - Sudeten (JF)
SYD-Z4 Seydlitz - Skye (LA), Ramora (OA),
BRZ-A3 Berserker - Hesperus II (LA)
Marantha (MoC)
BRZ-B3 Berserker - Hesperus II (LA)
BRZ-C3 Berserker - Hesperus II (LA)
F-10 Cheetah - Sarna & St. Ives (CC)
DVS-2 Devastator - Loxley (LA)
F-11 Cheetah - Atreus (FWL)
DVS-3 Devastator - Loxley (LA)
F-11-R Cheetah-R - Amity (FWL)
Dire Wolf - Outreach (Chaos March)
F-13 Cheetah - Atreus & Marik (FWL)
FNR-5 Fafnir - Hesperus II (LA)
F-14-S Cheetah - Marik (FWL)
FNR-5B Fafnir - Hesperus II (LA)
Crane II Medium Strike Fighter - Sian & St. Ives (CC)
T-IT-T10M Grand Titan - Keystone (FWL)
Defender Medium Strike Fighter - Lopez & Westover (FWL)
T-IT-T11M Grand Titan - Keystone (FWL)
Defender II Medium Strike Fighter - Amity (FWL),
GTR-1 Great Turtle - Solaris VII (LA)
Chatham (DC)
GTR-2 Great Turtle - Solaris VII (LA)
Kaiseradler Medium Strike Fighter - Gibbs (LA)
IMP-4E Imp - Outreach (Chaos March)
SB-27 Sabre - Panpour (FS), Dunianshire (MoC),
Imp C - Outreach (Chaos March)
Organo (TC)
Jupiter - Erewhon (JF)
SB-28 Sabre - Donegal (LA)
Shoden Assault Vehicle - Irece (NC) Inner Sphere Standard Battle Armor - Capella & Sian (CC),
Typhoon Urban Assault Vehicle - Panpour (FS) Luthien, Vega & Hachiman (DC),
75 Gibson, Irian, Kalidasa & Stewart (FWL),
Brutus Tank - Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March) Furillo, Hesperus II & Tharkad (LA)
Burke Tank - Terra (WoB) Longinus Battle Armor - Gibson, Irian, Kalidasa
Padilla Artillery Tank - Terra (WoB) & Stewart (FWL)
Zhukov Tank - Betelgeuse (CC), Terra (WoB) Purifier Battle Armor - Terra (WoB)
80 Raiden Battle Armor - Luthien & New Samarkand (DC)
Demolisher Tank - Betelgeuse (CC), New Valencia (FS), Rottweiler Battle Armor - Tharkad (LA)
New Samarkand (DC), Terra (WoB), Sudeten (JF) Salamander Battle Armor - Sudeten (JF), Tamar (W)
Fortune Wheeled Assault Vehicle - Hesperus II (LA) Theseus Battle Armor - Royal Foxx (MoC)
Fury Tank - Bristol (FS) Ying Long Battle Armor - Capella (CC)
Heavy LRM Carrier - Dunianshire & Canopus IV (MoC) Heavy
Partisan Tank - Loyalty (FWL), Nanking & Kirklin (FS) Phalanx Battle Armor - Irian & Gibson (FWL)
Rhino Tank - Terra (WoB) Assault
Schiltron Tank - Proserpina (DC), Northwind (Chaos March) Fenrir Battle Armor - Tharkad (LA)
Schrek PPC Carrier - Betelgeuse (CC), Golem Battle Armor - Alshain (GB)
New Samarkand (DC), Terra (WoB) Grenadier Battle Armor -New Avalon & Talcott (FS)
85 Kanazuchi Battle Armor - Luthien (DC)
Glory Tank - New Syrtis (FS)
Sturmfeur Tank - Sudeten (JF) DROPSHIPS
Achilles class Dropship - Capella (CC), Schuyler (DC)
Ajax Tank - Kathil, Salem & New Valencia (FS)
Aurora class Dropship - Delavan (FS), Skye (LA)
Challenger Tank - Nanking, Kathil, Salem & Kirklin (FS)
Assault Triumph class Dropship - Titan (WoB)
Avenger class Dropship - Capella (CC), Delavan (FS),
Alacorn Tank - New Earth (LA)
Hesperus II (LA)
Heimdall Tank - Arc Royal (WiE)
Bara no Ryu (“Rose”) class Dropship - Luthien (DC)
Ontos Tank - Shiro III (FWL), Nanking (FS)
Behemoth class Dropship - Schuyler (DC),
Puma Tank - Terra (WoB), Orestes (FRR)
Mackenzie (FWL), Tharkad (LA)
Buccaneer class Dropship - Delavan (FS), Gibson (FWL)
Behemoth Tank - Betelgeuse (CC), New Samarkand (DC),
Claymore class Dropship - Skye (LA)
Terra (WoB)
Condor class Dropship - Dover (DC), Dalton (FWL)
Demolisher II Tank - Hesperus II (LA)
Conquistador class Dropship - Galax (FS)
Excalibur class Dropship - Capella (CC),
Luthien (DC), Tharkad (LA)
BATTLE ARMOR Fortress class Dropship - Tharkad (LA)
Fury class Dropship - Gibson (FWL)
Gazelle class Dropship - New Syrtis & Galax (FS),
Nighthawk Light Power Armor - Terra (WoB),
Atreus (FWL)
Tukayyid (FRR)
Hamilcar class Dropship - Clipperton (FWL)
Tornado Light Power Armor - Gibson (FWL), Terra (WoB)
Hannibal class Dropship - Atreus (FWL)
Hercules class Dropship - Alarion (LA)
Achileus Battle Armor - Gibson & Irian (FWL)
Intruder class Dropship - Luthien (DC), Andurien (FWL),
Grey Death Scout Battle Armor - Glengarry (LA)
Tharkad (LA)
Infiltrator Mk.I Battle Armor - Tharkad (LA)
Kuan Ti class Dropship - Ares (CC), Loyalty (FWL)
Kage Battle Armor - Luthien & New Samarkand (DC)
Leopard class Dropship - Galax (FS), Clipperton (FWL),
Kobold Battle Armor - Grumium (FRR)
Alarion (LA), Dunianshire (MoC), Taurus (TC)
Void Battle Armor - Luthien (DC)
Leopard-CV class Dropship - Galax (FS), Clipperton (FWL),
Alarion (LA), Terra (WoB)
Asterion Battle Armor – MacLeod's Land & Sterope (TC)
Lung Wang class Dropship - Capella (CC)
Cavalier Battle Armor - New Avalon & Talcott (FS)
Mammoth class Dropship - Sarna (CC), Kathil, New Syrtis
Clan Battle Armor - Irece (NC)
& Galax (FS), Atreus (FWL)
Elemental Battle Armor - Alshain (GB), Arc Royal (WiE)
Merlin class Dropship - Clipperton & Gibson (FWL)
Fa Shih Battle Armor - Capella & Sian (CC)
Monarch class Dropship - Schuyler (DC), New Syrtis (FS),
Grey Death Standard Battle Armor - Glengarry (LA)
Gibson (FWL), Tharkad (LA)
Infiltrator Mk.II Battle Armor - New Avalon (FS)
Mule class Dropship - Sarna (CC), Galax & Kathil (FS) Defiance A5L - Hesperus II (LA)
Nagumo class Dropship - Dover (DC) Defiance B3S - Furillo & Hesperus II (LA)
Nekohono’o class Dropship - Luthien (DC) Defiance B4S - Hesperus II (LA)
Octopus class Dropship - Dalton (FWL) Dinatech Mark III - Terra (WoB)
Okinawa class Dropship - Luthien (DC) Diverse Optics Type 10 - Andurien & Irian (FWL),
Overlord class Dropship - Ares (CC), Avon (DC), Kessel (DC), Alpheratz (OA)
Galax (FS), Skye (LA) Dodd - Soul (DC), Terra (WoB)
Overlord-A3 class Dropship - Ares (CC), Galax (FS), Exostar - Delavan (FS)
Skye (LA) Exostar-2C - Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March)
Seeker class Dropship - Sarna (CC), Kathil, Layover Exostar IV - Mars (WoB)
& Galax (FS), Tharkad (LA) Firmir LaserLite - Betelgeuse (CC)
Triumph class Dropship - Capella (CC), Luthien (DC) Hessen IX - Terra (WoB)
Union class Dropship - Ares (CC), Avon (DC), Galax (FS), Intek - Terra (WoB)
Clipperton (FWL), Alarion (LA), Terra (WoB), Jackson Model 12- Indicass (CC), Solaris VII (LA)
Illiushin & Sterope (TC) Kajuka Type 1 “Stiletto” - Texlos (CC)
Union-X class Dropship - Skye (LA) Krieger - Terra (WoB), Orestes (FRR)
Vengeance class Dropship - Chatham (DC), Loyalty (FWL) Magna Mk.I - Lopez & Stewart (FWL), Taurus (TC)
Magna Starglow - Outreach (Chaos March)
JUMPSHIPS Martell - Wallis (FWL)
McCorkel - Terra (WoB)
Scout class Jumpship - Schuyler (DC), Clipperton (FWL),
Starflash-I - Amity (FWL)
Alarion (LA)
Tronel I - Connaught (FWL)
Tramp class Jumpship - Loyalty (FWL)
Merchant class Jumpship - Capella (CC), Chatham (DC),
Gibbs (LA)
Defiance P5S - Hesperus II (LA)
Chimeisho class Jumpship - Altair (DC)
Diverse Optics - Irian (FWL)
Invader class Jumpship - Capella (CC), Chatham (DC),
Diverse Optics 10P - Kessel (DC)
Delavan & Kathil (FS), Tamarind (FWL),
Exostar - Delavan (FS)
Alarion (LA)
Magna 200p - Lopez (FWL), Betelgeuse (CC),
Magellan class Jumpship - Terra (WoB)
Tancredi IV (FS) Coventry (LA)
Star Lord class Jumpship - Delavan (FS), Loyalty (FWL)
Martell - Wallis (FWL), Terra (WoB)
Monolith class Jumpship - Capella (CC), Chatham (DC),
Maxell - Chukchi III (LA)
Panpour (FS), Alarion (LA)
Sunglow Prism Optic - Kalidasa (FWL)
Fox class Corvette - Galax (FS), Alarion (LA)
Sutel Precision Line - Tancredi IV (FS)
Inazuma class Corvette - Dieron (DC)
Victory Throb - Marduk (DC)
Zechetinu class Corvette - Ionus (FWL)
Impavido class Destroyer - Mackenzie & Tamarind (FWL)
Suffren class Destroyer - Titan (WoB)
IDC - Solaris VII (LA)
Tatsumaki class Destroyer - Dieron (DC)
Dante class Frigate - Titan (WoB)
Eagle class Frigate - Ionus (FWL)
Blazefire Longshot - New Syrtis (FS)
Kyushu class Frigate - Midway & Dieron (DC)
ChisComp 2000 - New Avalon (FS)
Avalon class Cruiser - Kathil (FS)
Diverse Optics - Irian (FWL), Sian & St.Ives (CC),
Kirishima class Cruiser - Midway & Togura (DC)
Terra (WoB), Detroit (MoC), Lushann (OA)
Agamemnon class Heavy Cruiser - Clipperton (FWL)
Diverse Optics 10X - Kessel (DC)
Feng Huang class Heavy Cruiser - Necromo (CC)
Exostar - Delavan (FS)
Thera class Carrier - Ionus (FWL)
Magna Mk.IV - Lopez (FWL)
Mjolnir class Battlecruiser - Alarion (LA)
COMPONENTS Allied Technologies Model 2 - Stewart (FWL)
Argra 3L - Aix-la-Chapelle (DC)
SMALL LASERS Blankenburg - Terra (WoB)
Allied Technologies Model 1 - Stewart (FWL) Bowie Electronics - Terra (WoB)
Bowie Electronics - Terra (WoB) Ceres Arms - Capella, St. Ives & Warlock (CC)
ChisComp 32 - Campbelton & Oliver (FWL), ChisComp 39 - New Avalon (FS)
New Avalon (FS)
Defiance B3M - Furillo & Hesperus II (LA), Magna 600p - Tancredi IV (FS)
Tancredi IV (FS) Magna Quasar - Outreach (Chaos March)
Diplan M3 - Ozawa (FS) Martell - Sian & Victoria (CC), Wallis (FWL), Delavan (FS),
Diverse Optics Type 2 - Sian (CC), Lushann (OA) Terra (WoB)
Diverse Optics Type 18 - Irian (FWL), Sterope (TC), Maxell - Chukchi III (LA)
Alphard (MH) Omicron 950 - Belladonna (FS), Terra (WoB)
Diverse Optics 20 - Kessel (DC) Priestly 600p - Irian (FWL), Terra (WoB)
Firmir Standard - Betelgeuse (CC) Raker IV - Victoria (CC), Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March)
Fuersturm-b - Baltazar III (CF) RAMTech 800P - New Kyoto (LA)
Harmon Starclass - Son Hoa (LA) Starflash - Amity & Atreus (FWL), Terra (WoB)
Hellion-b II - Andurien & Westover (FWL) Sutel Precision Line - Tancredi IV (FS), St. Ives (CC)
Hellion-V - Andurien, Irian, Kalidasa, Shiro III, Tronel XII - Tematagi (FWL), Lapida II (DC), Terra (WoB)
& Trellisane (FWL), Terra (WoB) Valiant Ruby Dart - Robinson (FS)
Hellion Spitfire - Terra (WoB) Victory Heartbeat - Marduk (DC), Rasalhague (GB)
Intek - Asuncion (FWL), Loxley & Storfors (LA),
Intek Hellborer - New Syrtis (FS) Exostar - Delavan (FS)
Irian Weapon Works Super 6 - Irian & Kendall (FWL) IDC - Solaris VII (LA)
Kajuka Type 2 “Bright Blossom” - Sian & Texlos (CC) Martell-X - Delavan (FS)
Krieger - Terra (WoB), Orestes (FRR) RAMTech 800P-X - New Kyoto (LA)
Magna Mk.II - Irian, Kalidasa, Lopez, Shiro III SA (Experimental) - Solaris VII (LA)
& Stewart (FWL), Mars (WoB) Sutel Precision Line w/Bethel Labs X-Pulse -
Martell - Stewart & Wallis (FWL), Delavan (FS), Tancredi IV (FS)
Terra (WoB), Pinard (TC), Alshain (GB)
Martell Model 5 - Canopus IV (MoC) ER MEDIUM LASERS
Magna Mk.II - New Avalon (FS) Blazefire Longshot - New Syrtis (FS)
Maxell - Chukchi III (LA) Bright-Bloom - New Avalon (FS)
Maxell-UD6 - Terra (WoB) Bright Blossom - Kathil (FS)
Maxwell TR - Terra (WoB) Ceres Arms - Capella & St. Ives (CC)
OMI HighBurn - New Earth (LA) Defiance Model XII - Furillo & Hesperus II (LA),
Omicron 3000 - Campbelton (FWL) Tancredi IV (FS)
Omicron 4000 - Campbelton (FWL) Diverse Optics 20X - Kessel (DC)
Phototech 806c - Son Hoa (LA), Emris IV (FWL), Diverse Optics Sunfire - Irian & Shiro III (FWL), Sian,
New Avalon (FS), Terra (WoB) St. Ives & Victoria (CC), Terra (WoB),
RAMTech 800 - New Kyoto (LA) Sterope (TC), Lushann (OA)
Sapphire - Terra (WoB) Diverse Optics Type II - Detroit (MoC)
Starflash-II - Amity (FWL) Firmir Improved - Betelgeuse (CC)
Tronel II - Connaught (FWL) Kajuka Type V - Texlos (CC)
Victory 23R - Marduk (DC) Magna Mk.VI - Lopez (FWL), Mars (WoB)
Martell - Terra (WoB)
Aberdovey - Kalidasa & Kendall (FWL)
Aberdovey Mk.II - Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March) LARGE LASERS
Blankenburg - Soul (DC), Terra (WoB), Grumium (FRR) Blazefire Systems - New Syrtis (FS)
Ceres Arms Model W - Capella, St. Ives, Tikonov Bulldog - Proserpina (DC)
& Warlock (CC) ChisComp 43 Special - New Avalon (FS)
Defiance P4M - Hesperus II (LA) Cyclops Eye - Skye (LA)
Defiance P5M - Furillo & Hesperus II (LA), Defiance B3L - Hesperus II (LA), Tancredi IV (FS)
Tancredi IV (FS) Defiance Thunderbolt A5M - Hesperus II (LA)
Diverse Optics - Emris IV & Irian (FWL) Diverse Optics 30 - Kessel (DC)
Diverse Optics 20P - Kessel (DC), Lushann (OA) Exostar - Delavan (FS)
Diverse Optics 27 - Sterope (TC) Firmir MaxiLase - Betelgeuse (CC)
Intek - Irian & Shiro III (FWL) Fuersturm-c - Baltazar III (CF)
Exostar - Delavan (FS) Krupp Model 32 - Mars (WoB)
Krupp Model 2 - Mars (WoB) Lushann Redbeam - Lushann (OA)
Magna 400p - Irian & Lopez (FWL), Betelgeuse (CC)
Mars (WoB) Ceres Arms Smasher - Capella & St. Ives (CC)
Maxell SR - Mars (WoB) Chalker Model 25 - Terra (WoB)
Nightwind - Loxley (LA) Donal Technologies - Loxley (LA), Terra (WoB),
RAMTech 1200 - New Kyoto (LA) Sterope (TC)
Sunglow - Outreach (Chaos March) Hellstar - Betelgeuse (CC), New Samarkand (DC)
Sunglow Type 2 - Sterope (TC), Detroit (MoC) Johnston Parti-Cannon - New Syrtis (FS)
Tronel III - Connaught (FWL) Kinslaughter - Mars (WoB)
Thunderbolt 2C - Terra (WoB) Magna Hellstar - Tancredi IV (FS), Terra (WoB),
Taurus (TC), Lushann (OA)
LARGE PULSE LASERS Parti-Kill Heavy Cannon - New Earth (LA),
Blankenburg - Terra (WoB), Grumium (FRR) Dunianshire (MoC)
Diverse Optics Type 20 - Irian & Shiro III (FWL) PDVR Piledriver Model 11-D - Tharkad (LA)
Magna 900p - Betelgeuse (CC), Tancredi IV (FS) Starcutter - Stewart (FWL)
Maxell - Chukchi III (LA) Tiegart - Al Na’ir (DC)
Raker-X - Terra (WoB)
TharHes Thunderbolt-12 - Tharkad (LA) Donal Technologies - Terra (WoB)
Tronel PPL-20 - Tematagi (FWL) Fusigon Strongtooth - Campbelton (FWL)
Tronel PPL-22 - Tematagi (FWL) Lord’s Light 3 - Tok Do (DC)
Tronel XIII - Connaught (FWL), Terra (WoB) Magna StarFlare - Betelgeuse (CC)
Victory Drumbeat - Marduk (DC) Magna Supernova - Lopez (FWL)
LONG TOM ARTILLERY PIECE Communicator - Layover (FS), Terra (WoB), Canopus IV
Armstrong Industries - Mars (WoB) & Dunianshire (MoC), Perdition (TC)
CommuTech Multi-Channel - New Syrtis (FS)
ARROW IV ARTILLERY SYSTEM CommuTech Multi-Channel 10 - Tikonov (CC), Inarcs (LA)
AIL - Terra (WoB) CommuTech XL - New Syrtis (FS)
Di Yu Huo - Betelgeuse (CC) Comstar Rover - Terra (WoB)
Holly - Emris IV (FWL) COMSTAT 500 ATM - Stewart (FWL)
Katyusha - Terra (WoB) COMTEC 400E - Terra (WoB), Orestes (FRR)
Luxor Mobile Battery 1 - Menke (CC) Corean TransBand-J9 - New Avalon (FS), Irian,
Shigunga - Luthien (DC) Kalidasa & Stewart (FWL)
CurtissComm Mk.I - Paradise (FWL)
1 Division 300 - Terra (WoB) CurtissComm Mk.IV - Paradise (FWL)
Achernar Electronics HICS-11 - New Avalon (FS) Cyclops 12 - Coventry (LA)
Achernar Electronics HICS-12 - New Avalon (FS) Cyclops 14 - Coventry (LA), Baltazar III (CF)
Achernar Electronics HICS-15 - New Avalon (FS) Cyclops 18XS Adaptable - Coventry (LA)
Achernar Electronics HID-8 - New Avalon (FS) Cyclops 20 - Coventry (LA)
Achernar Electronics HID-8.7 - New Avalon (FS) Cyclops I - Skye (LA)
Achernar Electronics HID-21 - New Avalon (FS) Cyclops 1J - Skye (LA)
Achernar Standard - New Avalon (FS) Dalban CommLine - Mars (WoB)
Angst 2100-b - Sudeten (JF) Dalban Micronics - Kathil & Talcott (FS),
Angst 2400 - Sudeten (JF) Asuncion (FWL), Carlisle (LA)
Angst Clear Channel 3 - Hesperus II (LA) Dalban Micronics 35 - Carlisle (LA)
Angst Clear Channel 3G - Hesperus II (LA) Dalban Series K - Mars (WoB), Orestes (FRR)
Angst Discom - Hesperus II (LA) Dalban Starlink Classic - Macintosh (FS)
Allet-C308 - Hun Ho (DC), Bryant (Chaos March) Dalban SuperMicronics - Talcott (FS)
AR-12 Sheathed Directional Beacon - Loxley (LA) Dalban Virtutalk - Macintosh (FS)
Barret 509p - Kalidasa (FWL) Dash-2 Standard - Orestes (FRR)
Barret 4000 - Inarcs (LA) Datacom 26 - Dalton (FWL), Grand Base (CC),
Barret Party Line-200 - Wallis (FWL) Detroit (MoC)
Basix 100 - Kalidasa (FWL), Richvale (LA) Datacom 50 - Dalton (FWL)
Basix 200 - Layover (FS), Kalidasa (FWL), Richvale (LA) Datacom 60 - Dalton (FWL), Grand Base (CC)
BipStar 49-G - Kervil (DC) Datacom 100 - Belladonna (FS), Terra (WoB)
Blackwell Multi-Linq 55 - New Valencia (FS), DataTech 401 - Terra (WoB)
Outreach (Chaos March) Dec-10 Whisperer - Terra (WoB)
Blow 55 Net - Terra (WoB) Dian-bao Comms, Standard - Victoria (CC)
Blow 107 Net - Terra (WoB) Dian-bao Comms, Heavily Insulated - Victoria (CC)
Blow 300 SNA Net - Terra (WoB) Domman Echo II - Terra (WoB)
Boran Meta-Cygnus Plus - Shimonita (DC) Domman Echo IV - Terra (WoB)
CBR CommSat - Terra (WoB) Dragwell Micronics - Outreach (Chaos March)
Century Model 990 - Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March) Dragwell Starlink Classic - Outreach (Chaos March)
Ceres MaserCom 12 - Capella (CC) Dragwell Starlink II - Outreach (Chaos March)
Ceres MaserCom Variable 3s - Capella (CC) Dragwell Starlink IIa - Outreach (Chaos March)
Ceres Metals Model 666 - Capella & St. Ives (CC) Duotech 65 - Mars (WoB), Canopus IV (MoC)
Ceres Metals Model 668 - Capella (CC) Duotech 95 - Sian (CC)
Ceres Metals Model 686 - Capella (CC) EasyTalk-2 - Shiro III (FWL)
CeresCom Model 8 - Indicass (CC) EasyTalk-4 - Nanking (FS)
CeresCom Model 21-RS - Capella & St. Ives (CC) Endicott Type 2 Maser - Texlos (CC)
CeresCom Model 37-P - Menke & St. Ives (CC) Endicott Type 22 Maser - Sarna & Texlos (CC)
CeresCom Recon Model 12K - Indicass (CC) Essex 88 - Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March)
Ceres SuperCom 3 - St. Ives (CC) Exeter Longscan w/Reconlock CommPhase Unit -
ChatterComm 224 - New Syrtis & Addicks (FS) Keystone (FWL), Victoria (CC), Pandora (JF)
Cipher ComSys 1-C - Talitha (FWL) Exeter Longscan 200 - Terra (WoB)
Colmax 90 - Hachiman (DC), Errai (FS) Exeter Longscan 300 - Terra (WoB) Orestes (FRR)
COMHRT II.Q - Tharkad (LA) Exeter Longscan 500 - Terra (WoB)
Faulk 203 Comset - Quentin (DC), New Earth (LA), Lockheed Matrix-V - Terra (WoB)
Terra (WoB) LongCom - Terra (WoB)
Field Ranger Sightseer - Coventry (LA), Terra (WoB) Lynx-Shur - Midway (DC), New Avalon (FS),
Garret 500A - Dalton (FWL) Solaris VII (LA)
Garret L15 - Alshain (GB) Lynx-Shur 4.5 - New Avalon (FS)
Garret L20 - Alshain (GB) Magestrix Alpha - Dunianshire (MoC)
Garret T4 - Alpheratz (OA) Marshall 333 - Terra (WoB)
Garret T10-B - Dalton & Stewart (FWL), Victoria (CC), Marshall Long-Talk - Terra (WoB)
Mendham (FS), Pinard (TC), Alpheratz (OA), Maxell 500 - Andurien & Irian (FWL), Terra (WoB)
Alshain (GB), Alphard (MH) Maxell 600b - Irian (FWL)
Garret T11-A - Dalton (FWL), Quentin (DC), Maxim New Standard I/O - Skye (LA)
Mendham (FS), Twycross (DS), Pandora (JF) MyComm LVR - Terra (WoB)
Garret T11-B - Dalton (FWL), Quentin (DC), Nashan Quartet ComSys - Quentin (DC), Hesperus II (LA)
Mendham (FS) Neil 500+ - Trondheim (DS)
Garret T11-C - Dalton (FWL) Neil 2000 - Dalton (FWL)
Garret T12-A - Dalton (FWL) Neil 4000 - Altair (DC)
Garret T12-E - Dalton (FWL), Quentin (DC) Neil 5000 - Pinard (TC)
Garret T12-S - Quentin (DC), Mendham (FS) Neil 6000 - Dalton (FWL), Marduk (DC), Talon (FS),
Garret T15-B - Dalton (FWL) Hesperus II (LA), Terra (WoB)
Garret T19-F - Quentin (DC) Neil 6000a - Hesperus II (LA)
Garret T19-G - Dalton & Irian (FWL), Quentin (DC) Neil 6000g - Hesperus II (LA)
Garret T20-C - Dalton (FWL) Neil 6000x - Pinard (TC)
Garret T21-C - Dalton (FWL) Neil 7000 - Dalton (FWL)
Garret T22 - Quentin (DC) Neil 8000 - Dalton (FWL), Hesperus II (LA), Terra (WoB),
Garret T60 FasScan - Dalton (FWL), Mendham (FS) Pinard (TC)
Garret Supremesound - Mendham (FS), Pinard (TC) Neil 9000 - Dalton (FWL), Hesperus II (LA), Pinard (TC),
GC Wave 12B - Grumium (FRR) Trondheim (DS)
GRPNTR Groundpainter 5 - Soul (DC), Terra (WoB), Neil 9000a - Pinard (TC)
Grumium (FRR) Newberg Telescan 17 - Talon (FS)
Guardian Systems X - Terra (WoB) O/P 3000 COMSET - New Kyoto (LA), Terra (WoB),
Hartford JEA-1 - Keystone (FWL) Burton (TC)
Hector VII - Son Hoa (LA), Terra (WoB) O/P 3000 COMSET 3 - Crofton (FS)
Hellespont TiteBeam - Sian (CC) O/P 3000 OSJ - Hun Ho (DC)
HIV-13 - Bristol (FS) O/P 3950 COMSET M7 - St. Ives (CC), Crofton (FS),
IDC Hailer B - Solaris VII (LA) New Kyoto (LA), Terra (WoB)
Irian E.A.R. - Irian, Kalidasa & Shiro III (FWL) O/P 9000AT - New Avalon (FS)
Irian Orator-5K - Kalidasa & Kendall (FWL) O/P AIR 500 - New Kyoto (LA), Burton (TC),
Irian Telstar - Irian (FWL) Alpheratz (OA)
Irian Technologies HMR 35s - Irian (FWL) O/P AIR 900 - New Kyoto (LA), Burton (TC)
Irian UHF - Marik (FWL) O/P AIR 1200 - New Kyoto (LA)
J-Talk 73 - Orestes (FRR) O/P COM-211 - Victoria (CC)
Johnston Q-Band - New Syrtis (FS) O/P COM-22/H47 - New Kyoto (LA)
Johnston Q-Rotor - New Syrtis (FS) O/P COM-500 - Victoria (CC)
Johnston VRR 2.0 - Terra (WoB) O/P COMSET 3 - New Kyoto (LA)
Johnston WideBand - New Syrtis (FS) O/P COMTES - New Kyoto (LA)
JoLex Systems - Kirklin (FS), Loyalty (FWL), Storfors (LA) O/P GRD 300 - New Kyoto (LA)
K9 - Arc Royal (LA) O/P R Janxiir - Victoria (CC), Proserpina (DC),
Kallon Secure Net - Nanking & Kirklin (FS) Panpour (FS), New Kyoto (LA)
Krupp-COMM 500 - Mars (WoB) Olmstead 30 - Betelgeuse (CC), New Samarkand (DC),
Lassitor-2JA - Westover (FWL) Terra (WoB)
Lassitor-2MA - Westover (FWL) Olmstead 37 - Betelgeuse (CC)
Lassitor-3QZ - Andurien, Marik & Westover (FWL) Olmstead 840 w/SatNav Module - Grumium (FRR)
Lassitor-5A - Westover (FWL) Olmstead 3000 - Betelgeuse (CC), New Samarkand (DC),
Lassitor Fibrolink - Terra (WoB) Terra (WoB)
Lockheed/CBM COMSET100 - Donegal (LA) Omicron 1500 - Panpour (FS), Sudeten (JF)
Lockheed/CBM COMSET86b - Donegal (LA)
O/P 911 - New Kyoto (LA), Victoria (CC), Salamander Systems CommPhase Unit - Keystone (FWL),
Canopus IV (MoC), Burton (TC), Alpheratz (OA), Victoria (CC), Kathil (FS), Pandora (JF)
Alphard (MH) Scantrex DualTac - Hesperus II (LA)
O/P 1078 - Victoria (CC) Scarborough Tracky-1 - Al Na’ir (DC)
O/P 1500 ARB - New Kyoto (LA), Terra (WoB), Scarborough Tracky-2 - Al Na’ir (DC)
Burton (TC) Scarborough Tracky-3 - Al Na’ir (DC)
O/P 2000 JSA - New Kyoto (LA), Alpheratz (OA) Scarborough Assault-1 - Al Na’ir (DC)
O/P 2500 - Burton (TC) Scope 30 RNDST - Soul (DC), Terra (WoB),
O/P 2500TGFD - New Kyoto (LA), New Avalon (FS) Grumium (FRR)
O/P 2550 - New Kyoto (LA), Crofton (FS) Scope 40 RNDST - Terra (WoB)
O/P 3000 - New Kyoto (LA), Burton (TC), Alpheratz (OA) Scope 85 RNDST - Terra (WoB)
O/P GRD 059 - New Kyoto (LA) Scope 2000 - Terra (WoB)
O/P PulseTrack III - Hun Ho (DC) Scope 3580 - Terra (WoB)
O/P Scanoptics Model 5 - Victoria (CC) Scrambler-7 Series - Errai (FS)
O/P Scanoptics 400BP - Terra (WoB) Skyhunter IV - New Samarkand (DC), Terra (WoB)
Octagon Tartrac System - Carbonis (FWL) Spar 3C MegaTrak - Talon (FS)
Octagon Tartrac System C - Carbonis (FWL), Spar 3C Tight Band - Twycross (DS)
Macintosh (FS), Terra (WoB), Pinard (TC) Starbeam 3000 - Mars (WoB)
Octagon Tartrac System E - Carbonis (FWL) Starlight LX-1 - Son Hoa (LA), Terra (WoB)
Omicron VI - New Samarkand (DC) Starlight Seeker LX-4X - Menke & St. Ives (CC),
Omicron VII - Terra (WoB), Sudeten (JF) Emris IV (FWL), Crofton (FS), Son Hoa (LA),
Omicron IX - Betelgeuse (CC), New Samarkand (DC), Terra (WoB)
Terra (WoB) Sturnfeur Highlight w/Blindfire Radar - Inarcs (LA),
Omicron XX - Sudeten (JF) Sudeten (JF)
Omicron Tracker/Keeper - Irian (FWL) Sync-Tracker - Thermoplis (FWL)
OptiSight-12 - Kalidasa (FWL), Layover (FS), Richvale Sync-Tracker (39-42071) - New Avalon (FS)
& Storfors (LA) Sync-Tracker (40-TC) - New Avalon (FS), Hesperus II (LA)
OptiTrack Techniques - Kalidasa (FWL), Richvale (LA), Sync-Tracker (55-42017) - New Avalon (FS)
Terra (WoB) SynCom DEC - Trellisane (FWL)
Orion 80 - Terra (WoB) SynCom VAX - Trellisane (FWL)
PhantomTrac 55 - Terra (WoB) Tansech C30-97 - Baltazar III (CF)
Quadrant XD - Bristol (FS) Tactigon Tracer 280 - Grumium (FRR)
RadCom TII - Sian (CC) TargiTrack 717 - Proserpina (DC), Northwind (Chaos March)
RadCom TXX - Mars (WoB) Tarmac Quasar V - Belladonna (FS)
RadCom TXXI - Sian (CC) TarTec Mini-Find - Inarcs (LA)
Rander Crosshairs - Shedar (FS) Tek LOR T13d - Thermopolis (FWL)
Rander Pinpoint-XY - Shedar (FS) Tek Tru-Trak - Connaught (FWL), Inarcs (LA), Terra (WoB)
Rander TAB00 - Shedar (FS), Donegal (LA) TGI 23331C/TGI F-190 - Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March)
Rander TA2 - Shedar (FS), Donegal (LA) TharHes AGART - Tharkad (LA)
Rander TA4 - Shedar (FS) TharHes Alpha-2a - Tharkad (LA)
Rander TA5 - Alarion (LA) TharHes Ares-5 - Tharkad (LA)
Rander TA7 - Donegal (LA) TharHes Ares-5b - Tharkad (LA)
Ranger LAF Model 2 - Coventry (LA), Terra (WoB) TharHes Ares-7 - Tharkad (LA)
RCA Instatrac Mk. II - Furillo (LA) TharHes Ares-7i - Tharkad (LA)
RCA Instatrac Mk. VI - Trondheim (DS) TharHes Ares-8a - Tharkad (LA)
RCA Instatrac Mk. VIII - Furillo (LA), Trondheim (DS) TharHes Ares LM - Tharkad (LA)
RCA Instatrac Mk. IX - Trondheim (DS) TharHes Digital ScanLok 347 - Tharkad (LA)
RCA Instatrac Mk. X - Carbonis (FWL), Furillo (LA), TharHes Mars-1 - Tharkad (LA)
Terra (WoB), Pinard (TC) TharHes Mars-5 - Tharkad (LA)
RCA Instatrac Mk. XII - Carbonis (FWL), Furillo (LA), TharHes Nav Shark - Tharkad (LA)
Pinard (TC), Trondheim (DS) TharHes TargiTrack - Tharkad (LA)
RCA Instatrac Mk. XIII - Carbonis (FWL) TharHes TargiTrack 717 - Tharkad (LA)
RCA Instatrac Mk. XIX - Addicks & New Syrtis (FS) TracTex Alpha-1 - Pinard (TC)
RCA Instatrac Mk. XXII - Furillo (LA) Trannel OT73L - Terra (WoB)
RCA Econotrac - Trondheim (DS) TransComm WDS40A - Terra (WoB)
Ringo Plant 88 Mk.2 - Stewart (FWL)
TRSS Eagle Eye - Hachiman (DC), Kalidasa Durallex Heavy - Emris IV, Gibson, Irian, Keystone, Wallis
& Tematagi (FWL), Terra (WoB), Orestes (FRR) & Westover (FWL), Crofton (FS),
TRSS 2L3 - Kalidasa (FWL), Inarcs (LA) Hun Ho & Quentin (DC), Loburg, Loxley,
Type IV Bloodhound - Arc Royal (LA) Hesperus II, Son Hoa & Tharkad (LA),
Type V Bloodhound - Arc Royal (LA) Bryant (Chaos March), Terra (WoB),
Virtutrak S1 - Betelgeuse (CC) Alpheratz (OA), Sudeten (JF)
Wasat Aggressor - Irian, Kalidasa & Shiro III (FWL) Durallex Light - Gibson & Keystone (FWL), Kathil (FS),
Wasat Aggressor Type 5 - Kalidasa & Kendall (FWL) Carlisle (LA), Terra (WoB), Taurus (TC)
Wasat Aggressor Type 6F w/OmniLink - Lopez (FWL) Durallex Medium - Kathil (FS), Arc Royal & Tharkad (LA),
Wasat Aggressor Type 8 - Kalidasa (FWL) Taurus (TC)
Wasat Watchdog W100 - Irian & Wallis (FWL) Durallex Nova - Quentin (DC), Coventry (LA)
Wayne Marksman - Terra (WoB) Durallex Special Heavy - Irian (FWL), Kathil (FS),
Wayne SuperSight - Terra (WoB) Quentin (DC), Hesperus II & Solaris VII (LA)
Wentland Cyber-Track - Warlock (CC) Durallex Special Heavy V2 - Hesperus II (LA)
Wentland Giga-Track - Warlock (CC) Durallex Special Medium - Quentin (DC)
Winston Coral Snake - Coventry (LA) Durallex Standard - Kathil (FS)
Winston Sidewinder - Epsilon Eridani Durallex Tensile-4 - Kalidasa (FWL)
& Terra Firma (Chaos March) Durandal 160 Standard - Terra (WoB), Sudeten (JF)
Wunderland Raptores - Ozawa (FS) Force Plus - Terra (WoB)
Wunderland Raptores 2 - Ozawa (FS) GC Slab - Grumium (FRR)
Wunderland Raptores 3 - Ozawa (FS) Glasglow Limited - Hesperus II (LA)
Wunderland XXI-3 - Ozawa (FS) Haven Cent - Haven Cluster (Lady Death)
Wunderland XXXV-1 - Ozawa (FS) Hellespont Industries Series 9 - Sian (CC)
Wunderland XXXV-2 - Ozawa (FS) Hellespont Lite - Sian (CC)
Xilex-2000 - Proserpina (DC) Imstar Aerolite - Amity (FWL)
Jalastar Light - Panpour (FS)
ARMOR Jolassa 320 - Umka (FWL)
AeroScale Plus - New Avalon (FS) Jolassa 325 - Umka (FWL)
Aldis Plate - Terra (WoB) Kallon FWL Standard - Thermopolis (FWL)
AmberStar Weave - Terra (WoB), Orestes (FRR) Kallon Light Shield A - Talon (FS)
Andurien Steel Standard - Lopez (FWL) Kallon Royalstar - Tematagi & Thermopolis (FWL),
ArcShield Heavy - Skye (LA) Talon (FS), Pandora (JF)
ArcShield Heavy II - Skye (LA) Kallon Royalstar Heavy - Talon (FS), Midway (DC)
ArcShield Heavy Type K - Loxley (LA) Kallon Royalstar Heavy Type K - Talon (FS)
ArcShield Light - Skye (LA) Kevlar 5000 - Quentin (DC), Hesperus II (LA)
Arcshield Maxi I - Betelgeuse (CC), Storfors (LA), Kilosh 100 - Errai (FS)
Terra (WoB) Kressly Stoneskin 30M - Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March)
Arcshield Maxi II - Betelgeuse (CC), New Samarkand (DC), Kressly Stoneskin 40X - Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March)
Panpour (FS), Storfors & New Earth (LA), Krupp 155 - Terra (WoB)
Terra (WoB) Krupp 200 - Terra (WoB)
ArcShield V- Skye (LA) Krupp Standard Plate - Terra (WoB)
Arcshield VII Mk.5 - Betelgeuse & St. Ives (CC), L/CBM AeroSteel - Gibbs (LA), Marantha (MoC)
New Samarkand (DC), Crofton (FS), Leviathan Plus - Terra (WoB), Pinard (TC)
Emris IV (FWL), Son Hoa (LA), Terra (WoB) Lexington Ltd. - Coventry (LA)
Arcshield VII Mk.6 - St. Ives (CC) Livingston Ceramics - Asuncion & Bernardo (FWL),
Armorscale - Terra (WoB) Victoria (CC)
Bulldog - Proserpina (DC) Lockheed Skyguard - Gibbs (LA)
CarboStrand 30 Weight AS - Soul (DC), Terra (WoB), Longanecker PlastiSteel - Furillo & Hesperus II (LA),
Grumium (FRR) Alpheratz (OA)
Ceres/Durallex Heavy - Capella (CC) Marian Arms Standard - Alphard (MH)
Ceres/Durallex Light - Tikonov & Warlock (CC) Maximillian 40 - Tikonov (CC)
Ceres/Durallex Standard - Capella, Tikonov Maximillian 42 - New Samarkand (DC), Rasalhague (GB)
& Warlock (CC) Maximillian 43 - Gibson (FWL), Orestes (FRR),
Chatham “Tengu” Light - Chatham (DC) Dunianshire (MoC)
Chobham Max-Tec - Terra (WoB) Maximillian 44 - Keystone (FWL)
Compound 12B2 Standard - Outreach (Chaos March) Maximillian 45 - Gibson (FWL)
REACTIVE ARMOR Pitban LFT-50 - Menke & St. Ives (CC), Talon
Riese 400 Reactive - Grand Base (CC) & Crofton (FS), Emris IV (FWL), Son Hoa (LA),
Terra (WoB), Canopus IV & Dunianshire (MoC)
JUMP JETS Pitban LFT-65 - St. Ives (CC)
100AFVTA - Sian (CC), Kathil (FS) PRS-60 - Outreach (Chaos March)
Anderson Propulsion 21 - Al Na’ir (DC) Rawlings 40 - Marduk (DC), Oliver (FWL),
Anderson Propulsion 25 - Corey (CC) Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March)
Anderson Propulsion 30 - Capella & St. Ives (CC) Rawlings 45 - New Avalon (FS), Keystone (FWL),
Anderson Propulsion 398 - Irian (FWL) Terra (WoB), Orestes (FRR)
Audi-Fokker Mk.IV - Crofton (FS), Loburg (LA) Rawlings 50 - New Avalon (FS), Irian, Kalidasa
Chevron I - Capella (CC) & Stewart (FWL), Furillo (LA)
Chilton 260 - Ares (CC) Rawlings 52 - New Avalon (FS), Kalidasa
Chilton 360 - Calloway VI & Keystone (FWL), & Shiro III (FWL), Furillo (LA),
Grand Base (CC), Coventry (LA), New Vandenburg, Perdition & Taurus (TC)
MacLeod’s Land (TC) Rawlings 54 - Northwind (Chaos March), Taurus (TC)
Chilton 365 - Gibson (FWL) Rawlings 55 - Marduk (DC), Talon (FS), Keystone
Chilton 460 - Luthien (DC), Savannah & Shiro III (FWL) & Oliver (FWL), Hesperus II (LA), Terra (WoB),
Chilton 465 - Asuncion, Keystone & Oliver (FWL) Orestes (FRR), Illiushin (TC)
Chilton 850 Mk.II - New Valencia (FS), Rawlings 60 - Terra (WoB)
Outreach (Chaos March) Rawlings 61 - New Avalon (FS)
CurtissJet 55 - Paradise (FWL) Rawlings 75 - Lapida II (DC), Tematagi (FWL)
CurtissJet 80 - Paradise (FWL) Rawlings 80 - New Avalon (FS)
Devil A7 - Tharkad (LA), New Valencia (FS) Rawlings 80-Beta - New Syrtis (FS)
Geotec 300 - Soul (DC), Outreach (Chaos March), Rodan-90s - Victoria (CC)
Terra (WoB), Grumium (FRR) Starlifters A100s - Marduk (DC)
GM Jetstar - Styk (CC) Swingline X-100 - Kathil (FS)
Hellespont Leaper - Sian (CC) Swingline X-1000 - New Avalon (FS)
HildCo Model 10 - St. Ives (CC) Swingline X-1200 - Warlock (CC)
HildCo Model 11c - St. Ives (CC) Vicore Thrust-Masters Model L - Demeter (FS)
HildCo Model 12- St. Ives (CC) Whitworth Jetlift - Talcott (FS)
HildCo Model 13 - St. Ives (CC)
Icarus 81 - Luthien (DC) Chilton 466 Improved - Keystone (FWL)
Icarus Standard - Luthien (DC), Irian (FWL), Coventry (LA) EXP - Solaris VII (LA)
Leviathan Lifters - Hun Ho (DC), Bryant (Chaos March) GM StarLift - Kathil (FS)
Lexington Ltd. Lifters - Luthien & New Samarkand (DC), Northrup Starlifters 41s - Marduk (DC)
Satalice (GB) Rawlings 45i - Orestes (FRR), Terra (WoB)
Luxor 2/Q - Hesperus II (LA), Quentin (DC) QuestStar - Shimonita (DC)
Luxor Load Lifters - Coventry (LA)
McCloud Specials - New Avalon & Talon (FS), FUSION ENGINES
Storfors (LA) Omni 21 - Carlisle (LA)
McCloud Specials (Reinforced) - Talon (FS) VOX 25 - Terra (WoB)
Norse Industries 3S - Marduk (DC) AeroOmni 70 - Lopez (FWL)
Norse Industries 7S - Marduk (DC) Lockheed 70/105 Micro-Fusion - Furillo (LA)
Northrup Starlifters M40s - Marduk (DC) Omni 70 - Belladonna (FS)
Northrup Starlifters M45s - Marduk (DC) Galas Lightpower 80 - Ruchbah (FS)
Northrup Starlifters M50s - Marduk (DC) GM 95 - Kathil (FS)
Northrup Super Heavy - Marduk (DC) Nissan 95 - Tikonov & Warlock (CC),
Northrup 750 - Errai (FS) Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March)
Northrup 12000 - Marduk (DC), Gibson, Thermopolis DAV 100 - New Samarkand (DC)
& Wallis (FWL), Nanking (FS) Hermes 100 - Talon (FS)
Odin Type II - Orestes (FRR) Hermes 100 Aerofusion - Westover (FWL)
Odin’s Own 34z - Loxley (LA) Rawlings 100 - Sian & St. Ives (CC)
Ostmann Sct-A - Inarcs (LA) Shipil 100 - Skye (LA)
InterFus 105/140 - Johnsondale (FS)
Scarborough 105 - Al Na’ir (DC)
CoreTek 275 - Talon & New Avalon (FS), VOX 255 Light - Aur (LA)
Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March), Mars (WoB), Defiance 260 Light - Carlisle (LA)
Dunianshire (MoC) Magna 260 Light - Melissa (LA), Keystone (FWL)
Shinobi 275 - Chatham (DC) Omni 270 Light - Coventry (LA)
Shinobi 275-A - Terra (WoB) Plasmastar 270 Light - Emris IV (FWL), Son Hoa (LA),
VOX 275 - New Vandenburg (TC) Terra (WoB)
GM 280 - Crofton (FS), Grand Base & Tikonov (CC), Defiance 275 Light - Talon (FS), Tharkad (LA)
Emris IV (FWL), Son Hoa (LA) GM 275 Light - Marduk (DC), Outreach (Chaos March)
Magna 280 - Wallis (FWL) Edasich 280 Light - Edasich (LA)
Vlar 280 - Taurus (TC) Shinobi 280 Light - Chatham (DC)
VOX 280 - Calloway VI & Irian (FWL), Sian (CC), VOX 280 Light - Coventry (LA), Terra (WoB)
Hun Ho (DC), Bryant & Outreach (Chaos March), Pitban 285 Light - Terra (WoB)
Terra (WoB), New Vandenburg (TC), Sudeten (JF), GM 300 Light - Talcott (FS), Outreach (Chaos March)
Satalice (GB) Vlar 300 Light - Edasich (LA), Terra (WoB)
Coventry 285 - Coventry (LA) Hermes 320 Light - Luthien (DC)
GM 285 Cold-Start - Shiro III (FWL), Nanking (FS) Pitban 320 Light - Aur (LA), Terra (WoB)
Pitban 285- Stewart (FWL), Quentin (DC), Aur (LA), Edasich 330 Light - Edasich (LA)
Terra (WoB), Orestes (FRR) Magna 340 Light - Keystone (FWL)
Magna 300 - Savannah & Shiro III (FWL), Luthien (DC) VOX 340 Light - Aur (LA)
Mantatwist 300 - Chatham (DC) Magna 350 Light - Luthien (DC), Terra (WoB)
Rawlings 300 - Sian (CC), Canopus IV (MoC) Edasich 380 Light - Aur (LA)
Strand 300 - Outreach (Chaos March) LTV 400 Light - Aur (LA)
Vlar 300 - Gibson, Kalidasa & Kendall (FWL), Axton,
Robinson & Talon (FS), Edasich (LA), Taurus (TC) EXTRALIGHT FUSION ENGINES
Warner 300F - Taurus (TC) Omni 70 XL - Belladonna (FS)
GM 320 - Kathil (FS) Hermes 100 XL - Irian (FWL)
Pitban 320 - Styk & St. Ives (CC), Keystone (FWL), Ford 120 XL - Terra (WoB)
Robinson & Bristol (FS), Al Na’ir (DC), Aur (LA) Hermes 120 XL - Warlock (CC)
Shinobi 320 - Chatham (DC), Praxton (OA) VOX 120 XL - New Vandenburg (TC)
Warner 320A - Taurus (TC) Leenex 140 XL - Aix la Chapelle (DC)
VOX 325 - Tikonov (CC) GM 150 XL - Aur (LA)
AeroFord 340 - Tharkad (LA) Omni 150 XL - Demeter & New Avalon (FS)
Magna 340 - Keystone (FWL) Hermes 160 XL - Sian (CC)
VOX 340 - Twycross (DS) Omni 175 XL - Asuncion (FWL), Victoria (CC),
Blackwell 350 - Outreach (Chaos March) Luthien (DC)
Hermes 360 - Grumium (FRR) GM 180 XL - Talcott (FS), Irian (FWL), Arc Royal (LA),
Pitban C375 - Terra (WoB) Terra (WoB), Praxton (OA), Marantha (MoC)
Nissan 400 – Praxton (OA) GM 180 XL (w/Supercharger) - Talcott (FS)
Edasich 180 XL - Aur (LA)
LIGHT FUSION ENGINES Edasich 180 XL (w/Supercharger) - Aur (LA)
Defiance 120 Light - Tharkad (LA) Nissan 180 XL - Quentin (DC)
Edasich 120 Light - New Avalon (FS) Shipil 180 XL - Skye (LA)
Omni 140 Light - Coventry (LA) Warner 180 XL - Taurus (TC)
Edasich 150 Light - Aur (LA) Edasich 195 XL - Aur (LA)
Omni 150 Light - Coventry (LA) GM 200 XL - Talcott (FS)
Defiance 180 Light - Carlisle (LA) Nissan 200 XL - Irian, Shiro III & Stewart (FWL),
GM 180 Light - Talcott (FS), Outreach (Chaos March) Warlock (CC), Luthien (DC)
Pitban 180 Light - Stewart (FWL) GM 210 XL - Keystone (FWL), Aix la Chapelle (DC),
GM 200 Light - Talcott (FS) Vendrell & Solaris VII (LA), Praxton (OA)
Omni 200 Light - Coventry (LA) GTEM 210 XL - Terra (WoB)
GM 210 Light - Arc Royal & Tharkad (LA) Hermes 210 XL - Irian (FWL), Sian (CC)
VOX 225 Light - Terra (WoB) Shinobi 210 XL - Chatham (DC)
Edasich 240 Light - Edasich (LA) CoreTek 215 XL- Richvale (LA)
Magna 240 Light - Lapida II (DC) DAV 220 XL - New Avalon (FS)
Edasich 245 Light - Aur (LA) Magna 220 XL - Capella (CC)
Edasich 250 Light - Aur (LA) Edasich 225 XL - Aur (LA)
GM SuperFusion 225 XL - Talcott (FS) Hermes 280 XL - Stewart (FWL), Luthien (DC)
Janesek 225 XL - Orestes (FRR) Nissan 280 XL - Talon (FS)
Nissan 225 XL - Kervil (DC) Vlar 280 XL - Terra (WoB)
VOX 225 XL - Capella (CC), Luthien (DC), New Syrtis (FS) VOX 280 XL - Irian (FWL), Menke, Sian & St. Ives (CC),
Ceres Motors 240 XL - Capella (CC) Luthien & Lapida II (DC), Orestes (FRR)
Edasich 240 XL - Aur (LA) GM 285 XL - Kathil (FS)
GM 240 XL - Talcott (FS), Oliver (FWL), Qandahar (DC), Pitban 285 XL - Robinson (FS), New Earth (LA)
Epsilon Eridani (Chaos March) GM 300 XL - Kathil & Talcott (FS), Qandahar (DC),
Hermes 240 XL - Gibson, Irian, Shiro III, Stewart, Tematagi Carlisle (LA)
& Thermopolis (FWL), Talon (FS) Hermes 300 XL - Connaught, Kalidasa & Kendall (FWL),
Pharaoh 240 XL - New Avalon (FS) Al Na’ir (DC)
Shinobi 240 XL - Chatham (DC) Pitban 300 XL - Lopez (FWL), - Aur (LA)
IDC 245 XL - Solaris VII (LA) Rawlings 300 XL - Sian (CC)
Magna 245 XL - Loxley (LA), Terra (WoB) Vlar 300 XL - Gibson & Wallis (FWL), St. Ives (CC),
GM 250 XL - Marik (FWL) New Avalon (FS), Luthien (DC), Edasich (LA),
GM 250a XL - Atreus (FWL) Northwind (Chaos March), Terra (WoB)
Hermes 250 XL - Irian, Kalidasa & Stewart (FWL), GM 315 XL - Kathil (FS), Lapida II (DC)
New Avalon (FS) Hermes 315 XL - Keystone (FWL)
Hermes 250 XL - Kalidasa & Stewart (FWL) Hermes 320 XL - Gibson, Irian, Savannah & Stewart (FWL),
Magna 250 XL - Corey (CC), New Avalon (FS), Inarcs (LA), Luthien (DC)
Northwind (Chaos March), Orestes (FRR) Pitban 320 XL - Aur (LA)
Nissan 250 XL - Talon (FS) VOX 325 XL - Victoria (CC), Talon (FS), Quentin (DC),
Rawlings 250 XL - Capella & Tikonov (CC) Arc Royal (LA)
Pitban 255a XL - Lopez (FWL) Magna 330 XL - Sian (CC)
Strand 255 XL - Emris IV (FWL), Crofton (FS), VOX 330 XL - Gibson & Oliver (FWL)
Terra (WoB) KalTek 340 XL - Talon (FS)
Strand-Martin 255 XL - St. Ives (CC), Loburg (LA) Strand 340 XL - Soul (DC)
VOX 255 XL - Quentin (DC), Aur (LA) Strand-Martin 340 XL - Crofton (FS)
GM 260 XL - Kathil (FS), Tharkad & Solaris VII (LA) Ford 350 XL - Quentin (DC), New Earth (LA), Terra (WoB)
Hermes 260 XL - Asuncion & Oliver (FWL) Magna 350 XL - Capella, Sian & St.Ives (CC),
Magna 260 XL - Stewart (FWL), Al Na’ir (DC), Luthien (DC), Crofton (FS), Regulus
Detroit (MoC) & Stewart (FWL), Tharkad (LA)
Mantatwist 260 XL - Chatham (DC) Super Magna 350 XL Supercharged - Luthien (DC)
Nissan 260 XL - Vega & Quentin (DC), Talon (FS) Hermes 360 XL - Capella & Victoria (CC), Luthien, Dieron
Magna 265 XL – Taurus (TC) & Yorii (DC), Connaught (FWL), Mars (WoB)
Strand 265 XL - New Syrtis (FS), Skye (LA) Ford 375 XL - Midway (DC), Solaris VII (LA)
GM 270 XL - Kathil, Nanking, Salem & Talcott (FS), GM 375 XL - Kathil & Talcott (FS), Victoria (CC),
Irian (FWL), Qandahar (DC), Coventry (LA), Tharkad (LA)
Terra (WoB), Orestes (FRR), Satalice (GB) Plasmastar 375 XL - Crofton (FS), Loburg (LA)
GM Rama 270 XL - Talcott (FS) Ragusson 375 XL - Terra (WoB)
Hermes 270 XL - Keystone (FWL), Luthien SA 375 XL - Solaris VII (LA)
& New Samarkand (DC) Edasich 380 XL - Aur (LA)
PlasmaStar 270 XL - Menke & St. Ives (CC), Crofton (FS), GM 380 XL - Kathil (FS), Irian (FWL), Hun Ho (DC),
Alarion & Son Hoa (LA) Tharkad (LA)
Warner 270 XL - Taurus (TC) LTV 385 XL - Paradise (FWL) & Terra (WoB)
Core Tek 275 XL - Terra (WoB), Orestes (FRR) Edasich 390 XL - Aur (LA)
Defiance 275 XL - Tharkad (LA) Magna 390 XL - Quentin (DC)
Hermes 275 XL - Calloway VI, Gibson, Keystone VOX 390 XL - Thermopolis (FWL)
& Oliver (FWL), Grand Base (CC), Tharkad (LA), Dantrus 400 XL - Terra (WoB)
Dunianshire (MoC) Hermes 400 XL - Luthien (DC)
Magna 275 XL - New Avalon (FS) LTV 400 XL - Keystone (FWL), Aur (LA)
Nissan 275 XL - Nanking (FS), Thermopolis (FWL), Pitban 400 XL - Andurien & Westover (FWL)
Marduk (DC), Solaris VII (LA)
Edasich 280 XL - Edasich (LA) COMPACT FUSION ENGINES
GM 280 XL - Kathil & Talcott (FS), Tikonov Pitban 240 Compact - Irian (FWL)
& Grand Base (CC) Edasich 255 Compact - Edasich (LA)
AML 250 - Sevon (OA) Type KOV LB-10X - Outreach (Chaos March),
InterComBust 250 Locom-Pack - Layover (FS) Irece (NC)
InterComBust 250 Turbine – Dunianshire (MoC) Type 9 Ultra AC/10 - Irece (NC), Outreach (Chaos March)
Locom-Pack 250 - New Earth (LA), Spittal (GB) Model SH Ultra AC/20 - Sudeten (JF)
Magna 250 - Taurus (TC) Series II Ultra AC/20 - Alshain (GB)
PowerTech 250 - Sian (CC) Type GS MOD Gauss Rifle - Alshain (GB)
InterComBust 255 - Sudeten (JF) Type-0 HAG-20 - Sudeten (JF)
GM 285 HeavyLoad - Shiro III (FWL), Nanking (FS) Type 0 HAG-30 - Twycross (DS), Pandora (JF)
Tau-II AP Gauss Rifle - Sudeten (JF), Twycross (DS)
Weapons Series IX-O Machine Gun - Alshain (GB)
General Systems Heavy Small Laser - Sudeten (JF) “Goalkeeper” Anti-Missile System - Irece (NC)
Chi Series Small Pulse Laser - Twycross (DS) Shield-3 Anti-Missile System - Outreach (Chaos March)
Series 1 ER Small Laser - Outreach (Chaos March), Series 34NC Light Machine Gun - Irece (NC)
Sudeten (JF) Type V LRM-5 - Alshain (GB)
Series 1NC ER Small Laser - Irece (NC) Mk 46 Type IV LRM-10 - Sudeten (JF)
Series 1o ER Small Laser - Sudeten (JF), Tamar (W) Type X “Short Bow” LRM-10 - Twycross (DS),
Series 1s ER Small Laser - Alshain (GB) Alshain (GB)
General Systems Heavy Medium Laser - Sudeten (JF) Type X-O “Short Bow” LRM-10 - Sudeten (JF)
Series 2D-2 Heavy Medium Laser - Twycross (DS) Series IV LRM-15 - Erewhon (JF)
Kolibri Delta Medium Pulse Laser - Alshain (GB) Type XV “Crossbow” LRM-15 - Irece (NC)
Series 14a Medium Pulse Laser - Outreach (Chaos March), Type XV-O “Crossbow” LRM-15 - Sudeten (JF)
Twycross (DS), Sudeten (JF) Type XX “Great Bow” LRM-20 - Outreach (Chaos March)
Series 14NC Medium Pulse Laser - Twycross (DS), Type XX-O “Greatbow” LRM-20 - Alshain (GB)
Irece (NC) Type 1 Cross-Pattern SRM-4 - Alshain (GB),
Series 14o Medium Pulse Laser - Sudeten (JF), Alshain (GB) Arc-Royal (WiE)
Mk.3 ER Medium Laser - Twycross (DS) Pattern O4 SRM-4 - Goito & Thule (GB)
Series 2a ER Medium Laser - Alshain (GB) Pattern C4 Streak SRM-4 - Irece (NC)
Series 2b ER Medium Laser - Irece (NC) Pattern J4 Streak SRM-4 - Twycross (DS), Alshain (GB)
Series 2d ER Medium Laser - Outreach (Chaos March) Pattern JX Streak SRM-4 - Sudeten (JF)
Series 2f ER Medium Laser - Alshain (GB) Pattern OS4x Streak SRM-4 - Sudeten (JF)
Series 2NC ER Medium Laser - Irece (NC) Smartshot Mk. V Streak SRM-4 - Alshain (GB)
Series 2o ER Medium Laser - Sudeten (JF), Goito Pattern O6 SRM-6 - Sudeten (JF), Tamar (W), Goito
& Thule (GB) & Thule (GB)
Series 7Ja ER Medium Laser - Sudeten (JF), New Oslo (W) Type 1 Six-Shooters - Arc-Royal (WiE)
Series 4D-2 Heavy Large Laser - Twycross (DS) Type VI SRM-6 - Alshain (GB)
Witherer Heavy Large Laser - Sudeten (JF) Pattern J6 Streak SRM-6 - Twycross (DS), Sudeten (JF)
Series 44h Large Pulse Laser - Twycross (DS), Sudeten (JF) Pattern J7 Streak SRM-6 – Irece (NC)
Series 44o Large Pulse Laser - Alshain (GB) Type XII Streak SRM-6 - Alshain (GB)
Series 6b ER Large Laser - Sudeten (JF) CC 3-Rack ATM-3 - Irece (NC)
Series 6o ER Large Laser - Sudeten (JF), Alshain (GB) Type 3 ATM-3 - New Olso (W), Alshain (GB), Irece (NC)
Series 7K ER Large Laser - Sudeten (JF), Alshain (GB) System 4 ATM-6 - Sudeten (JF)
Series 7NC ER Large Laser - Twycross (DS), Irece (NC) Type 6 Series ATM-6 - Irece (NC)
Series 7W ER Large Laser - Outreach (Chaos March) CC 9-rack ATM-9 - Twycross (DS)
Type 22g ER Large Laser - Rasalhague (GB) Type 9 Series 1 ATM-9 - Irece (NC)
Mark XVII ER PPC - Outreach (Chaos March) Tracker Series Narc Missile Beacon - Arc-Royal (WiE)
Ripper Series A1 ER PPC - Arc-Royal (WiE) Communications System
Type DDS Kingston ER PPC - Twycross (DS), Sudeten (JF) Build 1685/3 Tacticom - Irece (NC)
Type XVII Modular ER PPC - Sudeten (JF) Build 1685/5 Tacticom - Irece (NC)
Type XX ER PPC - Erewhon (JF) Build OSJ-41 - Alshain (GB)
DuPont Ultra PM Flamer - Arc-Royal (WiE) CH2 Series Integrated - Alshain (GB)
Zeta Series X Plasma Cannon - Twycross (DS) Dash-2 Optima - Alshain (GB)
Type FOX LB-5X - Sudeten (JF), Tamar (W) Hector CC-22E - Twycross (DS)
Type OVR-X LB-5X - Pandora (JF), Alshain (GB) Hellion Special 354B - Arc-Royal (WiE)
Type DL Ultra AC/5 - Erewhon (JF) HWLR Designation ComSys - Arc-Royal (WiE)
JNE Integrated - Sudeten (JF), Avon & Irece (NC)