Astm D1160
Astm D1160
Astm D1160
Designation: D 1160 – 06
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1160; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope* 3. Terminology
1.1 This test method covers the determination, at reduced 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
pressures, of the range of boiling points for petroleum products 3.1.1 atmospheric equivalent temperature (AET)—the tem-
that can be partially or completely vaporized at a maximum perature converted from the measured vapor temperature using
liquid temperature of 400°C. Both a manual method and an Eq A7.1. The AET is the expected distillate temperature if the
automatic method are specified. distillation was performed at atmospheric pressure and there
1.2 In cases of dispute, the referee test method is the manual was no thermal decomposition.
test method at a mutually agreed upon pressure. 3.1.2 end point (EP) or final boiling point (FBP)—the
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the maximum vapor temperature reached during the test.
standard. The values in parentheses are for information only. 3.1.3 initial boiling point (IBP)—the vapor temperature that
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the is measured at the instant the first drop of condensate falls from
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the the lower end of the condenser section drip tip.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Discussion—When a chain is attached to the drip tip
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- the first drop will form and run down the chain. In automatic
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard apparatus, the first drop detection device shall be located as
statements, see 6.1.4,, 10.11, and A3.2.1. near to the lower end of the drip tip as practical.
3.1.4 spillover point—the highest point of the lower internal
2. Referenced Documents 2 junction of the distillation column and the condensing section
2.1 ASTM Standards: of the vacuum-jacketed column assembly.
D 613 Test Method for Cetane Number of Diesel Fuel Oil
D 1193 Specification for Reagent Water 4. Summary of Test Method
D 1250 Guide for Use of the Petroleum Measurement 4.1 The sample is distilled at an accurately controlled
Tables pressure between 0.13 and 6.7 kPa (1 and 50 mm Hg) under
D 1298 Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific conditions that are designed to provide approximately one
Gravity), or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and Liquid theoretical plate fractionation. Data are obtained from which
Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method the initial boiling point, the final boiling point, and a distillation
D 4052 Test Method for Density and Relative Density of curve relating volume percent distilled and atmospheric
Liquids by Digital Density Meter equivalent boiling point temperature can be prepared.
D 4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
Petroleum Products 5. Significance and Use
D 4177 Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and 5.1 This test method is used for the determination of the
Petroleum Products distillation characteristics of petroleum products and fractions
that may decompose if distilled at atmospheric pressure. This
boiling range, obtained at conditions designed to obtain ap-
proximately one theoretical plate fractionation, can be used in
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on engineering calculations to design distillation equipment, to
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
D02.08 on Volatility. prepare appropriate blends for industrial purposes, to deter-
Current edition approved July 1, 2006. Published July 2006. Originally approved mine compliance with regulatory rules, to determine the
in 1951. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as D 1160–03.
suitability of the product as feed to a refining process, or for a
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
host of other purposes.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on 5.2 The boiling range is directly related to viscosity, vapor
the ASTM website. pressure, heating value, average molecular weight, and many
NOTE—A cold trap can be inserted before the pressure transducer in Option No. 2, if desired, or if the design of the transducer, such as a mercury
McCleod gage, would require vapor protection.
FIG. 1 Assembly of Vacuum Distillation Apparatus
6.1.3 Vapor Temperature Measuring Device and associated the measurement of the vapor temperature. The system must
signal conditioning and processing instruments (Annex A1) for produce readings with an accuracy of 60.5°C over the range 0
FIG. 4 Vacuum-Jacketed Column
to 400°C and have a response time of less than 200 s as taper joint matched to the distillation column. In some distil-
described in Annex A2. The location of the vapor temperature lation apparatus configurations, the vacuum adapter at the top
sensor is extremely critical. As shown in Fig. 6, the vapor of the distillation column can be omitted. In these cases, the
temperature measuring device shall be centered in the upper position of the vapor temperature measuring device shall be
portion of the distillation column with the top of the sensing tip adjusted accordingly. The boiler temperature measuring device
3 6 1 mm below the spillover point (see 3.1). The vapor may be either a thermocouple or PRT and shall also be
temperature measuring device can consist of different configu- calibrated as above.
rations depending if it is a platinum resistance in glass or metal, 6.1.4 Receiver of borosilicate glass, conforming to the di-
or if it is a thermocouple in glass or metal. Figs. 7 and 8 show mensions shown in Fig. 9. If the receiver is part of an automatic
the proper positioning of these two types in relation to the unit and is mounted in a thermostatted chamber, the jacket is
spillover point. In glass platinum resistance devices the top of not required. (Warning—The glass parts of the apparatus are
the spiral winding is the top of the sensing tip, in thermo- subjected to severe thermal conditions and, to lessen the
couples it is the top of the thermocouple junction, in metal chances of failure during a test, only equipment shown to be
jacketed devices it is 1 6 1 mm above the bottom of the device. strain-free under polarized light should be used.)
An alignment procedure is described in Appendix X1. The 6.1.5 Vacuum Gage, capable of measuring absolute pres-
vapor temperature measuring device shall be mounted through sures with an accuracy of 0.01 kPa in the range below 1 kPa
a compression ring type seal mounted on the top of the glass absolute and with an accuracy of 1 % above this pressure. The
temperature sensor/vacuum adapter or fused into a ground McLeod gage can achieve this accuracy when properly used,
system to the tube at the top of the condenser when assembling 6.1.7 Vacuum Source, consisting of, for example, one or
the apparatus. Connections shall be as short in length as more vacuum pumps and several surge tanks, capable of
possible and have an inside diameter not less than 8 mm. maintaining the pressure constant within 1 % over the full
shall the span of these two points be more than 20 % recovered. where:
An exception is the 5 % point where the span shall be not more R = reproducibility, °C (AET),
than 10 %. See Annex A8 for an example. a8, b8, and M8 = constants from 12.5.2, and
12.2 The precision data in Table 2 have been computed from S = rate of temperature change (°C, AET) per
the following equations, which can be used to calculate volume percent recovered.
precision data for C/V % values not listed. 12.2.3 See Annex A8 for an example.
12.2.1 Repeatability (r) can be calculated using the follow- 12.3 To calculate precision data for pressures between 0.13
ing equation: and 1.3 kPa (1 and 10 mm Hg), use constants calculated by
linear interpolation from data given in 12.5.1 and 12.5.2.
r 5 M[e exp$a 1 b ln ~1.8 S!%#/1.8 (1)
12.4 Bias—Since there is no accepted reference material
suitable for determining the bias for the procedure in this test
where: method, no statement is being made.
r = repeatability, °C (AET), 12.5 Constants for Calculating: See Table 2.
e = base of natural logarithmic function, ap- 12.5.1 Constants for calculating repeatability (r):
proximately 2.718281828, Volume Recovered
a, b, and M = constants from 12.5.1, and IBP 5–50 % 60–95 % FBP
S = rate of temperature change (°C, AET) per At 0.13 kPa (1 mm a 2.372 0.439 0.439 0.718
volume percent recovered. b 0 0.241 0.241 0
12.2.2 Reproducibility (R) can be calculated using the M 2.9 2.9 3.0 2.9
following equation: At 1.3 kPa (10 mm a 2.246 0.240 0.240 1.521
R 5 M8[e exp$a8 1 b8 ln ~1.8 S!%#/1.8 (2) b 0 0.350 0.350 0
M 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.8
(Mandatory Information)
A1.5 Procedure: FIG. A1.1 Melting Point Bath for Temperature Standards
A1.5.1 For sensors that are mounted loosely in a thermow-
ell, place enough silicone oil or other inert liquid in the bottom A1.5.5 Apply a correction to be added to the reading, if
of the well so as to make good physical contact between the necessary, to give the correct temperature. A chart may be
sensor and the tip of the well. Those sensors that are fused into drawn of correction versus temperature for interpolation. In the
good contact with the tip of the well may be calibrated as is. case of automated instruments, the correction must be built into
A1.5.2 Place about 0.3 mL of silicone oil in the bottom of the record and must be adjustable.
the thermowell of the melting point bath and insert the sensors A1.5.6 If the freezing plateau is too short, it can be
to be calibrated. The oil must cover the tips. increased by applying some heat during the cooling cycle. Be
A1.5.3 Heat the melting point bath to a temperature 5 to aware of the possibility that the metal bath can become
10°C above the melting point of the metal inside and hold at contaminated or too oxidized. In this case, replace the metal.
this temperature for 5 min to ensure that all the metal inside is
A1.6 Reagents and Materials:
A1.5.4 Discontinue heat to the melting point bath and A1.6.1 Distilled Water—Reagent grade as defined by Type
observe and record the cooling curve. A paper strip chart III of Specification D 1193, freezing point 0.0°C.
recorder is recommended. When the cooling curve shows a A1.6.2 Metals Blend of Sn 50 wt %, Pb 32 wt %, Cd 18
plateau of constant temperature for at least 1 min, the tempera- wt %—Freezing point 145.0°C.
ture of the recorded plateau is accepted as the calibration A1.6.3 Sn—100 %, freezing point 231.9°C.
temperature. A1.6.4 Pb—100 %, freezing point 327.4°C.
A2.1 Scope—This practice is for the determination of the Alternatively, connect the sensor to a strip chart recorder of
temperature response time based on the rate of cooling of the suitable range that will allow interpolation to 0.1°C. Set the
sensor under prescribed conditions. chart speed to at least 30 cm/h for ease of reading.
A2.2 Significance and Use—This practice is performed to A2.3.3 Insert the sensor into a hole in the center of one side
ensure that the sensor is able to respond sufficiently rapidly to of a cardboard cube box of about 30 cm in each dimension. The
changes in temperature that no significant error due to lag is sensor should be held in place by friction fit of the joint in the
introduced in a rapidly rising temperature curve. hole. Record the temperature in the box when it becomes
A2.2.1 The importance of this test is greatest under the
lowest pressure conditions when the heat content of the vapors A2.3.4 Remove the sensor and insert it into the thermowell
is minimal. in the beaker of water. After the sensor has reached a
temperature of 80°C, remove it and immediately insert it into
A2.3 Procedure: the hole in the box.
A2.3.1 Arrange a 1-L beaker of water on a hot plate with a A2.3.5 Observe with a stopwatch, or record on the strip-
glass thermowell supported vertically in the water. Maintain chart, the time interval required by the sensor to cool from
the temperature of the water at 90 6 5°C. 30°C above to 5°C above the temperature recorded in A2.3.3.
A2.3.2 Connect the sensor to a suitable instrument prefer- A2.3.6 A time interval in excess of 200 s is not acceptable.
ably having a digital readout with a readability to 0.1°C.
A4.1 The following is suggested as a satisfactory example A4.1.3 For multiple still arrangements, it is possible to use
of a pressure regulating system: A low-efficiency, high- a large pump and a large low-pressure surge tank. Several
capacity vacuum pump is connected to one of two surge tanks, smaller tanks operating at the pressures of the various distilla-
each having a capacity of 10 to 20 L and arranged in series. A tions can be attached to the large low-pressure surge tank with
solenoid valve or other type regulator is installed in the individual pressure regulators. Other arrangements can be
connection between the tanks so that the first tank is main- used, provided the pressure is maintained constant within the
tained at pump pressure and the second one at the pressure of limits specified in 6.1.7.
the distillation apparatus.
A4.1.1 With some apparatus it is desirable to have a slight NOTE A4.1—If a solenoid valve or other electrically operated regulator
is used, a suitable manostat is required for activation of the regulating
bleed to the second tank that will cause the controls to operate
device. Many such manostats are described in the literature or are
at regular intervals in order to provide smooth operation. available from laboratory supply houses. As an alternative for the separate
However, experience has shown that the bleed shall be held at manostat and solenoid, a Cartesian Manostat can be used. This device is
an absolute minimum in order to prevent loss of vapors through capable of maintaining the system pressure within the specified limits
the manometer connection at the top of the column. down to a pressure of about 1 kPa.
A4.1.2 Connecting lines from the second tank to the
vacuum distillation apparatus shall be as short in length and as
large in diameter as possible. A minimum internal diameter of
12 mm is suggested.
A5.1 Check the assembled apparatus, including the previ- t 5 [1831.316/~6.14438 2 log P!# 2 154.53 (A5.1)
ously calibrated pressure measuring and temperature sensor
and associated instrumentation, to indicate proper assembly where P is in kPa, and t is in °C, or
and operating control. Conduct the test procedure as described
at the test pressure in connection with a specific sample or at t 5 [1831.316/~7.01944 2 log P!# 2 154.53 (A5.2)
two or more pressures in connection with general checks of the where P is in mm Hg, and t is in °C.
equipment, using n-hexadecane or n-tetradecane.
A5.1.3 If n-tetradecane is used, the average of distillation
A5.1.1 If n-hexadecane is used, the average of distillation temperatures obtained in the 10 % to 90 % range, inclusive,
temperatures obtained in the 10 % to 90 % range, inclusive, should conform with the data in Table A5.1.
should conform with the data in Table A5.1.
A5.1.4 For pressures over 0.1 kPa not given in Table A5.1,
A5.1.2 For pressures over 0.1 kPa not given in Table A5.1,
and if n-tetradecane is used, the range of average temperatures
the range of average temperatures shall not deviate by more
than 1.5°C from a temperature, t, given by: shall not deviate by more than 1.5°C from a temperature, t14,
given by:
TABLE A5.1 Distillation Temperatures of Reference Compounds t14 5 [1747.452/~6.1471 2 log P!# 2 168.44 (A5.3)
Pressure Range of Temperatures,° C
kPa mm Hg n-tetradecane n-hexadecane
where P is in kPa, and t is in °C, or
0.13 1.0 78.9 to 81.9 104.3 to 107.6
0.67 5.0 106.4 to 109.4 133.1 to 136.4 t14 5 [1747.452/~7.02216 2 log P!# 2 168.44 (A5.4)
1.34 10.0 120.2 to 123.2 147.5 to 150.8
2.7 20.0 135.5 to 138.5 163.3 to 166.7
5.3 40.0 152.5 to 155.5 181.1 to 184.4 where P is in mm Hg, and t is in °C.
6.7 50.0 158.3 to 161.3 187.2 to 190.6
A6.1 Dehydration of Sample—The following is suggested Grade 2 steel wool, roll into five balls, each approximately 8 to
as a convenient means of dehydrating samples to be subjected 10 mm in diameter, and drop into the flask.
to this distillation test. Heat 300 mL of the sample to 80°C, add A6.2.4 Boiling Chips—These consist of broken pieces of
10 to 15 g of 8- to 12-mesh fused calcium chloride (CaCl2), and porcelain drying plates or broken alundum thimbles that are
stir vigorously for 10 to 15 min. Allow the mixture to cool dropped into the flask before starting a distillation. Hengar
without stirring, and remove the oil layer by decantation. granules of the plain type, as used in Kjeldahl nitrogen
determinations, are also used in the same way (Note A6.1).
A6.2 Suppression of Foaming and Bumping of the Sample:
NOTE A6.1—The use of anti-bumping aids can affect the distillation
A6.2.1 The tendency of samples to bump or foam exces- curve. Their use should therefore be limited to cases where they are
sively is frequently a serious obstacle to the successful distil- absolutely needed to perform the distillation.
lation of petroleum products under vacuum. In some cases, this
A6.2.5 Silicone Fluids—The addition of one or two drops
is due to the presence of water or dissolved gases, but many
of silicone fluid5 (350 cSt) to the sample in the flask is effective
samples foam even when apparently free from these contami-
in the suppression of foam in many cases. However, analytical
nants. There is no unanimity of opinion concerning the best
tests run on the products from this test method can be biased by
way to reduce excessive foaming to manageable proportions.
the presence of these fluids, so the report shall make note of
The following methods are offered solely as examples of
their use.
means that have been employed successfully for that purpose.
A6.2.6 Flask Preparation—Some laboratories have treated
A6.2.2 Degassing—The procedure described in 10.6 is
the inside of the flask, prior to use for distillation, in order to
intended to promote degassing. Slow rates of pressure reduc-
provide an active ebullition surface. Methods used for this
tion or temperature increase, or both, for the oil in the flask are
purpose include: boiling 100 mL of 33 % sodium hydroxide
important factors in achieving success by this means. Another
solution for 15 to 20 min, etching of the inside of the flask
technique for degassing is to filter the sample under vacuum
bottom with hydrofluoric acid fumes, and the infusion of fine
before weighing.
carborundum or fritted glass to the inside of the flask bottom.
A6.2.3 Application of Steel Wool—Separate about 10 g of a
folded pad of median-grade steel wool. Unfold, and separate
into 8 to 10 long, loose strands. Push each strand separately
into the bulk of the flask. Avoid packing tightly or forming The sole source of supply of Dow Corning Silicone Fluid No. 200 known to the
committee at this time is Dow Corning. If you are aware of alternative suppliers,
large void spaces. Fill the upper half of the bulb with steel
please provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your com-
wool, but do not allow any strand to protrude more than 6 mm ments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical
into the neck of the flask. Alternatively, take 0.5 to 0.6 g of committee,1 which you may attend.
P = operating pressure, kPa, or
6.761559 – 0.987672 log10 P
A 5 3000.538 – 43.00 log P (A7.5)
P = operating pressure, mm Hg.
A7.3.2 The equations are correct only for specimens that
have a Watson K-factor of 12.0 6 0.2. The K-factor shall be
assumed to be 12 and any effect of K-factor ignored unless
there is mutual agreement to the contrary.
A7.3.3 If correction is required, calculate the K-factor using
Eq A7.6:
= 1.8~B 1 273.1!
K5 D (A7.6)
B = mean average boiling point, °C, and
D = relative density at 15.6/15.6°C.
A7.3.3.1 By custom, either the mid-point vapor temperature
of the specimen or the mid-point of a gas chromatographic
distillation of the specimen can be used for the mean average
boiling point. In either case the method must be specified.
A7.3.3.2 An estimate of the K-factor can be made using Fig.
A7.3.4 Calculate the correction to be applied to the AET
using Eq A7.7:
t 5 –1.4[K – 12] log10 P
FIG. A7.1 Watson Characterization Factor of Petroleum Fractions
t = correction, °C,
Pa = atmospheric pressure, kPa (mm Hg), and
Po = observed pressure, kPa (mm Hg). A7.3.4.1 An estimate of the correction can be made using
Fig. A7.2.
A9.1 Scope—This test method covers the determination by A9.6.3 From the density of the sample, determine the
automatic equipment, at reduced pressures, of the range of weight, to the nearest 0.1 g, equivalent to 200 mL of the sample
boiling points for petroleum products that can be partially or at the temperature of the receiver. Weigh this quantity of oil
completely vaporized at a maximum liquid temperature of into the distillation flask.
400°C. A9.6.4 Lubricate the spherical joints of the distillation
apparatus with a suitable grease. Connect the flask to the lower
A9.2 Summary of Test Method—The sample is distilled in spherical joint of the distilling head, place the heater under the
an automatic distillation apparatus that duplicates the distilla- flask, put the top mantle in place, and connect the rest of the
tion conditions described in the manual procedure. Data are apparatus using spring clamps to secure the joints.
obtained from which the initial boiling point (IBP), the final A9.6.5 Insert the temperature sensor into the thermowell of
boiling point (FBP), and a distillation curve of atmospheric the flask.
equivalent temperature (AET) versus volume can be obtained.
A9.6.6 Set the operating pressure to the prescribed value for
A9.3 Apparatus—The automatic apparatus should be de- the distillation (see Note 3). The pressure should be automati-
signed to include the components as described in 6.1. Addi- cally reduced in stages to prevent foaming of the sample.
tional parts not specified can be included by the manufacturer A9.6.7 Set the initial heat rate to the desired value. The
that are not essential for obtaining satisfactory results but are apparatus should have the capability to adjust heat input so that
desirable components to the assembly for the purpose of the distillate recovered is at a uniform rate of 6 to 8 mL/min.
promoting efficient use of the apparatus and ease of operation. A9.6.8 After ensuring that the apparatus controls are set
A9.3.1 Level Follower/Recording Mechanism for the mea- according to the manufacturer’s instructions, initiate the distil-
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 A tool to help in determining the spillover point was X1.3 Once the spillover point has been determined, then
made out of an approximately 3 mm rod approximately 300 make a mark on both sides of the outside glass 3 mm 6 1 mm
mm in length. A 90° bend was made approximately 25 mm below the marks determined above. This is where the top of the
from one end. Then a 2 mm inside diameter (ID) flexible sensing tip should be aligned. (If possible, these two sets of
plastic tubing was placed over the end to a total distance of marks should be permanently made on the distillation column
about 30 mm. The flexible plastic tubing is used to prevent since they should not change unless repairs are made to the
scratching of the glassware. The length of the bend is depen- glassware).
dent upon the ID of the distillation column.
X1.2 This tool is then carefully moved up from the bottom X1.4 While holding the distillation column such that you
of the distillation column until the end can protrude into the can see through the distillation column, insert the thermo-
condensing arm. The tip of the bent end of the tool should then couple which has been placed in the tapered screw cap down
be rested on the highest point of the lower internal junction of into the distillation column. With the tapered fitting in its
the distillation column and the condensing section of the normal operating position adjust the thermocouple (up or
vacuum-jacketed column assembly. This is the spillover point. down) so that the top of the sensing tip is aligned with the
Then with a ballpoint pen make a mark on one side of the lower of the two marks made on the outside glass. Once in the
outside glass of the distillation column in line with the bottom proper position tighten the screw cap. Then mark the point
of the tool. Repeat this step on the opposite side of the where the thermocouple aligns with the top of the screw cap
distillation column. With two straight edge rulers confirm that with a permanent marker. This marking will be accurate for this
the distance from the top of the distillation column down to particular distillation column, tapered screw cap, and thermo-
each of the two marks is equal. If they are both equal, then this couple only and can be used to verify proper alignment.
is the spillover point. If they are not equal, repeat the steps
described above.
Subcommittee D02.08 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D 1160–03) that may impact the use of this standard.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website