AA's Modlist
AA's Modlist
AA's Modlist
Name: AA Modlist
- Id: brrainz.harmony
Name: Harmony
- Id: ludeon.rimworld
Name: Core
- Id: ludeon.rimworld.royalty
Name: Royalty
- Id: erdelf.humanoidalienraces
Name: Humanoid Alien Races 2.0
- Id: unlimitedhugs.hugslib
Name: HugsLib
- Id: jecrell.jecstools
Name: JecsTools
- Id: fluffy.modmanager
Name: Mod Manager
- Id: brrainz.achtung
Name: Achtung!
- Id: baalevan.allturretscansetforcedtarget
Name: All Turrets Can Set Forced Target
- Id: unlimitedhugs.allowtool
Name: Allow Tool
- Id: com.github.alandariva.moreplanning
Name: More Planning
- Id: razor2.3.anotherrimworldmod.autocutblight
Name: Auto-Cut Blight
- Id: falconne.aff
Name: Avoid Friendly Fire
- Id: neceros.badcanbegood
Name: Bad Can Be Good
- Id: meltup.beautifuloutdoors
Name: Beautiful Outdoors
- Id: falconne.bwm
Name: Better Workbench Management
- Id: madeline.modmismatchformatter
Name: Better ModMismatch Window
- Id: pelador.bestmix
Name: Best Mix
- Id: fluffy.blueprints
Name: Blueprints
- Id: voult.betterpawncontrol
Name: Better Pawn Control
- Id: fuglypump.bulkstonecutting
Name: Bulk Stonecutting
- Id: biomesteam.biomescore
Name: Biomes! Core
- Id: biomesteam.biomesislands
Name: Biomes! Islands
- Id: biomesteam.extraislands
Name: 'Biomes! Islands: Extra Islands'
- Id: brrainz.cameraplus
Name: Camera+
- Id: fluffy.colonymanager
Name: Colony Manager
- Id: crashm.colorcodedmoodbar.11
Name: CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1]
- Id: brrainz.carefulraids
Name: Careful Raids
- Id: petetimessix.compacthediffs
Name: Compact Hediffs
- Id: consolidatedtraits.kv.rw
Name: '[KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.1'
- Id: avilmask.commonsense
Name: Common Sense
- Id: daniledman.combatupdate
Name: Combat Update 1.1
- Id: caesarv6.damageindicators
Name: Damage Indicators [1.1]
- Id: unlimitedhugs.defensivepositions
Name: Defensive Positions
- Id: tikubonn.dontblockdoor
Name: DontBlockDoorMod[1.0][1.1]
- Id: fluffy.desirepaths
Name: Desire Paths
- Id: jecrell.doorsexpanded
Name: Doors Expanded
- Id: bob.draggablecornerss
Name: '[1.1]DraggableCorners'
- Id: syrchalis.doormats
Name: '[SYR] Doormats'
- Id: arandomkiwi.downforme
Name: Down For Me
- Id: pelador.drugpolicyfix
Name: Drug Policy Fix
- Id: pelador.drugresponse
Name: Drug Response
- Id: dubwise.dubsmintminimap
Name: Dubs Mint Minimap
- Id: nilchei.dynamicdiplomacy
Name: Dynamic Diplomacy
- Id: dubwise.dubspaintshop
Name: Dub's Paint Shop
- Id: dubwise.dubsskylights
Name: Dubs Skylights
- Id: bjr1984.dubsskylights.addon
Name: Dubs Skylights Addon
- Id: jaxxa.ed.embrasures
Name: ED-Embrasures
- Id: edb.preparecarefully
Name: EdB Prepare Carefully
- Id: etrt.medicineproduction
Name: 'ETRT: Medicine Production'
- Id: rikiki.fishindustry
Name: FishIndustry
- Id: ykara.epoe
Name: Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering
- Id: fluffy.followme
Name: Follow Me
- Id: kosaro.fahrenheitandcelsius
Name: Fahrenheit and Celsius
- Id: jamaicancastle.rf.fertilefields
Name: Fertile Fields [1.1]
- Id: fluffy.fluffybreakdowns
Name: Fluffy Breakdowns
- Id: flyfire2002.fieldmedic
Name: Field Medic [1.0+]
- Id: roolo.giddyupcore
Name: Giddy-up! Core
- Id: roolo.giddyuprideandroll
Name: Giddy-up! Ride and Roll
- Id: roolo.giddyupcaravan
Name: Giddy-up! Caravan
- Id: roolo.giddyupbattlemounts
Name: Giddy-up! Battle Mounts
- Id: gt.sam.glittertech
Name: Glitter Tech
- Id: automatic.gunplay
Name: Gunplay
- Id: automatic.gradienthair
Name: Gradient Hair
- Id: smuffle.harvestorganspostmortem
Name: Harvest Organs Post Mortem
- Id: falconne.heatmap
Name: Heat Map
- Id: daniledman.hardworkinganimals
Name: Hardworking animals 1.1
- Id: aze.hotkeys
Name: Hotkeys
- Id: arandomkiwi.huntforme
Name: Hunt for Me
- Id: brrainz.justignoremepassing
Name: Just Ignore Me Passing
- Id: codeoptimist.jobsofopportunity
Name: Jobs of Opportunity (While You're Up)
- Id: insertkey.itemlistselector
Name: ItemListSelector
- Id: krafs.levelup
Name: Level Up!
- Id: avius.locks
Name: Locks
- Id: rimfridge.kv.rw
Name: '[KV] RimFridge - 1.1'
- Id: lwm.deepstorage
Name: LWM's Deep Storage
- Id: falconne.labelsonfloor
Name: Labels on Floor
- Id: ratys.madskills
Name: Mad Skills
- Id: unlimitedhugs.mapreroll
Name: Map Reroll
- Id: zylle.mapdesigner
Name: Map Designer
- Id: fluffy.medicaltab
Name: Medical Tab
- Id: notfood.mendandrecycle
Name: MendAndRecycle
- Id: jpt.burnitforfuel
Name: '[JPT] Burn It for Fuel'
- Id: neceros.metaldontburn
Name: Metal Don't Burn
- Id: erdelf.minifyeverything
Name: MinifyEverything
- Id: haplo.miscellaneous.robots
Name: Misc. Robots
- Id: alaestor.miscrobots.plusplus
Name: Misc. Robots++
- Id: oblitus.mylittleplanet
Name: My Little Planet
- Id: netrve.dsgui
Name: Netrve's DeepStorage GUI
- Id: zyxabacab.nosympathyforprisoners
Name: No Sympathy for Prisoners
- Id: ogre.ogrestack
Name: OgreStack
- Id: notfood.outfitted
Name: Outfitted
- Id: jpt.openthewindows
Name: '[JPT] Open The Windows'
- Id: mehni.pickupandhaul
Name: Pick Up And Haul
- Id: fluffy.pharmacist
Name: Pharmacist
- Id: neitsa.preparelanding
Name: Prepare Landing
- Id: avius.prisonlabor
Name: Prison Labor
- Id: berryragepyre.prisonerrecreation
Name: Prisoner Recreation
- Id: erdelf.prisonerransom
Name: PrisonerRansom
- Id: community.psychology.unofficialupdate
Name: '[1.1] Psychology (unofficial)'
- Id: sdknm2.qualityofbuilding
Name: Quality Of Building
- Id: hatti.qualitybuilder
Name: QualityBuilder
- Id: ogliss.thewhitecrayon.quarry
Name: Quarry 1.1
- Id: hatti.qualitysurgeon
Name: QualitySurgeon
- Id: arandomkiwi.raidsforme
Name: Raids For Me
- Id: machine.rtr
Name: Raise The Roof 1.1
- Id: brrainz.rangefinder
Name: Range Finder
- Id: crlsniper.realisticrooms
Name: Realistic Rooms
- Id: frozensnowfox.filthvanisheswithrainandtime
Name: '[FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time'
- Id: automatic.recipeicons
Name: Recipe icons
- Id: fluffy.relationstab
Name: Relations Tab
- Id: uuugggg.replacestuff
Name: Replace Stuff
- Id: notfood.researchpal
Name: ResearchPal
- Id: jaxe.rimhud
Name: RimHUD
- Id: helldragger.rimworldheatstatistics
Name: RimWorld - Heat statistics
- Id: halo.rsf
Name: 'Rimworld: Spartan Foundry'
- Id: falconne.roomsense
Name: Room Sense
- Id: sandy.rpgstyleinventory
Name: RPG Style Inventory
- Id: roolo.runandgun
Name: RunAndGun
- Id: roolo.searchanddestroy
Name: Search and Destroy
- Id: syrchalis.setupcamp
Name: '[SYR] Set Up Camp'
- Id: uuugggg.sharetheload
Name: Share The Load
- Id: targhetti.showdrafteesweapon
Name: Show Draftees Weapon
- Id: erdelf.showmoddesignators
Name: ShowModDesignators
- Id: gguake.ui.simplesearchbar
Name: Simple Search Bar
- Id: petetimessix.simplesidearms
Name: Simple sidearms
- Id: netrve.usemelee
Name: Hunters Use Melee!
- Id: pinochemicali.skilledstonecutting
Name: Skilled Stonecutting
- Id: mlie.simplymorebridges
Name: Simply More Bridges (Continued)
- Id: showhair.kv.rw
Name: '[KV] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats - 1.1'
- Id: uuugggg.smartmedicine
Name: Smart Medicine
- Id: sirrandoo.msf
Name: Solar Flares Affect Mechanoids
- Id: weilbyte.snapout
Name: Snap Out!
- Id: murmur.subsurfaceconduit
Name: Subsurface Conduit
- Id: revolus.textilestats
Name: Textile Stats
- Id: baalevan.turrethunt
Name: Turret Hunt
- Id: carnysenpai.traitraritycolors
Name: Trait Rarity Colors
- Id: marvinkosh.ughyougotme
Name: Ugh You Got Me
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vcef
Name: Vanilla Fishing Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaeas
Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Arid Shrubland
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaeau
Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Australia
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaebf
Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Boreal Forest
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaecd
Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Cats and Dogs
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaet
Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tundra
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaets
Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tropical Swamp
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaetr
Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tropical Rainforest
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaeis
Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Ice Sheet
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaeed
Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Extreme Desert
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaed
Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Desert
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vappe
Name: Vanilla Apparel Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.varme
Name: Vanilla Armour Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vee
Name: Vanilla Events Expanded
- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.core
Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Core - Now with Faction Discovery!
- Id: oskarpotocki.vfe.insectoid
Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids
- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.settlersmodule
Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfecore
Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfemedical
Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfepower
Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfeproduction
Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfesecurity
Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfespacer
Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vhe
Name: Vanilla Hair Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vplantse
Name: Vanilla Plants Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vtexe
Name: Vanilla Textures Expanded
- Id: codyspring.vtexeme
Name: Vanilla Textures Expanded - Mod Expansion
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vwe
Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vweq
Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vwel
Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser
- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.medievalmodule
Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval
- Id: lelbaro.vanillaweaponsretexture.lbvwr
Name: '[LB] Vanilla Weapons Retexture'
- Id: kikohi.wavesurvival
Name: Wave Survival
- Id: bodlosh.weaponstats
Name: WeaponStats
- Id: revolus.whatsmissing
Name: What's Missing?
- Id: tammybee.whereismyweapon
Name: Where is my weapon?
- Id: murmur.walllight
Name: Wall Light
- Id: walkingproblem.wildanimalsex
Name: '[1.1] Wild Animal Sex V5.0'
- Id: fluffy.worktab
Name: Work Tab
- Id: atlas.androidtiers
Name: Android tiers
- Id: dubwise.rimatomics
Name: Rimatomics
- Id: historic.industrialrollers
Name: Industrial Rollers
- Id: spdskatr.projectrimfactory
Name: Project RimFactory Revived
- Id: leion247658.miscvhcraftablehrobots
Name: Misc. Craftable Robots
- Id: gloriousyuri.mcrretexture
Name: Misc. Craftable Robots Retexture