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krones Hydronomic

Water treatment for all areas of application

Your purity law for water krones Hydronomic

Water of the highest quality is the

basis for the production of many bev-
erages and foodstuffs. Water is not
only a constituent part of the product
but it is also usually required in the
production processes. And only the
intended purpose determines all the
measures surrounding the treatment
of the available water.
The wise and economical use of this
valuable raw material is becoming
ever more important as well. Natu-
rally economic aspects also play an
essential role in all your strategies
concerning the use of water in the
production of your product.

krones, with its Hydronomic water

treatment systems, offers an exten-
sive programme for the purposeful
treatment of your untreated water.
For us, purposeful means that the
individual untreated water quality in
each separate case forms the basis for
the configuration of the system. Due
to the highest quality standard in the
production of the water treatment
modules you receive durable and
long-lasting technology which guar-
antees efficient and reliable opera-
Solutions for water treatment krones Hydronomic

Hydronomic is the product pro- Hydronomic RO

gramme from krones for water
Hydronomic UF
treatment. Characteristic of these
modularly structured systems are Hydronomic F
their high quality and the long-last-
ing design of all their components.
Thus in the Hydronomic systems, spe-
cial steel tanks and components are
used which guarantee a long service
Furthermore, the tailor-made control-
lability of rinsing or cleaning circuits
and the flexible control of quantities
are factors which bring advantages in Membrane
daily operation.
Three different processes are availa- Filtermedium
ble which can be employed depend-
ing on the required water quality:
■■ Hydronomic F Sand/clay Suspended Macromolecules Low-molecular organic Single-charged
Media filtration with different compounds ions
types of filter aids for the filtration
or adsorption of e.g. dirt, flavours, Undissolved organic Colloidal Bacteria, cells Multi-charged
odours, iron, manganese, fluoride, substances solutions, ions
uranium, organics, chlorine, arse- cloudiness
nic, etc. Oil emulsions Viruses
■■ Hydronomic UF
Membrane technology in the form
of ultrafiltration and microfiltra- Proteine
tion with hollow fibre filtration in
IN/OUT operation.
■■ Hydronomic RO
Membrane technology in the form
of reverse osmosis and nanofiltra-
tion for desalination with tangen-
tial inflow onto a wound mem-
brane module.
Figures, data, facts krones Hydronomic

Design features

■■ Modular structure with good

accessibility for operating and
maintenance personnel
■■ High manufacturing quality due to
the use of automatic pipe-bending
and welding techniques
■■ Design according to the specifica-
tions of hygienic design with the
possibility of hot-water sanitisa-
■■ Touch-screen operation via inte-
grated krones iPanel with func-
tions for trend analysis and mal-
function diagnostics
■■ Possibility of connection to Line
Management Systems LMS
■■ Operation by means of all com- Hydronomic RO unit: reverse osmosis Hydronomic plant: combination of media filtration, ultra-
mercially available visualisation membrane filter with control cabinet filtration and other systems with overall control and visual-
systems such as Botec F1, WINCC with touch-screen isation
and many others
■■ Product quantity variable from up
to +/- 20%
■■ Dynamic permeate quantity for
the reduction of the waste water
■■ Possibility of continuous oper-
ation with buffer tanks and adapt-
ed control unit
krones Hydronomic RO krones Hydronomic

The Hydronomic RO module serves Structure

to desalinate water usually down to
residual contents of < 3 %. The water The revese osmosis element con-
produced is used as brewing liq- sists of a spirally wound membrane
uor, for redilution for fruit juices or which is separated by a netlike tissue
near-water beverages, alcoholfree (spacer). The untreated water is led
refreshment drinks or as process across the membrane surface from
water or boiler feed water. the side, the permeated water pass-
es across the spacer to the permeate
Method of operation collecting pipe in the middle of the
spirally wound module. After flowing
The central element in the reverse through the reverse osmosis element
osmosis system is a semipermea- the concentrate is led to the nearest
ble membrane onto which untreat- element or else it is led off. By means
ed water flows tangentially. A pre-de- of the consecutive arranging of sev-
fined quantity of untreated water eral spirally wound elements in a
flows through the available mem- socalled pressure pipe, a bank config-
brane surface area which separates uration is set up and graduated treat-
ions and salts from the untreated ment of the concentrate is enabled.
water. Because of the predefined vol- The banked configuration of the sys-
ume relationship (yield) of untreated tem is utilised in the cleaning pro-
water to permeate of > 80% and the cess: by means of the selective dis-
variable volume flow which can be abling of a portion of the reverse
set by means of the frequency invert- osmosis system the membrane unit
er, the membrane is subject to contin- can subsequently be rinsed with per-
ual flow. meate produced online.
Quality changes in the untreated
water are detected by means of mon-
itoring of the redox potential, cloud-
iness, temperature and conductivity.
Then the pump capacity is changed
and thereby adjusted to the yield or
else the permeate volume is altered.
System Hydronomic RO krones Hydronomic

Your benefits

■■ Efficient structure of the individu- ■■ Step-by-step CIP sequences

al banks During the CIP process, the CIP
In case of a change in the conduc- tank can be filled with permeate.
tivity in the permeate, you can also In this manner the chemicals can
test the individual reverse osmo- be rinsed out of the reverse osmo-
sis elements inline and check for sis modules connected bank-by-
malfunctions. Spirally wound ele- bank. The individual banks of the
ments which are faulty can then system are thus cleaned one after
be exchanged selectively and eco- the other, that is, individually.
■■ Rinsing with permeate
■■ Flexible with respect to the To prevent scaling and biofoul-
untreated water quality ing, the reverse osmosis system
Variants in untreated water qual- is rinsed with permeate before a
ity can be compensated for with longer standstill until the conduc-
a defined permeate/untreated tivity values in the concentrate
water rate by means of altered and in the permeate are aligned to
pump capacity. one another.

■■ Rinsing steps as required ■■ Modular, long-lasting structure

With the aid of a trending pro- Due specifically to the modular
gramme with the parameters design of the system and the high
pressure, membrane surface area manufacturing quality, long ser-
and untreated water temperature, vice life of the system is achieved.
rinsing is only effected when the Moreover, the design with its
defined limit values are reached. high total membrane surface also
results in slight load and high ser-
■■ Economic in the use of energy vice life for the individual mem-
The regulation of the permeate brane elements.
capacity according to the admis-
sion pressure and temperature of
the untreated water is responsible
for low energy consumption.
krones Hydronomic UF krones Hydronomic

In the ultrafiltration process particles Method of operation

up to a size of 0.02 μm are removed
from the untreated water. This also The ultrafiltration process takes place
includes the removal of all types of in a membrane module with hol-
bacteria and viruses with a reduc- low fibre membranes which basical-
tion rate ≤ 10-6 (log6). This procedure ly functions according to the dead-
is used when the composition of the end principle. krones relies here on
substances dissolved in the water the IN/OUT method of operation:
such as salts, water hardness, etc. is the untreated water thereby flows
to be retained and only undissolved into the hollow fibres and the filtered
constituents are to be filtered out. water flows out across the PES mem-
brane of the hollow fibres. The ultra-
filtrate flowing off is collected in the
central pipe inside the membrane
module and led off. Cleaning of the
hollow fibre elements is effected by
back-flushing opposite to the filtra-
tion direction with ultrafiltrate. Indi-
vidual filter elements are thereby dis-
abled while the other filter elements
carry on producing ultra-filtrate both
for the back-flushing process as well
as for the continuous ultrafiltrate
System Hydronomic UF krones Hydronomic

Your benefits

■■ Large filtration surface ■■ Cleaning with filtered media

Ultrafiltration with hollow fibres During the CIP process, i.e. the
provides a large surface area for cleaning with chemicals, the
the filtration process with only chemicals are dosed before the
slight pressure which brings with ultrafiltration into the untreated
it reduced energy consumption. water and thus they are also ultra-
filtered before their usage.
■■ Interruption-free operation – even
during rinsing ■■ Top-quality system conception
Due to the separate switching of The ultrafiltration system is exe-
the filter units, the filter modules cuted in long-lasting special steel
can be rinsed with ultrafiltrate. components and is thus a pow-
This is supplied directly without erful element in your process
intermediate storage from the fil- sequences.
ter modules which are in continual
operation. ■■ Hygienic back-flushing process
Due to the bypass structure of the
■■ Safe cleaning filtration elements the back-flush-
The IN/OUT concept offers opti- ing process can be carried out by
mum conditions for the effective ultrafiltrate without the use of a
and safe cleaning of the hollow backflushing pump and a storage
fibre membranes tank. If desired the system can be
designed with hot-water sanitising
which permits safe operation as
well as sanitising without the use
of chemicals in case of possible
microbial contamination.
krones Hydronomic F krones Hydronomic

Media filtration with different, indi- Method of operation

vidually defined filtration media is
targeted at removing special sub- Depending upon the dirt charge or
stances or types of contamination the initial contamination level of the
from untreated water. This filtra- untreated water, filter aids such as
tion process is frequently used when special granules, gravel or active car-
slight amounts of suspended solids bon are kept in various vessels. The
(such as clay or sand) are present or untreated water flows through the
when a classical form of de-ironing / filter layer according to the principle
demanganesation for drinking water of precoat filtration from top to bot-
or mineral water, or a cooling water tom, so that the particles to be fil-
filtration is required. tered out can be deposited on the fil-
ter medium. And, depending again on
the dirt charge, several vessels with
different media can be employed one
after the other. Then to clean the fil-
ter elements filtrate is led through
the filter vessel opposite to the direc-
tion of the filtration. The filter bed is
hereby extended and the substances
deposited and filtered out are rinsed
out via a funnel installed in the head
of the filter vessel. Depending upon
the degree of contamination, it is also
possible to include a dosage of air or
chemical cleaning substances in this
System Hydronomic F krones Hydronomic

Your benefits

■■ High hygienic standard

The filtration system is execut-
ed completely in special steel so
that sanitisation with hotwater or
steam is possible.

■■ Greatest filtration capacity

Due to the advantageous selection
and co-ordination of the filter aids
to each individual application the
greatest possible quality of the fil-
trate is achieved. In particular, the
combination of mateials of differ-
ing degrees of hardness and soft-
ness produces optimum filtration

■■ Gentle treatment of resources and

filtration media
Optimum filtration media which
are coordinated with one anoth-
er lengthen the filtration cycles
and thereby minimise back-flush-
ing frequency. This saves on waste
water and lengthens the life cycles
of most filtration media.

■■ Flexible system configuration

The Hydronomic F system is
always open for further expan-
sions in the production area: the
long-lasting special steel construc-
tion enables the simple connec-
tion of additional tanks.
The Hydronomic water treatment system with the enviro seal krones Hydronomic

All the activities involved in the

With its enviro programme krones is What are the distinctive features of
design of systems or plants are based
pursuing a sustainability pro- the Hydronomic system with enviro?
on the economical use of resources.
gramme which has created an ■■ Pumps optimally configured
Thus for example in the Hydronom-
evaluation standard for the ener- according to capacity
ic water treatment system rinsing is
gy and media efficiency of krones ■■ Minimised load on the environ-
only conducted or a CIP cleaning step
machines. Processes certified by TÜV ment with concentrate due to
introduced when the continuous fil-
Süd (the Technical Control Board intelligent control queries
trate / permeate evaluation exhibits
South) determine which steps are to ■■ Gentle treatment of the mem-
changed values.
be observed during the development branes leads to increased life
phase, in order to design media and cycles and decreased replacement With the water treatment system the
energy efficient as well as environ- cylces user obtains extensive documenta-
mentally-friendly machines and to ■■ Maintenance and servicing inter- tion on all factors concerning energy
achieve the best possible values for vals are specially adapted to the technology, including consumption
sustainability in beverage plants. respective machine values. In addition to this, a TÜV cer-
■■ Detailed information for the oper- tification can also be included which
ator on sustainable operation and is useful for the beverage plant in the
use of the machine evaluations for its ecological balance
■■ Selection of the best suited addi- sheet.
Automatic quality assurance due to With the certification of the Hydro-
adaptation to changes in the quality nomic system, krones documents
of the untreated water the media and energy efficiency as
well as the environmental compati-
bility of the water treatment system.
Subject to technical changes · The illustrations can contain optional auxiliary equipment · 0 900 22 875 6 · PDF_en · 12/10

IT solutions Lifecycle Service krones Service Line

The SitePilot modular system Your company is unique – why be sat- You need support with a techni-
includes IT solutions which we devel- isfied with conventional solutions? cal problem? Or you have an urgent
oped especially for the beverage and The krones Lifecycle Service will sup- question about you line? No problem:
food industry. Whether you want to port you and your production also We are just a call away from you. Dial
increase the utilisation of your line after the purchase of new machines. +49 9401 708090 to get quick and
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make spare parts handling more effi- ally tailor-made to suit your products al languages around the clock!
cient: With SitePilot, you will always and location.
get the best result.

enviro krones Academy

High-performance technology with Make your colleagues high perform-

low consumption of resources offer- ers: The training of krones Academy
ing safety for humans and the envi- provides first-hand trade information
ronment – this is all guaranteed proven in field. You will find the suit-
by the enviro sign. TÜV SÜD (tech- able know-how package for almost
nical control board) as an impar- any field and hierachy level ranging
tial assessor has confirmed, that from technical courses to manage-
the enviro method leads to ener- ment training.
gy- and media-efficient and environ-
ment-compatible machines and lines.

krones ag Phone +49 9401 70-0

Böhmerwaldstraße 5 Fax +49 9401 70-2488
93073 Neutraubling E-mail info@krones.com
Germany Internet www.krones.com

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