Hydronomic en
Hydronomic en
Hydronomic en
Design features
Your benefits
Your benefits
Your benefits
The SitePilot modular system Your company is unique – why be sat- You need support with a techni-
includes IT solutions which we devel- isfied with conventional solutions? cal problem? Or you have an urgent
oped especially for the beverage and The krones Lifecycle Service will sup- question about you line? No problem:
food industry. Whether you want to port you and your production also We are just a call away from you. Dial
increase the utilisation of your line after the purchase of new machines. +49 9401 708090 to get quick and
capacity, monitor product quality, or These are services which are individu- straightforward assistance – in sever-
make spare parts handling more effi- ally tailor-made to suit your products al languages around the clock!
cient: With SitePilot, you will always and location.
get the best result.