A Case Study On Client J.J., 18-Month-Old, Male, Diagnosed With Acute Gastroenteritis With Severe Dehydration
A Case Study On Client J.J., 18-Month-Old, Male, Diagnosed With Acute Gastroenteritis With Severe Dehydration
A Case Study On Client J.J., 18-Month-Old, Male, Diagnosed With Acute Gastroenteritis With Severe Dehydration
F. Ramos St. Cebu City
Submitted by:
Arriesgado, Myangel Loise
Atillo, Charles Edward
Casirayan, Angel mae
Cinco, Lauren Benedique
Federizo, Enlil Joshua
Gotico, Angela Margarette Tricia
Marcos, Althea Blaise
Pocoy, Trixie Gwen
Pugosa, Emil Joshua
Taraya, Frank
Uy, Laica Pauline
Vizcarra, Alyanna Justine
Submitted to:
Mrs. Raquel Ann N. Batayola, RN
Acute Gastroenteritis
Definition: Acute Gastroenteritis, or in other terms “infectious diarrhea” and “gastro”, is a disease state that occurs when either food or water
that is contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins is consumed. Acute gastroenteritis occurs when the gastrointestinal tract -
the stomach and the intestines - becomes inflamed or swells and becomes irritated and can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and/or abdominal
pain that lasts less than 14 days.
Causes: Gastroenteritis is most commonly caused by either viral or bacterial infection and is less commonly caused by parasitic infection,
chemical toxins, and drugs.
Viral Infection
● Norovirus: Most common cause of diarrhea in infants and young children. Affects both adults and children and is also the most common
cause of foodborne illness worldwide. It is most likely to spread among people in confined and tight spaces. It may be acquired through
the ingestion of contaminated food or water or through direct contact with an infected person.
● Rotavirus: The most common cause of serious gastroenteritis and also foodborne diseases. Worldwide, this is the most common cause
of viral gastroenteritis in children. This is acquired when children put their fingers or other objects with the virus into their mouths.
Adults infected with this virus may be asymptomatic, but can still unknowingly spread the illness
● Astrovirus:can infect people of all ages but usually infects infants and young children; infection is most common during winter and is
spread by fecal-oral transmission.
● Adenovirus: most commonly affects children less than 2 years of age. Infections are spread by fecal-oral transmission.
Bacterial Infection: Bacterial gastroenteritis can result from poor hygiene, direct contact with animals, or consuming food or water contaminated
● Escherichia coli: found in ground beef and salads
● Campylobacter jejuni: found in meat and poultry
● Salmonella: found in meat, dairy products, and eggs
● Shigella dysenteriae: comes from the Shigella family that causes Shigella gastroenteritis or can also be called Shigellosis, Shigella
infection, Shigella enteritis, and bacillary dysentery. Infection as acquired either through ingestion of the bacteria, direct contact with an
infected person, or indirect contact with contaminated food or water
Parasitic Infection
● Giardia: Giardia intestinalis (G. lamblia), adhere to or invade the intestinal mucosa which causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and general
malaise. The infection can become chronic and would eventually lead to a malabsorption syndrome. The infection is usually acquired in
direct contact from an infected person, usually in daycare centers, or from the ingestion of contaminated water.
● Cryptosporidium: Cryptosporidium parvum, is usually acquired through the ingestion of contaminated water and is the most common
cause of recreational waterborne illness in the United States.
Signs and Symptoms: Depending on the causes, symptoms may appear within 1-3 days after infection and it can range from mild to severe. They
usually last for 1-2 days, but may occasionally last for up to 10 days
Risk Factors:
● Infants and young children with an immature immune system
● The Elderly, who have less efficient immune system
● Children in daycare, school children, and students living in dormitories
● Anyone with a weakened immune system: People with HIV/AIDS or people receiving chemotherapy
● Travellers
● Dehydration: too little fluid in the body
➔ Danger signs of dehydration:
- Soft spot on the head is sunken
- Eyes are sunken
- No tears when they cry
- Mouth is dry
- Not producing much urine
- Have reduced alertness and energy (lethargy)
● Metabolic Acidosis
● Electrolyte Imbalance (hypernatremia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia)
● Carbohydrate (lactose, glucose) intolerance
● Susceptibility to reinfection
● Development of food intolerance (cow’s milk, soy protein)
● Hemolytic uraemic syndrome
● Death
Diagnostic Tests:
● Complete History
● Stool testing: guided by clinical findings and the organisms that are suspected based on patient history and epidemiologic factors such
as, immunosuppression, exposure to a known outbreak, recent travel, and recent antibiotic use. Cases are usually categorized into:
1. Acute watery diarrhea: probably viral and testing is not indicated unless the diarrhea persists
2. Subacute or chronic watery diarrhea: requires testing for parasitic causes, typically with microscopic stool examination for ova
and parasites; fecal antigen tests are available for Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and Entamoeba histolytica and are more sensitive than
microscopic stool examination.
3. Acute inflammatory diarrhea with gross blood: can be recognized by the presence of WBCs on stool examination; Patients should
have stool culture for typical enteric pathogens (eg, Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, E. coli).
4. Acute inflammatory diarrhea without gross blood: should prompt testing specifically for E. coli O157:H7; alternatively, a rapid
enzyme for the detection of Shiga toxin in stool can be done
● General Tests:
1. Serum Electrolytes, Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine should be obtained.
2. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
3. Renal Function Test
● Two vaccines are available to prevent rotavirus infection and these are recommended infant vaccination schedules.
● Children who are old enough should be taught to wash their hands and to avoid improperly stored foods and contaminated water.
● Caretakers should properly wash hands especially after changing diapers.
● Breastfeeding: simple and effective way to help prevent gastroenteritis in infants.
1. Ingestion: The active voluntary process that involves food that must be placed in the mouth before it can be acted upon.
2. Propulsion: Movement of food from one organ to another. Swallowing is one of the common examples of propulsion.
3. Peristalsis: Involuntary contraction of waves and relaxation of muscles in the organ wall.
4. Food Breakdown (Mechanical Digestion): Process prepares food for further degradation by enzymes by physically fragmenting the foods
into smaller pieces.
5. Food Breakdown (Chemical Digestion): The sequence of steps in which the large food molecules are broken down into their building
6. Absorption: Transport of digested end products from the lumen of the GI tract to the blood or lymph is absorption. Absorption enters
the mucosal cells by active or passive transport.
7. Defecation: Removal of indigestible residues by the form of feces.
3. Salivation
Salivation has an important role in the first stage of digestion because saliva lubricates the mouth, facilitates the movement of the lips and the
tongue during swallowing, and washes away bacteria.
- Saliva consists of approximately 99.5% water which contains a large amount of ions:
● Potassium
● Chloride
● Bicarbonate
● Thiocyanate
● Hydrogen
● Immunoglobulin A
- Parotid gland secretions are enzymatic, containing amylase (ptyalin), which begins the chemical breakdown of large polysaccharides into
dextrins and sugars. The mouth and pharynx also are lined with minor salivary glands that provide additional lubrication.
The salivary glands are regulated by the autonomic nervous system, with parasympathetic effects being predominant. Increased
parasympathetic stimulation results in profuse secretions of watery saliva, whereas decreased parasympathetic stimulation results in inhibition
of salivation.
4. Esophagus
● The esophagus has two sphincters:
- The upper esophageal sphincter: Inhibits air from entering the esophagus during respiration
- The lower esophageal sphincter: Controls the passage of food into the stomach and prevents reflux of gastric contents.
● Swallowing:
- The functions of the esophagus are to accept a bolus of food from the oropharynx, to transport the bolus through the esophageal body
by gravity and peristalsis, and to release the bolus into the stomach through the lower esophageal sphincter.
1. This process is known as swallowing.
2. Peristalsis consists of waves of circular muscle contractions and relaxations.
- Peristalsis that is initiated by swallowing is known as primary peristalsis.
- Peristalsis that is initiated by esophageal distention is known as secondary peristalsis.
3. Peristaltic waves begin in the pharynx and move distally at a rate of 2 to 6 cm per second
5. Stomach
The stomach is an elongated pouch that is approximately 25 to 30 cm long and 10 to 15 cm wide at the maximal transverse diameter. It lies
obliquely beneath the cardiac sphincter at the esophagogastric junction and above the pyloric sphincter, next to the small intestine.
The anatomic divisions of the stomach are:
1. Cardia (proximal end)
2. Fundus (portion above and to the left of the cardiac sphincter)
3. Body (middle portion)
4. Antrum (elongated, constricted portion)
5. Pylorus (distal end connecting the antrum to the duodenum)
The greater curvature, which begins at the cardiac orifice and arches backward and upward around the fundus, is in contact with the transverse
colon and the pancreas at the posterior edge. The lesser curvature extends from the cardia to the pylorus.
- Location: The pancreas is a soft, pink triangular gland that extends across the abdomen from the spleen to the duodenum; but most of
the pancreas lies posterior to the parietal peritoneum, hence its location is referred to as retroperitoneal.
- Pancreatic enzymes: The pancreatic enzymes are secreted into the duodenum in an alkaline fluid that neutralizes the acidic chyme
coming in from the stomach.
- Endocrine function: The pancreas also has an endocrine function; it produces hormones insulin and glucagon.
- Location: Located under the diaphragm, more to the right side of the body, it overlies and almost completely covers the stomach.
- Falciform ligament: The liver has four lobes and is suspended from the diaphragm and abdominal wall by a delicate mesentery cord, the
falciform ligament.
- Function: The liver’s digestive function is to produce bile.
- Bile: Bile is a yellow-to-green, watery solution containing bile salts, bile pigments, cholesterol, phospholipids, and a variety of
- Bile salts: Bile does not contain enzymes but its bile salts emulsify fats by physically breaking large fat globules into smaller ones, thus
providing more surface area for the fat-digesting enzymes to work on.
- Location: The gallbladder is a small, thin-walled green sac that snuggles in a shallow fossa in the inferior surface of the liver.
- Cystic duct. When food digestion is not occurring, bile backs up the cystic duct and enters the gallbladder to be stored.
9. Small Intestine:
The activities of the large intestine are food breakdown and absorption and defecation.
1. Metabolism: The “resident” bacteria that live in its lumen metabolize some of the remaining nutrients and release gases.
- (methane and hydrogen sulfide) that contribute to the odor of feces.
2. Flatus: About 50 ml of gas (flatus) is produced each day, much more when certain carbohydrate-rich foods are eaten.
3. Absorption: The large intestine is limited to
- Vitamin K, some B vitamins, some ions, and most of the remaining water.
4. Feces: The more or less solid product delivered to the rectum, contains undigested food residues, mucus, millions of bacteria, and just
enough water to allow their smooth passage.
When presented with residue, the colon becomes mobile, but its contractions are sluggish or short-lived.
● Haustral contractions: The movements most seen in the colon are haustral contractions, slow segmenting movements lasting about
one minute that occur every 30 minutes or so.
● Propulsion: As the haustrum fills with food residue, the distension stimulates its muscle to contract, which propels the luminal
contents into the next haustrum.
● Mass movements: Mass movements are long, slow-moving, but powerful contractile waves that move over large areas of the colon
three or four times daily and force the contents toward the rectum.
● Rectum: The rectum is generally empty, but when feces are forced into it by mass movements and its wall is stretched, the
defecation reflex is initiated.
● Defecation reflex: The defecation reflex is a spinal (sacral region) reflex that causes the walls of the sigmoid colon and the rectum to
contract and anal sphincters to relax.
● Impulses: As the feces is forced into the anal canal, messages reach the brain giving us time to make a decision as to whether the
external voluntary sphincter should remain open or be constricted to stop passage of feces.
● Relaxation: Within a few seconds, the reflex contractions end and rectal walls relax; with the next mass movement, the defecation
reflex is initiated again.
Erikson’s Psychosocial Development CN IX & X (glossopharyngeal & vagus): Client’s quality and strength of
Expected: Sense of autonomy versus shame or doubt. The child at this cry shows no abnormalities.
stage should have learned to trust themselves and are expected to to
develop a sense of independence. Deep Tendon Reflex:
Actual: As per mother’s statement, prior to his current condition, the
toddler is usually active, eager to play outdoors on a playground. At Grading Deep Tendon Reflexes
the hospital, the toddler stated that he wants to eat his favourite food
which is hard-boiled egg. This implies that the toddler achieved a +4 - hyperactive, very brisk, rhythmic oscillations (clonus); abnormal
and inactive disorder
sense of autonomy since the child did not have any difficulty
expressing what he likes. +3 - more brisk and active than normal, but not indicative of
Piaget’s Cognitive Development
Expected: Between 18 and 24 months of age, the toddler enters the +2 - normal, usual response
sixth stage under sensorimotor. This is the stage where there is an
+1 - decreased, less active than normal
invention of new means through mental combination. Toddlers can
try out various actions mentally rather than having to actually
0 - no response
perform those tasks. They may begin to develop problem solving or
symbolic thought. At this stage, children are expected to have faulty
reasoning leading to illogical conclusions. Toddlers at this stage also
have a hard time differentiating objects. They also tend to remember Biceps +2 +2
an action and imitate it later. This concept is called deferred imitation.
Patellar +2 +2
Children at this stage tend to develop egocentric thinking and
discover the concept of object permanence. This is also the Triceps +2 +2
transitional phase to preoperational thought period and begin to use
a process called assimilation. Achilles +2 +2
Actual: The toddler has difficulty viewing one object as being different Brachioradialis +2 +2
from another. For instance, when the mother shows a picture of a
leopard, the toddler identifies it as a cat.
According to the client’s mother, she first noticed watery stools in his
diaper when she was changing it in the morning two days ago. The
stools are described as liquid and foul smelling. A few hours later, he
started vomiting after feeding. Since then, he was unable to keep
anything down, even water. Before midnight of the same day, the
client’s stools have been observed to have mucous, slime, or blood, in
addition to being liquid and foul smelling. By the second day, the
client started to appear weak and tired according to his parents. In
total, he had about 6 episodes of diarrhea and 4 episodes of vomiting
that day. The client also had the same number of vomiting and
diarrhea episodes on the second day.
The client has regular health check-ups. These check-ups are usually
complete physical exams following the schedule that their
pediatrician instructed them to follow. His last exam was 3 months
ago and all the findings were normal.
Client J.J. and his family live in an apartment in an urban locality. The
area is described by his mother as flood-prone. Their current housing
unit and lot is rented. The construction materials used for their house
are a mix of light and strong materials. It has been 7 years since the
construction of their apartment. Their apartment only contains one
storey with one properly installed door with direct access outside.
They have two windows that ventilate the home. Their apartment has
a fixed shower, a toilet, and a kitchen. There are two rooms for
sleeping. There is no household crowding. Their toilet type is a flush
type toilet and is privately owned. Their apartment complex has a
closed drainage system. For their waste disposal, their garbage
containers are covered and are collected by a garbage truck every
week. Client J.J. and his family source their water from the Metro
Cebu Water District (MCWD). For drinking, they buy distilled water
from a nearby refilling station. For general household use, they make
use of the piped system of MCWD. Their house has electricity from
the Visayan Electric Company (VECO). They do not have a home
phone. Their medications, household chemicals, matches, and sharp
objects are not under lock and key but are placed out of reach of
children. They do not have a pet. The client’s parents often clean their
house once a week, and do a deep clean every other month. They live
5 minutes away from the main road, 7 minutes away from the nearest
health center, barangay hall, and fire station, 10 minutes away from
the nearest grocery store and drug store, 15 minutes away from the
nearest church, and 20 minutes away from the nearest hospital.
There are no factories nearby. Client J.J.’s mother states that she feels
safe in their neighborhood because no crimes have happened ever
since they started living there.
The client’s parents provide for him from their wages. Their income is
adequate for food, water, housing, clothing, medications, and other
healthcare expenses. The client does not have medical insurance.
The client does not eat condiments with food. He usually drinks 1 to 4
cups of water daily. He does not drink coffee or carbonated
His current stools are liquid and foul smelling, with mucous, slime or
blood. The client does not have an ostomy.UNDERLINE
The client has the same activities on the weekends, but instead of
going to his daycare in the morning, he stays at home with his family.
The client is not enrolled in a formal exercise program and does not
have an exercise routine.
The client usually plays with his toys, watches movies or videos, or
spends time with his family. He spends most of his time doing the
aforementioned activities. The client has not given upon a hobby due
to a health condition. His present condition has caused him to be less
enthusiastic and less active in his usual activities. His parents have
also observed his movements weakening.
The client sleeps in a small, quiet room with his own electric fan. The
lights in his room are turned off but he has a nightlight turned on
when he goes to sleep at night. He has 3 pillows and a single blanket.
Before going to sleep, his father helps him brush his teeth and change
into comfortable sleep clothes. After that, his father reads him a
bedtime story. When the story is finished, they both say a prayer
before his father turns on his nightlight and turns off the other lights
in his room and bids him good night. The client does not use any sleep
aids or any medication to fall asleep.
When the client wants a certain object, he points to its direction but if
he knows what it is, he verbalizes it as he knows several single words.
He is able to express his needs, as well as answer to yes or no
questions by nodding or shaking his head. Parents mentioned that the
client likes to play games such as catching or throwing a ball, he also
likes chasing after or being chased. When asked, client can say his
name. Parents stated that client is unable to verbalize what kind of
pain he feels but is able to express his discomfort by pointing to his
stomach and saying “yayay”.
Collaborative Interventions
1. Administer IV fluids, electrolytes, and
parenteral fluids as indicated.
R: IV fluids may be needed either
short term or to restore hydration
Collaborative Interventions
1. Administer parenteral fluids as
R: Fluids are necessary to maintain
hydration status.
Collaborative Intervention
1. Ascertain healthy body weight for age
and height. Refer to dietitian for
complete nutrition assessment and
methods for nutritional support.
R: Experts like a dietician can
determine nitrogen balance as a
measure of the nutritional status of
the patient.
Collaborative Interventions:
1. Refer a patient to a dermatologist.
R: To help determine the causes of
diarrhea and provide interventions
and preventions of impaired skin
integrity around the perianal area.
● Instructed the parents of the client to continue administration of 5 mL of Pedialyte (oral rehydration solution) every 15 minutes as
prescribed by doctor until diarrhea and vomiting ceases to treat dehydration, metabolic acidosis, and electrolyte imbalance.
● Instructed the parents of the client to administer 1 teaspoon of Ciproflaxin oral liquid twice each day, once in the morning and once in
the evening for the treatment of dysentery.
● Instructed the parents of the client to give their child the following prescribed medications for relief of symptoms:
➢ Zinc
- reduces the duration and severity of diarrhoeal episodes and likelihood of subsequent infections
- Recommended dose: 10-20 mg given daily for 10-14 days
- Administration: Oral
➢ Ondansetron (Zofran)
- reduces the frequency of vomiting and IV fluid administration in infants and children six months to 12 years of age with
mild to moderate dehydration
- Recommended dose: 2 mg every 8 hours as needed based on child’s current weight
- Administration: Oral
➢ Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
- reduces aches, pain, sore throat, and fever in children with a cold or the flu
- Recommended dose: 5 mL every 4 to 6 hours as needed (up to 5 doses in 24 hours)
- Administration: Oral
● Instructed the parents not to give aspirin to the patient. Reye syndrome may develop with intake of aspirin. Reye syndrome can cause
life-threatening brain and liver damage. The patient’s medicine labels must be checked for aspirin, salicylates, or oil of wintergreen.
● Instructed the parents of the client to discuss with the child's doctor the possible side effects of the medications being taken by the
client and the certain foods that can change the blood level of medications.
● Instructed the parents of the client to follow the doctor’s orders in the administering antibiotics and avoid increasing the frequency and
dosage of medications.
● Instructed the parents of the client not to give the child any over-the-counter medicine for treatment of the child’s symptoms without
talking with the child’s healthcare provider first.
● Instructed the parents of the client to contact their child’s physician if complications with antibiotic therapy occur.
● Instructed the parents of the client on how to prepare food properly and the importance of good sanitation practices and handwashing.
● Instructed the parents of the client to provide a pleasant environment for the patient. A pleasing atmosphere helps in decreasing the
stress and is more favorable to feeding.
● Instructed the parents of the client to minimize environmental stimuli especially during planned times for rest and sleep.
● Instructed the parents of the client to avoid having bright lighting, noise, visitors, and frequent distractions that inhibit relaxation and
interrupt the rest/sleep of the child, and contribute to fatigue.
● Instructed the parents of the client to give the child easy access to the toilet or a bedpan during bed time.
● Instructed the parents of the client to clean the toilet and bathroom regularly, including toilet seat, door handles and taps, by using a
cleaning product that is able to kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
● Instructed the parents of the client to clean the surfaces of the home with antibacterial cleaner or bleach. The client’s clothes and towels
should be washed separately from the rest of the laundry.
● Instructed the parents of the client to be watchful during camping or travelling. The client must only be giving clean, purified water, not
water from rivers or lakes unless purified or boiled.
● Encouraged the patient to be compliant in taking medications.
● Instructed the patient to have more rest periods and have adequate 8 hours of sleep every night.
● Instructed the parents of the client to have the child drink a sufficient amount of 8 glasses of water a day to increase his urine output
and prevent dehydration.
● Instructed the parents of the client to schedule rest periods before meals.
● Encouraged the mother in breastfeeding the child more than bottle-feeding to provide the child with proper nutrition and strengthen his
immunity against infections. Breastfeeding is a simple and effective way to help prevent gastroenteritis in children.
● Instructed the mother of the patient to breastfeed once vomiting is not present to maintain nutrition and hydration status.
● Instructed the parents of the client that antibiotics should be taken by the child in the right dose and frequency to treat the presence of
blood in the stools since diarrheal onset.
● Emphasized to the parents of the client that the patient’s bloody diarrhea caused by Shigella bacteria is associated with considerable
mortality and should be treated with antibiotic therapy.
● Encouraged the parents of the client to have a diary that includes time of day of defecation, amount, consistency, amount, and
characteristics of stool, which will help direct treatment.
● Instructed the parents of the client to discuss supportive therapy for the treatment of the child with the client's healthcare provider.
● Instructed the parents of the client to have a follow-up appointment with the child’s healthcare provider to evaluate the child’s
condition and treatment.
Health Teachings
● Encourage the patient to wash his hands regularly.
● Instructed the patient to communicate any type of discomfort to parents or family members.
● Encouraged the patient to drink more water in small amounts to replace the water that he lost.
● Instructed the patient and the parents of the client to wash hands thoroughly with soap and hot water after going to the toilet or
changing nappies, and before preparing food or eating.
● Instructed the parents of the client to have the child eat 6 to 8 small meals during the day and a snack at bedtime when he feels
● Instructed the parents of the client to avoid giving improperly stored foods to the child and ensure that drinking water given is pure and
not contaminated.
● Instructed the parents of the client to avoid giving the child ice cubes, which can be made from contaminated water.
● Instructed the parents of the client to keep cold foods below 5°C and hot foods above 60°C to discourage bacterial growth.
● Instructed the parents of the client to avoid giving raw foods like peeled fruits, raw veggies, and salads that are not properly washed,
and undercooked meat and fish.
● Instructed the parents of the client to change the client’s diaper immediately after the client has passed stool. Changing the diaper keeps
the baby’s skin dry, supple, and resistant to damage.
● Instructed the parents of the client to provide perianal care after each bowel movement. Mild cleansing of the perianal skin after each
bowel movement will prevent excoriation.
● Advised the parents to use barrier creams to protect the child’s perianal skin and reduce the risk for skin infection.
● Instructed the parents of the client to clean, dry and moisturize skin, particularly in bony prominences, twice daily or as indicated.
Smooth, supple skin is more resistant to injury.
● Instructed the parents of the client that the use of antibiotics for non-bloody diarrheal episodes in children are likely of limited efficacy
or even dangerous. However, bloody diarrheal episodes caused by Shigella are associated with considerable mortality and should be
properly treated with antibiotic therapy.
● Encouraged the patient’s parents to keep a 24-hour fatigue/activity log or diary to recognize the relationships between specific activities
and levels of fatigue of the child and help manage the child’s energy expenditure.
● Instructed the patient’s parents about the proper perianal skin care to maintain skin integrity and prevent skin breakdown of the
perianal area exposed to diarrheal stool.
● Instructed the parents of the client to provide the child with good oral hygiene and dentition. Oral hygiene has a positive effect on
appetite and on the taste of the food. Fluid deficit can cause a dry, sticky mouth. Attention to mouth care promotes interest in drinking
and reduces discomfort of dry mucous membranes.
● Instructed the parents of the client to get medical care as soon as signs of infection or complication occur.
Observable Signs & Symptoms - Instructed SO to seek consultation if the following signs and symptoms are noted
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