s2800 Series

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All the functional parameters are described in detail in this chapter. According to
attributes, the parameters can be divided into 13 groups; in most of the applica-
tions, presetting for operation shall be completed by performing with these
parameters of groups.
The 13 groups of parameters are listed as below:
0: User’s Parameters
1: Motor Control Parameters
2: Vector Control Parameters
3: V/F Control Parameters
4: Input Terminal Parameters
5: Multi-Step Speed control Parameters
6: Output terminal Parameters
7: Start-stop control Parameters
8: Man-machine interface Parameters
9: Enhanced Function Parameters
10: PID Control Parameters
11: Protection Parameters
12: Serial Communication Parameters
indicates that it's available to be set during running.

0 User's Parameters
00-00 Operation Command Channel Factory setting 0
0: Keyboard command (LED off)
1: Terminal command (LED flicker)
Setting range
2: Communication command (LED on)
3: Reserved
Select the channel of inverter control command.
The inverter control command includes start, stopping, forward, reverse, jog-on and fault
reset, etc.
0: keyboard command (LOCAL/REMOT light off)
The operation command is controlled by RUN and STOP/RST keys on keyboard panel. If
the multi-function key QUICK/JOG is set as switch function FWD/REV (set 08-03 as 1), the
rotating direction switching is available in this key.
In running state, if press RUN and STOP/RST keys together, the inverter will coast to stop.
1: Terminal command channel (LOCAL/REMOT flickers)
Control the operation command by multi-function inputting terminal forward and reverse,
forward jog running and reverse jog running, etc.
2: Communication command channel (light of LOCAL/REMOT is on)
The operation command is controlled by upper computer through communication mode.
3: Reserved

00-01 Keyboard and terminal UP/DOWN setting Factory setting 2
0: Available, the inverter stores parameters on power-lost
1: Available, the inverter dose store parameters on power-lost
Setting range 2: UP / DOWN setting is unavailable
3: Parameter setting available on running mode, reset on stopped
4: Reserved
Set frequency through "∧"and "∨" on keyboard and UP/DOWN terminals (frequency
setting increase/ decrease) function.They have the highest authority and can combine with
any other frequency setting channel. They mainly adjusts the output frequency of inverter in
the course of debugging control system.
0: Available and the inverter stores after power-failure. Able to set the frequency command
and store the set frequency value after power- failure. It will combine with present setting
frequency automatically when powering on again.
1: Available, the inverter dose store parameters on power-lost. Able to set the frequency
command,but not store the set frequency value after power-failure.
2:UP/DOWN setting unavailable, the function of "∧"and "∨"on keyboard and UP/DOWN
terminal are unavailable and motor resets automatically.
3:The function setting of "∧"and "∨"on keyboard and UP/DOWN terminal available on
Note: when user restores the function parameter of inverter, the keyboard and
UP/DOWN function terminal reset automatically.

00-02 Frequency Command Selection Factory setting 1

0: Keyboard setting
1: Analog quantity AV11 setting
2: Analog quantity AV12 setting
3: AV11+ AV12 / ACI
Setting range 4: Multi-steps speed running setting
5: PID control setting
6: Remote communication setting
7: AVI2/ACI+ setting Remote communication
8: Keypad potentiometer(enabled with potentiometer)
Select the inverter A frequency command input channel. Seven main set frequency
0: Keyboard setting
Keyboard sets frequency through modifying the value function code 00-06.
1: Analog quantity AV11 setting (single-phase 220V 0.4~0.75kW corresponds to the
potentiometer on keyboard. And it corresponds to the 485 communication keyboard on
potentiometer if using the 485 communication keyboard externally, while the local
potentiometer ceases to be effectiveness automatically.)
2: Analog quantity AV12 setting
3: Analog quantity AV11+ AV12 / ACI setting
The frequency is set by analog quantity input terminal , S2800 serial inverter standard
configurations provide two-way analog quantity input terminals, AVI1 is 0~10V voltage input
and AV12 / ACI could be 0~10V/0 (4)~20mA. The current and voltage can be switched
through jump wires.

Note:When the analog quantity AV12 / ACI selects the of 0~20mA current input ,
corresponding voltage of 20mA is 5V. The 100.0% set by analog quantity input
corresponds to the maximum frequency (00-03), and -100.0% the maximum inverted
4: Multi-steps speed running setting
The inverter will run in multi-Steps Speed mode if the mode is selected. It is necessary to
set 04 group and 05 group of multi-Steps Speed groups to determine the set percentage
and corresponding relationship of its frequency.
5: PID control setting
The inverter running mode will be course PID control if this parameter selected. It is
necessary to set 10 groups of PID control group. The inverter running frequency value is the
frequency value after PID's action. As for definitions of PID set source, set value and
feedback source and so on, please refer to the introduction of 10 groups of PID function.
6: Remote communication setting
The frequency command is set by upper computer through communication. Please refer to
the 12 communication protocol for details.
7: AVI2/ACI+ setting Remote communication
The frequency command is set by the analog AVI2/ACI and remote communication.
8: Keypad potentiometer(enabled with potentiometer)

00-03 Max. output frequency Factory setting 50.00

Setting range 00-04~600.00
Used to set the maximum output frequency of inverter. It's the basic of frequency setting
and acceleration and deceleration speed.

00-04 Upper limitation of running frequency Factory setting 50.00

Setting range 00-05~00-03
The upper limitation of inverter output frequency. The value should not be more than the
maximum output frequency.

00-05 Lower limitation of running frequency Factory setting 0.00

Setting range 0.00~00-04
The lower limitation of inverter output frequency.
When the set frequency value is smaller than the lower frequency limitation, the inverter
runs in lower frequency.
Max. output frequency≥upper frequency limitation ≥lower frequency limitation

00-06 Keyboard setting frequency Factory setting 50.00

Setting range 0.00~00-03

When the frequency command selects “keyboard setting”,the function code value is the
initial setting value of inverter frequency.

00-07 Acceleration time 1 Factory setting 10.00

Setting range 0.1~3600.0[type setting]

00-08 Deceleration time 1 Factory setting 10.00
Setting range 0.1~3600.0[type setting]
Acceleration time refers to the required time t1 that inverter accelerates from 0Hz to the
maximum output frequency(00-03).
Deceleration time refers to the required time t2 that inverter decelerates from maximum
output frequency(00-03) to 0Hz.
As the diagram shown below:



actual acceleration actual deceleration

time time time t

set acceleration time set deceleration time

schematic diagram of time for deceleration and acceleration

When the set frequency equals to maximum frequency, actual acceleration and deceleration
time equals to set acceleration and deceleration time.
When the set frequency is less than maximum frequency, actual acceleration and deceleration
time are less than set acceleration and deceleration time.
Actual acceleration and deceleration time = set acceleration and deceleration time×(set
frequency/Max. frequency)
S2800 series inverter has two groups of acceleration and deceleration time.
Group 1: 00-07, 00-08
Group 2: 09-00, 09-01
Acceleration and deceleration time can be determined by the combination of acceleration and
deceleration time selection terminals in multi-function digital input terminal.

00-09 Operation direction selection Factory setting 0
0: Default direction operation
Setting range 1: Opposite direction running
2: Reverse running prohibited
0: Default direction operation. The inverter runs in the actual direction after power-on.
1: Opposite direction running. Used to change the rotation direction of inverter, which
corresponds to change the rotation direction by adjusting any two of motor wires.
Note: The running direction of motor will restore to its original state after parameters
initialization. It is forbidden to change the rotation direction of motor after system
being debugged, please handle with care.
2: Reverse running prohibited. Running reversely is inhibited, which is used in some special

00-10 Carrier frequency setting Factory setting *****

Setting range 0.5~15.0 [type setting]

carrier noise, leakage

frequency magnetic noise current heat dissipation

1KHz big small small


16KHz small big big

Effects graph of carrier frequency on environment

Relation table of inverter type and carrier frequencies

Type Max Min factory setting
1.5~11kw 15 0.5 8kHz
15~55kw 8 0.5 4kHz
15~185kw 6 0.5 2kHz
200~315kw 6 0.5 1kHz

Advantage of high carrier frequency: better current waveform, less current harmonic and lower
motor noise
Disadvantages of high carrier frequency: bigger start & stop power dissipation, higher inverter
temperature rise, inverter output capacity affected.
The inverter should lower its rated frequency under high carrier frequency. And the leakage
current increases, and the electromagnetic interference increases.
On the contrary,if low carrier frequency used. The excessive low carrier frequency will result in
unstable low frequency running, torque decreasing and even oscillation.
The carrier frequency has been set properly in factory. Generally speaking, the user needn’t to
alter this parameter.

00-11 Function parameters restore Factory setting 0
0: No operation
Setting range 1: Restore defaults
2: Alarm records clearance
0: No operation
1: The inverter restores all default parameters.
2: The inverter clears latest alarm records.
Note: after finishing this operation, the value of the function code will return to 0
automatically. Restore defaults will not reset 01-01~01-11 parameters.

00-12 AVR Function selection Factory setting 1

0: Unavailable
Setting range 1: Available
2: Unavailable on deceleration
AVR function equals to the output voltage auto-adjustment function. When AVR function is
unavailable, the output voltage varies with input voltage (or DC bus voltage). When AVR
function is available, the output voltage will not vary with input voltage (or DC bus voltage)
and keep basically constant output voltage within its range.
Note: When the motor is in decelerates stop, the motor will stabilize voltage
automatically and close AVR function to stop in shorter deceleration time without
over voltage.

00-13 Inverter type selection Factory setting 0

0: G-type
Setting range
1: P-type
0: Suitable for constant torque load with defined rate parameter.
1: Suitable for variable torque load with defined rate parameter (fan and pump loads)

1 Motor Control Parameters
01-00 Speed control mode Factory setting 1
0: No PG vector control
Setting range 1: V/F control
2: Torque control (No PG vector control)
Select inverter operating mode
0: No PG vector control
It refers to open cycle vector. Suitable for the high-performance general occasion without
coder PG. One inverter can drive one motor only, such as loads of machine tool, centrifugal
machine, drawing mill,injection machine etc.
1: V/F control
Suitable for occasions which do not require higher control precision, such as fan and pump
loads. One inverter can drive several motors simultaneously.
2: Torque control (no PG vector control)
Suitable for occasions which do not require higher control precision, such as wire winding
and drawing. Under torque control mode, the rotation speed is determined by motor load.
And there speeds are no longer determined by there acceleration and deceleration time.
Note: when selects vector control mode, it is necessary to do the motor parameter
self-learning. Only by obtaining correct parameters can the vector control exert its
advantages. The better performance can be achieved by altering parameter (group
02) of speed regulator.

01-01 Motor parameters self-learning Factory setting 0

0: No operation
Setting range 1: Parameters overall self-learning
2: Parameters static self-learning
0: no operation
1: Parameters overall self-learning
The nameplate parameter (01-02~01-06)of motor should be input accurately before motor
parameter self-learning. The motor should uncouple from load to keep static and no-load
state. Or the parameters obtained from self-learning may incorrect.
Acceleration and deceleration times(00-07, 00-08) should be set properly according to
motor inertia before motor parameter self-learning. Or the over current and over voltage
fault may be received in the course of parameter self-learning.
Set 01-01 as 1 and press DATA/ENT to start motor parameter self-learning, LED displays
"-TUN-" and flickers. Press RUN to start self-learning, LED displays "TUN-0". Then the
motor start to run when LED displays "TUN-1" and RUN/TUNE flickers. After finishing, LED
displays "-END-" and return to stop interface. Press PRG/ESC to end parameter
self-learning when"-TUN-"flickers.
Press STOP/RST to quit parameter self-learning.
Note: The starting and stop of parameter self-learning can be controlled by keyboard
only. The function code returns to 0 automatically after completing self-learning.
2: Parameters static self-learning
Needn’t to uncouple motor from load in the process of parameters static self-learning. The
nameplate parameter (01-02~01-06)of motor should be input accurately before static
self-learning. The motor stator resistor, rotator resistor and leakage inductance will be
detected after self-learning. but not motor the mutual-inductor and no-load current, which
can be input by the user based to experience.

01-02 Motor rated power Factory setting *****
Setting range 0.1~900.0kw(type setting)

01-03 Motor rated frequency Factory setting 50.00

Setting range 0.01~00-03(Max frequency)

01-04 Motor rated rotation speed Factory setting *****

Setting range 0~36000rpm (type setting)

01-05 Motor rated voltage Factory setting *****

Setting range 0~2000V(type setting)

01-06 Motor rated current Factory setting *****

Setting range 0.1~1000.0A (type setting)

Note: set parameters according to the motor nameplate parameter. Correct motor
parameter are important for the excellent vector control performance.
The inverter provides parameters self-learning function. Correct parameter self-learning
comes is determined by the correct motor nameplate parameter input.
To keep the control performance, please be sure that inverter frequency matches with
that of motor’ s. If too big difference exists, the inverter control performance will decline
Note: The reset of motor rated frequency (01-02) will initialize the motor parameter
01-07 and 01-11.

01-07 Motor stator resistor Factory setting *****

Setting range 0.001~65.535Ω (type setting)

01-08 Motor rotor resitor Factory setting *****

Setting range 0.001~65.535Ω (type setting)

01-09 Inductor of motor stator and rotor Factory setting *****

Setting range 0.1~6553.5mH(type setting)

01-10 Mutual-inductor between motor stator and rotor Factory setting *****
Setting range 0.1~6553.5mH (type setting)

01-11 Motor no-load current Factory setting *****

Setting range 0.01~655.35A(type setting)

Setting values of 01-07~01-11 will update automatically after the motor parameter
self-learning finishes normally. These parameters are standard parameters of high-
performance vector control, which have direct effects on control performance.
Note:Please don't modify this group of parameters at will.

2 Vector Control Parameters
02-00 Speed cycle proportional gain 1 Factory setting 30
Setting range 0~100

02-01 Speed cycle integral time 1 Factory setting 0.50

Setting range 0.01~10.00s

02-02 Switch for lower point frequency Factory setting 5.00

Setting range 0.00~02-05

02-03 Speed cycle proportional gain 2 Factory setting 25

Setting range 0~100

02-04 Speed cycle integral time 2 Factory setting 1.00

Setting range 0.01~10.00s

02-05 Switch for higher point frequency Factory setting 10.00

Setting range 0.00~02-05

Parameters above are suitable for vector control mode only. When switching the frequency
lower than 1 (02-02), the speed cycle PI parameter is 02-00 and 02-01. When switching the
frequency higher than 2 (02-05), the speed cycle PI parameter is 02-03 and 02-04. When
switching the frequency from 1 (02-02) to 2 (02-05), the PI parameter is obtained from linear
variation of two groups of parameters as follows:

Available to adjust the dynamic response performance of vector control speed cycle by
setting the proportion coefficient and integral time of speed regulator. The increase of
proportion gain and decrease of integral time both can accelerate the dynamic response of
speed cycle. But too big proportion gain and over short integral time both easily result to
system oscillation and excessive over adjustment. While too small proportion gain will also
cause static system oscillation and speed static error.
Speed cycle PI parameter has close relations with system inertia,and needs to be adjusted
based on default PI parameter for different load performances so as to meet the demands
of various occasions.

02-06 VC slip compensation coefficient Factory setting 100%
Setting range 50%~200%

The slip compensation coefficient is used to adjust the slip frequency of vector control and
improve the system speed control precision. The proper adjustment of this parameter can
suppress the static error efficiently.

02-07 Torque upper limitation setting Factory setting G: 150%

P: 120%
Setting range 0.0~200.0%(inverter rated current)
set it as 100% to corresponds to the inverter rated output current.

3 V/F Control Parameters

This group function code is available for V/F control (01-00=1) only.

03-00 V/F curve setting Factory setting 0

0: Straight line V/F curve
Setting range
1: 2.0 square drop torque V/F curve

0: Straight line V/F curve. Suitable for general constant torque load.
1: 2.0 square drop torque V/F curve. Suitable for the centrifugal load, such as fan, water
pump, etc.

03-01 Torque increase Factory setting 0%

Setting range 0.0~10.0%

03-02 Torque increase limitation point Factory setting 20%

Setting range 0.0~50.0%

The torque increase is mainly used for the frequency lower than stop frequency (03-02)
and the increased V/F curve as the diagram shows below. The torque increasing can
improve the V/F low-frequency torque performance .
Selecting the proper torque value according to torque quantity. Large load brings quantity
increasing, But the value can't be set too large, or the motor will run in over excitation
mode, which causes the increasing of inverter output current, and motor
overheated,efficiency decreasing .
Inverter outputs auto-torque increasing when the torque increasing is set as 0.0%.
Torque increasing stop point: under this frequency point, the torque increasing is available,
and unavailable beyond it.

03-03 V/F slip compensation limitation Factory setting 0%

Setting range 0.0~200.0%

The setting of this parameter can compensate the variation of motor rotation speed due to
on-load operation with V/F control,so as to improve the rigidity of machinery performance.
Value of this parameter should be set as the motor rated slip frequency. And the frequency
can be calculated by the following formula:
In which, fb is motor rated frequency,corresponds to the function code 01-02; n is
motor rated rotating speed,corresponds to the function code 01-04; p is pole-pairs of

03-04 Reserved Factory setting 0

03-05 Carrier wave limitation Factory setting 0

0: Carrier wave limitation 10.0K
Setting range
1: Carrier wave limitation 14.0K

Able to set the limitation range of carrier wave. The highest carrier wave is 10K when set as
0 and 14K when set as 1.
Note:Regarding the high power carrier, the software will automatically identify a maximum
limit to reduce the heat loss of power tube, not all of the power range can reach 10K or 14K .

4 Input Terminal Parameters

04-00 MI1 terminal function selection Factory setting 1

04-01 MI2 terminal function selection Factory setting 4
04-02 MI3 terminal function selection Factory setting 7
04-03 MI4 terminal function selection Factory setting 0
04-04 MI5 terminal function selection Factory setting 0
04-05 MI6 terminal function selection Factory setting 0
Setting range 0~25
04-06 Reserved Factory setting 0
04-07 Reserved Factory setting 0

Function List
Setting value Function Setting value Function
0 No function 13 Multi-steps speed terminal 2
1 Forward operation 14 Multi-steps speed terminal 3
2 Reverse operation 15 Multi-steps speed terminal 4
Acceleration and deceleration
3 Three - line operation control 16
time selection
4 Forward jog-on 17 PID control pause
Wobble frequency pause ( on
5 Reverse jog-on 18
the current frequency)
Wobble frequency resett (back to
6 Coast to stop 19
center frequency)

Fault reset Acceleration and deceleration

7 20
8 External fault input 21 Torque control inhibition
Temporary clearance on frequency
9 Frequency setting increase (UP) 22 increase and decrease setting
10 Frequency setting decrease (DOWN) 23 Stopping DC braking
Setting clearance of frequency
11 24 Reserved
Increase and decrease
12 Multi-steps speed terminal 1 25 Reserved

This parameter is used to set functions corresponding digital multi-function input terminal.
0: No function
1: Forward running (FWD)
2: Reverse running (REV)
When terminal control determines operation command channel, the inverter operation command
is set by terminal function above.
3: Three line operation control
For the three-line control input terminals.Please see 04-05 three line function code introduction.
4: Forward jog-on
5: Reverse jog-on
For the details of jog-on frequency and acceleration and deceleration time.please see
6: Coast to stop

When the command is available, the inverter blocks output immediately. The stopping course of
motor is not controlled by inverter. It is recommended to adopt this method when there is no
requirements on the big-inertia load and stopping time. The definition of this method is the same
as that of coast to stop defined in 07-05.
7: Fault reset
External fault reset,Used to reset the remote fault which has the same function as STOP/RST
key on keyboard.
8: External fault input
When this signal is available, the external fault(EF) alarms and the inverter stops.
9: Frequency setting increase (UP)
10: Frequency setting decrease (DOWN)
11: Setting clearance of frequency increase and decrease
The three functions above are mainly used to modify a set frequency with external terminal. UP
is increasing command; DOWN is decreasing command; Setting clearance of increasing and
decreasing frequency is used to clear the frequency value set by UP/DOWN to make the set
frequency return to the frequency set by frequency command channel.
12,13,14,15: Multi-steps speed terminal 1~4
Able to realize the setting of 16 sections of speeds by combining states of these four terminals.
Note: Multi-steps speed terminal 1 is low bit, while terminal 4 is high bit.

Multi-steps speed Multi-steps speed Multi-steps speed Multi-steps speed

terminal 4 terminal 3 terminal 2 terminal 1
16: Acceleration and deceleration time selection
Setting the acceleration and deceleration time through the terminal mode

Terminal acceleration and deceleration time selection corresponding parameter

OFF acceleration and deceleration time 1 00-07、00-08
ON acceleration and deceleration time 2 09-00、09-01

17: PID control pause

PID is unavailable temporarily, the inverter keeps the present output frequency.
18: Wobble frequency pause
The inverter pauses on the present output and continues its wobble frequency operation in that
frequency after canceling this function.
19: Wobble frequency reset
The inverter set frequency returns to central frequency.
20: Acceleration and deceleration inhibition
To prevent the inverter from being disturbed by external signals (except for stopping command)
and maintain present output frequency.
21: Torque control inhibition
The inverter switches to speed control mode from torque control mode.
22: Temporary clearance on frequency increase and decrease setting
The frequency value set by UP/DOWN can be cleared,and make the set frequency return to the
frequency set by frequency command channel.when terminal are disconnected,the frequency
will return to the value set by acceleration and deceleration frequency.
23: Stop DC braking
In the course of coasting to stop, terminal closure will set DC brake immediately. The braking
state is determined by 07-07~07-09.
24~25: Reserved

04-08 On-off quantity filtering times Factory setting 5
Setting range 1~10

Set the filtering time of MI1~MI4 terminal samplings. When there is too much interference, it
is necessary to increase this parameter to prevent faulty operation.

04-09 Operation mode of terminal control Factory setting 0

0: two-wire control 1
1: two-wire control 2
Setting range
2: three-wire control 1
3: three-wire control 2

This parameter defines four different ways to controlling inverter operation through exter-
nal terminals.
0: two-wire control 1, the unification of enabling functions and direction.Two-wire mode
method is the most commonly used. The parameters of the following figures set as:04-
00=1,04-02=2,04-09=0,which are:define MI1 as FWD and MI2 as REV.The forward and
reverse rotation of motor are determined by defining FWD, REV terminal commands

K1 K2
K1 OFF OFF stop

MI2 S2800 ON OFF
OFF ON reverse
ON ON stop

two-wire control 1, the unification of enabling functions and direction

1: two-wire control 2, the separation of enabling functions and direction. In this mode, the
defined FWD is the enabling terminal. The parameters of the following figures set as:04-
00=1,04-02=2,04-09=1,which are:define MI1 as FWD and MI2 as REV.And the direction is
determined by state of defined REV

K1 K2 operation
K1 OFF OFF stop

MI2 S2800 ON OFF running
OFF ON reverse
ON ON stop

two-wire control 2, the separation of enabling functions and direction

2: three-wire control 1. In this mode, The parameters of the following figures set as:04-00=1,04-
01=3,04-02=2,04-09=2,which are:define MI1 as FWD,MI2 as three-wire control and MI3 as
REV.In this mode, MI2 is the enabling terminal. operation command is set by FWD, REV controls
direction. MI2 is normally closed input

MI1 K operation
SB 2
S2800 OFF forward running

DCM reverse running


three-wire control mode 1

Of which, K: switch of forward and reverse running SB1: starting button

SB2: stop button

3: three-wire control 2.The parameters of the following figures set as:04-00=1,04-01=3,04-

02=2,04-09=3,which are:define MI1 as FWD,MI2 as three-wire control and MI3 as REV.In this
mode, MI2 is the enabling terminal; Operation command is set by SB1 or SB3, which both of
them control the operation direction at the same time. The stopping command is set by normally
closed input SB2

SB 2


three-wire control mode 2

Of which, SB1: forward running button SB2: stop button SB3: reverse running button
Note: As for two-wire operation mode, when FWD/REV terminal is available, the stopping
command produced by other source makes inverter stop, which means that the
FWD/REV terminal still available and inverter will not operate after disappearance of
stopping command. Trigger FWD/REV again to make inverter operate.

04-10 Frequency increase rate of terminal UP/DOWN Factory setting 0.50
Setting range 0.01~50.00[Hz/s]

Used UP/DOWN function to adjust the variation rate when set frequency.

04-11 AVI1 lower limitation Factory setting 0.30

Setting range 0.00~10.00[V]

04-12 Corresponding setting of AVI1 lower limitation Factory setting 0.0%

Setting range -100.0~100.0

04-13 AVI1 upper limitation Factory setting 9.50

Setting range 0.00~10.00[V]

04-14 Corresponding setting of AVI1 upper limitation Factory setting 100.0%

Setting range -100.0~100.0

04-15 AVI1 input filter time Factory setting 0.10

Setting range 0.00~10.00[S]
Above function codes define the relationship between analog input voltage and correspond-
ing setting value of analog input. When the analog input voltage exceeds the range of
maximum or minimum input, the exceeding part will be computed as maximum or minimum
when the analog input is current input, 0mA~2 mA corrent corresponds to 0V~5V voltage.
In different occasions, 100.0% set by analog corresponds to different nominal values.
Please refer to the description of each application part for details.
Following figures describe the situation of several settings.

corresponding setting

frequency, PID set value, PID feedback


0V 10V AI
(0mA) (20mA)


corresponding relationship between analog set value and setting quantity

AVI1 input filter time: to adjust the sensitivity of analog quantity. The proper increase of this value
can enhance the anti-interference performance of analog quantity, but weaken the sensitivity of
analog quantity.

04-16 AVI2/ACI lower limitation Factory setting 0.30
Setting range 0.00~10.00[V]

04-17 Corresponding setting of AVI2/ACI lower limitation Factory setting 0.0%

Setting range -100.0~100.0

04-18 AVI2/ACI upper limitation Factory setting 9.50

Setting range 0.00~10.00[V]

04-19 Corresponding setting of AVI2/ACI upper limitation Factory setting 100.0%

Setting range -100.0~100.0

04-20 AVI2/ACI input filter time Factory setting 0.10

Setting range -100.0~100.0
The function of AVI2/ACI is similar to the setting method of AVI1. The analog quantity
supports 0~10V or 0~20mA input. When AVI2/ACI selects 0~20mA input, 20mA
corresponds to voltage of 5V.

5 Multi-steps speed Control Parameters

This series inverter can realize 16 sections of speed control and have two groups of acceleration
and deceleration time for selection.

05-00 Multi-steps speed 0 Factory setting 0.00

05-01 Multi-steps speed 1 Factory setting 0.00

05-02 Multi-steps speed 2 Factory setting 0.00

05-03 Multi-steps speed 3 Factory setting 0.00

05-04 Multi-steps speed 4 Factory setting 0.00

05-05 Multi-steps speed 5 Factory setting 0.00

05-06 Multi-steps speed 6 Factory setting 0.00

05-07 Multi-steps speed 7 Factory setting 0.00

05-08 Multi-steps speed 8 Factory setting 0.00

05-09 Multi-steps speed 9 Factory setting 0.00

05-10 Multi-steps speed 10 Factory setting 0.00

05-11 Multi-steps speed 11 Factory setting 0.00

05-12 Multi-steps speed 12 Factory setting 0.00

05-13 Multi-steps speed 13 Factory setting 0.00

05-14 Multi-steps speed 14 Factory setting 0.00

05-15 Multi-steps speed 15 Factory setting 0.00

Setting range -100.0~100.0% Unit 0.1%

Explanation: Symbol of multi-steps speed determine operation direction. Negative value

stands for reverse operation. Frequency setting 100.0% corresponds to the maximum
frequency (00-03).
When MI1=MI2=MI3=MI4=OFF, the frequency input mode is determined by code 00-02.
When MI1, MI2 ,MI3 and MI4 are not all OFF, the multi-steps speed operates. The priority of
multi-steps speed is higher than frequency input of keyboard, analog and communication. It
is possible to select 8 sections of speed at most through combination code of MI1, MI2 ,MI3
and MI4.
10 PID Control Parameters
PID control is a common method for process control, which often does proportion, integral and
differential calculation through the feedback signals of controlled quantity and target quantity to
adjust the inverter output frequency, form the negative feedback system and makes the
controlled quantity stabilized on the target quantity. It is suitable for the process control, such as
flow control, pressure control and temperature control etc. The diagram below shows the basic
schematic diagram.

set frequency frequency
set value + control
PID control
computing M P

filter feedback quantity

processing PID schematic diagram

10-00 PID determined source selection Factory setting 0

0: Set on keyboard (10-01)
1: Set by analog channel AVI1
Setting range 2: Set by analog channel AVI2/ACI
3: Set by remote communication
4: Set by multi-section
0: Set on keyboard (10-01)
1: Set by analog channel AVI1
2: Set by analog channel AVI2/ACI
3: Set by remote communication
4: Set by multi-section
When the frequency source selects PID, 00-02 selects 5, these groups of function will be
available. This parameter determines the target quantity set channel of process PID.
The setting target quantity of process PID is relative value. The setting 100% corresponds
to that of max output frequency(00-03). The system is computed as the relative value
(0-100%) .
Note: The multi-section setting can be realized by setting parameters of group 05.

10-01 Keyboard presets the PID set. Factory setting 0.0

Setting range -100.0~100.0[%]

The target source is set by keyboard when select 10-00=0. This parameter should be set.
The parameter is base on the maximum output frequency (00-03).

10-02 PID feedback source selection Factory setting 0

0: Analog channel AVI1 feedback
1: Analog channel AVI2/ACI feedback
Setting range
2: AVI1+AVI2/ACI feedback
3: Remote communication feedback

0: Analog channel AVI1 feedback
1: Analog channel AVI2/ACI feedback
2: AVI1+AVI2/ACI feedback
3: Remote communication feedback
Selecting PID feedback channel through this parameter.
Note: The set channel and feedback channel can't overlapped. Otherwise, PIID can't
control efficiently.

10-03 PID output characteristic selection Factory setting 0

0: PID output is positive
Setting range
1: PID output is negative

0: PID output is positive characteristic. When the feedback signal is larger than PID set, it is
necessary to decline the inverter output frequency to make PID reach balance, e.g. PID
control of winding tension.
1: PID output is negative characteristic. When the feedback signal is smaller than PID set, it
is necessary to increase the inverter output frequency to make PID reach balance, e.g. PID
control of unwinding tension.

10-04 Proportion gain (Kp) Factory setting 0.10

Setting range 0.00~100.00

10-05 Integration time (Ti) Factory setting 0.10

Setting range 0.01~10.00s[s]

10-06 Differential time (Td) Factory setting 0.00

Setting range 0.00~10.00s[s]

Proportion gain (Kp): it determines the adjustment intensity of whole PID adjuster. The
greater the P is, the greater the adjustment intensity will be. When the parameter value is
100, it means that when the deviation between PID feedback quantity and set quantity is
100%,there is max frequency on PID adjuster when set output frequency command
(Regardless the effects of integral and differential).
Integral time (Ti): It determines the integration adjusting speed of deviation of PID feedback
quantity and set quantity by PID adjuster. Integral time means that when the deviation of
PID feedback quantity and set quantity is 100%, the integral adjuster(Regardless the effects
of proportion and integral) keeps adjusting during this period and make the adjusted
quantity reach to maximum frequency (00-03). The shorter the integral time is, the greater
the adjusting intensity will be.
Differential time (Td): It determines the adjusting intensity of variation rate of deviation of PID
feedback quantity and set quantity by PID adjuster. Differential time means if feedback
quantity varies 100% in this period, the adjusted quantity of integral adjuster is the max
frequency (00-03) (Regardless the effects of proportion and integral). The longer the differ-
ential time is, the greater the adjusting intensity will be.
PID is the most commonly used control method in process control, each part has different
function. The following content gives a brief introduction to the working principle and adjust-
ing method.

Proportion adjustment (P): when there is deviation between feedback quantity and set
quantity, the adjusted quantity must be proportional to deviation. If the deviation is invariable,
the adjusted quantity is also constant. The proportion adjustment can reflect the variation of
feedback rapidly. But proportion adjustment alone can't achieve reference control. The
greater the proportion gain is, the faster the adjusting speed of system comes. And the over
great of proportion gain will cause oscillation.
The adjusting step is as follows: first, set a long integral time and make differential time zero,
let system run only with proportion adjustment only. Then change the set quantity and
observe the stable deviation (static deviation) of feedback signal and set quantity. If the
static deviation is in the variation direction of set quantity (e.g., When increase set quantity,
the feedback quantity is always smaller than set quantity after system stabilization),
increase the proportion gain continuously, decrease the proportion gain on the contrary.
Repeat above steps until the static deviation is small enough (It is difficult to clear static
Integral time (I): when there is deviation between feedback quantity and set quantity, the
output adjusted quantity accumulated continuously. If the deviation still exists, the adjusted
quantity will increase continuously until no deviation receives. The integral adjuster can
eliminate the static deviation efficiently. If the integral adjustment is too strong, repeated
over-adjustment will occur, which makes system unstable until oscillation produced.
The oscillation characteristics is as follows. The feedback signal wobbles up and down on
set quantity. The wobble width increases gradually until oscillation. The adjustment of
integral time parameter is from big to small,adjusting integral time gradually,observing the
effects of system adjustment until the sped of system stabilization meets the requirement.
Differential time (D): When the deviation between feedback quantity and set quantity varies,
input the adjusted quantity are proportional to change rate of deviation. The quantity only is
affected by variation direction and variation quantity, while having nothing to do with its
deviation and value.
When the feedback signal varies, the differential adjustment will adjust according to the
varying tendency to suppress the variation of feedback signal. Please use differential adjust-
ment carefully. The differential adjustment would easily enlarge the system interference,
especially the interference on greater changing frequency.

10-07 Sampling period (T) Factory setting 0.10

Setting range 0.01~100.00s[s]

10-08 Limitation of PID control deviator Factory setting 0.0

Setting range 0.0~100.0[%]

Sampling period (T): it refers to the sampling period of feedback quantity. The adjuster
computes once in every sampling period. The longer the sampling period is, the slower the
response will be.
Limitation of PID control deviator: PID system output value corresponds to the maximum
deviation allowed for closed ring set value. As shown in the diagram below, The PID
adjuster stops adjusting within the deviation limitation. The proper setting of this function
code can adjust the accuracy and stability of PID system.

feedback quantity limited deviation

set quantity


output frequency


Corresponding relationship between limited deviation and output frequency

10-09 Feedback broken line detection value Factory setting 0.0

Setting range 0.0~100.0[%]

10-10 Feedback broken line detection time Factory setting 1.0

Setting range 0.0~60.0[s]

Feedback broken line detection value: this test value corresponds to full scale (100%). The
system keeps detecting the feedback quantity of PID. When the feedback value is smaller
than or equal to the feedback broken line detection value, the system begins the detection
timing. When the detection time exceeds feedback broken line detection time, the system
will report the PID feedback broken line error (PIDE).

10-11 Dormancy frequency Factory setting 0.00

Setting range 0.00Hz~00-03 (Max frequency)

10-12 Dormancy delay time Factory setting 0.0

Setting range 0.0~5000.0s

10-13 Awakening frequency Factory setting 0.00

Setting range 0.00Hz~00-03 (Max frequency)

10-14 Awakening delay time Factory setting 0.0

Setting range 0.0~100.0s

When dormancy frequency is not 0, dormancy function start is enabled

When inverter internal PID operation frequency is lower than dormancy frequency, inverter
start dormancy will delay to timing, when the timing is finished, inverter stop output, and go
into dormancy statement. Internal PID controller will keep operating. When PID operation
frequency is up to awakening frequency, the inverter start awakening delay to timing; when
timing is finished, inverter will start to operate again.
Note: When you use it, please set awakening frequency to be higher than dormancy
11 Protection Parameters

11-00 Motor overload protection selection Factory setting 1

0: No protection
Setting range 1: General motor (with low-speed compensation)
2: Frequency motor (without low-speed compensation)
0: No protection. It means no motor over load protection(Please handle with care). At this
moment, the inverter has no over load protection to the loaded motor.
1: General motor (with low-speed compensation). Because the heat dissipation of general
motor will be weakened at low-speed, the corresponding electronic heat protection value
also should be adjusted properly. The low-speed compensation mentioned means that to
adjust the threshold of motor over load protection downward which operation frequency is
less than 30Hz.
2: Frequency motor (without low-speed compensation). The heat dissipation of motor is not
affected by rotating speed in inverter. So there is no need to adjust the protection value at
low speed.

11-01 Motor overload protection current Factory setting 100.0

Setting range 20.0~120.0[%]

time 70% 100%

coefficient of motor overload protection

One minute

140% 200% current

coefficient setting of motor overload protection

This value can be determined by the following formula:

Motor overload protection current = (the max. allowed load current / inverter rated current)
It is necessary to set this function code correctly to protect the motor when big inverter
drives small motor.

11-02 Frequency drop point of instant power-failure Factory setting 80.0

Setting range 70.0%~110.0%(Standard bus voltage)

11-03 Frequency drop rate of instant power-failure Factory setting 0.00

Setting range 0.00~00-06[Hz]

When the frequency drop rate of instant power-failure is set as 0, the function of frequency
drop of instant power-failure is unavailable.
Frequency drop point of instant power-failure: it refers to that after power lost is received by
the power grid and the voltage falls to the frequency drop point of instant power-failure, the
inverter begins to decrease the operation frequency as the frequency drop rate of instant
power-failure (11-03), which makes the motor in electricity generate state and the generate
power is able to maintain the bus voltage,so as to ensure the normal operation of inverter
until the inverter gets power again.
Note: when the power grid switched, if adjust these two parameters properly,the production
stop can be avoided due to the inverter protection .

11-04 Over voltage stall protection Factory setting 1

0: Protection inhibited
Setting range
1: Protection permitted

11-05 Protection voltage on over voltage stall Factory setting 130

Setting range

0: Protection inhibited
1: Protection permitted
In the course of inverter deceleration, the actual drop rate of inverter rotation speed may be
less than that of output frequency due to the effect of load inertia. At this moment, the motor
will send electric power back to inverter, making the bus voltage of inverter increased, which
may cause the over voltage fault if no measures taken.
Over voltage stall protection is used to detect the bus voltage in the course of inverter
operation and compare with the over load stall point defined by 11-05 (corresponding to
standard bus voltage). If the bus voltage exceeds the over load stall point, the output
frequency of inverter stops decreasing and continues to decelerate until the bus voltage is
lower than over voltage stall point. As the diagram showns below:

output current

over voltage
stall point

Time t


Time t

over voltage stall function

11-06 Auto-current limitation Factory setting 160
Setting range 100~200%[160]

11-07 Frequency drop rate of over current Factory setting 10.00

Setting range 0.00~50.00[1.00Hz/s]
In the course of inverter operation, the actual rise rate of motor rotating speed is less than
that of output frequency due to the overloaded inverter, which may cause the acceleration
over current fault and the inverter trip if no measures taken.
Auto-current limitation is used to detect the output current in the course of inverter operation
and compared with the current limitation point defined by 11-06. If the output current
exceeds the current limitation point, the output frequency of inverter decreases as the drop
rate of over current frequency and returns to normal operation when the output current is
lower than current limitation point again. As the diagram showns below:

output current

auto-current limitation

Time t

output frequency

frequency drop rate

defined by 11-07 Time t

over current stall function

11-08 Reserved Factory setting 0

Setting range

12 Serial Communication Parameters

A. Communication Protocol
The S2800 series inverter select the host-assistant communication, which provides RS485
communication interface and adopts the international standard ModBus communication
protocol. The user can achieve the centralized control (inverter control command setting,
operation frequency, modification of relative function code parameters, working state of inverter
and monitoring of fault information, etc.) through PC/PLC and controlling the upper seat to
adapt to special application requirement.
B. Protocol Content
The ModBus serial communication protocol defines the frames content and application format
of asynchronous transmission in serial communication, which includes host polling and
broadcast frames,assistant answering format. The frames content organized by host includes
the assistant address (or broadcast address), command taking, data and error correction and
so on. The assistant response also adopts the same structure, including action confirmation,
data feedback and error correction and so on. If the assistant receives fault when receiving
frames, or can't complete the action received from host, a fault frame will be organized as the
response to host.
C. Application Mode
The S2800 series inverter can be switched in "single host-multiple assistants" control network
with RS485 bus.
D. Bus Structure
(1) Interface mode
RS485 hardware interface
(2) Transmission mode
Asynchronous Serial Interface, half duplex transmission. As for the host and assistant, only
one can send data and the other receives data at the same time. The data in serial asynchro-
nous communication is sent one frames by another in the form of message mode.
(3) Topological structure
Single host-multiple assistants system. The setting range of assistant address is 1~247. 0 is
the address of broadcast communication. Address of every assistant in the network is unique,
which is the base for ensuring ModBus serial communication.

E. Protocol Specification
The communication protocol of S2800 series inverter is a kind of asynchronous serial
host-assistant ModBus communication protocol. In this network, only one piece of equipment
(host) can set up protocol (called interrogation command). Other equipments (assistants) only
react under the interrogation command of host by providing data or act accordingly as the
interrogation command of host. The host here refers to personal computer (PC), industry
control equipment or programmable logic controller (PLC) and so on. The assistant refers to
S2800 series inverter or other control equipments with same communication protocol. The host
can communicate with some assistant only and send broadcast information to all assistants as
well. As for the host interrogation command accessed individually, the assistant has to feedback
the information (called response). As for the broadcast information sent by host, the assistants
don't need to give response information back.

F. Communication Frames Structure
The digit format of ModBus protocol communication of S2800 series inverter have two forms:
RTU (remote terminal unit) mode and ASCII mode (American Standard Code for Information
International Interchange).
In RUN mode, the format of each byte is as follows:
Coding system: 8-binary, every 8-bit frames field includes two hexadecimal characters,
hexadecimal system 0~9, A~F.
In ASII mode, the format of each byte is as follows:
Coding system: communication protocol is hexadecimal system. The meaning of ASCII informa-
tion: "0"..."9", "A"..."F". Every hexadecimal system is expressed by ASII information of
corresponding characters.

Character ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘2’ ‘3’ ‘4’ ‘5’

ASCII CODE 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35
Character ‘6’ ‘7’ ‘8’ ‘9’ ‘A’ ‘B’
ASCII CODE 0x36 0x37 0x38 0x39 0x41 0x42
Character ‘C’ ‘D’ ‘E’ ‘F’
ASCII CODE 0x43 0x44 0x45 0x46

Data format: start bit, seven or eight data bits, check bit and stop bit.
The description of data format is as follows:

11-bit character frames

Start bit BIT1 BIT2 BIT3 BIT4 BIT5 BIT6 BIT7 BIT8 check bit stop bit

10-bit character frames

Start bit BIT1 BIT2 BIT3 BIT4 BIT5 BIT6 BIT7 check bit stop bit

In RTU mode, the new frames always set the transmission time as at least 3.5 characters
starting from the silence period. In the network,computing the transmission speed by baud rate,
the 3.5 characters of transmission time can be easily controlled. The following transmitted data
fields are assistant addresses, operation command codes, data and CRC check words
successively. The transmission character of each field is hexadecimal system 0...9, A...F. The
network monitors the action of communication bus all the way. When the first field is
received(address information), this byte will be confirmed by every piece of network equipment.
Once the last byte has been transmitted, a similar transmission time interval of 3.5 characters
will be used to express the end of this frame. The transmission of a new frame will be started
after then.

RTU data frame format

MODBUS message

start, the interval of assistant function end, the interval of

at least 3.5 address code data check at least 3.5
characters characters

The information of one frame must be transmitted in a continuous data flow. If there is the time
interval more than 1.5 characters before the end of whole frames transmission, the receiving
equipment will clear these incomplete information and treat the following byte mistakenly as the
address field part of a new frame. Similarly, if the time interval between the start of a new frame
and the previous one frame is smaller than 3.5 characters, the receiving equipment will treat it as
continuation of previous one frame, resulting to frames disorder, incorrectness of final CRC check
value and communication fault. The standard structure of RTU frame is as follows:

Frame header (START) T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 characters)

Assistant address field (ADDR) Communication address: 0~247 (decimal system)
( 0=broadcast address)
Function domain (CMD) 03H: read assistant parameter
06H: write assistant parameter
Data field Data of 2*N characters. This part is the main
DATA (N-1) content of communication and the core of data
… exchange in communication
DATA (0)
CRC CHK lower bite
Test value: CRC check value (16 BIT)
CRC CHK upper bite
Frame end (END) T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 characters)

In ASCII mode, the frame head is "0" ("0×3A"), the frame end default is "CRLF" ("0×0D" "0×0A").
Under ASCII mode, except the frame head and frame end, all data bytes are sent in the form of
ASCII code, which first sends high 4-bite byte and then low 4-bite byte. The data in this mode is 8
bits. As for "A" ~"F", it adopts ASCII code in capital letter. At this moment, the data adopts LRC
check. The check covers the information part from assistant address to data. The check summa-
tion equals to the complement code of summation (ignoring the carry bit) of characters of all data
participating in checking.

ASCII data frame format

MODBUS message

start:“0x3A” assistant function end:“0x0D”“0x0A”

data check
address code

The standard structure of ASCII frame is as follows:

START ‘:’(0x3A)
Address Hi Communication address:8-bit address is
Address Lo combined by 2 ASCII codes
Function Hi Function code: 8-bit address is combined by 2
Function Lo ASCII codes
DATA (N-1) Data content: nx8-bit data content is combined by
… 2n ASCII codes, n<=16, 32 ASCII codes at most
DATA (0)
LRC CHK Hi LRC check code: 8-bit check code is combined by
LRC CHK Lo 2 ASCII codes
End: END Hi=CR (0x0D), END Lo=LF (0x0A)

G. Description of Command Code and Communication Data

Command code: 03H (0000 0011), read N characters(Word) (can sequentially read 16 words at
E.g. from the inverter which assistant address is 01H, the start address of internal memory is
0004, read 2 words sequentially, the structure of this frame is described as follows.
RTU host command information

Start address upper bit 00H
Start address lower bit 04H
Date number upper bit 00H
Date number lower bit 02H
CRC CHK Iower bit 85H
CRC CHK upper bit CAH
END T1-T2-T3-T4

RTU assistant response information

Byte number 04H
Date address 0004H upper bit 13H
Date address 0004H lower bit 88H
Date address 0005H upper bit 13H
Date address 0005H lower bit 88H
CRC CHK lower bit 73H
CRC CHK upper bit CBH
END T1-T2-T3-T4

ASCII host command information

Start address upper bit
Start address lower bit
Date number upper bit
Date number lower bit
LRC CHK Lo ‘6’

ASCII assistant response information

Byte number
Date address 0004H upper bit
Date address 0004H lower bit
Date address 0005H upper bit
Date address 0005H lower bit
LRC CHK Lo ‘2’

Command code: 06H (0000 0110), write one character(word)

For example, 5000 (1388H) is written to 0008H address of assistant address 02H
The structure of this frame is described as follows:
RTU host command information

Write data address upper bit 00H
Write data address lower bit 05H
Date content upper bit 13H
Date content lower bit 88H
CRC CHK lower bit 94H
CRC CHK upper bit AEH
END T1-T2-T3-T4

RTU assistant response information

Write data address upper bit 00H
Write data address lower bit 05H
Date content upper bit 13H
Date content lower bit 88H
CRC CHK lower bit 94H
CRC CHK upper bit AEH
END T1-T2-T3-T4

ASCII host command information

Write data address upper bit
Write data address lower bit
Date content upper bit
Date content lower bit
LRC CHK Hi ‘5’
LRC CHK Lo ‘8’

ASCII assistant response information

Write data address upper bit ‘0’
Write data address lower bit ‘0’
Date content upper bit ‘1’
Date content lower bit ‘8’
LRC CHK Hi ‘5’
LRC CHK Lo ‘8’

Command code: 08H (0000 1000), diagnostic function

Meaning of sub-function code

Sub-function code Description

0000 Return to query the communication data

For example, Doing circuit test on the driven address 01H, the character string of query
information is same to that of response information. Its format is as shown below.
RTU host response information

Sub-function code upper bit 00H
Sub-function code lower bit 00H
Date content upper bit 12H
Date content lower bit ABH
CRC CHK lower bit ADH
CRC CHK upper bit 14H
END T1-T2-T3-T4

RTU assistant response information

Sub-function code upper bit 00H
Sub-function code lower bit 00H
Date content upper bit 12H
Date content lower bit ABH
CRC CHK lower bit ADH
CRC CHK upper bit 14H
END T1-T2-T3-T4

ASCII host command information

Sub-function code upper bit
Sub-function code lower bit
Date content upper bit
Date content lower bit
LRC CHK Hi ‘3’

ASCII assistant command information

Sub-function code upper bit
Sub-function code lower bit
Date content upper bit
Date content lower bit
LRC CHK Hi ‘3’

H. Communication Frame Error-checking Method

The error-checking method of frame mainly includes two parts: bit checking of byte
(odd/even check) and whole data checking of frame (CRC checking and LRC checking).

I. Byte Checking
The user can select different byte checking method according to practical needs, and also
can select no checking which will affect the checking bit setting of every byte.
Even checking: adding an even bit before data transmission to express that the number of
"1" in transmitted data is odd or even. If the number is even, the checking bit is "0",
otherwise "1". It is used to keep the parity of data constant.
Odd checking: adding an odd bit before data transmission to express that the number of
"1" in transmitted data is odd or even. If the number is odd, the checking bit is "0",
otherwise "1". It is used to keep the parity of data constant.
For example, the transmitted data is "11001110". There are five "1" in it. If even checking is
adopted, its even parity checking bit is "1". If odd checking is adopted, its odd parity
checking bit is "0". In data transmission, the parity bit is put on the checking bit of frame
through computing. The receiving equipment also needs parity checking. If the parity of
received data is different from the preset situation, it indicates that there is communication
error received.

J. CRC Checking-CRC(cyclical Redundancy Check)
In RTU frame format, the frame includes frame incorrect test field based on CRC
computing. The CRC field detects the content of whole frames. The CRC field is 2
b y t e s a n d i n c l u d e s 1 6 - b i n a r y. I t i s a d d e d t o f r a m e a f t e r b e i n g c o m p u t e d b y
transmission equipment. The receiving equipment recalculates the CRC which has
received frames and compare it with values in the received CRC field. If the two CRC
values are different, it indicates that there is transmission error received.
In CRC checking mode, it saves in 0xFFFF first, then uses a procedure and
processes the continuous 6 more than bytes in frames together with current register.
Only the 8-bit data in every character is available to CRC, the start bit, end bit and
parity checking are all unavailable to it.
In CRC production course, every 8-bit character is different from the register content
separately or(XOR). The result moves to the direction of lowest effective bit. And the
highest bit is filled with 0. LSB is picked up to test. If LSB is 1, the register is different
from the preset value alone. If LSB is 0, no actions. The whole process must be
repeated 8 times. As the last bit (8th bit) is finished, the next 8-bit character is
different from the present value of register again. The final value in register is the
CRC value after all bytes in frame have been executed.
This calculation method of CRC adopts international standard CRC checking rule.
The user can refer to the CRC algorithm of relative standard when edit the CRC
algorithm to edit the real CRC calculation program which complies with the
Here is a simple function of CRC algorithm for users' reference (using C language

Unsigned int crc_ cal_ value(unsigned char *data_ value, unsigned char data_ length)
int I;
unsigned int crc_ value=0xffff; while(data_ length--)
Crc_ value^=*data_ value++;
Crc_ value=(crc_ value>>1)^0xa001;
Crc_ value=crc_ value>>1;
Return(crc_ value);s

In ladder logic, CKSM calculates CRC value according to frame content with table
look-up method. This program is simple and fast calculation, but occupies larger ROM
space. So please use it carefully for occasions with requirement to program space.

K. ASCII analog Checking (LRC check)
Checking code (LRC check) is the summation from address to data content result.
For example, the checking code of above 1.6.2 communication information:
0x02+0x06+0x00+0x08+0x13+0x88=0xAB, then select=0x58 of supplement code of
Here provides a simple function of LRC calculation summation for users' reference
(using C language programming).

Static unsigned char

unsigned char *auchMsg;
unsigned char uchLRC=0;
return((unsigned char)(~((char)uchLRC)));

L. Definition of Communication Data Address

It is the definition of communication data address, which is used to control inverter operation,
obtain the state information and relative function parameters.
(1) Using method of function code parameter address
Using numbers of function code as parameters to correspond to the register address, which has
to be converted to hexadecimal system. For example, the number of 05-05 is 62, the function
code address expressed by hexadecimal system is 003EH.
Ranges of high and low characters: high-bit character-00~01; low-bit character--00~FF.
Note: the group 13 is the parameter set in factory, whose parameters can't be read and modified
either. Some parameters can't be modified when the inverter is in operation state. Some always
can't be modified no matter what the state of inverter is. When modify the function code
parameter, pay attention to the setting range and unit of parameter and relative description.
In addition, the frequent storage of EEPROM will reduce its service life. For users, some function
codes don't need to be stored in communication mode. The application requirement can be meet
only through altering values in RAM. This function can be realized as long as changing the highest
bit of corresponding function code address from 0 to 1. For example, function code 00-06 isn't
stored into EEPROM, just alter the value in RAM and set the address as 8007. This address is
used only when write RAM, which can't be used as read function, otherwise, it is an unavailable

Function Address R/W
Description of data meaning characteristic
description definition
0001H:Forward running
0002H:Reverse running
0003H:forward jog
Communication 0004H:Reverse jog
1000H W/R
control command 0005H:Stop
0006H:Coast to stop (emergency stop)
0007H:Fault reset
0008H:Jog stop
0001H:On forward operation
0002H:On reverse operation
Inverter status 1001H R
0003H:Inverter is standby
0004H:Fault out

Range of communication setting value (-10000~10000)

Note: the communication setting value is the percentage
(-100.00%~100.00%) of corresponding value, can be
Address of communication writing operation.
When it is used as frequency source setting, it
communication 2000H W/R
corresponds to the percentage of max. frequency
setting value
(00-03). When it used as torque set, it corresponds to
percentage of torque upper limitation. When it used as
PID set or feedback,it corresponds to percentage of PID.

Function setting of
analog terminal 2001H Reserved W/R
3000H Operation speed R
3001H Setting speed R
3002H Bus voltage R
3003H Output voltage R
3004H Output current R
3005H Operation rotating speed R
3006H Output power R
3007H Output torque R
3008H PID set value R
3009H PID feedback value R

Address description 300AH Terminal input state R

of start/stop 300BH Terminal output state R
300CH Analog quantity AVI1 value R
300DH Analog quantity AVI2/ACI value R
300EH Reserved R
300FH Reserved R
3010H Reserved R
3011H Reserved R
3012H Current steps of Multi-steps Speed R
3013H Reserved R

Function Address
Description of data meaning R/W characteristic
description meaning
Address description 3014H Reserved R
of start/stop 3015H Reserved R
parameters 3016H Reserved R
Fault information code coincides with number of
5000H fault type in function code menu. But the data here
Inverter fault address R
returned to the host is in hexadecimal system and
not fault character.

Note: Data read from 5000H compares with the actual fault as shown in the table below.

Number Fault type

0x00 No fault
0x01 Conversion unit U-phase protection(OUT1)
0x02 Conversion unit V-phase protection(OUT2)
0x03 Conversion unit W-phase protection(OUT3)
0x04 Acceleration over current(OC1)
0x05 Deceleration over current(OC2)
0x06 Constant speed over current (OC3)
0x07 Acceleration over voltage(OV1)
0x08 Deceleration over voltage(OV2)
0x09 Constant speed over voltage (OV3)
0x0A Bus slip voltage fault(UV)
0x0B Motor overload(OL1)
0x0C Inverter overload(OL2)
0x0D Input side default phase(SPI)
0x0E Output side default phase(SPO)
0x0F Rectifier module over heating fault(OH1)
0x10 Conversion module over heating fault(OH2)
0x11 External fault(EF)
0x12 Communication error(CE)
0x13 Current test error(ITE)
0x14 Motor self-learning error(TE)
0x15 EEPROM operation error(EEP)
0x16 PID broken line error(PIDE)
0x17 Braking cell error(Bce)
0x18 reserved

Parameters read from inverter are all expressed in hexadecimal system. All values = actual
value*10K, of which K is the bit number after decimal point of parameter.

M. Response of Wrong Information

It uses function code field and fault address to indicate normal response (right) or there are some
errors ( called objection response). As for the normal response, the corresponding function code,
data address or sub-function code are responded from equipment. For the objection response,
return to one code equals to normal code from equipment. But the first position must be logical 1.
For example, the information sent from a host to assistant requires to read a group of data of
inverter function code address, the following function codes will be produced:
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (hexadecimal 03H)
For the normal response, the assistant equipment responds the same function code. And the
objection response, it returns:
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (hexadecimal 83H)
The assistant equipment will respond one byte of abnormal code except that the function has
been modified due to objection error, which is the reason of abnormal codes.
Once received the objected response, the typical processing of application program of host
equipment is resending message, or modify command aiming at corresponding errors.

Meaning of Error Code

ModBus Abnormal Code

Code Name Meaning
Illegal When the function code received by host is forbidden operation; or assistant
function processes this demanding in error condition
Illegal data The demanding data address from host is forbidden address, especially when
address the combination of register address and transmitted bytes is invalid.
Illegal data When the received data field includes forbidden value. Note: it doesn’t mean that
value the data presented and stored has a value excepted of application program.
06H Inverter is busy. (EPPROM is being saved)
unit busy
Password The password written in by password check address is different from the 08-00
incorrect user password.
In the frame information sent by host computer, when RTU format CRC check bit
11H or ASCII format LRC check bit is different from the check calculation value of
assistant computer, the information of check error is sent out.
Parameter In parameter writing command sent by host computer, the sent data that out of
alter invalid parameter range or the write address is unable to alter currently.
System When the host computer reads or writes, the user password has been set and the
locked computer hasn’t released the password protection, and the system will be locked.

12-00 Local communication address Factory setting 1
Setting range 0~247, Broadcast address 0.
When host is in the course ofediting frame, when the assistant communication address is
set as 0, which is used as broadcast communication address. all assistants on ModBus bus
will receive this frame, but not to response. Note: the assistant address can't be set as 0.
Local communication address is unique in communication network, which is the basis to
realize the point-to-point communication of host computer and inverter.

12-01 Communication baud rate setting Factory setting 3

Setting range 2:4800bps
This parameter is used to set the data transmission rate between host computer and
inverter. Pay attention that the host computer must coincide with the baud rate set by
inverter, or communication can't be operated. The greater the baud rate is, the higher the
communication speed will be.

12-02 Data bit check setting Factory setting 0

0: No checking(N,8,1) for RTU
1: Even checking(E,8,1) for RTU
2: Odd checking(O,8,1) for RTU
3: No checking(N,8,2) for RTU
4: Even checking(E,8,2) for RTU
5: Odd checking(O,8,2) for RTU
6: No checking(N,7,1) for ASCII
7: Even pchecking(E,7,1) for ASCII
Setting range 8: Odd checking(O,7,1) for ASCII
9: No checking(N,7,2) for ASCII
10: Even checking(E,7,2) for ASCII
11: Odd checking(O,7,2) for ASCII
12: No checking(N,8,1) for ASCII
13: Even checking(E,8,1) for ASCII
14: Odd checking(O,8,1) for ASCII
15: No checking(N,8,2) for ASCII
16: Even checking(E,8,2) for ASCII
17: Odd checking(O,8,2) for ASCII

The host computer must coincide with the data format set by inverter, or communication
can't be operated.

12-03 Communication response delay Factory setting 5
Setting range 0~200ms[ms]
Communication response delay refers to the interval time from end of inverter data receiving
to sending response data to host computer. If the response delay time is shorter than
system processing time, the response delay is subject to system processing time. If the
response delay time is longer than system processing time, the system has to delay after
processing the data. And send data to the host computer until the delay time is reached.

12-04 Time of communication overtime fault Factory setting 0.0

Setting range 0.0~200.0s[s]
When this function code is set as 0.0s, the parameter of communication overtime time is
When this function code is set as valid value, if the interval time between one communica-
tion and the next communication exceeds the time of communication overtime, the system
will report communication error (CE).
Normally, this parameter is set as invalid value. setting this parameter in system of continu-
ous communication can monitor the communication status.

12-05 Transmission error processing Factory setting 0.0

0: Alarm and coast to stop
1: No alarm and run continuously
Setting range 2: No alarm and stop according to stopping mode (only under
communication control mode)
3: No alarm and stop according to stopping mode (under all control modes)

When the inverter communication is abnormal, it is available to set the process action of
communication error to shield CE fault, stop or continue to operate.

12-06 Transmission response processing Factory setting 0.0

0: Operation writing responded
Setting range
1: Operation writing not responded
When LED unit of this function code is set as 0, the inverter has response to the reading-
writing command of host computer.
When LED unit of this function code is set as 1, the inverter only has response to the
reading command of host computer, but no response to the writing command, through
which can improve the communication efficiency.

12-13 Cooling Fan Control Mode Factory setting 1

0:Cooling fan is enabled when power on
Setting range
1:Only enabled when the inverter is in operation
0:When power on, the inverter cooling fan is enabled.
1:Then inverter cooling fan is enabled when the inverter is in operation; When the inverter
stops, cooling fan delay to stop.

12-15 Current auxiliary level for Brake valve Factory setting 20.0%
Setting range Percentage of motor rated current
The brake current level is the percentage of the motor rated current.
For more detail, please refer to parameter 09-16.

12-19 Output frequency multiple selection Factory setting 1

Setting range 0~20
This parameter is used for setting the output frequency multiple when MO1 terminal selects
DFM output, please refer to the parameter 06-00.

12-21 Low voltage underclocking level Factory setting 468.0V

Setting range 0.0~500.0v

12-22 Low voltage underclocking time Factory setting 0.0s

Setting range 0.0~3600.0s

12-23 Low voltage underclocking coefficient Factory setting 0.80

Setting range 0.00~2.00

When Bus DC voltage is down to the low voltage underclocking level [12-21], the output
frequency will adjust to the frequency value that the power automatically keeps, frequency
decline time rate is the low voltage underclocking time [12-22].
Low voltage underclocking coefficient [12-23] can adjust the frequency value that the power
keeps. The value is smaller, the bigger is the adjustment.
Note:When low voltage underclocking time is o, this function is disabled.

12-24 Low voltage LU auxiliary control level Factory setting 0.0v

Setting range -60.0~.60.0v

Low voltage level:380.0v + 12-24, the low voltage control range is 320.0v~440.0v.


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