04-15-11 Edition
04-15-11 Edition
04-15-11 Edition
Students learn the art of confidence through speech County facing potential $27 million cost increase
By Heather Murtagh sexually transmitted diseases and nomic and political well-being of By Michelle Durand a $27,180,403
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF the basics of what happens to a Asian Pacific Americans, offers this DAILY JOURNAL STAFF p o t e n t i a l
boy’s or girl’s body, but what about six-week course over Saturdays to increase in costs,
Sixteen-year-old Raymond Tong relationships? Tong asked a room of give local teens a chance to said Munks.
The state’s plan to keep prisoners
was troubled when he got a text about 25 people Wednesday evening strengthen their confidence and The state will
in San Mateo, why not also discuss speaking skills. On Wednesday in local jails could cost San Mateo
from a friend on a recent rainy repay roughly
the social aspects of a passionate County $27 million more than cur-
evening, the five finalists were given
Wednesday evening, “My parents $10 million but
don’t want me anymore.” relationship ending or the difficulty rently spent on daily inmate expens-
a chance to speak on one of two top- other depart-
Tong’s friend is pregnant, recently of talking to parents about being ics for the chance to win a $500 es and any state reimbursement will
ments such as
dumped and her parents didn’t han- pregnant at a young age? scholarship, which Tong won. The be stretched across departments,
Tong was one of five finalists in four second place winners each tookSheriff Greg Munks said yesterday. Greg Munks the Health
dle the news well. The situation System and the
shined light on a larger problem for the OCA San Mateo’s Speak and home a $100 prize. Using the calculated daily jail rate Probation Department will also
Tong — the inadequacy of middle Lead Program. The local chapter of Students in the finals were askedof $169.92 per male inmate, the make calls on the funds, he said.
school and high school sex educa- OCA, a national organization dedi- individual cost is $62,000 a year
tion. Sure it goes over the dangers of cated to advancing the social, eco- See SPEECH, Page 8 which collectively could mean up to See JAIL, Page 23
2 Friday • April 15, 2011 FOR THE RECORD THE DAILY JOURNAL
to form four ordinary words. Klaus says it’s customary for leaders part of the region’s tourist industry,
RGDIN to keep pens after signing accords. But whom he replaced as president in 2003. bringing in thousands of visitors every
the manner in which he sized up the pen Klaus has been publicly at odds with summer.
— encrusted with semiprecious Chilean the widely-held view that humanity is Highlights of the museum’s collection
©2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. stones — and then sneakily slipped it the probable cause of global warming, include a 170-centimeter (67-inch)
into his pocket while he sat at a desk and is a strong opponent of gay marriage sperm whale penis preserved in
alongside Chilean President Sebastian in what is considered one of Europe’s formaldehyde, lampshades made from
Pinera has earned him the ridicule of more liberal nations. bull testicles and what the museum
some of his countrymen. The renowned Euro-skeptic also did- described as an “unusually big” penis
TSFOYR “It seemed to me absolutely inappro- n’t allow the European Union flag to fly bone from a Canadian walrus.
priate to do anything like that during an over Prague Castle, his official seat, dur- Hjartarson, 69, said his interest in
ing the Czech EU presidency in 2009 what he calls “phallology” began when,
official ceremony,” said Vojtech Palous,
because he said the country was not an as a youngster in rural Iceland, he was
CJEYKO a 23-year-old student of medicine from
EU province. given a whip made from a bull’s penis to
Now arrange the circled letters Prague.
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon. “To do that in front of television cam- Iceland’s penis museum help him herd cattle. Later, when he
eras was just insane.” worked at a school near a whaling sta-
Ans: Campaign participants are being finally gets human specimen tion, colleagues brought him whale
(Answers tomorrow) asked to send to the presidential office LONDON — In life, Pall Arason penises as gifts.
Answer: When the blackjack dealer was scolded by pens, pencils or other writing means on sought attention. In death, he is getting “That was how it started. I opened this
the pit boss, he — DEALT WITH IT May 2 because “Mr. president obviously it: The 95-year-old Icelander’s pickled museum 15 years ago with 62 speci-
has nothing to write with.” penis will be the main attraction in one mens,” he said. Now, with the addition
Palous said it is likely his family will of his country’s most bizarre museums. of Arason’s organ, he has 276, many sus-
send the president a parcel with a collec- Sigurdur Hjartarson, who runs the pended in formaldehyde or dried and
tion of pens. Phallological Museum in the tiny mounted on the walls.
“The campaign is great because so Icelandic fishing town of Husavik, said Photos posted to the museum’s web-
many people were able to say they dis- Arason’s organ will help round out the site show small army of ghostly, whitish
approve with Klaus, and they can do it in unusual institution’s extensive collection penises stuffed into jars, tall glass cylin-
a relatively funny way,” Palous said. of phalluses from whales, seals, bears ders and large aquariums.
THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Friday • April 15, 2011 3
Local briefs Police reports
Fire mediation date cemented
Belmont and San Carlos representatives will definitely sit down Copper wire caper
next Friday with a county-hired mediator because scheduling Someone stole copper wire between
doesn’t allow for an earlier meeting. March 30 and April 8 on Ucelli Boulevard
The two cities, making a last-ditch effort to save their joint in Redwood City.
Belmont-San Carlos Fire Department, tentatively picked April 22
for mediation but San Carlos Councilman Bob Grassilli pushed
for an earlier possibility. The San Carlos City Council is hearing FOSTER CITY
fire proposals from other entities on April 18 and wants to make a
decision April 25. Suspicious circumstances. A neighbor
However, Belmont officials alerted San Carlos on Thursday that reported a garage door open for three hours on
none of four alternative times work so April 22 remains. Swan Street before 10:05 p.m. Tuesday, April
At that meeting, San Carlos Mayor Omar Ahmad and Belmont 12.
Councilwoman Christine Wozniak will discuss possible ways of Vandalism. The exterior glass of a family
averting the Oct. 13 dissolution of the fire joint powers authority. room window was reported to be shattered,
Each representative was chosen from their respective councils. possibly by a BB gun, on St. Vincent Lane
Each agreed to mediation at the urging of a Board of before 3:39 p.m. Tuesday, April 12. It later
Supervisors subcommittee. appeared to be caused by a bird.
Burglary. Two vehicles appeared to have bur-
BART hires interim general manager glarized on Corsica Lane, but nothing was
BART directors voted 6-3 Thursday to hire former general taken, before 3:34 a.m. Tuesday, April 12.
counsel Sherwood Wakeman to serve as the transit agency’s inter- Burglary. A vehicle was broken into on
im general manager until it finds a permanent replacement for ANDREW SCHEINER/DAILY JOURNAL Nottingham Lane and a GPS unit was stolen
Dorothy Dugger, who announced her resignation on Wednesday. Members of Take Back Democracy of San Mateo County and the Peninsula before 3:34 a.m. Tuesday, April 12.
Wakeman joined BART as a lawyer in 1973 shortly after it Raging Grannies, including Mary Guedon, second left, gathered at Bank of Burglary. Cash, jewelry and coins all valued
began passenger service and he became its general counsel in May America at 300 El Camino Real in San Mateo yesterday to protest the bank’s at approximately $22,000 was stolen from a
1987. He stayed in that position until he retired in July 2007. tax avoidance before tax day.The group demanded that the bank pay its fair house that was ransacked on Regulus Street
He served as BART’s interim general manager on two previous share of taxes. before 2:28 p.m. Saturday, April 9.
Dugger, who joined BART in 1992 and became its general
manager in August 2007, said Wednesday that she will step down
on April 22. Wakeman will take over the following day and will
be paid $160 an hour.
BART said it is giving Dugger, who was its first female gener-
al manager, a severance package totaling $958,000.
Dugger’s departure had been expected after the board voted 5-
4 to fire her at a closed session on Feb. 10.
Skipper passed away on Thursday April 7, 2011 after a short illness. She was born
in Portugal on February 19, 1921. At the age of 2 she immigrated to San Mateo with
her mother Adelaide Fernandes to join her father Frank Fernandes who had come over
shortly after her birth. She graduated from San Mateo High School and the College of
San Mateo. She married Walter“Red”Tomaskovich just after WWII started. They had one
daughter Margo. Red preceded her in death in 1968. She worked as a credit manager
for many years before becoming a bi-lingual teacher’s aid in Half Moon Bay. She lived
with her 2nd husband Ralph Gehlken in Moss Beach in their dream home they built and
traveled together until 1995 when they moved to San Carlos to be closer to her daughter.
Ralph preceded her in death in 2001. In 2008 Skipper broke her leg and moved to the San
Carlos Elms where she became a fixture in the lobby with her group of friends. Skipper
was an avid gardener, lover of animals, artist and had a lifelong love of reading. Her com-
panion for 14 years was “Teiger” her cat who slept with her every night. Teiger is being
loved and cared for by Skipper’s friend at The Elms, Carla and her aid Daniel.
Skipper is survived by her daughter and son-in-law Margo and Ed Bangert of San
Carlos, her sister Edith Freitas of Grass Valley, her brother-in-law Elmer Smith of Tucson
and nieces and nephews.
Cremation will take place at The Neptune Society and there will be no service or me-
morial as per Skipper’s wishes.
In lieu of flowers please donate to Pathways Hospice, http://pathwayshealth.org/
Pets In Need, http://www.petsinneed.org/ or North Star Rescue http://northstarrescue.
org/ in Skipper’s name.
The family would also like to thank the staff at The San Carlos Elms for making the
last years of her life so comfortable and enjoyable.
THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL/STATE Friday • April 15, 2011 5
California dipped 2.4 percent last month SAN FRANCISCO — California regulators are approving a
COUNTY # SOLD % CHANGE PRICE % CHANGE plan that requires Pacific Gas & Electric Co. to update officials
to $249,000 from $255,000 in March Marin 249 10.7 $668,250 4.4
2010, marking a sixth year-over-year on crucial safety work done on its natural gas pipelines over
San Francisco 495 -1 $650,000 -3.7 the next three years.
decrease in a row as low-priced foreclo- San Mateo 579 8.6 $555,000 -9.8
sures and other distressed properties PG&E will be required to file semi-annual reports showing
Santa Clara 1,665 3.9 $460,000 -8 which pipelines the company is replacing and which lines are
continued to dominate the market, a Orange 2,615 -1.4 $430,000 -0.5
tracking firm said Thursday. most high risk. The utility also will have to spell out its justifi-
Ventura 757 2.4 $349,000 -6.9 cations for its annual budgets and strategic plans.
San Diego-based MDA DataQuick Alameda 1,400 -7 $341,000 -5.3
said the state’s median home price was PG&E has been under scrutiny since one of its pipelines
San Diego 3,063 -5.1 $325,000 -1.5 blew up in San Bruno last September, killing eight people and
up 2 percent from $244,000 in February, Los Angeles 6,590 -2.3 $320,000 -2.7
but stressed that prices usually increase destroying 38 homes. The company could face fines if it can-
Napa 128 -5.9 $308,000 -6 not produce documents proving that its high-pressure trans-
between February and March. Sonoma 513 10.1 $285,000 -10.4
Home sales fell 2.4 percent from mission lines are operating safely.
Contra Costa 1,414 0.1 $245,000 -10.9 The California Public Utilities Commission unanimously
37,295 in March 2010 to 36,417 last Riverside 3,843 -7.5 $198,000 0
month, the firm said. approved the plan as part of a broader gas settlement at its reg-
Solano 608 -7.9 $190,000 -11.6 ular meeting Thursday.
Sales were up 33.3 percent from San Bernardino 2,544 -13.9 $150,000 -1.3
27,320 in February, but a sales increase
is also normal between the two months,
DataQuick said.
“The housing market has certainly
40.1 percent in February and down from
40.3 percent in March 2010. The month-
ly average for foreclosure resales over
last month’s sales.
Last month 18.3 percent of statewide
sales were for $500,000 or more, up
Senate bill mandates
moved well back from the abyss of two
years ago, but there is quite a ways to go
before it’s even remotely normal,” said
DataQuick president John Walsh.
the past 15 years is 14.5 percent.
Short-sale transactions, in which
lenders allow distressed homes to be
from 16.8 percent in February but down
from 19.3 percent in March 2010, the
firm said. Over the last 10 years, a
gay history in schools
By Lisa Leff
Foreclosures accounted for 39.3 per- sold for less than what is owed on monthly average of 26.3 percent of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
cent of last month’s resales, down from them, accounted for 17.6 percent of homes sold for $500,000-plus.
SACRAMENTO — Gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgen-
Salmon fishermen gear up for strong season der people would be added to the lengthy list of social and eth-
nic groups that public schools must include in social studies
lessons under a landmark bill passed Thursday by the
California Senate.
By Jason Dearen that the season off the coast of way under the Golden Gate Bridge into
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS California, Oregon and Washington San Francisco Bay, and up the river to If the bill is adopted by the state Assembly and signed by
open on May 1, and run into September. spawn. Gov. Jerry Brown, California would become the first state to
require the teaching of gay history.
SAN FRANCISCO — West coast Fisheries managers estimated 730,000 “We are pleased to see that
Supporters say the move is needed to counter anti-gay
commercial salmon fishermen are get- Chinook would return to the Sacramento Sacramento River fall-Chinook salmon stereotypes and beliefs that make children in those groups vul-
ting ready for what is expected to be River this fall. This run of salmon provides have rebounded nicely for California nerable to bullying and suicide.
their most fruitful season in years, after many of the fish caught off of California and Oregon fisheries,” said Mark Opponents counter that such instruction would further bur-
federal fisheries regulators this week and southern Oregon, and has been plum- Cedergreen, chairman of the council, in den an already crowded curriculum and expose students to a
predicted a healthy Chinook salmon run meting in numbers in recent years. a news release. subject that some parents find objectionable.
this fall for the first time since 2007. In 2009, a record-low 39,500 Chinook The National Marine Fisheries Service The legislation, sponsored by Democratic Sen. Mark Leno
The Pacific Fishery Management returned after estimates predicted will vote to approve the recommenda- of San Francisco, passed on a 23-14 party line vote. It also
Council on Wednesday recommended 122,000 of the fish would swim their tion May 1. would add disabled people to the curriculum.
• U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier, D-San
Mateo, joined U.S. Rep. Jerrold
BrightStar offers glimpse into company
Nadler, D-NY, the ranking Democrat Private home health care provider growing rapidly,featured on ‘Undercover Boss’
on the Judiciary Subcommittee on By Bill Silverfarb to their patients. work in the home health care industry.
the Constitution, U.S. Rep. Zoe DAILY JOURNAL STAFF “The experience deepened my appreci- Not wanting to reinvent the wheel,
Lofgren, D-CA, the ranking ation for our caregivers and their relent- Sayson researched private companies to
Democrat on the Judiciary A new model for tending to the sick and less efforts to improve their clients’ quali- invest in and found BrightStar.
Subcommittee on Immigration, and elderly is growing at a fast rate across the ty of life and relieve the stress their fami- Since, the local BrightStar franchise has
U.S. Reps. John Conyers, D-MI, Tammy Baldwin, D-WI, United States as a private medical home lies face on a day-to-day basis,” Sun said contracted with San Mateo County’s
Jared Polis, D-CO, Mike Honda, D-CA, and Luis health care provider has teamed with pub- in a statement after participating on the Aging and Adult Services to provide in-
Gutierrez, D-IL, and others will announce the re-introduc- lic agencies and hospitals to provide show. home supportive services and works with
tion of the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA). The licensed caregivers for the homebound or Her segment airs this Sunday on CBS. hospitals to provide sit-in care for families
legislation would allow gay and lesbian Americans to sponsor people with disabilities. Sayson is excited to see Sun in action. when requested.
their permanent partners for legal residency in the United BrightStar Care has six franchises in the When he decided to buy into BrightStar, BrightStar also offers respite relief, nan-
States, a right currently allowed for married heterosexuals Bay Area, with one that has been open in Sayson was required to participate in nies, sick-day child care, sitter services
under immigration law. downtown San Mateo for two years now. owner’s training at the company’s head- and pediatric home care and a wide range
When Ed Sayson, president and owner of quarters in the Chicago suburbs. of child home health care services for
STATE GOVERNMENT the local franchise, opened BrightStar in
It’s something Sayson calls “homecare children with special needs.
• The Assembly Governmental Organization Committee San Mateo in 2009, the company had 90 “We have some of the best caregivers in
He met Sun there and a host of other
Thursday passed Assembly Bill 183, authored by franchises across the United States. Today, BrightStar workers and found he had the industry,” Sayson said.
Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, D-San Francisco, on a 11-3 that number has grown to 200. something in common with many of The company requires extensive back-
vote. Ma was joined at the hearing by Mothers Against The company offers personal care, from them. They had each helped care for a ground checks for all its caregivers and
Drunk Driving (MADD) and other supporters. AB 183 will companionship and hygiene care to med- family member as they were dying, dis- each are screened by a registered nurse
prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages at a self-service ication reminders and respite care that are covering how difficult it is to provide before being hired.
checkout stands. all administered by registered nurses. The quality care for loved ones as they strug- So far, the local franchise has grown
• The California Senate voted Thursday to approve Senate San Mateo franchise employs more than gle with health issues. through word-of-mouth, Sayson said.
Bill 24 by state Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo Alto. California’s 100 nurses and caregivers who provide Through caring for a parent, Sayson had “In 2009, nobody knew who we were,”
current data breach law, authored by Simitian in 2002, direct care to the elderly or terminally ill to deal with several agencies as the need Sayson said.
requires companies and state government agencies to notify up and down the Peninsula. grew from light-attendant care to skilled For Sayson, the work is rewarding when
individuals when their personal information has been com- Caregivers have hard jobs and, to get a nursing. he and his staff see patients and their fam-
promised. According to Simitian’s office, Senate Bill 24 glimpse into their world, BrightStar’s He was working for Kaiser Permanente ilies come out with better outcomes.
would strengthen the existing law by doing the following: Chief Executive Officer Shelly Sun partic- at the time as a recruiter in the information “If you want to get an appreciation of
1). Establish standard, core content for data breach notifi- ipated in the hit television series technology sector, after working more what the business is all about watch the
cation — such as the type of information breached, the time “Undercover Boss.” than 25 years as a corporate head hunter ‘Undercover Boss’ segment,” Sayson said.
of breach and a toll-free telephone number of major credit Sun went undercover to examine the for companies such as Walt Disney, when
reporting agencies for security breach notices in California; inner workings of her company, working he realized his expertise in linking people To learn more about BrightStar Care
and, alongside other caregivers as they tended with the right opportunities could also visit www.brightstarcare.com.
2). Require public agencies, businesses and people subject
to California’s security breach notification law to send an
Around the nation
electronic copy of the breach notification to the attorney gen-
eral if more than 500 Californians are affected by a single
Google spending weighs on 1Q Census:Hispanics surpass
By Michael Liedtke least 6,200 workers this year, the most in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS its 13-year history. It added more than blacks in most U.S.metros
CITY GOVERNMENT 1,900 people in the first quarter, a pace Hispanics now outnumber African-
• The San Mateo City Council will conduct a special study SAN FRANCISCO — Google is help- that would translate to more than 7,600 Americans for the first time in most U.S.
session to get an update on the city’s dogs off-leash policy ing the economy and hurting its stock. for the year. Google ended March with metropolitan areas, shifting the political
Monday night. During the regular meeting, the council will The company is hiring so many employ- more than 26,300 workers, 28 percent and racial dynamics in cities once domi-
consider a recommendation by staff to adopt resolutions to ees for projects outside its thriving search higher than a year ago. nated by whites and blacks. Census fig-
revise prior agreements with the city manager, city attorney, advertising business that its expenses are The push coincides with Google co- ures released Thursday highlight the
department heads and deputy directors regarding health and growing much faster than its revenue. founder Larry Page’s return to his origi- growing diversity of the nation’s 366
pension benefits for fiscal year 2011-12, to begin phasing in an The strategy came into sharper focus in nal job as CEO. Page, who ended Eric metro areas, which were home to a record
employee partnership with the city to cover a portion of their Google Inc.’s first-quarter earnings Schmidt’s decade-long tenure as CEO 83.7 percent share of the U.S. population.
own retirement pension and health insurance benefit costs. The report released Thursday. Higher costs after the first quarter ended, has indicat- The numbers from the 2010 count are
revisions should save the city about $160,000. The study ses- spooked investors who are already nerv- ed he plans to keep investing in opportu- already having a big effect on redistrict-
sion is 6 p.m., Monday, April 18, City Hall, 330 W. 20th Ave., ous about a new CEO who detests Wall nities that may take years to pay off, even ing in many states, where district bound-
San Mateo. The regular meeting starts 7 p.m. Street’s fixation on short-term results. if that drags down results in the near ary lines are being redrawn based on pop-
Google has committed to hiring at term. ulation size and racial makeup.
THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Friday • April 15, 2011 7
sent President Barack Obama hard-
Majority of new GOP
fought legislation cutting a record
$38 billion from federal spending
on Thursday, bestowing bipartisan
support on the first major compro-
mise between the White House and
vote for spending bill
By Jim Abrams elected on a platform to dramati-
newly empowered Republicans in cally downsize the federal gov-
Congress. ernment, 60 were for the measure
“Welcome to divided govern-
WASHINGTON — Most of the and 27 against.
ment,” said House Speaker John
87 House Republican freshmen “Sometimes we need to wring
Boehner of Ohio, Republican point
who came to Washington promis- the mop out a few times to clean
man in tough negotiations with the REUTERS
president and Senate Majority ing not to give ground to the up the mess,” said Rep. Jeff
U.S. House Speaker John Boehner speaks during a news conference on establishment swallowed hard Landry, explaining his “yes” vote
Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., that Capitol Hill in Washington,D.C.
produced a bill no one claimed to Thursday and voted for the com- despite the bill’s smaller spending
like in its entirety. The White House also looked compromise to tackle these issues promise worked out by Speaker cuts than many freshmen had
Leader of a rambunctious new ahead to a struggle now beginning and meet the expectations of the John Boehner and President hoped for. He said there were
majority, Boehner said the cuts in over national spending priorities in American people,” said an adminis- Barack Obama on keeping the other factors in his “yes” vote,
domestic programs were unprece- an era of soaring deficits and a $14 tration statement. government running for the next such as the inclusion of a provi-
dented. Yet he also called the meas- trillion national debt. The bipartisan votes belied a six months. sion barring the District of
ure a less-than-perfect first step in a “We all know there are tough fierce struggle that preceded pas- “I’m going to take it, saddle up Columbia from using either feder-
long campaign against federal red challenges ahead, from growing our sage and only narrowly avoided a again tomorrow and get more,” al or locally raised taxes for abor-
ink, and dozens of rank-and-file economy to reducing our deficit, but partial government shutdown a said Rep. Rob Woodall of tions and the certainty that mili-
conservatives voted against it. we must build on this bipartisan week ago. Georgia. While the $38 billion in tary personnel would not see their
cuts in the current budget year pay interrupted..
may be inadequate, “nothing is
2012 Republican hopefuls pan Obama’s budget plan worthwhile until the president
signs it into law,” he said.
Also important, he said, was
that the agreement reached with
the White House allowed for sep-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS cated their preference for a spending Barbour said he found much to like The freshmen have been in the
blueprint offered by Rep. Paul in Ryan’s plan to cut defense spend- arate votes on stripping funds
forefront in demanding that the
CONCORD, N.H. — Ryan, chairman of the House ing and in his Medicare proposal. from Planned Parenthood and the
Democratic-led Senate go along
Republicans considering a White Budget Committee. While praising Ryan was “direct with the with a House bill requiring deeper 2010 health care law, even though
House run in 2012 assailed Ryan, R-Wis., they have stopped American people,” Barbour said. cuts of $61 billion for the budget the Senate is certain to overturn
President Barack Obama’s deficit- short of endorsing his plan com- Obama, who outlined a competing year ending Sept. 30. the House votes.
reduction proposal and cast him as a pletely. plan Wednesday that includes tax The legislation, the result of an On the whole, most freshmen
tax-raising liberal who’s failing to “That’s a very good start. It does increases, says entitlements such as eleventh-hour compromise last appeared to agree with Rep. Lou
pull the nation back from the brink some things that need to be done,” Medicare and Medicaid “are not Friday that averted a government Barletta of Pennsylvania: “There
of financial catastrophe. Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour sustainable, but he’s never proposed shutdown, passed 260-167, with are many members with many
The criticism looks a lot like the said Thursday at a breakfast with doing anything about it until — 59 Republicans and 108 ideas on how to get this done,” he
opening salvo in a race certain to be Manchester Mayor Ted Gatsas. maybe — he did it yesterday,” Democrats voting against it. said. But at least, “we are moving
shaped by spending issues. During his opening trip to the Barbour told reporters at a gun shop Among the GOP freshmen, many the ball down the road.”
Most of the contenders have indi- first-in-the-nation primary state, in Hooksett.
cials and business people volun- at Los Angeles student, was widely at Mills, asked each person to
to protect today’s children. teered to mentor the students. Each criticized after posting a YouTube understand cultural differences
Each speaker was rated on a scale week, enrolled students must give a video criticizing Asians being loud while also being respectful of oth-
of 100 points with 40 given for mas- speech. Classes are kept small to in the library. ers. For example, if in a library, a
Continued from page 1
tery of content, 15 for use of voice, ensure each student gets a chance to Sixteen-year-old Laura Liu, a jun- place known for a quiet atmosphere,
15 for body language and 30 for get practice, said Chai. The finals ior at San Mateo High School, be quiet.
to speak on one of two topics: If you connection to the audience, put students in front of a larger spoke of having a dream in which Guidance from the judges had
have a chance to speak to your explained San Mateo Councilman crowd. Admittedly scarier, Chai people will meet her and wait to
mayor, county supervisor, state common themes: Slow down, make
David Lim, who helped with classes said, that’s life. pass judgment. Liu explained a few points and stick to them. Also,
assembly member or congress per- and emceed the event. Three judges San Mateo High School sopho- change starts with her. When meet-
son, what issue would you like to use visual aids to help convey
— county Supervisor Carole more Karen Chee also decided to ing people, she’ll take a bit longer to clunky statistics.
bring to her/his attention to solve, Groom, Redwood City Councilman talk with local officials. Her mes- get to know them rather than quick-
and why? Or regarding Ms. Jeff Gee and Dr. Ken Fong of sage to the Foster City mayor: ly assessing someone. These small
Alexandra Wallace’s Asian rant on To learn more about OCA-San
Kenson Ventures — evaluated the Create a Red Nose Day. The event, steps could make a big difference, Mateo County Chapter visit
YouTube, why do such stereotypes
students and offered feedback after focused on laughter while raising she said. www.ocasanmateo.org, email
against Asian-Americans persist in
each speech. money for those in need, could pro- Fourteen-year-old Marcus Niksa, ocasanmateo@yahoo.com or call
our culture, and what can future
“Learning can only occur by vide an opportunity to raise the spir- a freshman at Crystal Springs 533-3065.
leaders such as yourself do to
address these stereotypes? doing,” said OCA San Mateo Chair its of locals while helping larger Uplands School, suggested a com-
Tong, a junior at Mills High David Chai. causes, she said. munity effort to come together, get
School, chose the former. His About 18 students signed up for The other three contestants chose to know neighbors and alleviate Heather Murtagh can be reached by
speech called for a collective effort the six-week course on Saturdays. to address Asian stereotypes. stereotypes. email: heather@smdailyjournal.com or
Broken into three groups, local offi- Wallace, a University of California Gilbert Lim, a 17-year-old junior by phone: (650) 344-5200 ext. 105.
THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Friday • April 15, 2011 9
A joke of a budget fix
— Redding Record Searchlight Other voices
them and prisons to keep them locked up.
Paying for everything the state used to do
End of the
Bonds era
with recession-reduced revenues is obviously
t’s a well-worn conservative retort to impossible. And the whole point of a budget
calls for higher taxes: If you’re so keen special election on taxes.
Right. And next we’ll have spaghetti feeds debate is to hash out what’s still worth pay-
to pay more, feel free to mail your ing for, what we can do without and — the
for freeway bridges and “Adopt-an-Inmate”
check. drives to keep prisoners locked up. Gov. hardest part — what it might be worth taxing
As a political one-liner, it isn’t half-bad. ourselves more to sustain despite the reces- arry Bonds should have grown a long
Brown can hold a pledge drive. beard and dyed it black. Perhaps then
But as a policy for financing state govern- The fact is countless Californians voluntar- sion.
ment, it’s ridiculous. he could have intimidated the jury
ily give extra money or time to supplement It’s worth repeating: Sacramento’s majority
Yet Sen. Doug LaMalfa and a cadre of and got them to back off the single conviction
public services — to school booster clubs, Democrats should pay more heed to the
for obstruction of
fellow Republicans declared this week that park cleanups, library “friends” groups, and Republicans’ ideas for cost-cutting and gov- justice in his
their latest brainstorm for balancing the college scholarships (or even whole build- ernment streamlining. The Democrats are steroid perjury
state budget is to write this joke into law. ings, among the tycoon set). Encouraging entirely too attached to an unsustainable sta- trial that ended
The “Help Our State” Act would add a line such volunteerism in today’s straightened tus quo. Wednesday.
to state income-tax forms allowing indi- times is a fine idea. But if the Republican “solution” is a gim- Not nearly as
viduals or businesses to pay more than But for all that, no society does without micky stunt like a donation line on tax menacing without
their minimum obligation to the state’s taxes for the services whose benefits we all returns, they won’t accomplish a thing. a bat in his hand,
general fund. LaMalfa described it as an share one way or another— roads; education Cracking wise just won’t get the state back in and lighter than
alternative to Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed systems; police to catch crooks, courts to try the black. his later playing
days, Bonds just
didn’t have the
swagger he had
when he was
stroking home
Letters to the editor runs over the wall
and into McCovey Cove.
But now that the jury came up with its ver-
dict, shouldn’t now be the time to move on
more. Everyone in America is cutting back from the steroid era?
Holober for supervisor — except the San Carlos School District. My
words in their mouths.
There is also a really long history of For baseball fans, there are new heroes on
Editor, lesson plan? Come into 2011, cut spending, Democrats and their supporters equating the San Francisco Giants with Big Time
All registered voters should vote by mail and/or merge with other districts. Do we Republicans with Hitler. Bush, Reagan, Timmy Jim, the stoic and solid Matt Cain, the
for the May 4 election to fill the vacancy on need 20 school districts in one county? Nixon, Goldwater and Dewey come to mind. old soul Buster Posey and Brian Wilson, he of
the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. Will we lose teachers? Hewlett-Packard cut Did Dimitre ever oppose that? If not, why black linty-looking beard. The Giants have
When the mail-in ballot is received, don’t salaries 5 percent or more and lost no one. would it be unfair to consider her a really big turned the page on the steroids era to positive
wait, but mail your vote in right now. I sup- Where will they go? And where is there any hypocrite? effect, now federal prosecutors and Major
port Richard Holober for election to the study that says that paying incumbent teach- League Baseball would be wise to do the
county Board of Supervisors. Join me in ers more improves student learning? same. There are still lingering stories, with
Albert Alioto
electing Richard Holober. He has demon- Measure A does not address or improve slugger Manny Ramirez opting to retire rather
strated leadership with the ability to control San Francisco than face a 100-game suspension for a posi-
services or work habits; it simply gains funds
budgets as a trustee for the San Mateo that can be used to pay public employees and tive test. However, stringent testing and stern-
County Community College District. He will er attitudes about performance-enhancing
bring an active, positive voice of moderation
provide pensions.
We need school leadership that works for
An astute and inspiring column drugs have forced a significant — and positive
to the county. Holober is a decision maker. taxpayers, not for employee groups. Is it any Editor, — change to the game.
He is an advocate for balanced budgets. He is surprise the teachers' union supports the The column published by Dorothy Dimitre, Other players of the steroid era are finding
a leader. Holober will get the job done. measure? “Political bullies,” published in the April 12 their way any way they can. Jose Canseco is a
Voters should give Measure A an F. edition of the Daily Journal was the most mockery. Roger Clemens is in purgatory.
Tom Elliott astute and inspiring column I have ever read Sammy Sosa is missing in action. The likable
San Mateo Darwin Patnode in the Daily Journal. Thank you for saying Jason Giambi apologized and is still playing
all those things. Yes, as you point out, the while Mark McGwire has found his way onto
San Carlos
conservatives’ viewpoint is: “the poor and the the Cardinals as hitting coach and, aside from
needy can go without health care, housing his late admission to using steroids, has been
San Carlos school The real political bully and food — but don’t raise taxes.” I believe mostly quiet, almost sad. Other less notable
we agree that the Golden Rule, do unto oth- players replicate the mumbled apologies and
measure: Grade A or F? Editor, ers as you would have them do unto you, is speak only of their regrets.
Editor, In her latest column, “Political bullies” in not what these conservatives are about. They There was a time when names like Canseco,
A stealth election is occurring in the San the April 11 edition of the Daily Journal, are about greed — getting more money and Sosa and McGwire would electrify baseball
Carlos School District. The mail-only Dorothy Dimitre wrote about a woman in power for themselves, while asking everyone fans with their mere presence and the promise
Burlingame at a table with a poster of to help them “get government off their of what they could do on the diamond. But
process is extend a formerly temporary tax
President Obama with a Hitler moustache. She backs.” But getting government off their that time has passed. There are new players
that would “retain highly-qualified teachers.”
went on, “To me, she epitomizedf the vicious- backs also allows them to run roughshod now who bring a better attitude to the game.
I have questions. Is this the school district ness of those Republicans whose motto is
that just dished out $1.38 million in “extra over the rest of us in the name profits and The Giants, with their workaday, team-first
‘Destroy Obama!’ People like Jim DeMint, power without government regulation, gov- attitude, sparked the Bay Area to life with
pay” for training and work beyond employee Mitch McConnell, Glenn Beck, Rush
contracts? Is it the same tiny district that has ernment protection of the rest of us and of their late-season run to the playoffs and into
Limbaugh and Sarah Palin come to mind.”
19 workers in the $100,000 club, as recently the Earth and without government assistance the World Series. There was a time when it
Two things are particularly despicable about
reported, with many teachers receiving to those among us who who need help. seemed no one could fill the inflated uniform
that. First, there wasn’t a shred of evidence to
$90,000 or more, in many cases for nine connect the woman Dimitre saw with the peo- Thank you for pointing this out to all of your of Bonds on the field of AT&T Park, yet it is
months of work? Is this the district that gave ple she mentioned. My understanding is that readers. the slight Tim Lincecum who has done so
its superintendent a $10,000 bonus, allowing these tables are manned by supporters of with ease. Instead of several role players to
his total comp to rise to $206,092? Lundon Larouche. bolster Bonds in the lineup, it is Lincecum
News flash! The feds are cutting spending, Secondly, none of the politicians and pun- Jim Musselman who leads a band of players who exhibit the
and so is the state. The city of San Carlos dits she named have ever said that Obama San Francisco true nature of sportsmanship and teamwork.
outsourced police and saved $1 million or should be destroyed. She falsely put those It’s a big difference.
Everyone knows Bonds took steroids,
OUR MISSION: everyone knows his smiles and waves are
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most mostly an act. He deserves to be in the Hall of
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for those Fame, but we no longer have to ignore his
who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. transgressions. They were put on the stand for
By combining local news and sports coverage, analysis
and insight with the latest business, lifestyle, state, all to see.
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF:
Charlotte Andersen Jennifer Bishop national and world news, we seek to provide our readers As mighty as Bonds was on the field, the
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Gloria Brickman Gale Green with the highest quality information resource in San most recent image we have of him is not his
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Andrew Kane Lauren Lewis Mateo County. Our pages belong to you, our readers, and vicious bat and his lackadaisical jog to the
Jeff Palter Shirley Marshall we choose to reflect the diverse character of this
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer Kris Skarston dynamic and ever-changing community. outfield, it is of him trying to put on a happy
face as he left the courtroom Wednesday.
SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM “There’s nothing to celebrate,” Bonds said
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events Paul Bishop Jack Brookes
Jenna Chambers Charles Clayton outside the courtroom. For him, that may be
Michelle Durand, Senior Reporter Diana Clock Michael Costa Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: true. But for us, the fans of the game, there is.
Emily DeRuy Philip Dimaano facebook.com/smdailyjournal The steroids era is over. And so is the
REPORTERS: Darold Fredricks Miles Freeborn
Julio Lara, Heather Murtagh, Bill Silverfarb Brian Grabianowski Nick Rose Bonds era. After eight years, Bonds had his
Andrew Scheiner Michelle Sibrian twitter.com/smdailyjournal day in court and had a mixed victory. We now
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events
Kevin Smith Jeremy Venook Online edition at scribd.com/smdailyjournal can move on and enjoy watching the game the
Carrie Doung, Production Assistant
way it should played. And we have a team
Letters to the Editor • Please include a city of residence and phone number where Correction Policy right here that exemplifies that. Beard and all.
Should be no longer than 250 words. we can reach you. The Daily Journal corrects its errors. If you question the
• Emailed documents are preferred. No attachments please. accuracy of any article in the Daily Journal, please contact
Perspective Columns • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a month. the editor at news@smdailyjournal.com or by phone at:
Should be no longer than 600 words. Opinions expressed in letters, columns and perspectives are 344-5200, ext. 107 Jon Mays is the editor in chief of the Daily
• Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters will not those of the individual writer and do not necessarily represent Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal editorial Journal. He can be reached at jon@smdai-
be accepted. the views of the Daily Journal staff. board and not any one individual.
10 Friday • April 15, 2011 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL
Business briefs
Ford widens recall of F-150 pickup to nearly 1.2M
DETROIT — Ford bowed to pressure from regulators on
Thursday and widened a recall of America’s top-selling vehi-
cle, the F-150 pickup, because its air bags can deploy at the
wrong time.
The recall now covers nearly 1.2 million F-150s built for the
2004 and 2005 model years and some built for 2006. An elec-
trical short can cause the air bags to inflate without a crash and
could injure drivers. Ford Motor Co. in February said it would
fix the problem in 150,000 trucks but had resisted the govern-
ment’s wishes to expand the recall.
The widened recall shows how regulators have become more
aggressive since being criticized last year for a slow response
to unintended acceleration problems in Toyota vehicles.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Lincecum pitches in for Stow plate through his first pro season, hitting just
.236 with 116 strikeouts against 26 walks in
436 at bats.
Of course, they were two of the youngest
ment Thursday. “It’s also close to me position players on the roster. Joseph is still a
By Janie McCauley old paramedic’s medical bills and other
expenses. The father of two was beaten because not only is Mr. Stow a Giants teenager, just 19 to start the 2011 season, and
in a parking lot outside Dodger fan, but I have family and friends who he is once again the youngest player on the
Stadium after the teams’ March 31 sea- are firefighters, police officers and team by a bunch. Top pitching prospect Zach
SAN FRANCISCO — Giants ace
Tim Lincecum is giving $25,000 to son opener and remains hospitalized in paramedics and this honors their serv- Wheeler is nearly 10 months older.
assist the longtime San Francisco fan Los Angeles in a medically induced ice to the community. And, oh yeah, both were promoted to San
who was attacked outside Dodger coma. No arrests have been made “I encourage Giants fans to support Jose, where Sanchez entered play last night
Stadium last month. despite a $150,000 reward. Mr. Stow in a positive way and hope batting a respectable .278, and Joseph was
The two-time NL Cy Young Award there are not any more unfortunate acts pacing the team with a .355 average (11 for
“This was a senseless act of violence
winner’s donation will go to the Bryan and I wanted to help out Mr. Stow and
Tim Lincecum Stow Fund to help with the 42-year- his family,” Lincecum said in a state- See STOW, Page 12 See GIANTS, Page 16
12 Friday • April 15, 2011 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL
Continued from page 11
Tigers visit A’s, take them down
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS two games on walkoff hits, couldn’t get worked the ninth for his third save in as
between fans in this great rivalry,” Lincecum said. anything going against Oakland starter many chances.
The Giants raised nearly $70,000 for the Stow fund, part- OAKLAND, Calif. — Detroit left- Gio Gonzalez but broke through after It was a welcomed performance for
nering with his employer, American Medical Response, to hander Phil Coke and two relievers com- Gonzalez left. the Tigers, who were stymied by
gather donations at AT&T Park on Monday during the bined on a three-hitter, Ryan Raburn hit Santiago greeted reliever Tyson Ross Gonzalez for six innings.
Dodgers-Giants series opener. The total includes a $10,000 a two-out RBI double in the seventh (1-1) with a sharp single to center and Gonzalez gave up just two hits and
donation from the team. inning to break a scoreless tie and the was sacrificed to second. After Casper extended his scoreless streak to 17 con-
In a rare scene Monday night, a player from each team Tigers held on for a 3-0 win over the Wells flew out to right, Raburn doubled secutive innings, but flirted with control
addressed fans before first pitch. Giants reliever Jeremy Oakland Athletics on Thursday night. hard off the wall in right-center. problems most of the game and matched
Affeldt and Dodgers second baseman Jamey Carroll came Ramon Santiago had two hits and Santiago, who also singled in the fifth, his career-high with six walks. Gonzalez
together for a joint message: This rivalry must stay on the drove in a run on a sacrifice fly in the scored easily. also threw two wild pitches.
field, without violence and hatred. eighth for Detroit. Manager Jim Leyland That was all Coke (1-2) and Detroit’s A 15-game winner for Oakland in
The teams gathered on the pitcher’s mound to make clear now needs one win to become the 19th bullpen needed to slow down the surging 2010, Gonzalez still lowered his ERA to
there should be no further acts of violence in this long-stand- manager in major league history to A’s. a stellar 0.47 before giving way to Ross
ing rivalry. There were no major incidents during the series. reach 1,500 for his career. Primarily a reliever throughout his in the seventh.
The Giants heightened security at their waterfront ballpark The Tigers managed only four hits, career, Coke made his first start in the After giving up Raburn’s RBI double
and the Dodgers were doing the same Thursday night for the matching their season low, but held on majors late in the 2010 season and was in the seventh, Ross walked the first two
start of their four-game series against the St. Louis Cardinals. behind Coke’s second straight solid start impressive enough to earn a spot in the batters in the eighth. Jeremy Blevins
after he opened the year in the bullpen. Tigers’ rotation this year. Because of the replaced Ross and promptly walked
Coke, a Northern California native, schedule, Coke opened the year in Brandon Inge to load the bases, then fell
Sports Brief pitched seven shutout innings and struck Detroit’s bullpen when manager Jim behind 3-0 to Santiago.
out two for his first victory of the sea- Leyland worked with a four-man rota- Two pitches later, Santiago hit a sacri-
Massive security presence at Dodger Stadium son. tion, but he’s been solid ever since. fice fly to left to score Jhonny Peralta.
Conor Jackson singled twice for the Coke allowed only one Oakland run- Oakland left fielder Josh Willingham
LOS ANGELES — Dodger Stadium was flooded with blue A’s, who were shut out for the first time ner past first base and retired 16 of the threw to third base but no one was cov-
Thursday night, both the Los Angeles Dodgers kind and the this year. final 18 batters he faced. Joaquin Benoit ering and the ball skipped into the A’s
LAPD variety, as the team and police cracked down on the The Tigers, who won their previous pitched the eighth and Jose Valverde dugout.
kind of hooliganism that nearly killed a San Francisco Giants
fan last month.
Three hours before the Los Angeles Dodgers and St. Louis
Cardinals were to begin playing, more than four dozen black-
and-white patrol cars were lined up in an impressive formation
in a parking lot down a hill from the stadium’s left-field pavil-
NFL mediation resumes
ion. As police helicopters whirled overhead, more police offi- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Hausfeld, one of the attorneys for the
cers on motorcycles, and still more on bicycles, circled the Smith was joined by attorneys, line- players.
cavernous, nearly empty parking lot repeatedly. MINNEAPOLIS — The NFL and its backers Ben Leber and Mike Vrabel, as It was the first time the two sides have
Police Chief Charlie Beck said there would be still more locked-out players started talking again, well as Hall of Fame defensive end Carl sat down to talk since March 11, when
inside the stadium, in plainclothes, for the game. and they talked all day. Eller. the collective bargaining agreement
“If you’re threatening, if you’re making comments that The only sign of progress or produc- “We had a full day. It was constructive expired, the union was dissolved to clear
could lead to violence, you’re going to get ejected,” he said at tivity, though, was the nine hours or so to get together,” said Jeff Pash, the the way for a court fight and the NFL
a news conference behind the pavilion. both sides spent in the federal court- NFL’s lead negotiator. “The chief mag- wound up with its first work stoppage
house on Thursday. Sworn to secrecy istrate judge is working very hard, and I since the monthlong strike in 1987. With
about specifics of the court-ordered give him a lot of credit for really trying the lockout at 33 days and counting and
mediation, neither the league nor the to move the parties toward a solution.” the 2011 season in peril, Boylan is over-
players provided much insight about Neither he nor Goodell would elabo- seeing this round of mediation. Sixteen
where they’re at in their dispute over the rate on the day’s events. days of mediated sessions in Washington
division of this $9 billion business. failed to secure a new labor pact.
“We pledged confidentiality,” the
They’ll meet again on Friday. Goodell stepped away from the ses-
commissioner said.
Commissioner Roger Goodell, sion to join a teleconference with 5,300
Carolina Panthers owner Jerry Smith was mum, too.
“We’ll be back tomorrow,” he said as Cleveland Browns season-ticket holders
Richardson, Kansas City Chiefs owner
Clark Hunt, Pittsburgh Steelers owner he walked away. for 20 minutes. He would not character-
Art Rooney and New England Patriots So how long might this go? ize the negotiations, which are supposed
owner Robert Kraft were among those “The court has indicated it wants to to remain confidential, but did reiterate
on hand for the closed-door session with continue with everyone talking as long the importance of the sides getting
U.S. Magistrate Judge Arthur Boylan. as it makes sense,” said Michael together.
THE DAILY JOURNAL Friday • April 15, 2011 13
14 Friday • April 15, 2011 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL
tured run number two. They weren’t “I felt good that my teammates heads-up coaching at third base by Bowman.
done yet though. With two outs, behind me were making good plays Rocha, who was waving in Channie
and they were going all out and Anderson all the way on the play, “She just keeps getting better
Kelsey Moore drew a walk and an
error at third in the following at bat when the ball was hit I knew they led to the second run of the inning every game, she’s pretty solid,”
Continued from page 11 Rocha said of her pitcher. “She real-
extended the inning. Back-to-back would get it one way or another,” for the Cougars.
Klimenko said. “I have to thank my ly is able to get out on the mound
singles, the latter by Stevie “It does feel good (to win), Rocha
and one out, Nazar’s bunt was field- Hallgren, plated Moore for a 3-0 defense a lot.” without thinking about her at-bats,
said. “We got off to a really slow
ed by Kelly Black and her throw to Cougars lead. because she was struggling at the
Offensively, the Cougars kept start this season, but it’s not that we
first ended up in right field. Jessica plate. But she went out there and
“I love having the feeling when I constant pressure on Black and her weren’t in the games, it just, we had
Lehane hustled and scored all the pitched a very, very solid game.”
know my offense is getting runs for defense. In the fourth, a walk and a couple losses and it affected our
way from first. me,” Klimenko said. “I have more two singles loaded the bases for confidence for sure. We’re a young “It’s really nice to get a win like
Another error in the top of the comfort when we have a big lead. I Half Moon Bay. Black battled back, group and we’re just coming togeth- this,” Klimenko said. “In the begin-
third inning set up the second run know that if someone gets base I striking out the next two hitters. But er these last couple of games.” ning (of the season) it was a little
for the Cougars. Katie Carlevaris can be ‘OK, I can let it go, just get once again, an error led to a pair of With the lead in hand, Klimenko stressful because we weren’t play-
led off with a single to right and the out.’” runs — on a Moore shot to third, the was able to challenge the Aragon ing as well as we could have. But
advanced to second on an ill- Klimenko got a lot of outs in ball ricocheted off the third base- hitters. And the Cougar right-hander we’re picking it up, we’re doing
advised throw from the right fielder smooth fashion. She didn’t strike man’s glove and scooted all the way shined, other than a rally in the sixth what we know we can do and I
to first base. A pair of sacrifices later out many, but there was no need for to second base. Alyssa Gannini which produced the Dons’ only run know we can go even further that
and Half Moon Bay had manufac- that. scored easily from third, but some of the game on a sacrifice fly by what we’re going right now.”
you’re a catcher first. You’re a hitter in little league. Maybe travel ball or prospect back behind the plate.” failed to pick up with a backhand
Continued from page 11
second.’ So if you have a bad at-bat,
you’d better go out and handle that
pitcher. Don’t show your emotion.
something like that. It’s been
Sanchez has been an intriguing
Having spent the last two years in
big-league camp, Sanchez received
tutelage from another prominent
went for a hit to set up a first-and-
third situation, Sanchez hooked up
with battery mate Chris Heston to
Last year, I did struggle with that, yet enigmatic prospect in the Giants catcher, former Giants backstop coax two straight strikeouts and
because I did struggle at the plate. farm system since he signed as an Bengie Molina. And in talking with avoid a disastrous inning. Then in
31) and a league-leading 13 RBI. And I would take that out onto the international free agent out of Sanchez through interpreter Hector the sixth, Sanchez was forced to
“They knew I was going to hit at field. I’ve been working on it, and I Venezuela in 2006. While another Correa, it is obvious he embraces leave the game after a collision at
some point,” Joseph said. “My hit- feel like so far in the seven games switch-hitting Venezuelan catcher, many of the same catching virtues home. Joseph took over behind the
ting will come around. But it’s dif- … if I did have a bad at-bat, I tried Sanchez’s hero Victor Martinez, as his former mentor. plate and immediately helped get
ferent. I’m 19 years old and facing to do as best I could to focus on that was busy posting up career seasons “[Sanchez] follows the game,” the Giants in the dugout by receiv-
these guys that are 22 or 23 with pitcher and what he needed to do to in Cleveland, Sanchez was posting Correa said in translation. “He fol- ing a three-pitch strikeout from
nasty stuff. So, I’m still trying to get get guys out, and for us to win.” some uber-numbers of his own in lows the hitter, and what the hitters reliever Andy Reichard.
used to that.” Above any of his tools, perhaps the Dominican Summer League. do, whether the hitter is hitting
Joseph’s first order of business Joseph’s best skill is an intangible After spending three seasons in the inside or outside. So that’s the job Now, it’s a matter of carrying over
through minor-league camp, one: his ability to win. At Horizon, DSL, he garnered a promotion to for him right now, as a fielding the continuity of last year’s Augusta
though, was defense. He put in a lot he played in the league champi- domestic ball and made a swift catcher.” team that gelled so well.
of work through the spring with onship each of his four years, win- impression with his skills behind With both Sanchez and Joseph in
Giants bullpen catcher Bill Hayes ning two. So it’s appropriate that the plate. the lineup for last night’s San Jose “(Last year) we gelled as a team a
and roving minor-league instructor he’s in the catching mix at San Jose “Sanchy can catch-and-throw, for home opener, the two showed how lot better than a lot of other teams, I
Kirt Manwaring — a testament to with the Giants coming off back-to- sure,” Skeels said. “He’s got a real- one-plus seasons of working in tan- think,” Joseph said. “We got the
the Giants’ organizational philoso- back California League champi- ly quick release. His ball flight is dem can translate on the diamond. new guys that came in to play with
phy in developing catchers. onships, and 11 overall crowns true. He does a really nice job back With Joseph getting the start at us … Carter Jurica, Gary Brown,
“[Hitting] will come over time,” throughout the team’s history. there. He’s got really soft hands, first base, visiting Visalia threatened (Jarrett) Parker, (Heath) Hembree.
said Joseph. “But we concentrate a “I don’t know if I ever have and does a good job of working a big first inning when a couple They are gelling with us and it’s
lot on behind the plate, because the (played for a losing team),” Joseph with the staff. And guys like throw- defensive miscues set up a rally. But great. We have a great team here
Giants are really big on: ‘Hey, said. “I don’t even remember if I did ing to him. He’s a nice looking following a hot shot that Joseph now. It’s a lot of fun to be around.”
After being thoroughly dominated But Los Angeles dominated play Niemi’s pads but trickled wide of son goal in Sharks history just 28
for the first 26 minutes of the game for the rest of the period, getting the the net. The Kings put up 16 shots in seconds into the game. The Sharks
when they were outshot 18-3, the equalizer when Murray and Boyle the final 14 minutes of the second kept the pressure up for the rest of
Kings turned the tables on the collided with Ryan Smyth behind period. the period, outshooting Los Angeles
Continued from page 11
Sharks. It started when Niclas the net. Williams came up with the The crowd was in a frenzy start- 14-3.
Wallin was called for delay of game, loose puck and tucked it into the net ing in pregame warmups for the Things got heated late in the peri-
was called for tripping in the offen- giving the Kings their third power- before Niemi even realized where start of just the third all-California od after Jarret Stoll hit White into
sive zone with 2:11 to play. play of the game. Couture missed the puck was. playoff series in NHL history, wav- the boards, sending him to the lock-
Los Angeles had the best scoring the net on a three-on-one chance The Kings weren’t even sure ing white pompoms and chanting er room with 25.2 seconds left in the
chance of the third period in the and Williams broke back the other Williams would play this series “Beat L.A.!” period. Immediately after the next
opening minutes with a two-on-one way on an odd-man rush for the after he dislocated his right shoulder Before the fans could even settle faceoff, Sharks enforcer Ben Eager
after Douglas Murray broke his Kings. He sent a cross-ice pass to on March 21 against Calgary. He down, the Sharks jumped out to the squared off in a fight with Kings
stick. But Niemi made a spectacular Brown, whose one-timer easily beat missed the final nine games of the early lead on the game’s opening bruiser Kyle Clifford.
sliding pad save to rob Kyle Clifford Niemi to tie the game at 1. regular season but returned to the shift. Ian White, playing his first
and keep the game tied at 2. Couture atoned for the goal when ice this week just in time for the postseason game after 401 regular Notes: Teams from Southern
The Sharks didn’t even manage a he beat Doughty to the outside, Kings. season contests, got the puck in California have won the two previ-
single shot on goal for the first 9:51 avoided a hip check and powered Niemi came up with a pad stop on deep and fed Clowe. Quick made a ous all-California series, with the
of the third, but put heavy pressure the puck through Quick’s pads just a Willie Mitchell late in the period pad stop of Clowe, but Heatley Kings beating the Oakland Seals in
on Quick late in the period to no few minutes later to put the Sharks and then Richardson’s shot in the came down the slot and knocked a 1969 and Anaheim beating San Jose
avail. on top. closing seconds got through backhand in for the fastest postsea- in 2009.
They’re back!
Summer movie
’Panda,’’Cars’do No.2
Wayne Pacelle
President &
CEO of The By Susan Cohn
Society of
States, discuss- QUR’AN. Since 2001, Southern California
es the topics artist Sandow Birk has been creating
explored in his American Qur’an, a 240 panel series, hand-
new book, The Bond: written in English in black ink and in cal-
Our Kinship with Animals, Our Call to ligraphy reminiscent of stylized graffiti, to
Defend Them, unveiling the deep links of illustrate the 114 suras (chapters) of the
the human-animal bond, as well as the
conflicting impulses that have led to sys- Quran with relevant scenes from contempo-
tematic cruelty to animals. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. rary American life. Previously completed
Friday, April 15. Kepler’s Books, 1010 El portions of American Qur’an are on exhibit
Camino Real, Menlo Park. at the Warhol Museum in Pennsylvania. 25
newly finished sections are now on display
J.A. Jance at the Catharine Clark Gallery in San
J.A. Jance reads from her latest book, Francisco.
Fatal Error, featuring Ali Reynolds (Trial Gallery Owner Clark said, “Sandow’s
by Fire), a fine example of a woman over work in general often reflects on politics
50 living life to its fullest and setting a and on relevant issues at the moment the
standard of professionalism and maturity. work is being created. After 9/11 there was
7 p.m. Sunday, April 17. Belmont Library, understandably a lot of misinformation and
1110 Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. A confusion about Islam, and in Sandow’s
wine and cheese reception takes place at mind a lot of this stemmed from not being COURTESY OF CATHARINE CLARK GALLERY, SAN FRANCISCO
6:30 p.m., and a book-selling and signing familiar with the Islamic religion. By re- Sandow Birk.American Qur’an/Sura 77,2011.Ink and gouache on paper.16 x 24 inches.
follows the author’s presentation. presenting the texts from the Quran and
pairing them with vernacular scenes from Challis Davy said, “I went to see Sandow’s the nine-minute video, the piano’s 9,000
Barrie Coate American life, Sandow has enabled viewers monumental exhibit “In Smog and parts are tested for a lifetime of use by
Do you have native oaks on your prop- to come to the work with the possibility of Thunder” at the Laguna Art museum in the machines as a clock records the passing of a
erty? Do you want to incorporate other understanding the Quran as they would any late 1990’s. I was blown away by his inven- single minute. Other new works in the
native trees into your garden? Learn how other written religious text. It is in turn as tiveness, his humor and the massive amount exhibit include Shades, a series of six large
to plant and care for oak and other native surreal, beautiful, archaic and relevant as of work on display. I’d been hoping to graphite drawings of pianos that explore
trees in the home landscape. Renowned the Torah or New Testament.” include a sampling of the exhibit in our pro- class, historical and social associations; Out
arborist Barrie Coate speaks on Caring for The Catharine Clark Gallery is located at duction ever since. Dan Duling (our of the Wild, a two-channel video work on
Oaks and Other Native Trees. Of particu- 150 Minna St., San Francisco, near the scriptwriter) contacted him late last year the use of two tuning forks; and Play the
lar interest are small to medium trees that and he graciously accepted our proposal. I Piano Drunk Like a Percussion Instrument
are ‘garden scale’ and trees that may be Museum of Modern Art. For more informa-
tion visit www.cclarkgallery.com or call think Sandow’s work fits really well with Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit, a
appropriate for parking strips. Coate, who this year’s theme “Only Make Believe” and silkscreen series based on text from
spent 11 years at the Saratoga (415) 399-1439. Sandow Birk: American
I can’t wait to introduce his work to our poet/writer Charles Bukowski’s 1979 book
Horticultural Foundation, is the Qur’an is shown through May 28.
audiences. I think they’ll (the audience) be of the same name.
Arboricultural Consultant for the Getty ***
both delighted and surprised to see Public programs around 9,000 Pieces
Museum, and the city arborist for SANDOW BIRK’S GREAT WAR OF
Sandow’s modern masterwork represented include a lecture on the history of the key-
Saratoga. 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday, THE CALIFORNIAS BROUGHT TO
in Pageant of the Masters.” board by Chris Brown of Mills College, fol-
April 18. Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda LIFE. Birk’s epic, pseudo-historical series
The Laguna Beach Festival of the Arts lowed by a live piano and electronic music
de las Pulgas, Belmont. “In Smog and Thunder” describes the
runs from July 7 through Aug. 31 with the performance; an Alternative Artist Lecture
“Great War of the Californias” in which by Macdonald, during which he will discuss
Dr. Linda Schneider and Los Angeles and San Francisco waged an
90-minute Pageant of the Masters starting
nightly at 8:30 p.m. For information visit his influences beyond the art world; and a
Dr. Marybeth Viglione all-out battle. His paintings, propaganda www.foapom.com or call (800) 487-3378. live DJ mix of piano and electronic music
When emotions color most of your days posters and etchings (and companion *** by Bay Area performance artists Cliff
negative and interfere with your relation- mockumentary) show the intense hatred YOU CAN KEEP YOUR FIDDLE Hengst and Scott Hewicker. Yerba Buena
ships or your work, you may be suffering that built up between the two great AND YOUR BOW, GIVE ME A P-I-A-N- Center for the Arts is located at 701 Mission
from depression or anxiety. Psychologists California cities and how, when the powder O-O-O. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts St., San Francisco. For information about
Dr. Linda Schneider and Dr. Marybeth keg ignited, the state was quickly con- presents Los Angeles-based artist Euan 9,000 Pieces or other Yerba Buena Center
Viglione draw on their clinical and profes- sumed in a bitter civil war. Four works Macdonald’s 9,000 Pieces, investigating for the Arts exhibits and events call (415)
sional experience to conduct a workshop from “In Smog and Thunder” come to life globalization, perception and temporality 978-2787 or visit ybca.org. 9,000 Pieces
that helps you find out more about depres- this summer as tableaux vivants (“living through a single object, the piano. The runs through June 12.
sion and lets you know what you can do pictures”) at the 2011 Laguna Beach show’s title video work, 9,000 Pieces, por-
about it. Sponsored by the San Mateo Pageant of the Masters, where real people trays the durability testing of a piano at a
County Psychological Association. 7 p.m. pose to look exactly like their counterparts
Wednesday, April 20. San Carlos Library. musical instrument factory on the outskirts Susan Cohn can be reached at susan@smdai-
in the original pieces. of Shanghai, China. During the course of lyjournal.com or www.twitter.com/susanci-
610 Elm St., San Carlos. Pageant of the Masters Director Diane tyscene.
flock to ‘Rio’
By Paul Dergarabedian
Hangover Part II,” which leads a big
summer lineup of comedy, romance and
family fun.
Two animated tales also are in follow-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS up mode. Jack Black, Angelina Jolie and
Dustin Hoffman again lead the voice
LOS ANGELES — After collecting more than $50 million cast for the martial-arts comedy “Kung
in its foreign debut, Fox’s animated “Rio” lands in North Fu Panda 2,” while Michael Caine joins
America this weekend and should perch right at the top of the returning voice stars Owen Wilson and The wolf pack is back, with Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zach Galifianakis
domestic chart with receipts of about $30 million. Larry the Cable Guy for the racing reuniting for another clueless morning after in ‘The Hangover Part II.’
This G-rated tale of a domesticated macaw that sets off on an adventure “Cars 2.” brunch to avoid repeating the mistakes international racing circuit, where rick-
adventure to Rio de Janeiro has a lot going for it, including its The laugh list features Kevin James’ they made in Las Vegas. ety tow-truck buddy Mater (Larry the
obvious appeal to families and kids on spring break, very talking-animal romp “Zookeeper”; Jim Instead, they manage to pack another Cable Guy) is mistaken for an undercov-
effective use of 3-D, strong reviews and that impressive fol- Carrey’s family story “Mr. Popper’s lost weekend into a single night, one guy er agent and pressed into service by a
lowing under way overseas. Penguins”; the return of beloved animat- awakening with a new hairdo, another slick British spymaster (Caine).
Horror films typically have a built-in fan base and Weinstein ed creatures with “Winnie the Pooh” and with a tattoo, and all of them with hurt- Having a buck-toothed jalopy as his
Co.’s successful “Scream” franchise has had a following of “The Smurfs”; Steve Carell’s marital- ing heads and mysteries from the night vehicular alter-ego delights Larry the
devotees ever since the groundbreaking first film hit theaters in crisis romance “Crazy, Stupid, Love”; before to solve on the streets of Cable Guy.
December 1996. Combining horror thrills with irreverent and a couple of titles that say it all: Bangkok. “When I first saw it, my wife said, ’It
humor and an attractive teen cast, the film went on to become Cameron Diaz’s “Bad Teacher” and Why Bangkok this time? Same reason looks just like you. They couldn’t have
the 13th highest grossing film that year. The last installment in “Horrible Bosses,“ with Jason Bateman as Vegas the first time. found a better voice. It’s just like you,’”
2000 opened in the low $30 million range and “Scream 4” and Jennifer Aniston. “Vegas for me is like the fifth charac- he said. “I can’t imagine Mater having
coming over a decade later should scare up a gross in the $25 There’s also a rush of wedding and ter in the first ’Hangover.’ It’s so impor- another voice. That’s exactly what I
million to $30 million range. engagement romances: Kate Hudson tant, the location of these movies. When would look like if I was a truck. I really
Universal’s “Hop” was the first film released in 2011 to top and Ginnifer Goodwin’s “Something you say Las Vegas, it means something,” think it would be. Because at the time, I
the chart for two consecutive weekends and has truly benefited Borrowed”; Kristen Wiig’s said Todd Phillips, writer-director of had really bad teeth, and now I’ve got
from an Easter theme that has endeared it to family audiences “Bridesmaids”; and the ensemble tale “The Hangover” flicks. “When I say Las new ones.”
to the tune of $70 million thus far. Even with increased fami- “Jumping the Broom,” with Angela Vegas, it means bad decisions. When I In “Kung Fu Panda 2,” Black’s tubby
ly-film competition in the marketplace this weekend, the irre- Bassett, Paula Patton and Mike Epps. say Bangkok, I think of trouble. ... The hero Po has settled in as head of a mar-
sistible appeal of Russell Brand as the son of the Easter bunny But the nuptial bash of the season is environment is a huge problem for the tial-arts team that includes a menagerie
will still attract likely business in the $10 million range. the next chapter of “The Hangover.” guys in this movie. The language and of experts voiced by Jolie, Seth Rogen,
“Hanna” from Focus Features had a solid opening weekend This time, Stu (Helms) is getting mar- customs.” Jackie Chan and Lucy Liu.
last week, which saw the film jump from third to second place ried in Thailand, where he and his bud- Dealing with exotic ways also is at the Gary Oldman provides the voice of a
when the final numbers were tallied on Monday. Holding up dies (Cooper, Galifianakis and Justin heart of “Cars 2,” in which Wilson’s
extremely well and generating solid word-of-mouth, the Bartha) aim for a quiet pre-wedding Lightning McQueen heads out on an See SEQUEL, Page 22
intense action film features a terrific cast, including Cate
Blanchett, Eric Bana, and Saoirse Ronan in the title role.
“Hanna” will likely see a modest second weekend drop with a
gross in the $8 million to $10 million range.
This leaves Warner Bros.’ comedy remake “Arthur” and
Sony’s inspirational true story “Soul Surfer” to battle it out for
fifth place, with expected second-weekend grosses in the range
of $5 million to $7 million.
20 Friday • April 15, 2011 THE DAILY JOURNAL
Pressed for time? tillery visits and girls’ nights out, along with tips on new bourbon-
laced recipes and how to liven up parties.
There’s a serious side, however. Business executives are count-
ed among the members, and mingling gives them a chance to net-
work, said Stevens, who runs a branding and marketing company
Continued from page 19
Other comedy highlights
• “Bridesmaids”: Even as her own life is Patton, Laz Alonso and Mike Epps.
unrestrained in “Horrible Bosses” and a sec-
ond comedy he has this summer, “The
Change-Up,” with Ryan Reynolds.
falling apart, a maid of honor (Kristen • “Friends With Benefits”:Two pals “Horrible Bosses” features Bateman,
Wiig) aims to lead a pack of bridesmaids (Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis) complicate Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis as under-
villainous peacock aiming to unleash a ter- on a grand wedding ride for her best their lives when they decide they can lings who take bad advice from an ex-con
rible new weapon in the ancient Chinese friend (Maya Rudolph). have sex together without messing up (Jamie Foxx) about how to do away with
realm that Po and his gang are sworn to • “Something Borrowed”: Romance and their friendship. their awful overseers (Aniston, Kevin Spacey
defend. friendship collide after a woman (Ginnifer • “Monte Carlo”: Selena Gomez, Leighton and Colin Farrell).
There’s talk of turning the franchise into a Goodwin) spends the night with the Meester and Katie Cassidy are friends “The Change-Up” stars Reynolds and
trilogy, Black said. fiance of her best pal (Kate Hudson). who land in a fairy-tale European vacation Bateman as old friends with drastically dif-
“I’m on board for that. Sometimes, you • “Crazy, Stupid, Love”: Steve Carell goes after one of them is mistaken for an ferent lives — one’s a stressed out lawyer
click with a cool character that has life awkwardly back on the dating market heiress. and family man, the other’s a laid-back
beyond just one film,” Black said. “It’s kind after his wife (Julianne Moore) gives him • “Mr. Popper’s Penguins“: A real-estate slacker — who wake up after a drunken night
of like doing a TV series. I’d be really the boot, and a smooth operator (Ryan kingpin (Jim Carrey) is forced to become to discover they’ve switched bodies.
bummed if ’Dexter’ stopped after their first Gosling) takes him on as “wing man.” caretaker for six penguins he inherits. While studios often soften comedies to get
season. It’s like I’m on my second season of • “Zookeeper”: A lonely animal tender • “Winnie the Pooh”:The honey-loving a PG-13 rating that allows younger viewers
’Kung Fu Panda.’ As long as it’s kick-ass, (Kevin James) gets lessons on courting bear returns with pals Tigger, Piglet, Roo in without an adult, “Horrible Bosses” and
why stop?” women from his charges • a menagerie of and Eeyore, who gets some help finding a “The Change-Up” — as with “Bad Teacher”
While Po was destined to lead, Diaz’s talking critters. new tail after losing his own. — take full advantage of the R rating for lan-
character in “Bad Teacher” was never meant • “Jumping the Broom”:Two families • “The Smurfs”:The little blue guys find
for the classroom. She’s rude, raunchy and guage and tone, Bateman said.
from wildly different worlds converge for themselves exiled to Manhattan’s Central “I think the whole strategy of trying to edit
boozy, with a lesson plan mainly aimed at a wedding weekend on Martha’s Park, scrambling to find their way home
hooking a rich substitute teacher (Justin certain things out of a movie in order to get a
Vineyard.With Angela Bassett, Paula after an evil wizard banishes them. PG-13 rating in hopes of getting a wider
Timberlake) while fending off advances from
a nice-guy gym instructor (Jason Segel). audience seems like a pretty antiquated strat-
“Usually, when you swear on set, they’re not fun, picking where you’re going to swear. egy considering the amount of money R-
Diaz gets to cut loose with profanity play- like, ‘Oh, we’re not going to be able to use Who wants to do that? You don’t want to use
ing a woman whose life she describes as rated comedies have made,” Bateman said.
that one,’ or ‘We only get one of those, so it judiciously. You want it to be liberal, and “What we’re trying to do is replicate real life.
“one big F-bomb.”
let’s pick where it goes,’” Diaz said. “That’s you want to sort of pile it on. Slather it on.” Real life is pretty R-rated.”
Rhymer, Joshua Sternin & Jeffrey Ventimilia everyone hoped. Not only do Blu and Jewel
Continued from page 17
and Sam Harper. (Three others, including
Saldanha himself, get story-by credit.) It’s
essentially one long chase, with the usual
Director:Carlos Saldanha
not get it on, but they hate each other — and
Jewel is too busy anyway planning her
escape. Then they’re captured by another set
romantic-comedy friction that will, of Cast: Jesse Eisenberg,Anne of smugglers, with help from a hideous and
course, turn into love. Hathaway,George Lopez, diabolical cockatoo named Nigel. Jemaine
The whole film has a tremendous energy Blu, as a baby, was abducted by smugglers Tracy Morgan,Jemaine Clement of “Flight of the Conchords” voic-
about it, not just in the way it moves but in who raided his jungle home to sell him and Clement es the character with preening menace —
the snappy banter and screwball antics other beautiful birds illegally in the United Rated: PG for mild off-color humor complete with an elaborate production num-
between Jesse Eisenberg, who voices the States. He ended up getting lost en route Grade: ber — and he’s a hoot.
character of Blu, and Anne Hathaway, who and, luckily for him, falling into the loving From here, they must figure out how to
voices the free-spirited bird Jewel. hands of a nerdy, small-town Minnesota girl break free so Blu can get back to Linda and
Eisenberg works his patented halting, neu- named Linda. Over the years, the two forged Jewel can enjoy independence. (George
rotic delivery to ideal comic effect, while an amusingly inappropriate bond, and now Lopez, Jamie Foxx, will.i.am and Tracy
Hathaway is confident, bold and impatient are enjoying a comfy, co-dependent exis- Morgan lend their voices to the supporting
as the female of the species who is his des- tence. Linda (voiced as an adult by Leslie players who help along the way.) The fact
tiny. They clash so convincingly, you’d think the only male left of his species. They must
Mann) has domesticated this bird she named travel at once to Rio de Janeiro to allow Blu that they’re chained to each other — and Blu
they’d recorded their scenes together. (They Blu to such an extent that he makes his own can’t fly, if you’ll recall — sets up plenty of
didn’t, which is unfortunately the norm in to mate with the last female of the species,
breakfast and enjoys hot cocoa with marsh- Jewel. Anxious about leaving their familiar slapstick and elaborate mad dashes across
animation performances.) mallows — but he never learned to do what slums, beaches, forests and finally the spec-
So much is so appealing for so long that surroundings, they nonetheless make the
most birds can do, which is fly. trip. tacle of Carnival.
you can almost forgive the fact that there’s One day, a scientist named Tulio (Rodrigo Nothing deep or heavy here — just a good
not much story here in the script from Don But this first date, um, doesn’t go quite as
Santoro) arrives to inform Linda that Blu is time and a pleasurable escape.
place seam side up on the press. Close the press Remember, you are cooking both sides at once. press, but does not close it.
and grill at 350 F for 5 to 6 minutes. Remove Amy Hildenbrand, who co-owns the Austin “I did it once by accident and I definitely
and let rest for a few minutes while assembling Daily Press food truck in Austin, Texas, says don’t recommend doing that,” she says.
some salad greens. Carefully unwrap the chick- she cooked a 2 1/2-inch steak to a perfect She does recommend that anyone pressed for
Continued from page 21
en, place atop greens and pour any juices over medium-rare once by pressing it for 4 1/2 min- space or living without a kitchen consider buy-
the meat. utes. ing a press to easily make scrumptious and
less, skinless chicken breasts with a mixture of Yum! And vegetarians are not to be left out. healthy meals without a stove.
olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, parsley, a few chili And don’t stop with chicken. You can do just Strahs grills homemade falafel patties and “It seems like a cool thing to have if you are
flakes and a pinch of sugar. Wrap each in foil about any meat on the press pretty much the swears they are as crunchy as those done in limited in space for kitchen size,” particularly
and refrigerate while you are at work. Remove same as you would on a grill, but you’ll proba- a skillet with oil (and probably healthier). college students, if their dorms allow cooking
from fridge 20 minutes before cooking, then bly have to experiment with cooking time. Hildenbrand cooks eggs on her griddle-like devices, she says. (Many do not.)
population already for the ones suited to that.
Continued from page 1
Now, it will be done not as a decision based on
what’s best from a treatment standpoint but
from who’s least harmful to the community. FRIDAY, APRIL 15
information call 697-7607. kiwanishow.com.
And that’s not a good criteria,” he said. AARP Sponsored Driver Safety
Coupled with limited funding and space Class. 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. San 2011 Youth Arts Show. 10 a.m. to 4 Mike Kostrzewa and Jeff O’Mealey
Munks will share this information, as well Bruno Senior Center, 1555 Crystal p.m. Municipal Services Building, 33 at The Wine Bar. 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
available by the county and community-based Springs Road. $12 for AARP mem- Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco. The Wine Bar, 270 Capistrano Road
as concerns that state prisoners will bump organizations, that option could have an over- bers, $14 for non-AARP members. The South San Francisco Cultural No. 22, Half Moon Bay. $5. For more
local inmates from the jail, at a meeting of the whelming domino effect without more funds For more information call 616-7150. Arts Commission and Unified School information visit
District presents visual art by youth thewinebarhmb.com.
Board of Supervisors’ Criminal Justice from the state. Latino Leadership Conference. 9 from the school district and perform-
Committee. Munks has been updating the Although the current daily jail rate is a.m. to 5 p.m. Ralston Hall Mansion, ing arts exhibitions. Free. For more An Evening with ‘House of Floyd.’
1500 Ralston Ave., Belmont. The information call 829-3800. 9 p.m. Club Fox, 2209 Broadway,
committee, and all county officials, on the $169.92 for men and $227.29 for women, the conference will feature speakers dis- Redwood City. $18. For more infor-
potential impacts of state realignment since state reimburses the county only $77.17, or 45 cussing human rights issues. $10. For Foster City Earth Day. 10 a.m. to 3 mation call 369-7770.
the governor’s initial proposal. more information contact p.m. City Hall Plaza, 610 Foster City
percent of costs. The price tag includes the ngomez@ndnu.edu. Blvd. This Earth Day Fair will aim to SUNDAY, APRIL 17
With state leaders now having approved the cost of staff, food, clothing, transportation and encourage everyone to reduce the Rise Above Plastics Surf Contest. 8
plan — albeit predicated on funding — Basics of eBay. 10:30 a.m. Belmont amount of trash they throw away a.m. to 4 p.m. Francis Beach, Half
medical needs. Library, 1110 Alameda de las Pulgas, through activities, green vendors and Moon Bay. Get involved as a com-
Munks said an understanding of what could The Feb. 25 proposal by Gov. Jerry Brown’s Belmont. Learn about the popular informational booths. For more infor- petitor, volunteer or spectator in a surf
come is even more pressing. Department of Finance assumes a 24-month online auction site and how to begin mation call 286-3291. contest to raise awaremess about the
selling and bidding. Free. For more dangers of plastic pollution in the
“There’s a greater sense of urgency. We’ve average length of stay for low-level offenders information call 591-8286. 29th Annual Sidewalk Fine Arts oceans. Entry fee of $25 to compete.
embarked on a series of meetings with specif- including parolees. A sample studied by the Festival. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Santa Cruz For more information visit
Fusion Academy San Mateo Coffee Ave. off El Camino Real, Menlo Park. ww2.surfrider.org/smc/?p=3788.
ic stakeholders for the express purpose of Sheriff’s Office showed that 100 of 400 Chat. 1 p.m. Specialty’s Café and The festival will feature an exciting
working on realignment,” Munks said. inmates sent to the state corrections depart- Bakery, 1886 S. Norfolk St., San array of original works by 90 artists Kids Class: Eggs ‘Tastic. 10:30 a.m.
The costs will hit all counties statewide but, Mateo. For more information or to including jewelry, photography, to 12 p.m. New Leaf Community
ment during a 90-day period qualified for register visit fusionsanmateo.com. ceramics, painting, sculptures and Markets, 150 San Mateo Road, Half
in San Mateo County, where Munks and other realignment. Of those, the average stay need- much more. For more information Moon Bay. This event will give kids
officials are pushing construction of a new jail ed to finish their sentence was 12.1 months Bingo. 1 p.m. Belmont Senior Club, call 325-2818. the opportunity to enjoy coloring eggs
20 Twin Pines Lane, Belmont. For with natural food colors as well as
to ease its own overpopulation, the shift could which is the figure multiplied by the daily jail more information call 595-7444. ‘Grief, Imagery, Imagination and make ‘Bunny Salad’ sandwiches and
magnify the challenges. rate used to calculate costs. Healing.’ 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. taste some bunny treats. $10.
Happy Hour: Spaghetti and Sutter VNA & Hospice, 700 S. Preregistration required. To register
To accommodate the plan, the county will The bigger unknown is if the bill allowing Meatball Dinner, Drinks and Claremont St., San Mateo. Grief and for more information visit
need to turn to incarceration alternatives but the shift will take effect. Brown added the Dancing. 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. San workshop for those dealing with or newleaf.com or call (831) 466-9060
Bruno Senior Center, 1555 Crystal expecting a loss of a loved one. $20 to ext 126.
most of the prison inmates will not qualify caveat to its approval that funding must be Springs Road. $5 in advance, $6 at $25 donation suggested. For more
because they’ve already failed the less-severe identified and committed first; with tax exten- the door. For more information call information call 685-2821. CuriOdyssey’s Fourth Annual
county system, Munks said. 616-7150. Earth Day Celebration. 11 a.m. to 5
sions appearing unlikely to come before voters Earth Day on the Bay 2011. Marine p.m. CuriOdyssey, 1651 Coyote Point
That means those who would otherwise in June, the question of where the money will Tax Day Tea Party Rally. 3 p.m. to 6 Science Institute, 500 Discovery Drive, San Mateo. During
serve their sentences in jail for a variety of come from is unclear. p.m. T.G.I. Friday’s, 3101 S. El Parkway, Redwood City. This all-day CuriOdyssey’s fourth annual Earth
Camino Real, San Mateo. Tax Day event has family-friendly events Day celebration, bring the entire fam-
crimes, mainly misdemeanors, could be sent Even so, Munks said the county needs to be Tea Party Rally and help us restore geared toward providing fun, memo- ily to meet live animals, investigate
instead to other types of supervision like elec- prepared by developing its own contingency our government to its Constitutional rable and meaningful experiences science and celebrate our incredible
Boundaries. For more information about the San Francisco Bay and the Earth. For more information call 340-
tronic home monitoring or transitional hous- plans and keeping abreast of action at the state call 499-0088. planet. Free. For more information 7572.
ing. The challenge, Munks said, is figuring out level. call 364-2760.
South San Francisco Community Beach Cleanup. Noon to 4 p.m.
who can safely be released from the jail. “I’m still hopeful that if they do this they Meeting. 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Orange Trains and Planes at the Hiller Francis Beach, Half Moon Bay. A
“We’re pretty confident we’ve scoured our will find the funding,” he said. Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South Aviation Museum. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. beach cleanup to be held in conjunc-
San Francisco. Join other S.S.F. resi- Hiller Aviation Museum, 601 Skyway tion with the day’s surfing competi-
dents for a presentation and discus- Road, San Carlos. The Hiller Aviation tion. Supplied provided, but volun-
responsive to all citizens and not just a sub- teers are welcome to bring their own
sion advocating affordable housing Museum invites you to marvel at
and other housing solutions. For more exquisitely crafted H-O model trains gloves, reusable water bottles, etc.
set.” information call 872-4444 ext. 2. in a magical world of miniature land- Free. For more information visit
In an at-large election system, board mem- scapes, scenery and villages of ww2.surfrider.org/smc/?p=4569.
2011 Youth Arts Show. 4 p.m. to Germany, Austria, France,
Continued from page 1 bers are voted on by the entire county 7:30 p.m. Municipal Services Switzerland and other European Third Sunday Ballroom Dance with
although they must live in the district they rep- Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San countries. For more information con- The Bob Gutierrez Band. 1 p.m. to
Francisco. The South San Francisco tact jndbligh@silcon.com. 3:30 p.m. San Bruno Senior Center,
resent. Opponents argue this causes a Cultural Arts Commission and 1555 Crystal Springs Road. $5. For
local elections,” said attorney Beth Parker of fundraising burden for candidates who must Unified School District presents visu- LaNebbia Winery Craft Faire and more information call 616-7150.
Arnold & Porter in a prepared statement. throw their net wider for money and votes. al art by youth from the school district Wine Tasting. 11:30 a.m. to 4:30
The suit is “weak” and the parties have not and performing arts exhibitions. p.m. LaNebbia Winery, 12341 San The Crestmont Music
Supporters say countywide voters should be Exhibit continues Saturday 10 a.m. to Mateo Road, Half Moon Bay. There Conservatory of Music Student
responded to three letters, one as recent as able to weigh in on elected officials who rep- 4 p.m. Free. For more information will be food, handmade jewelry, arts, Recitals. 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. The
yesterday, asking for evidence of race-based call 829-3800. crafts and wine tasting. Free. Crestmont Conservatory of Music,
resent every resident. 2575 Flores St., San Mateo. Recital at
voter dissuasion, said County Counsel John 2:30 p.m. will feature piano, saxo-
But Rubin said Congress is a fine example The Bond: Our Kinship with Healthy Kids Day Event. Noon to 3
Beiers. Animals, Our Call to Defend Them: p.m. Sequoia YMCA, 1445 Hudson phone and guitar performances and
of district elections with wider representation. Book Signing by Wayne Pacelle. 7 St., Redwood City. This year’s event recital at 3:30 p.m. will feature piano
“We are disappointed they have filed,” and violin performances by students
Another vocal opponent is Dave Pine, a p.m. to 9 p.m. Kepler’s Books, 1010 features community vendors, healthy
Beiers said. “And in absence of any evidence, El Camino Real, Menlo Park. snacks, games, swimming, arts and of Crestmont Conservatory. For more
we don’t believe the lawsuit is justified.” member of the recommending Charter Review Discussion, Q&A and book signing. crafts, obstacle course, bounce houses information call 574-4633.
The suit comes roughly a year after the Committee and current candidate for the For more information contact and more. Free. For more information
kjarl@humanesociety.org. call 481-1210. San Carlos Kiwanis Club presents
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights sent District One mid-term vacancy. He believes Barn Yard Follies. 2 p.m. The
the county should have placed it on the ballot Noises Off! 7:30 p.m. Norte Dame Women Traveling Solo. 1 p.m. Central Middle School, 826 Chestnut
then-president Rich Gordon a letter urging the De Namur University, 1500 Ralston Foster City Library, 1000 E. Hillsdale St., San Carlos. Performances contin-
board to change its policy and threatening in November and was disappointed it didn’t. Ave., Belmont. ‘Noises off’ refers to Blvd., Foster City. A workshop for ue on April 17. For more information
legal action if it didn’t comply. He also points to the many changes in the sound effects made off-stage, but this women of all ages who plan to travel or to buy tickets visit
farce of a farce takes the term one step for themselves for the first time or kiwanishow.com.
Later that year, the 17-member Charter county’s demographics since 1980, the last further, examining the drama (and who are looking for tips on how to
Review Committee told the board the majori- time such a change was voted upon. battle cries and yelps) going on back- add more value and independence to Music with Mike Kostowsyj. 3 p.m.
stage during a sex farce called solo travel. Free. For more informa- to 6 p.m. The Wine Bar, 270
ty did not favor a change but recommended “The credibility of county government is Capistrano Road No. 22, Half Moon
‘Nothing On.’ $10. For more informa- tion email smco-pr@plsinfo.org.
letting voters decide. Gordon agreed but voted called into question when the overall diversity tion 508-3456. Bay. For more information visit
‘Capitalism and Its Discontents’ thewinebarhmb.com.
with the others against doing so once the rest of the county’s population is not in some way
San Carlos Kiwanis Club presents discussion. 2 p.m. Dove & Olive
of the board voiced opposition. The majority reflected in the makeup of the Board of Barn Yard Follies. 8 p.m. The Works,178 South Blvd., San Mateo. Love Songs and Chocolate. 4 p.m.
Supervisors,” Pine said. Central Middle School, 826 Chestnut Join author and journalist Sasha Mission Blue Center, 475 Mission
consensus was that limiting elections to a spe- St., San Carlos. Performances contin- Lilley for an afternoon of discussion Blue Drive, Brisbane. Music, choco-
cific district would not necessarily improve Regardless of the policy’s merits or defi- ue on April 16 and 17. For more infor- of capitalism, crisis and the left. Free. late and champagne presented by
ciencies, Beiers called the lawsuit an attempt mation or to buy tickets visit kiwan- Serenade Chamber Choir, soprano
representation or limit the cost of campaign- Kimberly Anderman, violinist
ishow.com. Bottle Your Own Wine, Part II.
ing. at intimidation. Noon to 4 p.m. La Honda Winery, Candace Guirao and pianist Bryan
Board President Carole Groom, who partic- The group, known for its staunch support of Lighthouse String Band at The 2645 Fair Oaks Ave., Redwood City. Baker. $20. For more information
Wine Bar. 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. The La Honda Winery offers customers visit masterworks.org.
ipated in the vote, declined comment on the the Voting Rights Act of 2001, has sued other Wine Bar, 270 Capistrano Road No. the chance to bring clean wine bottles
governmental agencies in the past and though For more events visit
prior action or the lawsuit. 22, Half Moon Bay. $5. For more for filling with wine from the winery.
smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar.
Beiers said “our board unanimously the city of Modesto challenged one lawsuit, it information visit $5 per bottle for recycled bottles, $7
thewinebarhmb.com. for new bottles. For more information
believes the current system is working well ultimately failed, costing the city $3 million in v i s i t
because it requires all board members to be legal fees. SATURDAY, APRIL 16 lahondawinery.com/upcomingevents.
Belmont Compost Giveaway. 8 a.m. php.
to 11 a.m. South end of Belmont City
Hall Parking Lot, 1 Twin Pine Lane. Perspectives Art Exhibit. 3 p.m. to 5
The Marin Institute, an alcohol industry
Continued from page 1
watchdog, supports Ma’s effort.
Bruce Lee Livingston, Marin Institute execu-
tive director, called the rise in self-serve check-
There is a five-gallon container maxi-
mum and proof of Belmont residency
required. For more information call
11 12 13
14 15
16 17
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26 27 28
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Dist. by UFS, Inc. www.kenken.com
4-15-11 ©2011, United Features Syndicate
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disappointed if you think you can cash in without another, find the middle ground no matter how long it veteran who knows how to win, in a competitive situ-
putting forth some effort. takes. Whatever agreement you form, it must be fair ation where your work is concerned.
Friday, April 15, 2011 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Chances are you will be and benefit each party equally. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- If someone asks
There is strong possibility that in the next year you able to acquire exactly what you want, ahead of ev- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- It’s not how elaborate you for a bit of advice, strive to be as up front and
could meet someone bearing a dynamic personality erybody else. Once you get it, however, it isn’t going your excuses are for not doing the things you should, honest as possible, because you won’t help this
with whom you’ll form a close alliance. This enter- to be anything like you thought it would be. it’s how honest you are about why you can’t do them. person one bit if you try to sugarcoat the truth.
prising friend is likely to have a very positive effect CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Be on guard if a usually Put more energy in production and less into fashion- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Usually you’re pretty
on your life. gruff associate is suddenly nice to you. It won’t take ing your alibi. good at bargain hunting, but you might purchase two
ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- If you attempt to flatter much to figure out that he or she wants something SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- You should take extra separate items, both of which you will pay far more
someone in hopes of securing a favor, it is likely to extreme from you. care in dealing with a friend, especially if your pal is for than what they’re worth.
have the opposite effect. You’ll have a better chance of LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Resist going shopping if you on the sensitive side. If you’re not careful, he or she PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Do not make promises
getting what you want if you’re up-front and honest. really shouldn’t be spending any more money on non- could easily misinterpret your intentions and end up or commitments that you know you’ll have trouble
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- The present cycle essentials, as your willpower is at low ebb. Wait until all with hurt feelings. trying to keep. It’s better to be honest than it is to let
you’re in won’t hurt you if you’re willing to work your old bills are paid, so you don’t go further in debt. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Be careful you someone unwisely depend on you.
for what you want. However, you could be severely VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- When negotiating with don’t overreach yourself in going up against a Copyright 2011, United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
THE DAILY JOURNAL Friday• April 15, 2011 25
104 Training 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment
The San Mateo Daily Journal Classi-
fieds will not be responsible for more To lose 5-100 lbs! CAREGIVERS We’re currently looking for
than one incorrect insertion, and its lia- JOURNALISM Putnam Auto Group
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Italian Apply in person: HOME CARE AIDES
Please send a cover letter describing
1301 Ralston Avenue, Multiple shifts to meet your needs. Great
pay & benefits, Sign-on bonus, 1yr exp your interest in newspapers, a resume
Certificated Local Belmont, CA 94002 and three recent clips. Before you ap-
silveradosenior.com/greatjobs required. 203 Public Notices
ply, you should familiarize yourself
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ular mail to 800 S. Claremont St #210,
San Mateo CA 94402. 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
Hope Kumbok Goulston
INTERNSHIPS Petitioner, Hope Kumbok Goulston filed
The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking a petition with this court for a decree
Music Lessons for ambitious interns who are eager to changing name as follows:
Sales • Repairs • Rentals jump into the business arena with both Present name: Hope Kumbok Goulston
feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs Proposed name: Hope Kumbok Kang
Bronstein Music of the newspaper and media industries.
This position will provide valuable
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear be-
363 Grand Ave. fore this court at the hearing indicated
experience for your bright future.
So. San Francisco Fax resume (650)344-5290 below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
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sons for the objection at least two court
days before the matter is scheduled to
110 Employment be heard and must appear at the hearing
to show cause why the petition should
TAXI DRIVER - Full time/part time with not be granted. If no written objection is
clean background, (650)349-2020. timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
110 Employment 110 Employment tion without a hearing.
A HEARING on the petition shall be held
on May 24, 2011 at 9 a.m., Dept. PJ,
Room 2E, at 400 County Center, Red-
110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment wood City, CA 94063.
A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall
be published at least once each week for
four successive weeks prior to the date
set for hearing on the petition in the fol-
lowing newspaper of general circulation:
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 296 Appliances Drabble Drabble Drabble
STATEMENT #243731 TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES style under counter standard size. color
The following person is doing business Date of Filing Application: March 24, white. works great $25 650-347-5104
as: K Consulting Services, P O Box 2011
6973, San Mateo, CA 94403 is hereby To Whom It May Concern: ELECTRIC HEATER - Oil filled electric
registered by the following owner: The Name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: heater, 1500 watts, $30., (650)504-3621
Kathleen Dudley, same address. The LEE’S CAFE INC
business is conducted by an Individual. The applicant(s) listed above are apply-
The registrants commenced to transact ing to Department of Alcoholic Beverage GAS STOVE - great condition, clean
business under the FBN on Control to sell alcoholic beverages at: ready to use. $99., (650)583-4874
/s/ Kathleen J. Dudley / 398 GRAND AVE
This statement was filed with the Asses- SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080 GAS STOVE, small, 4 burner oven and
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo Type of license applied for: broiler. 26.5 D x 20.5 W. SOLD!
County on 03/08/11. (Published in the 41 - On-Sale Beer & Wine - Eating
San Mateo Daily Journal, 04/01/11, Place PANASONIC 1000W Large Microwave
04/08/11, 04/15/11, 04/22/11). San Mateo Daily Journal Touchpad autocook, auto-defrost, cooks
April 1, 8, 15, 2011 by time/temp/presets, $29., (650)595-
470 Rooms 620 Automobiles 620 Automobiles 625 Classic Cars 635 Vans 670 Auto Parts
MERCEDES BENZ ‘04 E320 - Excellent PLYMOUTH ‘72 CUDA - Runs and NISSAN ‘01 Quest - GLE, leather seats, FORD ‘73 Maverick/Mercury GT Comet,
GARDEN MOTEL Don’t lose money condition, leather interior, navigation, drives good, needs body, interior and sun roof, TV/DVR equipment. Looks Drive Train 302 V8, C4 Auto Trans.
1690 Broadway 77K mi., $15,500 obo, (650)574-1198 paint, $12k obo, serious inquiries only. new, $15,500. (650)219-6008 Complete, needs assembly, includes ra-
on a trade-in or (650)873-8623 diator and drive line, call for details,
Redwood City, CA 94063 consignment! $1250., (650)726-9733.
(650)366-4724 SUTTON AUTO SALES 640 Motorcycles/Scooters
Low Daily & Weekly Rooms Cash for Cars 630 Trucks & SUV’s
Free HBO + Spanish+Sports+Movie Sell your vehicle in the BLACK MOTORCYCLE JACKET - As HEAVY DUTY jack stand for camper or
Channels, Free Internet ACURA MDX 3.5L w/Touring Pkg, 4WD new, fully lined storm flap, man's size X L SUV $15. (650)949-2134
Daily $45+tax Nite & up Daily Journal’s Call 650-595-DEAL (3325) Auto, blue, $18,491. #T5H534016. Melo- only $99., (650)595-3933
Weekly $250+tax & up Auto Classifieds. Or Stop By Our Lot dy Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please
TIRE RIMS (4) for '66 Oldsmobile
mention the Daily Journal. BMW ‘03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call $20.00/each (650) 773-7533
Just $3 per day. 1659 El Camino Real 650-771-4407
HIP HOUSING San Carols FORD '06 F-150, SuperCab, gray, auto,
CHROME SKULL motorcycle helmet
Non-Profit Home Sharing Program $15,494. # P6KA81180 Melody Toyota, TRUCK RADIATOR - fits older Ford,
San Mateo County Call 877-587-8635. Please mention the good condition $75., (650)481-5296 never used, $100., (650)504-3621
Reach 82,500 drivers Daily Journal
TOYOTA ‘03 Camry Solara, white, 69K HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘83 Shovelhead -
from South SF to miles, $9,994. T3C602658 Melody special construction, 1340 cc’s, Awe- 672 Auto Stereos
Palo Alto Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please men- FORD ‘05 350 Super Duty, 4x4 Crew- some!, $5,950/obo. Rob (415)602-4535.
REDWOOD CITY tion the Daily Journal cab, fully loaded, 125K miles, $26,500.,
Call (650)344-5200 (650)281-4750 or (650)492-0184 MIKUNI CARBORATOR TR67 single
Sequoia Hotel
800 Main St.,
$600 Monthly
ads@smdailyjournal.com TOYOTA ‘03 Corolla, silver, 82K miles,
$9,492. #P3C150154 Melody Toyota, HONDA '07 CR-V EX-L, silver, auto,
$17,692. #P7C022018 Melody Toyota,
32 mm fits any Harley Davidson $100.,
(650)481-5296 MONNEY
$160. & up per week.
(650)366-9501 AUDI ‘03 A4 1.8 Turbo - 5 speed man-
Call 877-587-8635. Please mention the
Daily Journal Call 877-587-8635. Please mention the
Daily Journal. MOTORCYCLE - Full Face Helmet,
Z1R, large, exceptional condition, dual
(650)279-9811 ual, new clutch, 111K miles, $4500., TOYOTA ‘08 Camry, hybrid, while, 39K
SATURN ‘02 VUE V6 SUV, silver, 83K internal ventilation, heavily padded, $39.,
We Sell, Install and
good condition, SOLD miles, auto, $18,792. P8U044749 Mel-
ody Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please miles, $6,991. T2S804347 Melody Toyo- (650)595-3933 Repair All Brands of
mention the Daily Journal ta, Call 877-587-8635. Please mention Car Stereos
AUTO AUCTION the Daily Journal.
Room For Rent The following repossessed vehi-
645 Boats
Travel Inn, San Carlos TOYOTA ‘08 Corolla CE, re, 41K miles,
cles are being sold by Meriwest
$11,491. #P8Z956435 Melody Toyota, TOYOTA ‘00 Camry, sedan, green, BOAT MOTOR for fishing boat. $75 iPod & iPhone Wired
$49 daily + tax Credit Union-2008 Chevrolet Silvera-
Call 877-587-8635. Please mention the 135K miles, $6,991. TYU744223 Melody (650)483-3693 to Any Car for Music
do #166417, 2000 BMW 323 IC Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please men-
$287 weekly + tax #A82327. Plus over 100 late model Daily Journal
tion the Daily Journal
Clean Quiet Convenient Sport Utilities, Pick Ups, Mini Vans, PROSPORT ‘97 - 17 ft. CC 80 Yamaha Quieter Car Ride
Cable TV, WiFi & Private Bathroom and luxury cars ---INDOORS---Chari- TOYOTA ‘08 Prius Touring, sedan, red, Pacific, loaded, like new, $9,500 or trade, Sound Proof Your Car
Microwave and Refrigerator 33K miles, $19,894. P83339376 Melody TOYOTA ‘04 4Runner, SUV, silver, 84K (650)583-7946.
ty donations sold. Sealed bids will be miles, $15,392. P40018553 Melody
950 El Camino Real San Carlos taken from 8am-8pm on 04/18/2011 Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please men- 31 Years Experience
Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please men-
(650) 593-3136 and 8am-5pm on 04/19/2011. Sale tion the Daily Journal
tion the Daily Journal 670 Auto Service
held at Forrest Faulknor & Sons Auc- 2001 Middlefield Road
tion Company, 175 Sylvester Road, TOYOTA ‘08 Prius, sedan, silver, 44K
miles, $17,594. P83321845 Melody TOYOTA ‘04 RAV-4, blue, 94K miles, Redwood City
South San Francisco. For more in-
formation please visit our web site at Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please men- $12,994. P40022323 Melody Toyota, MB GARAGE, INC. (650)299-9991
Weekly/Extented Stay tion the Daily Journal Call 877-587-8635. Please mention the Repair • Restore • Sales
www.ffsons.com. Daily Journal
Private & Shared Bath Mercedes-Benz Specialists
Close to Public Transport TOYOTA ‘08 Yaris, Hatchback, gray,
Cable TV, MicroFreeze 41K miles, $11,991. P85174835 Melody TOYOTA ‘06 RAV-4, white, 26 Kmiles,
$18,794. P65022899 Melody Toyota,
2165 Palm Ave. PIONEER CAR STEREO CD/MP3 Play-
Rates $175.60 & up per week BMW ‘06 325i - low miles, very clean, Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please men-
No Pets loaded, leather interior, $17,000 obo., tion the Daily Journal Call 877-587-8635. Please mention the San Mateo er, FM/AM Tuner XM ready, unused,
Daily Journal originalsealed box, $100., (650)525-0875
287 Lorton Ave.
Burlingame, CA 94010
TOYOTA ‘09 Camry, hybrid, silver, 34K
650-344-6666 CHRYSLER '07 300 Touring, sedan, miles, auto, $18,792. PR9U105912Melo- TOYOTA ‘07 Tacoma, truck access cab,
3.5L V6, silver, 38K miles, $17,892. dy Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please silver, auto, 27K miles, $15,891. 680 Autos Wanted
#P7H682180 Melody Toyota, Call 877- mention the Daily Journal T7Z352191 Melody Toyota, Call 877-
587-8635. Please mention the Daily 587-8635. Please mention the Daily 670 Auto Parts
620 Automobiles Journal TOYOTA ‘09 Camry, sedan, gray, 25K
Journal Don’t lose money
CHRYSLER ‘06 300 Sedan, 28k mi.,
miles, $17,994. P9U819487 Melody
TOYOTA ‘08 Camry, LE V6, gray, 32K
2 SNOW/CABLE chains good condition on a trade-in or
Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please men- fits 13-15 inch rims $10/both San Bruno
sun roof, excellent condition. $18k. tion the Daily Journal miles, $16,891. P8U071507 Melody 650-588-1946 consignment!
AUTO REVIEW (650)590-1194 Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please men-
The San Mateo Daily Journal’s TOYOTA ‘09 Corolla, silver, 26K miles,
tion the Daily Journal
weekly Automotive Section. HONDA '06 Civic LX, red, $11,891. #
$14,591. #P99065545 Melody Toyota, 880 AUTO WORKS Sell your vehicle in the
FA1656EW Melody Toyota, Call 877- TOYOTA ‘09 Tacoma, truck access cab, Daily Journal’s
Every Friday 587-8635. Please mention the Daily Call 877-587-8635. Please mention the
gray, auto, 23K miles, $18,891.
Dealership Quality
Journal Daily Journal Affordable Prices Auto Classifieds.
T9Z615723 Melody Toyota, Call 877- Complete Auto Service
Look for it in today’s paper to find 587-8635. Please mention the Daily
information on new cars, HONDA ‘10 ACCORD LX - 4 door se- TOYOTA ‘09 Corolla, white, 31K miles, Foreign & Domestic Autos
used cars, services, and anything dan, low miles, $19K, (650)573-6981 $15,892. #P9Z130355 Melody Toyota,
880 El Camino Real
Just $3 per day.
else having to do Call 877-587-8635. Please mention the
HONDA ‘98 Civic EX coupe red, man- Daily Journal TOYOTA ‘10 Highlander Limited, V6, San Carlos
with vehicles. SUV, 3,287 miles, $35,992. 650-598-9288
ual, $4,893. # TWL120399 Melody
#PAS024027 Melody Toyota, Call 877- www.880autoworks.com
Reach 82,500 drivers
Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please men- TOYOTA ‘99 AVALON sedan, silver,
tion the Daily Journal 174K miles, $5,991. TXU339241 Mel-
587-8635. Please mention the Daily from South SF to
ody Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please Palo Alto
mention the Daily Journal CAD '91 Eldorado 149k. red leather new
The following repossessed vehi- excellent mechanically, very good body, TOYOTA ‘10 Tacoma V6 truck double radials $100 obo, (650)481-5296
cab, gray , auto, 23K miles, $31,991. Call (650)344-5200
cles are being sold by Patelco Credit SOLD! VOLKSWAGEN ‘01 New Beetle GLS ads@smdailyjournal.com
Union on April 19th, 2011 starting at PAZ708253 Melody Toyota, Call 877-
1.8L Turbo, green, 69K miles, $6,991. 587-8635. Please mention the Daily
8am --- 2003 Cadillac Escalade LEXUS '08 ES 350, silver, auto, $26,994 T1M408000 Melody Toyota, Call 877- CAMPER/TRAILER/TRUCK OUTSIDE
#P82202515 Melody Toyota, Call 877- Journal
#125380, 2001 GMC Yukon 587-8635. Please mention the Daily backup mirror 8” diameter fixture. $30.
587-8635. Please mention the Daily Journal 650-588-1946 DONATE YOUR CAR
#170838, 2005 VW Touareg
#022099, 2006 Dodge Ram
Journal 635 Vans Tax Deduction, We do the Paperwork,
VOLVO ‘00 V70 XC AWD SE, blue, CHEVY S-10 ‘97, 49000 mi. American Free Pickup, Running or Not - in most
#680396, 2007 Dodge Charger MERCEDES ‘01 E-Class E320, sedan, 122K miles, $7,594. TY2719581 Mel- CHRYSLER '06 Town and Country van, Racing rims & radial 15-8, SOLD! cases. Help yourself and the Polly Klaas
#725217. Sealed bids will be taken silver, 76K miles, $9,992. T1B288567 ody Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Please blue, 64K miles, $9,492. R6B718466 Foundation. Call (800)380-5257.
starting at 8am on 4/19/2011. Sale Melody Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. mention the Daily Journal Melody Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. CHEVY TRANSMISSION 4L60E Semi
held at Forrest Faulknor & Sons Auc- Please mention the Daily Journal Please mention the Daily Journal used $800. (650)921-1033
tion Company, 175 Sylvester Road, MERCEDES ‘05 C230 - 40K miles, 4 cyl- 625 Classic Cars EL CAMINO '67 - parts (Protecto top) Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
South San Francisco. For more in- inder, black, $15,000, (650)455-7461 DODGE ‘10 Grand Caravan SXT, pas- $95., (650)367-8949 Novas, running or not
formation please visit our web site at senger van, 3.8L V-6, silver, 28K miles, Parts collection etc.
DATSUN ‘72 - 240Z with Chevy 350, au- So clean out that garage
www.ffsons.com. MERCEDES ‘06 C230 - 6 cylinder, navy tomatic, custom, $5800 or trade. $18,792 #RAR100262 Melody Toyota, FORD ‘93 250 flat bed, diesel, 100-gal-
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Video Video
but will not force him out Gadhafi rolled defiantly through the
streets of Tripoli, pumping his fists as
he poked through the sun roof of an
By Matthew Lee Rodham Clinton SUV on Thursday — the same day
and Geir Moulson appealed for that NATO airstrikes shook the city.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS unity, saying The alliance’s foreign ministers,
Gadhafi was while united in their aim to pressure
BERLIN — The United States taunting the the Libyan leader to go, argued at a
and its allies put up a united public alliance by con- meeting over whether to step up mil-
front Thursday on the goals of tinuing to strike itary operations that have so far failed
NATO’s stalemated military mis- cities held by to rout him.
sion in Libya but failed to resolve rebels seeking Gadhafi gave no sign that he’s
behind-the-scenes bickering over Moammar his overthrow. willing to relent, despite two months
how to achieve them. “As our mis- of civil war and mounting interna-
NATO members agreed on paper Gadhafi sion continues, tional pressure for him to move
with U.S. President Barack Obama maintaining our resolve and unity REUTERS
that Moammar Gadhafi had to go aside. Instead, his loyalists pounded
only grows more important,” Rebel fighters launch rockets against Moammar Gadhafi forces from the
to end the crisis, they also made Clinton said. “Gadhafi is testing rebel positions in the besieged west-
ern city of Misrata with dozens of front-line along the western entrance of Ajdabiyah,Libya.
clear that they would not be the our determination.”
ones to oust him. Although several Late Thursday, Obama, British rockets for several hours, killing at large explosions were heard and a ing through the open sun roof of a
NATO members want the alliance Prime Minister David Cameron least 13 people. The main target of column of black smoke rose from the sport utility vehicle on a fist-pump-
to commit more planes to expand and French President Nicolas the assault was Misrata’s port, the southeastern part of the city, followed ing, rapid ride through Tripoli with
the air campaign, a day of meetings Sarkozy said in a joint declaration only lifeline for rebels who have been by the sound of anti-aircraft guns, a dozens of supporters chasing behind
in the German capital closed with- that they will not stop the cam- trying to defend positions in the city, resident said. Libyan state television him. Libyan TV said the trip came on
out any specific commitments for paign and “remain united” in Libya’s third-largest, against showed Gadhafi — dressed in a black the same day that NATO airstrikes hit
more aircraft. efforts to remove Gadhafi from Gadhafi’s forces. Western blazer, black crew neck T- military and civilian areas in the cap-
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary power. In the capital of Tripoli, several shirt, sunglasses and a hat — stand- ital.