Surfacing Margaret Atwood
Surfacing Margaret Atwood
Surfacing Margaret Atwood
The protagonist of the novel was not named. After nine of marriage. It involves the exploitation of woman and she is a
years she comes back to Northem Quebec from Toronto, where puppet in the hands of men. She cannot reconcile with the
that a wife becomes the possession of her husband after marriage
she spent her childhood. Now she works as a commercial artist.
and he is free to treat her as he wishes.
Once she visited her ailing mother in hospital. She cut offfrom
the family all these years deliberately. She was in iove with a
married man. He exploited her innocence. He made her pregnant. During the search of her father, she is shocked to see the
ruin caused by the American tourists to the island and the lake.
He refused to marry her saying that she was already married and
To enjoy nature, they have destroyed it. She recalls the ideal
had children. He suggested her to go for abortion and she did. Canadian past and the Quebec to her mind. She knew Quebec
After that incident she could not face her parents.
so intimately. She hates the Americans 'kill'nature. They are
anti-life and anti-nature. Since her childhood she believes in non-
She was unable to cope with that painful reality. So she violence. She protests against the indifference to the suffering of
devised an acceptable reality herself. She imagined that she was other living beings. Now she considers herself anti-life, anti-nature
married and had a child. When she divorced him she had lost her as she had aborted the foetus. Therefore she wants to compensate
child to him. She sent a post card to her parents with this story. for her anti-nature activity.
Afte realising the truth she surfaces now. She comes face
Her father was a botanist. He disappeared mysteriouysly. to face with the truth about her situation. She was not married to
Her father's friend Paul informed her. She has decided to search the person who had impregnated her. Therefore there was no
for him herself. She comes to the island with her lover Joe, David question of divorce and though her pregnancy was terminated
and Anna her husband and wife friends. After a long search she against herwishes she was indirectly responsible for it. The only
discovers that he is dead. He got drowned. The mysterious
way of compensating for this anti-nature act is getting pregnant,
question is whether he got drowned by accident or by the evil gives forth a child and brings it up as a natural human being. She
design ofAmerica's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). uses Joe to get pregnant and refuses to marry him. She exploits
him inorder to avenge the previous lover. The rolls are reversed
Her father's death brings back the memories of the aborted now. The quest of the protagonist is complete.
foetus. The memory was lying dormant in her sub-conscious mind.
the water at the end of section I she says that finally being in the
than being in the water. When she dives into
airis more painful The Images of fragmentation or
memory of the
the lake in chapter 17 she sees the body of her
This body recur frequently in this novel. The protagonist's
the idea of her
appears to her as the body
of the child she aborted. She leaves store keeper who was missing a hand reinforces
the conscious world for the unconscious world. When she retums separation of her head from her body.
to the air, surfacing, she returns to the conscious world. This
novel is about both diving and surfacing. It means entering the The images of death and decay also present in the nove.
unconscious and returning to consciousness. Rotting logs in the water, decomposing leavesinthe forest,
cabin and the surrounding dock sheds and garden are all
in a state
of decay. These images can be linked to the rediscovery of her
child's 'death' and her father's 'death'. They also highlightthe
emotional 'death' that has taken place within the protagonist.
Surfacing' has a number of images. They gain
importance as the story proceeds. They are not taken from history, There are images of imprisonment in this novel. She
religion or folk lore. They take their meaning from the protagonist's recalls in her memory her brother trapping frogs and crayfish and
personal associations with them. The images, Similies and putting them in bottles and cans. While seeing hermother's photo
metaphors that the protagonist chooses to describe other peoplealbum she feels that pictures can freeze people. She also feels
reveal the character of both the narrator and of others. Joe is David and Joe's film 'Random Samples'also imprisons people.
constantly compared to animals. She wishes that he grows more All these images can be linked to the problemofherimprisoned
fur. Davidis becoming bald and seems to chatter non-stop. David self. She must leam how to release herself from the imprisonnment
and Anna are described by her as being like robots or machines. of her guilt over her abortion.
These images reveal as much about the protagonist as the person
she describes. The images describing the characters can be divided The images of mirrors and cameras reinforcetheidea
into iwo groups as the natural and the unnatural or technological. of the stealing the identity or soul. Anna's identity or soulislacked
To compare Joe to animal or her mother to a bird reflects their in the gold compact because she cannotexpress herselffor fear
positive aspects. To compare David and Anna to machines reflects that David will reject her. Her father died whilehe wastrying to
their negative aspects. photograph Indian paintings. His body is not discovered for
Sometime because it is weighted down by the camera around his
to remain in
recognise things and people for what they are. There is no need of her
She sees the vision understarnds herself better.
of her parents. With their heip and n for her return to the
guidance she gets into the cabin-in the past- and she begins planning
rituals and tests of strength. They will lead her to more
and become a whole being. revelations city.
The first of these rituals is that she are alienated people. They
wants to become The protagonist and her friends
themselves. T hey
pregnant again. His first mamiage with her "fake husband"
made are unable to
communicate successfully between
her to um downJoe's proposal for mariage. Love has no meaning live isolated and withdrawn lives. To overcome these problems
for her. It is an 'unprecise' word. "The Eskimos had fifty-two by her Surfacing relates a social quest.
names for snow because it was
be as many for love."
important to them, there ought to in a number of
The alienation of the protagonist is shown
sets up between herself and others
ways. The barriers that she
In the days that follow she undergoes complete purgationcan be seen in the use of pronouns. She remains nameless, by
by fire by buming everything. She put the ring her "fake husband" always referring hersel as T' and her father, mother, brother and
had given into fire thinking "it the "fake husband" as "they". Her world is divided between her-
may not melt. It will atleast be
purified. After the vision of her mother and father, she begins self and others, "T" and "they". Though Anna is her best friend,
to see life more
ciearly and begin to return to normal world. She she does not know or understand much of her. Anna tries to
realises that she loves and trusts Joe. She visualises a future for make deeper contact with her but she avoids any closeness. She
also alienated from her family. She is out of touch with her
both of them. She has completed her
quest now. She is a unified isbrother. She had stopped visiting her family several years ago.
human being with reason and emotion working in he
She recalls her mother while taking long walks alone. In
ways her father was anti social. He withdrew from
By returning to the cabin where she spent much of her society. His
childhocd, she makes her first step towards the discovery of her family lived in different cities and as a remote island. Cut off from
past. Her memories, childhood scrap books and photographs people for such a long period of time, her family had difficulty in
provide some clues, After her dive into the lake she accepts the making contact with others.
truth about her past. She begins to see her past without the
Like her mother, Joe is an another alienated
distortions and deceptions she had created around it. She He
prefers silence to speech. He and the protagonist person.
rarely talk. She
acceptable reality
an acceptable
is never sure what he is thinking or feeling. Their relationshipalso devised
that painful reality.
with that
Soshe married
So she
and hada
suffers due to lack of commitment. When he breaks his usualcope cope that she w a s
becomes suen caks usualofor
herself. She
She imagined
imagined sn hild
him. Her1atne
child to him.
silence proposes,
and proposes, she becomes suspicious. She becomes divorced him she
had lost
foetus. She is
When she aborted
more and more withdrawn from her friends. She grows memories of the
of language and the way it can distort. Finally she choosesa
back the
death brings back mei Now she has
the courage to defy
haunted by a guilty
involves the
exploitation ofwoman
voluntary seclusion from society and gets rid of anything hurnan. institution of marriage.
cannot reconcile
the fmen.
in the hands of
men. She cannot
She reco
and she is a puppet
She moves to a non-verbal level and explores other means a wife becomes
the possession ofher husband
with the fact that wishes. Marmagein
of communication. She feels "the names of things fading but their free to treat her as he
forms and uses remaining'". To her english words begin to sound no
after mariage and
he is
woman's position. Infactit
o r s e n s it.
In fact it w
way improves
way improves
"imported and foreign".n In the end she realises that she is no o
coloniser and woman the colonised.
longer an animal and has become human again. Human beings She views man as the
man the role of sexual
are social by nature. So she realises that she must rejoin society. The age supposed of sexual freedom assign
and sexual object.
Her return to society is also the return to language since it is needed aggressor and woman that of passive victim
of autonomy, of an
for communication and the development of relationship between Marriage stifles for women all possibilities
independent existence. She dreads marriage. She is
full of
people. When Joe proposes
contempt for the male lust. She hates men.
marriage to her she feels that he was threatening her with something
FEMINISM IN SURFACING (or) ToAnna, marriage is like "skiing" while to the protagonist itislike
TREATMENT OF SEX (or) jumping off a clif". The minds of both David and Annaare
GENDER WARFARE (or) suspicious about each other. David easily captures Anna'snaked
MAN-WOMAN RELATIONSHIP images by presing a button. It is a torture to her but ajoy to him.
David takes Anna as his personal property for
can film her as
consumption. He
The protagonist was in love with a married man.
long as he wants. To him Anna is a pornographic
nobject. Anna appears with make up all the time and using her
exploited her innocence. He made her pregnant. reuseu body as "the weapon" to keep David. David is "jealous and
i e
marry by saying that she was already married and had children. possessive" of Anna. The marriage between
He suggested to go for abortion and she did. She was unable to not an admirable Anna and Davidis
relationship. gives the narrtor
scrutinize her own carefully. According to David
healthy" "sex
"sex keeps one
She grew up in a
to ask
system in which "it was worse for a
questions than for a boy". Atwood believes this gin
women everywhere. They are is true of
ought to be superior". They taught and made to feel "men
remain reconciled to their
inferiority for the rest of their lives. In the own
women seek fulfillment as wives and mothers. protagonist's world
to seek a Ít is futile for
greater destiny than to accept women
book contains
illustrations which show their passivity. Her scrap
up cans and cleanser, "ladies, all kinds; holding
and pill box hats andknitting, smiling, modelling
love. It is so veils". She is topless, high heels
scared of "the
"imprecise". For men it is magic word"
synonymous with lust.
confront,"to protagonist is the New
Woman, a
struggle and survive rebel prepared to
Awoman must have faith in with dignity" in a man's
achieve her own world.
She has shown She returns power. Then alone she
"sane, whole and can
the way for a
She is no woman's
longer" a mouse" or victorious".
struggle to face