Biotechnological Strains of Komagataella (Pichia) Pastoris

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J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2009) 36:1435–1438

DOI 10.1007/s10295-009-0638-4


Biotechnological strains of Komagataella (Pichia) pastoris

are Komagataella phaYi as determined from multigene
sequence analysis
Cletus Paul Kurtzman

Received: 1 July 2009 / Accepted: 28 August 2009 / Published online: 17 September 2009
© Society for Industrial Microbiology 2009

Abstract Pichia pastoris was reassigned earlier to the assimilates methanol, the expression system is linked with
genus Komagataella following phylogenetic analysis of alcohol oxidase, which is abundantly produced in the pres-
gene sequences. Since that time, two additional species of ence of methanol. The importance of this gene expression
Komagataella have been described, K. pseudopastoris and system is emphasized by its commercialization by the Invit-
K. phaYi. Because these three species are unlikely to be rogen Corporation (Carlsbad, CA, USA) as the Pichia pas-
resolved from the standard fermentation and growth tests toris Expression Kit, which is widely used in molecular
used in yeast taxonomy, the identity of biotechnologically biology studies to express foreign genes [2].
important strains of K. pastoris was determined from multi- Gene sequence analysis has shown that the genus Pichia
gene sequence analyses. Results from this study show that is not monophyletic despite the phenotypic similarity of
the strain of ‘Pichia pastoris’ commonly used in gene most species. The methanol-assimilating species P. pasto-
expression studies is actually K. phaYi. ris and Pichia angusta, an obligate synonym of Hansenula
polymorpha, were found to be distantly related to one
Keywords Pichia pastoris · Komagataella phaYi · another and to Pichia membranifaciens, the type species of
Methanol yeasts · Gene expression system the genus Pichia. Yamada et al. [12, 13] proposed the trans-
fer of P. pastoris to the newly described genus Komagata-
ella, and the transfer of P. angusta as Ogataea polymorpha
Introduction to the newly described genus Ogataea. The reason for the
change in species name was that prior usage of the taxo-
Komagataella (Pichia) pastoris has many biotechnological nomic combination P. polymorpha required selection of a
applications. Initially, K. pastoris was developed as a new species name when H. polymorpha was transferred to
source of single-cell protein because the species can grow Pichia, and P. angusta was chosen because it was believed
on either glucose or methanol, and high cell densities can that H. angusta was an obligate synonym of H. polymorpha
be maintained under fermentation conditions [11]. Later, a [4]. With the transfer of this species from Pichia to Oga-
gene expression system was developed to produce large taea, the new combination O. polymorpha could be validly
quantities of medically and industrially important proteins used. The basis for the proposed new genera was from anal-
[1, 2]. Consequently, two aspects of the species have con- ysis of divergence in partial sequences of nuclear large sub-
tributed to its utility: (1) fermentation techniques were unit (LSU) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and nuclear small
developed for maintaining extremely high cell densities in subunit (SSU) rRNA. Because relatively few species were
excess of 100 g/l dry weight, and (2) because K. pastoris included in each of the analyses, it was unclear how closely
related P. pastoris and P. angusta (H. polymorpha) might
C. P. Kurtzman (&) be to numerous unexamined species, and the proposals
Microbial Genomics and Bioprocessing Research Unit, were not initially accepted [5]. However, analysis of
National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research,
Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture,
domains D1/D2 of the LSU rRNA gene sequences for all
1815 North University Street, Peoria, IL 61604, USA currently known ascomycetous yeasts substantiated the
e-mail: separation of Komagataella, Ogataea, and Pichia [7], and

1436 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2009) 36:1435–1438

the phylogenetic separation demonstrated from single-gene identity of the P. pastoris strains commonly used in gene-
sequence analyses was supported from multigene sequence expression research.
analyses [9]. Consequently, Komagataella, Ogataea, and
Pichia represent separate, phylogenetically circumscribed
genera. Materials and methods
Gene sequence analyses have also shown that K. pasto-
ris is not the only member of the genus Komagataella. Yeast strains compared
Komagataella pseudopastoris, initially described as Pichia
pseudopastoris [3], was recognized from LSU and SSU The species and strains compared are listed in Table 1 with
rRNA gene-sequence divergence, and K. phaYi was recog- their sources and GenBank accession numbers of the genes
nized as distinct from K. pastoris and K. pseudopastoris sequenced. The yeast from the P. pastoris Expression Kit
from D1/D2 LSU rRNA gene-sequence divergence [6]. was isolated on a streak plate of YM agar (3 g yeast extract,
Although genetically separate, the three species of Komag- 3 g malt extract, 5 g peptone, 10 g glucose, 20 g agar, 1 l
ataella are often not reliably resolved from one another by distilled water) and accessioned as NRRL Y-48124. All
reactions on the standard fermentation and assimilation strains examined are available from the ARS Culture
tests commonly used in yeast taxonomy. Collection (NRRL), National Center for Agricultural Utili-
The discovery of K. pseudopastoris and K. phaYi raised zation Research, Peoria, IL, USA.
the question of which yeast is being used in studies of gene
expression. It is believed that the strain used for this pur- DNA preparation, gene sequencing and phylogenetic
pose is one of those cited in the US Patent of Wegner [11], analysis
and those strains were received by Eugene Wegner (C.P.
Kurtzman, unpublished communication) from the US Agri- The methods used for DNA isolation and puriWcation were
cultural Research Service (ARS) Culture Collection before reported earlier [7, 8]. DNA characterization was initiated
it was recognized that the cultures maintained as P. pastoris by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ampliWcation of the
also included K. phaYi. The two strains of P. pastoris cited gene regions of interest followed by sequencing reactions
in the patent were deposited in the ARS Patent Culture using the ABI Big Dye Terminator v3.0 Cycle Sequencing
Collection as NRRL Y-11430 (strain 21-1) and NRRL Kit. Sequences of both DNA strands were determined by
Y-11431 (strain 21-2). Strain histories were not provided, capillary electrophoresis using an ABI 3130 genetic ana-
which is typical for patent collection deposits. Conse- lyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). Oligo-
quently, the purpose of this work was to determine the nucleotide primers for ampliWcation and sequencing of

Table 1 Strains of Komagataella species compared

Species Strain designationa Source of strain GenBank accession numbersb,c


Komagataella pastoris Y-1603 704 Type strain of Pichia pastoris U75963 EF547704 EF552478 GQ327955
Y-11431 US patent 4,414,329
Komagataella phaYi Y-7556 2612 Type strain of K. phaYi AF017407 EF547706 EF552480 GQ327957
Y-11430 US patent 4,414,329
Y-48124 Invitrogen Pichia pastoris
expression system
Komagataella Y-27603 9187 Type strain of Pichia AF403149 EF547705 EF552479 GQ327956
pseudopastoris pseudopastoris
Ogataea glucozyma YB-2185 5766 Type strain of Pichia U75520 EU018527 EU014736 GQ327959
(Hansenula) glucozyma
Pichia membranifaciens Y-2026 107 Type strain of Pichia U75725 EF547677 EF552451 GQ327958
NRRL: Agriculture Research Service (ARS) culture collection, National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, Peoria, IL, USA; CBS:
Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Utrecht, The Netherlands
D1/D2 LSU rRNA gene-sequence accession numbers (GenBank) for domains 1 and 2 nuclear large subunit ribosomal RNA; Mito SSU
mitochondrial small subunit rRNA; EF-1 translation elongation factor-1; RPB1 RNA polymerase 1
Strains of the same species had identical sequences for all four genes

J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2009) 36:1435–1438 1437


1 of 1 MP trees 1 of 1 MP trees
580 Char. 644 Char.
41 PI Char. 57 PI Char.
CI = 0.989 K. pastoris Y-1603T CI = 1.000 K. pastoris Y-1603T
RI = 0.956 K. pastoris Y-11431 RI = 1.000 K. pastoris Y-11431
RC = 0.945 K. phaffii Y-7556T RC = 1.000 K. phaffii Y-7556T
K. phaffii Y-11430 K. phaffii Y-11430
K. phaffii Y-48124 K. phaffii Y-48124
K. pseudopastoris Y-27603T K. pseudopastoris Y-27603T
Ogataea glucozyma YB-2185T Pichia membranifaciens Y-2026T
Pichia membranifaciens Y-2026T Ogataea glucozyma YB-2185T
10 changes 10 changes

EF-1α RPB1
1 of 1 MP trees 1 of 1 MP trees
933 Char. 828 Char.
78 PI Char. 175 PI Char.
CI = 0.942 K. pastoris Y-1603T CI = 0.910 K. pastoris Y-1603T
RI = 0.875 K. pastoris Y-11431 RI = 0.843 K. pastoris Y-11431
RC = 0.824 K. phaffii Y-7556T RC = 0.766 K. phaffii Y-7556T
K. phaffii Y-11430 K. phaffii Y-11430
K. phaffii Y-48124 K. phaffii Y-48124
K. pseudopastoris Y-27603T K. pseudopastoris Y-27603T
Ogataea glucozyma YB-2185T Ogataea glucozyma YB-2185T
Pichia membranifaciens Y-2026T Pichia membranifaciens Y-2026T
10 changes 50 changes

Fig. 1 Phylogenetic analyses of species of Komagataella using gene maximum parsimony analysis. The number of parsimony informative
sequences from domains 1 and 2 nuclear large subunit ribosomal RNA (PI) characters for each gene sequence ranges from 7.1 to 21.1%.
(D1/D2 LSU rRNA), mitochondrial small subunit (SSU) rRNA, trans- Ogataea glucozyma was designated as the outgroup species in the
lation elongation factor-1 (EF-1), and RNA polymerase 1 (RPB1). analyses. CI consistency index, RI retention index, RC rescaled
Each gene analysis represents the single most parsimonious tree from consistency index, T type strain

genes for D1/D2 LSU rRNA, mitochondrial SSU rRNA, There were no nucleotide diVerences between strains of
and translation elongation factor-1 (EF-1) were reported the same species for each of the genes sequenced. Because
earlier [7, 8]. Primers for ampliWcation and sequencing of histories were unavailable for the biotechnological strains,
RNA polymerase 1 (RPB1) were the following: Forward, it is possible that they may be the type strains. Nonetheless,
YRP1-6F, 5⬘-GCAYAARATGTCYATGATGG; YRP1-9F, the analyses showed that NRRL Y-11431 is K. pastoris,
5⬘-TGGRTTCCWRAYTGGGAYGG; YRP1-11F, 5⬘-TC whereas NRRL Y-11430 and NRRL Y-48124 are K.
CAYGCYATGGSTGGTMGWGAAGG. Reverse, YRP1- phaYi. From this analysis, culture deposits for US Patent
10R, 5⬘-GCAATRGTATCACCAATACC; YRP1-12R, 4,414,329 [11] included strains of K. pastoris (NRRL
5⬘-CGACGTTGAATWTAACCTGTTTC; YRP1-14R, Y-11431) and K. phaYi (NRRL Y-11430), and the Invitro-
5⬘-CCMACCATTTCACCWGGRTGAAC. Phylogenetic gen P. pastoris Expression Kit uses K. phaYi NRRL
analyses of the four gene sequences were determined Y-48124. Assuming that NRRL Y-48124 was one of the
with the maximum parsimony program included in strains listed in US Patent 4,414,329, then K. phaYi was
PAUP*4.063a [10]. Sequences were visually aligned for apparently selected over K. pastoris by chance and used for
analysis. Ogataea glucozyma was the designated outgroup developing the cloning system.
species. The preceding results do not diminish the importance
and application of the P. pastoris gene expression system,
but they do clarify which of the phenotypically cryptic
Results and discussion Komagataella species has been used. These results reXect
on a small scale the dramatic impact that gene sequence
Phylogenetic analyses of sequences for the nuclear genes analyses are having on the recognition of yeast species and
D1/D2 LSU rRNA, EF-1, and RPB1 and for the mito- their assignment to phylogenetically circumscribed genera.
chondrial SSU rRNA gene gave congruent species trees
(Fig. 1). DiVerences in branch lengths for each of the gene Acknowledgments Christie J. Robnett is thanked for providing the
trees suggest diVerences in nucleotide substitution gene sequences used in this study, Don Fraser for preparing the Wnal
rates, but species relationships are the same for each gene version of Fig. 1, and David Jackson for providing a culture of the
strain used in the Invitrogen Pichia pastoris Expression System. The
tree. O. glucozyma represented the genus Ogataea and mention of Wrm names or trade products does not imply that they are
P. membranifaciens represented the genus Pichia in the endorsed or recommended by the US Department of Agriculture over
analysis. other Wrms or similar products not mentioned.

1438 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2009) 36:1435–1438

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