The performance appraisal instrument has accurate and clear standards and measures
The results have shown that 40% strongly agree that there appraisal has accurate and clear standards
and measures, 40% agree and 20% disagree. Overall we can conclude that that employee at mcb think
that the appraisal standards are clear and accurate.
This can be verified from the appraisal form of the bank of both the back office and front office. The
form has clear rating scale with the description being provided which further clarifies what is being
expected from the employee. The back office forms also have clear competencies contributing to
performance with clear weightage i.e. 30%. Also rating on performance goals having weightage of 70%
The performance appraisal instrument has clear and valid measures of job related activities
The results have shown that majority i.e. 70% agree to this statement. However 2% strongly agree and
1% disagree.
This can be linked with previous question which shows that majority thinks that standards and measures
in appraisal instrument are accurate and clear. And this majority is also satisfied with measures of job
related activities. They think it’s clear and valid. This can be verified from the appraisal form of both the
front and back office. In the back office form the competencies are described which are different for
managers, officers and support staff. Also for support functions and officers there are different job
related goals. In the front office form the rating scale used for job success factors is valid and clear with
clear description.
Analysis has shown that majority i.e. 60% believes that appraisal instrument accurately measures what
they do in their job. However there is an equal percentage of the employees who disagree and strongly
agree with this statement i.e. 20%. No one strongly disagree with the statement.
The forms of both front office and back office include clear measures as already discussed in previous 2
statements. The rating scale contains ranks from 1-5 with description which is fit into all the job and
ensures that it accurately measures what a person is doing on his/her job. All the competencies on
which an employee is evaluated are job related.
I understand the measures used to evaluate my performance
The results have shown that 40% strongly agree with the statement, 30% agree, 20% disagree and 1%
strongly disagree.
In total we can sum it up as in ration of7:3 which is between the ones those who understand their
measures for their performance evaluation and those who do not respectively. The previous statement
analysis can confirm this statement too because majority think the measures are clear, accurate and job
related so they understand this.
Analysis has shown that 40% strongly agree, 40% agree and only 20% disagree with the afore mentioned
So vast majority is there who actually agree that the appraisal emphasized on the factors that are
important to their respective jobs. This is verified from the back and front office appraisal forms. The
competencies that are highly important for the job are being described, separate goals for customer
focus, operational efficiency, processes & controls, people management and financial goals. Moreover
key milestones for different department with respect to different goals, key performance indicators are
there. Also in back office form there is a job description box. This all verifies that why majority thinks
that their important parts of jobs are being emphasized in appraisal.
Results have shown that majority i.e. 70% agree on this statement. However 20% strongly agree and
only 10% strongly disagree.
The previously mentioned statements indicate that majority of employee understand the measures and
they believe they are clear, accurate and relevant. The supervisor and subordinates do have a friendly
and open discussion at the performance appraisal form. While taking the interview we also came to
know that the discussions are being held with understanding. Thus this all verifies the result of this
statement that majority agree that they and their supervisor agree on what equals good job
Raters share a common conceptualization of the performance standards
Analysis has shown that majority i.e. 70% agrees with the statement and minority i.e. 30% disagrees
with the above mentioned statement.
When the HR associate Mr. Faraz Husain is being interviewed he told us that raters are very supportive
to their subordinates. Also there is a separate column in form where the rater has to provide the
rationale for each rating. The supervisor and the employee both give the comments. Also at front office
form the rater have to support the ranks 1 and 5 with critical incidence. this all verifies the results of the
above mentioned statement.
The results have shown that 40% agree, 30% agree, 20% disagree and only 10% strongly disagree to the
above mentioned statements.
The feedback provided to employees is on friendly basis. The appraisal occurs once in a month only but
the supervisors provide the feedback throughout the year. The supervisor also discusses on the
development areas. The supervisor also mentions and discusses the critical incidence with the employee
Which help the employees to improve their on the job performance.
I receive regular and timely performance feedback beside the annual performance review
The analysis has shown that 50% of employees strongly agree that is half of the employees. Whereas
30% agree, 1% disagrees and strongly disagrees.
This statement can be linked with previous statement. Since majority believes that feedback is
improving their on-job-performance and this might be the reason for that; that they are getting regular
and timely performance feedback besides the annual review. However the ones those who don’t agree
might be the ones who are not clear about their standard measures and are dissatisfied as discussed in
instrument validity section. When we interview the concerned person we came to know that yes there is
feedback given timely apart from annual one. Hence the results are verified.
The information provided by my supervisor during my performance feedback is sufficiently detailed
The results have shown that majority i.e. 60% agrees with the statement. However 20% strongly agree
and 20% strongly disagrees.
Since the information provided by the supervisor to the employees is regular and timely besides annual
performance and it also improve on job performance therefore it is much detailed and also of great
help. The training and development plans are discussed thoroughly by both the supervisor and
employee as verified from the appraisal forms.
The analysis has shown that 40% of employees agrees, 20 strongly agree, 30% disagrees and 10%
strongly disagrees.
In total we can say that 60% agrees and 40% don’t. The reason that why majority agrees can be verified
from the results of above mentioned statements. As discussed earlier majority think that feedback is
detailed, helpful, regular and timely and so are they satisfied with the performance feedback. However
the ones who are not satisfied are the ones who don’t think that the feedback given to them is helpful
and detailed as discussed earlier
Throughout my performance feedback I feel that I have the possibility to discuss work related issues
with the supervisor
The results have shown that 50% agrees, 20% strongly agrees, 20% disagrees and only 10% strongly
In total we can say that majority feel that they can discuss work related issues with supervisor. This
again can be conformed with previous statements. Majority is satisfies with feedback process so they
feel comfortable in discussing work related issues and since throughout the year supervisor provide
feedback so employees can easily discuss the crucial issues. However the one who don’t agree because
of the fact that they are not satisfied with the feedback given so they don’t feel comfortable and often
don’t take initiative to discuss work related issues.
The results have shown that a clear majority of 80% agrees with the statement. However 10% disagrees
and 10% strongly disagree.
This statement can be linked to previous statement. Since majority feels that there is possibility that
they discuss the work related issues with their supervisor and that’s the reason that majority believes
that their level of involvement in performance evaluation is adequate. However the ones who don’t
agree the reason is that they don’t discuss work related issues and are not satisfied which results have
already proved.
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